Bartender…I'll Do this Again

Part II

"Goddammit, Richardson!" Chief Engineer B'Elanna Torres, who was playing the character of Detective Mike Murphy, a private investigator, screamed as she grabbed the thick, metal pipe-bars of the jail cell she was sharing with Seven of Nine, "I want my phone call and I want it right now! This is bullshit and you know it! I didn't break into Kate's place…it's a fuckin' restaurant and she tried to kill me!" Although that was a gross exaggeration, and a lie since she had broken into Kate's place, or K Street, the restaurant/bar owned by the character her commanding officer was playing. However, she was now desperate to get his attention, not to mention her phone call since she was concerned if she didn't, her case would be over, as well as the game.

As the homicide captain smiled back at her, then shut the outter door on the small jail cell that was maintained at the downtown Chicago police precinct and locked it, Torres sighed, then whacked the bars with the palm and her hand saying, "Fuck!"

After she'd returned to the main level of K Street and come face to face with Kathryn Janeway's character again, smug and cocky in her death defying tale of diving through the window and nearly falling off the side, Janeway had played it cool, seemed to sincerely apologize and requested understanding for her position, which B'Elanna had given her. So, when Seven had climbed the stage with Samantha Wildman and they started their first musical number, Torres had settled back at the bar with her beer and cigarettes after getting Janeway to promise that she would speak with her after the bar closed for the night about the whole mob situation. She'd been so impressed by the xenobiologist's amazingly smooth and skilled voice that seemed to grow stronger and stronger with every song that she hadn't noticed the wily redhead slip away until it was too late.

The police, led by Richardson, had busted in on them and hauled away in two squad cars: herself, Seven, and Doctor Harrison Jones, a handsome man who'd shown direct and sinister interest in Kate, and was nearly passed out by that time from being drugged by the suspicious redhead. B'Elanna wasn't certain who Harrison really was, but since they hadn't seen him since they put him in a separate car, she figured after a little thought that he was probably a hitman hired by one of the three main mob families to snuff out Kate and possibly Rose, Wildman's character, too. She furthermore figured that he was in some sound-proofed room sleeping off his drunken stupor and awaiting an first class, old-fashioned interrogation. If Torres wasn't so concerned that her chances of cracking the case were practically non-existent now, she'd be damned impressed by the captain's ability to play the game, but considering she was stuck in the jail cell, she had no idea what she was going to do now since the police had her gun, her hat, and most importantly, her trenchcoat, which not only contained nearly five thousand dollars in cash as well as her pocketbook, but also her lock picking kit, all of her small little detective tools, and the keys to her office and car, where she'd hidden the majority of the cash she'd found at the Kennedy home. And they also had the evidence, the tape, that Torres had gathered from Kennedy's on the mob and some of their 'business.' She had planned to turn it over to them, except for the cash, but on her terms, not theirs.

Spinning around and reaching into her pocket to pull out her cigarettes and lighter, which were the only things the police had let her keep, she looked over her shoulder, then whispered to Seven as the Borg stood with her hands behind her back and frowned heavily, "Did they search you too?"

"Yes," Seven of Nine, or Vivian Bando as her character was designated, reported, not understanding why B'Elanna was whispering. "They acquired all of my 'stuff' as well."

"Fuck," Torres said again as she took a hit off her cigarette. Then looking around, she said, antsy, "Okay…okay, there's got to be a way out of here. There's got to be something we can do since the story's still running." Sighing, she shook her head, smoked fast and nervously, then said, "I don't know, though. This is almost a two day story. Maybe we're just supposed to get tossed in here for the night and they'll let us out tomorrow?" B'Elanna looked back over to Seven as her partner frowned more at that while she looked around at the less than sufficient accommodations, and said, "Kate said everything's going down tomorrow night…there's no one even in the downstairs room tonight." After a few beats, she shook her head and said, "Although, I doubt it considering what they're charging me with: breaking and entering, disturbance of the peace, trespassing on private property. They even threw an attempted assault with a deadly weapon charge on me. I'll be lucky if I get out of here before I'm fifty."

Fairly annoyed, Seven said, "At least you have a license to carry a 'firearm.' I do not, and it seems that Ms. Kate," she said with endearing spite for her redheaded lover's ruthlessness, "has a 'score' to settle with me as well since I am also being charged with 'extortion' and 'harassment.' Perhaps I will be 'lucky' if I they release me before I require a replacement cortical node…"

Managing a chuckle, Torres came up to her, patted her arm and said, "Kid, when we get into trouble…we really do it." As Seven raised her eyebrows, B'Elanna smirked and whispered, "I should have guessed we'd end up in the big house together at least once…although," she smiled, "I'd rather do it this way when we're just playin' around…"

"Agreed," Seven came back. Then looking around and going over to the window that was level with the ground out of which they could see traffic passing by, the Borg queried, "Is it 'cheating' if we attempt to 'break out' of this detention facility by utilizing my Borg enhancements?"

"Can you really bend those bars?" asked B'Elanna, not answering the question. When the blonde said that it was unlikely, although she could attempt it, Torres held up her hand and said, "Okay, hang on…let me think this through first. If we do this, it might end the game if we get caught because then they'll never let us out." As Seven nodded in agreement, Torres began pacing around while she smoked and said, "Okay, let's go down the list of possible ways out of here. First," she held up her thumb, "we could get someone to bail us out." Snapping her fingers and turning around, she said, "Kennedy! He's a lawyer and I've got twenty grand in my car. Maybe if we call him, tell him if he gets us out of here I'll give that to him so he can use that to take off with Elsa…maybe he'll go for it? I think he already knew about the loot, but he doesn't know I have he'll think he's got double..."

"Efficient," Seven remarked then queried, "How did you come about these funds?"

"I saved it for a rainy day, of course," B'Elanna smirked back at the blonde. Then shaking her head, she added, "It doesn't matter…it's cash and untraceable."

"Very well…however," the taller female felt the need to add, "how are we going to contact him? I am uncertain the captain will grant us our 'phone call.' I do not believe he is concerned with upholding the 'law' at this time, and I do not believe we have much to 'bargain' with where he is concerned."

"True," Torres said, smoking again, and shaking her head, "With the list of charges against us…who would believe a bum detective and a bitchy reporter over the captain of homicide. Especially if they find out we pulled one over on the old Kennedy woman and stole almost thirty grand from her." When the Borg furrowed her brow disapprovingly at the Klingon since she likeed Missus Kennedy, B'Elanna came back, "What? I was gonna do good with it. It's not her money anyway…it's mob money."

Rolling her eyes in disbelief, Seven finally nodded and said, "'Anyway,' I believe we can assume we will not receive our 'phone call'…at least not for several hours, and considering the 'raid' is to take place tomorrow, and believe we should assume that they will attempt to keep us detained until that time…at which point the simulation would be over."

"Okay, so that's out," acknowledged the chief, bobbing her head, taking a final toke off her cigarette, then throwing it into the unsightly toilet bowl, which caused Seven to peer into it, then scrunch her face in disgust. "Well," she began again, "there's always Nick…he's a cop. Although," she pulled out another cigarette, "I doubt he'll help us…or can help us. I don't think cops can post bail…I don't know…I don't even know if they'll give us bail…probably not. So," she lit her smoke while Seven looked on and shook her head at the excessive indulgence of her lover, "I guess that means we've got to get outta here on our own. It's possible someone might try to break us out…maybe Rose," Torres said, raising her eyebrows, "since she's my secret source, but," she sighed, defeated, "that would mean she'd have to sneak out of K Street, and Kate pretty much locks her in there at night…for her 'protection,' I'm sure." Laughing softly and shaking her head as she walked up to the window and looked out, she said, "Kahless, Red's character is a real nut job in a sense…the computer really went crazy with her. I only did the basics." Looking over to Seven, she smirked and said, "Yours too, since I'm assuming if the cops hadn't shown up tonight you'd have pulled a gun on her...?"

"Perhaps," was all Seven of Nine said.

Nodding, the Klingon responded, "Right," then sighed and said, "okay, but, before we 'cheat,' let's think about how to get out of here. I'd rather not have a hollow victory. I mean, if we have to cheat…I'll cheat, but I'd rather not." Once Seven of Nine nodded in understanding, although she didn't agree since she was certain the computer made allowances for the fact that Seven of Nine was playing a character and her profile was readily available in Voyager's database, as well as her enhancements and physical strengths, Torres said, "Alright, let's take an inventory of what we've got." Pulling out her smokes and lighter, she tossed those on the bed, looked to Seven and then asked, "What do you have?"

"Only the 'clothes on my back.'"

Torres frowned, then looked down at Seven's shoes and said, "Well, we've got your high heels…they could possible be used as weapons." Looking down at her mens loafers, she sighed and said, "Mine won't due much good other than to squash a bug…oh shit, wait!" she said quickly, then knelt down and kicked off her shoe. Pulling out the extra key she'd had made, she said, "I've got a key!" then stopped quickly, and said, defeated again, "but it's a key to Kate's office…that won't work here."

Seven snatched up the key and said, "Perhaps it will," as she also grabbed B'Elanna's lighter and headed toward the jail cell. As B'Elanna followed her and asked what she was thinking, the Borg reported, "These 'locks' are crude and simplistic. This metal is mostly copper…which is highly malleable, especially when exposed to heat."

"No shit," Torres said, snatching the key back up, "but what's your point? A bendable key isn't going to work any better…this key doesn't fit this lock."

Grabbing the key back, Seven cocked her eyebrow and said, "'No shit,'" then reached around the front of the cell and slipped the key into the hole, both of the locks similar, antique style systems since that was the case for all the locks in this scenario, "However, it 'fits' enough that we can modify this key so that it does 'fit'…perhaps…although, I believe we will only have 'one shot' before the key becomes useless."

After a second, Torres smiled, snapped her fingers and said, "You mean make the lock like a mold…stick the key in when it's so hot the metal will bend?" When Seven nodded, smirking, B'Elanna shook her head, smacked Seven's shoulder and said, "Not bad, ace…even for a Borg, that's some seriously clever thinking. Okay, let's do it. That's too cool of an idea…I won't consider that cheating."

"Very well," Seven said as she put the key in her Borg hand, handed the lighter to Torres and said, "Activate the heating element…it will take several minutes for the key to reach the desired temperature."

Snickering as she flipped open the silver Zippo and sparked it, Torres said, "It's call a lighter, babe."

"Hold the 'lighter' steady…babe," Seven came back, then smiled, and reported as she stuck the key into the tip of the flame, "I am enjoying this simulation immensely, despite the fact that you continue to 'smoke' excessively. Perhaps when we return to the Alpha Quadrant and have foiled Section 31, we can engage in another 'case' together?"

Torres smiled and said, "Sure…you know, I never really thought about it until now, but," she paused for a moment to puff on her cigarette, "this is probably really good practice for the two of us…since something tells me we'll have to do more than a little dirty work of our own when we get back. I know I'm a little rusty at being a real snoop…although," she smirked, "some things you don't forget how to do for long. What about you," she nodded to Seven, "how did it go with the old lady? I couldn't really hear what you were saying."

While she continued to hold the key easily, able to detect visually and tactilely that the key was beginning to heat up, Seven reported, "I believe I am adapting efficiently…although," she admitted, "it is difficult to be certain considering the character was from a different point in time. Perhaps it would be helpful to utilize a simulation in the Starfleet database that utilizes characters that I am more liable to encounter when we return?"

Nodding, Torres said, "Good thinking. I'll bet there's plenty of scenarios that already exist that just have people you can practice talking to and interacting with…and I'm sure Red will go for that and give us all the holodeck time we need. But," B'Elanna smiled, flicked her cigarette from across the room into the toilet with skill, then reached over and patted Seven's arm, "just so you know, I think you're doing really great…so does Red…I'm sure of it." Chuckling as Seven pulled the key away for a moment, examined it, then stuck it back under the flame, Torres said, "You've certainly got the whole double-cross, out for yourself bit down good. You'd have made a hell of a Maquis, bang."

Understanding that such a thing was a rather big compliment, Seven smiled and said, "Thank you," as she pulled out the key, looked at it and then quickly took it over to the lock. As she utilized her enhanced skills and was able to precisely recall the movement required to slip the key into the lock without fumbling around at all, Seven pushed it inside quickly, but carefully, applied the appropriate amount of pressure and then informed, "It will take several minutes to cool until it can be used."

As she flipped closed her lighter and stuck it back in her pocket, going over to the cot and snatching up her smokes, putting those in her pocket as well, B'Elanna said, "Okay, so once we get outta here, we're gonna have to work pretty fast and find a place to lay low for a while. I've got some stuff in my office that we'll want to get, and we'll need to find out where my car is…hopefully they just left it at K Street for now and didn't impound it." Looking over to Seven, she asked, "Where did you plan to crash for the night?"

Looking over to B'Elanna and smirking as she shifted her position slightly, Seven informed, "I had planned to retire with you as I typically do when we are 'working' a 'case' together."

"Too bad we got tossed in here," B'Elanna said smiling, then added, "So, now we're together, huh?" Torres smirked, laying down on the bed and putting her arms behind her back. "How do I know while I'm sleeping you won't stick a knife in my back?"

"I require your services, thus you are safe," Seven informed, still smirking, but turning her attention back to the position of her hand to make certain things were progressing appropriately. "There is also the fact that I am not 'evil,' merely 'driven' to succeed."

Laughing and shaking her head, Torres said, "Okay, well, I think we can assume that Kate will stay at K Street and so will Rose, and something tells me that Nick's gonna sneak in for the night…so I'm thinking they'll all be there, but we can't be sure. I mean, the mob sent that guy after her…so I doubt she'll let her guard down enough, but I don't think she'd leave her place though."


"Any idea where we should go?"

"I am uncertain. All of the dwellings we typically attend would undoubtedly be searched."

Snapping her fingers and sitting up, Torres said, "K Street. We should get into her underground place now and check it out before there's anyone around anyway. Maybe there's a clue down there…and," she smiled as she stood up and came over to the bars, "I don't think anyone will be down there for a while…so we should be safe while we figure out our game plan." When Seven looked over to her, clearly uncertain that was wise, Torres said, "Think about it. That's where they arrested us. Why would they think to look there since they know we're not really trying to hurt Kate? They'll check out my office and your office…those types of places, but they won't go to Kate's. Besides, she doesn't like to have the cops around anyway. If the mob's got eyes on her tonight, that would really make them think she's out to get them." As the Borg thought it over for a beat and then nodded in agreement, Torres bobbed her head as well and finished, "First things first, though…we've got to get out of this cell, and then out of this building without being seen."

Seven smirked as she suddenly turned the key and the locked clicked, then reported as she pulled the gate open, "One objective 'down'…two to 'go.'"

Torres smiled and shook her head as she closed the gate back up and turned the key to lock it. When the key broke apart at that, she said, "One shot was right…great work, ace." Turning around and looking about, she pointed toward the back hallway and said, whispering now, "Let's check this out…maybe I'm just crazy," she grinned as they walked silently, "but I don't think they'll let us out the front door."


Wearing the spare trench coat she kept in the trunk of her car, which thankfully hadn't been towed yet, since she'd switched at Kennedy's house for a darker once, B'Elanna smiled as she and Seven crept around the back of K Street, after having broken into her office to gather all her files on Kennedy. Now loaded down with twenty thousand dollars and a flash light, she whispered to Seven as the blonde followed right behind her, "Nick's here," pointing to the horse that was tied off at the back near the street light. Staying in the shadows of the foliage that trimmed the back, gravel and dirt lot where they were, she looked around at the other buildings that surrounded the establishment and said, "We've got to stay near the bushes or someone might see us and call the cops, and I don't wanna risk taking that light out," pointing upward with her thumb, but not looking toward it. "If she's awake, she'll know something's up."

"Agreed," answered Seven, then questioned, "How will we gain entrance…neither of us have the ability to 'pick' the 'lock' as before?"

"The window to Rose's bedroom is broken, but," she paused, peering over and up to the third story, "I can't tell if the window locks are drawn in this dark. Can you see up there?" When Seven looked up and reported that the windows were not covered, but there was a wood panel over the broken one, Torres sighed and said, "Well, I guess that doesn't matter because I can't really risk the fact that Nick might shoot me accidentally if she thinks someone's coming after Rose." After a beat, she snapped her fingers and said, "I know…the window to Kate's room is open…I tested it out earlier tonight."

Raising her eyebrows, Seven reminded, "I believe it is more probable that Kate will 'shoot' you than it is that Sergeant Fowler will."

"We'll create a disturbance," B'Elanna explained. "If one of us can get her out here…the other one can sneak into the window and get downstairs while the other one sneaks in the backdoor. Then we can both meet up in the men's bathroom and get downstairs. That way," the Klingon smirked over at the blonde, "I don't have to worry about you screwing me over and leaving me out here."

Seven smirked back, nodded and said, "Efficient."

"Thanks," Torres smiled back, then said, "Okay. You're better at stealth that I am…so why don't you get up on the fire escape and get in that way. You could climb down the stairs quieter than me, but remember," she added quickly as Seven nodded her acceptance, "Nick's there and she'll probably come have a look too."

Shaking her head, Seven reminded, "I do not believe Kate knows she is present. She would not find it acceptable for her to regenerate with Rose. I believe Kathryn is aware she is there, but is 'pretending' not to know…therefore," Seven finished quickly, "Nick Fowler would not make her presence known unless it was necessary."

"Good point," the chief acknowledge. "Okay, so you won't have to worry about Nick, and if Rose sees you…I doubt she'd say anything since she's my source and was probably pretty pissed that you got hauled away right during the middle of a song." Smiling and chuckling, shaking her head, Torres informed, "Kahless, that was great…did you expect that?"

"No," Seven said evenly, not thinking the timing was so 'great,' although she continued to be impressed with Kathryn.

Just as they wer about to move, the Klingon grabbed Seven and pulled her down more as the light in the second story store room turned on and two figures appeared in the room full of boxes and containers. Recognizing the compact and trim figure of Janeway immediately, but not able to make out the other one that was clearly male, Torres asked, "Who's with her?" certain Seven would be able to see adequately.

Sighing, Seven answered, "Captain Richardson."

"Crap," spat Torres, "I wonder if that means they already knows we're gone?"

"I do not believe so," the Borg reported. "He is consuming a beverage in a 'coffee mug' and Kate is pointing to various areas about the immediately area." Looking over at Torres and away from the action for a moment, Seven stated, "Perhaps they are planning for tomorrow's 'raid?'"

"That makes sense," Torres nodded, sighing with relief. Then talking up Seven's hand, she stood up more, but still hunched and said, "Come on, ace…this is our chance."

Moving quickly along with Torres, Seven questioned, "What is the plan?"

"Get into Kate's bedroom and wait until we can get downstairs," Torres said as they approached the ladder to the fire escape. "If we have to, we'll hide out there for the night."

"She will undoubtedly enter her quarters during that time…possibly with the captain…I believe we should recalculate."

"She doesn't let anyone into her room…and if she goes up there, I'll deal with her…she doesn't hate me."

Reaching up and grabbing the chief's foot tightly, Seven whispered, but clearly determined, "Unacceptable."

Torres sighed, then came back down the ladder and said, "Viv, what's your problem, huh? I don't get it…so she threw you out on your ass and you hate her. You've never let that stop you from getting the story before. Listen," she stopped for a minute, talking with her hands, "you already have all the dirt on her you need…now, why don't you give up the revenge act for a minute and just think. If we help her bring down the mob…think about what that will do for your career…and if we don't help, they'll throw the book at us. This is the only way to save our asses. She's leaving town tomorrow…you're not going to have to worry about her." When Seven raised her eyebrows at that, Torres sighed and said, "And I'm not just feeding you bullshit, okay. She's taking off. She'll have to or she'll be a dead woman by sun up since they'll never get everyone. Now," B'Elanna paused a calmed down, "why don't we try to help ourselves, by helping her? You'll get the inside scoop and look like the most impressive field reporter there ever was, and I'll get some really good press and maybe a little respect if we work this right. This is our chance, ace…yours and mine…to really get into the big-time. So," she paused again, "are you in or what?"

Nodding, Seven said, "Very well. I am 'in,'" then followed when Torres eyed her closely, "I promise. As long as you are certain she plans to vacate the 'city?'"

"I'm sure…she told me so herself." As Seven eyed her as well, and then bobbed her head, Torres held out her hand and said, "So do we have a deal…we're in this together?"

"Correct," answered Seven, shaking her hand firmly.

"Okay then," Torres came right back, withdrawing her hand as the light went off in the room. Looking up quickly, Torres sighed and said, "Shit…now what?" After a moment when they heard the back door unlocking, Torres grabbed Seven and pulled her down to the ground, just to the other side of the porch where they were completely hidden as long as whoever was coming out the back didn't look over the side of the short porch and down.

Stepping out of the bar, Captain Richardson said, "I'll call you in the evening…and…" he paused as they stepped outside and saw the horse. Turning around quickly, he asked, angered, "Why didn't you tell me Fowler was here?"

Sighing, Captain Kathryn Janeway informed quickly, portraying the character of Kate McEntyre, "All things considering, I'd rather have him here than not." She looked down, rubbed her forehead, dropped her hand and said, "I'm sorry, but I didn't want to compromise Rose's privacy. She's a grown woman now, she can do what she pleases…and," she looked up to him, "considering what happened tonight, I think it's more important that she has personal and professional protection. I can't keep her safe from these men like he can."

Richardson nodded and asked, speaking quietly now, "Why will you let Fowler stay with Rose tonight, but won't let me stay with you?"

"Not that it's any of your business," Kathryn returned flippantly, "but Fowler happens to love her…and despite what I think about that situation, she loves him too." Shaking her head and sighing, Janeway said, "I can't begrudge her that. I won't do that anymore. If I do, she'll just wind up hating me…if she doesn't already." Then looking up and back over to Richardson, she said coolly, "And you lost the right to stay with me when you left me twenty-five years ago…it's really that simple."

"Why do you hate me so much for that after all these years?" asked Richardson, rather desperate. "And why does that matter now…under these circumstances…why can't you just let me stay?" Not giving her a chance to answer, her stepped up to her and said, almost whispering, "I'm not a drunk anymore, Kate, and just because I still love you doesn't mean I'm gonna try anything. Look," he said quickly, "I never planned for that to happen…that was never my intention when I asked you to come over. All I wanted was to see you that night…to just have a nice meal and hear about your day…that's all I ever wanted."

"That has nothing to do with this," Janeway informed with attitude. "I'm not worried about a repeat performance, but I'm still not going to let you stay. You haven't been a part of my life in a very long time and I'm not going to let you back in just as I'm about to start a new one." Stepping up to him, she snipped, "I don't love you anymore, Jack Richardson. I haven't loved you for a very long time. You don't matter to me anymore…and the only reason you're here is because you're a police officer. That's why I don't want you here…because I don't love you like Rose loves Nick. You very well may love me, but I don't love you."

"Then why do you still have my picture up stairs?" asked the captain defiant, not believing her. Stepping up to her as she snapped, turning away and said it wasn't any of his business, he asked, "And why haven't you settled down with someone else then? I left you when you were eighteen. I left you then so you could have a real husband and a real life…so you wouldn't be caught up in business like this, but here you are anyway." As Kathryn just remained silent, he finished quickly, "I think you do love me, and I think you won't let me stay because you are worried about a repeat performance…but one that we both want."

Feeling rather righteously indignant for her character, Janeway turned back to him, approached and said, "Let me tell you something, you arrogant sonofabitch, you may have had too much to drink, but I didn't and despite what anyone says about how a young lady should act, I wanted you to make love to me. I let you because I wanted to be with you…because I did love you then, but I do not love you now…and the rest, Captain, is none of your goddamned business because you made the decision to leave." Fairly cold-hearted, Kathryn finished, "So, if I'm breaking your heart right now…consider it just rewards. This is my place, this is my life, and you're only a police officer to me. Don't ever assume anything about what I do and do not want again. I'm tired of you dictating how and when my life changes when you don't deserve to even be standing here on my property…so get the hell off it…now!"

"You are one goddamned scornful woman, Kate McEntyre," Richardson said as he turned and started away with his hands in his pockets after putting on his hat.

"Coming from you, Captain," Janeway said as she stood inside the doorway, turned halfway toward him, "I'll take that as a compliment," then slammed the door behind her, shutting off the porch light.

As Richardson turned the corner and kept right on going, Torres sighed, letting out the breath she'd been holding, then stood up and said, "Kahless…she's really good…I mean, ouch."

"Indeed," Seven of Nine sighed as she stood up, mud all over the front of her nice clothes and on the side of her face. As Torres sighed and then started laughing, covering her mouth since Seven had hit the deck right where the horse had been standing most of the night and stirring up the moist dirty gravel into a fairly sizeable muddy section, the Borg frowned at Torres, then looked over to the door and reported, "She locked the door. How do you wish to proceed?"

Smiling, B'Elanna said, "I think now that Richardson's gone, and she told him off...big-time, I think we can just knock and she'll let me in." As she started toward the door, she said to Seven, "Just hang back to the side and let me do the talking…I'll get us in."

"I will comply," answered Seven, coming up to the door and standing off to the side by the wall, against it, looking down at herself, clearly unhappy.

After knocking on the door fairly quietly, and waiting for nearly a minute afterward, Torres tapped on the door again just as the porch light turned on. When she heard the chain being set, B'Elanna said, "Kate, it's me…Murphy."

Not bothering with the chain, Kathryn uncocked her gun, opened up the door and said, sighing, "I thought I had you arrested?"

Holding up her hands as she saw the gun hanging at the redhead's side, Torres smiled and said, "I busted out. Can I come in?"

After chuckling, Janeway shook her head and said, "No, Mike…you can't. I can't afford to have the police spotted around here anymore."

Leaning on the doorframe and pulling out her cigarettes, she offered one to Janeway, who accepted, then lit both of them and said, "Okay, look, you and I both know this is the last place the cops are gonna come looking for me." Sighing, she said, "For Christ sakes, Kate…they're charging me with a boat load of stuff. I'll be lucky if they don't throw my ass in the pin for ten years."

"They're not going to charge you with anything," Kathryn informed, leaning on the open door at the side. "Richardson promised me he'd drop all the charges against both you and Vivian."

"And do you really trust him?"

"Yes," Janeway answered. "He might be delusional and arrogant, but he's not a liar. He'll do as I ask."

"Well, thanks for the info," Torres came back. "Now, can I come in?"


Sighing, B'Elanna said, "Kate, are you gonna make me beg…is that it? Come on," she huffed, "they've got all my shit…my keys…my money…everything…and I can't go back to my place. As soon as they find out we're gone, there gonna be looking there."


"Yea, me and Viv…we busted out together," Torres said, looking over to Seven and telling her to make herself seen.

Bringing to hand to her mouth and laughing once, Janeway then stopped, pouted for Seven, finally smiled and said, "Darling, what happened to you?"

Still fairly annoyed, Seven reported, looking over to the area she'd laid in, "There is 'mud' on that side of this dwelling in which I was forced to lie in to keep from being seen by Captain Richardson."

