The dating game

With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls,
For stony limits cannot hold love out,
And what love can do, that dares love attempt.
William Shakespeare (1564'1616)

Part 1
Kathryn Janeway stormed off the bridge and into her ready room. She knew that Chakotay hadn't deserved the tongue-lashing he'd just received, but it had made her feel better. The stress was getting to her. It was worse than stranding her crew in the Delta Quadrant, and worse than travelling through the void ' Seven of Nine had asked her for dating advice. It wasn't that Janeway didn't want to give her advice?it was something entirely different. Something she couldn't really put her finger on.

The door alert chimed merrily. Janeway growled quietly to herself. All she wanted right now was to be alone.

'Come.' She called, resisting the urge to hide under her desk as the door opened revealing Seven of Nine.
'Captain?' Seven began, 'I do not understand what fault you found with Commander Chakotay's work.'
'There wasn't any fault.'
'Then why did you find it necessary to chastise his performance?' Seven questioned, raising her ocular implant.
Janeway tried quickly to think of a way to get out of the awkward situation that Seven's questioning had put her in. She decided that honesty was probably the best policy.

'There was nothing wrong with the performance of any of the crew. Sometimes when humans are annoyed at something, they take it out on other people around them, even though it may not be that person's fault. Do you understand?'
'That is inefficient. Wouldn't it be more useful to address the cause of your annoyance?'
'It doesn't always work that way Seven. It is more logical, and certainly more efficient, to remove the cause of the problem. However, it's sometimes not viable to do so.'
'Well?' Janeway thought for a moment, 'Take our situation for example. We are stuck in the Delta Quadrant. The cause of annoyance and frustration is the Delta Quadrant. It is that way because it is not the Alpha Quadrant. Now, we can't remove or deal with the fact that this is not the Alpha Quadrant by changing the Delta. All we can do is find ways to travel rapidly through the Delta Quadrant in hopes of reaching the Alpha Quadrant.'
'I understand. So?we are dealing with it by finding solutions to the problem, but indirectly.'
'So how does your venting of frustration at Commander Chakotay solve whatever problem it is that you are having?'
'It doesn't. However, it does alleviate the emotional consequences.'
'I see?we are back to emotions again, human emotions.'

There was a moment of silence as Seven considered this. Janeway watched her face, trying to pick up a hint of what she was thinking. Seven finally broke the silence.

'So is this an acceptable form of behaviour?'
'Not usually. Limited displays are acceptable, but usually only in times of stress.'
'I do not experience stress.'
'Yes, but not all of us have that advantage. The average human is easily stressed, and only through self-control are they able to not exhibit signs of it. As a Starfleet Captain, my behaviour out on the bridge should not reflect any of the stress I may be feeling. I shouldn't have taken my frustration out on Chakotay. I actually owe him an apology for my behaviour'
'And an apology will rectify any damage?'
'Usually it does. You have to mean it though.'
'I don't understand. How can you 'mean' an apology?'
'It has to be genuine. You are supposed to only apologise to someone if your actions have caused them pain and you wished it hadn't. I am sorry that I yelled at Chakotay, and he's probably as confused by my actions as you are, therefore I owe him an apology.'
'I understand now. When you hurt or upset someone and you didn't mean to, then you use words to express a desire that the event hadn't occurred.'

The door chirped again.
'Enter' Janeway called.
Chakotay peered into the room.
'It's alright, Commander, come in. I was just explaining some things to Seven here.'
Chakotay nodded.
'You asked to be informed when we got closer to that binary system.' He told her
'Thank you.'
Chakotay turned to leave.
'Commander, before you go.' Chakotay turned back to face her. 'I owe you an apology. My behaviour before was unacceptable and I had no right to take my anger at an unrelated situation out on you.'
'Yes Captain.' Chakotay said, smiling slightly.
'I'll join you on the bridge in a moment.'
Chakotay nodded again and left the room.

Janeway turned to Seven who had a thoughtful look on her face.
'Do you understand how it works now?'
'I believe I do. Your words seem to make the Commander relax. Thank you for this lesson Captain.'
'You're welcome Seven.'
'May I ask what it was that caused you to be annoyed?'
'Just a personal matter Seven.'
'A private matter?'
'That's right. Now I have to go to the bridge. Are you going to come back?'
'Yes Captain.'

Janeway and Seven left the Ready Room together and returned to the bridge.


