The Borg Colony

Part 1

Former Captain Kathryn Janeway laid listlessly on the soft mattress beneath her. She watched the rain gently fall out of the glass window, not far from her head. She never though she�d see natural rain again. She had come to believe Voyager would be the only home she knew until she returned her crew to Earth. And if that day never came, if she never saw the light from the one sun in the Milky Way again. She would then spend the rest of her days, on Voyager trying. But that had not come to pass. Instead she lay helpless and separated from her crew on a class M planet deep within the Delta Quadrant. She would never see Voyager or Earth again. When she had first been marooned here she believed without a doubt that Voyager would find her. That the crew she put so much faith and trust into wouldn�t fail her. But after nearly six months of searching Voyager returned to its long course back home, without its captain. She nearly couldn�t believe, but they had shown her the visual data that Voyager had left their space and left her behind. Kathryn tried to show no emotion as she watched her ship retreat, she knew they were all studying her. She managed to save her feelings till later that night. Kathryn thought she was alone as she tried to break into the communications room, once again. But again, she had been captured. She had actually been captured attempting escape 13 times. The native inhabitants of her new world had no brigs, holding facilities, or jails. No one ever tried to leave. No one ever committed crime. Everyone submitted their own individual will to the good of the whole. They are Borg.

Since Kathryn had not responded to the behavior modification techniques yet, they decided a different approach. After her last attempt at escape she suddenly found herself changing quarters. They moved her in with her former friend and trusted crew mate, Seven of Nine. If she thought the hard-edged and battle weary drones that guarded the communication center were distasteful. They seemed like dear old friends compared to Seven. The former member of Voyager�s crew had retaken to the hive with a passion that scared Janeway deep inside. She fell in step with them without missing a footfall. All her attempts at recapturing her humanity were lost and a new and improved Borg drone had taken her place. Seven took her task as Janeway�s baby-sitter and jailer quite seriously. When Seven was with her she watched her like a hawk. And if Kathryn over-stepped her boundaries with angry emotions Seven used brute strength to subdue her. If Seven was on duty then she either locked Janeway in their quarters or would have another drone maintain vigil. Kathryn and Seven spent their nights locked in angry fights which Kathryn always lost due only to her weaker human body. Their days were spent in silence and reverence of Kathryn's human defeat.

Sometimes she felt that it wasn�t just her alone captured on this Borg planet, that is was all of Earth. Kathryn felt that she had failed all of humanity. She knew it was ridiculous, she was but one woman stranded in a colony of Borg. But still she had seen things here she never thought possible. These Borg weren�t the same mindless drones she had dealt with before. Some maintained semblance of independent thought and most were as smart as Seven. They merged into huge think tanks creating super computers, weapons, and ships Janeway never even imagined. But most frightening was the organization of the colony. The Borg before she had always dealt with functioned as a hive, as one thought with one mind. But this colony was different. Each Unamatrix functioned independently of the others. The efforts of each one were coordinated through a central hub. In essence, the colony consisted of a network so large Kathryn couldn't begin to understand all its many functions. So, in essence if one unamatrix became injured or destroyed another would simply rise up in its place. They could work singularly or have the combined force of a hive. This new colony was deadly.

But even worse still was the knowledge that this colony with all their strength, imagination, and creations were working with the full support of the Borg Collective. The colony functioned as an arm, an extension of a Unimatrix back at the Collective. They could receive supplies, drone transfers, and equipment whenever they needed. Even though their planet was cloaked should they ever be threatened the Collective would dispense an armada of ships within seconds to protect them. Their needs were met. Kathryn Janeway never thought she would become a part of the Borg Collective.

