And A Child Shall Lead Them, Part X (1), the conclusion

The silvery form of Voyager gleamed against the dark expanse of space. The stars folded and unfolded as it effortlessly glided through their paths. The past months proved difficult and trying for its crew. The slipstream drive project was compromised and delayed, after Voyager, unexpectedly encountered a violent ionic storm that swept it into its path.

Voyager sustained severe damage to its outer hull and internal structural systems, the ships warp engines damaged, as it operated solely on impulse power.

It managed to limp to a planetary substation were Janeway, skillfully negotiated for the necessary repairs to her vessel. Her engineering staff was pushed to its limit, as they oversaw the repairs that took several months. The fact, that Voyager survived at all was a miracle in itself, three crewmen lost their lives.

The entire event lowered the morale; Janeway in an effort to relieve the anxiety, allowed the remainder of the crew to embark on shore leave. The previous five months a painful setback, to their rendezvous, with the USS Enterprise.

As the months seemed to sail by, Kathryn took an overt interest in the unfolding events that pertained to Chakotays illness. For the moment, Starfleet accepted her explanation, regarding the commander's condition. His induced coma an integral part, in avoiding any further damage to his neurological system.

The Doctor was still, unable to provide a definitive solution for Chakotay. His previous attempts, to relinquish the life forms that invaded Chakotays body, nearly proved fatal to the Commander, as they assaulted him, relentlessly in an attempt to remain in control.

In the daily communiqués, Starfleet became aware of Kathryn's marriage to Seven. Admiral Hayes, leveled charges against her of, " conduct unbecoming an officer", for embarking in her relationship with a subordinate crewmember.

The charges were immediately dismissed, when Admiral Paris defended Kathryn and proved Seven, could not be quantified, as an actual crewmember. The panel convened and determined Sevens status on Voyager was to be officially noted as a civilian.

Admiral Hayes did not easily give up, as he continued his assaults passively, by investigating specific medical data on their unborn child. Kathryn and Sevens child continued to grow, the elaborate genetic test, unequivocally proved, the child was biologically Kathryns and Sevens. The Omega signature undetected in the unborn child, now in its six month, as the two women began to slowly embrace the life growing within Seven.

Kathryn stood in her ready room; the stars lay out before her, as she stared into their wonder. Her mind was relaxed, the previous lines of tension, etched on her classic face barley visible. She reveled in the new life growing within her wife; a soft smile touched her lips, as she pictured the image of her wife.

Her tapered waist expanded, as the life within her continued to grow. She swallowed the last drop of coffee in her cup and noticed the time. She shook her head idly and pondered were the time went, as she suddenly realized her shift ended an hour ago.

The past few months proved trying on the couple, Seven tried valiantly to adjust to the new life growing within her. The young woman found it difficult; to adapt to the subtle nuances and side affects associated with her pregnancy. She grew weary, as the weight inhibited her former agility, her edict mind at times faltered and her normally cool demeanor was prone, to wide mood swings.

The changes caused great distress to the young woman, the Doctor and Kathryn unable to reassure her, it was perfectly normal in her condition. She exited her ready room and entered the turbolift, her voice soft and low "Deck three". The soft hum of the turbolift resonated, as it ascended and deposited her on the floor leading to her quarters.

As always in the past months, she hesitated slightly as she passed the door to Chakotays quarters, a stark reminder of their failure in helping Chakotay. She entered her quarters and her heart caught as she inhaled the vision of her wife. Seven nestled in the sofa, her face soft with a beautiful warm glow. She raised her head gently; the brow arched high, her cortical implant rose sharply. Kathryn hesitated for a second; the warning alarm, immediately sounded in head "Oh God, she’s upset"

"You are late" Seven added curtly, her tone sharp.

Kathryn swallowed deeply; her acute senses detected the imminent danger she was in. Rather then lose control of a volatile situation, she quickly changed her tactics and crossed the span of the room. Her eyes dark and sorrowful, as she pouted her lips slightly and sagged her shoulders

"I'm sorry darling, I was reviewing the doctors latest report on Chakotay" A blatant lie on Kathryns part, but relieved as she saw her wife's features relax.

