One Lump or Three?
Part I

Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct to Unimatrix 01 slowed her purposeful walk yet again as the two females she was 'tailing' did the same. Keeping her vision on the report PADD that she was currently composing as she kept the distance between herself and the women to no less than ten meters, Seven rolled her eyes and had several unkind thoughts for the young woman that was walking with her commanding officer, Captain Kathryn Janeway through the main hallway of Deck Seven, when Ensign Roxanne Baker laughed at something Janeway had said that Seven didn't believe was that humorous. Certain that the typically reserved ensign, who had come aboard for the afternoon on her off-day, was working up to requesting the redhead's company for lunch by continually doing just what she was doing currently, the former Borg drone contemplated the various possibilities available to her to inform Baker that she should cease and desist her unacceptable behavior immediately and permanently, or face the consequences.

Ever since it had become public knowledge, which took all of approximately two hours, that the starship captain had ended her romantic relationship with Seven and Voyager's chief engineer, Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres, Seven had noticed that the ensign, who was now permanently stationed aboard the Alaxiat, Voyager's sister vessel, had been spending a great deal more of her free time aboard the Intrepid class starship. She'd furthermore made note, through observation and reading the ship's internal sensor logs, that Baker continually requested the whereabouts of the ship's captain whenever she came aboard. Since it had been three months since the threesome lost its oldest member, Seven now believed she had enough evidence to say for certain Roxanne was interested in obtaining more from Kathryn Janeway than just wisdom and books, which Janeway lent, or suggested if she didn't own a copy, to the younger female quite often. The Borg was now positive, from detailing Baker's difference in behavior and physicality when she was around Kathryn, that the Alaxiat's primary pilot was sexually attracted to the redhead…to the point that she wished to copulate, and didn't merely find her pleasing to look at. Normally, such a thing wouldn't bother Seven of Nine since she couldn't understand how anyone could not be sexually attracted to her perfect Kathryn, but considering Baker was under the impression Janeway was 'single,' even when she most certainly was not, and the former drone was sure Janeway hadn't a clue the ensign desired her, Seven felt it necessary to keep an eye on Roxanne, as well as figure out how to tell her to back off, without making it known that the triad's break-up was a falsehood, and merely a tactical necessity in preparation for their return to the Alpha Quadrant. It was true that Seven of Nine would prefer that the only individuals that desired Janeway were herself and B'Elanna Torres, but considering she was preparing for their return to Kathryn's collective, where she knew there was a high probability they would come into contact with individuals who, in the past, had been a lover of the redhead, the Borg believed she had now adapted to that reality efficiently, with much assistance from B'Elanna Torres and Lieutenant Samantha Wildman.

The idea had never bothered Seven until just recently because the thought of actually returning to the Alpha Quadrant always felt like merely a wish that wouldn't come true, at least not any time soon, but now all that had changed. They'd tested the Slipstream Drive in the holodeck, which Seven alone had reworked from previous data, and then they'd, Seven and Torres, built it, and tomorrow it would actually be tested in real life. Considering the simulations had nearly gone off without a hitch, and only minor adjustments were required to increase hull-integrity during acceleration while the craft entered the Slipstream conduit, Seven was more than confident tomorrow morning's flight would reap the same results, which meant that in approximately three months, Voyager would be entering a similar conduit and be on her way to Sector 01: the home of the Federation's homeworld, as well as Kathryn's place of origin: Earth.

Now that Seven actually felt like that was going to occur, the same thoughts that used to comfort her as far as knowing that before Kathryn had fallen in love with her and B'Elanna, she'd been treated appropriately by others and experienced joy and pleasure in their company, had started to give her insecurities. However, Seven didn't feel that way anymore about Kathryn's former lovers or romantic interests because of three things: one, she'd spoken with B'Elanna Torres, and not only had the Klingon reassured her, she reminded her that she, Torres, had a lot more ex-boyfriends and girlfriends than Kathryn had, although none of whom were still her friends, and that the least of all things Seven of Nine had to worry about was Kathryn leaving her for someone else. B'Elanna had also reminded her that she was just letting the fake break-up, and her melancholy for missing Janeway, play with her mind. Torres had been typically patient, understanding and humorously and simplistically direct in her explanation, qualities the Borg revered in Torres, and after a few minutes of conversation, Seven had managed a smile, nodded and informed the Klingon she was impressive, then thanked her sincerely. And the final thing that was assisting her was the fact that Samantha hadn't the same concerns as Seven about her girlfriend, Lieutenant-Command Nicole Fowler, even though Fowler had more ex-girlfriends than all of Janeway, Torres, and Wildman's past lovers combined, many of whom she remained friends with. The Borg had thought about that for a while, and decided if Sam, who was prone to say she was jealous—although Seven had come to understand Wildman's 'jealousy' was more just like appreciation and intrigue as to various things she couldn't imagine because she'd never experienced them—could have the outlook, especially when Fowler had copulated with Janeway almost two months ago while inhabiting Torres' body, then Seven believed she should feel the same.

Thus, that is how Seven felt, but only about past lovers…not other individuals that showed new interest in Janeway.

Seven had pondered informing Janeway of her extrapolations on Baker and then merely letting Kathryn deal with the situation, which the tall blonde believed she was capable of doing efficiently—especially after hearing the captain tell off a holocharacter named Captain Jack Richardson, who had a similar desire to get into Janeway's uniform, two weeks ago—however, the Borg wasn't certain that was appropriate considering she knew Kathryn was fond of her youngest crewmembers that had been right out of the Academy when Voyager disembarked from Deep Space Nine almost eight years ago. There was also the fact that Seven wasn't certain Kathryn would believe her considering the differential in she and Baker's age—which in truth was just slightly less than the nearly fourteen year gap between Seven and Janeway, but the blonde knew the redhead thought the Borg's age was totally irrelevant because she was so unique—not to mention the point that Seven figured Janeway might take offense to Seven keeping such close tabs on who she spent her time with. Even though Seven was aware that she was acting in a manner that wasn't typically considered appropriate, she simply could not help herself anymore since the longer she remained detached from the captain, the more she found herself thinking of her constantly and worrying about her in ways she never had before…at least not to this extent; although Seven was aware that if she could interact with Janeway like she used to when they shared the same dwelling, she could see to those concerns herself, and thus eliminate them by keeping them from occurring…just like she did with B'Elanna.

Stopping at a senor board on the wall as she noticed that it looked like Janeway and Baker where going to halt and turn to each other as their conversation picked up which was about a poem Kathryn had just informed Roxanne she found intriguing, Seven pretended to work efficiently by selecting various sensor screens and then input the data that she found into her PADD while she eavesdropped and continued to cogitate about the most prudent course of action. When she heard Janeway explain, rather quietly, to Baker that the poem that she'd found in the book the brunette had leant her had inspired the name of the Elite Force shuttle, that was now completely constructed and awaiting its very first, and crucial test flight, and she was merely curious why Roxanne kept it inside her favorite book, Foxfire, Seven of Nine blinked and ceased the movement of her hands for a moment, stunned…and suddenly wondering if she hadn't made a grave error in judgment with regards to Janeway's understanding of the situation, and furthermore, her interest in Roxanne since Foxfire was the name of the secret operation the majority of the senior staff was involved in to expose and bring down Section 31, a shadow branch of the Federation.

Seven knew Kathryn was a highly purposeful and contemplative woman, and thus she knew there had to be some significance to the fact that both the new shuttle and the operation's names were directly related to Baker's favorite things. One example of that was before the break-up, Janeway had changed her command code to Janeway bravo, seven, nine, red, which equated to B'Elanna, Seven of Nine, and Kathryn. So, now the Borg was suddenly concerned Kathryn had taken more of liking to Roxanne than she previously thought possible. When Roxanne started to answer, Seven allowed herself to subtly turn her head to watch, needing to detail Janeway's physical reactions, other than just the timber of her multi-faceted voice.

And after a few moments of conversation, Seven sighed with relief, it clear to her that Janeway wasn't experiencing the same feelings for the brunette as Baker was for the redhead, so she once again turned her focus to Roxanne alone, and just before it seemed as though Kathryn was going to depart, Seven made her decision of how to send a small, silent message to Baker that she, Seven, was still around and watching her…carefully.


After finally having the opportunity to ask the question she'd continually been curious about for almost the last three months since she'd discovered the poem in Roxanne's book, since she hadn't wanted to so do until the day the shuttle was to be unveiled and thus the Slipstream Project was finally made public knowledge the day afterward, Captain Janeway quirked the side of her mouth when Baker blinked at her and said, exasperating slightly, "What? I mean," the twenty-nine year old brunette shook her head, swallowing, "you really named the new shuttle Invictus?"

Chuckling slightly and shaking her head, Janeway said, "Yes, Miss Baker…I did." Then pulling her head back some and smiling, she asked, "Don't you think it's a good name? I liked it."

Baker laughed in shock, nodding, then said, "Yes, Ma'am." Smiling, she said, "Yes, I think it's a great name…it's perfect." After a beat, she just had to ask, "What made you pick it? What were the other choices?"

"I didn't really have anything definite," the captain returned, crossing her arms over her chest, "and names have never been my forté, but," she shook her head quickly, smiling modestly, "after I finally had a chance to curl up with your book and it basically fell right into my lap, it struck a chord in me that I thought it fit rather well." A moment later, trying to get back on topic, Janeway informed, "I'd never heard of it, actually…not even the author. How'd you come across it?"

"It was in the book when I got it," Baker explained easily, but slightly excited, as well as nervous, although she was doing her best to keep her giddiness in check and come across as mature and sophisticated. "I actually found it in a similar manner, and I had never heard of it either. I tend to prefer less…" she paused for a moment to pick the correct word, "pointed poetry. I generally like symbolic and elusive prose, but," she smiled a little, "it seemed to fit Foxfire, which is why I think it was in there the first place…so I kept it." After a moment, she pressed forward and added truthfully, but carefully, "I've really come to love it, though. It's sort of symbolic in of itself, I guess." Shrugging and remaining fairly smooth and even, she finished, "In all honesty, I don't think I really learned to appreciate it until Voyager."

While Baker was talking, Janeway certainly paid attention since she was honestly curious, although she wasn't aware that Roxanne liked it so much more now because if reminded the brunette of Kathryn herself, but she did not fail to notice that Seven of Nine was standing down the hallway to her left, and more importantly, she did not fail to detect that the blonde was watching them. Since this was the third time Kathryn had caught Seven hovering about while she conversed with the pilot, she had a feeling the Borg had become aware that Roxanne had a crush on her. Kathryn wasn't sure how that information had become knowledge to Seven, nor was she sure she wanted to know. Considering she didn't plan on not speaking with Baker in a semi-informal manner because the captain didn't make it her practice to modify her behavior in such situations and absolutely believed the best way to handle it was to play dumb and merely ride it out, especially when it was a much younger crewmember that was showing signs of romantic interest in her, she figured if Seven continued this behavior, she was going to have to speak with her…which Kathryn really didn't want to have to do. Janeway never felt adverse to advising Seven of Nine…however, she was fairly certain the Borg knew that what she was currently doing wasn't appropriate, which made the situation that much more delicate considering she was concerned it would come off as a reprimand, and those kind of conversations in their personal life just didn't sit so well with the captain anymore because she worried the ex-drone would feel as though Kathryn was once again treating her as a child. Even though she felt such behavior was actually rather adolescent, adults certainly weren't immune to it, but Janeway wasn't sure Seven would understand that completely and not take everything she had to say completely the wrong way.

If Seven merely showed distaste for Baker, that would be a slightly different story considering that's what she would assume B'Elanna would do if she found out, but the fact that her lover was following her and generally 'spying' on her wasn't quite the same, and even though Kathryn tolerated much more from Seven than she did anyone else, this wasn't something she felt she should allow to continue because she didn't think it was at all good for anyone…especially the Borg. And as most people knew, whenever something wasn't good for Seven, that automatically caused a rather quick and sure reaction out of Janeway…at least whenever there was something she could do about it. However, all things considering, Kathryn wondered if perhaps this wasn't a lesson that Seven of Nine should be allowed to learn on her own by falling flat on her face, especially considering Seven wasn't nearly as naïve and unknowing as she used to be…and that was a rather big understatement these days.

"Oh?" Kathryn responded to Baker's last statement. When Roxanne merely smiled and nodded and didn't seem as though she wished to elaborate on that, Kathryn continued, "Well, I think…actually," she amended, "I'm certain that same would be true for me…or," she chuckled mildly, "any of us really." Then looking up immediately, switching gears smoothly, the captain requested as she reached out and patted Baker's upper arm, preparing to say her goodbyes for this visit, "Computer, state the time."

"The time is 1149 hours," answered Voyager's computer, that's voice was feminine, although monotone.

"Well," Janeway started as Seven of Nine turned completely toward the Starfleet females, "at any rate, thank you for providing the inspiration, however round about the way may have been. You certainly saved me a lot of trouble…not to mention," she paused as the Borg pushed past Roxanne roughly with her elbow, causing the brunette to be jarred forward, but not enough that Kathryn had to reach out and keep her from falling forward into her, "time…"

As Roxanne huffed, irritated although 'undamaged,' Janeway's head and line of sight followed the blonde as she marched away and quickly turned the corner, never having seen the Borg act in such a spiteful manner. She certainly seen her push past people that were in her way—in fact Kathryn herself had been jarred around by the Borg during her early days a few times—but she'd never witnessed her purposefully go after someone like she couldn't get by without moving them, when she most certainly could have moved through the hallway behind Kathryn. Turning her head back to Baker, who had watched Seven walk away cool and dauntless as well while she flipped her ponytail back off her shoulder, and actually apologized to Kathryn for the interruption, the captain cleared her throat quickly, but refrained from saying anything, worried it would just give Baker all the wrong ideas, and continued, "Anyway, I'm glad to hear you're doing so well, but I'm afraid I've got to cut this short so I'm not late for my lunch date with your new captain." Smiling, she said as Baker nodded in understanding, although didn't seem as sure of herself suddenly, "Keep up the good work, Ensign," starting away and looking slightly behind her, "and let me know what you think of Girl Walking Backwards." Shaking her finger in the air, the captain finished, "Something tells me it's right up your alley…although, I have been known to be wrong from time to time. I'll see you later."

Once she'd stepped into the turbolift and requested Deck Three, Janeway sighed to herself, then couldn't help but expel the air from her chest in a slight amount of endearment for her Borg's tactics…especially since Kathryn was self-aware enough to know that if the shoe was on the other foot, and the person wasn't Ensign Kim, Janeway would be tempted to do a little territorial elbowing of her own. Even though Seven's behavior was troubling, albeit only slightly so and mostly because she worried the blonde was merely allowing recent events to get the better of her, Kathryn had to admit that there was a cuteness to her protectiveness, and furthermore that there was a certain feeling of bliss that came along with knowing that she was still the Borg's woman, even though she hadn't seen either of her lovers for more than a few brief moments since their holodeck vacation because they'd all been so extraordinarily busy. Although, right now, truth be told, it was difficult for her to feel like anyone's woman, other than Voyager's since her starship and her duty was taking up just as much for her time these days as it did when they first were whisked away to the Delta Quadrant. Thinking of that for a moment, Janeway guessed that was rather fitting considering tomorrow morning she would be testing out the Quantum Slipstream Drive, which would hopefully end her stay in this galaxy's fourth quadrant by sending them home…and not by merely ending her existence.


"Come in," Kathryn announced a moment after the door call sounded in her quarters as she stood at the replicator and selected a large fruit and grain platter for her elder visitor, wearing her full uniform, minus her tunic, but plus her shoes to give her a little more height. When the door swished open in the next instant, Janeway greeted, snatching up the plate and spinning, "I hope you're not in a terrible hurry." Pausing and looking over to the towering, gaunt and golden woman, who was proceeding directly toward her with purpose in her full, crisply white uniform with her long, thin, straight, and silver hair flowing behind her as she moved quickly, Janeway raised her eyebrows as she asked, "Something wrong?" since Devin didn't look happy.

"Kathryn Janeway," Devin started, stopping in front of the much shorter redhead, placing her hand on her own hips and looking down upon her in a motherly, scolding manner, "explain to me at this length the confounded path you continue to carve! I want you to detail to me your lunacy so that you may hear it for yourself from your own mouth!"

After blinking at the tone, feeling like once again she was being schooled by her own mother, Janeway finally chuckled then walked past the Fynth, taking no offense, and said as she patted her arm while she moved by her, "That's why you're here, Mom," she smirked over her shoulder, "so why don't you have a seat and get comfortable, this could take a few hours." Setting the plate on her glass table as Devin sighed and murmured to herself about the redhead's similarities with her late daughter, Alaxia, Janeway informed, "I promise to tell you everything and answer all of your questions…just as long," she turned toward the woman, "as you promise to hear me out and trust me."

"My trust you deserve and retain," Devin came back while she looked about Janeway's cabin, having never been in it before, "although, your recent shadowy path does not make your request as simple as it once was." Turning back to the captain, Devin said evenly and with a hint of warning, "The line you tread upon is growing thinner, my child…and I am wearing the same because of it."

Sighing, the captain went back over to the replicator to finish making their lunch and said, quietly, "I know it seems like I've suddenly changed, and not for the better, but I'm certain" she turned back around, holding a bowl that contained a tossed, chilled pasta salad, "that once you have all the details, you off all the people will understand."

While Janeway went back over to the table, Devin continued to look about, noticing the two desks in the corner, one of which was uninhabited, and remarked, "It will take a legendary feat of persuasion for me to understand how you could abandon that angelic creature, Kathryn, and not be demon possessed…not to mention," she turned back around to the redhead, "the impassioned B'Elanna…even for someone as stubborn and willful as you. You of all the beings understand perfection is impossibe, so it seemed unthinkable when I learned of your unforgiving departure, and even more so when it continues at this length."

Back at her cabinet near the replicator, Janeway pulled out the two of the four wine glasses she kept there permanently, and said, quiet, "I know…and frankly," she sighed, stepped back over to the replicator and ordered a bottle of sparkling apple juice, "it is unthinkable as far as I'm concerned…and I haven't left them, nor do I ever plan to." Turning around to Devin, Kathryn gestured to the table and went on, "We've merely parted ways for safety reasons, which," she held up her hand before the first regal could inquire, "I will explain in detail, but I assure you, I haven't lost my mind, or been possessed by Satan himself," she smirked, "and I love them just as much, if not more than I ever have...even though it is true that I don't see them anymore."

Sitting down at the table, intrigued, but wary, Devin asked, "These safety reasons are not for that spoiled babe of a maintainer, Carey…tell me so, Kathryn?"

"No," Janeway came back quickly as sat across from Devin, the candles on the table and the place settings already taken care of. "Joe Carey is the least of my concern at this moment, and Tuvok's handling it. By the way," she looked up to the much older woman while she pulled the cork out of the bottle carefully, "thank you sincerely for taking him off my hands for these last few months." Then sighing as she poured them both a glass of the bubbly juice, Kathryn shook her head and said, "Although, I can't say that I'm glad to have him back, especially when almost the entire ship thinks I've bowed out of the relationship." While she handed the glass to her guest, she explained, "He filed an official complaint about me the day I had him transferred."

"Obliged," Devin said as she received the glass, frowning. "His complaint was in regards to your personal affairs?"

"Mmmhmm," Kathryn nodded, taking a sip of the juice. Setting it down and folding her napkin on her lap, finding it funny how the Fynth subtly attempted to mimic her since a lot of their cultural rituals were very different, the captain went on, "He said my romantic relationship with them made for an uncomfortable working environment because I was constantly down in Engineering as was Seven of Nine…which was true," Janeway admitted, "but not for the reasons he believed…and," she added as she scooped up some salad for herself and Devin, "I wasn't lying to you when I said he was giving someone a problem. That was true...a very dutiful, young engineer, but I didn't want to tell you the rest because there's a reason beyond all of this about why I needed to get him off this ship without it seeming purposeful, and to try to keep him happy for a little while. I wasn't prepared to tell you that reason until now."

Holding up her hand, Devin requested, unzipping the front of her white uniform with her other hand, "Prior to your detailing…can you explain to me which of these utensils to use?"

Since she was aware that the Fynth typically ate their food with their hands only, since most of it was berries, gourds, roots, and beans and other dried grains that they grew on their ship or kept in stasis—although, the only thing it seemed they didn't like was meat—Kathryn nodded and said, pointing to Devin's fork with her own, "You'll probably want to use the fork for the pasta since it's oily, but feel free to eat however you prefer…you won't offend me in the least." As Devin nodded, then pulled the top of her uniform down, finding Janeway's quarter's uncomfortably warm, Kathryn dropped her fork as she noticed immediately through the thin sheer under wrap that covered her entire, bony body that she had what looked to be long bruises or legions all over her torso, except her breasts—which were visible, but that was usually the case for the Fynth's females whenever they were out of uniform, although they typically wore a few more layers of the sheer material so they weren't nearly as apparent—some of which looked like possibly they were bleeding or opened because a slightly damp area around some of them was visible. Since she had never seen those before on Devin's body, although it was true she'd never seen her so clearly as she could now, she felt the need to ask, figuring Devin wouldn't take offense in private, "Devin…what's happened to you?"

Smirking, Devin said as she grabbed a grape off her plate with her long, bony fingers, "The spirits were screaming for a length, and tried to steal me away…and at my finest moments, dare they." Smiling, she said, shaking her head, "Villains they can be, and I admit we haven't always dwelled kindly together," holding up her finger, "but wear none about this. I don't plan to surrender for many cycles, and I have staved them off for this round." When Kathryn continued to look at her and turn rather pale, the elder Fynth sighed and said, shaking her head, "My child, you wear too great for things you cannot change. I am a relic in body and spirit, and there are some disadvantages," gesturing to her long, incredibly narrow and marred abdomen, "to my cycle's length, but," she smiled slightly, "it is nothing for which we are not accomplished to maintaining adequately."

Janeway did her best to keep herself form over-reacting, or over-stepping her bounds since the Fynth, for cultural reasons, utilized much less advanced medical technology and refused, although kindly, to visit Voyager's Sickbay other than to have their bodies scanned so they could be entered into the Federation Medical Database; although that didn't mean it was coming easy for her. Taking a long, slow and steady breath, trying to keep her face from showing her worry, Kathryn asked, "Is it too warm in here for you?" since she figured that was why Devin had shed the top of her jumpsuit style uniform. Before Devin could say either way, Janeway explained, shaking her head, "Lanna prefers a warmer climate…so I've gotten used to it, but I can lower the temperature if it will make you more comfortable…"

Looking down at herself again and noticing that some of her legions were damp, Devin spoke a foreign word Kathryn had decided was a curse since the translator never could quite figure out what she was saying, exactly, then stood up and said, sounding irritated, "Obliged," as she pressed her hand to the worst one. As Janeway stood, commanded the computer to lower the temperature by eight degrees and started to come over to her side of the table quickly, Devin sneered, mostly to herself, "Like spoiled babes, they wreak their playtime on this relic continuous now…damn," she smirked over to Janeway, "those spirits again, hmm?"

"Why don't you have a seat?" Janeway tried to say lightly and smooth. "I'll have the Doctor come by and see if there's something he can do." Smiling as Devin looked over at her, Kathryn said, "I'm not sure how good he is at warding off evil spirits, but I'm sure…"

Clicking and chuckling, Devin patted Janeway's arm, cutting her off and said, "You indulge me and my spirits too great for your liking, I'm certain. My gratitude you have, but," she smiled softly down at Kathryn, "this is no cause for concern…only inconvenient for a feast. It tends to sour hunger, my sickness." As Janeway sighed and that and rubbed her forehead, the first regal always tending to throw Kathryn into uncertainty, Devin smiled and requested, "I merely require fresh dressings for my lashes…"

"What?" asked Kathryn, dropping her hand and looking up at the Fynth, clearly uncomfortable by that. When Devin repeated herself, Janeway questioned, shaking her head, "Maybe the translator's not understanding again…do you mean…lashes…as in," she tried to ask carefully, "you've been…injured…by someone…other than," she added quickly, "the spirits?"

Devin laughed, shaking her head and said, "No, my child. This relic does the scolding, I assure you." Patting her shoulder, she explained quickly, "Our ancient spiritual doctrine described this sickness as lashes inflicted by the spirits as punishment for past sins…absurd theory, in my opinion. The spirits are not vengeful and unforgiving, merely maniacally mischievous, and so some say, evil," she smirked. "I am merely a student of such teachings many lengths ago when I was a babe like your Naomi, and the term has remained with me." Nodding her head, Devin brought her hand to Kathryn's face, rubbed her cheek and said, "I know this causes you discomfort, but it's going to require more than evil babes with whips to bring about my last cycle…and," she lowered her hand to Janeway's shoulder again, "I am in no current danger of fading." Looking down, she said, "I merely require fresh dressings, and then perhaps," she smirked, "a bit of the coffee…?"

Sighing, Kathryn felt the need to ask, "Are you sure, Devin? The Doctor could have all of those healed in less than five…"

"It is not unlike your B'Elanna," the first regal explained quickly, nodding. "It is not a matter of honor, merely me scoffing at such trivial damage that will heal in time. Now," she patted her arm again, "let us tread to my vessel for a short length. I am too aged to be coddled by someone so young. Save your strength for that spoiled babe, hmm?"

"Alright," Janeway sighed, and shook her head, then looked at the fabric she was wearing and asked, "Did you need something other than this?" When the Fynth shook her head no, Kathryn started for her bedroom, gesturing that Devin should follow and said, "Then we can just run that through the replicator…it'll clean it up."

Following the captain into her bedroom, Devin looked around, smiled as Kathryn stopped by the clothing replicator and remarked, "Once again I thrust myself upon the knife of envy, Kathryn…this dwelling is glorious."

Smiling and chuckling mildly, Kathryn came back, walking toward her as Devin detoured toward her bed, "Well, thank you, but you should see the captain's quarters on a galaxy class ship. It's practically twice the size of this one." When the Fynth turned toward her and raised her eyebrows, curious as to why such small people needed such big things, Janeway smirked and said, "But that's because the ship itself is about nine times larger than Voyager…and typically holds nearly two thousand people. They're basically a fully functioning city in a sense, and usually more than half of the whole ship is civilian scientists or spouses and family members, including children of officers." Patting Devin's bewildered arm since her vessel was the largest made by the Fynth, and was not as large as Voyager, Kathryn included, "Actually, Voyager's a rather small vessel in comparison to most Starfleet ships these days…although, as Lanna says, though she be wee…she be fierce," deciding not to include that Torres actually didn't make that up and was merely quoting.

Clicking and clapping her hands twice, which Kathryn knew was something Devin did when she was tickled, the first reported, "I do like the way of the B'Elanna…a true warrior's heart."

Janeway smiled at that and said, "Well, on behalf of my Klingon, she thanks you…I'm certain of it." Pointing to the ensuite, she asked, "Would you like to see the bathroom…that's honestly my favorite part?"

"Why not twist the blade and tempt the fates?" Devin smirked and started toward it with Janeway. "It seems the path of firsts anyhow." When Kathryn turned on the light to a quarter, remembering that the Fynth's eyes were more photosensitive, Devin stepped in, took one look into the mirror and huffed, holding up her head, "Mirrors," then cursed the came word she typically used that the translator couldn't extrapolate the meaning. Then smirking quickly to Janeway, who was frowning, concerned she'd offended the first since she knew of several species that didn't like or were afraid of mirrors, Devin explained, "They serve no purpose now but to belittle me in front of myself, and remind me the cycle of my beauty has long since passed...even if it was a longer than most," she clicked in confidence.

Chuckling, Janeway said, "Well, I think that's a matter of opinion...that's it's over, I mean. And just a little warning amongst friends," she grinned, "don't say that around Seven, or she'll march you right back in here and detail to you each and every aspect of you that she finds appealing...right in front of the mirror. It's a side-effect of being an ex-drone who cared nothing of least that's my theory." When Devin looked over at her, curious, then started laughing and clapping her hands, Kathryn added, "Trust me…I know, and so does Lieutenant Wildman."

"It is a shame your angel cannot join us for our feast," Devin remarked as she looked about, opened Janeway's shower door and peaked inside, impressed, even if she didn't really know what it was since the Fynth employed devices similar to sonic showers. "Although," she sighed, and turned back to the compact captain, "I would prefer that she be unknowing to my sickness…since it will pass, like all things." Patting Janeway's shoulder as she migrated to the bathtub, the first said, "I would have spared you as well, but you neglected to detail to me in preparation that you dwelled within a stifling inferno." As that got a small chuckle out of the captain, Devin looked strangely at the tub, noticed the candle she'd given Kathryn a while back, glad that it looked as though it had gotten a fair amount of use, then pointed to the ceramic tub and asked, "Can you detail to me the necessity for this great...bowl?"

Smiling, Janeway came up next to Devin, looked at the tub, then over to the Fynth and said, smirking, "That, my friend, is my favorite inanimate object on this entire ship." When Devin raised her eyebrows in surprise, then looked back to it strangely, Kathryn chuckled and said, "It's called a bathtub…and it's heaven..."


"I may be too aged to be coddled," First Regal Devin reported loudly as she smelled and heard the approach of the spicy scented captain, "but not too aged to be pampered, I recall now," as she lounged with her hair piled atop her head in the captain's bathtub, that was currently filled with fairly cool, saline water, which only required Janeway to dip into the medical database and replicate some soothing and harmless bathsalts. "For my spirit and my lashes…we are obliged."

As she came back into the bathroom with Devin's long wrap, and a pillow, Kathryn smiled and said, "Well, you're more than welcome. That tub's gotten me through many a tough day aboard this vessel in the last…god," she shook her head, "nearly eight years now." Since Devin wasn't at all uncomfortable with her nudity, the captain was enough of a diplomat to hardly let it phase her.

Janeway had gotten a little cultural teaching from the Fynth as well today by assisting her with unwrapping her apparently frail body. She'd already knew all the Fynth were thin, which was a genetic trait, and she could tell that Devin was by far the skinniest, as well as the tallest, but she'd learned that was because she was so old, and a female, and that her physical form wasn't uncommon for someone her age, but the Fynth had added that she'd aged "handsomely" compared to most, since she was still attractive, mostly in a mystical sort of way to the captain, and she certainly had plenty of fire left in her, enough that Kathryn admitted to herself she very much hoped that she could be so productive and fiesty at that age. She'd also learned that on the Fynth homeworld, Devin typically wore only a single layered wrap, and she only added more layers when in contact with other species who were fully clothed. When she'd inquired as to why that was and if it was true for all females, the first had explained it was like a status symbol, since Fynth facial structures didn't really make gender apparent, and considering their society was rather matriarchal, it was important for females to make their sex known. Devin furthermore explained that the older a woman got and thus the more status she had, the less layers she wore, so others could see the trials of life for themselves and respect her for her sacrifice. Even if seeing the Fynth's fairly skeletal body—that was currently damaged, and showed signs of older injuries, her age, the birth and suckling of her daughter, as well as a beautiful, according to Janeway, star-shaped tattoo on her back at the base of her neck, which Devin didn't explain when Kathryn had asked other than to say she was forbidden from speaking of its meaning, and that it was merely a reminder of something she'd been involved with in her youth—caused her concern for her friend and comrade she hadn't had before, she was able to handle it appropriately, and also respect Devin as she deserved and as her culture demanded. So, after she set Devin's wrap down on her uniform, which was folded on the toilet, she tossed the pillow to the floor near the tub and took a seat so they could continue to speak while the Fynth relished in a sense of comfort she admitted she hadn't felt physically in "too great a length."

Reaching over to the plate of fruit and picking out a grape, saving the prunes for Devin since she seemed to like those best, Janeway informed, "Feel free to stay as long as you want…I'm done for the day and most of the night. Well," she smirked, lifting her fingers and crossing them, "I hope so."

Devin took a sip of her coffee, then set the mug down on the ledge, put her head back on the towel Janeway had set out for her neck and asked as she leaned back and closed her eyes, "So, my child, detail to me the cause of your lunacy, and what in this universe would cause you to release your mates."

Directly yet quiet, Janeway informed, resting her head on her arm that was propped up on the edge of the tub, the captain's head on the opposite end of the first's, "We're going home."

Devin's yellowish eyes opened at that, but after looking at the look on Janeway's face, she closed them again, relaxed and stated, "I had my suspicions you were keeping something from me…although, I wasn't aware it was of this magnitude. I assume the reason is beyond lack of trust, hmm?"

"Yes," Janeway remarked quickly. "Tomorrow I'll be test piloting the new shuttle, but what no one but a spare few know yet, is that other than the standard warp and impulse drives, it also has something called a Quantum Slipstream Drive, which, to make a very long story short, Seven of Nine pretty much reworked a shaky concept into an actual, although experimental, piece of machinery." As Devin raised her finger and said, "Ah, the cause of her exhaustion…since this drive will bring her beloved home," Janeway nodded even though Devin wasn't looking at her and said, "She and Lanna told me about it once all the research was done and they were ready to test it in the holodeck. They'd kept it a secret between them for almost six months."

Smiling, Devin stated, rather than asked, "And you mirrored their actions, and didn' because you wanted to wait until your fantasy trials were completed, and you were able to build the actual drive…so that if it was a falsehood, no one would be disappointed, hmm?" When Kathryn affirmed that, the first questioned, although certain she knew the answer, "And this shuttle is merely a trial as well?"

"Yes," Kathryn came back. "If tomorrow's test goes as we think it will, then we'll start construction on Voyager immediately…and as long as things remain quiet and we don't have anymore transporter mishaps," she sighed, then chuckled once, "it should be completed in three months time."

"This drive moves like the Borg's transwarp?"

"Not really," answered Janeway, then took a sip of her coffee while Devin opened her eyes, grabbed a prune and then relaxed again, the captain thanking her lucky stars, and whatever 'spirits' there may be that the first was an old sort of captain who could take in huge, sweeping changes with such calm, at least seem to. "Transwarp basically creates a temporary wormhole in space to cut through it. With Slipstream, we'll actually be traveling the entire distance, just at speeds we've never done safely before. It generates a perfect conduit in which to travel…a slippery stream, if you will. It eliminates natural resistance forces to keep us moving at nearly Warp Ten smoothly. The hardest part is reaching maximum velocity. Once you're there and in the stream, it's rather smooth sailing…so to speak. Stopping and starting require the most power…the actual length of the journey doesn't require anything more than our warp drive running at lower than standard cruising speeds, and it's nothing that Voyager can't handle." Before Devin could ask anymore questions, Kathryn went on, "In the shuttle, theoretically, it would take us a little over four days to reach Earth since the drive's maximum velocity is determined by the power output available, and the Invictus only has a warp drive capable of Warp Nine…probably a Nine point One if we really pushed our luck. Voyager's maximum speed is technically Nine point Nine Seven Five…although," she smirked, expelling the air from her lungs once in endearment, "B'Elanna constantly tells me that's inaccurate and that she's sure we could hit Nine point Nine Nine and hold steady for at least five seconds before we disintegrated." Chuckling some along with Devin, who smiled at that, Janeway finished, "So, we expect the trip for Voyager to take approximately two days, give or take a few hours."

After a moment of thought, Devin smirked and stated again, knowing the answer since she was more familiar with the capabilities of her ship than anyone, "Then I will be a guest aboard your vessel after all, hmm?"

Sighing softly, Kathryn said, "I know what I'm asking of you…"

Devin shook her head and replied, not as softly as before, but still perfectly collected, "It is not a request. It is a necessity if we wish to travel with you…which," she opened her eyes and looked over at her, "we do. My Alaxia dwells not in my ship, but in my heart…and frankly," she smirked, turning her head and closing her eyes again, "my withering vessel can go to your hell and take its mischievous and persistent demon with it." Sighing, she reported, "I knew the cycle would arrive when we would part ways. I did not expect it to be in such a short length, but that is nothing to wear about. This vessel is a marvel and I will merely acquire my own marvel once we reach this Federation. Perhaps," she smirked, "this galactic city you speak so highly of, hmm?"

"Well," Kathryn chuckled, smiling, "of course, I'll do everything I can to help, but you won't be without a ship of any kind. We've made arrangements so you can bring your yacht over to our Shuttle Bay. We'll have to sacrifice the Sri Lanka, but I think that's the very least I can do at this point…and," she added surely, "you needn't worry about accommodations and those types of things. The Federation will take care of all of you until you decide how and where you want to live, and I'm sure there will be plenty of options available to you and your crew, including sponsor communities to stay with while you acclimate yourselves. I suggest," she smiled as Devin looked over to her, "you speak with Miss Fowler about that aspect. She grew up in a big sponsor community, and I'm sure she could give you the names of good people to get in touch with…just so you have more options available to you in case you want to stay planet-side for a while."

"Obliged," Devin nodded, happy with that. "Now, detail to me why returning to your homeworld troubles you so." Closing her eyes and turning her head back towards the ceiling, Devin informed, "It is not a task to detail the concern in your eyes…considering they are the same as when you learned of my former government's plot…"

Taking a fairly deep breath, Kathryn leaned back against the wall, and when Devin heard her sigh and looked over at her, she glanced to the water, nodded with her chin and asked, "Are you comfortable? This could take a while…"


Nearly two hours later, the first lay quiet and pensive on Janeway's living room couch on her back, dressed in her clean wrap, which now covered every inch of her body except her hands, feet and head as the captain returned from her bathroom after excusing herself for brief moment. The mood was definitely serious, although not antagonistic since Devin had plenty of experience with darker realms of apparently peaceful governments, and had just finished praising Janeway for learning from her, Devin's, mistakes and listening to her companions words before Kathryn had to halt the conversation so she could use the facilities. When the captain asked how she was feeling as she came over next to her, standing, and snatched up a few of their empty plates and glasses, Devin opened her eyes and reported, quietly, "I have melancholy for you. Although," she added as Janeway walked away toward the replicator, "it explains the demon that haunts you like none I have ever detailed before. I'm curious," she smiled, turning her head to the captain's direction, "have you spat on him lately?"

"Oh," Kathryn said lightly as she set the contents of her hands in to the replicator, "we've had a few words here and there, but it's certainly nothing to be concerned about." Turning around as Devin eyed her closely, Janeway smiled at her as she migrated back to the chair that offset the couch, letting the lengthy Fynth stretch out as much as possible and rest her over-worked body, and said, "I promise you…so you can stop looking at me like that anytime now."

Chuckling and turning her head back center, Devin stated, "I believe you, and it soothes me to detail it for myself. He will not haunt you for much longer. His tactic of keeping you silent has now faded with exclamation, and the light has been shed upon his lies. The candle's magick is just...and its success only details the trueness of your heart, my child." Sighing softly, she said in a whisper, "A precious thing you are...even at this length, I stand humbled by your might and gracious wisdom. These are qualities I posses now, not then, yet never have I wielded my blade so smoothly." Nodding, she finished, getting back on topic, "He has nothing left to feed upon…so, too will he pass like all things."

Janeway chuckled softly to herself as she sat down and curled up with her blanket, feeling slightly chilled without it now that her quarters were the same temperature as the majority of the ship, then remarked, always feeling sort of like she was going to church or something whenever she spoke with Devin privately, "Not to change the subject, but I'm going to anyway because I'm tired of talking about me," which caused Devin to laugh and clap her hands once, informing Janeway she could continue at will without fear of offending, "Am I allowed to know what exactly your illness is…or was?"

"Since you indulge me and my spirits," Devin began lightly, "I will detail to you both the spiritual and scientific understanding." Speaking with her hands, although looking at the ceiling, the first explained, "A Fynth typically receives the lashes as they approach their final cycle. They are merely a sign of a weakening body that cannot heal as quickly as before. Chakotay referred to them as 'age spots with a mean streak,'" Devin laughed softly, smiling. "I received my lashes almost three of your months ago…during my slumber. They were caused by too great a length at continuous duty, which taxed my systems, and I developed bruising. They have yet to heal because I have yet to slow." Pointing to her abdomen, she went on, "As you can detail, I am narrow in this region, but we've added extra protection to my uniform to assist since, and that has kept me from receiving more of them." Laughing softly, she informed, "I was merely moving back and forth from my central throne with negligence, and didn't realize I had injured myself until I awoke and discovered them. All Fynth when they near my age become vulnerable to similar wounds…it is our weakest region."

After a few moments, Devin explained, "Our ancient scrolls detail that they are punishment for the times when we have strayed from our path, but the necessity is beyond that. They are to force recollection and understanding in preparation for the legacy passing ritual…so that we will continue to flourish and not repeat the meandering of our ancestors."

"The legacy passing ritual?"

Smiling, Devin looked over to Kathryn and reported, "When I can no longer ignore the spirit's shrieks for me, then I will pass what I hold in my mind to my apprentice." The first looked away for a moment, sighed and stated, "Such a gift would go to Alaxia if she were not in spirit already, so," she looked back to the captain, "Shreen will receive my legacy and thus my responsibility. She is now fully accomplished to this duty." Raising her eyebrows slightly, she informed, "I never received a legacy since my birth caused my mother's fading…which," she added quickly as Janeway blinked, then grew sad instantly, "was not uncommon at that length, but we have advanced since then. I could not accept my father's legacy. It is only meant for members of the same sex. This is one reason why Fynth females take pride in our birthing marks. Our birthing cycle is short and usually only one or two…rarely three babes can be born during it, thus to have a daughter brings overwhelming joy and hope for our dwindling species and helps to ensure legacies are passed. Evolution, as you call it," the Fynth went on, "has not been entirely kind to us…but I," she smirked, "blame the spirits endless meddling…not science."

Curling up more and resting her head on the back of the chair, balled up nearly on her side, Kathryn questioned, "How does she receive your legacy?"

"As our cycles progress, so do the capabilities of our minds," the elder Fynth, who was nearly twenty cycles older or approximately forty years than the next oldest member of the alien crew, explained. "It is not unlike Commander Tuvok's mind meld that he used to remedy the transporter mistake…although, the control that he exhibits and uses consistently doesn't dwell within us. The ability to pass the legacy occurs only once…and only as we die…we cannot stop it. It is like a mind purge. It occurs with our last breath because once it escapes, it cannot be returned. If a Fynth perishes suddenly, their legacy is lost unless a willing and capable host is present and the one dying can focus on them for a brief moment. This typically ends in failure to gather the full legacy because the ritual is meant to be deliberate…not sudden, and babes have no legacy to pass…only relic's minds are fully capable. If Shreen were to fade, spirits forbid, she could pass some of her mind, but not much yet, so it is typically a ritual that 'tribal elders,'" she chuckled, "as Chakotay details, use to ensure their cycles had purpose and were completed." As Janeway nodded slowly, Devin finished, "So, when I can no longer maintain and my end is a certainty, we will conduct the ritual which forces the purge so that she will receive my legacy for certain, and afterward," the Fynth smiled, "she will know what I know. Although, she will not be like me. She remains herself, just remembers what I have detailed during my cycles…like a story."

Devin sighed and looked back at the ceiling, then continued when Janeway didn't ask any questions immediately, "Since I alone amongst my guardians know of our way before the new regime, it is vital that she receives this knowing beyond what I have detailed to Grenthel. She has sacrificed love for society…although all of my guardians are close to each other's hearts, and they will soon converge. This will ensure that despite the sex of her babe, and if the spirits permit, babes, one of them will be capable to pass their legacy as well." Looking over to Kathryn, the first requested, "I pray that you find no crime in our choosiness, but in this instance, we will request the assistance of your medical services…and," she sighed, then pushed herself into a sitting position, "if possible, a surrogate mother. I am not certain if any of the crew aboard this vessel could carry a Fynth babe, but I am requesting that we examine the possibility for my flock."