She remembered how this had all started. About a year ago Voyager was forced into an uncharted area of space. Their instruments had all become worthless and the main computer was off-line for nearly a week. Looking back, she now knew they had been hit by one of the Colony�s weapons, rendering their ship useless so the colony would remain undetected. After they had got engines back on-line Janeway made the worst decision she had made perhaps in her entire command. She had them stay to investigate the phenomenon. She had the gut instinct that something was wrong, that they were on the brink of discovery. Seven headed up the investigation. Little did she know that Seven kept her findings to herself. She knew the day the colony contacted Seven. Janeway tried to engage the former drone in friendly conversation and Seven reacted as only a Borg would, by completely ignoring her. She brushed off Seven�s lack of human reaction as stress and scientific curiosity for the encountered phenomenon. Yet, Seven�s preoccupation was due to her exchange with the colony. After reactivating most of her Borg technology Seven hid her communication with them. She then stole a shuttle and disappeared in the very space in front of the ship. They spent months replaying the logs, going through Seven�s personal belongings. They searched for anything that might shed some light on their missing crew member. But they came up empty. The going hypothesis was that whatever had drained Voyager of her energy and taken down the main computer must also be responsible for Seven disappearance. Coming no closer to solving either mystery the crew began to protest their continued presence in this obviously dangerous section of space. Janeway held out as long as possible trying every option to find the missing ex-drone. Kathryn didn�t want to admit to herself why Seven�s absence left her with the desire to throw herself out an air-lock. Finally, under duress from Chakotay, Kathryn gave the order to move Voyager back on course to the Alpha Quadrant.

Part 02

For the next month Kathryn�s life slipped away from her piece by piece. She found she couldn�t let go of Seven or the strange happenings of their trip. She hardly ever slept. Instead, she spent her nights replaying the events in her mind certain she would find something. After losing nearly 20 lb. the doctor began visiting her on a daily basis. Kathryn couldn�t talk to him about her problems and he couldn�t convince her to rectify her health. The crew stared at her gaunt appearance as she walked through the halls. Then, Chakotay forced his way into her quarters one night. After throwing objects at him wouldn�t convince him to leave her be, she finally listened to her dear friend.

�Are you ready to deal with this?� He asked her in a calming, sympathetic tone.

�Do I look ready to deal with anything?� She nearly screamed at him. �You have command I can�t do this anymore.� She added the last with a breath of failure.

�Kathryn this isn�t your fault. You did everything that was possible to locate Seven.� He watched her cross the room like a caged lion.

�Obviously not, if I had done everything she would be here now. It wasn�t good enough, I wasn�t good enough. And I�m certainly not the right person to captain this ship any longer.� She turned and faced him letting the exhaustion show on her face.

�This isn�t about missing a crew member or you doubting your abilities. This is about you being in love with Seven.� He watched her carefully for a reaction.

�What? I am not in love with Seven. She�s a member of this crew and I am responsible for her safety.� She spit at him with disgust.

�Kathryn, you�re in love with Seven. And your coming apart because its obvious that for whatever reason Seven left of her own volition. She left you. And that is what�s destroying you.� Chakotay kept his voice even trying not to set her off again.

�Get out, I won�t discuss this with you. Just get out.� Kathryn forced herself not to lunge at him physically.

�Kathryn don�t let this destroy Voyager too. We need our captain.� With those last words he left Kathryn alone in her quarters. She spent hours just digesting what he had said to her. The worst part was that he was right. Kathryn had been in love with Seven of Nine for far longer than she wanted to admit. And it hurt, hurt so much she wasn�t sure she could go on without her. That question, that very question kept her up at night and food from her stomach. Did Seven leave her on purpose? Kathryn was trying desperately to cling to the belief that someone or something had forced Seven to take the shuttle that day. That Seven would have never intentionally left her. That somewhere deep under those layers of emotionless Borg lie the beating heart of a woman who returned her love. But she wasn�t sure. That�s why Chakotay�s carefully worded sentences shook her so deeply. She wasn�t sure Seven loved her or even had feelings of any kind towards her. More than anything she wished that she could go back in time. That she could push Starfleet protocols aside and tell Seven how she felt. That�s where all her guilt came from. She didn�t know if Seven was even still alive. But she did know that her guilt was eating her own soul.

It was that night in the darkest hours of the morning, that the thought first occurred to her. Earth no longer held the heart-wrenching appeal it once did. The Alpha Quadrant no longer seemed like the golden trophy at the end of her life long race. Without Seven her life, literally had no meaning. It was these dark and twisted thoughts that forced her from her bed. She stealthily made it into the cargo bay without alerting anyone to her presence. With no thoughts of responsibility or command she selfishly stole Voyagers� last shuttle and laid course back to the location of Seven�s abduction. Voyager pursued and she ran. Using every trick up her sleeve she alluded them for three long weeks. Once she reached the exact coordinates were Seven�s shuttle vanished she waited. She sat staring into nothingness, far above a planet she couldn�t see. When Voyager showed up on her sensors she wanted to laugh at her own stupidity. They were merely hours away and she sat like a fool grieving in a stolen shuttle from her own ship. Kathryn thought she really had lost her mind. She was staring at her sensor panel trying to figure out exactly how long she had before Voyager intercepted her, when her instruments disappeared. Kathryn felt herself being transported and when she arrived at her destination she didn�t even have a chance to register her environment. Kathryn Janeway was immediately rendered unconscious.

