Nikas Deliver 09


No, she couldn’t be this lucky, was that really her? She half turned and crouched down to re-lace her running shoe. Glancing up through the fringe of her blonde bangs she spotted the agitated woman scan the road and then walk back into the Donair shop. She stood up quickly and turned her back pretending to window-shop.  The glass front of the book store was speckled with grime but was still clean enough to reflect the sunnier side of the street.  It was like watching an animated impressionist painting. She smiled to herself, she had only stopped for a breather, and right there, practically dropped into her lap, was the woman she had been searching for.



Nika tapped her fingers impatiently on the counter. She squinted in the glaring sunlight but refused to lose sight of her bike for fear it would be stolen.

How long ago had the girls left? Ten minutes according to the clock on the wall,

She leaned over and looked down the street again. An old black Cadillac, that’s what she was waiting for… nothing in the other direction either. Across the street was a tall blonde woman, Nika’s heart quickened with fear, Shelley!

She took a step back from the counter, out of the light and into the shadow. Stop being paranoid she told herself. Shelley is safely in jail, Gil will be here in a moment and then I’ll be safely back at Kathryn’s.



Kathryn paced back and forth feeling annoyed and angry because she was feeling powerless because she was trapped! Because the press were literally camped outside her gate making it impossible for her to leave! Because her girlfriends insane ex was somewhere on the loose and Nika was waiting, injured, in pain and possibly in danger. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck  faaaaacK!” She grabbed her cell phone and dialed Gil, her fingers dug into the back of the sofa as she waited for him to pick up.

“Kathryn?” He sounded surprised.

“Gil! Have you found her?” Kathryn was breathless with worry.

“We’re just heading out now, Peg needed to …”

“What! You haven’t even left!?”

“Calm down, We’ll be there in no-time.”

“But she’s waiting there. Alone.”

“I’m sure she’ll be fine, she’s in a restaurant, what could happen?”

“Shelley escaped Gil.” Kathryn said through gritted teeth. He was silent for a moment. He had no idea how crazy Shelley was, dangerously crazy.

“Still what are the odds that she’d find her in some random restaurant, just calm down, everything will be fine, look I’m getting onto the freeway I should hang up.”

Kathryn snapped her phone closed without saying goodbye and threw it down onto the sofa. She paced for a few more minutes. Landsdowne and Church… Landsdowne and Church…why was it setting off alarm bells in her brain. She yanked open the junk drawer and rummaged through it. The only map she found was the Parks and Recreation guidemap. It had the city’s swimming pools, parks and ‘rec’ centres clearly marked; the bike path system was marked with blue lines where it followed the roadways and green where it branched off through the parks and ravines.


The brightly coloured spider web of lines distracted her for a moment then she quickly focused on Nika’s neighbourhood.  The Donair shop was only 4 blocks from Nika’s apartment! Carrying the map into the living room she searched for her cell phone and dialed Gil’s number again.

Peg picked up this time.

“Hello Kathy.”

“Peg, the restaurant is only 4 blocks from Nika’s apartment.”

“What are you talking about honey?”

“If Shelley did head in that direction it is entirely possible that she could find Nika at the Donair place.”

“Ok, we’re on the off ramp, honey I’m sure we’ll find her safe and sound. Try not to worry.”  Kathryn bit back a curse. “Was that a donair shop over there, Gil?”

“Sign said Pizza.” Kathryn could just hear what he said.

“So you’re on Lansdowne now?” Kathryn tried to sound calm, she started to slowly punch the back cushions on the sofa to vent her frustration.

“You mean Langdon.”

“No. I said Landsdowne where it crosses Church.”

“She says there’s a church, oh there!” “That’s a Mosque! Can I have the phone?”

“Gil?” Kathryn’s jaw was sore from clamping her teeth together.

“You said near a church on Langdon?”

“No the street’s name is Church! Church and Landsdowne”

“Well that’s way on the other side of town.” Right then, at that moment, if she had been holding a knife she would have murdered the sofa. Kathryn slammed her fist in to the cushions a few more times not hearing a word Gil said.

“Some sort of transport truck pulling out and blocking the road …”

She scanned the map again, her elegant finger tracing one of the green lines.

“Got to go.”  She stood up and slipped the phone into her pocket, she grabbed the map with both hands.  She knew they had gotten there too quickly. Now they were in the opposite quadrant of the city and at best it would take 20 minutes for them to get to Nika! She had to do something.