Nodding, Janeway said, "Of course," then sighed, cleared her throat and questioned, looking down for a moment, "Devin, forgive me if I'm over-stepping my bounds, but," she looked up and continued, "I don't understand why you, yourself won't see the Doctor." Before the first could respond, Kathryn informed, "I'm not a medical doctor, but I'm nearly certain the kinds of injuries you've incurred are completely treatable despite your physiology, and I'm sure there are things the Doctor can do beyond padding your uniform that will keep them from reoccurring…at least to this extent." When Devin sighed and looked down, Janeway got up and went over to her while she said, "For goodness sake's, Devin, Seven was a Borg drone for nearly twenty years…she had armor attached to her body…tubes in the back of her head…her left eye was robotic and look at her now…beyond her beauty…she's healthy and comfortable."

Devin grabbed Janeway's hands, and patted them as she explained, "I am a relic, Kathryn. The last of the Fynth as you know us that will dwell this way. It means more to me to live and die in the ways of old, than to extend my life by means we do not have ourselves merely to carry on. Shreen is making this enormous sacrifice for our society, and she deserves the chance to carve the path for her flock as she sees fit. I cannot be selffish in this case. Her time draws near, but," she went on quietly, "as I detailed to you, I am in no danger on fading now…and," she smiled, reaching up and petting Janeway's head, "it seems as though I will see your Federation and dwell within it for a length. I still have many cycles left, just not as many as an old woman wishes, and I have nearly completed my promise to them, so it will not be a sorrowful occasion when my legacy is passed…it will be the new beginning." After a moment as Janeway sighed, rubbed her forehead, but nodded in acceptance, the first patted her hand, and finished, "They are all with youth still, and will find mates…and perhaps with your Doctor's and crew's assistance, Shreen can have two or three female babes at once…and then males later…so that perhaps by the time their birthing cycles begin, other means can be used to maintain our genetic wholeness until we have expanded as necessary."

"Alright," Kathryn said softly, nodding her head. Then entwining her fingers with Devin's, she looked over at up at her before she said, "You know I'll do everything in my power to help you, but I want you to promise me something." When the first raised her eyebrows, Janeway squeezed her hand and requested, "That before you start this ritual…no matter where I am…you'll find a way to tell me." As her eyes grew misty and she blinked them, Kathryn finished whispering, "Promise me you won't leave without saying goodbye."

Devin lifted her hand to Janeway's face, smiled and informed, "My gratitude, trust and promise you have, my child…"


Rubbing her face over her hands quickly to stimulate her brain since she'd spent nearly the whole morning reading about various theories on Command, Lieutenant-Commander Nicole Fowler dropped them to the shiny black surface of her desk in the Security Office on Deck Two as the door call sounded. Keeping herself from growing irritated at the interruption since she was technically on duty, but hoping to get a few more hours of studying in before she switched with Commander Tuvok and took over the Bridge since Chakotay was taking the day off in preparation, although hopefully unnecessary, that he would have to lead the starship on a rescue effort of the captain tomorrow, or possibly forever if the test flight went completely awry, Fowler cleared her throat and said, "Come in," while she pushed the large PADD she was reading aside and reached for her juice, then frowned when she saw that it was empty.

Standing to get another to stave off her growing hunger until she could take care of whomever needed her assistance, Fowler looked over to the opening door, then blinked, and finally smiled as the Wildman's waltzed in, the mother, Lieutenant Samantha Wildman carrying a picnic basket, while Naomi toted a blanket. "Well, hey there pretty ladies…what's all this?" asked Fowler, stopping by the edge of her desk, then perching on the side of it, setting her glass down and crossing her arms over her broad, flat chest.

"A picnic," Naomi reported as she scurried over to her, while Samantha just remained quiet, but smiled at Nicole before she took the basket over to the couch near the window.

"A picnic, huh?" Fowler smiled and laughed slightly, looking down at the youngster, whose second growth acceleration process was now in full swing, so she'd grown nearly a centimeter in the last month alone. Even though she was 'officially' seven years old, she was closer to looking and acting like she was nearly nine, possibly ten now, which Nicole didn't have a problem admitting she found difficult to keep up with since just a few months ago, she seemed much more like a little seven year old, just a little smarter than most. When the strawberry blonde, who was half-Katarian and half-human, nodded and smiled, Nicole asked, "And whose slamdunk idea was that?"

Understanding the term 'slamdunk' because she'd recently learned how to play Basketball with Seven of Nine while Nicole taught them both—Naomi having accompanied the two tall females to the holodeck for one of their lunchtime 'bonding' rituals at Nick's request because the child had had a bad night and woken up twice in pain due to her fast growth—the girl answered, "It was Mom's," trying to break herself from calling her mother Mommy because that was for "babies." Handing the blanket to Fowler, Naomi reported, "I was just carrying the blanket since the basket's heavy."

As the child turned, waved and told them to have fun, Fowler blinked and asked, "What…you're not gonna stay and have a picnic too?"

Game, Naomi informed, turning around near the door, "I get to have lunch in the new shuttle today with the chief. She's going to teach me some more about Klingon." Then waving as she stepped in front of the sensor and the pneumatic doors hissed open, she finished, "Bye," then left quickly, scurrying so she wasn't late.

"Bye," Fowler barely got out before the doors closed. Sighing, then chuckling and shaking her head along with Wildman as the blonde came over to her, Nicole said, "She's cute...and smart, Sam." Then tossing the blanket down on the floor as Sam agreed and stepped in front of her, Fowler sat back on her desk, spread her legs so she could pull the mother closer and said as she kept her hands on Wildman's hips, "And you're too sweet, Mama." As Samantha rested her hands on her lower thighs, leaned forward as she smiled and they kissed softly, Fowler whispered against her lips before she drew her hands to her back and pulled her in tighter, "Mmm, and brilliant…beautiful…mmmloveable…thank you."

Pulling away and reaching up to wipe her rosy lipstick from Fowler's lips, Samantha said, "You're welcome. I thought you could use a break from being so important." When Fowler smiled at that, Samantha asked, dropping her hand to her chest, "Are you hungry?"

"Woman," Fowler said, low and deep as she slid off the table, keeping Wildman close to her and picking her up by her bottom, spinning them around slightly, "I do believe you are the smartest and prettiest thang because I am fiercely," she smiled, shaking her head once, "and damn hungry. And you," setting her down, "are fiercely and damn fine…and I," she leaned down and kissed her quickly again, "do believe I missed your company last night, gorgeous." As Samantha smiled, then smacked her arm and told her to stop before she leaned down and picked up the blanket, Fowler snatched up her glass and asked as she took it over to the replicator, "Did you have any luck getting the commander to okay your trip down to the surface?"

Spreading out the blanket on the floor, Wildman reported, very enthused while Fowler subtly tilted her head and admired the blonde's backside as she bent over, grinning, "Yes. He wants us to wait until after the test flight, but after that," she smiled, "we get to go back and study the mollusks in their natural environment since the captain doesn't want to risk bringing them onboard again. I can't really blame her…besides," she stood as Fowler turned around quickly so she wasn't spied admiring the scenery and started toward the picnic basket, "it's been a long time since I've been able to do real field work for anything more than just a few hours at a time." While Nick picked up the basket, opened one side and peeked in, Wildman informed, "He gave us a four day leave, and said he'd think about extending it if we were making good progress." As Nick looked up at that, smiled and said, "Hey, that's great," Samantha nodded, then asked, somewhat tentative, "I haven't spoken with Neelix yet about watching Naomi…"

Breaking in, but not rude, Fowler answered her questions as she set the basket down on the blanket and started to descend, "I'll stay with her at night…it's not a problem. There's nothin' goin' on where I need to stay close to the Bridge anyhow. Oh," she snapped her fingers, "before I forget, Trisha came by last night lookin' for you…did she get a hold of you?"

Wildman smiled to herself as she sat down, feeling as though more and more each day, especially in the last two weeks since their holonovel vacation, she and her lover were definitely operating together, in nearly every sense of the word, and responded, "No…what did she want?"

"She asked me if you'd heard back from Chakotay," Fowler answered easily, reaching into the basket and pulling out the various stasis trays. "I told her I didn't think so, but that you were still on the Alaxiat for the night if she wanted to contact you…so I guess it wasn't urgent." Smiling as she pulled out two wine glasses, Nicole reported, "She's starting to show. How far along is she…do you know?"

Sighing, Wildman said, "Um, I think about five months."

"What's wrong?"

Sam shook her head, sighed again and said, "I forgot to ask permission to use one of the shuttles. She's a zoologist…so I really could use her."

Understanding since Fowler was fully aware that pregnant women in their first and second trimesters were advised to only use transporters if it was absolutely necessary due to the risk, although small, that dematerialization could cause a miscarriage, or abnormalities before the fetus was developed to a greater extent, Nicole said, "Well, don't worry about it. I'll fly her down and back again if need be." When Sam sighed again and gave her thanks softly, Fowler sat down the bottle of spring wine, the non-alcoholic variety, and said, "Okay, back it up, darlin'…what am I missin'? What's wrong?"

"That just wasn't very considerate of me," Wildman explained, crossing her legs and looking down. Shaking her head, she looked over to Fowler and said, "I'm her boss, and a mother…and I just should hav…"

"Sam," Fowler jumped in, although quietly, "forgive me for breakin' in, but I know where this is goin'." Leaning forward and crawling over to her, ending up laying on her side, propping her head up with her hand, Nicole went on as she rubbed the blonde's leg with the other hand, "Darlin', in case you've forgotten, you have six Science departments under your belt, a little miss, who grows like a damn weed, and big ole Nick, who's worse than an old dog. You've got all of that to look after and still have time play with Borg and keep yourself polished and smilin'." As Sam sighed, then managed a small laugh, shaking her head, Fowler rolled onto her back, gestured the Wildman should come rest on her, which she did, then finished, "You're busier than a one legged man in a butt-kickin' contest…so don't be so hard on yourself."

Giggling at Fowler's words, Wildman nodded, then sighed happily and said, whispering as she straddled her waist and held herself over her head, "Okay, you hillbilly…thank you." Leaning down, she kissed her quickly and said, "I love you…thanks."

"You are more than welcome," Fowler grinned. Then instinctively looking towards the door, she said, "Computer, seal the door to the Security Office, authorization Fowler, jammer, five, three, two," before she unzipped the front of Samantha's tunic.

As Fowler started to slip the jacket off of her, Samantha sat up and grinned as she shrugged it off, asking, "Nick Fowler, are you going to make me have to call Security? We're supposed to be having a picnic..."

"Woman," Fowler began as she sat up and unzipped her own tunic, "I don't know what that's supposed to mean, but I'm not sure I like what you're implyin' about me." Then laying back down, although keeping herself propped up on her elbows as Samantha smiled at the view in front of her and quickly placed her hands on her chest, that was clothed in a tight, long sleeved undershirt, Nicole said, "Seems to me if there's anyone who's in danger here, it's me…not you, Ma'am."

Leaning forward, knowing Nicole's shoulders could easily support her weight, Wildman whispered before she kissed her, "That's right, Missy…don't you forget it." Then pulling away after a moment as Fowler smiled at her, Samantha said, moving her hands to the floor so she could kiss her chin and neck easier, which she was doing, "Naomi's helping out Neelix tonight for the dinner crowd…so she won't be home until almost eight. Do you want to come over for dinner, or," she whispered into Nicole's ear, "at least help me work up an appetite while we have the place to ourselves?"

As Fowler chuckled, Samantha included since she was worried she'd been requesting too much of Nick's time at her cabin, especially since Naomi was waking up so often in the middle of the night and requiring attention, and Sam knew how hard Fowler had been studying lately, "You don't have to stay the whole night…and," she moved back to her face, kissing her softly all over, "just dinner is acceptable too, of course."

Sitting them up and urging Wildman's arms over her shoulders, Fowler said softly, "Mmm, honey, you know I'll be there. I plan to take all the time I can get with you before things get so busy I forget my own name. Besides," she smiled, kissing Sam quickly, "I told you that I missed you…that wasn't a lie. And," she grinned, bringing one hand around to Wildman's bosom, "since I can't just wet your appetite now…I surely plan to do it later."

As Fowler kissed her and teased her nipple until it was pleasantly tough, then moved to the other one, Wildman pulled away afterward and whispered, smirking, "You know you're going to make me suffer all day now, don't you?

"Woman," Fowler grinned back, speaking low and sexy again, "I do believe you started this…besides," she then dropped her hand to the juncture of Wildman's legs and rubbed her softly, but purposeful, "I want you to be wet when I get there..."

After biting her upper lip and taking a quick breath, Samantha questioned while she started lightly kissing Fowler's slightly tanned face again, "Why…so you can make me beg again…mmmhmm…"

"Oh no," Fowler explained, nuzzling the blonde's much paler and rounder cheek, "mmm…so I can talk you into using an hour of your holodeck time."

Still kissing Nicole all over her face softly, the lieutenant asked, "Why do you want to go to the holodeck?"

Smirking, Fowler pulled Wildman closer and whispered, running her thumb down the blonde's spine as she knew Sam liked, "A little bird told me you needed a good, old-fashioned fixin'," now gently tapping her fingers against the scientist's center to convey her purpose, "and I ain't got a hammer of my own." When Samantha stopped kissing her neck for a few seconds and stilled, Nicole was about to ask if she'd changed her mind when the blonde groaned wantonly and started kissing her flesh again, this time with more fervor. So, instead she queried, rubbing her lightly again, "So, why don't you tell me now what setting you'd like, so I can have something to do this afternoon on the Bridge." Pulling Sam's face to hers, Nick asked before she kissed her on the mouth, but kept herself reigned in considering where they were, "Tell me what you've cooked up in the amazing mind of yours...I know you've got a plan..."

Samantha giggled softly after Fowler stopped kissing her, and began as she rested her forehead against the brunette's chin, "Well, I guess we should save the beach until we finish making our program." Moving her head back and looking into Nick's green eyes, Wildman lightly ran her hands over her chest as she said, "Well, there's always the piano fantasy…although," she added when Fowler chuckled, "I've been up a long time and my back hurts enough…so I think we should save that one too." As Nicole pouted on her behalf, cutely, and then started working on her lower back with both hands, Wildman smiled her thanks, thought it over quietly for a moment, then said, "Okay, how about a boat…a cute little sail boat…not," she smirked, then kissed Fowler's lips quickly, "a big, huge yacht."

Chuckling, Nick nodded and said, "Yes, Ma'am…no big boats today. Anything else?"

"Yea," Wildman smiled, rubbing Fowler's shoulders kindly while the second officer continued to assist her back, "Make it out in the middle of the ocean…on a perfect day…maybe a little warm so we can go for a swim before we leave…and," she smirked, then rubbed her nose against Nicole's lips softly, "just make sure there's a sturdy lounge chair on the deck where you can lay halfway back and be comfortable."

Surprised, Nick asked, "You don't wanna bed?"

"Mmmntmm," Wildman whispered, kissing her cheek now, as she explained directly, "I'd like to ride you right on the deck in the open air." As Fowler inhaled at that, groaning softly at the glorious mental image she was just granted, Sam added at the same time, "It's my favorite position." Smirking, she looked into Nicole's face and said, "Call me cocky," which got Fowler to laugh once, "but I think I'm good at it."

"Mmmlady," Fowler came back, shaking her head once, "I don't think good is the word." After they kissed each other again on the mouth, their tongues and sighs making it a little more erotic, Nicole asked once she'd taken a hearty breath to settle, "Anything specific you'd like me to wear…or not to wear?"

Nodding, Wildman said, "Mmmhmm…wear your jeans…the tight, light blue ones…and your cowboy hat, but let your hair down into a regular ponytail." Once Fowler laughed softly, then nodded in agreement, Samantha smiled and questioned as she rubbed the back of Nick's neck, "Is there anything you'd like…or are you just gonna be stubborn and say this is only my fantasy?" Not giving Nicole a chance to act typically, Wildman started rubbing her chest again and informed, "I want to wear something you really like…something," she turned on the sexuality more, "that only you would ever see me in." Since she knew Fowler would never ask her to wear something that she, Sam, would consider trashy, since that just wasn't Nick's style, she figured she didn't need to explain anymore than that.

Smiling, Fowler let Sam go for a moment, laid back on her elbows and said after a few moments of looking at Wildman and trying to picture her in the perfect outfit for the settings and circumstances, "How about a little-bitty," she smirked using Sam's term, "tanktop…something white and see through?"

"Anything else," Wildman purred, leaning forward again, "or just the top?"

"And a wrap, skirt-thingy," Fowler added, knowing the blonde would understand her less than accurate terminology. "Any color you'd like…but," she smiled as she sat up and cupped Wildman's bottom, "don't wear anything underneath it because," she finished as she started kissing Samantha's neck, "once I get my hands on you, I don't want you to have to move off of me to take anything off...and I like leavin' some clothes on sometimes."

"Mmmhmm," Wildman hummed, then smiled and informed, "oh, and in this case…do me a big favor," she chuckled sexily, "and don't make it small." Kissing Fowler's lips, she explained, "Greskrendtregk was almost as tall as you, and a Katarian." Whispering into her ear, the xenobiologist explained, "They aren't little-bitty, honey…although," she snickered, "you can make it average for your height and genetic make-up…that way I don't always have to be on top." Samantha kissed Fowler's mouth for a few moments, then whispered, "That's all I could ever manage with him comfortably…"

Chuckling, Fowler felt herself blush some as she asked, "Uh, darlin', I ain't a smarty-pants xenobiologist…so, how am I gonna know what's average for my height?"

Samantha smiled and informed, "Just tell the computer to make it average if you were male…she'll take care of the rest." Smirking, and nipping Fowler's chin, Wildman whispered, "She's real smart like…"

"Right…okay," Fowler responded, then laughed softly, slightly nervous. Looking at Wildman, she wiped her nose quickly and had to ask, "G-man," which is what she called WIldman's ex-husband since she could never remember his name precisely, and had stopped trying, "was really that big?" When Samantha opened her eyes wider and nodded, then showed the approximate size of her ex-husband's sexual organ with her hands, which was almost the size of her forearm, Fowler allowed, "Damn," then laughed softly, shaking her head and said, "Well, I guess that's good to know since I would have probably erred on the side of caution…"

"Well, don't get me wrong," Wildman said as she started kissing her neck again, "he was definitely bigger than I would prefer, but I'm too much of a scientist, I guess, so I want you to look like how you would look if you were male." Humming and flicking Fowler's earlobe, she said openly, already knowing Nicole was aware, "I love that you can be both so easily…you have no idea how hot that makes me."

Sitting them up again, Fowler said before she kissed her girlfriend rather passionately, "Oh, I think I have some idea…"

Kissing Nicole and then resting her forehead against her chin again, Samantha smirked, then pulled back as she said, "If I get demoted because I can't get anything done for the rest of the day…it's your fault." Then running her hands over Fowler's strong chest and arms, her imagination already working overtime, Wildman swallowed, then sighed and finally chuckled as she crawled off of her and demanded, "Okay, let's eat lunch before I just rip your clothes off right here."

Chuckling, Fowler said, "Yes, Ma'am."


Done with her massive lunch of two chicken-salad sandwiches, a side salad, half a cucumber and a half of an apple, which Wildman was finishing up for her as the blonde lay on her back, Nicole, laying on her side next to her with her head propped up with her left arm reached over Wildman's body, set down her now empty wine glass as she remarked, "By the way, thanks for thinking of this…I needed the break."

As Fowler rested her hand on her much softer, lower stomach and rubbed the subtly and attractively rounded area, Samantha set down the rest of the apple on her plate as she said, "You're welcome." Then grabbing up her napkin and wiping her mouth and hands, Sam set that aside too and said, "I think it's the least I could do for all of your help with Naomi." While Fowler drew up her outer leg so her limb was bent at the knee and her foot flat on the ground, then started to rub that appendage gently and affectionately, Samantha smiled and asked, "How is it going?" as she placed her outer arm behind her head to give her skull a little more support other than just her tunic.

"I think my brain's gonna blow-up soon," Fowler chuckled before she leaned down, kissed Sam's forehead quickly and said, "And you don't have to thank me, Sam. You know I love the little ones…especially your little one." Smiling and laughing quietly, she reported as Wildman smiled softly at her, "She's a hoot…and a mean card shark in the makin'. She's damn ruthless…kicked my butt…"

Smirking, Wildman reported, "That's because B'Elanna and Seven taught her the Klingon way…take no prisoners." After a beat, she questioned, "Did she wake up at all? I," shaking her head, "didn't want to ask her since she was so excited about her lunch with B'Elanna."

Fowler rubbed Wildman's knee with her thumb as she reported, shaking her head negatively, "No…she got up a little earlier than she usually does, but I think that was just so she had time to watch Kate on Good Morning Voyager," Fowler explained, chuckling once. "I guess she announced the completion of the Invictus and even sat down with him and talked for the whole segment." When Samantha smiled at that and said, "Oh, Neelix must have been thrilled," Nicole nodded and said, "That's what Naomi said…I don't know…I didn't see it and I haven't talked to him today…"

Explaining since she knew that Fowler used to work during the airing of the ship's weekly show, and never paid attention then, and now preferred to get the extra sleep and just read about whatever was important, so she rarely actually saw it, Wildman said, shaking her head, "I don't think she's ever sat down for an interview. She usually just makes announcements, then says she'd loved to stay and chat but had to go…although," she smiled, "she always thanks Neelix for all his hard work and praises his cooking. So, he doesn't usually mind her evasiveness." After a moment of contemplation, she said, fairly absent, "I wonder why she gave an interview this time?"

"Well," Fowler started, quiet, now rubbing Samantha's stomach again, "I don't know since I haven't seen her either, but I'd bet she did it in case the worst happens tomorrow." When Wildman looked over at her, sullen, Nicole finished, "Just so the whole ship would have something to look at that's recent…and personal. Naomi said it was a nice talk." As the scientist sighed heavily, then closed her eyes for a moment and shook her head, Nick smiled, patted her stomach and said, "But that's not gonna happen, Sam. You and I both know if Seven or Torres had any doubts, they'd never even build it...they'd outright refuse, and they're gonna be quadruple checking everything all day and night if they have to. It'll be fine…I know it."

"God, I hope so," Wildman whispered, opening her eyes and shaking her head, worried on many levels, but mostly for her daughter, who she knew would be devastated. Looking over to Fowler and placing her hand on the brunette's at her abdomen, she asked, "You're going to be on the Bridge tomorrow morning…right?"

Nodding, Fowler answered, flattered, "Yes, and it'll only be a short first test. She'll only be gone about two hours…just enough to reach maximum velocity, get into the stream, run tests and then come back…and we'll be ready if there's any problems. We've got back-up and rescue plans all set up…it'll be fine." When Wildman took a deep breath, then nodded, Nicole smiled, then started to crawl her fingers as if her hand was a spider toward her upper torso, and said as she changed the subject purposefully, knowing there was nothing they could do at this time, and worrying wouldn't help, "So, sweet, sexy thang of mine," which caused Sam to smirk at her, "how much longer do I have to play with you before you have to go?"

"Definitely not as long as I'd like," Wildman returned, grinning, "but a few more minutes can't hurt." As Fowler reached her breast that corresponded with her raised arm, and lightly started circling the wide area where her areola would be with the tip of her index finger, Wildman whispered, "You're being bad again."

"No," Fowler whispered back. "Bad would be if I pulled up your shirt and did this with my tongue."

"Ooooh, I hate you," Wildman sneered, then grinned, took Fowler's hand and urged her to squeeze her whole breast, next hummed, "Mmm, that's better," as she put her hand back behind her head.

"And you say I'm bad," Fowler chuckled, but complied happily. After a few minutes as they just remained quiet and looked at each other, Nicole glanced down to the blonde's breast as she pulled her hand away, smiled at the protruding tip, shook her head and whispered, "Mmm, honey, you make it so hard for me to be good."

"Welcome to my world, Nick Fowler," Wildman whispered back, smiling softly and humble. "Now you know how I feel every time you walk into the room."

Squeezing Wildman's breast with more purpose and leaning down, Fowler whispered into her ear, singing, "And when you wiggle through my door," which caused Samantha's to start giggling and elbow her slightly, "my chin gets heavy, hits the floor. Her silky hair, those scarlet lips, with swingin' double-jointed hips…"

Smiling, Nick moved over to Sam's mouth, and said, "I love you," before she kissed her properly. When Wildman grabbed the side of her pants and urged her to migrate on top of her, Fowler chuckled against her mouth, although did so, and then chortled again when the blonde lifted her thigh slightly and pressed it to the juncture of her legs. As she felt Sam grin against her mouth, Fowler mumbled, "Mmmiss Sam, if there's a bad one in this here family, it's you…"

Happily, Samantha whispered, "I just cain't help myself, honey…you drive me to it." She then added, sexy, as they started undulating slowly, "I'm wet already."

"Darlin', are tryin' to kill me?" Fowler whispered after groaning, "You know I cain't take knowin' such nice things…Now, I done told you I'm weak."

"If I wanted to kill you, Fowler," Wildman flirted, kissing her lover's chin, "I'd use my hands…or," she whispered, migrating back to her lips, "maybe just sit right here," she flicked the brunette's mouth with her tongue before she kissed her, "right now." As Nicole rattled at that and took control of her kiss, pressing her body into the blonde's, Wildman arched up some and whimpered, then breathed, "God, you make me ache," as Nick migrated quickly to her ear and whispered, somewhat ragged into it, "I'm not going to, but I wanna fuck you properly right now, Samantha Louise."

Moving down Wildman's body quickly, Fowler reached up and squeezed the blonde's bosom as she spread her legs and pressed her face to the juncture, and after humming and moving her face around where she was incredibly warm as Sam cursed her name, happily and smiling since she knew the evening's venture to the holodeck would leave her silly and walking on air, Nicole finally kissed the material once, then removed herself completely from her girlfriend. Standing up and going over to the replicator to get a glass off water, Fowler shook her head and said, rowdy, "Woman, you are like fire, and I need to cool on down…I mean damn…hot damn, Mama…woowee!"

Wildman sat up, took a deep breath as her body tingled, then said as she pushed herself to her knees, teasing, "You're terrible sometimes," and grabbed her tunic. Smiling, she asked, "Did your mother keep you in the barn or something?"

After gulping her water to half and then bringing over the rest for Samantha, Nicole came back, "Now see here, my mama was a fine, upstandin' lady, and we didn't even have a barn. I think you're mistakin' me with the boss lady. Now," she smiled, reaching down and snatching up her tunic, "don't you go blamin' my weakness on my mama. I told you I'm just a sinner and you are the fire that tempts me."

Chuckling as she sipped the water while Fowler kneeled down and started picking up their dishes, Samantha asked after she pulled the cup away from her mouth, realizing she didn't know, "What was her name…I don't think you ever told me?"

"Jolene," Nicole smiled, and then informed, "which happens to be my favorite female name…except for Samantha, of course. Her family name was Bishop, but she changed it when she married Daddy."

"That's a nice name…Jolene…what about your dad?"

"Clinton," Fowler answered, "but everyone called him Clint." Standing up and moving the basket off the blanket, Fowler asked as she reached down and snatched it up to fold it, "Wanna see their picture?" Smirking, she said, "It's mighty cute…it was taken at their twentieth wedding anniversary."

As Samantha nodded, Fowler tossed down the blanket on top of the basket, then went over to the sensor board on the wall. Accessing her personal database, she pulled up the picture and said, "That's them." While Samantha blinked, then smiled at the very dark-skinned couple that looked to be in their mid to late forties, always forgetting that Fowler was adopted since it wasn't an every day occurrence, the second officer came up behind her, wrapped her arms around her neck lightly and said, "See, aren't they cute?"

"Mmmhmm," Wildman chuckled, nodding.

"That was taken just a few years before they passed…so that's how I always remember them." Then reaching over her shoulder and pulling up another picture of a young girl with similar skin coloring, pig-tails and bright ribbons in them, Nicole said, "That's Jessie…she's three there. The one in my room was taken when she was thirteen…right before we came out here." Snickering, she informed, "Since I don't look anything like any of them, and I was so much taller than them, I used to get the funniest looks from folks when they introduced me as their daughter." Fowler laughed softly then added, finishing, "Dad was the worst. He used to let people wonder for hours how that was possible…he was kind of a jokester."

"So that's where you get it?"

Nodding, Fowler answered after she kissed Samantha's cheek, "I am my father's daughter…Jess took after Mama."

As Nick reached over and cleared the display, then logged out, Wildman smiled as she said, "Thanks for showing me. I wish I could have met them…but you," turning around, "still get the distinct," she smirked, "pleasure of meeting mine…and they," she poked Fowler's stomach, "are gonna love you, you big charmer."

"Most folks do, darlin'…I'm just a nice hick."

Wildman bobbed her head, smiling and said, "Yes, I know…now come down here and kiss me right before I go off and get in trouble for daydreaming."

"Aye, Lieutenant." After kissing Samantha softly and then giving her a hug and thanking her again, Fowler question as the scientist left her side and started picking up the blanket, "Do you need some help takin' that stuff back?"

Chuckling, Samantha picked everything up and said, "Honey, you ate everything…it's not heavy anymore, but thanks." She smirked over her shoulder as she started away, "I do believe I will look forward to later...Missy."

After Wildman left, winking at her, Fowler smirked, shook her head and said to herself, "Mercy, Fowler...she's gonna burn you to a crisp one of these damn!"


"Oh!" Lieutenant Wildman twitched in surprise, then laughed, smiling and holding her left hand to her chest as Seven of Nine raised her eyebrows after tapping her on the shoulder. "Goodness sakes, Seven, you almost scared me to death."

Furrowing her brow, Seven of Nine placed her hands behind her back as Lieutenant Wang, and Ensigns Edwards and Hoffman laughed mildly and continued on with their work in the starship's general Science Lab on Deck Ten, and informed, "I am 'sorry,' but you did not respond when I attempted to gain your attention vocally."

Sighing and shaking her head, calming down, Wildman said, "Oh, that's alright…I'm just a little distracted right now. Everyone deserves a good scare, I guess." Turning her attention back to the Borg, she raised her eyebrows and questioned, "What's going on?"

"I require your assistance," Seven of Nine whispered, raspy to show it was urgent, the Borg finding it difficult to whisper any other way, "with a personal matter." Looking over her shoulder quickly, she asked, "Are you able to go for a walk?"

Concerned, Wildman nodded and said, "I'm not getting much accomplished anyway," as she logged off her board, then reactivated the stasis field over the culture she was examining. Taking just a moment to straighten the various instruments she had out on the counter next to her, Samantha wiped her hands on her uniform pants out of habit and said, "I'd like to peek in on Naomi's lunch for a moment too." As they started for the door, the ranking officer said, "Sammy, I'm going for a walk," then pointing to him and smirking, she finished, "And don't you dare reconfigure my tricorder again…it took me almost two hours to figure out what was wrong with it."

"Sam," Wang came back, "don't blame me if your equipment malfunctions…"

"I'm watching you, Mister Clown and," pointing to Edwards, "you too, Mister Joker…don't make me put you all on report." When Hoffman laughed and said to the other men that she, sweet Sam, whom everyone liked, would never do that, Samantha grinned over her shoulder as Seven looked on, intrigued, "Oh, sweetie, I would…right, Seven?"

"Indeed," Seven smirked before the doors to the Science Lab closed. As Wildman chuckled and said, "Oh, I just know they're going to do something," the tallest blonde questioned, "I am curious, merely because I am not in a similar position…do you feel isolated during the majority of your shifts considering you are the lone female that typically works in the Science Lab?"

"Hmm," Wildman thought about it for a moment, then said, "No, not really. I mean," she smiled over at the Borg, "it's always nice when Trisha comes down…so we can gang up on the guys and get them back for all the jokes they pull, but," she shrugged, "I don't know, they're kind of like the brothers I never had. So, I don't mind." Shaking her head more as they walked, she explained further, "I've always liked men…all my best friends used to be men. It's really only recently that I've had so many close girlfriends. I don't know…sometimes I don't trust women as much as I do men because," she smirked over at the Borg, "I am a woman, and I know how vindictive we can be. I guess," she finished, "I used to be scared of most other women…they always intimidated me. Men never did, but all that's changed now that I've grown up some and had a baby. I like my girlfriends just as much as my boyfriends...sometimes even more."

When Seven of Nine nodded and thanked her for the information, Wildman didn't bother asking why the Borg was asking since she was used to her endless curiosity, and questioned, "So, what's going on?"

After looking around, Seven asked quietly as they continued down the hall at a slow pace, "Are you familiar with Ensign Roxanne Baker?" not bothering to tell Wildman the conversation was private since she knew Sam wouldn't share the data she obtained.

"Well, I know her," Sam answered, "but I don't know her well…she's kind of quiet. Although," she reminded, "I bet Nick knows her better than I do…and, she used to sit with Suzanne Roland a lot before she left. She usually just reads as far as I know…what's going on?"

Seven glanced about a bit again then whispered, "I believe she is in love with Kathryn…in fact," she added as Samantha stopped walking and said, "What?" in a loud whisper, "I am certain."

Looking about the immediate area, Wildman rushed Seven into a small Engineering storage room, and then asked, still in hushed tones, "How do you know?"

"When she departed for the Alaxiat," Seven of Nine began, "Kathryn had made an effort to inquire as to her well being because," she explained, placing her hands behind her back, "as you may be aware, she is fond and protective of the youngest members of her crew…especially those who boarded Voyager directly from Starfleet Academy." As Wildman nodded, not having known that but figuring it was accurate and made sense from what she knew of the redhead, Seven continued, "Prior to our 'break-up,' Ensign Baker did not attempt to return to Voyager for any reason. Since the incident in Engineering, she has returned on every 'off' day she has obtained. After I witnessed her conversing with Kathryn on two separate occasions, made observations about her demeanor and expressions that appeared to suggest her attraction, and 'over heard' her compliment Kathryn on her appearance once during that time, I analyzed the sensor logs and found that each time she boards Voyager, she requests that the computer give her the whereabouts of Kathryn and typically immediately proceeds to that destination."

Before she said anything as to if she thought the Borg was correct, Wildman asked, "What did they talk about?" certain Seven had heard and could recall every word.

"They discussed various 'books' from Kathryn's private collection that she had lent to Ensign Baker…and," Seven added, knowing that wouldn't be convincing, "during those conversations, it was apparent to me that Ensign Baker was attempting to 'come across' as more 'sophisticated' than she typically is. I too have witnessed her consume her nutritional supplements with Ensign Roland, and her demeanor and language was decidedly different when she spoke with Kathryn. I have also witnessed her behavior on the Bridge when Kathryn has attempted to 'chat her up,' and Ensign Baker typically refrained from saying anything more than "Yes, Ma'am," and responses of that 'nature.'" After a beat, she went on, "When she spoke with Kathryn about the books, she was more animated and forthright, and she continually laughs to excess…as well as compliments Kathryn on her insight and remarkable data retention capabilities. She was clearly anxious in her presence, and I could detect that her respiration and heart-rate increased each time Kathryn touched her arm," Seven demonstrated, "as she typically does with all members of her collective."

Chuckling slightly, the lieutenant cleared her throat, and said as she looked over and only slightly up to the Borg, "Sweetie, no offense, but," she smiled, "that doesn't sound like she's in love with her, that just sounds like she looks up to her and is naturally nervous around her." Snickering, Sam shook her head and said, "I know it's hard for you to imagine because you know her so well, but trust me when I say that she's awfully intimidating. I still get nervous around her sometimes." As Seven nodded and remarked, a little clipped that she was aware of that, but she was still certain of Baker's attraction, Sam went on, "Well, I guess it's possible she has a crush on her…?"

Furrowing her brow, Seven asked, direct, since she'd heard Fowler use the term once before, but didn't have the opportunity to request a definition, "Define 'crush,'" then sighed when she heard her own tone and added, "please."

Before she did so, Sam reached out, patted Seven's shoulder and said, "It's okay…everyone gets cranky." When Seven sighed and nodded, Samantha explained, "A crush is like falling in love with someone, but it's usually not at all reciprocated, which is why it's called a crush because your heart gets crushed. Although," she smiled, "it usually goes away fast. It's kind of like illogical love…if you want to think about it that way. There's really no hope, but you can't help it because you're infatuated with that person, but it's not really love because you don't usually know them well enough. People get crushes on people that have qualities they wish they had, or older people because they feel safe and secure with them. They look up to them, so they think they love them. Sometimes," she chuckled, "people get crushes on other people because they just like their personality, or just like their physical appearance. Honestly," Samantha finished, smiling, "I've had lots of crushes…and the captain is just the type of person people fall for. She's confident, brilliant, beautiful…she's really good with people and funny…and nice. The fact that she's affectionate and touches probably doesn't help…in fact," she giggled, "now that I think about it, I'm surprised most of the ship isn't driving her crazy. She's just that kind of person, Seven. She's someone who's neat to be around as long as she's not angry or disappointed in you. She's also kind of mysterious unless you're lucky enough to get on the inside, like us, so that always makes a lot of people curious as to what she's really like. She's just the captain, and usually everyone covets something about the captain…so lots of people get crushes on them."

"Who have you had a 'crush' on?"

"Oh gosh," Samantha laughed, "well, one of my professors at the Academy, Doctor Kulpatrick. He got me into xenobiology, so I liked him because we had a common passion, ..and he was also older, mature and really," she smirked, "really handsome. I was trying not to be in love with Greskrendtregk at that time because he just wanted to be friends, so I was just naturally trying to find someone else to be interested in to help me cope." As Seven nodded in understanding, Sam included, "Um, oh...well, there was the next door neighbor's oldest son, Andy, when I was growing up. He was tall and strapping," she snickered, "basically a total hunk, like Nick…and, ewwwww, I used to hate," she sneered, "his girlfriend so much. Bette the Bitch, that's what I called her in my mind, even though she didn't really deserve that, but I was just jealous." As Seven of Nine smirked at that, Sam finished in question, "Do you understand the difference? It's not like Nick, and not just because she loves me, but because I really do know her much better than I knew those other people, and if she didn't love me back, it would be terribly difficult for me to forget her and move on."

After nodding, Seven contemplated her words for a moment, then said, "Perhaps you are correct. This 'crush' seems a more apt term to describe Ensign Baker's condition. Thank you for explaining it."

"Sure," Wildman bobbed her head. "Feel better now?"

"Moderately," Seven returned, then asked on the next beat, "If you became aware that Ensign Baker had a 'crush' on Nick Fowler, what would you do?"

"Nothing, except make sure Nick knew that," Samantha answered truthfully, "and that's just because Nick's such a flirt, but honestly doesn't ever really think most people are interested. I don't know...I think it's because she's nothing like what she likes, but I don't really understand that, but it's true. Anyway, she just likes to make people smile and feel good about themselves…but," she reminded, "the captain's not really like that, not in the same way, and I can pretty much guarantee that if Baker does have a crush on her, she knows it."

Shaking her head, the ex-drone said, "That is inaccurate. Kathryn has yet to modify her behavior in her presence…"

Wildman butt into the conversation, shaking her head and said, "No, no, I don't think she would change. It's usually best not to change…unless you're a flirt like Nick. I doubt the captain flirts with her. so it's not a good idea to change. It's best just to let them get over it, which they do once they come to their senses and realize it's hopeless."


Sighing in thought, Wildman crossed her arms over her chest and said, "Well, if I were the captain and I found out someone had a crush on me, or I suspected, it would kind of be a delicate situation out here. At home, if they didn't get over it and it became difficult to maintain a professional relationship, then I could just talk to them and tell them to back off, and then transfer them if it got bad, but she can't do that out here, and, like you said, she's protective of the younger officers and tries to teach them. She can't just shoot her down and tell her to wake up and smell the coffee. She has to just ride it out as long as Baker doesn't cross a line and try to really come onto her…beyond just asking her to have lunch or dinner. That's touchy, but all she has to do is decline and people usually get the hint. I'm sure the captain doesn't want to hurt her…she's too sweet to be that unfeeling, especially to someone as quiet as Baker. So," she shrugged, "if I were her, I'd just pretend I had no idea, be careful in her company, but not overt and just let it pass." After a moment as Seven listened closely, Wildman added, "I'm sure that's what she's doing. She's probably just concerned for her because she's such a book worm and doesn't interact with a lot of people…so she's looking out for her and trying to get her to open up a little by talking with her about something she likes. That they both like."

"Then if you were me," Seven responded, "you would not attempt to inform Ensign Baker that her desire was futile?"

"Oh no," Wildman said quickly, shaking her head, "don't do that. One, she might think you still love her and catch on that you all are just pretending to be broken up, and two, and even worse," Sam informed, "she could get jealous or proprietary since she thinks she's single and then things could just get worse because of it. I'd just let the captain handle it. I'm sure this isn't the first time someone's had a crush on her," leaning back against the sturdy shelf on the closest wall as she shook her head, she finished, "She's been a captain for too...Ouch!"

As Wildman shot forward, rubbing her lower back and swearing at whatever it was that injured her, Seven flinched, then turned Samantha around, inquiring, concerned, "Are you damaged?"

"I'm okay…but dammit," Samantha allowed, "that really hurt," as she rubbed her back. Looking over to the wall, she pointed at the protruding piece of black, hard plastic tubing that had jabbed into the small of her back, and announced, "It's fine. That just scratched my spine." Glancing over her shoulder as Seven pulled her tunic away from her pants where they were adhered with thin magnets sewn into the seams, then tugged her shirt from her waist band, the scientist asked, "I'm not bleeding, am I?"

Pulling Wildman's pants down just a tad, Seven reported, "No, but your skin shows signs of the abrasion," then carefully placed her human hand on the area and asked since she was aware that her friend's fair skin bruised easily, "Does this 'hurt?" just as the door to the store room hissed open.


Lieutenant Joe Carey raised his eyebrows at the scene before him, not missing that Seven of Nine had her hand halfway down the back of Wildman's pants, which he was surprised to see, but only because he had expected the room to be empty. Considering Janeway had apparently elluded to the Borg and the Klingon being unfaithful, he'd always figured Wildman was involved, albeit he'd figured Kathryn was the one reaping the sexual benefits.

As Wildman snapped her head over to him, then sighed and quickly looked to blush and get nervous, while Seven of Nine looked over her shoulder, but didn't retract her hand immediately since she wasn't doing anything wrong, Carey cleared his throat and said, "If you two wouldn't mind. I know it's hard to resist, but some of us actually work around here," as he side-stepped them and reached for a container of plasma cleaner since he'd noticed that while he was gone, the chief hadn't done such a good job keeping things together, in his opinion.

Raising her eyebrows, Seven said quickly, and curt, moving away from the scientist as Sam quietly reported she was fine, "Lieutenant Wildman injured herself and I was merely making sure she was undamaged."

"Sure…and oh, that's right," Carey came back as Samantha whispered to Seven to just ignore him as she tucked in her shirt, only in minor discomfort from her scratch that didn't break the skin. "It's Lieutenant Wildman now…well, congratulations Lieutenant…seems like your sleepover with the captain did the trick too, huh?"