Since she'd planned on letting B'Elanna in, and certainly didn't plan to leave Seven out in the cold, Vivian Bando or not, Kathryn sighed and said, "Alright, you two…come on in, but," she added as they stepped inside and she shut the door, "you're leaving in the morning…and that's not negotiable." Stopping Seven with her free hand that wasn't holding her cigarette, Janeway said, "Just so we're clear, Vivan, I could have let Richardson throw the book at you…but I didn't…so, can we call a truce?" Before Seven could answer, she followed, "You can write the biggest story you want as long as you keep my prior involvement with Richardson and Rose out of it. She'll never be safe if anyone finds out since I'm certain she doesn't want to leave town…at least not with me. I don't want to fight you, but I'm not going to let you, or anyone," she looked over at B'Elanna, "ruin my daughter's future. Are we clear?"

"Yes, Ms. Kate," Seven smirked, then leaned down and kissed Janeway's cheek, purposefully rubbing the mud on her hands on her bare arms, then said as she stood upright and smirked, "My apologies. Perhaps you should join me for a bath now?"

Smirking at Seven, Janeway smiled, then said, nodding, "Go on and get started…I'll be up in a minute."

After Seven nodded and hurried climbed the stairs, Janeway gestured that Torres should follow her, and asked after she took a hit off her cigarette and then put in out in the ashtray near her bar, "How did you two get out anyway?"

While B'Elanna sat at the bar and told the story, taking off her trench coat and hat, Janeway poured her a beer, then pulled a picture off the wall behind the bar and accessed a computer display. Chuckling and shaking her head as she checked on the status of her vessel, far too much of the captain to be able to help herself, Kathryn closed up the display when everything showed all systems were normal and Chakotay's report that was waiting for her to be accessed informed her directly that she could stop worrying and everything was fine, and said, "Well, I'm glad you managed to get out and didn't decide to wait for someone. I'd hate to have to quit now since something tells me tomorrow's going to be rather interesting." Then turning around and taking a swig of Torres' beer, she brought her hand to her mouth, yawned and said, "By the way, it's almost three in the morning." As Torres nodded, having figured as much, Kathryn leaned forward, kissed her lips softly and whispered, "Aren't you tired?"

"Not a chance," B'Elanna came back smiling, "this is far too much fun…and Murphy never sleeps until a case is over. By the way," she winked, "you really rock, Red. I heard you tell off Richardson…ouch. Just do me a favor," she smiled, "if you ever dump my sorry as for real, be nicer…my ego couldn't take that."

Chuckling, the captain leaned forward, brushed her lips against B'Elanna's and whispered before she kissed her again, deeper, "Mmm, now why would I ever do a silly thing like that?" Then backing way, and snatching up Torres' cigarette, smoking it and then putting it out while the Klingon took a sip of her beer, Janeway added, "Besides, I'm a sucker for you remember? You're also rather handy...both of you."

B'Elanna smiled, nodded and said, "That's my job, doll…I fix things."

"Yes, I remember...vividly," Kathryn replied, flirting and leaning forward toward Torres again. Then reaching out and running her knuckles over B'Elanna's cheek as the Klingon leaned on her elbow and just smiled at her, the redhead whispered, "I'm madly and hopelessly in love with you, tool-pusher," she smiled, now leaning on her elbow as well while she traced the groves in B'Elanna's face. "You do you know that, don't you?" When Torres closed her eyes and nodded, still smiling, Janeway whispered, in question after a few long, silent moments, "Will you tell me what you're thinking about, please?"

Torres opened her eyes and said, "I'm just thinking about how cool it's going to be to walk around Earth with you and Seven and make everyone's head turn." When Janeway expelled the air from her chest and shook her head, closing her eyes, B'Elanna smiled, and said, purposefully acting like she didn't understand the reaction, "What? It's true…you asked."

The captain opened her blue eyes as they twinkled at Torres, smirked and said, "You're incurable..."

"That's why you love me."

Chuckling, Kathryn leaned forward and said after she pecked Torres' lips, "Only one of many reasons." Then backing away, she asked for the very first time since their relationship began, "Do you mind if I take a little private time with her right now?" Before she often did get private time with Seven, but it was never at her request. It was either because they'd lived together and B'Elanna needed her own private time, or was working late, or it was because either Seven had requested it of Torres, or the Klingon felt the need to give it to them. Truth be told, Janeway usually didn't prefer it, and really the only time she did, was when she'd requested private time with Torres. Those moments were always very rare, and she only did so when she felt that either B'Elanna and she needed to have a heart to heart talk about something that was bothering the chief, or Kathryn, herself, needed a break from responsibility, and part of that was Seven. That wasn't really true anymore since the Borg had become rather independent in her personal life— she'd always been that way in her professional existence—but before B'Elanna Torres was the one and only person that she could lose herself in completely, let everything go, and just put herself if the hands of someone else. Whether that consisted of having a quiet meal, getting a back rub, just sitting back and watching the brunette be herself, which had always fascinated Kathryn, or making love, those times always did wonders for her, just as similiar times with Seven always did wonders for her as far as renewing her sense of purpose and responsibility, which was just as important, when she didn't feel the need to forget.

Now she had a feeling things could very well be very different in their private lives, but right now it was rather difficult for her to imagine, or even begin to adapt since she hadn't spent enough time with them individualy, or together to have a strong sense of the dynamics of their relationship now...other than to know that Torres and Seven were closer than ever. That much was crystal clear. Kathryn wasn't jealous, but it was becoming more difficult for her to keep herself from worrying if this Section 31 business went on for more than a few months, she could be so far out of the loop, she'd never feel like an equal partner again.

Torres shook her head and said, seriously, "No." When Janeway nodded and started away, affectionately patting her hand, B'Elanna added quickly, smiling her crazy grin, "But if you decide to get kinky in the bathtub, call me?" As Kathryn shook her head, then smirked at her over her shoulder, winked before she turned out of sight, Torres turned back to her beer, shaking her head and said, "God, I love this town."

Picking up her beer, the chief migrated to the piano, and proceeded to quietly and expertly play Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, which was the only she knew, until she heard movement behind her. When she turned her head quickly, holding her beer back in preparation to chuck it, and saw a fairly sleeping Lieutenant Samantha Wildman poke her head around the corner, wearing a purple silky robe and what looked to be a matching nightgown underneath, Torres relaxed and said, quietly, "Hey…I didn't wake you, did I?"

"Mmmntmm," Wildman answered, shaking her head, then yawned, covering her mouth as she approached her. Looking around, she asked, "Did they let you out already?"

"Not exactly," Torres chuckled, then turned back to the piano. After taking a sip of her beer and setting it down on the top of the shinny black instrument, she said, "Seven and I broke out, and Kathryn's letting us crash here for the night."

Chuckling and shaking her head, Wildman came up next to Torres and said, "Does that mean I can stop pretending to be a tramp for a while?"

Torres laughed and nodded as she started playing her song again. Then stopping and looking over at Samantha, she said, "By the way, you were really great tonight. I'm sorry we got hauled away right in the middle of your performance." When Samantha giggled, requested that she scoot over and sat down next to her, then continued playing the song softly, although doing so with both hands and making it more musical, Torres picked up her beer and asked, "How come you didn't go into music?" Shaking her head quickly, she said, "I'm not trying to be nosey, I'm just curious…so you can tell me to butt out. I won't take offense."

Stopping that song and beginning her favorite song instead, Sam answered softly, "Music's like a love affair to me…it's not ever something I want to feel like I have to do. I don't ever want it to be something like that…like a job…just a passion. I don't know," she shook her head and she kept playing softly, "maybe that seems silly since I'm also passionate about science, but it's just not the same to me for some reason." After a brief moment of consideration, she explained further, "Music is so personal…it's hard for me to share it with just anyone, but I can talk about science with a perfect stranger…even something that's only a hypothesis and probably not accurate. It's just different to me. I, meaning who I really am, can hide behind my doctorate and be as confident and direct as I need to be, but I can't hide behind my voice…even if I know I can sing well. Sometimes," she chuckled softly, "it feels like people can see right through me when I'm stage...I used to have terrible stage freight when I was younger, and have dreams of being totally naken on stage."

After a few bars, B'Elanna asked direct, but not harsh, almost whispering, "Is that why you're not singing right now?" Looking over to Samantha, who didn't stop playing, but smiled softly, Torres said, "It's cool if it is. I mean, I get it…I'm not a real big fan of people really knowing me because it tends to give them bigger expectations and then when I just screw up, I'm left holding the bag and they hate me. If they don't know me and they hate me…I'm okay with that, but when they get close, and then they hate me…well, that kind of stinks." As Wildman just shook her head slightly, Torres added, "I'm just curious…I don't like bullshit."

"I'm not singing because we were talking and typically," Wildman chuckled, "most people find that irritating." Looking over to B'Elanna, she asked, "Would you like me to sing?"

"If you want to…"

Smiling, Samantha repeated her question, "Would you like me to sing, B'Elanna?"

Torres quirked the side of her mouth, then got up off the bench and said, "You know, most people don't give you enough credit for being a tough cookie. You should think about getting a new reputation." Turning around and stopping at the curve of the piano, leaning on it, she said, "I can help you with that." When Samantha snickered and nodded her head, B'Elanna took a sip of her beer, smiled and said, "Yes…I'd like to hear you sing. Can you sing that song you're playing now?" Quirking her mouth, she said, "It's nice…moody."

Wildman stopped, then stood, reached for Torres' beer, took a very small sip to wet her whistle, then sat back down, cleared her throat softly and said, "Yep…it's my favorite. It's called My Old Addiction.."

When Torres chuckled at the title, then hopped up on the piano, lit a cigarette, and then laid back, Samantha sang softly as Torres listened, but didn't watch and blew rings of smoke in between her smiles. When heavy footsteps were heard coming down the stairs toward the end of the tune, B'Elanna turned her head, as Samantha smiled to herself, but kept right on singing, certain it was Nicole descending the steps since although it was a fairly subdued song, she was certain the sound could be heard throughout most of the building. As Torres waved at the visitor, then turned her head back to the ceiling and merely closed her eyes while she continued to smoke, Wildman looked over her shoulder and smiled as much as possible, then winked as Fowler leaned against the entrance in her uniform pants and smiled at her.

Turning back to the piano, although the image of Nicole, standing there with her arms crossed over her bare, tanned and incredibly impressive muscular chest while her long, straight, sandy brown hair cascaded down evenly on both sides as she smiled at her, being etched into her mind forever as not only sinfully sexy, but the symbol of almost everything she believed was worth fighting and waiting for in life, Samantha finished her song with emotion and skill, then nodded her head to both the brunette's as they clapped softly.

Turning halfway around as Fowler started for them, Wildman reached her hand out for her, and asked, looking up, although not drastically since Fowler remained just off the slightly raised stage, "Did we wake you?"

Fowler smiled as she climbed onto the stage and then sat down after kissing Wildman's hand while she answered, "No, but the giggly girls upstairs did." Looking over to Torres, who shook her head, chuckling to herself and then pushed up to a sitting position, reaching for her beer, Fowler informed, "The way they're carrying on, I expected you to be up there."

Smiling, Torres slid off the piano, then went over to a table and grabbed an ashtray, saying, "Doc, here's your scientific evidence…they're crazy…certifiable…and this proves it." While she went back over to the piano and wiped the ashes she'd left on it into the clear tray, she explained, "Seven thinks its 'acceptable' to splash Kathryn in the bathtub, and for some reason that I can't figure out…other than she's insane too, Red thinks it's funny and just splashes her back until they've soaked everything in the bathroom but the ceiling, but," she looked up and smiled at the blonde, who was resting against Fowler's side as the brunette put her arm around her, "if I tried to splash Kathryn, she wouldn't think it was so acceptable…I'm sure of it." Pointing at them both, she said, "See, crazy…now I don't wanna here anymore lip from either of you. I know'em better."

"That's not crazy," Samantha came back smiling, holding Fowler's other hand, "that's sweet."

"Christ," B'Elanna sighed under her breath, then said, louder, shaking her head and snatching up her beer, "I give up. I can't ever win…not with you or Seven." Looking to Fowler, she nodded, lifting her chin, "Is it a blonde thing, you think…or a scientist thing?"

Fowler smirked at Torres and said, "I think it's a you thing, T."

"Some friend you are," B'Elanna shot back, then started for the bar. "You kids want something to drink…it's on Kate."

Standing, Wildman said, "I don't know about the two of you, but I'm more hungry than I am thirsty. I'm gonna go in the kitchen and see what's leftover." When she stepped down from the stage and Fowler didn't chime in a say that was a good idea, which she had expected since she'd never known her to turn down food, although she'd noticed lately her appetite had decreased some, which she knew was stress related because since her body switch with Torres, she'd been required to get a weekly check-ups with the Doctor for the following six weeks just to make sure there weren't any lingering side-effects, and she had a clean bill off health, she asked as Fowler told Torres she was fine and didn't need anything, "Did you want me to get you something?" She followed that quickly, "I don't mind."

About to decline, Fowler thought it over for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay…whatever you want, though."

"That means you better make a cow," Torres teased as she filled up her beer from the tap. Then looking over to the piano as Samantha snickered and went through the kitchen doors and Fowler waited until she was gone before she flipped her off over her shoulder, B'Elanna said, "Hey, I can talk…I was you, remember?"

Resisting the urge to sigh, Fowler nodded and said, "I do believe I recall something of that nature," as she placed her hands on the keyboard and started playing chords, knowing her way around a piano fairly well, just never having really tried to pick it up because it wasn't really her kind of instrument. As B'Elanna came over to the instrument with another beer, Fowler shook her head and said, "Girl, how can drink that much and not get so sloppy drunk you fall on your ass?"

B'Elanna smiled as she informed, "One, I'm a Klingon…we can hold our liquor. Two, I programmed all the booze to be only half-strength, so I could drink twice as much." When Fowler chuckled, but didn't say anything and only shook her head, B'Elanna eyed her best friend closely and then asked, quiet, "What's up?" As Fowler looked up at her in question, Torres nodded with her chin again as said, "What's wrong?"

Nicole shook her head and said after glancing toward the kitchen, informing Torres she didn't want to talk in front of Sam, "Nothing that won't pass in time...don't worry, I ain't bailing on you."

"I'm not worried about that," Torres came back quickly, not taking offense, "but if you want to, you can. It's cool." As Fowler said no and she was enjoying the break, B'Elanna said, "Okay, well, you know…I'm here whenever."

"Yea, I know," Nick replied softly, still playing the piano. As Samantha came out of the kitchen with a glass of milk and a sandwich, B'Elanna grabbed her beer off the piano, patting Fowler's back and said, "Thanks for playing, Sam…great song," then started away.

"Where are you going?" asked Wildman quickly.

"I'm gonna go make sure the lunatics don't hurt themselves…then make some phone calls," Torres informed, stopping for a minute. "I've still got a case to crack."

Turning toward Nicole as she sat down, Wildman whispered, "She's not leaving because she thinks I want her to, is she?"

Fowler smiled as she took the contents of Samantha's hands and set them on the piano, and answered while she lifted her up and set her in her lap sideways, "Knowing Torres, she just wants to watch the girly show." When Wildman chucked and nodded at that, then smiled at her, Fowler reached for the milk, handed it to the blonde and said, "Thanks for making a snack."

"You're welcome," Wildman returned softly, still smiling. As Fowler picked up the sandwich, took a small bite, then gestured toward Samantha's mouth, the scientist took it from her, then took a bit for herself. After sipping the milk and handing it off to Fowler, Wildman quickly slid off her lap, stood up, hiked up her long nightgown so she could move and then straddled Nicole's lap. After she took another bite of the sandwich and then fed one to Nicole, she kissed her lips softly and quick, then asked, "Do you want to talk about it?"

Fowler took a sip of the milk, kept herself from sighing even though she felt like she was becoming far too readable these days—although she knew most of her friends and family had always been able to tell when something was on her mind since she typically smiled and talked a lot in her personal life, so whenever she didn't it was pretty much a dead give away—and said, quiet, "No…no, I don't." Raising her eyebrows, she asked, "Is that okay?"

Nodding, Samantha came back, "Mmmhmm," before she fed another piece to Fowler, fairly certain Nicole was still either beating herself up for having sex with Kathryn Janeway, or feeling melancholy and contemplative about her relationship with herself, which she knew weighed heavily on Nick's mind considering they would be returning home soon and there was unquestionable danger, as well as very large changes. When Fowler sighed at that, Samantha said, "I mean it, Nick…it's okay. I just had to ask in case you did, though."

Expelling the air from her lungs and shaking her head, Fowler said, "You're too good for me, Sam…thanks."

As Nicole turned her head and set the milk down on the seat next to them, Wildman grabbed Fowler's chin, although not harsh, turned it to face her and said, seriously, but quiet, "Please don't say that anymore. I don't like it because it's not true." Before Fowler could say anything, she added, "I know what you're going to say…you're going to say you were only joking, but I still don't like it." Then letting her go as Nicole just looked at her, blank, Wildman smiled and said, nodding, "Please and thank you," before she took a bite of her sandwich.

Swallowing as her heart-rate continued to remain high out of anxiety as Samantha had spoken to her, Fowler blinked, then grabbed the blonde's face and kissed her strongly, muttering just before, "I love you."

Being caught totally off guard, Wildman tensed for moment as she made an abrupt sound of surprise in her nasal passage, then moved quickly through her moment of anxiety, dropped what was left of the half sandwich to the ground, wrapped her arms around Fowler and began kissing her back. As Nicole grabbed her tighter and her kiss became much less skilled than it normally was, Wildman was about to pull away and ask her to please tell her what was wrong when she felt and tasted at the same time a salty dampness on her upper lip, and recognized the flavor immediately as tears. Lifting her hand to Fowler's cheek and pulling away, Samantha asked as she saw two glassy streams coming down Nicole's cheeks before the brunette bowed her head, "Honey, why are you crying?" She hoped that didn't come off as she felt it was bad, since she didn't at all, and Wildman knew she, herself, could get weepy at the drop of a hat depending on the time of the month, but since she'd never seen Fowler cry before, not even the night they stayed up all night talking about Fowler's past right after she was switched back into her own body, the question just begged to be asked.

Shaking her head, unable to answer appropriately really since she wasn't sure she knew, Fowler wiped her nose, and just took a deep breath. When she felt more tears spring up and the desire to stand up and flee until she could get herself in order rose with them, Nicole grabbed onto Samantha quickly and requested, "Don't let me push you away now," her voice quiet and broken.

Wildman wrapped her arms tightly around Fowler's neck and whispered, "Okay…okay, I won't let go," as Fowler shuddered and buried her head into her neck. As Nicole cried softly and silent, Samantha rested her head on her shoulder, turning her cheek, and after a few minutes when Fowler started breathing easier, Wildman rubbed her back and was about tell her that she loved her when she heard a sound at the front door, which apparently Nicole heard too, since the brunette immediately tightened, then stood and pushed Samantha behind her, whispering, "Be quiet."

As she heard what definitely sounded like someone fiddling with the lock on the door, Fowler whispered, "Go behind the bar and stay down."

Not arguing for several reasons: one, this was a simulation, two, Fowler was a member of the Elite Force—although Wildman had never seen her in action, and only witnessed her do her habitual push-ups and sit-ups in the morning, and once saw her play fight a little with Torres at Seven's birthday party—three, she, Sam, was in a nightgown, and four, she knew where Kate kept her gun, Samantha hurriedly scurried over to the bar and knelt down, pulling the hand weapon out of its holster. Coming around the side of the bar on her hands and knees so she was out of sight of anyone from the door, but could see the main area and cover Nick, Wildman cocked the gun and just watched as Fowler tip-toed over to the door, then stood behind it. When she caught Fowler's hand signal to get her attention, she looked over at her and watched as Nicole told her, mouthing the words and using signals that when they came through the door, she was to hit the deck, but not to shoot unless they saw her, Samantha nodded an crotched behind the bar, just as she heard the lock turn.

As the door opened slowly and one man started through, crouched low, dressed all in black, including a facemask and carrying a revolver, Nicole carefully eased the door open as they pushed on it, which pinned her against the wall behind it since she wanted to make sure if there were more than one, they all came through before she took care of them. Fowler poked her head around the door as two more proceeded after the first one, all of them with their backs to her. Then grabbing the door and thrusting it closed in once instant, knocking the last man down roughly, she at that same time kicked with her left leg, hitting the second man with her long reach in the neck and completely disabling him. While the last man moaned and tried to stumble up as the first guy in turned toward her with his gun drawn, Samantha Wildman popped up and yelled at him to drop it.

Using the split second of advantage as the guy paused and then turned for Sam, Fowler yelled, "Down!" to her girlfriend, as she lunged for him. As his gun discharged up toward the ceiling and Wildman ducked, then popped back up and kept her gun on the other hurting men, yelling at them to freeze, but kept one eye on Fowler, Samantha's mouth fell open slightly at what she saw next.

Fowler jumped at the guy and knocked him over, and they rolled until she was on her back purposefully since she was holding his gun arm away. Once he was in position, she easily kicked him over the top of her head, then flipped up to her feet, spinning around in the next instant. As the assailant started up, and began lifting his weapon again, Fowler quickly spun, kicked it out of his hand, sending it skidding across the floor as someone started running down the steps. While B'Elanna jumped down the steps, landing on her feet, but crouched, and pushed herself upright, Samantha yelled, "He's got a knife!" as she saw the man reach behind him, then brought her gun over to him, prepared to fire.

Holding up her hand as Fowler got into her stance to fight the man, Torres said, calm, "It's fine. She'll be fine," to Samantha as she passed by her and started for the other men, moving quickly, since one of them was recovering.

While Torres engaged the other man, and merely belted him across the face to knock him out for the count, the individual who'd been kicked in the neck still laying on the floor, Samantha wasn't so sure she shouldn't shoot the man with the knife, despite what Torres had said, until she saw Fowler smile at him, and tell him to bring it on with her hands. Curious, although still pointing her weapon at him, Samantha decided to just watch and find out just what all the fuss was about with her girlfriend, since she'd missed the kick to the neck, and although lunging at the man, kicking him over her head and flipping up had been impressive, it hadn't been enough to tell her she wasn't in any real danger of getting cut in a knife fight, especially when she was weaponless. However, she certainly was prepared to shoot him if it at all looked like Nick couldn't handle it…especially since she figured these characters were programmed not to stop fighting until they couldn't considering if this were a real situation, she was certain the man would have surrendered, but she wasn't certain either. He certainly wasn't as formidable as Fowler.

Raising her eyebrows as the man lunged at Nick, and Fowler used her left hand to deflect his arm, hitting him hard at the mid-forearm, then stuck her palm to his chin, spun right in front of him, crouching, grabbing his knife arm with her right hand after she elbowed him in the ribs and then flipped him over her back, Samantha said, "Oh my word." When the man ended up on his back, Fowler still holding his knife hand as his arm was twisted painfully over his head, Samantha lowered her weapon and brought her other hand to her gapping mouth, absently, as Nicole used her left hand to squeeze his fingers around the knife until he cried out and let go...all of that taking about six seconds. As the commander slid the knife away with her foot, then dragged him up, twisted his wounded arm around his back and lifted, keeping her feet around his to keep him off balance and demanded to know who sent him, Wildman sighed, uncocked the gun and set it on the counter...understanding now what the fuss was about.

When the man didn't respond, B'Elanna walked up to him, punched him in the stomach, much more apt to be brutal than the rest of them, and growled, "Answer!"

Shaking her head, Fowler said, forgetting herself, "Torres, he can't answer if he can't breath," then sighed and finally just put the guy in a head lock and warned, "My friend's not as nice as I am, partner. So you answer, or your number's up."

"Burglar," the man squeaked. "No one sent me."

Nodding to B'Elanna, who immediately turned around and went to check out the other guys, Fowler said as Samantha filled in Janeway and Seven as they came down the stairs, "Okay, just relax. If your story checks out…you've got a trip to the hospital and a nice little cell at the precinct waiting for you." Then tightening her grip, she said, "And if you're lyin' to me, I'll turn you over to my friend and look the other way…you read me?"

As the man nodded as best he could, Torres sighed and said, "It's cool. He's the only one with a gun, and they've just got thief tools…lock picks, flashlights, and," pulling out something from one of the downed men's shirts, "a bag."

Letting the guy go, who immediately coughed and fell to his knees, Fowler barked at him, "Be smart and stay there…I'll be back." Then turning, she said as she trotted for the stairs, "I'll get my handcuffs…we can put him in Murphy's car and take them down to the station so no one knows anything." Passing by Seven, who was only wearing a towel and her just past her shoulder length hair was drenched, Fowler laughed, smiling and said, "Nice look, Viv," then ran up the stairs, taking them two and three at time.

Sighing, Kathryn asked, her hair damp and slicked back, dressed in her bathrobe that was clinging to her wet body underneath, "B'Elanna, why are there thieves in this simulation again?"

Torres shrugged, smiled and said, "It's supposed to be realistic."

Looking over at Samantha, who still seemed a little stunned, the captain asked, "Are you alright?"

Nodding, Wildman smiled and said, "Oh I'm fine," then shaking her head, she said, "This is all just new to me, Captain." As Fowler came running down the stairs again with her shirt half on, her hat donned, and carrying her belt over her shoulder, Samantha shook her head and said, looking over and down at Janeway, "You missed all the excitement though… "

Kathryn gave Sam her famous lop-sided grin and said, "Oh, I've seen it before," then walked up to Nicole as she fiddled with the cuffs and put them on the guy, asking, "Do you want me to call the police, or are you two going to handle it?"

Answering for Nicole, Torres jumped up and said, smiling, "We'll take it…right Nick?"

Fowler smiled and chuckled at her friend, then nodded at Janeway and said, although not looking at her, "We'll take care of it…it shouldn't take too long. I'll let the boys," she snickered, "at the station handle all the paperwork so I can get right back. And don't worry," she stood up, pulling the crook with her, "I'll tell Richardson, if he's there, not to bother coming over."

"Yes, please," Janeway sighed, turning back around and starting for the bar to put away her gun, "I'd rather not have to argue with him again."

"Shit," Torres said as she started for the phone, "I forgot. I don't have keys to my car right now…so I can't start it, and," she sighed, "I'm a wanted criminal."

"You mean they didn't let you out?" Fowler asked, placing the guy in one of the chairs and telling him to sit.

"We had to escape," B'Elanna sighed. Then picking up the receiver, she said, "But it's cool…I've got some friends who will take care of it." Looking over to Janeway, she said, "They'll just take them in for the night and the rest of tomorrow until we're done…that way these guys," she pointed at them, "can't try to cut a deal with Jack-O by ratting me out."

While Torres dialed her messaging service and asked to be connected to one of her contacts, Seven of Nine walked up to the one conscious man, smirked at him, then grabbed his shoulder and applied the Vulcan neck pinch. When he slumped forward on the table, Seven smiled at Fowler, then pivoted and walked up to Janeway, grabbed her hand and said, "They do not require our assistance further," and pulled her along, back upstairs.

