From Seven


I feel it necessary to explain my actions regarding the Commander. It is not my wish to undermine your authority or feelings in any way.

You may be aware of the affinity I posses for you. If you are not, then you are now. However, either way, it is paramount that you know precisely in what regard I hold you.

Despite my outward appearance at times, I am willing to do all you ask of me and more. I wish nothing more than to please you at every possible opportunity. The only thing that causes me any true discomfort is the knowledge that I may have displeased you in some way.

You have given to me the one item that, even though I am no longer part of the collective, I could not have possibly regained without your guidance. You have given me my humanity back. With every decision you have made for and about me, you have pushed me to further understand who and what I truly am.

Your persistence and encouragement to try and understand my emotions has not gone unnoticed. It has taken me some time, but I realize now why you were so intent that I understand them and learn to handle them appropriately.

I have discussed you with the Doctor on many occasions. It is my hope that you are not upset by this fact, but I was confused and needed some advice. Since he is under Doctor/patient confidently and I could erase his memory if necessary, I discussed my confusion with him.

He says that I am in love with you. At first, I found this difficult to understand or believe, but I now know this to be true. My loyalty and devotion are stronger for you than any I held for the collective. As you know, I would give my life and my individuality simply to guarantee your safety and the safety of this crew, which you hold in such high regard. I realize now that all that I have done is simply for you.

I believe I could contently continue on with my life such as I have done since you severed my link with the collective if I had not encounter Unimatrix Zero. I know what love is like and wish to experience it again. I do love you, Captain, but I know it is a love that you cannot return because of protocol and, perhaps, the Commander.

Therefore, the Commander and I have engaged in a courtship, of sorts. We both are lacking something of which the other understands and can sympathize with. As a result, we have become considerably closer than either of us thought possible. I do not believe he loves me in the same way he does you, but, in reverse, I do not love him in the same way I do you. We are aware of the other's feelings.

I am sending this information to you in the hopes that you will understand why we are as we are. I do not want to appear cold to you in anyway, but, if the case should arise, know that it is because I am trying to distance myself from you.

It is difficult to have a relationship with an individual whom you know loves another, but it is even more so if that person loves the same individual as yourself. We will both, more than likely, distance ourselves from you.

However, it is my sincerest wish that you know that I will always do all you ask of me and more, and, still the only thing that would ever cause me any discomfort is the knowledge that I have displeased you in some way.

I will always have a strong affinity for you.

Seven of Nine