As Seven of Nine tensed and balled her fists, Wildman stepped in front of her and spat, "Grow up, Carey, and while you're at it," as she reached back for the Borg and pulled her away before Seven silenced the man and landed herself in the Brig, "close your mouth and go back the way you came."

"No, I will not go back the way I came, Captain…I mean, Lieutenant," Carey rallied, turning and speaking immediately. "I don't know who the hell you think you are now," which caused Seven of Nine to stop Wildman's progress turn and start for him, and the other blonde to scurry after her, "but I don't take orders from you, and I'm not the one who was trying to screw my way to the top in the closet."

"You will apologize to the lieutenat, and then be silent immediately and follow her directives, or I will report you to the commander," Seven of Nine warned, coming up to him. "Comply."

"Which commander is that?" ask Carey, standing his ground as Wildman tugged on Seven's arm and told her to just ignore him and that she would file the report herself. "There's so many around here these days I forget who calls the shots. I thought for the longest time it was you…but," he smiled, "I guess things didn't work out, huh? Too bad I missed it, but sounds to me like you deserved the old heave ho...the Borg always were greedy."

Stepping in front of Seven with her back to Carey, Wildman said, "Seven, don't do it. He's not worth it. He's irrelevant…just ignore him."

"Listen to the captain, Seven," Carey said with spite. "Resistance is futile."

Turning around at that, Wildman schooled, unable to dismiss him since their rank was even and she wasn't an official senior officer, "You leave her alone! She's never done anything to you!"

"Maybe I don't feel like leaving your Borg-toy alone," Joe said back quickly. "What are you gonna do, Mommy…spank me?"

"Unacceptable!" Seven barked, placing her hands on Wildman's arms, picking her up purposefully to warn Carey that he was in jeopardy of great bodily harm, and setting her aside, as Samantha slapped at her communicator and called for Security.

As Seven stepped up to Carey, looked him up and down and called him unremarkable and small, then slowly began to circle him, taunting him by hitting him with her shoulder as they spun, and hoping he would make a move for her so she could retaliate, since she was perfectly aware Kathryn found striking fellow officers unacceptable, even though she'd smacked Chakotay once, Samantha turned her head as she saw Torres jog around the corner, Naomi right behind her, although B'Elanna had told her to stay back.

Yelling and making herself perfectly clear the very first time, never having spoken in such a tone to her daughter, pointing in the other direction, Wildman said, "Naomi Marie…go home! Right this instant!" As Torres stopped for a moment at the tone as well, looked back at the child, who froze, then nodded and scurried off the other way, Wildman quickly turned to Seven and said, "Seven, please. I don't want to see you fight," then turned to B'Elanna, who was on the move again and stalking towards Carey, who was standing toe to toe with the Borg, and yelled, stepping in front of her, "Don't you do this either! Just stay back. Security's coming."

When Torres looked like she was going to step around her, Samantha said, "Please, B'Elanna…he's not worth it…just think."

As the Klingon nodded, then snarled at the man, "Carey, back the fuck off! I mean it!" the second engineer said, looking over to her, "Hey, Chief, did you know that while you were brat-sitting, Seven had her hand down the captain's…I mean the lieutenant's pants? Or is that the setup now? You know," he backed away from Seven, who was doing her very best to reign herself in, but not having a terrible time since she could detect the sound of Security's footsteps and was certain Carey was about to be put on report and seriously dressed down by the good captain, the Borg planning to recite word for word what Joe had said, "maybe it's just me," coming up to Wildman, who was glaring at him, "but I'm having a hard time keeping up. Who's it that your screwing now, Captain…is it still Janeway and the she-male…or is it all of them?"

Turning around immediately, putting her back to Carey while Torres growled, "P'TaQ!" as he crossed the line by insulting Fowler when she wasn't present, while Security came around the far corner, Wildman held up her hand to the chief as she, Sam, fumed, having enough and said, "Thank you, but I'll handle this," then balled her fist, turned around quickly and punched Carey, hitting him right across the jaw, and sending him backwards to the ground since he, nor anyone, had excepted that…at all.

Sam sighed, clearly frustrated, and shook out her hand that began throbbing immediately as Tuvok and another Security officer ran towards them, but slowed, holstering their weapons since it was clear there was not terrible danger. While Seven of Nine smirked at the blonde, then looked down to Carey, who was slowly rolling onto his stomach to push himself up, stepped over him, saying to him, "You should have complied," and started toward the commander to inform him of the situation, Wildman whispered, "Thanks," to Torres, who said into her ear, "Not bad, champ."

As the other Security officer came over to Wildman and stood by her side, between the mother and the fallen engineer, who was pushing himself to his feet, Torres sneered at him, "Fall down go boom again, princess?"

"Fuck you, Torres…I was trying to do you a favor," Carey came back as he stood up, half of his face beat read and swelling already.

As the guard warned them to back away from each other and Tuvok eyed them closely, Torres laughed, sardonically and said as she held up her hands and did as ordered, "Oh, right, just like you forgot to knock." Then pointing her finger at him, she said, "Just keep your chicken-shit nose outta my business, P'TaQ, or I'll do more than break it again!"

"That will suffice, Lieutenant," Tuvok warned, coming up to her. "Report to the Security Office with Seven of Nine." Then turning to the others as they nodded and then took off in the other direction, both of them looking back at Samantha, worried for her since striking a fellow officer was a serious offense, but planning to do everything in their power to make sure she didn't get into trouble, the swarthy Vulcan said to the Security officer, "Escort Lieutenant Carey to Sickbay. I will contact you shortly."

"What about her!?!" Carey asked, shouting and rubbing his jaw, his speech slightly muttled since he couldn't work his mouth correctly. "She's the one who hit me! I didn't touch her!"

"You have been given an order, Lieutenant," Tuvok said sternly. "I suggest you follow it promptly." Once the Security officer nudged Carey toward the other direction and he went along begrudgingly, the Vulcan held out his hand in the other direction, certain Wildman knew where she was headed and merely said, "I will accompany you."

As they began to walk, Tuvok cocked his eyebrow as he noticed that Wildman wasn't hanging her head, but holding it high, which surprised him considering what he knew of the scientist. Once they were in the lift and heading to Deck Four, Tuvok asked, noticing her hand was bruising already, "Do you require immediate medical attention?"

"No, Sir," Wildman said surely. "I can wait until he's gone from Sickbay." Then turning and looking at him, she requested, "Will you please ask Neelix to look after Naomi and let her know that I'm alright?" When Tuvok nodded and said, "Of course," Samantha nodded back, turned toward the doors as they opened and said, "Thank you, Commander," and then finished her very first trip to the Brig in silence, but continued to hold her head eye-level, although knew that she'd never be able to keep that up once she received her first visitor.


Walking into the Brig smoothly, carrying a small medical case under her left arm, Captain Janeway glanced into the holding cell, where Samantha Wildman looked up at her from where she sat, then looked back down, before she said to the guard on duty, nodding, and speaking quietly, "Wait outside please."

"Aye, Captain."

Sighing softly and then turning for the cell, Janeway asked, although they both knew it wasn't a question, as she reached up and deactivated the forcefield, which she really hated to have to put up, but it was protocol, "Mind if I come in?"

"No, Captain."

Janeway stepped into the cell, took a seat next to Wildman, and said, quietly, but serious as she set the medical kit on the bench next to her, "You know what I'm going to say…"

"Yes, Ma'am."

Taking a deep breath as she crossed her legs and folded her hands in her lap as she leaned back against the wall, including her head, Janeway looked over to Wildman as the blonde sat slightly hunched and looked down at her bruised and swollen hand, and just remained quiet for a moment. Then snatching up the case, Kathryn popped it open, and pulled out the medical tricorder. As Samantha willingly handed over her hand, which was hurting her fairly acutely now, Janeway scanned the area as she said, "You know you could be court-martialed over this when we get back…?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"And that I could demote you now…?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

Closing up the tricorder and pulling out the hypospray, selecting the correct amount of pain killers and an anti-inflammatory, Kathryn pressed the device to Wildman's neck as she tilted it and moved her hair, while saying, "This will go on your permanent file."

As Samantha answered in the same manner, Janeway then took out the bone knitter and informed as she ran the device over her hand where the blonde had broken the knuckle on her middle finger, as well as fractured her ring finger near the top, "It's an incredibly brave, although dangerous thing to get in the way of a Klingon to save a life, Lieutenant, and although I respect the position you were in," she paused for a moment to stop her work and put her tools away while the scientist just blinked in confusion, "it's not your place to determine when a Klingon should and shouldn't defend her honor." Closing up the medical kit, the captain continued as Wildman finally got the courage to look over at her, "I think Mister Carey owes you a debt of gratitude for saving him, even if your methods were rather unorthodox...although I doubt you'll get it from him since you managed to give him a hairline fracture on his jaw when you broke two of your own fingers…and I'm sure," she looked over at Samantha, who was staring at her, bewildered, "that in time, Miss Torres will forgive you from intervening on her behalf and saving her from a murder trial. However," she smirked slightly at the blonde, "I don't suggest you do it again, or she might take serious offense, and rightfully so."

Nodding and standing up, Kathryn snatched up the case and said as she turned toward the scientist, "You're free to go as long as you to go home tonight and think about what's happened today, and you can return to duty first thing tomorrow." Taking a step towards Samantha as she said, "Yes, Ma'am," still in shock, the captain finished, completely serious and solid, "And I don't ever want to see you in my Brig again, Miss Wildman. Am I understood?"

Wildman bobbed her head, swallowing at the look on Janeway's face and answered, "Yes, Ma'am."

"Good," Kathryn nodded, "Dismissed." Then turning quickly and starting away, Janeway added over her shoulder, "I'll send Commander Fowler to your quarters later to look in on you, and say hello to my assistant for me please." Stopping just before she reached the door as Wildman stood, Kathryn started, "And Samantha," when the blonde looked up and said, tentative, "Yes, Captain?" Janeway smirked at her and said, "Thank you for taking care of that for me." As Wildman blinked at her, dumbfounded, Kathryn 'clarified' what she was talking about, although they both knew better, "The Roxanne Baker situation…that's what I meant. Seven told me…thank you."


Rather looking forward to what she was about to do, which wasn't typical—although she was now well beyond disappointed—since she also planned to personally run Lieutenant Joe Carey "right the hell" out of Starfleet once they were home, and she wasn't going to let him slip by just because he could cause a stink and shed more light onto her 'former' relationship with Seven and Torres, as well as her closeness with the Wildmans than she would want, Captain Janeway stepped into the Security Office on Deck Two, flanked by Lieutenant-Command Fowler, as well as First Regal Devin, who asked to be present considering his behavior had interrupted the female commanders' chess game, and the first had been winning. As Tuvok, who was sitting at his desk, no doubt going over the evidence against Carey, who was sitting on the couch, no doubt uncertain as to why he was being asked to stay in the Security Office, Kathryn began flippantly as both of the men stood, "Mister Carey…good to have you back. Front and center."

When Carey came over to her and stood in front of her, then glanced around nervously and placed his hands behind his back as Tuvok migrated toward his rear and Fowler kept her eyes on him carefully, Janeway stepped up to him and started, reaching for his collar, "Joseph Carey, I do hereby reduce you to the rank of ensign." As she pulled off the pip and Carey gasped, "What!" Janeway snapped, "You've said quite enough aboard my ship, Mister Carey. Be silent!" When Joe opened his mouth to speak anyway, Kathryn raised her chin and her eyebrows as she got right in his face, close enough to kiss him and whispered, malevolent, "One more word, Ensign, and I'll take your last pip as well as your job away from you." Since the Slipstream Drive wasn't public knowledge yet, she knew that threat was still valid since he would still think they had no idea how to get home, other than set a course and cross the galaxy one long light year after the other.

Turning around and handing the pip to Fowler, Kathryn requested, coarse, "Recycle that please," then turned as Fowler nodded, refraining from saying, "Gladly," and began to explain to Carey exactly what was happening, and precisely what they knew about him, while she paced around him slowly, "Seems you've been busy recently, Ensign. Besides harassing Seven of Nine and Lieutenant Wildman, entering Engineering during the middle of the night after you've been drinking and disrupting the functioning of this ship, as well as making Crewman Alter and Ensign Dawson uncomfortable by your lack of professionalism, lest not we forget about you rudely barging into the chief's office without requesting permission, you've been willfully and purposefully breaking numerous protocols in your effort to spy," she turned and face him directly, once again close, "on me…since," she paused and glared at him, "I am the only one who you've officially filed a complaint about. Now," she continued, "maybe it wasn't me who you were after, and merely my former relationship with Seven of Nine drew your focus to our private quarters, but that doesn't really matter now. I found your little eavesdropping device, Ensign, and I've got to hand it to you," she backed away and started pacing again, "it was clever to hide it in the chief's office before I sent you away, and even more clever to put it in Commander Chakotay's quarters while he was away…although," she turned back to him, "unfortunately for you, you never really did hear much of anything, did you?" Holding up her hand, she said, "Don't bother, I know the answer. I've already examined all of your so-called evidence…pity someone didn't tell you that my quarters were personally sound-proofed by the chief herself…and you know B'Elanna," she said on purpose, not at all concerned she was being too spiteful, "she's a hell of an engineer."

"For the record," the captain continued after a moment to let him ponder and worry as to what was coming, "you, Ensign, are not only on report for the aforementioned reasons, but you will be confined to your new and permanent quarters in Cargo Bay One for a period of no less than ten days, at which point Commander Chakotay will evaluate your status and inform you of your new duty assignment, which will remain aboard Voyager since the first regal has refused to allow you to return. Just for your information, Ensign, in case you missed this while you were over there," Janeway stepped up to him again and crisp and cool, "she and her flock find your behavior and attitudes towards the females of this ship deeply and profoundly insulting." Turning away from him again, Janeway went on, "I'll refrain from telling you what I think of your behavior…other than to say I'm disappointed and," she pivoted to face him again, "disgusted that not only a Starfleet officer, but a member of my crew could ever conduct themselves in such a manner. Now," she went on immediately, pacing once again, "during your confinement, Mister Neelix has graciously offered to bring you your meals and escort you to the nearest public restroom. So, all you'll have to do is hail him directly and ask permission. You are forbidden from speaking with anyone else but him during this time. You're forbidden from ever again speaking with Miss Naomi Wildman unless you have her mother's direct and express permission until she is of age where she can make that choice herself. I've revoked your personal replicator and holodeck privileges for a period of no less than ninety days, during which time, after your confinement, you will consume every meal in the Officer's Mess. You will sit at a designated table alone, or can request the company of another…however, they must hold a rank or position higher than you as well as be female. Since we don't have a counselor onboard to monitor your progress or make a recommendation as to whether or not some of your returned liberties should include the consumption of synthehol, Commander Fowler, who is a licensed counselor for a less generalized field and has years of experience helping people deal with their aggression and various dependencies, has graciously offered to oversee that aspect of your recovery…and I'll leave the rest of that in her capable hands."

Stopping in front of Carey, Kathryn looked over to Tuvok and asked, "Have I forgotten anything, Commander?"

Tuvok raised his eyebrow, and replied, "Not as of yet, Captain."

Nodding, Janeway cleared her throat mildly and said, "If you hear anything I've said today, Ensign, then hear this: any further actions on your part that I, or the commanders aboard this ship, feel are willful acts of insubordination against Starfleet protocol, the specifics of your punishment, or any further orders you receive, and you will no longer be an officer aboard my vessel. Period. Do you understand what I've just said?"

"Yes, Captain," Carey came back fairly icy himself.

Resuming her pacing, Kathryn went on, "Just so you know, since I'm sure you're curious and concerned considering she saved your life, Lieutenant Wildman is fine and has already made a full recovery. However, I've ordered her never to again intervene on your behalf if and when Chief Torres feels you have insulted her honor and wishes to punish you for doing so. I can and will not protect you or any member of this crew who understands the graveness and severity of such an action, and can only investigate the situation afterward to make certain she had just reason to act. We, although," she looked at him, narrowing her eyes, "there seem to be some exceptions, are an evolved and open society and her cultural beliefs are not secondary to our own merely because she is in the minority. You've graduated from the Academy, thus you know all you need to know about her culture. If you've forgotten some of those rules, then I suggest you take this opportunity you've been granted to study them so there will be further attempts on your life."

Bewildered and furious, Carey asked, "Permission to speak, Captain?"

"Denied," Janeway came right back, quick and curt. Then looking around quickly as Carey sighed and shook his head, contemplating doing so anyway to inform her they'd all lied to her and that Wildman hadn't saved him from death, which was true, although only in part because the chief certainly had been prepared to break a few more bones in his face, as well as other regions, Kathryn said, "I think that about covers it for now. Commander Fowler will escort you to your new quarters. Once she leaves you, your rules of confinement will begin immediately. Mister Tuvok," Janeway pointed to the surprised Vulcan as she started to turn and head for the door, since he'd expect to be the one to escort Carey, "I'll need you on the Bridge now. You can finish your report later."

"Yes, Captain," Tuvok came back, certain that meant that Fowler had requested to speak with Carey alone, although he believed he knew Nicole well enough to know she wouldn't physically harm him, however, he was fairly certain she was going to threaten him considering he knew that she was not a violent person typically, but could and would become so when a female she loved was threatened.

As she walked out of the Security Office, now flanked by Devin and Tuvok, Kathryn smirked over to the tall first, who was smiling down at the redhead, pleased she hadn't gone too easy on Carey—although, truth be known, if Carey were under her command, she'd have dumped him off on the first inhabited planet they came across with nothing but the clothes on his back, but Devin realized she was much more unforgiving than the younger human—and said, "You know, human's have an old saying that I think Mister Carey is discovering the meaning to…you'd probably like it…it's right up your alley."

"Detail this decree…"

Kathryn looked over to Tuvok and said, "Hell hath no fury like that of a woman's scorn…eh, Tuvok?"

Raising his eyebrows and looking forward as Devin clicked and clapped her approval, Tuvok allowed, "Indeed."


As soon as the door to the Security Office closed and she was left alone with Ensign Carey, Command Fowler unwound her hands from behind her back and said to Joe, who looked decidedly uncertain as to what was about to occur as he looked over and up to her since he was about the same height as Wildman, "At ease, Ensign…and," she smiled, "you can speak freely with me."

Turning away from him and going over to the replicator, she asked, "Wanna beer…it's on me?"

Turning around, Carey demanded, "Just what the hell do you think you're doing?"

"You're under my supervision until I take you to the Cargo Bay…and this is just between us," Fowler informed as she kept her back to him, programmed the replicator to make a beer, then accessed another panel to the side and locked the door. "So, do you wanna drink or not?" Looking over her shoulder, she said, "It's your last one for a long while…I know how hard it is sometimes..."

"No," Carey came back quickly, "and I'm not a syntheholic."

"I never said you were," Fowler turned around with a beer in her hand then took a very hefty series of gulps, knowing she shouldn't be doing so for her own reasons, but wanting to make a point, so she felt as though those overrode her rules against drinking. Setting it down on Tuvok's desk, she shook her head and said, "That's not what this is about…consider us off the clock, so to speak. We're in orbit, there ain't a whole lot of anything goin' on…no one will bother us."

Shifting uncomfortably at that as Fowler perched on the edge of the desk, picked up the beer and took another swig, Carey asked, "What's this about, Commander?"

"Fowler will do."

Sighing, Joe said, "Fine…what's this about…Fowler?"

After taking another sip, it being more than half gone now, she set the beer down and said, "I thought we could talk for a few minutes," Nicole started, then smiled, "man to man…of course."

Crossing his arms over his chest, Carey replied, "I don't have anything to say to you…and I don't have to talk to you."

"Okay…fair enough," Nicole stood up at that, grabbed her beer and took it back to the replicator, opening her throat and finishing it quickly. Recycling the glass, she turned around and said, "Then I'll talk and you can just listen."

"You don't scare me..."

Nicole came up close to Joe and said, low and quiet, her face even, "Who says I'm trying to scare you?" Folding her hands behind her back, she hovered close and said, "I'm just talking man to man..."

Huffing, Carey sneered, "You don't know the first thing about that…so save your breath and just take me to the Cargo Bay."

"Then enlighten me, Carey," Fowler kept her cool in her reply. "Why don't you talk like a man, and teach me what that's about?" Shaking her head and holding out her arms, she said, "I'm not the smartest person alive, but I'm quick enough. I'll pick up the idea and just follow your lead. How's that?" When he didn't respond, she smiled and said, "Come on…try me. Show me how to be a man."

"This is ridiculous!" Joe rallied. "Take me to the Cargo Bay!"

Fowler folded her hands behind her back again and said, "Talk like a man to me…and then I will."

"Take me to the Cargo Bay right now, or I'll go myself!" Carey warned.

"One," Fowler said evenly, holding up her first finger, "you're forgetting that if you do that, you're done in Starfleet…and two," she smiled, holding up her middle finger now, alone, "you're forgetting that I out rank you…by quite a bit now, and you'll leave when and only when I say you can...Ensign."

"Fuck you, Fowler!"

"Now that's more like it," Nicole came back, smiling, pulling her crass hand gesture away. "Okay, what else? Fuck you, Carey…I've got that down. How else can I be a man?"

"Go to hell!" Carey came back, turning around, and starting for the door. "I don't have to stand for this…I still have rights."

When Fowler just crossed her arms and watched him start to leave, but come to a halt when the door didn't automatically open, she said as he tapped them door sensor, then banged on the door and demanded that she open it, "Sorry, partner…in all my attempts to be a man, I seem to have forgotten my authorization code. I guess it's true what they say about the male brain being smaller…funny that."

Turning around, Carey said, "You wanna hit me…is that it? Will that make you feel more like a man if take a swing at me?" Joe came up to Nicole at that and said, "Okay, then lesson one…go ahead, hit me!"

"No thanks…but I'll keep it in mind," Fowler came back. "I think you've been hit enough for one day by my ladyfriend, and I already learned the man lesson about not picking on people smaller than I am."

"Well, pretend you forgot that too in your maleness. This is just between us, remember, partner?"

"Good point," Nicole nodded, then took a step back and unzipped her tunic. When Carey asked what she was doing, Fowler questioned, slipping it off, "Don't we have to take our shirts off before we fight? I thought that was part of the rules?"

"Oh right," Carey started, sarcastic, "and then afterwards we'll whip out our dicks and see who's bigger! You wanna do that too, Nick?"

"Damn," Fowler rallied, then reached over her back and pulled off her shirt, "I forgot that too. You wanna wait for a minute so I can run home and get it?"

"What the hell are you doing!" Carey said, dumbfounded as Nicole started taking off her shirt. Then blinking when she took it all the way off, and realizing that maybe Fowler wasn't joking since she didn't have any breasts at all, but certainly had a hell of a lot of muscles, Joe asked, holding up his hands, "Okay, just stop…what the fuck do you want? Just say what you've got to say and let's get this over with!"

"Carey," Fowler asked as she tossed her shirt down, "are you sure you ain't a woman, 'cuz you sure change your mind as quick as one?" Coming up to him and putting her hands on her hips, she nodded at him and questioned, "Is that the real problem here, and why you just won't follow the rules and take off your shirt? Is it because you really are a woman, or at least want to be one?"

"Fuuuuck you," Carey came back, slowly and low.

"I got that already," Fowler came back, still hovering close. "Is that why you're always mouthin' off, Joe…huh? Is what's really hiding under all of this manliness is that you can't handle women because you're jealous…because you really want to be one…or is it," she smiled, "simply the fact that no woman will have you? Come on, boy," Nicole got louder and meaner, "let's here it! Be a fuckin' man for once in your life and stand up for yourself!"

When Carey took a swing at her for that, Nicole purposefully didn't react and let him hit her in the jaw, turning her head just enough that he connected on her chin, which was sturdy enough and had taken enough similar swings to know she could handle it fine. As her head snapped to the side slightly and she saw Carey bringing his other arm towards her abdomen, she tightened it and allowed him to hit her there too, which did even less damage than his right cross to her head. Then grabbing him by his tunic before he could do anything else, and pushing him backwards just enough to send him to the thin carpet, but not enough to cause him to crack his head on the floor, Fowler rolled her head back to relax her neck, but kept herself from rubbing her chin. When Joe yelled at her and asked why she didn't hit him back, Fowler shrugged and said, "Guess I'm not much of a man yet…besides," she smirked, "Sam don't like to me fight, and I like to keep her happy."

Getting to his feet and huffing, Carey rallied, "Oh, but you are pussy-whipped like a man, huh?"

Smiling, Fowler said, "Ohyea, something like that. Although," she wiped her nose and added, "I know that must be tough for you to imagine since you cain't get any…at least nuthin' that fine."

"Suck my dick, bitch," Joe said, enunciating each word clearly.

"Thanks for the compliment, but I'll pass on the dick," returned Nicole, still smiling. "I'm trying to learn how to be a heterosexual man, so that means I don't like dick….but," she crossed her arms over her chest, "if you wanna suck my dick, it'll only take a minute. My place is just right down the way." Smiling, she finished, "I won't tell anyone."

"Are we finished?"

"Damn," Fowler shook her head, scratching the back of her neck, "is that all there is to being a man? Fuck you and suck my dick?" Laughing, she said, "Well, shoot dang, my daddy must have been a crazy old coot…'cuz I swear that there was more to it than that. But then again," she looked seriously at Carey as she approached him, "maybe I should consider the sorry ass excuse for a source I've got in you."

"Kiss my ass!"

"I don't like," Fowler came back as she grabbed Carey and pushed him back again, then snatched the chair in front of Tuvok's desk, set it over him and sat down, pinning him underneath at his throat, "kissin' sorry asses!"

As Joe screamed at her to get off of him, Fowler barked, "Pipe down and take it like a man, you baby!" Once Joe had stilled and just glared up at her, Nicole looked down at him as she straddle the chair backward and said, "I'm only going to tell you this one time, partner…so you better be listenin'. You readin' me okay down there, darlin'?"

When Joe didn't respond, Fowler snapped, "Answer, boy!"

"Yes, already! Fuck!"

Nodding, Fowler said, "Good…just checkin', because I'd hate for you to miss it and then wake up in Sickbay and not understand why you got there."

"Oh what, now you're threatening me…"

"Oh no, sweet thang," Fowler came back, drawling her speech purposefully, "I ain't threatenin' you. As I always tell my ladyfriends, I may be a flirt, but I am not a tease, and I'll make good on my words. I may be a Starfleet officer, but I will stop bein' one the very next moment after you forget your manners and speak to Samantha the way you spoke to her today." Shaking her head, she said, "This ain't about the captain, Seven, or Torres…they can handle themselves…but it becomes my business when you speak to or of Sam in any other manner than how she deserves. And this ain't about the fact that she out ranks you, Carey. This is about the fact that she's a fine, upstandin' lady…something that you could never be, even if you were a woman. If you've got a problem with me or her as people, then you come talk me. We'll go to the ring and I'll let you get at as nasty and manly as you want without layin' a hand on you, but if you ever disrespect her like you did today, I will hog-tie your sorry ass, then string you up and show you just how manly I can be by reliving my old middle-weight days on my newest punchin' bag...even if you are soft. You read me, partner?"

"Yea," Carey came back, quiet and nodding.

"And if you don't think that I will," Nicole warned, hard and certain, "then why don't you look up Captain Sampson Ford and read about the injuries he received on July 07, 2365…most of which occurred before I threw him out of the window of my apartment. That part's," she smirked, "not in the report that an ensign can access, though." Then standing up quickly and pulling the chair away, Nicole said as she walked over to her clothes, "I'm glad we had this talk. Thanks for the lesson. I think I'm gettin' the hang of it…"


"Okay!" Chief Engineer Torres forgot herself and yelled over her shoulder toward where Seven of Nine was standing on the other end of the fairly small engine room of the Invictus as she powered up the warp core, which was only a fifth of the size as Voyager's, "We're running! What's the ratio now?"

B'Elanna's unnecessarily loud voice irritating her further, although she wasn't really upset at the Klingon, merely didn't have another current outlet, Seven sighed and reported, clipped, "It is acceptable as before. There is no need to 'shout'…my hearing is not impaired."

Standing and wiping off her hands on her pants, the chief kept her cool and said as she came over to the Borg's side to watch the readings for herself, placed her hand on the blonde's back and said as she rubbed it softly, "Sorry, ace…I'm just excited."

Sighing, further irritated that Torres was apologizing since she knew Klingons didn't feel the need, Seven said, looking over her, "Apologies are irrelevant."

As Seven turned back to the board, the chief withdrew her hand, crossed her arms over her chest and said, fairly quiet, "They're not irrelevant if I mean them. When I say I'm sorry…I mean it. So," she raised her hands and went back over to the core, having a hard time remaining upbeat as the Borg continued to be cranky, "I'm sorry for pissing you off…again. Let me know if that ratio changes more than point zero two terahertz."

"I am aware of what my task is, 'Chief,'" Seven informed, snide. "I wish for this to be successful just as much as you do."

Turning around, B'Elanna asked, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Seven kept her back to the Klingon as she answered in the same manner, "It 'means' that I am aware of what 'the hell' my task is. I do not require any 'reminders.' I am not capable of 'forgetting.'"

The chief rubbed her forehead, then turned back to the core, checked the temperature on it as she informed, "Well, then maybe you should go to Sickbay, because it seems to me that you're forgetting that I love you too, and I just happen to being doing my job."

"I have not 'forgotten,' bang," Seven returned, although her voice and movement continued to remain rather robotic as she worked her board and ran tests on various other systems at the same time. "I merely wish to work in silence."

"Right," Torres nodded, "got it," then fell silent, sighed and shook her head, uncertain as to what Seven's problem was today—If it was her just missing Janeway again, since her mood had grown exponentially worse after their holonovel vacation, or if it was a combination of that and what had occurred with Samantha. Since Janeway had made it clear to both of them that Carey would be punished for various things, although she wouldn't elaborate as to what, and asked her questions in a manner that told the chief that she planned to play the incident off like Samantha had saved Carey from death by striking him to shut him up so Torres would leave him alone, which the Klingon gladly and easily went with and admitted to for the record, the chief wasn't sure it was that situation, especially when Seven had informed her on the way to the Security Office that she was pleased Sam had decked Joe. Although, both of them had remarked that they were concerned for the mother because they both knew she didn't like to fight, and especially didn't like to see others fight.

After thinking about it for a few moments, the Klingon began to worry that Seven was just letting the fact that they'd had a small string of bad luck recently shade her judgment of tomorrow's test. If B'Elanna didn't have first hand experience as to how excessive worry could cause the Borg to make mistakes she typically wouldn't, Torres wouldn't be so concerned, but since she knew whenever Seven began to fret about illogical ideas, like bad luck, it tended to cause a contradiction within her that not only made her mood worse, but distracted her like nothing else could.

Despite the success of her holonovel, the evening had ended on a rather sour note, but especially for Seven of Nine, who had been dancing with Kathryn and efficiently worked them both up into a so much of lather that when the Borg had picked Janeway up and placed her on the top of the grand piano, on her back, and informed the redhead that she was going make love to her immediately, using only her mouth, the captain hadn't protested at all and told Seven to just tear her pants from her body quickly…all while Torres sat at the corner booth with her feet kicked up, smoking, drinking and thanking all the gods there had ever been for Borg efficiency and Starfleet grandstanding. However, just as Seven had gotten her pants off, which she had pulled off quickly, but not shred with her Borg hand for fear she would damage Kathryn while doing so, and started pleasuring the captain, Kathryn had been requested to report to the Bridge immediately by Commander Chakotay, which told them all it was definitely important. Right after Kathryn had kissed them both, and scurried away, still tucking her shirt into her pants, the following temper tantrum that Seven had thrown by hurdling nearly every holographic bottle of booze across the room had not only surpassed any fit B'Elanna had ever seen the Borg throw, but she'd been duly impressed by the chaotic and vulgar words that rolled off of Seven's rather articulate tongue…precisely and crisp.

Since it was a distress signal that they'd received from a ship that the starship had been tracking on long-range sensors for a few days, the short and diplomatic jaunt to investigate had taken just enough time to keep Seven from returning to Janeway's quarters afterward to finish what she'd started, and so the Borg had lost her best opportunity to be intimate with Janeway, and had since then seemed to give up completely on the idea which she said was now "futile to attempt" considering it seemed that everyone else "could have Kathryn" when they needed her except the Borg…and that everyone included B'Elanna Torres, who honestly had been frustrated on Seven's behalf and thrown a few bottles with her before they put on their uniforms and reported for duty, just because they couldn't think of anything better to do.

That had been two weeks ago.

And now, on the evening before Janeway was to pilot, and an evening where Seven had planned to go to Janeway's quarters, if only for an hour, when they were complete with their tests, thanks to the Carey incident, they'd lost enough time that it looked like that wasn't going to happen either, since it would do none of them any good if they stayed up too late and didn't get adequate rest. That just wasn't responsible, and Seven knew the captain wouldn't approve, nor would she put her in a position to turn her away, and even though Seven knew she'd never get to sleep tonight on her own, at least she could utilize her regeneration alcove to combat her restlessness…although, it certainly wasn't sitting well with her that if Kathryn perished in this test, the last memory she had of touching her as a lover would be filled with the knowledge that they'd been interrupted and hadn't brought the encounter to completion.

After almost ten minutes of total silence, Torres sighed with relief as the test yet again came to a not only acceptable, but perfect conclusion, B'Elanna shook her head, managed a smirk and said, "I've got to hand it to you, ace…I've worked with a lot of experimental machines, and I've never seen anything perform this well right off the bat." Turning around, she said as she started for the Borg, "I think this definitely deserves a nomination for the Nobel Prize for Engineering, Seven…I mean it. It's better than great…it's inspiring."

When the Borg merely nodded silently at that and started to close down that board so they could move onto the next series of tests, Torres nudged her and said, smiling softly, "Hey, don't I get an 'I am Borg' anymore?"

"I am Borg," Seven returned absently as she turned away and started for the ladder that would take them to the command center of this two and a half deck shuttle, the second half of the third deck designated as a large cargo hold, and could only be accessed inside the shuttle through a small Jefferies tube since it was designed to hold items they tractor from space, acquired in a space station, or wished to deposit into space, including crew that could easily crawl out onto the hull of the ship from that area and repair any possible damage or visually target enemies and relay those coordinates to the Tactical officer if sensors failed. Since this shuttle was first designed to be pilot friendly by Lieutenant Paris, then modified significantly for the Elite Force, such actions weren't considered too risky considering they were trained to risk life and limb for their objectives, and many of their methods weren't in the Officer's Field Manual, although they certainly didn't break protocols, they were merely inventive and less concerned with risk.

"Okay," Torres jumped in quickly, "time-out. What's wrong? And don't say nothing because I'll know you're lying."

Sighing, Seven said over her shoulder, "It is 'nothing,' B'Elanna Torres."

"I think I heard some bullshit just now," B'Elanna said as she leaned against the sensor board and crossed her arms over her chest, absently adjusting the heavy metal sash across her chest that her at mother's name, Miral, written in Klingon near the top. "In fact, I know it did…"

"It is not 'bullshit' if I do not wish to discuss it. It is irrelevant," Seven of Nine clipped back, turning around, placing her hands behind her back.

"What," Torres asked, holding out her hands, "what's irrelevant?"

The Borg pivoted again and clasped onto the ladder, then opened the hatch above as she answered, "The 'bullshit.'"

Clenching her jaw and then taking deep breath, she nodded as Seven started up the climbing device, and said, "Fine, okay…just," turning around and stomping over to her tool kit, "don't ever say that I never tried to talk…because that will be bullshit."

Seven of Nine paused for a moment, sighed, and looked over her shoulder at Torres, then said, "I will comply," as she turned her head back center, looked up and continue toward her destination.

Sighing and picking up her tool kit, then growling, "Fuck!" as she turned and chucked the case across the room toward the primary weapons locker room, or the Ready Room, as it was called. As the case ricocheted off the hatch, popped open and scattered her tools that she'd received from Janeway several months ago on their first Elite Force mission about on the floor, the irascible woman threw up her hands and said, "Real fuckin' great, Torres! Why don't you just break everything else you have left of her, you fuckin' idiot!"

While she marched over to the mess she'd created and knelt down, she took a moment to take a series of breaths and mumbled to herself to calm down and "be cool like Nick," the Klingon tensed again as she heard the locking mechanism on the main outer hatch next to her release, which told her that someone was coming in. Since the entire shuttle was off-limits for now to the majority of the ship, B'Elanna pushed herself up quickly, pulled open the door roughly and said, "What!" then sighed and quickly said, straightening, "Sorry…I'm sorry, Captain…First Regal."

As the Fynth smiled and said, "I find no crime, B'Elanna," from behind Janeway, whose eyebrows where still raised rather high as she frowned, the Klingon nodded, sighed and turned away as she said, shaking her head, "Thanks. I'm sorry. I just was worried you were someone being nosey."

Stepping into the shuttle as Torres knelt down and quickly picked up her tools, Kathryn was just about to ask what was wrong as she side-stepped so that the Fynth could enter, when the hatch to the upper level opened and Seven of Nine jumped down since she was alerted that the outer hatch had been unlocked. Turning her head to Seven, who paused for a moment, then sighed and said, "My apologies, Captain," as she turned back to the ladder and started up again, Janeway sighed and said, "That's fine, Seven," as she let the Borg get back to whatever it was she was doing, easily able to feel the tension in the air.

While she turned to Torres, who had looked over to Seven, then shook her head and was mumbling to herself while she picked up her tools and checked them out one at a time, Kathryn was again about to ask what was going on when Devin started toward the ladder the blonde was climbing and called out to her.

"Seven of Borg," Devin said as she walked toward her quickly, but smooth, her padded feet making no sound whatsoever since although she was definitely tall, she weighed only a little more than the redhead. When the Borg stopped climbing and looked back and down to her, raising her eyebrows, the first smiled and requested, pointing up, "May I tread with you?"

Nodding, the Borg said as she continued climbing, "You may," then added honestly, actually speaking the Fynth's language, even the archaic dialect only Devin utilized, which she'd nearly mastered now, "It is good to detail you. It has been too great a length since last we met. How is your spirit fairing?"

The Fynth laughed, clicking, pleased since the universal translator worked in conjunction with brain waves and could deem when it was appropriate to attempt to translate, and when the speakers could comprehend each other and therefore do nothing. So, when she answered, saying as she climbed, Seven heard her true words, "You are a true marvel, my child. I am meandering significantly today with your beloved, and fear I will soon desire a 'bathtub' of my own, but my spirit has found contentment in her handsome hands at this length. So, I pray the spirits will find no crime in my envy. How is your spirit, my child…taxed, hmm?"

"That is correct," Seven of Nine said as she stepped from the ladder into the Bridge. As Devin nodded, and chuckled softly, Seven assisted her the rest of the way, then closed the hatch and finally remarked, "I hope that you will find no crime, First…however, it is not a task to detail that you are worn at this length." As the much older woman laughed softly and patted her head twice, then started to look about, Seven asked as she placed her hands behind her back, uncertain how to phrase the question, thus she used her own terms, "Are you malfunctioning?"

"No, my precious child," Devin answered quickly, but warm, smiling over at her. Holding up her finger, she said, "I am merely a relic, but wear none for me. I am recovering efficiently," she smirked. When the Borg frowned at that, Devin chuckled and informed, smiling, "I am in no danger of fading, and it seems that I too will detail this Federation as a babe along with you."

Sighing with relief and nodding, but unable to smile, Seven replied, "That is correct. By my estimates, we should reach the Alpha Quadrant in approximately fifty-one point eight cycles. However," the Borg continued, certain if she'd spent the day with Kathryn, that meant Janeway had filled her in on the entire specifics of Operation Foxfire, "considering Kathryn plans to return to the Alpha Quadrant for a short length in this vessel, I cannot be certain how long she will be absent, and if that mission will affect our…'timeline.'"

"I am knowing of this term…time," Devin informed. "I merely find it lacks luster, but," she smiled, "I am old and carved in my ways…and some say," she smirked as Seven cocked her eyebrow at that, "pretentiously willful."

Actually grinning softly, the Borg replied, "They are in error."

"No," Devin chuckled, shaking her head, "they are exact…but can't appreciate that quality as do you and your mates." Looking down to the hatch, and then back to Seven, she raised her eyebrows as she asked, "You are having an issue with your B'Elanna, hmm? She was unusually coiled. Or," she continued before the Borg could answer, "is her spirit merely taxed as well as you wear for your beloved?"

Sighing, Seven looked away for a moment, but when she heard Devin's voice tell her softly she wanted her to free her troubled spirit with her truth without trepidation, the Borg blinked, then looked back at the Fynth, who was smiling at her, and finally remarked, although didn't answer the question, "You are a telepath." When the Fynth raised her eyebrows in surprise, the Borg furrowed her brow as she tilted her head and explained with certainty, "I heard your thought…that you wished for me to detail to you what troubles me without fear." Shaking her head slightly, the Borg informed, "I am not telepathic, but with assistance from my cortical node, I have adapted it to receive and interpret the thoughts of telepaths in an effort to assist my understanding of Commander Tuvok's lessons. I cannot emit my thoughts as a telepath, however, only interpret them from others that wish to share."

Devin nodded, then reached over and patted Seven's cheek as she explained, "It is merely a piece in the process of my life cycle, my child…however, the ability to control it doesn't dwell within my systems as Commander Tuvok. Find no crime, but if you have the ability to disable this adaptation, would you do so in my presence?"

The Borg nodded immediately, looked away for a moment, then confirmed, "It is done."


"My apologies if I have intruded…I," Seven of Nine said softly, "am knowing to the unsettling sensation of losing your privacy and individuality, and would never wish that upon you. I typically only activate that capability in the presence of the commander during our lessons because I do not prefer to hear other voices in my head now that I have adapted to only hearing my own…however," she sighed, "I forgot to 'turn it off' yesterday."

"It speaks to me that for you to allow such an pathway," the first remarked, "with Commander Tuvok means that you hold him in highest regard."

"That is correct," Seven said quickly and surely. "He is a remarkable individual and worthy of my implicit trust…and I," she softly smiled, "consider him similar to a parent at this length in our personal relationship. His views of me are harmonious."

"This event pleases your Kathryn so," Devin informed, in case the young beauty wasn't aware. "She spoke with purpose and content about the two of you today for some length during our respite." When Seven nodded twice at that, but didn't say anything, the first questioned, "So, to recall…why is your spirit troubled? Over the impassioned B'Elanna?"

Sighing, the Borg shook her head and said, "No…however," she sighed again, "I believe she is 'pissed' at this length."

"Detail to me this 'pissed?' It doesn't translate."

The Borg nodded as she placed her hands behind her back and explained, "It is considered 'slang.' It means to be irritated, agitated, and or frustrated. Mad."

Devin chuckled lightly, then remarked, "These are terms that describe her perpetually. I am unknowing to the issue then…"

Seven allowed her silent laughed once before explaining, "She is 'pissed' at me, not in 'general.'" Then sighing and shaking her head, the blonde informed, "I have been 'pissed' as well, and have been unacceptable to her. She was merely attempting to 'lighten the mood,' and I was resistant to allow her to do so."