She awoke to strange sensations. She felt something hot inside her, almost in the very center of her brain. Her limbs felt heavy and she realized she couldn�t move them an inch. Her eyes wouldn�t respond to her demand for them to open. When her ears also provided her with nothing useful, just waves of incoherent high pitched whirls she tried her nose. She smelled sterility and metal. It was an odor she knew she recognized. She tried to scour her memory searching for the origin of the smell. Several times she lapsed back into unconsciousness. Finally, she remember the aroma. It was the first time she had met Seven of Nine. It was the smell of a Borg Cube. Kathryn realized in terror that she was being assimilated.

Kathryn awoke several hours later to a raging pain in her head. She tried to open her eyes and was blinded by the light. She waited in terror for the voice of the hive. But it didn�t come. Instead she heard a quiet but friendly female voice in her ear.

�Kathryn, Kathryn can you hear me?� The voice asked gently. Kathryn tried once again to open her eyes realizing her terror of the Borg Cube must have been a dream. Once she opened them she wish she hadn�t. One glance around at her environment told her unequivocally that she was amongst the Borg. Her body was laid out on one of their cold steel medical tables. A large frightening machine hovered over her prone form, perversely displaying assimilation tubules. She saw the familiar blinking green lights that denoted Borg technology on the wall in front of her.

�Kathryn, how are you feeling?� The voice asked again. Kathryn carefully turned her head to the left. She felt the pain increase automatically with the slightest movement. Kathryn was surprised to see a human female standing beside her. The girl couldn�t have been more than 20 Earth years. She looked entirely human, there were no pieces of Borg technology protruding from her person. She looked very meek and mild standing amidst all the towering metal atrocities of the Borg medical bay.

�Who..� Kathryn tried to speak but using her vocal chords brought great pain. The girl immediately responded to her obvious discomfort and motioned to one of the drones. Kathryn heard the sound of the drone before she saw it. She didn�t have time to defend herself before her arm was struck with a large metal shaft. There was the sensation of coldness in her arm and them nothing. Suddenly, the pain in her head stopped and her body became a tolerable place to be. The drone retreated as quickly as it came and left her with the girl.

�Who are you?� Kathryn tried once again.

�My name is Dreyka.� Kathryn took in her small frame, bright red hair, and blue eyes that had no technology covering them and her mind flooded with questions. Dreyka saw her obvious confusion and motioned her to lie back on her table.

�Why don�t you let me explain what has happened to you?� Kathryn nodded meekly noticing for the first time that her body also appeared to be devoid of Borg Technology.

�Your were transported from your shuttle high above this planet. And yes, we are on a planet not a cube. And no your ship didn�t detect us because of our cloaking technology. You could have left our space unaffected. We gave you every opportunity to leave. But you came back. So now you will join us.�

�Your going to assimilate me?� Kathryn asked not bothering to hide her terror.

�Not in the way you�re thinking. This is a Borg Colony we are the prototype for future ones. We have a population of 250,000 drones and 250,000 humans like myself. We humans all contain a Borg neural net in our cerebrum. It allows us to communicate with our unimatrix. And it also allows all of our functions to be monitored. We all have Borg technology implanted around our spinal column, around and inside the heart, and all other major body organs. The purpose of which is to enhance or biology and extend our life span. But beyond that we are not altered.�

�This implant in your brain. It allows you to become one with the hive?� Janeway asked cautiously.

�Not in the way you�re thinking. It�s like an extra appendage. If I wish to communicate with anyone in my matrix or another drone I access it. Or if the hive needs to communicate with me it will access it. Other than that it is silent. We do not hear the voices of the others.� Kathryn eyed her suspiciously.

�You don�t believe me?� Kathryn nodded.

�It�s been my experience the Borg don�t leave individuality intact.�

�Kathryn, do you hear the hive now?� Kathryn looked at her in horror.

