‘Oh Dear!’

The Doctors’ program was failing, degrading almost beyond repair. The EMH had resigned to the fact that he was to decompile presently. The holedeck was occupied by a few of the senior staff trying to fix his subroutines. Among them were Captain Janeway and Seven of Nine to oversee the situation and help if needed.
Suddenly with no reserve the Doctor decided this was the only chance he’ll get to tell Seven how he felt.
“You have no idea how difficult it’s been hiding my true feelings all these years…averting my eyes during your regular maintenance exams.” Kneeling down now he continues “I know you could never have the same feelings for me but I want you to know the truth…. I love you Seven” with that, he disappeared only to be retrieved seconds later. B’Ellanna informed him she would transfer his program back to sick bay, and did so promptly.

Seven wasn’t rattled by his confession at all, deeming his display to be caused by his malfunctioning subroutines….the reason she felt uncomfortable was while the Doctor was confessing his love to her, she looked up at the Captain. Janeways’ eyes were locked on hers…and remained there with an expression Seven had rarely seen and never sought to analyze. She also noticed the Captain had stopped breathing!!

Kathryn Janeway couldn’t believe what her ears were hearing and could only process the Doctors confession through her own heart, she was in shock but also in awe, wishing it was herself expressing those few words. ‘Granted I would have done it differently maybe a lovely romantic dinner to set the mood first at least, then Seven would escort me to my quarters, I’d ask her in, she would accept, I’d have coffee, she’d have…..well she’d have water, once the small talk was out of the way I’d make my way over to sit next to her and staring into those big, beautiful blue eyes I’d start to……..what the!!’
Janeway was abruptly wrenched out of her day dream by Seven. The Borg swiftly moving towards her and with a stern confused voice told the Captain to “Exhale….NOW!”

Kathryn realized she hadn’t taken a breath since she started her guilty little daydream. She automatically felt guilty because she thought she should be able to control herself a bit more and wondered ‘who the hell thinks of one of their crew members in that way anyhow?’ Shaking it off, she released her breath and composed herself. Looking around she saw B’Ellana exit the holodeck and was surprised to see every one had left including the Doctor! ‘Hmmm time goes when your having fun, but damn it Kathryn get a hold of yourself’ quickly she asked “What’s wrong Seven?” with a tone that implied she didn’t know what just happened, the last thing she wanted was for Seven to hear two confessions of love in the one day.

“You were not inhaling or exhaling, are you ill?” Seven asked.
‘Damn’ thought Kathryn “ah ...no Seven I’m not ill, how are you feeling?” she asked this not just to steer the conversation away from herself, but to investigate how the Doctors’ confession had impacted on Seven, if Seven felt the same way towards him or if she felt embarrassed or if she had any feelings at all about it.

Seven noticed the Captain was evasive in her answer and replied “I am functioning within acceptable parameters, however you are not. If you are not ill then why would you cease your intake of oxygen? Doing so would have severely damaged your functioning, this is unacceptable, you invoked this action by choice?”
‘oh…dear…she does have a flare for the dramatics, maybe she IS more suited to the Doctor!...... no that’s not right’ placing her hand on Sevens’ shoulder she replied, whilst noticing the younger woman jerk a little at her touch “Seven, I just lost concentration for a short time, it happens, your mind wonders off and thinks about things other than what is actually occurring at the time, its nothing to be concerned about. I unconsciously stopped breathing because I was thinking and feeling something that was becoming a bit intense. Thank you though, for reacting so promptly to my need of oxygen!” Kathryn smiled and continued… “I know you said you were functioning within acceptable parameters, but is there anything you want to discuss about what the Doctor has said to you and how it made you feel?” Not waiting for a response “Actually the holodeck probably isn’t the best place to talk about this, how about we take it to the mess hall?” ‘Yes that would be safer’ thought Janeway.

“What is ‘it’ you want to ‘take’ to the mess hall Captain?” Seven asked with a raised eyebrow whilst looking around the empty holodeck, realizing she hadn’t given Janeway her full attention since the only thing Seven could concentrate on at the time was the thought of how it was possible some one could have such perfect, endearing, aesthetically pleasing eyes such as the Captains’.

“The conversation Seven.” replied Kathryn with an equal amount of confusion “I thought you might be more comfortable talking about your thoughts and feelings somewhere a bit more relaxing, and besides, I need a coffee!.”

“Comfort is irrelevant and relaxation equally non-productive, however if you require caffeine then you should return to your quarters or the mess hall as you wish and ingest a portion. I must return to the astromestrics lab.” Seven stated and then proceeded to exit the holodeck.

“Hold on Seven” Kathryn instructed. Wanting to talk to Seven about the Doctor and noticing Seven didn’t mention that thoughts and feelings were ‘irrelevant’ which pleased the older woman, she pushed on “This isn’t about me and my caffeine intake, I’m hoping we can discuss how you feel about the doctor revealing his love for you”

“If you feel it is necessary Captain, however we should discuss this whilst you consume your caffeine” was Sevens’ reply, knowing how Kathryn gets with out her caffeine consumptions. Seven wasn’t interested in what will come of the conversation, but any chance to have a philosophical discussion with the Captain was always challenging, thought provoking and stimulating!

