Part 09

Kathryn wandered into Seven's office with only the most sexually naughty thoughts on her mind. It had been weeks since they had been intimate. Seven had been keeping her at quite a distance.

And Kathryn couldn't help but feel it a bit strange that she should care so much. There was a time when she wanted nothing to do with the Borg drone. But now, Seven was all could think of.

That's why she had taken the steps three at a time. Her unimatrix had been kind enough to pass on the most delicious bit of information. Seven's systems had finally adapted to her body. They could be together, in every single conceivable way.

She stood in the doorway gazing intently at Seven's bright red biosuit. It was odd, she used to seeing Seven in the more subdued colors of the Collective. But the red suited her. It brought out her eyes and all the subtle highlights in her hair.

Kathryn couldn't help but let her eyes linger over the firm swell of Seven's breasts. She could remember how it felt to have the soft pink nipple rolling across her tongue. She wanted nothing more then to again sample the succulent bounty of Seven's body.

It had been peculiar. After that one night together Seven refused to even undress in front of her. Kathryn had initially found the idea silly. But after a few sleepless nights she could easily see the wisdom behind it.

Looking at Seven's naked flesh and not being able to touch it would be nothing short of pure torture. But now, they didn't have such problems to contend with. Now they could be together and they wouldn't have to stop out of safety or caution. Now, they would never have to stop.

"You are staring at me." Seven said in a low hushed voice.

Kathryn could only laugh as she moved into the room. She hadn't meant to stare. But Seven's beautiful image had simply perplexed her mind.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to." The human answered moving next to the working drone.

She carefully leaned against Seven's wide console. She was never really completely certain which devices had assimilation tubules and which didn't. The former Captain was always worried about accidentally bumping into a dangerous piece of equipment.

Although, she doubted that Seven would ever let her get injured. And that in itself was such a strange thought. She had never really trusted anyone before, not completely and certainly not with her heart. But here in the colony she had grown into trust and ironic enough it was with a Borg drone.

She had to trust Seven. Physically, she was completely at her mercy. And even socially, she required the drone's assistance in moving through this obscure world that the Borg had created.

"You're thoughts are troubling you." Seven stated keeping her eye focused on the view screen directly in front of her.

A few months ago she would have been angry at the supposed lack of courtesy. After all, from all outward appearances it would seem that Seven didn't even have a few minutes to speak with her. But now, the human knew better.

Even though Seven's human eye was intently studying the data being presented to her, Kathryn knew that she was still being granted a large portion of the Borg's attention. Seven's ocular implant was constantly scanning her surroundings for relevant data.

"Not really?I was just thinking about you. You know, since I've been here I've had to depend on you for a lot. And it just reminded me of being Voyager. Except there, I was instructing you in the ways of being more human." Kathryn explained noticing that despite her best intentions her tone had taken on a wistful tone.

"In many circles I was considered your prot駩. Here in the colony I have been attempting to instruct you in the ways of the Borg." Seven answered stating what she knew could be unwelcome facts.

Her statements were met with icy silence. But she didn't look up from her work. She didn't want to see the anger crossing the human's features. After all, this was not how she wanted to spend her evening.

"So, how am I doing?" The woman asked walking over to Seven's chair. And without warning, she slid right onto the drone's lap.

"You have been making excellent progress." Seven stated, unable to keep her calm as her body began to swell with the familiar pangs of deep heated arousal.

The drone couldn't begin to understand what it was about this woman that could make every nerve in her body sing. Her loins ached for Kathryn's touch. She did nothing but anticipate it.

"You know, I just heard the strangest thing." The human said allowing the drone to support her body weight completely.

Seven couldn't keep the startled shock from escaping her lungs. Kathryn, without modesty or shame, had easily spread her legs wide. Her silky smooth limbs gracefully fell to either side of the chair. And Seven couldn't keep her heart from hammering.

This new position afforded for an intimate degree of contact. Kathryn's pelvis was rubbing directly against her own. And the drone couldn't help but delight in the fact that the human had chosen to wear a short beige skirt.

The material had easily been pushed aside allowing Seven to feel the soft material of Kathryn's panties. The drone opened her mouth to speak but found that she could only wet her lips again and again. There was much that she wanted to do to this woman. There was so much that she wanted to share.

But the stoic drone just didn't know how to put her thoughts and feelings into words. Nervously, she shifted in the chair unaware that any movement on her part would cause the woman's body to move closer to her own. She gasped as Kathryn fell more firmly against her ample chest.