�You mean.� Kathryn raised her hands to her head searching for a scar or marking of some kind. Dreyka nodded slowly.

�The implant is already in you. Do you feel different?� Kathryn felt her world fill with horror.

Part 03

"You've hardly touched your food." Dreyka commented. Kathryn looked down at her plate in disgust. It was filled with fresh fruits and vegetable. There was a decadent looking piece of cake garnishing her plate as well. She knew people on Voyager who would literally give all they had for just a small portion of what had been given to Kathryn. The colony ate mostly fresh foods. There was a large farming industry here. That fact alone raised Kathryn's curiosity. But her own hate for the Borg disallowed her enjoyment of any of her surroundings. She looked around at the large Food Commissary she and Dreyka were seated in. Food for all tastes and all cuisine's was in abundance here. The colony had many different commissaries and many different restaurants. But she couldn't enjoy any of them. Her heart was still on Voyager. Her heart still held out hope for returning to Earth.

"Kathryn, you've been here nearly three months. Please, it's time to try and assimilate into our culture." Dreyka spoke quietly. They young human had become a companion to Kathryn. She wasn't exactly sure what Dreyka's function was here in the colony but she assumed it had something to do with helping people adjust to life here.

"This is a foreign planet to me. You can't expect me to give up the ways of my own home world so quickly." Kathryn spoke in disgust.

"I know this is hard for you, but try to understand." Dreyka was rudely cut off by a very angry former Captain.

"Understand? How can you possibly tell me what to do. You have no idea what it's like to have an insurmountable distance between yourself and the world you know." Kathryn shouted letting her desperation creep into her words.

"Yes, I can. Kathryn this isn't my home world either. I was taken from my planet. I grew up on a planet many weeks journey from here. But this is my home now. I am Borg." Dreyka explained. The girls utter devotion to the hive always amazed Kathryn. She assumed the little chip in her head must feed her all kinds of Borg rhetoric 24 hours a day. She didn't want to ever be like Dreyka. She wasn't some puppet for the hive. She looked around the commissary noticing again that most of the positions in the food industry seemed to be held by the humans. In fact, she didn't see a single drone working here.

"Dreyka, why aren't there any drones working here?" Kathryn asked letting her curiosity get the better of her.

"Because serving food is human work." Dreyka replied as if that explained everything.

"So, there are only certain fields that humans can go into?" Kathryn asked for clarification.

"Of course. Food, social studies, psychology, education, art, interior design, these are all human field. Drones work with the computers of course. And they also work in defense, munitions, science, medicine, mathematics, astrometrics. You know anything technology based." Dreyka continued her explanation.

"I see." Kathryn responded. She couldn't help but notice that work was divided up amongst drones and humans. It was the way work used to be divided between men and women in early 20 century Earth.

"Why do you ask? Would you like to take on a function? You have much to be contributed to the hive." Dreyka responded hoping that work would get Kathryn's mind off her home sickness.

"I'm not going to assist the hive, in any of its goals." Kathryn seethed. Dreyka sighed softly into her beverage. It was becoming increasingly difficult to speak to Kathryn for any length of time. She would have to discuss it with Seven. Dreyka firmly believed that Seven would have the only chance at getting through to the former Star Fleet Captain.

Later that evening, Kathryn stood at the door in front of the quarters she shared with Seven. She dreaded going in. Just even being around Seven made her want to scream. In fact, most nights she ended up doing just that. She briefly entertained the notion of another escape but quickly dismissed it. Kathryn just didn't have the energy tonight. She took a deep breath and inhaled the cool mountain air. The colony was centered within a deep valley. She couldn't help but wonder if that too was intentional. She imagined the towering mountains must contribute to the colonies defensive and stealth capabilities. She couldn't help but be curious about all aspect of her environment. But she was just too bitter to reach out and learn. There was so much she wanted to know. And if it hadn't been for being stabbed in the back by her own crew member, she may have viewed this as an extraordinary opportunity to study the Borg.