“Very well” agreed Kathryn. Both now walking towards the holodeck exit, and both now simultaneously colliding with the unopened door, they realized something was wrong. Acquiring aching body parts which they both resisted to comfort and reveal, which would have added to the embarrassment already present, the frustrated Captain demanded “Computer exit”.
A second later the computer returned “Unable to comply, program in progress, safety protocols are off line” In that instant the holodeck had begun the program it mentioned. The Captain and Seven looked around the holodeck quickly and after they saw what was coming they glanced at each other and RAN!

Meanwhile back in sickbay where the Doctor had been transferred once he had recovered from his malfunction; the EMH was the only being in the room. This wouldn’t have bothered him under normal circumstances because it meant no one was ill.
After his confession to Seven of Nine in front of some of the senior staff no less, he believed he was on his own now because every one was avoiding the poor chap! A part of him felt relieved that he told Seven and, as he said, he knew she wouldn’t return his feelings but he did want some kind recognition on her part. He pondered the idea of seeking her out but refrained from that thought, leaving it up to Seven to approach him. The bigger part of him though felt extremely embarrassed, so he sat there with his tail between his legs thinking ridiculously how he would be able to reverse what had taken place within the last hour…..and just kept sitting there….

For the crew of Voyager, life carried on as usual, the senior staff assuming the Captain had returned to her quarters for some overdue rest and Seven to cargo bay two. They had no idea their Captain and Seven were trapped in the holodeck. There were no signs to say differently which was very strange indeed!

The Captain and Seven ran as fast as they could but they were no match for the creature that was chasing them. Whilst running, Janeway tried her com badge “Janeway to Tuvok” there was no reply “Computer two to beam out” still nothing “what the hell is going on here?” she yelled, not expecting Seven to answer but of course she did,
“It seems we are being chased by a large six legged creature which is rapidly approaching us within the holodeck while the safety protocols are off line Captain. I would have thought that was obvious”. Janeway didn’t have time to reply which was probably a good thing right now, although being captured by this creature wasn’t going to be much better!
The creature scooped Janeway and Seven up with two of its claws, looked at the two females then briskly headed towards its’ cave. Once reaching the cave, it threw the smaller woman and the Borg into it, closed the door and left!

For a few moments Kathryn sat in disbelief at the way her day had been unfolding and was not happy about it at all. Trying to process what exactly had occurred within the last two hours, she turned to Seven who lay unconscious!
Rapidly moving towards Seven she felt her breath catch “Seven…Seven wake up!” she checked her pulse, it was week but regular. Kathryn realized Seven must have landed hard on the ground and hit her head on the rock that lay next to her. “Its ok Seven I’m here, just sleep and let your body heal itself” as Kathryn said this she cropped Sevens head up enough to slide her legs underneath, placing Sevens’ head on her lap.

The protective woman cursed silently about not having a med kit and although the borg was unconscious Janeway knew Seven was ok and would awaken some time soon.
2.3 seconds later Kathryn’s mind wondered to other thoughts and was relishing in the fact that Sevens’ head was resting on her lap. After her initial rush of delight had subsided, she couldn’t help feeling a peaceful sensation engulf her.

45 minutes had passed and Seven started to stir. Opening her eyes she looked up and saw the Captains’ head tilted back on a rock, asleep. She was about to wake her so they could both take in their surroundings and attempt to establish an escape plan, but decided against it ‘the captain needs rest, if I move I might interrupt her regeneration, I shall remain here till she wakes’ Seven was pleased with her decision, she was so close to the Captain at that moment, watching the beautiful woman’s’ chest, constricted by her uniform, slowly rise and fall, then realizing her head was on her lap, Seven felt a sensation creep up within her. She fought the need to caress Janeway’s leg, but imagined what it would be like to do so. Startled by her last thought, she then felt something stroke her hair.

Kathryn had woken and noticed Sevens’ eyes were open. Naturally placing her hand and stroking Sevens’ hair away from her forehead, the Captain asked in a soft voice “Seven you’re awake, are you ok?”

“I am functioning adequately, are you damaged? Seven replied.

“No, I’m fine; I must have just dozed off. We should try to form a strategy to get us out of here.” Kathryn said looking down at Seven who still hadn’t moved off her lap, which she didn’t mind at all.
“I concur, the oxygen is depleting, our survival will terminate in approximately 5.62 hours if we cannot exit this cave” was Seven’s reply noting the Captains’ calm demeanor. With no urgency to depart from the contact between them they both reluctently broke away and stood.

Looking around the room for an hour, they saw no way of escape. The door that the creature used was no where to be seen.
The Captain spoke sardonically “Hopefully the crew will be able to get us out within those 5.62 hours you mentioned!” sitting down again while catching Sevens’ raised eyebrow at her statement, Janeway had full confidence in her crew and assumed she and Seven would be out of this mess in no time.

