
Moving her torso about not as subtly as the last time she'd done so in the previous five point six two minutes, Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct to Unimatrix 01, sighed not so much at her own inefficiencies, but at the irritating, literally, reason for them. She was dressed in her special forces uniform for this away mission, even though the Elite Force's Alpha unit was still technically on 'vacation,' because in the craggy caves the away team was currently surveying, the footwear that were sown into her standard biosuits was not conducive to 'hiking.' Also, any other outfit wouldn't protect her sensitive cybernetic systems in this dry climate. But that wasn't what was causing her irritation because her unique jumpsuit was very similar to her biosuits, just with a few more accessories, as well as high-tech combat boots. What was bothering her was the only 'accessory' that she alone was required to don for test purposes: her portable regeneration unit.

Seven wasn't currently utilizing it to regenerate, but the Doctor, as well as Captain Janeway, had informed her that they wanted her to wear it today to test it out during real working conditions. Test it out as far as how much it would impede her movements and drain her reserves since it was nearly thirty kilos, power supply and all…twenty-nine point two one kilos, to be precise.

As she twitched again and shifted, Seven frowned when she thought to herself about how eager she was to tell both the Doctor and the captain that she was pleased to report that the weight of the unit was a non-issue, and it didn't impede her movements unacceptably, but that it was a pain in her ass, literally since she was required to wear it around her waist. Since the back of it, where the majority of the weight was, came to a rest against her upper buttocks, every time she bent down and stood back up, she was pinched if she bent at her waist.

When Lieutenant Samantha Wildman—who was now in charge of the Life and Physical Science departments, leaving the former drone to all of the Spatial and Theoretical departments so she could focus on her work in Engineering, most of which being still a very well kept secret—glanced over her shoulder at her to check up on her since the dry, crisp caves were rather dark, Seven straightened her back and started forward again.

Ever since her 'break-up' with her commanding officer, Captain Kathryn Janeway, Seven of Nine had been spending even more time with Samantha Wildman, so she knew that if she didn't stop 'making a fuss,' as Commander Fowler would say, about her 'portable alcove,' as Kathryn called it, then Sam would undoubtedly question her about the problems it was causing and mostly likely try to assist her. Ordinarily, Seven wouldn't be adverse, but they weren't in private, and considering the area of her anatomy that the device was rubbing against, she didn't think it was prudent for the rest of the Science Department to see the Wildman touching her in such a manner. Considering that the rumor mill had practically exploded upon itself after the heated 'fight' that had occurred in Engineering—which ended with Janeway storming out of Chief B'Elanna Torres' office, after demanding that Torres and Seven enter it, with a 'serious weed up her butt,' as B'Elanna had described it, informing them in front of the chief's crew that they, Torres and Seven, were on their own in their romantic relationship and she was through with them and their "ridiculous concept of fidelity" —and now, a month later, stories were still seriously abound as to what had caused Janeway to dump the 'gruesome twosome,' Seven figured it wouldn't take much for people to start talking about where Samantha played into the whole mess. Seven postulated that if weren't for the fact that Kathryn had made an 'accusation' that strongly eluded to the fact that B'Elanna and Seven had somehow been unfaithful to her, and subsequently distanced herself from everyone, including Samantha's adorable daughter, the ship would have put the captain with the newly promoted xenobiologist…even if she, Sam, and the ship's second officer, Lieutenant-Commander Nicole Fowler were still spotted chatting together from time to time.

The whole situation was downright infuriating to the partially cybernetic woman, and if she didn't believe that it was necessary, especially for Kathryn's safety, she would have never complied, but because she did agree, she merely accepted it…and truly hated it…more and more each day. Thankfully, even though it really wrenched her heart to know that Kathryn was alone each and every night, and had seemed to slip back into her total all-Janeway, all the time mode, which meant she rarely spoke informally with anyone and even rarer slept in her quarters and opted for her Ready Room couch, she, Seven, had B'Elanna Torres at her side constantly, which assisted her with reminding herself about the necessity for their actions, and it have been the chief who'd helped her through the first, trying week, where they'd both agreed it was best not to contact Kathryn, even in secret.

The half-Klingon, whole warrior, also helped to keep her up-beat as best she could and occupied with plenty of work when the chief's quirky, often crass sense of humor wasn't cutting it. And when B'Elanna was down in the dumps and missing her precious 'Red,' Seven did her duty to cheer her up as much as possible, and when that didn't work, she sent her to go see Fowler. Since it seemed that Fowler had decided that now that she was getting wrapped up in this whole Section 31 mess as well, she had to be careful about how much time she spent with Wildman, who she still considered her 'ladyfriend,' that meant that Wildman was often available for Seven during the times she handed her partner off to the helmsman. Seven was concerned that she was putting the Wildmans at risk by doing that, but it was not acceptable for Seven to completely alienate the Wildmans, especially Naomi, for any reason. And since Kathryn had assured Seven that she would personally, although through a third party, see to their safety, the Borg wasn't concerned that her continuing friendship with them would be an issue…not when Section 31 had much bigger fish to fry, and much bigger things to hold over Seven's head...if they were discovered.

When she noticed a decided frown on the ex-drone's porcelain features, even in the dim light that was coming off of the away team's wrist lights, Samantha turned around fully, and frowned herself at her Science Department equal; although, Seven technically, but unofficially still held a higher 'rank' since she still attended all senior staff meetings and spoke for the whole department. Ordinarily, Wildman would have probably found an issue with that since she, Sam, oversaw the work in Biology, Biometrics, Biotechnics, Botany, Geophysics and Ecology, and Seven was responsible for only Astrometrics, Astrophysics, and Quantum Mechanics, but considering she was good friends with the Borg, and honestly didn't want to be anywhere near the senior officers when they were altogether due to recent events, she thanked her lucky stars that when Janeway showed up at her birthday party and surprised a promotion ceremony on herself and Samuel Wang, that along with her new title didn't come the need to attend senior meetings. That was especially true considering Janeway had left shortly thereafter, most likely so she didn't crash the already subdued event considering Torres and Seven were there arm in arm. Even though Wildman had been ecstatic, and honored, by the promotion, every time she thought about the event after that, it left her with a sour taste in her mouth since she honestly and truly like Kathryn Janeway, and she'd been half a minute away from pulling her off to the side and begging her to stay and talk to Seven and Torres, since Wildman could tell from their privately expressed melancholy they still loved her…and they especially missed her.

Sam knew that she didn't know everything that was going on, and no one had been very forthcoming with details other than to say they'd broken up, which Wildman could figure out for herself just fine, but other than the signs that Torres and Seven displayed when they were with friends, the fact that Kathryn had called her into her office the very next day and told her that, although she couldn't elaborate, she'd recently learned some disturbing news, and for Samantha's own safety, the captain had to decline Sam's request to put her down as Naomi's legal guardian, in the event the biologist was killed, the biologist had a notion that Kathryn still loved them too, just couldn't be with them for some reason. Wildman had been confused at first, but when Janeway had come over to her and promised her that if it wouldn't make matters worse, she'd tell her everything, and apologized sincerely for backing out, Samantha had accepted it easily, although sadly, and told Janeway to please not worry about them and to just take care of herself. After that, she also told Wildman that for the same reasons, she needed to distance herself from Naomi altogether until she was able to take care of the situation, which was clear, from that information alone, dangerous, but had asked the blonde if she would allow Naomi to be beamed to the holodeck at a time of her choosing once a week so she could show Naomi that the captain absolutely still did love her, but had to do her duty, and that meant the child had to stay away. Samantha had agreed as well as understood the concern Janeway had about the child, especially after the break-up which thoroughly surprised everyone, especially Naomi. Since her first secret meeting with the captain, Naomi seemed to be taking everything better than everyone. Wildman wasn't sure what she and the captain talked about, or what they did during their private time together, but since it seemed to be helping her child, and she implicitly trusted the woman with her child's welfare, she didn't ask unless Naomi wished to tell her. From what she could gather, not much of anything different occurred during their holodeck meetings, other than Naomi always came back with plenty of academic tasks for her to accomplish, and keep her busy during the times she would normally meet with Janeway every other day.

When the mother had inquired the evening her child returned from her first meeting with the captain about how the redhead was and Naomi had said that the captain was fine, merely doing her duty and would take care of everything, which the child seemed to have complete confidence in, Samantha, at first had just nodded at that, figuring that was probably the commanding officer's answer to everything these days to keep people from worrying about her, but then as she'd laid in bed that night and contemplated the situation more, it struck her that perhaps whatever situation Janeway was dealing with that made her distance herself from Naomi, was behind the sudden fracture of the ship's one and only threesome. Truth be known, if Samantha ever had to guess, she would have been certain if they were ever to break-up, B'Elanna Torres would be the one to find herself on the outs…but not Janeway…especially when she knew how much Seven of Nine worshipped the dynamic redhead. She heard Seven call Kathryn the "universe in which she dwells" twice before, and she never recalled Seven saying that of the Klingon. In fact, the only thing Seven said about B'Elanna, other than she was "peculiar," "unique," "impressive," and "humorous" was that she was her partner, and as far as the slightly older blonde was concerned, she'd rather be called someone else's universe rather than their partner any day of the week.

Before that night of contemplation, she'd deduced that Torres must have done something unsavory or severely broken protocol, and pulled unsuspecting Seven along with her, which Janeway found out about and had, by right of being the captain, to bow out due to conflict of interests, because no matter what ever happened, Wildman never doubted Janeway's primary focus was always the entity that was the Starship Voyager. She knew there were others that doubted that, but she thought any contrary idea was ridiculous, frankly. Just going alone on the amount of hours the woman worked each and every week was enough to convince her, and anytime she heard someone say something to doubt that, she honestly wanted to walk up to them and smack them, and then remind them that they'd been in the Delta Quadrant for almost eight years and were still alive, and did they really think that if she didn't care about her ship first and foremost that would be true.

She still couldn't explain away why Seven hadn't merely apologized to Kathryn, informed her that she was her universe, promised to never listen to the ex-Maquis again, considering how much she still believed Seven loved Janeway, but she also knew that the Borg could be awfully stubborn, and so could the captain, as well as intimidating, and she figured Seven was bidding her time…that was of course, before she realized that there was probably much more to this story…and now she knew there absolutely had to be since her relationship with Fowler was also experiencing changes…and they weren't the ones Wildman had hoped for.

Just last night, in fact, they'd had their very first fight, which Sam had pretty much demanded that they have because she was tired of Nicole trying to change the subject and treating her like an unequal in their private life. Fowler had pretty much just remained quiet while the blonde spouted off at her, that was until Sam asked her directly if this was all about B'Elanna. When Nick had blinked and asked her what she meant, Wildman had asked her if the reason why she rarely saw her anymore, but always made time for B'Elanna was because she'd rather be with the feisty Klingon…and if that what was all of this mess with the captain and everything else was about. Then before Fowler could answer because she was so stunned, Samantha had shaken her head and told Nick to take all of the time she needed to figure out just what she wanted, and that when she was ready to be frank with her, she knew where she was, and then she'd left and ran home before she either cried in the hallway or took her frustration out on some poor, innocent person.

She wasn't sure how she felt this morning, other than bad, but she was currently glad that she was on the Science team with Seven and not on the survey/security team with Fowler and Torres keeping an eye on everything outside since although they hadn't seen any apparent dangers, their original away team had picked up some strange scans for a brief moment. They'd finally be attributed to a malfunction since they'd never reappeared, not in four days, but the captain was being extra cautious and had a full security detail sweeping the area and keeping her scientists completely covered so they could work. Considering Nicole was heading up the team, the helmsman continuing her rover training now that Commander Chakotay was back from his work on the Alaxiat, Wildman had been concerned that might be a problem when she'd learned of the duty roster this morning, but after beaming down with her team—Seven was there to gather a specific mineral they needed for the Invictus, the new Elite Force shuttle that was still under construction—a full hour after Fowler's team had checked out the entire area, Nick had greeted her and remained completely professional, in her usual easy way, until the very end where she'd winked at her as she passed, then whistled to Lieutnenat Luke Byers and told him to go into the caves with them. Sam wasn't sure what all that meant, whether that was Nick just being Nick and trying to calm any silent concerns she might have so she could work easier, or whether it was Fowler skirting the issue again and simply trying to charm her until she relented, or if she was telling her while she could that Wildman was the only one that she wanted.

"Something wrong?" asked Wildman of the Borg. When Seven merely shook her head and stopped next to her, then twitched forward when her tendering skin was rubbed just the wrong enough way to really bother her, Wildman frowned as she moved her wrist light to Seven's pack as she stated rather than asked, "It's hurting you…"

Sighing, Seven replied, "It is only minor…I will adapt. We should continue with our scans."

Since she'd worked extensively with the Doctor on the unit, especially on the design so that it wouldn't put stress on Seven's body in ways that they wouldn't discover the repercussions of until months or years later, especially her fragile internal abdominal systems that still gave her problems from time to time, Sam had somewhat of a proprietary interest in the device as well as its user. So, she said, gently placing her hand on Seven's thin upper arm, "Seven…we don't want you to adapt to it…we'll adapt it to you, okay?" When the Borg sighed again, Wildman said, "This is only the first test…give us some time…we'll figure out what works best, but I really need you to tell me when anything doesn't feel okay…alright?"

Turning back to Wildman, Seven cocked her eyebrow and said, "Yes, Lieutenant."

Smiling and chuckling, Sam went behind the slightly taller, and a little more than thinner, but equally shapely blonde and asked, "Is it the power supply?"

Seven of Nine looked over her shoulder as she announced, "I am uncertain, but it is…'pinching,'" she whispered, "my 'butt.'"

Wildman refrained from laughing, even if she thought Seven saying the word 'butt' was rather humorous, and informed, "Well, it's hanging a little lower than it should." Then drawing her light up and down the Borg's midsection, she questioned after making sure the harness was secured correctly and at the exact setting they'd measured before, it being her turn to whisper, "Have you lost weight recently?"

Seven sighed softly, turning more sad as she looked away for a moment and nodded, knowing she had, and furthermore knowing the reason for that. Then looking back to the scientist as Sam gave her a saddened look of her own, Wildman pretty sure the reason for that was Kathryn Janeway, Seven said, "I was uncertain it would be a significant factor."

Trying to make Seven feel better, Samantha said, quiet, "Don't worry about it…my weight fluctuates up and down at least three kilos every month," then added as she went back behind her, "It's part of being a human female…unfortunately." Samantha then went on quickly before Seven reminded her that she was Borg, "Well, if it's hurting you…that's no good…do you want to take it off?" She then included to ease any concerns she might have, "I'm sure the Doctor and the captain don't want you to be in pain…neither do I, for that matter."

"Perhaps if I were to remove it for a moment, that would be sufficient?" When Wildman said that was fine with her, then put her hands on the back of it and told Seven she could release the harness, Seven did so, and when Samantha supported the weight and next quickly put it down before she dropped it since it was quite heavy for an average human female to lift with only her arms, the Borg winced slightly as it pulled away and then sighed with relief once the construct was away from her body.

Shining her flashlight up Seven's backside, Wildman announced quickly, "Seven…you're bleeding." Then standing up, but bending over and looking at the blonde's upper buttocks, where there was a centimeter circular bloodstain on each cheek, she asked, "Doesn't that hurt?" since the Borg was acting a little more stoic than she typically did anymore.

"It is uncomfortable," Seven of Nine reported, looking over her shoulder, trying to spy the extent of her damage. When Samantha said she was going to run her hand over the area carefully and to tell her how bad it felt, Seven nodded as she said, "I will comply," and when Wildman did so and told her it was still bleeding a little, the Borg reported, "The pain is more of a…mild burning sensation now. It is not acute."

Samantha stood up straight and said, "I think you've got blisters…that makes sense if it wasn't seated correctly, it would rub every time you moved." Not bothering ask Seven why this was the first time she'd said anything about it in almost four hours, Wildman said when Seven nodded and looked back over her shoulder again, futilely, "Why don't you beam back and go to the Doctor…I can finish up here, and Samuel or Byers can take the unit back."

Seven turned around and said before she bent down to pick up the portable alcove, "That is unnecessary…it is 'better' now that the device is away from my damage." However, when she reached down and her uniform rubbed her blisters, Seven twitched again. Returning to her standing position, the Borg recanted, "Perhaps you are correct." When Wildman chuckled mildly since it was clear Seven wasn't in terrible pain, and just more like really uncomfortable considering the placement of the blisters, patted her arm and told her to go on already and stop trying to be so tough, Seven handed Wildman her tricorder and requested, "Will you continue my scans until I have returned?" Before Samantha could answer, the Borg explained the task, certain the lieutenant would comply since she'd already finished her work, but had elected to stay and oversee things, as well as keep Seven company and keep an eye on the portable alcove, "I have programmed the tricorder to scan for only the deposits I require. It will not be difficult, only time consuming due to the necessity to utilize a handheld device."

"Sure," Wildman said, opening the tricorder to make certain she understood everything on the output display since it was not a secret that Seven often preferred to interpret raw data strings rather than let the computer decode them. When nothing foreign to her was displayed, Sam bobbed her head as she asked, "Anything else?"

"No," Seven reported as she turned around and started to walk away then added quickly as she reminded herself to be polite considering Wildman was her friend, over her shoulder, "But thank you for your assistance. I will 'be back.'"

Sam watched Seven walk away for a moment, moving a little awkward thanks to her blisters, then turned around as Ensign Michael Edwards called out to her, excited. Walking as quickly as possible, but careful because the farther they got into the caves, the rockier and thus sharper the floor got, the lead scientist asked, "Report," as she stuck Seven's tricorder into her tunic since she was already carrying one on her waist.

"I think we might have found something interesting for you," Edwards reported as Wildman knelt down, while Wang held back a fairly sizeable stone next to him that had been covering the ground they were looking at. Closing up his tricorder, he carefully reached his hand down, then plucked out of the soil what looked to be a slug of some sort, although when it was exposed to the light, it turned from a solid, rusty orange to a bright, shining red. "It's basically a mollusk, but," he waited for the xenobiologist to open her tricorder before he pulled the light away from it, "as you can see, it's only a mollusk in the light."

Fascinated, Wildman shined the light back on it, then away and said, "That's so strange…it doesn't even register anything's there unless it's exposed to light." Shining her wrist light on it again, she remarked as the two centimeter, completely harmless creature slowly wiggled and became a bright red, "It looks like it's absorbing the photons…and radiating out the energy…and that's how we can detect its lifesigns." Wildman took her light off of the creature again, and then laughed, giddy, "That's the most amazing thing…nothing…there's nothing…only your hand."

"Cool huh?" Wang said, pushing the rock over and away from the small nest of slugs, smiling up at his friend.

Smiling as well, catching the joke since her daughter, who was pretty much a regular in the main Science Lab, said that word about fifty times a day, Sam nodded and said, "Very cool." Then closing up her tricorder, she ordered, "Mike," speaking to Edwards, "collect a few specimens for me and drop them off in Biometrics, please. Keep them in the dark for now, though…I'm not sure what this does to them yet." When the man nodded, then turned to go retrieve a stasis tube from their field kit, Wildman said as she pulled out Seven's tricorder, "Samuel, if you're done collecting your soil samples…I'd like you to look around the area for any more of those…maybe they were what caused those strange scans the first team picked up down here. I'm going to take over for Seven until she comes back."

"Aye, Lieutenant."

Shaking her head, smiling at several things, one of them being she was definitely enjoying her new position—however, what no one really knew was that she preferred her title of Doctor to Lieutenant, and she'd never figured out how to get people to call her that in Starfleet without worrying she'd sound either arrogant, or defiant of protocol—and one of them being their newest find, Samantha whispered as she started her scans for Seven of Nine, "Totally cool."


Standing tall and poised at the crest of the caverns topside, Commander Fowler slowly gazed around the immediate area, shielding her eyes from the sun, not for the first time today wishing part of her uniform dress for away missions was a wide-brimmed cowboy hat since although it wasn't terribly hot out, mostly likely thanks to the steady wind, there wasn't a cloud in the sky currently, and the pale yellow of this area's surface was a little harsh on the eyes mixed with the bright sun above their heads. After taking a moment to watch each of her staff to make certain they were remaining focused on their slow circuits of the area, she pulled out her tricorder and ran another scan to be safe since she wasn't at all thrilled that Samantha was down in the caves below her where they'd picked up some strange scans briefly; although, she didn't think her concern was obvious to anyone…except maybe Torres, but B'Elanna didn't ever say anything. Ordinarily, Nick would have put herself in the cave rather than Byers, but since she was the ranking officer down here, she needed to stay with her Security detail and oversee things. She'd thought for a minute about sending the Klingon instead, but she was concerned that considering the fight that she and the scientist had had last night, and the fact that she could tell Wildman wasn't the engineer's biggest fan, she'd decided against that too and sent Lieutenant Byers. Luke was Tuvok's second in command in both his regular Security squad, as well as the Elite Force's Beta squad, so she knew he was very capable…as well as reliable.

When the shimmering glint of sun off of some metal caught her eye and she simultaneously heard Torres' warrior crow, Fowler snapped her head in that direction and tensed, taking a step forward out of instinct, even if B'Elanna was several meters below her where she'd been scanning a small rock formation. Nicole eased up a little as she caught the end of the movement and watched the Klingon drive her trusty bat'leth—that she strapped to her back on every away mission since the Day of Honor, with approval that came straight from the top—into the blackish stone. Quirking the side of her mouth as every one turned to look at the Klingon for a moment, then ignored her and went back to their duty, Fowler watched B'Elanna yank her blade out of the stone forcefully and then repeat the previous movement, hitting her mark again expertly. Then shaking her head, Nicole brought her fingers to her lips, whistled loudly and then asked, "Torres…what the hell are you doing?"

The chief ripped her blade out of the crack again, then looked up to Fowler and said, "There's something in here I want…Commander," she added just to be professional for Fowler's sake, even though between them they usually didn't bother with rank because they trusted each other and didn't give the other any lip when they were working. "Watch my back for me…it will just take minute. "

As the Klingon continued to attack the rock, finally ending up on top of it and trying to force it to break apart by standing on one of the ribs of her weapon and driving it into the fracture, Nicole climbed down from the rocky hill she was perched on, and came to B'Elanna's position, then finally said, laughing some, "Sometimes you really kill me…what did that poor rock ever do to you?"

Huffing and pulling her blade out, then jumping down, B'Elanna wiped her forehead before she took another vicious swing at it and said, "It's in my way…stand back…I think it's gonna go this time."

Fowler smiled, held her hands up, then crossed them over her flat chest and took a step back, watching in amusement as Torres took another swing at the rock. Shaking her head when it didn't break apart and Torres cursed and then kicked at it, Fowler looked over to Drake, the closest Security guard, then said loudly, waving her finger over her head, "Take the point while I help the chief." As Drake did as she requested and B'Elanna swung at the rock again, Fowler laughed and said, "Girl, what the hell's in that rock anyway…latinum?"

Pulling her bat'leth out again, B'Elanna took a deep breath to relax her sometimes overwhelming Klingon instincts to conquer as she set her weapon down and wiped off her sweaty hands on her pants, "Close." Then looking over and up to Nick as the commander came close to her, she looked around to make sure no one could hear her, then smiled wickedly and whispered, "There's a diamond at the base of the crack," smiling even wider, she added, "a big one."

Nicole scratched the back of her neck as she asked, quietly, "Why don't you just replicate one…instead of beating the tar out of a rock? Besides," she added quickly, peering into the fissure, "it's gotta look like shit in there."

"Because," Torres snatched up her weapon again, "I want this one. It's real…and," she smirked, "free."

Finally catching on, Fowler nodded in understanding since she knew perfectly well who the diamond would be given to, and since that 'little lady' was raised a Traditionalist, it would mean that more to her if B'Elanna had found it herself and not just replicated it, which most people did in the Federation since real diamonds were about as rare as were copies of The Holy Bible, since the only ones left on Earth were either in the Smithsonian or as part of Jewelry that were family heirlooms, and remained so. Holding her hand up, Nicole said, "Just hold your horses…you're not going to get anywhere like that."

When Fowler pulled out her phaser, Torres said quickly, "No!"

"What?" Nick came right back then added, "Don't worry…I won't hit it…just the top to break it up a little."

Standing in front of the rock, Torres stated aggressively, "I said no, dammit!" Then holding up her hands quickly, she added, "Listen, I appreciate your help…but I wanna do this with my own two hands…no phasers…alright."

"Yea…alright," Nicole responded, not taking offense at all to her friend's quick and sharp tongue, and holstering her standardized weapon. Then lifting her leg and resting it on the rock, she pulled up her pant leg and took her bowie knife from her boot holster, saying, "But you're not going to get very far like that. Here," she flipped the knife around and handed it to Torres, "switch with me…you can dig it out with that…deal?"

Taking up the knife and smirking, B'Elanna admired the blade then said, "Not bad, Fowler…I'll make a warrior out of you yet." Then looking up as Nicole snatched up the bat'leth, the Klingon said, "Yea…okay, deal." When Fowler unzipped her tunic and shrugged it off, told Torres to hold it then got into place in front of the rock, rolled her shoulder and her neck and centered herself, B'Elanna backed up a little before asked, "What the hell are you going to do…scare it into surrender?"

Smiling, Fowler said, "It's all about mind over matter, my sister…now pipe down and try to learn something." When Torres smiled, then nodded, excited, and stood to the side, Nicole put her hands together at the end of handle so she could swing the weapon over her head like an axe, having chopped enough wood in her day on the holodeck in her favorite country simulation that she was familiar with the procedure. Then bending her knees slightly and getting into her stance, she carefully swung the bat'leth over her head softly and practiced hitting her mark exactly three times, each time becoming more and more focused. And finally, closing her eyes, expelling the air from her chest, she drew the weapon around again, and brought it down in a quick, snapping movement, using all of her power. "Heeeeeyaaaawww!" she called out loud and crisp, although her natural Southern dialect bled through heavily.

B'Elanna watched wide-eyed as the rock took the full force of the impressive human and split apart at the seam that Torres had been working for a good five minutes. It didn't break completely in half, but it was certainly more damage than she'd been able to do, and it looked to be enough for her to definitely take care of the rest. Nodding her head once, rough, Torres allowed as Fowler stood up straight, "Shit." Then becoming excited as Fowler frowned at the rock and kicked the bottom of her foot on the piece that had remained in piece, hard, saying, "Get outta there," B'Elanna bounced over to Nick, slapped her back smartly and said, "Not bad, Lumberjack…how the hell did you do that, anyway?"

As the other piece fell away under the assault of her foot, Fowler said, modestly, "That's nuthin'…you should see what Sammy can do with his forehead." Snatching up her tunic, Nicole explained, "It's all concentration, T…you just have to quiet your mind and focus on your one objective."

"It's not possible to quiet the noise in this head," Torres informed as she knelt down by the rock, located the encased diamond and starting digging at it with her friend's knife, "but that's how I like it." Snarling her mouth, B'Elanna smiled up at Fowler and informed, "I'm a Klingon…we like to rock and roll."

Picking up the bat'leth again and swinging it back and forth, practicing some of the moves Torres had taught her recently since she'd been accompanying her to her Klingon simulations to help her deal with her frustrations in an attempt to be a friend, and give the chief something constructive to do like teach, rather than just fight several holograms, Fowler asked, "How's it look?"

"Like shit," Torres came right back as she plucked out the sizeable, blackened crystal. Holding it up so Nicole could see it, she said, "But, it's big enough that I can cut it however I want…and," she smiled, standing up, "it's big enough…so that when I do cut it…it'll still knock her socks off."

"Are you sure she wants one that big?" Fowler asked carefully, picking up the dirty hunk and looking at it, uncertain. "She's never struck me as the flashy type."

"Well," Torres said, taking it back and sticking it into her tunic pocket where she always carried the silver ring Kathryn had given her so she could still feel like she was close to the redhead, even if she was determined to see this fake break-up through and prove to Janeway that she could handle the mission, as well as take care of Seven now, and especially when they left for the Empire, "Klingon's don't do anything small…so she'll just have to get used to it. Besides," B'Elanna whispered, "once this is all over, I want everyone to know she's not only taken…she's mine."

Remembering how on the morning of the Day of Honor Janeway had showed up to work with a hickey on her neck and hadn't tried to cover it up at all, or pretend like she hadn't been with the Klingon that morning, and that was why she was late, Nicole realized that although she figured Janeway wouldn't pick such a big, flashy ring for herself, she'd wear it with pride simply because it was from the Klingon. After nodding and slapping Torres' shoulder, smiling, Fowler asked as they switched weapons again, "So Romeo, what are you gonna do for blondie…or are you gonna make two outta that hunk?"

Smiling even more, B'Elanna said, "No…Seven can't wear a ring on her left hand. Plus," she snickered, "she doesn't really do jewelry…she thinks it weird."

"I guess that makes sense," Nick came back before she asked again, "So…what then?"

B'Elanna flexed her left arm near her side and said, pointing to just below her shoulder, "I'm gonna get a tattoo…of a starburst, to match hers."

"You're gonna get a tat?" Fowler smiled widely at that. When the Klingon smiled back and nodded, excited, Nicole smacked her arm again and "Not bad, sister…not bad a'tall…I think there's hope for you yet."

"Kiss my ass," B'Elanna laughed as she hooked her weapon over her shoulder. "By the way, this is top secret…Seven doesn't know yet." As she started for the hilly, rocky surface where Fowler had come from, wanting to go up there so they could talk in private and still keep a look out, Torres said, "I'm hoping to spring it on her first so we can figure out later how to ask Red."

"You're not gonna do it at the same time?"

"It's a little different for me and dollface," the Klingon tried to explain their inherent understanding and closeness as best she was able, which was actually fairly difficult for her to put into words. "You don't really get down on one knee with her...she'll think that's stupid and unnecessary. It'll be more like just deciding together, and I don't really want anyone to ask me...that's my job. I'm the Klingon...I'm supposed to ask." As Nicole chuckled in understanding of that outlook, and nodded, B'Elanna finished, "Red's the one who should be asked...and me and Seven like to team up and do that kind of thing for that's how it works. I'm not sure when Seven and I will talk about it, but I think it'll be least with Seven. Red's a different story..."

"You don't really think she'd say no…do you?...Kate, I mean..."

"No, but," Torres reminded as they climbed quickly together, "she's already been engaged twice…so I want this time to really be special for her. She can't really enjoy it right now because it'd be a secret, and she deserves to have the whole full-blown ritual…especially," B'Elanna growled, "since that P'TaQ killed her first fiancé…and her last one dumped her for some bimbo he works with." Shaking her head as the reached the top and stood up, wiping her hands on her pants, she said, "Not that I'm complaining…but I think you get the point. Besides," she smirked, "if I know Seven like I know her…she's probably got her own game plan."

"True," Fowler acknowledged, "but I wouldn't be surprised if the captain had a few plans of her own. Don't forget," Nick smirked, "she's a scientist…and they like to plan."

"Speaking of," B'Elanna said as she looked around the immediately area just to stay on her toes and make sure no one was close enough to overhear anything, "what's up with you and Sam today?" Looking back to Fowler, she asked, "You two have a fight or something?"

"What makes you say that?" Nicole asked, hoping she didn't sound defensive.

"Because you sent Byers in there instead of me…or you." When Nicole sighed and then shook her head, Torres walked up to her and informed, blunt, "You do understand that you're being an idiot…"

Turning away from Torres and doing her best to keep up the act like they weren't discussing private matters while on duty, Fowler said, with attitude, "How is what I'm doing any different than what you're doing…enlighten me, because I don't get it?"

"Because she doesn't know," B'Elanna replied, "and if you keep refusing to tell her, she's gonna think the wrong thing…if she doesn't already."

"I can't tell her," Nicole turned back around and said with emphasis, but whispering. "I can't get her involved…she's got a baby."

The chief shook her head as she walked up to her friend and said, "You can tell her we're going home and that there's danger…which is why you have to stay back. You don't have to tell her specifics, but you know that excuse is shit. Sam's a department head. Red trusts her, and she likes Red…she's not going to get involved. She'd never say anything. You know that."

"No, I don't know that," Fowler came right back, "and since the captain hasn't told her, I don't think it's my place."

B'Elanna rolled her eyes and huffed, "Of course she hasn't told her, Fowler…but not why you think. Red doesn't operate like that. She's waiting for you to do it. She doesn't wanna fuck with your guy's relationship. She doesn't want all of this to screw with anyone else's life more than it has to…that's how she operates…trust me." Lighting hitting Nicole's upper arm, she reminded, "Remember, she wouldn't pretend to be your girlfriend because of Sam…she'll let you take care of it. You don't need her permission."

Fowler shook her head and said, crossing her arms over her chest, "I still can't tell her…it's not right. That'll make her think too many things that I can't promise when we get back." Pulling one hand out and wiping her nose, Nick added, "I don't want her waitin' round for me…or think that's what I expect, 'cause I don't. I don't expect her to wanna wait…and why should she? She's waited long enough just bein' out here alone."

"Listen," B'Elanna responded, slightly softer, "don't think I don't understand that you're trying to protect her and keep her from getting her heart broken…okay, I get that and I respect that."


"But," Torres smiled slightly, "honestly, Nick…I think Sam's really into you…and," she smiled and poked Fowler's stomach once, direct, "I know you're crazy about her. You're not fooling me. So," she crossed her own arms over her chest, "why don't you just tell her that…and let her make the decisions?"

"Because," Fowler turned around and said, putting her hands on her hips and looking down with her back to the shorter brunette, "what happens if she decides to wait for me…and I go back and find Francis…and we get back together? She'd hate me for sure…and I wouldn't blame her." When she heard Torres sigh and say, "Fuckin' Francis again," Nicole spun around at B'Elanna, pointed and said angered, but whispering, "Now see here, just because you don't know her, don't mean shit. You know the way you told me how it was the night you were all together for the first time…how special it was for you… well," pointing at her chest, "that's how it was every time with Francis. So," pointing back at Torres, "don't give me that horseshit that you don't understand. You know damn good and well if Kate really ever walked out on you, you'd never stop tryin' to get her back...ever. This ain't no different, B'Elanna." Then taking a deep breath and turning back around, Fowler cooled her jets and said, "Listen, I understand that you're just tryin' to look out for me…but I have to do this, T. I have to do this for myself because I still remember what that feelin' is like. I still remember bein' with her and thinkin' nuthin' else I could ever do would matter as much as lovin' her." Sighing and crossing her arms over her chest again, she looked out upon the rocky field below them, checking up on her detail and finished, "I remember now more than ever..."

"I know you do," B'Elanna reminded, but not unkind. "You remember because you've finally found someone else to love…to really love, and," she added directly, but again, not harsh, "instead of taking a hold of that…instead of seeing what's right in front of your face just waiting for you to love her…you're letting that other woman ruin it for you. I know you, Nick," Torres continued when Fowler hung her head and put her hands on her hips, "I know Sam's everything you look for in a woman and more…and you're letting Francis keep you from feeling that same way with Sam." Shaking her head, Torres finished with certainty, "I know it…I'd swear it to Kahless…she's the only reason you don't feel like that when you're with her. You're letting Francis keep that part of you when she doesn't deserve to have it anymore."

Turning around at that, Fowler said, stern, "You gotta lot of nerve…you know that?"

"What, you wanna fight me, Fowler?" B'Elanna said boldly. "I know you're protective of her…but the truth is, she's the one that left you…not the other way around."

"Torres," Fowler said shaking her head, "you don't know what the fuck you're talking about…so just leave it be."

Marching up to Fowler, Torres said with feeling, "I thought we were sisters…blood sisters…remember?" Holding up her hand and pointing to the palm, forcing Nicole to recall how after this whole Section 31 business how come out that they'd cut their palms and shook on it to seal their bond and swore an oath to always protect their family by never surrendering, B'Elanna said, "Was that all just for show, or what?"

"No, T, it wasn't, but what's your point?"

"My point is that," grabbing Nicole's tunic and shaking her, "you're my only," Torres growled the word, "sister. I love you, you idiot…and I'm trying to do my job to protect you and keep you from making the biggest mistake of your fucking life! Just like you always do for me when I'm being an idiot." Huffing and letting her go, B'Elanna turned around, rubbed her palm on her forehead and she said, "I know you loved her, but she left you…she left you because she couldn't take it…and I'm," turning around, "not blaming her, but that's not your fault either. You didn't attack her. You can't avenge her honor like this…she took that right away from you by walking away."

Sighing, Nicole said, "I'm not trying to avenge her honor, Torres…I did all that fighting shit a long time ago, alright. All I'm trying to do," she said emphatically, "is see what's left of what we had. That's all…I'm not going to look for her for any other reason."

"Then you're not going back to atone for your sins…to say you're sorry…not at all?" When Fowler sighing and shook her head, closing her eyes, B'Elanna said, softer, "You don't have anything to say sorry for…just like Red doesn't need to say sorry…you didn't do it. Someone else did it…"

"But I did worse," Fowler informed, turning around and moving about, trying to give her squad that was off in the distance the impression that she had things under control. "I didn't know how to do anything right after that. I just wasn't how she needed me to be." Sighing and rubbing the back of her neck, she turned half way around and said, "I made Seven's protective streak look lax…you read me? I just made too much of a fuss over her. She wanted to put it behind her and I wouldn't let it happen. I got kicked out of five admirals' offices, and ordered to remain in our quarters for two weeks after that because I'd threatened to steal a shuttle and find those piece's of shit myself if they didn't do somethin' more than what they were doin'." Shaking her head and sighing again, Fowler said, "All she wanted to do was just forget it and let Starfleet deal with it, and I couldn't let them go like that. That's why she left me…because I couldn't go back to the way it was. I wanted us to get the hell outta Starfleet and just settle down and teach music…anything just so she never had to be in that position again…but she didn't. She wanted to stay and make a difference…to make a point that she couldn't be intimidated…and she left me because I tried to hold her back." Nicole turned back toward the lowering sun and finished, "She didn't leave me because she didn't love me anymore. She left me because I didn't give her a choice. I didn't do right by her any better than they did…so it was my fault."

"Tell me something," Torres said, coming up to her and standing by her side, looking out upon the field as well, "how long after her attack did she stay?"

"Two months," Fowler answered quietly, "for two months she had to put up with my shit."

"And you'd been together for almost a year and a half at that point…right?"


"Just hear me out," the Klingon requested. When Fowler looked at her for a beat and then nodded her head, Torres asked, "You keep talking about how different you were…but you never say anything about her…how she was." As Fowler furrowed her brow some, the engineer questioned, "Wasn't she different?"

Sighing, Nicole looked away, and then responded after a few quiet moments, softly, "Yes, of course she was…she was brutally attacked…no one can not be different. She was different...she was tense," then added sharper, turning toward Torres, "and rightfully so. She almost died from her injuries…that's how bad it was. That's how bad they treated her..."

"Right…right," B'Elanna nodded. "And when she left…was she back to normal?"

"No," Nicole said quickly, but quiet. "No, she hadn't had enough time yet to heal emotionally…that takes a long time. She wasn't a cryer...she didn't ever cry unless I did, but she was tense...and that's not her style. She's steady hand..."

"And do you think she knew that...that it takes time?"

Fowler scratched the back of her neck as she sighed and said, "Yes…yes, she knew that. They made her see a shrink…I'm sure they told her." Shrugging, Nicole crossed her arms over her chest and reported, "Although, I don't know because I wasn't there…she didn't want me to go…so I didn't push, but…" sighing, "I've taken all those classes since then, so if her shrink was commissioned by Starfleet, she knew what she was talking about."

"Okay, so you didn't push to go see the shrink…but did you want to go?"

"Yes…I was…well, I could do at that time was cry and be angry…so I wanted to go and talk…try to figure out what to do for her...for us..."

"And how long would you have waited for her to get better before you left her?"

Angered, Fowler turned toward B'Elanna and said, "What the fuck is that supposed to mean? You know goddamn well that I would have never left her…never!"

"Exactly," B'Elanna informed, standing her ground again. Then holding her hands out at her sides, she said, "She gave up, Nick. Yes, you freaked out, but who the hell wouldn't have? I mean come on! But she didn't let you go with her…and you just tried to make her happy and safe…I know that because I know you…and she walked! Two months into it and she walked…if you wanna know what I think…"

"I don't!"

"I think if you drove her away…if you really did, and that was the reason, then once she was okay, she would have come back," Torres said anyway. "But she didn't …she never called…never checked in on you…never did anything. She walked for her own reasons…if she loved you as much as you loved her…she would have come back…come back fast." Shaking her head as Fowler looked rather mean at her, Torres said, unafraid, even if she knew Nicole could work her over faster than just about anyone, "Two months, Nick…only two months…that's nothing. She couldn't take it and she left…she didn't even try…two months is not trying…two months is letting it go. She made that decision…not you…and she continued to make it by never coming back, so she doesn't deserve your devotion because she didn't even try. She didn't care enough about you to even check even tell you that she was okay."

As Fowler just continued to look at her sternly with her jaw clenched and her hands on her hips, Torres added after a minute, looking down and shaking her head, speaking softer, "I'm sorry that happened to you…you know I am, but you don't have to be sorry and you don't have to feel guilty for breaking her heart…because you didn't…I know it." Looking back up, she reminded, "So, if you really want to do the right thing…if you really want to make everything right, you need to let her go and not break someone else's heart when you can do something about it." Quieter, she finished, "Just think about it…what's really the problem here…what's really keeping you from being happy?" Turning and walking away, she added, "I don't think it's Francis…and I don't think it's because Sam's not Francis…I think it's because you're afraid to have your heart broken again."

Stopping at the edge of the ridge, before she started down, Torres looked over her shoulder and said, "I want you to know…I really look up to you." As Fowler glanced at her over her shoulder, B'Elanna said quieter, "You're a good person…the best I think I've ever met…and I'm a better person because I know you. Everyone likes you…and everyone respects you…and every day I try to remind myself to relax and just be cool like Nick." Shaking her head, Torres sighed before she got overly emotional and said, "You're my sister…my family…we're blood," she held up her hand, "and I just want you to be happy." Throwing her arms up and spinning around, frustrated at everything, Torres finished, "I just want a happy fuckin' family for a change…that's all I've ever wanted."

One step down the small mountain, B'Elanna stopped, sniffled and said, "Hey," to the blonde, who was halfway to the top, but stopped, and standing up, looking at her, unreadable.

"Torres…wait," Fowler said quickly as she ran to the edge of the cliff. "Hey, listen…I'm sorry if…" she stopped short in a small plume of dust. "Sam…hey…um, I'm sorry…did you need something?"

Wildman remained professional, even though she'd heard almost all of Torres' last speech about looking up to Fowler, thinking her as a sister, and just wanting her to be happy, which told her immediately from the delivery that they did love each other, but not as lovers, and said, clearing her throat, "No, Commander…I just wanted to let you know that we've finished up a little early today." When Nick nodded, but didn't say anything else, Samantha said, "We're ready to beam back."

"Right…right, thank you, Lieutenant," Fowler muttered. Then pulling herself together quickly as Wildman nodded and then started back down the hill, Fowler said while she began to negotiate the slope with Torres, "Go on and beam your staff and the rest of the team back…I wanna set up an electronic perimeter around the area for the night."

Jumping down from the hill, then dusting herself off, Wildman said to Nicole as the brunettes came down quickly behind her, "Alright, but please don't place any lights inside the caves. We've found some nocturnal mollusks that are sensitive to it, and I'm not sure yet if it hurts them."

"Understood," the commander replied as she too jumped down, then had to ask, "What's a mollusk?"

"A slug." Smiling, Wildman turned around and finished as she walked away, "They're wicked cool."

Laughing slightly, mostly nervous, Nicole shook her head at Wildman as she walked, then picked up her step and trotted away, waving at Samuel Wang as the geologist approached from twenty meters away. As everyone started filing out of the caves, Fowler turned around, cleared her throat and said, "Hey, listen…"

B'Elanna held up her hand, smiling and said, "Don't apologize…Klingons don't need it. Just," smacking Fowler's shoulder, "think about what I said…alright? I'll support you no matter what…but just think about it. Deal?"

"Deal," Nick smiled modestly, whacking Torres' shoulder back. Then putting her long, solid and strong arm around her, she pulled her into a head-lock and said, "Now, how 'bout you help me set up the perimeter…then we can get the hell off this rock and have a beer."

As Fowler let her go, B'Elanna scuffed dirt onto Nicole's shoe on purpose and said, "Deal…but you're buying, and," holding up her fist, "no arguments…and I want two this time…just because I like you."

"Anyone ever tell you you've got a funny way of showing it?"

Walking away before she ran, curious as to where Seven was, Torres said, "Anyone ever tell you you've gotta big butt?" Holding her arms out, as she spun around and skipped backwards, B'Elanna included, "I mean huge!"

Nicole laughed as she shook her head, then sighed once as she looked down. Picking up a stone that was on the ground, she spun around, and chucked it as if she were trying to skip it over the water, and said, "I can't wait to bring that girl to the bayou." Turning back around and walking back toward the group, she smiled and said, "Talk about a hootanannie."


"She's on her way," the Emergency Medical Hologram reported to Seven of Nine as the Borg lay naked on her stomach, with a teal sheet covering most of her back and her bottom.

"Thank you," Seven replied from her semi pushed up position, resting on her elbows as much as possible to she could see, but not enough to overly expose her chest, which she was aware was not typically considered culturally acceptable by humans aboard Starfleet vessels. "Did she seem distressed?"

Raising his eyebrows some, curious as to why Seven would ask such a question, all things considering, he answered, "No…should she be?"

"I am damaged," Seven reminded, clipped, understanding his inquiry and not liking his tone. "She typically finds such events unacceptable." As the door to Sickbay hissed open, Seven included at the same time, "I am still a member of her crew, Doctor."

"Report," Captain Kathryn Janeway, the Federation vessel's redheaded commanding officer said evenly as she entered the room. Catching the end of what Seven had said, Janeway frowned visibly, although otherwise she looked as healthy, vibrant, and ready for her Starfleet poster photo-op as she ever had, and asked when they both looked over to her, "Doctor…?"

"That was fast," he remarked on the next beat as Janeway came up next to Seven, looked her body over in an observatory manner. When the captain shot him a warning glance, the EMH—who was still trying to figure out why Seven would request that Janeway come to Sickbay when it was public knowledge that the redhead had ended their relationship and kicked her out of the quarters they'd shared together in one fell swoop a month ago—said, "Well, apparently, the PRU test didn't go well…and she developed some fairly large blisters from it."

As Janeway crossed her arms over her chest and continued to frown, Seven reported, "Sam Wildman examined the device before I removed it and informed me that it was not harnessed to my body as it was first designed. When she removed it, she informed me that I was bleeding…that was twelve point three two minutes ago." When the captain looked up for a moment, then opened her mouth, the Borg went on, anticipating the question out of habit, "I was in minor discomfort. It was only five minutes before she informed me to remove it that the irritation was unacceptable." Raising her eyebrows, she added, "I did not know I was bleeding, Captain."

Janeway forced herself not to narrow her eyes at Seven and remind her to be careful with how familiar she acted around her, or point out to anyone that the blonde continued to be able to read her like a book, and said instead, "That's fine…as long as we found out." Then looking over and up to the Doctor, she asked, "Why didn't it fit…I thought you'd adapted the harness to adjust for her special forces uniform and her biosuits?"

"I did," the Doctor came back, "but it seems," he went on as she went to Seven's side and accessed the panel on the arch that was raised around her, "that she's lost some weight since our last fitting…hmm…six point two kilograms to be exact."

Ignoring that completely, Janeway jumped in quickly before he started questioning the Borg, "Well, I think we need to seriously reconsider this design then." Thinking quickly, and actually having a point, which pleased her, the captain reminded, "Especially if there were an emergency situation and she couldn't regenerate all of time…her weight typically drops a little when she's tired…that's perfectly natural." Looking to Seven, she asked in the next breath, "Don't you agree?"

Seven didn't correct the captain to inform her that if there were an emergency and she couldn't regenerate at all, she'd likely gain weight since she'd have to cut back on her physical exertion, because in either case, the design would need to be adapted. There was also the fact that part of what Kathryn was saying was accurate. If she didn't regenerate as much as she should and became fatigued because she kept up her busy schedule, her weight did tend to drop. "That is correct."

"Hmm…good point," the Doctor allowed as he closed the arch and commanded the sides to slip underneath the biobed. "I'll get to work on something right away…maybe," he smiled, having a thought, "a backpack style unit since this design was only really necessary if she still had her contact nodes…I didn't even think about that." Putting his hand on the sheet, about to move it up so he could take care of Seven's blisters, the EMH cleared his throat mildly and looked at the captain.

After a second of confusion, Janeway nodded and said, quiet, "Of course," as she moved away and went over to the infirmary's main sensor board, directly in front of Seven. Leaning against it, far enough away that she couldn't see over the blonde's slightly elevated head and glimpse her naked bottom, Kathryn crossed her arms over her chest and asked, "Other than that…how was the weight?"

"It was not an issue," Seven returned, looking over and slightly up at the redhead, hating this whole situation, but having requested her presence under the pretense that Kathryn continued to see to all of their plans and was involved in the entire process and would wish to be present, when in truth she just wanted to take any opportunity she could to be around Janeway, since she saw her, three times a week now. "It did not hinder my movements or unduly burden me, and I was able to adapt my center of balance efficiently." As Janeway opened her mouth, Seven said, "I performed the exercises Lieutenant Wang suggested…as you requested."

Glancing over at the Doctor, who was busy, Janeway smirked at Seven quickly, then said, straightening her face, "And…can you be more specific?"

"And, Captain," Seven smirked back, "the unit only made it difficult for me to bend backward onto my hands. I was able to accomplish them all, but that was the most difficult because it forced me to lengthen my arc…which demands that I use more of my enhanced strength to remain in that position…or complete the 'flip' and return to my feet."

"If it was on your back…higher, like a backpack, and strapped to your waist, do you think you could," Janeway asked, trying not to smirk again, " your back flip?"

"As long as it was not too high. I am required to bend my head all the way back to find my 'center' to accomplish the maneuver."

"Well," the Doctor rejoined the conversation, "that shouldn't be a problem…considering the length of your back and the fact that this is fairly compact. I think we just need to keep it away from your butt since," he smirked, finding humor, "I'm assuming that's why you had to lengthen your arc."

"That is correct." Looking over her shoulder as best she could, Seven asked, "What is the status of my damage?"

"It's good as new," the Doctor replied, smiling, putting away his instrument. "Although, don't be surprised if it's a little tender for a few hours…but considering you rarely sit, I don't think it will a problem." Turning around and looking at the captain, the Doctor said, "Well, Captain…unless your fanny needs tending to…I think I'll go work on my new design?"

Janeway refrained from rolling her eyes and said, "That's fine, Doctor…thank you."

"Seven, you're free to go," the EMH mentioned. Then noticing that Janeway didn't look like she planned to leave immediately, he said, turning and going away quickly, although planning to keep the door to office open in hopes that if they were going to have words, he'd hear it first rather than through a third party, "I'll just be in my office if you need anything."

"Thank you for your assistance," Seven said as she remained in her position, knowing better than to start changing in front of Janeway since she'd walked away when the blanket was removed from her backside.

Kathryn waited for the Doctor to escape to his office and sit at his desk, which was out of view, although not surprised that he didn't shut the door to give them privacy, and said quietly as she stepped up to the Borg, but refrained from uncrossing her arms, afraid she just reach out and touch her on reflex, "I'm sorry that hurt you…but thank you for cooperating."

"You are welcome," Seven returned, equally soft, tucking her own hands close to her bosom to keep them in check. "How are you functioning?"

"Efficiently," Janeway came back, looking down at her feet. Then letting her eyes come to Seven's face as the Borg laid her head down on the pillow, but kept her face turned toward her, Kathryn said softly, "Seven, I'm not going to scold you…but I need you to take care of yourself when I can't look after you."

Sighing, Seven reported, "It is difficult, Kathryn…I am not 'hungry.'"

"I know," Kathryn whispered, almost completely inaudible. "I can't say I've had much of an appetite either, but," she said a little louder, "if I can manage to do this…I know you can…you're ten times stronger than I am…at least."

"That is inaccurate," Seven whispered back. Then not wanting to fight with Janeway, she looked her up and down, noticed that instead of looking pale, worn and thin, she looked healthy, firm, and so very attractive to the Borg that all she wanted to do was to pick her up and carrying her around the ship, announcing that they'd reconciled and that there would be no further 'break-ups'. So, she asked, "How do you maintain in these conditions?"

Smiling softly, Janeway leaned forward softly and whispered, "Three things…I've loaded the nutritional supplements with extra protein and vitamins, I exercise whenever I get frustrated, and I just think about how much I love you two when I'm lonely…and it helps me stayed focused."

Seven smirked at that and said, "You are remarkable. I believe Starfleet underestimates you."

"I sure as hell hope so," Kathryn said before she gave in, leaned over quickly and kissed Seven's jaw near her ear. Since that was the first time she'd been able to do so since they parted ways, she placed her hands on Seven's forearm, squeezed and whispered, lovingly and longingly, "You're my everything, Seven of Mine…please don't ever doubt my devotion," she added as a reminder, then included, hoping she wasn't coming across wounded or resentful of the fact that neither of her lovers had taken an opportunity to show their affection in the last month, which had forced her to squash her anguish by putting all of her energy into her captaincy since she certainly didn't believe they were punishing her or didn't want her anymore, just that for themselves to adapt and prepare for the long road ahead, they needed the space and the practice of being apart, "And I never said you two had to stay away entirely. If you ever want to spend some time...all you have to do is let me know and I'll be there."

As Janeway pulled away, Seven opened her eyes as her moment of peace fleeted from time, and said, clearly, "I will comply, Captain."

Nodding and sniffling quickly, wiping her nose before her incredible emotion for Seven and Torres got the better of even her—ever since they'd begun Operation Foxfire the good captain had done exactly what she knew how to do better than anything these days: be the captain…so Kathryn, although always present, was more of a benevolent phantom in the window softly requesting to be recognized from time to time—Janeway said, "Good…keep me updated on your progress." Turning and starting away, she added to make sure the Doctor heard her, "I know you're busy…but you've got to make time for this and make sure it works…so don't put it off…that's an order."

As Seven replied with an irritated sounding, "Yes, Captain," knowing it was for show, Kathryn came within two steps of the door when it opened quickly to revealed a sight she'd feared seeing since the inception of the Elite Force: Nicole Fowler, distressed and fearful, carrying an unconscious, and obviously wounded B'Elanna Torres in her strong arms. And before she could stop the reaction as she sidestepped, Janeway brought her hand to her stomach as she croaked, "Lanna…" while Fowler called out for the Doctor and Seven of Nine stood immediately, not bothering to take her sheet with her and said, equally distressed, "Bang…"


"Fowler," Torres said as she chucked the last portable emitter at the much taller, lighter brown brunette, "think fast!"

Raising her surprisingly quick arms and catching the half-meter tall pole with one of her large hands, Fowler barked, "Didn't your mama ever tell you not to throw things at people!"

B'Elanna laughed as she jogged over to the first pole they'd set up and said, shaking her fist in the air, "My mama's a Klingon! Qapla'!"

"Girrrrrl," Fowler smiled as she set the pole down and snapped out the tripod like legs to keep it steady, "one of these days I'm gonna whoop your Klingon ass!" Smacking her thick thigh soundly for effect, she added, "I mean tear it up, sister."

Activating the first pole, then jogging over to the other one, feeling warm, 'juiced', and definitely wanting to spend a rowdy evening with her friend, but only after she checked up on Seven and then made the beautiful blonde come along, and even thinking about rounding up Samantha Wildman too since their last double-date they'd planned had been ruined since it occurred on the night of the big blow up in Engineering, B'Elanna said, as usual, "Bring it, Fowler…and let's see who's had more cake."

While Torres aligned the second pole perfectly and created a small energy field between the first and second tripods, Fowler asked while she worked, speaking freely since everyone else had beamed back already, "Speaking of…how are you and Seven handling all this?" When B'Elanna looked over to her, and quirked the side of her mouth since she thought Fowler knew how they were doing considering they talked all the time, Fowler titled her head as she stood and started toward her, "You know what I'm talkin' about…cake."

Opening her mouth and nodding, Torres sighed lightly as she met Fowler at the third device that was seated in front of the cave's opening, that being the only area they wanted to protect and keep an eye on, "We're fine," understanding that Nicole was asking how all of this was affecting them sexually. Shrugging as she activated the device while Nick just stood above her and watched carefully, letting the expert deal with it since she knew Torres would double-check her work anyway, since Fowler didn't make it any secret that there were many things that she was still rusty with since she'd only been a senior officer for eight months, and their work in the Elite Force was specialized, the chief said, "I don't know…I guess," she paused from where she squatted and craned her neck up at the amazon, "it's different. I mean…yes, it's different, but we talked about it because at first we thought we should refrain, but," she stood up, "then we realized that was stupid…and we knew Red wouldn't like that…so now," she continued as she went over to the fourth, and final device, "when we're together, we just make sure we talk a lot afterward…a lot about just us…so, you know," she stood up and wiped her hands on her pants, "so we stay close too."

When Nicole quirked her mouth and furrowed her brow in confusion, not understanding how that was possible, Torres explained, "That's important because we both know that when this is all over and we get her back…it's gonna be all Red, all the time for a while…and that's how it should be considering she's the one who's sleeping alone every night. So," she patted Fowler's arm once, "me and Seven need to make sure our personal relationship with each other doesn't get lost in all of that." Torres shrugged again as she admitted, "I don't know if that's the right thing…and sometimes I think we should talk about Red afterward…but that's what Seven thought was best, so I trust her."

Holding up her hands, Fowler remarked, "Hey, whatever works…you know I'm not judging." Shaking her head, she said again, "I just don't know how you do it sometimes…especially you…I know you."

The chief understood what was unspoken, and replied, "I'm not saying I don't miss her or that it's easy…it's not." Kicking at the ground with her feet, as she crossed her arms over her chest and looked down, B'Elanna said, softly, "I miss her all the time…I've never been with anyone that gets to me like she does. She could just walk past and all I could think of was that I had to touch her, but," she sighed, letting her arms fall to her sides and smacked them against her hips, "part of that was because she felt that way too. We were always really great together…always, right from the first time…we just fit." Looking up into Nicole's smile, Torres pushed her shoulder and said "What?"

"You're kinda cute when you get sweet," Fowler informed as she pushed her back. Then spinning B'Elanna around and smacking her fanny with one hand while she urged her forward to the temporary transporter site they'd set up, Nicole joked, "Don't worry, T…you'll get her back. I just hope I don't have to stay in the next room when that happens."

Smiling her crazy grin, B'Elanna asked, joking, trying to act 'cooler' again, "What…you wanna a piece of my cake, Fowler?"

Fowler smacked Torres on the back of the head and said, "Real nice, Torres…you know what I mean. If Kate heard you talk like that she'd smack you right in the mouth…rightfully so."

"Probably," Torres allowed, now very much aware that Janeway's wasn't beyond slapping someone, "but," she went on as they stepped into the transporter grid that was set up with three pattern enhancers, since both ships were in such high orbits above the pole, the distance made it difficult to lock onto them without the devices to boost their signals, "in case you had any hot ideas…I don't share my cake with anyone…so it won't be a problem."

"Smart move…keep it up…or I will have to whoop you," Fowler came back as she started for her communicator. "Fowler to Voyager…two to transport."

"Acknowledged, Commander…stand by for energize," returned the sweet voice of the ship's primary Transporter chief, Ensign Suzanne Roland.