Sighing as Seven and Kathryn trotted upstairs, shaking her head while she looked at the unconscious man, Fowler said, "Man, I've really gotta learn that trick one of these days." Then looking over at Samantha, she walked up to her quickly, smirked, then kissed her lips and said, "By the way, thanks for covering my tail." Next she leaned over and whispered, "And thanks even more for not letting me go. I do believe I love you more than my baby," speaking of her now single guitar.

Samantha laughed softly, knowing this wasn't the time to get into the reason as to why Fowler has been crying, certain it was significant, then hugged her and said, "Mmm, I love you more than your guitar too." Looking up at her as Torres spoke on the phone, she said, "That flip thing you did was pretty neat."

After shrugging modestly, Fowler asked seriously, "Are you alright? I know," she whispered, "you don't like fights."

"Well," Samantha smiled, "that's true, I don't, but," she looked around, "it really wasn't much of fight. I mean," she smirked, "only three against one…well, one and half," she smiled, speaking of herself, "those odds don't really seem very fair."

Smiling, Nicole whispered before she kissed her, "The only time you'll ever be half is if someone's calling you my better half, darlin'…and that's a fact."


Seven of Nine pulled off her towel, hung it on the rod before she stepped back into the still steamy, bubbly tub, finding a definite 'plus' with holographic technology the fact that one could program bubble baths to stay bubbly, despite the amount of splashing that occurred. As Janeway smiled at her, then slipped off her robe and started to step back in, she laughed lightly as Seven sat up, grabbed her waist, lifted her and then urged her to straddle her legs. When Seven smiled, bent her legs slightly so Kathryn slid down until she was sitting on Seven's lower abdomen, a position most people would find uncomfortable, Janeway merely went with it, let Seven indulged herself completely and said, "You certainly are playful tonight."

Smirking, Seven informed, "I have recently reacquired my favorite 'doll.'"

Janeway chuckled softly at that, finding the Borg's recent adaptations not only made her more charming, but even more irresistible, something the good captain would have thought impossible if she didn't see if for her own eyes, and felt it in her heart, then whispered, "Oh, I see…well, thank you. I'm flattered…I think."

Seven raised her eyebrow and said, even, "I was not speaking of you." When Janeway splashed her and called her a liar, Seven smiled, dropped her legs, then splashed Kathryn back before she sat up straight and urged Janeway to wrap her arms around her neck. As Kathryn did so willingly and started combing her fingers through her hair, Seven bowed her head enough to rest it against Janeway's, closed her eyes and took a long, steady deep breath. She whispered after a few moments as the water stilled from their abrupt movement, "I have missed everything there is to miss about you, but I believe that other than seeing your smile…I have missed your superior grooming techniques the most."

Janeway chuckled at that softly and kissed Seven's nose, then whispered, "You're getting awfully funny these days. Is that B'Elanna's influence, or a mixture of Nick's too?"

Seven of Nine whispered back, "I believe it is a mixture…as well as my own attempt to 'lighten the mood' when I recall various ideas that tend to depress me. However," she added quickly, looking up, and smiling, although purposefully droning her voice, "I do not wish to contemplate those things at this time. That would be an inefficient utilization of resources." Smirking, Seven informed, "I am Borg and you will be assimilated."

Sexy, Janeway added right on cue as she leaned forward toward the Borg's full lips, "Resistance is futile, I know…I surrender." When Seven made the kiss more passionate and pulled her firmer against her chest, Kathryn moaned softly as the Borg's tongue slid past her own and purposefully lingered there until Janeway was inhaling deeply through her nose, excited by Seven's more aggressive and dominant demeanor, something she'd never really done with the captain before…at least not in this realm of their life, and not with quite the same feel of confidence as she currently was exhibiting.

As Seven kissed her more, pulling back on her lips each time so the kiss was more fervent and wanton, like she was consuming, then whispered once as she broke the contact for just a beat, "I desire you," before she bowed her head, started kissing her throat, urging Janeway's head back, the captain inhaled deeply again, then hummed her approval as her lover moved to her ear, kissed and tongued her favorite spot. Seven added again, although slightly different, "I desire you completely, my Kathryn…there is nothing more that I want at this time."

Breathing rather heavily, Janeway slowly turned her face toward Seven's to bring their lips back in contact. When the Borg didn't fight her at all and starting kissing her in the same hungry manner, Kathryn sighed after a several moments when they both were moaning and becoming more aggressive, demanding, and explorative with their hands and mouth, forcing herself away and to slow down, whispering, ragged, "I can't…I can't…not here."

Seven nodded as she breathed heavily too, nuzzling Janeway's nose with her own and whispered, squeezing Kathryn waist with her fully human hand on the side softly, "I am aware…although it is," she swallowed, "difficult to refrain when you are here with me." Taking a calming breath, she kissed Janeway's lips softly, then added, "I merely wish for you to know that I desire you completely."

Groaning, and then grabbing Seven's face and kissing her passionately again, although not in the same erotic and needful manner as they had previously been kissing, Kathryn pulled away, rested her forehead against Seven, and said, her eyes closed and her breath still quick, closing her licking her lips for a second, "OhIwantyou…hmm," she licked her lips again and took a deep breath, "god, Seven I want you so much…all the time, darling…mmm…every day I miss you." Kissing her lips again, she murmured against them, "Every day…mmm….nearly every mmmminute."

This time it was Seven's turn to pull away, and she said as they resumed their connection at their foreheads and took deep breaths, Kathryn's hands now resting on the blonde's upper chest, Seven sizable bosom just a centimeter away from her palm, and the captain seemed to be aware of that because she kept stoking her lover's upper chest with her twitchy and eager fingers, "I believe it would be prudent to vacate this 'tub' immediately." When Janeway nodded but didn't attempt to go anywhere and only looked down at Seven's partly exposed chest, closed her mouth and breathed only through her nose as she continued to nod her agreement, Seven added, "And I also believe it would be prudent for us to regenerate separately so I am not 'tempted'…to take," she informed as she started kissing Janeway again, "you, as I wish to do so at this moment." When Kathryn whimpered very high pitched at that and latched onto her tightly around her neck, urging Seven to press her chest against her own much smaller breasts, Seven complied, trailed her human hand down and pressed it to the small of Kathryn's spine, guilding her lower half to move forward toward her more.

Pulling away again as both of them gasped for air, flushed and agitated, Seven contemplated the situation, then reached up, covered Kathryn's ears and yelled at the top of her lungs, "B'Elanna Torrres! I require your assistance! DaH!" Then turned to Kathryn, she pulled her hands away and said, "My apologies," before she started kissing her again, hoping to keep her in the moment. When Seven used her mesh detailed hand to gently palm her right breast, while pulling her up some and now cupping her bottom with her right hand, which she had a feeling Seven would soon plant between her legs, Kathryn moaned high in her nose, trying to will herself to stop since she knew she should, but there wasn't a single part of her that wanted to, so it was difficult considering she had never quite been with Seven this way before, and furthermore, she hadn't been able to kiss her prior to today in a few days over two very long months. There was also the fact that for six months she'd shared her quarters with the Borg, and even though she didn't miss coming home to a room full of people that seemed to stop having fun once she got home, she certainly did miss everything else about living with Seven, especially just hearing her voice or watching her focus so intently on something so simple as watching TV.

When Torres came running up the stairs saying, "What! What!" and tore toward the bathroom at full speed, Seven disengaged from Kathryn's lips as the Klingon slid through the door way in her socks, confused and said, turning only her head toward her, her face definitely flushed, "Request that Sam Wildman sing and play the piano for at least ten minutes." Then added on the next beat, as Sam was fond of saying, "Please and thank you."

When Torres caught on fairly quickly as Janeway moved her head from Seven's shoulder and slicked back her hair, taking a deep breath when her hands came over her face, the Klingon raised her eyebrows, smiled in mischief and asked, "Do I get to come back?"

Seven snapped, annoyed at the inefficiency, "Comply!"

Speaking up quickly, Janeway held up her hand and said, "Wait…wait, just wait." Then looking over to Seven, apologizing with her eyes, she said to Torres, but continued to face the blonde, "I'm sorry, Lanna…thank you. Would you give us some privacy please?"

"Red," Torres said quickly, "I was just teasing…well, sort of," she acknowledged, "but I'll go get Sam to play…it's cool...on my honor."

"Please, B'Elanna," Janeway sighed, resting her forehead against Seven's again, shaking her head, as the Borg let go over her chest, "please just do it."

Nodding once, surprised and fairly curious as to what was happening, but figuring either one of them or both of them would tell her, Torres came back, "Sure, yea…okay. I'll just be downstairs if you need anything," then quickly turned and trotted back the way she came, making sure to close the upper door in case they were about to have an argument. Since she and Seven rarely fought, but when they did it was the Borg usually putting her foot down, loudly, and she'd had more shouting matches with the redhead than she could count, she knew if she didn't shut the door, any ensuing argument would definitely fall upon Fowler and Wildman's ears…not to mention her own, and she never liked to see Janeway and Seven fight…it was inherently wrong as far as Torres was concerned.

Kathryn sighed and said, whispering, "I'm sorry. Thank you for making the effort, but," she pulled away, looked at Seven, and informed as she brought her hand to her face, "I don't only want ten minutes with you." When Seven closed her eyes, sighed, but swallowed, nodded and apologized, Kathryn smiled and said, shaking her head, "Oh, please, please don't apologize…please don't ever apologize for wanting to make love to me. I love you for that." Sighing, she said, "I would just rather wait until we have more time and I don't," she managed a chuckle, "have to hear my lieutenant singing in the background." When Seven expelled the air from her chest in her typical laugh, Janeway moved her head to face the blonde's, kissed her lips softly, and then asked, "Are you alright?"

"I will 'survive,'" Seven came back, then managed a soft smile, kissed Janeway's lips again and said, "You are my sunshine, nonetheless"

Smiling, Kathryn whispered as she shook her head, "And you are my everything, and I love you completely."

Kissing the redhead's lips smartly, Seven said, smiling as she placed her hands on Janeway's hips and urged her to stand, "Thank you…now, it is definitely time to vacate the 'tub' because I continue to want your body, and I am currently devising several 'plans' to achieve my goal…despite my understanding of the situation." As Kathryn chuckled and said as she kissed the top of her head and then stepped out of the bathtub, "Darling, I think you should be a comedian instead of a psychologist," Seven informed, seriously, "I was not 'joking,' Kathryn…please put on your 'robe.'" As Janeway snatched it up and smirked at her, Seven mimicked the expression and informed, "I am merely a Borg, not a 'saint.'"

Coy, Janeway said as she tied her robe and stepped into the other room, "Well, thank god for that."


Nicole Fowler and Seven of Nine, who was taking an opportunity to observe and learn how food was 'traditionally' prepared while they worked in the kitchen, as Janeway descended the stairs onto the first floor, passing by Rose's room and peeking in to check up on her crewmen out of habit, who was still sleeping comfortably. Dressed now in a pair of smoky grey, wool slacks, and a delicate coral, snug, short-sleeved cashmere sweater, that hung just past her waist so it didn't need to be tucked in, Janeway smiled then shook her head as she entered the restaurant section and saw Torres sitting at the bar, sleeping. Passing by her and going into the kitchen, she smiled as Seven looked back at her, gave her a once over, nodded her approval, smirking and turned back to her task.

Janeway looked around and asked, "Is there any coffee?"

Flipping a pancake, Fowler—who was still walking around in her preferred state of just a pair of pants, which were her perfectly tailored police uniform trousers that highlighted not only her taught and shapely backside, but her thickly muscled thighs and hamstrings—answered, "There's a coffee maker, but I can't find the coffee...I already checked everywhere."

Seven stopped mixing the batter, turned around—Seven had slept with Samantha since she'd told Janeway that she loved her but wouldn't get any sleep at all if she was in such close proximity to the redhead, who she continued to desire, so now she was wearing one of the blonde's holographic outfits after requesting that the computer modify it from a size ten to a size five, tall, which was a dark almost black purple skirt that came to her knees and fit her snugly, and a pale lavender, long sleeved rayon blouse—and reminded, "There is a 'café' on the next block that will serve coffee 'to go.'"

"Good idea," Janeway nodded, then turned and started for the door, shaking her head at the sight of a partially cybernetic individual actually preparing food from scratch and not finding the task irrelevant and beneath her, and trying to ignore the fact that Fowler continued to practically ignore her, which seemed to be getting worse than better. Going back through the swinging doors, she walked over to the bar, punched open the cash register, which rang loudly and said, lightly, "Wake up, Murphy."

"Huh?" Torres said, snapping her head up and squeezing the quarter full beer glass that was in her hand. "What?"

Snatching up ten dollars, having no idea how much coffee would cost, but figuring that would be enough since a glass of beer was only one dollar, Janeway closed the drawer, smiled and asked, "Are you hung-over?"

Torres rubbed her eyes then shook her head negatively and said, grouchy, "No," then questioned, "What's going on?" as she slid off the stool and groaned at the stiffness in her back and neck.

"It's morning," Kathryn said lightly, used to operating with only a few hours sleep more than the rest of them, except Seven of Nine, so she didn't at all feel groggy or ill-tempered. As Torres sighed and tried to stretch, saying, "No shit," Janeway came up to her, told her to hold her money, then turned her around and said as she skillfully worked her fingers into B'Elanna muscles on her back and shoulders, "Before I kick you and Vivian out, grumpy, do you want to stay and have breakfast…or must you go?"

Grinning to herself as Kathryn utilized the same techniques that she did when they made love, although they didn't elicit a sexual response currently, although it did feel good, B'Elanna said, "We can stay…mmm, thanks. I need some time to figure out how the hell I'm gonna get around town in the middle of the day with hot stuff and not be spotted." Looking over her shoulder as Kathryn chuckled, Torres whispered, "Did you two make-up?"

Janeway smiled as she wrapped her arms around B'Elanna's waist and whispered back, "We did fight…don't worry." Once Torres sighed with relief and nodded, Janeway kissed her shoulder and added, "I'm sorry if I came off…"

Stopping her, Torres turned around and said, "No apologizes necessary…you didn't offend me." When Kathryn sighed, then grin crookedly and nodded at her, B'Elanna asked, "Am I allowed to know what happened?"

Janeway groaned slightly as she hugged her and whispered, "She was Borg and resistance was nearly futile…it was just one of those things." Reaching down and patting Torres' fanny, she hummed, chuckling in the throat, low, "I know you understand." Then pulling away, she said, "Come on, come get coffee with me," and explained quickly, "It's just down the street. We can gauge the reaction and pick up a newspaper."

When B'Elanna frowned softly, assuming Janeway was acting out of character and Ms. Kate wouldn't be so nice, the redhead slipped her arm inside Torres', pulled her along and said, "Besides, you saved me from getting robbed, so I owe you one."

Nodding, Torres picked up her hat but left her trench coat and said, "You're the boss, doll…I only crash here."

As they stepped outside and Janeway smiled at the bright sun, but shielded her eyes, Torres snarled lightly, then pulled her hat over her head more, definitely feeling like she needed to eat and drink something other than beer very soon. While Kathryn gently rubbed her thumb against her bicep as they walked, Torres pulled out her cigarettes, lit one, then coughed, and smiled as Janeway chuckled and shook her head.

B'Elanna reported as she threw it down, changing her mind, "I think I feel like Murphy now more than ever." Then tilting her head back and rolling it around, she sighed and said, "I think I'm getting old too."

"Just wait 'til you hit forty. Then everything just aches all the time, so you barely notice it."

"No kidding," Torres whispered. "Remember, I was thirty-eight for four days…and human." Looking over at Kathryn, she grinned and said, "I don't know how you do it, Red…I think maybe you really are Wonder Woman." When Kathryn chuckled, then sighed and shook her head, B'Elanna asked, noticing the age on Janeway's face in the sunlight more than she ever had, and the saddened look in Janeway's bright blue eyes as she turned her attention to the quiet street, "Something wrong?" Although, there was something about that visual discovery that only made her that much more beautiful to the brunette. She was so completely different from anyone she'd ever loved, and anyone she currently loved. Seven was the epitome of vibrance and youth, and Kathryn was the epitome of grace and maturity in the Klingon's eyes, and even though she didn't understand why sometimes, she loved the redhead completely, even if she was completely removed from the type of person she ever envisioned herself with.

About to lie and say no, Kathryn paused for a moment, slowed their walk, then looked over at Torres and asked, "Has Nick said anything to you about me?" Holding up her left hand, she clarified, "I don't want to pry. She's just," she sighed, shaking her head, "she's just been awfully distant with me since the transporter accident." Sighing again, she said softly, "I'm just not sure what to do about it…whether I should just confront her and ask, or just let her be and hope that she'll snap out it on her own."

About to ask why Kathryn hadn't said anything to her, she recalled that she never spoke to the woman unless it was about business anymore, so she merely shook her head and informed, "No…no she hasn't said anything. I didn't know that." Then recalling how her friend had been pensive late last night, and remembering immediately after that, that she'd made a comment about their experience just before, B'Elanna sighed and said, "I don't know. I don't think she wants to talk to me about it." Not really believing so, but wanting to hear Kathryn's idea, Torres asked, "You don't think she's hung up on you…do you?"

Janeway expelled the air from her chest, smiled, shook her head and whispered, "No, darling, I don't." Then looking over to Torres, she nodded, raising her strong chin and asked, "Has she been different with you…or Seven?"

"No," B'Elanna said immediately, serious, shaking her head back and forth as she pulled them to the stop in front of a news stand. Then turning to the shopkeeper, and keeping her head low as she stuck her hand into her pockets and pulled out the small bills she kept there, the much larger bills still being in her trench coat in two fat envelops. While she did that, she requested, "Gimme a pack of Lucky's and a Tribune…and," she glanced around for something to give to Janeway's character, spotted a small little pin of a rose while Kathryn picked up a magazine and thumbed through it, not paying her attention, and said, "that there," pointing at it.

"That'll be three-fifty," the keeper said.

Handing him four dollars, B'Elanna snatched up the items, and said, "Keep it." After she placed the smokes in her pants pocket, and folded the newspaper under her arm, she contemplated her move with the rose pin, then just stuck that in her pocket and didn't say anything more, deciding to wait a little while and see how their relationship played out. Then pulling out the paper and looking at the front page for anything that said something about she and Vivian, she continued their conversation as they made their way to the coffee shop, "Anyway, no, she hasn't been different at all. She's been a little quiet recently and I haven't seen her as much, but I'm pretty sure that's because she's been studying so much." When the captain asked her to explain, Torres sighed, figuring something definitely must be going on for Kathryn not to know that, stopped and said, "She's basically gone back to the Academy in a sense because she feels too rusty and wants to make sure she doesn't get stuck at lieutenant-commander forever." Shrugging as Kathryn nodded and urged them forward, B'Elanna said, "I thought it was a good idea all things considering…not that I think she's dumb, but she just doesn't have the experience like all of us do…we've been doing this hardcore for a long time, she hasn't." Quickly, Torres requested, "If she hasn't told you, will you do me a favor and pretend you don't know?"

"I won't say anything," Kathryn said surely, although that only made her that much more certain something was going on with her second officer that directly and probably solely related to her, the captain. "Although I'm not surprised she's doing that. She always takes her duty's probably a good idea."

"Well, anyway," Torres said as they stopped in front of the coffee shop and she opened the door, then quickly stepped aside and remember to open it for Janeway and not just go in, which caused Kathryn to smirked at her for the clearly forced movement, then give her thanks, "other than that, I don't know anything." Coming up to Janeway's side quickly, she whispered, "I'm just gonna have a seat and try to look inconspicuous."

As Kathryn nodded and stepped up to the counter, Torres took a seat at the high bar while Kathryn ordered four large coffees, one of them decaf, and continued to scan the paper. When she came across an article about an arrest at a local bar, she focused on that, then sighed with relief when it mentioned another bar in town, a much less classy dive. Rather surprised there was nothing in the paper about the K Street incident or the jail break, Torres smirked and then realized the reason that was: Vivian, the lead reported, was the one arrested and detained. When someone tapped on her shoulder as she read the article, B'Elanna said absently, "Yea, Red…just a sec," and a moment later, she closed the paper, and said, "Well, there's nothing," as she turned around and came face to face with the redhead, but it wasn't Kathryn.

"Shit…I mean, hey, Rachel," Torres tried to recover quickly, then nervously glanced over to Janeway, who was chatting with the waitress while a pot of coffee finished brewing and together they picked out a few pastries that Janeway said she wanted as well. They weren't for Kathryn since she didn't really like sweets, but since the majority of the people around her did, she was hoping to assist her own melancholy by being a nice captain. "Wow, I didn't see you come in."

Confused since the chief called her Red, Rachel shook it off, as well as Torres' language, smiled and said, "Good morning to you too, Detective."

"Right, right…sorry, good morning," Torres replied, nodding, folding the paper under her arm.

Rachel glanced about, noticed Janeway near the counter, narrowed her eyes, then turned back to B'Elanna and asked, looking around again, "Are you here with Sergeant Fowler?" Before the chief could answer, she smiled and said, "I know he comes in here every morning…so I thought I'd stop by and see if he wanted some company. Have you seen him?"

Smiling, sensing an opportunity to get rid of her once and for all, Torres nodded and said, "Yea, but he's not here today."

"Oh no…well, where is he?" asked Rachel. "I saw him yesterday while I was out shopping, but we didn't get to talk very long. Where did you say you saw him?"

"He's still at K Street," Torres reported, speaking absently again as she pulled out her paper. "He finally got lucky with Rose…so, I doubt he'll be in here today." Turning back to Rachel, she said, "He was up kind of late," winking, "you know."

As Janeway paid her bill and started toward her with her hands full, Torres watched as Rachel turned several shades of red as she clinched her jaw. Then before she knew what was happening, the young woman smacked her across the face, hard, and said, "Damn you to hell, Mike Murphy," then sneered at Janeway, who hardened and said, stern, "Excuse me!" and snipped, "Don't you talk to me, you…you crooked bitch," then turned and marched away.

While Janeway and Torres' mouth's feel open, B'Elanna then covered her and started laughing, then frowned slightly and rubbed her reddening cheek. Kathryn set down the contents of her hands on her counter and asked, grabbing B'Elanna's chin to look at her face, "Are you alright? What on earth was that about?"

Standing up at the owner cleared his throat sternly and glared at her, Torres grabbed their things and said, "I'm fine…come on, the natives are getting restless."

Setting a bill on the counter, B'Elanna smiled and said, "Sorry about the trouble," and quickly ushered Kathryn out of the small café as everyone just stared at them, shaking their heads and whispering.

Once they were outside, she popped the top off of one of the coffees, took a swig, then scrunched her face and said, "Did you get any with cream?" After Janeway told her no, and that there was milk at her restaurant, Torres sighed, took another swig before she handed it back to Janeway and informed, "That was Rachel…the character I thought Sam would want to be. She's hung up on Nick, and I told her Nick wouldn't be in the café today because he finally got into the Rose garden…so to speak."

When Janeway sighed and shook her head, then nodded and said, "Well, that explains it," Torres grinned and said after she reached into the bag and pulled out one of the pastries, and took a big bite, "Yea, I know. I deserved it… especially since I told her yesterday that Nick thinks she's hot so I could get into the captain's office…she's his secretary." As Kathryn frowned at her and shook her head, then sipped her coffee and slipped her arm back into hers, chuckling, since Torres was holding everything, B'Elanna smiled and said, "You know you like me because I'm a scoundrel." Then grinning as Kathryn smirked at her, Torres looked over to her and asked after finishing off the donut, her mouth almost half-full, grinning, "Will you reach in and get my smokes from my pant's pocket, doll? My hands are full..."


"No, Murphy…goodbye."

As Kathryn slammed the back door in her face, Torres sighed and said, "See ya, doll," then turned to Seven of Nine and said, "Okay, ace…let's hit it. We've got a lot of ground cover today." Once they were a ways from the house, B'Elanna whispered, "Last night while everyone was sleeping, I snuck into her place downstairs…although I could only get through the first door. There's two doors, and I'm pretty sure she's gonna change the secret code, so we better plan on making it back here and sneaking down there before everyone starts showing up."

As the blonde nodded and they came out the back of K Street onto 85th Street Torres said, "Since it doesn't seem like the cops are too worried about us right now, I think we should get to my office, make a few phones calls and then lay low there until Fowler takes Rose out for her walk."

"Do you believe that will occur today considering the danger?"

B'Elanna bobbed her head while she answered, "Yea…if she acts any differently, they're gonna be tipped off that tonight is the night. I think you should follow them, keep an eye out for anyone. I'll tail Kate and see what last minute business she's doing…it might give us a hint." Shaking her head, she sighed and said, "I don't know…I know we're missing something, but hell if I can put my finger on it right now." Looking over and up to Seven, she asked, "What's your gut say?"

Understanding the term and more familiar with 'following her instincts,' the Borg informed, "I am uncertain. I feel as though we have all the evidence we require, yet still, this simulation continues. I am uncertain how to 'crack the case' when it seems the police are already aware of the same data we have uncovered."

Torres sighed and said, "I know, I know…I don't get it either."

After they both walked silently for a block, Seven asked, "What is the purpose of this simulation…other than recreation?" When Torres shook her head and said she didn't understand the question, Seven contemplated her words, and then stated, rather than asked, "It seems that there is a greater objective rather than solving the 'mystery.' Perhaps when we deduce what that is, we will know how to bring this simulation to an end successfully?"

Pulling out her cigarettes, Torres said, "Well, it's like any gumshoe story. They all pretty much go the same. I'm the low-life detective who can barely make ends meet…and I pretty much always end up the same at the end." After lighting her cigarette, and puffing on it, B'Elanna thought about that for a minute, then stopped dead in her tracks, and said, "Of course! I always end up the same!"

"Explain," Seven asked quickly, stopping a few steps after her, then turning and coming back to her side.

Looking down as she smoked and worked it out in her mind, B'Elanna announced, "You were right…the cops already know all the info. That's not the objective here. Something's gonna go wrong tonight, and I'm gonna need to be there to save her." Looking up, she smiled and said, "Get the girl…or at least save the girl…that's the point of all of this."

"Are you speaking of Rose or Kate?"

Torres looked around, then gestured to Seven that they should keep moving, and whispered, "Kate. You heard her, she doesn't love Jack ass, but maybe she loves me…and maybe I love her too. I mean," she smiled and said, "she's a real woman, not like Claudia from the lobby. She stands on her own two feet and doesn't need me. That's the kind of women I like…like you," she elbowed Seven. After smoking some more as they turned the corner onto Jane Way and started for 79th Street, Torres went on, "Think about it. She's got to get out of town, but if the mob is already onto her…they're not gonna let her live…but, we can't just keep her from doing this because we've got to get the bad guys too. She'll never be happy unless she feels like she screwed'em. That's the point of this story, get the bad guys, save the girl, and be the martyr for real love…well, real love Murphy style, which means I'll end up alone, broke and without a way to say I solved the case because the cops will take the credit."