And when she looked down, Seven found that Kathryn's cream-colored blouse had been rather carelessly buttoned. She could see the very tops of the human's soft fleshy breasts. As she looked away Seven found that she could barely stop her need to touch them.

"My unimatrix informs me that you've adapted to me. Is this true?" Kathryn asked in that low husky voice that always drove Seven clear out of her mind.

"Yes?" Seven hissed out enjoying the feel of Kathryn's mouth sampling the sides of her neck.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kathryn asked a bit hurt. This was the type of news that she expected the drone to share right away. She didn't want to feel like Seven was keeping things from her.

"I didn't want to pressure you. And such things are normally handled by the unimatrix." Seven said giving what she hoped would be a sufficient answer.

She wanted Kathryn's compliance. And she hoped that she would have it. She needed the woman to be with her. It was something that had long since surpassed any level of desire. She no longer simply wanted the woman. She required her. And before the night was over, Seven of Nine intended to have her.

Part 10

"It wouldn't be pressure Seven. I was hoping that you understood how I felt about you." Kathryn said easing herself off of Seven's lap.

Instantly, the drone longed for contact. She needed Kathryn. She wanted her in hot and desperate ways.

"Aren't you coming?" Kathryn demurely asked wandering out of the office and down into what Seven had to assume was the bedroom.

But the drone didn't follow. She took a few long moments to gather herself together. It wouldn't do either of them any good if she let her own need become too great. Her strength far surpassed Kathryn's. And that meant that she had to be in control, at all times.

And yet, the drone knew that such a thing was going to far from easy. Her mind seemed to fog whenever the woman touched her body. Kathryn awakened her. She could reach beneath the metal and find all the fiery passion of a real woman. And Seven would never be able to live with herself if she ever hurt Kathryn.

Taking long soothing deep breaths she walked down the hall stopping in front of the open bedroom door. True to her word Kathryn was there waiting for her. And she looked as perfect as ever.

Seven leaned there letting the breath catch in her throat. Kathryn was nothing if not eager. She had taken their brief time apart as a chance to remove every single piece of clothing that she had on. And when it had all been accomplished? When her body was completely and totally nude?She just laid there, waiting for her drone.

Of course, the angle she chose had left Seven with much to imagine. All though, given Seven's perfect eidetic memory she knew that the drone had very little left to actually wonder about. It was a powerfully arousing feeling to know that she now had a lover that could remember every single inch of her flesh.

She was lying on her stomach, content to neatly fold her knees behind. She had propped her herself up on an elbow just so she could see Seven's reaction as she walked through the door. She could tell that Seven was unsure. And given everything that they had been through she found it painfully sweet that Seven wanted to give her room to move.

It still surprised her that the drone could be considerate. When she had first arrived she thought courtesy was the last thing that she would ever again associate with Seven of Nine. But all that had somehow changed when she had inadvertently given Seven a chance. And from there the very dynamic of her feelings shifted from anger and betrayal to hope and even love.

And now as she lay there waiting for her soon to be lover, she hoped that this was something that would go well between them. There were hundreds of reasons why it shouldn't. Despite their recent mending of fences and mutual goodwill, Kathryn knew that there was a veritable litany of subjects that could cause an explosive fight to break out. Although, given what they were about to do the human sincerely doubted that talking would be high on their list of priorities.

But it wasn't just the tense emotions that still ran deep. There were other things that could prove to be difficult. She didn't even know what Seven's experience was.

And probably the issue most clouding her mind was that of Seven's body. Dreyka had been wonderfully thorough in her explanation of Borg physiology. Kathryn had found that even her unimatrix was a source of bountiful information.

Yet now, it was time to put all her learning into actual practice. Kathryn had always felt confident in her ability to please. She had had lovers, both male and female. And in her younger days she knew that she had developed a reputation as someone filled with passion.

She just didn't want to disappoint Seven. Her lover was always intently focused on the relentless pursuit of perfection. Kathryn couldn't help but worry that that ideal would carry over into the bedroom.

What if Seven expected her to perform some sort of miraculous sexual feat? She really didn't know what the Borg was expecting from her. And as she laid there, letting the drone's blue eyes wash over her naked form she was beginning to feel the slightest inkling of doubt spark.

"You are troubled." Seven stated easily detecting all the familiar signs as they became apparent in the human's rather revealed body.

The solution was quite obvious to the drone. Kathryn had changed her mind. And although Seven was gravely disappointed she supposed that it was better that it happened now rather then later.

It was best if they never started. Seven didn't think that Kathryn would be able to stop her, not once she had the woman beneath her. The sensations would be far too great. And once something like that happened, the drone knew that the human would never be able to trust her again.