Nika glanced at the clock again. 23 minutes, shouldn’t they be here by now? The blonde across the street was the slowest window shopper Nika had ever seen. There were only four small storefronts in the two storey building, the moldings around each window were painted a different colour. She had kept her back to Nika the whole time, shuffling or sidestepping to move along the street. It was odd behaviour and set off warning signals in Nika’s mind. She was wearing some kind of loose track suit, the jacket matched the pants.  It was similar to half a dozen training outfits she had seen Shelley wear.  She kept her left hand on her hip and there was an odd lump under that arm. Nika had been watching her for several minutes and hadn’t ever glimpsed the side of her face. The woman was definitely behaving oddly.

“Another Lemonade?” The tall man from behind the counter approached her. She glanced over her shoulder and realized she was the only customer left.

“No, thank-you.” She smiled politely and turned her eyes back towards the street.

 “Are you sure? It’s awfully hot in the sunlight.” He said with a faint accent.

I don’t have any more money.” Nika realized she had finished her drink and her baklava ages ago and no-longer had any legitimate reason to stay. “I’m sorry, do you want me to leave?” she asked. He looked embarrassed and shook his head.

“No, no you misunderstand. No charge for the drink.” He put it on the counter, leaning close and then stepping back to a respectful distance.

 “Oh, thank-you, but I really …”

“It’s no problem, you seem upset, I have nothing else to do right now.” He chuckled and gestured at his completely empty restaurant.  “You’re waiting for someone, and it’s hot in the sunlight, so.” He shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

“Thank-you, I am a little thirsty.” Nika glanced outside and noticed the blonde had disappeared.

“Yes, why don’t you sit in the shade by the air-con?”

“Oh, my bike’s outside, I don’t have a lock.”

“Ah, Ok. Sit as long as you like.” He said wiping some crumbs off a table into his hand. Nika turned and unscrewed the cap from the bottle of lemonade as her eyes scanned the street. She decided to move from the high stool at the window-counter to the low table nearest the door. She could still see her bike from there and she would be in the shade. She raised the bottle in salute to the owner as he returned with a spray bottle and cloth to clean the tables. “Ah-ha you see, much better.” He smiled and dipped his head before setting to work. Nika slouched down a little on the vinyl chair so she could see clearly under the line of the counter. She winced a little from the pain in her ribs. Something caught her eye in the laneway. There was something moving behind the tall battered looking bush growing at the corner of the old building across the street.  Through the patchy branches she could see the material of the blonde woman’s tracksuit.  Nika could feel goose bumps on the back of her neck. The woman’s head was down so her face was again obscured by hair and branches. She seemed to be struggling with something. Nika leaned over a little to get a better view. The sunlight caught a flash off something round. It was pointing at her. She stood up suddenly and moved towards the back of the restaurant.

“Is there another way out of here?” She asked the man nervously.



Kathryn struggled with the heavy wooden gate. Dead leaves and other debris were piled against the bottom of it. She had never used this particular gate before. It was six feet high and solid wood with a heavy crossbeam along the top and bottom. Her hands were aching and clumsy from the bandages.

“Shit.” She managed to get the gate open a few inches and used the toe of her shoe to dig away at the debris, the gate jerked open a little more and she was able to get in between it and the concrete wall. Bracing her back against the wall she used both arms and one leg to shove the gate open.  She had a gap of about two feet and thought that should be enough; she dashed back to the side-door of the garage hopping she hadn’t been spotted by anyone at the front gate.

She found a box cutter and carefully sliced at her bandages so her fingers could move more naturally. She put the helmet on and cinched the strap tight. The battery was heavy but she managed to fumble it into place. She spotted a pair of old leather workman’s gloves and pulled them on. They were stiff but they would protect her hands. Popping the stand up she shoved the scooter out the door.  The handlebars were a little too wide for the opening so Kathryn had to wrestle it from side to side a little. The gate led to a stand of trees between her yard and a bike trail. Once she got through the gate she looked up into the blank silver stare of mirrored aviator glasses. The man blocking her path was built like a bodyguard, dressed in black jeans and black t-shirt that tightly emphasized the massive proportions of his upper body. Kathryn swallowed her surprise and tried to act casual. “Excuse me, may I get by.” The handsome African-American smiled broadly and slid his glasses up onto his neatly trimmed afro.

“Marcus!” Kathryn gasped with relief recognizing him from the office.

“Ms. Ridgeway, what are you doing?”

“There’s something I need to do.”

“Should I come with you?” She almost laughed at the mental picture of massive Marcus with his arms around her while she sped along on the bright orange electric scooter. 