Sevens physical demeanor changed abruptly, the tension subsided, as Kathryn breathed again. Quite proud of herself, for executing, another brilliant plan flawlessly. She settled down comfortably next to Seven and drew her form close to hers; the young woman’s back snuggled warmly against Kathryn's chest. Kathryns hand ran smooth circles, across Sevens swollen belly.

"I see" Sevens voice softened, her body relaxed under the gentle caress "Has the doctor found a solution?"

"No, I'm afraid not" Kathryn inhaled deeply, as the scent of Sevens hair, wafted through her nostrils, she placed soft kisses on the top of her head. She felt, when the baby struck her hand for the first time. The action both startled and astounded her, as she smiled broadly and warmly.

"Did you feel that? She kicked me" a sense of awe detected in her tone, as her eyes turned a brilliant blue.

She shifted her hand to a different spot and the child responded immediately, striking her hand yet again. She continued the exercise and laughed, each time the child struck her hand.

Seven beamed broadly, as she felt the movement of the life within her, for the first time. The fact, that she experienced it with Kathryn, rather then alone warmed her heart to the core. She shook her head, as Kathryn and their unborn child, continued their playful banter.

Kathryn continued, to shift the position of her hand, throughout Sevens swollen belly, as the child tapped it playfully in return.

"I do not appreciate, being used as a holodeck for your velocity match with our child" Seven responded sarcastically, Kathryn smiled warmly, as her hand continued its movement.

"Quiet, I’m teaching our daughter how to play velocity" Kathryn added playfully, her eyes vibrant and filled with pride.

"No doubt she will be as an infuriating opponent as you are" Seven quirked her mouth in disgust, the couples velocity matches, a long-standing thorn in Sevens side.

"You’re just jealous, because you never beat me" Kathryn responded smugly, as she clasped Sevens hand, before she could playfully swipe at her.

"That is only, because you are unconventional in your methods"

"I win don’t I?" Kathryn slowly threaded into dangerous waters

Seven raised her head and shot her a forceful look; Kathryn shuttered slightly and decided it was in her bet interest, to quickly rectify her error. Using the only tool she had against the young woman, she clasped onto her lips and kissed her passionately. Seven fell easily to her command and after a few long moments, Kathryn released her and looked into her eyes lovingly.

"Have you eaten anything today?" Kathryns chin rested comfortably, on the top of Sevens head. Her hand continued its languid movement across Sevens belly.

"Perhaps, you should be asking your daughter, if she has allowed me to keep any of my meals" Sevens eyes rolled in disgust, the young woman detested, the nausea she bore morning, noon and night, for the past six months.

Kathryn chuckled lightly, as Seven jabbed her in the ribs. "Ouch" she cried out mockingly "I’m sorry darling, but really it will pass, you won’t continue experiencing it for long"

Kathryn stifled another laugh, Sevens aversion to retching, a major sore point for the young Borg, who found herself at the mercy of their unborn child.

"That is what the doctor keeps saying" she protested mildly ‘However, it has already been six months and I still continue to be I-L-L" the last word, spat out in disgust.

"Well I’m sure it will get better. Besides giving birth, is such a wonderful experience. In the long run this will seem trivial, I promise you" Kathryn attempted to sound earnest, as a rueful smile touched her lips.

"I will remember that, when it is your turn to carry our next child" Seven determined to make her point.

Kathryn's body stiffened, the red alert alarms rang loudly in her ears. The thought of being pregnant sent an involuntary chill, down the length of her spine. "What do you mean?" a trace of fear laced her voice.

Seven smiled broadly, her point being made "In this case we were not given a choice as too whom, should carry this child. However, since I am sure we will be making that decision for our next child. It has occurred to me, you should not be denied the right, to share this wonderful experience"

Sevens voice dripped with sarcasm and a smile touched her lips, as she noted the physiological changes, in Kathryn's body underneath her.

Deciding now was as good a time as any, to retreat Kathryn stood and clasped Sevens hand's into her own. She helped Seven stand and tilted her head, her face adapting a lost puppy dog look.

"I know what will make you feel better, why don’t you let me give you a massage?" Her eyes took on a definitive twinkle, as she knew Seven would not resist.

Seven eyed her suspiciously, before she followed her, her wife’s obvious attempt to distract her, from their conversation not going unnoticed by the young Borg.