"And another thing, smart mouth," Fowler started just before she felt the very familiar, although always slightly disconcerting sensation of dematerialization, and a second later when she started to feel herself come back together as well as her thoughts, before she could finish her sentence, she was bombarded with the most overwhelming sensation of mental chaos that she'd ever encountered. It was so thunderously loud, almost like blood thumping in her ears amplified by a hundred, that when she tried to open her eyes, all she could do was squint and grunt before everything around her started to spin, and just before she lost all sense of balance and crashed to the floor, she wondered for a moment if she'd died since her body felt nothing like it had before.

"Nick, will you just chill…" Torres started to speak as she materialized, but stopped immediately as she heard her own voice and at the same moment as she opened her eyes and saw that she was suddenly towering over everything, she heard Nicole groan in agony.

Spinning around, wide-eyed as she watched herself grunt, hunched over and then collapse, B'Elanna blinked as Roland said, "Holy smokes…Chief!" and came around from the console. Then looking at her own hands, which weren't her hands at all, but the much larger and longer hands of her best friend, the chief said, "Oh shit," as the ensign ran over to the half-Klingon's fallen form.

Realizing that there had been a terrible accident with the transporters, Torres yelled as she pivoted and started to jump down form the dais, "Don't call for a transport…there's a problem!" However, she wasn't used to moving in Fowler's much taller and more powerful body, so when she started to jump down, she pushed off much harder than she needed to and then stumbled forward, completely ungraceful, and fell with a thud to one knee, cursing, "Fuck me," as she came down. Pushing herself up again and centering her body, having more difficulty finding her center of balance since Fowler's weight was differently distributed and she was heavier on the bottom thanks to her long, thickly muscled legs, Torres fought through it, then instead of jumping, simply stepped up onto the upper level, ran behind the console in two huge steps and quickly shut down all transporters, using her authorization as chief engineer to override anyone's but the captain's command codes, since no one, not even Seven—although with a little work they all figured the Borg could break it—could override Janeway.

Jumping down from the dais again, starting to get comfortable in her new body, Torres said, "Go to the Bridge…tell whoever's in charge what happened…but keep it quiet for now!" As Roland jumped to her feet and ran, saying, "Aye, Commander," Torres whirled around and opened her mouth, but then closed it when Roland escaped her, realizing that the ensign didn't know that she was B'Elanna. Turning back around, the chief tore off the sash and bat'leth that were on her body, recklessly throwing them aside as she said, "Christ, Fowler…hang on…don't you fuckin' die in my body." Next scooping her up easily and carrying her own body in her arms, which was definitely playing tricks on her mind, even more so than her new view of everything and the sound of her voice were, B'Elanna turned, jumped down from the transporter dais and ran as fast as she could for the turbolift.

Rushing inside the empty carriage, Torres barked, noticing immediately that her instinct to growl was no longer present, "Deck Five!" As the carriage began to drop quickly, the chief looked at her own body in her arms and said, "Just relax, just relax and think…don't forget anything…fuck, Fowler…don't you fuckin' die on me." When the door opened and three scientists were standing near the threshold, Torres plowed through them, yelling, "Move outta my fuckin' way!" then took off again down the corridor as the others' mouths fell open, them never having heard the ship's dutiful and respected second officer speak in such a manner, before they rushed into the turbolift.

As she rounded the final corner, yelling at everyone to, "Move it or lose it!" B'Elanna barely waited for the door to Sickbay to open before she rushed through it. When she was met by the captain, who immediately got out of her way as she gasped her name, and Seven of Nine stood up in the next instant and said her petname as well, nude, B'Elanna yelled as she rushed to Seven's side to deposit Fowler, "Doc…hurry! I can't get her to wake up!"

As Torres set the body in her arms on the biobed where Seven had been, Seven of Nine asked as Janeway barked at the Doctor to hurry, and grabbed a medical tricorder herself before she rushed over to them, "What has occurred!"

Looking up, B'Elanna sighed, ripped the blanket out from under Fowler's body and said, thrusting it toward the Borg, "Put this on for Christ sakes!"

While Seven snatched up the blanket and sounded her question again, while Janeway and the Doctor both said, "What happened?" B'Elanna felt herself start to hyperventilate and then get dizzy, so all she could manage was, "Oh please don't puke, Fowler…don't make me puke…I hate to puke," as she bent over and coughed.

"Captain," the Doctor said hurried as he started scanning what was thought to be B'Elanna.

Running over to the tallest brunette's side as she wobbled, while Seven of Nine secured the blanket around her body like a bathtowel and started toward her as well, Janeway said, rather surprised by the reaction since Nicole Fowler had never struck her as a fainter, which scared her to death at what that meant had happened to B'Elanna, even though other than being unconscious, Torres looked fine, "Easy, Commander…just sit down and put your head between your knees. Seven," Janeway said looking up as she eased the much larger woman to the ground, "get some ice water and a cold pack."

Kneeling next to the overcome brunette, Janeway rubbed her neck with one hand, squeezing gently and said, "You're alright…just breath easy…you're alright now." When Seven handed her the cold pack, Kathryn replaced her hand with it while Seven knelt down next to Fowler and pressed the cold glass to her forehead kindly, clearly worried as well since she'd trained with Nick on the Elite Force, and she'd done the best out of all of them with keeping her cool, even when things got really bad in their simulations, Janeway ordered, "Stay with her," as she stood and spun while Seven said, "I will comply."

While the hologram activated the arch on the biobed, Kathryn asked, clearly worried, "What's her status?"

The hologram shook his head and said, "I'm not sure yet…we need to find out what happened. She's unconscious and not responding to voice, but I don't want to try to wake her until I have more details…something's going on in her brain though…neurological activity is off the scale…even for a Klingon."

Seven dropped the glass from her patient's forehead when she opened her eyes, and said, "You are required to drink this before you speak, Commander," but her voice was soft. "Do not resist."

Since she was feeling rather woozy still, B'Elanna bobbed her head, and snatched it up, then started slipping it slowly in between long breaths. After a few moments while Seven continued to rub her back as she'd watch Kathryn do, Torres managed a weak smile and breathed, "Thanks, dollface."

Since Fowler utilized that term to refer to her from time to time, especially under trying conditions, Seven didn't think anything of it and replied, smiling softly as well because she definitely considered the woman her friend now, although from time to time they still managed to rub each other the wrong way, "No problemo."

Nodding, Torres said, "Okay…help me up…I think I can stand."

"Seven," the Doctor said, "take her over to the other biobed please."

As she assisted the taller, seemingly much heavier woman, although in truth Seven outweighed her, but only by typically less than five kilos, up to her feet, Seven tried to help her step forward, but when she wobbled again and started begging that she not make herself puke, Seven stepped in front of her, bent down, forced her over her shoulder at her waist, then stood up without too much effort, turned and walked them quickly over to the biobed saying, "You may puke…it is a natural human reaction…although unpleasant."

"No," Torres mumbled, "no, babe…I don't wanna…I hate it."

Laying B'Elanna's body down, Seven furrowed her brow, then announced over her shoulder, "She is delusional…"

"Do what you can for now," Janeway commanded, "I'll get Tom back over here." Then tapping her communicator, she said, "Janeway to Bridge."

"Kim here."

"Ensign, transport Mister Paris back immediately and tell him to get to Sickbay on the double."

As Commander Chakotay came running through the doors to the ship's infirmary, Kim announced, "Uh, Captain…there's been a transporter accident…the chief's locked out all access for now. I just checked and only you can override. The commander should be there any second to fill you in."

"He's here now, Harry," Janeway said quickly as Chakotay approached her, then went over to what he thought was B'Elanna's side. Thinking quickly, she ordered, "Then have him bring a shuttle over."

Sighing, hating to have to do this, Kim reminded, "Captain, we don't have any room for another shuttle right now."

Since she'd forgotten that, Janeway cursed under her breath, then said, "Alright…thank you. Janeway out." While Chakotay turned from the Doctor to her, she asked, "What happened?"

"I don't really know," the first officer reported quickly. "Roland came running into the Bridge, dragged me into your Ready Room and told me that when she'd beamed the two of them back there must have been some kind of accident because B'Elanna fell to her knees and passed out right after she materialized. She said Nick locked out all transporter protocols, then told her to report to me and to keep it quiet…and I assume she brought her here."

As B'Elanna, in Fowler's body, started breathing easier again and asked Seven to help her sit up, Janeway said, confused, "Nick locked them out…Harry said it was B'Elanna?"

"Captain," B'Elanna said as she took a few deep breaths and shook her head, "I did it…it was me." As she blinked her eyes a few times and started to feel better while Janeway and Chakotay started toward her, Samantha Wildman came running into Sickbay, having been told by the scientists that were almost accosted by B'Elanna that they'd seen Nick, carrying the chief, running toward the medical bay.

Looking about for a beat at all the activity in the Sickbay, instantly noticing that Fowler, although she was pale, was okay, Wildman ran over to her side, sighing with relief, and when B'Elanna looked at her and said, "Sam, I'm sorry," since Torres was speaking of the fact that right then the real Fowler was still unconscious, Samantha threw her arms around her neck and said, "Ohgod, it's okay…I'm sorry too." Pulling away as Torres sighed and said, "No…no that's not," Wildman cut her off as she cupped her face and said, "It's okay, you're okay," then kissed her squarely.

While that occurred, Janeway turned toward Chakotay and said, "Go to Transporter Room One and start going through the logs…Seven," Janeway said over her shoulder, "I want you down there too…so you better get dressed."

"Aye, Captain," Chakotay said then turned and trotted away, while Seven said, "I will comply," as she went over to the biobed she'd been at, opened the drawer below it and snatched up her biosuit that she'd gotten from her quarters before coming to Sickbay since her special forces uniform would need to be specially cleaned, then walked with purpose toward the Doctor's office, making sure to look upon the stilled body of her lover first, utilizing that image to boost her already significant confidence, at least with technical endeavors, that she would discover the problem and eliminate it efficiently.

And, while that was occurring, Samantha continued to kiss B'Elanna unknowingly, and Torres finally just let her after trying to stop her by speaking a few times. Since she knew the two woman had had an argument the night before, she figured this was the least she could do for her best friend…and it wasn't like Samantha was unattractive, or even a poor kisser.

After about thirty seconds when Sam let up on her lips, B'Elanna said softly, looking down as Wildman kissed her forehead and started rubbing her neck for her, "Um…Sam…not that I think you're a bad kisser, but," she looked up, "you really shouldn't do that anymore."

Smiling, Samantha said, with happy attitude, "Oh no, and why is that?"

"Because I'm Torres," B'Elanna said seriously, pointing to the other biobed where the Doctor was still working, "and that's Fowler," as Seven of Nine came out of the Doctor's office and froze, while Janeway snapped her head toward her, wide-eyed.


Two hours later after the Doctor had concluded that Fowler's, in B'Elanna's body, synapses had been overloaded by the sudden change in her body chemistry, which was naturally more volatile than what her consciousness was accustomed to, which had caused her to faint, he'd used a stimulant to wake the poor woman. Now, as she sat up and held on tight to the edge of the biobed while she fought through urges to become irate like she'd never experienced before, and Wildman stood to her side, but out of arm's reach since she was clearly uncertain how to handle this, B'Elanna sat comfortably on the biobed, fully recovered from her similar problems, but problems that hadn't been as extreme as Fowler's, while Seven of Nine, who'd just returned from the Transporter Room to give her first report, stood by her side, but also looked mighty unsettled. Even though she liked Fowler, she certainly was not B'Elanna Torres, and the Borg clearly did not like the fact that her lover was in someone else's body, considering she continued to scowl, heavily, throughout her report to Janeway, who was being the consummate diplomat and standing smack in the middle, even if this situation was killing her as well.

As the Doctor returned from his office, now wearing his mobile emitter and looked to her, Seven unwound her hands, looked at B'Elanna and said, "I will return…B'Elanna Torres," then quickly took off with the EMH for the transporter room again since the Borg had requested that he accompany her in hopes that he could assist since they weren't getting anywhere.

Hopping off the biobed and looking at herself, running her hands over her suddenly completely flat chest and shaking her head, Torres said, "Kahless…this is freaky…I mean with a capital freak." Then turning around and walking up to the captain, B'Elanna smiled and actually laughed as she towered over her, then turned around and muttered, "You should see this…you can see everything from up here…I mean everything."

Sighing, Janeway turned to Samantha and Fowler, came up to Wildman and said, placing her arm across her back and rubbing it slightly in support, "Lieutenant…I know this is…worrisome, but," she smiled softly as Sam sighed and looked at her, "I want you to examine everything that your department brought back today. It's possible something we brought aboard affected the transporters. Report directly to me once you have anything either way."

Wildman nodded at that and said, "Aye, Captain." Then placing her hand on Fowler's tense forearm, she squeezed it some and said as Nicole looked over to her, her eyes absolutely confused, "I'll be back…you hang in there."

Nodding her head, Fowler said, "Thanks," then frowned and growled as Wildman walked away, "Christ, I sound like a friggin' idiot." Snapping her head over to B'Elanna, she asked, irritated, unable to help herself since she didn't have a lifetime of practice like B'Elanna had with controlling her conflicting emotions, "Torres…yea you in my body…do you always sound like this?"

"I don't know, what's it sound like?" B'Elanna turned around and questioned, shrugging and smiling, unable to help herself since suddenly not having the urge to become cranky at someone, or feel the need to show her dominance, the fun-loving side of her personality was coming out big time, unbidden.

"Oh, you think this is funny, smart mouth!" Fowler jumped off the biobed and put her hands on her hips, glaring up at the chief. As B'Elanna said, "No, but I can't help it…you make me wanna laugh at everything," Nicole spun around, and spat as she stalked about, "This is loco! Look at me…I'm a friggin' shrimp…and god," she brought her hands to her head, "I just wanna beat the tar outta someone!"

"Nick, just chill," Torres jumped in as Janeway sat down on the biobed and started rubbing her forehead, unsure if she should just let Fowler rant and rave for a while or tell her to shut up and sit down. "If you fight it…it just makes it worse…just chill out and breath."

"Chill out…I'm just supposed to chill out!" Fowler came back, stomping over to her former body. "Well let me tell you something…Missy…I cain't!. Everything's just fucked!" she swore, throwing her hands in the air. "That's right…you heard me, everything's," spinning around, "fuck…fuck…fuck…fucked! There, you happy now, B'Elanna…now I really do sound like you! Fuckin'ay right!" Spinning around, Nick said, "Ma'am, pardon me sincerely, but I cain't take this…you gotta put me out 'til we find out how to switch us back!"

Standing up, hoping this tactic to would reach the Starfleet officer that was buried inside of the half-Klingon's chaotic neural pathways, Janeway barked, authoritatively, "Commander, relax…right now!" When Fowler tensed, clenched her teeth, then sighed and eased down, Kathryn added, not as harsh, but still clearly in command, "Now, I want you to sit down and stay that way until the Doctor returns. Understood?"

"Aye, Captain," Fowler said, deflated, suddenly sullen and feeling ashamed for speaking in such a manner in front of her captain, not to mention a lady, as she walked over to the biobed where Janeway was.

Walking up to B'Elanna, Janeway whispered, "Will you please stop smiling…it's not helping."

"I'm sorry, Captain…I can't help it," Torres responded, but added quickly when Janeway narrowed her eyes some at her, "but I'll try," then threw hand over her mouth before she started giggling.

As Torres turned around and burst out into laughter, saying, "I'm sorry, Captain…Kahless, I'm sorry…I can't help it," Janeway pinched the bridge of her nose as she closed her eyes and mumbled, "Oh this is bad." Then taking a deep breath as Torres calmed down, announced she was okay for now and then sat down on the other bed, Janeway was just about to open her mouth when Fowler jumped up and said, "Well hell, I can't even cross my arms without feelin' you up!" and B'Elanna started to laugh again. Closing it and having another idea, Janeway started for the Doctor's office as she snapped at Nicole, "Miss Fowler, I said sit down!" When Nicole sighed and said, "I'm sorry, Ma'am," then went back to the biobed, Kathryn entered the Doctor's office and tapped her communicator, saying, "Janeway to Doctor."

"Go ahead."

"Doctor," Kathryn started, rubbing her forehead and returning to the window so she could keep an eye on Fowler for fear B'Elanna would just continue to laugh and make her so angry that she attacked her, "I think it's best if we just release them to their separate quarters right now."

"What's the problem?"

"Well," Janeway informed, "if B'Elanna doesn't stop laughing, Nick's liable to wipe the smile right off her face…if you catch my drift."

"Hmm…yes…alright, but tell them when I get back I'll need to see them again, and if they have any problems, they're to call me right away."

"Acknowledged. Janeway out." Then taking a quick, calming breath, the captain returned to the primary room of Sickbay and said as she started toward Fowler, "Commander, the Doctor says you're free to go back to your cabin." When Nicole looked up at her, Kathryn smiled softly as she put her hands on her upper arms and continued, "If you have any problems, you're to call him immediately, and when he calls you, you're to report back here at once."

"Aye, Captain," the commander nodded quickly.

Keeping Nicole where she was, the captain went on, "Now, I want you to relax and just breath…maybe get some sleep or do your exercises that help you focus. But you're not to destroy anything in your room or instigate a conflict with a member of this crew for any reason…do you understand?" When Fowler tensed some as she nodded, Janeway finished, "If you feel you must, then call me immediately and we'll take you to the holodeck…but you're under direct orders to reign yourself in and deal with this situation like a Starfleet officer, and I will not tolerate anything less from you. Are we clear?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Alright," Janeway said as she dropped her hands and took a step back, "Dismissed."

Sighing, Nicole jumped off the biobed and said as she started away, forcing herself to relax, "Later, Torres…thanks for picking my sorry butt up," then added quickly, mostly under her breath as she stopped and looked around at everything from a much different angle than she was used to, "Lord, talk about the short end of the stick."

"See ya, Nick…oh," she reminded, hopping off her bed as well, "don't drink any of that juice that you like. It turns my stomachs."

Fowler stopped in the doorway, glanced at the captain to make sure she wasn't pushing her luck by remaining in the room for a few more seconds, then asked, "Okay. What can I drink…other than beer?"

Laughing, then biting down on the reaction, feeling like she was starting to get a little better at it, B'Elanna said, "Nothing with smashed tomatoes in it…and no water…Klingons don't drink water." When Janeway cleared her throat, Torres nodded and said, "Alright, you can drink water…just don't drink that juice or you'll puke."

"Alright!" the Klingon yelled, then tensed and held her breath for a second, next sighed and said, still coiled but not shouting, "Got it." Fowler then spun quickly and walked carefully and slow out of the door, clenching her fist and mumbling to herself.

Turning to Janeway, B'Elanna asked, "You're not gonna make me stay cooped up in here…are you?"

"No, you're free to go…same conditions," Kathryn said as she stood in the middle of the room and looked over at her lover, in Fowler's body, whom she missed interacting with so much that a few times she's actually had to stop herself from picking a fight with someone, just so she could feel the similar feeling whenever she and B'Elanna butted heads, which was fairly regularly, although those 'fights' typically lasted less than five minutes before they compromised and then kissed to make-up.

"Good," Torres sighed as she held her stomach and walked toward the captain, "because I feel like I could eat a whole cow." Stopping in front of Janeway, the chief looked down, smiled and said as she snickered, "Wow…you're really short…you know that?" When the captain said, sighing, "B'Elanna…" Torres turned around, looked about and informed, "I think I figured out why Nick smiles all the damn time…it's really cool to be a giant. I mean look at me," she pivoted back to the captain, "I'm an amazon…like better than Xena…I mean no bullshit…I'm huge." Giggling, she said, "It's the freakiest thing…but cool," she said as she made a fist with her new hands and looked at it, amazed, then indulged herself, completely unstoppable since she was feeling rather playful in her admiration for her new stature—Torres having always battled with the fact that she was pretty petite for a Klingon, and used to get picked on because of it when her mother had sent her to a Klingon monastery—and pulled back into a martial arts stance and kicked at the air, saying, "Ayyyaaa!"

Slightly unnerved about how much B'Elanna was enjoying herself in someone else's body, but deciding to just take that as a blessing so that she didn't have to deal with two overly cranky senior officers, Janeway said, trying to stifle her own irritation, "I'm glad that you're not upset…but can you try to focus for a moment so that I can speak with you please."

Chuckling and turning around, Torres' smile faded into a frown at the look on Kathryn's face and said, "Cowgirl, don't look at me in that tone of voice…you know I can't take it." When Kathryn closed her eyes and looked down, rubbing her forehead, took a deep breath and counted to five in her mind, B'Elanna said as she came over to her, put her hands on the captain's shoulder, "Hey, I'm sorry…it's just really weird. I'm not used to feeling like this."

Janeway shook her head and said, calm again, quiet and coarse, "It's alright…it's not your fault." Looking up at her, she said, managing to crack a small lop-sided grin, "I'm just not used to you being so…cheerful," she said politely, "during a crisis."

As she looked down at Janeway, it suddenly dawned on her that she was finally alone with the woman, had her hands on her shoulders, and hadn't kissed her yet. Ignoring the subtle strangeness of not having the fervent desire to do so like before, B'Elanna just went with it anyway because she did want to kiss Kathryn, just not with the same burning flame she'd had before and said, cupping her face, "Hey Red," then leaned down and kissed Kathryn purposefully, who immediately froze.

Speaking against her lover's lips as Janeway completely failed to respond, Torres said as she reached down to the redhead's bottom and lifted her off the ground so she didn't have to bend over so much, "Just go with it."

As her pulse raced quickly due to the shock and inherent unease with this situation, the captain tentatively began kissing back a totally unfamiliar mouth as she hung suspended in the air, but when she felt Torres pull her tighter toward her and ease open her mouth with a subtle moan, Kathryn twitched, then pulled back on her head. Holding her lips together and resting her forehead against the chief's, Janeway whispered after a moment, "I'm sorry." When B'Elanna sighed heavily, but nodded her head, Janeway kicked herself in the pants in her mind for being so adolescent, then said, before she wrapped her arms around B'Elanna's neck and started kissing her back, ignoring the strangeness and just focusing on the knowledge that she was kissing Torres and not Nick, "Oh, I've missed you."

After a few fairly quickly moments, Torres set Janeway back down easily, remembering anyone could walk in on them at anytime and really get the rumor mill into overdrive by witnessing such an event. Standing up straight, but leaving one hand on Janeway's face, Torres smiled and said, "Thanks… I know it's weird, but," she smiled, knowingly and winked at her, "at least it's Nick I got switched with…could've been Byers." When Janeway sighed and shook her head, B'Elanna laughed out loud, then announced, "Kahless, her hand is as big as your face."

When the captain sighed again and began rubbing her forehead, Torres said, "Hey, don't worry…we'll figure it out…I know it." Smiling brightly she said, "The Squad's on the case…so I'm not concerned and in the meantime," she chuckled slightly as she moved away from Janeway, "I'm just gonna enjoy what I can. And," turning back to the captain, she pointed, still smiling, "that's what you should do too." Holding out her arms and spinning around, Torres said, "Look at me…I'm tall, dark, and hunkified…so, why not," she stopped, facing the captain, putting her hands on her hips, "enjoy it if we can?"

Fairly certain now that the previous change in Torres she thought was a blessing, was most certainly a curse, Kathryn sighed and shook her head, having no idea what to say to that. Yes, it was true that she was attracted to Nicole Fowler, that had always been true long before she ever became involved with Seven and Torres, and long before Fowler had become a senior officer, but not only was she not the adulterous type, she was completely in love with her current lovers, planned to stay that way forever, and Miss tall dark and hunkified happened to be a close friend of hers…who she wanted to keep.

"Red, relax," B'Elanna said as she came over to her and sat down next to her, "I'm not saying you wanna jump my bones now that I'm in Nick's body…I'm just saying," she put her arm around her, "that if you wanna kiss me, or be close to me during all of this…you can, and I won't mind if you enjoy it because I'm beefy." When Kathryn expelled the air from her chest, shook her head, then looked over her and pursed her lips, B'Elanna said, pointing at her, "Don't lie, KJ…it doesn't work for you." Then to hopefully set any fears Kathryn may have at ease, Torres said, wanting the captain to be perfectly clear where she stood in life about this issue, "Hey, it's cool. There's plenty of people I've thought about kissing before. I even used to be pretty hung up on the old man." When Janeway seemed stunned, but clearly not upset, B'Elanna sighed and requested, seriously, "Please don't ever tell him that…I never did and I got over it."

Never having known that, Kathryn placed her hand on Torres thigh, and whispered, squeezing gently, "I won't…I promise."

"Anyway," B'Elanna perked up, standing up again, "my point is that just because you like the merchandise, doesn't mean you plan to buy the product, and if you get to sample the goods…honorably…once in your life…why not? I don't mind. I know you love me…and that's not taking you for granted, that's knowing you and loving you and having faith in us…see how that works."

Shaking her head, Janeway said, in awe of B'Elanna, who continually surprised her over and over again, "Alright. I'll try not to…freak out," she smirked fairly convincingly, "if you kiss me again," not bothering to question as to why Torres hasn't attempted to do so until now, and just hoped that meant they could spend a little more time together than they had been recently, as well as holding onto that thought as the silver lining to this new cloud. "Although, don't kick me if I do…alright?" When B'Elanna laughed and shook her head, smiling brightly, Janeway reminded, "However, I think there's one part of this you're forgetting…Seven."

Still not concerned, Torres said, "It'll be cool. I'll talk to her and we'll work it out…besides," she smiled again as she came closer Janeway, "dollface likes Nick, and she loves me and she'll probably have us switched back before the end of the day." Then leaning over and kissing Janeway again fairly quickly, the good captain still tensing on instinct, but not as bad as the last time, B'Elanna pulled away, then finished, "Okay, now I really have to go eat a cow before I fall down and hurt Nick's body."

"Alright," Janeway said soft, looking down for a moment. Then forcing herself to relax, she looked back up and said, "We'll figure it out."

"I know you will," Torres said, turning and walking away, "you're Kathryn F'ing Janeway…the kick-ass and take names starship captain." Laughing out loud as she made a fist and started for the door, B'Elanna shook her head as she looked down and said to herself, "I bet you can break more than a few noses with that monster."

As the door closed to Sickbay, Janeway took a deep breath, then exhaled audibly, looking up to the ceiling, and finally whispered before she left the room, "Please don't let this be permanent."


"The time is 0700 hours," announced the ship's computer three days later as the lights in the fairly small cabin on Deck Ten were illuminated to a quarter of their full brillance.

Opening her green eyes quickly as she instinctively rolled over, B'Elanna Torres mumbled, "Hiya, dollface," but then pushed her head up when Seven of Nine was no where to be seen, again, and all she was greeted with was one of her pillows instead.

"Fuck," Torres allowed softly and without the harshness the curse would normally have to it while she pushed herself up, then groaned loudly at the stiffness in her back and neck. Standing and forcing herself to stretch even though it was uncomfortable, B'Elanna grumbled as she padded over to her bathroom, "Fowler, I'm really starting to hate you."

When she stubbed her toe on a pair of boots she'd left scattered about the floor, Torres said, "Ouch!" then "Fuck!" which, although it came out in Fowler's voice, sounded much more like the Torres of old. Limping into the bathroom, scowling, B'Elanna said, "You'd think that with all this beef, I wouldn't feel a goddamn thing…but noooo."

Sitting down on the toilet, not having to remove any clothing since she no longer was chilled all the time, the chief continued on with her grumbling as she used the facilities, "And you know what stinks the worst…other than your shit," grabbing a handful of toilet paper, "is having to wipe your two ton ass. You know, if you didn't have to eat so goddamn much…you might not shit as much as a targ…and then I wouldn't have to run to the bathroom right in the middle of system's test before I crapped in my pants….but noooo…you have to have the fastest digestive system in the known galaxy."

Once she'd done her biological duty, Torres stood up and said, looking down at herself while the toilet automatically flushed, "And look at me…I look like someone's used me as a punching bag," speaking of the series of bruises she had on her chest, hips, knees, shins and forearms since suddenly being not nearly as compact proved not to be as 'wicked cool' as she first thought considering she was the lead engineer and accustomed to getting in and out of tight little spots that most of her staff wasn't small, flexible, and dexterous enough to manage…and now she was more sizeable than all of them, and her hands were so big, if she didn't pay very close attention to her fingers, she'd press all of the wrong sensors and cause a whole new series of issues. And if that wasn't bad enough, there was the increasingly disturbing fact that they hadn't made much progress at all as far as figuring out what had caused the problem, let alone how to undo it. And, on top of all of that, her partner, Seven of Nine, still hadn't spent one evening with her, and pretty much did everything in her power to make certain they were never alone together in the same room.

When the chief had questioned Seven about it yesterday, she had stated that returning to their quarters during the evening was inefficient and that she would simply continue to work on a solution, then regenerate when she was required to do so, utilizing her alcove, which kept her from becoming fatigued after pulling a double-shift. Even though that reasoning was beginning to bother the now fully human engineer, she didn't feel she should argue with Seven since she certainly appreciated all of the blonde's hard work, and she certainly was ready to return to her own body…and her own life it seemed, because as Torres was fond of saying, everything these days was just, "Back-ass-wards."

Normally, Torres would assume that even if Seven was showing resistance toward her, she could handle it okay since Janeway was there for her, but not only was Kathryn in full-captain mode these days, which meant she expressed her affection physically much more rarely than if she weren't in such a state, but they were all still trying to keep up their charade that they'd ended their romantic relationship, so that meant that she couldn't go to the redhead for comfort any faster than she could go to Seven. Kathryn had been kind enough to send her a personal memo yesterday to check up on her and remind her that they were doing everything in their power to figure this out, around the clock, and that she loved her, but that kind of thing just reminded her that she couldn't just go up to the woman and kiss her anymore. She couldn't do that because not only would that break the rules of Operation Foxfire—although Kathryn had never said she couldn't kiss her in situations when they were in complete private, but B'Elanna, prior to this incident, believed they should refrain and make the break-up as real as possible— but considering every time she'd been in the woman's company since she'd kissed her, Janeway had stayed at more than an arm's reach and pretty much gave off signals with her body language that she wasn't currently open to that kind of affectionate expression.

The chief wasn't certain why she'd suddenly decided to give in a kiss the captain yesterday, but for some reason she hadn't felt as certain about her ideas of keeping her distance, nor did she feel as required to prove her toughness or her ability to see the operation through to the end.

Again, B'Elanna figured she wouldn't feel so terrible about Janeway's unease if Seven of Nine was there to compensate, but now she didn't have anyone…not really even her best friend because, although Nicole wasn't fairing as bad as before and had returned to duty, things were still tense all of the time around the helmsman. What was really sad was that she seemed to be getting more caring support from Samantha Wildman, who dropped in every day to Engineering to look in on her and ask how she was doing, and if Torres didn't understand the reasoning behind that, she figured she'd be rather pleased since they seemed to be truly getting over any past issues they had with the other…but since she knew Sam was only doing that because she was in her lover's body, it didn't make her feel any more loved…and that was something that Torres wasn't used to feeling anymore. She'd felt that way most of her life…but hadn't truly felt that way in almost a year…so the sensation was definitely unwelcomed and troublesome.

Sighing as she turned toward the shower, Torres hung her head as she opened the door and said, "Christ, now instead of prone to being 'testy'…I'm a depressed sap."

The chief lifted her head a split second before her forehead met the upper railing of the shower door, but not fast enough to keep herself from smacking right into the metal frame. "Ahhh! Fuckin' shit!" Torres yelled a moment after her head made impact and she snapped it back. Bringing up her hand to her flat forehead out of instinct, she clinched her jaw and said as she drew her hand back, "Move!"

When she brought her fist around and drove her palm into the bottom of the square rod, which then groaned under the assault and bent upward significantly, Torres huffed, swished the hair out of her face as she winced in pain, then said as she saw the damage that she'd created, remembering how Fowler had cracked the rock in half just a few days before, "That's no bullshit," since she'd definitely, at that moment, only been focused on moving the rod out of her way.

Shaking out her hand that was now throbbing under the impact at her wrist, B'Elanna tentatively stepped into the shower, and said, looking up at the damage, "Kahless," then yelled as she turned on the water, and by habit selected the rather warm spray that she utilized whenever she didn't shower with Seven, "Ahhh….hot!"


"The time is 0700 hours," announced the ship's computer in the quaint cabin on Deck Three as the lights were brought up to a quarter.

Curled up in a ball, slightly chilled even though she was wearing two shirts, sweat pants, and socks, Command Fowler opened her heavy brown eyes slowly and snarled in her throat at the rude awakening. Then throwing the covers off of her quickly, she jumped to her feet on the bed, twisted her torso several times, then hopped down to the floor smoothly. Leaning down on her hands, she kicked her feet out behind her and started doing her ritualistic set of a hundred push-ups that she'd been doing to start her day for almost ten years, although during the last two mornings, she'd practically collapsed when she'd reached seventy, but this morning she was determined to do all one hundred since she'd found that the more she tired out her body, the less likely she was to get angry. It made her prone to bouts of uncontrollable, weepy sadness, but at least that was better than having the desire to rearrange everyone's face.

"Twenty…two-one…two-two…two-three," Fowler counted off quietly, breathing easily and correctly, focusing on only what she was doing, and demanding that she keep going even though every time she came down toward the floor, her breasts touched the surface for a brief moment, which irritated her since she'd just recently finally gotten rid of what breasts she'd had, and now she had much larger breasts than she'd ever had…and she never asked for them…nor did she like them, since they just got in her way. She liked them very much, but only on other females since Nick didn't really think of herself as female, or male…she was just Nick, and that's how she'd always been.

Many things about Fowler were consistent; other than attentive and dutiful, that was how she was often described. She just didn't change much. Most of the time that soothed her, and others around her, which she appreciated, but there were aspects about her resistance to really, truly changing that vexed her because they were the concepts that seemed to continually jump out of the shadows and test her mettle.

As she reached fifty and could feel herself tiring quickly, Fowler clenched her jaw and concentrated on not thinking about that. Although, truth be known, the loss of her height and some of her physical prowess wasn't the most difficult thing about this for Nicole, since although Torres wasn't as strong as she was, she was still powerful, and certainly more flexible, so Nicole had found that there were parts of her martial arts maneuvers that she'd been practicing until she collapsed from exhaustion, that were actually easier for her to accomplish. In some ways she was now quicker, since her instincts to fight were definitely much sharper, and it was easier for her to get inside an enemy's space and hit them hard, low and fast, which she'd never been able to do unless she was on her knees. So, even though Fowler overall still preferred her own height, she felt that this experience might be good for her form and teach her a few techniques she'd not been able to visualize before because she hadn't been this short since she was in grade school. And the fact that she couldn't play her guitar, "worth squat," anymore, although definitely disturbing, wasn't nearly as bad as the fact that right now, she couldn't let herself be around the one person's sensitivity and kindness she needed more than anyone's: Samantha Wildman.

There were several reasons for that: one, Sam was clearly uneasy around her whenever they were in the same room. Two, even if the scientist was comfortable with her in B'Elanna's volatile body, Fowler didn't think she was comfortable expressing her affection to a lover while in someone else's body. And three, there was the increasingly worsening desire in her to have sex...and 'making love' wasn't how she'd describe the process she wanted to engage in. Nicole wasn't certain what was going on with her, but whenever she saw Sam, she had the most maddening impulse to grab her, shred her clothing and take her completely, without permission, but with negligence…and that kind of behavior just wasn't okay with Fowler…not at all.

She'd always prided herself on being a 'gentlemen' and that was especially true after Francis Sheldon, and although since then she'd engage in plenty of athletic intimate moments, some of them even with Sam, she'd never been rough and refused to do so…even to the extent that when one of her short-term love affairs had requested one night that Fowler tie her hands up and "ravish" her, Nicole had seriously balked, put on her clothes and ended the evening at that very moment without regret, even though it typically wasn't her style to not follow through with her intentions, and she'd intended to sleep with her that night since it was only a one-night engagement between she and Anna Himmler, a theater actress who she'd met on her two day trip to Berlin. So, no matter how much she understood that part of the desire was due to her now half-Klingon physiology, that didn't make it any more okay for Nicole to have those kinds of notions toward a woman she respected and cared about as much as Samantha Wildman. It wasn't acceptable for her to have those feelings toward anyone, in truth, but especially toward her ladyfriend, who she constantly did everything in her power to make her feel absolutely cherished and respected when they were together.

She wasn't sure if this desire was worse for her than B'Elanna because Torres had a lifetime to adapt to it, or if it was some side-effect to all of this craziness, but the fact that she actually wanted aggressive sex certainly wasn't helping her already caustic temper, which again was another aspect to this whole experience that was wearing on the brunette…especially when all of the work she'd done with herself all those years ago to deal with her anger, focus it and then finally release, most of it, wasn't working at all. No matter what she did, she couldn't stop herself from getting downright pissed…pissed about the stupidest little things. And Fowler knew they were small and insignificant, and furthermore knew that before they wouldn't have even phased her, but now they made her want to drive her fist through a wall, or jump someone and either break their face or curse at them until they tried to hit her back. It was infuriating to her…this desire to fight all the time…and thus the cycle of anger just continued and continued…relentless.

Nicole knew a lot about anger and its corrosive properties, especially with regards to her own mental health, so she didn't like to have anything to do with it anymore. It always sent her into a headfirst, downward spiral, and she, to this day, continued to live some of the consequences of her actions from her fall from grace nearly fourteen years ago. That wasn't something Fowler ever wanted to re-experience again, not even in someone else's body. She'd been as low as she'd ever been at that time, and anger was a big part of that, so it rather scared her to feel even a shred of the pure hatred she'd felt back then.

However, there seemed to be one thing that she could continue to do to stave off these feelings until this situation was remedied, and that was to exercise…so that's what she did, every chance she got.

Grunting and starting to shake as she past eighty and continued right on, although her movements grew smaller and smaller with each series, Fowler snarled at her own weakness, instinctively hating to feel that way, and said before she even realized what she was saying, "Klingons…don't…quit!"

Then falling to the floor in a lump of sweaty tense exhaustion, Fowler growled as she pounded on the floor with her fist, "You're not Klingon, Fowler…but you are real dumb sometimes!"

Once she'd managed to get her breathing under control, Fowler pushed herself to her knees, shook out the tiredness in her arms as much as she could, then reached under her bed and pulled out her padded mat, not really giving herself much time to recover, which was an ingrained habit she had to keep pushing herself. Lying back on it, she gently supported her neck with her hand and then continued on with her fairly quick routine of one hundred crunches, which she knew from experience she wouldn't have a problem completing since they didn't require nearly the same amount of strength as push-ups, and other than Torres' back and shoulder muscles, her abdomen was the next most developed region of her body. Finishing those up fairly quickly, and breathing through the slight burning sensation that arose toward the end, noticing that pain wasn't as unwelcome of an experience as it used to be, Fowler slid her mat back under her bed. Getting to her feet, she snatched up the extra blanket that she'd put on her bed, not yet ready to give in and just raise the temperature in the quarters, and folded it. After she set it aside, she made her lengthy bed, straightened all the wrinkles out of it, tucked in the sides underneath the mattress, and then set the folded blanket at the end.

That being done, she snatched up her water glass from her nightstand, took a long, healthy swig, then took that to her replicator and searched her quarters quickly for anything that she'd forgot to put away the night before. Once she was certain her quarters were as tidy as she believed they ought to be for a Starfleet officer, she started to the bathroom, and before she really realized it, she was jogging the last few steps, uncertain why she constantly had the urge to run, but figuring maybe it was because her stride wasn't as long as it used to be. Snatching up her hairbrush, frowning when it was full of Torres' much thicker, much darker, wavier hair, Fowler pulled it through her now shorter mane, this head of hair only reaching two centimeters past her shoulder. Once she'd gotten all of the knots out of it, she glanced into the mirror and frowned when she noticed that suddenly her hair was much bushier and frizzy than it typically was…and frankly, didn't look good. Nick might not have been a 'girly girl,' but she certainly cared about her appearance and always kept it up, just like her quarters...she just didn't make-up her face since she had naturally nice, tan skin as well as attractive facial features, and she never tried to curl her hair since it was as straight as a board and wouldn't hold a curl for anything. She did wear a clear lip-gloss often to keep her lips in good condition, and she was rather particular about her manicure, even though her nails were clipped short.

Scowling, she pulled out the hair from her brush, and muttered as she took the small handful to the toilet, throwing it inside, "A horny, fur ball…that's what I've turned into to."

Pulling off her clothes, realizing that she didn't feel the need to urinate right away, Fowler scoffed, "Christ, girl, don't you ever pee? It's a damn wonder you don't wet your shorts with all the beer you drink," forgetting that Torres has two bladders, and her physiology didn't produce as much bodily waste.

Catching a chill almost immediately, Nicole resisted the urge to cross her arms over her chest to help since every time she did that she got a handful of firm bosom, and since they weren't really her breasts, but the breasts of her best friend, she didn't feel so comfortable touching them unless she couldn't help it, which was true for whenever she showered and then changed, and actually had to wear a bra, and not just for show, like she used to. Then stepping into the shower, and hopping a little as the cold tile impacted with her bare feet, Fowler said, "Cold…oh, cold," as she adjusted the water temperature to something much warmer than she preferred, then sighed with relief and said, "Praise the Lord for heat," as the hot water impacted with her shivering body.


"The time is 0700 hours," announced the ship's computer in the sizeable quarters on Deck Three as the lights were brought up to a minimum.

As the redhead blinked open her crystalline eyes and yawned quickly, pulling her hand over her mouth, she realized that no one was snuggling, tickling, or kissing her head, which was usually what happened whenever she slept in this bed. Pushing herself up into a sitting position, she glanced around the room, and then called out, "Captain?"

"In here," Janeway informed from where she sat at her desk and examined the latest data Seven had sent her way on the transporter issue, which was causing some rather big problems, other than the obvious because currently they couldn't risk using the device at all, so not only were the scientists aboard not able to finish their excavation yet, but they couldn't beam down to the surface to investigate that end of the issue. Thanks to the construction of the new shuttle, there was no room for another craft to move in an out of the Shuttle Bay, which had been a non-issue until just two days ago considering they were still in orbit, and would remain so for quite some time, so they didn't plan on using them. So, today, she was going to have to do something she wasn't sure she wanted to do: land her ship on the surface without her most experienced pilot, since he'd been over on the Alaxiat for the day, beefing up his skills on First Regal Devin's yacht, which, unfortunately, wasn't built to enter any sort of atmosphere since the Fynth's Defenders spent all of their time in space, and took transport ship's to their homeworld after docking at their primary space station. If Nicole Fowler wasn't currently in B'Elanna Torres' body, then she wouldn't worry about it because she knew the woman was a fine pilot in her own right, and even though she'd never actually landed the ship, she'd practiced it enough times in the simulator that Janeway felt comfortable with having her perform the delicate task. However, Fowler was in B'Elanna's body, and not only did that make her more tense than normal, she was using someone else's hands, with someone else's reflexes. So, she was going to allow Fowler to do the piloting in an attempt to help the woman with her confidence and make her feel like even though things were truly backwards right now, she was still a capable officer who had her captain's unwavering support, but the captain was planning to stand right next to her the whole time just in case things didn't go well and she had to take over for the pilot. She didn't honestly expect that to happen because Nicole seemed to be responding to her well as an authority figure, and she believed all she had to do was tell Fowler to relax and that she, Janeway, knew she could do it, but a good captain was a prepared one, so Janeway had, out of duty, to remain close.

When she heard the shuffling of feet approaching from behind her, Kathryn, already primped and dressed in her uniform, glanced over her shoulder and greeted, smiling at her guest, "Good morning, sleepy head." When Naomi giggled and stopped next to her, Janeway put one arm around her, kissed her temple, noticing that Naomi had grown a little taller in recent weeks, and then asked, absently rubbing her back, "Did you sleep alright?"

"Mmmhmm," Naomi yawned, covering her mouth again as her mother had taught her. Then looking over at the captain, she asked, "How come you're awake already?" Before Janeway answered, she asked, nervous, "I didn't kick you, did I?" Sighing quickly and looking down, Naomi said, "Sometimes I have bad dreams when I grow a lot 'cause my legs hurt."

Remaining cheerful for the child, but compassionate and warm, Janeway said as she rubbed her back, "You didn't waked me up at all…I just wanted to get an early start. We're going to land the ship today, so there were a few things I wanted to take care of before we tackle that."

"We are?" Naomi said, quickly excited and game, not feeling so subdued this morning because one, she loved her private time with Janeway, understanding that it was a very special privilege indeed, and two, she wasn't experiencing any growing pains currently, which hurt her so bad sometimes all she could do was cry and wish to be 'normal' while her mother massaged her muscles with pain relieving cream and sang to her. Those were about the only times Naomi didn't like growing up; the rest of the time she just wanted it to hurry along faster so she could work on the Bridge with her hero and learn how to be just like her. "Does that mean I can go on the surface for a little while?"

Janeway forced herself not to frown when she said, "Not right now, honey…it's too dangerous. We need to find out what caused the transporter accident before any of us can play." When Naomi sighed and then nodded, accepting that, Janeway patted her bottom and said, "Why don't you go make us breakfast…I've been waiting for you."

"Okay," the child bounced, over her melancholy, then turned and zipped over to the table. Scooting the chair over to the replicator, she climbed up on it, not quite tall enough yet to reach into the grid to retrieve her items, but getting their quickly thanks to her slightly increased growth process due to her half-Katarian physiology, then asked, already knowing what Janeway wanted her to make, "Who's gonna fly the ship?"

As the child requested two orange-cranberry muffins from the replicator, Janeway pulled her coffee from her lips and answered, "Nick."

Jumping down from the chair, carrying the muffins, Naomi trotted over to Janeway's desk, figuring it would be fine to eat there since she could just sit in Seven's old spot, that although empty of her display items, was still present, and reminded, "But she's B'Elanna Torres right now…I didn't know she knew how to fly the ship too."

While Naomi set down the contents of her hands and then started back toward the replicator, Kathryn said, "Well, no, B'Elanna doesn't really know how to pilot a starship…at least not well," Janeway added, smirking, "but Nick's only in B'Elanna's body…she's still Nick. She still has all of her knowledge…they've just switched."

Carefully climbing down from the chair with her glass of milk and two napkins, Naomi dragged the chair back to the table with one hand as she said, "Then how come," she went on as she came back to the desk, "Mommy says that Nick's sad 'cause she can't play her guitar right now?"

Not having known that, Kathryn didn't let that concern show on her face, worried immediately that perhaps Fowler wouldn't be able to pilot the ship and said, instead, thinking fast, "Well, I'm not sure, but it's probably because B'Elanna's fingers don't have calluses on the tips like Nick's do." As Naomi sat down and folded a napkin on her lap, Janeway snatched up the spare one and went on, rather convincing in her logic, "Guitar players have to build up calluses on their fingers or it hurts them when they play…that's how she can play so long and fast without it bothering her."

Frowning some as she took a bit of her muffin, the child asked, "Does that mean if I want to play like Nick…I have to have calluses too?"

"Mmmhmm…it's part of the process your body undergoes to adapt to the constant use of your fingers."

After chewing for a few seconds, Naomi snapped her fingers as she swallowed and said, "I know, I can get Seven to make a Borg hand for me that I can wear so I don't have to get calluses…and then I can play really fast too…even faster than Nick, I bet."

Chuckling, not bothering to explain to the child that probably the only reason Seven hadn't picked up playing the guitar was because her 'Borg hand' made it impossible for her to play without snapping or wearing down the strings, Kathryn nodded and said instead, impressed by her thought-processes, "That's very clever, Miss Wildman…good thinking. Although," she smirked, "don't be surprised if Nick tells you that's taking the easy way out. She strikes me as a purist when it comes to music."

"Is that like a Traditionalist?"

"Yes…sort of like that."



Setting down her muffin, Naomi turned serious and asked as she looked down into her lap, "If Mommy and Seven can't figure out how to switch them back…does that mean Mommy won't love Nick anymore…like how you have to pretend not to love Seven and B'Elanna Torres anymore?"

Blinking, Kathryn set her mug down and questioned softly, "Who told you I'm pretending not to love them anymore?" Janeway never had. She'd merely said she was doing her duty and that had to come first so she couldn't be involved, which Naomi had seemed to understand rather well for some reason.

Naomi smiled as she looked up and said, "No one." Then shaking her head quickly, she vowed, "I won't tell anyone, Captain…on my honor. I won't screw up your mission."

Janeway frowned and said in a parental tone, taking care of this issue first, certain she knew who the child had picked up the word from, "Miss Wildman, screw isn't a nice word for a young lady to say in that context…it's only acceptable to use it when you're talking about the noun, screw…like a screw that holds something together…or the verb, to screw…like to screw the top onto a jar. Anything else is considered slang…and it's not appropriate for you to use." When Naomi opened her mouth, saying, "But…" Kathryn continued quickly, figuring this tactic would work perfectly, "I know you've heard other people use it, but if you want to be a captain, you've got to be diligent about choosing your words carefully so you don't offend anyone." Taking with her hands, she explained, "You've got to be diplomatic and polite when at all possible…it's required to be successful and respected." As the child nodded, Kathryn finished, "So…next time try, 'I won't compromise your mission.'"

"Yes, Captain," Naomi nodded with purpose, responsive and trusting that Janeway was correct above all others. Then smiling, she said, "I won't compromise your mission."

Smirking and nodding, Kathryn leaned forward and asked, "Thank you…but how do you know what my mission is?"

"Because you're doing your duty and will take care of everything," Naomi came right back, completely serious. "So, I…deduced," having learned that term from Seven, "that it was like a secret assignment…that you couldn't tell anyone…not even Seven and B'Elanna Torres. So, you have to pretend you don't love them, and that's why you can't see me except in private, because you can't tell anyone and compromise your mission."

For a moment Kathryn Janeway just stared amazed at Naomi, until it hit her what was causing her to feel so strange: she was having a conversation with a child about duty, the importance of that, and why she couldn't explain some things even to people she loved…and even though the circumstances weren't the same, her reasoning sounded eerily similar to the same things her father used to tell her as a child and young adult whenever he had to cut a vacation short and leave for months at a time. And suddenly, when that kind of realization would have disturbed her greatly a month ago, she all at once took solace in it because now she truly and completely understood why her father had done what he'd done by being fairly absent: he was trying to make a better life for his family…a truly better life, and not just one that was ignorant to hidden dangers.

"Was that wrong too?" the youngest Wildman asked when Janeway just continued to look at her like she'd never seen her look at her before.

Blinking, Janeway said in a whisper, "No…you're absolutely right...although, Seven and B'Elanna know about my mission and are helping me." When Naomi sighed and then smiled, saying, "Okay," Janeway questioned as she sat back, "Does knowing that make you feel better…or worse?"

"It makes me feel better, Captain," Naomi reported happily, snatching up her milk as Janeway took her coffee, "'cause," stopping herself, she correct, "because I know you're being the captain…and you're a good captain, and that means everything will be fixed when you're done with your mission."

Nodding and then shaking her head, Kathryn returned as she set her mug down and pulled a piece of her muffin apart, "Well, thank you for your support, Miss Wildman…but, I've got to tell you, you should be very proud of yourself for how you're handling this. Keep it up," she added before she popped the bite into her mouth, and after she chewed for a moment, she explained further, "and you'll go as far as you want in Starfleet."

"Aye, Captain," Noami nodded, taking a bite, then reminded, "Captain…but what about Mommy and Nick? Will they have to pretend too?"

"No," Janeway said surely, "because we'll figure it out and switch them back." Seriously, she explained, "Something had to cause the accident. So, that means all we have to do it find out what that thing was, then we'll reverse engineer the problem. Do you know what that means?"

Bouncing on her bottom once, Naomi said, "That means you start and the end…or the result…and go backwards to the beginning to find what you're looking for. The chief taught me that last week."

"Exactly," Janeway nodded, smiling, "So, we find out what caused it, then work our way backward until we figure out how to undo it…or possibly, how to recreate the situation, which will switch them again. Since there's only two of them, it works the same."

"When are we going to do that?"

Smiling, Janeway pointed at Naomi's plate and said, "Right after breakfast," then sat with the contentment that although Naomi might not be a Janeway, per se, she was still doing her duty to pass along all that she knew about life to her first born child—in this case, it was Voyager's first born child—just like her grandfather and father had all those years ago. Kathryn wasn't sure she'd ever have time to bare children, but she figured that the Janeway name didn't nearly mean as much as the knowledge that came behind it, and honestly, she wasn't certain even a child of her own could be a more apt student then this little girl right in front of her.


"Did you want chili pepper with that?" asked the ship's cook and moral officer, Neelix, a Talaxian.

"No," Nicole Fowler replied as she shook her head and picked up her plate. Since the whole crew was now aware of the transporter accident and that she and B'Elanna were switched, she understood the question considering this was her first time coming to the Mess Hall for breakfast since being swapped. When Neelix told her it wasn't a problem and he had some right here waiting for her, Fowler resisted the urge to bite his head off for making her repeat herself and said instead, "No, it's okay." Then sighing, she explained, "Torres' body isn't used to eating spicy food…I already found that out yesterday. But why don't you keep it out in case she comes in here. Maybe she'll want some now?"

"Of course, Commander," Neelix said, nodding and backing away since he could tell Fowler was flustered considering she was always polite. Then resisting the urge to tell her he'd like what she'd done with B'Elanna's hair since she was wearing it in two braids that converged at the base of her neck and was secured with her typical hair-tie, but the bottom was left to poof out freely, the Talaxian said, instead, "Enjoy your breakfast."

Turning around, Fowler sighed when two ensigns that had been sitting at the table she and Torres typically utilized got up quickly and migrated to another, next shook her head and made her way over there, deciding not to say anything to them either way and just let it go. As she sat down with her back to the window, wanting to be prepared for anyone that might approach her, especially Samantha Wildman, Nicole grabbed her coffee as she placed her napkin in her lap, then scrunched her face as she forced herself to drink the plain liquid and not add anything else to it since she had a personal aversion to creamed coffee and honestly thought it was bad as putting ketchup on steak. Normally, she'd just refrain from drinking it, but considering she had to land the ship in less than two hours and she was constantly waking up in the middle of the night from either being cold or because she was restless, she knew she'd need it to keep herself sharp. After several burning gulps, she set it down, shook her head at the bitterness, which tasted just terrible to her, and picked up her fork. As she took her first bite of the eggs, Fowler's face turned even more unsettling as she suddenly felt like the she was eating something akin to "snot."

While she put her fork down, grabbed her napkin and spit out the contents of her mouth into it, then snatched up her coffee, B'Elanna Torres came into the Mess Hall, demanding food as she unkindly forearmed Ensign Yates out of her way, those two women never having gotten along from day one. Torres might not be a Klingon anymore, but she still had the habitual mindset of one, so even though it wasn't her typical fierceness driving her, but rather her hunger, the result was pretty much the same.

Reaching over the counter and grabbing a biscuit, then taking a huge bite, Torres sighed in relief as she chewed, then nodded and said, as she swallowed, "Thanks. Kahless, I thought I was going to die." Stuffing the rest of the bakery item into her mouth, Torres said, moving her hand toward her a couple of times as the cook dished up her food, with her mouth half-full, "More…more."

As he handed B'Elanna her plate that was piled high, even more than he typically gave Fowler, but certainly not about to argue with the hungry giant, Neelix asked, "Did you want some chili pepper with that…Nick always likes it?"

Bringing her tray to her nose and sniffing it, then sighing when she didn't smell much of anything since Fowler's olfactory system wasn't nearly as acute as hers was, B'Elanna used her fingers, picked up a hunk of scrambled egg, popped it into her mouth, and then said, "Mmm…okay…maybe just a little...tastes kind of bland." When Neelix frowned at her, she asked, "What?"

Neelix pointed to her forehead, then his own and explained, "You've got some…something…"

By habit B'Elanna drew her hand to her forehead. Feeling the tender area instead of her ridges, which was psychologically unnerving to her since as a child she used to wear hats and scarfs to conceal them in her attempt to pass for a human, she said, "Oh, right…no, it's just a bruise. I hit my head this morning."

Not bothering to ask how or why she hadn't gone to see the Doctor since even though she wasn't Klingon any more, she was still operating under their rules, and even still wearing her shield, which looked like she had to have resized for the time being, Neelix asked, as he sprinkled the red powder on her eggs, "Are you all any closer to figuring out what's caused this?"

"No, but," she said as she picked up her coffee cup and took a healthy swig, having switched to black coffee since when she'd ordered cream in it yesterday, she felt like she was drinking water, "we're landing the ship today to check out the surface for clues…so maybe we'll get lucky?"

"Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you both," Neelix said surely.

Reaching over the counter and smacking his shoulder, B'Elanna winced some when he was moved over a step, and said, "Oops …sorry…I didn't mean to do it that hard." When Neelix rubbed his arm, but laughed and said it was fine, Torres snorted in laughter, then sighed at the continued desire to laugh, and said, shaking her head, "Thanks Neelix…sorry again. I keep forgetting how strong she is. You should see the number I did on my shower rail this morning…sucker didn't no what hit it…literally."

Torres shook her head as Neelix chuckled in delight and told her to enjoy her breakfast and that there was plenty more if she needed it, then turned and started toward her table where Fowler was sitting. When Nicole looked up and scowled at her, then asked her what she did to her forehead, Torres laughed and said as she sat, "I ran into my shower on accident."

"Well go get it fixed!"

"Will you relax already?" Torres came back, moving her napkin off to the side. "Kahless, it's just a bruise." After digging into her food quickly since she was still famished, B'Elanna reported after a few bites of her eggs, "Hey, that's not bad." Then looking over to Fowler's plate, which Nicole was picking at, she asked, "How's yours…snotty?"

"I thought you liked eggs?"

"I've gotten used to them."

When Fowler dropped her fork and pushed her plate away, went to cross her arms, and then stopped herself, B'Elanna said as she stood, "I know…give me a minute." After returning from the replicator and accessing her personal database, she set down the plate in front of her blood sister and said, "Here…eat those…they've been my favorite since I was a kid."

As she picked up the plate and smelled them, Fowler asked, "What kind of pancakes are these anyway?"

"Banana…my grandmother used to make them for me."

"I can't eat bananas…too much potassium…makes me jumpy," Fowler reported, flat and not interested.

"Well, it won't right now," Torres reminded, pushing the plate closer to her friend. "Go on, eat'em…trust me…you'll love'em."

"Alright already!" Fowler growled, snatching up the fork and knife and cutting into the cakes haphazardly. Then taking a quick bite, looking completely non enthused, her temper abated fairly quickly as she chewed more and then said, "Hey…hey, these aren't bad."

Smiling and nodding, Torres said, "See…all you gotta do is trust me."

Managing a smile, Fowler looked up and was about to thank B'Elanna and tell her she'd missed her when Samantha Wildman came through the door to the Mess Hall, which quickly made Nicole's smiled fade. Looking down quickly, and grabbing her coffee, she said quietly when Torres asked her what was wrong, "Sam's here." Then swallowing down her drink, she coughed some and spat, "Christ almighty, that's bad." Looking up, she asked, "What else do you drink that has caffeine?"

"Nothing," B'Elanna answered after she swallowed a mouthful. "Why don't you just put some cream in it?"

"Because I don't want cream in it!" When the chief started laughing, then covered her mouth and looked at her wide-eyed, Fowler demanded, slamming her hand down on the table, unaware that the whole room was watching them now, "What the hell's so funny!"

Snorting some, and then stifling down her laugh, B'Elanna said, "Nothing…nothing…just ignore me."


"Kahless, Nick…chill the fuck out already…you're making me look bad," Torres whispered, raspy, leaning forward a little.

As Fowler snarled at the engineer and stood up halfway, Samantha, who was watching, worried, marched over to their table quickly and schooled on instinct, "Nick Fowler…sit down this instant." When Fowler turned her glare to her and blinked, surprised, she added pleasantly and nervous, "Please and thank you, Commander...?"