"I think we should talk Seven." Kathryn said using that familiar low voice that the drone had become so accustomed to.

"Agreed. I will wait downstairs. Join me when you are dressed." Seven firmly stated immediately leaving the bedroom at what could only be described as warp speed.

"WAIT! Seven, that's not what I meant." Kathryn said quickly.

She had only meant that they needed to have a brief conversation. She needed to know what Seven expected from her. And she wanted to know what Seven's needs were.

She hadn't meant to send the drone flying from the room. But she supposed that she needed to be more careful with her handling of the beautiful blonde. After all, she suspected that this was all very new territory for the drone. And Seven was probably far from familiar with the subtle nuances of sexual communication.

"I only wanted to ask you something." Kathryn said in a much more gentle voice.

She patted the spot on the bed next to her beckoning the drone to her side. Instantly, she could see Seven's eye grow large and unfocused. Her thick lips parted allowing only the softest of breaths to escape. And her body seemed to quiver, every single long inch of it.

"I prefer to stand." Seven said giving the familiar response that the human expected to hear.

"Seven, what do you want from me?" Kathryn asked as gently as possible.

The drone looked at her as if she were unable to comprehend the words. To Seven, the answer to that question seemed blatantly obvious. She had only ever wanted Kathryn's love.

But she knew that humans often kept their emotions twisted and confused. Dreyka had warned her against using the 'l' word too soon. She told her that Kathryn might bolt. Even Kathryn's unimatrix had told her to tread lightly in terms of emotions and commitment. The human was used to be alone. And it would be a long while before she was comfortable with the idea of sharing her life.

"I want you to pleasure me." Seven said in a calm steely voice.

Kathryn's eyes opened wide in response. She had never meant to hear something so painfully honest. The statement was simple but feral.

And it satisfied her. Quickly pushing her lingering doubts aside she rose off the bed. Slowly, she walked over to Seven letting the drone enjoy the site of her naked flesh as it moved. And just when Seven thought her knees would surely buckle, Kathryn pressed their bodies together. It was in that moment that Seven knew this human was meant to be hers, in every conceivable way.

Part 11

They kissed slowly but with distinct intent. They both knew that for the first time, they wouldn't have to part. For the first time, they could truly belong to each other. And the thought, though both heady and arousing was also just a bit frightening.

Kathryn felt like they had waited far too long for this encounter. Surely all the long lonely nights aboard Voyager that she had spent fantasizing about this very act would spoil the passion itself. The former Captain had spent night after night perfecting the very image in her mind of her body joined with Seven. Nothing that they could ever truly do together would fulfill her expectations and fantasies.

But Seven seemed to sense her momentary lapse of focus. The drone pulled away to stare into her eyes searching for the cause of the older woman's distress. She knew that Kathryn wanted her. Every single one of her senses was filling with the heat and scent of the woman's arousal.

"Something is troubling you?" Seven asked gently cupping the woman's face with her warm human hand.

"It's nothing?nothing to worry about." Kathryn responded not sure that she could explain her feelings to Seven even if she wanted to.

She doubted that the Borg spent much time utilizing her imagination. She wondered if Seven had even entertained sexual fantasizes. Somehow Kathryn suspected that wanton daydreams were a particularly human activity that Seven wouldn't be able to understand.

And she didn't want to ruin the mood with blunt pointed questions and inadequate answers. She wanted this to be special, loving, and passionate. More then anything, Kathryn wanted to make every single one of her fantasies come to life.

But Seven seemed to only be focused on her response and the gaze of her eyes. The drone moved closer forcing the woman to tip her body back into the stronger embrace of her lover. And for the first time Kathryn truly noticed how wonderful the red silk of Seven's clothing felt against her naked flesh.

The drone easily captured her mouth pressing her tongue hungrily into the waiting wet depths of Kathryn's body. Slowly, a murmur erupted from the human's throat. It was a vocal question given in response to the slight electric hum she felt crawling through the cavern of her mouth.

Kathryn wasn't all too surprised by the electric jolt she was receiving from her lover. She had felt it before on several different occasions. And each time she felt the shock her body erupted in a chorus of pleasure.

But this time, the current was different. It was slower and less potent. And as Seven gently moved her tongue through the human's mouth, Kathryn felt like her entire body was flooding with a warm hunger. The current was soft and gentle, filling her senses with its electric kiss.

And yet all too soon, Seven pulled back to study her lover. The drone had both arm and implant wrapped firmly around Kathryn's waist holding the woman in a loving yet captive embrace. But the woman didn't even mind the possessive instinct the drone was clearly displaying. She was enjoying Seven's touch far too much to care for things like strength or dominance.