“No, I’ll only be a minute, well actually, about 20 minutes. Could you wait for me here, make sure no-one else gets in?”

“Alright.” He stepped aside and Kathryn pushed the scooter onto the gravel and dirt path. She started the scooter and took stock of the controls.

“Ma’am” Marcus said offering her the sunglasses he had been wearing.

“Good idea!” she slipped them on and smiled at him before riding off.

Marcus stood watching her speed off grinning and shaking his head.

The electric scooter hummed along making less noise than most remote control airplanes. Kathryn was impressed with how fast it was. She nearly ran over two women walking their dog yelling a quick “sorry” as she past, they yelled at her too but she wasn’t listening. Mentally she mapped her route, soon there would be a fork where she should go left, that path would connect with the paved path where she should take a right, then down the long curving hill, a left at the bottom and then three blocks to Nika. She tightened her grip as the wheels shimmied around the corner, perhaps she should slow down a little.  There were more offended dog-walkers and cyclists on the paved section. She wove past them intent on her goal.  Suddenly the hill became quite steep and Kathryn started to lose control on some loose pebbles. Panicking she hit the brake and found herself completely sideways continuing to slide, she leaned uphill and the foot well frame scraped along the asphalt. She wobbled and nearly wiped out, the scooter almost came to a complete stop, she steered downhill and pushed off a little with one foot and was back on track, her heart racing.

She stopped for a breather at the bottom and pulled onto the road when there was a break in traffic. It was a two lane two way street with parking along one side; Cars honked at her but she held her place in the center of the lane, her max speed was 50 and that’s what she was doing, it also happened to be the speed limit on this road so the drivers behind her could just suck it up. In no time at all she was at the Donair shop. She couldn’t see Nika or her bike as she drove past. She turned into the crosswalk and up onto the sidewalk decelerating to avoid any accidents with pedestrians. A man walked out of doorway and hopped back yelling “Hey”, Kathryn hadn’t been anywhere near him. “You’re not in Europe, you know!” He yelled.  She turned off the scooter and popped the stand down and strode into the restaurant.  A couple at a table near the door regarded her curiously. The man working the counter looked up at her; Nika was nowhere to be seen. She turned to go.   

 “Wait, wait one moment.” He called to her as he finished serving a customer. He wiped off his hands walking over to meet Kathryn at the open end of the counter.  “I think perhaps you are looking for something?” He looked her up and down. Kathryn realized she must look a little ridiculous; she took off one glove and pulled the glasses off.

 “Someone, actually.” She held his challenging gaze.

 “Can you describe this someone?” He half smiled.

 “Tall, blonde, stunningly beautiful.”

 “Yes, yes, come with me.” Kathryn bit her bottom lip as she followed him through the back of the restaurant, passed a tiny office, to a back door. Kathryn’s heart jumped up her throat when she saw Nika sitting on a milk crate her head in her hands, her bike propped against the wall beside her. Nika looked up and then launched herself towards Kathryn, almost toppling her over. The Restaurant owner excused himself and they were alone in the strange little courtyard.

“Kathryn!” Nika half gasped with relief holding the other woman tight and pressing her face into her neck.

“Darling, I was so worried.” Kathryn felt a tear fall on her collarbone and slide under the neckline of her shirt. She pulled back to look Nika in the eye. The young woman looked at her not caring about the tears in her eyes.

“Nika,” Kathryn kissed her cheek and gave her another quick hug, “what happened.” She asked keeping her arms wrapped around her.

“I, I sort of freaked out.” Nika used the back of her hand to wipe at her tears, and sniffled a little. “There was this woman, across the street … window-shopping and, she looked just like…” her breath shuddered. “Like Shelley.” She watched Kathryn’s eyes widen. “I know, I was being paranoid but, it felt like I had been waiting forever, and well she was acting weird. Anyhow, I spotted her hiding behind some bushes and pointing something at me so I freaked and asked James, if I could use the back door.”  Kathryn reached to brush away another tear with her thumb. “He brought my bike back and then we realized that the only way out of here is to the front street.”

“So you’ve just been waiting.” Kathryn wasn’t sure if she should tell Nika about Shelley’s escape. Nika took half a step back and looked at Kathryn’s unusual apparel.

"Why are you dressed like this?” she smirked a little.

"I had to improvise.” Kathryn looked slightly embarrassed. “Do you think we could leave your bike here? Because I’d like to get you home as soon as possible!”