“Well” continuing the captain “ Since we have no way out at the moment and we’ve seen no sign of that ‘whatever it was’ that was chasing us, it doesn’t look like I’ll be getting my coffee either any time soon, how about we get back to discussing your situation with the Doctor ?. It seems as good as time as any”

“What of feeling comfortable and relaxed Captain? You implied these two elements are relevant and would some how contribute to this discussion, although I don’t need these two accompanying elements to have a conversation, your need for comfort and relaxation cannot be met under these circumstances, now is ‘not a good time’.” She countered

Seven new this was a weak argument she put to the Captain, but for some reason the young woman was starting to think this discussion will indeed be one she doesn’t want to encourage, simply because the Captain kept wanting to talk about it, placing significant importance on the subject which unnerved the borg. Seven then sat down next to the Captain as she was still feeling ill from her injury. The young blonde was puzzled over why she chose to sit beside Janeway instead of on the other rock that was only 3mtrs away which would have sufficed.

Kathryn felt warmed by Sevens gesture to sit close to her and smiled at her astromestrics officer to show her that she noticed the closeness of her presence then carried on “Seven, I just wanted you to feel comfortable whilst talking about this but if as you claim these two things are irrelevant I see no reason not to talk about this. Besides what else is there to do” Kathryn replied whilst raising her arms showing and reminding Seven of the predicament they were in.

Looking at the Captain, Seven realized Janeway was going to discuss this whether it be here or when they got out, she decided now would be productive as opposed to sitting and doing nothing. “As you wish Captain, though, I am unsure as to what it is about the Doctor specifically you wish to discuss?” said Seven.

Kathryn instructed “Well specifically I thought we could talk about what thoughts and feelings if any, you experienced while the Doctor revealed his feelings. Such as, do you return those feelings? If so what will you do next? ‘Oh…dear I hope she doesn’t’ alternatively, if you don’t return his feelings how do you think you will handle the situation? It was very brave of him to say what he said to you Seven, do you have feelings toward him?” Kathryn’s voice wavered toward the end.

“Yes. I do have an emotional attachment toward the Doctor.” Kathryn felt as though her heart had stopped at those words and looked down toward the ground, mentally slapping herself for choosing to be the one to talk to Seven about this. Seven continued “He is a very competent doctor and has on occasions assisted me in my desire to become more human. I converse regularly with him during my weekly maintenance ‘check ups’. I feel friendship toward the Doctor, as for returning his feelings of love, I do not. If I had the desire to at some point, even then I could not!” Seven regretted her last sentence, knowing it would peak the Captain’s curiosity to the extent of asking her what she meant.

Meanwhile, in sickbay, the Doctor still hadn’t seen anyone so he still felt alone and embarrassed, still waiting for Seven to appear to help resolve the situation and was still sitting down ridiculously mulling over what he could do to reverse everything and still had his tail between his legs………hmmm!

Kathryn felt a flush of relief wash over her as Seven spoke, mentioning she felt only ‘friendship’ toward the Doctor, but was also intrigued by how Seven ended her precise explanation of her feelings. “I understand you saying you do not love him and you feel only friendship towards him, but what did you mean by saying you couldn’t love him even if you wanted to pursue it Seven? If you wanted to love him, I don’t see how anything would or could stop you”.

“You are incorrect Captain” Seven left it at that and started to feel anxious about this conversation so she stood, straightened up and went over to examine a rock she suddenly felt extremely interested in, hoping the other woman would surmise the conversation was finished.

Kathryn immediately followed Seven, thinking that the borgs’ swift movement away from her indicated the young woman had found something relevant to assisting them in getting out of the cave, but was only to find a rock ‘can Seven see something I can’t?’ “Seven what are you looking at, what do you see?” asked the Captain.

“A rock Captain ‘what did the she think I saw, the Captain is not at her best today’ I am finding it aesthetically pleasing at this point in time, notice how the forma….” Seven was cut off by Janeway who realized Seven was trying to deter them from the conversation
“Seven, you didn’t answer my question. What did you mean by you ‘can’t’ love the doctor even if you wanted too?” Janeway repeated.
The, now anxious young woman didn’t know how to answer the question precisely, but managing to form her words said “It is my understanding that humans’ can only feel ‘true love’ for one person, I do not want to participate in a love that’s foundation is based on lies!”

Kathryn would have chuckled at Sevens interpretation of the term ‘true love’ although in some ways it was accurate, this wasn’t the time though. Seven stood now, acknowledging the rock really was not that interesting and felt foolish about the attempt at changing the subject, she continued “Therefore, one cannot be in love with two people, only one. It would be deceptive to the Doctor and also my ‘true love’ if I were to form a romantic relationship with him.”
‘Oh…dear….so she is in love with some one? who? Who the hell is it…damn it, how could I not have seen it?' Janeway felt the well known ugly head of jealousy rise up and instantly squashed it back down, keeping her voice unaltered as hard as that was, she spoke, “Seven? I didn’t realize you had found your true love, I haven’t seen you socializing with anyone specific, who is it?” Kathryn wasn’t sure she wanted to know but it was too late now.

“It is irrelevant who my true love is, suffice it to say I do not love the Doctor and I will not attempt to do so. As for your earlier question, I was unaware I had to handle any ‘situation’ concerning the Doctor. Explain?”