She entered the large apartment she and Seven shared. Seven had data padds spread out all over the large table in their dining room. The large monitors that Seven kept in the upstairs lab had been brought down and were displaying numbers at a rate Kathryn couldn't comprehend. Seven didn't seem to acknowledge her presence as she walked over to the closet to hang up her coat. After wearing a Star Fleet uniform nearly her entire life the cotton fibers of the colony felt strange against her skin. And of course they would have to give her a dress. Kathryn had noticed within days of being here that most humans always wore dresses. While the Borg seemed to have adopted some sort of synthetic jumpsuit not all too unfamiliar of the ones Seven used to wear on Voyager. The only difference now was the large shiny gaps of metal on her back and arms were her body armor had been returned.

Kathryn watched Seven working at the table for several minutes. Seven's blonde hair had begun to fall free of her normally tight bun. From the back she could almost pretend it was the same Seven she had served aboard Voyager with. She could wish it was the same Seven she had fallen in love with. But that's all it was, wishing. When she circled the room and moved to face Seven harsh reality returned. Seven looked up at her briefly. The eye piece was different then the type she had when first severed from the hive, but it was still there. This one didn't protrude quite as much. And it had a flat shiny surface that caught Kathryn's reflection from time to time. Kathryn looked down on the tables surface and found Seven's Borg hand madly assimilating data from the padds. The assimilation tubules hopped from padd to padd absorbing large quantities of information. The Borg hand had no human flesh on it. The work that the Doctor had done so valiantly had all been destroyed. Her Borg appendage had been reattached. It looked gruesome as it continued to span the length of the table searching for data. She couldn't help but feel a slight tremble of fear. She would be foolish not to be scared of this new drone.

"Did you have a pleasant meal?" Seven spoke not even bothering to look up from her computations.

"Yes, Dreyka is always good company." Kathryn responded.

"Did you consume the requisite portion to maintain your health?" Seven asked again not appearing to give Kathryn much of her attention. Kathryn didn't answer. Her attention was captivated by a data padd at the far end of the table. It blinked in an angry red fashion. She was allowed only minimal access to any of the colonies computers. She knew that Seven had security clearance for nearly ever system here. She knew little of Seven's exact work but she knew it was important. Very important to the colony if the security measures were any indication. Seven must be working on one of the priority mainframes, if her assumptions about the blinking data padd were correct. Kathryn tried to pick it up nonchalantly looking for anything that could be used to help her escape. Before she even put her entire hand on the padd Seven's Borg hand captured hers in a painfully tight grip.

"Explain your actions." Seven demanded forcefully moving Kathryn away from the table by her wrist. Before Kathryn could see anything of value on the padd Seven shut it off with her other hand.

"Let go of me." Kathryn screamed at her captor.

"I will let go of you when you start acting in an appropriate manner." Seven threatened.

"Tell me something, Seven. How long were you planning your betrayal. How long did it take you to decide you wanted to go back the Borg? Or was it your plan all along? We thought you were our friend. I thought you were my friend." Kathryn let her voice trail off before she revealed too much. She didn't want Seven to know how she felt. Not now, she felt too foolish. This was an old fight between them. One that Seven didn't wish to have anymore. But there was something different tonight about Kathryn. She knew that her former Captain had wanted to say more but stopped. She could also tell Kathryn's eyes were bravely hanging onto tears that were pleading for escape. Not once since Kathryn had been here had she cried. She wouldn't let Seven see her human weakness.

Finally, Seven let go of her wrist and gathered up the belonging on the table.

"It is time for bed." Seven stated as she walked up the stairs. Kathryn followed knowing if she resisted they would only have another fight. The bed they shared was soft and comfortable but hummed with an electric melody all night. It allowed Kathryn to sleep with human dreams. But it also regenerated Seven's Borg technology through the night. She wondered why they only had one bed. Back on Voyager this situation would have thrown her into a aroused frenzy. But here lying prone next to Seven did little to settle her nerves. Since the Borg gave little regard to privacy she assumed the shared bed was just for efficiency.

Seven walked into the adjoining washroom to ready herself for sleep. Kathryn counted the seconds in her head. Without fail, Seven always returned approximately 22 seconds later in a loose fitting tank top and cotton pants. Kathryn took her turn washing up. She couldn't get her face washed in 22 seconds let alone all the other hygiene rituals she performed. All the lights had been dimmed in the bedroom except for a small illumination above the large black bed. Seven was propped up on one arm holding a syringe in her human hand. She made eye contact with Kathryn who stopped dead in her tracks.