“Let’s ask James…the owner. He’s quite nice.” Nika tucked away a stray hair and tugged at the chin-strap on Kathryn’s helmet, “You look adorable.” Kathryn felt herself blush.

Nika made arrangements with the Donair shop owner to have Gil pick up the bicycle and Kathryn used her cell phone to call him and explain the change of plans. Kathryn walked outside and visually searched the street, she started up the scooter and when she waved Nika strode quickly out the door and hopped on behind her. Kathryn sped off down the sidewalk then onto the street, a few blocks later she turned off and, much to Nika’s surprise zoomed up a bike path.



Gil disconnected his cell phone and glanced at his wife. She was looking at him with obvious concern.

“What’s she done now?” Peg asked.

“Somehow she got past the vultures and ‘rescued’ the girl.”

“Oh, goodness! Kathy hasn’t changed since she was a girl! Still running off without thinking things through! Well at least we know they’re both safe.” Gil shook his head and grunted with annoyance.

They drove in silence for the few minutes it took for them to find the restaurant. Gil put on his hazard lights and went in to get the bike while Peg waited in the car. She glanced around, reminiscing about this old neighbourhood; she had dated a boy in college who had lived near here. They often visited the bookstore together. Peg was surprised and pleased to see that it was still there; although the name had changed. There was someone doing something behind the bushes in the alleyway. Peg made a ‘tsk’ sound with her lips, so many homeless people these days.   She jumped in her seat when the person walked out of the alley. It was a tall attractive blonde, she certainly didn’t look homeless, but she was tucking something inside her jacket, and looking around suspiciously. Drug deal? Thief? Peg’s mind scrolled through a host of disturbing possibilities, and with so much going for her! When will young people ever learn!

A tall man in a white apron pushed the bike out the door and helped Gil put it in the trunk. She heard Gil thanking him, offering him a tip and the man refusing.

Gil got back in and started driving towards Kathryn’s.  They turned onto a wider street and stopped for a red light. A police car pulled up in the next lane. Peg gasped because the person in the back seat was banging their head against the window.  She gasped again when she realized it was a woman, her blonde hair sweaty and matted with what could have been dirt or blood, her face a twisted evil mask. She saw Peg looking at her and yelled, slamming her head against the window once more. Peg looked away and was deeply relieved when the light turned green.  What a mess the world is in.



Nika held on tight as Kathryn honked her horn at more shocked pedestrians. A few metres past the angry yells they turned off onto an unpaved trail. Nika was reminded of the night Kathryn outran the car that had been following them. How were they always getting into these strange situations she wondered? She wasn’t wearing sunglasses so she couldn’t look over Kathryn’s shoulder for more than a few seconds. They had slowed down a little and Nika could see they were surrounded by trees on a path just wide enough for two people walking.  Shelley, she was the reason they were in this situation.

Nika felt her stomach twist with anger as her mind filled with murderous thoughts. She knew it wasn’t productive but she enjoyed it nonetheless. When the scooter came to a stop Nika looked up to see the tall guard from the office.  She stepped off the scooter and Kathryn steered it closer to the gate.

“Nika, you remember Marcus?” Kathryn smiled and handed him the sunglasses, “Thank-you, it was a good thing I took them.” Nika nodded at him not quite knowing what to say. He smiled and nodded back.

“Be sure to lock it on your side.” He said once they were both through the gate. Nika shoved the stiff gate closed and pushed the two slide-bolts over before following Kathryn towards the side door. As she passed the gap in the hedge several lights went off and she turned to see a group of paparazzi standing outside Kathryn’s front gate. More lights flashed and she dashed into the garage.

“Sorry darling, I should have warned you about that.” Kathryn had pulled off the helmet and gloves and was running her fingertips through her mussed up hair. Nika pulled her into a tight hug and then pulled back to place a searing heartfelt kiss on the smaller woman’s lips. She ignored the pain as Kathryn’s arms tightened around her and focused on how lucky she was to have met her and how wonderful it felt to be safely back in her arms. Kathryn walked backwards pulling Nika with her until her back was pressed up against the wall their lips dancing together all the while.  The kiss deepened until both of their injured bodies were tingling with pleasure. Nika’s hands wandered over Kathryn’s torso creating a firestorm of desire. The cell phone in her pocket bleeped insistently, they pulled apart gasping and Kathryn muttered a curse before answering. She kept her eyes on Nika’s and held her love close with her free hand.