"You are trying to distract me" she spat accusingly.

"I am not" Kathryn adapted her most sincere look "I simply want to take care of you" her eyes filled with mirth.

"Somehow, I find you are not being truthful, however I will accept your offer, but not before we have our dinner"

Seven stood and completed preparing their meal as the two women sat and discussed the slipstream drive. Their previous encounter, with the ionic storm delayed the process, for six months and now that Voyager was fully operational again. The project moved to the forefront of their top priorities.

Kathryn managed to use Sevens breakthrough, on the slipstream drive as leverage against Starfleet. The captain was well aware, of what the technology meant, to the Alpha quadrant and Starfleets war against the Dominion.

It was her intention, to ensure Sevens safety and use it as a bargaining tool. Now, that Seven was pregnant her original plan was derailed, the nanoprobes that would mask Sevens biosigns would inadvertently hurt their child.

Kathryn if anything, was thorough in all of her dealings with Starfleet, when they pertained to Seven. In the event Starfleet attempted to rescind their offer. Kathryn would resign her commission and with her sister's help and powerful Federation allies, they would use the powerful political machine to have Seven instilled at the Vulcan Institute of Science. Where she would be granted sanctuary and be placed in charge of the Vulcan Slipstream technology team.

Kathryn cleared the table, as Seven rested on the sofa, the routine now second nature for the two women. After recycling the dishes, she replicated a cup of coffee and glass of milk and carried them over, as she handed Seven the glass of milk.

Kathryn settled next to Seven, she lifted her legs and draped them across her lap. She gently massaged her feet, as they enjoyed the moment of silence between them, each woman lost in her own thoughts.

"I was thinking" Kathryn breaking the comfortable silence "What about Annika?"

"I do not wish to name her that" the hurt tone detectable in her voice

"Why not?" Kathryn ventured cautiously.

"Because, it is a name that I can not associate with happiness and I want our child to be happy" her voice wavered lightly.

"I see" Kathryn answered.

A touch of sadness evident, for the profound hurt her wife was unable to let go. "You know darling, one day you're going to have to let the pain go" Kathryn's voice was soft and filled with compassion.

"I am aware of that Kathryn and I believe I will someday. But, I would rather not discuss this now" her ice blue eyes grew distant.

"Very well, but I want you to know I'm here for you if you ever wish to discuss it" Kathryn continued massaging Sevens feet.

"Thank you" Sevens tone let Kathryn know the subject was closed.

"Well, we can always give her a Borg designation," Kathryn added playfully, in hope of brightening the dark mood.

"That is not amusing" Seven nudged Kathryn gently with her foot "However, I was speaking with Phoebe and she did recommend a designation"

"Oh my, Seven, you're not suggesting we listen to Phoebe are you? I refuse, to name our daughter after one of her retro artist friends" Kathryn added dryly.

"It is not an artist, she has recommended the designation Ariane, its means most sacred"

"Ariane, was our great grandmothers name"

"That is correct and I find that, Ariane Hansen Janeway is quite appealing"

"I have to admit, it does have a nice ring to it. Very well then, Ariane Hansen Janeway it is"

"I am glad you are pleased," she added dryly, the subject was a sore point for the couple, as they constantly argued over designations. Seven found Kathryn acted, rather difficult and obtuse over the whole matter.

"Actually, I was hoping for Six of Seven" Kathryn eyed Seven through hooded lashes, a crooked grin on her face.

"Then perhaps, that is what we will name our next child, that you will carry" Seven returned her grin in response.


Kathryn blanched slightly and immediately mounted her defenses, wondering, how was it that she quickly lost control. "I believe, I promised you a full body massage" silently praying, the distraction would work for the second time.

"And I believe, you are attempting to change the subject" Seven watched as Kathryn squirmed.

Kathryn breathed deeply "Honestly darling, you truly are impossible"

Kathryn rose and lifted Seven gently into her arms, kissing her softly. Until she felt the beautiful woman concede beneath her, inwardly thinking "Well at least that always seems to work"

She let out a long sigh of relief, as she led Seven to the bedroom and provided her with a full body massage. Seven fell asleep in her arms, as Kathryn's thoughts, continued to be assailed, with visions of herself pregnant. Until blessedly, she managed to blank out the thoughts and the beating of Sevens heart, next to her own, lulled her into a deep slumber.