Kathryn let the first part of what Seven had said go for now, focusing on the Doctor and how he could be feeling right now, she replied softly “Seven, the Doctor is most probably feeling a little embarrassed right now, and maybe vulnerable as well. He has told you how he feels and although you don’t reciprocate those feelings, he may need to know exactly how you do feel towards him for any other reason than to know that you still value his friendship, do you think you can do that?”

Seven was relieved the Captain didn’t pursue wanting to know who her ‘true love’ was, she replied lightly “Yes I will attempt to do so; I can now relate this situation to some data I read three years ago. I didn’t think it applied to the Doctor, primarily because he is a hologram whom was also malfunctioning when he spoke of his love; it seems I was in error. Will he feel uncomfortable with me now? The data I researched on unrequited love suggests some common side effects, one of those being the two people involved often become estranged therefore cease there involvement with each other altogether.”

Kathryn noticed Seven was a bit disturbed at the thought of the Doctor not wanting to associate with her, “I’m sure the relationship between you and the Doctor will not become estranged, most likely you may respect each other more! You just need to talk to him about this, so there is no confusion.”

“Indeed” Seven replied.

Suddenly the familiar voice of the holodeck finally announced “Program transfer in progress”
“What!... Computer exit” Kathryn ordered. No reply. The Captain and Seven looked around at the new simulation. They both realized this program was much better than that stuffy cave!

Standing on the sand glancing around the environment Kathryn surmised “It seems to me, the crew haven’t been able to fix the malfunction yet, but have been able to tap into the holodeck programs, and knowing that the safeties are off line, chose a simulation with no immediate dangers, I certainly…” Kathryn was interrupted by Seven pushing her. She landed ungracefully on her butt!

“You are incorrect Captain” retorted Seven as she was trying to get rid of the big clawed crab that was about to latch on to Janeways’ boot. In the end, she grabbed it from behind calculating it to be too hard for the little ‘creature’ to grab her from that position and flung it 100mtrs out into the ocean. Turning back to the Captain “Your crew are obviously in need of lessons informing them as to what is considered dangerous and what is not!”

“It was just a crab Seven, no harm done. However, Seven?” Kathryn said, brushing the sand off herself whilst getting up.
“Yes Captain” Seven replied
“Don’t ever push me over like that again, because next time you’ll be coming with me, understood?” said Janeway in a serious tone although, if seen closely, her eyes had spoken differently.
“I shall endeavor not to do so Captain. I apologize” returned Seven not realizing what the Captain really meant.
“And Seven?” Repeated Janeway
“Yes Captain” Seven bantered
“Thank you for doing so. I would not have liked those two claws to attach themselves to me.” Kathryn said with a smirk on her face
“Of course. You’re welcome Captain.” Seven settled.

Back on the bridge, everything was hunky dory. Chakotay was staring at the view screen ‘seeing stars’ thinking about how he could get the courage up to ask Kathryn out on a date. Tuvok was pushing buttons concentrating immensely as he does, Tom was piloting the ship, Harry Kim was analyzing the atmosphere of an up coming gas planet whilst thinking about what Holo-program to utilize with his date tonight.

In sickbay, the poor Doc had snapped out of his dilemma a little and moved his chair two inches to the left, then snapped back into his dilemma, still with that damn tail between his legs!

“The crew being able to change the simulations means they’re gaining some control over the situation and hopefully we’ll be out soon. We’re also not in that cave anymore, so let’s make the most of it.” Janeway pointed out, walking towards the hot dog stand with Seven accompanying her.

The sun was almost setting, as they acquired their hotdogs. The Captain led them to a shaded tree where they both sat down. Janeway chose to ignore Sevens’ obvious aversion to sitting down and started, again, the conversation she progressively thought she shouldn’t be involving herself in with the stunning blonde.
“So Seven, I have to admit I’m a little surprised and intrigued to know you’ve fallen in love with some one, are you going to tell me who it is ?”

“I do not want to engage in this conversation Captain” Seven replied evenly.

Raising one hand “Please call me Kathryn, we’re certainly not on duty. If you don’t want to tell me who, can you tell me how you know you’re in love? Who made the first move?”

The Captain saw the younger woman look at her with a raised eyebrow and thought Seven must think she’s indeed nosy, which of course is true but continued on, “it’s just that I want to make sure this person isn’t taking advantage of you. Seven we’re friends aren’t we, we should be comfortable with each other enough to talk about these things don’t you think?” she concluded trying to convince herself that those reasons were the primary reasons for wanting to know.

Seven relented and slowly began “I realized I was in love with this person after researching the data I mentioned earlier. When ever I am in the vicinity of this person my heart rate increases, it is difficult for my eyes to break contact with theirs, my legs become less reliable in their stance, my stomach begins to ache, which I initially thought was a medical condition but realized it occurs only when close to this person. I have the desire to caress this person like no other, to touch them, kiss them and also to copulate with them!” Janeway, in shock, was just sitting there, dumbfounded and dry mouthed, she swallowed the lump in her throat ‘oh dear…she definitely sounds like a woman in love…….oh..dear..keep it together Kathryn, this is about Seven, not you, you can go into a fit of jealousy and self-pity later in your quarters, alone.’