"Mmm," Devin nodded in understanding. "Although, it speaks to me that she finds no true crime. She seems less fragile than a great many of this…collective."

"That is correct," Seven said quickly. "However, we are still required to 'make-up' since she does not require an apology, nor does she typically wish to hear one."

"There is wisdom in her way," the first remarked, holding up her finger before she explained. "Apologies are often as hollow as a demon's heart. Thus, those that offer them rarely can be accepted as full of regret when they do." Looking down to the hatch, Devin pointed to it, smirked and said, "The pathway awaits. Wear none for me," she turned and looked about, "I am accomplished to detailing this marvel alone."

Before she complied with the older woman's advise, Seven asked, "If I comply, will you remain long enough to assist with our next system test?" As the Fynth turned toward her and smiled, but didn't say anything, the Borg added, smirking, "I could use an extra 'pair of hands.'"

"Then I will remain," Devin chuckled afterward. "Send Kathryn to me so that you may speak privately with the 'pissed' B'Elanna, if you desire…merely detail to her that I wish to talk small again."

"I will comply," Seven nodded, smirking, then opened the hatch, looked down and informed, "I am descending," before she stepped through the hole and came down with another thunderous boom, although landed perfectly erect, bending her knees slightly to absorb the impact since she was wearing her biosuit with her impressive heels sown into the feet.

"Seven," Janeway said as she kept her back nearly toward the Borg as she stood over a sensor panel and examined the recent test logs, "there's a reason why we have ladders, darling."

Raising her eyebrow as Kathryn glanced over at her and smirked, then turned back to her reading, Seven reported, "I am aware of the reasons, 'doll,'" which caused Janeway to chuckle, then shoot her one of her fake glares. "However, I find them inefficient."

"Well," Janeway said as she started to turn toward her, "just don't land on anyone…alright?"

"I will comply," Seven reported before she leaned down and kissed the redhead's lips softly. While the captain smile at the kiss, whispered a thank you and rubbed her stomach softly for a beat, the blonde looked about, then queried, "Where is B'Elanna Torres?"

Turning back to her reading, not wanting to get involved unless Seven wanted to speak with her about it, Kathryn reported, "She went for a walk. What's Devin up to?"

"She's detailing the marvel," Seven answered, smirking, which caused Kathryn to chortle softly. "Have you enjoyed your time together?"

"Mmmhmm," Janeway nodded, then smirked and added, "Well, once she stopped scolding me for breaking up with the two of you." Turning to the blonde fully again, she asked, smiling, and raising her eyebrows, "Seven of Borg?"

"It is a term of endearment," Seven came back, confident and smirking. "I am not disagreeable to the designation…'doll.'"

"Are you going to keep calling me that?" Kathryn narrowed her eyes at her, poking her stomach.

"At this length," Seven came back in the Fynth language, which the translator explained for the redhead, then leaned down and kissed her lips smartly. Turning away and starting for the outer hatch, the tall blonde reported as she marched away with purpose, "I will return shortly, Captain. I believe it would be wise to supervise the first, so that she does not mistakenly attempt to test the Slipstream Drive aboard this vessel."

As Janeway mumbled, "Oooh, good point," and then scurried toward the ladder and started up it, Seven smiled to herself, finding Devin and Kathryn 'cute' when they interacted with each other's different cultures away from the prying eyes of the majority of the crew, since when they were on their separate Bridges and communicating, their behavior was decidedly different. Once she was starting out of the Shuttle Bay, the Borg tapped her communicator and said, "Computer, locate Lieutenant Torres."

"Lieutenant Torres is on Deck Ten Section Eight Charlie."

Recognizing those coordinates as near the Wildman's cabin, Seven raised her eyebrows, then quickly made her way to the turbolift. After a short ride up two decks in the carriage, the Borg stepped out and nodded to Ensign Nicoletti as the brunette walked toward the lift, just a few meters away. As the brunette stopped after waving and said, "Hey, I heard Sam decked Joe…did you see what happened?" the Borg paused for a moment, more familiar now with Nicoletti thanks to all of the time she'd been spending in Engineering instead of Astrometrics, which the Borg didn't really miss currently considering how important this work was, although she wasn't really fond of her replacement, Saff Garen, and found him strange and illogical, although fairly efficient. Looking down at the short brunette, Seven nodded and said, "That is correct."

"Did she really knock him off his feet, or is that just an exaggeration?" asked Nicoletti, smiling.

"That data is accurate," the taller female answered, then felt the need to include before she carried on, "She also fractured his 'jaw.'" As the ensign laughed, then covered her mouth and looked around, next nodded and whispered, "It's about time someone other than the chief put him in his place," the Borg raised her eyebrow and said, "I will relay your sentiments. If you will excuse me," starting away, "I am required to speak with 'the chief.'"

Seven nodded over her shoulder to the brunette as she said goodbye to her, pleasantly, then cocked her eyebrow as she contemplated the exchange, next smiled slightly, pleased again with her progress of conversing on a personal level efficiently with various individuals that she didn't consider a 'friend' and merely an acquaintance. Turning the corner and moving quickly past Main Engineering, Seven slowed her progress as she detected the sound of Torres' voice as well as Nicole Fowler's, although they were speaking softly, and Seven knew if she were not Borg, she would not be able to detect it. When she heard B'Elanna laugh, then tell Fowler she was her hero, and then promise, in a whisper, not to say anything to Sam 'on her honor,' Seven furrowed her brow slightly until the chief said, "Although, I doubt you'll have to make good on that, hot rod…and if I were you, I wouldn't make Sam mad any time soon. Carey's lucky she doesn't punch people very often, or he might still be in Sickbay. She's got a hell of a swing," at which point she was able to surmise that Fowler had threatened bodily harm on the male engineer if she bothered Samantha anymore.

While Fowler sighed at that and Torres whispered, shaking her head, "Kahless, I still can't believe she did that…and I saw it…I mean pop, and he was down," Seven of Nine picked up her pace, straightened her back and rounded the corner. When Fowler looked over to her, lifted her hand and said, "Hey, Seven," unknowing that Torres and Seven were 'fighting,' the Borg said, "Greetings," then stopped next to Torres, who turned around quickly, surprised to see her.

Looking from Nicole, to B'Elanna, then back to Fowler, Seven queried, "I am required to speak with B'Elanna Torres. Is your conversation complete?"

Considering she hadn't heard Seven speak in such a manner in a while, except for the time when the Borg approached her on the beach during their holodeck vacation, Nicole figured that meant it was really important to her, so she nodded and said, "We were just shootin' the breeze. I should go see Sam anyway." Patting the Klingon's shoulder, she said, "Thanks for watching my back, T. I'll see you both tomorrow morning."

"No problem, Fowler," Torres smiled over at the best friend as she started toward Wildman's quarters, which were just a few meters down the hall in the other direction. "Have a good night, and give my highest regards to the champ."

"10-4," Fowler came back, having picked up that term, and a few others that she liked from Torres' holonovel. "See ya, Seven."

"Goodnight," Seven returned, then looked over to B'Elanna, who was now leaning against the wall, chewing her thumb nail and looking down, and said, after she mimicked Torres' position, but didn't slouch or chew her nails, speaking softly, "I am 'sorry,' B'Elanna Torres, and that is not 'bullshit.'"

"Are you gonna tell me what's going on?" asked Torres, still not looking at her, and now just leaning back on her hands so she didn't pick at them, noticing that she'd been doing it more lately after two days of almost continuous smoking in the holodeck, concerned her nervous habit was just getting worse as their stress level increased, and she didn't believe that was a very honorable thing to do for a Klingon.

"It is a variety of things," Seven began quietly then looked around and finally said, "however, the largest factor is my illogical fear that tomorrow will be the last day in Kathryn's existence, and," she sighed and looked away slightly, whispering, "I am beginning to feel 'guilty' for not making more of an effort to see her." After a beat as B'Elanna sighed and leaned over next to her then grabbed up her enhanced hand and held it firmly, Seven looked down and at her informed, "I wished to remedy that this evening for a short time. However, that will not occur now either, and I became 'pissed' again."

"Red's not going to go anywhere tomorrow other than into the stream and then right back in two hours," Torres whispered surely. "You know that as well as I do. That shuttle is tight…I mean as tight as it gets, babe."

"I am aware of this," Seven replied, but her words weren't fraught with attitude any longer and it was merely a statement. "However," she sighed, "I cannot explain my illogical behavior, other than to say that I 'miss' her, and I am uncertain how to remedy this situation appropriately. We are working to assist her, but this work is making it difficult to find time and energy to devote to her. I know that she does not expect it, but part of my happiness is hers." Looking over to B'Elanna, Seven added, "I also 'miss' observing the two of you interact, and it causes me discomfort to know that you are experiencing a similar condition. What do you suggest?" she finished with a familiar question since Seven often went to Torres for advise, just as she'd done with Kathryn when they lived together, and she typically followed Torres suggestions.

"Okay," Torres said almost directly after her lover finished speaking as she raised Seven's hand to her lips and kissed it quickly, then nodded, "alright…yea…that'll work." Pulling away from the wall, and urging Seven of Nine to follow her, the chief explained as the Borg requested an explanation, "We're gonna beam us and the TV over to her place tonight. We'll invite Devin and Chakotay along too so that means we'll just have a good time and no one will get emotional." As Seven raised her eyebrow and started to look happier, B'Elanna smiled as they walked hand in hand down the corridor, "We'll just stay long enough to have some snacks and watch a flick…something funny and old that Devin would get a kick out of, and then we'll just go back home and make sure we get plenty of rest so she doesn't worry that we're not confident and delay the test."

The Borg pulled her hand away from Torres lightly, switched sides with her so the Klingon was holding her human hand and said as she entwined her fingers with her lover's, squeezing soundly, "That is an excellent idea." Smirking over at her, she said, "I believe I love you despite your imperfections," since the one time Seven had called Torres perfect, B'Elanna had laughed out loud, shook her head, told her she loved her, but that she was far, far from perfect, and actually liked that, thus the Borg refrained from saying that again, even if she believed the Klingon was perfect: perfectly flawed, and perfect for her, as well as for Kathryn, and they were perfect together.

"Better get used to them, hot stuff," Torres smiled over at Seven as they approached the lift, "they're not going anywhere…and neither am I." Then once they were in the lift and had requested Deck Twelve, the chief paused the lift's decent, then tugged on the Borg's hand and said, "You forgot something again, ace."

Smirking, Seven turned to Torres, then pushed her up against the wall abruptly by her shoulders, and said, "You are in error…again," before she kissed the Klingon passionately, who growled in her throat, and knocked Seven's hands away.

The smaller and a little under five years older brunette quickly slipped under the Borg's arm, then pulled Seven around so her back was against the wall before she snarled at her, happily, and pinned her. As Seven grinned at her while Torres hovered close to her lips, then let go of her arms quickly and placed her palms on her stomach, B'Elanna whispered as she ran them higher to her lover's sizeable breasts, "And don't get any hot ideas about not coming back home with me tonight either, Borg, because I've got ways to make sure you fall fast asleep."

Cocking her eyebrow, Seven came back, "Perhaps I require a demonstration of these 'so-called' skills before I make my decision?" When Torres snarled and kissed her deeply, then squeezed one breast as much as she was able through the suit and dropped her other hand between her legs and rubbed her slowly but with definite pressure, Seven moaned softly, then whispered, "That will suffice," as Torres pulled away, but remained pressed against her and asked, "Enough of a demonstration?"

Bringing her hand up to the back of Torres' head and kissing her again, although softer, Seven said after she stood up straight, pulled B'Elanna into her body and hugged her, "I will return to our 'home' with you this evening." Then pulling away and telling the computer to resume the lift, she turned, held Torres' hand again, smiled down at her and remarked, "Perhaps we will have time to complete the next chapter of Revenge Ran Deep in Her Heart?" then finished as they stepped out and B'Elanna nodded and said that sounded good to her, "I am curious as to if Litral will copulate with Kwame on their 'wedding night' before she terminates him."

B'Elanna grinned, shook Seven's hand and informed, "She's a Klingon, dollface. She'll do'em twice…trust me."


Smiling brightly on purpose, very uncertain as to the mood of the room she was about to enter, Commander Fowler opened the door to Wildman's quarters without knocking as she was accustomed to doing, then said as she stepped inside as saw the mother and daughter sitting on the sofa, Samantha listening as Naomi read a PADD, which contained the newest novel suggested by the captain, "Evenin', ladies."

As Samantha looked over, managed a sad grin, Naomi set her book down quickly, and said, "Hey, Nick!" excited, mostly because she was certain her mother would not be sad anymore now that the brunette had arrived, and also because she, herself, liked Nicole very much. Pushing off the from the couch in the next instant, the child asked as she scurried over to Fowler, "Are you gonna stay the night again, please?"

Chuckling and picking up the child, as Samantha got off the couch and went over to the table to pick up some of their leftover dishes, saying, "Naomi," in a motherly tone, warning her daughter about requesting such things from the busy commander, Fowler turned the girl around, set her on her shoulders and said, brightly, "Now, I ask you, how could I resist such nice," ticking her feet, "and pretty company?" As the girl giggled and squealed, the commander asked, "You're not gettin' tired of seein' my old mug, are you?"

While Nicole took her down, but just continued to hold her up on her hip easily, able to do so with one hand without a problem, even if the child had sprouted quite a bit recently, Naomi asked, "Where's your old mug?"

Laughing and poking her girlfriend's daughter's stomach, Nick answered, "Me…my face…that's what that means."

"Oh," Naomi said seriously, hoping to remember that, then shook her head and said, "No, I'm not tired of you."

Fowler chuckled at the serious answer, kissed the girl's cheek and said, "Well, thanks, sweet pea…I'm not tired of you either. Now," she said as she set the child down, "why don't you go find your place in your book while I say hi to Mama." When Naomi looked over her mother, who was working the replicator, preparing to make Nicole's dinner, and gestured that she should lean down so she could whisper, Fowler did so, then merely nodded and said, "10-4," as the child reported into her ear, "Kiss her too. She's really sad today, but she doesn't want to talk about it yet."

Standing up, Nick requested, "Why don't you do your old pal Nick a favor and take that book into your room for a spell while Mama and I talk? Then we'll all sit down and do whatever you'd like later…okay?"

"Aye, Commander," Naomi nodded easily, then turned went over to the couch, grabbed up her book and scurried into her room, then stood on her tip toes and slapped her hand to the door sensor to close it, no longer needing to jump. She was curious as to what was going on with her mother, but she was happy to follow orders, and enjoying her book enough that spending time alone reading didn't feel so lonely since she the characters kept her company in her mind.

Quickly, Fowler came up behind Wildman as the blonde asked her if she wanted a pot pie or a spicy sausage and rice, and said, wrapping her arms around her waist, "You don't have to wait on me, Sam…I can get it."

"I know," Wildman said softly, rubbing Fowler's hand at her waist, "but I like to."

"Okay," Fowler said quietly, squeezing her firmly and resting her head on her shoulder as she hunched over. "Then I'll have one of those terrific pot pies…and…"

"A salad and two biscuits," Samantha finished the sentence for her. "I know that too."

Chuckling, Nicole said, "Thanks," then whispered into her ear, "But do you know that I love you more than my guitar…and," she added as Wildman laughed once, soft, nodding, "do you know that I love you more than I love anyone in this great big ole universe?" As Samantha dropped her hand from the replicator display at that, turned her head towards Fowler's as much as she could and whispered, barely audible, "I didn't know that," next quickly turned around and hugged her tightly, Fowler sighed, rubbed her back and said, whispering, "Well, then I'll have to work on doing my job better."

As Wildman moved her hands from her torso to her neck, tightened her grip and said, "I love you too," as she started to cry, although her tears were mild and nothing like how she'd cried in Sickbay with Janeway two months ago, Fowler inwardly seethed at Carey, but remained completely soft and loving outwardly as she picked Samantha up by her bottom and moved them over to the couch. Maneuvering Samantha so she was straddling her legs and keeping her back straight and away from the back of the couch while Wildman kept her arms around her and sniffled into her neck, Nicole rubbed her back and whispered, "I'm so sorry I couldn't be there, honey."

Sitting up quickly and wiping her eyes, Wildman shook her head and said, "No…no, Nick…please don't do that," since she knew Fowler had severe regrets for years about not being about to protect Francis Sheldon when she was attacked.

"Okay," Fowler smiled, then reached up and explained as she wiped Wildman's eyes, "Let me rephrase. I wish I could have been there so you didn't have to do that."

Sam sighed and said, shaking her head, "Nick, I don't want to see you fight any more than I want to see anyone else…"

"I know, darlin'," Nicole came back, "and I wouldn't have fought with him. I'd just have dismissed him, then hauled his sorry ass away if he didn't listen." Smiling, she said quietly, "Sammy and Seven are the only folks on this ship that can get a lick in on me…although," she chuckled when Sam sighed, "T's pretty nasty with that bat'leth these days…so I dunno."

"Nick…it's not funny," Wildman said, then sighed, looked up at her and said, "Please don't make jokes."

"Well, I wasn't jokin'," Fowler informed, but didn't take offense, although she did change her tone to something more serious, "but I'll hush up if you want." When the blonde sighed even heavier at that, bowed her head and shook it, then whispered an apology, Nick grabbed her hands, brought them to her lips and said, "Woman, you know all I want is to make you happy…so why don't you tell it all to me, and then let me handle the rest?"

As Samantha sighed, but resisted, Fowler said, "Come here," then turned and laid back on the couch, putting Sam mostly on top of her, but just off to the side near the back so she wasn't in danger of falling off. Once they were comfortable, Nicole took the hand Wildman hand on her chest, kissed it again, then returned it, squeezed it lightly and informed, "And don't you worry about tellin' me anything that'll make me mad. I've already heard the whole story. It's all been documented."

Figuring that was the case, Wildman nodded, then sighed and said, "I'm just mad at myself. It's a terrible example to set for Naomi. I haven't even been able to tell her yet…I don't have any idea what I'm going to say, and I can't keep it from her. She's going to hear about it." Then sighing more, she whispered, "I think right now she thinks Seven got into a fight since she saw her taunting him." As Fowler expelled the air from her chest, Wildman looked up and said, "Nick, it's not funny. She could have killed him..."

Smiling, Nicole rubbed Samantha's back and said, "Honey, I know what Seven's capable of, so it is funny in a sense because she didn't. It's a good thing. It means she's really learning." Patting her back, she said, "The least of all people you need to worry about is Seven. She can take care of herself. I already talked to her during the debriefing. She never planned to touch him unless he did so first. She was just tryin' to make a point." Fowler brought her hand to Wildman's cheek and said, "I know you don't like it, but sometimes those points need to be made. It's not fun, but it's not bad."

"Yes, it is bad, Nick," Wildman said, although not aggressive. "That captain lied to protect me," she sighed and rested her head back on Fowler's upper chest. "That's terrible that I put her in that position. I still don't understand why she did that. It's not like her…"

Chuckling again, Fowler said, "Honey, Captain can take care of herself, and she didn't lie because T would have beat the heck outta him if you hadn't done that. Trust me on this. I've seen her fight. She doesn't pull any punches, baby. She means to hurt when she swings."

"But that's not why I hit him," Wildman reminded, "and they all know that, so it is a lie. I hit him because I wanted to, not because I didn't want B'Elanna to do it."

"Everyone deserves a second chance, darlin'," Fowler whispered. Then squeezing her some and turning toward her, scooting down so their face's were together, bending her legs slightly so she could fit on the couch, Nicole informed, "I've had more second chances than I can count…including a few with you. And," she smiled after she kissed her lips softly, "Carey's run clean outta of them. Captain's taken him to school and fixin' to keep right on doin' so until we get back, and then," she whispered, "I'd bet my guitar that she plans to personally run him right on outta Starfleet. The dude's days are numbered, so don't worry about it."

When Wildman sighed heavily at that, closed her eyes and looked at though she might break down again, Nicole said, "Don't you cry for Carey, Sam. This ain't about you, or Seven, or anyone except her command. She's not gonna let anyone disrespect her or her crew on her ship. That's what this is about, and that's what you can tell Naomi, and," she smiled, kissed Wildman's forehead, adding, "if you want, I'll talk to her. I've got experience, remember? I had to explain to the my sister why I landed my ass in the Brig three times, and as far as I know, she didn't grow up to be a fighter."

"What's gonna happen to him now? Am I allowed to know?"

Smiling, Fowler wrapped Samantha up more, drew Wildman's leg over hers that she nuzzled between her legs and said, "Well, he's an ensign now." As Samantha blinked and said, "What?" Nicole smiled and said, "Wait, it gets better," then added, "His permanent quarters are in Cargo Bay One, so he can get a little feel of what Seven had to deal with for all the times when she was confined for disobeying orders. He can't leave for ten days, and he can't talk to anyone other than Neelix, who will bring his food and take him to the bathroom, which he'll have to ask for an escort every time." As Samantha's mouth fell open and she drew her hand to it, Fowler smiled more and said, "Oh wait, the best is still yet to come. After he gets out, he'll get a new duty assignment, and I think the commander will probably keep him in Engineering since he's still good at what he does and we'll need him down the road, but I wouldn't be surprised if he moves some people around so he has to work with mostly females. Since we'll be going home soon, and everyone will know that, I doubt anyone will make a fuss. We'll be working pretty much round the clock…so everyone will get a piece of the action. She's taken away all his replicator and holodeck privileges, so he'll have to eat every meal in the Mess Hall…and," Fowler laughed, shaking her head, "and this part is harsh…I mean damn. She's gonna have a table painted pink and decorated with fresh flowers every day, and that's the table he'll have to sit at all by himself…or," she snickered as Wildman just started at her in disbelief, "he can ask for one person to join him, but they have to be female and outrank him, and," she shook her head, "if I know Kate like I know her, she'll be down there a lot and eat with him whether he likes it or not."

"Oh my god," Wildman exasperated. "She's really that mad at him?"

Nodding, Fowler said, "Oh, and just so you know, he's forbidden from talking to Naomi at all unless he has your express permission first, and if he screws up once, she'll suspend his commission until we get home, and in that case, she'd definitely have him court-martialed." After kissing Wildman's forehead again, Nicole whispered, "Normally, I wouldn't tell you this, but I don't want you to feel bad, and please don't ever tell Seven or Torres because they don't know." When Samantha nodded, certain it must be bad considering the extent of the punishment, Fowler explained, "He's been causing a lot of problems, and more than just harassing you and Seven about your personal relationship with her. He's also been making a fuss in Engineering and acting inappropriately, and he filed an official complaint about Kate."

"What? Why?"

Sighing and shaking her head, Nicole said, "I'm not sure why…other than he's an," she paused for a moment, then amended her words, "he's a jerk, but he said a bunch of crap about her relationship with Torres and Seven causing an uncomfortable working environment because Seven and her were both spending a lot of time in Engineering when they hadn't before. Seven was down there because of her research on the Slipstream Project, and Kate was down there just doing grunt work basically since we're so short staffed thanks to the Alaxiat. Torres was usually somewhere completely different, and doing more specialized tasks, which he forgot to mention…and he also forgot that I was the first officer then, and nearly all of the engineers had remarked to me in one way or another that they really appreciated her presence and it was helping to keep moral up. And then," Fowler sighed and shook her head, "he created a listening device, snuck into Chakotay's quarters while he was gone and attached to the wall that he shares with Kate's bedroom, then hid it in T's office to frame her when I told him to gather his things and go to the Alaxiat. He was tryin' to listen in on them. I'm not sure on what, exactly, although I don't think he was just being a pervert, though. I think he was tryin' to get evidence that she was discussing command decisions and those kinds of things with Seven."

"Oh my god," Wildman allowed again. Then sighed and said, "Please tell me he didn't hear any of their private business…?"

"He didn't," answered Nicole. Smirking, Fowler whispered, "T had installed extra soundproofing into her bedroom wall right before then so…well," she chuckled, "so Chakotay didn't have to hear the giggly girls. She's known most of that since he went over to Devin's ship, but she was just hoping she could sit on it for a long enough to get us home since we were hoping we could count on him to back up Torres, but I'm not sure how that's gonna play out, but she couldn't let it go this time, not when he dragged you into it. When she found out that he's said something to you once a while back...well," Nicole sighed, "I'm not sure I've ever seen her get so visibly angry so fast. I mean she was hot…got me steppin' real quick."

"Well, I don't feel so bad now," sighed Samantha. Then after a beat, sank down a little farther, nuzzled her face to Fowler's neck and said, "That's terrible. I had no idea he was being so mean to her. Do you know why he hates her so much?"

"I think because she promoted Torres to Chief Engineer, and since then he's just developed this feeling that Kate doesn't treat men and women the same…and gives the girls all the breaks. He's basically an idiot who can't deal with the fact that a girl can run circles around him in an engine room. It's just stupidity and insecurity, and he's painted himself into a corner because Kate's run out of patience and understanding. He crossed her too many times, and he's gonna pay the piper. I don't think she plans to let up on him at all. And she can't really. He's threatening her command and her dignity. If she backs down, he'll just keep it up and take more energy from her than he deserves."

Sighing, Wildman kissed Fowler's chin and said, "Thank you for telling me all of that. I still don't like that I hit him, but I don't feel so bad now."

Fowler smiled and said, "Don't worry about it, honey. Nobody's perfect, and the captain of all the people on this ship understands." Looking down at Wildman, she whispered, "Just between us, she's not above smackin' someone down either. So, don't worry about it. Sometimes it's the only thing that will work to get through to someone that they've crossed the line. Some people are just stupid and need to be put in their place…and with Chakotay," Fowler smiled, "he needed a reminder to not cross her when it comes to Seven's welfare."

"She hit the commander? What?"

"I didn't see it," Fowler informed, "but T told me he jumped into a heated conversation about all this mess with us going home and said some things in front of Seven that Kate didn't want her to hear, and when he didn't listen to her when she and T told him to be quiet, she smacked him good and said a few things." As Samantha blinked, wide-eyed, Nicole chuckled softly and said, "He knew he deserved it and was trying to make a point anyway. It was just a really terrible night. She learned some really horrible things that night and it was just too much to take. So, when he didn't listen to her about Seven, she popped him."

"Oh my god," Wildman whispered, then asked, "are they okay? I mean did they make-up?"

Fowler laughed quietly, shaking her head and said, "Of course. They can't stay mad at each other. They're like an old married couple sometimes. She laid into him for a few seconds, then just grabbed him and apologized. T said that was about how the whole night had gone. It was just crazy tense…almost like back to the beginning when we all thought the Maquis were going to try to overtake the ship at any minute." After a beat, Fowler smiled and said, "Carey's lucky Chakotay's off-duty today. You think this makes Kate mad? I guarantee you he'd have had a one on one conversation with him…man to man, if you read me. He doesn't stand for that crap. I saw him clock Dolby in the Mess Hall a long time ago for mouthin' off. I think people forget who they're dealin' with sometimes with him. I'd never mess with him, even though he really is a nice guy. I honestly think that's why Kate likes him so much. He has principles and he stands by them. They don't always jive with hers, but she respects when someone isn't afraid to take risks to stand by their principles, and doesn't apologize for them." Smiling, she finished, "As long as you take what she spoons out, she'll never say another word. Believe me, I know…she's cracked on me a few times."

Smiling, Samantha kissed Fowler's chin again, noticing she had a small bruise, and asked, "What did you ever do that was bad? I thought you were a perfect officer?"

"I was bein' a big baby," Nicole said honestly, "and she got tired of my belly-achin', and told me to shut up and do something about it basically. And just recently when I was in Torres' body, she got tired of wading in my pity-pool, and told me to stop givin' her a headache and deal." Chuckling softly, Fowler informed, "She's good. It always works for some reason…just like," Nick whispered, then kissed Samantha once and said before she kissed her again, deeper, "kissin' you always makes me feel better."

"Mmm, me too," Wildman hummed after a moment, then migrated back to Fowler's chin, and asked as she kissed it, "How did you bruise your chin?"

Laughing, and lying, but feeling it was necessary, Fowler said, "I whacked it on my desk when I reached down to pick up the PADD I dropped…'cuz," she lowered her voice a register as she rolled onto her back, shifted closer to the back and pulled Sam on top of her, "I was daydreamin' about you in that outfit we talked about."

"Awwww, you poor baby," Samantha whispered, kissing the small, dime sized bruise softly, not bothering to ask why she didn't get it taken care of since it was faint and figured Nicole didn't realize she even had one, or thought she was too 'tough' to go to Sickbay for that. Then straddling Fowler's waist and sliding up some to her face, she kissed her all over and said, sincerely, "I'm sorry we can't go do that now. I was really looking forward to it."

"Well," Fowler whispered back, "we'll have another opportunity soon, I promise. Don't you worry about it. I don't plan on goin' anywhere, darlin'." Running her hands down Samantha's back, Fowler asked, "Can I interest you in a shower, though? I'm not starvin' yet…so I can wait a little while for dinner." As Wildman smirked at her, then glanced over to her daughter's door, Nicole smiled and informed, "I'll be good, I promise."

Before she kissed her lover, Samantha whispered, "Nick Fowler, you're always good."

Fowler chortled lightly, then hummed deeper when Samantha began kissing her with more passion, and finally whispered as the blonde migrated to her neck, "I don't think it's me you have to worry about, Mama…mmm," she sounded her pleasure again as Wildman whispered into her ear that she was correct, and then added as she ran her hands up and down the side of Sam's body, "Mmm, woman, I do love that fire in you. It might burn me bad, but it is so nice." After a moment, she whispered into her ear as she cupped her bottom and squeezed, "Come on and shower with me," then moved one hand to the center of her body, tapped her with her fingertips through her pants and finished, "Let me wash all your troubles away…you'll be in good hands."

Sighing, Wildman said, "Honey, I don't think I can be quiet right now. I have too much tension built up."

Able to feel the blonde's intimate crease, Fowler traced it with her middle finger and whispered, "Baby, I do believe you don't trust me enough."

"I don't trust myself," Samantha smiled as she wiggled against Nicole's teasing hand, who chuckled. "The only thing it has to do with you is that you're damned sexy and you make me a insane…especially," she leaned down and whispered, "when I want your talented fingers to fret me just like your guitar."

Inhaling, Fowler nodded and said, "Okay, just hold tight then," as she sat up.

While Nicole urged her off and started to stand, Wildman asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna give the little miss our holodeck time," Fowler said. "Since you can't leave until tomorrow, she might as well have it to play." Stopping near Naomi's door, she said, "Don't worry, I'll tell her to come right on home and no one's gonna ask her anything about today. They know better. Then we can all be relaxed, talk about what happened, and have a nice night together." Gesturing toward the bedroom, she said, "Why don't you go pick out some nice music and light some candles while we chat?" She smiled and finished as Wildman smirked at her, "Trust me. This kind of thing is right up my alley, and she's a smart girl."

Sighing, Wildman came up to Fowler, kissed her quickly, thanked her and whispered, "That's what I'm afraid of. She's going to catch on one of these days as to why we send her off to play." Chuckling and shaking her head, she remarked as she started for the bedroom, "I don't think I'm ready for that conversation too..."

Fowler smiled, then knocked on Naomi's door and said loudly, "Little miss…you in there?" After she heard Naomi tell her to come in, Fowler opened the door, smiled at the child as she lay on her bed with her PADD and asked, "Good book?"

"It's great," Naomi answered sitting up. "Do you want me to come out now?"

Walking over to the child's bed and sitting on the edge, Fowler said, "Sure do, but can we talk like big girls for a spell first?" When Naomi smiled and nodded, then folded her hands in her lap after she sat her electronic book aside, Nicole began, "I kind of need a favor of you." Looking over her shoulder, she said in a whisper, "I did what you asked and kissed her," which caused Naomi to snicker, "and I think she's almost done bein' sad. That was good advise…thanks."

Nodding, Naomi smiled and nodded as she said, "You're welcome. She always likes when you kiss her. What do you need me to do?"

"Well, I was gonna take her on a date to the holodeck for an hour today…got the time all booked and everything, but," she sighed slightly, "she's not really up for a date right now. So, I was hopin' you might like to use it for us so it doesn't go to waste. That way," she smiled, reaching over and patted the child's arm, "she won't feel bad about that too since she's sorry you couldn't help Neelix tonight. Will you do that for me?"

"Sure," Naomi bobbed her head, then asked, "but what are you gonna do?"

Smiling, Fowler leaned over and whispered as she looked over her shoulder, "I think I'm gonna kiss her some more, and try to get her to take a shower with me and practice our singin' to relax…just to make sure that when you come back we can have a nice night together."

"That's a good idea," the child informed, nodding her head again, seriously. "She likes to sing in the shower too."

"Yea, that's what I thought," Fowler replied. "So, what are you gonna play?"

Reaching over for her book, Naomi said, "I think I'll just go to the park and read like the captain and I always do. I like that one best now since my legs are a little sore. When do I have to go?"

"If you hurry," Fowler said as she stood up, "you'll get the whole hour, but," Nicole added, "make sure that you come right home afterwards so we can have lots of time together tonight before your bedtime. I know that will make her happy too."

"Aye, Commander," the girl smiled and nodded, then slid off her bed.

"Oh, and one more thing," Fowler started, then kneeled down and whispered, "If when you come home we're not done with our shower quite yet, do me a favor and just give us a few minutes. I'll do my best to make sure we don't lose track of time, and we'll just pretend like we never knew she was saddened…"

Snickering at Fowler's 'funny' personal dialect, Naomi nodded and said, "I'll come right back and just keep reading if you're not done. I really like this book," she smiled brightly, "so I don't mind."

Fowler stood at that, tussled the top of the girl's hair and said, "Thanks, sweet pea. You and me, we gotta stick together. We make a good team. Okay," she pointed toward the door, "go on now before someone tries to wrangle that time away from us. I'd scoot if I were you."

Giggling, Naomi started away, but said as she walked, "The captain doesn't like me to run in the halls unless there's an emergency, but I'll walk real fast like Seven…okay?"

"Okay," Fowler chuckled, nodded, then went into the bedroom. Closing the door and unzipping her tunic as she went over to the bed, taking her communcator into her palm, Nicole said loudly over the soft piano music, speaking towards the bathroom where there was a soft light coming from, "Sam, that girl is a riot…and sugar sweet, darlin'. I told her to run so she could get to the holodeck in time, and she told me Captain doesn't like that, but she'll walk real fast like Seven." Kicking off her shoes quickly as Wildman popped her head and her bare leg around the corner, smirked at her and gestured that she come hither with her finger and her smirk, Fowler stood up, smiled and then pulled her shirt off her body, saying, "I mean it, woman, I'm gettin' that sticker for you first thing tomorrow."

Frowning as Nicole took off her shirt and started for her, smiling, then asked her what was wrong, Samantha queried, "What happened to your stomach?"

Nicole blinked as she came around the corner and met Wildman, who was wearing a towel, then looked down, saw the bruise that was forming from where Carey had punched her, sighed and said, "Damn," then added quickly, shaking her head, "I've gotta eat more liver or somethin'. I never used to bruise so easily. My iron must be low."

"Honey, what happened?"

Smiling, Fowler said as she set her communicator down "I'm a big girl, darlin'…I run into corners sometimes. It's just a bruise. I didn't even realize I had it. Remember what I looked like when I got my body back?"

Still frowning, Wildman touched it carefully and said, "Nick, that looks like you ran into a fist." Looking up into Fowler's face as the brunette continued to chuckle and shake her head negatively, Samantha asked directly, "Did you fight with him over this?" When the commander sighed and said, "Sam," Wildman said, "Nick, tell me the truth…did you?"

Nicole sighed, then crossed her arms over her chest and said, "I didn't fight him."

Not believing her totally, Wildman asked, "Then who hit you?" and added, pointing to her stomach, "That's a fist, Nick. I can see the knuckles."

The brunette wiped her nose, then said, "Alright, but I didn't lie just then. I didn't fight him."

"But he did hit you?"


"And you didn't hit him back?"


"Why not?" Samantha exasperated.

The brunette sighed, then put her hand on the blonde's shoulder and said, "Sam, I'm not goin' to get into that with you." As the blonde opened her mouth, Fowler added, "That was between him and me alone, and that's how it's gonna stay." While she blonde started shaking her head negatively, Nicole finished, "Please, Samantha."

"Nick," Wildman asked, "why did you let him hit you? I've seen you fight three men at once, and none of them touched, how is it that Joe Carey hit you...twice?"

Sighing, Fowler backed away, scratched the back of her neck and finally said, "Okay," turning around, "but don't tell me I was wrong because the day I don't stand up for my principles is the day I'm not me anymore." When Wildman nodded at that, Nicole held her arms out and asked, but she didn't yell because that wasn't Nick's practice around woman she loved, "Why do you think, Sam? He thinks just because he's a man and we're not, that means he's got something over us…over you." Pointing at the blonde, Fowler said, "So, we had a little chat, man to man, and when he took a few swings at me, I let him hit me and took it, so he's knows there ain't nothin' he's got that I ain't got more of. Listen," she came up to the blonde, and held up her hands, "I know you don't like that, but I'll be goddamned if I'm gonna let him disrespect you and not inform him that the next time he forgets his manners, I will whoop his sorry butt all the way to Sickbay. I'm not gonna go after him as long as he leaves you alone. He can say what he likes about Kate and Seven, and he can call me anything he wants, but I'm not gonna let him say another wrong thing about you or Naomi, Sam. I'm just not gonna do it. I can't…I can't let that go." Shaking her head, she sighed and said, "I just can't, Samantha…I just cain't ignore that crap."

"Okay...okay," Wildman said softly as she wrapped her arms around Fowler's chest and hugged her lightly, "then I don't want you to." Sighing, she whispered, "I'm sorry, Nick. I don't think negatively of you. I just don't like fist fighting. It just…well, it just scares me." Sighing, she explained, "I saw a really bad fight once on Deep Space Nine. They were just arguing and got frustrated and carried away…and one of them died. The other guy didn't mean it, but he just hit him too hard and it killed him…just like that and he was gone." Sighing, she finished as Nicole kissed the top of her head, "I just don't want that person to ever be you. I know how strong you are…and I know you've fought before when you were mad. I just don't ever want you to have to deal with that too."

Rubbing Wildman's back, Fowler whispered, "I know, and I'm not saying that accidents don't happen, but just don't worry about it. He heard me loud and clear today…and I don't think he's stupid enough to cross that line again. And I may be a kick boxer," she managed a small chuckle, "but you know me, baby, I just want everyone to be happy and sing campfire songs together. I don't like real fights either, and all those other times I'd been drinkin'...drinkin' to get drunk, and I don't do that anymore. But if one of us is gonna fight, I'd rather it be me, and that's just me. It's my job to protect you and make sure you're treated right. That's just how I feel."

"Then what's my job?" asked Samantha softly, still resting her head on Fowler's chest and holding her tight, hating that this situation was probably reminding Nick of the pain she went through after Sheldon left her.

"Well, as far as with me, you're job is to do anything you'd like," Fowler smiled as she kissed the top of Wildman's head, "just as long as it makes you happy."

Chuckling, Wildman kissed her skin and whispered, "That doesn't sound fair."

"Oh, it's more than fair because it makes me happy to look after you, and then as long as you're happy, when I get to come home to you and rest, that means I'm guaranteed to be happy too because let me tell you something, Sam, there ain't anything better in this life than the love of a happy lady…just like," she smiled as Wildman looked up at her at that, "there ain't anything worse than her wrath. Just ask Carey about that if you don't believe me…him and his pink table."

Smiling, Samantha whispered as she ran her hands over the front of Fowler's chest, "Then why don't you come home and rest now with me?"

Fowler laughed, then went over to the shower and said as she reached in and turned it on, teasing, "Woman, first you want me, then you wanna fight, and then you want me again. I can't keep up with how quick you change your mind. I'm just a simple soul, I done told you...I do recall." Unzipping her pants as Wildman rolled her eyes and called her a liar, then smirked at her as she stepped into the shower and tossed the towel over the top rail, Fowler grinned and said as she quickly stomped off her clothes, "And why are you so hateful and nasty? I cain't understand where all that fire comes from…"

"Why don't you stop talking already and come find where I keep it, Fowler?"

Laughing out loud, Nicole said as she tossed her clothes aside, "I'm comin'…I'm comin'." Then after pulling her hair from its long braid, she opened the door and peaked inside as Wildman stood with her head titled and was rinsing the soap from her hair. Fowler smiled at the view, shook her head, then stepped inside and said as Wildman brought her head center, looked up and down, and bit her bottom lip, "Mmnt, mmnt, mmm…you hurt me in a bad way, lady." When Samantha smirked at her, drew her eyes over her body, then snatched up the soap and started lathering her hands, Nicole urged her to switch spots and quickly wet her own hair.

Sam set the soap aside and said as she started running her hands over the front of the brunette's body, "Do you know how fine you are to me, Nick Fowler?" Wrapping her arms around her as the water cascaded down the front of Nicole's body and washed the soap away, she kissed her upper chest as she informed, "I could look at you every day forever and never get tired…that's how fine you are to me. Kneel down so I can wash your hair."

Chuckling, Fowler cleared her throat and said, "Yes, Ma'am," then lowered herself until she was on her knees.

Samantha smiled as Nicole kept her hands on her hips, but didn't attempt to do anything else even if she was in a perfect position now to have her way with the blonde, and remarked as he grabbed the shampoo that Nick preferred, "You're very cute when you're polite."

Grinning as Samantha started washing her hair, Fowler informed, "You might not think that if you could read my mind." When the blonde leaned down purposefully and pulled up her long hair, bringing her breast in contact with her face temporarily, Nicole chuckled, "Woman, you are evil incarnate."

"No, I'm not," Wildman came back, then quickly hooked her left leg over Fowler's shoulder while she washed the pile of hair on the commander's head. "This is evil, Nick…don't touch."

Fowler laughed, shaking her head, then nodded, "I'll try," and grinned as she dropped one hand and started to slowly draw her fingertips up the instep of Samantha's right leg. Reaching her inner thigh after going up and down several times while Wildman reached up, adjusted the nozzle so it was raining down on her and telling her close her eyes, Fowler said as Wildman turned the water so it was hitting her chest again once her hair was free of suds, "If I recall correctly, you said you wanted me to do some finger pickin'."

"I do," Wildman came back, "but not yet. Don't touch…just watch."

As Samantha grabbed the soap again and lathered her hands, then started washing her own chest, Fowler took several deep breaths as Sam's hands started to focus on her own breasts, and while Samantha grinned at her, rinsed, then dropped her hand to her partially exposed sex and lightly rubbed herself as she squeezed her breast with her other hand, Nicole inhaled deeply as she licked her lips, and grabbed onto Sam's hips to keep her steady since she was on one leg. When the blonde took her hand away, then brought it to Fowler's lips, slipped two fingers inside her mouth, and let her taste her arousal before she reconnect with her body in the same languid manner, Nicole whispered as she yet again started drawing her hand up Wildman's leg, squeezing her muscles with her full hand this time, "Baby, their ain't no need for know I want you..."

"Mmm, Nick," Wildman whispered back, "I do want you to have me…just not yet, so don't touch."

Groaning and banging her foot behind her against the floor, Fowler said, "Woman, you're killin' me. I mean damn...this puts years on ole Nick's life and I've already got almost a decade on ya..."