"No, I just had one two days ago." Kathryn spited in a flustered manner. "Not again. NO." Seven made no move to approach the frightened human knowing it would only result in a physical altercation.

"Kathryn, your diagnostics reported that your body is suffering an infection. With your neural net still not functioning properly you will need to double your weekly doses until your body starts making its own nanoprobes." Seven explained without emotion. The needle in her hand held large quantities of Borg nanoprobes. She could swear she felt every single one of them crawling through her blood stream. And above all else she was petrified that after several more doses of Borg medicine she too would start singing the praises of the hive, like Dreyka.

"I'm sick because of all the stuff you put in me." Kathryn screamed at Seven referring to all the technology now residing inside her human form.

"No, you are sick because you are allergic to the pollen found here in the mountains. All the years on Voyager weakened your abilities to adapt to a natural world. You're Borg systems will take over soon enough. Then the injections will cease. But until then, please don't make this any harder then necessary." Seven spoke again still not making any move to approach her. Kathryn knew she was trapped. She would never make it to the door before Seven apprehended her.

"They hurt Seven." Kathryn explained expressing more anguish then she had wanted.

"They hurt because you struggle making the penetration of the needle very painful." Seven answered. Kathryn looked again at the object. She wanted to know why she couldn't receive a hypospray. But she figured if she asked now Seven would just assume she was stalling and become angry. She stomped over to the bed and sat down next to Seven. Seven locked her arm with her Borg appendage. It was good she had for her bravery fell away at the last minute and she tried to get away. But she was held fast and the needle emptied its contents into her waiting vein. Seven disposed of the needle as Kathryn moved to the other side of the bed. Seven extinguished the remaining illumination in the room and settle down for her regeneration cycle. But for some unexplainable reason her old feelings resurfaced and Kathryn wished more than anything that Seven would comfort her as they slept.

Part 04

Sleep alluded Kathryn as she lay next to the regenerating drone. For a few brief moments she envied Seven's assimilation. To not have to battle the demons of insomnia would be a nice change of pace. Kathryn constantly felt like she wasn't doing enough. Every night she would lie awake thinking of ways to contact Voyager and accomplish her escape. But each day she grew more disheartened. Voyager would most likely be too far to recieve any communication from her. Dreyka incessantly tried to get Kathryn to accept her new life here amongst the Borg. But she couldn't relent. To do so would be giving up, like resistance really was futile. And she knew she would get away from the hive or die trying.

Kathryn, unable to quell her desire to accomplish something positive roused herself from the bed. She knew from experience that should she try to wander into a forbidden area of their quarters Seven would be awakened. There was so much technology in their living space, Kathryn knew she was being monitored constantly. It was difficult to plot, formulate or cultivate an escape plan under the prying eyes of the Collective.

As silently as her human form would move Kathryn walked down the stairs to the living area. The sofa and accompanying coffee table were bleak in their appearance. It appeared the hive put little regard into industrial design. But they didn't need to look pretty for her to pace in front of them. Thoughts of her own stupidity were driving her to leave tread marks in the soft carpet. She couldn't believe how she had let her emotions get the better of her. She should have let Seven go. But when her young friend disappeared Kathryn's world had fallen apart around her. If only she had known of Seven's deception she wouldn't be in the position she was now. But her heart had gotten her into this mess and now she was going to have to use her head to get out. But deep within the gray walls of her mind the hive at penetrated her. There were circuits weaving themselves into her membranes trying to take her last vestige of independence, her free will. She wondered if the Doctor could even fix what they had done to her. This technology was brand new, even to the Borg. She tried to calm her fears by reminding herself that she didn't feel any different yet. Maybe the chips they put in her head wouldn't work. Maybe she could use sheer determination to retain her individuality. Her thoughts drove her into a near frenzy. The idea that the circuitry was already active and would control her at any moment caused her to panic. It was this fear and anger that caused her to pace right into the coffee table knocking her shin with a large thud. She reached down instinctively and grabbed the wounded area on her leg. She rubbed her shin trying to keep the pain at bay. But it was absolute horror that made her retreat to the sofa. Sullenly she sat in total silence only focused on one thing. She was uninjured. There had been no bruise nor any pain. The assimilation of Kathryn Janeway had begun.