Seven still continued “I find myself needing their company every day, if I do not see them; my thoughts are occupied with this person until I do. Their touches paralyze my functioning, my thoughts become erratic in a most pleasing way, and I ache constantly to be caressed by this person and to return their affection. To answer your last question ‘Kathryn’, there has been no ‘move’ initiated.” Seven finished, finally taking her eyes off Janeway and
looked out to watch the sun go down, quite surprised by her openness on this matter. Seven also wondered why it was taking the Captain so long to reply. At that moment Seven of Nine wanted to stand and leave, feeling the sorrow she has felt often in the last three years rising up inside of her, but she remained seated acknowledging to herself that her legs may not be able to function at peak efficiency right at this moment anyway.

Kathryn took her time to reply to Sevens words, not by choice, she was some what taken back by the uncharacteristic way Seven had expressed herself, not to mention her own reaction to what was said ‘How can this be happening, I know I can’t be with her, but that doesn’t mean I want any else too! Oh…dear god please let me wake up, this has to be a nightmare.’ The other part of her decided to rub it in ‘Get a grip Kathryn, it was going to happen sooner or later, you just wished it was later. You hid behind a star fleet protocol that doesn’t even exist, too scared to become deeply involved with anyone, and now you’ve missed out on your one and only ‘true love’. Seven deserves to be happy, you could never make her as happy as this person she is speaking of, look at her, she’s glowing just talking about him, you have obviously underestimated how far she’s come in her transition to becoming human, thinking Seven too innocent and inexperienced to form a romantic relationship. You’ve only imagined making love to her, being her first, what a pleasure that would have been. But no! you said and did nothing, now some one else has the privilege of receiving Sevens love and sharing their life with her, so stop whining, you’re a star ship captain, captain the ship and move on’
Kathryn wanted to run, she rarely felt that way, but right now she wanted to run, it was too much to sit there and listen to Seven, she knew she couldn’t leave though. Janeway did at least imagine burying her head in the sand, since they were both sitting on it, it would be easiest way to go!
“Captain?” inquired Seven
“Oh..Sorry Seven, what was the last thing you said?” Kathryn asked whilst clearing her throat, she new she had drifted off from Seven and hadn’t heard the rest of what Seven had said.
“I said, to answer your last query, there has been no ‘move’ initiated”. replied Seven.
Still rattled Janeway said “Of course there hasn’t, that’s to….” it then sank in “What?....what do you mean there has been no move initiated?”

“The love I speak of, is mine alone, it is not returned by the person I’m in love with, that is of course why I searched the database three years ago gaining the knowledge of common strategies in erasing the emotional resonance of unrequited love” divulged Seven distantly, and to Janeaways’ surprise, sadly and almost mournful.
Janeway, placing her palm on Sevens bicep, and in a sympathetic tone “Seven, I had no idea, no idea that you were in love and no idea how much pain you must have gone through during this experience. This happened three years ago Seven?”

“That is correct Kathryn” Seven agreed whilst involuntarily closing her eyes, not just because it was upsetting to talk about this, but also because of Janeway’s touch. Seven continued “One significant component I came upon in my research for dealing with unrequited love has unfortunately eluded me”

Janeway looked at Seven with a deeply concerned but puzzled look “What component?”

“ ‘Time has not healed me’ and I’m unable to ‘move on’. Professionally, I work at peak efficiency, though when not working, I do not function adequately. I know the cause of this to be the love I still deeply feel toward this person.” The younger woman turned from Janeway to conceal the pain in her eyes, though her voice deceived her.

Kathryn identified with Sevens pain a little too well, there was nothing she could do about her own existing hurt caused by not being with the one she loves, but she’ll be damned if she was going to let Seven remain consumed and heart broken by these feelings.

With elbows on knees Kathryn lowered her head down to her hands “Seven, why didn’t you come to me about this, I would have done anything to help you through this, I can’t believe I didn’t notice anything all this time.” Lifting her head and placing her hand on Sevens’ shoulder imploring the young woman to look at her “Who ever this person is Seven, they’re a damn fool for not loving you back, I ought to throw them out of an airlock. Seven, you’re a beautiful, sensual, intelligent, kind hearted, amazing unique young woman; this person doesn’t deserve your love if they can’t see that. Did they treat you unkindly when you expressed your feelings toward them?”

“You compliment me yet insult me by indicating I have fallen in love with a ‘damn fool’. You are incorrect Kathryn; this person is highly intelligent, willful, encapsulates all of what I believe beauty to be and holds within them a very compassionate heart. I’m the one that does not deserve their love. They have not been and are not aware of my feelings so they haven’t treated me in any particular way concerning this matter.” She concluded.