Part 2
At the end of the beta shift, all Janeway could think of was getting back to her quarters and having a cup of coffee. Voyager had spent a few hours taking measurements of the binary star system, observing the glowing balls of light wheeling around each other, their gases separating and combining with each other. It had been a beautiful sight, but all Janeway could think about was the coming discussion with Seven.

She walked in the door of her quarters, already unbuttoning her uniform jacket. Hastily removing it and throwing it on her desk, she crossed to the windows and stared out at the stars. She had always felt at peace here, watching the bright points of light glide past her window, taking her on a new adventure, or closer to home. It had seemed to her like those bright gases, burning so far away, were calling for her, drawing her on, bringing her closer to that she sought ' home. Janeway sighed softly and turned away from the window.

She returned to her desk and grabbed her uniform jacket, taking it into her sleeping quarters and getting changed out of her uniform. She had just finished slipping into some black slacks and a white blouse when she heard the door chime. Assuming it was Seven, Janeway called out from her sleeping quarters.

'Enter.' She heard the whoosh of the door opening, and someone enter her living quarters.
'Captain...?' Seven called from the doorway, not seeing Janeway in the room.
'Here Seven.' She replied, walking in from her sleeping area.
'Captain, did I interrupt?' Seven asked, noting Janeway's lack of uniform.
'No, not at all. I just felt like wearing something a little more relaxed for our chat. Won't you take a seat?' She asked, indicating the couch along the window.
Seven crossed the room and perched on the edge of one of the seats, her hands folded in her lap, her back ramrod straight.

Janeway took a seat across from her.
'So what was it you wanted to talk about again Seven?' She enquired, knowing perfectly well why Seven had come to see her.
'I wished to discuss how one initiates a date, and what behaviour one is supposed to engage in during such an occasion.'
'I thought you'd already had an experience with dating Seven.'
'Yes Captain, but it was less than favourable. I would like to know where I was at fault.'
'It may not necessarily have been your fault Seven. I, for one, have had many dates that could be counted as much less than a success. Some of them were downright failures.'
'I see. So the success of a date does not depend on the actions of the participants?'
'No it doesn't. More frequently it depends on the compatibility of the two people involved. If you initiate a date with someone with whom you have no interests, or in whom you have no interest, the entire date can become a non-event.'
'I see. There seem to be many variables involved in order to ensure success.'
'It's very hard to determine what variables must be manipulated in order to have a 'good date'. More often than not it's a case of luck. On those few lucky occasions you can be fortunate enough to truly make a connection with someone, to be able to find someone with whom you can communicate so clearly, so purely, as to be able to know what it is the other one is thinking without even asking. '
'Like a Collective?'
'I?guess you could compare it like that. It's not really the same thing, but I suppose that is the closest comparison we can find.'
'I have been interested in attempting social interaction of this kind again. I would like to do it properly this time, without breaking my date.'

Janeway took a deep breath. For some reason she had been not looking forward to this conversation since Seven had mentioned it at the beginning of beta shift. The thought of giving advice to Seven on how to engage in a successful date made her throat tighten and her stomach turn over. Janeway gave herself a mental shake and turned her attention back to Seven's issue.

'Well did you have another crew member in mind?'
'I believe so. The Doctor led me to believe that dating could only occur with certain people, and so I had limited my search within the crew to those people. I have since come to the realisation, through my own research, that that limitation was not necessary. I have now found a crewmember that meets my criteria. I do believe they may might the criteria you have also described tonight.'
'So what do you need my help for?'
'I believe my last date was too?logical. I was following advice from a holograph, an entity that had never had the experience of dating himself. I believe that in order to be able to start a date properly, I should begin with advice from a human who has experienced it for themselves.'
'I see. So does this person know that you have any interest in them?'
'No, and I want to?surprise?them.'
'Aah I see. Well, the trick here is to invite them along to a normal activity, say joining you for dinner in the mess hall, and then change that activity to be a romantic one, like dinner somewhere private with just the two of you.'
'I understand now. Are clothes also important?'
'Yes. You have to wear something that you are comfortable in, yet also compliments your natural beauty.'
'Do I have 'natural beauty'?'