“Hello… yes.  No, instead of going up Parkhill take Gate, ParkGate! Right, I mean yes, correct!, then turn onto Parkhill Way, there’s a large cement wall that follows the curve of the street … see the driveway? Ok Just wait I’ll be there in a moment.” Kathryn snapped the phone closed and took Nika’s hand “Come on, follow me.”  She led Nika into the house and across the main floor to the backside of the front staircase, then down the slate covered steps to a dark basement. Kathryn flicked on a light and Nika glimpsed a large sparsely furnished room with a kitchenette in one corner. At the end of a short corridor she opened a door. The room beyond was pitch black and Kathryn reached her arm out blindly groping for the string to turn on a bare light bulb. Ducking around the furnace and hot water tank the room opened up to a hidden storage space that was completely empty, in the far corner was a door.  Kathryn flicked the light switch next to it and pulled open the door. There was a long unfinished corridor about five feet wide lit with regularly space overhead lights.

“What the hell?” Nika stopped and held Kathryn back, “what’s going on?”

“There’s another garage, Who ever built the house wanted another way out.” 

“Pretty weird.” Nika felt strangely apprehensive even thought she knew they were still in Kathryn’s house. “Gangsters or what?” she asked following her love down the plastic coated corridor.

“Who knows.” Kathryn said. In a few moments they turned a corner in to a dimly lit underground garage. Nika waited by the door as Kathryn found the door control and opened the windowless overhead door.  Gil’s huge black car pulled slowly in and Kathryn dropped the door as soon as the rear of the car had cleared the entrance and then moved back to stand next to Nika. Gil and Peg stepped out of the car both talking at once.

“Well isn’t this handy.” “What on earth were you thinking” “Bike’s in the trunk…” “Wouldn’t believe what I saw on the way here.” Kathryn looked a little chagrined and Nika was clearly unsettled. They stopped talking and Gil extended his hand.

"Hello, Miss Raven, nice to finally meet you.” Nika managed a smile and shook his hand. “Call me Gil, This is Peggy.” She playfully shoved her husband out of the way and gave Nika a withering look.

“Call me Peg dear, Well, you’re a beautiful girl, and you’re name’s Nika?”

Nika only nodded in response, as Peg slipped her arm through Nika’s and started along the strange corridor. “That’s a lovely name is it Scandinavian? My goodness Kathy how long has this been here?” she glanced over her shoulder to where Gil and Kathryn were following

“Since I bought the place, Peg.” Kathryn smirked at Nika’s confusion

“I feel just like Nancy Drew, Nika, don’t you? Dark hidden passages, secret rooms, it’s all so Freudian!” Peg’s lovely high laughter carried them all the way to the stairs. Once upstairs she steered Nika straight for the kitchen and ordered her to sit on one of the stools at the counter. “Now why don’t you tell me all about yourself while I find us something to eat!” Nika sat in stunned silence for a moment while Peg rummaged through the drawers in the refrigerator. “The shy quiet type?” she winked as she turned around holding up a zucchini. Both women turned to look at Kathryn as she entered the kitchen.

“Darling, are you alright?” she placed one bandaged hand over Nika’s on the counter and put her other arm around Nika’s shoulder. Nika nodded.

“I’m OK, I’ll be fine.” She felt a little self conscious with Peg watching them.

“Kathy, look at the state of your hands! You see what you‘ve done to yourself running off without thinking.” Peg shook the zucchini at her. She glanced down to where some blood had seeped through the bandages.

“I did think it through; I knew what I was doing.”

“Well we were all worried once we knew that madwoman was on the loose.” Peg said searching the cupboards.

“WHAT!?”  Nika looked a Kathryn, her eyes wide, her heart pounding.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she was angry and confused.

“There was no time!” She tried to sound reassuring, but she could see the fury on Nika’s face. “I’m sorry… Nika?”

“That woman… she was watching me. I can’t escape her!”

“Have any linguine?” Peg turned around and realized she was interrupting something. “I’ll just go see what Gil is doing.” She said on her way out.

Nika’s hands covered her face and her breathing was staggered. Kathryn rubbed her back.

“You mean the woman you saw from the restaurant? You think that was her?” Nika nodded. Kathryn bit back her own anger to concentrate on helping Nika.  “Darling, everything is fine now, it was probably just a strange coincidence.” Nika turned to look at her, her eyes were red but she wasn’t crying.

“Don’t you see, I’ll never be free of her, she’s just going to keep showing up and fucking up my life! Now you’re in danger too!” She slammed both her fists down on the counter as a tear dripped down her cheek. “Geezus! Fuck! I wish she were dead! I wish I had killed her!” Kathryn wrapped her arm tighter around Nika’s shoulder as she sobbed into the counter; anger and anguish churned in her stomach. “It’s not safe to be with me Kathryn … don’t you see?” 