“I apologize Seven I didn’t mean to insult your intelle……WHAT!” Kathryn stood “What are you saying…..they don’t even know you have felt and still do feel this way toward them?”
“That is correct” the young woman replied, herself now standing.
“WHAT!” Kathryn repeated
“To what are you referring?” the confused young woman asked.
“Seven! You have to tell this person how you feel” the Captain ordered.
“I do not!” Seven argued jutting her chin out stubbornly. “And shall not, it is irrelevant”

Wanting to pace quickly but could only go half as fast as she wanted due to the sand, Kathryn couldn’t believe what she was hearing, and also couldn’t believe she was about to encourage the woman she loves to go and tell this other person how she feels. ‘What if this other person learns of Sevens’ love and decides to actually give it ago with her….oh…dear…damn! oh Why am I doing this to myself. Damn it…I have to help her…..what ever the result…she needs to tell this person, even if it is just so Seven can begin to move on, I don’t want to see her hurt even more, a part of me hopes this person can return her feelings and I can be happy that Seven is happy. Who am I kidding?….’

“Seven…it isn’t irrelevant…especially to you….you need to tell this person regardless of how they might feel toward you, so that you can move on and slowly begin to heal your heart of this hurt you’ve been feeling. Seven why haven’t you ever told them, there must be a reason, and don’t claim it to be irrelevant, that won’t wash with me.” Kathryn ended sternly.

“The happiness I feel when with this person often prevails over the sadness I feel knowing I can never be intimate with them. Telling them will not help me to move on, it would alter our relationship and we would see less of each other except on a professional basis, which is unacceptable to me.” She informed the Captain.

“Seven you don’t know for sure that would happen and how do you know they wouldn’t return your feelings, are they involved with someone?” Kathryn inquired.
“No this person is not involved with anyone, but her gender preferences in the past have been only male, I am of coarse female, also her career is her first priority, I would only become a burden.” Seven revealed.

The Captain was about to respond but delayed to take in what Seven said ‘did Seven just say she? This person is a woman. That narrows it down some what. B’Ellana….its got to be B’Ellana, no she’s involved with Tom…oh hell I’ll figure it out later, now is not the time'.
“Seven, these days, no one has gender preferences, her only ever being with men shouldn’t be seen as such, besides you said she wasn’t involved with anyone so she hasn’t found the right person for herself yet….maybe you’re that person or maybe not, this isn’t about her, this is about freeing your feelings and having them recognized and acknowledged by this person, and Seven! You could never be a burden to anyone; in fact I’m sure who ever you end up with in life will exceed in their career simply because you are at their side.” Kathryn pronounced.

“If I tell this person how I feel, no matter what the outcome, I will be able to move on?” Seven asked.
“Definitely.” Informed the older woman “Not instantly, but you certainly won’t be feeling the way you have been and still are for another three years. Besides, you said she is your ‘true love’, if you believe this, you have to at least try Seven otherwise you’ll never know if you could have been with this woman or not, which can be even harder to cope with, the sooner you tell her the sooner you can start to resolve your feelings”
“ I understand.” Acknowledged Seven and looking into the Captains soulful eyes “Kathryn I….” interrupted by a sound that could only be recognized as weapons fire, Seven and the Captain looked up at the sky spotting a ship which had begun to fire upon the two women and was now rapidly closing in on them.

Seven pushed the Captain in under the tree for protection, surprised by the strength of the Captains grip on her; Seven was forced down as well. The young woman landed on top of the Captain!
Seven now centimeters away from the lips of the person she has only fantasized about kissing, was paralyzed; the electric pulses surging through her body at that point were powerfully deep.

Kathryn, feeling the younger woman’s’ body on hers, with every part of her coupled with Sevens’, staring into those stunning blue eyes, she came out with the only thing she could “I told you next time you’d be coming with me!” managing a wry smile.
“Indeed you did” Seven bantered not moving off Janeway

“The ship seems to have retreated” Kathryn stated not taking her eyes off Sevens’ but remembering why they were in this position.
“You are correct Kathryn” informed Seven……still not moving!

Seconds seamed like minutes, so many thoughts were racing through Janeways’ mind ‘oh…god…what she does to me is incredible! ..her eyes… her lips…I’m so close to her right now I could kiss her…..god I want to kiss her’ then another part popped up ‘you could Katie…you could kiss her, but you won’t, you can’t, you have your protocols that don’t exist remember? Besides you’re too late….she’s in love with some one else...’ Kathryn’s’ heart sank with that last thought and reality set in.
Clearing her mind “Seven you can hop off now”
“I cannot” Seven replied
“Are you injured?” asked the Captain
“No, however I need to speak with you” stated the determined young woman.
“Seven I need you to move away, can’t you speak with me once we get up?” Kathryn asked sternly
“No” Seven declared
“Why not!” the puzzled woman inquired
“Because you will endeavor to run once I have said what I need to say Kathryn” Seven revealed.
“That’s ridiculous Seven why would I run from you, I’ve never run from you, hell, I’ve even gone after and faced the Borg Queen to get you back and I won’t run from you now!” Janeway conveyed, knowing this was important to say to Seven, for some reason.
“Never the less, I cannot move away until you hear what I have to say, and I will remain here until I am certain you will not run” Seven retorted.