Samantha smiled and said as she let Fowler have another taste, "You do want me to earn that sticker, don't you?"

Swallowing, Fowler shook her head as she answered, "Honey, you earn it just by lookin' as good as you do," then forcing herself to play along, she smiled and said, hoping her silliness would help her be patient, "Didn't you see my sticker that says 'Warning: Don't feed the Nick?'" As Wildman chuckled sexily and shook her head no, then dropped her leg, moved decidedly closer, and then lifted her right leg in the same manner as before, letting her left leg support her now, Fowler moaned, wanton and deep at the site nearly right before her lips, then shook her head and whispered as Samantha continued to stimulate herself, "Please, baby…you don't understand how much I want you."

Pulling her hand away and once again slipping her fingers into Nicole's mouth one at a time, Wildman whispered, "I do understand and I'm just taking the edge off. If I don't, I'll come as soon as you put your fingers inside of me, Fowler…that's how much I want you."

With her hands still on Sam's hips, Fowler pressed forward at that, rested her forehead on the blonde's lower abdomen, closed her eyes and breathed deeply, then mumbled, "Christ almighty, lady, and you wonder why I'd fight for you." Pausing for a split second to inhale and kiss her flesh once lightly, Nicole looked down and continued as Samantha's hand started to become more purposeful, her scent clear in her nostrils she was so close to her, "Mmm, Sam, honey, please let me do that for you. I'll lie down on the floor and you can just set all that heaven right down on my mouth. Mmm, darlin', I'll be good...I'll just lick the edge clean off."

Samantha giggled as she reported, "Honey, you'd drown for sure."

Smiling, Fowler begged, "Let me drown, woman…let me drown!"

The blonde quickly turned the water down to a minimum stream, then smiled down at the brunette, who was already lowering herself onto the floor, planning to just keep her legs bent so there was room for her, finding it rather amazing how enthusiastic Fowler was all the time, which she appreciated a great deal, for many reasons, but mostly because she'd never felt more desirable or attractive in her whole life than this time that she'd found with the brunette. Wildman then grabbed the towel, tossed it down to Nicole and said, "So you don't get a concussion." When Fowler smiled, folded it and stuck in under her head, then raised her arms and gestured that the scientist should "Come on down," Samantha adjusted the water higher again now that Fowler was in position, and aimed it away from her head and toward her stomach before she bent down.

As she straddled Fowler's waist, leaning forward so the water was pelting her back, Sam asked, "Are you comfortable?"

"Sweet, sexy thang," Fowler said as she reached up squeezed Wildman's breasts once, then migrated to her hips, pulling her forward, "I am fixin' to play the sweetest song, darlin'…so I am just dandy. Mmm," she continued as Wildman smiled and started crawling forward slowly, "honey, come sit your fine self right here on my face, please."

Smirking, Wildman said, "I've got a better idea…"

"Honey, I know you're smart, but there ain't any better ideas than that…"

As Fowler spoke, Samantha pushed herself up again, then turned around and came back down, saying, "Trust me." While Nicole caught on, took Wildman's hips and maneuvered her into position, Samantha slid one hand between Fowler's legs since the commander was too tall for her to be able to reach with her mouth, smiled at the moisture she found there, since it wasn't typical that Fowler would be so wet already, which turned her on even more, and said as the top of her head and back was sprayed with warm water pleasantly, "Mmm...have I ever told you that liquid is my favorite state of matter?"

"That's not liquid. It's called torture, woman," Fowler smiled just before she pulled Wildman's hips down onto her mouth firmly.

When Nick moaned in delight, ran her long arms around and squeezed her hanging, heavy breasts, Samantha bowed her head as the movement of her own hand faltered while Fowler licked her purposefully. She then informed the commander, breathless, "Nikki…Nikki, that's not…ohgod…Nick, that's not taking the edge off and you know it." As Nicole shook her head affirmatively, and charged ahead at full, kneading her breasts and rattling into her quicksilver flesh her desire to make the scientist lose control, Wildman just braced herself over Fowler while she was drenched with the facet and said, freely and crisp, her body pulsing with feral energy as she started turning her hips in small circles, "Fuckfowleryes…oh god yes, baby, right there! Don't stop!"

"…to Fowler…"

"Yes, Nikki!...Ohgodyes, I love you, Fowler, you're so fucking good...mmnt...god!...yes! Ohgodnickyes!" Samantha continued to shout over the soft piano music.

Blinking and sighing immediately, a huge conflict being waged inside her since Samantha rarely swore during sex, and whenever she did, Fowler knew, without having to know anything else like she did currently, it was because her body was full of tension that was just begging to be release powerfully, Nicole groaned, then banged her foot and her head hard as she pulled away, reaching back and patting Wildman's bottom, explaining as she pushed her away from her lips, "Sam, baby, I'm being hailed," after the blonde said, "Ohgodno…Nikki, please, I'm right there."

"Bridge to Fowler…please respond, Commander."

Looking up as Samantha cursed fiercely, then just slumped against her chest and breathed deeply, Fowler said, "Just hang tight…Computer, shut off the hydro-shower and the music, and open a channel to the Bridge," then added once that was done simultaneously, "Fowler here…report."

"Kim here, Commander. We're getting some strange readings from this system's sun. Solar activity has increased by two hundred percent in the last hour alone. I doubt we're in any danger immediately, although I can't be sure, but something is definitely going on."

Since she'd specifically asked Kim, who was working the Beta Bridge duty, to hail her with any problems before he bothered the captain, Fowler merely nodded and said, "Acknowledged. I'm on my way. Fowler out."


As Commander Chakotay tapped her shoulder where she sat next to him curled up in her afghan since Devin was still in her quarters so the temperature remained chillier than she preferred when she was unwinding, Captain Janeway absently passed their smaller popcorn bowl over to his lap as she laughed in equal parts amusement for the movie, 9 to 5, and her girlfriend's antics, since they'd seen the flick before and both continued to give running commentary. When the commander chuckled, then leaned over and informed her that's not what he meant and then whispered for her to look over at Seven, Kathryn did so, then smiled as she saw what he was referring to, next merely shook her head and turned back to the screen as Torres snapped her fingers since her mouth was full of popcorn and pointed to the screen, signaling to First Regal Devin, who B'Elanna and Seven were seated on the floor next to as the elder woman relaxed in the cozy chair with her feet kicked up.

Not only had Seven pulled B'Elanna into her lap, but she was currently busing herself with things that made her seem rather restless for a Borg, like pick lint off of Torres' back, and make little braids in her hair, and now she was watching Torres' hand, and every time she reached for the popcorn at her side, Seven moved the bowl slightly in an attempt to see how long it would take the Klingon to catch on…which for some reason Seven found amusing, most likely because she knew Torres would eventually catch on and yell at her to "Stop screwing around already!"

As she caught a small movement out of the corner of her eye, which was the popcorn bowl moving again, Kathryn reached over to Chakotay's lap with her right hand, took a few pieces for herself and carefully, but slyly, paid attention to her girlfriend's rather than the television, so very much appreciative for their effort this evening that she was beside herself with hopefulness, even though it was only a few spare hours they would have together since she had to go back to work tonight to finish up, and they had a few more things to do on the shuttle. She didn't even mind that Devin and Chakotay were present at this point since she'd seen them so rarely, and she was actually enjoying this more, she figured, since it was giving her the sense of family she'd grown accustomed to before it was ripped away by the knowledge of Section 31, and their subsequent planning to combat them. Biting down on her lips as Torres blindly searched for the popcorn while she explained the significance of the scene to Devin, who was thoroughly amused with the whole idea of a movie, even if she didn't really understand what was happening, but was intrigued by the culture. When the devious Borg smirked to herself and slid the popcorn to the other side of them behind her back as B'Elanna turned and asked where the popcorn went, and Seven told her it was on the other side, keeping her voice perfectly even and giving nothing away, Kathryn whispered, "Blame your sister," then gestured to Torres, after Chakotay accused her of creating a monster in Seven of Nine.

The Borg played her game for a little longer, then finally slid the bowl behind Devin's chair as Torres gave up looking on one side, turned and looked to the other, asking, "Where the hell did it go?" As Chakotay started chuckling and Janeway smiled over at her as she reached over again and took a few more pieces of the starchy corn, B'Elanna smirked, then barked over her shoulder, "Dollface, stop screwing around and gimme some popcorn already!"

"I will not comply," Seven of Nine came back, putting her hands slightly behind her and leaning on them, figuring Torres would soon turn around. "You are 'hogging' it…as usual."

"I can't hog it if I don't have it, ace," Torres informed, turning around on her knees. "You had it…so you're hogging it. Now where is it?"

"I do not have it…as you can see. Perhaps you ate the bowl as well?"

As Chakotay laughed out loud at that, B'Elanna looked over at he and Janeway, flipped them off, turned back to Seven and said, "Seven, gimme the popcorn! DaH!" When the Borg merely cocked her eyebrow, looked about the immediate area for the mysterious bowl, but didn't say anything, Torres sighed and said, "Red, tell her to stop screwing around and gimme the popcorn…we're tryin' to watch a movie here…"

"Seven," Kathryn merely said, worried their play fight would annoy Devin.

Not so willing to give in when the redhead spoke these days in their personal life, especially when she was having fun, Seven returned, "Kathryn," as she looked at Torres and cocked her eyebrow.

"Seven of Borg," Devin said fast and snappy, looking at the television screen carefully, "return the repast to the B'Elanna so she will silence herself. I cannot detail the dialogue with your banter."

As Chakotay chuckled and patted Kathryn's shoulder while the redhead sighed, then laughed softly once, Seven stuck her tongue out at Torres, who was smiling and holding out her hand, then reached behind the chair and handed it over, adding, "Do not 'hog' it…'Cheater.'"

"It's not cheating, babe…it's winning," Torres remarked, then crawled back into her lap as the Borg sat cross-legged. As Seven reached around her waist and grabbed a handful of popcorn, B'Elanna whispered, "Are you having fun?"

"That is correct," Seven nodded, then kissed her cheek and thanked her again for the idea.

Pointing to the screen, Devin asked quickly, "Detail this!"

"That is what is called animation," Seven of Nine answered since Torres was sipping her beer. "That is a 'cartoon' bird drawn and digitally added to the 'film.' It does not actually exist or have life. The 'actress' is merely 'pretending' to interact with it. She does not actually see it." When Devin raised her eyebrows at that, stunned that it wasn't really there, then looked back to the Borg and said the actress was clearly talented, Seven nodded and said, "She is remarkable. Although," she smirked, "Kathryn is superior, and can 'act' impressively without an exact 'script.'"

Janeway warned, "Stop it, Seven..."

Seven smirked to Devin and explained, "She is also 'modest' due to socialization."

"She's supposed to be Snow White," Torres went on, tapping Devin's knee lightly to gain her attention. "She was a cartoon character in one of the first all animation movies. I guess she was supposed to be goody-goody, fairy princess or some crap like that, but she's having a daydream about poisoning Frank's coffee. So, it's kind of twisted. That's not really happening…she's just dreaming about it."

"I can detail now why this 'movie' appeals to you," Devin smiled over at the Klingon. "It centers around revenge…not just conniving females."

Nodding, Torres smirked and said, "And not just you're everyday, break someone's nose revenge. This is the sh," she amended quickly, "stuff that really put the hurt on someone. Just wait…it gets better."

"You know," Kathryn chucked and said as she turned her head towards Chakotay and gestured that he should lean down as the room fell silent, whispering into his ear, "if this is any preview as to how they're going to be around my grandmother…I think maybe I should reconsider staying in San Francisco…"

Looking over to the group, Chakotay smiled, nodded and said back, "Good plan…let me know if you need a cook."

"Bridge to Janeway."

As everyone froze for a moment, refrained from sighing or cursing since they recognized the voice as Nicole's, the captain slapped at her communicator, saying, "Janeway here," then looked over her shoulder the next instant as Devin reported, "Kathryn, we are disengaging from our orbit…"

"Fowler here, Captain," Nicole came back immediately, "The sun of this system shows signs that it's about to go super nova and take us with it…real quick." As everyone got to their feet, Nicole went on, "We're breaking orbit now along with the Alaxiat. I apologize for the lack of warning, but I just got up here five minutes ago…it's unfolding fast. I can't explain it."

"Go to yellow alert," Janeway commanded. Walking over to her desk as Seven of Nine went that way as well, Devin, Chakotay and Torres not far behind, Janeway asked, "What's our heading?"

"I've ordered both ships to get to minimum safe distance at full headed back of the Alpha Quadrant," Nicole continued to explain as the intrepid class vessel pulled out of orbit, swung around the planet and then accelerated to full impulse power, "and then to stop once we're safe. We're reading five separate vessels in danger, and with the particles and radiation the sun is spewing right now, we're having trouble contacting them and telling them to get a move on. I thought we should hang around to make sure they get out before this thing goes."

Not bothering to ask why they weren't going faster since the same things that disrupted communications also disrupted warp capabilities, the captain nodded as Seven began to bring up the list of alternate planets she'd already surveyed before they decided on this one, and asked, "Can you give me an estimate on how long before it goes?"

"I could," Fowler started, "but, it wouldn't be worth much, truthfully. We'll be free in about fifteen minutes, though. Harry's got his money on two hours, mine's on one…you want in, Captain?"

Figuring that meant Fowler wasn't worried about them not making it in time, which seemed about right to her since Nick typically didn't like to take chances with such things, Kathryn chuckled lightly and said, "I left all my latinum in the Alpha Quadrant…sorry." Looking over to Devin, she said, "I assume you know Devin's still aboard…"

"Aye, Captain," Fowler informed. "My apologies, First Regal, but take it from someone who's been through a transporter accident, you don't want to try it in this mess right now. We can get you back home as soon as we get to minimum safe distance."

As Devin turned around, put her arm around Chakotay remarking that it was good not to have to do anything sometimes as she urged him back over toward the television, Janeway said, "Well done, Commander…thank you. Keep me informed. Janeway out."

"Go Nick," Torres remarked smiling, then turned around and jogged over to the window to peer out of it with the others.

"There are several alternative destinations," Seven of Nine informed as Janeway chuckled, then placed her hand on the small of her back and looked down at the small sensor screen to what Seven was doing. Putting her arm around Janeway, the Borg went on, "May I suggest this one? Class-M. It is uninhabited and the fifth planet in a binary system. It will take us approximately thirty hours to reach at Warp Six." Smiling and looking down at the redhead, she said, "There are several water ways in which you could swim, and," she went on, looking back to it, "previous scans suggested various agricultural and mineral supplies could be acquired…minus those which we required for the Slipstream Project. It was my second choice."

"Assuming those other vessels don't get into trouble and need our help," the captain began quietly, resting her head against Seven slightly as she reached up with her right hand and held Seven's that was on her shoulder, almost feeling like they were back in Astrometrics during one of their many conferences, and relishing in the sensation, "how fast would we have to go to get there by morning?" Looking up, she smirked and said, "I'd rather not delay the test…or do it in the vicinity of the new super nova."

Nodding in agreement, Seven answered, "We would be required to travel at Warp Eight point Four if we depart within the hour."

"Devin," Janeway said as she looked over her shoulder and turned slightly toward the other side of the room, "do you think your ship is capable of Warp Eight right now?"

"No," the first returned easily, looking over toward the redhead, still with her arm around Chakotay's shoulder, since she simply liked him on many levels, one of them being she found him beautiful inside and out. "Menthy detailed to me just today nothing over Seven and a half can be attempted until we bolster the hull…considering she will soon flounder, I hailed him earlier and told him to leave it be. Seems a waste of resources and spirit."

Nodding to the first, then smirking and chuckling to herself at the sight of the tall, thin and much older woman making it known that she fancied the rugged commander, and only to the end that she wished him to be flattered and herself to be tickled, Kathryn looked back at Seven, who cocked her eyebrow, then smirked and turned her back to them, and said, "Well, that will only delay our arrival by a few hours, so I think I'll just leave in the morning still, run through the test, and then meet you all there." Smiling softly up at Seven, she said, "That will work out rather well considering if this planet is nice enough and we can survey it quickly, we'll be able to have something of a celebration for both crews before we begin construction." Dropping her hand and lightly patting the Borg's bottom, she requested, "Send that information to the Bridge please."

Turning around as Seven nodded and snatching up her tunic, Kathryn said, "I'm going to the Bridge for a few minutes to see about those other ships." When Seven looked over to her, then grinned and merely bobbed her head, Janeway reached down, stepped into her shoes and whispered, "Would you like to join me?"

The Borg pivoted towards the captain as Janeway stood upright and pulled her hair behind her ears, saying, "I believe I would," before she reached out and adjusted Kathryn's collar so it was straight, then picked two strands of hair off her tunic, but failed to mention that one of the fallen follicles was grey, or that when Kathryn forgot herself and pulled her hair behind her ears on both sides, the light strands near her temples were visible because they didn't bother her, Seven, but she knew on some days they did bother the captain. As Janeway smirked at her while she tidied her uniform, Seven whispered after she smirked back, "I have missed this as well."

"You mean you don't that to Lanna too?" Kathryn came back, coy, but super soft, so their conversation was private.

"She is Klingon and finds 'fussing' unacceptable."

Chuckling lightly as the Borg straightened her uniform's shoulders, then pulled her hands away and placed them behind her back, Janeway said as she stepped around her, patting her lower stomach, "Well, I guess it's a good thing there's at least one human for you to play with then, huh?" Then added louder as the Borg said, "You are correct," speaking to the group near the couch, "We'll be back."

As Seven and Janeway left, B'Elanna sighed and said, "Great…now we'll never finish the movie."

"What makes you say that?" asked Chakotay, reaching for Torres' beer then taking a sip.

Grabbing her beer back as Devin chuckled, then pulled away from him to go get herself something to drink from the replicator, the chief answered, "Because they're gonna go stir up some trouble…just like they always do when they're bored." B'Elanna smiled and said after she sipped her beer, speaking to Devin, "Trust me on this one, First…the only two people on this ship that trouble follows more often than them is me and Seven…they were born to save the universe together, I know it."

"So, what were you born to do?" asked Chakotay as Devin bent over, peered into the replicator and said, "Computer…create the coffee like Captain Janeway prefers."

As she watched the commander look over at Devin, who was smiling into the replicator, then nodded, took the cup and said, "Obliged," Torres grinned at the look on Chakotay's face, knowing there was at least some part of her friend that liked the Fynth more than just because she reminded him of his great aunt, and answered, "I was born to make your life miserable." Then setting down her beer, she said, purposefully giving them some time alone, knowing Seven and Janeway well enough that they probably wouldn't be back for a while, "Well, since they've gone out, I'm gonna run home and shower…be back in a while."

"She is a joy," Devin said smiling after she sipped her coffee. "It is not a task to detail why you have remained close for such a length."

"She has her moments," Chakotay informed. "Now that I've got you alone," he started, reaching for Torres' beer, "am I allowed to ask how your lashes are healing?"

"Stubbornly," Devin reported honestly, "but my spirit is renewed with this day's surprises." Coming up in front of Chakotay, she placed her free hand on the center of his chest as he sipped the beer and said, "You, however, are a respite to my eyes. It is good to see you less troubled for you and yours."

Smiling and nodding his thanks, the commander set his beer down, then took the Fynth's coffee, set that down as well and said as he took her towards the center of the room, "It's good to be less troubled, although," he turned around as Devin walked with him, smiling and looking down at the floor, almost shyly as if she was a young girl in love, pulled her close carefully and started to dance as they had on several occasions, always preferring to do so without music since music wasn't part of Devin' culture, "just between you and me, I'd like to go down to the Cargo Bay and have a little talk with Carey, but," he chuckled lightly as Devin raised her eyebrows and nodded her understanding, "this isn't the Maquis, nor is it my ship."

"Nick Fowler was accomplished to the task for which she was granted," Devin informed. "Kathryn detailed that if anyone can talk man to man, it is she."

Chakotay chortled softly, nodding and whispered, "Nick's one of the nicest people I've ever met, but I wouldn't pick a fight with her for anything. She could kick my butt from one end of this ship to the other…I'm sure of it. I've seen her go toe to toe with Seven in the ring and come out standing." Then sighing, Chakotay said seriously as he lightly rubbed the center of her upper back, which he knew was were she felt tension most often, "I know I don't have to, but I apologize for not being able to tell you we were going home…even when I knew." Shaking his head, he said, "There were enough terrible things that I had to drop on her all at once. I just didn't feel like I could make any more demands, but I did want you to know, and I'm glad that you do now." Smiling his crinkly, honest grin, he said, "Maybe now I won't have to avoid you so I don't have to worry about you reading my mind and catching on…"

Devin clicked softly, then reached up to Chakotay's face, traced his tattoo and said, "You overestimate my ability, but I too am relieved to no longer sense as though you and she were negotiating with demons against me." Smiling, Devin leaned down some as they stilled, kissed the commander's tattoo and whispered, "I hope you find no crime, but I feel it has been too great a length since I've detailed you so closely. Lashes and Kathryn's lunacy aside, I feel as though I have forgotten some of the reasons why you call to me…even at this length in my cycle." When Chakotay started kissing her neck softly, pulled her slightly closer and rubbed her back of her neck, the first sighed and whispered, "But my recollection returns with vigor under your touch again."

Migrating toward her mouth slowly, keeping his pressure gentle and loving, Chakotay kissed her softly, always enjoying that every time he'd done so in the past, and there had been several times, she made a high sound in her nose at first and seemed completely overwhelmed, before she either slapped the sides of his arms as she grabbed him tighter, or did what she was doing now, which was to smile against his lips and run her hands over the sides of his face and the rest of his head, almost as if it helped her to see what was occurring since her eyes were closed. Chakotay wasn't sure why she did that, and if all Fynth did that, but he had always thought it was nice, so he certainly didn't mind that she was so sensually tactile.

The commander also wasn't certain what he was doing with Devin, and if he was just once again getting into a relationship that was hopeless and destined for heartache before it started because he knew she was dying, and he knew she wasn't going to be around much longer, or planned to use technology at her disposal to prolong her life, and he figured that maybe that was part of it, because he respected that…respected her as an noble elder trying to finish the path she started for herself under her terms for her people. And he figured part of it was because she was old and dying, and he felt honored that he could bring some pleasant, lively sensations and memories to someone in those circumstances. However, there was no guilt in his heart, nor did he feel like he was using her because he knew they both knew the circumstances, and he did know for certain that both of them were just happy to have this time together for however long it lasted…and that's pretty much how his love life had always gone, and he figured that's how it would always go. It was like a double-edged sword, but one he'd battled with long enough that he was accustomed to the weight and maneuverability of it. And since he knew a lot about Devin and her culture, although he would indeed miss her when she was gone, he could also let her pass without regret because he'd know she'd be remembered and honored for the great leader that she was.

Devin pulled away slowly from the kiss, then whispered as she opened her eyes and shook her head, "Damn those spirits and their lashes," but she smiled, nonetheless. "Perhaps it's merely my mind fleeting too, or the influence of detailing mates reunited, but I do yearn to nest with you again on this meandering cycle."

"Why don't you stay then?" Chakotay whispered back, pulling her arm out and dancing with her again, smiling, unable to deny there was something about her that he found enchanting, not to mention beautiful. Since he'd spent a great deal of time with the Fynth, he was certain they aged more gracefully than any species he'd ever seen. They were like a fine wine that just got better and better because their wisdom and spirit just poured out of them in their senior years, which added to their attractiveness. "Let Grenthel and Shreen take care of your flock, and stay with me until the morning. In fact," he smiled as Devin looked down at him, smirking and shaking her head no, "we're having an important senior staff breakfast tomorrow. The captain's going to announce the Slipstream test and say a few words to rally the troops. I'm sure she'd like you there anyway. Then if you'd like, you can join us on the Bridge as she shoves off…you can even sit in her chair, since I don't like to." Chuckling as Devin clicked at that, finding the humor, the commander finished, "It should be standard stuff, but I'm sure it would be nice for you to see us all in action."

"You and Kathryn indulge me too much, I believe," Devin said quietly, still smiling as she touched his face again.

"Give us break," Chakotay chuckled back, "we've been alone for a long time…and most of the people we've met have become dead set on hunting us down and destroying us." Smirking, the commander whispered, "I think she likes to press her luck and shake her big stick at everyone that passes, personally…that's why," he laughed, then sniffled lightly in humor, "I always thought she and Torres would be great together…nobody has a bigger stick than B'Elanna…except maybe Seven."

Smiling, Devin asked, somewhat rhetorically, "What ever will you do, my beauty, when those three cease their play?"

"Well," Chakotay chuckled, "I'm not sure they'll ever settle down, but I'm sure I'll think of something. So," he smiled, "does that mean you'll stay and play with us?"

"My play is done," the first informed, rubbing his cheek, "but stay and nest with you, I will. The ability to resist still doesn't dwell within me, but I am, as you say, working on it." Chuckling lightly, and kissing Chakotay's face in several areas, she finished, "As for your tomorrow, another duty calls out to me, but I will attend the feast prior to detailing it."

After Devin patted his face and then walked back over to the table to gather up her coffee and sit down, Chakotay cleared his throat mildly, scratched the area near his tattoo and informed, "Good luck getting her to agree. I'm not sure she'll bend on this one." When Devin turned to him, sipped her coffee and smirked, Chakotay chuckled and said, "No, I'm not becoming telepathic too…I just know the type. You're more alike that you think."

"Perhaps," Devin allowed, "but it means little at this length, and she will submit, I assure you." Then setting down her coffee, she questioned, "Do you wear that our nesting will cause an issue?"

The commander laughed softly as Devin walked up to him again, shook his head and said, "No. At least not with anyone that matters to me, but," he cleared his throat mildly and said, "I'm not in the habit of discussing those private things with anyone. I'll talk about their personal life with Kathryn and B'Elanna, but I just don't usually talk about my own…unless it's with that person or I need to set the story straight." Quirking the side of his mouth, he asked, "Why did you ask me that?"

Devin raised her eyebrow, placed her hands on his shoulders and said as she ran hands over his broad upper torso, still clothed in his full uniform since he wasn't in the habit of taking it off until he was home for the night, "I merely wear for the one who's amble is kind enough to indulge this relic's fits of babe-like passion. Our cultures diverge here, Chakotay. I fear assumptions will be carved in yours. Mine cherish you for your assistance previously, and will more so if they detail this…this does not seem so with yours."

Sighing, Chakotay carefully placed his hands on her waist and said, "It's different with Kathryn for many reasons…none of which are right, and none of which I ever agreed with. Some people think since she made the decision to stay out here, she shouldn't try to make a life…she was probably the biggest offender there for a long time. She's also the captain, and I'm not. I think it'll be fine, and like I said, I don't discuss it. It's nobody's business but ours. Feel better now?"

The first regal grinned and whispered as she brought her hands to Chakotay's neck and ran the tips of her fingers over his slightly rough jaw thanks to the lengthening of the hour, "Then I will wear none for you…although again you astound me with your calm when you are near the fire alone. As far as feeling better, I did not feel poor." Smiling and kissing his lips once, Devin added, "Though, I'm still too worn to wake the spirits as we did before, I regret with exclamation."

Chuckling, Chakotay informed, "You and me both, lady. I spent the whole day in the holodeck boxing. You're lucky I can even stand here." As he started to kiss her lips again as they smiled and enjoyed each other's personality, the commander sighed and pulled away, then whispered, "Speaking of standing here…if we don't stop, I'm gonna get caught kissing in the captain's quarters…a crime punishable by teasing rights for years to come..."


"That's the last of them, Captain," Kim reported from Operations, looking up from his console to Janeway, who was standing in the center of the command deck looking at the front viewer as Seven of Nine piped a digital display to the side and detailed the readings coming off the sun for Janeway to read easily while she kept an eye on the area visually, and merely wished to watch in hopes they would see the event, now that they were plenty far enough away from any danger.

Turning around and nodding, Janeway said, "Hail the Alaxiat."

"On screen."

As the Fynth vessel's central came into view and the only other Fynth female of the first's crew looked up from a sensor board, raising her eyebrows in question, her thick, long, raven hair a stark contrast to her crisp white uniform and her canary yellow skin and eye coloring, Janeway smiled and said, "Third, it's good to see you again. It looks as though the other ships either got our message or figured it out for themselves since they've all backed away." Looking over to Kim and merely nodding, the captain turned back front and explained, "You should be receiving our new course right now. I've already spoken with the first, so we'll proceed at the best speed for your vessel. Unfortunately," she smiled, lop-sided, "as much as we'd love to say to witness this star's expansion, I'm afraid we've got a rather important test flight to make tomorrow morning…so we'll need to seek out some less turbulent space."

Smiling, Shreen nodded and said, "Yes, the Invictus. I witnessed your talk earlier on Mister Neelix's ship channel. It was culturally illusive, but your aptitude speaks across many boundaries." Then pushing away from the throne chair as Janeway chuckled and thanked for the compliment, making a whistling like sound from her mouth towards Baker, who'd been called to duty when the excitement started, the Fynth ordered, "Flight, go as she wishes," then looked up and asked the captain, who was walking down to the helm to where an ensign was sitting, "Devin's well?"

Janeway tapped the ensign on his shoulder, told him to follow them, then looked up, smiled and said, "She's fine...just resting her spirit."

"Which one?" Shreen asked, smiling and joking. "She has one for each cycle she's survived, I think." Then holding up her hand and showing her was merely kidding, she went on before she broke the communications, "If you would tell her the flock is fine, and that Grenthel and I are keeping the meandering to a minimum," she chuckled lightly, "I would be obliged."

"Of course," Janeway bobbed her head, grinning politely, then followed prompt, "If we don't speak to you before, we'll talk again in the morning. Voyager out." Next pivoting smoothly and smirking at Command Fowler, Janeway said, "Sometimes I forget how unique Devin really is…funny how the mind works that way." Then chuckling and looking up to Kim, Kathryn said, "Harry, let everyone know that if the Alaxiat needs anything tonight, they're to hail me first."

"Aye, Captain."

Looking up to Seven of Nine, who was standing next to Lieutenant Byers at Tactical, conversing softly about something while she worked the sensor board, which he seemed to be very interested in as he hovered close and looked mostly over her shoulder, Kathryn delayed requesting Fowler's presence in her Ready Room, and instead asked, "Seven…something wrong?" It wasn't that she was trying to be nosey, but she hadn't worked closely with Seven in nearly three months, and she knew, from before, the Borg typically didn't do anything unless it was important, especially speak with people that weren't her friends.

Completely forgetting herself since she was having a nice time being on the Bridge with Janeway again, as well as speaking with Byers, who Seven found acceptable, about his interest in Ensign Susan Resse, the Borg detailing to him various observations she'd made about things the brunette Operations officer liked, Seven of Nine responded, glancing up quickly, "No, Kathryn," then back down to her board, "we are..." Stopping as she realized what she'd said as everyone grew quite, but the captain played her hand expertly and allowed a soft laugh, the Borg continued to look down as she blushed slightly and corrected with a certain amount of irritation in her tone, "No, Captain…we are merely 'chatting.'"

"Well, then," Kathryn said wryly, "by all means, carry on."

"I will comply."

"Speaking of," Nicole jumped in quickly, getting to her feet, "Captain," pointing to the redhead's office, "could I have a moment of your time, please?"

"Sure," Janeway bobbed her head, then turned and started for the door to her office, resisting the urge to glance up at Seven to reassure her that her slip was perfectly natural and she wouldn't take offense even if they had really ended their relationship, and also just to feed her curiosity as to what she was talking to Byers so quietly about. Once she was in her office, Kathryn immediately turned for the bathroom, wanting to wash her hands since they still felt greasy thanks to the popcorn, and asked when she heard the door close behind her, "What's on your mind?"

Following the redhead to the bathroom, Nicole leaned in the doorway as Janeway activated the faucet, crossed her arms over her chest and asked directly, but respectful, "Did I do too much on my own?"

"No, Commander," Kathryn replied quietly, smiling as she soaped up her hands. "You did what I would have done. I'm curious, though," she looked over to Fowler for a moment, "any specific reason why they called you first?"

"I asked them to check with me before they bothered you."

Chuckling and rinsing her hands, the captain remarked, "You're picking up Chakotay's bad habits."

Fowler wiped her nose and asked, "Would you rather me not do that?"

The redhead laughed softly as she dried her hands, shook her head and said, "Nick, you're doing fine…don't worry about it." Turning toward the brunette and passing by her, patting her stomach as the second officer side-stepped, them getting back to their previous comfort level with each other since the holonovel, "I've always preferred to be in the know…even at the expense of my own relaxation, but don't think I don't appreciate you looking out for me." Glancing over her shoulder, she added as she started for the upper deck, "I realize that your job isn't as cut and dry as most of ours, and I didn't come down here because I don't think you can't handle it. I'm just too wound up to sit still for long right now...and I'm too much of an explorer to ignore the chance to possibly see a star go super nova." The captain sat down on her couch, and finished, sincerely, "You're turning into a fine first officer, Nick. Go with your instincts…you did well."

Over at the replicator, making herself a juice and pita with hummous and bean sprouts before she got anymore cranky since she was now officially famished, the brunette said, "Okay…thank you, Captain."

Smiling at the perturbed look on Fowler's face, Kathryn asked directly, "Nick, what's wrong with you? You're not usually this edgy."

Fowler sighed and admitted, picking up her things and moving quickly to the upper level, "Crap-timing, truthfully…and," she held up her finger, guzzled her juice to half before she continued, which caused Kathryn to chuckle, "I'm hungry." Sighing, she wiped her mouth with the napkin, then tore the pita in half and said as she wrapped that part up, "I'll just be glad when this day's over."

Reaching over and pulling a small piece of the pita off for herself as Fowler took a large bite of hers and placed the plate in the middle of them on the cushion, nodding down in offering, Kathryn asked, "How's Samantha?"

Fowler swallowed, took a sip of her vegetable juice to wash it down and answered, still feeling irked, but not at Kathryn, just frustrated in general, and having to leave Wildman in such a state certainly wasn't helping, "She's not happy enough for my liking, frankly…and it makes me testy."

"Is this about the bruise on your chin?"

Shaking her head no, Fowler said, "Don't worry, I didn't hit him. I wanted to," she acknowledged, "but I didn't." Fowler looked over at the captain and said, "I wouldn't put you in that kind of a position, and thank you again for letting me talk with him. It means a lot to me."

"You're welcome," Kathryn replied.

"If I ask a question, will you answer it honestly?"

Janeway pulled another piece of pita off, and replied, "I won't lie, but I won't guarantee that I'll answer."

"Would you have let Chakotay speak with him if I was off duty today?"

"Not alone."

Fowler sighed with relief, nodded and said, "Thank you, Captain," then took another large bite of her pita.

"My turn," Kathryn smirked, then nodded at her with her chin, "Why did you ask me that?"

After swallowing, Fowler sat back, drew up her right ankle to her knee and answered, "I've been tested more times than I care to count in the last few months, and I just wanted to know where I stood in that regard. I wanted to know if you still trusted me even when Sam was involved." Looking over to the captain now, Nicole added, "I hope that doesn't sound like insecurity. If you didn't trust me, I'd understand, but I wanted to know if it was just you having enough of Carey and not caring if he was roughed up a bit, or if it was like what I figured, and you knew I just needed to make a point to him. Don't take this the wrong way," she managed to crack a small smile, "but you're hard to figure out sometimes."

"I know where you stand," Kathryn said surely, but soft. "I'm a little surprised he had enough courage to strike you since I'm sure he doesn't have any idea who you are, but I'm not surprised you didn't retaliate physically. Honestly, it makes me concerned as to his state of mind and if there's not a bigger problem with him." Shaking her head, she informed, "We've been out here a long time. It's not unheard of for seasoned officers to lose grasp of reality after long periods of space travel and isolation."

"I didn't get that impression from him," Fowler informed quickly, shaking her head.

"Nor did I," acknowledged the captain, "but make sure you keep that in mind for your own protection if he crosses the line again." Taking a piece of the pita, Janeway felt the need to say, "You know I can't protect you if you take matters into your own hands. So, just so you know," Kathryn finished, looking over at her seriously, "if he does cross the line again, you won't be granted that allowance. I'll protect you by keeping you away, but if you countermand my authority and make it personal anyway, I won't because you know the consequences…the choice is always yours. I won't take it personally, of course…it won't affect our friendship. It's not my place to judge your principles."

"I understand that, Captain…I promise."

"Am I assuming correctly that it would be a matter of who gets to him first?"

"No," Fowler informed quickly, unhappy by that in a way. When Janeway blinked, Nicole looked over to her and said, "I've changed my mind…so," she stood and picked up her empty glass of juice, wanting another, "maybe that means I really am a woman after all…but, I made my point to him before I changed my mind…so I doubt he'll test me."

Crossing her arms over her chest, the redhead remarked, "It's been a while since I've seen you this angry." As Fowler nodded and said, "Yea, I know, it's not like me," Janeway brought her hand to her chin and asked, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, I wanna beat the tar out of a punchin' bag," Nicole came back, turning and returning to her seat, "but I need to eat first." Then sighing, Fowler said, "I'm sorry, I'm not mad at you." Shaking her head, she continued before the captain could respond, "I'm just really torn up right now, and it's just been a bad day. I'll get outta your hair quick, I promise."

Smiling, Kathryn said, "You're not bothering me…although," she leaned forward and pulled a little more pita off, "you are making me hungry. This is good."

Nicole stood at that, and said as she started back for the replicator, "It's in my personal database…I'll send it to you. Go ahead a finish that. I need to boost my iron anyway." Replicating a liver patté, and wheat crackers, she answered the captain's question as to why that was, "I'm bruising more than I used to, and," she allowed a smirk as she turned toward the redhead, "I refuse to blame age or take least not until I'm sixty. Since it's not that I'm softer or can't take a jab…I'll try eating more iron."

"Well, good luck to you." As Fowler loaded a cracker, then threw it into her mouth, chewed quickly and then hurriedly washed it down, the captain broke one of the crackers in half, added a small amount of the spread, took a bit, then asked, "Why do you eat it if you don't like it?"

"It's good for me…keeps me disciplined too." When the captain laughed softly at that and shook her head, Fowler asked, "What…it's true?"

Chewing, then setting down her cracker on her pita plate, she was about to stand when Fowler looked about, then popped up for her and jogged to the replicator. Kathryn closed her eyes for a moment, shook her head and then remarked after she cleared her throat, "Nick, you of all people don't strike me as the type to not be disciplined or to lose grasp of that…ever." As Fowler trotted back, handed her a napkin and a mug of warm water, Kathryn said, "Thank you…you've got to be one of the most conscious people I know, so I think if you ate what you liked, you'd manage alright."

Laughing lightly, Fowler said, "Well, thanks, but if I ate what I liked, I'd have died from a heart-attack already or be as big as a house." Making up another cracker, she smiled and said, "Everything would be spicy barbecued or chicken fried…and covered in gravy, with bacon or hash on the side."

Kathryn smiled, shook her head and said, "You know what I mean…but you would have liked my father." After finishing her cracker, and tearing off a piece of the pita, she asked again, "How's Samantha…other than not as happy as you'd like?"

Sighing, Fowler sat back, shook her head, then said, "I'm worried about her. She's too stressed, and I didn't help her by talkin' to Carey."

"You told her about that?" Kathryn asked, surprised, but her tone was even and calm.

"She doesn't let things slide for anything," Fowler started, "not when she cares." Looking over to Kathryn, Nicole pointed to her stomach, "I gave him two licks at me for good measure…and," she sat forward and snatched up a cracker, "since I bruise so goddamned easily these days, she figured it out. Now," Fowler got slightly louder as she sat back and prepared to take bite, "she's got to worry about me too, and if I tell her I've changed my mind and won't make a fuss, she'll just feel bad like I'm just doin' it for her and not because I want to."

Curious, the redhead asked, reaching forward for her cup of water as Fowler ate her cracker, frowning again, "And she's not the reason you've changed your mind?"

"No, she is the reason," Fowler answered once she was finished chewing and wiped her mouth, "but only because I'm not gonna let some piss-poor excuse for a man be the reason I can't see her other than from behind a forcefield." Holding up her hand, she added, "Don't get me wrong, I've got a line, and I'd still like to bust his chops for speaking to her that way, but so would a lot of people, and she did, so it's not gonna do me any good to make more of a fuss…especially right now."

"She's worried about Naomi..."

Nodding, Fowler leaned back, kicking her feet out and said as she closed her eyes for a moment and tried to relax, "Yea." Sighing, Nick said, "It's tearing her up right now. She's not sleeping enough. Every time Naomi wakes up, she's up for at least two hours afterward. She gets through it fine while Naomi's upset and before this week it didn't seem to bother her that much. She just kept tellin' me that it was all natural and she'd get through it fine, but I don't know," she sighed, shaking her head and opening her eyes, looking over at the captain. "I think…well, I know it's starting to get to her. She's cried her eyes out two of the last five nights after Naomi went back to sleep, and then today again over popping Carey and ruining our plans for tonight. And now," Fowler sat up quickly, snatched up her juice and scowled, "and now she's fixin' to get really let down."

After taking a sip of her juice, Nicole set it down, wiped her nose and said, clearly frustrated, "It just…I just don't like it. She doesn't ever get any time for herself…just her, you know? She's so busy doin' everything for everyone but her, and when she finally has a chance to go do somethin' she really loves by herself, a friggin' star decides it's time to go super nova and take that away." Sighing and shaking her head, Nicole finished quieter, "Like I said, it's just been a bad day, and I hate knowin' there's nothing I can really do about it."

Looking at the small plate of crackers and spread that was almost gone, Nicole asked as the captain just remained quiet, "Did you wanna finish this?" When the redhead nodded as she sipped her water, Fowler left the plate on the cushion, stood, and asked as she picked up her glass and took it back to the replicator, "What's the limit on weeks ahead I can dip into my rations again? Two or three?"

The captain smirked to herself as she made up a cracker and answered, figuring Samantha was about to get a nice surprise, and believing she certainly deserved it, just for being a mother, "As many as you need…within reason, of course."


Tapping her communicator, Kathryn hailed, "Janeway to Devin."

"I detail you, Captain."

"Can I speak with you privately for a moment, please?"

"Do you require my presence or merely seclusion? I am in your quarters alone…"

"Where'd they go?"

"Your B'Elanna pretended to depart to bathe," the Fynth explained as she sat on the arm of the couch, held her coffee and looked out of the window, "in an attempt to give your second and me a length to meander." Clicking lightly, Devin went on, "Chakotay just departed to acquire frivolous amenities for my comfort…"

Not up on current events between the commander and the first, Kathryn asked immediately, "Are you uncomfortable?"

"Quite the opposite…yet he insists on pampering me. Apparently, it is part of the humanity, hmm?"

Chuckling at that, the redhead remarked, dry, "Something like that. Anyway, I wanted to let you know that we're out of danger and on our way to the planet that was Seven's second choice. I've spoken with Shreen, and she told me to tell you that everything's fine and they're handling it. As soon as you'd like to go home, that won't be a problem, but I don't see why you can't just stay here for the night. We've got plenty of room, and," she added quickly, hoping this would convince her since Kathryn had seen Devin's quarters and felt she'd get much better and cozier rest aboard Voyager, which the elder woman obviously could use at least one night of, and probably several in succession, "we're having a staff breakfast tomorrow. I think it might be nice if you could be there for the announcement."