Janeway regarded Seven's features for a moment. It was true that Seven was an extremely attractive young woman, but Janeway didn't quite know how to put that into words without giving the ex-Borg the wrong impression.
'I think you definitely have the ability to turn heads Seven.'
'It means that a lot of people would find you attractive.'
'So I have 'natural beauty''
'Yes you do.'
'This is good. It makes another variable that I have covered.'
'Seven, just because you assure that all the variables that go together to make a successful date are present, doesn't mean that it will happen. Sometimes the person you try to have a date with just won't be the right one. Quite often they won't feel the same way about you that you feel for them.'
'I am aware of this. I believe, however, that the crewmember I have picked has the same interest in me as I have in them.'
'That's good then. May I ask who the crewmember is who you have chosen?' Janeway inquired, a small sliver of jealousy rising up inside her.
'That is a?personal?matter.'
Janeway nodded in her understanding of Seven's right to privacy.
'Is there anything else you need to know?'
'I think not Captain. I believe I shall retire to Cargo Bay 2 for regeneration now.'
'As you wish Seven.'

Seven got up from the window seat and walked towards the door, Janeway swivelled in her chair to watch her leave. As the door opened, Seven turned around.

'I shall see you on Holodeck 1 tomorrow Captain for our regular game of Velocity.'
'I look forward to it Seven.'

As Seven left, Janeway could have almost sworn that she was smiling.


Part 3
As usual, Janeway had taken the Alpha shift. She always did the day that she and Seven played Velocity. She knew that if she went straight from a shift on the bridge to the Holodeck that she'd been no challenge for the younger woman. So for the last few hours she had been sitting in her quarters, watching the stars slide past her window and reading a book she had been meaning to finish for the last two weeks. It had been nice to just sit back and relax for a while without being interrupted by any calamity. It had been a quiet few days, and she was wondering how long Voyager's peaceful spell would last.

Janeway's combadge beeped at her.
'Seven of Nine to Captain Janeway?'
'Janeway here.'
'I have finished my duties in Astrometrics and will be proceeding to Holodeck 1 shortly.'
'I'll see you there. Janeway out.'

When she got to the Holodeck, Seven was already inside loading the Velocity program. They played 5 rounds, Seven winning 4 of them.

'I don't think your full attention is in the game Captain.'
'You're probably right Seven. I apologise.'
'Apology accepted.'
Seven ended the program and then turned back to Janeway.
'Captain?would it be acceptable if I joined you tonight and we had another discussion?'
'About dating procedures again?'
'Yes. I think there are still a few details I don't understand sufficiently.'

Janeway didn't really feel like discussing Seven's romantic interests with her, but she knew that it was probably better for her to be getting advice from a friend rather than someone like Tom Paris. She mentally shuddered at the thought of the kind of advice Paris would be likely to give. Reluctantly she gave in.

'How about dinner in my quarters?'
'Pardon?' Kathryn said, raising an eyebrow.
'I would like it if we can conduct our conversation in an environment other than your quarters.'
'I don't think Cargo Bay 2 is an appropriate locale either.'
'I wasn't suggesting Cargo Bay 2. I have 50 hours of Holodeck time. I would like to put that to good use, seeing as Velocity frequently does not use much time. Perhaps you would like to show me some nice Holodeck programs to run on my date.'
'Alright. What time?'
'1900 hours, Holodeck 1.'
'I'll see you?here.'

Janeway left the Holodeck as fast as she could. The thought of showing Seven Holodeck programs to use on her date made her feel sick and light-headed. Thinking she might be coming down with something, Janeway took herself off to Sickbay.

'As far as I can ascertain, there is nothing wrong with you Captain.' The EMH told her.
'That can't be right. A couple of time in the last few days I have felt nauseous and dizzy. It can't be stress, nothing has been happening.'
The Doctor ran the scanner over her again.
'As I said previously Captain, there is nothing wrong with you. Slightly elevated blood pressure, and an increase in endorphin production that can't be accounted for by the physical exertion of Velocity. That's it.' He said acidly.

Janeway pondered what he had said. The one thing that kept going over and over in her mind was the increase in endorphin production. She excused herself from Sickbay, her thoughts going round in circles. She knew that endorphins were released in response to pain or sustained exertion, but the Doctor had said that the increase couldn't be explained that way. She also knew that they had a role in appetite control and shock, and had been linked to 'pleasure centres' in the brain. She wasn't hungry, and wasn't experiencing shock, which only left the last option. She immediately dismissed that as absurd. The EMH must have overlooked something.