Kathryn sighed “Look Seven whatever it is, trust me when I say I won’……”the next thing the Captain knew, Seven had bent down and began kissing her with tender purpose. ‘She’s, oh god she’s kissing me! Ohh.. Her lips are so soft and sweet it feels so good…is this really happening?, no I can’t do this, but I want too. NO! she’s in love with somebody else I have to stop this while I still can’ realizing her hands had naturally been caressing Sevens’ neck and shoulder, Kathryn placed her left hand underneath Sevens’ chin and regretfully broke the kiss.

Using her Captains voice “Seven I can’t let you do this, you have to move off me Now!”
Seven, recognizing the command voice, hesitantly moved off to the Captain’s side supported now by her elbow. “You did not enjoy kissing me” Seven concluded dejectedly looking away from Janeway.

“Of course I enjoyed kissing you, who woul….” Kathryn stopped, a little too late and kicked herself for letting her heart talk before her head “Look that’s not the issue Seven, you’ve just been telling me you’ve been in love with someone for the last three years, and I thought we agreed you were going to tell them your feelings toward them so you can finally have them resolved, you can’t just ignore or replace your emotions and go off and kiss some one for the hell of it!”

“I have told her how I feel” Seven revealed
“Seven, are you feeling alright?…. I don’t know whether it’s the sea air or because this has been the oddest day I’ve had in a quite a while, but your confusing the hell out of me right now. How could you have told her, you only just told me how you feel towards this per…….” Kathryn paused ‘OH….SHIT…..OH….SHIT…..OH…..SHIT!! She can’t mean me, she couldn’t possible be talking about me, I would have seen it! what if she is talking about me…. Oh…shit!’ Kathryn was in shock but nervously continued “Seven…..are you talking about me? Am I the person you’ve been in love with for the last three years?”

“You are correct Kathryn, you are the person I’m in love with” Seven said softly raising her hand to gently caress the side of Janeways’ shocked expression.
Kathryn’s’ heart was pounding so much she thought it was going to explode, Seven of Nine was in love with her, and now she could see it, she could see it in Sevens’ eyes, the love, the longing, the desire! ‘oh…dear Seven, why did you have to fall in love with me? I’m the Captain, of all the people on the ship, why did it have to be the Captain, the one person that can never act on or express their love towards you …---…Katie, that may be true, but she’s also in love with the person behind the Captains’ mask and that is you! Seven owns your heart and always will, you need her and want her!’ Kathryn was still looking into Sevens’ eyes.

Seven, being the only one able to talk “As I stated earlier, whenever you are in close proximity, my heart rate increases, my eyes do not want to lose contact with yours, my legs become less reliable, my stomach aches, your occasional touches paralyze me, I feel I cannot breath, I desire constantly to caress you, to kiss you and to copula…..” Seven was silenced by Kathryn’s’ lips.

This time, Kathryn leaned over and was now kissing the young woman. Wanting more contact, the Captain slowly placed her left hand over the small of Seven’s back and brought her in closer. With an intake of breath at the full body contact Kathryn then parted Sevens lips and deepened their kiss. Both women caressing each other passionately were now oblivious to the world around them.

“Oh please ladies, get a room!” announced the all too familiar voice of…. Q!

Kathryn and Seven both silently cursed at the interruption. Turning their heads to look up at Q, Kathryn was about to say something undignified but was stopped by him.
Clicking his finger, as he does only for effect, he announces “There, this is much more comfy than that god awful sand don’t you think Kathy! I do apologize for that, although it seems you two found it to be quite the spot for exploration!”

Kathryn and Seven found themselves in the Captains quarters remaining horizontal but now on Janeways’ bed! And of course between them was Q.
With her hands beside each thigh balled into fists, in a deep stern demanding voice Kathryn spoke “Q!!”
Q interrupting, “Come now Kathy, relax! You’re so tense, guess Seven hasn’t let you catch those forty winks you always seem in need of” He turns to Seven and nudges her thigh “really Seven you should know better!”

“GET OUT! Kathryn managed angrily, while rising from the bed away from Q.
Q, in a serious tone facing Seven “Oh don’t go Seven, you must stay. Having this little chat is going to be so….”
Janeway interrupted “Not her!” Kathryn looking at Seven then back to Q “YOU!” she continued with forced patience “What are you doing here….no! I don’t want to know, get off my ship….Now!”

“Aren’t you even just the slightest bit curious Miss Captain? After all, if it weren’t for me, you and Seven would still be living your puny little existence alone for at least another five years. I was happy to go along with that, but the Doctors ridiculous confession of love for Seven made me rethink the situation and I decided immediate action must be taken!” Q dramatically suggested, gesturing for Seven to move off the bed so he could get up from her side.