Seven watched Kathryn pace about the living room from high on the stairs. She didn't want to disturb the human, she preferred to simply observe and study her. She was awakened from her regeneration cycle as soon as Kathryn left their bed. At that moment Seven watched Kathryn wring her hands, hyperventilate, and stomp her feet. The woman's emotionally fueled actions made her want more then anything to be telepathic. To walk along the interiors of Kathryn's closed mind and discover her Captain's secrets. What she truly sought was the reason Kathryn had returned. Deep within her enhanced form her assimilated heart still beat with love for Kathryn.

On Voyager she could never have made her feelings known for the human. At first she had been confused by her strange physiological and emotional responses to the woman. Then after discovering the cause of her dilated eyes and sweaty palms she had been advised not to act on their cause. Taking her findings to the Doctor may have been a mistake in hindsight.

"I believe I wish to procreate with Captain Janeway." She had said in true drone fashion as she stood facing him in sick bay. First he looked shocked. Then a mixture of jealousy and anger overtook him. But he finally settled on contention. He treated her like a child who wasn't to be taken seriously. He told her all the reasons her feelings were invalid and how acting on them would be grossly inappropriate. He was her friend. She trusted and believed him.

And the more she looked into StarFleet protocols the more she came to believe he was accurate. The Captain could never return her feelings. They would go unrequited as long as she remained aboard Voyager. Suddenly, the all to human feeling of heartbreak resided within her soul. There was simply no other suitable mate aboard the vessel. But the more she analyzed the situation the more she came to believe she could travel the galaxy and never find a mate more suitable then her Kathryn.

And that had been the beginning to the end of her humanity. Discovering the Borg Colony had quickly wiped away all the unnecessary human feelings that had taken her over. No longer did she feel so alone. Her desperate yearning for Kathryn had left her vulnerable, saddened, and unsure of herself. All were new aspects to humanity that she was unable to cope with. When the Borg with all their strength, power, and unity approached her she quickly agreed to join them. She chalked her experience on Voyager up to a brief dalliance in the art of human suffering.

Never again would she be that weak human who struggled and endeavored to meet her crew mates approval. Now she was strong again. When the Borg assimilated her this time they gave her new appendages that rendered her a powerful adversary. So much more of her individuality had remained intact this time. She was more then a mindless drone. Seven was an innovator. She was here to create the impossible. And in the time of her first arrival she worked relentlessly. The work was exciting and challenging to her. She along with several other drones were creating the designs for a space station high above their planet. She even enjoyed working in a group. The other drones weren't offended by her lack of manners as the humans had been. She was finally home.

But then Kathryn had returned for her. She remembered being called into communications to watch her Captain's shuttle orbit around their hidden world. Seven had been shocked to hear that Voyager was closing in on their position, as well.

"Why has she returned?" Six of Ten had asked her.

"I am unsure." Seven replied. And in those moments when they decided to bring Kathryn down into their world and assimilate her, Seven had stood silently by. A part of her had been mentally pleading for that course of action. When she heard the other drone give the order to capture Kathryn, relief flooded through her body. They would be reunited. Seven hadn't even realized how much she still ached for the other woman. She realized her relentless drive to finish the space station had been in result of her not wanting to stop long enough to miss Kathryn.

But now the situation had changed. She was no longer Kathryn's subordinate. In all aspects she was now superior to the human woman and couldn't be more pleased. When she was informed Kathryn was to move in with her she had a difficult time keeping her normal stoic nature intact. On the inside she was thrilled. Kathryn would be sharing her bed. But despite her enthusiasm for the situation she had been unable to convince Kathryn to accept her new life. Kathryn had only been angry, hostile and defiant since she had arrived. And truthfully, Seven couldn't be more please.

When she had first arrived on Voyager she had struggled to rejoin the hive. But over the years she spent aboard the vessel, Kathryn had conformed her. She had made her believe humanity was what she wanted. Kathryn had molded her into exactly what she wanted her to be. And now, Seven would return the favor. She did love Kathryn deeply, in a very human way. But her prevalent Borg nature demanded that she break her. It was only fair. Kathryn would assimilate to life in the colony, as she had aboard Voyager. But this time instead of a platonic friendship, their days would end locked in a heated embrace. And as Seven watched the human work herself into smoldering aggravation she couldn't help but silently relishing the thought of taming the beautiful woman before her.