While Nicole relented and B'Elanna sighed, then relaxed and shook her head, Samantha stopped next to the table, placed her hands on her hips in a very scolding fashion as she looked across the table to the other officers that were clearly gawking. When they then turned back around, Wildman sighed and whispered before she sat next to Fowler, "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you…I just don't want you to get into trouble with the captain."

"It's fine," Fowler said, tense, as she scooted over to put more distance between she and her girlfriend. "Thanks and," looking up to Torres, "I'm sorry, T." Shaking her head, she muttered, "Don't take it personal."

"It's cool, Nick," B'Elanna said a little more tense than she wished she would have sounded, "I understand."

"What happened to your head?" asked the scientist as she looked over to B'Elanna.

Sighing, and then snickering, the chief reported that she'd hit her head for the third time today. When both Fowler and Sam frowned at her, B'Elanna sighed and rolled her eyes, then said, "Alright, alright…if it will make you happy, I'll go to Sickbay after breakfast…okay?"

"Lord, Sam…I'm sorry. Here," Fowler said as she moved her first plate of food over to the woman as she stood up, realizing her temper tantrum had kept the scientist from getting nutrition for herself, "eat that before it gets cold." Handing the blonde her coffee and fork, she added before she left to go get a spare for herself, "You can have mine…I'll go get more."

Wildman resisted the urge to sigh, then simply nodded and said, "Thank you." As Fowler walked away and Torres chuckled mildly, shaking her head, Sam sighed, shaking her head as well and said, "I guess some things never change."

"Thanks for breaking in when you did," B'Elanna said quietly, after taking a sip of her coffee. "I know you didn't do it for me, but I'm grateful anyway. I don't want any trouble either."

Looking at B'Elanna in Fowler's body as the engineer looked down at her plate and returned to her shoveling of food, Wildman forced herself not to frown, then said as she pushed her food away and decided to share with Nick, hoping that would help Fowler feel better since she knew she'd been acting entirely too selfish in the last few days by staying away from her girlfriend when she probably needed her the most, "Well, I don't like to see anybody fight, especially best friends." After taking a taste of the pancakes, Wildman mumbled, "Mmm…those are yummy."

B'Elanna smiled as she looked up and asked, "Yea? You like?"

"How could you not?"

"That's what I always thought," Torres laughed, feeling somewhat giddy. Then hearing herself, she cleared her throat and said, "Well, I figured it would help cheer her up…always worked for me." B'Elanna wasn't certain what was wrong with herself and why she was suddenly so thrilled that Wildman and her had actually found something that they had in common since it didn't usually bother her really that the blonde liked her least, then realizing it was because she was just more sensitive to those kinds of feelings right now, B'Elanna shook it off and decided not to worry about it, and if this whole mess helped Sam become more comfortable with her, then at least that was something good…especially for Seven's sake.

As Fowler came back to the table with a fork and a cup of coffee with cream in it, Torres asked, "Have you seen Seven?"

"Yes," Sam said quietly, then sighed and informed, "please don't tell her I told you, but she stayed with me last night." Looking over to Fowler quickly, then back to B'Elanna, she added, "She asked me if she could stay since I guess it's not good for her to regenerate every night…and she didn't know where else to go." Scooting subtly toward Fowler, Wildman added, whispering, "I promise, I tried to tell her it was alright if she stayed with you, but she said she needed to sleep and was worried if she went to your place, she'd be too unsettled and not get any rest…so…of course, I let her stay. She was still sleeping in Naomi's room when I left." When Torres just looked down and didn't say anything, Wildman asked, "You're not mad at her, are you?"

"No," Torres came back quickly, but soft, "I understand…and thanks for taking her in. I appreciate it. Besides," B'Elanna started again, trying to sound more upbeat, "I'm sure she liked bunking with the kid again."

Since she wasn't aware that anyone other than she, her daughter, and the captain were aware that Naomi still was spending time with Janeway, in private, Sam didn't bother to explain that her daughter wasn't there, and said instead as she reached across the table toward Fowler and snatched up her coffee since she preferred hers with cream, "So, I hear we're landing today…are you excited?"

As Samantha's upper torso passed in front of her close enough that Fowler caught a whiff of the subtle perfume that she wore, although usually only for special occasions—this being one since she'd hoped to eat with Nick today and regain the closeness that they'd started to share before Fowler suddenly started to move backwards one month ago—Nicole reared back on her head as she felt herself starting to press her head toward Wildman's neck. And when Sam turned her head toward her and asked what was wrong, Nicole shook her head and said, "Nothing…nothing…I'm fine." Then taking a breath and picking up her fork, even though she wasn't really that hungry anymore, Fowler said, "Yea, yea…I'm excited. I've never landed before…not in real life. It'll be good to get that under my belt." Then shoving the pieces of pancakes in her mouth, she chewed slowly, closing her eyes for a moment and breathing deeply.

Worried that showing familiarity with her in public was bothering Fowler, Wildman leaned toward her a little and whispered, "Would you rather me not share your food right now?"

"No, no, darlin'…it's okay. You go on and eat what you'd like," Fowler said quickly, shaking her head and pushing the plate closer to the middle. Taking a deep breath, she tried to focus herself and then put her arm around Samantha's shoulder, but didn't pull her closer like she normally would because Wildman's body was much too appealing for her and she knew if she got too close, she'd just want her to get that much closer.

When Torres smirked at her and gave her silent approval, and Wildman smiled as well at her and then relaxed her back, not entirely comfortable yet, but feeling the best way for them all to deal with this was to just try to relax and act like everything was normal, as much as it could be these days, Fowler managed to loosen up a tad bit too, until she noticed that several people were watching them. Just before she started growling in her throat and jumped up to verbally warn them to mind their own business, Samantha sensed the tension in her and placed her hand on her thigh. When she froze, and simultaneously the scientist squeezed gently, then rubbed the tightness with her thumb, Fowler's hearts began to beat quicker and quicker by the second.

"Nick, just relax and ignore them," Wildman whispered as she turned her head toward the brunette she was seated next to. Rubbing her thigh more now, which she believed was purely a soothing maneuver since she'd used it on Fowler before when she'd been frustrated one morning in the Mess Hall when all anyone could talk about was the big 'break-up' and where she fit into it, Samantha said, even softer, "Please do as I ask. I don't want to see you fight."

Deciding it was definitely time to help out her sister, Torres turned her head toward the group, able to hear the conversations clearer in this body, then stood up quickly, letting her chair be knocked back and said to them, "Enjoying the show, P'TaQ?" When half of them said, "No, Chief," and the others just stayed quiet, B'Elanna said, "Alright everyone, shut the hell up and listen." As the room grew quiet, Torres placed her hands behind her back, trying to look as Starfleet as possible and said, "This has been a difficult month for all of us…I get that, and I realize that some of you don't like me for what's happened with the captain, but that doesn't give you the right to make this situation worse by making the commander and the lieutenant feel uncomfortable. We're all trying to do the best we can with a really screwed up situation,and the sooner you all realize that, the less problems there will be for you. Got it?"

"Yes, Chief…Yes, Ma'am…Aye, Lieutenant."

"Good," Torres smiled, then tried to joke, "now eat your food before I do." Nodding when a few of her loyal engineers laughed and the rest of the group just stayed quiet, B'Elanna went back over to the table, picked up her chair and said, "Sometimes that works better than outright nose breaking."

Sighing, Wildman said as she continued to rub Fowler's thigh, "Thank you, B'Elanna."

"No problem…like I said," she smiled, "I like to make a scene…some things never change. Too bad Seven missed it. We could have really scared them." Then looking at Nicole, who had her eyes closed and was looking down, breathing deeply, the chief asked, "You okay, Fowler?"

Leaning in close as Nicole failed to respond, Samantha said as she turned toward her, moved one hand away but replaced it with her other hand, "Honey, it's alright. Just let it go. B'Elanna took care of it."

"Yea, Nick…it's cool," Torres said tentatively, wondering if maybe it was time to take her friend back to Sickbay since she didn't look like she was doing well at all.

Fowler grabbed Samantha's hand, forced it away from her thigh and mumbled at she brought it to her lips, "I'm sorry, Sam…it's not you." Then sliding out of arms reach quickly, and throwing her napkin on the table, she said before she darted out of the Mess Hall, "I have to get to the Bridge."

After they watched Fowler run away from them, Wildman asked, deeply concerned, "B'Elanna...what's wrong with her?"

"I don't know," Torres said honestly, shaking her head. Leaning forward and whispering, she queried, "What did she say to you?"

"She said she was sorry and that it wasn't me," Wildman whispered back.

Forgetting herself in her worry for her friend, Torres said, "Maybe it makes her uncomfortable? Red was a little weird when I kissed her..."

After she blinked for a moment as she realized what B'Elanna had said, that meaning she'd kissed the captain within the last three days, Wildman looked around and then mouthed, "What?"

"Fuck," B'Elanna sighed, mostly under her breath, then cursed her own stupidity in her mind. Taking a deep breath, B'Elanna looked up and said to Samantha, who wasn't sure whether to be thrilled or mad as hell that Torres had kissed Kathryn behind Seven's back, "Sam…please…please don't say anything." As the scientist started to glare at her and shake her head negatively, B'Elanna sighed, and said, "Listen, Seven knows, alright? I can't explain here, but everything's cool. It just has to be this way for a while."

Leaning forward, Sam whispered, "What in heaven's name is going on? Is this why everyone's acting so strange?"

"Alright, let's go to my office," Torres said as she stood up, "but first we'll go to Sickbay and talk to the Doctor while he fixes my head." As Wildman stood up and started picking up their trays, B'Elanna felt the need to add, but she whispered, "There's only one thing…Nick's not gonna like it if you know."

"That's fine," Samantha said surely and curt as she picked up her trays. "Nick doesn't have to like it…just accept it. I'm tired of this affecting me and my daughter's lives and me not knowing why."

Raising her eyebrows as Samantha turned and started away from her, Torres smirked and muttered, "Yes, Ma'am," as she took a fairly lingering glance at the woman's shapely, and fiarly tightly clothed backside as she walked away, which certainly wasn't the first time she'd admired that view.


Seven of Nine raised her eyebrows in surprise after the turbolift stopped one deck too early and the doors opened, saying after a beat, reminding herself that her eyes were deceiving her, "Nick Fowler."

"Hey, Seven," Fowler said as she stepped into the lift. "You goin' to the Bridge?"

"Computer resume," Seven of Nine answered as she placed her hands behind her back and took one step away from Fowler's tense body, easily able to detect that she was abnormally tense…at least for B'Elanna Torres.

"You gettin' anywhere on this mess?" asked Fowler.

"We have nothing definitive as of yet," Seven reported as the lift came to a stop and the doors opened, "but I believe returning to the surface will 'turn up something.'"

"I sure as heck hope so," Fowler responded as she stepped out of the carriage and started down the stairs, moving towards the captain's Ready Room. When the officer in charge announced her presence, Nicole waved him off since it was still a few minutes before the start of her shift, and accessed the door panel, commanding it to open immediately. When the doors opened and she simultaneously heard Rodham tell her the captain was in there, Nicole stopped short in her tracks as Janeway looked up from her desk, surprised.

Sighing immediately, Fowler snapped to attention and said, "My sincerest apologies, Ma'am. I wasn't aware that you were in here."

Smiling, Janeway said as she leaned forward on her desk, "That's quite alright, Commander…come in." When Fowler nodded and then stepped into her office a tad more so the doors could close, but then pretty much returned to her attentive stance, Kathryn sighed and said, trying to remain perfectly pleasant, "Nick, please relax…it's alright." Once Nicole sighed and then did so, but remained standing where she was, the captain questioned, "Can I help you with something…or did you just need to use the restroom?" since Nicole Fowler requested the use of her private ensuite more than all of her other officers combined. She wasn't sure why that was, but part of it she knew had to be that at every break they had the woman either drank juice, a high-protein supplement, or scarfed down a vegetable sandwich. Although, it didn't occur to her that that probably wouldn't ring true currently.

"With the captain's permission, could I use your replicator?" Fowler asked, nervous, jumpy and very, very far out of her element. "I didn't get to finish my coffee, and I wanted to have a little more before the start of my shift."

The captain kept herself from frowning at Fowler's clear unease, and said, bobbing her head and waving toward it, "Get me a cup too, please."

"Thank you, Captain," Nicole responded and then walked quickly over to the device. Looking over her shoulder at Janeway, then sighing, she requested, "Two coffees…one with cream."

"Nick," Janeway said, standing and leaning on the side of her desk with her hands, feeling the need to question, "how are you holding up?"

"I'll be okay, Captain," Fowler said as she grabbed the coffees and took them to Janeway's desk. As the captain stopped trying to hide her concern and frowned at her, Nick said, "My routine is just shot right now…and I can't even drink black coffee without wanting to spit it right back out, but I'm hanging in there." After taking a long sip off of her mug, she commanded her body to sit down and said, "Don't worry about today. I'm not quite myself, but I can still fly…I'm sure of it."

"I'm not worried about that," the captain told a half-truth, feeling it was necessary, "but I am worried about you." When Fowler just keep drinking her coffee and not looking at her, Janeway looked her over carefully, the worrisome sensation in her stomach even more sharp since the helmsman was in a body she was very familiar with, not to mention loved very much, then queried, "Have you spoken with B'Elanna? Perhaps she could help…give you some advice?"

"I had breakfast with her this morning," Fowler reported. Shaking her head, the slightly younger woman went on, "She's feeling about the same as I am, so I didn't want to bother her. Besides," she tried to smile some, "I know what my problem is…I'm suddenly half-Klingon. I'm just not used to it, but," she sighed, nodding, "I've had a lot of practice with dealing with impulsive anger and leaning how to focus…so I'm doing okay." Then changing the subject quick, she asked, "How 'bout you? This can't be easy for you either?"

Knowing what Fowler was trying to do, Janeway said, "No, but I'm still me, and we're not talking about me." As her door call sounded, Janeway shook her head, then smirked when Fowler looked up, "Saved by the bell…Come in."

Cool as ice and professional, which was how she planned to remain until she discovered the problem of this situation and returned B'Elanna Torres to her body, Seven of Nine, dressed in her newest biosuit, which was a smoky black with red and grey arms that's color bled attractively into the other, in honor of her Klingon lover, said as she stepped into the office, "Captain, I apologize for the interruption, but I am required to speak with you."

"Join the party," Kathryn returned, even as well. However, it didn't escape her that this was the first time all three of them had been in the same room alone since their break-up, and the current situation only made the realization that much more poignant.

Nodding at Fowler, Seven unwound her hands as she stepped forward and held out a report PADD for the captain, saying, "My data is inconclusive thus far…however, trace elements of the soil sample that Lieutenant Wang and Ensign Edwards beamed aboard were detected on the transporter dais." As Janeway took the PADD and began reading it easily, having finally bitten the bullet and went to see the Doctor about her eyesight, which he corrected with a two minute procedure and explained to her was merely part of the natural aging process, which didn't make her feel any better, Seven went on, "Considering they were the last to beam back before the commander and 'the chief,' and some of the trace elements were crystals, which have been known disrupt transports, it is possible the crystals interfered with the final transport." Placing her hands behind her back as Janeway looked up at her, seeming surprised, Seven finished, "I am not certain as to how, but I believe that is where we should focus our efforts."

"What about the specimens they brought back and are keeping in Biometrics? Do you think perhaps their unusual bioelectric behavior may have played a part…or possibly were the cause?"

"I am uncertain. Lieutenant Wildman is investigating that avenue."

"What do your instincts tell you?"

Raising her eyebrows at the captain's terminology, Seven considered it for a beat, and then said, softer and less certain, "I…believe that they were not a factor…considering," she went on a little easier, "they were in stasis, and that they were transported first and the subsequent three transports after that were uneventful. However," she felt the need to add, "I cannot 'rule' them out at this point, and Sam Wildman is more familiar with their peculiar attributes than am I. I believe she should continue to investigate them as a possible cause."

Pursing her lips some, the captain sat back and asked while Fowler just remained quiet and drank her coffee, and looked to be off in her own world, "Were you there when they found them?"

"I had returned to Voyager just before." Before Kathryn asked her any more questions, Seven titled her head some and questioned, although she believed she knew Janeway well enough to be fairly certain on her own, "You do not agree that they are not a factor?"

"I'm not sure, but," Janeway said as she tapped the edge of the PADD on her chin, "trace crystals are standard after away missions…and we've never had problems before. Now, it's true that crystals can cause problems, but usually nothing to this degree and certainly not microscopic ones. If we were talking about a large fractal crystal here, then I'd be inclined to agree with you, but we're not." When Seven of Nine sighed, then nodded, Janeway sat forward and said, "Now, from Samantha's report, she said that Mister Edwards touched one of the specimens and that Samuel had touched the rock that was covering their nest. I think that might be more important than the crystals..."

Blinking her eyes, Fowler jumped up and said, loud and aggressive, "What did you just say?" When Janeway twitched in surprise and Seven of Nine instinctively took a step toward the half-Klingon, Nicole set her coffee down and said, "Go back…go back over what you just said." Since she wasn't sure she'd heard them correctly, she didn't want to ruin the surprise of the diamond Torres had found unless she was certain it was necessary.

Answering for Janeway, and taking another step toward Fowler, instinually protective of Janeway around potentially volitale individuals, Seven of Nine recited the conversation. When Fowler threw her hands over her eyes and said, "Oh no!" the Borg demanded, crisp, "Explain."

Sighing as she took her hands away while Kathryn jumped to her feet, Fowler placed her hands on her hips, looked at Seven, then looked to the captain and said, personally, "Kate…Lord, I'm sorry, but Torres and I dug a diamond out of a rock…a real one and big," holding up her hand to show the approximate size, which wasn't huge, although sizeable for a diamond. Shaking her head, she said, "I'm really sorry…I totally forgot about it."

When Seven of Nine sighed, placed her hands on her hips as she turned around and took a few steps away, Kathryn sighed softly and said, "It's alright, Nick. Don't worry about it."

Looking at each of them, strange, not understanding, Fowler questioned, "Am I missing something?"

"Yes," Kathryn explained, coming around her desk. "A diamond is a crystal, but it's pure carbon that has been compacted and exposed to tremendous heat." Shaking her head, she said softly as she stepped up to Fowler, "The chemical properties of it wouldn't cause this kind of problem. Only crystals that are made up of certain unstable elements can cause problems…B'Elanna knows that." When Nicole suddenly looked devastated, Janeway smiled and tried to reassure, "Nick, relax…I'm already aware that one of these days, Miss Torres plans to present me with the world's biggest diamond. You haven't told me anything I don't already know." While the brunette looked over at her like she didn't believe her, Kathryn finished, "She told me so herself…I promise you."

Fowler looked over to Seven, who was still looking down and said, "Seven...I'm really sorry. I didn't know…you said crystal and…"

"It is 'fine.' You are not required to know the chemical properties of crystals. You are not a Science officer," Seven said as she turned around. Then sighing once, quickly, the Borg looked to the captain and stated, "Very well, Captain, I will speak with the lieutenant immediately."

Clearly able to tell that Seven was upset, but uncertain if she should get involved since she had a feeling this wasn't about her but rather B'Elanna, Janeway nodded and said, "Alright…don't rule out anything just yet, but I think we should focus our efforts there for the time being." As the Borg nodded and then turned to leave, Kathryn allowed, "And Seven…" When Seven stopped and looked over her shoulder part way, the captain finished, "Don't let your frustrations interfere with your logic. You're better than that…I know you are."

Seven swallowed as she nodded over her shoulder, and said while she exited, "Yes, Captain."

Feeling like the biggest ass their ever was, not to mention mighty ignorant to things it seemed everyone else around her knew, the commander sank down into the chair, putting her hands over her face and mumbled, "Fowler, you really are a dumb hick."

"Commander," Kathryn said with instant authority as she went back to her desk, "I told you not to worry about it…and I don't want to hear you use that term in my office again. Is that clear?"

Sighing, Fowler pulled her hands away, and said, "Captain, I'm sorry, but I feel awful."

"I realize that," Janeway said, even, not in the mood for pity parties and feeling at this point they were counter-productive, "but are we clear, Commander?"

"Yes, Captain," Nicole came back immediately, bobbing her head.

"Furthermore," the captain said as she sat forward and leaned on her elbows, "you are not dumb, and I don't ever want you to sit on something if you think it's important. Just because you're wrong doesn't make you dumb. You're a lieutenant-commander aboard my ship…a position I put you in purposefully and willfully. Therefore, for you to refer to yourself as such is a direct insult to my judgment. I don't like to be insulted, Miss Fowler…and I think you know that, or am I wrong?"

"No, Ma'am."

"Then is the last time we'll discuss this. Understood?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Good. Dismissed."

Standing up immediately, Fowler turned and marched out of the door. Once she was back on the Bridge, she glanced up to Commander Tuvok, who nodded his head at her, the Vulcan remaining in charge of the Bridge since Fowler was operating as pilot. Sighing, then scratching the back of her neck as she climbed onto the command deck, she proceeded directly to the helm, and said to the ensign in the chair, "You're relieved," and finally sat down, then realized after a moment that she for once since this whole thing began didn't want to hit something, and furthermore, felt more like herself than she ever had…although, that was still rather far removed from the woman she was used to being.

Before she started the standard checks on the landing thrusters and her flight board, the commander glanced back toward the captain's door, then smirked, shaking her head, and wondered if she would ever figure out not only how Janeway managed to always say the right thing, but how in the world she could ever be half the captain that she was without it taking her eighty years to get just halfway to great.


"This…whatever….is really that dangerous?" Wildman questioned while she sat comfortably on the chair in front of the chief's desk inside her cozy office.

B'Elanna forced herself not to sigh considering she felt like she was being forced to repeat herself, which was really annoying when she was having to talk in generalized terms, and replied as she leaned forward on her elbows, "Yes, and we're not being paranoid…I swear." Then holding up her hands, she said, "But you don't have to worry about that…I mean it. I know you're a Starfleet officer too, but this really is the captain's show, and I know, absolutely without a doubt, that she doesn't want you or anyone else involved that doesn't have to be. I guarantee you that's why she hasn't officially made you a senior officer…because then you would have to be involved and stay for a while. She's going to demand that everyone but the senior officers be given leave of absence, and we're gonna put the spotlight on that. So, if they don't agree, they're gonna look pretty unfeeling, and I'm sure everyone's family is going to get uppity if they don't…so I don't think it'll be a problem."

"I don't understand…why promote me to almost a senior officer? Won't that look…suspicious…to…whomever?"

"Because we need you to keep things together in Science and make it seem like things are moving along…positive changes and that sort of thing. Once this really gets underway, Seven won't be around much to help you…so we're giving you some time to adapt."

"So that's why Garen is back. Is he a part of this too?"

"No. He's just working. Only the senior officers are involved…and Tom and Harry don't know yet. Like I said, she's only bringing people in that she absolutely needs…like you, but not like she'll need them."

Worried, Samantha asked, "Then why hasn't she told me just as much as you have right now?"

"I think she was hoping Nick would take care of that," Torres admitted. "I think she's concerned this could screw your relationship up and," sighing, "she's stubborn sometimes…so she's trying to balance how many lives are affected. I think she would have told you later if Nick hadn't, just so you took this seriously and did as she asked by not hanging around once we get back home. This stuff goes beyond Starfleet…it affects the Federation…so it's…delicate," Torres finished, trying to be as diplomatic and Janewayish as possible, which didn't come naturally for her at all.

Looking down, Wildman asked, quieter than before, although the conversation hadn't risen above a raspy whisper, "Do you know why she hasn't told me…Nick?"

"Because she cares about you, Sam…it's complicated," the chief answered with softness. Then sighing, she said, "Look, I know it's not my place, but I never wanted to tell the captain or Seven about this crap…but things happened and it had to be done. She's only trying to protect you. And," she leaned forward, "you've got to promise me that you won't ask questions. I know it's hard…"

"No…no, it's not," Wildman cut in, looking up and shaking her head. "I've been given an order by my captain…although indirectly, it's still the same. I'll follow it because know she'll do everything in her power to keep Naomi safe. I owe her that much, at least."

Sometimes forgetting how nice it was to really deal with someone who upheld the chain of command without argument, B'Elanna grinned lop-sided and said, nodding and sitting back, "Okay. On behalf of the captain, she thanks you…trust me on that."

Since she'd pulled her chair close the engineer's desk to make sure they their conversation remained absolutely private since Torres' office only had moderate sound-proofing, Wildman sat closer after a few moments of silence as she put off the fear of unknown danger away, focused on just doing her duty to the best of her abilities, and whispered, no longer wanting to speak about why Nick hadn't told her and figuring that conversation would just have to wait until they were alone, and possibly until they were switched back, "Are we really going home? I mean…are you sure it'll work?"

"Positive. Sam," Torres shook her head, determined to lighten the mood and keep Samantha from fretting, although she didn't seem like she was too distressed, "I've never seen anything like this…what Seven's done," she sighed, "I could have never done it…never…not alone. She keeps saying that I helped her, but I didn't do anything but make sure she had the time and resources. It was all her. All I have to do is build it."

"God," Sam smiled and stated as they continued to whisper, "she really is that smart." Sitting back and putting her hand over her mouth, Wildman mumbled, "My word…a two day trip…that'll revolutionize space travel. Nothing will ever be the same. Can you imagine," she mostly rattled to herself as everything started to set in, "what that would mean? We might even be able to travel outside of the galaxy. I mean, why not? Two days from one end to the other…god…we could reach Andromeda in…"

As Samantha looked up and did the math in her head quickly, Torres snickered and informed as she stood up and decided she needed a little more coffee this morning, "You know…you're really cute when you do your scientist thing. You remind me of Red sometimes."

Turning around, shocked, Wildman blushed mildly, then said, nervous at first, but slowly relaxing, "I remind you of her?"

Torres took their coffees out of the replicator, and said as she turned and handed Wildman hers, figuring she should offer, "Yea…she talks to herself when she does her explorer thing too…it's cute." As Samantha took the cup and then looked down, and said, "Well, thank you…that's really flattering. I admire her a lot," B'Elanna patted her shoulder, remembering not to do it too hard and went on easily, "You're too modest like her too. I never understood that. Why don't you try thinking how Seven does…you might like it?"

Laughing a little nervous, Wildman asked, "How does she think?"

Smiling impishly, Torres sat down, kicked up her feet and said, "I'm Borg. I allow you to look at me, by allowing you to live. If you go for the goods…I'll be displeased." As Samantha put her hand over her mouth and started giggling, B'Elanna went on with pride, "Don't dishonor my Klingon, don't talk shit about my friends, and don't ever," she pointed, "fuck with my captain. If you comply with these rules, you may exist and continue to worship me and my collective of hot babes."

Wildman chortled softly as she rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Oh please. Seven doesn't think that…she just thinks everyone she doesn't like is irrelevant." Still laughing slightly, she pointed at B'Elanna and said, "I think you think that…my collective of hot babes…that sounds like a cheesy line right out of a second-rate cartoon book."

"Where do you think I get my material?" B'Elanna laughed and remained easy. "I've got one right here in my office."

"You do not," Wildman came back.

"How much do you wanna bet?" Torres dropped her feet, and sat forward, then opened her drawer and pulled out her favorite comic of scantily clad women warriors, when Sam said, "I don't gamble…I have a small child to raise." Tossing it onto her desk, B'Elanna returned to her position and said, "Okay, I'll letcha off the hook. Check it out…that one's really hot."

"Oh my god…you do!" the lieutenant shouted in laughter as she picked it up and started thumbing through it. Shaking her head at the women warriors, most of whom were all built like Seven of Nine, she allowed, "You know, this explains some things…like your toilet talk."

"Now you even sound like her."


"Red," B'Elanna laughed, shaking her head. "She thinks I'm warping Seven's mind because she likes'em too." That wasn't entirely true, although it wasn't entirely not true either, but she was mostly just trying to be humorous and make conversation. Although, as B'Elanna always said, those kind of things: kampy comics and less subtle forms of 'erotica' just weren't "Red's speed," which was fine with Torres because she really liked Kathryn's elegance, and she also had a heck of a lot of fun being 'adolescent' and 'bad' with Seven when they were alone…just like she enjoyed just sitting with Kathryn in silence and watching her while she read one of her gothic romance/mystery novels. Sometimes Kathryn would smile to herself as she noticed B'Elanna watching her, and usually then she'd come over to her, snuggle up and continue reading without saying a word, but try to make her book available to both of them. However, Torres had finally told her one day not to bother because Kathryn read much faster than the chief, and didn't read aloud, and B'Elanna preferred just to sit with her and watch anyway.

Flabbergasted, Wildman whispered like it was a secret, "Seven actually likes…these?"

"Sure," Torres nodded, laughing at Sam's reaction. "She thinks they're 'peculiar' yet 'intriguingly humorous and stimulating.'"

Smirking and narrowing her eyes at B'Elanna as she tossed the book back to her, Wildman warned, "You're pulling my leg."

"I swear to Kahless!" B'Elanna returned as she picked up the book and started looking at the attractive pictures. "We read'em before we go bed when we need a good laugh and to just unwind. Although, most of the time we stick to regular superhero comics, or watch Batman when we don't feel like reading." When Sam just opened her mouth slightly in shock and sat there, the chief said, "I'm not lying. I swear…it's loads fun…especially when she gives a running commentary on how the characters could have been more efficient. And," she laughed, wiping her nose, "now don't ruin my victory by blabbing, but we've already got our costumes picked out for the Halloween party next week."

Completely fascinated, Wildman leaned forward and asked, "Seven's actually going to dress up this year? As what?"

"She'll be Catwoman," Torres let her feet drop down and sat forward too, smiling. "Wait 'til you get a load of the suit we made for her. It's patent leather, from head to toe…just the outside though, so it fits and works just like her biosuits. It's got the heels, claws," she held up her hand like a cat and tried to snarl, "on her left hand to hide her implant and she'll have a whip in the other." Smacking her hand down as Sam said, "A whip?" Torres smiled with confidence, "That contest is so ours…I mean…in…the…bag, Sam, and I don't care what Fowler says. You can't beat a hot, leather clad chick with a whip…you just can't do it."

"Nick's going to dress up too?"

"Yea," Torres laughed, finding Wildman hilarious and charming in her expressions of exasperation, starting to really understand what Fowler saw in her beyond her attractive figure and kindness, "I don't know as what though. She won't tell me…probably some cowboy or Kung Fu thing." When Sam put her hand over her mouth again, laughing and nodded, B'Elanna questioned, "You're not gonna dress up?"

"I thought I'd leave that to my daughter and just wear a nice dress," Wildman said, shaking her head and snatching up her coffee again.

"What! No, no," Torres rallied, shaking her head and sitting up straight, leaning forward on her arms. "This is our last one on Voyager…so as Nick would say…we've got to do this riiiight." When Sam smiled shyly, still shaking her head as she looked at B'Elanna, Torres rolled her eyes and said, "Kahless, you really are as modest as Red…but," the chief snapped her fingers, "she's got an excuse because she's the captain…you don't. So, come on…I'll help you. What do you wanna be, but," she smiled, sitting back, "if you say a fairy princess, I'll kill you."

"Well, I don't know. I never even thought about it," Wildman admitted. Then after a beat, she said, "I could be a singer…maybe do my hair like something in the early Twentieth century…then I could still wear a nice dress..."

Shaking her head and crossing her arms, Torres sat back and said, "No, you can't do that. That's too much like who you are."

"Why not? Seven's wearing a biosuit…besides, I haven't sung in years…at least not on stage."

Smiling her famous grin, although it wasn't nearly as effective in Fowler's body, the chief said, "You haven't seen this biosuit. It makes the other ones look modest. It's got claw marks in…strategic…zones."

"Oh good god," Samantha mumbled, easily able to imagine Seven prancing around and every man around her breaking their neck from turning their heads so fast…a few woman too probably…like Nick, who Samantha knew well enough to know she couldn't help but take a glance at a beautiful woman. Although, she certainly wasn't tawdry or disrespectful, just appreciative, so Sam didn't mind since she typically smiled whenever she spotted an attractive male. "You're not really going to put her in that thing?" Wildman schooled.

"Me!" Torres laughed, holding her stomach, "I was just a consultant. It was all her idea."

"Even the claw marks?"

"Okay…those were mine," Torres snickered, fessing up, "but hey," shrugging, "what can I say…I'm a Klingon…we like to make big statements and show off our pride and joy, and one of mine just happens to be Seven." Then pointing at Sam, she said, "And don't try to change the subject…now come on," she stood up and went around her desk, then sat on the edge in front of Sam, "help me out here…give me an idea, and I'll go from there."

"I don't think so..."

"Alright, I'll start," Torres went on confidently anyway. Crossing her arms over her chest and resting her chin in her hand, she requested, curt, "Stand up so I can picture you better," then added as Wildman rolled her eyes and said, sighing, "Fine," asking just after a moment, "And take your jacket off…it hides your boobs too much."

When Wildman blinked, then frowned and placed her hands on her hips, Torres laughed, shaking her head and said, whispering to herself, "Man, you really are just like her," then said louder, rolling her eyes, and hopping down, reaching for Wildman's zipper, "For Kahless sake's, I've already got two girlfriends…trust me…I'm not lookin' for more. Besides," she winked at Sam, flirting lightly on purpose, trying to have fun and get Wildman who was just looking up at her, to relax, "Nick would kick my ass."

Taking Wildman's jacket off and throwing it over her shoulder, B'Elanna took a seat on her desk again as Samantha sighed, turned around and then reached for her coffee, clearly embarrassed since it was obvious that Torres was looking directly at her body, purposefully. When Sam stood up straight and sipped her coffee while she left one hand on her hip, and said, "Well?" the chief said, "Well, you could be the captain if you want…that's a pretty good impression." Then hopping down again, she took the coffee from Sam's hands, set it down and said, "Okay, just stand there…let me think." While Wildman stayed quiet for a moment, then started laughing and shaking her head, next bowed her head and covered her eyes some with one hand, B'Elanna smiled as she laughed, "God, I think you're even more modest than Red. Why the hell are you so modest anyway?"

The scientist dropped her hand, turned toward B'Elanna and said, "I'm not modest," then amended, "well, most of the time I'm not."

"So, what's the problem? We're friends now…aren't we?"

Sighing, Sam crossed her arms over her chest and whispered for some reason, looking up at her, "Yes, but you," poking at her chest, frustrated, mostly at herself, "happen to be in the body of my lover…who happens to be the most gorgeous person I've ever seen…and I'm a xenobiologist…I've seen a few things. So," she took a breath, then backed down and pulled her hair behind her ears, "it's just strange being around you…alright?"

Torres held up her hands and said, "Okay, yea…I'm sorry. I just thought after the Mess Hall and how you were, it wouldn't be a problem."

Wildman sighed again, and said softer, "I'm sorry, I've just never been attracted to anyone like I'm attracted to…her," moving her hand to gesture up and down Torres' body, "so it's just awkward. I can't explain it…it's just easy to forget when you laugh." Then taking a breath, she shook her head, looked up to B'Elanna, as she sat on the table and looked sullen, "I think I should just go…"

"No…stay, it's cool," Torres said quickly. Trying to smile, she informed, "I mean it, and I get it. Shit, if you and Seven were switched, I'd have a tough time keeping my hands to myself…so I get it….and," she opened her eyes wider, smiling and showing teeth, "I don't even wanna talk about if you got switched with Kathryn…you're too much like her when you're pissed. It would be bad."

Wildman relaxed some as she grabbed her coffee and said, "Switch me with the captain any day, anyway. I'd never be able to walk around in one of Seven's suits with her confidence in this type of setting…not even if I was her. Besides," she smiled, "the captain's just a little bitty thing…might be kind of nice to be petite."

"'Though she be wee…she be fierce!'" Torres tried her best growl, shaking her fist. Then laughing at herself with a saddened tone, she said, "It doesn't have the same effect right now."

"What's that from?" asked Samantha, sitting down on the desk next to B'Elanna.

"Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream," Torres reported, suddenly feeling ridiculous, although she wasn't sure why since Klingons became rather big fans of the man's work and performed adaptations of his plays all of the time at holidays.

"You like William Shakespeare?"

"Yeh," B'Elanna hopped down from the table, "he's alright…King Lear was pretty cool, but I just always liked that part…reminded me of…well, me, since I'm not much bigger than Red, and pretty small for a Klingon. Well," she sighed, placing her cup in the energy grid to recycle it, "at least I used to be…now I feel like I'm two of me." Putting on her best smirk, she looked over to Sam and said, "And not in my mind anymore, but just one stacked on top of the other." When Sam just kept looking at her, Torres asked, "Don't you like Shakespeare?"

"I can't stand him," Samantha laughed, then covered her mouth. Shaking her head in amusement, she explained, "I never could understand what in the world anyone was saying, not to mention what was going on…it all went right over my head and made me want to throw the PADD across the room."

"Hmm, maybe you should be a Klingon for Halloween?" the former Klingon joked, then added, coming back over to the desk, "Although, if we don't get switched back before then, I think I'll make that my costume…or," she smiled looking down at herself, "I don't know, I think Nick could make a wicked cool," she nudged Sam with her elbow, "Batman. Whatda you think?"

"Well, I don't know…what's Batman look like?"

Smiling, Torres stood up, flexed her muscles and said, "Tall, dark, and hunky. You know, typical superhero…like the Tower Power here."

"The Tower of Power!" Wildman burst into a laughing fit. Ending up red faced, and wiping her eyes as B'Elanna laughed and said, "Yea…don't you think it fits?" Samantha shook her head affirmatively and said, "Yes…yes, I guess it does…I've," laughing again, "well, I've just never dated the superhero type."

"Yea, well join the club, Sweetheart…now I've got two," Torres held up her fingers. Clearly fibbing, she said, "At first I thought I should dump'em 'cause they steal all my good press…but," she shrugged, smiling, "I've gotten used to them, so I let'em stay."

Seriously, Wildman said, blinking again, "My god, you have no idea how much you sounded like her just then."

"Yea?" When Samantha smiled happily and nodded, saying, "Oh, just like her," B'Elanna came back, "Well, I guess I'll have to work on that since I'd hate to have to kill myself."

The scientist shook her head and scoffed, "Don't you two ever get tired of picking on each other?"

"Sometimes," Torres smiled back, "but that's usually when we say 'get lost.'" Patting Wildman's back, B'Elanna said before she hopped down again, "It's just what we do to bond…I don't know…I just go with it. Okay, enough talk. Stand up and lets figure out this costume thing before people start to talk."

"I think I should get back to work."

Crossing her arms over her chest, Torres said, "Okay," as she started back for her desk, "but if you let me come up with something that will make Nick's head spin…within reason, I know…you've got a small child…I'll show you some pictures I found. Oh," she finished, grinning as she sat down, "did I mention they're of Nick…wearing leather pants and a cowboy hat?"

"She's not!" When Torres just looked at her, Wildman put her hands on her hips and said, "Alright, fine…five minutes and I see the pictures first."

"Make it ten, and you promise to wear the costume…to the party…and you can't change until Nick sees you in it…and you've got a deal."

"Ewww," Sam winced, then caved fairly easily, "alright!" As Torres turned toward her desk and popped open her workstation, Samantha warned as she hovered behind her with her arms crossed over her chest, "Don't you make me regret this, B'Elanna…I mean it."

"Have a little faith. I used to be Maquis and a half-Klingon…disguises were my second specialty."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"


Twenty minutes later, shaking her head as she looked at the display panel, Wildman said, crossing her arms over her chest, "Ohno…no, I couldn't possibly wear that…"

"What?" B'Elanna said, honestly confused, although she was aware that most people weren't as brazen as she was, but that didn't meant she really understood why. "It's better than the 'Tool-Time' girl," or 'Tool-Time' tramp, as Wildman had referred to the picture, which had led to a quick discussion of how Torres knew all of these things, which she had explained, pointedly, "Tom," and nothing more needed to be said.

Pointing at the picture of the form-fitting, racing outfit, that had an unzipped jacket and a tight, white t-shirt underneath, Samantha said, "Excuse me, but it says 'Sammy 'Wild'man Jr.' across my chest."

"I know," Torres laughed, giddy, "it's great!" Then purposefully being 'bad,' unable to help herself since this was the first time she was actually have fun in what seemed like weeks, B'Elanna said, "And we can make your car number 69..."

"I'm leaving now," Samantha said as she started for the desk and snatched up her tunic.

"Sam," B'Elanna laughed, trying to control herself, "don't go! I was just teasing…only I would do something like that." Then standing quickly, she said with sincerity, "Come on, please. I'm sorry for teasing you. I'm just trying to have a little fun…that's been kind of a scarce thing since this whole mess started."

"Alright," Samantha sighed, tucking her hair behind her ears, "but can we please be serious and not pick something that says 'I'm easy…take a spin?'"

Throwing her hand over her mouth to stop her laughter, impressed, Torres nodded, then said, "Yea…okay…but that was good." Holding up her hands, the chief said, "On my honor…no more 'test-drive' material." Then crossing her arms and gnawing on her fingernails, out of habit, although Nicole kept her very short and well-manicured, B'Elanna thought it over for a moment, then looked at Wildman up and down, next snapped her fingers and announced, "I've got it…it's perfect!"

"What?" Wildman asked, then held her breath, finding this whole situation rather ridiculous, but doing her best to maintain and indulge since she was feeling rather guilty about this accident considering it was possible the lifeforms she requested be brought on board to study caused the malfunction.

"A belly-dancer," Torres informed, slapping her hands together.

"A what?"

"A belly-dancer," the chief repeated as she pivoted and went over to her workstation. "It was an old Earth, Middle-Eastern custom. They were entertainers." She neglected to say they were entertainers for men, mostly, and that it was a fairly sexual custom because she was certain the outfit would look perfect on the shapely, but not muscled woman, especially since she'd seen her in her bikini top and half-skirt bottoms enough to know she was right, and furthermore, that Nick would love it. Pulling up the picture from the ship's database, she turned her workstation around and asked, "Well?"

"Well," Samantha started tentative, "it's better than the others, but…mmm…no," she shook her head, "I don't think so. Not that it's bad, but I couldn't pull that off."

"What?" Torres exasperated. Nodding, she stood and said as she came up to the blonde, "Trust me, Sam, you can pull it off…no sweat."

"I don't know," she looked back at the picture. "Does so much of my abdomen have to be exposed…it's kind of a lot?" Whispering over her shoulder, she informed, "I don't have the figure I used to after Naomi."

"I know…it's better," Torres informed easily. "You're more womanly, but," she added quickly so Sam didn't confuse that with matronly, "in a sexy, feminine way. You've just got more curves…the good kind…and that's the point. They're belly-dancers," the engineer explained. "They did a dance and shook their hips really fast," she tried to demonstrate, but it just wasn't working as well as she'd hoped. When Samantha put her hand over her mouth and giggled at her, B'Elanna waved her hand and her and said, "It doesn't matter…you don't have to dance, but you have to see your stomach, or it looses the effect."

"I don't know…"

Sighing, B'Elanna rubbed her forehead and then said, "Okay, what if we add a sheer fabric to it…around your waist…a pink or gold one? You could still see, but not quite as much." When Wildman raised her eyebrows at that, then looked back at the picture, Torres sensed victory and said, "Huh? Yea? Come on, it'll be great…you'll look great…and I know Nick will love it."

"But all those women are tan and I'm as pale as a ghost…not to mention blonde."

"There's self-tanning lotion in the database, and you can wear a wig…huh…huh? Come on, please…work with me."

"Oh alright," Samantha gave in, and then smiled. Looking up, she asked, uncertain, "Do you really think she'll like it?"

Smiling, Torres patted Wildman's shoulder and said, "Trust me. When it comes to women, I can speak for Nick." Going back over to her desk, she added, "We've got similar tastes…except I like'em a little crazier than she does."

"Crazy?" Wildman said as she zipped up her tunic, "Then what about Seven and the captain?"

Smiling, B'Elanna said as she closed up her workstation, "Trust me, they're crazier than I am…especially together. They're lunatics, I'm serious." When her doorcall sounded twice in the next moment as Samantha rolled her eyes and shook her head in disbelief, Torres said, "Speaking of…It's open, Seven," then explained to the scientist, "The Borg always ring twice."

As Seven of Nine stepped into the room, stopped just beyond the door and placed her hands behind her back, Samantha said, "Hey, Seven."

After nodding her head to the blonde, then to Torres, who was smiling brightly at her, Seven looked back to the scientist and stated, "I apologize for the interruption," looking back to B'Elanna for a moment, then back to Sam, "but I am required to speak with you regarding the investigation." When Wildman raised her eyebrows, then started adjusting her collar and sleeves so they were seated correctly, Seven watched the movement for a moment, curious as to the necessity since Wildman didn't typically fidget with her clothing except right after she'd dressed, then explained, "I have just come from speaking with the captain, and she has suggested that I focus my investigation with you and the specimens you are analyzing. If you are occupied with…'the chief' at the moment, that is acceptable, I merely wished to inform you that I will require your assistance as soon you are available."

"Oh, that's fine. I was just on my way out, actually," Wildman said, snatching up her coffee cup then taking a swig.

While Sam went to the replicator, B'Elanna tried to keep her smile from fading when Seven continued to ignore her, and said, "You missed an exciting breakfast today, dollface. Nick tried to take my head off, and Sam gave her the ole smackdown…you'd have been impressed."

While Seven again only nodded, Sam sighed, shaking her head and said, "B'Elanna…as always, it's been a discovery." Then turning to her, she smiled sincerely and said, "Really…thanks for your help. I do appreciate it."

Standing, frustrated, but managing to hide it fairly well, Torres said, "Any time, Sam…thanks for playing. I needed to laugh." Then snatching up one of her tools off her table, not really needing it but wanting to make a good show, she said, "Well, I should probably attempt to look like the boss around here." As she walked past them and out the door, she finished, "See ya, kids. Stay outta trouble…or at least call me first."

Wildman turned to Seven as Torres escaped into Main Engineering and quickly climbed the ladder to the upper level, sighed softly and asked, concerned, "You know you can be sweet with her, right?" On the next beat, she continued, "It's okay, it doesn't bother me…honest. I don't expect you to pretend not to love her too."

Raising her eyebrows, Seven of Nine requested, "Explain."

Smiling, Sam stepped very close in front of her friend and whispered, incredibly soft, "I know it's all an act. B'Elanna told me." When Seven furrowed her brow, the scientist shook her head and reassured, "Don't worry, we can talk later in private if you want, but my lips are completely sealed. I promise you, but," she smiled again, "I want you to hear it from me when I say that I can't tell you how happy I am to know it's not really true." Laughing mildly, she admitted, "I was honestly torn up about it. I thought for sure you'd always be with her. I'm glad," she smiled again, "I wasn't wrong."

Seven processed the data for a short time frame, contemplating her response, then nodded, still passionless, and responded, "As am I." Then unwinding her hands and spinning, she said, "Although I cannot give you an order, I believe we should proceed immediately."

"Okay," Wildman nodded, letting it go for the moment since she knew Seven well enough that if she didn't wish to talk about something, it really was an uphill battle trying to get her to open up, "let's go to Biometrics…all my stuff's in there. Oh," she added as they exited Engineering, "let me stop by Science first to make sure Naomi made it to class."

"I did so before I came here," Seven of Nine reported as they stopped just outside the doors of the ship's engine room. "She had begun the lesson you prepared for her."

Smiling, Samantha nodded, but started in the direction anyway and said, gesturing that Seven should follow, "Oh…well, thanks. That was nice, but I'd like to go anyway…I'll make it fast."

"Explain," Seven requested again, but continued to follow the lieutenant.

The slightly older blonde spoke openly, certainly unashamed, and never once did she plan to pretend or act like her first priority wasn't her daughter and that she was a mother before she was a lieutenant, and she also knew Seven was merely curious as to her behavior, "I just want to give her a kiss and tell her I love her since I didn't get to see her this morning." Looking over at Seven as the taller blonde watched her for a beat, then managed a soft smile and nodded, Sam smiled back and reported, "No matter how fast she grows, she'll always be my little girl."

As they turned the corner, Seven of Nine questioned, "I am curious, have you ever considered 'having' more children?"

"Oh sure," replied Sam easily, "but not seriously since it really is difficult to raise one child, let alone two or three by yourself…and," she sighed, then reached up and patted Seven's arm as they walked, she continued, "if I didn't have such nice friends, I think I would have gone insane during the first few years. But who knows," Wildman shrugged, "the way Naomi grows, she'll seem like she's in her early twenties in about half a dozen years…so maybe I'll just take that opportunity to do a long stretch of serious field work while she goes off and learns how to command starships."

"Do you believe that is what she truly desires to do?"

Stopping out in front of the main Science Lab, Samantha answered, "At first I thought it was just hero worship that she would grow out of, but now," she shook her head and sighed some, "now I think she might actually stick with it. She certainly hasn't wavered. She wants to be just like Captain Janeway. Almost every week she asks me a question about the Academy. I think now," she finished, "that the Doctor says he thinks she's made it through her first major growth retarding phase and seems to be starting to accelerate again, if this one goes like the last one, she'll be about at the age were she could apply in about two or three years…so I won't be surprised if she does it."

Seven considered that for a moment, then stated, rather than asked, "That must be…unsettling…somewhat," she added quickly, "to know that the majority of her childhood will pass at such a rate."

"It's not so bad. The worst thing is seeing her in physical pain and suddenly not wanting to grow up because of that, but she gets over it pretty quickly and it's completely natural for her to feel that way," Wildman said with honesty, some of her understanding and outlook due to her doctorate in xenobiology. "Her first slowdown lasted almost four years, and that was almost a year longer than we expected." Smiling, she chuckled, "What's strange is that I know in fifteen to twenty years she'll actually be older than me…that's strange, so," she finished, turning toward the door, "that's one reason I like to see her as my little girl as often as possible before she towers over me like her father and then goes off to save the galaxy…with you probably."

Raising her eyebrows as they stepped through the Science Lab doors, Seven considered that for a moment, and realized that although she couldn't imagine Naomi Wildman as anything other than a child, she would not be adverse to working with her closely as a colleague considering with mentors like Wildman, herself, and the good captain, Naomi was probably well ahead of the race to the 'big chair' already, or at least to a senior posting in the Science Department. While the group of officers looked up from their work, then nodded to them both and returned to their tasks, except for Samuel Wang, who looked up at her, smiled softly, clearly in sympathy for what she must be going through, and in his own sadness since B'Elanna and Nicole were also members of the Elite Force, Seven stepped up to his workstation as Samantha walked quietly toward the back to where Naomi was working diligently, utilizing her earpiece. "Konichiwa (Good afternoon), Sam san," Seven greeted her friend since he hadn't been in the lab when she stopped by earlier, having decided since her birthday party that instead of calling him Sam Wang, or Sammy, as most of the others referred to him as to differentiate between himself and the blonde, with the similar designation, she knew and liked him well enough that she could modify his designation without permission.

Smiling more, truly appreciating the unique and often humorous ways Seven deemed appropriate to show her affection and acceptance, Wang bowed his head some, saying, "Ehht…Ohaiyo (Good morning), Shichi (Seven) san." Then whispering, he winked at her after looking over his shoulder at Sam, who had snuck up on her daughter and was taking a moment to make her laugh and be a kid by tickling her stomach while she wrapped her arms around her, and said, "It can't be afternoon yet because I'm still half asleep. Don't tell Sam though…she's never late."

"I will comply," Seven whispered back, raising her encased eyebrow and smirking some.

"What did the captain say about the crystal theory?" the geologist asked, pushing away from his work for a moment.

Placing her hands behind her back, Seven reported, "She was hesitant to put much 'weight' to that possibility and is 'leaning' toward the specimens you and Ensign Edwards discovered." When Samuel frowned a little while he crossed his arms and thought about it, Seven added as Samantha said goodbye to her daughter and started back for them, "However, she does not wish us to 'rule out' anything at this time, but my efforts will now be focused there."

"Lieutenant," Samuel said as he turned around when he heard Samantha approaching, "I know it's a long shot, but I don't know…I just don't feel good leaving this be yet. When we land, I'd like your permission to take Edwards back to our original digging site and do some tests on the soil there to see if there's any difference before it was transported aboard."

"That'll be fine. We can all go together," Wildman reported, nodding. Then looking to Seven, she informed, "The commander says we can resume our surface work after 1200 hours…so," back at Wang, "why don't we all meet up in the Mess Hall for lunch, discuss our plans, and then head out for the afternoon? I always think of better ideas after a meal." When Seven smirked at her, and Wang laughed softly, Sam asked, smiling, "What?"

Answering first, Wang informed, "Well, I don't have any objections, but are you sure you didn't get switched with Nick?"

Samantha kept herself from blushing, or from becoming depressed, and said in her defense, defiant, "Certain, because if I were Nick, I'd have suggested we discuss our plans for lunch over a mid-morning snack."

"Impressive," Seven smirked as Wang said, "Ah, good point." The taller blonde then added, nodding, "I do not object to a 'working' lunch."

"Okay, then that's what we'll do," Wildman nodded, next reminded the rest of her staff that was listening in while she turned with Seven and started away, "And remember to pack light…it's a long way down and back up that ladder."

"Aye, Lieutenant."

"You know what," Samantha whispered as they picked up their pace and walked briskly down the corridor now, "I think I might just start liking being in charge."

Cocking her eyebrow, Seven smirked and allowed with sarcasm, "Perhaps you 'might'…"


Captain Janeway set her coffee mug inside the iridescent energy grid of her replicator within her office, then tapped a sensor to her left, which recycled the item back into the ship's systems to be used later. Before she turned and started for the Bridge, she took a moment to roll back her neck and loosen up her hands by balling her fists, then relaxing them and crinkling her fingers three times, causing some of her knuckles to pop comfortably. While she did that, she closed her eyes and visualized the entire sequence of skill sets she'd have to perform in turn in order to bring her beloved vessel safely to the ground, and once she was certain she could recall the process frontwards, backwards, and pick it up anywhere in the middle, she pivoted, tapped her communicator and stated as she walked gracefully, relaxed, and undeniably in control of her little domain in the middle of the Delta Quadrant, "All hands this is the captain…seal all emergency bulkheads, and ready your stations for landing."

Passing through the pneumatic doors of her Ready Room as she finished her sentence, she cut the ship-wide comm channel, pointed to Tuvok as she rose onto the command deck, saying, "Mister Tuvok," not bothering to tell him what to do since she was certain he understood. While the lights on the Bridge dimmed immediately and the alert panels changed from a blank, smoky grey to a bright blue, Kathryn stopped in the middle of the command deck and said, nodding over to Operations, where her dutiful, young ensign stood poised, "Hail the Alaxiat."

Kim informed as their sister ship responded, "On screen."

"First Regal," Janeway said to Devin, the Fynth crew's commanding officer and all-around community elder, "we're about to land the ship, so we'll have to rely on your long range scanning capabilities until we return. Would you be so kind as to run a check of your systems to ensure that we don't lose any capability, please?"

"Certainly," Devin nodded, then turned in her chair and extended her long, bony, golden index finger of her right hand to Lieutenant Tom Paris, who she'd put in the spot of her communications officer for the time being since he was stuck on her ship until the transporter issue was remedied, and furthermore because Ensign Roxanne Baker was officially her vessel's lead pilot. Since they were in orbit, Tom certainly didn't protest considering the lead pilot didn't have anything to do but sit there and be prepared for the event that they needed to break orbit.

Testing the sensors, Paris looked to the viewscreen, and up to Harry, then said, "I'm only reading the same two vessels…looks like they're still minding their own business. Is that what you have, Harry?"

Remaining completely professional, the ensign said, "Confirmed," then looked over and down to Janeway, and reported, "Systems are ready, Captain. I've modified our array's trajectory to compensate for the Alaxiat's high orbit so we can stay in constant contact…they should be fine where they are…unless," he added quickly, "you've changed our landing coordinates...?"

Janeway smirked up at the ensign as Chakotay came through the one of the turbolift doors and asked, clearly kidding, "Are you trying to ruin all my fun, Mister Kim?"

Smiling, but not too brightly, Kim returned, "Never, Ma'am."

Chuckling along with Chakotay as he came around and took his seat, whispering something quickly into her ear that didn't seem to phase or surprise her just before he sat and held on tight, Janeway smiled genuinely to Harry and said, "Good thinking, Ensign…thank you." Then turning back up front, she said as she proceeded slowly to the helm with her arms crossed, but looked up at the viewscreen, "We'll contact you again from the surface to re-establish communications. I'm not sure yet how long we'll have to remain down there, but I doubt it will be for long. So, unless there's anything else," she came to a rest next to Nicole and placed her hand on her shoulder purposefully, needing to feel how tense she was since she was familiar enough with B'Elanna's body that she knew when her muscles were abnormally constricted, "you can think of, I think we'll be on our way."

"May the spirits be with you and yours, Captain…and I," Devin smiled, raising her right hand, "will keep my fingers crossed. Alaixat out."

As she squeezed Fowler's shoulder softly when she felt them tense at her initial and continued touch, silently reminding her to breathe, relax and trust her instincts, Janeway looked over her shoulder and asked, looking to Tactical, "Status?" while Nicole seemed to understand and took a deep breath through her nose.

"All departments are reporting ready," answered Tuvok.

After glancing quickly at Chakotay, not surprised to see him already sitting firmly in his chair and moderately gripping the arm rests, Kathryn faced forward, smirking inwardly at her first officer's unease with such a relatively simple thing as landing a starship and said, patting Fowler's shoulder once, then retracting her hand and crossing her arms as she opened her stance subtly, "Helm…take us in."

Up until the moment Janeway had touched her shoulders, and then softly squeezed, Nicole Fowler had been sitting fairly comfortably at the helm focusing only on her breathing and the task before her. So long, it seemed, had she been concentrating on only herself, that when she felt the captain's hand on her shoulder, Nicole had instantly tensed as it took her a moment to realize her commanding officer was now directly next to her, and not somewhere speaking in the distance. Then that realization passed by her; an understanding that typically would have made her then relax, however, had only made her that much more coiled. For the next few seconds Fowler had searched her brain for a reason for her sudden, abnormal, and fierce tension to no avail, but it became quite clear to her instantly when she'd felt the tips of Janeway's fingers press into her tension, and the feeling had been nothing like she'd ever felt before. She had been able to detect the firmness of each pad of Janeway's four fingers and thumb, as well as a few of the tips of her medium length fingernails, even though two layers of clothing, and when she'd put pressure on her muscles, it had sent a surge of pleasure throughout her body…from her toes to her head, which caused her to inhale fairly deeply through her nose, and forced her to close her eyes and snap closed her jaw before the small rumbling sound in her throat escaped from it.

Opening her eyes as the captain patted her shoulder again once, firmer and spoke to her, Fowler swallowed, then nodded, forcing her hands to extend from their tight balls, and said, quick and shaky, "Aye, Cap'n," as she reached for her board. Then swallowing again, and nodding her head to her herself, Nicole closed her mouth and just breathed deep, steady, but accelerated through her nose as she focused on watching her finger placement on each of the sensors that she tapped; although as each second ticked by while they started their decent and Janeway didn't retreat form near her side, the harder it was becoming for Nicole to focus on her board and not look over at Kathryn's body, especially since a pleasing and arousing fragrance was wafting off the woman, and it wasn't helping her at all at this moment that she knew what the captain's form felt like beneath her hands thanks to the undercover work they'd done at Burnhouse a few months ago.