The next morning, the senior staff was assembled in the conference room, the installation of the slipstream drive took precedence, over the standard operations meeting. Seven and B’Elanna took turns and updated the staff on the process involved for the installation.

Both women, were confident the technology would work; however, it required a complete reconfiguration of Voyagers engineering system. A task, that was deemed to take two months and in effect, would place a considerable amount of pressure, on an already overworked engineering department.

Kathryn was concerned, on what the added workload, would mean to her engineering staff. B’Elanna and her department, were just beginning to recover from their encounter with the Ionic storm.

"B’Elanna, I don’t want engineering to over extend themselves. If we have to take longer to install the technology then we will"

"I understand Captain, but I think we should be able to handle it. I can always ask for volunteers if things get that bad"


"Very well, just so long as you understand, I can’t afford to have your department falling apart from exhaustion. It's a considerable undertaking as is, combined with your department's efforts in the past six months, it's a lot to ask. I'm concerned, about everyone's welfare and I don't want to take any chances. Tuvok, see what you can do about rotating extra personnel into engineering. I want to make sure B'Elannas staff, has sufficient down time as much as possible. Seven, what can we expect as we begin the transition to slipstream?" Kathryn was in full command mode as she snapped out her orders crisply.

"For the moment, there will be little difference, the two technologies will be converged and the enhanced nanacells will include Borg technology and programming. We have been successful, in adapting my former Borg alcove and have developed a micron bridge so to speak, which will allow both of the technologies to coexist. In the event of failure, we will simply revert to warp technology, by activating the program sequence, of the micron bridge. The transference will be seamless and prevent a warp core breech. We have been able to prove its success in our holodeck simulations"

Kathryn was impressed "When can we begin?"

"We are ready to start the process today"

"Very well, let’s do it. Seven you’re in charge, anything else? Good dismissed"

The staff rose and quietly exited; Kathryn called to Seven and asked her to remain. When the two women, were alone Kathryn moved closer to Seven, her hand reached and clasped hers firmly. She led the young woman, to the upper sanction and settled into the sofa with her. Seven was momentarily stunned, unsure as to Kathryn's reason for detaining her.

She eyed her wife suspiciously, "Kathryn?" her eyes, carefully scanned Kathryns for an indication.

Kathryn noted her wife's reaction and smiled, "There’s nothing wrong" she answered dryly. "I just wanted to spend a moment with you, before you return to work. Is there something wrong in that?" Kathryn added dryly

"Indeed?" Sevens tone inflected she was aware of Kathryns concern.

"I can't fool you can I? Kathryn dismayed at Seven seeing through her.

"No you can not, however I have noted you enjoy in attempting to do so"

"Kathryn raised her hands in defeat

"I just want to make sure you’ll be careful. If it means the slipstream drive will take longer to install, than so be it. I just don’t want you overworking yourself and I don't want you taking any unnecessary risks"

"Kathryn, you must show more confidence in me, I will never do anything, that may bring harm to our child" Seven well aware, of what direction Kathryn was headed at.

"Nonetheless, I would be negligent in both my duties as your Captain and your wife, if I didn't show some concern. How are you feeling this morning?" Kathryn ran her hand, across Sevens smooth face.

"Before or after I lost my morning nutritional supplement?" the young woman added dryly.

Kathryn smirked, a teasing smile touched her delicate features. "After?"

Seven eyed her warningly "I have come to accept that it is futile"

"Nonetheless you have to keep trying, I'm sure you'll manage to hold something down" Kathryns face became more serious, though her eyes sparkled with mirth.

"I will try" Seven watched her closely.

"That's all I ask" her hand ran smoothly, across Sevens belly, the child kicked her immediately.

"Look she knows it's me"

Seven smiled crookedly "Perhaps you should order her to stop making me ill"

"I have a distinct feeling, in that aspect she'll take after you and not comply" she added dryly.

"I see, I believe, I am beginning to understand our impending relationship towards our child. When she refuses to comply, she will be my child, however, when she complies she is yours?" Sevens eyebrow arched mockingly.