“You’re responsible for trapping us in the holodeck.” Kathryn surmised, “What have you done with my crew?”
“Yes it was little old me” Q replied, walking over and wrapping his left arm around Janeway's shoulders “that ugly six legged creature had you on your toes there for a minute didn’t he? Oh and your crew is just fine my dear Kathy. They weren’t aware of your little predicament” looking in Seven’s direction “the Doctor though is a different story. Seven, you heartbreaker, Kathryn’s’ right about one thing, you really must go and have a little chat with the hologram. Of coarse I’ve rectified the situation, the Doctor is going to be meeting some one within the next few days which will make him as ‘happy as Larry’ again, never the less, off you go my dear borg” before he could click his fingers, Seven addressed Janeway “I am unsure as to what precisely I need say to the Doctor”
Q, releasing his arm from Kathryn strode over to Seven “Come now Seven, think outside of the cube you lived in and use your imagination!” with that, Seven was gone.

Kathryn knew strangulation wasn’t an option, but that didn’t stop her from entertaining the thought. When it came to Q, some how he always managed to get under her skin “Q, I should have know it was you, so tell me, did you also manipulate Seven’s feelings toward me?” she asked, annoyed that she even needed to ask the question.
“Unfortunately I can’t take the credit for that one, Seven for some ludicrous unknown reason is genuinely in love with you, I did however speed the time line up just a touch,” raising one hand “no need to thank me Kathy, I was in the neighborhood. But alas I must depart. Before I go, as you yourself said, your career will exceed with Seven beside you. You have a small crew; just think of all the people she could assimilate into your little collective!” Before the Captain could grab hold of him, Q disappeared.

Kathryn decided to use this time alone in her quarters to think about what had transpired recently between her and Seven then her attention focused on the thought of how Seven was doing with the Doctor.

In sick bay, the Doctor, although a hologram was wondering why his butt was tingling, not realizing it was because he’d been sitting on it since he left the holodeck, he stood up, looked down and just caught the sight of something disappearing from between his legs. The next second, Seven was standing in front of him.
“Seven, I didn’t hear you come in” he managed
“Apparently I didn’t” Seven said, knowing Q had relocated her there and noticing the Doctors confusion she decided not to elaborate on that situation and began “There is something we must discuss” she stated.

The Doctor started dramatically “Seven I’m sorry. I feel terrible about what I said, especially because I said it in front of some of the senior staff, and my malfunctioning is no excuse either, but I thought I was going to decompile, will you ever forgive me?”

“Doctor, your actions were brave, though your timing was quite inapt, I appreciate your candor. Confessing your love to another can be quite difficult, however, I am not your ‘true love’, you know this because, as you specified in the holodeck, I don’t reciprocate the emotions that are needed to embrace a romantic relationship with you. I understand that I need to recognize your feelings and offer my time to help you resolve them. Doctor, our friendship has not altered, you are important to me and to my functioning; life would be difficult with out you. I do not wish to become estranged from you.” Seven paused, remembering what Q had said to her she added “Your ‘true love’ will find you, when that happens; I hope you allow me to celebrate your happiness with you regarding your relationship with this individual”

“Seven, thank you, I assumed that you would try to avoid me for the rest of the time on Voyager, I’m glad you’ve come to talk to me. I am of course feeling a bit embarrassed and awkward at the moment, but that will pass” chirping up he continued “How about we get together tomorrow at 1300hrs. Before this whole fiasco occurred I was hoping we could, together, participate in the ship’s talent night?”
“That would be acceptable, I’ll meet you in holodeck one at 1300hrs” Seven exited sickbay confident that the conversation was a success.
The Doctor for the first time today felt quite relieved and decided to get on with some work.

Kathryn Janeway couldn’t resist her love for Seven, especially now that she knew Seven reciprocated her feelings. The Captain couldn’t wait any longer. Wondering how the conversation went with the young woman and the Doctor but also needing to engage in her own conversation with Seven, she asked, “Computer locate Seven of Nine”
Computer responded “Seven of Nine is exiting Sick bay”
Janeway tapped her com badge “Captain to Seven of Nine”
“Yes Captain” Seven returned

“Seven, I need to see you in my quarters, are you available now?” she asked
“Yes. I will meet you in approximately 3.56 minutes” replied Seven
“Understood” Janeway conveyed

Janeway cleaned up a bit whilst trying to figure out exactly what she was going to say to Seven ‘Seven I’ve loved you since the moment I saw you….nope…..Seven, I love you so much…nope…..damn….ummm….Seven make love to me Now….I couldn’t possibly could I?....nope.....Seven...every time you.’ her thoughts were interrupted by the chime of the door 3.56 minutes after hailing Seven. “Come” She instructed

Seven entered the room and was noticeably nervous; believing that the Captain may resist their new found love due to Q’s interference “you wished to see me Captain?”
“Seven, I’m just replicating a coffee, would you like something, a tea, juice?” Kathryn inquired
“Water will suffice thank you” the young woman replied.

Kathryn felt a touch of “déjà vu” and silently smiled to herself “Seven please have a seat” indicating to the couch on the right. “How did your talk with the Doctor go?” the Captain brought her coffee and Sevens’ water over, placing it on the table in front of them.
“It was successful” the young woman surmised.
Janeway sat down next to her astromestrics officer “I’m glad Seven” she said genuinely, then faced the stunning blonde and put her hand on Sevens’ thigh. Kathryn looked into those big beautiful blue eyes and ………her fantasy became reality.

The End