Kathryn was thinner and just smaller all around than she typically preferred, since she truly loved, in every sense of the word, a female form that had plenty of soft areas to grab onto, as well as feel against her, but she couldn't deny that there was a sexiness about the captain that just went on and on, and practically radiated out of her every pour, especially when she was in uniform and functioning as a commanding officer; something Janeway did with more grace and intuition than anyone Fowler had ever known, which compounded her attractiveness. The voice was also a big factor, and there was something about that woman's long, intelligent looking hands that Nicole had always admired.

When a soft series of beeps was heard behind her, alarming the crew of some problem, Fowler tensed, snarled and twitched slightly as she glance behind her toward the intrusive sound that was breaking her concentration, and the consummate captain reacted immediately, but it wasn't the reaction that Nicole currently needed.

As she heard Fowler—who up until this point was doing a perfectly fine job, although Janeway, who was watching her out of the corner of her eye, could tell she was definitely uneasy—growl while the computer informed them that their long range scanning abilities were being temporarily interrupted by their decent through the ionosphere, Kathryn placed her hand on her shoulder again and whispered, "Easy…it's normal." Then squeezing when Nicole tensed again, Janeway's concern rose slightly due to that and that one of the helmsman's hands was beginning to clench, so she said, still soft, not wanting to embarrass the fragile woman, certain that wouldn't make the situation any better, "Man your post, Commander…you're doing fine."

At that point, Fowler wasn't certain whether she wanted to put her fist through the display, jump up from her chair and run, or bite the hand that was on her shoulder, which left her fairly incapable of doing much of anything other than retract her hands as they balled mercilessly, and shake her head while she started to breath erratically, whispering, "No…I said no."

Not willing to give in, but less than five seconds from taking over before her vessel got into trouble, Janeway said with authority, no longer concerned about embarrassing Fowler, and now determined to do whatever was in her power to get the woman to focus and accomplish something, which she believed was vital if this switch was going to take them a few more days to figure out how to undo, which Kathryn knew was definitely possible, "Maintain your post, Commander, and fly this ship like you're capable."

When Chakotay stood at that and said, concerned for her safety, "Captain..." while Fowler snapped her bowed head in her direction, still keeping it low and begged, through clenched teeth, "Please, Captain," before she glared up at her, almost panting, Kathryn suddenly realized what was happening when Nicole looked at her up and down quickly with clear feral desire since she'd seen a similar, although not nearly as acute, reaction out of B'Elanna once when she was abnormally stressed inside the torpedo launch room and Kathryn had touched her shoulders. Reacting immediately, uncaring that she was possibly putting her body in harm's way by coming in close, direct, and immediate contact with Nicole's coiled body, Janeway leaned over and quickly used one hand to level their decent while she barked, "Harry, beam the commander to her quarters immediately!" then added on the next beat as Fowler grabbed her arm and pressed her face to her neck, making a sound that Kathryn was very familiar with, the captain turning her head and whispering into Fowler's ear, sincerely, "God, Nicole, I'm sorry..."

As Fowler's grip on her suddenly loosen and the woman dematerialized as she finished her apology, but before she could tell her she'd come see her shortly, Janeway didn't even wait to blink before she slid into the pilot's chair, having done enough before to level them off that they weren't in any danger of crashing. Looking down at her board and realizing they had way overshot their course, the captain brought the nose down slowly as she burned the maneuvering thrusters, turned the ship on its side and turn them around, saying, even and calm, but clearly not happy, "We're coming about…prepare to extend the landing struts." Then leveling off their horizon smoothly, increasing their angle of decent and slowing them down, she questioned, firm, when no one said anything, "Was that an 'Aye, Captain,' I heard?"

"Yes, Captain," Tuvok sounded off immediately, cocking one eyebrow as he worked his board and considered the situation he'd just witnessed carefully.

Leveling the nose again and coasting now, she slid the chair over a few centimeters so she didn't have to stretch and engaged the landing thrusters to slow their forward progress quickly and bring them down, saying, "Alright…do it."

"Lowering struts," the Vulcan announced while he engaged the massive, claw-like struts. Once they were completely extended and locked, he reported, "The struts are locked into position."

Easing up on the thrusters and letting gravity pull them down a little quicker, she waited until they were twenty meters from touchdown before she burned them at maximum intake velocity again and eased her ship onto the surface. Shutting the thrusters down as the feet of the struts compensated for the weight now resting upon them and the ship shook very slightly, the captain ordered as she powered down her board to a standby mode since they wouldn't be needing it for a while, "Stand down, Condition Blue…Commanders, gather your teams and secure the surface immediately. I want the Science Department to have access by 1200 hours…and find replacements for Seven and Miss Fowler. They won't be joining you in Security this time."

"Aye, Captain," Chakotay said as he stood up, glanced over at Tuvok, then met him on the upper level and joined him in the turbolift.

Turning around in her chair, the captain stood up and said to the three officers left, "May I have your attention please." When the two males manning the back boards turned around, and Kim looked up from preparing to contact the Alaixat, Janeway said seriously, but fluid and not aggressive, "What you just witnessed with Commander Fowler was beyond her now natural ability to control. She's a human trapped," she emphasized by atriculating the end 'T' sound "inside a body that's physiology and impulses are completely alien to her. Do you all understand that this isn't her fault as best you can without experiencing it yourself?"

"Yes, Ma'am…yes, Captain…of course, Captain."

"Good. Then I don't want to hear any rendition of these events except for the one I will put in my official log. Is that clear?"

"Aye, Captain…yes, Captain."

"Thank you for your discretion," Janeway returned kindly, bobbing her head. "As you were," she allowed immediately after while she started for Operations, then said, "Harry, re-establish communication with the Alaxiat."

"I just received a return transmission from them, Captain," Kim reported, staying very much on top of his duties in an effort to show Janeway without a shadow of a doubt that he was ready for the rank of lieutenant. He wasn't sure why he was passed over for a promotion again, but instead of letting the fact that he'd had to watch Samantha and Samuel receive their second pip while he stood at attention near the corner holding his clarinet behind him, bog him down, he was bound and determined to rise to the occasion and prove his worthiness. As the captain slid up next to him, he looked over and down at her while he finished, "There won't be any problems maintaining the channel."

Nodding, knowing very well what was behind Harry's sudden ultra-dutifulness, Janeway decided to give him a little reward and to hopefully make it up to him for purposefully, again, not promoting him as best she could without seeming too contradictory, which she figured would make the situation worse by forcing him to one day, before she was ready to answer truthfully, question her privately as to what he was doing wrong. Placing her hand on his back, and patting it twice, Kathryn said, "Do me a favor…tell Miss Reese she's needed on the Bridge to take over for you." When Harry looked over at her, then fought through the reaction to frown, then nodded, Janeway smirked and said, "I'll need you to take over for the rest of my shift while I see to things, and I'm sure the commanders would appreciate the chance to focus on their other responsibilities while it's quiet."

"Aye, Captain," Harry said quickly, nodding again.

"And while you're at it," Janeway added, airy and light, "why don't you just complete the official log too…that'll save me some time."

"Captain Janeway…report to Astrometrics," came Garen's voice over her communicator just as she was finishing her request.

While Kim affirmed her request again, but obviously seemed troubled, most likely because he didn't understand why she continued to give him more responsibility and not a higher rank, Janeway sighed and remarked, "Three guesses as to whom his mentor is?" partly in humor, but keeping her voice even since she was still putting on the show that she suddenly was not the ship's resident Borg's biggest admirer. When Kim expelled the air from his chest and shook his head, showing his loyalty to Janeway first and foremost, even though she knew Harry Kim was still rather fond of Seven of Nine, Janeway tapped his shoulder, gestured that he should lean down and whispered surely into his ear, "Hold your head high, Harry…that's an order."

Standing up straight, then smiling and nodding, Kim turned back to his work, energized and purposeful, saying, "Yes, Ma'am."

Kathryn gave him a firm pat on the back, and started for the turbolift, then smiled to herself as she breezed into the carriage while Kim tapped his communicator and ordered, politely, that Ensign Resse report to the Bridge, then requested that one of the ensigns take over Tactical and keep an eye on the away team's position. After she requested Deck Five, she whispered to herself, smiling, before she let herself feel terrible about what had occurred with Fowler, definitely feeling like she should have known better than to touch her at a tense moment in an area of her new body that she knew evoked intense sexual desire, "Bless all the 'Starfleets' in the universe."


"Report," Janeway requested, crisp, but without a reprimanding crack, as she breezed into Astrometrics, wanting to give the impression immediately that she was very busy and didn't have time for irrelevant, paranoid reports since over the last month, she'd come to learn that the Bajoran was an alarmist, as well as a first-rate conspiracy theorist…something Chakotay had 'neglected' to mention when she'd told him Saff Garen would once again be operating in a similar position as to what he held on Chakotay's vessel as a teenager. She had to admit that the "child" was unquestionably bright, as well as self-motivated, when he wanted to be, but Janeway really had had her fill of covert deception thanks to the revelation of the Federation's shadow branch, Section 31, so she wasn't certain how much longer she could tolerate Garen's theories about the "Fynth situation," as he put it, the ship's that passed through this sector and didn't attempt to hail them, Devin's plethora of inside knowledge on most of them, and on and on. When she'd finally approached Chakotay about the young man's 'concepts' and clear lack of trust during their weekly private dinner—a ritual they'd just recently resurrected since the captain's romantic and living arrangement, personnel changes and life in general had kept them from engaging in it habitually like before their last visit to a planet's surface—the commander had chuckled softly, shook his head and told her the best way to handle him was to let him have his say, pay close attention, then remind him that they were are all in this together and then be on her way. However, he had told her not to just toss his theories out the airlock because he'd been right on a few occasions and saved his butt because of it. Kathryn was having a hard enough time not becoming seriously jaded and suspicious with the knowledge she had now of Section 31, so she hadn't liked that 'advise' very much, but after just shy of a month and a half, she felt she was getting a handle on the situation and how to retain what Garen told her without becoming an alarmist herself.

It was a tight rope she was walking, she knew: the delicate balance between taking precautions and becoming delusional, but somehow she believed that if she just continued to trust in herself, in her judgment, abilities, instincts, and logic, and of those closest to her, that she could and would make it to the other side of this whole mess without tripping and falling flat on her face.

Garen glanced over his shoulder as he stood tall, thin and directly in front of the space lab's primary imaging station. Piping his data to the main viewer for her and his benefit, so she wouldn't stand so close to him, like she always did, the Bajoran said, "I found something you're gonna want to keep him mind." Nodding at the viewer with his chin, he said, "Have a look at that."

Placing one hand on her hip while she leaned the other against the highest part of the sensor construct, Janeway looked up at the picture, which she recognized as the planet they were currently on, and frowned as she noticed a strange disturbance on the planet's surface. Pointing with her hand on her hip quickly, before she returned it to it's habitual resting spot, she asked, glancing to Garen for a moment, then back to the screen, "That there…what am I looking at?"

"A giant dust storm," the ensign reported, then informed, detailing Voyager's position and zooming in, "and it's coming right this way."

Quirking the side of her mouth, Janeway said, "We haven't detected any dust storm…in fact," she recalled, clearly, "I, myself, just piloted this ship over that region…and there wasn't a dust storm."

"No, but there will be…we've got about three days…maybe four, but," Garen shook his head, "if I were you, I'd get us out of here in three. I have no idea how long it will last."

The captain sighed and rubbed her forehead, the dropped her hand, looked over at the Bajoran and asked, clearly in doubt, "And what makes you think that? We haven't seen any problems with dust storm on this hemisphere…certainly nothing of this magnitude."

"Take a look," he pointed back to the screen. "That soil sample that Science brought back that contained the crystals…I've conducted just an everyday surface scan for them, and if we black everything out," he paused while he changed the image, "and highlight just the crystals…you get the most interesting pattern. See the swirl marks?"

Bringing her hand to her chin as she leaned on the construct and narrowed her eyes a small amount, due to thought, not lack of visual acuity, Janeway allowed, "Go on."

"If we take a trip to the other side of the planet, we see similar deposits…but more scattered…less rhyme and reason…just like the smaller, but frequent dust storms there," the male reported.

"Alright, I'll give you that much, but," Janeway looked over and up at him, "what makes you think this giant storm is going to happen in three or four days?"

"The night of the transporter accident, Seven came to me and requested that I scan the entire planet's surface for the crystals," Garen explained, "which is why I have that information. She wanted to know if they were all over the place or just concentrated in this area. After I noticed the large swirling pattern, I got curious since it didn't match any other pattern that I could see on the planet. So, I went to Science and asked for a small sample of the crystals. In them I noticed that there were varying degrees of degradation of their atomic structure. Using the half-lives of the elements, I was able to conclude, clearly," he nodded, to emphasize, "that once every five to six years, a new round of these crystals develop…from some event…and are either deposited or develop in this pattern. The youngest crystals I found were approximately five to six years old."

Turning around and leaning on the console, crossing her arms, the captain asked, "Alright, but that still doesn't convince me this…event…is going to occur in three days time."

"I didn't know that either then," Garen jumped back in, "but it got me wondering about what would cause one of these giant dust storms. Now, I realize that we don't know if that is what deposits these crystals in this pattern, but I think it's fair to say it's the most likely scenario…considering the same thing occurs on the other side, just not at this scale." When Janeway nodded at that, the man explained, "So, that begs the question…what makes this really nasty dust storm happen on such a regular basis…but one that doesn't coincide with this planet's season changes…and then," he smiled, pointing back to the viewer, "I remembered this…"

Standing up straight and looking at the viewer, Janeway watched a rather impressive explosion of coronal matter from this solar system's sun, then sighed and stated the obvious, "A solar flare." Smirking once, she looked over to him and asked, "How big was that one?"

"Pretty big…and guess who's right in the path of its charged little particles?" When Janeway looked back to the viewer, brought her index finger to her lips, narrowed her eyes even more, Garen allowed, "Now, I don't have any way to say whether this sun spot is a permanent resident, and that about once every five to six years enough energy builds up and it flares, but considering the amount of gamma rays we have coming our way…in three and half days time…I think we should be concerned. The atmosphere will definitely become charged…and it could possibly expand…and that kind of disturbance could kick up one of these." As Janeway turned to him but didn't say anything right away, the ensign sighed and said, "Captain, listen…I know you think I have wild ideas, but I've seen this…"

Holding up her hand, Kathryn said, smirking, "You've sold me, Mister Saff." Then looking back to the viewer, Janeway shook her head and said, "Damn," as she brought her hand to her forehead and rubbed it slightly. Looking up to him, she nodded and said, "Keep on this…I'll let the senior officers know we've got to be ready to launch in three days, but I want to know immediately if you think we need to leave sooner." When Garen nodded, Janeway added, seriously, "Conclusive evidence, Garen…not," smirking, "wild ideas…alright?"

"Yes, Captain."

"I'm afraid ask…was there anything else?"

"No," Garen said evenly, "that's all for now…but I'm working on more," he finished, smiling proudly too.

"I'm sure you are," Kathryn said wryly as she turned and started away. Then stopping in the doorway, she came to a halt, pivoted halfway and informed, "And by the way…" When he looked over his shoulder, she smiled her famous lop-sided grin and finished before she exited, "Well done, Ensign…thank you."


"Beat it…I'm busy!" Commander Fowler snapped over the comm-system almost immediately after her door call sounded.

Sighing, expecting that reaction, Captain Janeway cleared her throat and said softly, looking around quickly out of habit rather than need to make sure no one was around to spy her, "Nick, it's Kate."

"I'm sorry, Captain…I can't finish my shift, but I'll come back soon. I just need some time."

"Nick, I'm worried about you…please let me in. I won't stay long."

"I can't responsibly do that, Ma'am. Just go, please…I'll call the Doc soon, I promise."

Janeway crossed her arms over her chest and said after Fowler's clipped reply, while she looked at the thinly padded carpet beneath her feet, "Nick, I want you to listen to me. It's not your fault. I should have known better, and I'm terribly sorry for causing that situation."

"It's not necessary, Ma'am, but I accept your apology. Thanks for checking in."

Rubbing her forehead, Kathryn glanced around again, then lifted her head and requested, softly, "Nick, I'm your captain and you're my friend…I don't leave people when they need help. Please, open the door and talk to me. Explain to me what's going on and we can go see the Doctor together…or have him come here if that will make you feel better."

"Please go away…just stay away from me until I'm right again."

Janeway rested her forehead against the door as she pressed one hand to it and considered her actions and their probable consequences, then nodded as she sighed and said, grave and coarse, "Will you at least stay with someone? I'll send Lanna if yo…"


"Then will you let me call Tuvok? He might be able to help yo…" asked the captain, purposefully not mentioning Samantha Wildman since she had a pretty good idea Fowler would have the same issues that she had with her, Janeway, only more so, with her blonde girlfriend. She also didn't mention Seven of Nine because even though she knew if Fowler did get violent in her chaotic state that Seven could handle herself, she didn't want to risk traumatizing the Borg, who she knew, just by knowing her, was very sensitive these days, especially with B'Elanna. Considering she knew Seven had stayed with Wildman last night, which was the reason why Naomi stayed with her, and she'd seen the usually logical Borg allow her frustrations to influence her judgment with scientific matters, she had a pretty good feeling Seven didn't want to see B'Elanna, in any form, until she was returned to normal.

"I said no!" Fowler yelled over the channel. "I'll talk to the Doctor tonight or tomorrow…there's no one else!"

Able to tell that Nicole was near the door since she could now hear her actual voice rather than just the transmission, Janeway cut the open channel, tapped softly on the door and asked, "Can you hear me?"

"No…go away, please," Fowler responded, no longer yelling and leaning against the door from the inside.

"Nicole," Janeway started, but was cut off.

"Please, Kate…please, now I'm beggin' you here. I don't need a mama right now. I don't need a captain, and I don't need a friend."

Begging herself, Janeway asked, "Then please tell me what you do need right now and I'll get it for you." When no response was yelled or pounded against the door immediately, Kathryn waited for a few moments, then sighed heavily and said, quiet, close, and hopefully appealing to the fact that she knew Nicole looked up to her, never having used her second to last resort tactic on Fowler before since Nicole always did as she asked the very first time, "Honey, open the door…I'll stay in the hallway, I promise…no one will see you. I'll clear the deck if you want."

"I said no!" Fowler came back quickly, banging her forehead and fists against the door as she became terribly conflicted and confused. She absolutely didn't want to open the door, but at the same time she absolutely did. Breathing deeply, then banging on the door again, Fowler cried through clenched teeth, "Just go…go on now and get outta here!"

Glancing up at the cabin's senor panel, so very tempted to just override the command seal that Fowler had on the door, deal with the situation, and then face the consequences later once she was certain Fowler was safe, Janeway looked back at the door, took a slow breath as she pressed her own conflicted forehead against the partition. When Fowler said, "Go on…just go," which sounded like a whisper as the less aggressive tone was stifled some from the door, the captain decided not to use her last resort tactic which would be to threaten to open the door herself, and requested instead, not as sweetly, but still with great compassion, "Will you do one thing before I leave?" Before the commander could answer, she followed, "You have my word…I won't ask for more of you."


"If I go to the end of the hallway, will you step out of the room?"


"I can't leave you unless I know that you haven't hurt yourself?"

"I'm not going to hurt myself. I wouldn't do that to Torres…you have my word."

"This isn't about B'Elanna," Kathryn explained quickly and surely, "this is about you. I'm worried about you…just you."

"I won't hurt myself!" Fowler yelled, then sighed and said, softer, "I promise. Now go on, Kate…it's alright. I don't blame you."

Jumping at that, Janeway asked immediately, trying to keep her talking and hopefully rational, uncertain what she would do if she got her to open the door on her own, but certain it would come to her when that occurred, "How can you promise me you won't hurt yourself when you won't even open the door and look at me for the same reasons?" The captain finished, then sighed, about to tell Nick that she knew more about her history than she let on, but was cut off once more.

"It ain't for the same reasons!" Fowler became angry again and walloped the door with the side of her fist.

"Then tell me why you won't let me get Tuvok if all you're worried about is hurting a woman?"

"A lady!" Fowler correct, losing all grasp of herself, "And I won't stand for it…none!"

Sighing and shaking her head as Fowler started to sound more confused and disoriented, Janeway didn't bother jumping on her 'high horse' about the fact that she, the lady, was a starship captain who'd dealt with plenty of Klingons and was practically married to one, and had never been fearful, even when they'd clearly threatened her, nor did she let Fowler's over-protectiveness rub her the wrong way since she'd never been patronizing or anything like that before, and Janeway wasn't about to take anything personally at this moment, and questioned instead, "Then why won't you see B'Elanna?" understanding that those two didn't consider themselves 'ladies,' a term that's definition, by the pilot, sometimes seemed mysterious and more intuitive. Since Janeway did know about Nick's past, she was much more understanding and sensitive to her ideas than she figured she would be with anyone else.

"I know what you're tryin' to do…and it ain't gonna work this time! Now get your damned stubborn, fool-head on outta here! I'm tired of fightin' with you, dammit!" Pressing her forehead to the door, battling the desire she had to open it and scare some sense into the redhead by stalking up to her, grabbing her shoulders and growling at her to get away while she could, Nicole banged her dense cranium three times against the surface, along with her fists and feet, then finished, holding her hands on her head and hunching down some as the pain she was experiencing became actually painful and not stimulating, "Why won't you ever just listen to me? I never asked anything else from you! Why do you always hafta fight me when all I want is to keep you from gettin' hurt again? You're always fighin'…fightin'…never listen to reason so long as it comes from me! Why, woman…why won't you just leave like you did before!"

The captain remained silent in her confusion for a few moments while Fowler spoke strangely, completely lost in her own head so much that although her voice had the tone and anger of Torres', the words, execution, and dialect were nothing like Janeway, or anyone, had ever heard coming out of the hybrid's mouth. Then realizing what was happening…well, as much as she could keep up with, Janeway knocked on the door again and said, sounding desperate now, "Nick, Nick…listen to my voice…it's Kathryn…Kathryn Janeway…not Francis. I'm not going to get hurt…honey, open the door…please, Nick, just open the door and let me help you."

When she didn't hear anything at all for a few moments, Kathryn gave up trying to persuade her and reached for the door call sensor, hoping that Fowler would understand that sometimes being a captain meant she could always be a friend, even if Janeway was the type of friend that would do the very same thing if it was in her power. She knew by being a rational woman that there was a risk that Fowler would become irate and attack her, but also by being a rational woman and knowing Nick Fowler, she never believed that would occur…especially if Fowler thought she was Francis Sheldon, who the captain figured was the last person in the universe the helmsman would ever harm…in any condition. However, just as she'd made contact with the panel and began to enter her authorization, she heard the door start to hiss open…and when Fowler lunged her in the next moment, her tanktop sweat-soaked and eyes confused, Janeway instinctively tensed her body, but wouldn't let herself react in a deflective manner.

As Fowler wrapped her arms around her neck and practically collapsed against her, Janeway breathed, "Nick," at the abrupt, haphazard contact. Bringing her own arms around and holding her tight when that second of uncertainty passed and she realized Fowler was reaching out to her, the captain supported her weight, and said, holding one hand to the back of her head, and reminding herself not to rub her back too hard, "It's alright…I've got you…you're going to be alright now."

"Cap'n," Fowler cried into her neck as she started to shudder and clung to her for dear life, "tell me what to do…I cain't be like this. I'd rather be gone than lay a hand on you. Please, Cap'n," Nicole begged as she sobbed, "just put me out 'til I'm right…I cain't take it. I'll kill me dead…it will, Kate…it'll kill me for sure."

"Commander, I want you to listen to me now," Janeway spoke clearly as she hugged her. "You're going to be alright…I'll get you through this, but you've got to trust me and the Doctor to look after you and decide what's best." Forcing herself away and grabbing onto Fowler's face, she wiped her tears away with her thumbs as she said surely, "I don't want you to fight with us. Let us take care of you, and I promise you I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe. If that means sedating you, then we'll do it…but I want you to let the Doctor have a look at you first before we decide what's best." Pushing back the hair from her forehead with one hand, Janeway said, quiet and soft, "Just let me take care of you now. You don't have to do it all alone…no one blames you…everyone cares for you…no one hates or thinks less of you …alright?"

As Fowler's bottom lip started trembling and her now dark brown eyes welled up again as they searched the captain's face for a resolution that seemed impossible to find, Kathryn pulled her into her chest again and said when Fowler began balling into her shoulder, "It's alright, Nicole…let it out. I've got you." Closing her eyes for a minute as she clasped onto Nicole tightly, Janeway sighed softly in pain for her friend's agony, and whispered, "You're going to be okay…I'll get you through this. I won't leave you…I promise."

Then opening her eyes that were somewhat misty since she'd never been able to watch a friend cry for long without joining in with them, Kathryn noticed a figure out of the corner of her eye a ways off. Turning her head away from Nick, about to shoot whoever it was standing their watching them her most malevolent gaze to inform them, without tipping off Fowler that someone was there, to mind their own business before she threw them into the Brig, Janeway cooled her jets quickly when she saw Nick Fowler's large form.

Blinking for a moment at the disorientation as B'Elanna Torres just stood there in uncertainy as to why her lover and best friend were embracing each other in such a manner, Kathryn took one arm away from Fowler's back and quickly gestured that the chief should come closer. Then putting her hand back immediately as Fowler's weight started to become too difficult for her to manage with one arm since the woman was now slumping a great deal, the captain said quickly, to Nicole, "Nick, Lanna's coming…we're going to help you to Sickbay now. You don't have to do anything…just let us take care of you." As Fowler started slumping more, Janeway sound louder, "Lanna…hurry…I can't hold her."

Torres picked up the pace of her slow walk, not having wanted to bust in on the scene abruptly before, and was at her side in a matter of seconds. Grabbing a hold of Nick's waist, B'Elanna nodded at Janeway, informing her she could take it and said as she reached down and scooped up the half-Klingon, holding her in her arms like she first had when this all occurred, saying, easy, "I've got you…okay, you just hang with me."

When Fowler failed to respond except to grab onto her neck and pull herself toward her, B'Elanna lifted her further up, letting her rest her head against her neck and shoulder region and said as they turned around and started walking quickly, Janeway having to half-jog every few steps to keep up with her, "be'nI' (sister)…don't you faint on me…Klingons don't faint…and neither do their sisters…so you just stay with me 'til we get there."

As they rushed into the turbolift and Janeway called out the deck, Torres squeezed her a little tighter as Fowler mumbled into her neck, then looked over to Janeway, who was rubbing her forehead as she crossed one arm around her waist, then said, trying to sound bright and cheerful, although she wasn't sure how convincing it came out, especially since she wasn't even in her own body, "Hey, Fowler…you hear me? Listen, I saw Sam today. We actually had some laughs and she let me pick out a Halloween costume for her." Stepping out of the doors immediately, Torres went on as they marched down the hallway, "I dunno, Nick…she might just give dollface a run for her money in the wet t-shirt contest we're planning after the kid leaves." That, the contest, was an outright lie, but one she hoped would spark Fowler's attention enough that she would tell Torres she was full of it and to watch her mouth when speaking of Samantha, as well as when speaking in front of the captain. "I was also thinking," she continued as they turned the corner and started down the final hallway, Janeway keeping pace with her and completely unphased, or surprised by Torres' unique attempt to stir the confused woman, "we should have Sam make some brownies with laxatives in'em, and then feed'em to the guys so we can have all the hot chicks to ourselves…think it'll work?"

When Janeway looked over to her at that, but was clearly trying to see if Fowler was responding rather than forwarding her typical look of disapproval, Torres was about to sigh and inform Janeway that Fowler was definitely out of commission because she would have smacked her for that one when she felt a fairly firm whack on the back of her skull. Laughing instead of sighing with relief, which Janeway did, B'Elanna nodded as they entered Sickbay and said, "See, I knew you'd like it…don't worry, no one will suspect us…trust your big, little sister for once. I know about these kinds of special ops…I'm Maquis, remember?"

"Computer, activate EMH," Janeway said as they stepped into the ship's empty infirmary.

Carrying Fowler over to the biobed, B'Elanna said as the computer reported that it couldn't comply and the EMH was not accessible, "His mobile emitter's gone…he must have went out."

"Janeway to Doctor," the captain responded immediately by tapping her communicator.

"Go ahead."

"Report to Sickbay immediately," Kathryn ordered as she picked up a medical tricorder and started for Fowler as B'Elanna dug out a few blankets for the half-Klingon, knowing first hand how cold it was in Sickbay. "I need your help with a patient."

"On my way."

As Fowler curled up in a ball and shivered, Janeway ran the medical tricorder over her glistening, pebbled body, then blinked and adjusted it for a half-human and half-Klingon physiology when the vitals were off the charts since even though outwardly hybrids typically resembled humans more than Klingons, internally the story was just the opposite. Relaxing some when it didn't seem like Fowler was going into cardiac arrest, Kathryn snapped closed the device and said, "She's got a fever…looks like stress induced since her blood pressure's fairly high. Keep her warm and talking until the Doctor gets here. I don't think we should give her anything just yet."

"T…T…listen," Fowler whispered, then reached out, grabbed onto B'Elanna's metal sash and tugged her down. When B'Elanna got on her knees and said, "Yea…I'm here," Nicole took a few breaths while she shook her head at the chaos inside, then licked her dry lips and said, "Don't tell Sam about this." When B'Elanna sighed and opened her mouth, Fowler yanked her closer, hard, and said, speaking in Klingon since she'd been studying in the last month as she'd promised her sister she would do for her if B'Elanna taught her how to use a bat'leth like a real warrior, "lay' (promise), DaH!"

Nodding quickly, twice, B'Elanna grabbed her hand and said, "Alright, alright…I promise." When Fowler nodded, exhausted, pulled her hand away, patted her cheek twice before she let her hand fall limp, Torres sighed as she moved her arm back under the covers, then looked to Janeway, who had turned around and backed away to give them privacy. Rubbing Fowler's back and arms firmly to stimulate heat, which the Klingon didn't seem to mind at all from B'Elanna, Torres questioned, trying to keep the conversation light until she could speak with the captain privately, hoping Janeway would let her do so, "What are you going to be for Halloween, Captain?"

Kathryn looked over at her and asked, frowning, "Huh? I'm sorry…what?"

Before she could repeat herself, the Doctor walked into Sickbay, and asked, "Report," as he walked over to the main console and started uploading his program back into the ship's computer since he'd been in Biometrics working with Seven and Wildman when the hail came through.

Walking up to the Doctor quickly, and speaking quietly, Janeway informed, "Miss Fowler seems to be having a lot of problems adapting to her new body. She had an episode on the Bridge and was delusional when I spoke with her in her cabin." As the Doctor pulled off his emitter and started for her, Janeway grabbed his arm, stopping him and finished, "She's running a fever right now…probably due to the stress and her brain activity," she whispered even more, "is highly erratic and showing signs of possible neurological damage. She's alright at the moment…so I'd like to speak with you before you begin examining her extensively…privately."

"Wait in my office. Let me just give her something to make her comfortable," the Doctor said, equally quiet. When the captain nodded, then looked over to Torres, and summoned her with her hand, the EMH passed by the chief as she started for Janeway, then picked up a medical tricorder and a hypospray before he went to the bed.

Following Janeway into the Doctor's office, Torres whispered, raspy, once they were totally inside, "What the hell happened?"

"That's not important right now." The captain added when B'Elanna sighed in irritation, "I'd prefer that she tell you on her own…if she even remembers."

Crossing her arms over her chest and nodding, Torres said, "Understood."

"I'd like you to stay for a little while so we can all talk about how to help her cope until we can fix this mess, but I need to speak with the Doctor first…privately," Janeway informed easily and fluid. When B'Elanna nodded at that and told her it wasn't a problem, Janeway glanced out the window to see what the Doctor was doing, then looked back up to Torres and asked, whispering, "How are you managing?"

Annoyed, B'Elanna asked, "Do you want the real answer or the standard one?" As Janeway closed her eyes and looked down for a moment, shaking her head, Torres said, whispering, "Well, I've hit my head about five times in the last three days, look and feel like someone's used me as a punching bag, Seven treats me like I've got the plague, Sam keeps checking up on me because she's worried about Nick, my best friend's freaking out in my body, most of the ship thinks I'm evil incarnate for brainwashing Seven and stealing her from you, and even if touching me didn't make you uncomfortable, I still can't do that because I'm pretending to be the devil…so frankly, Captain…it sucks to be me right now…in any body, but I'm managing just fine." When Kathryn finally looked up at her and sighed, conflicted as well, B'Elanna bobbed her head and said as the Doctor started for the office, "It's pretty backwards to get more attention from someone who just tolerates me than from those who say they love me…but I guess that's life?"

As the Doctor came into the office and stopped near the door, able to see the tension clearly between them, Torres backed away and said, "I'll take a walk," then barked as she approached the hologram, "Move it or lose it, Doc."

Side-stepping quickly before the taller woman plowed into him, the Doctor allowed, "Hmmph," then added as Torres left in a hurry, "I guess half of being a Klingon really is in the mind." When Janeway rubbed her forehead in irritation, frustration and a certain amount of guilt for all of this, the Doctor went to his desk chair and said without attitude as he closed the door to his office, "Would you like something for your headache…coffee?"

Looking up at him, Janeway pursed her lips, then said as she turned and started for the replicator in his office, "I thought Doctor's weren't supposed to encourage bad habits? Coffee…black."

"All things considering," he came back as he sat, "including irritable old flames who happen to be Klingon, I think I can make an allowance this time."

Turning around, Janeway said, sarcastic, "Gee thanks," as she came back to the front of his desk. "How about," she went on as she sat down, and crossed her legs, "you skip the comedy routine and I'll refrain from reminding you my personal life is none of your damn business…and then we can just get to the point?" Raising her eyebrows, she asked, poised, "Fair enough for you, Doctor?"

Not bothering to apologize, even if he hadn't meant anything by it, the balding photonic projection asked, answering her 'question' by asking his, "What did you need to speak with me about?"

"Do you know about Commander Fowler's extended medical file?" When the Doctor raised his eyebrows in surprise, Janeway said, "Pull it up and read it while I enjoy my…allowance. We need to talk about it and figure how to help her before she's traumatized to a point were she'll never be the same…even when we figure out how to switch them back."


"Commander," Seven of Nine greeted the swarthy Vulcan as she approached from the opening of the cave, having left the Science team for a few moments since they were all plenty busy scanning everything they possibly could. Coming to a quiet rest next to the equally tall gentlemen, dressed again in her special forces uniform, the Borg placed her hands behind her back when the ranking officer turned his head toward her and lifted one eyebrow, then requested, "May I speak with you about a personal matter for a brief time?"

After glancing around to make certain that all members of his team were in place, just in case something came up, which he didn't anticipate since they'd been on the planet's surface for over two hours today, and several hours on the other day and no security concerns had developed, Tuvok clasped his hands behind his back as well while he turned to face her, and said, "You may."

While she tilted her head slightly and nodded once, Seven said, "Regarding the matter we discussed fifteen days ago…I believe," she lifted her attractively cleft chin just slight as she took a breath, "now would be a prudent time for me to 'take you up' on your offer." She realized that she wasn't being as precise as she typically was, but had no doubts that Tuvok would understand what she meant…exactly.

"You are speaking of the meditation sessions I suggested?" the Vulcan asked to clarify, although that wasn't really necessary, but he was hoping to get to the bottom of Seven's behavior, to understand her better, and thus assist her in a logical manner, which he knew the captain was counting on him doing when she could not herself. Beginning the conversation again on his own terms was a necessity, as far as he was concerned, so he asked to keep her talking.


As he pivoted slowly, keeping up his watch out of duty, the security officer queried, "May I ask you why you've changed your mind?"

Not really surprised, although she'd hoped he would simply agree and then schedule a time, the blonde bobbed her head and informed, "I am having…some," she emphasized, "difficulty maintaining my efficiency on the investigation into the cause of the transporter malfunction. The captain has informed me not to allow my…frustrations…to influence my logic, thus I believe I require your assistance."

"Indeed," Tuvok allowed as he turned back to her, then questioned, "Your inefficiencies are emotions?"

"No," Seven of Nine corrected. "My emotions make it difficult to remain efficient."

"Can you be more specific?" requested the male even and calm as always, even if Seven of Nine's cool demeanor had wavered just slightly, which was detailed by her subtle shifts in the hard, dry soil beneath her heavily booted feet.

Sighing, the Borg looked to the ground for a moment, then up and to the right toward Voyager, which loomed over them proudly from where she rested at peace in all her sleek, streamlined glory, and finally said, "The captain requires efficiency and logic, not emotion and frustration, thus I wish to comply."

"Is the apparent status of your relationship with the captain causing your frustration?" the Vulcan questioned, trying another tactic

"It is only a minor contributing factor," Seven said surely and quick, feeling as though Tuvok, who didn't typically question her so much, didn't believe her, thus she felt immediately defensive, although she wasn't certain as to completely why…exactly. "She is maintaining her objectives in this matter, as well as am I. I believe we are functioning efficiently considering the circumstances, and she has assisted me by informing me how she adapts when she becomes frustrated." Then standing up a little straighter, the Borg let her hands fall to her side, and swung them just slightly as she continued, "Although you and I are discussing a 'personal' matter…the context of the discussion is not necessarily so. The captain is functioning as the commanding officer. I am and continue to function as merely her subordinate. She requires efficiency from me to remedy this situation. The specifics," Seven explained, "of the transporter accident is what is causing my frustrations. Nick Fowler and B'Elanna Torres require my efficiency as well to assist them by remedying this situation."

When the Vulcan nodded at her slightly and turned sideways to continue monitoring the immediately area, Seven furrowed her brow some, and asked, "When to we begin?"

Even and smooth, Tuvok informed, "We will begin when the transporter malfunction's cause and solution have been discovered."

"Explain," Seven demanded immediately following Tuvok's confusing response.

Raising his eyebrows, the Vulcan turned back to Seven of Nine and answered while he bobbed his head slightly from side to side, "The captain only requires that you work diligently on the situation, which are you are doing acceptably. Commander Fowler and Lieutenant Torres do not require your efficiency more than they require your emotional support and understanding. It is unwise for you to attempt to ignore the emotional ramifications of the situation. You are not Vulcan. Your mates are not Vulcan…thus they will exhibit strong emotional reactions…especially B'Elanna Torres. With each day that passes, that will undoubtedly increase…especially if you distance yourself from the emotional aspects of this unfortunate situation."

Determined, Seven titled her head to the right, furrowed her brow as she did whenever she believe she was correct and the person to whom she was speaking was not, and stated, "If I am efficient, then I will remedy this situation before there are emotional repercussions. There will not be a necessity to offer emotional 'support' if B'Elanna Torres is returned to her body."

"On the contrary," Tuvok responded with speed and skill, logically, "there are already emotional repercussions occurring." Looking directly at her, he reminded, pointedly, "It has been three days since the accident."

"That is why I must concentrate on only the investigation," Seven took a step closer to him and reminded, pointedly, "To ensure that B'Elanna Torres is not unduly traumatized by this experience."

"I could be mistaken," the commander said, "but from what I know of Miss Torres, and her ability to control her emotions and remain patient, which are actually rather impressive despite her sometimes irascible demeanor, I believe the most efficient way to ensure she is not traumatized is to offer emotional support first and foremost." When Seven sighed and looked away, Tuvok added, "You are not the only individual working on this issue. If you wish to assist her in the most logical manner, you should offer your love and support, as well as continue your investigation. She will undoubtedly feel more settled and normal if you do not treat her differently while we discover the cause of this malfunction."

Seven sighed again, turned away and informed as she looked up at Voyager, "I am uncertain how to accomplish that…she is not B'Elanna Torres. She," Seven sighed yet again, looked down, then pivoted back to the Vulcan and whispered out of habit, "is not the same. And furthermore," she reminded, becoming frustrated again, "she is occupying the body of Nick Fowler. I believe it is unacceptable for me to treat her as my partner as this moment."

"Unacceptable or unsettling?"

"Unacceptable," the blonde stated immediately. "Nick Fowler is Sam Wildman's lover…she is not mine, nor do I wish her to be. I will not dishonor B'Elanna Torres."

"Are you certain the chief believes you showing affection for her while she inhabits the commander's body is dishonorable?"

"Yes," Seven nodded.

Raising his eyebrows, the Vulcan asked, "You have conversed with her on this matter then?"

Seven took a deep breath as she placed her hands behind her hips, and said while she looked around the immediately area, "No…however, infidelity is dishonorable to her…as well as to Kathryn." Turning to front and center quickly at that, Seven informed, "Kathryn has not done so either. I am certain."

"Perhaps, however, you are forgetting that she has not done so for over a month now. If she has risked the aspects of our operation to show her affection, she would only do so in private, when she was not concerned about your deception becoming public knowledge."

"That is irrelevant," the Borg came right back. "Kathryn would not do so in any case. She would never dishonor B'Elanna Torres or myself."

"How is it dishonorable? You are in love with B'Elanna Torres, the individual, correct?"


"I believe you have become aware through your experience of being severed from the Collective that individuality is only possible when the mind is free," Tuvok said in a warm, easy, very teaching tone. "Although B'Elanna Torres is not in her typical form…her mind is free…her mind…her individuality is in the body of Nicole Fowler, and she is B'Elanna Torres at this moment."

"That is inaccurate," Seven said with passion and distress. "She is not the same. She is different…in every manner except her gender."

"Then you do not approve of who she is now?"

"It is not a matter of disapproval," Voyager's resident former drone corrected again. "She is merely not the B'Elanna Torres that I love. She is different and I do not wish her to be so."

"The only difference in her personality that I have witnessed," the commander informed, "is that she is simply more centered. Her mood, facial expressions, and other body language are less tense. She is more relaxed and quicker to find humor in situations, but I do not feel as though I am speaking with anyone else other than the chief when we converse. Her voice is different, but the intonation is remarkably similar to her normal speech pattern." When Seven nodded terse in his direction, but didn't say anything else, the Vulcan queried, "What about her now unsettles you so?"

After a few beats, Tuvok asked directly when Seven refused to answer, "Are you attracted to her physically more than mentally and emotionally?"

"I am not attracted to Nick Fowler!" Seven spun and said with emphasis, feeling defensive again, then added, to clarify, "Nick Fowler is my friend and colleague and I do not wish her to be more."

"I was speaking of B'Elanna Torres."

Shifting again, Seven said after taking a breath, "Then I apologize."

"Are you attracted to B'Elanna in her usual form physically above all else?"

After looking away from a moment, Seven said quietly, "No. At our relationship's inception, that was accurate…however, the same was true for Kathryn…shortly after I was severed from the Collective. As I 'got to know' each of them, I grew to love their individuality completely…with more emphasis placed on their personalities. However," she reminded, facing the Vulcan again, "B'Elanna Torres' personality is not the same at this moment…thus she is not herself…thus, I cannot dishonor her by displaying the affections I have only for her with another."

"Your argument is laudable," Tuvok informed, cocking his eyebrow, "however, I do not believe you would hesitate for an instant if the captain and the chief had been switched instead." Before Seven could say anything to the affect that such an event was different because she loved them both, the commander said, "Both of them would be different and experiencing very similar difficulties with adapting as are currently Nick and B'Elanna. However, I am certain you would not neglect showing your unwavering support and loyalty…even if B'Elanna had to adapt to a significant loss of her physicality, chronic head and back pain, and being constantly observed and studied no matter where she went…and if the captain continually lost control of her ability to manage her irritation and shouted at you…even if she attempted to physically harm you, I am certain you would not neglect her or resist showing your affection. I believe that is probable that you would even do so more than normal to compensate and attempt to soothe." After a few moments as Seven blinked, then looked away, turning her whole body away from him, but still listening, he said, "They would not be the same, yet you would, and they would require that as much as they would require your skills to remedy the issue." Turning away from Seven of Nine, believing it was now time to let her ponder and make her decision alone, the Security Chief finished, "If you still wish to begin our lessons when the investigation is concluded, I will not hesitate to instruct you in the least."

As the Vulcan walked away, then turned toward Commander Chakotay as the bulkier Native American approached, the Borg sighed for a moment, agitated, but paid attention to the commanders' conversation, even from her slight distance, until she was certain the first officer hadn't discovered something, and merely was informing the Vulcan he was returning to the ship and leaving Tuvok in charge. Then tuning out the rest of their conversation, no longer interested, Seven turned her head for a moment to their home as she contemplated Tuvok's words of 'wisdom.' And not for the first time since this whole problem began, Seven of Nine had a decided desire to speak with B'Elanna Torres and gain her perspective as well as her 'worldly' advice…however, the B'Elanna Torres she wished to speak with was currently impossible to reach because she didn't exist…and not only did that slightly scare the blonde since there was a secret, small part of her the wondered if this switch couldn't be undone, but it also wrenched her heart. Her 'bang pong' was out of reach…trapped between two bodies within the chasm that was this mystery…and currently, Seven hadn't any idea how to construct the bridge that separated them…let alone close the distance and reconnect with someone she knew and loved, yet was strangely unfamiliar.

Then turning away and returning back to the caves, the ex-drone spoke aloud, not realizing she was doing so immediately, "I will not fail." While she heard the words roll off her lips, Seven stutter-stepped once, then raised her eyebrows, and next her chin, and added purposeful, "Qapla'," as she marched forward tall, proud, and determined…just as she knew Torres would wish her to be. And finally, as she continued to think about the B'Elanna Torres she knew and loved, Seven allowed a smirk to form on her lips while she picked up the pace and began trotting toward her destination…just as she knew B'Elanna would do if she were here with her.


Approximately ten meters from reaching the bottom of the long ladder that descended from the belly of the spoon-shaped starship, the chief engineer grabbed onto the sides of the climbing apparatus, moved her feet into a similar position and slid down, finishing the climb as she typically did in her engine room. Although, halfway down the much higher ladder, she remembered that she weighed a lot more in her current body, so squinting and bracing herself for the impact she figured was going to hurt her more than usual, and not in the way that she enjoyed since her Klingon physiology reacted differently to pain— it being a welcomed sensation, as long as it wasn't terribly severe, that she relished in considering the euphoria that swept through her body directly afterward.

Coming down with a thud, B'Elanna clenched her teeth and grunted softly at the sharp sting in her ankles and knees, then let go of the ladder and shook her hands as her palms burned more than usual from the friction. Spitting in them both and then rubbing her saliva in by moving her hands together, Torres sighed and shook her head at herself for attempting that stunt without thinking it through, especially since her body already ached all over, then turned and started for the group of officers off in the distance just a ways. As she wiped her hands off on her tunic at her stomach, B'Elanna squinted a small amount in an attempt to make out just who it was that was waving at her as the wind blew, drying her eyes out, then when she realized it was Chakotay, Torres waved back to him as he left Tuvok's side and started toward her.

Torres picked up her pace out of habit, having always preferred to jog instead of walk, and as the wind blew steadily against her back, forcing her large form to move faster while it pushed the long, straight stands of hair that were in her lose pony-tail toward her face and around her eyes and mouth, B'Elanna attempted to brush them back. As her vision was obscured for just a moment while she fought with her hair, Torres' left foot got caught in a shabby, prickly tumble weed, but hopping on one foot wasn't as easy as it used to be, and thanks to the wind and her less than comfortable handle over her new body, she stumbled over her own booted feet and had to stick out her hands to brace her fall as she toppled forward, her legs too long for her to get them back underneath her as she was accustomed to being able to do.

Pounding the side of her fist into the hard, dehydrated earth, again out of habit, B'Elanna swore at the pain and the embarrassment, "Ouch!…Fuck!" as Chakotay jogged over to her, trying not to laugh and asked, sounding entirely too happy for Torres' liking, "Are you alright?"

B'Elanna snatched up a dirt clod she broken free with her 'acrobatics', chucked it at his feet as she pushed herself to her knees and yelled, "Shut the hell up!" Then looking at her scratched palms, that were burning even worse than before, B'Elanna sighed and grumbled vulgarities that were directed at Fowler's impressive size. Climbing to her feet and dusting herself off as Chakotay came up next to her, Torres continued her rant, "I swear to Kahless, I'm gonna break my neck if this keeps up much longer. You'd think with these big ass feet of hers it would be impossible to fall…but noooo."

Chortling and patting his friend on the back, Chakotay said, "I've often wondered what Nick's native name would be. I think maybe now Sasquatch works better than Grazes with Buffalo."

"Chakotay," Torres warned while she continued to dust herself off, "if you don't shut the hell up, yours will become Flat like a Pancake, or," she produced her large fist as he laughed out loud, "just Dead like a Doornail."

Chakotay slapped his old friend's strong back one more time and said, smiling, "Always an experience, B'Elanna…so," he grinned, crossing his arms and looking up to her slightly, "what brings you falling down from the great silver eagle?"

Sighing and rolling her eyes, Torres said, "I'd thought I'd take a walk, but now maybe I think I should just kill you and then go back before I break Nick's body anymore today."

"Problems?" he smiled with a certain amount of sympathy to his crinkled grin. When Torres pushed the thin, wispy strands from her face, frustrated, Chakotay asked seriously, "Wanna talk about it?"

"Don't you have to go pray or something?"

"Nope," Chakotay responded, not taking offense to her mood or mouth since he'd heard it all before when she was frustrated and wanting to lash out, and he certainly couldn't blame her considering it seemed Nick Fowler wasn't managing much better, if not worse. "I already did my rain dance." Then putting his hand on her arm tightly, pulling her away from the area and toward a rock formation a ways off, he said, "You're with me, Chief Shakes a Big Stick."

Pulling her arm away, but following him, B'Elanna rallied, "Where to, Shit for Brains?"

Chakotay laughed, shaking his head and said, pointing with purpose and dramatic flare, "Sacred ground." Then patting his chest, where his inner pocket was, he winked and said, "Peace pipe ceremony."

Torres glanced over her shoulder to see if anyone was paying them attention, then smiled devilishly and said, "Alright, but," she pointed at him, "if Tuvok finds us…you're takin' the fall." Scoffing at her wounded hands, she said, "I've already fallen from grace enough for one day."

Shaking his head in amusement, Chakotay informed, "Sometimes I don't realize how much you've changed until you say things like that."

"Just be glad I agreed," B'Elanna grinned, smacking his arm, "Seven hates when I smoke. Hey," Torres added, whacking him again, "that's not such a bad plan…then at least…" but realizing what she was about to say, Torres cleared her throat and finished when Chakotay asked her, "At least what?" shaking her head quickly and kicking at a prickly, dead clump of land as the past, "Nothing…just walk."

"Wanna talk about it?" the commander queried again as they reached the rock formation and went to the other side out of sight, not so much so no one saw him—he'd smoked openly on their last trip to a planet during the party and the evening before the severe storm forced them to vacate, although only a spare few knew that he smoked a few times a week aboard the ship—but so they could have a few moments of privacy.


Pulling out his leather tobacco pouch and sitting down on the ground, cross-legged, he came back as he opened up the container, "You know the rules, kid. If you wanna smoke with me, you've gotta talk." Then taking out the crude wooden pipe he'd carved on the planet nearly eight months ago and stuffing some of his 'secret' stash into the top, he commanded, "Have a seat, Bigfoot."

While Chakotay pulled out a match, then looked around trying to find a place to strike it where the wind wouldn't blow it out right away, Torres sighed and used her hands to shield the area around the top of the pipe, saying, "Christ, when are you gonna get a real lighter and give up your Indian Scout gig?"

Lighting the match with practiced skill using his first finger and thumb to create friction, Chakotay dipped the flaming tip into the tobacco, puffed on it several times to make sure it was burning enough, then said after he pulled it away from his teeth and expelled the smoke from his lungs, "Why do I need a lighter when I've got you?"

Taking the pipe from Chakotay quickly, B'Elanna said before she took a hit, "My hands aren't gonna be this big forever, old man…least I fuckin' hope not." Then placing her mouth on the end and inhaling, she pulled it away quickly as she coughed and choked, forgetting, again, that she wasn't in her own and body and just because her brain remembered how to smoke, didn't mean Fowler's body would accommodate her.

Chakotay retrieved his pipe, smiling, and said as she patted her back, "Guess Nick's never smoked…figures."

"Sorry to break it to you, Pops," B'Elanna responded after a few moments and several deep breaths, "but nobody smokes anymore, or did you miss that whole smoking kills bit?" Then smacking his arm, deciding not to attempt to smoke anymore since she was feeling decidedly nauseous and was worried if she kept trying she'd end up getting sick to her stomach, and that was never welcomed kindly, the chief said, "You need to quit that shit, anyhow…you're getting too old."

Laughing and smiling, always finding it funny that B'Elanna considered him so much older, when in fact he was a few months younger than Kathryn Janeway, who he knew Torres didn't think of as an old woman, Chakotay informed, shaking his head negatively, "This job will kill me faster than this. Stress," he emphasized with his head, "stress is what kills…it'll kill you faster than anything, except a Klingon, so," he blew out the smoke and offered the pipe to Torres, "I'm actually extending my life by relaxing and taking a moment to enjoy the peace of nature."

B'Elanna snatched up the pipe again, determined not to be sick to her stomach nor be a 'princess,' and said after she took a much smaller toke off the pipe and relaxed into the feeling, "I think you could give Tuvok a run for his money in the logic department with that line of BS."

"So, what's going on with Seven?"

Sitting back against the rock, trying to get comfortable and kicking her long legs out in front of her, Torres sighed and said as she started picking at her nails that weren't nearly in as good of condition as they were when she was transported into this body, "She won't even look at me…let alone talk to me." Shaking her head, B'Elanna said, "Look, I don't really wanna get into it, and I can't be gone for that long anyway. Kathryn wants me back in Sickbay to make sure I'm…managing…whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean…"

"Trouble in secret paradise?"

The chief leaned her head all the way back and said after a moment, as she looked over at him and gestured for the pipe, "You know how she gets…the high…high…horse."

"Don't be so hard on her," Chakotay informed as he leaned back as well, reaching over and patting B'Elanna's leg, "she's got a lot on her plate right now, and," he reminded, taking the pipe back as B'Elanna exhaled and coughed slightly, then turned and spat away from them, "if she didn't know how to ride that horse, we'd all be dead…at least ten times over." When the chief sighed at that and nodded, he asked, "What's going on with Nick? Is she alright?"

Looking over at Chakotay quickly, B'Elanna asked, aggressive in protection for her sister's privacy, but unable to help herself, "How the hell do you know about that?"

Taking a long pull off the pipe, Chakotay explained as he exhaled and enjoyed his slight, calming buzz, "She got tense on the Bridge when we were landing," he explained, under dramatizing it on purpose. "Kathryn had to take over."

"Whoa…what?" Torres said in shock. "Nick couldn't land?"

Shaking his head, Chakotay handed the pipe back to B'Elanna, who just took it but kept waiting for an explanation and said, "I don't think it was so much she couldn't, but she…well," he sighed, scratching the area around his tribal tattoo with his thumb, "I'm not sure what happened, but it looked to me like she was about two seconds away from jumping the captain." As B'Elanna just looked at him like he was crazy since although she knew Fowler had been tense and gotten aggressive with her, she hadn't been that way with Samantha, and had responded well to Janeway's command in a similar manner, Chakotay took back his smoking pipe before it went out and said, "I don't really know what happened, but I was concerned enough that I got to my feet during our descent, and Kathryn had her beamed directly to her quarters as she leveled us off."

"Jesus," Torres allowed, knowing it must have been bad for that to happened. "Well, she didn't though…right?" When Chakotay didn't say anything immediately at just scratched his face again, Torres pushed his shoulder and said, "Come on…did she or didn't she?" Then holding up her hands, she said, "I just wanna know what happened between them because when I found them," she informed, "they were hugging in the hallway and Nick was totally freaked out…I mean like…" she whispered, informing him in case he didn't know that this was private information, "crying…and Nick doesn't cry…ever…not as far as I know."

"I don't know," Chakotay said equally quiet, "but," he sighed, "if I had to honestly say, I don't think she wanted to hurt her…at least not intentionally, but it looked like she tried to bite her…if you catch me drift." When Torres quirked her mouth in confusion, the commander closed his eyes and shook his head in very mild frustration and concern, and explained plainly, "I think the only thing she wanted at that moment was the captain...all of her."

Torres rolled her eyes and said, "You've been smokin' too much of that shit. Nick's not like that." Holding up her hands quickly, B'Elanna said, "Yes, she likes women. She likes them a lot and likes to flirt…and yea…she thinks Red's cute, but Nick's not a hound…trust me, I know the type," she pointed at herself, although that wasn't true anymore now that'd she'd found real love, happiness, and purpose, and wasn't just trying to find trouble wherever she could, or just find someone that would love her so she could figure out how to love herself. Glancing around again, B'Elanna leaned in close and whispered, "Listen, Nick's really into Sam…I mean I'm convinced she's falling in love with her. She'd never do that to Sam…and that's not even taking into account that she'd never dishonor Red or me…or even Seven. She's just not the type…trust me…I know her…we talk."

"She's also not the type to cry, remember? I think you're forgetting she's not in her own body…she's in yours," Chakotay reminded as he offered the pipe to B'Elanna. As she declined, he took a final toke then said as he knocked out the remains of the tobacco on the bottom of his shoe, "I don't think she could help it. She looked pretty out of control. I'm sure the captain thought so too because she doesn't just beam people away when there's trouble. I've never seen her do that." When Torres started rubbing her forehead and said, "Christ…she's gotta be freaked," Chakotay said, "Do me a favor and just make sure Kathryn keeps her distance for a while. I don't think Nick can handle herself right now and I'm sure Kathryn will try to help her even if it's risky. I doubt she'll listen to me if I tell her to just back off…"

"Fuckin' idiot!" Torres said as she smacked her own forehead.


Sighing and standing up, Torres said as she dusted off her bottom, "Well, she sure as hell isn't going to listen to me either now. Kahless, I'm so stupid sometimes is scares me."

"What happened?" asked the commander, getting to his feet as well and putting away his products.

B'Elanna shook her head as she reported, "After I found them and we took Nick to Sickbay, Red pulled me into the Doc's office and asked me how I was…" lifting her hands, "managing…so I got pissed at her and let her know it." Sighing and crossing her arms, the chief kicked at the ground and went on, "I'm just having a bad day, and with Seven acting like I'm invisible, and Sam…and this whole fucked up break-up, I was just frustrated and took it out on her." Shaking her head, she added, "I just said some things I shouldn't have…I wouldn't have if I would have known, but," she unwound her hands and slapped her legs as they fell to her sides, "she wouldn't tell me what had happened with Nick…so I didn't know."

Brushing himself off carefully do he didn't look like he'd been sitting down on the job, Chakotay asked, "What's happening with Sam?"

"Let's just say I've gotten more attention from her in the last three days than out of anyone." Then shaking her head quickly, Torres explained before he took that the wrong way, "I know it's because she's just worried about Nick, and me, specifically me being in Fowler's body, but at least she treats me like I haven't suddenly grown horns and a spiked tail now. I don't know. It's complicated, but it kind of got to me when Seven came into my office to see Sam and didn't have five words to say to me. So," she sighed and placed her hands on her hips, "when Red did her little captain dance, it just rubbed me the wrong way…I just kinda felt like no one really cares that I'm in someone else's body too since Nick's having such a hard time. I don't know, I just feel like I'm getting blamed for everything these days."

Before the commander could respond, Torres held up her hands and said, "Don't bother. I know, I'm being selfish and over-sensitive."

Chakotay shook his head while he responded, stepping up to her, "Actually, I think you've got every right to be frustrated…although," he smirked some, "you're doing it again."

"What?" B'Elanna sighed.