"You are not 'broke' though," Seven of Nine reminded. "You have nearly twenty-thousands 'dollars' in your pocket."

Nodding, Torres said, "I know…and I'd bet all of that that something's gonna happen to Kate's money." B'Elanna smiled and shook her head, then whispered, "That's perfect. I give her my money, she takes off…I love her…you get the story…and I have nothing." Patting Seven on the back, Torres said, "Thanks, ace…I'd knew you'd come through."

Raising her eyebrows, not feeling as though she'd done anything, and furthermore finding that scenario more than strange, as well as depressing, Seven merely nodded after a beat and said, "No problemo," perfectly willing the let B'Elanna believe she assisted her in her extrapolations, even if the Borg wasn't sure they were accurate.

As they approached her office, B'Elanna whispered, "I don't think it's safe to carry this much loot around on me…just in case someone tries to kidnap us and make us talk. I don't wanna risk losing it."

"Where do you believe is a 'safe' place in which to store it?"

Opening the door for Seven, starting to get the hang of this whole 'man' thing, B'Elanna said, "I'll put it in my box in the lobby…so if I need it, I can run in here quick and get it."

As Seven nodded and followed her to the lobby, Torres looked around as the sign on the desk said, "I will return in ten minutes," checked the makeshift clock against her watch and said, "They'll be back soon."

Then hopping over the desk, she searched for the names on the small wooden boxes until she found hers. Opening it, she was about to put the two large envelops inside when she saw that she had a letter. As she pulled it out and saw that is said MURPHY on the front, the Klingon immediately said, "Shit," then tossed it to Seven and said, "I think it's from the mob…read it," as she closed her box and looked around. Smiling as she saw that Claudia had a box as well, she opened that one, figuring that was better than hers, especially since the woman was on vacation, and wouldn't show up and steal her cash.

After opening the envelope as Torres stuffed her money into another drawer, Seven of Nine pulled out the white piece of paper and read:

Dick around in our business again, and your brains will look worse than your office."


"Can I help you with something, Mister Murphy?" asked the building manager just as Torres stood back up from her kneeling position while Seven finished reading the letter.

Spinning around, Torres said quickly, "Uh, no…no, it's fine…sorry." Laughing a little, she passed by him, patted his shoulder and said, "You scared the shit outta me, Mac…you'd make a good P.I. Sorry about that. I'm in a hurry and I just wanted to check to see if I had anything."

The hotel manager sighed and said, "Next time, Murphy…ring the bell, and while you're at it," he added as B'Elanna went around the side of the desk, "keep the racket down at night. I've got other people in this building who work at night because they need quiet…and they pay their rent on time."

As Torres quirked her mouth at him and was about to tell him to he was crazy and she wasn't even in her office last night, Seven jumped in and said, "It is not Murphy's fault, 'Mac.'" Then went on quickly when both of them looked at her, "I am to 'blame.' I was…'entertaining'…a 'ladyfriend'…Claudia…from the 'lobby.' And," Seven did her best to smile, "I am 'afraid' we became 'carried away' in our," she tried to be polite, "intimate relations." Nodding she said, "Murphy was not present. My apologies and it will not occur again."

Turning to B'Elanna, who was doing her very best not to bust out laughing at the bewildered look on the manager's face, Seven said, "Murphy, we are required to go to your office immediately." As she grabbed the chief, she finished as she pulled her along and said to the manager, "Good day, 'Mac.'"

As they climbed the stairs as Torres burst out laughing, Seven furrowed her brow since she thought she had done an efficient 'job' at lying and 'thinking quickly,' and said as she handed the letter to her partner, "I am uncertain as to why you are finding humor, but I believe the true reason for the disturbance was the source of this communiqué."

While she pulled open the letter and snorted, Torres said, "Ace, this is mid-twentieth century Earth…in America…no one ever says their openly gay," then stopped as she read the letter, and said, "What the…oh fuck!" and finally started running for her office, yelling, "I'm gonna kill'em!"

Running after Torres, Seven demanded, "Define 'gay,'" since all she knew was that it was an archaic word used to describe feelings of joy and happiness, and she suddenly had a feeling she was missing a very large piece to this whole conversation topic.

"Goddammit!" Torres growled as she kicked open her office door that was slightly ajar and saw the disaster area there waiting for her. "Kahless and Jesus Christ!" she huffed, irate. "Look at this fuckin' mess! It's gonna take me forever to clean up all this shit!"

Seven stepped into the office, then raised her eyebrows at the mess before her, next sighed, shut the door behind her and said, "I believe this is worse than your closet before I moved in."

"And they stole all my fuckin' liquor too!" Torres shouted, then kicked the cabinet door shut.

The Borg watched intrigued considering this wasn't something that Torres would really have to clean up, nor were they really her possessions, so she didn't understand why she was suddenly so volatile, as B'Elanna marched over to her phone, picked up the receiver, dialed the front lobby and yelled, "Murphy here…Hey, Air Mac! Someone broke the fuck into my office last night and tore my place up! What the fuck kind of shit-ass security do you have around here anyway!?!…Yea…Yea, so fuckin' what!?!…Oh, oh fine…that's just fine!…Don't bother yourself, princess…I hate for you to break a nail!" then slammed down the phone.

Sighing and looking up, Torres dug out her cigarettes and said, "I don't have any renter's insurance…so there's nothing they can do about it except call the police."

As Torres huffed and then slumped into her chair, scowling, Seven questioned, "Why does this displease you so?"

B'Elanna looked up then smiled and said, "Just having fun, ace…don't worry about it." Then holding up her hand, she said, "Don't tell me…I know…I have a peculiar idea of fun."

Sitting down in the chair in from of Torres' desk, Seven said, "That is correct," then followed immediately, "Define 'gay.'"

Torres laughed, then took a hit off her smoke and said, "It means homosexual. If you were heterosexual, you were straight…and you were gay or queer if you were homosexual. It's an old term that no one uses anymore because no one cares, but a long time ago, people did care whether or you were a homosexual…or bisexual…and if you were, they thought you were fucked in the head or evil. There weren't nearly as many same-sex couples as there are now. Most people were too scared to explore attractions with members of the same sex for fear their lives would just be trashed or they'd be killed." As Seven began to recall data Kathryn had given her just prior to their very first camping trip about how homosexuals were not given the same rights as heterosexuals until the late twenty-first century, B'Elanna went on, "So, that was so funny because you just told him you were getting it on with a woman, and that's just not something that people would say in this day and age…at least not straight-faced and open. By the way…not a bad cover either…thanks for trying to save my butt."

After nodding and saying "You are welcome," Seven of Nine said, "I believe I understand why I have been continually asked questions about my 'husband' during this simulation." Then just filing away that information and moving on, not asking why since she realized they were dealing with humans, who were awfully peculiar, Seven asked, "What is our next objective?"

"Well," looking at the letter, Torres came back, "this doesn't really change anything, other than we know that they, someone in the mob, is definitely on to her, and know about tonight. So, that means we've got to be there to keep her from probably getting killed." Looking up at Seven quickly, B'Elanna informed, "Don't worry, she can't get hurt…they would just pull the trigger and then the simulation would be over if the bullet would have hit her. I think if she dies, it's over…I think that's the deal now."

Seven nodded her acceptance and understanding and said, "How to we protect her while accomplishing the rest of our objectives, considering they know who you, and possibly both of us, are, and she will be required to 'mingle' with them?"

After a few moments, Torres sat forward smiling and said after she puffed on her cigarette, "I think it's time to do a little undercover work again." Grinning at Seven, Torres asked, "Do you think you're ready for this,'ll be big-time?"

Uncertain as to what Torres had in mind, but confident she could 'pull it off,' Seven cocked her eyebrow and reminded, "I am Borg."


"Hey kid," Torres said to a paper boy on the street corner as she snuck up behind him quietly while Seven of Nine was in a dress shop finding the appropriate 'killer' gown she would need for this evening. Putting her arm around the teenager, Torres said, "How would you like to make five bucks?"

"Why sure, Mister Murphy…that'd be swell."

Nodding, B'Elanna pulled out a handwritten note from her pocket with a script and a phone number on it and said, handing him a dime, "Go to the phone booth across the street. Call this number and make a reservation for Marcino party of two at eight o'clock. When the lady on the phone asks if you need anything else, say seven come eleven…and if she tells you anything after that, make sure you remember every word. Got it?"

"Sure, Mister Murphy…I can do that. No sweat."

"Good…go on and I'll make sure no one touches your stuff," B'Elanna said, patting the boy's back, then watched carefully as he crossed the street, ran over to the phone booth and stepped inside. As the boy picked up the phone and dialed the number, B'Elanna said to two equally young boys that asked her for a paper, "Do I look like a paperboy to you? Scram." When they gave her some attitude and asked her why she was standing by the paper stand, Torres produced a fist and said, "You want a knuckle sandwich to go with that, smart mouth? Now beat it, kid…you're bothering me." As the smaller of the two kids hit the other one on the shoulder and said, "Come on, let's go," and they relented, B'Elanna smiled, smirked and said, "Torres, you're really twisted sometimes."

"Got it, Mister Murphy," the paperboy said as he jogged back to her. "She said the reservation was in the books and that instead of seven come eleven, you should say seven of nine." As the Klingon smiled, laughed and nodded, then reached into her pocket after taking back her paper, he asked, "Wasn't that Ms. Kate?"

Surprised, Torres pulled out a ten dollar bill and said, "I'll double it if you tell me how you know her?"

"She's a customer," the paperboy announced. "She's real nice to me. Sometimes she brings me a sandwich, and yesterday she bought me a dog and pop from the vendor on the beach before I showed her to the post office. When I asked her why she was so nice to me, she said because she knows what it's like to have to work instead of have fun with the other children." When Torres nodded and laughed at that, then pulled out her cigarettes, the kid reached into his pocket, pulled out a lighter, lit it for her and went on, "She says that when I'm sixteen I can come work for her in the kitchen washing dishes and busing tables so I don't have to stand out here in the Winter time anymore."

"Thanks kid," Torres said then offered him one since she figured if he had a lighter and was this savvy at twelve or thirteen, he already smoked.

"Thanks," said the kid, then lit the smoke and puffed on it like he'd been doing it for years. After B'Elanna laughed, then shook her head and asked him what else he knew, the paperboy said, "Well, most of the ladies in town don't like her none…mostly because of Miss Rose." Smiling, the boy said, leaning over and whispering, "They're just jealous 'cause all their fellas think Miss Rose is dreamy, but I know who Miss Rose thinks is dreamy."

Having too much with this kid, partly feeling like she was somewhat talking to herself twenty years ago, although he seemed much less irritable and more responsible, Torres smiled and said, nudging him, "Lemme guess…you?"

"Go on now, Mister Murphy," the boy laughed, shaking his head. "Miss Rose sure is pretty, but Sergeant Fowler…you know that big, mean, beat cop…he's the one who's caught her eye." Looking around, he whispered, "Now don't rat me out 'cause he'll clean my clock, but I saw them smoochin' just yesterday…and it wasn't no little kiss. It was like those kind you see on the movie screen." Nodding he said, "No foolin'…it was right over th..." then he stopped mid-sentence as Seven of Nine came out of the shop with a dress bag over her shoulder, looked around and then started toward them. Whistling, the boy said, "Now that's a real dame…man, I love watching her walk."

Looking over her shoulder, then sighing, Torres looked back to the paperboy and said, "Watch it, kid…that's my dame you're talkin' about." Then grabbing his cigarette out of his mouth and stomping it out, she said, "And she'll kick my ass if she finds out I gave you a smoke…so don't rat me out."

"You'd let a woman beat you?" asked the boy, teasing her.

"You don't know this woman," Torres whispered, then turned around and said, "Heya, Viv…all set?"

"That is correct," Seven said sternly, frowning, having seen the child smoking. Then looking to the boy, who was smiling brightly at her, she looked back to B'Elanna and said, "What are you doing?"

"I'm just talkin' to my old pal…uh," Torres answered, snapping her fingers, then said, "What's your name again, kid?"

"Bobby…Bobby Wilkes," the paperboy answered, then tipped his hat to Seven and said, "Hi, Miss Bando…you sure do look pretty today. I read that article you wrote a few days ago about crime on the east side. That sure was good writin'. I sell lots of your papers every day…the Tribune is my biggest seller."

Smiling and nodding, B'Elanna butt in, gave the kid his ten dollars and said, "Right…I'm sure you do. Thanks again, kid. Just make sure you don't say anything about this and screw up my case…understand?"

"Sure thing, Mister Murphy," Bobby nodded, sticking the ten dollars into his pocket. "Glad to do business with you…Miss Bando, always nice to see you."

Torres sighed as Seven nodded and managed a smile at the boy, grabbed Seven's arm and urged her away, and then said, "Christ, don't smile at him…he'll just keep thinking that one of these days he's gonna get really…and I mean really lucky." When Seven asked her to explain, B'Elanna sighed, flicked her cigarette into the street and said, "Nevermind…Okay, I've got the new code for the door. So, why don't you drop that off at my office? I'm gonna head down to K Street and keep an eye out for Kate. Wait at my office, and you should probably call someone at the paper you trust and tell them you're investigating something so you don't get canned…I'll call you when I know something, and then you can follow Rose and Nick. I'll let you know when they leave and which way they're headed."

"I will comply," Seven bobbed her head once and then started down the other corner of the street.

When the blonde got a few steps away, Torres whistled for her, then said, "And be careful…don't tell anyone where you are, and if I don't see you before, I'll meet up with you at my place at six."


"Woman!" Fowler yelled, grinning, as she started up the stairs toward Rose's room, "Aren't you ready yet?"

"No, Fowler!" Wildman yelled back, smiling, as she dressed, preparing to go for their daily outing. As she heard Fowler's footsteps approaching her bathroom, she said quieter, "Go bother Kate and leave me alone already."

Smiling as she came to the doorway, Fowler stepped in quickly, kissed Sam on the cheek, then asked seriously, "About how much longer?"

"Ten more minutes," Samantha answered as she tied her bathing suit top behind her neck. Then turning around, she asked, "Aren't you going to swim?" since Nicole was still wearing her police officer's uniform, even though she was only 'technically' on-duty tonight.

"I don't think I should," Fowler came back quickly, then smiled, reached out with one hand and 'adjusted' the blonde's top, "but I'll definitely keep my eye on you."

Smacking Nicole's hand away, Sam schooled, "You stop that," which caused the brunette to withdraw it quickly, bring it to her mouth and pretend to be wounded. "Well, okay…I guess that's best," she said, planning to try to get the commander in the water anyway. When Fowler then reached for her top again, grinning mischievously, Wildman swatted her hand away and said, "Nick Fowler, you're terrible…go away and leave me be."

Chuckling, Fowler turned around and said, "Woman, you are hateful mean sometimes…and I don't know why," she continued loudly as she climbed the stairs to Kate's room, "What did I ever do to you?" Stopping at the captain's open door and knocking on it as she stepped in, figuring she'd made plenty enough noise that if Janeway's wasn't clothed, she'd have had time to go into the bathroom or tell her she was changing, Fowler said, her voice returning to it's normal, very subtle draw, "Kate, are you decent?"

"Close enough," Janeway said from the bathroom.

Speaking as she approached the bathroom, Fowler informed, "We're just about ready to head out…did you need anything before or while…" she stopped speaking when she came into the bathroom and found the redhead lounging unceremoniously sprawled out in the bubble bath yet again, with a washcloth covering her eyes. Even though none of Janeway's body was visible, except for a bent knee, and her neck and head, Nicole immediately felt awkward, so she went on quickly, turning around and keeping her back to the redhead, "Um, did you need anything while we were gone?"

Janeway detected the change in Fowler's tone, so she took the rag off her eyes, then chuckled as she saw Nicole standing in the doorway with her back to her. Forcing herself to play it off like it was just Nick being Nick, which she knew was inaccurate since she figured the 'regular' Fowler would have made some comment about no one ever believing her that one day she walked into her captain's bathroom, after being granted permission, and found her in the tub full of bubbles, lounging back like she didn't have a care in the world, Janeway asked, "Well, were are you going?" She did figure Fowler would turn her back, but she doubted she would sound so uncomfortable.

"We're just going to the beach again…but we can make a stop somewhere so you can relax."

After thinking about it for a moment, Kathryn smirked and said, "Actually, yes, you can bring me back a hot dog and a soda from the vendor down there. No offense, I'm sure they were delicious," she continued as Fowler glanced over her shoulder at her, surprised by the request, "but I'm not much of a banana and chocolate chip pancake fan, so I'm still hungry." Holding up her finger and pinching her thumb and first finger together, she added, "A little to sweet for me, I'm afraid."

Turning her head back around so she was now looking into Janeway's bedroom, Fowler asked, sighing, "Why didn't you say anything? I could have made a few regular ones..."

"Because I don't really like pancakes," Kathryn chuckled mildly, always finding it funny that Nicole treated such things like a capital crime, especially when food was involved and a woman didn't get enough of it, "but I know that Seven and Lanna do…and I assume so do you and Samantha." When Fowler just shook her head, Janeway smiled and said, "Nick, relax, I'm not going to wither away…trust me. Will you hand me that towel please?"

Turning around but keeping her head low and not making eye contact, Fowler said, "I'm sorry. I just wanted everyone to have a nice breakfast."

"Thank you," Janeway returned, then waited for Nicole to turn around and go back to the door before she stood. "Well, now I'll have a nice lunch, so don't worry about it."

Sighing, Fowler said, "A hotdog and a coke isn't a nice lunch…you sure you don't want something else?"

"Positive," Kathryn answered, remaining pleasant, uncertain why Fowler was getting so frustrated. "I happen to like hotdogs…believe it or not." After going into her closet and putting on her robe, Kathryn came out, took her hair down from it's bun and said, "You can turn around now…"

As Samantha yelled that she was ready in the next instant, Fowler nodded and said, turning only slightly, "Okay. We'll be gone for about two hours, though."

Turning her back to Nicole and snatching up the comb for her hair, Janeway said, keeping her face low and not visible through the mirror, since she was definitely frowning at the commander's continued and obvious discomfort with her, "Take your time…thank you."

Nodding her head, Fowler turned away and said, "Sure," then sighed, shook her head at herself and walked away quickly.

After closing the door to the captain's room, and taking a moment to close her eyes and cuss herself out in her mind for being such an ass, certain if she didn't come clean soon she was going to completely alienate one of her best friends, not to mention her commanding officer, Fowler pushed it away for the time being as she heard Samantha climbing the steps and said, after clearing her throat and forcing herself to smile and be silly so she didn't ruin Wildman's time, "You ready to paint this town or what, sweet thang…because," she paused as she came around the corner, swept Wildman off her feet and continued as she carried her down the stairs, "I sure am ready to make a fuss."

"Nick Fowler," Wildman huffed, smacking the tall helmsmen's back softly, "you put me down this instant and let me walk already."

"See what I mean," Fowler said as she reached the first floor, but didn't set Wildman down, "you're always beatin' on me." Then smiling and setting Samantha down, she pecked her lips, then stood up straight, looked her up and down as she spun her around and said, "Hey, that's real nice," speaking off the shin-length, thin yellow sun dress Wildman was wearing, that was very modest, but pretty, especially with the biologist's skin coloring.

Wildman snickered, shaking her head and asked as she took Fowler's arm and urged her to walk toward the front door, "You mean it's better than Jessie's feed bag?"

Nicole returned, nudging her lightly, "Yes, it's better. Is the pattern in the database?" When Samantha said, "I doubt it…it's awfully old," Nicole winked at her as they started down the street after locking the door behind them, "Well, I guess I'll just have to do a little poking around and find it for you." Before Samantha could say anything, the commander explained, "Some things never go out of style…simple dresses are one of them. It's nice, so I'm gonna get it for you…or," she paused for a moment, "is there something else you'd rather have…that nightgown was real nice? I liked that too."

Shaking her head, Wildman explained, "Well, I liked it too, but I don't like sleeping in nightgowns on least nothing that revealing…too much risk I'll have to run out in the hall in the middle of the night."

"Okay," Fowler nodded at that, "so, what do you want then?"

"I don't need anything," Wildman answered quickly, holding her arm tightly.

"Well, I didn't ask ya what you needed, darlin'," Fowler reminded, speaking softly. "I asked you what you wanted." When Samantha sighed and shook her head, Nicole put her arm around her and informed, "It's like this. You either tell me which one of these here nice dresses you like, or I'll just get them all for you and put myself into hock for the next year." Then kissing Wildman's cheek, she said, "And don't you think I won't do it…'cuz I will, Rose…I'll do it."

Lifting her hand to Fowler's that was on her shoulder, Samantha said, "Alright, then I want two things, Nick Fowler." Stopping and turning toward the tall brunette, she said, "Actually, no…three things." When Nicole smiled, then nodded, crossing her arms over her chest, Samantha explained, "First, I'd like you to pick out something you want me to have, then I'd like you to come swimming with me, and then," she paused for a moment and said seriously, quieter, "I'd like you to talk to the captain about whatever it is that's bothering you because she's far too nice to tell you that you're hurting her feelings by treating her differently."

As Fowler just blinked and then looked down, Wildman stepped up to her and said very quietly, "She's not made out of steel, Nick…she's just a person, just like me…just like you…just like everyone. If you don't say whatever it is that's eating you up, then you're going to really hurt her feelings." Shaking her head, Wildman said, "I know I don't know her like you do, but I think I know enough about her to know that she cares enough about you and is personal enough with you that you are one of few that can really hurt her." When Nicole looked up at her again finally, unreadable, Samantha continued, shaking her head, "I don't think she's ever going to tell you. So, you've got to do it, and I'm sorry if I'm butting into business that doesn't concern me, but I'm frankly tired of seeing her get the short end of the stick and no one doing anything about it."

Placing her hands on her hips, Samantha paused for a moment, then looked back up and said, becoming frustrated herself, "And I can't help but feel that way. She's takes care of all of us…including my only daughter, who'd she'd give up everything she has in life to save…so I happen to respect her more than any of you can truly understand. For god sakes, honey, she doesn't ever really have her girlfriends right now and she saved your life when you wouldn't let anyone else help you. She risked a lot to save you, and now she doesn't even have you as a real friend because of it. That's just not right, and I don't like it…not one bit."

Fowler sighed and said, wiping her nose, shaking her head, "It's not what you think, Sam…"

Softening, Wildman explained quickly, "I don't think anything, Nick, and I know you've got a lot on your mind that doesn't have anything to do with this…whatever it is, but I know you well enough to know that you've changed how you treat her, and not for the better like it should be." Sam stopped, then sighed, looked down and said, "I'm not trying to start a fight with you and make anything more difficult, but," she looked back up, "I don't like to see friends grow apart…especially when one of them is you, and one of them is my daughter's hero, and I want you to know, that whatever it is," she whispered, placing her hands on Fowler's hips, "I don't care, other than to care that it effects you…a lot. I've never seen you purposefully not pay attention to anyone…least of all someone as kind and beautiful as she is. That's not like you, and she knows that, Nick…she knows that probably better than anyone. She's your captain and you've been with her...and despite what some people think, you and I both know she just doesn't sleep with anyone."

When Fowler sighed heavily and that and looked down, closing her eyes and shaking her head, Wildman wrapped her arms around her waist, rested her head against her chest and whispered, "You shouldn't feel guilty about that, honey…I know it's hard for you, but no one blames you, least of all me. I think if B'Elanna of all the people can deal with that, then you should let it go. You're not being fair to her or yourself by feeling guilty about this too. You didn't do anything wrong...and neither did she. She's responsible for you and she saved doesn't matter how."

Hugging Samantha, Fowler kissed the top of her head and whispered, "I don't feel guilty about that, Sam…that's not the problem."

When Fowler sighed again, Samantha asked, still just resting her head on against her chest, "Do you want to tell me what the problem is then?" Quickly, she added, "You don't have to, and I won't hold it against you, but it might help you if you tell me first before you tell her?" As Nicole whispered that she couldn't, Wildman looked up at her, smiled and said, "You don't really think that I think that you didn't enjoy yourself, do you?" Chuckling once, Samantha said, "Nick, she's awfully pretty. I'm not blind, and you and I both know how much Seven and B'Elanna used to go on and on about her sometimes." Smiling, and rocking Fowler as Nicole laughed softly once and nodded at that, Wildman said, "So, if you're worried I'm going to hate you because you liked it…you should really stop worrying because I already assumed you did. That just kind of goes without saying. I'm not that naïve."

"You're not naïve at all, sweetheart," Fowler informed surely, then nodded and said, "and thank you, but that's not the problem either." When Samantha sighed and then shook her head, uncertain as to what to do to get through to Fowler, Nicole kissed her lips quickly, pulled away and said, "Just wait here for me. I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?"

Walking away quickly, Fowler said over her shoulder, "I'm gonna get my shorts, and set things right like you wanted." Then after winking at Samantha, she picked up her pace and jogged to the front door of K Street. After unlocking it, she stepped inside and said loudly, "Kate?" as she started for the stairs with speed, wanting to get this over with a quickly as possible before she lost her nerve. Fowler had always been a fairly direct person, and had especially been so with Janeway, but some things were just never easily said, not even to one's self.

From her bedroom where she was finishing dressing, Janeway said, "In here," then asked quickly, chuckling, "You didn't bring my lunch already, did you?" as she zipped up her pants. While Fowler said, chuckling as well, "No," then stepped into the room, Janeway kept her back to the door as she grabbed her sweater from her bed, since her torso was complete free of clothing.

Coming to a stop quickly as Janeway reached for her shirt and started to pull it on, Fowler sighed and said after she cleared her throat, "Sorry for barging in. Can I talk to you…it will only take a minute?"

After she pulled on her sweater, Kathryn said, "What's up?" as she straightened her shirt, then pulled her hair out of the back and tucked one side behind her ears, not turning around.

As Janeway did that, then still didn't face her and started making her bed, Fowler sighed, stepped into the room and started, "I know I don't deserve it, but can you turn around so I can do this right, please? It's important to me..."

Sighing at that, Kathryn closed her eyes for a moment, steeled herself for whatever was about to come, then stood up, turned around, glanced up at Fowler, then sighed at the look on Nicole's face and said, "Nick, what's wrong?"

Fowler shook her head as she explained, "Nothing…there's nothing wrong, but I just need to get something off my chest." Taking a quick breath, she swallowed and said, "I'm sorry I've been such an ass lately, and I'm truly sorry if I've hurt your feelings." Holding up one hand before Kathryn could say anything like telling her not to apologize or that it was okay, Fowler explained further, "And I want you to know why I've been this way…just so we're square." Sighing and placing her hands on her hips as she looked down for a moment, she said quietly, shaking her head, "If there is one thing I could change about that whole transporter business…it wouldn't be," looking back up to Janeway, "that it never happened, because I've come to think of it as a blessing in disguise. It helped me figure a lot things out about myself, and it finally gave me the courage I needed to tell Sam how I feel…and," she sighed, shaking her head again, "it wouldn't be that I slept with you…it would be that I did that in someone else's body other than mine."