Part 4
Janeway turned up early at Holodeck 1, hoping to beat Seven there. She didn't want to have to walk onto the Holodeck to find Seven already running programs. This was one situation where she wanted to be in complete control. Unfortunately, she was no match for Borg efficiency. Seven was waiting for her, almost lounging in the doorway. Janeway took one glace at her, and almost forgot to breath. Seven's slim form was wrapped by a shimmering blue dress that sat off one shoulder, curved over her plentiful breasts, and hugged lovingly to her waist and hips. She realised she was staring, but couldn't make herself stop looking at the beauty that stood before her. It was truly a miraculous transformation.

On her behalf, Seven was rather taken by Kathryn Janeway's appearance. She had often seen her Captain dressed informally, but never like this. Janeway was wearing tight leather pants and a red Singlet top. It was probably the most relaxed Seven had ever seen her dress, and she was enjoying having her chance to see the Captain like this.

Janeway finally realised that she had probably been staring far too long, and that Seven was smiling at her. She cleared her throat and gestured for Seven to lead the way onto the Holodeck.

Once there she saw that Seven had been here for a while longer than the prescribed time of 1900 hours - there was already a simulation running. She looked around at the scene ' a quiet caf頷ith blue slate floors, one table only, overlooking a rainforest scene and a hushed waterfall. There wasn't a single holographic entity in sight, nor did she recognise the program or its location. She turned and looked at Seven, a questioning look on her face.

'Do you not like it Captain?'
'It's beautiful. What is it?'
'An appropriate date setting I believe.'
'That it is. But where is it?'
'The Borg have assimilated many species, some of which come from very beautiful places. This is one of them. I added the restaurant, which is from the data files of the late 20th Century.'
'It's wonderful Seven. I thought I was going to be showing you locations for a date, but this is just perfect.'
"I am glad you like it."

Janeway looked around at the scene before her. It truly was beautiful ' there was a light breeze blowing, and the 'sun' was slowly setting behind one of the mountain ranges in the distance. All in all it was the perfect location for a romantic evening for two. Janeway sighed sadly.

'What is wrong Captain?'
'Nothing Seven. I was just thinking about the few nice dates that I have had.'
'Is this not a nice date?'
'We're not on a date Seven.'
'Well?we're just not. You asked me here to pick out a location for you to have a date, not to actually have a date. Right?' Janeway looked doubtful
'Incorrect. I followed your advice and am now on a date with you.'

Janeway felt all the blood drain from her face, and heard her own voice telling Seven to do exactly what she had done ' set up a deception to mask a date. She couldn't believe it ' she had been caught unprepared by her own advice. She blinked like a stunned fish at Seven.

'Is something the matter Captain?'
'No?I?I mean?What?umm?'She stuttered in reply
'Why don't we take a seat Captain?' Seven suggested, leading Janeway to the table and sitting her down.

As they sat down a waiter appeared from nowhere and laid out plates and silverware for them, before leaving and returning with their entrees. Janeway decided that she had best give this date a fair chance seeing as Seven had gone to so much effort. 'Who knows' she thought to herself, 'I might even enjoy it'.

As the night passed by, Janeway found herself truly enjoying the experience with Seven, and relaxed even more. She noticed that they'd already shared two bottles of wine and that the alcohol was definitely having an affect on her thought processes. She idly wondered how it was affecting Seven's cortical processor. She belatedly realised that Seven had been asking her a question.

'I was just saying, Captain, that my Holodeck time is about to come to an end and if you wanted to go somewhere else.'
'Oh, yeah, sure. So?my place or yours?' Janeway heard herself giggle
'Captain??' Seven asked, confused.
'Never mind, let's go to my quarters.'

As she and Seven were leaving the Holodeck, she turned to Seven.
'Oh by the way, call me Kathryn'

As Kathryn turned back around and headed off towards her quarters, Seven mouthed the name silently to herself. Never before had she been permitted to call her Captain by her name. Seven could finally see what the point of dates was. A small smile crept its way onto her face and set up residence.

When Kathryn reached her quarters she swept into the main room, kicked off her shoes and made her way directly to the replicator and ordered a bottle of earth champagne. She pulled out two crystal glasses that she only kept for special occasions and poured them a glass of champagne each.