"You don't give Kathryn the same leeway you give Seven," Chakotay reminded. "I know she does it too…but," he shrugged his shoulders, "I think in this case you should consider easing up on her." When Torres sighed heavily, puffing her cheeks out while she did so, the Native-American went on, "She's a tough lady to deal with sometimes…I know," he smiled, "but she's got a hell of an important job to do and if there's one thing I've learned from her over everything else is that sometimes she can't be your lover…or even your friend…especially right now with all that's at stake." Patting his friend's back, he finished, "This can't be easy for her, especially when she has to pretend that she doesn't love you, but still show concern for you. I think the fact that she asked how you were doing in the Doctor's office should tell you that no matter what's happening with Nick, she hasn't forgotten about you and what you're going through. She's pretty damned isolated right now too. She understands your frustration…trust me. I see her in private more than all of you right now."

Torres looked over at Chakotay, then asked softly, "How bad is she?" worried all her attempts to stay away from Janeway were having a negative effect that she couldn't see since Kathryn was the worst offender out of all of them of hiding her true emotions, which was more habit just from being the captain for so long without a true break.

"I think she's actually good," Chakotay informed, understanding what she was asking. "Like you said, she's doing her captain dance, and she's good at it. I think," he sighed, shaking his head, "somehow this whole thing with her father, peace be with him," he sighed again, still thinking the whole story was unbelievably heartbreaking, "is actually helping her deal with this operation. I think part of her is doing this for him, but there's no hate in her…only purpose. I don't know how she does it…but she does…although, she doesn't talk about it other than to say she's managing..."

While B'Elanna breathed a deep sigh of relief, then managed a small smile at that, shaking her head in amazement, Chakotay mimicked the gesture, the asked, "Now, why don't you tell me what's really wrong…and start with Seven."

Lifting her hands, irritated, Torres replied, "I don't know!" When Chakotay raised his eyebrows in disbelief, B'Elanna sighed, crossed her arms and said, quiet, as she twisted her toe into the soil, "I guess I miss her."

"So, why don't you tell her that?"

Shaking her head, B'Elanna said, "I can't…it's complicated."

"Why can you tell Kathryn you're angry, but you can't tell Seven you miss her?"

"I don't know!"

"Well," Chakotay said as he patted her back and started to walk back toward the ship, "why don't you try to figure that out? It might make you feel better if you do tell her. She might surprise you…that's one thing she's definitely good for."

B'Elanna opened her mouth to spout something back at her friend, then closed it, not wanting to bother since she knew he was right, which was one reason she was frustrated. Shaking her head again and expelling the air from her lungs, Torres placed her hands on her hips while she looked down at the ground for a few moments. Carving out the number seven with her heel, the engineer contemplated Chakotay's advice with regards to the Borg, and even though she was no longer a half-Klingon and didn't have to deal with conflicting emotions, that didn't really seem a factor currently because she had enough conflicting concerns about the beautiful blonde that made her feel just as confused.

While she tried to figure out how to deal with Seven of Nine in a manner that wouldn't upset the Borg, or make her feel obligated to do anything, which Torres certainly didn't want since she was never a big fan of pity, and would still help B'Elanna feel like suddenly she hadn't lost her best 'partner in crime' not to mention the person she shared the majority of her entire day with, as well as her bed…and often times the person she felt understood and respected her more than anyone, B'Elanna's communicator came to life and startled her. Sighing and shaking her head at herself as she could clearly hear the moderate unease in her captain's tentative voice, B'Elanna resisted the urge to punch herself in the face, feeling like she really deserved it for coming down so hard on Janeway, who'd been alone for over a month and never once complained or whined when they didn't make any attempts to beam over to her quarters even though they figured they certainly could. Then clearing her throat, B'Elanna slapped her comm-badge and answered the hail, "Torres here."

"Chief, did you get my letter?"

Now feeling even worse since Janeway was utilizing their secret code and requesting to speak in private, B'Elanna sighed again and said, "Kathryn, before you say anything…you don't owe me any apologizes, and I don't want you to say them. I'm a selfish bitch…I get that…and you can be mad at me."

"Well," Kathryn chuckled mildly, "I wouldn't go that far, Lanna…but thank you for allowing me to be mad at you even if I'm not. Now," she went on as Torres sighed clearly, speaking easy and as cheerful as she could manage, "I don't want to rush you, and I mean that, but when you get through with your walk, there's someone here that I think would like to see you, and I'd like that too."

Smiling softly at that, B'Elanna said, quiet, "Thanks, Red." Then turning and starting back for the ship, Torres went on right away, "I'm on the surface, but I'm heading back now. Did you still need me to talk with the Doc?"

"Yes. Why don't you meet me in Nick's quarters? I think it'll be better if I fill you in privately first, and I thought I'd get some things for her while she's stuck in Sickbay for the time being."

"You're too considerate for all of us, cowgirl…you realize that, right?"

"Absolutely," Kathryn came back, laughing softly. "Self-awareness is one of my finer points."

"Just one of many," B'Elanna announced very quiet. "Okay, see you there. Chief Tool-pusher out."


Stepping up to Fowler's cabin door, B'Elanna tapped her finger to the door call sensor as she frowned at the damaged palm of her other hand, shaking her head at the scuffed surface, then touching it with her finger as she tested the sensitivity. As Janeway told her to enter, B'Elanna winced and whispered, "Ouch," while she stepped into the brightly lit cabin once the doors parted for her. Lifting up her head, B'Elanna came to an immediate halt as she saw the disaster area of a living room before her. Not only was it worse than her quarters had ever gotten, even before Seven of Nine moved in with her, but it was very un-Fowler, since the Starfleet officer had the attitude that it was her duty to not only present herself, but her living space as 'proper,' as Nick would say.

While Janeway looked over at her where she was kneeling, picking up shards of glass from the floor near a broken, classically crafted picture frame, B'Elanna allowed, under her breath, "Jesus, Fowler." Then getting over her initial shock as Kathryn sighed and turned back to her work, frowning, B'Elanna started toward her and asked, looking into the bedroom, "Is it this bad all over?"

Very quietly, and coarse, Kathryn announced, extremely saddened to do so, "Yes. She smashed her guitar in the bedroom." Sighing and looking up as Torres started to kneel next to her, Janeway shook her head as she said, "It's completely ruined."

"The one you got her?" Torres questioned, surprised, incredibly so since she knew how much it meant to Nick and was like a symbol of not only her friendship and respect for Janeway, but it was a symbol of her new family.

"No," Kathryn informed, clipped due to her distress. Turning back to her work, she said, softer, "The one she got at Mardi Gras…the twelve string. I don't know where the other one is. I couldn't find it."

"I think she keeps it at Sam's place now," B'Elanna informed, placing her hand on Kathryn's back. Rubbing it softly, she asked, "Hey, are you okay?"

Sighing, Janeway shook her head affirmatively as she handed over the picture she was holding close to her chest, questioning, "Is that who I think it is?"

Torres took the slightly scratched picture, looked at it and nodded, explaining her knowledge however, "Yea…well, she fits the description…but I've never seen this."

Standing up, Janeway replied, "Something tells me nobody has if you haven't." While she walked over to the replicator to deposit the glass, Kathryn asked over her shoulder, "What happened to your hands?"

"I tripped again," B'Elanna replied absently as she stood up as well, looking down at the picture of the redhead in the partial Starfleet uniform, however the only thing covering her torso was a standard issue grey sports bra while she waded up to her knees, without rolling up her pants, in the surf of some beach, completely carefree. The woman, who B'Elanna knew had to be Francis Sheldon, looked to be of average height, maybe a little taller since she was barefoot, but it was hard to tell because there weren't any other people in the picture. She was thin, but not bony, and in apparent good health, although she wasn't muscular. Her hair was medium thickness, long, and with a nice amount of natural body, but not curly, and looked to be cut into long layers which reached a few centimeters past her shoulders. Her skin was definitely fair. Her eyes were fairly large, and definitely bluish since even from a fair distance, they were clear and reflecting the sea color nicely, but what caught B'Elanna's attention more than anything, despite that she was definitely shapely and vibrant, was the woman's incredibly bright and genuine smile. It was as radiant as the scenery around her and made it nearly impossible for Torres not to smile just by seeing someone look so amazingly joyous. B'Elanna wasn't sure she'd ever say her thoughts aloud, but Francis was physically the most beautiful woman she'd ever seen in picture or reality. She looked flawless and perfectly proportioned, almost too good to be true, and suddenly Torres realized one big reason why Fowler clung to her memory so: she was unforgettable.

Shaking her head, B'Elanna muttered, looking up as Kathryn started back for her, "She wasn't lying…she's gorgeous."

Janeway took the picture back as Torres handed it to her and responded, still subdued, and clearly serious, "Certainly explains her nickname." When B'Elanna looked at her as if she didn't know, Kathryn cleared her throat softly and said, "Fancy…Nick's called her that twice while we were talking. I don't even think she realized it." When Torres smiled at that, laughed once very soft, Kathryn smiled faintly as well, and said while she looked back at the woman, "It fits her rather well, I think." Then looking back up at the chief, Kathryn said, frowning again, "You tripped…again?"

"Uhhh," B'Elanna sighed in irritation as she started for the bedroom. Checking over her shoulder to make sure the captain was following her, Torres added more detail, "I can't seem to get the hang of this giant thing. I keep falling all over myself." Whispering, "Shit," as she passed by Fowler's shattered guitar on the floor near the bathroom, the engineer proceeded into the ensuite and informed as she stepped up to the sink and pulled the basin forward to activate the water, "I ran into the old man on my walk…he told me Nick freaked on the Bridge too."

Following Torres into the bathroom, Kathryn remarked, "So that's why you smell like smoke…I should've known." As Torres looked at her, grinned crookedly and shrugged while she carefully washed her hands free of dirt, Janeway took a quick breath, then stepped up to B'Elanna's side, grabbed her arm softly and pulled her down toward her. When Torres turned her head back to her, saying, "What?" Kathryn smiled softly, pressed her lips to the chief's lightly, then whispered as she pulled away, "You taste like it too…I love you."

Smiling fairly shyly for a Klingon, Torres nodded and then said as she turned back to the mirror, "Chakotay made me do it."

"I don't mind," Kathryn reported, truthfully, honestly enjoying the smell as long as it wasn't overpowering, which it wasn't, and certainly not going to lecture about bad habits since she had more than a few herself. Sitting down on the toilet as Torres finished up her hands, then informed she was just going to wash up a little since she felt 'gritty' after her eventful trip outside, Kathryn questioned while B'Elanna took off her metal sash, "What did he tell you exactly?"

Handing Janeway her honor shield as the redhead reached for it, Torres answered, trying to smirk to keep the subject as light as possible, "He said she tried to get into your uniform, so to speak."

While Torres unzipped her somewhat dusty tunic, Kathryn explained, "Well, just so you know, it was my fault."

"Huh?" the chief allowed, taking off the jacket and handing that to the captain too.

Sighing, Janeway reported while she did her best to clean up the garment with her hands and pick off the little prickly thorns that were sticking to the arms, "I wasn't thinking. So, when I could tell she was tense, I squeezed her shoulders to settle her and remind her that I knew she could land the ship fine." As B'Elanna sighed as well while she pulled off her undershirt to expose her bare chest since she didn't have to wear a bra and felt too warm with a tanktop underneath that as well, Janeway said, still fussing over the jacket, "Well, you know how that goes, and when I realized what was happening when she looked over at me, I just thought it best to save her any more embarrassment and beam her directly to her quarters since she'd stopped piloting." Then looking over to B'Elanna, Janeway's mouth fell open slightly, but not because she was surprised by Fowler's impressive and omnisexual physique, but because the engineer had bruises all over her body.

The captain stood immediately and said, clearly concerned, "Lanna…what on earth has happened to you?" as she set down the contents of her hands on the toilet seat.

"Like I said, I haven't got the hang of this giant thing yet," Torres replied, understanding as she started to fill the sink with water. Glancing over her shoulder, she went on after she asked Kathryn to hand her a washcloth, "I never realized until all of this happened how much being a 'wee' Klingon comes in handy when you're an engineer. I've hit my head more times than I can count, and if I don't figure it out soon, I might leave poor Nick with permanent brain damage when she gets her body back…her skull isn't as thick as mine," she tried to joke.

Glancing into the mirror as Kathryn looked up at her, turned slightly harder than normal then looked down, B'Elanna furrowed her brow as she turned around and asked, "What…what's wrong?"

Janeway kept herself from making eye-contact with B'Elanna, certain Torres would see how fearful she was if she did so while she explained, stepping around the large form of her lover and dipping the cloth into the warm, soapy water, "After examining her, the Doctor seems to think that if we don't get Nick out of your body soon, you could be the one left with permanent brain damage…not the other way around."

While the redhead rang out the cloth, B'Elanna blinked, then asked, seriously, "How soon is soon?"

"He doesn't know," Kathryn answered quietly as she turned around and just looked at Torres' chest. Bringing up her hand immediately and washing her, hoping that would keep her from having to look up while she talked since Fowler was almost exactly a foot taller than she, the captain went on quickly, "She's stabilized right now and he's attached something of a neural 'pacemaker' to keep her brain activity regulated. He thinks it has a good chance of helping and minimizing the risk, but it's going to be important that she remain calm since," Kathryn sighed, then forced herself to look up into the chief's face, "I don't think there's any chance that she'll stop fighting her impulses. She's still Nick." Then looking back at Torres' chest as the taller woman remained completely silent, Janeway frowned and asked, "Darling, don't those hurt?" speaking of the bruises scattered liberally on B'Elanna's skin.

Brining up her left hand to the back of Kathryn's neck and rubbing, remembering to be careful how much pressure she applied, Torres smiled utterly modest, the look barely recognizable as anything close to showing pleasure, and said, quiet and in Fowler's lowest, contralto pitch, "I'm managing." When Kathryn chortled once, nervous and clearly so, B'Elanna requested in the same voice, "Red…tell me the truth…no bullshit, remember? How worried are the two of you?"

The captain sighed as she moved the washcloth away from Torres' bare chest and set it behind her into the water without looking back. Shaking her head, she brought her hand back around and replied as she grazed her knuckles over B'Elanna's washboard-like abdomen, a completely familiar gesture no matter what body her lover was in, "I can't speak for the Doctor totally, but we're moderately concerned right now." Then palming her stomach and running her right hand carefully over the entire area and up to her sternum, Kathryn informed, "We'll know more by tomorrow. If she responds well to the treatment and is able to maintain herself on her own without fighting any impulses, then I'll feel a lot better…but right now we just don't know…and," she sighed again, leaning forward and lightly kissing a bruise on Torres' right pectoral muscle, "I think you should prepare yourself for the likelihood that it will take us a few more days to figure this out." Closing her eyes while she turned her head and rested her cheek against the fairly unfamiliar body that was so much different than what she was used to, the captain put those thoughts from her mind and just concentrated on the fact that she knew this person was B'Elanna, then whispered while Torres wrapped her arms around her back and pulled her in close, "Oh, I've missed this."

As Janeway brought her hands to her back by habit and slowly massaged the small of it with one while she ran the other one over the middle and lightly used her fingernails to scratch as she went, B'Elanna chuckled softly in endearment and kissed the top of Janeway's head. When Kathryn asked her what was so funny, Torres reminded in a whisper, "That doesn't get my motor running anymore, cowgirl…although, it doesn't feel bad…"

Smacking B'Elanna's butt, knowing she was teasing her, Kathryn whispered back, "That's not what I was trying to do and you know it," then wrapped her arms around Torres fully, knowing full a well that she'd done all of that out of habit, even if she didn't want to admit to it, and asked, smirking as she pressed her head to B'Elanna's chest again, "Why are we whispering?" but she still continued to do so.

Torres giggled again as she informed, "I think I feel like Nick's here, so we should be quiet. Besides," she giggled again, rocking them from side to side quickly, "it's kind of kinky if you think about it…cool, but definitely kink."

Chuckling against Torres' chest, Janeway said, wry, "I see some things haven't changed." The pulling away a little and looking up, Kathryn requested, "Kiss me please."

Smirking, B'Elanna said, teasing her since they both knew better, "What…I don't get the tapping lips treatment?" Not only wasn't that kind of request not Torres' thing, but if Janeway ever did presume to be that 'sickening sweet' with her, she'd just balk purposefully and give Kathryn a hard time until the redhead jumped her and kissed her first. Plus, that gesture was only something Kathryn did with Seven of Nine—although sometimes with Naomi—and she didn't want to take it away from Seven since she knew the Borg loved following that directive.

"No…now kiss me, dammit…I can't reach you."

Torres laughed, then reached down, clasped onto Janeway's bottom and lifted her up easily. Holding her up with one hand and urging her to wrap her right leg around her waist, B'Elanna informed as Kathryn complied, twisted her legs behind her, and drew her arms around her neck loosely, "Now you can, so why don't you kiss me?"

Flirting, Kathryn said, "But I kissed you last time…it's your turn." When Torres squeezed her butt and laughed, Janeway pursed her lips then said, "What's so funny?"

"Your ass is really little…you know that?"

Whacking the back of B'Elanna's head softly, then snickering, Janeway said, "Yes, now shut up and kiss me…I mean it."


Stepping back into the bathroom, carrying Torres' shirts and tunic that she'd recycled for her, Kathryn laughed out loud as she saw B'Elanna, and asked, "What are you doing?" although it was pretty obvious, but the question begged to be asked.

Torres smiled as she turned around halfway, glanced back into the mirror, drew up her arms and flexed again, then said, "Kahless, that is so cool…check it out." Dropping her arms as Janeway snorted and shook her head at B'Elanna, the chief snatched up her shirt that Kathryn had over her shoulder and said, "I think Nick should be the Incredible Hulk for Halloween…now that," she paused for a moment as she put her shirt over her head, "might even beat dollface's catsuit. Although," she smirked when Kathryn raised her eyebrows in surprise, "I still don't think you can beat a chick with a whip…at least not when they look like Seven."

"She's going to have a whip?" Janeway questioned, clearly in disbelief, gesturing that Torres should bend down so she could affix her Maquis rank insignia.

"Yep, but that's all you're getting outta me," Torres said as she bent down. "You'll just have to see for yourself…you are going, right?"

"I hadn't planned on it," Kathryn informed as she finished pinning the silver, elongated oval to her collar. "Devin and Chakotay will be there, though."

Sighing and snatching up her tunic as she stood up, B'Elanna said, irritated, but not at Janeway, "I'm sorry, Red, but this fuckin' sucks…I mean it." Then shaking her head as Janeway just sighed and shook her head, Torres said while she put on her clean jacket, "I know…I know you're doing your captain thing, and I'm not criticizing…on my honor. I just don't like knowing that you're missing out on fun you would have actually let yourself have if it weren't for me."

"B'Elanna," Kathryn came back as she handed the engineer her shield, then walked past her into the other room to gather up Nick's things, "unless I missed something that night about you creating Section 31…it's not your fault. Please don't think that because I don't want to argue with you. This is my job. I'm obligated to do this, and even if I wasn't," she turned around next to Fowler's bed, picked up the picture of Francis and set it on the nightstand next to her bed while Torres walked out of the bathroom and shut off the light, and went on, "I'd do it anyway…for a hundred reasons…only one of them being to keep you safe."

"I know," Torres sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the wall, looking down, "I still feel like shit about it, though." Managing a smile and shaking her head, she looked up and said, "I think you'd really get a kick outta Seven's costume…it's great…and hot."

Smiling, Janeway said as she picked up Fowler's harmonica from her bed, "Oh, I'm sure I would too if I know you like I think I know you." When B'Elanna laughed softly then started chewing one of her nails, Kathryn looked over to her and asked while she started toward her, grabbing he quilt from the bottom of the bed, figuring Nicole would appreciate that as well, "Will you do me a favor though?" Immediately following as Torres raised her eyebrows in question, "Take plenty of pictures for me…of everyone?"

Quirking one side of her mouth as she took the harmonica, the chief said, "Deal." Then after bringing the device to her lips and blowing on it, B'Elanna asked, "What else did you need to get?"

Janeway glanced around the area, then acknowledged, shrugging, "I don't know…I was hoping you'd know what she does other than exercise and play her guitar."

Torres stuck the harmonica into her tunic's pocket as she looked around, then said, quickly, "Oh, I know…she's been working on some lyrics." As she walked quickly into the living room, she said over her shoulder as Kathryn followed her, "She keeps all that stuff in her workstation…you'll have to get into it, or do you think we should just bring the whole thing?"

"Just bring it. I'd rather not snoop through her personal files," Kathryn said as she handed the blanket to Torres. Then turning around, she picked up the table chair that was knocked over and asked, "Anything else?"

"I think that's good for now," Torres informed as she closed the lid and tucked it under her arm while Kathryn walked around and began picking up the sheet music that was strew all over the place, some of the papers in pieces. After asking if Janeway wanted some help, expecting the captain to decline, B'Elanna took a seat on the top of the table, keeping most of her weight on her feet while she questioned, "Am I allowed to know what happened in here just before I showed up?"

Sighing, Kathryn explained, "I came by to make sure she understood what had happened on the Bridge, and why I just got her out of there, but she wouldn't let me in." Sitting down on the couch and straightening the papers in her arms as best she could, some of them severely crumpled or torn in half, Janeway went on quietly, "I didn't want to just open the door because she was adamant that it wasn't safe for me to see her, so I tried to get her to let you or Tuvok come have a look at her because I was concerned she'd hurt herself or would soon, but she wouldn't listen to me." Setting the papers aside, and looking over and up at B'Elanna, who was clearly saddened by that news, but didn't ask if Kathryn knew that a long time ago Fowler had seriously contemplated taking her own life on two occasions after Francis had left, the captain finished, "So, I asked her if she would come out and let me see her if I went to the end of the hallway, and that's," she sighed, shaking her head, "when she became delusional." Pointing to the door, Kathryn informed, "She started pounding on the door, telling me to get my 'damned stubborn, fool-head' out of here and that she was tired of fighting with me…and then," she sighed again as B'Elanna's mouth fell open slightly, knowing Fowler had to really have been unhinged for her to ever speak to her commanding officer in such a manner, "so…well, I think she was reliving some argument she had with Francis years ago because she kept asking me why I always fought her when all she was trying to do was keep me from getting hurt again…and why I just wouldn't leave like I had before."

"Shit," B'Elanna mumbled as she pushed off from the table and started for Janeway, now terribly concerned for her friend, and for Kathryn since she knew something like that would weigh heavily on the good captain's big heart.

"At that point," Kathryn said as she stood and crossed her arms, looking up at Torres, "I realized what was happening…or at least what I think was happening, so I started knocking on the door and tried to get her to open it again, and thankfully," she sighed yet again, looking down for a moment, "she opened it before I had to. She pretty much just fell into my arms and started balling…and," she finished, serious and sad, "from what she said, I think it's clearly obvious that she can't psychologically deal with any impulses of sexual aggression…I think that's what's at the heart of this. I think the desire to get angry bothers her too considering her past problems dealing with it, but that all stemmed from her frustrations over Francis' assault. I've seen her get angry before and act out on it once she felt it was necessary, but she showed remarkable restraint and recovered quickly. She was still very much in control."

Surprised, B'Elanna said, "You've seen Nick pissed…like pissed?" because Torres was certain she was the only one who ever had since Fowler just didn't get angry easily or in front of most people, especially women like Janeway. As Fowler was fond of saying of others, especially Janeway, she was 'steady hand,' which Nick had explained the definition of the first time she used that term, informing the chief that if was an old Southern, specifically Texan saying that meant someone could handle themselves and was even tempered, especially in trying situations.

Nodding, Kathryn decided to sit back down and explained while she did so, as Torres followed suit, "At Burnhouse…while we were waiting for the meeting with your contact, just before we ran into the group of men that were after you. I never logged it because I didn't think it was necessary, but two men were giving us some problems outside of the bar we'd been waiting in, and after we'd both warned them to back off and walked away, one of them kept jawing at me and unknowingly said some things that Nick found completely unacceptable…so," she sighed and shook her head as Torres just listened closely, "she turned around and pretty much baited him to take a swing at her…and when he did, she made him sorry he'd even climbed out of bed that morning." Janeway held up one hand quickly as B'Elanna's mouth fell open again, "She only hit him once, but it was enough to teach him a lesson…but considering she was pulled back to knock him out, and he was in no condition to offer resistance, but she stopped herself, I was proud of how she'd handled herself considering the things he'd said…which I'm sure you can guess what he eluded to…so I just let it go and felt it best to keep it off her record since she was only protecting me and I know she has some blemishes already that go way back from things she'd said here and there about being surprised she'd promoted me. You have to do some digging to find them since it looked like Starfleet was sympathetic, but they're there if someone wants to look into her past closely. I didn't know about what had happened with Francis at that time, so I thought she was so angered because they were after us because we were two women together. She'd said some things about us picking another establishment in regards to that, but right after we returned home was when she told me…so I looked it up. Most of it's classified, but it explains a lot…especially right now."

Torres refrained from informing Janeway she was glad Nick belted the man, since she figured Kathryn was already well aware of that, and said instead, "It especially makes sense now." Crossing her arms and leaning back on the couch, B'Elanna looked down into her lap and said, "I think…okay, I know this whole thing with Sam is bringing back Francis' memory." Glancing over to Kathryn, she said, smirking some, "I don't know if you know this, but Nick told me once you remind her of Francis sometimes when you get on your high horse."

Janeway sighed and chuckled, Torres did so too, then said, "She's told me as much…although," she smirked, "she left the horse out of it."

"And considering Sam's a lot like you in that way, and others," Torres smiled, modest, but winked, "then I'd bet my QIS (wavy-bladed knife) she reminds Nick of Francis too. I think it makes sense why she freaked out…plus," she brought up her hand to her mouth and chewed on her thumbnail, "we kind of had a fight about Nick's hang-up on Francis right before we were switched." Sighing as Janeway looked at her confused, but with a certain amount of disapproval, B'Elanna shook her head as she dropped her hand and said, "Not really a fight…just some words. I was just worried she was possibly screwing up her chances with Sam since I think they had a fight recently…and I know how much Nick really likes her. I even think she loves her, just won't let herself really be with her because of Francis. It ended fine…I promise…we just look out for each other like that and tell each other when we're being an idiot." When Kathryn nodded at that and refrained from making a comment or butting into their personal relationship, B'Elanna went on, "Anyway, my point is that Francis has been on her mind a lot, especially since we're going home. I'm pretty sure Nick believes she still owes her her first-born child or something…even though Francis was the one that gave up. Francis left her…not the other way around, and no matter what," she leaned forward and whispered again, "Nick says, it wasn't her fault. I know the story, and Francis walked without even trying…trust me," she pointed at her chest, "I know the type. Nick worshiped her and she would have done anything that woman wanted, and she'd never have left her…ever…even if she never recovered and was screwed up her whole life. She just wouldn't have done it…it was Francis who walked and never looked back, never once."

"I tend to agree with you," Kathryn said softly, turning and sitting back as well, "but that doesn't really matter. What matters is what Nick believes, and I'm not sure I know what that is. Considering what she said to me, she has underlying anger that Francis put up a fight when Nick tried to protect her. I think on the surface Nick feels guilty about her obvious attempts to protect her afterward, but I think what really bothers her is that Francis didn't let her."

Speaking even quieter now, not really concerned she was sharing this information with B'Elanna because she knew Fowler trusted her, and because she believed if there was anyone who could help the helmsman through this right now it was Torres, thus she required all information available, for both of their sakes, the captain explained, "Following Francis' assault, Nick filed several complaints of misconduct about the commanding officer leading the mission where Francis was assaulted…and frankly," Janeway said seriously, "I don't blame her at all. They were sent in for a surprise diplomatic conference requested by the Cardassian stronghold occupying that territory…which was known hostile territory to everyone. The security was lax, the intelligence was worse, and none of it had been cleared by Starfleet Command. The captain had command trainees and half of a senior staff on his ship, and instead of requesting assistance from half a dozen other vessels that were in the sector, he took it upon himself to give his trainees some first hand experience with diplomacy. Six of them ended up beaming down…only three of them were senior officers, and only one of them was officially Security. He left his Chief of Security in charge of the ship, and none of the trainees, which Francis was, were allowed to carry weapons because he apparently was 'concerned they weren't seasoned enough to refrain from drawing them if things got tense,' and he'd expected it to get that way. It was ridiculous. She was a lieutenant with a stellar diplomatic record, and anyone out of the Academy is seasoned enough to carry a firearm."

As the chief cursed under her breath at him for caring more about the enemy than his own people, Kathryn nodded slightly in agreement and then went on, "They basically beamed down into a prison ward of some sort. From Francis' report, the lieutenant in Security immediately became uneasy and suggested to the captain that he reconsider the mission. When the captain refused, but said if things degraded they'd beam out immediately, the lieutenant requested that Francis not move from his side and stay toward the middle. She said in her report that she was at first perturbed by the request, but quickly changed her mind as they started down the corridor since was immediately targeted by on lookers considering she was the only female…probably in the whole facility." Sighing and looking down, Janeway finished her report quickly, "When they entered the 'conference room,' they were immediately ambushed. The only two who survived were Ford, the captain and Francis. Ford managed to request a beam out during the fighting, but her communicator had been ripped off. She was taken hostage and it took them nearly twenty hours and five crews to get her back. The Cardassians said the people that had attacked them had set up the meeting under false pretenses and that they were part of a rebel group that was trying to undermine the Federation and Cardassian peace talks. They said they didn't know anything about it until it was too late, and that they arrived on the scene just minutes after Ford had beamed out. They agreed to 'assist' them with the rescue effort, but said she'd managed to escape because they couldn't find her. The fortified facility made long rang scans impossible, so without her communicator, they had to use hand held tricorders to find her…which they finally did, but," she shook her head and rubbed her forehead, "she was in terrible shape and nearly died from her injuries. She'd pretty much been left in an underground cell to die…and of course," she said with spite, looking up at B'Elanna whose face was stone-cold hard, "the individuals that attacked them were no where to be found. It was basically a miracle that she surived. All Francis could say for certain was that they were Cardassian, but in plain clothes, and none of them were the commanders in charge of the stronghold."

"I hope to hell Starfleet wiped them off the fuckin' map?" B'Elanna spat.

"There wasn't enough evidence to prove the commanders were behind the incident…and…"

"Let me guess," Torres got to her feet and placed her hands on her hips as she walked around, "and that would have compromised the 'peace talks?'"

"Something like that," Janeway said softly, not wanting to say anything more for fear it would just incite Torres' distaste for the Federation's former alliance with the Cardassians, which was the integral reason the Maquis had developed. "So, as I was saying," she continued even and calm, "Nick filed several complaints and even requested to be discharged early from her commission, stating 'irreconcilable moral differences' made it impossible for her to continue to serve."

"No fuckin' wonder she threaten to steal a shuttle," Torres said with aggression as she turned around. "I'd have done the same…and," she shouted, pointing at Kathryn, "I'd have beat the life out Ford and made sure he never gave another order ever again…ever."

Remaining perfectly settled, Janeway looked up at Torres and said, too wrapped up in the conversation to realize that as she was speaking with B'Elanna now, she'd totally forgotten Torres was in Fowler's body since B'Elanna was acting much more like herself, "Well, he went to see them while Nick was on house suspension and let's just say Nick's lucky she wasn't court-martialed and thrown into prison for striking a fellow officer. She broke his nose, his jaw, and cracked three of his ribs before she threw him out of the window of her apartment, which thankfully was on the first floor, so only his arm was broken do to that…but he refused to file charges or say what had happened, so nothing ever came of it, even though there was an eye-witness on the street that saw him fly through the window and then saw Nick yell at him from inside her apartment to never come back or she'd kill him. He requested early retirement shortly thereafter and left the solar system entirely."

"Good!" B'Elanna barked, then said to Janeway, holding up her hands, "Look, I know command is hard, but that guy was just as much to blame for what happened to Francis. Anyone that fucking stupid and arrogant doesn't deserve a command. He's lucky Nick didn't kill him. I'd have killed him, and happily gone to prison for it."

"Well, Starfleet purposefully took their time processing her request, hoping she'd change her mind since up until then she'd had a perfect record and had logged more community service hours than anyone…twice over. I think they were also waiting to see if Francis also requested to be discharged. About three months after that, apparently after their break-up since Francis had left Earth about a month before that, Nick came back to her commanding officer and withdrew her request stating that she had to take care of her little sister and didn't want to move from the base since Jessica was still in school and had too many friends there. Starfleet kept her grounded for a while to keep an eye on her, and after she landed herself in the Brig for the third time for fighting, they gave her an ultimatum to either get some help or get out of Starfleet. She was also put on a suicide watch for two weeks, which she doesn't know about and is the reason why I was concerned today. They only do that when someone is dispondent and depressed enough that they feel it's a very good possibility. She's lucky they didn't send her to Starfleet Medical." When B'Elanna sighed and rubbed her tense neck, Janeway went on, "So, she submitted to all of their requests to seek counseling and was on heavy probation for two years, but they kept an eye on her for five, and in return they promised to keep the incidents off her public file." After a few moments, Kathryn shook her head while she cleared her throat and said, "Someone high up must have been terribly sympathetic because that type of treatment isn't usually given to anyone with less than fifteen years service under their belt. It typically doesn't work out and they end up getting dishonorably discharged anyway…and, now knowing more about Nick's past, I think perhaps considering her reputation as a community activist, and her family's friendship with some of the political leaders in the area, Starfleet felt obligated to extend a gracious hand or face a backlash from the community. They're more sensitive to that than people realize."

After taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down, Torres looked over at Janeway and asked, quiet again, "What ever happened to her…Francis…do you know?"

"She went into Intelligence," Janeway reported in an equally subdued tone. "There's not a lot of information on her because of that…not even a picture, only a description, but once she returned to active-duty, she finished what little was left of her command training at Deep Space Three…was promoted to a lieutenant-commander, and was offered a position with Starfleet Intelligence, which apparently she jumped at. Everything beyond that is classified and only given out on a need to know basis…meaning," she clarified, raising her hands to her sides quickly, "I don't even get to know unless I'm ordered to work with her. Basically, she doesn't exist anymore. She could be dead and we'd never know until five years after it happened since that's how long they wait to declassify that sort of information for Security purposes."

"Shit," Torres sighed as she came back over to the couch. Sitting down, she looked over at Janeway and said, "I don't think Nick knows that stuff because she's planning to look her up when we get back."

"She doesn't," Kathryn returned quietly. "Her whole file became classified once she entered Intelligence, and another one was created for public record that says at the time we left she was still on Deep Space Three functioning as a liaison of some sort…who travels a lot. Only those with level ten clearance get the real story, and then it's only that she went into Intelligence and the public record is known to be bogus after that…although whenever a picture isn't available, most of the time it's a good tip-off, but they just list it as a cultural allowance, so you can never tell." Clearing her throat, Janeway said, "I haven't told her yet because I can't be certain what she's doing now. She could very well be out of S.I. I didn't want to prematurely dash her hopes without being certain. I'm worried it'll do her more harm to than good at this point."

Nodding, understanding the silent request and agreeing with Janeway since she felt the only way for Fowler to really get over the woman was to let her go on her own, B'Elanna said, "I won't tell her…besides," she shrugged, "I'm not even sure Nick has looked at the fake file. She never acts like she has any idea where she is or what she's doing."

"She hasn't," Janeway informed. "I went through the access logs, and I'm the only one who's ever accessed those files aboard Voyager. She might have done so before, but something tells me she felt like she shouldn't…violate her privacy, so to speak. I'm just guessing. We've never talked about it in that regard."

"No…no I think you're right," Torres nodded. "She always says Francis walked away and didn't look back, so she felt obligated to not fight her and just let her go and take care of herself. She just recently decided to try to find her. Before that she just talked like maybe one day they'd meet up again and get back together, but that was before Sam." Sighing and shaking her head, B'Elanna said, "I don't know because she doesn't really get into it, but I think she feels guilty for falling for Sam…like she doesn't deserve her or some shit like that. So, all the sudden she's decided to look up Francis…like she owes it to her somehow. I don't know, Red, but sometimes I think Nick won't be happy until she knows Francis is…at least not now." B'Elanna crossed her arms over her chest as she leaned back and explained, "Before she knew we were going home, I think she finally came to a resolution to make a place out here and just live with it. I don't know how long it would have lasted if the Slipstream Project hadn't worked out, but I think that's what she really was trying to do. She never really talks about it, but I know from a few things she'd said that she'd been interested in Sam from the beginning…so I think she was ready to sort of rejoin society and asked Sam out because she liked her, and it was pretty obvious the feeling was mutual. Plus, there's the kid and Nick likes kids. It certainly wasn't all of it, but she's sympathetic to single parents, since she was kind of one. So, she saw an opportunity to 'do right' by someone who she liked…and," she shrugged again, "even though I know she made sure Sam wasn't looking for anything serious…and Sam pretty much did the same thing too…I know Nick well enough that she wouldn't string Sam along…not when she has a kid, and not when there were plenty of other women that were interested. I think she saw Sam as an opportunity to be a 'do-gooder'…it certainly wasn't pity because like I said, she really liked her…even from the beginning, but I think it made her feel good to make someone else happy. And then," Torres sighed heavily, "and then I think Sam really surprised the hell out of her and she realized that she was special for other reasons, but then that all got fucked up when she found out about the Slipstream Project, and it hit her that we were really going home. This whole Section 31 thing hasn't helped either. Everything's changed…except the way Nick feels about her…but that almost makes it worse for her because now she won't do anything if she thinks it's not best for Sam…even telling her that she loves her because she's certain that's the worst thing for her." The chief shook her head and finished a little frustrated, "She can't get it through her thick skull that the best thing for Sam is the truth…herself too…because I don't think she realizes how much Sam likes her since she's so wrapped up in trying to protect her. It's just all fucked up…the whole thing…and I don't think all this shit right now is going to make it any better since if Nick's having that many problems, there's no way in hell she's going to let Sam anywhere near her."

"Well, I think you're right about that, and," the captain said as she shifted in her seat, "I think that for Nick's sake that she should stay away in this case." Shaking her head, Kathryn said softly, "If she really does love Samantha, then it would doubly trouble her to have aggressive impulses around her since I'm guessing that Nick considers her…a lady…whatever that means to her exactly, I don't know, but it's obviously important to her." Gesturing back to the door as Torres nodded, Kathryn said, "When I questioned her as to why she wouldn't let Tuvok in to check on her when all she was concerned about what was hurting a woman, she corrected me and said she was concerned about harming a 'lady' and that she wouldn't stand for it. Then when she came out and hugged me, she told me she'd rather be dead than harm me, and that basically she could never recover from something like that." Janeway shook her head quickly and said, "I don't honestly believe Nick would ever allow herself, in any form, as long as she had some control, which she obviously does, to harm someone she considers a 'lady'…so I'm not concerned about that, but I am concerned about her extreme negative reactions to the aggression she's feeling. I think any impulse she has to act without requesting permission first…sexually speaking…directly goes against everything she believes in. She strikes me as…well," she shrugged, "a gentlemen for lack of a better term."

Nodding, B'Elanna turned toward Kathryn and explained, "Yea…she is always, but it's a little different for someone she considers a lady. Nick's been with a lot of women…even more than me," she smirked, "but only a spare few have been 'ladies.' I don't know," Torres shrugged, "she's really old-fashioned sometimes, but if a woman is just a woman…like," she thought about it for a minute, "like Seven, then she's not as concerned about what she says or does, or how she does it. I mean, she's always respectful but she doesn't do that whole Miss so and so thing. They're just women, and she likes'em but doesn't worry so much if she gets mad and swears around them…or breaks their heart, and she doesn't let them in enough to get her heart broken, which I think is what she's really afraid of, because Francis did break her heart." The engineer shook her head and said, "I don't know, it's weird and she doesn't really try to explain it other than to say a 'lady is a lady and that means they're special' and leaves it at that."

After a few beats, snapping her fingers, Torres said, grabbing onto something she knew was a fact which would hopefully explain the difference, "Like what she does in the Mess Hall when you or Sam show up. She only grabs a chair for you two…and apologizes if she doesn't do it immediately with Sam. It comes out like what the hell is wrong with her. She gave her breakfast and coffee to Sam this morning when it hit her that Sam hadn't been able to get some for herself because she was busy trying to keep Nick from tearing my head off, and before Sam could say anything, she just jumped up to get more and apologized for making her wait. She'd probably would have done that for you too, or smacked me for not offering, but she wouldn't do that for Seven. She might offer to get her something, and would probably watch her mouth a little, but she doesn't go around calling dollface Miss Seven…and not just because things used to be tense with them. It's just different with some women. And if I had to guess, I'd say you, Sam, and probably the first are the only women she considers ladies…the rest are just women…expect for me and her. She thinks of us as neither…thank god." Smiling, she said, "If see ever pulled that crap with me I'd kick her butt…but," she smiled wider, "that's why I'm different."

Torres leaned forward as the captain stayed quiet for a few moments and continued to think, then explained a little more, "But I think you're right. As much as Sam's not going to like it, I think she should stay away for Nick's sake. When she came into the Mess Hall today and Nick got pissed at me and stood up, Sam marched over to us and yelled at her to sit down…and Nick did it right away. I mean," Torres shook her head, "it might as well have been you…that's how fast she reacted, but when some other people paid us a little too much attention after that, and after Sam sat next to her and tried to show her that just because she was in my body, she wasn't going to treat her different…Nick got really tense again. Then," B'Elanna sighed and rubbed her neck, "I thought it was because she was pissed at the people watching us, and so did Sam because she told her to relax and then told her she didn't want to watch her fight with anyone. I think now Nick was trying to keep herself from reacting to Sam's presence because she was sitting right next to her and leaning into her like she always does. But she apologized to Sam, then jumped up and left…even after I'd addressed the crew and told them to mind their own business…in a manner of speaking." Snapping her fingers again, she looked over to Kathryn and said, "That makes sense…maybe that's what set her off with you? She was already all worked up over Sam. I mean," she allowed a half-smile, "I know Nick's a flirt, but she'd never really come onto you, not in a million years. She'd never do that to Sam, or you…or me…or even Seven. She just wouldn't unless she just couldn't help it."

"Darling," Janeway said quickly but still quiet, "I don't think Nick was coming onto me. She was clearly having an intense and confusing moment and reacting to the person that was making her feel that way…which was me. Yes, I think perhaps seeing Samantha before that exacerbated the situation, as well did her tension about landing for the first time, and I just did the wrong thing and the wrong time by touching her. If I would have left her alone, I'm sure she would have landed the ship without a problem." When B'Elanna looked over like she wasn't certain, Kathryn titled her head and said, "Yes, I'm sure it doesn't help that she doesn't find me repulsive, but I think if Seven or any other woman would have touched her like that, she'd have reacted in the same way."

Sitting back, B'Elanna said, crossing her arms over her chest, "Don't fool yourself, cowgirl. I had my hands all over her back in Sickbay, and we've been around each other a few times since this all happened, and she's never acted like that with me. She usually just gets pissed at me and cusses me out. It does matter that it was you…so I think maybe you should think about taking a step back too." Holding up her hands, Torres said sincerely, "Look, I'm not jealous…I swear it. She's like my sister. I know what kind of women she likes, and I know that if Seven and I weren't in the picture a while ago before she hooked up with Sam, you probably would have had to beat her off with your big Chakotay stick." As Janeway sighed and looked down, then managed to snicker just once before she brought her fist to her mouth, B'Elanna reached over, patted her shoulder and said, "All I'm saying is that although I'm not Nick, I'm protective too, and I think I have reason to be concerned, especially when she's confusing you for Francis…that worries me."

"Lanna," Kathryn sighed as she looked up, "Nick would never hurt me, especially if she thought I was Francis…and I am different than Samantha because she doesn't love me and I'm her commanding officer. I can't or won't back away unless she really goes off the deep end and just the sight of me causes her distress. I will back off then, but only because that's what she needs. I can't back away just because she has to potential to attack me. She has the potential to attack us all…that's not the problem here. The problem is that she can't mentally deal with having those types of thoughts…it's damaging her physically and possibly psychologically, and I'm concerned that she'll harm herself if this keeps up. If being around me causes her those types of problems, then I will back away…I promise…alright, but not before then because she needs a captain now more than ever. I'm the only person that can be that to her."

When B'Elanna thought it over for a minute, then nodded and said, "Yea…yea, okay…you're right," Janeway said, lighter, "Before we go talk to the Doctor and have to pretend to hate each other…is there anything you can think of that would cause Nick to have these kinds of extreme sexual reactions?" When Torres looked over to her, confused, Janeway asked more clearly, and softer, "Is that something you deal with often…and just have never told me was a regular occurrence?"

Just about to hurriedly tell Janeway that she could stop worrying about her and that she rarely felt that possessed to engage in sexual activity immediately just by being touched on her back or shoulder region, Torres opened her mouth, shaking her head, then froze, blinked, and closed it. Turning her head to center, which was away from Kathryn, who was asking her what was wrong, B'Elanna brought her hand to her head as she jumped to her feet and asked, snapping her fingers, "What's the date…what's the real date…not the stardate?" Then shaking her head before Janeway answered, the captain not wanting to recite the exact date if at all possible since today was the anniversary of her father's death and she'd rather just not make that known since she figured it hadn't occurred to anyone, and that's how she preferred it, B'Elanna said, "Oh god, I totally forgot…it's October….the…the twenty-first!" Then blinking, she turned around and said, automatically pensive, "Hey…"

Sighing and looking down, Kathryn shook her head and said, "It's alright, darling…I'm okay." Then clearing her throat, she looked back up as Torres gave her a sad look and asked, "What's in October…why is that significant?"

Irritated even more and still testy about the issue since it continued to plague her, Torres, once a year, B'Elanna cussed, feeling really selfish for forgetting what day it was now and having yelled at Kathryn earlier, "Vorik and his fuckin' pon farr!" As Janeway looked at her very confused and stood up, B'Elanna explained as she started pacing around, "He might have gotten over it until the next one, but I'm not a Vulcan, and we never found a cure for whatever the fuck it was that he did to me. By fighting him almost to the death we were able to get over the feeling, but every year since then…right around the end of October in fact…my biological clock, so to speak, jumps to warp for about two weeks." Sighing and calming down some, she turned back to Kathryn and said, "It's never really been a huge problem because I created a Klingon holodeck program that I've used since then. I'm sorry I've never told you…I just forgot with all the shit that's be happening, and I only use that program during those times," she said adamantly, "I swear it on my honor!"

Holding up her hand, Kathryn said quickly, "That's fine, Lanna…I understand." When Torres nodded and sighed in relief, Janeway crossed her arms and said, "So, this Klingon pon farr makes you more aggressive…or just increases your desire to mate?"

"Both," B'Elanna explained, going back over to the couch and sitting down, holding her head in her hands as she leaned forward on her forearms. "It's more just that it's like I can't control the desire to have sex, but it's really strong, and it doesn't go away once I do. It goes away for a day or so, but then it just comes back and starts all over again…for about a week and a half." Taking her hands away and looking up as Kathryn came over to her and stood in front of her, looking down and listening carefully, B'Elanna informed, "Two years ago, we were right in the middle of those problems we had with the Maylon, so I wasn't able to just go to the holodeck whenever I needed, and the longer I waited, the worse it became…so that time it was pretty aggressive once I finally got a free hour, but usually it's not like that, just as long as I can go in there whenever I need to."

Reaching for Torres' face with one hand, Kathryn smiled down on her and asked, "Why do you use the holodeck? If I recall correctly, a year after Vorik's pon farr you were involved with Tom."

Quirking one side of her mouth, B'Elanna said, "It's a Klingon thing." When Janeway raised her eyebrows at her for the obtuse answer, Torres sighed, sat back and admitted, "Tom always tried to get me to open up to my Klingon side, but it was always what his concept of it was. He thought since I'd practically jumped him during the first pon farr episode with Vorik, he'd seen it all and could handle it." Sighing and shrugging, looking down at her hands, she said quietly,"I don't know, I just didn't really like sharing that with him for some reason…it makes me feel too vulnerable," she rolled her eyes and started biting her thumbnail, "I guess. I don't like feeling that out of control, so at least in that environment I don't have to worry about really hurting or scaring anyone." Sighing and nodding, Torres said, "I guess I do get more aggressive, but I think only because I want to…if that makes sense. It makes it easier on me. It's hard to be passionate with a hologram I created just to screw…and that's all it is…it's just sex. I don't know," she sighed again and finished as the captain sat down next to her and placed her hand on her thigh, "I just never wanted to share that with him…so I didn't."

"Can you be certain this doesn't really make you more aggressive…even when you're able to release yourself whenever you want to?" When B'Elanna didn't say anything right away, Kathryn squeezed her leg and said, "Lanna…it's alright if it does, but I think we need to know for Nick's sake."

Shaking her head, Torres said, whispered, "I don't know, Kathryn…I've just always let it happen that way. I mean," she paused for a moment, "I created a traditional Klingon program. I'm not sure why I did that, but it felt right…and they get aggressive…so I always just went with it because I know all the rules. I know how it goes, and part of it was because if I wasn't aggressive, I'd have been hurt. It was protection too. It was just about being a Klingon, and mating like Klingons typically do. I can't honestly be sure since I've never actually been with a real person like that, at least not during the pon farr. I guess this was the first year that would have been possible, but unless we figure out how to switch us back soon, I won't know until next year."

Since B'Elanna wasn't as truly bisexual as Janeway was, and tended to prefer women, where as Kathryn honestly didn't have a preference and just hadn't had as many female lovers as she'd had male…until Voyager…due to timing and opportunity, the captain asked her quietly, understanding the subject was sensitive to her lover, "What role do you typically play in the holodeck?" When B'Elanna looked at her strangely, the captain clarified, "I know what your preference is during normal times, but are you more submissive during your pon farr…or still prefer to be the aggressor?"

"No," Torres shook her head, "most of the time I initiated the mating ritual because I created the program. I mean that's what I came there to do, but the character was male." Shrugging, she said, "That's not usually my thing, but like I said, it's just sex…so that's all I wanted." Catching onto what Kathryn was possibly thinking, B'Elanna added, "But remember, Nick's only attracted to women…she's never been with a man…and," she sighed then said quickly, irritated that she was having to give up this private information for the sake of her best friend, "well, she's a top…so to speak."

Smiling a little, Janeway leaned forward and said, whispering, "Darling, that's rather obvious, and that's not what I was getting at." Then patting B'Elanna's leg, she leaned into the couch, rested her head in her hand and said, "I was thinking that maybe if we explained the situation to her, and she continued to wear the neural device to assist her impulses, she'd relax enough to realize this was a natural reaction for her body and take a trip to the holodeck." As B'Elanna started thinking it over, Kathryn said, "Or, it's possible she'd prefer to spend some time with Samantha since I'm sure if Sam knew the circumstances, she'd help her regardless of whose body she was in. She's a xenobiologist…she could probably explain pon farr as well as Tuvok." After a beat, she went on, "It sounds to me like her problems are more due to this pon farr rather than anything else, and the longer she resists, the more aggression she'll feel. I think if we tell her if she mates right away, she'll feel a lot better, she might just go for it. She's a reasonable person, and she realizes what's at stake here."

When the chief didn't say anything right away, Kathryn titled her head a little and asked, quiet again, "Are you uncomfortable with that?"

Sighing, Torres said quickly, "No. I mean it's weird, but no…hell," B'Elanna shrugged, "I'd have sex with her if I thought it would help…even though that would be really weird…I mean f reaky weird considering she's me, but that wouldn't work because she's not attracted to herself. But I think you're right," she looked back over to Janeway, who was smirking at her, "I think she might go for it if Sam's willing, which I'm sure she will be…even if it is me and Nick's the only woman she's ever been attracted to…as far as I know." Shaking her head, she said, "I think that's the only chance though. I don't think Nick will go for the holodeck…not even if we make a hologram of Sam. It just seems like she'd thumb her nose at that and just try to deal on her own." Then smirking back at Kathryn, she said, "And by the way, that doesn't work. I've tried it. It takes two to tango," she winked, "at least."

Janeway nodded and patted Torres leg saying, "Understood," as she stood, then said, "Come on…I think it'll be better if you explain this to her considering you seemed to be awfully clued in on her sex life." As Torres bobbed her head in agreement and picked up Fowler's things that she'd set on the floor, Kathryn teased, "I'm just going to assume that's due to your miraculous detective skills and not because you swap stories…I can assume that, can't I?"

As the chief followed her lover out of the quarters, Torres kept a perfectly straight face as she said, "Absolutely, Captain…as far as anyone knows, I've never gotten to home base with you." When Janeway sneered at her and called her a liar, B'Elanna smiled and said, "Or at least, very, very rarely has anyone found out that I've been that honored."

Smiling, Kathryn whispered as she flirted before she put on her captain's face, "Keep that up and you just might get lucky again, Miss Torres."

"Have I ever told you how much you put all the women on this ship to shame, Captain?" Torres smiled as they stepped into the turbolift, "Especially in your uniform?"

After calling out the deck, Janeway came right back, turning to the now very tall female engineer, and giving her famous lop-sided grin, "Next time, Chief…try…especially out of uniform. It works better in that respect."

Taking a rather deep breath, then expelling it in nervousness, B'Elanna pressed her finger to the door call sensor on Deck Ten, then placed her hands behind her back while she looked down at the ground and awaited admittance. Once she was given it and the silver doors parted evenly for her, she stepped into the living room of the Wildman's cabin, and was greeted by Naomi, Samantha, and not to her surprise, Seven of Nine…who were all seated around the table enjoying a small desert of chocolate chip cookies.

When everyone looked up at her and didn't say anything at first, B'Elanna was about to open her mouth while she glanced around, nervous, but the small captain's assistant beat her to it and said, jumping off her chair, forgetting herself, "Hey Nick…do yo…opps," she giggled, then covered her mouth. Pulling it away as Samantha smiled, and Seven managed a smirk, Naomi said, "I mean Chief…do you wanna play cards with us?"

Torres managed a smile as she came up to her, and said while she patted her head, "Sounds good, Shortcake, but I kind of need to talk to your mom right now." Winking at her, she said, "Ship's business first…since I'm still on-duty technically." Then looking over to Samantha, who looked decidedly concerned, Torres asked, looking over her shoulder to Wildman's room, "Can we just go into your room…I won't keep you too long?"

"Naomi Wildman," Seven of Nine said, standing, "we should continue our game in your room."

As Naomi turned to Seven, then nodded easily, understanding that ship's business required privacy, Samantha got to her feet and said, "That's alright you two…just stay and finish the game. Seven," she requested, handing the cards to her, "will you play my hand so my daughter doesn't cheat?"

"Mommy!" Naomi said with enthusiasm, "I wasn't cheating. The captain says you can do that!"

Smiling as she urged Torres toward her bedroom, Wildman teased over her shoulder, "Sure she did, Miss Cheater, Cheater Pumpkin Eater. Seven, watch her…she's sly that little one of mine."

"I will comply," Seven replied as she turned and watched Torres and Wildman enter the bedroom and close the door, curious as to why B'Elanna Torres was purposefully keeping her out of the conversation, but considering she was honestly starting to feel 'bad' about ignoring B'Elanna for three straight days, she didn't feel like she had a 'right' to complain. Although, she was definitely feeling worried considering she figured the conversation was undoubtedly regarding Nicole Fowler, and considering all things, that left her uneasy. Then turning back to her cards, the Borg reminded as she examined her hand and then Samantha's, uncertain who she could now play 'fairly' by playing for both of them, "I believe it is your turn," cocking her eyebrow, "'Cheater,'" which caused Naomi to stick her tongue out, and then snicker when Seven repeated the gesture.

Sighing as she closed the door behind B'Elanna, Samantha turned around and said as she brought one hand to her stomach out of extreme unease, "Is this about Nick?"

Torres smiled immediately, and said, coming up to Sam and putting an arm on her shoulder, "Relax. It's not as bad as you think…I promise." When Wildman sighed heavily with relief and then laughed mildly at herself as she brushed back her hair behind her ears, B'Elanna remained quiet and sensitive considering she was feeling pretty emotional from all the recent events, and especially after her long, and extremely emotional conversation with Fowler in Sickbay that ended with a rare hug between the two best friends, and suggested, "Let's sit down though…this could take a while. Besides," she managed a soft laugh, "my big feet are killing me."

Sitting down next to Torres on the foot of her bed, Wildman looked over and up to her, and asked, still concerned, just not as acutely, "What's going on?"

"First of all," Torres started, "why don't you give me a status report. I haven't talked to the captain in a little while and I haven't had time to read any reports yet." When Wildman looked at her funny, B'Elanna nodded and said, "Just trust me…it's important…I need to know where we are."

"Alright," Samantha nodded, then cleared her throat and said, "Well, we made good progress today. We're almost certain the mollusks we beamed aboard were directly involved in the accident. They basically have one cellular structure, but it completely transforms into almost an entirely new organism when exposed to direct, intense photons…and that's the only time we can detect them without modifying our equipment. That's important because similar conditions exist in transportation. The residue that they secrete, although a perfectly harmless mucus, is constructed on the cellular level just like the rest of the organism. Edwards and Wang both came into contact with this secretion, which we believe was partially removed by the biofilters during their transport. However, we've checked the transporter logs very closely and the biofilter logs show no sign of this secretion. As far as they show, Edwards and Wang were free of any unknown substances." Crossing her arms over her chest, she went on, "Seven seems to think, and I tend to agree, that since the secretion had gelled and then dried on their skin, what little was left of it was removed form their bodies during transport by the biofilter, but not removed from the transporter chamber since it didn't recognize it as foreign…merely dead skin or something of that nature. During transport the secretion would have undergone similar cellular changes by being exposed to the photons, but since they were left to remain in the chamber and continually exposed to light, the changes didn't reverse themselves as they typically do. Now in this state, the substance absorbs the photons until it can't any longer, then expels them, which gives them the iridescent quality. There's nothing in their structure that accounts for this, other than the changes, which allow them to absorb the light before they expel it. That's why it takes them just a split second to light up, and a little longer to fade to black again. It's hard to see with the naked eye, but that's what we've discovered with our tests on them."

Shaking her head, Torres questioned, holding up her hand, "So, what does this mean…exactly?"

"We don't know yet," Wildman came right back, "but our theory is that during the last transport…your transport, since they were already in their expelling stage, that interfered with the change of matter and was what caused your consciousness to switch. The logs show it as an 'unknown natural event' which pretty much equates to the collision of matter. That doesn't really seem that important at first since matter collides all the time during transport, but the unknown part we think was that the traces left over from the previous transport were in the chamber when you were materializing, but not before…and that's always a bad idea with transport. That's why it's against regulations to stand on the dais during transport. Any matter caught in the chamber that isn't expected by the computer causes it to compensate."

"And you think it compensated by switching us?"

"That's what we think…yes," Samantha nodded hurriedly. "Normally something like trace elements like soil and those type of things that aren't weeded out by the biofilters don't cause problems and the computer can compensate fine. Sometimes you get dirt in your mouth and those type of things, but nothing to this degree. We think the fact that the trace elements were rapidly expelling photons is the key since that's just not something that we typically have to deal with unless we're talking about large fractal crystals, but," she reached over and smiled as B'Elanna suddenly blinked and had a moment of doubt, "don't worry…it wasn't the diamond…we're positive." As Torres sighed with relief, then blinked at her, suddenly wondering how the blonde would know about that, Sam explained, "Seven told me…"

Frowning, B'Elanna asked, "How'd she know?"

Wildman shrugged and said, shaking her head, "I assumed you told her? You didn't?"

"No," B'Elanna informed as she started biting her nails again. Then shaking her head, she said, "Oh well, who knows…I can't figure out how she knows half the stuff she does." Then thinking for a beat, she looked back to the scientist and asked, "Okay, that stuff is a little over my head on the biological scale, but it definitely sounds fishy. Any idea how to undo it?"