Devin smiled to herself and answered, "Obliged, Kathryn. I'll remain your guest then."

"Good," Janeway nodded out of habit, "and you can stay in my quarters too. I won't be back anyhow."

"Duty calls to you again, my child?"

"How'd you guess?" Janeway responded, allowing a small laugh, and keeping her voice light even though she knew the Fynth well enough to know Devin knew she'd be seeing to things all night to battle her restlessness and to make sure she left as little as possible undone, just in case she never came back, which she believed was her duty…completely so. As Devin hummed softly, the captain informed, "I've got everything I need in my Ready Room, so just make yourself at home."

"Shall I expect your mates to return or no?"

"I'm pretty sure they'll just go back and finish their final tests on the shuttle since it's still pretty early…I'll have them leave the television for you, though. Do you need them to stop by to show you how to work it?"

"It is not a necessity. I would comprehend little without their detailing."

"Alright," the Starfleet captain began to finish, "then I'll leave you to Chakotay's pampering, but don't hesitate to call me if you need anything, and if I don't see you before, I'll see you tomorrow morning." Once Devin affirmed that, Kathryn closed, "Have a good night. Janeway out."

Once the communiqué was closed, the redhead tapped her comm-badge again and said, "Janeway to Seven of Nine…report to my Ready Room, please," then stood and began to pick up the empty dishes left over from her snack with Nicole. As the door to her office opened without request, Kathryn smirked as the Borg stepped in, and said, "Come on in."

Raising her eyebrows and coming to a stop just inside the doorway, never understanding when it was appropriate, and when it wasn't to just enter, she questioned, "Should I have requested entrance?"

Kathryn chuckled, and said, "No, darling, I was just reminiscing," while she stood up straight and turned toward the stairs. Descending, she smirked over at the Borg, then asked while she started to her replicator, "I didn't know you were friends with Luke?"

Following the captain, Seven explained, "He is merely an acquaintance from the Elite Force trials. He is romantically interested in Susan Resse and requested information from me recently after he witnessed us 'chatting.'"

Chuckling and turning around, looking up to Seven, who was standing almost directly behind her, Janeway informed, "He's been after her for about two years now…poor guy." Then reaching out and patting the Borg's stomach as she lifted her eyebrow, not having known that, Kathryn smiled and said, "But that's awfully nice of you to help him out." Passing by the blonde, and shaking her finger in the air, she said, knowingly, "I'm sure you have detailed data on her. He was smart to come to you."

As Kathryn picked up her water mug, turned around and sipped it while she stood near the glass table, Seven placed her hands behind her back and questioned, "Are you 'ready' to go 'home?'"

"No," Janeway answered after a beat, bending over and setting her mug down. Coming over toward the railing, at which time Seven approached, again raising her eyebrows in curiosity, Kathryn said softly, "Devin's going to stay and attend the breakfast tomorrow…and I planned to come back to work after the movie, so I'm just going to bow out now. There are some things I need to see to since I spent nearly the whole afternoon with her."

Keeping herself from becoming upset, Seven asked quickly, "Very well. May I accompany you?"

The redhead smiled softly at that, then blinked and shook her head negatively. When the Borg looked at her squarely, then sighed and looked down to the ground, then finally placed her hands on her hips and took a rather deep breath, Janeway stated rather than asked, "You're angry at me," but her voice was soft, yet even.

"That is inaccurate," Seven of Nine informed, clipped. "I am…frustrated and disappointed…again."

Sighing, Janeway crossed her arms over her chest, looked down at the ground and said, "I know. I'm sorry."

Seven looked over and up at Kathryn and informed adamantly, "Do not apologize. It is not your 'fault.'" Although she didn't understand why Kathryn couldn't finish the movie, Seven knew she, herself, had wasted plenty of opportunities to be in the redhead' presence prior to this, so she felt conflicted, and knew she should be careful to point blame.

Kathryn looked up at Seven's coarse tone, not having heard it in some time and said, still quiet, "No, but I'm still sorry you're upset."

Shaking her head and becoming emotional, Seven said, "I do not wish for you to be 'sorry,'" in a raspy whisper as her eyes welled up. As Kathryn blinked and said, "Seven," sullen and instinctively reached out her right hand for her shoulder, the Borg pivoted quickly, starting for the door, and said as she wiped her eyes before the lids spilled over and moved quickly, "I only wish for you to be my Kathryn, which seems as futile as resistance as of late."

Once she was out of the captain's office, Janeway not calling out to her again since the redhead had dealt with the Borg enough to know when she would and wouldn't halt, Seven started up the stairs toward the turbolift, rigid and mechanical, then stepped inside and demanded, "Deck Ten." Then turning around as the lift began to descend, the Borg blinked her bloodshot eyes, next looked up quickly and said, "Computer, halt turbolift," after only dropping three decks. Sighing, she went on, "Return to the Bridge."

As the pneumatic doors hissed opened and deposited her back on Deck One and Harry Kim looked over his shoulder from the captain's command chair, then raised his eyebrows, the Borg stepped out quickly and proceeded back to Janeway's Ready Room, however she came to a halt in front of the door when she raised her hand to the sensor to open it an noticed the small red light on the display, which meant Kathryn didn't wish to have any visitors, and her seal couldn't be overridden. Seven could override it, but that would require that she use her assimilation tubules to interface with the ship, and considering several people were watching her, that wasn't such a good idea.

Contemplating her options quickly, the Borg spun around completely, marched across the command deck, ignoring Kim as he asked her if there was something he could help her with and went into the Conference Room.

Rounding the table quickly and accessing the senor board, within seconds she was commanding the starship to use the emergency transporters to beam her from the Conference Room into the captain's office, which was against the rules, she knew, at which point she closed her eyes as she felt herself start to dematerialize. After a mere blink of an eye, the former drone felt herself being pieced back together, and as soon as she was able, she took a breath to oxygenate her lungs and allowed her bright blue eyes to flutter open inside the cozy confines of Kathryn's Ready Room.

As the redhead stood with her back to her general area with her arms crossed and her stance opened at shoulder width while she looked out of the window near her coffee table and said, grave, as she heard and saw the Borg's dematerialization through the reflection, "One more round?" Seven came up to the stairs, but stayed on the bottom one, uncertain as to if Janeway was going to be as forgiving as she typically was, and merely said, "Please."

Taking a deep breath and reminding herself to be patient and understanding, Janeway turned around, and said, "Alright, but," she paused for a moment as she walked up to Seven and looked down at her slightly, serious, "I want you to know that one of these days I'm going to stop forgiving this revolving door technique you've developed, but," she finally smiled and placed her hands on the Borg's face, unable to resist, "not today, huh?"

Seven of Nine smiled at that, then took a step up so she was equal height with Janeway before she wrapped her arms around her a kissed her, Kathryn moving her hands from her face to around her neck quickly and smooth. After a few moments of kissing the redhead passionately, the Borg sighed, then pulled away and rested her forehead against Kathryn's before she got carried away again. As Janeway sighed as well and continued to rub her neck softly and thanked her for coming back, Seven whispered, "I am 'sorry' I left as I did…again. I will work on it."

Chuckling in endearment, Janeway rubbed her nose against the blonde's, whispering, "Seven of Mine…?"

As Janeway next rubbed her lips against hers softly, the blonde closed her eyes at the contact and mumbled, "My Kathryn."

"Don't work too quickly," Kathryn whispered, smiling against her lips, "I'm still trying to keep up with you loving me. I'm only human."

As resistance proved to be futile yet again, Seven added with sureness before she kissed the redhead as if she'd never get another chance, "You are perfection nonetheless."


A few minutes before 2300 hours, freshly showered after her hefty workout and impromptu sparring match with Samuel Wang, who'd been down in the gymnasium by happenstance, Commander Fowler stepped out her bathroom in a pair of light blue, buttoned fly blue jeans, which she knew were Samantha's favorite article of clothing she owned, especially since they were men's and thus rode slightly low on her subtly curved hips. Buttoning the thin, airy, white, long-sleeved shirt, she walked barefoot toward the exit, feeling pleasantly spent and moderately full since she sat down by herself to her last meal from a replicator for the next four weeks just before her shower.

Moving quickly towards the turbolift, leaving her shirt untucked, only buttoned from the bottom to her upper abdomen, slowly becoming more comfortable with people other than her close group of friends, and enemies, knowing that she wasn't just flat-chested, but she didn't have any breasts, Fowler reached behind her head and lightly shook her hand through her long, straight, fairly thin, although dense head of hair in an effort to dry it some. As she stepped into the lift and requested Deck Ten, she took a slightly deep breath, partially anxious and eager at the same time…although, all of her anxiety surrounded the fact that Samantha would soon find out her away mission was now history since the surface of that planet was now scorching hot, and Nicole was certain the xenobiologist's little mollusk friends were now crispy critters.

Arriving on the tenth deck quickly, Fowler stepped through the doors once they opened and a clear path was exposed to her, and as she turned the first corner and started down the hallway which would take her past Main Engineering, and slowed her pace, then smiled as Ensign Sydney Dawson stepped out of Ensign Randy Jacobs' quarters, walking backwards since the couple was clearly kissing goodbye, considering Dawson was in uniform and worked the third rotation which began in an hour and Jacobs worked Alpha shift. Since Fowler was fairly good friends with Sydney and she handled all personnel reports for the third shift regularly now she knew that the cute, deeply caramel skinned engineer almost always reported for her duty shift at least a half hour early, especially when things were slow, which was currently the case, she said as she passed them, "Break it up, you two," then smiled and turned around, walking backwards.

Laughing softly as she looked over to Fowler, finding her 'uniform' hilarious, Sydney called on her to wait, then kissed her boyfriend smartly before she wished him a good night, pulled on the front of his bathtowel around his waist to make it drop, and stepped out of the door. After glancing around, knowing Nicole wouldn't mind informal conversation as long as it wasn't loud now that she held a much higher position aboard the ship, Dawson said, "What, you get a promotion and now you don't have to wear shoes?"

"That's right, Missy," Nicole came back, pointing at her. "Didn't you read the memo?"

Putting her hand on Fowler's arm and keeping her from moving forward, Dawson said quietly, "I heard about Sam and Carey. She's not still in the Brig, is she?"

Fowler looked around, sighed and said, "No. She's home. I'm on my way there."

Sighing and shaking her head, Sydney whispered, "I still can't believe it. I can't believe he actually risked picking on her when everyone knows you're her girlfriend. It just doesn't make a lot of sense to me." Pointing over her shoulder with her thumb back toward where she came, the ensign explained, "Randy warned him to back off on the Alaxiat after he found out he'd been bothering me, and he never bothered me again, and I worked over there a few times with just him and Menthy." The younger woman shook her head again as she added on the next beat, "Maybe he really is that stupid? You're just a big as Randy, and he doesn't know karate…and that's not even taking into account the chief's your best friend and has already broken his nose once when he crossed her."

Fowler patted Sydney's shoulder and said, whispering, "No offense, Syd, you know I'm fond of ya, but it's not really appropriate for me to comment."

Smiling, the female pushed her arm away and said, "Girl, why did you have to go and get promoted? I don't have anyone fun to work with on the Bridge anymore."

Nicole laughed as they started walking again, then asked, changing the subject, knowing she would understand, "How's the mister…looks good still?"

The engineer laughed quickly, then sighed some and said, "He's great, but this working on opposite schedules makes it tough…but," she added, slightly dismayed, "if I ask for a transfer, I'll have to give up the lead…and if he does, he'll have to give up Alpha…not to mention take orders from me, and," she smiled over at Fowler, "I think he gets enough of that already. How about the missus?"

Fowler chuckled, wiping her nose and said, "I am truly blessed."

"Well, I'll be," Sydney smiled, stopping in front of Engineering. "The flirt's finally been tamed?"

"Not tamed, Syd," Fowler informed as she kept moving down the hallway, walking sideways, "just inspired."

After waving a good night to the ensign, the commander picked up her pace, stretching out her long stride easily, and quickly turned the far corner, moving in the opposite direction from Torres' cabin, which was on the same section of the ship, just toward the aft, and Wildman's was more toward the center and didn't rest near the hull of the vessel for safety purposes considering it was also home to Voyager's only child currently. Once she'd arrived at the door, she quickly opened it up and stepped into the quiet, dimly lit cabin, slightly surprised, although relieved that Samantha wasn't asleep on the couch with a PADD resting on her chest or on the floor as the blonde attempted to wait up for her. Moving quietly when Wildman didn't call out to her since both Naomi and Samantha's doors were opened, which was habit now since the girl had been waking up so much during the night with leg cramps too severe for her to get up and walk to tell her mother, Nicole peeked into Naomi's room to make sure she was asleep, then unbuttoned her shirt and went over to the kitchen table. Hanging it on the back of a chair, Fowler turned around again and then migrated to her lover's room, closing the door once she was through, knowing her own hearing was plenty acute enough that if Naomi did wake up and call out to Samantha, she'd hear here.

Smiling to herself as she noticed immediately that Wildman was breaking her own rules and sleeping in the purple nightgown Fowler had replicated for her, Nicole crept over to the bed on the balls of her feet. She'd also replicated the matching robe, as well as a stunning blue-green evening gown, all of which had been clothes worn by Samantha's character, Rose McEntyre, in Torres' holonovel, and had been allowed to do so by Janeway, citing they could all pick out something they liked and not worry about the rations, so Fowler had gotten Sam two things, since she didn't want anything for herself.

Carefully pulling back the sheet covering her, Nicole slipped in behind the blonde as she slept on her right side. When Samantha started to stir, Fowler drew her hand over her silky hip, then across her stomach and whispered into her ear, "Hey, gorgeous."

As the helmsman started to kiss her neck softly, and rubbed her stomach, Samantha smiled and murmured, sleepy, "Mmm, there you are." Opening her eyes and looking over to her nightstand where she kept a digital clock, Wildman said, "Only eleven…mmm…feels later. Is everything okay now?"

"Mmmhmm," the brunette hummed, not wanting to get into the bad news tonight as her reached up and moved Wildman's thick, shoulder length mane from her neck, then continued to kiss her, and whispered after a moment as Wildman smiled at the attention, "You look real nice." Running her hand down the blonde's pale arm as Samantha chuckled, Fowler added, "Is it bad for me to say I like it when you break your rules?"

While Fowler's left hand migrated back to her hip, then to her bottom, Samantha answered, "Mmmno. I like when you tell me what you really like…and I was hoping that if I wore this, maybe that would ensure that you would come back." As Nicole chuckled and moved her hand back to her hip, and then onto her abdomen as she started kissing her neck again, Samantha grinned and whispered, closing her eyes, "I'm glad it worked so well…mmm…thank you for coming back." Reaching back for Fowler's leg, trying to pull her closer against her back, Samantha giggled when she touched her hip and felt that she was wearing jeans, "Why are your wearing pants to bed?"

Moving her hand up to Wildman's bosom, Nicole whispered as she continued to kiss her, "I just went home to shower and eat dinner…and I didn't feel like putting my uniform back on...mmm...just to come back here."

Starting to roll onto her back, Samantha grinned, "Then why don't you take them off, silly?"

Nicole made room for the blonde by scooting over a small amount, then replied as she slid her right arm under Samantha's pillow, "I thought you liked these pants best?"

"I do," Wildman chuckled, reaching up and running her hand over Nick's chest lightly, "but I don't like you to wear them to bed. I like when you wear your tight, little shorts so I can see your cute butt." As Fowler laughed as she drew the back of her index finger over the outer curve of her farthest breast where the cinching and of the nightgown pulled the nearly sheer, clinging, stretchy, soft material close to her torso and subsequently supported her full bosom even though the v neck was fairly low cut, while the rest of the gown fell straight down from there, but flowed full to her ankles so there was no need for a slit, Sam remarked as she ran her hands over Fowler's biceps, "You're really warm." She squeezed her forearm, feeling the unusual tightness of her muscles, and asked, "Are you feeling okay?"

"Mmmhmm," Fowler nodded as she slowly lifted her hand to Samantha's collarbone to urge the thick strap off her shoulder some, "Sammy and I goofed around for a while in the gym. He's tough to beat for a shrimp, but I took him in the end." Smirking as she got the shoulder strap down past the curve of her shoulder enough that she was able to ease the fabric over and away from her breast, Nicole added quickly, "He can't beat me in the ring yet."

As Nicole smiled and started tracing her finger around the edge of her full nipple as she typically did, Wildman asked, "Why were you fighting?"

Remaining easy and not becoming frustrated with Wildman's resistance to accept that aspect of her life and to realize that she was a kick boxer, as well as a fourth degree black belt, and enjoyed physical contests with friends, Fowler answered, "I just went down to workout. He showed up a little after that and we decided to practice together. It's not fightin', darlin'…it's just sparing. We don't ever hurt each other." Shaking her head, she added, "It's just necessary practice, and we have fun…keeps us sharp." When Samantha sighed softly, then nodded a small amount, Nicole leaned down, kissed her lightly, then said, "Would you like me to call you next time so you can come down and see? We usually draw a big crowd, so it won't bother me." Smirking she finished, "I don't suffer from performance anxiety."

Wildman face tighten some as she asked, "Do you want me to watch you?"

Fowler smiled brightly at Wildman's clear anxiety and suggested, "How about you watch one time, but can leave whenever…and if you don't ever want to watch again, I'll never say another word, or take offense?" Shaking her head, she said, "It doesn't bother me if you don't like it...just as long as you accept it. It's always been something I did for myself. It doesn't concern you…so it makes no difference. Although," she kissed her lightly again, "I would like you to come see just once, just so you know we're not bare-knuckle brawlin'. It's not like that at all. It's just how we prefer to exercise our bodies and minds."

"Okay," Samantha nodded, then laughed lightly, nervous and said, "okay, I promise I'll watch at least one round." Then yawning lightly, covering her mouth before she returned her hand to Fowler's torso, Wildman smiled and said, "So, are you gonna take your pants off already or what?" When Nicole just smiled, pulled her shoulder strap down more, then took her arm urged it out of the garment and placed it above her head, which exposed her breast more as it was lifted slightly, next urged her legs apart and then settled between them at her chest while she started to tease her fleshy bosom with her mouth, Samantha glanced over to the door, just now noticing it was closed, then grinned and whispered, "Nick Fowler, are you planning to be bad again?"

"No, sweet Rose."

Giggling, then inhaling as Fowler took the whole tip of her breast into her mouth and sucked lightly, Wildman dropped her hand to Fowler's head, looked down at her and whispered, "Mmm…I think you're fibbing again."

As Fowler backed away from her nightgown enough so she could pull it up and slide one hand up her outer leg before she settled back in, she said, moving toward her breast again, "Woman…mmm," the brunette said as she slipped her other arm under the small of Samantha's back, lifting her pelvis just slightly as she cupped her bare bottom with her other hand underneath her nightgown, "mmm, woman, you are so gorgeous. I think I'll just take a little taste."

Smiling and raising her left leg so the gown fell to her upper thigh, then running her limb over Fowler's bare back, Wildman whispered as Nicole took her hand way from her bottom, reached up and pulled the strap of her other arm down quicker, "I've never seen you take a little taste of anything. I still think you're lying."

Once Samantha's full bosom was exposed and both of her arms were free from the garment, Nicole took her left arm out from underneath her, reached around and began kneading the newest revealed mass as she turned her lips to the inside of Wildman's leg that was resting on her shoulder now, holding it up with her right hand. Then quickly pulling back some of the gown as it began to bunch around her lower torso to reveal her warm, lower lips, Nicole smiled, then worked her kisses toward it, which caused the scientist's breath to catch.

Nuzzling the pale blonde patch of hair that adorned her center with her nose, and next with her lips, Fowler grinned to herself as she flicked her tongue against the folds of flesh and Wildman whimpered lightly and instinctively pressed her body toward her when the stimulation ceased. After repeating that several times, and waiting for a good three seconds in between her strokes, she hummed deeply as Wildman shuttered softly, whispering, "Please," as she reached down with her arm and urged her head closer gently.

As Nicole complied and began licking her firmer, but still with less purpose than she typically did, Wildman arched her hips up some as she bit her upper lip to stifle more pleas, certain the commander wouldn't continue to tease her much longer considering all that had, or rather hadn't occurred between them today. When she felt Nick back away and kiss her outer lips lightly, then start to sit up, Samantha turned her head back to center and was about to ask what was wrong when Fowler lifted her hips and requested that she assist her so she could take the nightgown off.

Smiling and lifting her hips, raising one arm above her head and resting the other one of her stomach, Samantha said as Fowler pulled it off completely, "I thought you liked my nightgown?"

"I do, but not as much as I like that view."

Smirking as Nicole sat on the edge of the bed and folded the garment, then set it on the floor, Wildman asked, "Are you gonna take your pants off already or am I going to have to throw a fit?"

Fowler smiled as she crawled toward Samantha and said, "I'm fixin' to take'em off, darlin'…just calm yourself. That ain't the kind of fit I want you to have."

When Nicole spread her legs again, dipped her head and resumed her previous oral pleasure, still only teasing her, however, Samantha said as she heard her lover unbuttoning her pants, "You're acting strange. Samuel didn't hit you on the head, did he?" When Nicole chuckled into her, then started kissing her way higher as she kicked off her pants expertly and informed her she wore a padded helmet, Samantha took a deep breath as Nicole's hard stomach skidded firmly across her sex, the friction teasing her more, then asked, "Is this payback for the shower?"

Finally getting her pants all the way off and kicking them from the bed, then reaching back and pulling the sheet up and over her back, just in case the little one came into the room because she had to use the bathroom and forgot to knock in her sleepiness, Nicole refrained from answering and simply began kissing Wildman's breasts as she continued to lay between her legs, but kept her head level with her bosom instead of moving up higher. Then smiling and migrating up slightly, Fowler urged her hand between their bodies as Wildman raised her head, cupped her face and pulled her higher so she could kiss her mouth.

As Nicole complied, but didn't rise up higher and press her back like she typically did and how Wildman liked, and began rubbing her center lightly with her fingers, spreading her still plentiful moisture around the entire area, Samantha whispered against her lips, "Mmmare you having fun torturing me?"

"This ain't torture, Sam," Fowler whispered back, sliding her index finger inside of Wildman easily. "I'm just makin' sure you're ready."

Licking her lips, Samantha said in the same tone, "Nick, I've been ready all day. I know you know it's that time."

Understanding that Wildman was speaking of the fact that for approximately three days every month she had a strong and nearly continuous desire to be intimate as she ovulated thanks to her body's natural instincts to ensure the fertilization of her ovum, which was true for most human females, including Nicole, although not quite to the same degree since she didn't experience much 'downtime' per se, and had a hefty sexual appetite almost every day, which wasn't always the case for Samantha, especially in the days following her ovulation where she typically had one day where she was irritable and nothing was ever right, followed by two days of being exceptionally sensitive and emotional, "Oh, I do love that about you."

Fowler was afflicted most by the hormone change that caused her to feel depressed and sullen, and sometimes cranky as well, but her cycle wasn't nearly as predictable and reliable as Wildman's. If Nicole had to guess, she would say Samantha was probably an exceptionally fertile woman, and was certain the problems she and her husband had had with becoming pregnant weren't issues with her reproductive system, just that humans and Katarians didn't fit exceptionally well together, sexually and reproductively speaking.

Smirking as she laid all the way back, Wildman asked, "Why, so you can make me beg?"

"Oh no, sweet thang," Fowler came back, removing her finger and rubbing her harder, which caused Samantha to close her eyes, inhale and whisper her name, "I don't want you to beg…just tell me what you'd like right now."

"Mmm, Nikki, you know," Samantha whispered, barely audible, tilting her head back some. "Please, honey, I'm aching for you. Go back inside. I need you inside."

Fowler smiled, then pushed herself higher and pressed the tip of her newly replicated artificial penis against her lover's body, it being average size for a human male of her height, weight, and genetic make-up, and matched her skin coloring. While she drew the entire head across Samantha's crease at the same time, and the blonde tensed in surprise and opened her eyes, bringing her head back down, Nicole kept her from speaking and finally kissed her lips strongly, rising up more to position herself completely. As Wildman moaned in surprise, Fowler continued to kiss her, planning to keep her mouth over hers in case Samantha forgot herself and grew loud, and pushed the thick head against her opening. However, she'd never used a device that also pleasured her so acutely before, so as the blonde's body granted her entrance with only mild resistance considering how aroused she was, Fowler had to back away from her mouth and push her head to the pillow by her neck as she fought to catch her breath that had been taken away quick, and not groan too loudly. As the blonde arched, spread her legs wider now that she was being penetrated much more than she'd expected, latched onto her bottom and urged her to continue into her fully, Fowler moved her hands underneath the pillow, then came back center as she eased forward again and looked down at Wildman as the blonde tilted her head and finally gasped for breath as well.

When Samantha latched onto her back once she was pressed firmly as far as she could go inside of her, pulled herself up some as she drew her legs completely around her, then whimpered, Nicole was about to back away even though she had a desire to push harder forward when Samantha suddenly cried out softly and tensed all around her. Pressing her face into Samantha's neck as the blonde did the same to her while her lower body pulsed lightly and her inner muscles closed as much as possible, Fowler allowed, "Jeeeeeeesus," as she felt the scientist's inner being milking the size inside of her and a sudden burst of dense fluid emerge from the blonde's cervix. Samantha often displayed the female form of ejaculation, which the brunette found incredibly sexy, and amazing considering the amount of moisture one person could expel, but she'd never quite felt it occur as she did just then, and usually only discovered it by tasting and feeling the change in density as the substance rushed forward into her mouth or onto her fingers, so she wasn't quite prepared for how exotic this sensation was.

As Wildman shoulder's hitched as she started to relax, Fowler stilled until she heard and felt Samantha start to giggle uncontrollably before she once again pressed her face to her neck to silence herself. Chuckling as well several times, enjoying that every time Samantha laughed, she felt her move inside, Nicole brought her lips back towards her mouth and whispered, "Well, how do, Miss Sam."

Smiling against Nicole's lips, both of them still laughing softly, Wildman said, "Mmm, well, how do…handsome," which caused both of them to laugh again, until they commenced kissing. Running her hands over Fowler's back languidly as her lover remained deep inside of her, but remained stiff and still, Wildman moved her hands to Fowler's chest as the brunette rose up onto her arms and broke the kiss. Wildman bit her bottom lip lightly as Nicole started to pull out, but when the brunette kept just the tip inside, then lightly rattled her pleasure as she pushed back into her completely, Samantha relaxed her muscles to accommodate, then smiled and whispered, "You're being awfully nice to me," as Nicole pulled out again.

Nick pushed back inside with care, closing her eyes for a moment, then swallowed and whispered, opening them and looking down at Samantha's body, letting her eyes linger on her torso before she looked back into her face, "Mmm, Sammm…you feel…mmmwoman, that's incredible."

Purposefully tensing her inner muscles once, which caused Fowler to groan in pleasure, Wildman questioned, "You can really feel that? I mean, can you feel inside of me?"

After pulling out and pushing back in again, Fowler lowered herself to her elbows and said as she started to quicken the pace, her body demanding that she do so now, although it was still slow, just not as purposefully tentative since Wildman didn't seem to be experiencing any discomfort for the size, width, or position, "Sam…ohyes, baby, you feel so soft…mmm," she bowed her head and whispered, breathless, "if feels like…god, I can't describe it." Slipping her hands underneath Wildman's back again and holding her upper body just slightly off the mattress as she kissed her neck, Nicole began to move with more power and speed, and asked before she let herself go and really made passionate love to the blonde, "Am I okay like this?"

Feeling completely at Fowler's mercy and loving it since she hadn't been with a person in their current position since she was seventeen, and especially since she knew now that she wasn't the only one being pleasured, and Nicole wasn't just taking pleasure in giving, but taking pleasure for herself, Wildman wrapped her arms around Nick's back, and raised her legs higher up her back as she said into the brunette's upper chest, near her collar bone as she kissed her flesh there, "Ohyesplease, Nick…mmmplease be strong with me. I can be quiet. God, Nick, youfeelsogoodthankyou."

Fowler moved her arms out from underneath Samantha and pushed herself up again, but keep them in a slightly bent position as she started thrusting harder and faster, currently the only thing audible other than the sticky sound of her coupling and the light rustling of the sheet was their soft grunts and breaths as they undulated. However as Nicole started to quicken again and shorten her stroke accordingly while Wildman palmed her pectoral muscles and urged her on in a faint whisper, telling her how good she was, as well as how nice she felt within and against her, Fowler clinched her jaw as a light banging sound against the wall started to occur in rhythm with her strokes. As Samantha gasped, "Ohgodyesfowler," and grabbed onto her bucking buttocks to urge her to move quicker, Nick finally exhaled quickly after just a few moments of intensity as the bed began to rock too greatly, and sighed as she slowed, "Shit…I'm sorry." Taking a deep breath and relaxing some, returning to her elbows, she sighed along with Wildman and said in a whisper, "It's just gonna get louder if we keep on. I can't hold back like this, and," she sighed, shaking her head and adding against Sam's lips, "I'm too worn out to pick you up and hold you that long." Chuckling, she mumbled, then groaned her displeasure afterward, "I'd fall down for sure."

Smiling against Nicole's lips, Wildman whispered, "Then why don't you let me be on top? I'm not too tired for that."

Fowler grinned, then said, "Mmm, baby, I want a ride so bad, but that ain't gonna be quiet either. This bed is damn loose."

"It will be if you lie on the floor," Wildman smirked, then flicked her lips with her tongue. Wrapping her arms around Fowler's neck, Samantha said, "Come on, big, tough girl. Let me show you what I'm best at in bed for once."

Smiling, Nicole said, "Yes, Ma'am," then kissed her quickly and started to back away. When she pulled out of her completely, threw back the sheets, and grabbed two pillows, as well as the blanket folded on the end, Wildman giggled, then covered her mouth as she looked at her, which caused Nicole to grin, look down at herself, and then ask as she stood, "I thought you were supposed to be a scientist?"

"I am," Wildman said as she stood up, then stretched, "that's why it's funny." As Nicole went over to the closet, opened the door and started laying the blanket down in there, Samantha asked, still whispering, "What are you doing?"

"This is farther away," Fowler said, then looked over her shoulder as she put down the bedding, "just in case." Then laying back, putting one pillow under her head, and the other one under her hips to support her lower back and Wildman's knees, she smiled at the blonde as she walked over to her and said, "Mmm, woman, you are a sight to be seen…damn."

Smirking as she stopped in the closet doorway, Wildman said, "Oh no, Nick Fowler…that would definitely be you." Shaking her head as she stepped over her and started to lower herself, she whispered, smiling, "It's very confusing…in a real nice way."

As Nicole smiled, then reached up and cupped her breasts, Wildman leaned over, kissed her deeply, and took a hold of the phallus behind her. Stroking it lightly several times, which caused Fowler to rattled in her throat and squeeze her breasts more, Samantha put her knees down on the pillows, finding that move of Nick's so unquestionably considerate and sweet for her to think of it, which reminded her that she was indeed a woman, and had a woman's point of view, Wildman backed away from her mouth and then pressed against the fat head. When it slipped inside of her easily, Samantha purred, then pressed up higher to make the angle more vertical, and then slid down upon it, leaning forward again after slightly to find the best angle.

While the commander inhaled and closed her eyes for a beat, then squeezed her breasts more, pressing them together and up, Samantha, who knew Fowler touched her bosom in such a manner for her own benefit almost more so than the scientist's, asked as she slid her hands across Fowler's chest, working underneath her raised arms, "How would you like me?"

Smirking, Fowler asked, "Well, I don't know, darlin'…what can you do?"

"Well," Samantha started as she began to turn her pelvis in small circles where she sat, "I can just…mmm…I can do this…or," she eased forward all the way, then came back down, stroking her fully and slow, "I can do that, or," she took Nicole's hands and placed them on her hips, "if you want me straight up an down and hard, I can do that too, but," she grinned, "you're a little bit too big for me to manage that on my own for long…so you'd have to help lift me, or," she smiled and moved Fowler's hands to her back, causing her to have to sit up some, "we can just do my favorite…"

"And what's that?"

"Come here, tough girl," Wildman said, pulling Fowler into a sitting position so she wasn't using her tired stomach muscles to keep herself up. Once she was there and they got situated, Samantha kissed her lips as she wrapped her arms lightly around her neck, then commanded, "Lie back on your elbows." As Nicole did that, brushing the hair off her shoulder first, Wildman leaned forward, placed her hands on the floor, pressed her breasts to Fowler's chest and said as she started to move up and down, but only halfway, turning her hips in circles as she did so, slowly currently, "I don't want you to touch me or move until the end…just sit back and enjoy yourself."

Inhaling after Samantha kissed her, then sat back without breaking her building stride, and starting running her hands all over her own torso and behind her neck, focusing on her chest to further stimulate Nicole visually, as well as support herself as she started to bounce rhythmically, Fowler whispered, shaking her head and licking her lips, "Christ almighty, woman, you just get better ever day…mmmyes…ohyes, darlin'…every damn day." Then leaning her head back and fighting the urge to thrust upwards while she started to feel herself be taken control of completely, Nicole whispered, "Yes, Sam…Jesus, honey, that's good...mmm, baby, you really do rock my world."

Leaning forward again, but placing her hands on the commander's chest, Wildman started driving her hips into Fowler's body hard as the brunette began to breath quickly through her mouth, and said as her inner muscles threathened to tighten, unstoppable, "Ohgod, Nikki…mmnt...mmnt…yes, come right now with me." When Fowler announced she was going to climax soon, Wildman told her lie back quickly, and when she did that, reached up, grabbed her hips and started thrusting counter to her own movement, Wildman commanded, unable to hold off her own orgasm anymore, "Turn me over, Fowler…hurry."

Groaning and rolling them over, completely off the pillows, Fowler immediately began to spasm against Wildman's hips in short, quick, slapping strokes, grunting through her clenched jaw to keep herself from shouting. When Samantha tensed and latched onto her, the sport length nails on her right hand pressing pleasantly into her bottom and the blonde held her tightly, then gasped as she let out her breath, Nicole cried out once at medium volume as she pressed completely inside and was overcome by a crackling sensation that washed over her whole body in seconds. As Wildman grabbed her head and started kissing her to keep her quiet, Nicole moaned into her as she pushed forward constantly, and then collapsed fairly heavily after a moment, her forehead banging the floor next to Sam's head lightly, now completely spent.

Within a few seconds Nicole realized she was flung completely atop her girlfriend and not supporting any of her own significant weight, so she pushed herself up as fast as she could, then gently eased the rigid phallus out of her lover before it became uncomfortable while she once again kissed Samantha, although softly this time. Reaching down and tapping the small metal circles in order at the base of it where it spread out a small amount like a second skin so the nearly invisible straps, that latched onto her once activated, retracted, she pulled it away from her body, tossed it aside uncaringly and then laid down next to Samantha again, sliding her arm underneath her neck to support her and make her more comfortable.

After a few minutes, once they'd regained their strength and breath, they pulled themselves up, then tooled off to the bathroom and jumped in the shower together quickly, Fowler answering Wildman's question about how she'd acquired such a thing, making sure to give Torres the nod for the virtual improvements, and then told the blonde it was well worth it, and Samantha could chip in by making a snack for her from time to time, which the blonde agreed to happily, and promised to do once every other day. Once they'd cleaned each other and their new friend, Samantha remade the bed while Nicole stored the device in a box high up until she could take it home, since it was pretty obvious that would be something they should only use when they were alone, and that usually only occurred when Samantha stayed with her.

Coming out of the closet in a pair of her sleep pants, the brunette keeping all of the necessities permanently in Wildman's quarters, as did Sam in hers, Fowler stopped in the doorway as she shut off the light and smiled as she watched the blonde, wearing her nightgown again, pick up her pants, fold them and absently walk toward the closet. As she squeezed past her, Nicole watched her go by, and when Samantha came back through the opening and started for the bed, yawing, reaching back for her hand, Fowler grinned, took it, and followed her, shaking her head to herself in wonder about how she'd ever gotten so lucky to have the love of such a woman. That understanding truly escaped her.

Once they'd settled into the middle and kissed for a few moments, Nicole on her back and Samantha resting against her chest on her side with the brunette's arm around her, and had the covers pulled up to their waists, Wildman said, "Nick," as she traced the outline of her musculature.

Fowler came back, "Hmm?" sounding sleepy, which she most certainly was.

Pushing herself up some and looking at the green-eyed brunette, Wildman smiled and said, "I think I'd like to be your wife. When you think you'd like to have one, will you let me know when, so I can change my name?"

Fowler blinked, stunned on many levels, one of them being Wildman hadn't changed her name when she'd married before, and said, "Okay." Then sighing, and laughing nervously, she swallowed as Samantha grinned at her, and said, "I'm sorry…sorry…you…uh, well," she wiped her nose and added, "you just caught me a little by surprise there, Sam."

"I know," Wildman said, nodding once, "and I don't want you to say anything now. Just think about it…and," she moved up and kissed her quickly, then resumed her sleeping position, "report back to me when you decide that you're ready to have a wife." Smiling against Fowler's chest and snuggling, Samantha yawed lightly, then added, "I'm not going anywhere, so take all the time you need. I just wanted you to know I'm ready when you are."

Shifting slightly and nodding, dumbfounded since she'd only told her that she loved her two months ago, and they'd only been together for about five months, Fowler replied, "Okay…okay, I will." Then clearing her throat and chuckling softly, she rubbed the blonde's back and questioned, "Uh, Sam…just so we're clear...did you just ask me to marry you?"

"No," Wildman said immediately, but lightly, smiling to herself. "I'll let you do that."

Fowler expelled the air from her chest and then asked, wiping her nose again, "Forgive me, darlin', I know I can be slow sometimes, but how's that different?"

"It's different because I say it's different," Samantha replied, still grinning. "You're just going to have to trust me." Kissing her chest and nuzzling her more, she yawned again and said, "Mmm, goodnight, you cute hillbilly."

Uncertain how on earth she was going to get to sleep now, Fowler wrapped her arms around the blonde, kissed the top of her head and said, "Goodnight, Sam…sweet dreams."

Smiling as she closed her eyes, Wildman whispered, "Aye, Commander."


Sitting cross-legged on a pillow near the top of Voyager's first officer's bed, recently unwrapped and feeling decidedly relaxed, First Regal Devin asked over her shoulder as Chakotay sat behind her, 'unwrapped' as well—although he'd elected to keep his briefs on, not out of modesty, but because he, like Kathryn, preferred to remain clothed as often as possible aboard the starship—speaking quietly as the commander brushed her hair, "Detail again the significance of these 'braides' you are preparing to create?" Before Chakotay could answer other than chuckle mildly, she followed, "Does Nick share similar genetics with you?"

"There's really no significance other than tribal natives almost always keep their hair long. And I'm not sure," the commander answered, "if Nick's got native blood in her…although I wouldn't be surprised if she had a little. She wears a braid because Starfleet regulations demand that anyone with hair past their shoulders secure it somehow…either in a pony-tail, braid, or a bun. You know, Kathryn used to have hair that went practically to her waist when she first got out here…and," he chuckled lightly, telling a story as was his habit, and he knew Devin was always curious about the captain, "she used to wear it all up in a bun. I watched her do it one time…it was a work of art keeping all of that up." As Devin remarked it was hard to picture, the first officer admitted as he started the braid at the base of her neck, not worried her tattoo would be visible since her uniform would cover it totally tomorrow, "She honestly looks better with her hair shorter. That bun didn't do much for her other than to make her look like a strict, school mistress…although," he smiled, "she did look nice when she let it all down. I remember the first time I saw it…we were called to the Bridge during the middle of the night, and we both came running out of our quarters, barefoot in our pajamas toward the turbolift." Laughing along with Devin, he went on, "She can sprint faster than you'd think, so she was running ahead of me in her pink nightgown with her robe flapping behind her…and all this hair. She was all hair and pink nightgown." While Devin click and informed the picture was forming in her mind, he went on, "I watched her make a pony-tail in about a blink of an eye, and by the time we got to the Bridge, her robe was tied tight, her hair was back, and she was following every protocol she possibly could considering her outfit. I knew then I was in for an adventure." Smiling and finishing the braid, he grabbed the small twine from his lap, secured it, slipped it over her shoulder and said, "Welcome to the tribe…enjoy your stay."

Reaching back and feeling the design, finding it peculiar, although nice to have her hair in such order, Devin smiled and said, "Obliged."

"My pleasure," Chakotay chortled, then pushed up off the bed. Going over to his closet, he questioned while the Fynth remained perched on the pillow, her back erect, which was typical, "Will it bother you tonight if I smoke?"

Since Chakotay had already shown her that ritual before, Devin shook her head negatively as she answered, "Indulge yourself freely, Chakotay…your scented pipe harms me none." After the commander came out, shut off the smoke sensors in his room and increased the ventilation, then took a seat in the reclining chair that offset the bed, the female watched him pack his pipe, then strike the match with his fingers before she remarked, "I hope you find no crime when I detail to you that I have a sense that you and yours will miss this Delta Quadrant."

Puffing on his pipe, then smiling as he leaned back and kicked up his feet on the stool, Chakotay said softly, "Well, I'm not sure how much we'll actually miss this quadrant, but personally speaking, I know I'll miss a lot of the people I've come to know well here. I'll miss the strange sense of freedom too…and maybe a little of the isolation." After taking a hit, he shrugged his shoulders slightly, and went on, "I'm not sure when it happened…and it took us a while to get there…to the true understanding that we were all that we had, but once we did," he shook his head, "it just seemed like suddenly we weren't all miserable. Suddenly we had a huge family that's loyal and happy to be together. Honestly," he sighed and finished, quieting, "I think nothing will ever be the same to us, and no matter where we go, there will always be that desire to come home to Voyager…wherever she may land. Hopefully, they'll make her into a museum of some kind. It'd be nice to have that, and," he finished seriously, after taking a hit off his pipe, "it'd be nice to see a peaceful ending for her. She's seen enough war for one ship, even one built to seek out and destroy. The Borg years alone were enough."

"Hmm," Devin nodded, seriously as well. "The almighty Collective…demons, Chakotay," the Fynth reported, surely, "like demons, they march."

"Mmmt," he pulled the pipe away and held up his finger, "only one demon…the rest are just puppets." Shaking his head, he said, "I'm not sure the Federation knows about the queen, which is why I worry about Seven. If they knew she controlled everything, then I think they'd be more inclined to see Seven for what she is…an asset and an ally, not an enemy. Honestly," he sighed, looking down, "I never trusted her until we encountered the queen, and then it all made a lot more sense. I don't think Seven fears the Borg, per se, but I know she fears the queen." Gesturing to the Fynth with his pipe, he added, "She's the true demon…the one and only…she is the Borg."

"This queen holds influence over that child."

Thinking her statement was a question, Chakotay slowly expelled the smoke from his lungs through his mouth and nose, shaking his head negatively and said, "No…not any more…other than fear because I believe she really is a demon. She lies and tricks and uses every technique to get her way…all she cares about is power and her thirst is infinite…she'll never stop. You can't trust her at all…all you can do is figure out how to use her weakness…her desire for power, against her long enough to get away before she turns on you."