'A toast' She said to Seven
'Yes, I've researched this. To what shall we 'toast' Kathryn?'
'To the best date I've had in a long time.'
They both raised their glasses and drank to that.
'How about you Seven? Do you have a toast?'
'Yes. To the best date *I've* ever had.'
Kathryn laughed and drank to that also.

Seven went and took a seat by the windows and Kathryn joined her. They sat there in a comfortable silence for a while, each of them lost in their own thoughts, sipping their drink. Kathryn didn't move when Seven gently placed a hand on her knee, she just continued staring out the window at the stars.

'What are you thinking Kathryn?' Seven asked softly
'Nothing much really. Just how, no matter where you're lost there's always a star to guide you home. It doesn't matter if you don't know what that star is, or even where you are, it's still there shining brightly, leading you on.'

Seven thought about that for a moment, stopped analysing it from a logical perspective and just listened to the words. What Kathryn had said was beautiful. Seven reached her other hand and placed it on Kathryn's cheek, turning her head around to face her. Slowly she leaned in, her nose almost touching Kathryn's. Receiving no protest, she continued her journey, touching her lips to Kathryn's and gently kissing her. She went to lean back again, but Kathryn's hand snaked it's way around and pressed the back of her neck, forcing their lips back together for a longer, deeper kiss.

When Kathryn finally let go, Seven was short of breath. Kathryn didn't seem to be too much better off, her cheeks pink and her eyes looking glazed over.

'I'm sorry Seven, I was out of line.'
'I do not understand.' Seven said, genuinely confused.
'I'd be taking advantage of you.'
'But Kathryn, it was I who was trying to seduce you.'
'I have wanted to kiss you for a long time. I have developed?feelings?for you, and I believe that you have these feelings too. Perhaps, feelings that you are unaware of.'
'Oh just kiss me again already.'

Seven smiled and gave in to Kathryn's request. Kathryn parted her lips slightly, inviting the entrance of Seven's tongue into her mouth. They languidly massaged each other's tongues, before Kathryn ran out of breath and had to come up for air. She stood up and tugged on seven's hand, hauling her to her feet, and leading her into her sleeping quarter's. Kathryn pushed Seven down onto the bed.

'Before we go any further my love?are you sure this is what you want?' Kathryn asked Seven
'Absolutely, with every ounce of individuality you have instilled in me, with all my heart.'
'That's what I was hoping you'd say.'

Kathryn began to remove her shirt, pulling it up over her head and throwing it off into the corner. Next she removed her leather pants, shimmying them to the floor and stepping out of them. She stood at the foot of the bed for a while, before climbing onto the bed to straddle Seven's hips. She surreptitiously looked for any easy way to pour the ex-Borg back out of the dress she was wearing, but to no avail.

'Kathryn?' Seven said huskily, 'allow me.'
Kathryn rolled off Seven, allowing her to sit up. AS she did so, Kathryn noticed the pin that held Seven's hair up in that impossible bun. Reaching over, she pulled it out and watched Seven's golden hair tumble down over her shoulders. Putting a hand on Seven's shoulder too keep her still, she reached over beside her bed and grabbed her hairbrush. She gently began to brush Seven's hair, watching the way it fell into soft waves.

'I've always wanted to touch your hair Seven. I think it is the most beautiful hair I have ever seen.'
'Thank you.'

Kathryn brushed Seven's hair for a while longer, before putting the brush away, allowing Seven to stand up and remove the dress she was wearing. Kathryn watched the blue material slide off Seven's body, revealing smooth skin. Kathryn was slightly amazed to see that Seven wore nothing under her dress, but realised that the Borg would see no use for underwear. She watched, mesmerised as Seven crawled back up the bed, her demeanour so animalistic as to almost be predatory. She felt a shiver go up her spine. Seven raked her eyes over Kathryn's body, lovingly taking in the curve of her breasts and swell of her hips. In a need to touch Kathryn's most intimate place, she quickly divested her of the remainder of her clothing before beginning to kiss her all over.

Kathryn gave herself over totally to Seven's explorations, understanding the woman's need to be in control. She revelled in the feel of Seven's hands and lips running over her body, the hot and cold sensations running up her spine, the almost painful desire to be one with this wonderful person. A soft moan escaped her lips as Seven's explorations took in her nipple. Hearing this sound, Seven concentrated on the pink nub, sucking and lathing it with her tongue. Kathryn's moans deepened, increasing Seven's arousal. She sucked harder at the nipple, and began playing with its twin, and was rewarded with more moans from Kathryn.