Kathryn opened and shut her mouth several times, "Shouldn't you be joining B'Elanna and Harry?" Kathryn changed the subject immediately.

"I believe you are attempting to change the subject again. However you are correct, they are waiting for me" Seven rose awkwardly to her feet, Kathryn watched as she headed towards the exit, a satisfied smirk on her face.

Before the doors opened, Seven turned "I will enjoy discussing this further with you this evening" A smug smile, touched her lips as she watched Kathryns grin drop from her face.

Seven reached engineering, which was in a flutter of activity around her, as B'Elanna shortly snapped orders and had her crew working in sync.

"Ah, if it isn't the expectant mother, so glad you could join us Boss. We anxiously await our designations" B'Elanna eyed Harry who paled at the words.

Seven detected her friends, mocking tone and took pity on the young Ensign, she decided to ignore her friend's mischief making and continue with the task on hand.

"We have to install the micron bridge perhaps you can assist me Ensign Kim"

Harry's face lit up; a sigh of relief escaped his lips, as he took advantage of his reprieve. " Sure Seven, I'd be more than happy too"

B’Elanna glanced at her friend menacingly, not please that she left Harry off the hook so easily. The feisty Klingon in a teasing mood quickly added.

"Gee Starfleet, I can see you'll make a fine Captain one day"

Harry was taken aback by B'Elannas compliment, momentarily stunned into naive silence "Thanks B'Elanna"

"Yep, you've got that ass kissing down pat" the Klingon snorted at her own joke.

Harry frowned, suddenly aware of the Klingons ulterior motive; he chose to ignore B'Elannas remark and seized the moment to change the subject.

"So, how's the baby doing, Seven?" B'Elanna rolled her eyes in disgust and mimicked Harry's voice, as she repeated his words exactly, followed by an uncomplimentary remark.

"She is doing well Ensign Kim, thank you for asking, she has now started moving and has taken to kicking more often"

"Really? Would you mind if I feel her?" Harry's face begged.

B'Elanna snorted rudely "That's about as close to Seven as you'll ever get Starfleet" she snickered deviously.

Harry blushed brightly, as Seven rolled her eyes at her friend, who continued to snicker in the background. She gently grasped Harry's hand in her own and placed it on her belly, the child kicked him immediately. Harry looked up in wonder, his face smiling broadly

"She's got some kick"

B'Elanna suddenly grew interested, in their conversation and padded over to Seven. "Can I try?"

Seven clasped the firm hand of her friend and placed it on her belly, the child remained still. They attempted the procedure several times, as the child refused to respond. Harry chuckled slightly, enjoying the look of dismay, on the feisty engineer.

"I guess she doesn't like you B'Elanna" Harry determined to regain some ground.

"Nah that isn’t it, she's just a little stuck up Borg. Like her mother" B'Elanna spat out accusingly.

Her hand was suddenly knocked off Sevens belly as the child proceeded to respond to B'Elannas accusation with a swift kick.

B'Elanna looked up in shock, as the child continued to kick. "Kahless, that little targ kicked me. I can see it now, a little obnoxious Borg brat, with four pips on her bib"

The child kicked several times in protest, as the three looked at her movements and broke into an easy laughter.

The rest of the day continued, in various outbursts of Klingon expletives, as Seven continued to hand B'Elanna precise orders, in how to install the new technology. The Borg constantly, forced B'Elanna to adhere to the projected plan and follow it to the letter.

The process became a daily ritual, as the crew continued their efforts in adapting Voyager to the new technology The continued playful outbursts, between the two dominant women, now a common occurrence as their bond grew stronger.

As the weeks passed, the daily reports yielded positive results, as the project drew closer to completion, in the interim the crew threw Seven and Janeway a surprise baby shower.


Seven entered sick bay, for her weekly appointment, her belly large, as she entered the second week of her eighth month. She hesitated slightly, before entering. Her hairs stood on end, as she perused the facilities and spied the prone figure of Chakotay.

Though she would never admit it to anyone, the Commanders presence had an adverse affect on her. She felt her flesh rise and a sudden chill stole into her heart, as she noted the rapid movements of her child inside her, Seven detected it, as an internal warning of her discomfort.