Sighing, Wildman said, "Not yet, but we're going to run some tests tomorrow using the mollusks and transporting them with various test cylinders of organic matter to see if there's a specific pattern, and if there's not and it was just random luck that your consciousness got switched and not an arm or a leg, then we'll need your help to reconfigure the transporter to transport only that specific aspect of your body…if that's even possible…I don't know, I'm not an engineer, but Seven seems to think it might be."

Torres expelled the air from her chest as she rubbed her sore neck and shook her head, saying, "Honestly, and I'm not just being a pessimist, keep your fingers crossed for the slugs…that would be some bit of engineering, even for Seven."

"So," Wildman asked as she stood up and then started to crawl behind B'Elanna, "why was that important?" When she put her hands on B'Elanna's neck and started rubbing the area she knew tended to bother Fowler when she was tense and Torres immediately sat up straighter and froze, Wildman said, "Just relax, B'Elanna…I promise I won't hurt you. Nick always likes this."

Torres laughed nervously and said, "Yea…I'm sure she does, but I don't think she'd like if you did it to anyone else…thanks though. You're considerate like Kathryn too."

"Don't let this fool you," Samantha said evenly, "I'm doing this for my benefit just as much as yours. It always relaxes me, and something tells me what you're going to say is serious." When B'Elanna nodded, and sighed, saying, "Yea," Samantha patted her shoulders and said, "Okay, then take off your shirt so I can do this correctly…or," she chuckled, "right, as Nick would say." Then quietly, she said as she reached around and started pulling off Torres' metal sash, "And don't worry, I'm not trying to find out if your bad reputation for sleeping around is true." When Torres sighed and shook her head at that, Samantha finished explaining, "If I'm about to get bad news about my girlfriend, I'd like to feel close to her right now…I hope that makes sense."

Nodding, B'Elanna said, quiet, "Yea…yea it does…I get it. Just," she added as she unzipped her tunic, laughing easier now, "don't get all Sammy Wildman Jr. on me alright…for my sake?"

Wildman smacked Torres' back and said, "In your dreams, B'Elanna."

Impressed, Torres looked over her shoulder, and said, "Hey…not bad. I think there's hope for you yet."

"Thanks," Wildman came back smiling as she pulled up Torres' shirt. Then frowning immediately, she gasped a little while she asked, "My god, what happened to you?"

"I fell a few times," B'Elanna sighed after she pulled her shirt all the way off her head. "And I bumped into a few corners, stubbed my toe, and I hit my head. Then I tripped again…but don't worry, I'll live."

Placing her hands back on Torres' neck and shoulder region, smiling for a few seconds as she just put everything away and pretended to be with Fowler while Torres grew quiet, Wildman finally asked as she forced herself out of her revere and back to reality, "Okay, I'm listening."

"Nick's not doing so hot," Torres started out honestly, but vague. "To make a fairly long story short, she had some problems on the Bridge landing, and the captain had to land." As Wildman stopped what she was doing and said, "What?" Torres held up her hands and said, "Just let me finish and then you can ask all the questions you want…deal?"

Resuming her work, Samantha nodded and said, "Deal…go on."

"Red sent Nick home to rest, then checked up on her and after I met them in the hallway, we went to Sickbay. While I was outside and fell a few times," Torres laughed once, shaking her head, "the Doc examined her and discovered that due to her problems controlling her impulses, and her own mind fighting them, she starting to suffer some brain damage." Looking over her shoulder quickly, she informed as Samantha stopped kneading her shoulders, which B'Elanna had to admit felt great, and was actually very nice in a different way since it didn't stimulate her in the same manner as before and merely soothed, "My brain…she can't really damage her brain, unless we're stuck like this."

"Okay…go on."

"When I came back to the ship," the chief continued as she faced forward again and Sam returned to her massage, "I met Red at Nick's place, which looked sort of like a bomb went off inside. She doesn't have a lot of stuff, so it wasn't as bad as it would have been if she'd have been living in my cabin, but it definitely was messier than normal…and she'd broken a few things. Red told me that the Doctor has her on a neural regulator that's helping to keep her from becoming too wound up, and that is minimizing the risk for permanent brain damage. We talked a little about what we thought might be going on with her, and then it hit me why she was having so many problems." Sighing and bowing her head, Torres cleared her throat and said, very quiet, worried this information would really bother Samantha, "The problems Nick had on the Bridge were caused by an acute sexual reaction she had to someone touching her. I'm pretty sure it started in the Mess Hall with you, and that's why she left quickly because she didn't want to scare you since the impulses are really strong, and she just wouldn't be acting like her typical self." As Samantha stopped rubbing her back and just sat behind her, silent, B'Elanna went on, still looking at the floor, "Then it got worse when Kathryn touched her shoulders." Reaching up to her own shoulders and squeezing them, she demonstrated as she explained, "Like that…she does that all the time to just about everyone…so it's just habit, but after she did it and Nick started having problems, she realized what was going on. Anyway, that's why she beamed her directly to her quarters because she didn't want to embarrass her anymore than she worried she already had by causing her to get so distracted by trying to control herself, she couldn't land."

After a few moments, Torres turned around to face Wildman halfway where the scientist sat perched on the bed, still silent, and continued to explain finding it strange to be sitting without her shirt in front of someone and not feeling as naked as she normally would, which she realized was totally socialized behavior, "After we realized the reaction was sexual and we put the pieces together with how she acted in the Mess Hall, we realized what was bothering her so much these days." Looking down at her hands, B'Elanna said carefully, pretty sure Fowler had never told Sam about Francis and not wanting to get into it because it was absolutely not her place, "I think I know Nick well enough to know that she's just not like that…sexually aggressive, I mean…so we think…well, we know that that's why she's fighting so much with herself. That's just not okay with Nick…ever."

Sighing, Wildman changed her position until she was cross-legged while she said, quiet, not embarrassed, just concerned, "She's not. She's just the sweetest thing…always."

"Right," Torres bobbed her head, then continued, "well, there's a reason why she's having such strong impulses, and it's not just because she's in a half-Klingon's body…it's because," she sighed and looked up, "it's because she's specifically in my body." Before Wildman took that the wrong way, the chief said, "A few years ago, I'm not sure you remember, but Vorik went through his first pon farr…and for lack of a better term, he gave it to me so that I would mate with him." Sighing and rolling her eyes while she rubbed her forehead, B'Elanna explained quickly, "To make another long story short, he got over it because I had to kick his ass to keep him from trying to kill me…we pretty much just beat it out of each other. Since he's a Vulcan and that's natural for him, his went away for seven years, but mine comes back every year now…towards the end of October. We never found a 'cure'…it just went away due to our physical exertion and his mental state, which was influencing me."

"Nick's going through pon farr right now…is that what you're saying?"

"Yea," B'Elanna nodded and sighed. "I'm sorry I didn't think of it sooner, but with everything's that's been going on, I totally forgot that I was about to go through it, let alone Nick. It just kind of snuck up on…us…this year." Then shaking her head, she reported, "It's not like the typical Vulcan thing though. Once I mate, it doesn't just go away. That helps for a day or so, but then it comes back, and that continues for about ten days. Now," the looked back over to Samantha, "the important part is that if I don't mate, it just gets worse and I become more aggressive until I can't take it and just have to go…get laid, basically, and honestly," she looked down, rather embarrassed, "if I have to wait, it gets pretty intense…even for a Klingon."

"You're saying Nick has to mate with someone right away before this damages her…and you."

"Yea," the chief acknowledged before she looked back over to Samantha. "Considering we don't know how to switch us back yet, and it will at least take another day or so…if we're lucky…it has to happen. I don't know what would happen to her if she didn't, but I don't think it would be good to find out."

"Vulcans typically die if they don't find a mate," Sam reported seriously, "and the ones that don't are permanently and severely damaged mentally."

"Right…so, that's what has to happen…soon. Kathryn also said something about having to leave the surface in three days due to weather problems…so that makes it even more important if we don't figure this out before we have to go back in orbit and wait for the weather to clear." After a few moments of silence, Torres looked back to Samantha and said, "Nick already knows all this. I just came from talking with her. Her neural regulator is working well and she's much more like her old self." Smirking softly, B'Elanna reported, "She even played a song on her harmonica for the captain while I talked to the Doctor…so I'd say that's a good sign." Then shaking her head, she went on, "Anyway, like I said, she knows all this and she's agreed to stop fighting it and just…'do it'…no pun intended…but," she sighed as she looked back over to Samantha, "she's worried you won't go for that, and I promised on my honor to tell you that if you aren't comfortable…for whatever reason…all you have to say is the word and she'll go to the holodeck. It worked for Tuvok this year, and that's what I do…so I'm sure it will work for her too."

Blinking, Wildman asked, "She wants me to help her?" since up until that point she was certain B'Elanna was going to tell her that she was going to mate with Fowler.

"Yea," Torres nodded, modestly, "but if you're not okay with that…she understands, and," she sighed, "so do I…I promise. I know it's weird."

Shaking her head negatively, Samantha said as she came over to the side of the bed hurried, "No no no…no, it's alright…of course I'll help her. I'm sorry," she shook her head, taking a breath since she been holding it throughout most of the conversation on and off, "I'm just a little surprised, that's all. I thought you were going to tell me that you were going to mate with her."

B'Elanna smiled and shook her head while she informed, "Well, I would if it came down to it…but," she scrunched her face, "I'd prefer not to, and I'm pretty sure Nick does too. That would just be…really…really weird, and not just because she's like my sister, but because she's…me."

Managing a nervous laughed, Sam covered her mouth, nodded and said, "I guess that would be bizarre. I didn't really think about it."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Torres felt the need to ask. Shaking her head quickly before Wildman could answer, she said, "It's not going to be the same. I mean, she's not going to be crazy or anything…the neural regulator will help and she won't take it off for anything…trust me…but…well, she'll still be in my body, and I'm a lot different than Nick. For one," she smiled nervous and palmed her pectoral muscles, "I've got boobs."

Rolling her eyes, Samantha said, "Really…I never noticed, B'Elanna…wow." Then sighing and laughing softly, Wildman said, "I appreciate your concern, but it's okay…really. I'm a xenobiologist…I bet I know about your body almost better than you do, and I'm also just a person who happens to care about another person…no matter what body she's in. This is to help her…and you…survive and come out of this with only stories to tell instead of brain damage…it's really the least I can do…for everyone…including Seven. I promise," she reached over and placed her hand on B'Elanna bare forearm, "I'll be okay…it's just sex…and people have been doing that for a million reasons for centuries. Don't worry, I'll still respect you in the morning…well," she joked, "as much as I can manage, all things considering…especially the 'Tool-Time Tramp' thing."

Chuckling and shaking her head, Torres said as she stood up, "Hey, I still think you could have pulled it off, and that's a compliment. Okay," she turned serious again, "since you said yes, Nick would like you to come over to her place tomorrow after your duty shift. She doesn't want to get in the way of your investigation, and she's doing okay as long as she keeps the neural regulator on…the Doc doesn't think it will be problem if she waits until then." When Samantha bobbed her head, Torres sighed and then said quickly before she lost her nerve, "Okay, now stand up for a minute and let me show you a few things that will help you." Holding up her hands as Wildman stood but seemed confused, B'Elanna said, "I know you're a smarty pants, Doc…but everyone's different and I think it will help…so just humor me for a minute."

Catching on, Samantha said, smiling slightly as she realized Torres just called her Doctor or 'Doc,' and she'd never even told her that's what she actually preferred, finding that ironic considering the tension that existed between them, "Okay," as she started to put her brain to the task of memorizing everything that Torres was about to show her.

"Alright," B'Elanna said, "I'm gonna have to touch your back…so don't belt me…I've got enough bruises."

Turning around, Samantha reported, "I'll have you know that I've never struck a single soul in my entire life. Not even Peter Schwartz in the sixth grade when he pulled up my shirt…although," she smiled over her shoulder, "I almost did."

"Brave guy…I'll give him that much," Torres said as she placed her hands on Sam's shoulder, urging her to turn back around. "It works better this way." When Sam complied, B'Elanna put her arms around her and said, "Now, I'm gonna pretend that I'm you and you're me…well, Nick in my body." As Wildman nodded and then put her arms around Torres' neck loosely, B'Elanna drew her hands to the small of Sam's back and said, "You'll notice when you get busy," she snickered, "that my muscles here are really tense and if you press on them like this," she demonstrated, "she'll like that…a lot…but don't do it too much because it's really stimulating." Clearing her throat softly, she whispered, "Please don't ever tell anyone I said this, but Kathryn somehow manages to make little circles when she does that, so if you can concentrate that much, she'll really like that."

"Little circles…got it," Wildman nodded, remaining perfectly calm and professional, not for the first time glad she was a biologist since she believed it helped keep any embarrassment to a minimum since she was constantly dealing and studying cross-species reproduction, especially since her daughter was a hybrid.

Moving her way up Sam's spine, she said, "My spine is denser, as I'm sure you know, and so are the muscles next to it. My whole back is pretty much an erogenous zone, but pressing right around the spine is nice…and not as stimulating as the lower muscles, or," she moved her hand to Sam's neck, "or her trapezoids…but," she chuckled, "if you really want to get her motor running, press on the lower muscles, or use your nails on her back. You've got nails…right?"


"Good, and don't be afraid about hurting her…my skin isn't as thin and it takes a lot to really scratch me. Plus," she sighed softly, "she is a Klingon right now, so a little pain is okay…it feels different to us."

Smiling, Samantha asked, "Would you like me to tell you which chemicals are produced when you feel pain, and why it is that you enjoy it as long as it's not severe?"

"No," Torres shot back, "now shut up…this is weird enough without your commentary."

"Alright…I'll be good…go on."

"Kahless," B'Elanna laughed, shaking her head, "if you were a little younger and Red was just a little older, I'd swear you were her long lost daughter sometimes." Then sighing and moving her hands down towards Wildman's bottom, she cleared her throat as Samantha snickered and said, "Alright…Christ…basically, grab her ass too," then letting go after only patting her fanny with one hand quickly as Samantha continued to lose her cool scientific outlook and started to giggle, Torres refrained from making a comment about the blonde's backside, as far as it being "pretty nice" and said as she backed away, the feeling of the blonde's soft, full chest against her own and the whole situation just feeling too strange, "Okay, sweetheart…that's all the sex ed I can take for one day. Everything else is pretty standard stuff, but," she went on as she snatched up her t-shirt, "that should help keep her feeling less out of control…if you know what's going on…since I'm sure it's going to feel pretty weird to her."

"Is there anything specific you don't like?" Samantha asked softly, but seriously.

Shaking her head no, the brunette answered, "No…not really," then explained, while she dressed, "well, sometimes I don't like…well, sometimes I don't like penetration, but that's only happened with a man, and during my pon farr that usually isn't an issue…so I wouldn't worry about it." Grabbing her shield and not bothering to put it on, Torres said quickly, feeling the need to leave now that so much of her sexuality felt like public knowledge, "Well, that's it…good luck tomorrow. I'm sure it'll be fine, though. Tell Nick to call me later if she wants…just so I know she's okay and feeling better."

"B'Elanna," Samantha said as she grabbed Torres's arm to keep her from going. When the chief looked back at her and said, "What?" nervous, the scientist smiled, humbled, as she stepped up to her and said, "Thank you. I know this can't be easy for you for a lot of reasons, but you're doing it anyway, and I really appreciate that kind of loyalty and courage…and honor," she smiled honestly. As Torres grew completely unreadable at that, Sam finished, "You're a much better person than I ever gave you credit for, and I'm truly sorry that I've been resistant in trusting you…especially when Seven and Nick speak so highly of you." Standing on her tiptoes and kissing Torres' cheek, she smiled and said, "I think I get why Seven's been missing you something terrible…you're nice when you want to be."

Swallowing, B'Elanna nodded once and then said as she started away, opening the door and speaking over her shoulder, "Klingon aren't nice, Sam…ain't the right, dollface?"

"HIja," Seven replied as she glanced over at the sound of the door opening, having heard the end of the conversation that occurred right next to the panel, which was definitely assisting the smile on her face. As Samantha came out of the room, Seven asked, setting her cards down as Torres put on her meshed sash, "Did you wish to play, or were you planning to return to our cabin?"

"I'm just gonna go," B'Elanna said fairly quickly. "I'm beat and if I don't eat something soon I'm gonna kill someone."

Chuckling in endearment since she's heard similar things out of Nicole's mouth several times, although she usually just said it "wasn't going to be pretty," but the scientist figured that was because Fowler continually was mindful of what she said in her presence, which Wildman believed was for Naomi's sake and nothing much more…especially not for her sake since although she didn't do it often since she had a young daughter, Sam could swear with the best of them, except maybe B'Elanna, but Wildman was starting to realize that she was in a class of her own…a Klingon one.

Glancing over her shoulder as she started for the replicator, Samantha said, "Then why don't you stay? I know all of Nick's favorite foods. Besides," she grinned over her shoulder, "the Mess Hall's closed for the night, and I've heard stories about your cooking."

As Naomi turned around and nodded, telling her she should stay and play, Torres glanced over to Seven to see if that was anywhere close to a good idea considering the cold shoulder she'd received recently. When Seven smirked and her and nodded her head once, B'Elanna's whole face lit up like a Christmas tree, until she realized how goofy she suddenly felt and quickly tried to calm her reaction, but only to preserve her 'bad' reputation, which was efficiently being shattered today…especially with Samantha Wildman, and anytime someone started to realize she really was an okay person and wouldn't corrupt their children, it made Torres a little nervous by habit since it just added more expectations…not to mention made it easier for her to get her feelings hurt. Then nodding, she went over to the table and said, "Okay, kids…deal me in. Shortcake," she said as she picked up Naomi, set her in her lap and tickled her, "you're with me. I'm gonna teach you how to play cards…and win like a Klingon." As Samantha laughed and Seven smirked more while Naomi giggled and nodded, Torres explained, "First rule of Klingon card games…take no prisoners, which means," she smiled up at Seven of Nine, "show no mercy and clean'em out…right, dollface?"

Smirking, the Borg came back with a certain amount of warm, sexiness to her tones, "Qapla'…"

At 1745 hours the following day, Lieutenant Samantha Wildman stepped up to the door of Nicole Fowler's quarters on Deck Three and took a quick breath. Then turning her head toward the hallway from where she'd come, she looked at Seven of Nine, who'd requested to spend time with her while she groomed and prepared for her 'date' with Fowler, and stated that she would walk Sam to Fowler's quarters for 'moral support.' At first, Wildman hadn't felt that was necessary, but as the day had wore on and their tests hadn't given them much promising evidence that they could easily undo this problem, she started to become rather nervous, so by the time she and the Borg logged off for duty, she was decidedly happy Seven was with her. It wasn't that she was nervous about making love with Fowler, even when she was in someone else's body…even when that person was B'Elanna Torres. And even though she knew a large part of the reason Seven of Nine was accompanying her while she prepared and escorted her was because she wanted to show Sam, rather than just tell her, that she was agreeable to this event…even if it didn't make her jump for joy…that wasn't making Samantha nervous either. She knew if things were reversed and it became necessary for someone to have sex with B'Elanna in Fowler's body, she'd feel a little strange too, but she also knew that was just her own insecurities driving that, and that she was an adult and logical enough to deal with it…efficiently. The fact that she was going to be touching a woman's body she'd never really looked upon in a sexual manner before wasn't it either, since although it was true that Nicole Fowler was the one and only woman she'd ever found sexually attractive to the point that she wanted her, Wildman was a visually appreciative woman and she could appreciate the beauty of any body, male or female. She usually only noticed women who were her good friends or that she looked up to, and would inwardly and sometimes outwardly remark about how lovely she thought they were, but it was never to the acutely stimulating extent that she did with Fowler, who Samantha was convinced was the sexiest person in the known galaxy, and she didn't believe she was biased at all. And it wasn't even bothering her…not really…that B'Elanna Torres was also the lover of her commanding officer. That had given her a few moments of pause today when Janeway had come into Biometrics to get a report, but Kathryn had been true to form and completely professional, which hadn't left Wildman any more or less nervous. However, that had changed when she'd returned home and checked her messages out of habit, she'd received a "sweet" letter from the captain, where she'd pretty much given her consent without saying that. She merely thanked her for her support, which Sam found funny, wished her a pleasant evening, and told her that no matter what happened, she was available to speak with personally at any hour, and then she'd sighed it "Warmest Regards…Kathryn," which had left Sam smiling softly and feeling much better, especially when she got to tell Seven that she thought the good captain was just the "sweetest thing" and that she wished more Starfleet captain's were as noble, personable, not to mention "brilliant" as Kathryn Janeway, which had produced a rather large, proud smile on the stoic Borg's face, who couldn't agree more.

No, what was really making Sam nervous was that now that she knew about the Slipstream Project, the mystery 'mission' that they were all partaking in which was clearly dangerous—knowledge that was plainly obvious considering the lengths they were all going to protect each other, even if Torres hadn't told her directly there was risk—she believed it was finally time for her to tell Nick Fowler how wonderful she made her feel all the time and that even though they'd begun this relationship with the pretense that it wouldn't be serious, she'd fallen in love with the tall pilot anyway, practically immediately, and that she was prepared to do whatever it took to keep Fowler in her life because she didn't want anyone else: not another man or woman had ever made her feel the way Nick Fowler made her feel, not even her ex-husband, who'd been her best friend before they were married. And if Nicole asked her how she made her feel, Wildman, although nervous, was prepared to tell and show her all night long if necessary because if she could put it into one theme, she'd say that the commander made her, a doctor of science, wonder if there wasn't such a thing as divine power in the universe…because she felt that either someone was watching out for her, or she was simply the luckiest woman in the galaxy…it was that simple.

Samantha had no clue how Fowler would react, but she wasn't going to let that stop her this time because she wanted to tell her that she wasn't doing this "just because"…but she was doing this because she loved Nick, and planned to keep right on loving her, and she didn't care what body she was in. That didn't matter to her at the end of the day and that right now, and for however long this backwards situation went on, she would adapt. She also planned to tell her that it was okay if Fowler didn't love her back, or couldn't do that yet for whatever reasons Torres eluded to, and that she didn't expect anything from Nicole except the truth, and that she didn't plan to let that stop her from loving her. The only thing that would stop her from trying was if Fowler told her bluntly to stop and forget her, in which case Wildman would stop showing it, and could probably one day move on, but she never planned to forget Nick Fowler, because she'd never been able to forget her from the first time she saw her.

When Seven of Nine smiled at her and gave her a thumb's up, Wildman returned the facial expression, then nodded and turned back to Nick's door, then pressed her finger to the door call sensor, and nervously brushed her shoulder length, blonde hair behind her ears. Then looking down quickly, she smoothed down a few creases in the navy blue, thin, rayon, wrap-around skirt she was wearing that had small white flowers scattered liberally about it. Her shirt was the silk white one that she knew Fowler appreciated, especially because of the plunging neck line, although it certainly wasn't anywhere near as risky as the outfits Torres had suggested she wear for the upcoming Halloween party, so she'd always felt comfortable in it in any setting. She was purposefully not wearing high heel shoes because Seven had reminded her while she changed that B'Elanna Torres was actually shorter than Wildman was, and considering Fowler was used to towering over Sam, Seven believed it would make it easier on her if she didn't add any more height than the xenobiologist already had. So, due to that, she changed into a completely flat pair of flimsy sandals that were really just a formality since she didn't think it was ever a good idea to walk around the decks of the ship without footwear, especially when she was a lieutenant now.

As Nick told her to "Come on in, Sam," and the doors parted for her, Wildman looked up as she saw Seven of Nine, who was still wearing her colorful 'Klingon' biosuit, disappear out of the corner of her eye. As Fowler stood on her tip toes as she put something away in her closet on the upper shelf, and said without looking over her shoulder, "You look real nice," Wildman laughed softly, a little more nervous than she hoped she would sound, and replied as she stepped into the dimly lit, very warm quarters, "Does B'Elanna have eyes in the back of her head? That might explain a few things if she does."

"True, but I haven't figured out how to work them yet," Fowler said as she shut her closet door and turned around. Smiling, she informed as Wildman stopped about a meter into her place and just stood then with her hands clasped behind her back, "But you always look real nice…it's a scientific fact." Then looking down at herself, she sighed and said, "I'm sorry I didn't dress up more. I just needed to wear something that I would wear since none of my clothes fit." Looking up, she forced a small laugh as she shook her head, "Not even close…I tried."

Smiling, Wildman said to the woman who was barefoot, wearing a snug pair of light colored blue jeans, and a tight, thick, white, stretchy tanktop, which actually didn't make her look that much different than Fowler, "I think you look perfect." Torres wasn't nearly as tall, or as formidable, but her muscles were highly defined, just smaller versions of the one's she was accustomed to. B'Elanna also had much more of a feminine shape to her, and not just her bosom. The differential between her hips and her waist was greater than Fowler's, but their skin coloring was similar, which Samantha enjoyed a great deal, and although her hair was darker, it was still brown. All in all, Wildman realized as she looked at her quickly, B'Elanna Torres was a rather attractive woman…actually exceptionally so, she thought as she looked at her in a manner she'd never done so before.

As she walked over to the replicator, Fowler remarked, trying to see and sound as normal as possible, "No…you in these clothes would be perfect." Smiling as she glanced over her shoulder, she added, drawing her speech as much as possible, which didn't come as naturally to her in this body since her mouth wasn't accustomed to her, "That'd been real nice too, but," she finished as she turned back to the device, "you could wear a feed bag and I'd still be shown up…some folks are just blessed, and some," she looked back to Samantha who was walked toward her, smirking, "folks are just blessed to lay eyes on them. So, it evens out right in the end."

Coming up behind Fowler as she asked her what she wanted to drink, Samantha said, "I'll have whatever you're having," as she placed her hand on Nick's neck and brushed her free flowing, wavy hair from her view. Examining the neural regulator that was adhered to her neck, toward to the back, she asked as Nick straightened a little at the soft touch, but didn't say anything, "I like your necklace. Did Seven give it to you?"

Laughing once at that and then grabbing two light beers from the replicator, Fowler said, "Nice ain't it…I'm thinkin' of keepin' it for prosperity." Then turning around, Nick forced herself not to let her eyes wander across Wildman's body that was a much different angle than she was used to looking at it, and realized that although there were some downfalls to not being nearly six foot five, there were some advantages too. She couldn't just look down and treat herself to a glimpse of Wildman's cleavage in her current shirt, but she could look directly into her sea-blue eyes without ever having to tilt Sam's head up. Clearing her throat and taking a quick breath to settle her own nerves, and her desire to reach out and touch Samantha since she was determined to do this right, Nicole handed her a beer glass and asked, "Are you hungry?"

Wildman took the beer kindly and said, "I'll have a little of yours…I had a big lunch."

Quirking her mouth, Fowler took a sip of her beer, then said as she migrated to the table to put some distance between them, "Well, I'm not really hungry, but I don't want you to be." Turning around to Wildman, she held up one hand and acknowledged as she came back to the replicator, "I know, weird…you'd think as much energy as this girl has she'd be starvin' all the time. I don't know how she does it." Turning back to the replicator, she asked, "What do you want? I'll have whatever you'd like this time."

Going over to the table, Wildman suggested as she sat down, "Why don't we just wait until we're both hungry? I don't have anywhere else to be tonight."

Fowler accepted that easily, although it didn't make her feel any better about how this night would go, and said as she turned back around, "Good thinkin'…I'm sure my appetite will come back soon. I've seen Torres eat." Then coming over to Wildman, she tentatively put her hands on her shoulders as she asked while she rubbed them affectionately, "How's the little one? She staying with the boss lady again?"

"Neelix and her are working on her Halloween costume tonight," Wildman said easily and relaxed as she dipped her head a little while Fowler tended to her neck with her hands. "She's fine, though…and she's been keeping up with her guitar practice. She told me to tell you that, and that she finally played the C scale without messing up…twice in a row," she held up her fingers, then reached behind her, took up one of Fowler's hands, brought the palm to lips and whispered, finishing, "and that she misses you and hopes you feel better soon."

Leaning down and kissing Samantha's temple, Nicole said, "She's sweet just like her mama." When Wildman smiled and urged Fowler's arm around her chest and neck, pulling her close as she turned her head slightly, Fowler inhaled fairly deeply as she pressed her face more towards neck. Then kissing her gently, she whispered, raspy, her pulse quickening, "Woman, you smell so good to me."

While Nick's ministrations gave her goose pimples all over her body, even though it was rather hot in the cabin, Samantha titled her neck and whispered back, "Mmm…I've miss you, Nick Fowler."

As she reached the nape of Samantha's neck and tasted as well as felt a small amount of perspiration against her lips, Fowler said quick and sounding irritated, "Lord Sam, I'm sorry. Computer, lower temperature by five degrees."

"You don't have to do that," Wildman came back equally speedy, but not harsh, turning around in her chair as much as she could without standing up, purposefully trying to give Fowler the impression she was still taller than her, "It's not bothering me."

"It's alright, darlin'," Fowler said quickly, placing her hands back on Samantha's neck, "I can grab a shirt if I get cold." When Samantha frowned at her, then nodded and turned back around, reaching for her beer, Fowler sighed and said quietly as she returned to lightly kissing Wildman's neck, the other side this time, "Just let me spoil you tonight, please…you deserve it."

Titling her neck the other way, Wildman smiled and replied as she set her beer down, "I was under the impression I was here to spoil you?"

"I'm already spoiled rotten just lookin' at you."

Chuckling as Fowler moved to her ear, Samantha inhaled as she bit her bottom lip when Fowler growled softly, unconsciously, the sound tickling all of the scientist's scenes pleasantly, then whispered, "Mmm…Fowler, do you practice your lines before I get here?"

Squeezing Samantha's shoulder harder, Fowler inhaled deeply through her nose and then said, having difficulty thinking of anything else currently, snarling some in her execution as she closed her eyes and pressed her face toward the back of Wildman's neck, "Lord lady, I cain't resist you…mmm…I want you so much right now."

As Fowler moved her kisses back to the side of her neck and they became only slightly more aggressive, although her hands were still squeezing her shoulders fairly tightly, and not moving, Wildman titled her head back as she whispered, closing her eyes, "You don't have to resist, Nick…if you want me, I'm yours." As Fowler rattled in her throat, then cut the sound quickly as she heard it and took a deep breath, Wildman grabbed one of her hands, pulled it to the bottom of her neckline, and added, turning her face toward Fowler's a small amount so she could caress her forehead with her cheek, "Don't fight it, Nick," dropping her hand and cupping both of their hands to one of her breasts, she breathed as Fowler's breath grew deeper and quick while the half-Klingon squeezed appreciatively, "Take what you want…you have my permission."

When Nick withdrew her hand and pressed her forehead to her shoulder as she breathed deeply and steady, Wildman decided the best way to handle this was to be the aggressor at first, which she was perfectly comfortable with doing, and that had always been true. So, standing rather quickly and turning around, she drew her hand to Nicole's neck, titled it up and kissed her purposefully on the mouth. Recalling what Torres had said, she brought her other arm around to her back, and pressed steadily, but not too forcefully on her lower muscles as she deepened the kiss with dominance, holding her close and not letting her back away too easily. As Fowler growled in her throat and latched onto her as she manipulated her sensitive muscles, Wildman broke the kiss for a few moments as she migrated to the brunette's neck, lightly bit her and then said, "Don't fight it, Nick…I know you want me," then pressing on her muscles more, making little circles, she added, "Mmm…I want you to have me, Fowler. Take me like I know you want to."

Inhaling deeply, Nicole announced through clenched teeth as she arched her back into Samantha's body, "God, that feel's good." Then taking two deep breathes as she stepped back just one step, Fowler licked her drying lips as her nostrils flare while her thicker blood began to boil to the point of no return. As she forced herself to just go with it and reminded herself that Samantha was doing this willingly, and that if she fought this she might hurt her best friend's body, the compact, but denser and explosively powerful brunette bent down, expertly urged Wildman over her shoulder and picked her up easily. Normally, B'Elanna Torres would have a little more difficulty picking up the scientist, although she could do it since she'd managed to pick up Seven of Nine and carry her to the shuttle when she'd been shot, but since she was in such a state of almost pure action and reaction now, and her Klingon senses were roaring to life again, the movement was as easy for Fowler as if the engineer had picked up the ship's compact, commanding officer.

Fowler walked with speed, but didn't run into the bedroom, and instead of throwing Samantha on the bed as B'Elanna had been known to do with Kathryn from time to time before she pounced on her, which the good captain always seemed to enjoy just for the "spirit of the moment," Nicole carefully lowered Samantha down onto the bed, barely registering the amount of strength that required out of her body, which was significant. While Wildman laid back, but kept herself propped up on her elbows as she flicked off her flimsy sandals easily, Nicole smiled as she reached over her back and tore her tankop off in typical fashion. Although, Torres was a fairly well endowed woman, which was typical for a Klingon, her impressive musculature that she'd developed a good deal more in the last eight months with gratitude to her friendship with Fowler and their Elite Force training kept her already firm breasts taught and perky, so Fowler hadn't bothered to put on a bra this evening, since she really hated them and didn't feel too unsupported. When Samantha dragged her eyes over her unfamiliar torso and smiled in approval—which Fowler knew from experience was rather impossible not to do because even though Torres was her best friend and blood sister, she'd seen enough women in her day to remark honestly that B'Elanna was "damn fine"—Fowler smiled, then looked down at herself for a moment, and finally laughed, shaking her head.

Laughing as well since she knew had to be strange for Nicole to suddenly look down and see breasts on herself, nice one as that, Wildman then smirked over and up at Nicole and said, sexy, but still with the scientist's quirky sense of humor, "Why don't you bring you and your perky boobies over here already, Nick Fowler…or did you just want to stand there and make me jealous?"

Grinning, Nicole bent down and said low and throaty as she started to crawl toward Wildman's head, "Mmm…honey, there's no need for jealousy. You're just gonna have take my word for it." As Samantha purposefully scooted backward each time Nicole got closer until her head was on the pillow and they were completely settled onto the extra-long bed, Nicole looked underneath her while she crawled over Wildman and added, "You are the finest lady I've seen in ages and ages, Samantha Louise Wildman."

"Hmm," Wildman purred as she laid back completely and placed her arms on Nick's biceps as she held herself over her, "I didn't realize you were that old. Are you sure it's been ages…and ages?"

"Mmmhmm," Fowler said as she straddled Wildman's hips and sat up. "Didn't I ever tell you…I remember all my past lives?"

"You're such a good fibber sometimes," Samantha returned as she dropped her hands to Fowler's waist. Then grabbing her pants and pulling the buttons on her jeans open, she smiled and said, "I think that's definitely better."

Leaning down, smiling, Fowler kissed Wildman quickly and passionately, causing the blonde to moan in delight. As she did so, she drew one hand to her shirt and pulled it free from the waistband of her skirt, which Nicole had never seen, but definitely liked…a lot. When Wildman reached around and started running one hand across her spin, then down her pants and to her bottom, glad Fowler had acted typically and didn't wear underwear when she wore jeans, Nicole reared up for a moment as she clenched her jaw and inhaled. As Samantha hummed and brought one hand to her breast, the movement not tentative at all, even though she'd never done so to another woman for sexual purposes before, at least not a woman with such definable breasts, Fowler looked down, then grabbed the sides of Samantha's shirt and tore it open, ripping off three of the buttons, saying, "I'll fix it myself."

As Fowler ripped open her shirt, then smiled as she saw that she was wearing a bra that not only was completely sheer, but clasped in the front, Wildman grinned, uncaring about her shirt, and said as she pushed herself up onto her elbows again, "I thought you might like this one…it's new."

Moving one of her legs, the pilot quickly flipped back the top layer of Sam's skirt, spread her free leg to make room for her, and said with definite feral desire as she settled the apendage in between the scientist's pale, naked lower limbs, "Christ almighty, woman…you're so gorgeous, it hurts me to look at you." As Samantha laid back flat again, Fowler only had to shift downward a small amount to press her lips to Wildman's sternum.

Pressing her head back as Fowler snapped open her bra and arcing her chest to let the material fall away quickly, Samantha moaned happily as Nicole wasted little time and took one of her tingling nipples into her mouth. Then settling back and bringing one hand to the back of Nicole's head and the other to her shoulders, Wildman squeezed while Nicole used her teeth, that were slightly sharper than those of a typical human, and said, "Mmmmmm…I like that."

As Wildman manipulated her muscles, Fowler growled and quickly migrated to the other breast, becoming more aggressive, but nothing to the extent that Wildman didn't enjoy, not even close. Biting the softest under side of Samantha's fleshy mass and sucking on it as the blonde urged her on, Fowler rumbled, somewhat ferocious, "Mmm, Sam…I wanna lick every part of you tonight, honey." As Wildman groaned as she lifted her hips a little and said, "Oh god, Nick…then do it before I beat you to it," Fowler let up on her breast and pressed her face to her stomach. While she reached up with both hands and squeezed Sam's bosom together, while she licked her stomach, the Klingon inhaled deeply again and said, still speaking mostly in her throat, unable to fight the urge to growl, "Mmm…that's so nice, baby."

When Fowler dropped one of her hands to her leg, then wrapped it around the outside and drew it up to her bottom, pushing past the matching sheer underwear she was donning, figuring Nick would like those too, Samantha bent and raised her leg until her foot was resting on the bed, completely free form the confines of her shirt, and closed her eyes, letting go of any concerns or trepidation she had completely and said as she reached down to her Nick's hand that was on her right breast and squeezed it soundly, announcing, "Fowler, you're making me so hot," which was true because although Nicole was always an incredible lover, she'd never been quite this wantonly quick on her own, and Sam had always appreciated that type of encounter from time to time. When Nicole snarled and used her hand on the blonde's bottom to pull her closer, pressing her breast into the juncture of her legs, Sam said, while Fowler continued to nip and suck on the flesh of her upper stomach, "Please use your mouth…I love it when you do that."

Sitting up at that and snarling again, smiling though, Fowler pressed herself between Wildman's legs, spreading them with her own, the only thing holding her skirt together being the tie at the top, Nicole hovered upon Samantha and slowly started undulating against her lover as she said, deep and throaty, "Oh I will, Sam…mmm, darlin', you're much too nice for me to resist." As Wildman smiled with desire, grabbed onto her backside and pulled her in tightly, Nicole inhaled as she closed her eyes, then opened them and started kissing Samantha with fierce and reckless abandon, which the blonde reciprocated until Fowler moved to her neck again and started whispering into her ear as she started moving against her with more force.

Whispering back as the friction of Fowler's pants started driving her crazy with desire, Wildman said as she pressed her fingers into Fowler's lower muscles, hard, "Lick me, Fowler…you have no idea how good you are at that."

When Fowler snapped her head back and growled her affirmation quickly as she pressed into her with force due to the stimulation, both physical and verbal, Sam smiled with excitement as she bit her bottom lip until Nicole froze, then sat up and grabbed at the back of her neck, saying, "Shit!" As the brunette pulled away since her neural regulator had fallen off, and suddenly seemed totally nervous, Wildman took it out of her hand quickly as she sat up and said, "Don't worry about it," and tossed it aside. As Nicole started to shake her head, Samantha said seriously as she put her arms on Nick's shoulders and urged her to lay back down with her, "It's alright, honey, just go with it." While Fowler started to recline with her, but hesitant, although she was still breathing deeply, Wildman drew her hands to her neck, massaged them affectionately as she said, "All you need is me, Nick, and I'm right here. Just don't fight it and you'll be fine." Raising her head and kissing Fowler's neck, she whispered, "You're not hurting me…you're really turning me on, and I want you. Just us, Nick…just like we do."

Kissing Wildman's neck again almost immediately, Fowler pressed against her again and said, "God, woman, I want you…mmmSam, I want you so much, darlin'." Then moving back to her lips and kissing her again in the same manner as before, Fowler let her tongue trail off Wildman's parted lips as Samantha manipulated her back, and moaned, "God, that feels so good…but if you don't stop that, I'm not going to be able to hold out long…mmm…that's incredible."

Smiling, Samantha as she lifted her head and started kissing Nicole's chin, "Is that so bad?"

Laughing and snarling at the same manner, Fowler nodded her head and said as she quickly moved down back to Wildman's breasts, "It is when I want to spoil you…mmm," she hummed as she began sucking and biting on her breasts again, "as…much as I want to spoil you, sweet, heavenly...mmnt!...thang of mine. Woman...damn, you rock my world." Then working her was down, not noticing several red marks that she'd left on the pale blonde's body throughout the night as Samantha giggled, then arched her lower body higher as her lips reached Sam's waistline, Fowler inhaled deeply again as the scent of the blonde's arousal wafted into her nose, which instantly sparked her already fervent desire even more. Grabbing the sides of Samantha's skirt and flinging it open, Nicole snarled with pleasure as she pushed Wildman's legs apart wider, and pressed her face to her center without removing her thin, damp, sheer underwear, the urge to smell her rather than taste her more prominent to her currently.

As Fowler growled into her body, Wildman lifted her head, propping herself up on her elbows again, still with her shirt and her unclasped bra hanging just off her shoulder, and smirked, then said, "God, I really do love it when you do that."

Opening her eyes to see Samantha propped up and watching her, Nicole scooted back off the bed as she grabbed a hold of her underwear and yanked them off. When Samantha didn't bat and eyelash at the aggressive moment, remained in the same position, and opened herself up again for her, Fowler licked her lips as the scientist bit her bottom lip in anticipation, then said as Fowler started stalking toward her with clear intent to devour her body, "Take me, Fowler…don't make me beg tonight," and as the Klingon surged forward, and brought her face into contact with her body, Samantha gasped as she let her head fall back, "Ohyesthankyou."

As Nicole held nothing back and got completely lost in the textures around her lips, Wildman brought her head back forward after few minutes, and after whimpering as Fowler's teeth skidded against her now ultra-sensitive bundle of nerves, pleasantly so though, which made her twitch at the same moment, Samantha whispered as she watched the brunette make love to her with unbridled enthusiasm, which Sam always appreciated in a lover, "Yes, honey…oh god, yes…oh Nick, I love that." And when Fowler nodded her head several times as she growled, then moved it side to side in the same manner and pressed her tongue inside of her, Wildman urged her on as she let her head fall back again, "Oh god, Fowler…yes, I love that…god, baby, you're so good…don't you dare stop!"

Growling more at that, Fowler exhaled deeply, shaking her head again as she started to have more and more aggressive urges to take Samantha completely with her fingers and mouth until her lover shouted at the top of her impressive lungs, as she'd done one before the first night they were together, but tried to refrain since then for fear that someone would overhear them. When Sam started moving her hips and moaned happily and erotic as she tilted her head back and closed her eyes, "Yes, Fowler…mmmyou're so good at that, Nikki…mmm…oh, ohyes right there…god, you're gonna make me come, honey," Fowler had to close her eyes and halt her moment for a moment in an attempt to regain her composure and act in an appropriate manner, and not just how she wanted, but how Samantha wanted and needed, which was always more important to Fowler.

When the urge to bite bubbled up in her in the next instant, Nicole moved her head away completely. Ending up at Wildman's thigh as the scientist whispered while she started to look down to her again as the stimulation ended quickly while she nearly at the brink of climax, "Nikki…Nick, I love you," Fowler bit her inner thigh fairly smartly, having had enough sense to move her face away from Wildman's most intimate and delicate area.

Registering the slightly sharp pain, but not reacting to it since she didn't want to worry Fowler, and it certainly wasn't anything she couldn't take, nor did it turn her off, even if it wasn't something she would request that her lover typically do, at least not that hard, Samantha stopped herself from saying more, or repeating herself louder for a moment as she watched Nicole carefully. Directly after the brunette had bitten her, she'd let go, and was now just resting her forehead against her inner thigh, closing her eyes, breathing quickly, and mumbling something the blonde couldn't understand. When the Klingon didn't do anything else for over five seconds, Samantha said, louder, "Nicole...honey, what's wrong?"

Fowler opened her eyes at that since Samantha had never used her real name before, then pulling her head back, seeing the red teeth marks on Samantha's very pale inner thigh, Nicole snapped her head toward Samantha's face, but this time she noticed the other marks that she'd made earlier…most of them faint red patches, but the one on the bottom of her breast now glowing a deeper crimson.

Hardening as tears immediately sprang forth in her eyes, Nicole said hurriedly, shaking her head as her whole body began to tremble, "Oh Jesus, Sam…baby, I'm sorry," as she grabbed her shirt and pulled it over her exposed chest. As Wildman started shaking her head and sat up, telling her nothing was wrong, adamantly, Fowler paid her zero attention as she slid of the bed, pulling Sam's skirt closed as well. Reaching down and snatching up her tanktop, her communicator flying off the garment in the wiping movement, Fowler growled while she did so, "I won't hurt you!"

As Nicole stood up and said in the same tone, "I'll kill myself before I do you wrong!" and turned to start out of the bedroom, just holding her shirt in her hand, Samantha slid off the bed, holding her shirt closed and said, trying to reach for her, "Nikki, please…Nick, you haven't done anything wrong…please, don't go…honey, I love you! Please, don't go!"

But Fowler was running toward the exit of her cabin, yelling at the top of her lungs and completely lost in her own head, "Go on now and get outta here, Sam! Don't you come around me anymore!"


Leaning casually against the a biobed that Tuvok was sitting on while the Doctor stood close and listened to the conversation, Captain Janeway shook her head as she said, "I tend to agree with the Doctor, Commander…at this point, I think it's too risky to try, even with our time constraints. I don't need you incapacitated as well." Then placing her hand on Tuvok's arm, just about to tell him that she'd definitely keep it in mind, but it was too early to give up hope for a different solution, the doors to Sickbay parted to reveal and teary-eyed Samantha Wildman. Blinking just for a moment as everyone turned to look at the visitor, Janeway snapped immediately into action as Wildman finally started to break and managed, "Kathr…" before she threw her hand over her mouth and started to cry.

The captain snatched up a dermal regenerator, just in case it was necessary as she ran over to her and said, coming to her side and ushering her into the Doctor's office, "Come in here with me." When she saw that the Doctor was following right behind her, Janeway snapped her head to him and glared, silently informing him his presence wasn't any where near welcomed right now, which he was able to read loud and clear since it was a remarkably malevolent glance.

Slapping her hand to the door as Wildman covered her face with her hands and started to cry uncontrollably, Janeway rushed over to the Doctor's desk and pressed the sensor to dim the windows, tossing the dermal regenerator into the Doctor's chair, then quickly came back over to the balling blonde's side. Terribly worried about a hundred different scenarios that had gone through her head during the evening while she tried to keep her mind focused on her task and not on what was occurring on Deck Three, worried for both of her officers, B'Elanna, and Seven if this didn't work, Kathryn just stood in front of her for a moment, clasping her hands together at her waist in a rare show of her extreme unease and uncertainty of how to handle this situation, but when Sam suddenly stopped crying, pulled her hands away, and said, curt, as she wiped her cheeks, "I'm terribly sorry, Captain," Janeway expelled the air from her lungs, managed a nervous, surprised smile as she said, "Honey, don't be sorry," as she reached up to Wildman's face and cupped her bright red cheek with one hand, wiping her stained features. When Samantha twitched at that and looked like she was about to burst out in tears again, Kathryn stepped up to her, wrapped her arms around her and said, "It's alright, Samantha…cry if you have to. You don't have to stop."

Grabbing onto Janeway and crying into her shoulder, Wildman convulsed several times as she wept steadily for several minutes while the captain held her tightly, rubbed her back and whispered to her that she was going to be alright now, and to take all the time she needed. After no less than five minutes, Wildman grew calm enough that she could speak without hiccupping while she tried to explain what had happened, then whispered as she pulled away, "Okay…thank you…I'm okay now."

Remaining soft and yielding, Janeway nodded and said, "Why don't you have a seat. I'll get some tissue." As Wildman nodded as she sniffled, then turned and unsteadily walked to the chair in front of the Doctor's desk, Kathryn stayed by her side until she was seated, then quickly scurried into the ensuite. Grabbing the box of tissue off the sink and rushing right back into the main room, Janeway handed Sam the Kleenex as she knelt in front of her, resting a hand on her knee, then waited for the blonde to blow her nose and clean up her damp face before she asked, very quiet, "Are you injured?"

As Sam brought her hand to her mouth and looked like she was going to break down again, Janeway leaned forward to her knees and said, "Samantha, if you are I need to know right away."

Nodding, Samantha said, understanding, "No, Captain…I'm okay."

"Are you sure?" Kathryn asked again, serious.

Sniffling, Wildman said, her voice full of agony, "I have…um…I have some small bruises, Captain…but," she looked up and said adamantly, clearing her throat to speak easier and with more sureness, "they're not bad. I bruise very easily…only one is even tender."

Janeway really hated having to do this, but she needed to know, so she took up one of Samantha's hands and asked, serious but quiet, figuring it was better to ask rather than state her demand since she had a feeling Samantha knew the rules, "Will you let me see one, please?"

Samantha nodded quickly, understanding and expecting that, and since she really wasn't that modest, she only had a small amount of nervousness about exposing herself to her commanding officer, but that was because Wildman suddenly felt wretchedly vulnerable, much more so than she was used to feeling, saying, "Certainly."

When Wildman glanced over to the window as she reached for the bottom of her shirt, Kathryn reassured, "No one can see you," then asked as she grabbed the material gently, "Are they on your breasts?"

Pulling her hands away and sniffling, wiping her nose again, Wildman said, nodding, "I have one on my inner thigh too."

"Okay. I'll just have a look at these…just relax…you don't have to do anything." As Wildman nodded, Kathryn bobbed her head too and then carefully lifted her shirt. Seeing one almost immediately before all of Samantha's bare chest was exposed since she'd left her bra in Fowler's cabin with her shirt, the captain forced herself not to sigh with relief, since she'd received a dozen similar marks from B'Elanna and knew it was nothing terrible, as Wildman had reported, and said, bobbing her head and lowering her garment, "Alright, thank you. I know this isn't easy for you." When Samantha sighed and hung her head, still sniffling, Kathryn questioned, grabbing one of her hands again and rubbing it gently, "Where is she?"

Shaking her head, Wildman said, "I don't know…she took off running…I couldn't catch up to her. She doesn't have her communicator on."

"Is she still wearing her neural regulator?" asked the captain.

"No…no it fell off," Wildman paused for a moment, bringing her free hand to her mouth to keep herself in check from either crying again and cussing a nasty string of vulgarities at herself, then went on, "It's still in her bedroom."

"Alright…alright," Janeway said as she rubbed Wildman's hand and thigh caringly. Then looking up, she said, "Computer, scan the ship and give me a location of Lieutenant Torres' lifesigns."

"Lieutenant Torres is in Holodeck One," reported the computer after a few seconds.

"Is there anyone else in the holodeck?"


"Is there a seal on the door?"


Sighing, and nodding, Kathryn informed, "Computer, monitor Lieutenant Torres' lifesigns and inform me if her vitals signs show evidence of degradation to the point that her life is in danger."


"Alright," the captain said as she stood up and then took a seat on the top of the Doctor's desk, "we'll just leave her there for now…that's probably best." As Wildman nodded her agreement, then sighed and covered her eyes and she shook her head and kept her head low while she starting crying again, expect these tears didn't effect her as powerfully as the last round, Janeway sighed and said and she folded her hands in her lap, "Samantha, I know this is terribly personal, so if you'd rather discuss this with someone else, I understand, but I need to find out what happened as soon as possible."

"It's okay, Captain," Wildman said as she pulled her hands away, and wiped her eyes again. "I don't want to talk to anyone else right now."

"Okay," Kathryn nodded, almost whispering. "Can you tell me what happened?"

Taking a deep breath, Samantha swallowed as she stood up and said, nodding, "Is it alright if remove my bruises while we talk?" Explaining quickly, she said, "I don't want her to think she hurt me…not at all."

"Sure," Janeway nodded, pointing over her shoulder to the chair, then turned back to the face the front chair as Samantha spotted the dermal regenerator and went behind her, and started rubbing her forehead, feeling seriously guilty for this whole matter, and not liking that sensation at all considering she was certain Nick was going to be practically unreachable, and she didn't like the idea of having to go into the holodeck with a Security team and sedating the woman to get her to respond to them. She'd do it if she had to…absolutely…but that was really the very last thing she wanted to happen since she had serious concerns that would damage Fowler's mental state worse and possibly do permanent damage to B'Elanna's brain if she felt threaten and fought.

Turning around and taking off her shirt, keeping her back to Janeway, Samantha grabbed the medical device and said as she started to heal her small bruises, none of these registering any pain to her, but since they would remind Fowler, and herself of what had happened, she wanted them gone immediately, "I went over to her place and everything was fine. She was resistant at first, but got over that pretty quickly. Then we went into the bedroom. Um…while we were together, her neural regulator came off, and she got scared, but I told her not to worry about it and just make love to me like we normally do, and she agreed and everything was fine." Shaking her head as she finished cleaning up her chest, Wildman put her leg up on the chair, pulled back her shirt and started removing the fairly hefty mark she had on her inner thigh, that being the only one that was the least bit sensitive, and it looked worse than it was thanks to her fair skin tone, then said, "She was moderately more aggressive than she normally is. She's usually amazingly considerate and gentle, so it certainly wasn't anything off the wall or dangerous. Um," she sighed as she put her leg down and set the device on the desk, "while she was making love to me, she suddenly stopped, then bite my thigh. It was harder than she'd bitten me before, but nothing extreme…honestly, it wasn't a terrible thing. I mean, she's a Klingon right now…Klingon's bite…I know this, and it didn't put me off." Sighing and pulling her shirt back on, Wildman came back over to the front of the table and said as Janeway looked up from her lap to her face, "Well, she," she shook her head and crossed her arms, "she just lost it after that. She looked up at me, then started apologizing and pulling closed my clothing, and then," she brought her hand to her forehead and she whispered, heartbroken, "she grabbed her shirt, and ran out of the cabin. I tried to get her to stop and tell her she hadn't done anything wrong," covering her mouth, she looked up and said, "I even told her I loved her, but she just ran away."

Taking a deep breath and looking down as Kathryn closed her eyes at that and looked terribly forlorn, Wildman shook her head, pulling herself back together and finished stronger, "She said that she wouldn't hurt me, would rather kill herself than 'do me wrong,' and told me to get out and not come around her anymore."

Looking up from her lap, Kathryn said incredibly sincere and soft, "Samantha, I'm terribly sorry."

"It's not your fault, Captain," Wildman sighed, shaking her head. "I don't know what's going on with her. I mean she's always been extremely kind, almost purposefully so. I've never met anyone who takes so much care…who's so deliberate, but she's never reacted like this." Looking up to Janeway and coming next to her, leaning back on the desk, she crossed her arms again and said quietly, "She's an extremely strong person…male or female…and she's never been afraid to have that kind of physical dominance over me before. I don't know, maybe it's not the same, but I know I've felt more at her mercy while we've been together prior to this. I mean," she sighed in frustration and confusion, "she can literally sweep me off my feet any day of the week, but I've never felt like I was in danger…not before, and not tonight…not once." Shaking her head again, she admitted, "I just don't understand this reaction…it was so extreme. She bit me, she realized what she did, and she took off running, telling me to stay away from her."

As the captain sighed and rubbed her forehead, shaking her head, Wildman asked, "Do you know what that's about?"

"Yes," Kathryn said softly, "but I can't get into that with you." Looking over to Samantha quickly, she explained, "It's absolutely not my place, not as her captain or as her friend." When Wildman frowned heavily, but nodded, Janeway placed her hand on her leg and whispered, "I can tell you that Miss Fowler cares for you very much. She respects you as lady, which is rather sacred to her it seems, and that's why she reacted the way she did. She was trying to protect you…I'm certain of it." Shaking her head and retracting her hand as Wildman rolled her eyes, shook her head and she brought her hand to her mouth to stave off more tears, Kathryn went on, "I was hoping it would take more than a love bite to set her off since I know B'Elanna explained to her some of the impulses she would have and that they were perfectly natural to Klingons, and that you were well aware of that…but," she sighed, rubbing her neck, "she learned all that wearing her neural regulator, so maybe once it came off, she couldn't reason with herself as well? I don't know…I'm just guessing."

"God that was stupid," Wildman sighed as she shook her head. "I should have just taken her Sickbay and let the Doctor reattach it correctly. I don't know why I did that."

Rubbing Wildman's back, Janeway said with understanding, "Oh, I think you do. You wanted her to relax and enjoy herself without any pretense or intrusions…that's all perfectly natural. I would have done the exact same thing, and if Nick didn't really think she could handle it, she would have said so…just as quickly as she stopped and took off. She's not nearly as out of control as she thinks she is. She just can't deal with the aggression…it's just not who she is. It bothers her deeply." When the lieutenant sighed and nodded, Kathryn put her arm around her firmer as she said, "It was a wonderful thing what you did tonight. Don't ever doubt that, but," she sighed, "I think it's best if you do as she asks right now and let me worry about the rest."

"Yes, Captain," Wildman bobbed her head as she sniffled one more time. Then looking over to her, she managed a smile and said, "Thank you for your letter today." Sighing and shaking head quickly, she went on immediately, "I didn't know what else to do but come see you…god," she sighed, "I still don't know what to do. I can't let Naomi see me like this."

"Why don't you go to my cabin and get some rest? I'll be gone for most of the night, and I can sleep in my Ready Room if I need to," the gracious captain offered. When Samantha started shaking her head negatively, Janeway smiled and said, "Sure you can," figuring Sam was going to inform her that she couldn't possibly do that. Then nudging her with her elbow, she smirked and said, "I've got a bath tub…guaranteed to relax even the most worrisome woman in the world. It even says so in the warranty, which," she slid off the desk, shaking her finger in the air, "is why I had it installed since my mother says I've been a worrier since the day I was born."

Sighing and rubbing her neck, looking down, Wildman finally smiled modestly and said, "Okay, thank you, but please don't feel obligated to stay away on my account, Captain. I can sleep on the couch just fine…if I manage to sleep at all."

"No, you'll sleep in the bed, and that's an order," Janeway came back, snatching up the dermal regenerator, although her tone wasn't harsh, just her everyday melodic speaking voice. "I rarely sleep there these days, and I'm afraid," she tried to joke, aware that Samantha knew her break-up was false now, "that I might confuse you with Seven and end up half on top of you like I used to do her all the time." Smiling as Wildman snickered and nodded, the captain finished bright and cheerful, "Just make yourself at home and feel free to use anything you need. There's matches in the top of my desk drawer if you want to light some candles while you bathe. The large white one was a present from Devin to ward off evil spirits and induce calmness... so, feel free if you believe in that sort of thing, and I definitely suggest the book sitting on the edge of the bathtub."

Following the captain out of the Doctor's office, Samantha asked, "It's not Shakespeare, is it?"

Scowling, Kathryn whispered, shaking her head, "Oh heavens no…it's much better." When Wildman nodded and then whispered another thank you to her, the captain patted her back and said, "You're more than welcome. Call me if you need anything at all, alright?"

"I will, Captain…thank you again."

Nodding, Janeway smiled until the doors closed, then taking a deep breath and rubbing her forehead to settle herself before she turned around and chucked the dermal regenerator across the room, the captain exhaled, then pivoted and said as she set down the instrument with an audible thud as she approached the main console. Moving past the Doctor and returning to Tuvok, Janeway tapped her communicator and said, "Janeway to Torres…Lieutenant, report to Sickbay immediately."

"On my way, Captain," B'Elanna came right back.

Sighing as she stopped next to Tuvok, who raised his eyebrows at her, still seated on the biobed where she'd left him, and said, speaking to the EMH, who was demanding to know what was going on, "It didn't work and Nick's locked herself in the holodeck right now. I've got the computer monitoring her vital signs. Can you use the holodeck systems to scan her adequately from here, or do you need to go in there?"