Leaning in close Kathryn whispered into her young love’s ear.

"Don’t you see… you’re not in this alone anymore? I’m not going anywhere Nika. I feel like I’ve been waiting for this my whole life and I am not letting some crazy bitch come between us.”

Nika sobbed a little harder. “I don’t deserve you.” Nika whispered.

“Of course you do! and I deserve you, we deserve to be happy Nika. We’re going to be happy.” Nika looked up to see Kathryn’s eyes filled with angry tears.

“You’re so certain?” Pain, hurt and anger coloured her beautiful face.

“Yes, I am. I’ve never been so certain.” Kathryn’s voice caught as she searched her young love’s eyes.

“I’ve never felt this way either, Kathryn.” She smiled nervously at the look of total devotion on Kathryn’s face, still not convinced that she was worthy of such love. Staring into the stormy grey eyes of her lover Nika resolved that she would do whatever it took to be worthy. She turned and stepped off the stool to pull Kathryn into a gentle embrace. “Kathryn, I lo…”

“Well I got rid of the bastards …” Gil announced, “Oh, I’m sorry.”

Kathryn pulled back and wiped the tears from her face.

“Just give us a moment Gil; to clean up.” She took Nika’s hand and gave it a firm squeeze. “Since the barbarians are no longer barring the gate why don’t you order some take out.” Kathryn said to Gil while her eyes searched Nika’s trying to communicate all the love and protection she could muster. 

“Great idea.” Gil said walking over to the phone book on the counter.

“What you need right now is a good home-cooked meal.” Peg stated, slowly walking into the kitchen.  Kathryn reached out and squeezed the woman’s arm and smiled gently.

“Peg, what we really need, right now, is a little peace, something to eat, and a plan to make sure nothing like this ever happens again.” Peg nodded mutely at Kathryn’s calm but commanding tone. “And I think we’d feel better in a change of clothes.”

The two women walked upstairs to the bedroom. Once inside they just stood holding each other for several minutes, reassured by the solid fact of hearing one another’s heartbeat. Kathryn sighed as Nika’s strong hands held her close and gently stroked her back.  For her part Kathryn buried her face in Nika’s chest and clung to her love without putting too much pressure on her ribs swearing to herself that she would do whatever she could to keep Nika safe, to convince her that she loved her and that she deserved to be happy. She kissed her cheek and pulled away to find some other clothes. They shared a comfortable silence while freshening up and getting changed. Nika helped Kathryn rewrap her hands.

“Not too tight, darling, mm that’s great.” She smiled at Nika’s reflection in the ensuite mirror.  Nika shyly smiled back. “You’d make a sexy doctor.”

“You’re very sexy on a scooter.” Nika murmured, and watched Kathryn blush.

“I guess I looked pretty ridiculous, huh?” she grinned crookedly.

“No, just pretty.” Nika smiled and Kathryn felt her heart lighten a little.

“Right, so you’d like it if I wore a helmet, mirrored sunglasses and grubby work gloves all the time.”

“Well, if that was all you were wearing…” Nika pursed her lips and Kathryn raised an eyebrow. “But only if I can call you … Dark Helmet!” Nika’s lips held in laugh.

“Oh great, now I’m surrounded by assholes!” Kathryn proclaimed picking up on Nika’s movie reference. Nika couldn’t hold it in anymore and burst with laughter!

“I love that you get my obscure movie references.” She smiled.

“Obscure?” Kathryn camped it up, “Obscure! Why it’s one of the finest films ever created!” She kept up the shocked and insulted face for a moment more before laughter got the better of her too. Nika’s smile was brilliant.

“I love you.” Nika said lightheartedly, and then realized just what she’d said. Kathryn’s face softened and she stopped laughing. She looked utterly vulnerable and Nika couldn’t stand to see the apprehension in her eyes. She pulled Kathryn’s hands in to her own and curled them against her chest. She looked at the beautiful woman she loved and knew she couldn’t hide anymore.

“I love you, Kathryn.” She said seriously; surprised when tears fell from her own eyes. Leaning up Kathryn closed the gap between them and kissed her.  It was a kiss crackling with powerful emotions finally released. Several minutes later their still passionate kiss was interrupted by the door bell. “I guess we should go down there.” Nika said. Kathryn nodded but made no move, except to reach up with one of her hands and trace Nika’s cheek.