Deciding to let her observations and extra-sensory perceptions go as to worries that she'd sensed from Seven of Nine recently, the Fynth remarked, looking away from Chakotay and out the window, "You care passionately about this…it is not a task to detail." Looking back over to him, she asked, "Explain your hatred to me."

"I've been connected to a collective," Chakotay informed, dropping his feet and sitting forward. "It wasn't anything like Seven…with billions of voices, but it was enough to give me a taste of what it feels like to lose the will to think independently." Sighing, he shook his head and said, "It's the most frightening thing I've ever experienced. I've been hunted, double-crossed, kidnapped, beaten, dragged into a war where I was brain-washed and tricked to fight…then dragged into another massacre that never really happened, only in my mind, but it was real enough…and none of that even came close as losing the ability to think for myself. That's why I didn't trust Seven at first," he explained, "because I'd only been like that for a short period of time and knew that fear. She'd been like that almost twenty years, and I saw how scared she was when the Collective's voice was taken away from her. Still to this day I'm surprised and impressed by her courage to resist going back. She tried a few times, but that was early on…and she was always being influence by something else that didn't make it a fair fight. She's always held her own when it's just been her and her will to stay." Chuckling and then leaning back again, he finished, "Although, her will to stay makes more sense now that I know she started falling in love with Kathryn almost from the beginning. I had my suspicions after the second year, but before then I didn't have clue, but that's probably just because I was just waiting for her to betray us like she said she would."

"She detailed that…specifically?" Devin asked, quirking the side of her mouth, amused since she knew it was inaccurate and nothing, not even the queen, could get her to betray her mates. Seven of Nine had the strongest will the Fynth had ever come across, and she'd sensed it almost immediately the very first time they met.

"Mmmhmm," he smiled with his pipe in his mouth. After puffing on it, and then blowing out the smoke, he said, "She said it to Kathryn directly, several times…and," he snickered deeply, "you should have seen the looks they swapped each time. It was powerful…scared me," he joked, although there was truth there.

"This look of Kathryn's that so many detail," Devin said, charmed by the thought, "I've yet to detail it to the extreme that so many close to her have described. Although," she lifted her finger and clicked, "the spoiled babe, Carey," she said with clear distaste, "he received a modest proportion of…what is it Nick details…sass?"

Chakotay laughed at that, able to hear Nick's voice in his head using such a term, nodded, and said, "I'm sure. She's got a lot of that…but," he smirked, "believe me…when you see the look, you'll know it. I've gotten it several times…usually over Seven…she's about the only thing that really brings out her wrath anymore…well," he paused and qualified, "that and dishonoring her idea of what it means to be a captain." Chuckling lightly, he informed, "Don't tell her I said this, but she's settled down quite a bit since I first met her." Shaking his head, he said, "She was as self-righteous as they came, and it was like trying to bend duranium with your bare hands to get her to really compromise…and not just pretend to do so until she could figure out another way. Actually," he said, "I think the only thing she really, truly compromised on the first year out here was B'Elanna, but I'm not sure that really counts now that I think about it." Smirking, he informed, "They always had a lot of chemistry…right from the beginning. Although, usually they just argued, but every now and then they'd forget that they disliked each other, put their heads together and totally get wrapped up in what they were doing to the point I think the rest of us could have been blown out the airlock and they wouldn't have noticed."

Clicking and able to picture that clearly, the first asked as Chakotay finished his pipe and set it down on the small table next to his chair, knocking out what was left of the tobacco into a glass dish and letting it just smolder, "And the reason for their sparring?"

The commander rose from his chair, smiled and explained as he came back over to the bed, perched behind Devin on his knees and started rubbing her shoulders carefully, "Kathryn was trying to fit her into a Starfleet mold, but couldn't seem to understand that B'Elanna hates that more than anything, and battled that her whole life by being half-Klingon and half-human. And B'Elanna couldn't understand why Kathryn kept pushing her so hard and thought it was because she wanted her to fail. Kathryn probably pushed B'Elanna harder than anyone, but that was because she knew she was an under-achiever, and knew she could not only do the job, but do it as well as she's done it. I've been with B'Elanna a long time, and despite the good and tough work she did on my ship, I never got half out of her what Kathryn has." Chuckling lightly, and leaning down to kiss Devin's neck at the base, he said, "They fight almost just as much now, but now I think they do it just to blow off steam on someone who's too stubborn to turn away, and won't hold it against them…and because they like it, especially when they make-up, which takes about five minutes to happen. You could probably set a clock to the period between their shouting matches and their truce…that's how dependable they are."

As Chakotay pressed his chest against her back, moved his oral embrace to her sharp shoulder and rubbed his thumbs once purposefully against the sides of her sizable, tear drop like breasts as he slid his hands to her waist, Devin titled her head back and hissed loudly, clicking as well, which was a socially ingrained behavior mixed with an instinctual sound that either alerted a mate of arousal, or warned an intruder that they were in danger of harm by daring to come into close proximity of a Fynth female's most sacred region of her body. In Devin' culture, breasts were displayed, admired and respected because they were a symbol of fertility and life-giving because offspring had to be breast fed for nearly their first two years of life or their bones would never develop strong enough to sustain them until adulthood. They'd never been able to create a synthetic substitute that did the job even half as well, since the majority of their issues revolved around the fact that the synthetic material didn't have the mother's genetic code interlaced within it, which ensured it would be accepted by her baby and not harm he or she as something foreign could at that fragile stage in their development.

In this case, Chakotay knew he wasn't being warned he was about to be wrenched with an incredibly sharp and lethal elbow, so when Devin hissed, then leaned back slightly, he grazed her breasts again, causing her to react the same way, which she would continue to do for several minutes, he knew.

"Did you need anything before we go to bed?" Chakotay asked softly, withdrawing his hands back to her bony back and rubbing the upper half carefully, being mindful of her bruising, which was mostly located on the front of her ribs, but not entirely, since he knew it was sensitive still. "Don't think I don't like talking to you…"

"Your rest you require, my beauty," Devin whispered, smiling, still titling her head back. "I find no crime, nor do I desire anything but you within me."

Raising his eyebrows as he continued to kiss her neck, the commander whispered, smiling, "I thought we weren't going to wake the spirits tonight?"

Devin chuckled lightly, then questioned, "So, I did detail. Would it trouble or tax you to lie converged with little movement?"

Since he knew it was just a question and if he said that would be too hard for him, she wouldn't take offense, the handsomely rugged command brought his hands back to her breasts, fully this time, which caused her to hiss, click and snap her teeth once, then said, "That sounds perfect for tonight…just don't get carried away."

The Fynth laughed, then nodded, hissed again as he massaged her heavy bosom, and finally said, raising her finger, "I shall not. I am accomplished to this task." Then looking over at him, she kissed his lips softly, then added, quiet, "Release yourself at any length…my pleasure will be our joining on this meandering cycle…and to be filled with your spirit. Nothing more for me is necessary or suggested," she finished, smiling.

Nodding, Chakotay kissed her softly again, then moved away and helped her crawl off the bed and to her feet. After pulling back the covers and moving the extra long, padded pillow mattress, which they used for emergency medical and quarantine situations, to the side of the bed, Chakotay commanded the computer to lower the temperature by eight degrees so that they could lie underneath the covers without her becoming too warm. When Devin came up behind him as he stood up straight, ran her hands down his back, across his broad shoulders, then reached around and started rubbing his stomach while she kissed his shoulders, Chakotay smiled when she called him her beauty again, rather liking being called beautiful for a switch, and never having been afraid to express his softer side, especially considering he had a sure and steady tough side that he'd had to assert for far too many years out of his life for his liking.

As the Fynth dropped one hand to his pelvis and began rubbing him through his briefs, stroking him surely as his already moderate erection began to respond and grow rigid in her hand even more, Chakotay inhaled softly, then did so stronger when he'd hardened and grew enough that the tip was protruding from the top of his underwear, so her flesh came into contact for a brief moment. Rubbing the hand on his chest with his own as Devin slipped her hand into his shorts and coerced him to full size, Chakotay chuckled and gave a fairly modest thanks for her remarks as to his overall responsiveness and attractiveness, stating he, meaning his penis, was the nicest one she'd ever seen, and since the commander knew Devin wasn't in the habit of complimenting when she wasn't speaking her truth, he was flattered, but refrained from asking what the difference was with Fynth males, even if he was curious as to her culture, just as she was to his, including biology.

Pulling down his Chakotay's briefs until they were at his knees, then rising up and taking care of the rest with her feet, pushing them down to the floor, Devin took a moment to run her hands up and down the commander's entire backside as she whispered, "You bring statues of granite to mind. What it must feel like to be this solid escapes my comprehension. Even detailing you this closely assists me little. Built to battle, it seems, yet desires peace. The contradiction in your amble is what calls to me most." Then kissing his neck and stroking him again, firmer this time, the first informed, "If I were with youth, you would be in dire straits at this length…"

The commander smiled as he turned around, and said, pulling her closer before he kissed her mouth, "I don't think you're lack of youth is stopping you."

The Fynth clicked in her throat as she backed her pelvis away, allowed his erection to stand out, then moved back into his body, the space between her long, narrow legs plenty to accommodate, then said as she broke their lip contact, "You indulged me too great."

"So do you," Chakotay smiled, reaching down and cupping her bottom, pressing his lower body into her firmer. Then letting go with one hand and bringing it around to her chest, he palmed one of her breasts and questioned after she hissed softly and cursed happily, smiling, "So, why don't you give me an order and let me indulge you some more?"

Placing her hands on his shoulders, and lifting her left leg to the edge of his bed, Devin, who was almost a whole head taller than him, tilted his head back as she kissed him with gusto after his remark tickled her, then said after she brought one hand to his face and lightly kissed his hairline near his tattoo, "Delight me with your touch for a short length…my body requires more coercion."

Chakotay chuckled as he kissed her neck, then dropped his hand to the juncture of her legs. After rubbing the outside of her center and intensifying the feralness of his kisses, the commander eased past the thick, denser flesh that protected her opening and lightly traced his finger around the exposed membrane. When he found that her wetness was plentiful already, Chakotay smiled, removed his hand and returned it to her breast. As the Fynth sounded her pleasure, the commander squeezed her firmly several times and returned his kisses to her mouth at her demand, then dropped his hand again, grasped his shaft and lifted it towards her awaiting body.

As soon as she felt the tip skid across her crease, the first hissed again, then pushed Chakotay back onto the bed forcefully. While the commander smiled, and laughed lightly in endearment for the female as he bounced on the mattress, who'd acted similarly before, which hadn't surprised him then considering when it came to mating, Fynth females typically dominated the encounter from beginning to end, then purposefully backed away as she started towards him slowly, Devin smirked, and warned, pointing at him as she straddled his knees, "Fleeing is futile at this length, Chakotay."

Laying back on his elbows, his feet not hanging off anymore now that he'd scouted back, even though he was laying across the bed, the male replied, grinning, "Okay, I give."

"Wise, solid, and kind," Devin informed as she grasped his member, then hovered above it. Guiding the tip into herself with little preamble, Devin hissed, then snapped her teeth once as the commander's head lulled back and he took a deep breath. When Chakotay laid back, placed his hands on her hips and pulled her down firmly, she cursed again happily, saying afterward, "Your splendor awakens my spirit."

When the Fynth began rocking against him steadily, more aggressive and quicker than he'd anticipated, Chakotay opened his eyes and grinned before he said, "Damn the spirits?" Although, the last time they'd been intimate, she'd been nearly as forceful and wanton as a Klingon, and basically taken him in a similar manner completely, albeit he'd been willing, just surprised and excited since he hadn't expected to make love, even if the night before when he taught her how to dance, they suddenly ended up kissing passionately in the middle of the lesson. When she'd requested his company for dinner the next afternoon, he'd expected to have a nice, probably romantic evening, but when he'd arrived and she immediately told him she desired him, he'd realized his expectations had been entirely wrong, pleasantly so, since he'd taken a liking to her just as quickly as she'd taken to him. He just wasn't in the habit of telling anyone about those aspects of his life, not even B'Elanna, who always asked, nevertheless.

Leaning forward now over him, the Fynth arched her back lightly as she hissed loudly when her chest came into contact with his, and he then reached up to supplement the sensation with his hands, "Yes, damn them, my beauty…damn them…sssssss…I cannot resist you, so damn them."

As Devin fell completely forward against him after a few moments as he felt his climax building with pressure, cursed, although there was now bitterness to her tone, then sighed, pressed her lips to his ear and whispered, "You're precious in my soul," Chakotay wrapped his arms around her lightly, taking care and questioned, whispering, although breathing heavily, "Are you in pain?"

"Mmm," Devin said, sighing again, "pain in my spirit only. I cannot be selfish as this, though I do so desire to express my appreciation for your way that I adore completely." After a beat, she went on, rising up some and touching his face, her eyes sad, but determined, "New lashes will form during our slumber if I continue with certainty." Sighing, she shook her head, leaned down and said as she rested her face against him, "My apologies for acting as a spoiled babe…I shouldn't have done so."

Chakotay expelled the air from his chest, and then whispered, smiling, "Don't apologize for wanting to live for yourself. I understand why you can't, but I also understand why you need a break. We all need a break." As the Fynth slid one arm under his neck and hugged him, Chakotay asked, "Do you need to move?"

"This taxes me none…you?"

"I'll survive and it's the least I can do," Chakotay smiled, then pushed himself to his elbows and eased them into the correct sleeping position by crawling on his back. "Although, my feet are cold," he added, not telling her he would experience a certain amount of discomfort for a few minutes until his arousal faded, which he could live with a lot better than Devin waking up in agony and irritable for her 'selfishness.'

Once they were in place, the commander able to move them both easily since Devin wasn't much of a heavy-weight, and more like a feather-weight, Devin sat up, pulled the covers over them, then said as she touched his face again, "I could love you if I could afford to carve that path." Then leaning down quickly and kissing him as he just stayed silent, she added as she pressed her face to the side of his head toward him, "Wear and speak none…I merely desire you to detail your own treasure."

When Devin asked him if her words troubled him, Chakotay rubbed her back softly and whispered as he slowly began to relax and grow flaccid inside of her, "No…no they don't at all. I'm honored…and," he smiled, turning his head toward her, "humbled…thank you. I'm blessed to be with you in any way, for any time…and," he picked up her braid, tickled her face with the end quickly, and chuckled when she scoffed at him for his playfulness, but smiled sincerely in admiration, "just so you know, I don't just braid anyone's hair. It takes a special lady, and you're only the second one I've encountered in all my travels."

"Hmm," Devin nodded, not surprised, figuring he'd had plenty of mates before, but not many had spoken to him deeply, "the Seska?"

Chuckling, Chakotay shook his head and said, "No…not even close. I did care about her, though. She was too vengeful too love, even before I knew she was a traitor, and," he smiled, "not B'Elanna either. I do love her, for many reasons," he laughed, "mostly…well, other than you can trust her with anything, but mostly because she makes me laugh…but she's always been like a younger sister to me."

Devin smiled and stated, suddenly sensing the knowledge from him, "Her name is Kathryn Janeway."

Nodding, Chakotay informed, grinning, "It was the hair and the nightgown that did it." Then chuckling along with Devin, he explained seriously, "Actually, it had nothing to do with how she looked…okay," he smirked when Devin raised her eyebrows in disbelief since she thought Kathryn was very handsome, "maybe a little, but," he quieted, "she changed my life nearly single-handedly…for the better. She basically scared me…scared me more than any person ever has, and I'm not easily scared for myself." Chuckling, he said, "I thought for sure she was going to kill us all in a month with her cockiness…alienate all of the Maquis and even some of the Starfleet because she wouldn't give, but she always stood firm. She used to walk right up to me, nearly as close as we are now and tell me I was wrong and that she was right, and one day I figured out why she did that…and it was because she was right. She knew she had to play hardball and be strict at first or we'd fall apart within a year. She was smart to prepare to spend decades out here right off the bat. She didn't honestly believe it would take as long as it has for us, but she didn't let that stop her…and I know in my heart she's the reason we're still here today. I would have never done it how she did it, and we would have never made it…I know it." Sighing, he shook his head and said, "She's just very good at what she does. When it really comes down to it…I've never known better, and I don't think I ever will. She carries all of us, even now, she still carries us along, and I'm not honestly sure once we get back if coming back home to Voyager will be visiting the ship, or visiting her…it's hard to separate the two."

"When did you give her the gift of your 'braid'?"

The commander laughed lightly, then said, "During our second year out here. We had the opportunity to spend nearly three months alone on an isolated planet. We weren't in a command structure, thought Voyager was long gone…we got pretty close, and have remained so ever since. It changed our relationship…made it more intimate…less guarded. I braided her hair once, but she was more resistant. It wasn't really until we got back that she totally relaxed around me, and it took a while after that, and we've gone through periods since then where she's been all business, but that was mostly during the Borg conflict." Chakotay chuckled, then added, "It's a good thing we decided to remain only friends because that would have ruined us for sure. She was always protective of Seven. She just wouldn't give up on her…no matter what she did…and," he laughed, "she did a lot that most people would never have the guts to try with Kathryn."

"Is there regret in you with her?"

"No," Chakotay answered surely, but soft. "There are a lot of reasons for that…one of them being I can be myself with her…openly, and she respects me, even when she disagrees with the way I do things. It's…well, it's nice. It's just nice to be close without being more. I could never regret that. We both know it would have never worked out because we want different things, so we've got the best of what could offer each other basically. And," he smiled, "I think it's pretty obvious that she's with the people she was meant to be with. They all deserve each other…the good and the bad. Me," he paused for a moment, "I do love her, for who she is, what she does, and how she manages to do it which still boggles my mind, but I was never in love with her. I probably could have been if things had gone differently, but they didn't, and I'm glad I am where I am because I have a friend forever in her…the kind that'll never turn away or betray you."

Smiling, Devin said as she touched his cheek, "You detail your truth with such ease. This bravery, I admire in you most, and cherish your trust like a babe. Obliged." Then moving back onto him fully and kissing his mouth soft and languid, but deeply, she gently eased away from his lips, then lifted her lower body to break their contact, not because she wanted to or was concerned he was uncomfortable, but because she needed to unwind from her position before she stressed her joints too much. Sliding off onto the pad, she turned onto her side away from him, gestured that he should come curl up with her, then said once he did, wrapping them in the blankets and holding her gently, "A friend in me forever, you have won as well…and part of my legacy you shall be…just as part of my heart, you hold. Nest with me at this length. I require strength to combat that stubborn and willful child with the cunning it takes to make her bend."

Chuckling and kissing her shoulder, Chakotay offered, "If you want my advise…don't ask…just stow away."

Devin smiled, lifted her finger and said, "Ah, but, my beauty, a first must prove her worth by facing the challenge in the light, and she will submit when she recalls that firsts travel alone, except when accompanied by firsts."

The commander laughed lightly, kissed her again and said, "Okay…just remember…she's tougher than she looks."

"As am I," Devin smirked.


After fetching a fresh cup of coffee from her sterling silver coffee pot, Captain Janeway turned her attention back to her workstation and began a new personal memo, having already completed one for each of her senior officers, minus her two final entries, as well as the Wildmans and First Regal Devin. Taking a few moments to sip the beverage she cherished so without concern she was drinking too much, she sat the coffee into her lap and stared down into it's shadowy depths as a small smile graced her lips, which was caused by the fact that now she couldn't look into her coffee mug anymore without thinking about B'Elanna Torres' eyes and how sometimes when the Klingon engineer looked at her, it was all she could do to get out of the room before she buckled under the intensity and was observed swooning and blushing like a school girl. Then taking another quick sip as she chuckled to herself at her own fancifulness, which the chief always seemed to bring out in her, as well as a few other qualities, Kathryn sat the mug on her coffee table, replaced her workstation into her lap and typed the following message, knowing she'd never be able to say the words nearly as well as she could write them without cracking under that pressure too. Since she'd given a lengthy, honest, and fairly intimate interview with Neelix this morning, she wasn't concerned about not recording the message, and that they'd feel cheated by not hearing her voice, since a few times during the interview, although she doubted anyone was aware but them, she'd slipped little secret meanings into some of the things she'd said, which she knew they would understand were meant for them specifically...that is, once they got around to watching it since they'd both been asleep and had only known she was going to announce the shuttle, not actually give a talk:


  To the bravest, fool-headed, potty-mouthed, tool-pusher I've ever met—I love you, B'Elanna Torres, Klingon.

I thought it best to begin this like that because that's the first thing that I always think whenever you're mentioned. I think: I love her. I then usually have at least one dreadfully untimely thought about expressing that to you with my entire body…somehow, someway. I've lost track of how many times my mind's been detoured into your arms during staff meetings, and a trip to Engineering usually guarantees I need a glass of ice water and a hefty distraction afterward. I love you more passionately than those words could ever express, and no one has ever physically loved me more passionately than you…and I love you more still for that.

You have barely a notion of how powerfully real you are to me, even when I find myself staring while you do one of the five hundred things that you can do, which makes me marvel and curious as to how you do what you do so gracefully. You think that's bullshit, I know. It's not, BT. You're the most gracefully instinctive, impulse-drive person I've ever met. The way you act and react so quickly, yet so surely, and how you're at your very best when you let it all hang out and still manage to keep it together, astounds me. You've changed a lot since I first met you, but that still holds very true. It's like an energy field that surrounds you. I could feel it, your inner strength, the very first time we met, and it afflicts me now the same as it did then: it makes me wonder what it must be like to be so bold, and it makes me want to get inside that field, have you hold me within it, and never, ever leave because I've never felt safer in life than I felt the first time that happened. I still feel that way, which is why I crave time alone with you. I know I don't act like it, most of the time, but it's true. Everything just falls away with you...sometimes I feel like I'm a different person, or dreaming...something just different from my life at that moment. I can't really explain it, other than to say for that reason alone, even though there are at least a hundred others, I would have never let you go. People think you're reckless and dangerous, but I think you're safe. You've never hurt me, even though be play fight all the time, and you're the only person that's close to me that I can say that about. And it's not because I have lower expectations out of you, and I think you know better than's simply because you haven't, even though I feel and know I'm at my most fragile with you.

Look after Seven for me, please. I know you will. I know that in my heart, but you know I have to ask anyway.

I'm not sure I've ever been completely forward with you regarding her, and I know you won't take offense when I say that it takes more than an honorable Klingon or brilliant Starfleet engineer to actually get me to the point that I would share her heart without hating every moment of it, even if she didn't. I know you understand those words and what she means to me, and that's why it makes me relieved and content to know that you're with her, even when I loathe missing a moment of her discovery. You're the only one, Lanna. You're the only one that brings that peace in me with her. Everyone else just makes me jealous, truthfully.

And truthfully, I'd be lying if I said that I'd never been (harmlessly) jealous of her, but that's only because she has what I long for: the gift of your company. I have been jealous of you too, but only for your physical strength since I'm so 'wee.' I love you.

And help Nick and Chakotay too, please. They're going to need you now more than ever. I know you'll be their friend, but remember they need your strong leadership too, just like I always did. You know, you're the best engineer I've ever had the pleasure of serving with, and you've made my head spin more times than I can count with your inventiveness. Thus, I'm not going to apologize for demanding more from you than I did the others. I knew you were capable, and you proved that a thousand times over. And don't let this stop you from building. You'll get this to work, I know it. If there's anyone who can build it, it's you, Chief. Qapla'!

Tuvok will be as steadfast as always, so don't be afraid to ask for his help, and please make sure somebody promotes Harry. Be nice to the Doctor and Tom, please, and let Neelix spoil you for a while. It makes him happy. Thank you.

There's a flag in my trunk that I want you to have. It's from my father's funeral, and it's my most prized and private possession. And maybe this will tip the scales and send me to Hell, but since you avenged his death, whether you knew that's what you were doing or not, by killing his murderer, I want you to have it now as a token of my gratitude for having the courage to do something I could never bring myself to do. I know you were defending yourself, but I also know that if he were alive now, you would do the same thing in broad daylight in a public place, so that's why I want you to have it. Thank you for keeping it safe for me.

You know how much I hate goodbyes, so I'll close with this: wherever I am, whatever I'm doing, please believe me when I say that if I have the will to think and recall my existence as you've known it, I'm thinking of you, and everything of which that that consists, constantly—Red


Swallowing and closing her eyes, the captain took a deep breath, then wiped away the two tears that had burst free from her eyes when she signed her name as Red rather than Kathryn or just K, as she typically did. Then blowing the air from her chest soundly, pursing her lips some, she saved the text, set it to be sent in the event her status in the computer was listed as deceased, then reached forward for her coffee as she sniffled. Taking a large sip, then closing her eyes again, she set it back down as she steeled herself for her final memo and said aloud, "You can do this, Captain."

Janeway took another deep breath, then wiped her nose as she sniffled, and opened up another interface. After staring down the blank screen for what seemed like half an eternity, but was just shy of a minute, Kathryn blinked her eyes several times, then smiled softly as she thought about Seven of Nine and how she'd jumped down the hatch on the Invictus, in her skin-tight suit, three inch heels, and made the motion seem as simple and fluid as a ballerina…certain if Annika Hansen had never been assimilated, she'd have followed through with her desire to be such, and done it to perfection. And Kathryn was equally certain she'd have sat in the audience for every performance she could find time for, high up in the back where she couldn't be seen, and she'd have loved her from afar as she had for nearly three years, and as she felt like she was having to do so once again, thanks to their plan, which she loathed deep down where only she knew the truth.


  To the unforgettably unique, remarkable and precious Seven of Nine, Annika Hansen—You're my everything, darling.

There is rarely an hour that passes while I'm 'lucid' that I don't think of you at least once…partly because you do so much. There hasn't been a time in the last three years when I've been delegating tasks where I haven't thought: Maybe Seven should help with this? I know you know you're miraculous, so I'll leave it at that.

However, there are some things that you do that are even more astounding than Slipstream, in my opinion, that I'm not sure you realize how proud of yourself you should be. I can't name them all, and not because I don't remember, but because I haven't the time, Seven…stop teasing me. I'm merely human. Nevertheless, here are some of my personal favorites that I've never shared with anyone:

2.6 days ago (from the time this was composed) in the Conference Room, Seven of Nine called Nick Fowler by her first name only…and she never realized that she had done so, and neither did Nick. B'Elanna Torres missed it too, but that was because she was too busy rubbing Seven's leg under the table and biting her nails.

Stardate 50298.1: Janeway emerges from the turbolift on Deck Five and sees Seven come around the corner in front of her. When Seven continues on without seeing her, Janeway follows her, although stays far back. Just before the captain is about to call out to Seven, Ensign Resse passes by Seven in the hallway, and Seven takes a moment to admire the scenery, discreetly.

You never knew I was around, and I smiled about that all day. Like I said, Luke was smart to come to you, and I agree with you. She is rather cute.

Stardate 50354.6: Seven of Nine takes time to scratch her cheek in her sleep, and not the one on her lovely face.

Stardate 50404.7: While walking and talking with Janeway, five male crewmembers in a row either greet, smile or glance at Seven of Nine's exceptionally beautiful body in appreciation; Seven ignores them completely and continues her dissertation on the recent inefficiencies in Quantum Mechanics and Operations, yet pauses for a brief moment to pull a hair from Janeway's tunic.

Stardate 50523.4: While working late, Seven of Nine purposefully recites inaccurate data to B'Elanna Torres so that the chief will shout, run up to her station and stand next to her. While Torres attempts to 'deduce' what the problem is, Seven puts her hands behind her back, straightens to lift and extend her exquisite bosom towards the chief's head as Torres reads the sensor board. Seven then calls to get her attention, which gets Torres to turn her head, causing her cheek to brush against Seven's breast. When Torres smiles, blushes, but apologizes, Seven remains composed, informs that she was inaccurate, recites the correct data, then suggests that they retire for the evening since she's obviously becoming overly fatigued.

I'd bet my lucky teacup that more than comic book reading occurred that evening. I was on the upper level observing your work, by the way. Clever girl…she hadn't a clue.

Stardate Today: Seven breaks protocol again and beams into Janeway's Ready Room, but forgets the circumstances after kissing the captain passionately, and leaves Janeway's office through the door that no one had seen her enter.

I'd say that's pretty miraculous for a woman who can interpret thirty strings of code per second, recite entire conversations word for word three years later, create temporal rifts with only a shuttle, decrypt my command code, sing beautifully, play the piano, do backflips, swan dive, cook, sprint in high heels, beat Tuvok at Kalto, Naomi at Kadis Kot, me at Gin (but not Velocity), slamdunk a basketball, line-dance, speak an archaic form of Fynth just to make someone smile, then turn around, curse in Klingon and swing a bat'leth as well as any warrior, and kiss me so skillfully that I forget what my point was.

The list is extensive, suffice it to say, I know you, Seven. I know, see, feel, hear, taste and experience you like no other that ever could be. There is nothing finer in my heart than the complete love I feel for you every moment. You always tell me you would not be you without me, but I'm here to tell you the same is true for me, and I am truly a better individual because I've experienced you. I may have liberated you from the Collective, but you are the extraordinary individual that saved me from my worst enemy: myself. You taught me what it feels like to be human again. I'm not sure it's possible for you to ever know how much I love you for everything that you are, and everything that you've done, but I guess if there's one person who can possibly know, it would be you.

Please take care of Lanna. I know you will, but I have to ask anyway. Don't let this pull you apart. She loves you, and she'll need you now more than ever to play fight with. Let her break things for a while, and let her yell and curse everyone and everything, and she'll end up smiling with you again soon enough. Don't let her give up on this project, since I know you would never do that on your own. Keep pressing forward like you always do and you'll figure it out, just like you always do. Resistance is futile. Oh, and please make sure she finds her mother and tells her in detail what she's accomplished out here. If she can't manage to say it all or remember because she's nervous, then I know you'll do it for her.

I know you'll keep on Naomi with her studies, but do me a favor and make sure she has time to play too. There's a park we go to in the holodeck to read once a week…she seems to like that one best right now. I've given her a very long list of books that will take her at least two years to finish, so that should give you plenty of time to do research before you'll need to give her more.

I'm sure you and Samantha will remain girlfriends forever, so I won't bother to suggest that you make sure she practices her music, since I'm sure you plan to see to that anyway. And as far as Nick goes, well, I think the best thing you can do to help her other than be your typical efficient self, is to keep meeting her in the holodeck for lunch every now and then. She needs time to play just as much as Naomi, but you probably already knew that too and planned to keep up with that as well.

There is something that I will suggest that you do, and that's to also keep up your meditation lessons with Tuvok. I can't tell you how proud I am of you for even trying it once, but to know that you continue to do so, and will continued to do so, will help me get that peace you always say you wish for me. Thank you.

If you open the chest in the closet of my quarters, you'll see a white, sheer scarf inside. That scarf belongs to my mother, and I'd like you to retain it temporarily until you can return it to her face to can just call her Greta. She'll prefer that to Gretchen Janeway. Please tell her that I love her, Phoebe too, and ask her to make her caramel brownies for you before you leave. You'll love them…trust me. She can make several other deserts too, so you might consider staying a while so you can sample them and let her teach you, but I'll leave that to you. If you stay, though, she'll show you lots of pictures of me when I was a baby taking my first baths. You can also inquire about planning your wedding and having it on the ranch while you're there. I'm sure she'd let you…tell her I said so if she resists.

I only mention that because I'm sure Lanna will ask you to marry her soon enough, and I definitely suggest that you engage in that ritual as well. I think you'll find it worth while. If I know Lanna, she'll ask you when you least expect it, so don't be concerned if it seems impulsive, or she seems uncertain. She's been thinking about it, and she is sure, but she's a rather big fan of yours, you impress her and make her nervous sometimes, so she can't help herself. And if you think she's being resistant because I'm not there anymore, just use that clever brain of yours and put the idea in her head some how. That way she stills feels like she's the one asking. I know that's important to her, and I think you deserve to be asked. For your honeymoon, I suggest Cancun, Mexico, but that's only a suggestion, so go where you both would prefer. The reasons I suggest it are: It's not as crowded as Hawaii, another popular place for newlyweds, but there's lots of water for you to swim in, the temperature is plenty warm enough for her, and the climate is humid enough for you that you'll stay comfortable when your not wearing your biosuits. It's also considered perfectly acceptable and culturally appropriate for you both to mill about on the beach without your tops, and that isn't true in Hawaii. Remember to wear plenty of sunscreen, though.

I'm not sure what happened to my place in San Francisco, but if I know my mother, she kept it up. Feel free to go there whenever and stay if you like it. There's a hot tub in the back yard, but you can adjust the heat so it's cool how you like it, and there's a bakery two blocks down that makes really big chocolate chip cookies. Just follow your nose and you'll find Simpson's shop without a problem. I'm sure he's still around, so tell him I said hello. Mark had a sweet tooth as well, so I used to stop by there and pick up a cookie for him before I visited his office. He always raved about them, so I'm sure you'll like them too. If you go one block farther in the same direction, you'll find a café. I've met many interesting individuals there, and there's usually a lot of female scenery to admire. They've also got the best coffee in town, even the decaf. The table next to the window with the name of the shop on it is the table I preferred to sit at. Someone in love carved a heart and the initials O.M in it. So, if the inside has been rearranged, you can look for that table, if you'd like. I doubt it has, though. It never changed once in the nearly twenty years I lived there. I always faced towards the door so I could watch people come in an out and tried to guess what kind of drink they would order when I didn't feel like reading. It's more scientific than it sounds, so humor me once like you always do…you might have fun. That's not really Lanna's kind of establishment, so I'd use that experiment as one of your solitary ventures.

The Doctor should finish your portable alcove within the week, and I know between you and Lanna, you'll figure out how to ensure that no matter where you go, you'll always be able to regenerate like you need to do in order to keep up your health so you can do all of these things and take care of your new and future collectives…all of whom will need you as much as I have.

When you do get to the Alpha Quadrant, find Captain Jean-Luc Picard, or Locutus of Borg, as you knew him. He'll keep you safe just as I would. He's a good man and you can trust him…so tell him the truth even when you're afraid. If Will Riker is still with him, say hello to him for me, but don't assimilate him when he flirts with you. He can't help himself. He's worse than Nick, but an old, dear friend.

This might sound strange, darling, but if Q ever visits again, give him, Missus Q and their son my best. I doubt he'll ever give you all a problem, but he never liked Chakotay very much, so be careful, and if he ever pops into your bed, you have my authorization to smack him…hard. I know you're curious as to why I'm including this in your letter. I truth is I trust you more than I've ever trusted anyone, and I know you'll take care of it…and the Q part is simple. I have sort of a soft place in my heart for him and the Continum, even if he is irritating, and I am his son's aunt. He's caused a lot of problems for Starfleet, some of them aboard this ship, but he's getting better, and he certainly treated me better than Picard. In a way, he's a friend…I'm peculiar, I know.

I'm sure you'll keep up on your journal writing too. Say hello to Lucy and Scully for me from time to time, and don't forget that next year on your birthday you've got to wake up as we discussed, and remind B'Elanna to ask you how it feels to be twenty-nine. I know, I aren't capable of forgetting, but just in case it slipped your mind since you've been so busy branching out, I thought it wouldn't hurt to remind you anyway. As Devin says, I'm sure you'll find no crime, and as you say, it's typical behavior. I love you.

Well, my love, I believe those are the last of my suggestions. And the last piece of advise I have to offer you is: trust your instincts, Seven, they're stronger and more accurate than you think they are…and don't ever give up on anything you want, because you can go as far as you dream as long as you have faith in yourself like I have faith in you. As 'you' once said to me before you departed: Live long and prosper—Kathryn of Yours



Seven of Nine turned her tall, lengthy frame around toward the Drive housing from the opposite end of the engine room on the Invictus before a pleasant, soft smile formed on the full lips. "What are you doing?"

Lying on the floor, on her back, Chief Engineer Torres answered as she stared up at a red sticker on the bottom of the sensor console near the Slipstream Drive that connected to the warp core, the construct about the size of a cargo container, "I'm concentrating…"

The Borg raised her eyebrows, not surprised Torres was thinking since currently they were trying to predict possible failures, and what chain reactions that would start so that they could log the information into the ship's computer and give Captain Janeway extra resources to troubleshoot, diagnosis, and repair quickly with the assistance of the computer that would offer the most probable 'fix' according to sensor readings of the issue. Janeway, true to form, had been diligent in her research, study and preparation and was now fairly Slipstream savvy; she wasn't as confident as she was with warp technology, but that was simply because this was all new, and she had over forty years of life existing in a warp center society. However, Seven of Nine was surprised that B'Elanna was thinking while lying on the hard floor and looking up at the bottom of a sensor board, especially since she typically witnessed the Klingon-human hybrid pace while mumbling to herself and either chewing or picking at her shabbily manicured nails.

Walking toward the brunette, her heels sounding audibly on the metal floor in the quiet shuttle, the ship's primary theoretical Science officer, and all-around technical guru questioned, "What is the significance of lying on the floor?" since she rarely did anything without a reason, and figured the same was the case for most individuals.

"So I can see my dot."

"Explain." The former drone's brow furrowed, clearly in confusion, even if she understood the term 'dot.'

Turning her head away from the sticker, not annoyed because she knew Seven was merely curious as to why she was doing what she was doing, which Torres knew the blonde would find peculiar, the chief responded, pointing to the bottom of the board with her thumb that was adorned with the thick silver ring Kathryn had given her several months ago, "It helps me concentrate to focus on something, so I put a dot on the bottom of this board that I can look at while I lie back." Looking back to the sticker, B'Elanna added, "I like to lie back and concentrate when I'm all out of ideas but feel like I'm missing something."

The Borg nodded easily at that, then knelt and peered under the sensor. Noticing the color immediately, Seven looked at Torres and questioned, believing she already knew the answer however, "The color selection signifies Kathryn, correct?"

Torres continued to watch the dot while she answered, "It's stands for three things…she's only one of them." Then looking back to the blonde as Seven prepared to question about the other two, B'Elanna said, "It's also your favorite color…and the color of blood…well our blood." Back at the sticker, she finished "It stands for all of us…together."

Seven cocked her eyebrow in pleasant surprise since Torres wasn't typically 'sentimental' like Kathryn, then smoothly laid down next to her, looked up at the sticker and said, quiet for some reason, "This technique is not unlike utilizing a Vulcan meditation lamp. I also find significance in the 'flame' of his lamp with regards to you and Kathryn."

Figuring Kathryn's nick name of 'fire devil' as well as several other things were what Seven was reminded of about the redhead, the chief asked, uncertain as to how Seven would be reminded of her, except maybe that she'd figured she'd probably burn in hell when she died, and tended to have a short, volatile temper, "What's my significance," looking over quickly, "if you don't mind me asking?"

"Fire is often equated with passion," Seven of Nine informed as she looked over at the Klingon, "in literary prose through the use of 'metaphors.' It is a common theme in the novels we have read together." When Torres smiled, thinking that was it, and thinking it was cute that Seven was reminded of her through something they did together in a round about way, the blonde added, looking back to the dot, "You are the most passionate individual I know, and have taught me to be passionate as well." Looking back to the chief, she added, "I feel more now consistently than I ever have since my assimilation. After I was severed, the only emotion I felt passionately about was fear…however," she looked back to the sticker and finished, "now I feel as passionately about a great many other emotions and concepts as I do my fear…some even more so. You have assisted with this more than any other individual."

"I bullshit?"

Seven looked back to the Klingon as she answered, "No bullshit."

Smiling and reaching over for Seven's hand while they both looked back at the dot, B'Elanna said, "Cool." After a few minutes of contemplation while she gently rubbed her slightly rough thumb adorned with her ring against Seven's human right hand, Torres asked softly, but not looking over at her lover since Seven continued to make her nervous sometimes, "When we get home and finish kicking everyone's ass, do you, that maybe you'd like to think about getting married…sometime, maybe?"

The Borg smiled, not showing teeth, and mostly to herself as she replied, looking at the sticker as well, "I believe I would."

Nodding quickly, Torres said, "Okay," without taking a breath yet, uncertain if that counted as a proposal of marriage, and even if she should offer a real one without Janeway's presence, or during a time when they couldn't immediately go an ask Kathryn. Torres knew that they could, but didn't believe they should because that would just be another think the captain would have to hide, and she worried she'd just feel depressed by being engaged and not be able to be around those people, or wear her engagement ring that B'Elanna continued to contemplate how to make perfect...especially when she had almost ten carats of diamond to play with.

Feeling uncertain as well, the Borg asked, still not looking to her lover, "Was that a legitimate proposal, or merely a question as to if I was agreeable to the concept in the future?"

Torres, now terribly anxious, swallowed and answered in question, "If it was a real the real thing, would that be okay?" Finally turning her head, she added, "I mean...would it bother you if I asked you, but didn't ask Red because I can't yet?"

Seven turned to her to the brunette and answered, "It would not."

"Do you think we should?" asked the chief. Shaking her head, she admitted, "I don't's hard to tell if that's a shitty thing to do. Everything's really screwed up these days. I can't tell anymore."

"I believe Kathryn wishes for us to be happy above all else," Seven answered softly. "Considering she is aware you wish to marry her, and it is only a concept, not an actual legal agreement, as is marriage, I do not believe it is 'shitty.' However," she added quickly, just to be certain she and the Klingon saw eye to eye, which she believed was the case, but they'd never talked about this before, "I do not wish to become 'married' without her."

B'Elanna shook her head as she responded quickly, "No, neither." Then swallowing again and nodding her head, B'Elanna said, "Okay," paused and finally asked directly, "then now...will you promise to marry me sometime in the future?"

Seven smiled fully as she answered, "I promise." When Torres didn't react right away, she included, "Thank you for forwarding the proposal."

Exhaling, B'Elanna said, "Sure," then finally smiled. "Thanks for saying yes."

"No problemo."

As B'Elanna blinked, then quickly surged toward her, pressing herself on top of her and began kissing her mouth fiercely, the Borg pulled the chief onto her completely and held her tight while she kissed her back deeply. When the Klingon began to slow down the gusto of her kiss and then finished it shortly thereafter, Seven whispered as the brunette kissed her jaw softly, "What significant artifact will you give me so that others will know we are 'engaged?'"

Surprised, suddenly realizing that she really was engaged to Seven, B'Elanna looked up at her while the blonde tilted her head down and asked, "Do you think we should tell anyone?"

Equally surprised, Seven answered, "Why would we not? We are not 'hiding' our relationship?"

After a moment of contemplation, Torres shrugged and "I guess I'm worried about Red. She might feel left out, or more likely, it will just make all of this harder on far as the crew goes. Then everyone will definitely think it's over. That might be hard for her. I don't know...I can't tell with her."

Speaking with certainty, Seven informed, "Kathryn is understanding and logical. She is not the 'jealous-type.'" As Torres sighed and nodded, the blonde reminded, "She knows that we love her, and that we are incomplete without her. If I feel there are any doubts, I will explain that immediately and completely. However, I believe her behavior during this process proves that will not be necessary. She has not 'changed' even though we have distanced ourselves, and continues to be happy to spend time with us when it is accessible. This evening she could have spent more time with us, but she chose to work instead. Thus, I believe she is content and finding solace in the knowledge she is doing her duty. This is typical behavior. Also, before the 'break-up,' she questioned me regularly about our relationship, and it brought her joy to know that when she could not be present, we were together and fullfilled as partners. Kathryn's first priority is Voyager and her duty to the Federation, and I believe she will be content that Section 31 is not 'screwing up' all of our plans."