"That was?intoxicating." Kathryn mumbled unable to truly describe the pleasure she felt in Seven's stimulating kiss.

"I am glad that you approve." The drone succinctly answered in her normal tones of self-confidence and pride.

The human allowed her hands to wander the lengths of Seven's silk covered arms. She clutched at the drone's shoulders noticing the way the metallic chords of Borg technology moved under hands. This is what she had wanted for years. In fact for much of her life, it seemed that she had craved nothing else. And the sheer fact that so much painful longing had finally boiled down to the span of this one wet moment nearly made Kathryn buckle with the intense pressure of all that she was feeling.

The woman wavered under the intensity of her own thoughts, emotions, and needs. Kathryn didn't want to struggle with the impossible demands of living up to her own expectations. She just wanted to enjoy this union that had been many long years in the making.

But she couldn't seem to silence the thoughts of her own mind. Already she was recreating past fantasies and analyzing their importance. The woman couldn't help but remember all the ways that she had dreamt of touching Seven. And now, Kathryn was tired of waiting.

"I think we should move this to the bed." Kathryn said in low hushed voice.

The drone noticed that for the first time the woman seemed to be growing into tenderness. Her Captain, the woman with edges as rough as steel was turning into a soft expression of femininity right before her very eyes. And Seven felt both grateful and humbled to be witnessing such another profound side to the woman that she so loved.

"That would be?advisable." Seven agreed, easily lifting the woman into her arms. She had waited far too long to feel Kathryn Janeway beneath her. And now, her need was furiously upon her.

As the drone moved her towards the bed, Kathryn couldn't help but feel a bit ridiculous. It seemed that Seven was more then capable of carrying out the actions one might find in a trashy romantic holonovel. But the human couldn't deny the long sliver of arousal that Seven had managed to quicken within her. There was something terribly wanton about being held in the arms of a lover.

Her somewhat rough deposit onto the bed's surface further surprised the human. In no means was she hurt or injured by the gesture. But it wasn't what she had come to expect from her normally gentle and expertly careful drone.

It was a reminder of Seven's strength and even now, it caught Kathryn off guard. Seven was always so careful to hide it from her. But now the human began to wonder if the time for cordialness was over.

Carefully, the human eyed the drone wondering what it was that had caused Seven's mind to churn. The drone seemed so primal in that moment. Kathryn had never seen her quite so filled with emotion.

Quickly, the drone began removing the fastening of her biosuit leaving her body naked to Kathryn's intent gaze. The woman couldn't help but lick her lips in furtive anticipation. The Borg was finally going to be hers. And the very thought sent her mind spiraling into a wave of passion.

There was so much she wanted to do to Seven. There were so many different ways that she wanted to touch and savor the drone. But as she looked at the naked gleaming form of the drone standing by her side, Kathryn had utterly no idea where to start.

Part 12

Seven stood next to the bed eyeing the woman like she was merely prey. The drone looked Kathryn's naked form over with a clear intent to possess what she deemed to be hers. And the former Captain felt her stomach quiver in response. She had never had anyone look at her quite like that. It was a stare of both possession and demand. It was not something that the brazen woman would have tolerated from anyone but Seven.

The drone walked to the very edge of the bed with the cunning and grace of a panther. And Kathryn had the distinct impression that she was about to be devoured. And the very thought left her body drenched in a rising need.

Slowly, Seven lowered herself onto the flesh of the waiting woman. And instantly Kathryn hissed at the contact. It was such a strange sensation that both startled and aroused her with the length of its potency. The drone's body was filled with the familiar sensation of heated skin and flushed tissue.

But it was the long tendrils of cold Borg steel that had the woman writhing in anticipation. The touch of Seven's technology was such a contrast to every other ounce of soft female flesh that adorned her drone's body. And the sensory difference was not lost on Kathryn's naked skin.

Quickly, the drone reared up onto her forearms balancing her weight carefully above the woman. But even with the added support, Kathryn could feel the delicious sensation of Seven's breasts crushing into her body. Their sheer weight was exquisite and the mere touch of the soft flesh to her own had Kathryn's mouth watering in anticipation.

She wanted to taste Seven. She wanted to run her mouth up and down the length of her perfect body. But no matter how much she might like to sample the naked flesh of her choosing, Kathryn knew that at the moment, she could do no such thing. Seven's very body was holding her helpless to the bed. And the human found herself relishing the contact of her naked limbed prison.