Seven looked up at Kathryn's face. She had her eyes closed, and looked more beautiful laid out in the soft light from the stars outside the window, than she had at any other time. Kathryn opened her eyes and looked back at Seven. Kathryn brushed her hand along Seven's cheek and smiled.

'You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known.' She said
'And you are the most beautiful woman that *I* have ever known.' Seven replied.
'Are you scared?'
'I am Borg. I will adapt.'
'That's not what I asked.' Kathryn chided gently
'A little, but I do not know why.'
'Ssh love, let me care for you.'
'I will comply.'

Kathryn gently rolled them both over so that they were lying side by side. Slowly she began her own exploration of the heavenly body beside her. She spent long minutes indulging each breast before moving to the nipple, sucking and nibbling at the tender flesh, eliciting deep moans of pleasure from Seven. She went back and forth between the nipples, trying to give each one the same loving attention as the other. Finally she moved on, kissing and nibbling her way up Seven's neck to latch onto one of her ears, lightly nipping at sucking at it. At the first touch of Kathryn's teeth on her ear, Seven gasped ' she hadn't been prepared the onslaught of sensation. Nothing of the Borg could ever hope to match this.

Kathryn kissed her way down Seven's neck, past her breasts and across her stomach. She graced the taut muscles there with a few light nips before moving down to the fine hairs between Seven's legs. Gently she lifted one of Seven's legs and placed it over her shoulder, settling herself comfortably in the bed. Carefully she ran her finger between the moist folds of Seven's sex, before parting them and replacing her finger with her tongue. She lightly flicked her tongue over the sensitive nub of flesh there, knowing the reaction it would cause. She wasn't disappointed. Seven moaned loudly and bucked her hips, trying to press into Kathryn's mouth and prolong the contact.

Kathryn pulled back slightly, waiting for Seven's movement to cease, before delving her tongue back where it had been. This time she put more pressure into the contact, swirling her tongue around the sensitive nub of flesh, trying to work Seven to a fevered pitch. The moans increased in tempo with the speed of pressure of Kathryn's tongue.

Seven felt as if she was going to explode, an invisible pressure building up inside her body, the sensations almost too much for her to handle. She felt the pressure building and building, looking for an outlet. Something in her body changed, and all of a sudden she was shaking, unable to control her actions, hot and cold shivers running up and down the entire length of her body. And still that invisible pressure increased. As it almost seemed too much, a floodgate gave way, and the most exhilarating sensation passed through her body ' one of absolute pleasure. She felt as if her head had been turned inside out and then put back on her body. As the shaking subsided, Kathryn came back up and lay beside her.

Kathryn had been amazed by the intensity of Seven's orgasm. She had been unsure if the woman would be able to at all, what with Borg implants and a completely regulated hormonal system. Kathryn stroked Seven's face and hair, waiting for the tidal wave of Seven's first orgasm to wash over her.

'Kathryn?' Seven called, reaching over and wrapping her arms around the other woman, 'What?what was that.'
'That, my love, was an orgasm.'
'Oh? Oh! So that's what that feels like. I understand why they were given so much emphasis in all the readings I had done.'
'Yes love, that's why.' Kathryn laughed.
'I think I enjoy that sensation Kathryn.'
'Most people do.' Kathryn replied light heartedly.

They lay together for a while, their limbs entwined. Kathryn ran her fingers through Seven's soft hair. Shortly, a sleepy murmur came from Seven.

'You called me 'love' before. What does that mean.'
'It means?that I love you.'
'I love you also.'
Kathryn smiled.
'Did you always love me?' Seven continued.
'Not always love. I didn't always know you, know the wonderful person that you are. But for a considerable time now, I have had feelings for you. Ones that I didn't realize were love until much more recently. Feelings that I was probably denying were love.'
'Because I am the Captain of this ship, and there are rules against the Captain having a relationship with any member of the crew. And for other reasons ' I felt that I may have been overstepping the bounds of the trust you had in me.'
'What made you change your mind about loving me?'
'Resistance is Futile, my love, Resistance is Futile.'

At that Seven curled into the crook of Kathryn's elbow. Lying there like that, the two of them went to sleep, the light from the stars playing across their faces, leading them home ' to each other.