Turning back around and going to the main console, the photonic projection said, "Stand by…I'm not sure it'll be enough." Then after a few moments, he sighed, shaking his head, "It's no use, Captain…I can tell she's alive, but I can't tell without examining her directly if she's suffering any brain damage. Didn't the regulator work?"

"No," was all Kathryn said, "and she's not wearing it anymore." After glancing to Tuvok, she looked back to the Doctor, nodded and said, "Transfer your program in there and check up on her. All I want you to do is scan her and then get out immediately. Is that understood?"

"Aye, Captain," the Doctor bobbed his head, and then modifying his program so that when he appeared in the holodeck, he'd have a medical tricorder in his hand, he said just before he tapped the sensor, "Back in a moment."

"Commander," Janeway said directly after the Doctor left, wanting to speaking with him before the EMH returned, "if when he comes back and says that her situation is worsening severely, would you be able to initiate the mind meld if she were sedated?"

"No," Tuvok replied evenly, not surprised that Janeway was starting to realize his idea could very well be the only choice they had to save Fowler's life…even if it was risky performing a mind bridge on someone who's mental state was in such chaos. "She must be lucid and have the ability to moderately concentrate or the risks of damaging us all will be too great. As long as she is awake, I can attempt it, but it will pose a greater risk if we cannot get her to calm herself…and," her raised his eyebrow, "the neural regulator will not assist in that manner. You may monitor each of our brain's activity during the process, but it cannot be interfered with."

Sighing and rubbing her forehead as Torres came into Sickbay with Seven of Nine right behind her since both women had been in Engineering discussing the possibilities of modifying the transporters when the hail came through, Janeway looked up, then sighed as she saw Seven, but refrained from saying anything about that, even though she didn't ask for the blonde to be present, and wasn't looking forward to watching her reaction. Although, she did realize that the three most influential people in the Borg's life were currently in the room, so she figured that was the best they could do. As Torres asked her what was going on, Janeway dropped her hand, placed one hand on her hip as she leaned against the biobed next to Tuvok and reported, "It didn't work. Nick took off and has locked herself in the holodeck. The Doctor's in there right now checking up on her."

"What is the status of Sam Wildman?" asked Seven of Nine hurriedly.

"She's alright," Kathryn reassured equally fast. "She was terribly upset when she found me in here, but she's not injured and she's spending the night in my cabin."

After cursing under her breath, Torres crossed her arms over her chest and asked, "What the hell happened then?"

Shaking her head while she looked down, Kathryn cleared her throat and said after she glanced at each of them, "All you need to know is that it didn't work. Samantha's perfectly fine, just upset and worried." When B'Elanna sighed and rubbed her neck, Janeway went on, "Right now, we've got to concentrate on Nicole. When the Doctor gets back, we'll know more." As the chief nodded in understanding, Kathryn asked, "Do you have anything on the transporter option?"

After looking over to Torres, who nodded at her, Seven turned back to the captain and said as she placed her hands behind her back, "We have not been able to devise a strategy as of yet." Glancing back over to B'Elanna, then setting her jaw, she looked back to Kathryn and said, "I cannot give you an estimate on when we will have more…or if we will be successful."

Crossing her arms over her chest and bringing her fist to her mouth as she nodded, Kathryn began to contemplate all of her alternatives, then looked over at Tuvok and then back to her lovers. Taking her hand away, but keeping her arms crossed, she cleared her throat and stated, "Commander Tuvok has suggested that I allow him to perform a mind meld with the two of you…to create a bridge between your minds where he could then help each of you cross back over."

"But…" Torres said, knowing there was more considering the captain's demeanor.

"But, there's a risk that with Nick in her current state of mind, she won't be able to assist well enough," Janeway said, serious and even. Looking over to Seven, then back to B'Elanna, she went on, "She needs to be lucid and can't wear the neural regulator, and we've also got to get her to calm down and be reasonable. If she fights it at all, all of you could be permanently damaged, and at this point, I'm not going to let that happen." As Torres and Seven both looked up at her, she said, "I can't risk the three of you like that, not when we're not certain there isn't another alternative." Pointing to the tall brunette, she said, "I know you aren't particularly fond of your current body, but you're not in any danger whatsoever, and neither is Tuvok. Like I said," she held up her hands and Torres looked like she was about to become furious, "we'll know more of what the situation is when the Doctor returns. If he comes back and says we've got to get you switched back, then we'll develop a plan to get her to calm down. If that works, then I'll allow the procedure, but if it doesn't," she said surely, "I will not allow it…not when you can live out the rest of your life in that body. I can't do that, B'Elanna…not for any reason."

Turning around and grabbing her head, B'Elanna yelled, "I can't believe this! How can I live with myself if I know that Nick's dying because she's in my body?" Spinning around as Seven started toward her, the chief yelled at Janeway, "How can you expect me to do that!"

Coming up to Torres and putting her hands on her shoulders, Seven of Nine said, firm, but not harsh, "Remain calm at this time." When B'Elanna sighed and then nodded, still rubbing her neck and then biting her nails, the Borg said, "We are not certain that will occur at this time. Patience is required." As Kathryn raised her eyebrows, then glanced over to Tuvok in silent questioning if he'd been working with her that much, the Vulcan raised his eyebrows in surprise as well and shook his head to the redhead while Seven went on, "We will wait for the Doctor. If he informs us her situation is extreme, and she requires immediate assistance, then I will go to the holodeck and copulate with her." As Torres looked up and said, "What…no…no," shaking her head, Seven reminded softly, "I am Borg. I possess superior strength and agility. She cannot damage me. I am female…thus I am the logical choice."

Taking a step forward, Janeway was stopped by Tuvok's insistent but not disrespectful hand. Glancing over at him immediately, she looked at him while he shook his head and silently informed her not to interfere as of yet, which she was able to read clearly on his face. Then looking back over to the two females, she sighed and stayed quiet for a moment, but was prepared to jump in immediately if necessary and talk some sense into the Borg if B'Elanna didn't.

Sighing and grabbing Seven's face, Torres said, "I want you to listen to me, Seven of Nine…and I want you to listen to me good. There are things that Nick's going through that you don't know about…and no, I'm not going to tell you. It's bad shit, ace, and I don't ever want you to know about it…you read me?" When Seven nodded and remained quiet, B'Elanna sighed and said, "As much as I want my body back, I'm not going to let you be put into a situation like this to save me…or Nick. I know you're Borg, and I know you can kick all of our sorry asses, but Nick's not herself right now…and she's not even me. It wouldn't be the same, Seven…you've got to just trust me."

Seven grabbed Torres' hands and said, pulling then away and holding them close to her chest, she whispered, raspy, "B'Elanna Torres, you are my bang pong…and I am not afraid of 'bad shit' when I know that I can assist you."

As the Doctor rematerialize, Seven and Torres ignored him completely. Grabbing Seven's hands and shaking them, Torres said, "Seven, listen to me. I know you're not afraid…but I'm afraid, okay. I'm afraid for you. I don't want you to do this…please just think about it." Very quietly she stepped up to her and whispered while the captain turned to the Doctor and requested a report, "You've only been with me and Red…that's it. I know she's in my body, but she's not me, baby…she's not at all. She's really freaking out right now, and I'm afraid for you. I know you're not a child, and I know you can do whatever you have to do, but this stuff fucks with your mind, dollface…in a big way…no one's immune. She's not me, and I'm not going to risk you for anything…ever."

"You said you would not leave me," Seven said wide-eyed and determined, but whispering. "Why will you not allow me to ensure that you do not have to break your promise?"

"I'm still right here, bang," Torres whispered, bringing one hand to her face. "It's still me…and I'm still right here, and," she sighed, "if it comes down to it, then I'll go in there." When Seven furrowed her brow and opened her mouth to speak, Torres pressed her thumb to it and said, "I have done this before." Even softer, she barely whispered, "Let me handle the bad-shit…that's my job in this outfit. You're job is to be brilliant and save our asses with your mind…not your body…not like this. I don't want you to do it, and I know Red doesn't…please do as we ask…honor me in this…please trust me this time. It's no good, babe…it's no good for you, and Nick and Sam would never want you do risk yourself either. Please comply."

Sighing, and finally nodding, Seven of Nine said, "I will comply," before she threw her arms around Torres' body.

As Kathryn looked over to her, Torres breathed a huge sigh of relief, then locked eyes with Janeway, nodded, then closed her eyes and she hugged Seven tightly and said, "I love you for wanting to help…I swear it…but I'll never risk you for anything like this. I'll never dishonor you like that. I love you too much…it'll never be worth it…never."

Janeway looked up at the Doctor after glancing over at Seven and Torres, then cleared her throat and did her very best to act as if she was uncomfortable, trying to look comfortable while her would-be ex-lovers embraced openly and emotionally in the same room, and questioned, "Didn't she say anything to you?"

Sighing, the hologram shook his head and said, "No. When I announced my presence, she looked over at me, stopped what she was doing for a moment, then just went right back to chopping."


"Wood," the Doctor explained. "She was chopping wood with an ax." Smiling slightly, he remarked, "She actually very good at it…I watched her for several minutes after I scanned her. She never missed once."

Raising her eyebrows as she glanced over at Tuvok, who seemed definitely concerned, most likely due to the ax part, Janeway turned back to the Doctor and asked, "Did she seem hostile…anything at all? Did she…growl, for lack of a better term…at you when you spoke to her?"

"No," the hologram answered. "She seemed perfectly calm the entire time…like she wasn't at all surprised to see me. She's sad, that much is clear in her face and posture. I'd even go so far as to say she was severely depressed currently. She just stood there and chopped wood the whole time. She'd get into a stance, then swing the ax fluidly and graceful…nothing abrupt or aggressive and split the wood. Then when another piece appeared, which I assume she has programmed to do, she paused for a moment, then repeated the process. I must have watched her do that thirty times. She never broke her stride once, even though she's starting to become exhausted from all of the stress." Fairly quiet, the Doctor remarked, "It was very beautiful actually…in a strange way. I assume it's something she's done for a long time because her technique is completely graceful, even though it's clearly powerful, but there's no anger behind it. She seemed peaceful…I felt no sense of danger, and," he finished as Kathryn listened closely, "even though I'm a hologram, I know when there's danger."

Turning to Janeway, Tuvok stated, still speaking quiet since Torres and B'Elanna continued to stand close and mumble things to each other, "As you know, she has extensive martial arts training. I cannot be certain, but I would not be surprised if she didn't use this exercise to hone her concentration skills." Raising his eyebrow, the Vulcan informed, "Ensign Drake recently witnessed her use Miss Torres' bat'leth to break a sizeable rock in half while on the surface, just prior to the transporter accident. He merely mentioned the incident to me because he was impressed by the apparent skill and focus she exhibited, and wasn't certain I was aware of her talents in this area. I was not." Looking back to the Doctor, he stated, "This would suggest that she is using that to calm herself and focus." Back to the captain, "I believe we should take this opportunity while it is available, Captain. Although her mind and will are strong, the longer we wait, the more difficult it will become for her to center herself utilizing any technique…even a Vulcan cannot resist the call of the pon farr forever."

"How long do you need to prepare?" asked the captain quickly before the Doctor jumped in and argued, which she knew he would.

"Approximately twelve hours," the Vulcan came back, speaking of his need to meditate and focus himself for the difficult task he would have ahead if the captain allowed it.

"Captain," the Doctor jumped in, "with all due respect to the commander's abilities, she is stable right now. I think you should let me go back in there and reattach the neural regulator…you should do so immediately while she's calm and receptive. I can try to talk to her this time, to make sure she isn't delusional and can actually speak coherently."

"Go back in and see her," Janeway ordered after a few moments. "Ask her about the neural regulator and see if she wants it. That will help us gauge how reasonable she is. If she says no, I don't want you to argue with her right now…just accept that and report back to me immediately." When the Doctor nodded in acceptance of that plan and then turned away, the captain added, "Don't be gone long, Doctor…we don't want to push her right now."

Turning back to the Vulcan, Janeway stepped up close to him and whispered, "I need your counsel right now. What do you think is the best way out of this?"

"I'll refrain from informing you of the probability that we will discover another way to undo this event…suffice it to say, it is minute," the Vulcan began. "The mind meld has and can be successful. The benefits other than immediacy, are the fact that I have melded with B'Elanna Torres before, and that will assist me during my preparation and the actual meld. Although the commander will not be the same as Miss Torres, it is a definite positive. There is also the fact that the commander, although not herself, I believe has shown remarkable restraint. The task before us is to get her to the point where she is not fighting to stay focused. She needs to be prepared to concentrate on the meld, and only the meld. That will be difficult to do," he said as he shook his head from side to side slightly, "and it is not completely necessary that she be as focused as myself and Miss Torres, but as close to that as possible is necessary." Lifting his eyebrows, he stated plainly, "Considering she is utilizing an exercise to remain focused and centered means that she is still fighting the pon farr. The chances of the meld being successful are slim if she does not mate before the procedure…and I could become susceptible to the influence of the pon farr while we are melded if she does not break its hold on her." As Janeway looked at him seriously at that, understanding what a risk that would put them all at if all the sudden while all of their minds were connected, the proverbial orchestra leader suddenly began suffering a similar condition, Tuvok nodded and finished, "I believe the most prudent course of action is for her to mate, and then to perform the meld. The chance of success in that instance is high…however, the longer we wait, the less that chance will be considering she is suffering brain damage as we speak. Although the Doctor is certain at this point that he can repair it once they are switched and her brain activity returns to normal, if we do not act before she becomes completely delusional or incapacitated, we may never be able to return them to their rightful bodies."

As Seven of Nine nodded to B'Elanna, then said, "I will comply," before she leaned forward, kissed her cheek smartly, then spun and started for the door, saying just before she left, "I love you," looking over her shoulder at the redhead, since the only people in the room knew the real story, Janeway patted Tuvok's arm in silent thanks and asked Torres, who was starting for them, "Where's she going?"

"She's going to actually listen to me for once," Torres smiled shyly as she crossed her arms over her chest, "and let us work this out. She's going to go see Sam, and hopefully stay the night with her. I told her that was the best thing she could do right now…to just be a friend…so that's what she's going to do." When Tuvok said, "Indeed," and Janeway smiled humbly at B'Elanna and said, with sincerity, "Thank you," Torres nodded and said, "Yea," then sighing, she looked down at Janeway as she stood next to Tuvok and said, "And I'm sorry for yelling at you…again…I mean it."

Shaking her head, Janeway said, "It's alright," then rubbing her forehead, she acknowledged, "This situation isn't easy by any stretch of the imagination…and I don't blame you. I'd have done the same," she finished smirking. Then looking back to Tuvok, she pursed her lips for a moment, then nodded and said, "Alright Commander, we'll do it your way. I'd like you to return to your cabin and begin your preparations. If the Doctor comes back with news and that changes that, I'll let you know, but at this point, I want you ready as soon as possible. If at any point until then I feel we can't make this work, I'll let you know that too, but you'll only hear from me if I change my mind."

Nodding and accepting that, the Vulcan never adverse to meditating for any reason, Tuvok bobbed his head to Torres, and said to the captain before he left, "I'll report back here in twelve hours…we will need to begin soon after."

"Good luck," Kathryn replied as he walked toward the exit. Once he was gone, she turned to B'Elanna and said, quiet, "I'm assuming you're still willing to go through with the mind meld?" Before the chief could answer, she said, "If you're not, then tell me, and we won't do it. I'm not going to do this unless all of you are willing…including Nick."

Taking a seat on the biobed so she didn't tower over the captain as much, starting to find that slightly unsettling for some reason, the engineer replied as she picked at her fingernails, "I'm still in." Looking over to the captain as she remained where she was, obviously purposefully keeping her distance, B'Elanna said, "I trust him…we've done it before…so have you."

"I realize that," Kathryn returned, still in hushed tones, "but this is different. You don't need this, and the person who does need this isn't in any state currently to undergo the procedure. It puts you at risk no matter what. She's still going to be weakened physically and mentally even after she mates. She has suffered some brain damage and will continue to do so until she mates. I just want to make sure you understand that."

"I understand," Torres nodded slowly and spoke softly, looking directly at Janeway's face, "and I do need this, Kathryn. I need to help my sister…I'm a Klingon…and we don't let our family go into battle alone, and we don't leave them to die alone. Just like we won't let Seven go in there, even though you and I both know Nick wouldn't lay a hand on her and probably just ignore her, there's that risk that we can't take…that we could never live with…and I can't live knowing I let my sister die because of my body. I just can't live with that. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Janeway replied as she looked down at the ground. "I'm not going to lie to you," Kathryn almost whispered, still looking to the floor, "I don't want to give this order, Lanna…for many reasons, but most importantly to me…just me…is that I know that right now," she finally lifted her head, "right now you're alive and well…and I love you no matter what body you're in. I could love you for the rest of my days if you stayed this way, and even though I want you to be happy and healthy…I selfishly want you to be alive and with me just as much." Taking a long even breath as she looked back down, Kathryn shook her head and said, "I'm not ready to lose you either…Klingon or not. I'll never be ready for that day…even if it is the most honorable day of your life." Looking up to her, she whispered, blinking back her emotion as she saw the Torres' now green eyes misting over, "That day will never be a good day for me."

Looking away from B'Elanna as the Doctor reappeared, bringing her hand to her mouth the steady herself as she turned her back on the hologram for a second, Kathryn cleared her throat after she swallowed and said, fairly crisp, "Report," then quickly wiped her eyes free of any moisture before she turned around.

"Well, she's able to speak freely…although again, she's very subdued right now," the Doctor reported, looking to the captain, then to Torres, then back to Janeway, curious as to what was happening and if he'd rematerialized right in the middle of a fight over Seven of Nine, who still to this day the Doctor could hardly believe Janeway actually gave up willingly considering how fervently protective she was of the younger woman. "She doesn't want the neural regulator right now. She says she's managing okay. She was very polite. She says she just needs a little time to herself, and then she'll contact us and put the regulator back on, but that she has some things to work out before then."

Coming over to the biobed near Torres and taking a seat on it, the captain asked, "What was she doing?"

"She was brushing a horse that was tied up to a fence post in front of a house," the Doctor reported. "It's an old country setting…it's very calming landscape, Captain. I really think she's doing well to take care of herself. She spoke with me immediately, and wasn't abrupt or angered. After she said no, I didn't push as you requested, then she asked me if I had any more questions. I told her no, she handed me the brush, told me to stay and brush the horse if I wanted, but that she was going to go inside for a while. She apologized for not inviting me in, but told me she'd never shown that program to anyone before and it was special to her, and to not take it personally. Once she was gone, I brushed the horse a few times, then came right back."

"Alright, thank you, Doctor," Janeway nodded. Glancing over to B'Elanna, then back to the hologram, she lifted her chin a slight amount and stated, "Tuvok's going to report back here in twelve hours to perform the mind meld…that is," she held up her hand quickly, telling him she wasn't finished and didn't want to be interrupted, "unless she doesn't respond well to us. Now, the plain facts are that we don't know how to undo this any other way, and I tend to agree with Tuvok that the chances of us discovering that before she suffers permanent and severe damage are extraordinarily slim. That, notwithstanding, there's also the fact that she's basically going through pon farr…which means that she has to mate or she will most likely die. If we can't get her to do that before Tuvok's ready, then we won't do the procedure." Looking over to Torres quickly, she said surely, "Tuvok says it's too risky if she doesn't mate because he could become susceptible to the effects of the pon farr as well during the meld. So," she nodded at B'Elanna when the brunette sighed and nodded, "our main objective here is to make that happen…however," she sighed as she slid off the bed and needed to walk around to think everything through, "that's not going to be as easy as it sounds unfortunately, and I won't," Kathryn said adamantly, "let Samantha go back in there. Nick's far too protective of her and I'm worried that any more incidents like that will hurt them both unnecessarily."

"Is it really unnecessary to save a life?" the Doctor asked.

"Yes," Kathryn came back immediately. "Not when there are other alternatives, and not when that poor woman has to watch someone that she's in love with push her away when she's trying to help her in the most private way possible. I already regret letting that happen once and I'm not about to do it again." When the Doctor backed down after that, Kathryn came up to Torres and asked, certain she knew the answer but having to ask anyway, "Are you sure you're willing to do this?"

"Yes," B'Elanna came back surely. Then pushing off the bed, she started pacing around and said, shaking her head, "But honestly, I don't know if she'll go for it with me. I'm her, and she's me, and that's weird. Part of me thinks that's how it should be…just her and me, but," turning and looking back to Kathryn, "I'm not sure how she'll feel about that. There's no sexual tension between us…ever. I think maybe we should think first about the holodeck…give her someone she's attracted to," sighing and rubbing her forehead, "but someone who's not a lady by her definition, if you read me."

"But Nick is homosexual…surely you're not suggesting…"

"Not a guy, Doc," Torres correct him quickly, but not unkind, "just," pointing to the captain, "not a lady. There's a difference to Nick between a woman like me and a woman like the captain and Sam. Make the hologram someone like me…the real me…hell make a hologram of me, but just someone's she's not worried about hurting."

Shaking her head, Janeway informed both of them, "I'm not so sure that's entirely it. I think deep down she's too worried about succumbing to the desire to be selfishly aggressive."

"What's the difference?" asked Torres.

Looking up at the brunette, the captain explained, "She didn't hurt Samantha, and I think Nick knows that. I think if she thought she really hurt her, she'd be a lot worse off right now. I think she ran away because she felt herself giving into the need to take pleasure for herself first and foremost rather than give. Nick's a very controlled and deliberate person and from what Samantha's told me, she the same type of lover…even more so…she's very conscious of her actions." Looking over to the Doctor, Kathryn spoke freely, knowing it was necessary for them to figure this out, "She constantly gives in all aspects of her life because I think she honestly enjoys it, but it's also extremely important to her. I think," she drew up her hand to waist height and emphasized with the first two fingers extended, "that's the problem. She gives all the time…it's completely ingrained into her mind. Her parents were community leaders, she followed in their footsteps, she raised her younger sister from the time she was nineteen, and she's become probably the single most giving person I've ever met. I guarantee that if the only way out of a burning building was to walk across a scorching metal floor, she'd pick up Samantha and carry her across…even if she, herself, was barefoot. Anything less would be totally unacceptable to her, and it's not about her being a Starfleet officer and outranking Miss Wildman."

Nodding, B'Elanna jumped in, "That's right…that's right, it's different. If I were with her, we'd make a run for it together. She'd never leave me, but she wouldn't carry me if I could walk on my own." Shaking her head, Torres said, "I don't know, Captain…I see what you're getting at as far as maybe the only way it will work is if someone comes onto her and mates with her, not the other way around…but," she sighed, "I still think I'm a long shot, even though I could physically show dominance over her right now, I don't know how she would respond to herself…that's just kind of weird."

"What about Seven?" suggested the Doctor, and before he could say anything more, Torres jumped up and said, "No!" before the captain had to, but the reaction to do so was still very much present.

When the Doctor looked as if he was going to argue, Janeway said surely and fluid, "Doctor, the answer is no. Seven of Nine doesn't know about Miss Sheldon's assault or Nick's subsequent issues. Only the three of us know, in fact…and I won't put Seven into a position were she's not prepared to deal with the consequences. That would be unconscionably irresponsible."

Looking back to B'Elanna, Janeway said plainly after she shut the Doctor up, "I still think you're the best choice. You are her, and Nick's least of all afraid of hurting herself over anyone, I'm sure. I realize that it might be strange, but we all know who we are. I think she'd let herself act in any way she had to with herself, and with her best friend…certainly she'd be less conscious and careful just for that fact alone." Managing a lop-sides grin at B'Elanna, the captain included, feeling as though she was making a fairly good argument, even if she didn't really believe what she was saying was entirely accurate, but the important part right now was that Torres and the Doctor did, "I've heard the two of you speak to the other when you think no one can hear you…she's not like that with anyone else. Yes," she went on, "she'll flirt with me and elude to things of a sexual nature in a joking manner, but it's very different, and usually complimentary, rather than just…"

"Trash talk," Torres finished, understanding. "Okay, I see your point. So, then, you think I should let her be the aggressor?"

"I think you should try to be Nick with you. You both are similar in some regards…just try to switch roles a little. She's not afraid to show physical dominance over you, so I don't think you should be either. Be her friend, but try to get at the heart of the issue here…you need her to mate with you so that you can survive…in your body. I don't think she's worried about herself…her consciousness…but I think she'll go along with it if you tell her you need her…and then help her physically…just like she would use her physicality to help you. It's an integral part of who she is…and part of what makes her so giving because she can physically give support just with her body and talents in ways that most people can't."

"Aye, Captain," B'Elanna bobbed her head, hating that she had to answer like that about such a thing. "Do you want me to go there right now?"

"No," Kathryn replied easily, having worked out her game plan now completely during the conversation. Looking back to the Doctor, Janeway explained, "Considering you've said that she's calm and rational at this moment, I need to go speak with her first about the mind meld. If she doesn't want to even do that part, then the rest of this isn't quite as urgent." Looking back to B'Elanna, Janeway said, "I don't expect her to say no, but I've got to be certain, and if she says yes, then I'll tell her that the only way that will occur is if she mates immediately, and I'll be sure to tell her that you're one hundred percent willing, but," she rubbed the back of her neck as she paced, "I think before she makes that decision, we should at least give her the option of the holodeck. I don't think she'll take it now, but I feel obligated to try. It certainly would make this all easier…especially on the two of you if she used a hologram." Glancing to the EMH, she smirked meekly, and wry, "No offense, Doctor."

"None taken…I agree."

Turning back to the chief, the captain nodded and said, "Report back to your quarters. If I call you, you're on." Smirking some, she finished, "And if you don't hear from me, that means you're off the hook…but I'll let you know what happens either way. And, B'Elanna," she added quickly as the tall brunette nodded and started away, "try to get some rest yourself. You still have to undergo the procedure too…and you're body's going to feel different when you get it back."

"As long as I can still crawl through a Jefferies Tube without whacking my head," Torres smiled, "I'll be thrilled."

Once Torres left, Janeway turned to the Doctor and said, "Well, that's it, I guess. Thank you for your help, Doctor…I'll keep you informed. For now, I think it's best if you deactivate yourself and do a little more research on Vulcan mind melds, just in case we run into problems."

"Captain," the Doctor said as Janeway started away, "perhaps I should go into the holodeck with you…just in case?"

Remaining easy, Kathryn stopped and turned halfway, then said, "It's not necessary, Doctor, but thank you. I'll take all the appropriate Security precautions, but I think right now Miss Fowler needs her captain."

When the Doctor seemed to ponder that for a moment, then bobbed his head in agreement and then deactivated himself, the captain waited until he'd gone before she turned back toward the main console of Sickbay. Accessing the medical database quickly, she looked for the appropriate combination of medication that would assist her with her plan. Finding what she was looking for fairly easily, she closed the display and went over to the hypospray cart, snatched up the device and the vile she needed, snapped it into the bottom of the hypospray, then entered in the correct code which selected the necessary stimulant in the highest dosage that was safe. Then tilting her neck, she pressed the device to her flesh, and closed her eyes instinctively as the medication was absorbed into her body. Knowing from what she'd read that she would only have about fifteen minutes before the stimulant started to work, Janeway put everything back where she'd found it and then exited quickly, heading first for Deck One.


Stepping out of her Ready Room, composed and calm, and not looking much different than she did when she entered it a few moments ago except for the fact that she was now looking more like a woman about to start her day, rather than finish it as far as appearances went, Captain Janeway nodded to the officer in charge without saying anything else and stepped into the turbolift, saying, "Deck Seven."

After heading off to her Ready Room, Janeway had retrieved a completely fresh uniform from her closet, and then gone into the ensuite and given herself a sponge bath, using the process of cleansing herself and dressing to focus on her objective just as she always did in times of stress and when she was about to perform a task that she honestly would prefer to not have to do, but knew that not only was it necessary, but felt obligated out of nothing more than the fact the she was the commanding officer of this vessel and each and every member of her crew was her responsibility before they were anyone else's. Once she'd freshened up and put her uniform back on, she'd reapplied her standard make-up, and added a very little amount of cologne to her pulse points. She didn't habitually wear it the cool scent, but she was doing so now because one time while she'd been taking a moment to freshen up before an important meeting with the senior staff and had been discussing something in advance with Fowler, the tall woman had asked her while she watched the captain wash her face and reapply her makeup from the doorway if she could smell the cologne she'd just rubbed into her wrist. When Janeway had lifted her arm, Nicole had smiled and said, "Hey, that's real nice," so Kathryn hoped the scent would do its centuries old duty to entice the senses of another. And once that was done, she'd combed any knots from her hair until it was fuller and softer than it had been before, then taken just a moment to query the computer as to the location of Torres and Seven, and had smiled, content yet forlorn at the same time to find that both of them were in the captain's quarters, no doubt keeping Samantha company and offering moral support to the entirety of them since this situation certainly affected a great many lives. That was the first time Torres and Seven had been to her quarters in a month and a half, and instead of her reaping the benefits, it was Samantha…and the irony of everything didn't escape her one bit…unfortunately.

Janeway wasn't certain how B'Elanna and Seven of Nine, or Samantha Wildman would react once they found out what she planned to do, but even though it normally wouldn't be something she'd discuss since this was a command decision before it was anything else, and knew she probably couldn't keep it from them because B'Elanna would be melded with Tuvok and Fowler for a short time, and able to know her thoughts. Kathryn wasn't certain that meant that she would find out, but she was fully prepared for the event. She also would never request that Nicole Fowler keep anything from Samantha because she didn't feel that was at all her place. Nick wasn't the captain and thus she wasn't obligated in the same manner as Janeway was to protect, including the strange concept for privacy, that lately seemed rather hard to manage between the five women since their lives were so currently connected. Because of that, Kathryn was definitely concerned something like this could cause a rift that could lead to many different problems, but those were personal, and thus secondary because lives were at stake and she knew, herself, that she could do this and not only not regret it, but walk away and feel like she'd been the good captain…and really, there wasn't anything more important to Kathryn Janeway currently. Too much was at stake for her to give into her selfish, contrary desires…she had to be the captain before all else until they were home, Section 31 was no longer a threat, and her family was safe…once that was done, then she could relax and put Janeway away for a while and just enjoy being Kathryn…and thus, letting someone else make the decisions and carry the burden for a while…which she was certain Torres and Seven would jump at the chance to do…especially B'Elanna, since she had a pretty good notion Seven of Nine was going to be rather busy 'assimilating' all of the new things she was going to be introduced too.

Rolling her neck back and taking a fairly deep breath through her nostrils, closing her eyes while she did so, Kathryn felt her cheeks flush just slightly as the stimulant she'd taken to activate her libido began to take affect right on time. All things considering, she thought it was an appropriate measure, since she was fairly certain she was going to have to be more aggressive than she typically was, especially with B'Elanna, who was almost always the dominant one with her…although, she wasn't sure. There was also the fact that even though Fowler was in Torres' body, she wasn't B'Elanna, and instead of that making it easier for her, she was concerned it would make it more difficult. If Nick was in her own body, and Kathryn was walking into a situation where she planned just to have sex with her, she knew damned well that she could do that, and probably enjoy it without the need for a stimulant, but this strange, mind-game situation where she was going to the be touching a body she knew almost as well as her own, but didn't know the person inside the same way, made her concerned it would all be too complicated and thought-provoking if she didn't have the strong desire herself to be intimate. And finally, considering what she knew of Torres' sex drive, which was wonderfully strong, and what she knew of the Klingon's stamina, she hoped if Fowler required a lengthy encounter, the stimulant would help keep herself going at full force so suddenly Nick wouldn't feel the need to stop on her account. That's the last thing Kathryn wanted at this moment. She wanted Nick to stop being giving and focus on her own needs; whether that would be to make love to her, or to let the redhead pleasure her body, Janeway wasn't certain, but she was confident she could figure it out, and would know if Fowler was slipping into her old habits.

As she felt the lift come to a halt, Janeway opened her eyes and brought her head back to center while she pushed off from the back wall when the pneumatic doors parted for her. Stepping through them, the captain started toward the other side of her vessel, walking with purpose and poise so that if she ran into anyone on her trek they wouldn't attempt to speak with her. Not only was she now completely focused on her task, but she was starting to feel rather warm under the collar herself, and she didn't want to have to try to cool her jets while speaking with someone. She certainly didn't feel out of control, but there was a definite desire building in her to shed her clothing and go for a roll in the hay, so to speak…which probably was being increased by her sudden and unexpected lack of intimacy that had now gone on from a month and a half.

Just before the threesome's break-up, all of them had managed to spend two consecutive nights together as a group and make love in that fashion, and prior to that, Kathryn had started to notice a slight, but pleasantly building shift in their sexual behavior, and she'd been fairly certain that before long their combined coupling would be the norm rather than the exception, although it had always been the special exception that they all cherished. None of them were at all against that, and even though they hadn't talked about it, she'd had a feeling that they'd all started to feel the need to have all of them present…and that notion was fairly logical to her considering that's how she had started to feel. There were always the exceptions when she was with one of them and desired to be alone with them, and considering their occupation, living arrangement, and overall hectic schedules it was something they'd never worried about and were just happy to be with on or both whenever they could manage it, but despite that, the longer they were together, the more she wanted both of them around her constantly, not just one…and she assumed the same was true for them, especially when Torres had almost stopped sleeping alone entirely. A lot of the times Seven of Nine had stayed with her, but just before the break-up, if Seven returned to the captain's quarters, B'Elanna almost always did so as well, and with the exception of one evening with Seven of Nine since the Day of Honor, Kathryn hadn't had sex without both of her lovers present, and even though that had meant her regular sex-life had slowed just a tad to once or twice a week instead of four, five, and even six times if she was really lucky that week, that time had been the most sexually fulfilling in all her life. It was a matter of quality over quantity…and deep emotions that could now only be truly expressed with both of her lovers present, and now all that was gone…and she wasn't getting any.

Stepping up to the holodeck, Kathryn accessed the display to make sure Fowler was still running the same program. When the computer informed her the current simulation had been active for over an hour, she made sure that the safeties were engaged, which they were, just in case Nicole became terribly delusional and came after her with the ax. She didn't really expect that to happen, but it would do them no good to be irresponsible. Before she lifted the security lock on the door, she queried the computer as to if there were any characters in this program, concerned that perhaps Fowler had come to the conclusion that she would just mate with a hologram, and Janeway certainly didn't want to mess that up by barging in on her at such a moment. Again, she didn't really expect that, but she had to be certain. When the computer informed her that there were no characters in the program, Janeway nodded, then glanced around out of habit and finally said, "Computer, override Commander Fowler's Security seal on the holodeck and open the door, authorization Janeway pi, three, three, red," the captain having immediately changed her command code after her break-up for fear if she kept it, someone in Starfleet that wasn't who they seemed would figure out what it meant and realize the good captain still carried a torch for Torres and the Borg. Even thought those two were going to be thought to be dead, it that didn't work out and someone found out, it could be definitely bad all around.

Once the computer beeped at her and did as she requested, Janeway quickly stepped inside and then informed the computer to reseal the door with her authorization, which would assure that no one on the ship, except possibly Seven of Nine, could enter without permission. As the computer did that and the door disappeared behind her, Kathryn glanced around at the deeply wooded area she was inside. Since she was standing right in the middle of a shabby pathway that went out in front of her, she figured Fowler had constructed this program so that someone would have to walk to her house and wouldn't just pop in on her, which added a little bit more privacy.

Quickly, Kathryn unzipped her tunic to give herself a little more freedom of movement, through surprised that Nicole hadn't turned up the environmentals and actually seemed to be running a simulation that had a cool, almost mountain crisp climate, although she didn't feel like she was in the mountains, but more like a low lying wooded area considering the types of foliage. There weren't any pine trees or the types of flora that were found in higher climates. There was a lot of dense, thinly trunked trees, and a slew of different plants and bushes that left the entire area rather green despite it was constructed to look like a nature preserve that was never touched or cleaned up by humans. There were dead and fallen trees all over, some that looked like they'd been struck by lighting and some that looked like they just had been damaged from a winter frost, and enough dry brush about that if this were a real place, it would be a terrible fire hazard…although that did leave it looking beautifully pure and chaotically natural.

Then after glancing around and becoming fairly acclimated to the dim light, she started forward, and as she made her way through the winding path in the forest, Kathryn had to remind herself to stop looking over her shoulder at every little sound she heard since Nicole's simulation was remarkably realistic and it was obvious that she'd put months, if not years of effort into making it so believable that even Janeway found herself forgetting for a few moments that she was in the holodeck. Then turning a wide corner, she heard a loud chopping sound a little ways in the distance as she noticed the end of the path and a grassy area that lay beyond it. Stopping for a moment once the scene came totally into view, Kathryn scanned the area to locate Nicole, then noticed her almost immediately from where she stood slightly obscured nearly fifty meters away behind a very large tree that was a few meters in front of her.

While she watched an ax circle through the air and impact with a piece of wood, Janeway decided to simply watch her for a few moments before she made her presence seen, so quickly and carefully she tiptoed off the trail and knelt behind a large leaved bush and watched Nick, still barefoot and dressed in her blue jeans and tanktop, although she was now wearing a thick and slightly padded flannel shirt, set her ax down after she'd split the piece of wood. She then reached down, snatched up her beige cowboy hat, placed it on her head, and then picked up the two pieces of wood and brought them over to a stone fire-pit that sat right in the middle of the front yard. Most of the yard was made up of thick, green, lush and cool grass, except for the fire pit and the stone walkway that went from the house's porch steps to the end of the grassy area where the ground turned into a small, pebble covered area. The large tree was at the end of the grass, half of its base seated in the greenery, and the other half in the small, white and grey stones, and just beyond that area was the bayou, and a short dock that went out above it. Pulled up into the rocky area was a canoe, and over by the water was a horse grazing on some of the high weeds that sprung out of the shoreline. The house was at least two stories, and looked to also have an attic. It was a traditional country house that was symmetrical with a moderately slopped roof to allow for snowfall. It was definitely old, mostly white, although in some places the paint was peeling on the sides near the base, and the outside shutters on the windows and the trim were black, and it was basically set in a private cove that looked to be completely surrounded by a heavily wooded area that went on as far as the eye could see. All in all, the setting was a mixture of Northern American architecture and climate, advantages of holographic technology, which allowed various environments to mold together in a visually pleasing manner, even though unnatural, and Southern American environmentals, such as the foliage and the water.

After carefully arranging the wood into a teepee style stance, Fowler grabbed a handful of dry brush that she had piled by the pit and placed it inside the wood construct. Then taking the two matches she had between in teeth, she struck one against the stone and ignited the tip. After setting a large, dead leaf ablaze, she place that in the heap of dry brush, then took a few moments to fan it steadily with her hat to give it plenty of oxygen. Once that was done, she lit the other match, and repeated the process, and tended to the fire for a few more minutes until she was sure that it would burn on its own. When Fowler put her hat back on her head, then looked directly over in her direction for a few moments, Janeway held her breath and stayed perfectly still, wondering if Nick was really that in tuned to her surroundings that she'd sensed her presence. And when Nick turned and started toward her, Kathryn was about to stand as the brunette picked up the pace and trotted for two steps until she watched the women reach down in the grass and snatch up a snake, with familiar speed and skill.

Instantly becoming uneasy with the fact that there were such things as snakes crawling around, which Janeway didn't like, at all, she quickly glanced around her general area as she sighed, and then reminded herself that even if she didn't like them, they couldn't hurt her in the holodeck, which quickly peaked her curiosity again as to what Nick planned to do with it, and she prayed she didn't plan to eat it…or kill it, since Fowler had never struck her as the type that would just kill a snake because she could, and that made her concerned Nick was feeling violent impulses. Turning back to her view of the scene, she watched carefully as Fowler examined the snake and seemed to be talking to it, then watched her walk to water's edge and put the animal into it carefully, then yell, laughing, "Go on…get," as she splashed the water with her hand until the snake swam away, and Janeway realized the computer had probably confused the animal with a land snake instead of a water one, or perhaps that animal had come out of the water on it's own…she didn't know enough about them, nor did she care to.

As Nicole continued to chuckle and shake her head, then seemed as though she was talking to the horse about the incident, Kathryn decided this was a good enough time as any to make herself seen. So, taking a deep breath, she took off her shoes and her socks, having already removed her traditional stockings in her Ready Room, removed her tunic from her waist, folded them and just set them on the ground before she stood up, returned to the trail carefully in her bare feet and started forward again.

Janeway moved quickly out from the trail, but slowed her pace once she reached the grass, and before she continued on any further, she glanced around quickly, looking for snakes or any other critter Fowler had produced that made the lush, slightly damp grass its home. Seeing nothing that would cause her to either cringe or yelp and scurry away, certain she'd look completely foolish and unattractive to someone who was brazen enough to snatch up a snake—although holographic, the captain had a sense considering the familiarity and skill she'd displayed, she'd done that plenty of times before in real life—Kathryn started toward Fowler's position. When Nicole didn't notice her immediately as she stood near her horse and pet the animal, Janeway slowed even more until she was barely moving forward, trying to figure out how to get Nick's attention without it being abrupt. Then looking over at the fire, she decided to just go stand by it, attempt to warm up and wait for Nicole to turn around and notice her.

After just a few moments as she stood halfway turned toward Fowler, holding her hands to the flames to warm her chilled body, she noticed Nicole turn out of the corner of her eye as the sky continued to dim as the sun set, and keeping her face completely unreadable, but intense, she turned only her head to the brunette, who was about fifteen meters away. When Fowler just stood where she was, frozen for a moment in obvious surprise, Janeway smirked in her typically flirting manner, and announced fairly loudly as she turned back to the fire and rubbed her hands together, "Nice hat."

Blinking and shaking her head quickly as she realized that her eyes weren't deceiving her and that Kathryn Janeway was actually standing there in only her pants and undershirt, Fowler took a quick breath as she had a strange sensation that she'd done this before, but then managed to relax and shake her head again as she scratched the back of her neck while she started forward, finally realizing why that was, and that was because Francis Sheldon was the only person she'd ever shared this program with, and she'd seen the woman stand in a similar manner, in similar dress half a dozen times. Nicole had no idea why Janeway was walking around without her jacket and her shoes, but she figured she was trying to help her see her as not her captain and just a friend, so she didn't think anything more of the coincidence, since Kathryn, and especially Samantha, did things all the time that reminded her of her ex-fiancé, and Fowler often thought that if those two women were somehow combined and became a single person, the new incarnation could probably easily pass for Fancy's sister...just without her Southern charm.

Clearing her throat as she approached the captain slowly, Nick said, "You know I appreciate you checking up on me, but I promise you," she stopped next to her, "I'm taking care of myself. This place," she gestured with her arm, "is where I always come when I need thinkin' time…it helps me relax, and I promise," she finished, "I'll go to Sickbay in a few more hours."

Janeway looked over at Fowler and said, shaking her head, "I'm not trying to get you to leave…you can stay here as long as you need to." Then glancing around, she added, not looking at Nick while she spoke, "This is very peaceful. I see why you come here." Back at Fowler, she smiled slightly as she said, light and friendly, "It's lovely…it suits you."

Scratching the back of her head, Fowler sighed, then said, "Something tells me you don't plan on leavin'?" When Janeway didn't say anything, but only smiled a little into the fire as she held her hands toward it, Nicole sighed, then looked around and finally asked, "Kate, where the hell are your clothes?"

Lying, as she started to rub her mostly bare arms, hoping to use Nicole against herself, Kathryn looked over to her, chuckling slightly and said, "I didn't bring them. I figured considering you're a Klingon right now and from Louisiana, it'd be hotter than hell in here." Then looking down at her feet, she said, "And my feet were killing me…it's been a busy day, I'm afraid," she finished, looking back at the brunette and smirking again.

True to form, Fowler pulled off her thick flannel, over-sized shirt since it was part of the program and fit her typical body perfectly, and said as she stepped up behind Janeway and put it over her shoulders, "Well, since I can't order you outta here, put this on before you freeze to death…or," she continued, holding it open when Kathryn started to slip her arms inside, "was that the plan…so then I do have to go to Sickbay?"

"Thank you," Janeway said softly, then louder, "There's no plan here. I just wanted to come see you." As she pulled the sides of the jacket tight around her, and crossing her arms to keep them closed as Fowler gently pulled her hair from the back of it, Kathryn added as she looked over her shoulder at her, "I do like you too, you know."

Patting Janeway's shoulder as she started back for the house to get another jacket for herself, Nick said, "Yea, I know…but you're also a scientist…and according to Sam, y'all always plan…and you're a captain…and your nickname's fire devil…planning is what you do…be right back." After a few moments, Fowler came back out of the house with a sheep-skinned jacket on and two cups of coffee. Handing the beverage to Kathryn over her shoulder from where she sat on the porch steps, which was close enough to the fire pit that she was now plenty warm, Fowler said, "I know you've got a plan, lady…you always have a plan. It's what makes you a great captain."

"Mmm…thank you," Kathryn replied after sipping the coffee as Fowler sat down next to her and ignoring that line of conversation since it didn't look like Fowler was going to kick her out. Then looking over at her, chuckling and shaking her head, she informed as Nick asked her what was so funny, "You…in that hat…no offense, but you look like Lanna dressed up for Halloween as you."

Managing a laugh at that, Nick nodded and said, "Yea, I bet."

"Do you have a replicator inside?" the captain questioned as she looked back to the screen door. When Fowler nodded, Kathryn asked, "May I use it?"

"Sure, but," Fowler added quickly, standing, "what's it that you want…I'll get it?"

Smiling, Kathryn said as she stepped up to Nick's side, starting toward the house and purposefully patting her stomach affectionately since the brunette's jacket wasn't closed, "Thank you, but I'd like to change. I feel out of place in my uniform here." Opening the screen door, she asked before she stepped inside, "Where is it?"

Shaking her head at the captain, who she was certain had to be one of the most stubborn women in the galaxy, Fowler said, "It's in the kitchen, but there's a closet off the bath with a whole bunch of clothes in it." After looking at her up and down quickly, she turned and sat down, "Some of 'em might fitcha." Sighing, she explained over her shoulder quickly, "I've had this program for a while…Francis' things are still in there. She's not too much bigger than you." Then chuckling quickly, she finished, turning back to the yard, "But they're holographic…so if the program ends and you're left in your skivvies suddenly, don't say I didn't warn you."

"You wouldn't dare," said Kathryn, coy.

"I might," Fowler said plainly, then glanced over her shoulder, "Might be the only way to get you outta here…so…"

Very quietly, Janeway asked, her voice low and sexy, however, "Do you really want me to go?"

Fowler turned around and looked at the captain for a beat, square in the eye, then said as she turned back around, shaking her head, "Go on and change already before your coffee gets cold."

Smiling to herself, Kathryn said, "I'll only be a minute…"


Wearing a fairly thick, mostly white flannel shirt, that was accented with royal blue and black patches, the ends tied snugly at her waist, and a dark pair of blue jeans that were comfortably large, having to roll the cuffs once to keep from stepping on them in her still bare feet, Janeway gestured toward the river and asked, while she sipped her coffee and looked out toward the area, both of them seated on the steps of the porch, "What's your horse's name?"

When she'd stepped out of the house, Kathryn had wondered if perhaps she was covering too much of her body with the slightly large clothes—even though she'd left the shirt unbuttoned to her sternum, and had it tied at her waist, so with that, along with the pants that were riding fairly low on her hips, that were a good deal narrower than Francis', a fair amount of her stomach was visible—however, when Fowler had looked back at her, given her a lingering once over, which seemed like she was surprised since it was much less subtle than she typically received from the brunette, and remarked as she turned her attention back to her coffee, "Woman, I thought you were tryin' to fit in, not stand out," Janeway had stopped worrying and was glad she'd gone with her instincts, and laughed while she tapped Fowler's hat down and told her to stop teasing her.

"Jessie's Girl," Fowler answered before she took a sip of her coffee and looked in that direction, pretty much just lying back on the bottom step with her feet kicked out and crossed, out of habit, and her upper torso turned some to hold herself up with her elbow. "My sister picked her out for me because I couldn't decide between ole Jessie and this big grey mare I'd liked…so I named her after my sister…it's also a song," she chuckled, "but I didn't know that then."

Although Fowler looked perfectly relaxed, that wasn't entirely accurate, which was the reason why she was sitting below Janeway now, instead of next to her because when Kathryn had started to sit down beside her, then turned, leaned down and wiped the dust off the porch with her hand, Fowler had been treated to a view she'd only seen once before in a similar manner while dining with Janeway and Torres for the first time, and that wasn't something she wanted to see again currently. Even though the sight of one of Kathryn's bare breasts had graced her lips with a subtle smile then, it practically made her mouth water now; so instead of remaining in a position where she could possibly spy such a nice sight again if she got lucky, which was something Fowler would do time and time again in most circumstances, although never disrespectfully, she moved down below and to the side of the redhead to save herself and the captain any embarrassment.

Then raising her head right after she answered and standing up quickly, Nicole put her fingers in her mouth to whistle, then recalled she couldn't do that in her current body, she'd already tried. So, she hurriedly crowed instead, pulling her fingers away, "Horse! Get on over here 'for that croc takes a bite outta you!"

As the horse turned to her from where it was drinking in the water, then finally noticed the crocodile approaching silently, made an abrupt, high sound and quickly trotted toward them, Kathryn jumped up to her feet quickly, exasperating, "Good lord, Nicole…a crocodile?" since she never expected Fowler to program crocodiles into the simulation, but then realized she should have guessed since she had programmed snakes, and who knows what else.

Setting down her coffee quickly and hopping down the step as her trusty horse approached, Nick went over to the animal, grabbed the reigns and said, "Girl, one of these days he's gonna eat you alive, you blind, old fool." Tying the horse to the post that was just off set from the porch stairs, Fowler glanced over her shoulder at Janeway, who was now standing on the top of the porch, as far away from the horse as she could get, and said, chuckling at the expression of anxiety on Kathryn's face, "Don't worry…that old croc knows better than to come up here. Besides, the safeties are on, but you," she pointed at the horse, "you don't count…and he'll eat you if you're not mindful."

Not certain if she was more uneasy about the crocodile or the horse that was now very close, Kathryn said as she looked over to the water's edge, still not seeing anything, while Fowler continued to pet her horse's head, "Where is it…?"

Moving away from her horse and looking to the bayou, Fowler lifted her head a little and then said as she climbed the stairs, "He's about two meters out…right in the middle." After she picked up her coffee and Janeway continued to squint toward that area and tried to spot it, Nick chuckled and said coming up next to her, pointing, "Right on out there…he's just watching. He'll go away soon enough."

Shaking her head, Kathryn drew up her hand over her eyes to shield the glare off the fire and the setting sun, and questioned, "How can you tell? I still don't see anything..."

Fowler handed her coffee to Janeway over her shoulder as she came up behind her, then pointed over her shoulder, saying, "See there…those two little black circles poking out…that's him." As Kathryn looked over her shoulder quickly, then tried to follow her exact line of sight, but still shook her head negatively, Nicole put her hand on the captain's hip, pulled her over more, and whispered as Janeway complied easily, glanced over her shoulder again to get her angle of sight, and finally looked back toward the water, leaving their heads almost directly next to each other, "Right out there. His tail is showing now…he's about two meters long…see it?"

As the captain stayed quiet and still for a moment then smiled and whispered, narrowing her eyes, "There he is," and next turned her head just a touch toward Nick, asking while she smirked, impressed, "How on earth did you see that?" Nicole answered in the same tone as she moved the hand on Janeway's hip to her shoulder, before she wrapped it around her waist and pulled her into her chest as she had the desire to do, and moved in close to the redhead's neck while Janeway continued to watch the water with interest, "I know what to look for." While Kathryn shook her head in wonder and sipped her coffee, but didn't look over at her or seem uncomfortable, even though they were standing rather close together, Fowler, who was having a hard time keeping her eyes and hands off the redhead, sniffed her next, softly and said, still whispering, now all of her attention focused on Janeway, "It's just conditioning…to be mmmindful of some things."

Fowler then cleared her throat as she blinked and realized she was about to do something crazy and said while she squeezed Janeway's shoulder once, absently, then backed off, sighing and reaching for her coffee as she came around the side, "He used to crawl out and get ornery with me, but I've scared him away enough now that he just comes by to have a look every now and then…he hasn't given me a problem in years."

As Fowler sat back down on the top step and returned to drinking her coffee, Kathryn—who was still being deliberate, and was starting to get the feeling she was going to have to seduce Nick for a while since the brunette was definitely more calm currently than she'd been in a while, although she'd noticed Fowler admiring her neck, as well as the change in her voice, and the physical contact didn't get past her either while she pretended to be intrigued by a holographic crocodile—questioned as she sat back down next to Fowler, not right next to her, but not as far as she could have, "How long have you had this program?"

"Um," Nick said as she did the math in her head and tried to calm down, "since I was twenty-three…so fifteen years now."

Smirking, and looking over at Fowler, the captain asked, sounding pleasantly surprised, which wasn't a lie, "How did you get to be so old-fashioned?"

Fowler smiled, then tipped her hat, chuckling and said as she turned her gaze back to the fire, holding her coffee close to her lips, "Simple, Miss Kate…your daddy taught you to be a hell of a captain…mine taught me to be old-fashioned…it's not really any different," she smirked and looked back at her, drawing her speech, "I reckon."

Chuckling warmly, Kathryn admitted, "I guess you've got a point. Although," she paused while she started to smile, looking into her coffee cup, "before I got to know you, I'd never have guessed…especially," she smiled fully now, looking back to Nicole and resting her head in her hand as she drew up her feet close to her chest, "since you told me you thought most Traditionalists are weird."

"Well, y'all are," Nicole remarked, smiling, but speaking the truth, in her opinion. "I just like to get away from everything from time to time and use the holodeck to do that…but y'all," she chuckled, "y'all actually live like that on purpose…all the time. There's a difference."

"Oh, I think there's a little more of a Traditonalist in you than you think," Kathryn responded. "You prefer the acoustic guitar to an electric, you prefer your…clubs…to a phaser…you're awfully chivalrous…I think," she finished, looking back out to the water, smirking before she took a sip of her beverage, "you're more traditional than I am." Laughing, Kathryn shook her head and remarked, "Something tells me my mother's going to love you to pieces."

"Maybe," Nick allowed, grinning, unable to keep herself from enjoying the company of Kathryn, who was very good at stimulating several senses with her beauty, voice, and intelligence, which only made her want to be more funny and charming in her own way to keep the woman smiling, "but I don't cook up ole Jessie like y'all do."

Laughing out loud and rolling her eyes, Janeway replied after a moment, turning to Nicole and narrowing her eyes in play distaste, "We don't eat horses…only typical farm animals."

"What's the difference?"

"I don't know," Janeway barked, then laughed at herself while she smacked Fowler's arm lightly with the back of her hand, "Stop teasing me…I've had a long day."

"Just be glad I haven't picked ya'up and fed you to that ole croc," Nicole chuckled as she took off her hat. Looking over at Kathryn, she smiled as Janeway stuck her tongue out at her, reached over and set her hat on Kathryn's head, "Although, I'm not sure how big of a sweet tooth he has."

As Fowler set her coffee down and stood in the next moment, then started down the stairs, Kathryn questioned quickly, taking the hat off since it was too big for her head, and not really the style hat she would wear, "Where are you going?"

"Since it seems you're gonna be stubborn and stay…even though I'm fine," the commander started, hoping to use the captain's obvious, to her, unease with horses against her, while she walked over to the animal, "I thought we could go for a ride. Or," she added as she stopped at the animal's head and looked over to Kathryn, "you can say and relax yourself if you'd rather not…I'll be back in an hour or so."

Inwardly cursing since she really didn't like horses, even though she'd grown up with them all around, but knew this was an opportunity she shouldn't pass up to get Nicole to stay in close contact with her for a while, Kathryn gulped her coffee, then said as she set it down and stood, picking up Fowler's hat and pointing to the animal with it, "Are you going to laugh at me if I tell you I don't know how to ride a horse?"

Fowler resisted the urge to sigh and kicked herself in her mind since she was certain she should have figured Janeway would go along with that anyway, just to make her life more difficult, and allowed, mostly under her breath, "Lord have mercy, lady…you are one stubborn woman."

"I heard that."

"Well, it's true, Kate," Fowler said as she untied the horse, definitely sounding flustered now, not able to help herself since it had taken her nearly an hour to focus herself with her mental exercises to keep her temper in check without the neural regulator, and now that she was having to put much more energy into ignoring her constant urge to copulate, her temper was coming back. "I mean it…first-class!" As Janeway crossed her arms over her chest, smiled at her, finding her little bursts of irritation cute since they were not like Nicole's typical steady persona, but kept her distance, Fowler said, "Now, come on…there's no need for this. I ain't gonna hurt myself."

"Nick," Janeway said as she started forward, eyeing the horse carefully and still keeping her distance from it, not at all concerned Fowler was suddenly going to become violent, "if there's a stubborn person here, it's you. Why can't we just take a time-out from everything and have an enjoyable time together?" Shaking her head, she said, speaking with her hands, "There aren't a lot of people on this ship that I can do that with currently without worrying what they'll think or say about me. Yes," she nodded, "I'm concerned about you…and yes, I don't want you to be alone right now, but why does it have to be full of pretense and speculation? You're my friend…why can't we just put everything else away? I'm not here as your captain…I'm just a woman," she used that term purposefully instead of friend, "who happens to need a little break of her own, frankly."

Sighing, Fowler said after walking up to Janeway and handing the reigns to her while taking her hat, "If you decide to retire after this…go into law. You'd be good in the courtroom…hold this please."

"Where are you going?" asked the captain, tentative, as she held the reigns as if she hadn't a clue what to do with them or wanted them.

"I've got a blanket inside," Fowler informed as she climbed the steps and put her hat back on, "I don't think you wanna ride bareback. Just stand there…she doesn't have a sweet tooth."

As Fowler went into the house, Kathryn looked over at the horse's head, and said to the animal as it looked at her, "Hello." When it didn't do anything but just look at her, Janeway looked over at its large, muscled body, then asked as she turned back to the auburn coated horse's face, "Do me a favor and be nice to me, huh? I'm Nick's captain…and I'm here to help her." When the horse huffed softly and shifted just a little, the redhead nodded and said, "Thank you…I'll take that as a yes."

Coming out of the house with a large, tough and thickly quilted multi-colored blanket, Fowler trotted down the steps and said, "Alright, Missy…you ready to ride?" When Janeway nodded, Fowler tried one more time as she came around the horse and put the blanket on its back, "Are you sure you wanna do this? You don't have to, you know? I can make it a short one..."

"If I go, will you stop trying to figure out my plan and just trust me?"

Looking over at Janeway, Nick smiled and said, "You really don't like horses, do you?"

"I don't like any animal that's larger than I am," the captain explained, glancing over at the horse, "but I'm willing to go for a ride despite that if you're willing to just trust me and let me be a regular person." Stepping up to Nick, Kathryn said softly, "That's all I want. I'd just like to spend some time with you without worrying about what's outside there for a while…I think we both deserve that."

"Well," Fowler shook her head and smirked, straightening the blanket, "I guess if I said no, I'd be making a liar out of myself and directly insulting you…and since you don't like that…if you're willing to ride with me, then I can do that."