"You are enjoying this?" Seven asked having been aware of every soft mutter and moan that had recently fled Kathryn's throat.

"Oh yes?" The human panted finding great pleasure in the simple act of caressing the drone.

Carefully, she eased her hands up to brush her fingertips across the drone's collarbone and chest. Kathryn couldn't help but feel enthralled by the creamy flesh as her hands studied and memorized its gentle details. Slowly, she expanded her search letting her arms drift down both arm and implant.

But as much as she tried, the natural born scientist couldn't push her native curiosity aside. Kathryn found herself infinitely intrigued by the space where woman met machine. It was there that Seven's creamy flesh melded into cold metal. And Kathryn couldn't keep her fingers from tracing over the work of the Borg.

"My appearance, it still bothers you." Seven said with a low voice of shame.

Kathryn looked up into the drone's waiting eye. The blue there was so liquid and deep that Kathryn imagined she could lose herself in Seven's very gaze. But there swirling the dark pupil was a feeling that the human easily recognized. And it was one that instantly had her heart lurching in pain.

"No, Seven. Your appearance does not bother me. You are the most beautiful woman that I know. I've always thought that." Kathryn whispered catching the gleam of light dancing across the drone's ocular implant.

In that instant, Kathryn was glad that they had left the bedroom lights burning brightly. She wanted to see every inch of Seven's flesh. More then anything, she wanted the drone to know that in every possible way she found her beautiful.

Carefully, the woman leaned up trying to capture the drone's lips. Their very position made it impossible for her to impose her will on the drone's. She would need Seven's cooperation and thankfully, after a few moments hesitation, she had it.

Seven leaned down and allowed Kathryn to explore her mouth. She allowed the human to take control of the kiss. But more then that, she allowed the woman to impassion her need.

And after a few more soft wet kisses, Seven felt the human gently pressing at her body. It was clear from the soft pressure in Kathryn's hands and thighs that she wanted the drone to roll over. Her former commander wanted to take the lead. And at the moment, Seven saw no good reason to object.

Slowly she fell over onto the mattress settling her larger body next to the other woman's. And almost instantly, Kathryn rolled with her quite eager to cover Seven's flesh with her own. Seven easily moaned at the contact, loving the sensation of Kathryn's thighs sliding over her.

Even though she wanted to take her time. And even though she wanted to move slowly and with tenderness, she couldn't stop her mouth from reaching out for the waiting breast of her lover. So with a voracious appetite Kathryn clamped down on the pert silken nipple.

In some way, she was aware of the moans and pleads coming from Seven. Part of her found it odd. She had never imagined that Seven would be vocal in bed. But the drone was demanding, almost hedonistically so. And Kathryn found herself enjoying every single syllable that Seven managed to pant.

"Please?Kathryn?harder?" Seven managed to beg as the human carefully moved her attention from one ample breast to the other.

Her kisses had begun as nothing more then soft questioning licks. But now, under Seven's encouragement she was hungrily sucking on the waiting flesh beneath her. It was a strange realization for Kathryn to know that she had never been quite this hungry for a lover before.

No one else had ever made her skin sizzle and loins scream. All of this passion was swirling through her because of one Borg drone. And the fact that something as sterile and cold as the Hive could bring forth such a passionate creature like Seven of Nine made the human's mind reel in bewilderment.

There was no mistaking the drone's ability to feel or her emotional state. Seven was there, lying beneath her as a panting mass of bundled nerves. She was vulnerable and aching as the human took her flesh eagerly into the depths of her warm hungry mouth.

And her mind was so preoccupied with the silky flesh running across her tongue; that Kathryn took no notice of the drone's movements. The human was far too focused on caressing the skin beneath her. She loved the way that Seven responded to her touch, without reserve or inhibition. But more then that, she loved the way her hands couldn't begin to hold the luscious swell of Seven's breasts. The drone's body was simply too bountiful to be held or constrained by any manner or method. And Kathryn found herself distinctly honored to know that it was her body, her heart, and her soul that this exquisite woman wanted.

But just when her thoughts had returned to a more focused nature, just when she realized that it was time to begin the long journey down the drone's body, Seven surprised her with a warm touch. Somehow Seven had managed to work her human hand right between the juncture of her waiting thighs. And instantly, she startled at the touch.

The drone's hand wasn't unsure or uncertain as it slipped between the slippery folds of her body. She palmed the moisture there and seemed pleased by the human's arousal. Carefully, Seven shifted her thighs every so slowly forcing the woman to open above her. And before she even realized what the drone had in mind, Kathryn felt her body penetrated by the certain touch of Seven's long nimble fingers.