Holding up both of her hands quickly as Janeway just stayed quiet and rigid, Fowler went on, "I'm not trying to make a fuss, I swear it. That's it…that's all there is. I just don't particularly like that aspect of it simply because I'm strange, I guess…but it bothers me to know that the one night I had with you...a lady, my captain, I wasn't myself. You're important to me for a lot of reasons, and I'm fond of you beyond bein' my captain. I'm fond of the person that you are...I'm very fond of the lady that you are, so I'd rather have been with you in my own body...with my own mind. I'd rather have memories that don't feel like I was only half there, and I'd rather you have memories of me bein' me...looking like me, not Torres. And I'm not hopin' to get another chance or anything like that...I swear on my daddy's grave. I love Sam...she means the world to me, but I just wanted you to know because that's who I am. I don't like secrets…I don't operate well when I feel like I'm hiding something…so that's it. I'm sorry it's taken me a month to tell you that, but," she sighed, finishing, "now you know like I want you to know. You deserve at least that much from me…and I promise I'll stop bein' so selfish where you're concerned. You are my friend...sometimes I feel like you're my very own special friend that I don't wanna share with anyone else because they can't understand, and I hope we'll always be that way."

When Fowler nodded, wiping her nose, and then said, "Thanks…I'll let you get back," then turned and started away, Janeway said fairly quietly, "Just so we're square," and when Nick stopped and turned halfway, Kathryn continued as she started toward her, "You may have been in someone else's body, but I wasn't. And I never once forgot who you were, or felt like you were anyone other than you, Nicole…especially," she stopped in front of her and looked up into her eyes, managing a humble smile, "when you called me Samantha." As Nicole blinked, surprised, Kathryn gave her a small lop-sided grin and finished, "So, can we put this to bed," she laughed once, "because I'd really like to have my very own special friend back now too?"

Smiling and managing a small chuckle, Fowler nodded and said, "Yea okay," while she reached down and hugged Janeway, then lifted her up and said, "Thanks, lady…thank you."

Janeway chuckled softly as she hug in the air, patted Fowler's back and said, "You're welcome, Nick…put me down please."

Laughing, Fowler set the redhead onto her feet, and said, "Aye, Captain." Then tipping her hat, said as she turned away and started down the steps, "Now, I better get back before someone asks Sam for her autograph."


Jumping slightly as the telephone rang soundly, Seven of Nine shut the file cabinet she'd been standing next to as she refiled the papers that had been scattered about to pass the time. After walking immediately over to the device, she picked it up and stated, "Report."

Torres snickered at that and said, "You're supposed to say Hello, or Bando here…something like that."

"Very well…Bando here…report," Seven of Nine came back, smirking.

"Fowler and Rose are on the move," Torres informed quickly. "Sam's wearing a bright yellow dress, so she'll be easy to spot. Nick's carrying something in her hand…I can't tell from here what it is, but it looks like a shirt or something. She ran back into Kate's after they looked like they were talking about something serious, then came out a few minutes later with it. She's still wearing her uniform, though…I don't know where they're going, but they're heading down 85th Street toward Jane Way. If you leave now, you'll be able to catch up to them."

Nodding out of habit, Seven said, "Very well. What will you do?"

"I'm gonna spy on Kate for a little while and see what she's doing…then just hang out and make sure she doesn't have any unwelcomed visitors."

"Acknowledged," Seven answered, then hung up the phone immediately. Starting for the door after she turned the phone slightly so that it sat straight on the desk, she reached the door when the telephone rang again. Raising her eyebrows, curious, she hurriedly went back over to it and said, "Hello?"

"You're supposed to say goodbye before you hang up the phone, ace," Torres informed.

"Goodbye," Seven nodded, filing the information away, then hung up the phone again, and walked with purpose toward the door. Pausing for a moment to make sure Torres didn't phone again, she finally raised her eyebrows after five seconds, then opened the door and stepped out. Reaching up, she adhered the piece of tape on the top of it, then turned and started for the lobby.

As she reached the lobby and the manager called out to her, Seven stopped, raised her eyebrows again and said, "Yes, 'Mac?'"

"When you said Claudia from the lobby," the manager asked as he came around the desk, "did you mean Claudia…from this lobby?"

Turning toward him, Seven took several steps until she was right upon him and stated, clipped and indignant, the man freeze as her demeanor grew ominous, "That is correct. I am 'gay,' 'queer' or homosexual." Then looking him up and down quickly, she reached out, took the pen from his shirt pocket, trying to mimic Janeway, which caused him to twitch, and said, "That is for the 'lip,' and," she spun and started away, "if you do not 'like' it, you," now mimicking Torres, raising her middle finger, "may 'sit and spin,'" then marched out of the door as superior as ever.

Smiling to herself, certain B'Elanna Torres would be impressed, Seven walked with purpose to the corner of Jane Way, and hurriedly jogged up several blocks to 85th Street as fast as she was able in her fairly tight skirt. As the paperboy turned around at the sound of her heels, then just watched, smiling, his mouth slightly ajar as he gazed, Seven stopped next to him, looked about, then asked when she didn't see Fowler or Wildman, "Did you observe Sergeant Fowler and Miss Rose within the last five minutes?"

"Sure did, Miss Bando," Bobby nodded, smiling, then pointed down the road, "they went on down that way…probably to the beach. That's where they usually go."

Nodding, Seven handed him the pen she'd swiped from the manager and said, "Thank you for your assistance, Bobby Wilkes…you may have this writing utensil as graditude."

When the kid took it and nodded, smiling and stuck it into hat near his ear, Seven smiled, nodded her head, then pivoted and started running the way he'd pointed, as the boy looked on in wonder and whistled to himself, planning to keep the pen for the rest of his holographic life.

As she passed by a bakery on her way, Seven came to a halt, looked about quickly, then hurriedly went inside, and said to the man at the counter, "I require a chocolate chip cookie from your establishment." When the man looked at her funny, uncertain, Seven sighed and said, pointing to the cookies in the case, "Be efficient." Then added, smiling, "Please and thank you."

Once the man nodded and then grabbed one and handed it to her, telling her it would cost her twenty-five cents, Seven turned and said quickly, "Put it on my 'tab,' 'doll,'" since she didn't have any money on her, then walked right out of the bakery. Turning back down the street, she took a bite of the large pastry, and then just continued to walk the rest of the way since she was almost at the beach and figured if she ran anymore, she might catch up with them, and/or be spotted.

Once she reached the beach, finishing her cookie and depositing the napkin in a trash can, Seven spotted Rose immediately as the scientist stood by the water and kicked at the small splashing waves. When she didn't see Fowler anywhere, Seven looked about, then went over to a bench off in the distance, picked up a newspaper that had been left and sat down. Pulling it open as she'd watched many people do during her time in the simulation, she pretended to read the published articles as she observed the scene before her just over the top of the latest issue of the Tribune. Since there were several people milling about on the docks and the sidewalks, some of them reading just as she was, she doubted she would be spotted by the couple, and was further certain she was doing so well at adapting and improvising that both Kathryn and B'Elanna Torres would be extraordinarily pleased, which made her smile softly to herself, and also feel a definite sense of self-pride, which, truth be known, wasn't something that the hyper-intelligent Borg felt as often as most people thought.

When she spotted Nick Fowler coming out of construct that looked to Seven to be some sort of free-standing closet in the middle of the beach by the peer, with her clothes in her hands, folded neatly, and only wearing a pair of white shorts, the Borg raised her eyebrows in curiosity, then maximized the resolution on her cosmetic eye that was enhanced by her ocular implant. As she saw that Fowler was only wearing her 'shorts' or her undergarments, that Seven knew where designated as 'boxers,' the Borg said, aloud, "Peculiar," since she was aware that it was not typically consider culturally appropriate to appear in public in one's undergarments. While she brought her vision back to normal, which was still much more acute than that of an average human, she raised her eyebrows again when she saw Samantha pull open her dress and step out of it, revealing garments that from Seven's distance looked like a pink bra and matching underwear. Furrowing her brow in confusion again, she zoomed in on the blonde's attire, then raised her eyebrows and said to herself as she once again brought her vision back to normal, "They are going swimming," since it was clear that Sam was wearing a bathing suit, although she noticed that the briefs were much different than anything she'd seen before, even on the scientist, since they came just higher than her natural waistline, and the bottoms were more like a very short, tight skirt, that fell just below her buttocks. Although Seven thought the outfit was fairly attractive, especially the color on the pale woman, she wasn't particularly fond of the briefs, and believed Wildman was once again being too 'modest.' That is until two other women came out of the water a little closer to Seven and the Borg immediately noticed that their 'suits' were similarly constructed, thus she immediately determined that it was the 'style' of the 'times,' and immediately, for other reasons as well, determined she was 'glad' she did not live during this time on Earth because she was fond of the 'swimwear' that she and others wore much more, and was glad humanity's tastes had evolved as well as their thinking with regards to homosexuality and other ideas, like polyamory. Although, Seven was fairly certain that when they returned to the Alpha Quadrant, there would be some individuals that would 'frown upon' she and her partners, but Seven was confident she could efficiently 'put them in their place' as she had with the building manager, and save Kathryn from having to do so, or Torres from feeling as though she was required to engage in a physical conflict.

After watching Fowler and Samantha splash around for just over ten minutes, Seven set down her newspaper, and was just about to stand up and go join them since she found it difficult to watch people do something she wished to do as well, when a man sat down next to her and asked, "You're not leaving, are you, Miss Bando?"

"Yes," Seven returned then went to stand. When the man grabbed her arm and pulled her back down rather roughly, and told her to stay, the Borg turned her head toward him, raised her eyebrows and stated, cool, after looking him up and down, "State your designation."


"What is your name?"

"That doesn't matter," the man came back, who was wearing a nice dark suit and a hat similar to Torres'.

"On the contrary," Seven of Nine responded as the man removed his hand, "if you wish to converse with me properly, I am required to know your name."

"You're a pretty tough broad," he informed, smiling. "I like that in a woman…but," he shook his head, "my name still doesn't matter…"

"Comply," Seven warned crisply. When the man tried to grab her arm again as his face turned malevolent, the Borg snared it easily, squeezed at his wrist, but not terribly hard, then brought her other hand to his neck and shoulder region expertly. As he slumped forward almost immediately, Seven raised her eyebrows, stood up, laid him down on the bench, put the paper over his face, then turned and said, starting toward Nick and Sam, "You should have complied, 'honey.'"


Swimming up behind Fowler and grabbing onto her back, Wildman wrapped her arms around her neck, her legs around her waist and said into her ear "You're mine now, Nick Fowler." When Nicole smiled, then grabbed her arms, and dunked down under the water, Samantha laughed as they came back up and said, "You're still mine…and don't try any of your fancy moves on me, because," she whispered, kissing her neck, "I don't wanna ever let go."

Fowler smiled at that, reached back, cupped Wildman's bottom and said, "Then why don't you come on around front so I can see you better."

Smiling, Wildman let go and maneuver around to the front of the taller woman, and said when Fowler pulled her closer and wrapped her arms around her back, dropping one of them to her fanny again, "You have such nice ideas."

As they bobbed in the water, this being the first time they'd ever swam together, Nicole smiled down at Samantha's chest as her bosom pressed against her firmly, clearly admiring the view, then looked up to Wildman's face, who was grinning at her. Shaking her head, the brunette whispered as she took another long glance, "You have such nice everything, darlin'...I mean," looking back up, "damn, woman." Putting on her best Georgia accent, which wasn't that great, Fowler leaned over and informed her into her ear, "You make me think of Georgia in the Springtime."

Wildman smiled, although she'd never been there but she knew Nicole was fond of Georgia since she'd spent a summer there, and asked, "Why's that?"

Nicole chuckled to her herself, lifted the blonde until her bosom was eye-level, before she let her come down a little, but still kept her high so Wildman's head was higher than her as they wrapped themselves around eachother again, and then explained, "Because I do so love your peaches...mmnt, mmnt, mmm," she brought her down a little as the blonde chortled sexy, whispering up into her ear, "You are so very fine, Samantha Louise...and I do believe you need a warning sticker that says 'Caution Hot' because you are burnin' me up on this here fine day in that little, pink top." After Wildman whispered into her ear before she started kissing her neck that she was glad that she liked it and furthermore she loved the way Fowler looked at her, Nicole hummed deeply, starting to become terribly aroused and whispered back into Wildman's ear, "Woman, you are temptin' me to do sinful things again."

Sam whispered, "I love all your ideas," then added as she pulled Fowler's neck down so she could kiss her freely, "but I love you even more."

After Wildman stopped kissing her deeply and passionately with comfortable skill, Fowler whispered, blinking her eyes and shaking her head slightly, grinning, "That was some ki…mmm…" but that was all she got out before Wildman smirked, then pulled her head down and repeated it even more fervently this time.

When Samantha finally let up on her lips and moved to her neck, Fowler, who was fairly wide-eyed, swallowed, then cleared her throat and whispered, "Um, Sam…mmm…honey," then paused an inhaled when the blonde moved one of the triangles of her top to the side just enough to expose herself, albeit under the water that was almost to their shoulders, and pressed her bare breast against her chest. When Samantha continued to nibble on her ear, Fowler whispered, "Have mercy, woman…you know I can't resist that."

Purring sexily into Fowler's ear, Samantha whispered, "Just think of it as payback for yesterday," then she added to clarify, "in the stairwell," since they'd also made love quickly before Kathryn had returned to K Street, and then again when they'd gone to bed before Torres and Seven had shown up, although the last time had been much more like their normal practice of when Fowler stayed over at her place since they'd taken their time and had never said anything above a whisper or never made any moment that wasn't completely languid to maintain their privacy, which was required since she had a young daughter in the next room most of the time.

Fowler chuckled as she rubbed Wildman's backside, pressing her hands into the material and squeezing her with appreciation, then said, "I thought that was a nice thing that I did."

Moving her head so she could see Nicole, Samantha said, grinning, as she dropped her hand, slipped it inside Fowler's shorts and said, "Yes it was…and now I'm gonna do a nice thing just for you too."

"Oh you are, are you?" Fowler smirked, just before Wildman's hand made purchase. When Samantha nodded, "Mmmhmm," then pressed her palm between her legs fully, Fowler took a quick breath, then licked her lips and said, still quiet and deeper, "You are a wicked, wicked woman, Samantha Wildman." She added as she dipped them down so only their necks and heads were showing, reached around the front of the blonde's top, took the mass into her hand that was already expose after she pushed the other one aside so she could feel the bare flesh against her chest, and squeezed. As Samantha bit her bottom lip in excitement, then smiled, leaned forward and started teasing her senses by tickling her ear, Fowler inhaled again, bent her head at the same time and whispered into her lover's ear, her voice low and soft, "Darlin', that feels so nice...thank you."

Smiling since it was a rare day that Fowler allowed her to touch her without trying to pull her into it, and knowing Nicole was touching her breasts because she liked to do it and it helped turn her on, Wildman hummed, "Mmm, thank you," as she carefully pleasured her girlfriend's body. When Nicole's body started to respond accordingly after a few minutes—the brunette having the exact opposite 'problem' as Wildman in the sense that despite her hearty sexual appetite, her body didn't typically produce the necessary moisture immediately as Sam's did—Samantha moved her head back to her ear, and licked her ear lobe as she swirled the modest moisture around, enjoying the vast difference in the feel of the water and the feel of her lover.

Not attempting to penetrate the brunette, even though their squatting position would allow for that since she'd learned several months ago that Fowler rarely desired that, whereas the blonde rarely did not, Samantha just continued to lightly swirl her hand around the entire area, not focusing her moment yet since she didn't feel like they needed to rush since all it looked like they were doing was embracing and whispering to each other. A few weeks ago during one of their long love-making sessions in the commander's quarters while Seven and Torres had had Naomi over to their place for TV and popcorn night, Fowler had whispered to her while she'd been making love to her with her mouth that she wanted the blonde inside of her that time, which Samantha had willingly complied with carefully. The following few moments were just a few of many with the brunette that Sam knew she couldn't possibly forget since not only had she never done that do another woman before, she'd never seen Fowler have such a powerful orgasm that caused her to cry out in such a high-pitched voice, which was very far removed from most of her softer, deeper and more throaty whispers of either pleasure, affection, or encouragement.

Just as Wildman started focusing her affections in an effort to make her climax, Fowler whispered, squeezing Samantha's breast kindly, "Mmmhmm, yes, baby...right there," then opened her eyes just in time to see Seven of Nine in her bra and little bikini style panties, folding her clothes and setting them down near theirs, and added, dumbfounded, "Good god almighty, girl."

Since her back was to the shore and Fowler typically said such things during their coupling, although she didn't usually call her girl, but didn't really think about it further, Wildman quickly upped the tempo of her hand and murmured as Fowler tensed, "Mmmyes, Fowler...that's so good, honey."

"Sam...stop," Fowler whispered quickly, pulling her hand away from the blonde's breast and fixing her top. When Wildman immediately stopped and pulled her hand away, but asked what was wrong, Nicole turned them around and said, "Look."

"Oh goodness," Samantha allowed before she covered her mouth and laughed out loud at her unknowing friend. Backing away from Fowler, who was taking deep breaths and trying to calm herself down, Wildman whispered as Seven waved at them and started for the water as half of the people around stopped what they were doing and watched with their mouth's open, "Ohgod, that's the sweetest thing I've ever seen." Then looking up to Fowler, she sighed, pouted on her behalf and said before she reached up and kissed her softly, "Honey, I'm sorry…are you okay?"

Sighing, Fowler nodded, bringing her hand to her face to throw water on it, then wiping off, testy, "Yea, I'm fine." She next looked over her shoulder, then expelled the air from her chest, shook her head and said, loudly, trying not to sound irritated, but this was now the third time she and Sam had been interrupted by Seven or Torres, "Just felt like goin' for a dip, huh?"

Seven nodded, smiling as she approached, oblivious to the fact she'd interrupted them, and said after she greeted Samantha, then dunked under the water and came back up and smoothed back her hair, "I am supposed to be 'tailing' you. However, I did not see the need to do so from a distance. Merely 'pretend' as though I am not present, if you wish."

When Fowler looked at her bewildered, then shook her head and turned around, Wildman said, "Well, there's no need for that…we can just pretend later that we didn't see you. I don't think it will hurt anything. Nick and I aren't so important anyway." As Seven nodded her head in agreement, then sank down and started floating, Samantha covered her mouth again, then chuckled, shook her head and said when Seven looked over at her and asked what she found amusing, since she was just curious, "Nothing, don't pay any attention to me. Did you have fun today?"

Popping up, Seven nodded and informed as Fowler finally sighed, came over to Wildman, kissed her cheek and said she was going to go lay in the sun, "I 'purchased' a 'killer' dress for this evening since B'Elanna Torres and I will be required to disguise ourselves to enter Kathryn's establishment." Turning to head to Fowler, and then back to Wildman, Seven whispered, "Is my presence making her uncomfortable?" Before Sam could answer, Seven turned back to Fowler, then back to Sam again as she said, "I did not believe it would considering we have disrobed in each other's presence on several occasions due to our Elite Force training."

"No," Wildman laughed, shaking her head, then explained as Seven furrowed her brow at her in disbelief, "It's just that we were being sweet to each other and then you showed up in the middle of the day, in a public place in your underwear." Shaking her head, Sam, explained, "It's just not something that she expected…that's all. Don't worry about it. She's just being polite in her own way."

Still rather confused, Seven looked back over to where Nick was now laying in the sand and informed, "She is also dressed in only her 'underwear.'" Back to Wildman, she asked, "Have I acted inappropriately?"

Wildman shook her head quickly and said, "No. It just that," she snickered, "well, you're you…and she's her." When Seven furrowed her brow more at that, Samantha sighed and whispered, "You just have more to show off than she does…in her opinion. She's just being silly…don't worry about it."

Looking over her shoulder to Fowler, Seven spun and started for the brunette with purpose. When Samantha asked where she was going, Seven answered over her shoulder as she waded through the water powerfully, "I will only be a 'jiffy.'" Then coming up to Fowler and standing above her, blocking the sun from her eyes, she said as Fowler opened her eyes and just stared at her, uncertain,"You are being illogical. What about my appearance is different from yours?" As Fowler covered her face and mumbled, "Lord, why does this always happen to me?" Seven sighed, placed her hands behind her back and requested, "Explain."

Taking a deep breath, Fowler jumped to her feet so she wasn't looking directly up at Seven and said, "Seven, I'm sorry…don't take it personal."

"Irrelevant," Seven came back, but not terribly clipped. Looking her up and down, she asked, "What about my appearance is different than yours? Perhaps I am mistaken," she added, beginning to learn how to argue a little more eloquently than before, "but you are wearing less clothing than I am?" Then relaxing some, Seven said softer, "I do not wish to make you uncomfortable. I am merely curious as to your behavior and how to adapt. Do you wish for me to depart?"

Sighing, Fowler said, "No…no, that's not necessary, Seven. I'm sorry."

"There is no need for apology," Seven informed immediately. "I am aware that in this 'day and age' that it is not considered culturally appropriate to present myself as I currently am, however, I do not 'care.' These characters do not impact my existence," she said as she looked about. Then turning back to Fowler, she said, "However, you are my friend and you do impact my existence. So, if this situation makes you uncomfortable because we are not operating as members of a 'team' and conducting our duty, then I will not take 'offense,' and merely request that the computer cloth me in a garment similar to Sam Wildman's. Is that what you wish for me to do so that you will feel comfortable returning to the water as I wish you to do?"

Fowler laughed, then shook her head, cleared her throat and said, "No…no. You're fine."

"Are you certain?"

Nodding, Nicole leaned over and said into Seven's ear, "Yes, and I'm sorry…I mean it. You're timing was just typical where my sex-life is concerned right now…so it just kind of threw me off since her hand was down my shorts, okay…that's all."

As Fowler pulled away, Seven raised her eyebrows, then looked back to Wildman, who remained in the water, but was watching them, and said as she turned back to Nicole, "Then I am 'sorry.' I was not aware of that data." Sighing, Seven said, "Then I should leave 'anyway' so that you may continue your 'private time' with her."

Shaking her head, Fowler patted her arm and said, "Don't worry about it…that's what we get for doing it in a public place…and," she smiled, "I'm not really in the mood anymore. Come on…let's go back in the water and give all these folks something to gossip about."

Nodding, Seven of Nine said, "Very well," and turned toward the water. Then looking over at Nicole, she tapped her shoulder and said, "Do you wish to 'race?'" Raising her eyebrow, she said, "I will give you a 'head start?'"

"Alright, but I don't need a head start," Fowler smiled over at Seven. When the Borg cocked her eyebrow, Nicole explained, "We'll do this right…running and swimming…that should even out the odds, I think." When Seven contemplated that for a beat and nodded, Nicole brought her hands to her lips, whistled at Samantha, then yelled, "Back up some…we're gonna race to you!" As Wildman nodded, then turned around and swam a ways out, then waved, Nicole waved back that that was a good spot, then turned to Seven and asked, "So, what's the prize? Bragging rights?"

"No," Seven shook her head then looked around, smirked and said, "The 'loser' will be forced to disrobe before we exit the water and walk to the 'dock' to retrieve her clothing."

"If you were anyone else," Fowler said, "I'd go with that…that's not good enough if I win 'cause you don't get embarrassed by nudity."

"Very well," Seven said, "then what do you wish me to do if you are the victor?"

Thinking it over for a moment, Fowler smiled and said, "Okay, if I win, you have to get up on the bar tonight and line-dance with me before we go home…and," she smiled, pointing at her, "I get to pick the song."

Nodding, Seven of Nine said, "I agree to these terms."

About to bob her head, Fowler narrowed her eyes and said, "You're not just gonna lose on purpose now, are you?"

Smirking, Seven turned toward the shore, got into her pre-running stance and said, "I will 'give it my all.'" When Fowler nodded and then got in her running stance, and told her she could to the count off, Seven nodded, then said, "On your 'mark,' 'get set', go!"

As she and Seven took off running, digging their feet into the sand, as she had expected, within ten steps, Seven was pulling away from her, so Nicole just did her best to keep as close as possible, knowing that she had a big advantage in the water. When Seven hit the water and continued to run, splashing and trudging through it while it was still shallow as Wildman clapped and cheered them both on, Fowler hit the water several steps after her, but made sure to keep her knees high and use her greater height to her advantage, and just as Seven dove forward and started swimming, still a few meters ahead of her, Nicole dove as well, but stayed under the water much longer, using her long arms, large feet and hands to propel her, and when she popped up, she was even with the Borg, who was doing well to swim efficiently. However, she just wasn't any match for the brunette, who'd grown up around the water and had a body that was more streamlined and built for swimming, so she reached Samantha almost two whole seconds before Seven.

Standing up and calling out loud and rowdy, Fowler shouted, "Oh yea! That's right, baby! Your ass is all mine, Borg!" since that was the very first time she'd ever beaten Seven at anything, and they'd raced several times, but never in the water, which continued to be her domain.

Standing up and sighing, Seven pushed her hair back as Wildman told Fowler to be nice, then smiled and said, confident, "Congratulations. You have finally beaten the Borg." Then extending her hand, she waited for Fowler to take it, before she grabbed her, pressed her other hand to her chest, picked her up over head and tossed her a ways behind her, then added, "However, I continue to remain superior."

Popping up in the water, Fowler smiled impishly and announced, "And just for that, Miss Thang…I'm gonna make you pay tonight…oh, yes…yes I am. I'm talkin' boot scootin' boogie, girl."

Seven remain poised and announced, "In the words of B'Elanna Torres, 'Bring it, Fowler,'" then turned toward Samantha, who was asking what was going on, picked her up and threw her into the water as well, then turned to Nicole, smirked and said, "Perhaps I will ask Sam Wildman to dance with us?"

Swimming over to Samantha and grabbing her up, Fowler said, "Seven, you just keep your damned hands off my woman, or I'll whoop your tail…I mean tear it up, girl." When Seven cocked her eyebrow and started for them, Nicole backed up as Wildman, who was on her back, giggled and told her to run, and warned, "Now, I mean it…I've gotta whip…and I ain't afraid to use it." Then looking over her shoulder, she smiled, reached around, pulled Wildman off her, and said, holding her out by her waist, half in the water, "Honey, you fight her…It's against my religion to strike a woman," which caused both Samantha and Seven to laugh, then splash her.


Shaking her head as she stood on the beach with one hand in her pocket, while she held a cigarette in her other, Torres yelled as the group in the water looked over at her, "Viv, what the hell are you doing?" When Seven yelled back that she was swimming, B'Elanna said, "No shit…really?" Then looking about, she sighed and asked, "Where the hell are your clothes…this isn't a nude beach, ace? You're gonna get yourself arrested for indecent exposure!"