The doctor appeared in a jovial mood, the expected birth, gave him a new project to focus on, a welcome reprieve, from the usual humdrum complaints.

"Ah, How's my favorite patient?"

"Are you referring to me or my companion?" Sevens looked at her belly, the phrase a loving term; she adapted to describe her unborn child.

'Well both of you I guess" the doctor taken momentarily off guard.

Kathryn entered and hesitated slightly, her small frame leaned against the door, as she watched her wife being examined by the doctor. Sevens nausea finally settled in her seventh month, much to the relief of the entire crew, as her demeanor took on a friendlier and approachable tone.

"According to my calculations, I have 348 hours, 46 minutes and 5.49 seconds before I deliver, do you concur doctor?" Sevens usual scientific approach, expected no rebuff.

The doctor stared at her in disbelief and suddenly realized the young Borg, was quite adamant in her conclusion.

"Seven this isn't like installing a slipstream drive. You just don't command a child, to come out at will, it will be born when it's time. These things have to occur naturally, it isn't unusual for a child to exceed its determined gestation"

"That is not acceptable, this child is scheduled to be born, at a designated time and it must do so efficiently"

Sevens mood indicative, of her anxiousness to give birth. As the doctor eyed her with complete exasperation, Kathryn chuckled and pushed off the door and crossed over to the biobed.

"Darling, what the doctor is trying to say, is that giving birth is not an exact science. I myself, was born two weeks later, than I was suppose too" a bemused look crossed her fine features, as she witnessed the emotional turmoil on her wife's beautiful face.

"I should say not," the doctor added dryly, as he continued his scan across Sevens swollen belly, his lips pursed as he pondered, how Seven could expect to adapt Borg reasoning, to a totally human concept.

'Explain?" Sevens eyes grew wide.

The thought of continuing in this fashion, a horrid concept to the young impatient Borg. The eight-month, of her pregnancy proved, most inefficient as she attempted to carry out her daily duties.

"Well, I was due to be born on May 6th, yet I held on a little longer, until I was finally born on May 20th" Kathryns features smoothed, as she attempted bravely to avoid bursting out in laughter.

Seven stared at her in horror; the concept never entered her mind. Her clinical indifference unable to ascertain the child not being born at the precise time it was due.

"You are teasing me" her mind unwilling to accept the reality, as she noted her wife's attempts at stifling her laughter.

Kathryn placed her hand over her mouth; the threat of laughter threatened to ensue. Biting down, on the fit of laughter rising, she continued cautiously.

"No darling I'm not, it's simply a scientific fact, there is always the possibility you may have" she cleared her throat before continuing. "You may have miscalculated, as to when your last cycle occurred, for the most part it can go two weeks either way"

"The Captain is correct Seven, you just can't hold the birth to a specific date and time" the doctor attempted to save the Captain, who was quickly sinking into shaky ground.

"This child is part Borg, she will comply, anything else is not acceptable" Seven eyed her stomach sternly, as she expected the unborn child, to understand and follow her orders to the letter.

Kathryns shoulders shook under her laughter, her eyes sparkled with gleam. 'Well, I'm sure she understands perfectly now, Seven"

The doctor looked on in complete astonishment, his face contorted to a frown "Yes, well if she's anything like either one of you, I'm sure she'll do what she wants" his voice dripped with sarcasm.

Kathryn burst out in a throaty laughter, as Seven looked on well aware, she was just insulted in some subtle way. The doctor continued his exam and ignored the entire situation completely.



Chakotays form laid still on the biobed, his life signs monitored by the soft hums and beeps of the computer. The life forms within him, became unsettled as the sensed the child near. His body convulsed slightly, as the forms continued their internal battle; each one attempted to gain control. The anger rose within them as they attempted to command the body that refused to move.

Chakotay was sitting on the dirt floor with his arms wrapped tightly around his legs. His naked form shook violently from the cold. The soot soiled his body and he could detect the rising odor it emanated. He silently wondered how long it had been, certain Voyager should have located him by now.

The dwelling was dark and he was fortunate, he didn't suffer any severe injuries, when his body sailed through the pit. The impact of the fall took his breath away; with time, his tattered uniform began to fall from his form "So long ago".