“I love you, Nika.” She whispered. Nika wrapped her in a hug, closed her eyes and joyfully whispered “I love you, I love you, I love you… “



I watched the security channel to be sure the door to the lower garage closed after Gil backed out.  Nika slid her arms around me from behind and kissed my neck. I shiver as desire tore through me.

“They’re really nice.” She said, I nodded, “and they really care about you.”

I turned and looked up into my loves beautiful blues eyes.

“Are you alright, Darling?” I asked smiling gently.

“I’m fine, are you? You just signed those papers …”

“Darling, that marriage was never meant to last this long.”

“Still, you used to be friends …” Nika’s eyes were unreadable and I wondered why she was bringing this up right now when Mark was the last thing on my mind. Perhaps she caught on to my annoyance. “I just want you to know that I’m willing to listen, I’m here for you too, you know.” I smiled at her.

“Thank-you darling, very much, but really, he destroyed our friendship a long time ago … and I’m done with dwelling in the past.” I took her hand and kissed it. “Besides, the present is soooo much more appealing.” I looked up in to her beautiful, loving, vulnerable blue eyes and tried to fathom just how I could be so fortunate to have her in my life. Closing my eyes I kissed the tiny wrinkles in the crook of her elbow, then the slight bulge of her bicep. When I looked up again her eyes were closed and her face looked both pained and peaceful.  I kissed her neck and gently ran my hands up the bandages on her lower ribs. “Darling, let’s go upstairs, do you need to change these.” I nibbled her neck and felt her “uh-mm” vibrate over my lips.  We walked side by side to the stairs.

“No, I think they’re fine, I wish I could shower … the doctor said to give it at least a day.” I gave her a sympathetic look.

“Well, perhaps there’s something we could do about that.” I said when we’d reached the top. She pulled me into a glorious kiss, the kind that makes my limbs feel liquid and yet fills me with an intoxicating sense of power. When she pulled away I knew the only thing I wanted to do was make love to her, incite her to pleasure the likes of which neither of us could have imagined before.

“Kathryn.” She sighed cupping my cheek and tormenting my lips with her thumb, “I so want to make love to you right now … but, love I’m exhausted and my ribs hurt and I feel all sweaty and grubby.” As much as my core was pulsing with desire I controlled myself; there would be lots of amazing sex in our future, I was sure about that.  What Nika needed right now was a different level of intimacy.

“I have an idea.” I pulled her into the bedroom and left her standing by the bed. I grabbed a huge terrycloth towel from the ensuite and spread it on the bed. I helped her out of her clothes while we shared quick kisses. “Lie down”

“What are you going to do to me?” she asked half teasing.

“You’ll see, just relax and close your eyes.” She gave me a playfully suspicious look and grabbed one of the pillows to keep herself warm.  I turned on the hot water tap and let it run while I gathered a few washcloths, I needed some sort of bowl or basin, I found the perfect thing under the sink. It was an oval bowl filled with bath bombs and specialty soaps; it had been a gift and was still in the cellophane. I ripped it open and dumped out the contents. It made quite a clamor.    

“What are you doing in there?” Nika called.

“Just a sec!” I washed out the bowl and filled it with hot water. Tucking the washcloths under my arm I carefully carried the bowl to the bedside table. Nika was peeking. “Awwoh! You ruined the surprise!” I said, not really upset.

“A sponge bath? You’re going to give me a sponge bath, so I can feel like a total invalid.” She seemed seriously annoyed.

“No, I’m going to give you a totally unique erotic experience that in the hands of some one who wasn’t in love with you and wasn’t completely wet just thinking about you, might be described as a sponge bath. Trust me, it won’t make you feel like an invalid!.” She looked quite surprised with this description.

“Are you really wet just thinking about me?” Her voice was sultry and she reached out to caress my thigh, I slipped just out of her reach.

“Now be fair, I’m having a hard enough time controlling myself as it is.”

“Alright.” She said after moment and then she closed her eyes.


I smirked at her and grabbed one of the cloths. I submerged it in the hot water and then gingerly wrung it out. I slid the pillow out of the way and for a moment I was caught in the beauty of Nika’s naked body. Sighing I decided to start with her face.