Standing up, Fowler said, "T, relax…I'm a cop and I say she's fine." Then looking around, she said, pointing, "Hey, do me a favor and get a hotdog and a coke before that guy closes up shop," since the vendor was taking down his umbrella.

"Nick, do I look like your lackey?" Torres yelled back, fairly annoyed, but mostly because Kathryn had never left K Street, and she'd spent the last two and half hours sitting on her ass, certain she was missing something vital by doing so. "Get the hell out and get it yourself."

"Cain't…Seven's got my shorts and won't give'em back," Fowler lied, winking over to the blonde. "Hurry," she clapped her hands, "I promised Kate I get it for her since she doesn't like pancakes."

Sighing, Torres said, "Alright! Just don't expect me to get your panties for you, princess!" as she threw down her cigarette and jogged over to the vendor, as the others decided they better get out before they ruin B'Elanna's fun by goofing off.

Torres stopped at the stand and said, "Hey, Mac…gimme a dog and a soda before you close down."

"Sorry, Murphy," the guy came back with attitude, "I'm closed already. Come back tomorrow."

Sighing, B'Elanna said, "Listen, it's not for me…it's for a friend, and I'll pay you double if you'll cut me a break, alright?"

"Go take your sob story somewhere else…I don't wanna hear it today…I'm closed."

Further irritated, Torres said, "What the fuck's your problem? Just gimme a hotdog already and stuff the attitude. I'm not in the mood." When the man smiled at her and flipped her off, B'Elanna did the same thing, then turned around, marched back to the group as they put back on their clothes and said, "He's closed…sorry."

Looking over to the vendor as she slipped her dress back on, Samantha said, "What? He won't even give you one…he just took it down?" When Torres sighed and said, "I already tried. I even offered to pay him double, but he won't," Wildman huffed and said, "That's ridiculous," then walked up to B'Elanna, grabbed her hand and said, "Come on."

Sighing, Torres said, "Sam, I already tried the tough bit with him…if he won't take double, he's not gonna give. Let's just forget it and get something else for her. We can stop at the café. I can't risk making a scene by belting him."

"I don't want to forget it," Wildman came back, pulling Torres along. "She's wants a hotdog…and so do I. Just trust me."

"Alright...just don't say I didn't warn you if he tells you where to go, sweetheart," B'Elanna responded, pulling her hand away as they approached the vendor again, who had his back to them and was reading the newspaper.

"Excuse me," Samantha said fairly brightly as she stopped at the vendor, the front of her dress still unbuttoned to her navel. When the man turned around and said, "Yes?" as he looked her up and down, Wildman smiled and said, purposefully leaning on the cart and displaying her cleavage by pressing her arms together, "Hi, I'm Rose. I work down at K Street. We lost track of time splashing around, and I know you're closed, but I'm terribly hungry from swimming." Leaning forward more and smiling, she asked, "Can I get two hotdogs and a two sodas pretty please and thank you with sugar on top?"

"I know who you are, Miss," the vendor said, unimpressed, "and I'll tell you just like I told Murphy…I'm closed."

"See," Torres said, shaking her head, pulling out a cigarette, then leaned over and whispered, "Nice view though…I'd have folded...definitely."

Nodding, Wildman said, "Thanks," then turned to the vendor, gestured that he leaned closer, and when he did, but still seemed like he wasn't going to do anything but admire the scenery, Samantha reached out, grabbed his shirt with one hand and said, "Listen, Mister, my boss wants a hotdog and so do I." She then added quickly, pointing over her shoulder with her other hand, still grabbing him and pulling him forward as he stared, wide-eyed, "You see that big man over there…that's Sergeant Fowler my boyfriend. Now, you either give me a hot fucking dog, right fucking now, or I'm going to get upset and throw a fit…and he doesn't like to see me upset."

Letting the man go as he nodded, Samantha smiled and said, "Two please, and two sodas," then looked over at B'Elanna, who had an unlit cigarette hanging from her gapping mouth, winked at her, then added as she turned back to the man, "Mustard on one…leave the other one plain...thank you." As he handed over the items, Wildman picked up hers, turned and said, "Pay the nice man, Murphy," then walked away.

Torres shook her head, threw down her cigarette without lighting it, slapped down a few bills, snatched up Kathryn's lunch and said to the vendor, "Thanks a lot for makin' me look bad…keep it." Continuing to shake her head as she watched Wildman hand off her things to Fowler, and then start to button her dress, she was about to answer Nicole when she asked her how she got him to comply since she and Seven had been talking about their plans for tonight when Samantha piped up and said, "I tried to be nice to him, but he was just nasty, so B'Elanna grabbed him and threatened to kill him if he talked to me that way anymore and didn't give me what I wanted."

Frozen, B'Elanna didn't respond until Wildman looked over at her smiled and said, "Thanks…by the way. I'm really hungry from swimming." Finally nodding and saying, "Sure…right, no problem," Torres just went with the flow, uncertain as to what Wildman was doing, but deciding she should just follow her lead. Then sighing and handing the contents of her hands to Fowler as the tallest female gave her things back to Sam, Torres said after Fowler thanked her for taking care of it, "Well, kids, it's be real…but we gotta go." Reaching back for Seven's hand, she said, "Come on, hot shot…play time's over…we've still got work to do."

Not in the mood for Torres' foul demeanor since she was feeling happy after her swim with her friends, Seven pulled on her hand to stop her, and when B'Elanna turned around and said, "What now?" the Borg raised her eyebrow, then grabbed her, bent her over and kissed her purposefully for several seconds. Then letting her go and dropping her down into the forgiving sand on her butt, just as she believed her character would, Seven walked away as Fowler laughed, then said over her shoulder, smiling at Torres, who was picking up her hat and scowling at her, "This way, Murphy."

Dusting off her hat, then smirking at Seven's backside as she walked away quickly and determined, Torres put the Fedora back on, then took off after her yelling, "Viv, wait up!" Next coming past her and whacking her damp fanny soundly, she kept right on running, holding her hat and said, "Catch me if you can, ace!" then added, "Ohshit," as Seven immediately starting running for her…quickly as she heard Fowler shout, "T, you better run like the wind, sister!"


Sighing, Seven of Nine asked as she stood in front of Torres' bathroom mirror in her undergarments, which consisted of a pair of nude thigh-high stockings, black panties, and something called a 'corset,' which the Borg didn't like at all since she informed B'Elanna when she helped her put it on that she felt like she had regained her abdominal implant, and scowled at the long, blackish brown wing on her head, that was already fixed so that just a small amount fell down her back in long curls while the rest was pilled onto of her head in an elegant bun, "Why am I required to wear a 'wig' when Kathryn will undoubtedly recognize me?"

Seated on the toilet as she slipped on her shoes, dressed in her best suit, which was a pair of back slacks, a white shirt and white tie and suspenders, trying to go for the 'gangster' look, Torres answered, "Because she'll pretend like she doesn't recognize us…and what's important is the characters don't recognize us."

"I believe your logic is highly flawed," Seven came back, then reached down and picked up the lipstick Torres had purchased for her, which was dark red. Looking over to Torres, who had a fake goatee on her face, Seven added, "And you do not look any better." Turning back to the mirror, she finished, "I believe 'absurd' is the appropriate term for your appearance and your 'plan.'"

Standing and pulling up her suspenders, B'Elanna said, "Think of it like a comic book…it's not real life. Just trust me…Red will go with the flow and the characters will treat us like we're rich strangers." Then passing by Seven and pinching her bottom where her thin, lacy, high cut underwear weren't covering her firm, rounded cheeks, Torres said, smiling, "Don't mess up," since the Borg was applying her lipstick as she touched her.

Torres snatched up Seven's dress from the bed, and asked as she came back to the bathroom, "You almost ready to put this on?"

Rubbing her lips together, Seven answered while she set the lipstick down and snatched up the black mascara, "Almost." As she started to apply the make-up and Torres stood in the doorway and watched her, smiling, Seven stopped, looked at her through the mirror and requested, "Explain your smile."

"You're really beautiful, you know that?" Torres said fairly quietly, but still smiling at her.

Smiling modestly, Seven looked over at B'Elanna and said, "Thank you…as are you, although," she smirked and looked back to the mirror, continuing her careful application so she didn't make a mistake, "I still believe you look 'ridiculous' with that 'device' on your face."

Smiling and chuckling, Torres said, "It's called a goatee, ace," thoroughly endeared and in love.

Finished, Seven pulled away from the mirror, blinked her eyes carefully several times and smirked in the mirror at B'Elanna, "Your 'goatee' is absurd.' However," she turned and looked her up and down, "these 'clothes' are not unacceptable."

Holding up the dress, Torres said, "Okay, let's get this on you…do you need help?"

"No," Seven informed taking the dress, then added, smirking, "although, if you wish to assist me…you may…this time."

Folding her arms over her chest, Torres shook her head and said, "I think I'll just watch…thanks."

"This is typical behavior," Seven returned, then stepped into the black dress that nearly went down to the floor, but had a fairly severe slit on her right leg. Squeezing the tight material over her hips carefully, her bust too great to pull it over her head with any ease, Seven slipped her arms through the tiny straps that went over her shoulders. Once she was situated correctly in the dress, that's top cut directly across the line of her corset so that a significant amount of her billowing cleavage was visible, especially considering her bosom was being held together, Seven turned around to B'Elanna and asked, "Acceptable?"

Raising her eyebrows, B'Elanna muttered, "Kahless," then nodded and said as Seven smirked at her, "Uh, yea…that'll do." Shaking her head, B'Elanna took a deep breath, then stepped up to her, kissed her cheek and said, "Just don't belt me if I stare all night…okay?"

"I will not…you are allowed," Seven came back quietly, then kissed Torres cheek, reached up and wiped her skin free of lipstick. "I am pleased you approve."

"Babe," Torres said as she went over to the bed and picked up Seven's black high heels, "you're a knock out…like T-KO in the first round. Anyone who doesn't approve is a friggin' idiot." Turning around, she smiled, "Trust me on this one. And," she reminded as she handed the shoes to the blonde, "the only thing that matters is that you approve."

"I understand," Seven of Nine acknowledged as she placed the shoes on the ground, then put her hand on Torres' shoulder and she slipped into them, "however, it also 'matters' to me that you are pleased."

As Seven stood up straight, B'Elanna looked up, frowned, then sighed and said, "Well, I guess I'll just have to be the short, tough gangster type with the tall broad. I guess that works." Then turning toward the door, she smiled over her shoulder and said, "Although, I don't know how well I'm gonna be able to concentrate on anything when I'm almost eye-level with your tits. No offense," she said as she went over to the coat rack, "but you could stop traffic in that…good holograms could get hurt."

"Perhaps that is why it is called a 'killer' dress?" Seven responded as Torres put on her hat, then pulled on her suit coat, then her black trench coat over that.

Smiling, Torres nodded as she chuckled and said, "Yea, something like that I guess…good one."

"Thank you."

"Hmm," Torres said, looking over to Seven, "we forgot to get you a jacket or something to go over that."

Raising her eyebrows, Seven stated, "It is not required. I am not 'cold.'"

The chief smiled, shook her head and said, "Well, it's usually 'culturally appropriate,'" Torres snickered, "to wear something like a wrap, like Sam had…but," she grinned, "I think that's stupid…so fuck it." Holding out her arm, she said, "Let's just let'em choke when we walk in."

Seven smirked, took Torres' arm and said, "'As you wish,' Murphy."

B'Elanna opened her door and said, "Mickey…I'm Mickey Marcino and you're Violet…like in Bound."

As Torres closed her office, the Borg teased, "Are you sure Caeser would not be more appropriate...he was 'short.'"

"Cute, Vi" Torres produced a fist, "Keep it up and I'll give you a knuckle sandwich."

"I am not hungry…'C.'"


"My apologizes…your 'goatee' must be disrupting my ocular…art."

"Are you gonna be like all the time now?"

"That is correct."

Smiling, Torres said, "Good…Keeps things interesting." As Seven cocked her eyebrow at her as they went down the steps, Torres asked, "You ready for this, ace?"

"I am Borg."

"Right…I keep forgetting…must be your tits."



"Oh my god!" Samantha Wildman exasperated as she stepped out of her bedroom and looked to her left as something red caught her eye. Smiling as Kathryn Janeway started down the steps to her, in a bright red, shimmering cocktail dress that looked like something that had been inspired by the Orient, with the bottom of her hair rolled up on the outside, and secured in a fold all the way around the back of her head, the line being around the height of her lower ear, but on the front, right side her fair came down in an elegant wave, the end tucked into the fold hear her ear, saying, worried and quick, "What?" Samantha quieted her voice and said, "Oh my word…look at you!" As Janeway stopped, brought her hand to her stomach and looked down at the long, narrow and tight dress that went to her neck front and back, but had every tiny sleeves, saying, "What is it? Is it too much?" Wildman covered her mouth, shaking her head no, then said, "Oh my god, no…no."

Pulling her hand away and sighing, Kathryn said, "You're not convincing me. I'd rather not have that reaction…that tells me it is too much."

As she turned around and started back, Janeway said, "I'll just change into the black one," Wildman snapped into action before her previous reaction ruined everything and said, climbing up the stairs quickly, "You'll do no such thing." Then stopped when she grabbed her hand, and said, "Ma'am." Next turning her around, Samantha said, "You look incredible…and elegant…and I'm sorry. I tend to excited about evening gowns…especially when they're so perfect."

Sighing, Janeway asked, "Are you sure, Samantha? The black one's nice too…just not as flashy."

While Samantha nodded adamantly and pulled on her arm subtly, Fowler said as she came up the steps, running, dressed in a grey suit similar to Torres' first one since she was 'off-duty' tonight, "Rose? What's going on?" although even the gangsters knew Nick was on Kate's payroll as Rose's personal protection.

"Nick hurry," Samantha said quickly, having an idea. Ignoring the look Kathryn was giving her, Wildman continued to hold her hand tightly and instructed as Fowler came around the corner, then stopped, blinked and asked what the problem was, "Honey, tell Kate she and her dress is gorgeous and shouldn't change..."

Smiling as she climbed up closer, Fowler asked, purposeful, since she knew Kathryn very well, "Is that what all this is about…a dress?"

Samantha sighed and said, "Some help you are…"

That being just the reaction she needed, which was a non-reaction, especially from Fowler, who usually was the first to snap her head around two or three times, Kathryn nodded and said as she let go of Wildman's hand, her various gold bracelets jingling softly, that matched the tiny gold trim of the dress and her small, studded earrings, moved past Fowler, patted her arm and started down the steps, "Thank you, Miss Fowler."

As Samantha blinked, Fowler waited until Janeway was far enough away before she turned to Wildman, winked and said, "You gotta be sly with Miss Scarlet. She doesn't like to think she's making a fuss, even when she does. It's just a quirk." Then looking back and shaking her head, she added, "Sassy dress…she should keep that one."

Catching on, Wildman smiled, poked Fowler's stomach and said, leaning in close before she kissed her, "You're so smooth…I'm jealous sometimes." Then pulling away, she shook her head and said, "God, talk about being jealous…I guess it's fitting I'm wearing green." Grabbing Fowler's hand and pulling her along back into her bedroom since the reason she'd come out was to get her help dressing, Wildman said, "Oh, I just love her cute, little," holding the appropriate amount of fingers, "size four dress…and she always looks so radiant in all red. I just can't get over how little-bitty sweet she is."

Fowler chuckled, shook her head and said, bewildered that Wildman would ever be jealous of any woman's figure, "Sam, you don't have to be jealous…take my word for it. Where are we goin'?"

Pulling the brunette into her closet, Wildman slipped off her robe and said, "I need an extra pair of hands…this dress takes some work getting into and Seven's not here to help this time." Looking over at Fowler, who was smiling at her as she stood in only her underwear, and stockings that went to her thighs and adhered to the skin to stay in place without need for a garter belt, Samantha smirked over at her and said, "Are you going to help me or just stand there and be an oogler?"

Chuckling, Fowler shook her head and said, "Woman, I don't know what you're talking about. I was looking at your hands, because they're so nice." Snatching one up and holding it out as she came up behind Sam, who elbowed her as she wrapped one arm around her and rubbed her stomach, letting her thumb graze against the bottom of her breast just once, Nick said, "Now see, aren't those nice hands?" Then kissing her cheek, she cleared her throat and said, "Okay, what do I do?"

Wildman held dress to her torso and explained, "It's kind of tight, and it has to go over my head…there's no zipper…so I need you to make sure I don't catch it on my hair pins." This dress wasn't nearly as revealing as last night's as far as skin went since it had a modest scoop neck, but was similar to the one she'd worn all those years ago that Fowler said she liked in that the fabric clung to her body tighter, until it passed her hips, and then it just dropped straight down to the floor. This one was sea green with shades of glittering blue and silver, however, which Wildman felt was a better color for her, and when she'd shown it to Janeway earlier and the captain had said it was perfect and she was certain Samantha would look stunning, she'd decided on that one instead of a silver, shorter, cocktail style dress.

As Fowler nodded and said she was ready, Wildman bunched up the dress as much as possible and started it over her head, then once they worked her head through the hole, Samantha nodded and said, "Thanks," as she pushed her arms through the three-quartered sleeves. Then pulling the dress down and letting the bottom fall to the floor where the back hung slightly currently since she was barefoot and it just grazed the ground softly once she was in heels, she reached in through the neck and adjusted the built in bra, so the whole thing had an even look and one couldn't tell she had anything on underneath. Then turning around, still adjusting the chest so she felt comfortable and supported as much as possible, Wildman asked, looking down at herself, "Well?"

Shaking her head, Fowler said, snapping her fingers, "That's the one." When Wildman looked up to her uncertain as to what the meant, Nicole smiled and said, "This is the one I'm gonna getcha…damn." As Sam smiled and that and said, looking down at herself, "You really like it that much? You're not just saying that?" the commander squatted down, then eased onto her knees, brought her hands to Wildman's waist and said, "It's perfect…it's always how I picture you," as she rubbed the entire area, enjoying how the pliable, yet slightly heavy fabric stretched and hung perfectly on Sam's form, which Fowler truly appreciated in every sense of the word since she was the epitome of femininity, in the commander's eyes, and there was nothing in the universe Nick was attracted more to than womanhood.

A little shocked, Samantha asked as Nicole urged her to turn around so she could see the back again, "You mean you really like this one more than the last one?" considering this one completely covered almost all of her body, and the material was so stretchy, it didn't even have any slits in the side. When Nick answered affirmatively and turned her back around, then started to stand, Sam asked, curious, "How's that…really…I don't get it?"

After a moment's contemplation as to if she should answer completely truthfully, Fowler smiled softly and said, equally subdued as her grin, "Normally I wouldn't say this and I'd never tell you what you can wear for any reason. So, you can't think less of me for what I think…" When Sam chuckled, nodded and said she promised she wouldn't, the pilot had to lean down and whisper, "The truth is I liked that other dress, but I would never purposefully put you in that unless we were alone because I'm selfish, and I'd prefer to be the only one who gets to see that much of you…and that's the truth, but again," she pulled away, speaking seriously, "I'd never say anything either way because I don't think it's right…so don't ever feel like you have to dress a certain way because I approve or disapprove…that there is just my private thought." Then nodding, the pointed to Sam's current outfit and said, "I like this one because it makes me want to wine and dine you, do some slow dancin', then take you home to my place…and that other one," she smirked, then chuckled, "well that other made me want to do what happened in the stairwell. Not that that's bad," she sighed, "but it's just the romantic in me, I guess."

"Nick," Samantha looked up, "will you do me one big favor please?" When Fowler raised her eyebrows in question, the blonde smiled until she was beaming and said, shaking her head, "Don't you ever change one bit." Then hugging Nicole, who sighed with relief, then chuckled, Sam said, quietly, "And thank you for telling me your private thought…so," she grinned, "you can't think less of me either if I tell you that I like it when you take your shirt off in public because I'm selfish in that I like to gloat and make everyone jealous because you're so gorgeous and sexy."

Snickering and nodding, Fowler said, "Okay…thank you, I'm flattered." After kissing Sam's lips softly, she smiled and asked, "Okay, what's next…make-up?"

Wildman moved past Fowler, going toward her vanity and said, "Mmmhmm, but don't worry…I won't make you help."

As Samantha chuckled to herself and shook her head as she stood near the mirror and looked at all the cosmetics on the table, Nicole cleared her throat and said, "Now see here, Miss Thang, just because I don't wear anything but lip gloss don't mean I don't know how to paint a face." Coming over to Wildman and telling her to sit, Fowler said, "I think you forget that most of my ladyfriends were entertainers and the like…I know what I'm doing."

"Fowler, you lie like a dog in the sun," Wildman came back, smiling, drawling her speech to match Nicole's, and not doing a terrible job in the least since she was a vocalist and practiced at modifying her voice as she pleased.

Kneeling next to Samantha as she sat on the stool, Nicole flipped on the mirror, grabbed the foundation and the sponge and said, after she laughed in endearment, "Woman, I'm fixin' make you eat those words. Now sit still, let me have some fun and fuss over you for once."

"Okay," Wildman said, turning herself over to the helmsman, "but if you make me look like a clown, I'm gonna smack you silly."

Smiling, Fowler started dabbing the creamy substance on Wildman's face and said, "There you go again…just being ornery and hateful…"


"Ms. Kate," Karen, the hostess said after she picked up the ringing telephone, set it down and walked over to Janeway, who was sitting at the bar speaking to Carter, the bartender, "it's for you…someone named Jack."

Nodding, Janeway left her coffee, which someone in the kitchen had prepared, at the bar and traveled over toward the hostess station. Picking up the phone, she said, "This is Kate."

"We're all set," Richardson said. "A man is gonna come through the door in a few minutes…that's my man. He knows what to do. All you need to do is treat him like a customer. He's armed and will see to your protection…so just let him do his job. Is Fowler still there?"

"Yes," Janeway nodded as she spoke out of habit.

"Okay, then he'll just stick to taking care of you and leave Rose to Fowler," the male informed quickly. "If there's a problem, he's got a radio in his pocket to contact me and my squad. We're camped out in the places right around you…and I've got sharp shooters on two buildings, so you're covered from every angle. If we don't here anything, we'll make our move at ten…so I want you on an upper floor when that happens in case there's gunfire. Do you have any weapons on you?"

"Mmmhmm," Janeway said as she turned to Carter, gestured to him to hand her the coffee mug. As Carter did so, she pulled the phone away from her mouth and whispered, "Thank you," then took a sip, and finally asked, "Was there anything else?"

"Have you seen Murphy or Bando?" Before Janeway could answer, he said, "I haven't seen hide nor hair of them all day, but someone from the station said he saw her swimin' in the lake in just her underthings." As Kathryn raised her eyebrows, then covered the phone as she laughed once, Richardson went on, "Sounds just like wishful talk to me…considering she broke out last night…I think they're just laying low like we hoped."

Clearing her throat, Kathryn said, "No, I haven't seen them lately."

"Good, and if they happen to get cute tonight and try to butt in, my man has descriptions of them. He'll take care of it quietly. Okay, I see him coming right now…he'll be in your place in a minute. Remember, he's a professional and he knows what he's doing…and Kate," Richardson paused for a moment, "please be careful…don't take any chances."

"Thank you, Jack…I'll see you later then. Say hi to your wife for me, huh?…Okay," Janeway smiled, as the door opened and she saw Richardson's man come in, just pretending to finish the friendly, non-business conversation, "I will…good night."

Handing the phone back to the hostess, Kathryn took a sip of her coffee and eyed the man as he took off his hat and overcoat, then handed them to the hostess, telling her she just wanted to sit at the bar. As he passed right by her, looked over, smiled and nodded, but continued on his way, took a seat and ordered a dry vodka Martini, Janeway took another sip of the coffee, then started back for the bar. Stopping behind the construct, she whispered to Carter after he served the man, "Do me a favor and double-check downstairs to make sure Malcolm will have everything he needs when he gets here."

After Carter nodded, then went to the men's room door, knocked on it to make sure it was empty and stepped inside, Kathryn set down her coffee on the bar and said to the officer, who was the only one currently sitting at the bar since the dinner crowd was almost gone and since tonight was Rose's night off, although she sang downstairs, they didn't get nearly as much business, "How's that Martini?"

"It's good," he returned, nodding, then took another sip. Reaching into his pocket, he patted it a few times, checked the rest of them, then sighed and asked, "Do you have any cigarettes…seems I forgot mine?"

Pulling open a drawer and grabbing a fresh pack, as well as a book a matches, she closed it up, set it down in from of him and said, "Here you are."

The officer picked up the pack, but handed the matches back and said, "Thanks, but I didn't forget my lighter," as he reached into his pant's pocket, then smiled and said, "Never leave home without it."

As the man lit his cigarette, Janeway smiled at the lighter, finding it rather decorative for a tough cop and asked, grabbing the cigarettes and taking one so she could look at it without seeming strange, "May I?" pointing to the lighter.

When the man lit the device for her and ignited her cigarette, Janeway said, "Thank you," then quirked the side of her mouth as she saw the engraving on it, which was the Italian word of family. Thinking that over for a minute, she said, quietly and coarse, "Nice touch," since she figured the man was trying to come off as an Italian-American and a member of some mob family. He certainly looked the part, although she didn't really think that was necessary since she didn't only cater to the mob, but other people who liked to gamble and would keep their mouth's shut to continue to play in secret, although most of them did do business with the mofia. When the man asked her what she was talking about, Janeway snatched up her coffee and said against the rim, "The Italian engraving on your lighter…it's a nice touch."

Once the man raised his eyebrows, then nodded and smiled, slipping it back into his pocket, Janeway took a toke off her cigarette, then asked, quietly, "What's your name tonight? Or am I not supposed to know you?"

Holding out his hand, he smiled and said, "Gino Alto…and you must," he smiled more, shaking his head, "be the K in K Street."

"Call me Kate…it's nice to meet you, Mister Alto."

Leaning forward, he whispered "My real name's Frost…just so you know." Then looking around, he asked after he sat back and took a sip off his drink, "When your barman comes back…is there somewhere we can go to talk for a moment?"

"Sure," Janeway came back, then picked up her coffee. "We'll go up to Rose's room…you can speak with Fowler too."

As the man asked her to repeat herself, she turned her head as the door to the restaurant was opened and a beautiful brunette stepped through, which caused Kathryn to do a double-take since the woman's head was down as she pulled on the bottom of her gown which got snagged on the step, and she realized immediately she was looking at Seven of Nine, just from the figure alone and before she noticed the implants. Since this simulation was set in an age prior to first contact, all of the characters were simply programmed to treat everyone as human, and not pay any attention to the Borg's implants or Torres' ridges…just as they were programmed to treat the Klingon as a man, as well as Nick.

When Torres stepped up in the next moment, it took every ounce of diplomatic skill from her lengthy Starfleet career not to break out in a huge laughing fit and ruin the whole thing. She'd also played enough holonovels to know that she was supposed to pretend she didn't recognize them until they revealed themselves or their cover was blown by someone else. However, that didn't mean she couldn't keep her eyes off of Seven of Nine, or her heart rate in check. As Torres whispered something to Seven, who then nodded and started toward her, Janeway stubbed out her cigarette and said absently to the officer, paying him no further attention, "If you'll excuse me."