"Good point..."

Seven raised her eyebrows and finished, "Also, if we do not attempt to hide it, we do not have to worry about her feeling as though we are keeping things from her, and it will undoubtedly prove to the crew that our relationship is over. I know, by knowing her, she has concerns about this. I believe this is actually a 'good' strategy for our operation. This could also make it easier for all of us to converse with each other in public. It will nearly elliminate the curiosity the crew has about a possible reconciliation."

Torres finally smiled as she stopped worrying and asked, "How do you come up with all this stuff?"

"I am Borg," Seven cocked her eyebrow. After B'Elanna snickered then kissed her again, Seven repeated her query about the 'significant artifact.'

"I don't know…what do you want?" Torres quirked the side of her mouth. "No offense, babe, but you're tough to shop for."

Taking no offense and laughing her soundless chortle, the Borg answered in question, "Is a 'ring' required?"

"No," responded the chief. "You can have whatever you want…or nothing if you don't want anything. Whatever is fine by me. You know I love you," she grinned, kissing her chin, "even though you think most things are irrelevant. That doesn't matter to me with you. It only matters if it means something to you."

After a moment of contemplation, Seven of Nine stated, "I wish to have something to display on my person in this case. Such an item is not irrelevant to me because it is not irrelevant to you and others in our collective. However," the Borg added quickly, "I do not wish to have a 'jewelry.' I find it bothersome to wear." Explaining as Torres lifted her eyebrows in question, she went on, "Sam Wildman has 'jewelry' and allowed me to conduct an experiment. I found it unacceptably distracting."

Nodding and chuckling, B'Elanna eased off of Seven, came to a rest on her bottom next to her, crossed her legs and queried, "Okay…any ideas then?"

The Borg sat up as well, but moved back a small amount so she wouldn't hit her head on the railing as she came back, "Perhaps something that adheres to my biosuits since I am required to wear them consistently."

"Like a patch of some kind?"


Smiling, Torres nodded as she started gnawing on her thumbnail, then said, "Okay. What kind of patch…like what design?" Shaking her head, B'Elanna said, "You can pretty much have whatever you want…I guess. There aren't any rules. At least," she smirked, "none I want to follow."

Seven looked away for a few beats, then back to Torres, smiled rather brightly and informed, "You may design it."

"You want me to design it?"

"That is correct."

Torres bit her nail for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, but then you have to give me my tattoo."

The Borg furrowed her brow as she demanded, without coarseness, "Explain."

Since her tunic was off and they'd kicked up the heat in the Invictus to accommodate the Klingon, Torres flexed her left arm, the short, tight sleeves of her undershirt short enough that she didn't have to push it up and answered, pointing to the area in the middle of her upper arm, "A tattoo of a starburst…just like the one you have. I want it to look like yours...although, maybe artistic." Torres refrained from explaining what a tattoo was since she knew Seven already was aware considering she'd applied a fake one of a snake that went from her neck to the back during their first Elite Force mission to Burnhouse.

Raising her eyebrows at that, the Borg continued to contemplate the concept, not bothering to get into the pain aspect of real tattoos because pain was often pleasing to Klingons, then questioned, "Why would you purposefully cause permanent damage to your body?"

"I don't consider it damage," the chief informed without being defensive. "Just like I don't consider your ocular art," she smirked, "or any of your other implants damage. They're part of you…and this will be part of me too…forever…just like yours." After a moment, she informed, "We can practice in the holodeck first so you know how to do it correctly. I don't think you'll have a problem picking it up. And if you mess up, we can just remove it with a dermal regenerator and then start again…but," she raised her finger, "once it's on…I'll never take it off, and if it ever gets screwed up somehow, we'll just do it again." Smiling, the Klingon finished, "And you have to do maintenance on it…just like your implants…so maybe every year on our anniversary you can touch it up so it will always look nice. The color will fade after a while if you don't."

Smiling at that, the Borg nodded and stated, "Impressive. When do we begin?"

"Why not now?" Torres smiled and said, enthused as she stood up. "I'm never going to get to sleep tonight anyhow." Offering a hand to Seven, who accepted ever though it was unnecessary, the chief went on, "While you're practicing on some poor hologram, I can work on your patch…and maybe I'll figure out what it is that I'm forgetting to plan for."

"You are not 'forgetting' anything," Seven of Nine came back surely as Torres walked over to the ladder where her jacket was hanging. As Torres took off her metal sash, the blonde held it for her and went on while the Klingon donned her tunic, "And if you are, I believe it is minor…to say the least. We have prepared for all major failures, short of a warp core breach, which Kathryn is capable of handling adequately." Handing the sash back, Seven went on, "She is aware of how to quickly drop out of the conduit and how to operate the escape pod in that event. The shield matrix that I installed on the pod itself will withstand the shockwave as long as she has jettisoned no less than ten seconds before the antimatter explosion."

Snapping her fingers as she adjusted her sash, B'Elanna said, "That's it!"


"What if she's attacked while in the conduit…what will that do?"

Raising her eyebrows, the Borg placed her hands behind her back, shook her head slightly and informed, "The probability that she could be accurately targeted at such speeds is….it is minute."

"No…no, that's not what I meant, " the chief said quickly, turning towards Seven of Nine. "What if a ship gets into the conduit with her…on her way back…they could get pulled into the wake, right?" As the Borg raised her eyebrows and looked away, then furrowed her brow, Torres nodded and said, "They'd basically be drafting her…they couldn't stay in for long, but long enough to fire a torpedo or something. What would that do?"

"In the case of a direct impact from a class six for greater torpedo, or a weapon of similar attributes, the event would be catastrophic," Seven of Nine informed immediately. Then looking back to Torres, she stated, "It would be similar to two warp bubbles colliding. She would be thrown from the conduit and unable to alter course or slow until the Slipstream Drive was shutdown. Thrusters are capable of engaging at that time, but would have negligible affect." Sighing, Seven shook her head and stated, "In all probability, the Invictus would be torn apart before then by the opposing forces the moment she broke through the barrier wall the Slipstream Drive creates. Destruction would be instantaneous when the warp core was compromised, and in the unlikely event it survived, the inertial dampers would not be able to compensate and she would be," sighing, "she would be damaged beyond repair. There are no safety mechanisms that can protect her body from those forces…any attempt would be futile and end in failure, undoubtedly. Even a Borg drone in stasis could not survive."

Sighing with relief and shaking her head, B'Elanna said, "Okay, thanks…that was driving me crazy."

Seven of Nine furrowed her brow and asked, dumbfounded, "Explain."

"Ace," Torres reminded, "you know as well as I do that the likelihood of someone sneaking up on her and following her in, then managing to get a direct shot off with a hefty weapon in a matter of seconds before she left them in the dust is pretty damn small. We're more likely to have a major core meltdown on Voyager than that."

Seven bobbed her head then sighed and said, "You are correct."

"So, what's wrong then?"

"I merely find that scenario unpleasant to consider. She would have no 'hope' to remedy the situation. She would not know what 'hit her.' It seems a…dishonorable way for Kathryn to perish…I find it unacceptable. I do not wish for her to ever be terminated, however, I believe I would 'feel' better if she 'died' either by 'going down with the ship' by choice, or as an individual of significant age from natural, biological causes." Looking back to B'Elanna, who was smiling softly at her, Seven finished, "Just as I wish for you to die either in battle at the hands of a superior, honorable opponent, or from 'old age'…or both," she managed a smirk, "since it is unlikely an opponent exists, other than myself, who could defeat you currently…bang."

Grabbing Seven's Borg hand and squeezing it in thanks, then pulling her toward the hatch, the chief informed, "Well, I've never had a vision of my death, but I know how Red will die."

Uncertain if Torres was merely 'joking' or being serious since Seven knew that B'Elanna believed she had a similar vision of her mother and furthermore believe her mother was alive and well because of it, the Borg asked, "Explain."

Once they were out of the hatch and closing it up, Torres smiled and said, "She's going to die from happiness in her sleep at home in her bed…old…like ancient old…older than Devin and Tuvok."

As Torres took up her hand again and started for the exit of the Shuttle Bay, Seven rolled her eyes and stated, "You are being facetious. You did not have a 'vision' of Kathryn."

"Yes I did," B'Elanna smiled, continuing on as they walked moderately quick. Quieting her conversation, even though it was the middle of the night, which meant officers only manned critical stations since the Gamma shift was the smallest group, she said, "She was old. Her hair was white, totally, a little shorter than it is now, and she had wrinkles and age spots on her hands. She still had nails and she was still wiry like she is, but had her cute tummy back. She was wearing a pink nightgown, but it was cotton instead of silk. It wasn't granny-style, though. It was like the one she wears now, just more modest and plain, and," she smirked at Seven, "she was hot for an old chick."

As Seven rolled her eyes again, but smiled, Torres continued, grinning, "She was lying on her side towards her nightstand where there were pictures all over it, and she looked totally peaceful...almost smiling at them. There were pictures of us, pictures of us holding babies, a picture of the whole crew, then more pictures of our children and their children, and pictures of Nick and Sam, the old man and a picture of her giving Naomi her fourth pip…she was an admiral in that one." As Seven of Nine smirked at her, still unbelieving, Torres smiled and finished, "Then I flashed to her grave, which was right next to her father's and it said she was a four star admiral, retired, wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, accomplished scientist and the captain of the historic U.S.S. Voyager…and there was a picture of Voyager engraved in it too, and the words 'Janeway out.'"

The Borg expelled the air from her lungs as B'Elanna finished while she stepped into the turbolift and remarked, "I still do not believe you…however," she smirked as they face forward the Torres called out the deck, "your ability to improvise is impressive."

"Just wait, dollface…you'll see, and then I'll expect an apology," looking over to Seven, the chief smirked, "with interest."


Still wide awake and contemplating her past, present and especially her future while her lover continued to sleep soundlessly against her left side, Lieutenant-Commander Nicole Fowler jumped lightly, sudden, when she heard a light, muffled thumping sound once and then Samantha Wildman's daughter, who was in the other room, call out, "Mommy!" her voice laced with agony and fear, which was clear, even though the master bedroom door was closed.

Sliding out from underneath Wildman immediately, Fowler said, her voice abrupt and concerned since she'd never heard Naomi cry out in that manner, and continue to do so, "Sam, wake up!" Off the bed and running to the door as Wildman stirred, then heard her daughter for the first time, and said, worried, "Naomi," Nicole ran out of the bedroom and into the child's dimly-lit room, saying, "Hold on, baby."

"Nick," Naomi cried, curled up in a ball on the floor, holding her right chin, where she'd tried to get out of bed and get to her mother, but was in too much agony to walk. "It hurts…owwwww…please!"

Able to tell immediately that this required more than just a massage and medicated cream to rub in a soothe pain since she was clearly experiencing tremendous discomfort, and not just calling out to her mother to hug her and tell her she was going to be alright, Fowler carefully reached down and eased the child off the ground as Wildman ran into the room asking what was wrong. As Naomi remained in a ball and grabbed onto her tightly, tense, Nicole held her firmly and said, "Get your robe. We're going to Sickbay." Then she added softer as Samantha pivoted immediately and ran back into her bedroom for her robe since her nightgown was fairly see through, but the matching cover wasn't, "I've gotcha, sweat pea. We're goin' to the Doctor. He'll make it better."

Moving quick and sure, but keeping herself from running, worried that the bouncing movement would just hurt the child more, Fowler looked over her shoulder as she started for the door to make certain Samantha wasn't far behind. When she saw the blonde start through the bedroom door, pulling her robe over her shoulders, Nicole turned back front and went through the cabin's entrance, entering the softly lit hallway on Deck Ten. Once Samantha was nearing her side, she started forward quickly and ignored the pricking sensation in her upper shoulders as the child forgot herself in her weeping that was now stronger, but non-verbal except for her hiccupping, and her cranial spikes that were sharp, scratched her skin.

Fowler continued forward quickly, not modifying her stride, which forced Samantha to jog every few steps to keep up. Nicole then rounded the corner, and shouted as she saw two officers entering the lift at the end of the hall, covering the child's ear, "Hold the lift!" As the two officers, one male and one female, turned around and the woman pressed her hand to the seam to keep the door open, Fowler ordered as they approached and asked what was wrong, "Stand aside and take the next one."

"Aye, Commander."

As Samantha stepped into the lift as the others moved out of it, Fowler let them pass, which they did quickly, then moved inside a moment before Wildman commanded the elevator to ascend to Deck Five. When the lift stopped unexpectedly after only three decks, Fowler sighed as Samantha rubbed Naomi's arm and comforted her with her warm, maternal voice, and as the doors started to open, Nicole was about to tell the person to wait for the next one when the compact form of their commanding officer started to turn toward the door, since she'd had to wait a moment for the lift. As Kathryn's face lost its color and she asked what was going on while she rushed into the turbolift, Nicole said, "Deck Five," as Naomi sniffled and asked, "Captain?"

Remaining calm even though her heart had practically jumped into her throat, and it had already been halfway there after composing her letters to Torres and Seven, which subsequently had required that she take a long walk to settle herself, Janeway reached up to Naomi's ruddy cheek, rubbing it with her knuckles as Samantha willingly made room for the child's hero, and said, "I'm here, Miss Wildman," purposefully sticking to 'professional' names, hoping that would help calm the girl. "You're going to be alright. The Doctor will take very good care of you." As she looked over to Samantha, who shook her head at her, silently informing her they didn't know what was wrong, Janeway requested as they stepped out of the turbolift, the smaller females flanking Fowler, "Tell me what's wrong, Naomi…"

"My leg," Naomi managed between tears, "it…it hurts real bad…Cap'n."

"Alright," Janeway came back, "thank you. Just relax as best you can. We're almost there."

Sniffling, and hiccupping, Naomi asked, "Will…will you…sssaa…stay?"

"Absolutely," Kathryn returned while they rounded the corner, and she commanded two officers to turn on go the long way around as they started for them with only her hands, which they seemed to interpret perfectly. "Rule number…eighteen…about being a starship captain…always go see crewmembers in Sickbay and stay as long as you possibly can without offending or getting in the way."

As Naomi shook her head, Fowler clenched her jaw as her skin was perforated just as they entered Sickbay, and was about to call out to the Doctor when Janeway activated him verbally and pointed her over to the biobed as she moved away and snatched up a medical tricorder.

"Please state th," the Doctor began, then amended as soon as he was able as Janeway thrust a tricorder to his stomach, "What happened?"

"Naomi's injured her right leg," the captain answered on the next breath as she scurried toward the biobed. While Fowler set her down carefully, and Samantha moved in quickly and took up her daughter's free hand while the child continued to hold her shin under her nightgown, Janeway noticed the blood starting to run down Fowler's upper chest, as well as the bruise from Carey, so she said quietly while the commander stepped away and let the Doctor move in, "Nick, a moment please."

Hovering fairly close to the scene, Fowler, who was clearly tense, turned toward Janeway with her head before her body, whispering, "Yes?"

Kathryn pointed to her chest, then patted her arm and whispered, "Take care of that before she sees it."

Sighing because she didn't want to leave, but understanding it was necessary since Naomi would undoubtedly feel guilty and probably even more self-conscious than she had recently thanks to the problems her hybrid physiology was giving her, Nick merely nodded and trotted into the Doctor's office, moving for the bathroom and snatching up a dermal regenerator on her way.

The Doctor said as he programmed a mild pain-reliever that wouldn't damage the child, "I'm just going to give you a hypospray, Naomi," then pressed it to her neck, and reported to Samantha, "It's for the pain." Opening the tricorder immediately and running it over her body, the Doctor frowned heavily, then requested after a moment, "Captain, hand me the bone-knitter."

Blinking and then doing as she was asked as Samantha remained calm and rubbed Naomi's hand as the child continued to cry softly, although the pain was abating quickly, Kathryn asked as she passed him the device, "Her leg is broken?"

"Fractured," the hologram answered, then put his hands on the child's leg and said, "Naomi, I'm going to pull up your nightgown so I can see your leg. Can you take your hand away?" As the child did so, sniffling, and her mother took her other hand, then leaned down and kissed her daughter's cheek and whispered to her, the Doctor explained, "It's most likely a stress fracture." Looking over to Samantha, he asked as he ran the devices ray of light over her leg, "Can you tell me what happened?"

"I don't know," Wildman said, standing up straight. "I was sleeping when Nick woke me up and then I heard her crying from her bedroom. When I got there, Nick was picking her up off the floor." Looking down at her daughter, who was starting to settle herself, Samantha asked, rubbing her cheek, "Sweetheart, did you fall out of bed in your sleep?"

Hiccupping, Naomi rubbed her eyes and said, "No…I…I woke up 'cuz," she sniffled, "my leg started hurting real bad…and…and I tried to get up and come get you, but it hurt…it hurt too much to ssassstand."

As the Doctor finished with that leg, then moved onto the other, which also had a minor fracture, the other one being much more severe, Janeway came up next to Samantha, rubbed her back in support, squeezing her shoulder lightly and asked of the photonic projection, worried all the extra time he was putting into Seven's portable alcove was keeping him from being able to concentrate on his other duties, "Doctor, let's all talk later about the best way to prevent this. I want you to make this top priority."

As Samantha looked over to her and nodded her agreement since she was just about to ask for a conference since the medical facilities available in the Federation just weren't the same as a starship, so she wanted to inform them she needed their help to be creative so her daughter didn't feel like she was going to the 'hospital' all of the time, the hologram began, "Stress fractures don't happen overnight, not even for someone who's growing as quickly as she is currently. The best way to prevent them is to have her come in for frequent exams." Looking over to Samantha, he added, "We can also start her on some supplemental vitamins that will help strengthen her bones since it seems they've weakened, as well as prescribe a muscle relaxant so her tendons won't create so much stress on her bones until she stops growing for a while."

Looking over to the captain, Samantha asked, calm and collected, even though she had an even stronger desire to punch the Doctor in the mouth, "Captain, will stay with her while I speak to the Doctor, please?"


"Naomi," Samantha said as she turned back to her child, "I need to go talk to the Doctor. I'll be right back. The captain will stay with you. Okay?"

"Okay, Mommy," Naomi nodded, then sniffled and wiped her eyes. "Can I sit up?"

After the Doctor nodded and then started for his office, Wildman said, "Yes. You're all better now. Does it hurt anymore?" When Naomi shook her head and pushed herself up, Samantha kissed the top of her head, then whispered, "Thank you for being brave. I'll be right back." Turning to the captain, Wildman stepped up to her and whispered into her ear, not requesting, "Keep her distracted."

Once Samantha was gone, Kathryn watched her go into the Doctor's office, shut the door as Fowler appeared and came up to her side, then shake her head at the Doctor, seemingly fairly angry, and speak quickly, although she couldn't hear a word. As Nick sighed, scratched the back of her neck, then came up behind Samantha, placed her hands on her shoulders and rubbed then lightly as the blonde spouted off and emphasizing that with her fingers by counting her points, Janeway turned toward Naomi, made sure the child would look forward, and away from the Doctor's office. Snatching up one of her hands and then putting her arm around her, combing down her tussled hair as the child continued to sniffle and keep her head low and her hands in her lap, looking incredibly sullen, Kathryn asked, "How's the last of the Harry Potter series coming?"

"I'm on page one hundred and three."

"A hundred and three," Janeway said quickly, surprised. "Already?"

Nodding, the child wiped her nose and said, "Since Mommy got into a fight with Lieute…um Ensign Carey and couldn't go to the holodeck with Nick on their date, Nick let me use their time, so I went to the park and read for the hour. I'd read some earlier before Nick came home, and then a little bit more to Mommy before bed time." Sniffling again, the child reported, "She likes it too. Did you know that there are Harry Potter movies?"

"I didn't know that," Janeway replied, speaking softly, then glanced over to the Doctor's office, seeing that Wildman looked to have had enough yelling for the moment, had turned away and was rubbing her forehead, while it seemed Fowler had taken up the conversation, but was speaking to the Doctor calmly while she perched on the deck as he stood in front of her. Rubbing Naomi's back, she asked, "Have you seen them?"

Finally looking up and wiping her nose again, the youngest Wildman said, "No. I just found out today. Seven sent me a message and told me she'd found them while looking for new movies in the database to watch, and said I could come over next week and watch one."

Smiling, unable to keep herself from recalling her letter to Seven, certain that if the Borg received it, she'd do as she asked and carry on just like always, Janeway responded, "Well, that was awfully nice of her." As the child sniffled and nodded, Kathryn pushed herself up so she was sitting on the bed next to her assistant and asked, "Did you see my interview this morning?"

Wildman managed a smiled at that as she looked over at the captain, nodded and reported, "Yes, Captain. You were really good...and funny too."

Chuckling, the captain said, "Well, thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it." Looking down and gesturing with her chin, she asked, "How do your legs feel?"

"Better, Captain."

Janeway rubbed her back as Naomi looked down, then glanced into the office again to make sure things were still calm, which they were. Samantha was speaking again, although still clearly passionately, which made sense other than the fact that Naomi was her daughter, but because the blonde's doctorate was xenobiology, and she was very good at what she did. "And how are you?" she asked. When the child sighed lightly and contemplated her response, Kathryn requested, even but soft, "Tell the truth, Miss Wildman."

"I'm sad, Captain," the smaller redhead informed, although her hair was lighter, more strawberry blonde, rather than Kathryn's reddish, light brown. "I…I don't want to grow up fast anymore. I don't like it. I don't wanna be special anymore."

Refraining from coddling the child, figuring it best to leave that to her mother, Kathryn affectionately stroked her hair and her hands, as she asked, "Anything else?" When Naomi shook her head and sniffled once, Janeway started, "Well, you know, you'll always be special, Miss Wildman, and not because you're half-Katarian and half-human and less than twenty other people with those genetic characteristics have ever been born."

Nodding, having heard this before, Naomi said, "I'm a special person because I'm smart and nice and pretty…because I work hard and have good manners and because I'm your secret assistant."

"Well, yes," Janeway continued on, smiling softly, "yes, you are all of those things, but that's not what I was talking about. Do you want me to tell you why you're really special or no?" When Naomi looked over at her, frowning, and nodded slightly, Janeway smiled at her and whispered, bringing her hand to her chin and holding her stare, "Because you exist, I get to carry on my family's tradition that was started with my grandfather. He was a Starfleet captain too, and he passed on what he knew to my father, and he passed on what he knew to me, and since you're the first born child of Voyager, and because I love you just as much as I would if you were my very own daughter, I get to pass on what I know to you, so you can grow up and become a captain too. That makes you special, Naomi…that makes you special to me and to my family's legacy. You're name might not be Janeway, but you are family, so that's all that matters. And since I don't think you really want to change that, that means you'll just have to keep on being special. Understood?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Naomi nodded, serious, then smiled, raised up and hugged her, saying, "I love you too, Captain. I promise, I do...and I'm not sad I can't be your assistant like before. I understand."

"Oh, I know you do, honey," Kathryn whispered, hugging her back tightly, amazed yet again and rather humbled by the plain understanding a child could wield, feeling conflicted with regards to herself and her recent difficulties with understanding why her lovers continued to remain distant. Part of her felt wretched for having any worries at all, and part of her felt cheated for them not being more understanding where she was concerned, but at this moment, her assistant was helping her fortify her own understanding with them, and just be happy to know that they loved her, that they were happy, and that she was doing her duty. "I know you do…I'll never forget." Holding back her tears and swallowing as everyone filed out of the Doctor's office, Janeway pulled away, tapped her cheek twice and whispered, "Kiss me." After Naomi did so, Janeway kissed her cheek, then whispered to her that she had to see to something before she started away, saying, "Keep me informed, Doctor."

Watching Janeway walk swiftly for the door, Wildman looked at her daughter, then to Fowler, who was frowning heavily at the look on Janeway's face enough that she turned and started to chase after her. However, Samantha grabbed Nicole's arm quickly as Janeway exited, and whispered, "Mother's privilege," then started toward the door and said loudly, "Naomi, I'll be right back, baby."

Through the door and looking down the hall one way, next quickly toward the other as the door closed behind her, Samantha called out before Janeway got away, "Captain..."

As the captain stopped and turned half around, Wildman walked up to her as Janeway asked if something was wrong, her eyes glassy, but her face was the epitome of control and showed no signs of her inner turmoil since it seemed lately that the best thing for nearly everyone was just to set down on some nice planet and create a new Earth instead of carrying on like this and taking risks, but that, of course, would break her promise to her crew and herself and was still unacceptable and merely a somewhat selfish desire to just feel normal herself. Uncertain as to what to say, Samantha paused for a moment as Kathryn raised her eyebrows, then sighed, nervously brushed her hair behind her ears and said, "Come here," just before she hugged her.

While the captain tensed, not because she was uncomfortable, but because such a thing just made it more difficult for her to keep herself from breaking down, Wildman squeezed her tightly and whispered, "Thank you for coming…thank you for everything, Kathryn, and I want you to know," she pulled away, but held Janeway by her shoulders, courageously, "that you're officially Naomi's godmother. I wanted to wait to tell you so you didn't have to keep that a secret too, but I changed my mind...but I will keep it a secret until whatever," she shook her head, "happens and is over." She then managed a nervous laugh as she let her go.

Sighing and rubbing her forehead once, Kathryn gave in, it now being her turn to hug the lieutenant and said, "Thank you, Samantha…you know I love you both."

Very quietly, Sam answered, "We know. I promise...we've always felt that way. Oh," the blonde added as the captain pulled away, wiped her eyes once and sniffled, "and just so you know," she smiled, "I told Nick tonight that I wanted to get married, but that she could ask me whenever she was ready." Smiling and laughing lightly as Kathryn smiled brightly at that, and then chuckled, the scientist finished, "I thought that was the best way to do it…"

Sniffling lightly again, swallowing and patting the blonde's arm, Kathryn remarked, "Well done, Lieutenant…planned out like a true scientist. You've made me proud."

"Thank you, Captain," Wildman smiled and nodded, then sighed and said, "Well, I better get back."

Nodding, Janeway patted her shoulder and started away, finishing, "I'll see you two tomorrow for breakfast…try to get some sleep if you can. We've got a big day tomorrow."


Sighing, Seven of Nine said as she continued to 'master' the 'art' of utilizing a tattoo gun, working on the arm of an inanimate holographic representation of Chief Torres, the Borg reminded, "Kathryn is not a Klingon. A five 'carat' diamond is too large for her. She will not 'like' it as much as you would wish her to."

As she sat on a high stool at the bar and utilized a workstation, continuing to design the Borg's engagement patch, once again utilizing the K Street simulation during the holodeck's open time, which meant they weren't required to utilize their allotments, which was good because they didn't have any left after the holonovel, B'Elanna pulled her beer mug away from her mouth, her back to Seven and said, "You don't know that. She deserves five carats. I'd give you just as many if you were a traditionalist. So, I'm gonna make it five…maybe six…or better seven. Then it stands for something."

"I do know that because I know Kathryn. She is too 'modest' to approve of such a ridiculously large and 'flashy' item of 'jewelry'," Seven came back immediately after rolling her eyes, understanding Torres' point of view, but also knowing that as long as Janeway was happy, she'd be happy, and furthermore knowing Kathryn would never wish to wear a ring with a diamond that size on it. Then thinking quickly, having an idea, she followed, "I believe you should make it three 'carats.' I have researched this. Three is still considered a significant portion, and three has greater, mutual significance. I believe she will compromise easily once the significance is explained…if she doesn't extrapolate the data immediately."

Sighing, Torres said, "Okay, you've got a point, but I've got nearly a ten carat diamond. What am I gonna do with the rest?" she asked as she picked up the pack of cigarettes and took another one out, grabbing up the book of matches and lighting one since her souvenir lighter that said family on it in Italian, that was the only item she'd replicated from her holonovel, was still in her quarters. "I think I should at least use half of it…it's nearly perfect inside, and once I cut it, the other parts will just be shavings and small hunks. It's too nice to only settle for three. I'll make it five, then make some nice diamond encrusted earrings to go with it or some shit like that. Five is good…three's too small for her."

Seven of Nine shook her head as Torres continued to smoke even though she said she'd only have one, and schooled, "Speaking of five, you are now on your fifth 'cigarette.'" As Torres reminded her that they were holographic, couldn't hurt her and furthermore couldn't become an addiction, Seven asked, clipped, "Then why do you continue to 'smoke?'"

"It helps me think…I'm trying to be creative. If I don't, I'll just bite my nails down to the quick again."

"Unacceptable," Seven came back, setting down the tool and marching over to the bar, snatching up the cigarettes. Placing them behind her back, Seven said, "You can become addicted through psychosis. You are orally fixated and this is becoming a habit."

After turning her workstation so Seven couldn't see, B'Elanna rallied, shaking her head, "It's not a bad habit if it doesn't hurt me, ace. They're not real cigarettes. So, if I like to smoke in the holodeck from time to time…who gives a shit? You wanna talk about habits," B'Elanna pointed at Seven with her smoking hand, "how about Red's coffee addiction. Now, that's a real addiction. All that caffeine's not good for her and you know it. But I don't see you yell at her even if she has five cups a day."

"We are not speaking of Kathryn."

"Yes we were."

Sighing and rolling her eyes, Seven continued, "That is not the 'point.' You have 'smoked' with Commander Chakotay two times since we completed the holonovel."

Since she'd actually smoked three times, Torres thought it best not to argue that and said, "So what…twice in two weeks isn't a habit?"

"Your habit is increasing in frequency and 'smoking' with Chakotay does harm your body." Placing the pack back on the bar, and swinging her arms slightly as she spoke, Seven continued, "I merely do not wish for you to develop a 'real' addiction and I believe that your 'romance' with smoking in the holodeck is leading to that scenario. The more you 'smoke' in here, the greater your desire to 'smoke' continuously."

"That's bullshit," Torres volley, putting out her cigarette. "Red smoked in here too, ya know, and she's not beating down Chakotay's door for a fix."

"Kathryn is not orally fixated. She is tactically fixated. She consumes coffee for various reasons, one of them being it soothes her to touch warm, familiar objects. This is one of the driving forces behind her habit of touching an individual when she speaks with them."

Blinking, B'Elanna asked, "Dollface, where the hell do you come up with this shit?"

Seven of Nine cocked her eyebrow, left B'Elanna's side and answered as she went back to her task, "It is simple deduction…Murphy. It is for the same reasons why when she regenerates with us, she continues to 'cuddle' unbeknownst to herself, even before we had proclaimed our love…and even though she stated she did not 'like' to do so. Her lengthy period without regular intimate contact compounded the situation. Due to that, her desire to touch increased significantly. That is not the only reason she touches more now than ever when she speaks…part of that is familiarity and 'deeper,' emotional connections, however, it is some of it. She rarely consumes cold liquids, and for your information," she said with attitude, "I have spoken with Kathryn about the amount of caffeine she consumes...during your mind meld, in fact, which was two months ago. She now regularly drinks hot water instead of coffee when she has the desire to grasp a warm 'mug.' I have analyzed her replicator usage this week, 'in fact', and she now, on average, consumes three cups a day since we spoke, and she continuously fails to consume the entire amount due to distraction, and then preference to not drink cold coffee."

The chief sighed, knowing she was outmatched and said, "Okay, okay…I get the point, but I still don't see anything wrong with smoking in the holodeck. We don't come in here that much anyway." Turning around on her stool, she said, "If I only smoke in this simulation, and once in a great while with Chakotay…will that keep you from assimilating me?"

Smirking, Seven looked over to B'Elanna and said, "Acceptable. Thank you." Then turning back to her task, she went on, "To be 'fair'…are there any bad 'habits' which I have that you wish for me to 'work on?'" Looking back over to Torres for a moment, then back to her work, she informed, "I have already 'promised' Kathryn that I will try to refrain from allowing my frustrations to unduly influence me and cause me to say things that damage her as I walk away, and then return quickly and attempt to apologize considering my frustrations are not her 'fault.' I know that I behave in a similar manner with you as well, so my attempts to adapt will also benefit you. Therefore, you must choose something else." Back at B'Elanna, "I have that 'covered.'"

The chief laughed, then shook her head and said as she snatched up her beer, knowing the Borg would never request that she stop drinking since she didn't do so to excess and it was part of the Klingon culture, "Well, that doesn't really bother me anyway…at least not with us, but I know walking away bothers her. I made that mistake once and I'll never do it again. It's better just to fight it out…well," she smirked, "as long as it's personal. She walks away all the time when it's professional, but she can do that…she's the boss, and that's how she lets you know that she's give her order, and you better follow it."

"That is correct," Seven informed, nodding, very familiar with that tactic of Janeway's. "What do you wish me to 'work on?'"

Sighing and scratching her head, the chief said, "I don't know…you don't do anything that's bad for…wait," she snapped her finger and looked over to Seven as the Borg raised her eyebrows and turned her head toward her. "Wait…yes you do." Smiling, she informed, "I want you to stop cutting your regeneration cycles short like you've been doing so much lately. That's not good for you. That'll do more harm than me smoking with Chakotay once a week and Red's coffee fixes combined." When Seven of Nine sighed heavily and looked back to the hologram of her, then muttered that she would attempt to comply, the chief sensed something was wrong and asked, softer, "Why do you do that, anyway?"

"I do not wish to discuss it at this time, bang," Seven said quietly, "however, that is irrelevant. I will do as you ask…it is only 'fair.' I am not trying to be 'bossy,' merely assist you logically because I love you."

"Whoa," Torres said getting over the stool, "time-out." Coming up to Seven, she said, "It's not irrelevant. What's going on?" Furrowing her brow, she asked quickly when Seven didn't answer, but ceased her detailed work, "You're not having compatibility problems again…are you?"

Sighing, Seven turned off the gun again, set it down and said, "My cybernetic systems continue to function efficiently."

"Then what…what is it?" asked B'Elanna again, reaching over to the Borg's arm and squeezing. "Seven, you can tell me. You can tell me anything…we're going to get married," she smiled lightly, "remember that?"

"Yes," Seven whispered, then turned towards the chief, placed her hands behind her back and said, "I will only tell you if you 'promise' on your honor to allow me to go to Kathryn and inform her of the situation." When Torres took and deep breath and started to shake her head negatively, the blonde informed, "The matter is professional, bang...more so than personal. When I speak with her, I will be speaking with the captain of this collective."

"First tell me why you haven't told her yet."

"It was more prudent to wait until after the test of the Slipstream Drive because I fear that she would delay this work and attempt to remedy the situation hastily as she has been known to do when she becomes angry."

"Okay," Torres nodded and said, "I swear on my honor I won't tell her, but that means you've got to tell her the day after tomorrow. I'll let you wait one day so it doesn't ruin the celebration. Deal?"

Seven nodded once as she said, "Deal." Then taking a deep breath, unwinding her hands, letting them dangled and moved lightly at her sides as she spoke, the former member of the Borg Collective reported, "I have been ending my regeneration cycles prematurely for the past four months because she has been 'visiting' me, and her frequency is increasing…"

"Red?" the chief asked, not understanding since she knew well and good Janeway liked to watch Seven regenerate, and even snuck in from time to time currently, although not as often, and that had never seemed to bother the blonde before, but she wondered if maybe Kathryn was doing it a lot these days, that Seven was concerned someone would catch on that they'd not really broken up.

Looking away, feeling fairly ashamed, Seven corrected, "The other she," back at Torres, she said, seriously, "Her."

The chief immediately clenched her jaw and her fists, then turned around and growled, swinging at the air, "That fucking bitch!" speaking of the one that was the beginning and the end of the Borg…the one that was the Borg: the queen. Spinning around, suddenly terrified, and not afraid to admit that, B'Elanna asked, "What's she want with you?"

Shaking her head, distressed, Seven said, "I am uncertain. Her behavior is difficult to determine. She is the Borg, but she is not entirely like the Borg. She commands them, but there is a part of her that is separate…her…personality, if you will. She acts freely, and efficiency is not always how she achieves her objectives. She has the ability to act outside of the Collective…alone. When she speaks, it is her speaking. She consults with no one and receives no directives. She is the only individual in a sense."

Seriously, Torres calmed down and asked, crossing her arms over her chest, "Okay, so what do you think she wants?"

"I am uncertain as to how…precisely," Seven began, "but she has become aware of the Slipstream Project. I have known from the time I was first recaptured that I am vulnerable to her when she is in proximity, thus I have created encryption subroutines in my memory files that make it difficult…although not impossible for her to access my data. My thoughts do not function entirely the same as do yours, and they continue to rely upon this data. However," she sighed, "as I continue to adapt to my humanity, I have developed a weakness in that my reliance on this data to think is not as significant as it once was, and I now regularly have thoughts as you know them. I am developing a 'memory' and thus it is not possible for me to encrypt that 'data'. I believe this is why I now 'forget' some things since I am not in complete control of the storage and recollection process. The process 'feels'...peculiar, but I am adapting."

"So, she's basically reading your mind…"

"In a sense…yes. She interfaces with my cortical node, which 'acts' like a neural transceiver. During regeneration," the Borg couldn't help but give the exact, detailed description, even if Torres really didn't care about that right now and just wanted to know what the hell the queen wanted with her fiancé, "my cortical node's systems become involuntary… not unlike breathing. I cannot stop it from behaving in a manner which allows her to contact me. I can only end the regeneration cycle, at which point I now have the capability to 'block' all further attempts. She can only 'visit' during this time."

"When you say visit…what does that mean? Do you actually see her?"

"Yes. It is not unlike a 'dream.'"

"Kahless," B'Elanna exasperated, grapping her own head and shaking it at the spooky thought, "no wonder you've been doing that. I'm surprised you regenerate at all." Dropping her hands and looking up at Seven, she said, "That's freaky…it freaks me out and I'm not even there."

Sighing, Seven said after a moment, "I am…'scared,' bang. For her to contact me requires that a cube be within proximity…that proximity is beyond the reach of our long range sensors." Sighing again, she whispered, "I believe she wishes to seek revenge. She is not incapable of that desire. She will gain as much as she can from it, but I believe," sighing, she held Torres by the arms and said, "I believe she wishes to force me with witness Kathryn's assimilation and the destruction of Voyager…and I believe she is merely 'bidding her time.' She will wait until we are vulnerable and unprepared…"

"And if we're so busy building a drive, which will make us take the warp core off line for a while…we couldn't get away."

"That is correct."

"Fuck," Torres said as she spun around and started pacing, chewing on her nails again. "Why? Why…we don't pose any treat to the Borg? Why go after Red…she's only one person?"

"Her value to the Collective is more than you believe," Seven of Nine informed. "The queen continues to seek the key to 'unlocking' the secret to assimilating humanity, which I believe she will never find until she learns to understand their contradictions. However, Kathryn is wise to humanity and is often a contradiction…yet she understands them, nevertheless and maintains harmony. She is not unlike how she assimilated Captain Picard. However, the queen has a personal 'gripe' with Kathryn that she did not have with Locutus, and she will not attempt to create another Locutus of Borg. She wishes Kathryn to serve her completely for defeating her and for taking her place."


"Kathryn, as captain, is not unlike the queen, in a sense. She is the singular voice of authority. She is also female. The queen is inherently female as well, yet could be considered omnisexual, and will use any tactic, including sexuality, to achieve her objectives." After pausing for a moment, she went on, "It is not to the same degree, of course, but we are Kathryn's drones. The analogy is stronger considering Voyager's predicament. We follow her directives alone…not Starfleet Command's. I follow her directives, and I am now certain that the queen is aware that I love her...which further compounds the situation."

"She's jealous…is that what you're telling me?"

Seven tilted her head slightly and reported, "It would not be entirely inaccurate to refer to her behavior as 'jealousy'…but it is difficult to explain. She is the Borg. I was a part of her. She watched me grow and evolve as the Borg does through assimilation, and then Kathryn took me from her. The queen closely relates to her drones as family and children. I believe because the queen understands the similarities between them, she despises the fact that I serve Kathryn now, and I believe that is especially true because I serve Kathryn out of my own free will…a 'gift' the queen could never obtain without coercion and entrapment."

"Why doesn't it matter that I love you too?"

"You are not the queen of this collective, thus you are irrelevant…do not take offense. You are not irrelevant to me."

Torres laughed once, sardonic and said, "Believe me…none taken, but thanks."

"I believe she desires Kathryn alone this time…aside from me. I believe she plans to capture us, make Kathryn watch Voyager, including you, destroyed, and then force me to witness her assimilation."

"What's she planned to do with you?"

"Although, I am merely speculating, I believe she will terminate me for my betrayal…herself," explained Seven. "I believe she knows that I would never stop attempting to sever Kathryn and escape, and that the only way I would ever serve her again is through assimilation. However, because that would 'mean,' in a sense, that Kathryn and I were together again, I do not believe she would allow that, even if the only pleasure I would find in that scenario would be the moment before I lost my individuality again. After that, Kathryn would mean nothing to me other than a voice I could not distinguish as hers. The only thing that matters to a drone is the Borg and the queen is the Borg."

"Are you sure about all of this, ace…I mean…"

Cutting her off, Seven stated surely, "No. However, I am merely utilizing my 'instincts' as you and Kathryn have taught me. The queen is difficult to understand and predict. However, she has not obtained perfection and will never do so because desires absolute power. That is a contradiction in 'nature.' There are forces that she cannot control…will never control…which means she will never stop and that will be her undoing. As Nick Fowler states, a 'lady' always knows when to leave…or be satisfied. She is not a 'lady.' She is 'evil' as you have described it because she takes pleasure in what she does. She feels pleasure when assimilation occurs. I have witnessed her smile. She desires Kathryn this time…not me."

"And that's why you've rigged our quarters with forcefields…"

"That is correct."

"She's not gonna like this, dollface," Torres said, shaking her head. "This is gonna burn her bad…big-time." Looking back at Seven as the Borg nodded, the chief said, "By the way, you were right to wait since I'm assuming you don't think she'll come after her during our test tomorrow…right?"

"No. The Invictus' multi-phasic shielding will keep her hidden from the Collective, and I have already explained to Kathryn that she should utilize it by telling her if a Borg cube is in proximity and they detected the Slipstream technology, they would undoubtedly investigate. She has agreed to utilize the Borg shielding during the test." When B'Elanna nodded and starting biting her thumbnail again, shaking her head and mumbling to herself, then caught herself and pulled it away, Seven continued, "I believe she is 'taunting' me in an effort to get Kathryn to come to her this time…alone considering she has told me directly she will spare Voyager if Kathryn comes willingly in a shuttle. I am certain she is lying and will not do so once she's captured Kathryn, but I am uncertain I should tell Kathryn that data."

"No…we've got to tell her, ace. She's the captain. She has to know, and Red knows she's a lying piece of shit. She'd wouldn't trust her farther than she could throw her…and I doubt Red could even pick her up."

"She could not," Seven added, even though she knew B'Elanna was being sarcastic. "Very well. I will trust you in this."

"This way," Torres thought out loud, "we'll have the whole ship working on the drive because she won't delay that once the test is over. She'll go ahead with this at full…I'm sure of it. And this way, while they build our ticket outta here…we can work on making sure that if Queenie does come…we're ready." As the blonde nodded, B'Elanna shook her head and growled, "God, I really hate that slimy bitch…"