“Darling this might feel a bit hot; tell me if it’s too much.” She nodded. I carefully draped the cloth over her face. She moaned with pleasure. I felt a shot of desire between my legs.  Slowly I massaged the warm cloth over the contours of her face, while she made very distracting ‘mm’ sounds. Another dip and wring and I wiped her face again this time stroking right up into her hairline. I couldn’t resist kissing her collarbone just before sliding the steaming cloth over it. Warming to the idea I began to kiss my way over and down her body, pausing whenever the cloth got too cool.  With each kiss I would murmur how I loved her, how beautiful she is, how much I want her, and how wonderful it is that she wants me. The bandages over the scraps and cuts  looked quite uncomfortable. I rewet the cloth and gently trace the top border of the bandages then I swirled the cloth up over one of her bewitching breasts. She made a small whimper.

“No kiss?” she said fretfully. I willingly complied with her request and lavished her right breast with attention starting at the nipple and working outward. I wiped over her left breast and this time started kissing her breastbone and working slowly towards her nipple. By the time I arrived it was pointedly ready for me. Nika’s moan shuddered through me and I couldn’t help but moan back. Reluctantly I forced myself away from her and rewet the cloth.  I kissed both of her hip-bones and slightly sucked the angled path from hip to pussy. Her pelvis moved up to meet my lips and I tormented her with the wet heat of the cloth. She moved her feet apart giving me much greater access to her somewhat fragrant centre. I kissed around the edge of the hair before plunging the cloth down her cleft. She gasped and half sat up wincing in pain before lying back panting.         

“Nika, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for that to hurt.”  She shook her head slightly, but didn’t open her eyes.

“It felt fantastic, Kathryn, really, I just jerked up and … please keep going.”

Since it was now coated in Nika’s wetness I set that cloth aside and took a new one. I kissed each of her knees before sliding the cloth from her thigh to her ankle. I did it twice on each leg and then asked her if she could roll onto her stomach. She managed without any help. I started at her ankles this time with the intention of working my way up. As soon as I got near her bottom it was clear she had been anticipating my lips there because she arched her back ever so slightly. I decided to let the anticipation build a little. I softly kissed the lovely “y” shape at the bottom of her spine and then moved up to her shoulder blades. She exhaled with a touch of frustration but kept quiet. I slowly and lovingly ministered to the upper half of her back and the back of her neck. When I leaned in to kiss her neck she whispered to me.

“You are an evil woman, Kathryn Ridgeway.”

“mmm but evil in the best possible way.”

“mmm yes, true.” She smiled.

The hot cloth stroked down her arms giving each of her fingers special attention. Then it returned to her feet to give them similar treatment.

Picking up the last fresh cloth I plunged it into the now warm water and wrung it out, but not completely. I held it over her bottom and squeezed a few drops onto the “y” and watched them slowly make their way between her cheeks.  She arched her back again and held it there for several moments waiting for more.  With the cloth covering the palm of my hand I massaged each of her buttocks. Pressing in deep and pulling as many moans from her as I could stand.

By the time I dropped the cloth on the night-stand she had pulled the towel away and was reaching for me.

"Kathryn, I’m so wet.” I leaned down to kiss her and guided her hand to my wetness. She shuddered and her mouth fell open with a half voiced cry.

“See what you do to me.” I gasped as her slender fingers plunged into me.

“Please, Kathryn, I want you on top of me.” I kissed her again and pushed back the bedclothes and carefully straddled one of her legs. She stayed inside me while I moved. I leaned down and balanced on my fists. Her eyes were flooded with dark desires; I could not look away, I didn’t want to, I loved being captured in her gaze. Sliding her free hand into my hair she pulled my lips to hers. Her kiss was greedy, possessive, consuming. My hips flexed with the rhythm set by her fingers moving inside me. Her hand left my hair and eased my hips onto hers, I hesitated not wanting to injure her ribs, but she was insistent. She pushed my shoulders up so she could massage my breasts, effectively ramming my thigh between hers and further impaling me on her hand.


“Fuck! Yes!”

I struggled to stay balanced as pleasure exploded within me and blasted out from my centre to every cell of my body. Nika’s hand kept my hips tight against hers while I bucked and shuddered. I could feel her orgasm building and felt my body explode once more when she finally let go. By the time she released me my arms were weak and I was panting. Lying down beside her she pulled the covers over us and snuggled close. She kissed my cheek and let her hand wander over my breasts and torso. “That was amazing Kathryn, who knew a sponge bath could be … so … fucking erotic.”

“Are you sure you’re Ok?”

“Yes it only hurts if I try to turn or twist.”

The tip of her tongue teased my ear and I knew I could ‘go’ again if she touched me, and she did.

Later, when we were drifting off to sleep she caressed my cheek and whispered. “I love you, Dark Helmet.” I fell asleep smiling.