He knew it wouldn't be long before he perished and for some reason, he couldn't remember when he first arrived. But he realized it was a long time, since he obtained any substance, his flesh clung loosely to his frame. At first, he thought he was on a vision quest, the jackal sat next to him until.

"Until…how long ago was it really?" his mind screamed in agony, unable to obtain the elusive answer, the darkness seeped in again and he could hear the low growling sound, the distinct sound, of small animals as they scurried by. Soon the smells would return and assail his senses, the putrid odor of rotted flesh, caused the bile, to rise in his empty stomach.

The voices would return soon, their daily assault now an expectant torture. The buzzing began, as the multiple voices appeared, some called his name, while others spat at him vehemently. He clasped his ears to his head, as they resonated their tones to intense levels.

The anger began to brew within him, as he shouted out in defiance, his voice raw and shaken "Shut up…Shut up."

The pain seared through his ears, as it pounded relentlessly and reverberated in his skull, the tears flowed freely down his face and his stomach burned from with the hunger.

He felt the heat rise in the pit of his stomach, the voice whispered to him in a hiss. "It is time, you must go on the hunt with us".

He felt his stomach jump in anticipation, his eyes glowed green, against the darkness of the pit. He flicked them lightly, until the pain from the bright light subsided and he regained his vision. He focused and his vision cleared as he recognized the room, the soft beep of the computer, rose slightly and he felt the movement of the others in the room.

He heard, when they ordered his eyes to shut in a hiss, as the beating of his heart slowed again and his breath regained its easy rhythm. The voice hissed quietly, warning him to lie still, the hunger would soon be sated and the burning would go away.

He heard them, the voices in his head, he heard their plans. And for once he felt whole again, the pain disappeared and he waited patiently.

"Well, that's all for now Seven, everything is fine and try to get more rest and see you next week" Kathryn helped Seven rise from the biobed, the doctor ambled over to Chakotays biobed.

"I'll make sure that she does" Kathryns forceful glare, broached no argument from the young woman, whose initial look of protest, was evident on her soft features.

They exited sickbay and walked comfortably sided by side "So, were do we stand with the slipstream drive?"

Seven was momentarily startled; the contrasting contradiction of Kathryn never failed to amaze her. "I did not believe you wished me to continue working?"

Kathryn was caught and momentarily stunned, her Captain mode was back in full force once they exited sickbay.

"I'm sorry, I guess what I meant to say is, that I want you to work less"

Her peripheral vision noted Sevens bemused look the hint of a smile that touched her pouty lips. Kathryn smiled warmly in return, the fact that Seven was able to detect her thoughts, amused her to no avail.

"I see"

Sevens tone, made Kathryn aware she read her thoughts. "We have completed the final program parameters. The slipstream is ready to be activated, at your command"

Sevens heart skipped a beat, as she inwardly acknowledged the leadership and command, of the beautiful woman that was her wife.

Kathryn was quick to notice the subtle change in her wife's demeanor, her ice blue eyes sparkled with awe and pride, as she looked at her lovingly. She blushed slightly, as the raw emotion Seven emoted warmed her to the core of her soul.

"Are you trying to flirt with me?"

The sudden change of subject startled Seven, as she paused in mid stride; Kathryn stopped in front of her. Her hands clasped firmly behind her back, as she looked up into Sevens face, Her dark blue eyes watched her with longing, as she cocked her head to one side.

Much to Sevens credit, she recovered quickly and responded teasingly in a low voice.

"I believe you are mistaken, however there is a certain appeal to you when you are wearing your uniform. I believe it is what attracted me to you, in the first place" Seven nodded her head elegantly, her eyes never leaving Kathryns.

Kathryn's features smoothed warmly, a smug grin present, as she reveled in her wife's confession. She leaned into Seven and whispered, teasingly in her ear, her voice a low smoky timber


"So, it was the sight of me in my uniform that did it?"

Sevens body tingled, as the warm breath brushed gently across her ear. The evident desire rose and she tried valiantly to quell it. The past several months spent in abstinence as Kathryn adamantly refused any intimate contact until after the birth of their child.

She breathed deeply, before she responded, the closeness of Kathryn to her a bittersweet torture. She quickly regained her composure and decided to retaliate in kind. She leaned close into Kathryn's ear; her soft velvet lips touched the sensitive flesh of Kathryn's lobe.