As Kathryn migrated to her position at the bar, Seven gazed at her, the said in her warmest, sexiest voice as she stood in front of the bar and admired her lover, not certain she'd ever seen Janeway look so beautiful in all the days since they first met, although she was aware that her judgment was currently being influenced by her continuing strong desire to make love to the captain, as well as the fact Janeway was wearing her favorite color to look at…and wearing it rather well, "Good evening."

Smiling as her heart fluttered, Kathryn having the exact same thoughts about Seven that the Borg had had about her, although she preferred her as blonde, but right now that seemed negligible, Janeway extended her hand and said, "Hello…and you are…other than breathtaking?" she couldn't help but say, and doubted if she flirted with the woman it would impact the story.

"Violet," Seven answered, then brought Kathryn's hand to her lips and kissed it as she leaned forward and pulled Janeway forward as well. "And you are…other than perfection?"

Smirking and pulling her hand away, Kathryn said, "I'm Kate. Can I interest you in something?"

Seven cocked her eyebrow, then refrained from answering the loaded question as she wished and said as she took a seat, "I will have 'club' soda with 'lemon'…for now, but perhaps some red…wine, later."

Again having to keep herself from crawling over the bar, or banging her head on it as Seven continued to flirt with her openly, and skillfully, Janeway nodded and started to make her drink just to keep her hands busy and off of the Borg. When the bartender came back and said he could take over, Kathryn shooed him away and said she was fine, and told him to check on the tables, then handed Seven her drink and asked, "Are you here with that…gentlemen?" having a difficult time not giggling as Torres waited for the hostess to hang up her coat and check their reservation.

"Yes…thank you."

"You're welcome," Kathryn came back after she took a sip of her coffee. "You know," she smirked, "I realize that the tables are more comfortable to sit at, but the service is much better at the bar. Would you like a menu now?"

"I believe I would," Seven smiled back.

"Hey, Vi!" Torres shouted, cranky and dominating on purpose. Snapping, she said, following the hostess to their table, "Enough talk…let's go."

Sighing, Seven turned around and said, "I wish to stay at the 'bar,' Mickey." Then turning back around, she smiled and said, "We will remain at the 'bar.' Thank you."

"No…no," B'Elanna came back over to her quickly, "We'll eat at a table, Vi. We can have drinks…later," she said through clinched teeth, then turned to Janeway, winked, and nodded. Back at Seven, she whispered, "Now, come on. You're making a scene. I'm supposed to be the man…you're supposed to do what I tell you…we're supposed to be undercover."

"Irrelevant. I wish to stay," Seven whispered back, adamant. "She will not 'blow' our 'cover.'" Then thinking quickly, she added, "We are in closer proximity to her here. We can see which individuals enter the 'restroom' and we are closer to her 'gun.'"

Sighing, B'Elanna finally nodded and said, "Alright, I guess you've got a point…just," she said again through clenched teeth, "will you please do as I ask from now on?" When Seven nodded and said she would comply while Janeway pretended to busy herself with wiping the counter, B'Elanna turned to the hostess, snapped her fingers several times and said, "We'll eat at the bar…thanks."

Torres sat down, pulled out her cigarettes and said, "Gimme a scotch, honey…neat…Glenlivet if you've got it." As Janeway nodded, unknowing since she hadn't been present during that movie night where Bound was shown—Torres once again having consulted Tom Paris as to a good movie that had the mofia in it beyond The Godfather series that everyone, including Sam and Fowler, would enjoy in a dual effort to prepare for the holonovel and to watch a good flick—and Seven of Nine smirked over at her, then expelled the air from her lungs, Torres whispered, "Shut up," then pointed to the bottle as Kathryn looked at the various labels, "It's the green one with the white label…right there."

"Thank you," Kathryn acknowledged as she spotted the bottle, lifted it to look at it, curious as to what the significance of this particular scotch whiskey was, then poured a short glass, picked up a napkin and handed it to Torres, keeping herself from looking her in the face for fear she'd just burst out in a first-class giggle fit. Then clearing her throat, she set the bottle back and said, "I'll just get you a menu."

As Kathryn returned with the menu and then left their side, Seven watched her out of the corner of her eye while B'Elanna mumbled to herself as to what she wanted to try to eat that wouldn't mess up her facial hair. When the man that Kathryn was standing near asked to speak with her as soon as possible in a whisper, Seven furrowed her brow when she recognized his voice as that of the man who'd requested to speak with her today at the beach. Glancing to him quickly, to doubly make certain it was him, Seven turned to Torres as Kathryn said she'd go get Carter and went to the kitchen.

Tapping B'Elanna on the shoulder, Seven of Nine whispered, "That individual on the other end of the bar wishes to speak with Kate." When Torres looked over at her, peeked over her shoulder quickly, then said, "About what?" Seven answered, "I am uncertain, however, he attempted to speak with me today at the 'beach.'" As B'Elanna raised her eyebrows, Seven reported, "He would not give his name, and when I attempted to leave, he tried to make a stay. I rendered him unconscious shortly thereafter."

"Why didn't you tell me that?" Torres asked in a raspy whisper.

"I was not aware that it was significant," Seven said back in the same tone. "I wished to swim and he was delaying my departure by attempting to converse with me…however, he would not state his designation, so I did not wish to do so." Raising her eyebrows, she said, "It was the most efficient means to 'handle' the situation. I merely believed he was attempting to 'pick me up.'"

Nodding, B'Elanna looked back over to him, then reported, "Ten bucks he's another hitman…although," she shook her head, "I don't know why they would think she would fall for that this time when she didn't last time. Keep your ears open while they talk."

"I will comply," Seven nodded, then reached for her drink. As Kathryn came back, and Carter took over the bar, the Borg whispered quickly as Janeway and the man started down the hall, "She is alone with him."

"Shit," Torres said as she put down the menu. Then watching them, B'Elanna said, "Okay, I'll follow them…you just order…don't go anywhere."

Hurrying after the redhead and the mysterious man, Torres looked around, then started up the stairs when she heard Kathryn's voice saying they could talk in the store room. Once they were in the room and had shut the door, B'Elanna counted to three, then turned the handle, but unfortunately it was locked. Cursing under her breath, she took a step back, and was about to kick in the door when she changed her mind, worried if she busted in, the guy would just hold Janeway hostage, or possibly shoot them both before she could do anything. So, instead she started knocking on the door and said, "Anyone in here? I've gotta go…hello!" just as Fowler and Wildman, whose make-up was perfect, started down the steps.

When Nick busted out in laughter, Torres turned her head toward her, flipped her off, then asked quickly, "You got your piece?"

"Dammit, T…come on!" Fowler shouted, put-off that Torres would say such a thing in Wildman's company, thinking she meant if she's had a piece…as in piece of the blonde.

"A gun," B'Elanna whispered, understanding the confusion, "A piece…a gun!" When Fowler blinked, nodded apologizing, and reached behind her back to the holster as she realized something was wrong as footsteps were heard approaching the door, Torres gestured that she should toss it to her. Just as Nicole did and she caught it, saying, "Stand back," the door opened to reveal Kate, frowning and saying, "Did you miss the sign that said staff only?"

Cocking the gun and moving past Janeway, Torres lifted it to the man and said, "Don't move, Mac…hands up!"

"Excuse me," Kathryn said quickly, trying to keep up with who Torres was supposed to be and if she was supposed to recognize her. "Just what in the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Close the door, doll," B'Elanna commanded, still pointing her gun to the man, who was slowing raising his hands. "It's me…Murphy."

"Murphy!" Janeway came back, slamming the door. "What the hell are you doing…that man is an undercover police officer!"

"No he's not…are you, pal?" Torres smirked at him.

"Listen, Murphy," Gino said, dropping his hands, "Kate's right. I'm here undercover…now if you don't ease up, you're going to ruin the whole bust."

"I said put your damn hands up!" Torres yelled at him. As Janeway started toward her, B'Elanna said, "He's here to snuff you out, Kate. He tried to get Viv at the beach…she recognized him as soon as we came in together…Viv is Violet."

"Thanks for the tip," Kathryn smirked at her as Fowler kicked open the door, now carrying her whip, and Samantha was right behind her holding Kathryn's gun, Seven of Nine staying down by the steps to make sure no one tried to come up and interfere. Turning around and walking up to Rose, requesting her gun, she tapped Nicole's shoulder and said, "Do you recognize this man?"

"No," Fowler said quickly, shaking her head as she came to Torres' side. Then asked, "Who are you supposed to be?"

Smiling, keeping her gun on the man, certain he was armed, the chief answered, "Murphy…surprise." When the man went for his weapon as Kathryn had her back to them and was closing the door, B'Elanna yelled, "Hey!" then pulled the trigger, but unfortunately, nothing happened, except the chamber moved, since Nick had never loaded her gun.

As Torres yelled at Kate to get down and reared back to throw her weapon at him, Fowler snapped into action just after she said, "Shit," recalling that she hadn't loaded her weapon, not used to having to do so. As the man pulled out his gun and aimed it at Janeway, who was spinning around at the movement, drawing her weapon, and fired at the same time as the captain, who was then dragged to the side by Samantha, Nicole cracked her whip across his wrist at the same moment he was hit square in the chest by the captain's quick and lethal aim.

Turning around in a hunched position as Kathryn toppled onto Samantha, B'Elanna said, "Shit," as she ran over to them and asked if they were alright since she knew minor injuries could occur.

"Yes," Janeway sighed, then smirked at Wildman, who was nodding that she was fine, and said, "Thank you again, Lieutenant," before she rolled off of her.

As she offered her hand to Kathryn, B'Elanna barked, "Nick, why the hell didn't you load your gun! What the hell kind of cop are you anyway?"

"Sorry, T," Fowler sighed as she checked on the hologram to make sure he was dead, which he was. "I forgot."

While Seven of Nine came into the room after hearing the gun fire, demanding a report, having moved as fast as she could in her current attire, since if she wasn't careful, she'd step on her gown and fall forward, Janeway winced slightly as Torres pulled her up. As Seven offered her hand to Samantha and pulled her to her feet quickly and Fowler reported that 'Annie Oakley' was true to form and the "dude is dead," B'Elanna asked her again if she was alright, having heard her slight sound of pain.

Nodding and looking at her shoulder, then frowning at the small tear in her dress and the even, thin scratch on her shoulder that was bleeding, Janeway said, "Damn," then turned to Samantha and said, "Rose, go downstairs. Tell them everything's fine and that Nick's gun just went off accidentally. Offer a round of drinks on the house for the inconvenience…sing a song if you have to…just don't let anyone call the police."

"Damn, Kate," Fowler said as she stood up and saw that Kathryn was holding her hand to her shoulder, "did you get hit?" as Rose nodded and then scurried away.

As she nodded and said that it was just a scratch, while Seven frowned and said, "Unacceptable," and B'Elanna said, "Kahless, Red, I'm sorry…I'll put the safties back on," Janeway sighed and said, "Ladies, it's fine." Patting Torres' shoulder, she smirked and said, "We work hard and we play harder…I'll live." Then looking over to Seven, Kathryn smirked and said, "And here all this time I thought you were the woman of my dreams…Vivian…so nice of you to join us," as she walked over to Gino. Thankfully Torres hadn't programmed the simulation so that it was realistically bloody since he only had a blood stained shirt.

Reaching into his pockets and pulling out the content, she flipped the lighter to Torres and said, "Have a souvenir…it's suits you." Then checking his wallet, she sighed and said, "Well, you were right…he was lying…sort of. His name really is Gino Alto. I guess that means that either someone's on the inside of the police station, or this man apprehended Richardson's man, and he simply didn't recognize him as someone else since he was wearing a hat and it was dark. I'm not sure where the captain is, but," she stopped as she stood up, "he's at least on the other side of the street." Turning around, Kathryn said, "I don't think Jack's behind this…he wouldn't do that to me."

Speaking up, Nicole informed, "They've got someone on their payroll downtown. We're not sure who yet, but one of the guys down there said they were honing in on them. They probably got tipped off as to where the real undercover officer would be, jumped him, and then put this guy in as a replacement." Fowler raised her eyebrows and said, "Not a bad plan, really." Looking to B'Elanna, she smiled and asked, "How'd you know?"

"He attempted to converse with me this afternoon," Seven of Nine answered as she came over to Kathryn and examined her arm, while Janeway smirked, shook her head, and then let Seven feel better by making sure she was fine. "When he attempted to force me to stay and speak with him without stating his designation, I rendered him unconscious so that I could swim with you and Rose."

Raising her eyebrows, and looking back over to the tall blonde, who released her arm, but started for Rose's bathroom, Janeway queried, "You mean you really did go swimming in your underwear?"

"That is correct," Seven retuned as she grabbed a washcloth and wet it, "as did Nick Fowler."

Wiping her nose, Fowler said, "Right, well," as she started to blush, "I'm gonna go make sure everything's fine downstairs."

Chuckling, Kathryn said as Nicole walked away, "Nice touch with the whip…you'll have to show me sometime," then asked B'Elanna as Nick smiled over at her and shook her head. "And what were you up to all day, Murphy?"

"Keeping an eye on you," B'Elanna came back as she walked up to her. Smiling as Seven of Nine started for them, Torres held out her hand for the washcloth and said, "Thanks, ace…do me a favor and go watch the front door. I need to talk to Kate."

Sighing, Seven set the cloth into Torres' hand then leaned over and whispered, although loud enough for Kathryn to hear, "When this simulation is complete…she is mine, Murphy."

After they both chuckled, then sighed, Torres nodded, pulling up Janeway's short sleeve and said, "By the way…nice shot, quick draw." Then sighing, she whispered as she dabbed the scratch, "I'm sorry you got hurt…that's not the point of this."

"Darling," Kathryn came back quickly, but equally soft, "I've hurt myself worse playing Velocity with Seven…don't worry about it."

"I know," Torres acknowledged, "but I still feel like shit about it." Grinning modestly, crooked, she said, "I can't help it…I don't like it. I'm the one who's supposed to get roughed up…not you. Although," she added, "I guess that means I was right."

Stepping up closer to Torres and lightly kissing her neck, Janeway asked, "About what…my handsome hero," she chuckled.

Laughing softly, B'Elanna came back, "I've got to keep you alive to win." Taking a moment to kiss Janeway's ear, which caused the captain to giggle slightly at the tickling sensation of her fake goatee, Torres whispered, "You look great tonight."

"Thank you, Mike," Kathryn smiled, then grabbed her and hugged her soundly, and added, keeping in character, "Thank you for coming back." Pulling away and looking down for a minute, but staying close to Torres, she said, "I'm sorry I didn't trust you," looking up now, she shook her head, "I won't make that mistake again." Sighing and looking at her shoulder, she said, "Well, I guess I've got to change now," then looking over at the dead body, she said, "Let's put him in the closet for now and then you can come upstairs with me while I change so I can fill you in…since," she said over her shoulder as she started for Gino, "I'm assuming you don't plan on leaving?"

Smiling, Torres said as she followed Kathryn, "Someone's got to look after you, doll…and we can't count on Fowler…he can't even load his gun." After they put the man in the closet and locked the door then went up to Janeway's room and Kathryn started for the closet, the chief questioned as she followed her, "What's the plan tonight?"

As she turned her back to Torres, Kathryn asked, "Will you unzip me?" Then once B'Elanna did so, she held the front of her dress up and smirk over her shoulder, twirling her finger around, "Turn around please." Then once B'Elanna chuckled, nodded then did so, Kathryn informed, "Richardson's got his team all over the immediate area…although, I don't know how observant they are considering no one's come in after the gun shots…although, they may have assumed it was the real officer taking care of something, and since no one has called, they don't want to blow the whole thing. I'm not sure, but if we don't call him before, they'll come in here at ten."

Glancing over her shoulder quickly to see if Janeway was done, seeing out of the corner of her eye that she was still without clothing, B'Elanna asked, "When does everyone usually show up?"

"Nine," Kathryn answered as she looked through the various garments, then selected a copper, sleeveless, and simple silky dress so nothing would rub her wounded shoulder that was slightly tender. "They'll all come in one at a time from the back so no one really sees them in the actual restaurant."

"Do you think anyone will even show up tonight?"

"I don't think all of them will since it's pretty clear that someone knows something is up, but if these men work they way they typically do, the one that knows will keep that information to themselves in hopes to further their own cause in case their hitman wasn't successful for whatever reason."

"Like a double-cross," Torres nodded, "So if the other big bosses get caught, they're on their own at the top and don't have to worry about them."

"That's what I'm hoping."

As Janeway patted her back and requested to get by her, Torres moved aside, then watched her walk past, smiled at the garment that fit the good captain just like her nightgown, although didn't dip as low in the back and said, "Nice choice…that one was my favorite. Well," B'Elanna clarified as Kathryn turned around and looked at her, surprised, "my favorite of what Rodriquez suggested. He helped me with all of the clothes"

"I should've guessed," Janeway smiled, then turned back to the mirror. Opening the cabinet, and pulling out a bandage, she handed it off to B'Elanna, who said she'd do it, then went on, "Anyway, all we have to do is keep them down there for an hour…that shouldn't be too difficult. Rose will sing the whole time…although," she looked over to Torres, "I'm not sure how to get you down there, Murphy. I know you're in disguise," she chuckled, "but it's rare that I ever let anyone new in."

"That's why I got Viv with me," Torres explained as she wrapped the white bandage around Janeway's upper arm over the slice. "Other than to make sure you and Rose get away clean on the news aspect of everything…she's gonna sing. You can just say that she's a special guest entertainer…a friend of Rose's from out of town, and I'm just her sugar daddy." As Kathryn chuckled and nodded, then said that was a good idea, Torres asked, "How are you two getting away?"

Sighing, Kathryn said, "It's just me…Rose is staying with Fowler. Richardson says he's going to take care of it and that it's best if I don't know until this is all over." As Torres finished bandaging her up, she looked at her arm, smirked and said, "Classy, huh?" Then putting the rest of the bandage away, she said, "As far as me, well, I'm just going to take the midnight train out of town."

"Have you purchased your ticket?" When Kathryn nodded, Torres sighed and asked, "Did you use your name?"

"Yes, why?"

"That's not safe," Torres informed. "Once word gets out, they're gonna be after you if they know you're alive. The train station is the first place they're gonna look, Kate." Grabbing Janeway's shoulders lightly and turned the redhead toward her, B'Elanna said, "You said it yourself. These men don't play around, and there's no way you all can get all of them. Someone knows a lot. They broke into my office and tore the place up, and left me a note to tell me it was them. They've already sent two men after you, and tried to get Viv too. Someone on the inside knows, and if you get on the train tonight…you're gonna be dead before it reaches your destination."

As Kathryn sighed, then rubbed her forehead and said that it was too late to worry about that and that she would watch her back, Torres shook her head and said, "I've been thinking about this…and I think the only way outta of this is to make it seem like you're already dead. That way they won't go after Rose. They won't go after anyone since it's you they want."

After thinking it over for a moment, Janeway nodded and then said, "Alright… then what'll we do?"

Smirking, B'Elanna said, "Okay, here's what I'm thinking…"


As Fowler came back into K Street's back entrance, winked at her and then went into the men's room, Torres, who was sitting at the end of the bar keeping an eye on things, not too concerned for Kate's safety since Seven was downstairs with her, put out her cigarette and turned to the bartender. Signaling him over, he whispered, "At five minutes to ten, I want you to come downstairs and tell Kate she has a phone call from her grandmother…and that it's an emergency."

"No, Sir," Carter came back, shaking his head. "I won't lie to Ms. Kate…and don't try to give me no money. Ms. Kate pays me plenty."

Sighing, Torres whispered, "Kid, it's Murphy…Mike Murphy." When the young man blinked, then smiled and was about to say hello, B'Elanna brought her finger to her lips and said, "Shhh. It's important, kid…trust me…you know I'd never hurt Kate. Besides," she whispered, "she doesn't have a grandmother that's alive, but she'll just go with it. She's expecting it, okay?"

Nodding, the bartender said, "Okay, Mister Murphy…I won't forget."

"Okay, thanks," the chief said, then slid off the stool and started for the men's restroom. Opening the door and locking it to make sure no one tried to come in after her since all of the mobsters were already down there, and she'd stayed up until Fowler had returned from speaking with Richardson about the necessary accommodations to pull of their big plan, she knew she was the last one left. Pulling back the tapestry and knocking three times, she said, "Seven of nine," when the door opened and a gun-toting doorman pointed the weapon at her and requested the password.

"Good evening, Sir," said the doorman, who immediately dropped his weapon and pushed the door open for her. "If you need to leave and come back, just knock three times like before, but I'll remember you."

"Thanks," Torres nodded, then proceeded down the dim, stone staircase to the basement that was only lit by a hanging light bulb overhead. Approaching the heavy steel door at the bottom, B'Elanna was about to ask what the deal was since there wasn't a handle when she noticed a buzzer near the side panel that she hadn't noticed before, but it had been really dark the last time she was in and the lighting controls weren't readily accessible. Pushing it, which caused a red light to blink on the other side, signaling the other doorman that there was another visitor, Torres waited while a panel on the door that was blocked by grating opened and the doorman from above said, "Okay."

The panel slid closed and the heavy, sound-proof door opened inward a moment later to reveal a dimly lit, red carpeted, smoky, fairly sizeable room, full of nicely dressed men and even nicer women. Torres nodded to the second doorman, who said, "Good evening, Sir…enjoy your stay."

Smiling to herself at the 'coolness' of this place, it being just as she'd imagined it, Torres quickly scanned the room for Kathryn, already seeing Seven and Samantha since they were currently on the small stage in the back of the room singing a quiet duet at the piano, and the only one that really looked to be paying them attention was Fowler, who was sitting at the bar on the adjacent wall, and the couple who was dancing on the small floor in front of the stage. When the couple turned around and B'Elanna realized she hadn't seen Janeway because she was dancing with the large gangster, whose sizeable form blocked hers out completely until they turned, Torres relaxed some as she put her hands into her pockets, jingled her change inside and started slowly walking around the Craps table, where most of the gamblers were huddled. There also was a Roulette table, and what looked to be two card tables, one where they were playing Blackjack, and one where it looked like some kind of poker game was being dealt.

After making a quick headcount, other than the 'fabulous five' and the dealers and service attendants, there were twenty-three other people in the room, although only ten of them were men, B'Elanna felt pretty good about the odds. There was also the fact that Fowler was always good in a fight and could usually take on two, and even three by herself, and she was also carrying a loaded gun now. B'Elanna was also carrying Gino's gun, which still had five shots left in it, and Kate had a switchblade that was strapped to her inner thigh, where it was known that no one was to put any part of the their body or face the consequences. Since no one had ever tried anything with Kate before, and seemed to be happy just to dance with her and keep her by their side as their 'lady luck,' and it wasn't any secret that her doormen were armed, Torres didn't expect that anyone would find out she had a weapon, and even if they did, B'Elanna figured she could play it off easily like of course she had a weapon, since it also wasn't a secret that she kept a gun up at her bar upstairs. That was just the image Kate put off…clearly on purpose, so it didn't seem really out of the ordinary to B'Elanna, and she figured the same would be true of the mobsters, who were also undoubtedly packing heat, which would keep her, B'Elanna, in the clear as well.

When one of the men at the Craps table eyed her carefully, then looked over his shoulder and yelled, "Kate…you know this asshole?" Torres remained easy as she pulled out her cigarettes and the lighter she'd acquired from Gino, then lit her smoke stick.

Looking over her shoulder as the room quieted and several of the men inside moved their hands closer to their guns, some of them pushing their chairs back, Kathryn smiled, then said as she turned around back toward her dance partner, her arm still bandaged and a very light red streak defacing it where her wound had bleed through a while ago, although it was just a scratch that she could get taken care of in Sickbay at anytime, "Easy, gentlemen…that's just Mickey." Nodding over her shoulder to the stage as the music picked back up, she explained, "He's Violet's gentlemen friend from Brooklyn."

As the man nodded, then came over to her, extended his hand and said, "Mickey…from Brooklyn…no offense, but we like to run a clean business down here, y'know? I'm Vinnie."

"Yea, I know," Torres came back and shook his hand firmly, trying to modify her speech so she sounded tougher like him. Then looking around after puffing on her smoke, she nodded at the table and said, "Any luck?"

"Fuck no," Vinnie came back, smiling, then looked over to Kathryn and said, "That's 'coz all yous table's are rigged tonight…aren't they, honey?"

"Not anymore than they usually are, darling," Janeway came back easily as the song ended, and her big and tall partner kissed her cheek and thanked her for the dance.

Chuckling and shaking his head, Vinnie nodded to B'Elanna and said, "You wants in?" gesturing to the table.

B'Elanna shook her head negatively, then pulled him forward and whispered, "Vi don't like me to gamble anymore…she says it's bad for my blood-pressure thingy."

Vinnie huffed once and said, "What? You lets that stop you?"

Smiling, Torres stepped and whispered, "It ain't so hard to resist when she rewards me for bein' good by gettin' my heart pumpin' other ways, y'know?"

"Shhhhhit," Vinnie came back, then looked over his shoulder at Seven of Nine as she spoke with Rose. "Seems to me a broad like that would kill a man quicker than Roulette…even the Russian kind, y'know?"

"True," B'Elanna smiled, then added, whispering before she left his side, "and I don't know about you, but I'd rather meet my maker ridin' her than a lucky streak."

Patting Torres on the back as she started away, Vinnie laughed and said, snapping his fingers to the bartender, "Malcolm…give a round to my New York friend on me…but," he smiled, "make it light on the sauce…he's got a weak heart, y'know."

"What can I get for you?" asked Malcolm.

"Glenlivet…neat," Torres came back as she stopped by the bar next to Fowler. "Enjoying the show?"

"Yea," Fowler nodded, then leaned over and whispered, "Damn, T…I mean ouch," speaking of Seven of Nine's dress.

Grinning as the bartender set her glass down, Torres turned around, smiled at Seven as the Borg stood up by the microphone and looked back while Samantha played the opening of the song, then said before she took a hit of her cigarette, looking over at Fowler and whispering, "I'm a Klingon…we don't do small."

Fowler chuckled, picked up her beer that she'd been drinking slowly, and then said after she toasted her friend, "Then what about the other one?"

B'Elanna smirked and said, "She makes up for it in other areas."

Refraining from reminding that she was already aware of that, Fowler said, shaking her head, "You are bad, my sister…bad to the bone."

"That's why they dig me," B'Elanna came back as Seven of Nine started singing, then put out her cigarette, downed her drink and went over to Kate, who was on the arm of the same man at the Craps table. "Hey, yous guys," she tried her best old-time New York tough accent, "don't mind if I dances with the lady of the house, huh?"