The effect was immediate, as Kathryn's body stiffened slightly, at the contact her voice was soft and laced with promised, as she whispered breathlessly into her ear.

"It was more of the thought of removing your uniform that intrigued me the most" she placed a soft feathery kiss gently, on her ear.

Kathryn closed her eyes, as she gratefully ingested the delectable sensations. She quickly retreated and straightened the front of her tunic, clearing her throat in the process.

"You are shameless," she added dryly, as she inwardly conceded how quickly her tactics backfired. Seven eyed her warmly, a smug smile now present on her face.

"Indeed?" Sevens voice tinged with laughter.

Kathryn rolled her eyes in frustration, as she steadily refused to admit her defeat, to the enigmatic creature that captured her so easily.

"There will be a meeting in two hours and we can discuss deploying the slipstream drive then" Her command mode back on line, as she tried elegantly to regain some dignity.


"Very well" Sevens tone, letting her spouse know, she just lost another battle in their playful banter.

The two women entered the turbolift and returned to their previous task. Seven entered engineering and with the assistance of B'Elanna and Harry completed the last of the final test on the two merging technologies.

They quickly exited and headed towards the conference room, the senior staff, was assembled and ready to discuss the actual deployment of the technology.

Kathryn waited patiently, as each member settle comfortably into their prospective seating. Seven struggled to settle into her chair. B'Elanna snorted ruefully, in the obvious discomfort her friend found herself in

"Kahless Seven you're as big as a house" The room erupted in stifled chuckles, as Seven shot her friend a forceful look, the stare only fueled B'Elannas laughter further.

"Alright that's enough" Kathryn struggled, to keep her own laughter from ensuing.

"Seven where do we stand?" as she quickly called the meeting to order.

'We have completed the last of our diagnostic testing. The slipstream drive is ready to be engaged"

"That is good news. I've contacted Admiral Picard and have received the coordinates to the Enterprise. Harry I want you to program them into the system. Tom, before we enact the drive, I want you to go over the simulation in the holodeck one last time. I don't want a repeat of the past, with any luck we should reach the Enterprise in an hour. Tuvok, let's make sure all of the systems are working and online. I expect everyone to be ready in an hour we'll be engaging the slipstream drive then. Dismissed"

The hour passed quickly as the bridge prepared itself for the initial engagement, of the slipstream drive, Kathryn sat comfortably in her command chair her legs crossed elegantly, as her face depicted her intense focus.

The doors to the bridge hissed, as Seven quietly entered and stood at her station, to the aft of the bridge. Her elegant fingers flew smoothly across the panel, as she rerouted control from engineering to her workstation.

Kathryn' body relaxed as she sensed her presence and took comfort in its proximity. The anticipation levels were high, as each crewmember took the moment, to carefully go over the procedure one last time.

"Mr. Paris take us out of warp" Kathryn snapped firmly, her command mode on full force

"Aye Captain, disengaging warp drive" The blonde helmsman responded quickly. The resonant hum of the warp engine faded, as Voyager resumed its journey under impulse power.

"Mr. Kim open a ship-wide comm link" Kathryn not waiting for his response, confident in her crews abilities.

"Crew of Voyager this is Captain Janeway, I want all hands on full alert, with any luck we will be within range of the USS Enterprise in under a minute. I just want to add, it has been a pleasure to serve as your Captain, I couldn't ask for a better crew, Janeway out"

She nodded to Harry, who quickly broke the communication, his youthful face beamed with anticipation. Janeway turned her head towards Seven, a shared silently thought crossed between them, as they both inhaled deeply.

Sevens implant flexed, as she bowed her head elegantly and silently acknowledged her readiness. Kathryn closed her eyes and nodded in return, before returning her vision to the viewport in front of her.

"Seven, engage slipstream on my mark" her hands clenched the side of her command chair tightly "Mr. Paris, the rest is up to you, get us there safely"

"Aye Captain, Understood" his eyes gleamed with excitement, as his hands flew nervously across the panel.

"Slipstream drive is ready Captain" Sevens voice cut through the bridge.

"Very well" Kathryn scanned the face of each crewmember, silently conveying her thoughts to them "Mark" she snapped.