Smirking over at Torres, Janeway said, sultry, "They don't, but I might," which caused the men around the table to laugh and toast the redhead and Vinnie to say, "I don't think your heart can handle that one, Mickey from Brooklyn. She gots fire in her veins…comes right out the top of her head there…see the smoke," blowing the contents of his lungs over her head from across the table.

Torres smiled, held out her arm and said, "So, why not dance straight to hell's fiery gate," which caused one of the men to whistle and say, "We gotta smooth talker, Tiny…you better watch that one or your luck's gonna go East instead of South."

Giving B'Elanna a rather smoldering look, Janeway patted Tiny's huge arm and said, "Excuse me from a minute, love," next took Torres' arm, then whispered after they were a few steps away, "Thank you."

"I'm on the case," the chief came back equally soft as they stepped onto the dance floor, and as she winked at Seven, who was crooning away softly and beautifully, getting better at expressing emotion and 'soul' into her melody's a little more each time she sang. Technically, Seven of Nine's vocal talent was right up there with Samantha's, which was far beyond Torres' and even Fowler's, but Wildman could still be considered the better singer because she could emote fluidly and dynamically, and could sing a lullaby just as easily as she could belt out a torchy jazz song as she had last night before the cops broke everything up and brought the house down before Sam could do it herself with her voice, that Fowler admitted to her in private was even better than it used to be.

"I'm assuming you're going to lead this time?" Kathryn whispered, then chuckled as Torres pulled her into her chest closely. As B'Elanna started leading her nicely, Janeway said into her ear, "Everyone's watching, so be careful how comfortable you get with me."

"You're not going to smack me are you?" Torres asked, teasing, since thoroughly shocked sometimes when she recalled the incident where the 'good' captain had smacked her first officer almost three months ago, since prior to that, she just didn't ever think Kathryn would succumb to such a desire, although in her heart she'd always known that if something like that were to ever occur, it would be because someone was threatening Seven of Nine in some way, whether it be her life, or just her unknowing innocence.

"Mmmntmm," Kathryn came back in the same tone. "Just remember I only dance with gentlemen"

"Aye, Cap'n," Torres whispered, but planned to test that statement slightly, just because everyone was watching, and she knew it would help ease any suspicions they might have of her if Kathryn was forced to warn her to behave.

After glancing up at Seven, who was looking down at them and smiling slightly as she sang, B'Elanna took Janeway's hand and turned her around, so her back was against her chest and the Borg could see her totally. Placing her hand on Kathryn's waist and swaying slightly, letting her lover's look at each other and smile, while Samantha looked on and played the piano with a subtle smile on her lips, the brunette turned them slightly to the side, then put Janeway's unwounded arm up over her neck, and ran her finger down the underside of it. Then quickly bringing the same hand to the redhead's hip as she heard Kathryn hum softly in appreciation for her the skilled attention, which she knew was involuntary, Torres pulled Kathryn's hips back against hers and rocked them sexily, bringing Janeway's arm down to her own hip and rubbing the very moderate indent. When Kathryn pulled away at that, smirked at her, turned around then urged Torres to dance more traditionally, B'Elanna chuckled, then said, "Sorry, I couldn't resist…but it worked."

"What's that?"

"They're not paying us any more attention."

After she and B'Elanna swayed 'properly' a few times, Kathryn whispered, "Not bad, Murphy…"

"There are some things I can manage."

"It's been a long time since we've danced," remarked Janeway, softly. "I've forgotten how good you are."

Spinning Kathryn and then bringing her back, Torres whispered, "Nick doesn't call me fancy feet for nothin', doll."

Kathryn chuckled, then asked, "You're not going to keep calling me that after this, are you?"

"Have no fear, cowgirl," B'Elanna whispered back, "I know what you'll tolerate out of me."

"Oh, I love you, tool-pusher," Kathryn informed at the climax of the soft song, barely audible. "You say the most wonderful things to me sometimes."

Smiling, Torres came back, "I guess I have my moments, my wee one." When Kathryn cocked her eyebrow and said, "Oh, now I'm wee?" B'Elanna nodded, then whispered into her ear, "Though she be wee…she be fierce." Chuckling, she said, "I always liked that because it reminded me a me, but it fits you better now…y'know?" she finished, snickering.

"Well, thank you," Kathryn returned softly, then smiled and informed, "I think that's the only time someone has quoted Shakespeare in my presence and I haven't wanted to inform them what an overrated, schizophrenic, homicidal lunatic I think he was." Smirking, she added in jest, "Might explain why the Empire is so taken with his work?"

Shaking her head as the song ended, surprised that Janeway knew that was Shakespeare since she knew Kathryn wasn't a fan, to put it kindly, B'Elanna asked as they stopped dancing and clapped softly with the majority of the group for Seven, "How did you know what that was from?"

Janeway raised her finger and informed, "I've read everything of his, twice…which is why I feel I can criticize."

Torres shook her head at herself for being surprised, then kissed Janeway's hand and said, "Thanks for the dance," and next hopped up on the stage to tell Seven she was great and encourage her, especially since the Borg wasn't typically comfortable singing for an audience…although, she figured it was fairly easy for her this time since the only real people were her closest group of friends, minus Voyager's Security Chief, Lieutenant Samuel Wang, from the Elite Force, and Sam's daughter, Naomi.


Ten minutes after Samantha and Seven said they were taking a short break and left the room, which was part of the plan, and Fowler had followed since everyone was familiar with the 'man' and knew 'he' was Rose's private escort—they also knew Nick was a cop, but didn't mind since 'he' was on Kate's payroll and rather liked the idea of a cop being present to take care of any problems that might arise—Carter came down and announced that Kate's grandmother was on the phone and that it sounded really important.

Nodding quickly, Kathryn said, "Oh goodness, okay…thank you, Carter. Tell her I'll be right up." Then looking around as the room, which was fairly quiet already, hushed completely, Janeway turned on her acting ability, brought her hand to her stomach and said, "Um," then sighed, shook her head and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, if you'll excuse me for a minute," sighing again and rubbing her forehead, she said, "My grandfather's terminally ill…and I'm afraid this might be some bad news."

As everyone sighed and shook their heads, some of them crossing themselves, Tiny, who seemed to be rather sweet on Kate, stood up and said, "Don't worry about us, honey…we can take care of ourselves…right, fellas?"

"Sure, Yea, Go ahead, Kate," came a chorus of people, including Torres.

As Kathryn sighed, then grabbed Tiny's hand, patted it and thanked him, he kissed her cheek before she started away, seemingly distraught and shaky, so Vinnie, who was sort of the big man of the place, stood up and yelled at the huge man, his cousin, "Jesus and Mary, Tiny…go wit'er…Kate's family's our family."

"It's alright, Vinnie," Kathryn said quickly, but not aggressive as the first doorman opened up the large entrance for her. "The only phone is near the bar…thank you," she smiled modest and sincere, "but I'd rather not risk anything. The police were in here last night giving me some problems."

Standing up quickly, B'Elanna said, "I'll go. They don't know me from Adam…and Vi and I ate in your place already."

Vinnie said, nodding, "Thanks, Mickey," then sat down and said as Tiny sighed and came back to the table, "Good man…knows the importance of family business."

As Torres put her arm around her and held one of her hands, Kathryn looked back and said, "Thank you, gentlemen…I'll send Rose down shortly. There's no need to leave."

"Family's family, Kate," Vinnie came back. "We'll stay and keep losin' all ours money to you…ain't the right, fellas?"

As the crowd cheered and wished her luck, they stepped through the door, then sighed when it shut and Janeway said, "Almost seems sad to leave them like that," as they climbed the steps quickly. Pointing to the second doorman, who was opening up the top exit for her, she said, "Give me your weapon." When he looked at her funny, then nodded and did so, Kathryn patted his arm, and said, "You're relieved…thank you for your loyalty. You'll find a letter and a check in your mailbox tomorrow."

When the man just stared at her strangely, Torres sighed and said, "You're fired, Mac…beat it," as Kathryn opened the gun and took the bullets out of it. As the man nodded and then left quickly, figuring something was about to go down, Torres and Janeway stepped into the men's bathroom, then pulled off the tapestry to expose the entrance and left it open. After Kathryn threw the bullets into the trashcan, they stepped out into the hallway quickly and moved toward the bar.

Rose and Fowler were already gone from the building and currently being taken to a secure location, while Seven was outside, waiting for her photographers and news team to show up and document the events, now out of her disguise and her gown so none of the mobsters would figure out that Violet and Mickey weren't real mofia from New York. Since the kitchen was now closed and all those people were out of the building, all that remained was the hostess, the bartender and a few customers.

Stepping into the bar and raising her gun, Kathryn said loudly, "Everyone, it's been a pleasure…now get out!" When most people just turned and looked at her strange, she cocked the unloaded gun and said, "Now!" As they all jumped to their feet and started for the door while her bartender and hostess looked at her bewildered, Kathryn set her gun on the bar and said, "Karen, Carter…it's time to leave. Grab your things quickly." As they nodded and then reached under their stations for their personal affects, Janeway said, "You'll find a letter and a check in your mailboxes tomorrow…it'll be plenty to get you through school so you can find a better job."

"Ms. Kate," Carter said as tears started to form in his eyes, "what…what about you?"

"Don't worry about me, sweetheart," Kathryn said quickly, coming up to him and ushering him and then Karen to the door. "Just remember that I love you both and take care of yourselves now that I can't look after you anymore." As they both stopped at the door and turned around, she said, "Go now…there's no time." Once they did, she shut the door, turned around, sighed and said, "I really do hate goodbyes."

"Ah, but you do them so well," Torres smiled as grabbed a bottle of ketcup while Kathryn ran to the back door, then opened it and signaled for Richardson, who stepped out of the bushes and ran toward them. As the redhead trotted back to her, Torres turned her around and smeared ketcup on the small of Janeway's back. While Richardson came into the room, grabbed the gun on the bar and put new bullets in it, then set another gun down for B'Elanna, Torres handed hers over to Jack, then said, "That's good. You're done."

Turning around to Torres and pulling open her jacket coat, Kathryn did the same for B'Elanna at her stomach, then grabbed a towel for them and wiped their hands off, saying, "Don't forget to button up."

Nodding, feeling rather anxious for 'make-believe,' Torres buttoned her blazer then took one of the guns that was loaded with blanks, and asked, "Are you ready for your close-up?"

"Just shoot, Murphy…I'll take care of the rest," Kathryn came back, picking up her gun as well.

"Right," Torres nodded, starting for the kitchen door. Then stopping just before it, she said, "Hey, Captain," and when both Jack and Janeway turned around, B'Elanna smiled at the reflex of the redhead and said, "Your gun's got blanks too, right?"

"I ain't gonna shoot you for real today, Murph," Jack sighed, nodding, then added, "Just make sure you make it real…don't ham it up."

"Have a little faith," Torres grinned, then stepped into the kitchen and kept her eye on the scene through the circular windows.

"Kate," Richardson sighed as he got into position, both of them planning to have guns drawn on the mobsters for extra protection as they were filed out the front door in front of the press, so that they would see Kate killed by one of 'theirs,' "are you sure it's gotta be this way? I can keep you safe until things blow over…then you don't have to start over from scratch again. We don't need you or Rose at the trial. We got all the evidence we need already from Kennedy."

"Murphy's right, Jack," Kathryn came back as the police busted through the back door and made their way quickly toward the men's room. Since the doorman on the bottom floor and Malcolm, the bartender were aware of what was going down, and both of them were armed, they weren't too concerned with not being able to surprise the mobsters and subdue them before it turned into an all out gun battle, although Richardson had another gun on him that did have real bullets in case any of them got free. "When they find out I'm behind this, they'll want me dead…and they won't stop until I am. They were practically saying Hail Mary's for me when I told them my grandfather was terminally ill. They consider me family…they won't give in."

As loud noises voices were heard and several gunshots in the next instant, Richardson told Kate to back up as he pulled out his other gun, now holding both of them, but when more yelling occurred, most of it, "Freeze!" and "Don't move!" and no further gun shots were sounded, he sighed with relief and put the loaded gun away. Looking over to Torres, he nodded his head, then said to Janeway, "Okay then…it's now or never…you still have time to back out."

"No," Janeway came back strongly. "It's the only way, Richardson…it's the only way to protect Rose. I have to die…it's your turn to look after her now."

"Why are you so protective of her?" asked Jack, dumbfounded and suspicious that Janeway was still hiding things from him.

"Because she's my daughter," Kathryn said, keeping her back to the kitchen door and out of view from anyone in the hallway who would pass in front of her, but looking over to him. "She's our daughter, Jack…yours and mine. So, if you really love me, then you'll do as I'm asking you and take care of her now." When he just stared at her, she sighed and said, "That's why I keep your picture near hers and that's why I hated you for leaving me. The mofia and you took away my chance at a normal life…and now I'm taking it back…and now's your chance to make-up for what you've done by taking care of our daughter for the rest of your life." Turning back to the hallway, Kathryn informed, "All the documents you need to verify that as well as her money will be in your mailbox tomorrow. There's a letter and some photographs for her too…please see that she gets them…and tell her that I'm sorry, and that I love her."

"Fuck you, pig! Get your filthy, stinkin' greasy, pig hands off me!" yelled Vinnie as he started out of the men's bathroom in handcuffs with an officer holding him and pushing him along. When he saw Kate out of the corner of his eye and he squirmed, he yelled, "Kate…honey, call Johnny quick! He'll straighten all this mess out!" speaking of his family's lawyer, "Just don't say anything! Richardson…you fuck! Why don't you fuckin' come over here and do this yourself, you dickless pig!"

Smiling and raising her weapon, Kathryn said, "Sorry, darling…we're not family anymore."

As more people started to file out while Vinnie screamed at her, called her every foul name in the book and promised to seek revenge for being a traitor, Kathryn tuned him out and just waited for the sound of a gun shot, preparing to react as though she'd been hit in the back.

Expelling the air from her lungs, then cocking her gun, Torres burst out of the kitchen, raised her gun and fired quickly, aiming directly at Janeway, feeling slightly unnerved by doing so, but getting over it. Smiling slightly as Kathryn flinched, then stiffened as she moaned in agony, reached for her back and then collapsed as everyone froze and watched wide-eyed and several people yelled, B'Elanna blinked, then turned and started to raise her gun toward Richardson, who was already pointing it at her and yelling at her to drop it and then for everyone to get out. When she started to lower her gun as they'd discussed, then smiled and raised it quick again, Richardson didn't waste a second and pulled on his trigger.

Yelling out and grabbing her stomach, dropping her gun purposefully as more people yelled her name, then cursed at Richardson and called him a murdering pig, Torres made sure to open her jacket so the onlookers could see the red stain as she hunched over before she allowed herself to fall to the ground and be splayed out behind a table, so she wasn't completely visible. Focusing on just listening to what was going on, Torres smiled to herself inwardly as she heard Richardson run over to Kate, yelling at her to respond, then heard him curse for everyone to get out of his way as he picked her up and ran her outside in front of the press.

Once she'd heard the ambulance they had waiting roar to life and the sirens start to blare as it took off down the road, and a few minutes later all of the footsteps and noises ceased as the front door was closed, B'Elanna jumped to her feet and ran to the closet. Tearing off her coat and soiled undershirt and tie, she grabbed her hat and trench coat, then pulled off her fake goatee and took off out the back where as they had set up, a car was waiting for her with the keys in the ignition.

After driving around the block and coming up the street back toward K Street from the other direction, she slammed on the breaks once she was near the scene, then jumped out and ran toward the mass of movement and flashing lights, holding her hat as her coat flapped behind her.

"What the hell is happening!" yelled Torres, looking about. Then pretending like she just saw Seven, she shouted, "Viv! Viv! What's going on…where's Kate?"

"There was a 'raid' on her underground establishment this evening," Seven of Nine reported loudly. "Apparently, she was cooperating with the authorities in an attempt to apprehend several individuals with connections to the 'mob.' However, she was severely wounded by one of them, and is being taken to a medical facility as we speak by Captain Richardson."

"Christ, Viv," Torres said, shaking her head and spinning around, "why the hell didn't you call me? She got shot! Is that what you're saying?"

"Yes. The incident just occurred, Murphy. There was no time to contact you."

"Which hospital?"

"Cook County General," Seven lied on purpose, in case any of the mobsters tried to set up a hit on Kate with their one phone call. "She was unconscious. Her condition seemed serious. I was unable to determine if she was still functioning."

"Shit," Torres said, then turned and started for her car. "I've got to get to her before it's too late!"

"Murphy!" Seven of Nine shouted, starting after her. "May I accompany you?"

"Come on!" Torres said over her shoulder as she ran. Once they hopped in and she started the car, turned it and peeled away, B'Elanna smiled over at Seven and asked, "Having fun yet, ace?"

Nodding, Seven of Nine came back, smiling as well as Torres floored the automobile and zinged them around the corner with skill, holding onto the dash, "That is correct."


Eight hours after Kate's 'death,' the redhead having been pronounced dead before they even reached the hospital, where she was immediately taken to the morgue, and then whisked out the back, B'Elanna Torres stood reading the early morning addition of the Tribune at a train station in the nearest town just outside Chicago, as the sun came up, time in this holonovel moving ahead quickly now, so really only an hour in 'real time' had passed. Leaning against a post of the overhang on the walkway next to the train as it steamed, B'Elanna puffed on her cigarette, then tossed it down and stomped it out as she saw Janeway shake Richardson's hand, then turn and start for her.

While Torres folded the paper and stuck it under her arm and Richardson handed Kathryn's single suit case to the attendant, who announced they were just about ready to leave, Janeway cleared her throat mildly, took the detective's hat off her head and said, "Thank you again, Murphy."

Putting her hat on her head, but stopping Kathryn from removing the trench coat, B'Elanna said, "You keep it…it looks better on you anyway."


"So," Torres said, "what's the set up here? Are you now officially as broke as I am?"

Janeway expelled the air from her lungs and said, "About that, but I've got enough to get me to Cleveland and find a room to rent."

"So, that's it?" B'Elanna responded, "You're just gonna start all over again?"

"Mmmhmm," Kathryn nodded, moving closer to Torres as a young couple rushed past them and called for the attendant to hold the train as the all aboard was sounded. "I don't know…maybe this time I'll try settling down...?"

Smiling, B'Elanna said, "I thought you weren't the marrying kind?"

"Maybe I'm am now?"

"Madam," the elderly train attendant said, "we're leaving now…I need you to hurry."

After nodding over her shoulder, she turned back to Torres, then sighed and said, "Thank you, Mike…I couldn't have done this without you. You'll look after Rose when she comes back, won't you?"

"Sure," B'Elanna nodded, reaching into her pocket, then held up her finger to the man, signaling one more minute. "Here," Torres said as she pulled out the pin of the rose and stuck it on the collar of the coat, "I got this for you have something nice for once." When Janeway smiled and thanked her, B'Elanna said, "Well, since you hate goodbyes so much, why don't you skip that and kiss me once more for old time's sake." Then not really giving her a chance to respond, she pulled her into her chest and kissed her squarely on the mouth, Kathryn not fighting her at all and kissing her right back.

As the train whistled and started to churn, Torres pulled away, rubbed her cheek once, then turned and said, "Come on," and jogged over to the locomotive with her. As the attendant offered his hand and pulled her up, B'Elanna hopped onto the stairs and as the train started moving slowly forward, and informed, "Well, just so you can really feel like you've stuck it to them, there's a little over twenty grand of theirs in that coat." As Kathryn blinked at her, Torres smiled and said, "I wouldn't know what to do with it anyway, but I'll expect a free dinner," she smirked as the redhead smirked back, "the next time I make it to Cleveland." Leaning forward and stealing a kiss again, B'Elanna said before she hopped down, "I miss you already."

While the train started away and Kathryn poked her head out, Torres smiled and said, shouting, "Hey, doll…will you marry me?" as she turned and jogged a few meters behind the door where Janeway was looking out of.

As B'Elanna came to a stop at the end of the walkway and smiled at her, Janeway nodded her head affirmatively, but shouted back, "No, Murphy," then waved goodbye.

Turning around, smiling and laughing, B'Elanna pulled out her cigarettes, lit one up and then said to Richardson once she approached him, patting his back, "Now that's my kind of woman…complicated."



Planning to use up every last minute of their holodeck time, the five women were now all gathered at K Street, wearing various articles of clothing that suited their tastes and weren't holographic, so that when the simulation ended, they had clothes on since Seven of Nine had stepped out of the simulation with Samantha and Fowler during Torres' last scene to gather their belongings, the Borg needing to put her biosuit back on before her skin began to grow uncomfortably dry without the suit to keep her body as moist as a Borg vessel, which was one aspect of her Borgness, like her need her regeneration, that they weren't ever certain would wither with time.

Seven danced slowly with Kathryn, who was the only one in her uniform since she planned to go back to work for a while after they left, although not wearing her tunic, as yet another slow song finished, while Torres, Fowler and Wildman looked on and swapped stories about the holonovel, B'Elanna having explained not only the story, but how she'd figured out how to win by losing, in a sense. Nicole then leaned over, put out what was left of her cigar, kissed Wildman quickly, then said, "Time to pay the piper," before she jumped to her bare feet, and snatched up her beige cowboy hat, wearing a pair of jeans and a white-tanktop. Walking up to Seven and Janeway, who just continued to hold each other and remain silent as they swayed despite the fact that the music had ended, Nick cleared her throat, tapped Seven's shoulder and said, "I am terribly," she smiled, "sorry to interrupt, Cap'n, but before Miss Sam and I say adios, I do believe you, blondie, owe me a line-dance."

While Seven sighed and then nodded, kissed Kathryn quickly and informed her she was obligated, Fowler smiled as she went over to the bar, moved anything breakable away and said as she hopped on top of it, "Come on, MIssy…time to boggie." Then taking off her hat and throwing it to Seven, she said, "Here, put that one…it'll help ya."

Smirking, Seven climbed onto the bar in her blue and grey biosuit, then put the hat on her head, which was a little too big, so it sank down some and then said, "Proceed."

As the brunette chuckled to herself, Samantha said, "Nick Fowler," as she turned around in the booth and looked at her, "what are you doing to her?"

"Woman," Fowler came back, "don't holler at me…now you stay outta this. She's had this comin' for a long time." Then looking up as Torres snickered, shaking her head, and Kathryn sat down next to her and asked what was going on, which B'Elanna informed she had no idea, Fowler looked up to the ceiling and said, "Computer, play musical selection: Fowler, Wrong Reba McEntire." Looking over to the group as they said, "Reba McEntire?" noticing the coincidence between that person's name and Samantha's character's, Fowler smiled and said, "Shoot yea…she was my first crush…woman could sing like the dickens," as the song started. Then counting off, Fowler clapped her hands and said, "Let's go, Seven…show'em how it's done, girl. Yee haw…sing along y'all."

As Seven started line-dancing right in time with Fowler and singing to the words with Nicole as well, Wildman just watched smiling, while Torres laughed hysterically, and Kathryn just sat there with her hand over her open mouth. Although, none of them knew Seven wasn't just being amazingly adaptive in her skill since one evening three weeks ago, Seven had requested that Nicole and she attempt to 'bond' by spending an afternoon lunch together in the holodeck. So, after some thought, since the Borg had left the first 'bonding ritual' up to her, Nicole had taken her to a country saloon, where she'd ended up teaching the blonde how to line-dance, figuring Seven would appreciate it since there were a clear set of steps to perform in order, and the blonde always did better when she had exact instructions to follow.

While the two tallest women pounded, shuffled and stomped on the bar as they sang along and smiled, Kathryn finally recovered from her shock, and finally just leaned forward on the table and gazed up at Seven, the words to the song ringing very true to how she felt as she once again fell head over heels in love with the blonde, having re-fallen in love with B'Elanna at the train station when she said goodbye. When the song ended and Fowler celebrated, rowdy, then they exchanged high-fives, Samantha and Janeway clapped while Torres jumped on the table and whistled while she stomped her own feet, the Klingon flying high since she'd managed to win her game and saw to everyone's fun. The event was a complete success, and Klingon's were very found of success. Qapla'!

Taking the hat from her head and giving it back to Nicole, Seven said, "That you for the use of your 'hat' and for joining me. I am uncertain I could have accomplished that without your assistance."

"I'll take any opportunity I can get to be a goof-ball, especially these days," Fowler said, patting her back. "So, any time you feel the need, you just call me."

"I will comply," Seven nodded, then turned back toward the table and caught Torres as she jumped at her, the brunette smiling and telling her how great she was...even if it was hick music.

Gesturing to Samantha to get up, Fowler said, "Well, my fine female friends…I do believe it is time to say goodnight." As Torres kissed Seven quickly then asked to be put down, and B'Elanna said, "You're leaving already…what?" Nicole patted her friend's head and said, "Take no offense, T. I love ya, but I promised Sam a ride on Jessie, and since this simulation's ate up all my holodeck time from here to the Alpha Quadrant, it's now or never."

Nodding, Torres said, "Okay, cool…breakfast tomorrow?"

"Same Bat-time?"

"The same."

"B'Elanna," Samantha said, "thanks for letting us play. I had a great time." After giving her a hug, she waved at Seven, told her she'd see her tomorrow, then waved at Kathryn as Nicole grabbed her hand and said, "Thanks again, Captain…you were awesome. I'm so impressed."

Chuckling, Kathryn waved at her and Nick, who tipped her hat and said, "Miss Kate," then turned to Seven, nudged her and said, "I'm cute, neat and awesome according to my crewman. Do you think Starfleet would approve, darling?"

Seven grabbed Janeway, pulled her close and said, "I do not 'care.' However," she smirked, "I do approve, and that is all that 'matters' at this time." As Janeway raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh, is that so?" Seven nodded as she replied, "That is so, my Kathryn." Then looking over to B'Elanna, who was sitting down again on the booth, kicked back and drinking a beer, savoring her victory, Seven informed as she turned Janeway around toward her, but kept her close to her body, "We wish to dance. You may select the 'song.'"

Smiling devilishly, Torres asked, "Are you sure you're ready for this, ace? It's big-time." When Seven cocked her eyebrow and stated, as usual, "I am Borg," Torres grinned, looked up and said, "Right. Computer, play musical selection: Nine Inch Nails…The Only Time."

Seven smirked at the selection, familiar with it as one of Torres' favorites and said, "Acceptable," then added as she brought Kathryn's hand over her shoulder as she watched Torres do earlier and started moving Kathryn to the ultra-sexy beat, next said as she drew her hand down in the same manner B'Elanna had done as Kathryn said, "Ohgod," while the redhead recognized the lyrics as the ones Torres had sang to her when this simulation began and suddenly got the feeling she was possibly over her head, "You may observe…for now."

While the song picked up slightly and Seven turned Janeway around, held her close then started kissing her as they moved erotically against each other, the captain keeping up just fine, although it was clear who was in charge currently and it wasn't the redhead, Torres smiled and took a sip of her beer. And when their movements became even more sexual as Seven's hands and lips grew more demanding and exploratory as the Borg reminded Kathryn that was aware that she had an ass by touching it purposefully, the chief engineer said to herself, "God, I love this town."