As Nicole took the reigns out of her hands and set them up on Jessie's neck, Kathryn stated, confused, but curious and not willing to just let it go, "I don't follow…"

Fowler answered as she gestured that Kathryn should come over to her, explaining, "Well, I always say that I never miss an opportunity to be in the company of a pretty lady if I can help it." Turning Janeway around easily as Kathryn looked over her shoulder at her and smirked, shaking her head, not wanting to act too differently yet, Nicole smiled and said, "Yea, I know, I'm worse than Chakotay. And now," Fowler quieted and turned on the sexuality purposefully, not really trying to make Janeway uncomfortable or take advantage, but just prove a point and remind Kathryn that even though she wasn't banging on doors and growling into her neck, she was still suffering from the pon farr, "I'm gonna be worse than Torres and snap this here button closed," she reached around Janeway's waist and up to her chest, buttoning the shirt to almost her collar bone, allowing her forearms to press against Janeway's breasts purposefully, "so you don't catch your death and I don't give you a reason to smack me." When Janeway raised her eyebrows and smirked as she turned her head some toward her, Fowler added, purposefully again, although having a hard time resisting, as she whispered into Kathryn's ear and nuzzled her lobe slightly, moving her hands to the sides of her waist where the skin was showing, squeezing and rubbing her thumbs against her skin, "It's a real nice view, Ma'am…from any height…one I can't resist admiring only with my eyes right now."

Remaining calm and collected, yet responsive and open, and definitely flirting, Janeway replied, sexy and close to silent, turning her head more to Nicole, who'd pulled away from her neck, but not by much, "Alright…well, thank you, but that's not worse than Lanna…she'd have unbuttoned it more and offered the use of her hands as warmth and support."

Chuckling at that, Fowler smiled and said as she pressed her body to Janeway before she explained the 'reason,' "I always knew there was something about that girl I liked…now, come up to the horse with me." Now holding Kathryn's hips, Fowler said more plainly, but still quiet, "Now, just be easy. She'll get nervous if you are…just like dogs."

"Alright," the captain nodded and stepped up to the horse with Fowler easing them forward. Then looking up, she asked over her shoulder, "How do you get up there without a saddle?"

Patting Kathryn's bottom as she passed, Nicole said, "I'll boost you," and came over to Jessie's side. Clasping her hands together and bending down, she explained, "I can get up on the tree stump. Normally, I'm tall enough to hop over the back of her with a running start, but she'd probably kick the tar out of me if I tried that right now," she laughed, knowing it was true though since Torres didn't have enough vertical jump clearance to leap frog that high. "Just do like how we did in the elevator. When I get you high enough, throw your leg over and just sit…she's a good horse."

"You mean you don't want me to ride side-saddle?" Kathryn joked as she put her cold, bare foot in Nicole's hand and braced herself, one hand on Fowler's shoulder and one on the horse to judge the distance.

"There are some old-fashioned things even I think are stupid," Fowler chuckled, then instructed, "Okay, hop on three…one, two…three." As Janeway bounced to assist, Fowler lifted her and said, sounding only moderately strained as she removed one hand from Janeway's foot, holding on tight with the other one and quickly moved her free hand to her outside hip to steady her, "Up you go…okay…throw your leg on over." Once Janeway was up, which went better than Nicole expected honestly, she patted her leg and asked as the captain sat up straight and looked around, "You okay?"

"How do you hold on?"

Taking the reigns and pulling them over the horses head, Fowler explained, "Put your hands on the top of her neck for now…and you can hang onto her mane if you feel like you're gonna fall…it doesn't hurt her." Then clicking at the horse, she said, "Come on, Jessie," as she eased the horse forward and walked them slowly to the tree stump. Looking back, she instructed, "Just relax and go with the movement, or your tail will hurt like hell afterward."

"Hmm, and all this time I thought evolution had taken care of that problem," Kathryn said, witty, as usual.

Chucking and shaking her head, Fowler said, "You know, when all this stuff's over…I think you and Sam should seriously think about writing a book called A Scientist's Book of Wisecracks…and I'll write one called A Hillbilly's Guide to Understanding the Scientist's Book of Wisecracks, and we can make them a packaged deal." Then stopping by the tree stump, she pulled the reigns over the horse's head, handed them to Janeway and said, "Hold these, and if she tries to run, just tug on them hard and she'll stop." Once Kathryn nodded and held them tightly, Fowler jumped onto the tree stump, then quickly hopped onto the horse with familiarity and ease. As the horse huffed a little and shifted, Fowler pushed her hat up quickly, then reached around Kathryn and said, taking the reigns, "Easy, Jessie…you're alright now."

"We're not too heavy?"

"No," Fowler said as she set the reigns down for a moment as the horse relaxed completely. Putting her hands on Janeway's waist, she pulled her back toward her so she wasn't so high up on the back while she explained, "We're probably only a little heavier than I am…how much do you weigh?"

"That's none of your business, Miss Fowler," Janeway replied quickly, acting as if she was put off, which she wasn't, but figured Nicole would enjoy the attitude.

"My apologies, Ma'am, but you're twenty-nine years old, though…right?"

"How'd you guess?"

"I's real smart like, Miss Kate," Fowler came back, taking her hat off and handing it to the captain since she wasn't tall enough to sit behind her that close without the brim bumping the captain's head, saying, "Hold that for me, please." Then wrapping her arms around Kathryn again as the captain chuckled, and grabbing the reigns, she said, quiet and serious, "Just lean back a little and relax against me. I'll make sure you don't fall. We'll just trot for a while." Once Janeway had complied, Nicole got situated comfortably, held the reigns with one hand and put her other arm on Kathryn's stomach, toward the side farthest away so she was secure, then asked as she felt Janeway twitch for an instant, "Is this alright with you?"

Patting Fowler's arm affectionately, Kathryn explained, "Just be careful, please…I'm ticklish."

"Well how do…now, ain't that interesting," Fowler said slyly and devious, letting the tips of her fingers work themselves underneath the edge of the pants where they were loose at the sides. When Janeway looked over and narrowed her eyes at her, Nicole smiled and informed, rubbing her slightly taught stomach with her thumb once, "Beautiful and ticklish…that's a dangerous combo in my arms, Miss Scarlet. You sure you still wanna go?"

Turning a facing forward, inwardly wondering if this is what Fowler was really like with women she was interested in and not being heavily influenced by powerful sexual desires, Kathryn replied, smiling, "I like a little risk from time to time, didn't you know? Besides," she looked over her shoulder and said, clearly flirting now, "I didn't say I didn't like it." Part of Janeway also had the feeling some of Nicole's forwardness was because she was just letting herself come on strong in hopes the redhead would balk and take off so she didn't have to fight her desire. The captain certainly didn't want to make it more difficult for the commander, but she knew she just couldn't walk up to her and bite her cheek to initiate a sexual encounter. No, this was going to take a little finesse, and thus Fowler was just going to have to be conflicted for a while until she could no longer resist or think of anything else.

As her heart started to race faster than her mind could keep up with her, Fowler moved her hand higher instead of lower, pushing it underneath the side of Kathryn's shirt, until she could feel her ribcage, then smiled, clearly enjoying herself as she whispered, close to Kathryn ear, while Janeway just continued to look at her and tell Fowler with her eyes that she wasn't put off by her advances, "Now you're just asking for trouble."

"Are you going to take me for a ride, or are you just going to tease me all night?" asked Kathryn in her smokiest voice.

Clearing her throat at the double entendre and the execution, Fowler shook her head and muttered, "I think I better let that one slide," as she dropped her hand back down to more neutral territory, but still let her fingertips slip inside the loose waistband of the rustic jeans. When Janeway laughed soundlessly, Fowler smiled, laughed as well, then asked after clearing her throat again and trying to put more of a serious and non-sexual tone to her voice, "Okay, here we go…you ready?"

Using her free hand, Kathryn grabbed onto the edge of the blanket that now felt more secure since there were two people seated on it, and said, "Alright, cowboy Nick…let's go before I change my mind."

After patting Janeway's stomach and telling her she'd be fine, Fowler clicked at the horse and tapped its belly with her heels once while she called out steadily, "Let's go, Jessie…nice and easy, girl…you know the way."

As they started out at a light and easy bounce, Nick instructed as the horse went to the back of the house where there was a much bigger trail that lead into the wooded area that was steadily growing dark, "Just go with the movement…bounce when she bounces." Once Kathryn got the hang of that, Fowler kicked the horse again, slapped the reigns and said, "Gettiup, Jessie…let's go."

While the horse picked up the pace, which became a much more graceful and less abrupt gallop through the cleared path, Fowler increased the strength of her hold on the captain, once again slipping her hand up her shirt to her ribs to secure her when the redhead placed her hand on hers that was at her waist and grabbed the sleeve of her jacket. Moving her head until it was right next to Janeway's so her hair wasn't whiping her in the face, Fowler took a hold of her hat, then flicked it into the brush before she snatched up Janeway's hands and said, "Grab the reigns like this."

As Nicole put their hands on then reigns so that they were each holding them, with actually left Janeway feeling more secure since both of Nicole's arms were around her more snuggling than before, Kathryn asked, turning her head just slightly since she could feel Fowler's warm breath on the back of her jaw every few seconds, "Why did you throw your hat away?"

"That's what's nice about holodeck technology, Missy," Fowler chuckled, "I can make another one lickity-split."

"I thought you were going to stop teasing me?"

"No, Ma'am," Nicole said as she slowed the horse down some while they came to a part of the trail where the terrain wasn't as cleared for them, "it's too much fun…and isn't that why we're here?" Normally Fowler would ride the horse at full speed through this area and just jump any obstructions, but that just didn't seem like anywhere close to a good idea currently, and since they'd have to go through a shallow river soon, if she didn't slow, they'd both get splashed, and again, that didn't seem like a good idea either.

Smirking over her shoulder, Kathryn said, "I don't think I like you any more."

"Sure you do," Fowler grinned. "Everyone likes me…you told me so yourself. Besides, didn't your mama ever tell you to be nice to people who could jump on down and leave you at the mercy of ole Jessie?"

Chuckling as she looked forward, Kathryn leaned back a little and said, "You don't know my mother." Then glancing over her shoulder, she said, "She's not a woman to reckon with."

"Sounds vaguely familiar," Fowler said as she looked over at the captain's neck again. "Must be in the Janeway gene-pool." Letting go with one hand before she really knew what she was doing, the proximity of Kathryn's person and her intoxicating scented body driving her actions, Nicole put her hand on the redhead's waist again and pulled her closer. When the captain didn't bat an eyelash and relaxed into the embrace, Fowler took a deep breath as her pulse quickened when Janeway brought one of her hands to her waist and entwined her fingers with hers over the top. As Janeway simultaneously titled her head slightly so their heads were touching, Nicole increased the strength of her hold around Janeway's waist, pushing her fingertips into her pants, delighting in the feel of her flesh, and whispered, definitely longingly, "You look real nice tonight, you know…"

Janeway whispered back, smiling, "I'm glad you think so," then moved her hand up Nicole's so it wouldn't impede the brunette's progress if she tried to slip her hand down her pants father, which Kathryn wasn't at all adverse to. At this point, she just wanted Nicole to give in a go for it, and considering she, herself, wasn't making it seem at all that she wasn't interested, she hoped Fowler would and could forget all about their lives outside of this room long enough to get so wrapped up in what she was doing, that even if she did recall she wouldn't be able to stop. When Fowler inhaled deeply into her neck and started kissing the immediate area with growing purpose, Kathryn pulled back on the reigns gently to slow their progress still as she noticed there was water ahead, and hummed, "Mmmmmm," then whispered after a few moments, "Umm, Nick…honey, I don't want you to stop, but there's a river ahead," as she detected the familiar sound of the hybrid's arousal low in her throat while Fowler let go of the reigns completely, wrapped her other arm around her, unsnapped the button she'd previously secured as well as the one below that and made for her breast, informing in a raspy growl after she nipped her flesh with her teeth, "I like B'Elanna's way."

"Huh?" Fowler said, blinking, then looked forward quickly and snapped out of her lapse of self-control. As Janeway reiterated, "There's water," Fowler said, removing her hands from Janeway hurriedly, grabbing a hold of the reigns and pulling on them soundly, "Whoa, Jessie…slow down, girl." While they came to a fairly abrupt stop right at the edge of the river and Kathryn grabbed her wrists to steady herself as the horse remarked its displeasure by shaking its head up and down and side-stepping once while it huffed, Fowler barked at the animal, pulling her head away from Kathryn's ear, her temper flaring due to the interruption and her subsequent and definite embarrassment, although the only thing she really knew she'd done was get fresh with the woman in some manner, "Pipe down! You're alright…you big baby!"

Sighing as Kathryn sighed, then chuckled and looked back at her, smirking, Fowler asked, honest and soft, returning one hand to her waist, but not in the same manner as before, "I'm sorry if I scared you. You wanna head back?"

Certain if she did that it would take at least another hour to get Fowler to her previous point of closeness, Kathryn loosened her grip on her hand, entwined her fingers again with Nicole's and said, softly and shaking her head, as she forced herself to relax, although it was only the horse making her nervous, and said as she rubbed her thumb against the darker flesh of the Klingon's hand, "No…this is nice…you didn't scare me." Looking over her shoulder, she said as she leaned back more, "I just didn't know what you wanted to do about the water."

Absolutely positive Kathryn was just being sweet to her, unaware that the woman's shirt was almost completely unbuttoned to the tie at the bottom since she hadn't looked down over her shoulder yet, Fowler asked, speaking quietly since Janeway's ear was almost right next to her lips, "We don't have to keep on, Kathyrn…are you sure…you can say so?"

"Yea," Janeway replied happily, patting Fowler's hand. "Come on, let's ride some more before it gets too dark…and no," she smirked again over her shoulder, "I'm not being stubborn. I like this."

"Alright, fool," Fowler allowed, then chuckled when Kathryn lightly ribbed her with her elbow. Then shaking her head and exhaling, mumbling in her already hazy and chaotic mind about how she was certain Janeway should ask to head back and for Fowler to get down and walk because she couldn't keep her mind on her task, the brunette said as she tried to ease up on her hold of Janeway, "It's not deep…I usually just charge on through, but that'll getcha all wet, so we'll go slow." When the redhead kept her close, which Fowler assumed meant she was nervous about the water, she added as she tapped the horse and commanded the beast to move forward, whispering again into Janeway's ear, sounding comforting this time, though, "Alright, I've gotcha…I won't let go."

When they started in the water on the next beat, and Kathryn smirked and then chuckled to herself, Fowler asked, wanting to keep talking for fear if she didn't, she make a total ass out of herself again and this time do something really insane like kiss her commanding officer on the mouth, who she knew in the back of her mind wasn't available, even if that didn't seem like much of an excuse currently, especially when Janeway didn't seem to be concerned, "What's so funny?" There was also the fact that even though Nick figured her relationship with Samantha was now officially in the toilet after how she'd acted earlier, she knew in that same foggy place in the back of her mind she wasn't ready to move on yet, but the longer she stayed there with Kathryn, the harder it became for her to reason with herself…except to reason about why she should jump down from the horse, taking Kathryn with her and worship the woman's heavenly scented body until the sun came up.

Smirking and glancing over her shoulder for a moment again, Janeway turned back forward and reported, "If I told you that, you'd lose respect for me as a lady…and," back over her shoulder, she flirted mildly, "I'd hate for that to happen."

Now really curious, Nick asked, patting her stomach below the knot, still unaware of the partly opened shirt above that where a good deal of the redhead's torso was exposed to the chilled air, "There's not much chance of that happening. So, come on…tell me. I need a good laugh. What were you laughing at?"

"You won't hold it against me?" she flirted more, looking over her shoulder again.

"Stop stalling," Fowler came right back as they finished crossing the water, but didn't bother picking up the pace again, enjoying just riding on the horse at a fairly slow meander. "You know I wouldn't…besides…I don't have a right since I've been known to say a few things from time to time."

"Alright," Kathryn said, then announced with confidence and definitely acted much more brazen than she would with anyone other than probably B'Elanna, her mission and the stimulant making it easier and easier for her, "When you said you wanted to slow down so that you wouldn't get me wet…well, truthfully, Miss Fowler," she looked back over her shoulder, and whispered, sexy, "it's a little late for that."

Pinching Janeway's stomach lightly, certain the woman was embellishing for the fun it, Fowler laughed out loud and said, "Well shoot dang, Miss Kate, who knew you had such a filthy mind?" When Janeway shrugged and played it off expertly, Nicole smiled and said, "Although, respectfully, I'll refrain from saying more."

Nodding seriously, the redhead replied, "Of course," then smiled.

Chuckling again and shaking her head, Nicole remarked before she commanded the horse to pick up the pace again, "You know, sometimes you really surprise the hell outta me, but don't take offense, it's a good quality. Come on, girl…let's ride." As they began galloping again and Janeway seemed much easier and more relaxed than before, Fowler asked, "Wanna go faster?"

Before she nodded, Janeway pulled Fowler's arm all the way around her waist until Nicole caught on and increased her hold again. And once she felt secure, she added, "Just don't let go, please."

"I've gotcha, lady," Nicole said surely, then eased them forward and said, "Just follow my lead." Then slapping the reigns crisply, she cracked, moving her head away from Kathryn's ear again, "H'ya!" As the horse responded and began running at a steady and smooth pace, Fowler helped Janeway find the rhythm, giving her small pointers, and then remarked after a few minutes once she slowed them down again, "You sure you've never ridden a horse before…you're pretty good?"

"Oh, I'm quite sure," Janeway said, slightly winded from the fast pace that left her feeling less than in control, and definitely colder than she would prefer.

Pulling back on the reigns to stop the horse, Nicole took her hand away from Janeway's waist quickly as she said, "We better head on back before it gets too dark," then pulled on only the right leather rope to turn the large animal. After returning her arm to its secure position, she informed since Janeway seemed most comfortable with that, "We'll just walk back."

Kathryn smiled at that and said as she looked over her shoulder, "Thank you, but it you want to go faster, I can manage."

"I can ride any ole day," Nicole returned. "It's not a problem…sometimes it's nice to just walk and talk." When Janeway responded that she agreed, Fowler squeezed the fingers around hers softly as Kathryn continued to keep her fingers wrapped over her hand, and questioned, "So, what do you wanna talk about?"

"I can't think of anything," Kathryn replied as she leaned back into Nick again. "Sometimes it's nice to just sit and enjoy the moment, but if you want to talk, don't let me stop you." As the brunette laughed softly, the captain turned on the sexuality a little as she pressed her head back, turned it toward Nick's and whispered, "And sometimes it nice just to be close to you," then kissed her jaw.

Clearing her throat and yelling in her head to get a hold of herself as she trailed her eyes down Kathryn's throat, and then all the way down her chest, not missing the pale, slightly pebbled view thar displayed a good portion of Janeway's modest bosom, but wasn't opened to expose her completely, Fowler replied, "The feeling's mutual." Although, she definitely had the inclination that Kathryn was being much more familiar with her, and on an equal level rather than when she did her mentor act, but right now Fowler couldn't be sure because all she knew was that she wanted the captain to keep being that way, and she couldn't tell if it was Janeway just reacting to her and being the sweet person she was, and unknowingly turning Fowler on, or if she was purposefully making herself even more irresistible.

As they approached the water again and the horse went through easily without command, Fowler having programmed all of the animals that could learn to be able to do so, Nicole once again felt herself drawn to Janeway's neck, which was just a centimeter or two away from her face, so the ability to resist noticing it was rather impossible for the Klingon, who was not only not used to pon farr, but not used to having such an acute sense of smell, and that sense having such an effect over her libido. While the horse climbed out of the river and up the gentle incline, the movement was enough to bring Kathryn's neck into contact with her face for a moment, and that was enough to make the brunette's dual hearts begin to beat wildly again. As her breath increased and Janeway started rubbing her thumb against the skin of her hand softly while she continued to remain close to her, Nicole moved her face until she was pressing it softly against the captain's neck, and when Kathryn didn't do anything other than turn her head just a tad more to her and hum utterly soft, Fowler closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, then mumbled unconsciously as he exhaled, "Mmm, woman, you smell good."

Dividing her time between watching where they were going since it was pretty clear to her Fowler was succumbing to the effects of the pon farr again, and working out her game plan which strategy continued to require adaptation as Nicole moved in an out her lapses of self-control, Janeway decided to remain silent for now, but be prepared to bring Fowler back around quickly if it was necessary since they were still on the horse, and Kathryn wasn't at all confident enough on the beast to handle it all by herself, even if it seemed the horse knew exactly where it was going and didn't need any assistance. However, it just wasn't a good idea to start a sexual encounter in their current position, not when one of them was a half-Klingon suffering from a powerful and unstoppable urge to mate, who could become aggressive in an instant and lose grasp of her surroundings, but thinking quickly, as she always managed to do, the captain reminded herself they were in the holodeck and if it seemed that this time Fowler was going to lose the last of her inhibitions, she could always pause the program and just let do what she pleased until it became necessary to get down. So, after moving her hand away from Fowler's, and gently taking the reigns as she urged Nicole to place her other hand on her, Kathryn whispered as the movement threatened to shake the Klingon out of her moment of appreciating the redhead's scent, "Hold me tight, please."

"Mmmhmm," Fowler hummed, low and deep as she started slipping away completely, wrapping Janeway up securely, slipping one hand into the opening of her shirt and holding her at her upper waist for the moment, "I've gotcha, darlin'." Pressing her nose, then her lips to the back of Kathryn's ear, Nicole grazed her lips over the sensitive spot, and informed as Janeway took a slightly deep breath through her nose as she got the chills, "Mmmyou look so good to me...every bit of you."

Very slowly, Janeway started pulling on the reigns until the horse was walking at a very slow pace, trying to prepare for the moment when she would have to pause the program and then act quickly to keep Nicole in the moment, and when Fowler rattled softly, but definitely erotic, and raised her hand to her breast and squeezed, but not roughly, Kathryn murmured, allowing herself to simply enjoy the affection, be in the moment, and put everything else out of her mind, except the mindful part that needed to remain in control until they were off the horse and the program was stopped, "Oh, I like what you're doing…" Although it was really impossible for her not to separate Fowler from Torres currently since Nick's nimble hands moved a little differently. Even though they were still clearly the engineer's slightly rough palms, which never ceased to excite her no matter how many times she felt them on her body, she didn't feel as though she was with anyone else, other than Fowler.

"Mmm," Fowler growled with more purpose and definite wanton need, while she urged them to lean a little farther back so most of Janeway's weight was resting comfortably against her, "I like you…mmm, I like you just fine." Then moving her right hand that was at Janeway's waist and pushing it down her pants to her stomach, she inhaled when it became clear Kathryn wasn't wearing any underwear as she used her leverage to pull her back against her pelvis, and announced, more aggressive, "Woman, I'm weak when you look so fine…I cain't…mmm, have mercy, I cain't resist you much longer, Kate. You're much too damn nice to not want."

Kathryn arched her back a little and pulled in her stomach muscles to make more room for Nick's hand while she replied, purposefully sounding more needy than she currently was, although Nicole was definitely exciting her, "Don't resist and just do it, Nicole…I won't stop you."

"Kathryn, if you say things like that…you'll burn me up, lady. I'm already hot for you."

With more authority, Kathryn said crisply and sharp, but still sounding needful and alluring, "Fowler, you've already turned me on…don't you leave me like this." When Nicole snarled into her ear, asking, "Mmm…you're wet?" Janeway pressed her bottom back toward Fowler's as much as she could when Nick urged her to do so and said, "Oh, honey, yes I am…I can't help it either."

"Christ almighty, mmm, I love that!" the Klingon growled, pulling Janeway tightly against her chest now and urging her hand lower, able to feel the tip of the captain's prickly hairs with the tips of her fingers, "Kate…oh Kathryn, honey, I want you wet…Lord woman, I want you tonight." Moving quickly as she leaned forward a little and pulled on the redhead's nipple, Fowler licked the captain's neck behind her ear while she retracted the hand from her pants and tugged on them soundly to pull the fly apart and make room for her. Fowler then growled, "Woman, I cain't wait…I need you right now…mmm…you're driving me crazy you smell so good."

As Fowler pulled open her pants and started pushing her hand back down, making for the juncture of her legs, Kathryn half-gasped quickly, breathing heavily herself, "Computer, freeze program," before Nicole made purchase, and discovered something she figured would throw her into a fit of pure lust. Hooking her right arm behind Fowler's head as the horse and everything around them came to a silent halt just breaking free from the trail, but still well in back of the house, Kathryn moaned before her other words startled, "Mmm, Nicole, I want you…please take me, honey…put her hands all over me."

"Jeeeessssuuusss," Fowler snarled as she pressed her hands to Kathryn's warm center and dipped greedily into the slickness that awaited her. As Janeway bit her bottom lip at the stimulating pleasure and glanced around, trying to figure out how they were going to get off the horse without breaking things up too much, although the captain wasn't certain now anything would stop Fowler, Nicole rubbed Kathryn twice, intently, as she said, "Lord, Kate, I love that…mmnt! You're soaked." Then pressing her whole hand to the damp, heated area and holding her, the brunette lifted her slightly and whispered hotly into her ear, requesting to be treated to the most wonderful experience in the world as far as the pilot was concerned, "Mmmmiss Scarlet, I want you to set your sweet self down right on my mouth, darlin'…mmm…please, honey, let me show you how fine you are to me and make you happy."

If this had been any other time, Kathryn wasn't sure she could have kept from laughing, although not unkindly, just joyously, since no one had ever asked her so directly to do that using anywhere near similar terminology. In fact, the only person she'd ever used that position with was B'Elanna, since it was one of the brunette's favorites, and she just either typically pulled the redhead into it, or said when she was really frisky and playful, "Saddle up, cowgirl." However, all things considering, the captain barely batted an eyelash at the request, but did so at her disdain for where the rather polite request was being forwarded, and said as she slipped her free hand into her pants, hoping to show Fowler, who she worried was about to have a rude awakening, that she didn't want to her stop, only pause so they could dismount, and said as she rubbed her hand against Nicole's, "You can have me any way you want, Nick, but we can't do that up here on the horse." When the brunette seemed to grow tense for a moment, Kathryn purposefully arched her back, pressing harder against Nick's hand and said, "Mmm, god hurry, darling…take me inside and make love to me. I need you so much tonight."

Blinking her eyes and shaking her head slightly, although her head wasn't clearing up as much as before, but enough that she realized she had her hand down Kathryn Janeway's pants, Fowler licked her lips as she breathing became erratic. However when she also realized that not only was she cupping the woman's breast, but that the redhead was wet, extremely so, and had just told her she wanted her…and furthermore to hurry, that bit of knowledge was enough to keep her from stopping to consider consequences beyond having a woman prepped and ready and then not following through, which the brunette didn't make practice of and found rather unforgivable under most circumstances, which was one of many reasons she figured her relationship with Sam was over. Fowler might be a flirt, but she wasn't a tease, and if she got this far, she always planned to see it through to home because she usually wasn't the type to have sex while under the influence of anything except lust and desire…even during her eventful early days where the girlfriends came and went about a regularly as the seasons.

Fowler retracted her hand carefully as she kissed Kathryn's cheek, then brought the redhead's hand that was following hers to her mouth. After kissing the knuckles, she growled, unbidden as she detected the subtle fragrance on her own moist fingers, then said, quickly, "Hold tight…I'll getcha down." Swiveling her legs and sliding off the frozen horse, just realizing that the program was paused, Fowler quickly stepped up the side where Janeway was swinging her legs around, reached up and said, "Hop on down to me." Once Kathryn had started down, Nicole latched onto the sides of her waist, holding her pants up in the process, and said once she brought her down to an easy landing, "Computer, resume," and then not wasting a second as everything came back to life, she reached down, swept Kathryn off her feet, then crowed as the horse started trotting along freely, "Jessie, you keep an eye out for that croc." Looking over at Kathryn, who was holding on tightly since although B'Elanna was slightly larger in height, and definitely denser and stronger, she didn't typically carry the redhead in such a manner, especially for several meters, Fowler smiled and joked as she walked very quickly, but perfectly steady toward the back door, "She's a good ole horse, but blind as a bat sometimes."

Bringing her lips to Nicole's neck, worried all of this would break the pon farr's spell over the brunette and cause her to start to apologize, argue, or get angry and throw Kathryn out on her ass, Janeway kissed her with moderate passion, but with clear intent not to stop and whispered, "You know, you're awfully charming…mmm…when you don't even know you are."

As Fowler reached the back door, then tried to grab the handle but couldn't, and she certainly wasn't about to put a woman down and make her walk at such a time, Nicole sighed and said, "Excuse me for a minute," then turned around, put her back to it, smiled a rather goofy grin as Janeway looked at her strange, then clenched her teeth and drove her foot back into the door. Since it wasn't locked and only secured with the catch on the handle, it gave way easily, so backing through it carefully, and then spinning and starting toward the living room, Nick explained as Kathryn chuckled, then turned back to her neck, this time with more purpose, "It might not be graceful, but it works alright." When Janeway hummed into her ear and licked her earlobe, Fowler inhaled as she rounded the couch and set Kathryn down on her back, then said, "Mmm, sexy thang…just please don't go away…just hold that thought."

As Fowler spun around after kissing her forehead and ran up the stairs, mumbling about how "damn fine" she thought the redhead was, taking them two at a time, Kathryn asked, laughing, and not able to help herself since although she didn't think Nick was always this quirky, she found it rather cute, and hoped she wasn't being a terrible person for finding humor in such a situation considering what agony the brunette had been going through as she tried to fight her body's natural desire to mate, and was clearly not completely operating with all of her faculties, "What are you doing?"

Excited and electric in her drawling tones, all of her practiced more generalized dialect gone with the wind now that she was acting almost purely on instinct, Fowler announced as she ripped the bedding off the upstairs bed, grabbing two pillows and running out of the bedroom, knocking a chair and a lamp over as she did so, "I'm comin'…I'm comin'…just don't move your fine self 'for I get there." Running down the stairs, pulling everything with her, Nicole announced with gleeful pride, "I have never asked a lady to sacrifice comfort and I'm not about to start…Klingon pon farr or not…that ain't right!"

Kathryn was just about to suggest that they go upstairs to the bedroom, when Nick threw down the thick bedding on the floor in front of the coffee table, and then just continued running right for the door, shouting, "It'll be worth it, darlin'…just lemme get the wood!" Realizing that Fowler was planning to build a fire in the large stone fireplace in front of the floor where there was a very large, black, bear-skinned rug, Kathryn stood up, untied her shirt to leave it open, but rebuttoned her pants so they wouldn't fall and scooted the coffee table out of the way, furthermore realizing that it seemed no matter what Fowler was suffering from, she was simply a hopeless romantic underneath it all, which suddenly explained almost everything about the masculine woman that Janeway had never quite understood totally before…but she'd never been in a position before to receive these type of affections from her either. As she heard Nick yelling at her horse to stay away from the water, half-crazed, but not aggressive, only giddy like a starving person about to get their first taste of sustenance, Kathryn chucked to herself, then shook her head and quickly arranged the bedding over the rug so there would be plenty of support beneath their bodies.

Running back into the house with an armful of wood, Fowler said as she scurried over to the fireplace, "Kate, you don't have to do that…I can get it." Kneeling in front of the hearth and tossing the wood in, then taking off her coat, Nicole asked, eager and anxious, and feeling so out of her element, she didn't know which side was up anymore, "Did you want some wine…I've got…"

Smiling as she laid down, her shirt falling partially open, and turned toward Fowler, propping her head up, Kathryn cut her off by saying, "Nicole…" When Fowler looked over her shoulder, then looked her up and down and smirked back, saying, "Yea?" Janeway said, "Hurry up with that damn fire already…I don't want any damn wine."

Turning back to the fire immediately, Nicole shook her head and said as she turned on the gas, stuck the match and set the fumes ablaze, "What did she say again, Nick? Well Missy, she said to hurry on up with the damn fire 'cause she didn't want any damn wine." Then once the wood had caught fire, she turned off the gas, then pivoted in her crouched position, and said, smiling, "Well, if you want some damn wine to go with your damn fire," then moving on her hands and knees and stalking toward Kathryn, grinning, "you just let me know, Miss damn fine…I've got some." As Kathryn rolled onto her back, letting her shirt fall completely open, Fowler crawled on top of her and asked as she hovered over her and looked down at her body, then back to her classically beautiful face, "Kate, how did I ever get here with you without you smackin' the life outta me?"

Acting quickly before Fowler caught on that Janeway was doing this because the Klingon needed it to survive rather than simply because she wanted to be with her, Kathryn sat up enough to whisper into her ear, using her voice as she was practiced to arouse and before she started kissing her neck in the manner she knew Torres liked, and figured Nicole would too, pulling her down gently and rubbing her back, "Just be with me, Nick…don't ask questions." When the Klingon inhaled and arched her head back while she growled and pressed into her body, the captain requested before she turned her head and bit Fowler's cheek moderately, certain Nick would understand and figuring that would appeal to her more feral side and help snap her out of her sudden, partial lucidity, worried that if she didn't she would just focus on Janeway's needs and not achieve the release she truly required by doing what she wanted, "Make love to me tonight. I want you to just be with me here in this moment like nothing else matters..."


Pacing around the darkened confines of Kathryn Janeway's cabin, chewing her nails, Chief Engineer B'Elanna Torres finally had as much as she could take and started for the bedroom where Seven of Nine and Samantha Wildman were sleeping peacefully, both women deciding to turn in fairly early and rest themselves because even if the mind meld worked, they still had to discover the exact cause of the problem before the transporters could be used again. However, Torres was expecting a hail from Janeway, so she'd decided to wait it out in the living room while watching TV, but now almost five hours into the waiting period, not only hadn't she heard from the captain, but the redhead was still in the holodeck…and what was worse was that she wasn't responding to hails.

Approximately two minutes after Janeway had yet again failed to respond to the hail, Torres had gone to the captain's workstation and run a scan of the holodeck. She'd found some goods news and some bad, and it was the bad news that was now worrying her beyond all acceptable levels. The same program was still running, and the computer had reported that all safety protocols were engaged. However, after running a medical scan of both women, she'd been highly disturbed to find that although Fowler's vitals were showing signs that she was in a heightened state—which Torres had expected considering the length of the meeting and figuring that meant Nicole was "going loco" again and arguing with Janeway—it was the captain's vital signs that now had her worried perhaps Nicole really was fighting with the captain…physically. Kathryn's heart rate was extremely high, and her blood-pressure was elevated too. She showed signs of physical exertion due to the lactic acid levels in the muscles and dehydration, as well as hormone levels that looked like she was having to be physically assertive, which wasn't typical practice for the compact female. B'Elanna wasn't sure what was going on, but it didn't seem right at all to her, and even though Kathryn hadn't called for assistance, and had sealed the door with her command code, the chief felt that it was time to investigate for fear her lover couldn't call for help. Torres didn't honestly believe that Fowler would ever harm Janeway, especially in a sexual manner, but all things considering, especially the pon farr and Fowler's attraction to Janeway, that just wasn't a chance B'Elanna could take any longer.

Coming up to Seven's side of the bed quickly, sighing and grabbing the Borg's hand that was wrapped around Wildman's waist as she spooned the slightly smaller blonde, B'Elanna rolled Seven onto her back and whispered, placing her hand on her stomach and shaking her lightly, "Dollface…Seven…wake up." As Samantha Wildman started to stir but Seven of Nine did not, Torres sighed as Sam turned around and asked what was going on while she rubbed her eyes, and said louder and with authority, "Hey, Seven," then clapped her hands and finished, "Regeneration cycle complete…let's go, ace…I need your help."

Seven of Nine's large, blue eyes fluttered open at that, and she asked immediately, sitting up, detecting the awakened presence of people around her, "What has occurred?"

"What's going on?" asked Wildman at the same time.

Going into the bathroom to get Seven's biosuit from the hook, Torres announced, "Kathryn's still in the holodeck with Nick, and she's not responding to hails."

"Computer," started Seven of Nine as she stood up, having glanced to the nightstand out of habit to look at the digital clock, which no longer was there before she requested, "state the time."

"The time is 0105 hours."

Torres came out of the bathroom, tossing the suit to Seven as she did so and added, "She's got a seal on the door, and after checking her vitals," B'Elanna sighed, rubbing her neck as Wildman stood up as well, "it looks like she's in some trouble, and Nick looks like she's wound up like a top." As Seven tore off her royal blue cotton pants and t-shirt combo at that and started stepping into her biosuit, and Wildman suggested having the Doctor transfer his program inside to see what was up, B'Elanna shook her head and said, "No…no, I'll go in there…alone," she added, looking to Seven, then asked immediately as the Borg nodded in acceptance of that, "Can you override her seal?"

"That is correct," Seven stated immediately, never having done so but certain she could figure it out in a matter of minutes. She'd never had a reason to do that, and she figured in other circumstances it would be more difficult because others would attempt to impede her progress, but in this instance, she was certain she could do it efficiently.

"Wait…hold on," said Wildman, quickly. "Listen, I know I don't out rank you, but just stop for a minute and think about this. Overriding the captain…you just don't do that, B'Elanna…that's serious trouble."

"I know that, but that's why I'm going in there alone…she'll understand why once I explain."

"I don't understand why you just won't let the Doctor go in there. He doesn't have to override her command code…and," Wildman reminded, crossing her arms over her chest that was covered in a thin, standard issue t-shirt, "he's the only one on the ship with the right to do this."

"Dollface," Torres asked over her shoulder, "you almost ready?" Once Seven nodded at her as she pulled up her suit that didn't go on as easily as it came off, B'Elanna put her arm around Sam's shoulder and said, "Let's go in here."

Sighing, Wildman went with her, and said, whispering for some reason, "B'Elanna, I know you love her…but she's also the captain…please just listen to me."

"I understand what you're saying, Sam," Torres whispered back, "I do…I swear it…but if Nick is going ape-shit in there, I'm the only one she's going to listen to right now."

"She almost started a fight with you in the Mess Hall!"

"I know…she's not afraid to fight me…and I'm not afraid to fight her. She can't beat me right now…okay. Nick can kick my ass in this body, and the same is true visa versa," the chief explained, of course not saying everything but enough, she hoped. Then placing her hand on Wildman's shoulder, she said softer, "If Nick's hurt her, which I don't believe she would do, but if she has, she could be really upset over that and not know what to do. I'm just trying to protect them both…and I swear," she emphasized by squeezing her shoulder, "It's my body that's she's freaking out in, okay…I feel really responsible and I have to do this. If I need the Doctor, I swear I'll call him right away, but I need to check it out alone first. Then if everything's fine and Red gets pissed, it'll be me who takes the fall." When Wildman sighed and Seven came marching out of the room, Torres added, "Besides…maybe Red's not getting anywhere with her…and maybe I just need to go in there and get this over with."

Looking up quickly and cold at that, Samantha barked, "Don't you dare force her!"

Torres remained calm even though she was a little offended that Wildman would think that, but after considering how she'd put it and what Sam had been through earlier, she decided to let it go and said, "I'd never do that to anyone…least of all my sister. All I'm saying is that maybe she just needs someone she trusts that can push her around a little." Pointing at her chest, she reminded, "She's in my body…she's half-Klingon…and we like to fight sometimes when we get it on, alright?"

Covering her face for a moment, then pulling her hands away, Wildman took a breath and said, "Yes, I'm sorry…I didn't mean…I'm just scared for her."

"I know you are...and it's cool," B'Elanna said back, patting her shoulder. Then managing a quick half-smile, she said, "I've been known to be a bitch too…so I understand, but just so you know…that means we're even now." Then turning quickly, and starting for the door, the chief ordered, "I want you to stay here, Lieutenant…I mean it."

As they started down the hallway quickly, Seven of Nine informed as they both slipped into their warrior/Elite Force mode, "You are required to be careful. I know that you posses superior strength than at this time, but she still maintains her advanced skills…and it is possible that she is malfunctioning severely and no longer realizes she is on the holodeck. She has been delusional before."

Stepping into the carriage and requesting the appropriate deck, Torres came back nodding, "I know. She's running some kind of house in the sticks simulation. I've never seen it, but if I know Nick, it's secluded and rugged. I know she has the advantage in that area. She's had this simulation for fifteen years according to the computer."

"Recall that you are no longer Klingon," Seven continued evenly and purposeful as she placed her hands behind her back and turned toward her. "Your superior olfactory system is now hers as well. Rely on your now superior hearing as Nick Fowler does, as well as your coherent state of mind. Do not allow your protectiveness for Kathryn to influence you until you have assessed the situation." While Torres just continued to nod as they stepped out of the door, walking quickly again with very long strides, the Borg finished her duty to her partner, "I will keep an open channel with you and remain at the door in case she attempts to flee or you require assistance. Do not allow your protectiveness of me to interfere with protocol. We will do this as a unit as we have trained."

"Alright," Torres bobbed her head at that again as they turned the corner and started for the holodeck at the end of the corridor. "If I tell you it's cool, I want you to go back to Red's and update Sam, though…deal."


When they stepped up to the control panel and Seven instantly extended her assimilation tubules and interfaced with the ship, Torres came over next to her, blocked Seven's work with her body in case anyone came by and asked, whispering as she glanced around, "Will Security detect you?"

"Commander Tuvok would undoubtedly," Seven of Nine whispered back as she worked efficiently, accessing Janeway's command code database and searching through the encrypted string, and decoding as she went. "However, I do not believe Lieutenant Byers is as diligent…especially considering we are grounded. He is more than likely 'chatting up' Susan Resse, as he is in the practice of doing during 'downtime.'"

Snickering and patting Seven's back, Torres remarked, proud, "Not bad, ace…you're getting the hang of this detective stuff. We'll have to play my holonovel soon so you can put all that spy work to the test." After she looked around again, B'Elanna then asked more seriously, "How much longer?"

"Approximately two minutes if I am not detected." As the chief nodded and then just stood near her quietly, Seven glanced over at her, then back to her work and questioned, speaking softly but direct, "If I have made the correct extrapolation regarding the 'bad shit'…will you inform me if I am correct?" Not really giving B'Elanna a chance to answer, Seven looked over at her again, then back to the board and stated, "Was Nick Fowler violated in a sexually predatory manner by a defective individual…a male…before Voyager?" When Torres sighed and rubbed her forehead, Seven looked over at her, not needing to look at the board while she spoke, perfectly capable of performing this task and having a conversation at the same time, and stated, "It was a logical conclusion. It explains a great deal about her that I did not understand, as well as things you have said to and around her, as well as Kathryn's reaction the evening she became aware of a 'dreadful thing' and wept for a significant length of time after we were intimate. It also explains why this situation is psychologically difficult for Nick Fowler to accept, and why she would not mate with Sam Wildman when she felt aggressive impulses."

Shaking her head, Torres put her hand on Seven's back and whispered, softly, "No, dollface. Nick wasn't hurt, but her fiancé…from a long time ago was," sighing, and looking down, "well, she was raped." B'Elanna raised her face to the blonde's and said, "She was treated so bad she almost died, and Nick lost her because of that…and she's still not over the pain of that loss yet. I'm not sure you can ever get over that kind of hurt."

Seven blinked her eyes, then turned back to the board, took a deep breath and then whispered, "I understand why you and Kathryn have not informed me of this data. It is…unsettling to know that such a dishonorable," Seven emphasized her displeasure clearly, "thing has occurred to an individual… especially to one that Nick Fowler wished to share her life with." Sighing again and shaking her head, refocusing, Seven added, "I believe I now understand why you and Kathryn hold her in such high regard with regards to her 'values.' I do not believe I would be as forgiving or undamaged as she is if I were her, nor am I certain I would ever allow myself to feel love for another."

Rubbing Seven's back affectionately, the chief said, "Well, sometimes you can't stop love, Seven…sometimes it happens anyway." The brunette then squeezed the blonde's shoulder as the turned her head toward her, leaned forward and whispered as she kissed her starburst on her jaw, "Just like with us…no matter how much we hated each other…or how much we loved that crazy woman in there…we still couldn't stop it from happening to us."

Seven of Nine whispered as she reached back with her human hand and wrapped it around part of Torres' back, "That is correct, bang." Just at the end of her mission, the Borg asked, over her shoulder again, "Does Sam Wildman know this data on Nick Fowler?" When B'Elanna said, "No…no, I don't think so. Nick's only told me and Red…and she'd never tell you herself because she doesn't like telling good people about bad things they don't know about," Seven of Nine nodded at that, starting to slowly understand that this protectiveness that many individuals had with her wasn't because they thought of her as a child, but wished her to keep her 'innocent' to a great many things for as long as possible…and the reason for that was because these things that occurred in the universe that previously she'd not been a part of like she was now had no reason or explanation, other than they were 'bad' and thus made an individual feel pain and sorrow. Concepts that had no reason were terribly disturbing and confounding to the Borg, and because she was aware of that, and because she knew others were aware of that, she understood why her friends tried to protect her, and suddenly she was duly grateful for that protection, and would no longer fight it when she felt it was unnecessary for her to know and to trust her friends…especially Torres, who wasn't as worried about telling Seven things as Kathryn was, so when B'Elanna told her she didn't want her to know, Seven now truly knew she should comply. And right now, that understanding and sense of protection was what was keeping her focused and not completely fearful of returning to a quadrant where such things occurred. She understood that they could 'possibly' occur here, but since she didn't know of it, her trepidation was focused more on the Federation and the defective individuals that resided there.

Finishing her task before the doors to the holodeck opened, Seven stated, "Then I will not tell her. It is a private matter for only Nick Fowler to discuss if she so chooses." Before she retracted her tubes, she commanded the door to open, then slapped her communicator and said, "Seven of Nine to Lieutenant Torres."

Tapping her communicator to activate the channel and keep it open, B'Elanna turned toward the door, then looked over to Seven and said, "Just stay quiet…don't speak unless I ask you to."

"I will comply."

"Okay, here we go…" the chief whispered as she started inside, then looked quickly over her shoulder, smiled and mouthed before the door closed, "I love you."


Sticking to the path since it was cleared enough she could walk without making any noise, and also so she could she "where the hell it is I'm going," B'Elanna Torres stopped quickly and crouched her large form down as the path rounded and she noticed a soft amber light off in the distance, not for the first time since her Day of Honor experience relieved she'd finally conquered her fear of the dark…although, being in a strange forest with strange sounds happening about due to the wind and what sounded like small rodents was still a little spooky. Staying low, she moved forward carefully and whispered to Seven, "I see a light…looks like a campfire…there's the house…there's a little light in it too."

Then coming to a stop right next to the end of the trail at the beginning of the yard, Torres looked around, sniffed out of habit, then sighed and said, "I don't see them, and all I hear is the cracking of the fire and the wind. Wait…" she paused for a moment and listened, then looked around, "there's a horse…it's near the water…looks like a river…the moon is shining off of it, but it's too dark to see anything else." Looking back toward the large house, Torres slowly stood up watched for a few moments as shadows moved about on the ceiling of the front room and then reported, "I think there's a fire inside too…I see some movement from shadows, but I can't tell if it's just from the flames. I'm gonna go check it out…there's a window on the side of the house."

Stopping quickly before she went forward when something shinny to her right caught her eye, Torres snapped her head over to it, then grabbed it up, and reported, "I found Red's jacket…and her boots." Then getting a sinking feeling, she looked around quickly for the rest of her clothes, then sighed and added when she didn't find any, having been worried Janeway got it into her 'fool-head' to strip down and approach Fowler naked so that the unhinged Klingon would mate with her instead of B'Elanna, which Torres thought was "insane" to even consider, and figured that was why Janeway hadn't suggested herself, "That's all there is…they were folded neat…she must have put them here…that explains why she's not responding to hails."

Relaxing again, now figuring Janeway had taken off her jacket and shoes so she didn't look so captain-like and Nick would talk to her as a friend, which she knew the two Starfleet female senior Bridge officers did often, B'Elanna started forward again into the lush, damp grass, the squeaking sound of her shoes against the blades irritating her for some reason…probably because it was so quiet and Fowler's hearing was better than hers was.

After taking two steps forward and stepping on something that felt like a squishy stick, Torres looked down and then said, "Shit," but still kept quiet, then reported quickly as she moved her foot off the animal and then kicked it away, "There's a fuckin' snake in the grass," then continued whispering, "I know, I know, the safeties are on…I just don't like snakes." When she heard Seven of Nine expel the air from her chest almost silently, Torres crouched down and moved quick, but silent to the side of the house, smirking to herself and saying so soft she barely heard herself, "Stop laughing at me, Borg, or I'll kill you."

When the horse made a high pitched noise, then bolted from the side of the water, Torres froze, balled her fists, dropped to the ground and looked over that way to see what the animal had spied before she whispered, "Something spooked the horse, but I can't see shit. It's coming back up toward the house…I don't think it saw me…it looks alright now." Climbing to her feet again and wiping her hands on her butt since the front of her was now damp from lying in the grass, B'Elanna crept over to a dark window on the near side of the house, hoping it was far enough away from the light that she could spy into the room without being noticed, knowing that although Nick wasn't herself these days, she'd always been incredibly good in their Elite Force training scenarios at spotting danger before others did, even Seven of Nine, whose enhanced senses outmatched all of their theoretically, but Nicole just seemed to be very in tune with her surroundings, especially in nature, where Seven wasn't at her best.

Poking her head up into the bottom of the window in the corner, she peeked quickly, then backed away just as fast to make sure she wasn't seen, but when she hadn't been able to see any person, and only a dark room with a little light coming from the back of it, she moved her head carefully back and then observed carefully, but still quickly. The room she was gazing into looked to be like a den, or an office, and it was offset from what she assumed was the main living room, where the light, that she was certain was a fire, was coming from. The door to the den was opened partially, but all she could see was the edge off a coffee table and a couch…and it definitely looked like the coffee table had been forcefully moved. When she heard a muffled, but heaving cry in the next instant, Torres crouched down as her pulse increased, then said, "Seven…did you pick that up?"

Hurriedly, Seven of Nine said, sounding worried, "That was Kathryn…she is in physical distress…combined with surprise…I am certain."

Staying low and moving quickly through the front yard of the house, keeping her eye on the horse in case it tried to come near her and kick her as it sensed a foreign presence, forgetting that she looked like the animal's master, Torres said, "I'm on the move…other side of the house…I saw some windows on this side through the other one. I should be able to look in. I want to assess…shit," B'Elanna cursed, then said as she heard another cry, this one louder, "that was her again." Torres immediately pulled her head away quickly as she noticed bodies and movement, then blinking as she realized she'd seen naked bodies and movement, she rose back up immediately, panicked and in disbelief, two seconds away from jumping through the window and throwing Fowler across the room in a fit of rage for not only daring to put her hands on her woman, despite her state of mind, but for making a liar out of the engineer for never believing Nicole would do such a thing. However, as the scene came back into view as she clenched her teeth and grasped the windowsill, it became clear, in a trice, that not only was Kathryn Janeway in no danger, she wasn't even in distress…but she was experiencing significant amounts of pleasure as she straddled the brunette's face, leaned back some and held Nicole's forearms while the hybrid tended to her bosom in a manner Torres knew the captain enjoyed tremendously.

Frozen as she watched Kathryn, who's hair was tussled and glistening with perspiration all over while she slowly undulating her hips, tilted her head all the way back, then said something she couldn't make out since it wasn't loud, the chief engineer's mouth feel open on its own accord. When Janeway stopped speaking, then licked her lips, leaned forward suddenly, biting her bottom lip and looked down at Fowler as she let go with one hand, then braced herself on the floor as the brunette let her lean at her own will but didn't break their stride, B'Elanna's heart began to beat wildly in her chest as she realized she was watching what was essentially herself and the redhead making love, and furthermore, she could tell from Janeway's body language that she was nearing climax. Swallowing soundly as Kathryn braced herself with both hands, arched her back and started rotating her hips quicker while Nicole let go of her breasts, grabbed her bottom and helped her stay centered, Torres allowed without thinking, "Jeeeessus woman," as the captain's cry was suddenly audible again, although still muffled, and even though without the picture to make sense of it, she sounded like she was being physically attacked since she wasn't saying words just making sounds.

When Seven of Nine whispered to her to report, Torres couldn't do so immediately because it was clear the redhead was climaxing since she was now upright again, with her head tilted back and grabbing onto the arm Fowler had moved to her sternum to steady her with both hands while what looked like every muscle in her thin, lithe body tensed as she cried out and pulsed against the brunette's mouth. When the Borg repeated her hail and told her she had three seconds to respond or she was coming in, B'Elanna ducked down, and managed, "I'm here…it's okay," before she covered her mouth in shock, relief, excitement, uncertainty, and just about every emotion she could think of.

"What is Kathryn's condition?"

Sighing and shaking her head, Torres said, "Uh…well," then clearing her throat, she said very softly, "Dollface, Red and Nick are going to be fine…they're just a little…busy…right now."


Smiling, B'Elanna glanced back up at the window, then said as she shook her head, "Let's just say I just got to see what it looks like when I make love to her in our favorite position."

After a beat, Seven asked, even, but she was still whispering, and had checked over her shoulder and down both hallways before she questioned, "They are copulating?" The sound of her surprise was clear in her tone…crystal clear.

Standing up again, far too much of a voyeur at heart not to take another peek, Torres whispered, "That's an understatement," as she watched.

While Fowler and Janeway, who was now on her back, kissed each other's mouths passionately and aggressively, B'Elanna barely let herself blink, she was so transfixed by the sight. At the same time, Nicole braced herself over the redhead, straddled one of Kathryn's raised legs and continued to rock against it with equal fervor as their oral embrace. And Janeway clung to her back, pressed into her muscles with both hands and dug in with her nails, no doubt making small circles while she did so, and urged Nick to take pleasure for herself, which it didn't look like Fowler was having a problem with because she was definitely going strong and seemed completely driven now to release herself within the captain's arms. Considering the amount of sweat drenching their bodies, the state of the strewn blankets they were lying upon, and the redness of the captain's skin, Torres would guess they'd both achieved release quite a few times already, and furthermore it looked like although Kathryn was holding her own, a majority of Fowler's need was centered on having the redhead like she wanted her...especially when she knew from private conversation that Nicole's favorite position was when a woman hovered above her mouth. In Nicole's own words, that was, "Better than a barbeque on the bayou," which was something Fowler absolutely loved completely since it involved all of her favorites things: food, country settings, friends, music, and not doubt Southern Belles.

So caught up in her observations that B'Elanna didn't even realize Seven had stopped speaking with her and entered the holodeck until the sly and deadly agile Borg came up behind her and slipped her hand over her mouth to keep her from calling out. When B'Elanna twitched in surprise and looked back in equal amounts of shock, Seven smirked as she placed her index finger to her own mouth to silence the taller brunette, although Torres was hunched down, even though it wasn't necessary since Kathryn and Nicole were facing almost completely away from the window and obviously completely wrapped up in their coupling to pay attention to anything except each other. Then turning her gaze back to the window, Seven stood for a few seconds to watch for herself, then once she was certain Kathryn wasn't in any distress and could handle herself efficiently with the clearly powerful Klingon, which was obvious because the Borg could hear Janeway saying as she looked up at Fowler while Nicole stopped kissing her and started moving harder, "Yes, Fowler…do it," Seven grabbed Torres' hand and pulled her away, whispering when they were a few steps from the window, "It is against Kathryn's social rules to allow 'outsiders' to observe her engaged in sexual activities. We are required to depart immediately."

Looking back to the window, really, really wanting to stay for a little while longer and watch herself make love to her lover, and visa versa, finding it incredibly mesmerizing, humbling, and arousing, Torres whispered in argument, "But we're not outsiders…that's our girl in there. We have a right to watch. Come on," she tried to stop Seven, "just for a little while…then we'll go…I just wanna see me come once."

Seven tugged hard on Torres' arm and said, "You will do as I say this time, B'Elanna Torres, just as I complied with your wishes previously. Comply." When the powerful brunette sighed, but kept them from going farther, Seven looked over at her, smirked and said with a definite amount of seduction, "If you wish to observe yourself climax, I can download my image files onto a datachip that we can view in the privacy of our quarters…however," she added, cocking her eyebrow, understanding that B'Elanna found watching just as stimulating as she, herself, did, which was one reason they enjoyed reading Torres' Klingon romance novels to each other, as well as observe the other make love to Kathryn more than Janeway ever requested just to watch, "I will only do so if you depart with me immediately."

Sighing, B'Elanna followed the Borg, then said after a beat as she squeezed her hand, "You'd really do that with me…watch ourselves? You don't think it's too kinky?"

"I recall similar images frequently for various purposes…including masturbation," Seven of Nine said plainly as she walked along with her girlfriend hand in hand. Looking over at Torres, she smirked and informed, "There are times when you are not available to assist me…therefore I use images of you instead. Therefore, I do not believe it is any more 'kinky' than becoming aroused by reading a romance novel with you, or observing you make love to Kathryn."

Snickering and shaking her head, B'Elanna drew Seven closer to her, reached down and said as she patted her nicely packaged fanny, "Sounds efficient...the recalling images technique." When Seven looked over at her, glanced up and down provocatively and then said, "You are correct," Torres pulled Seven to a stop near the beginning of the trail and asked as she wrapped her up in her arms, smiling her crazy grin in her new body, which didn't look all that different really, "So, do you wanna get really kinky and go back to my place tonight before I go back to being a 'wee' Klingon?" Looking down at herself, she added quickly before the blonde answered, "I don't know, babe…Nick's a pretty fine specimine…even without tits."

Fairly intrigued, Seven of Nine asked as Torres held her close, finding it rather nice for once not to be taller and bigger than a lover, "You do not believe it will be selfish to abandoned Sam Wildman to gratify ourselves in such a manner?"

"I think Sam's a big girl and can handle sleeping on her own," B'Elanna whispered as she pulled Seven closer, then turned her around and started kissing her neck softly. When Seven didn't fight her, took her lover's long arms and wrapped them around her while she relaxed against her chest, Torres teased as she brought one hand to Seven's breast and she rubbed her stomach with the other, the Borg keeping her hands on Torres, but not to deflect, only to remain in contact and increase the intimacy, "That is unless you liked sleeping with her so much you wanted to bring her along?"

"You are being facetious."

Grabbing Seven's hand and swaying as if they were slow dancing, holding one arm out and keeping the other one on Seven's abdomen, Torres held her close and whispered, "Or maybe," nipping her earlobe, "we should just call Sam Wild…woman, tell her to get her hot lips in here and make this a real party…whatda ya think?" Before Seven could answer, B'Elanna chuckled and said as they danced closely, "Kahless, I think I'd have a heart-attack…that's just too damn much stimulation for a person…shit…five women…that's an awful lot of cake," she laughed, shaking her head, "Can you imagine?"

"I can," Seven smirked. When B'Elanna stopped dancing, stunned and flabbergasted, Seven cocked her eyebrow and reminded as she spun around, purely confident, and flirting, "I am Borg."

Grabbing Seven and swinging them around while she laughed, B'Elanna finally said into her ear, "Dollface, do me a favor…if one of these nights after we're done saving the world and we all go out drinking…don't ever mention this night." When the lady Borg raised her eyebrow at that and smirked, Torres informed, smiling, "Weirder things have happened…trust me…I've seen it myself."

Smiling brightly, Seven of Nine said before she wrapped her arms around Torres's neck and kissed the brunette passionately, "I will comply," having done a lot of 'soul searching' in the last twenty-four hours after her conversation with Tuvok to get at the heart of her 'issues,' and realized that she wasn't as not attracted to Nick Fowler as she previously thought, which was the cause for her defensiveness earlier with the Vulcan. Fowler certainly didn't ring Seven's proverbial bell because Seven, like Fowler, preferred more feminine women, but she wasn't 'unacceptable,' especially when she smiled and tried to get others to do so as well.

It had taken Seven a while to figure out why that hadn't been completely obvious to her, but she'd finally realized that she'd been so focused on 'assimilating' knowledge and thus understanding her friendship with Sam Wildman, that she hadn't paid Fowler much attention, as far as what she really thought of the tall woman with regards to purely herself, and not how she interacted with her friend. Since Seven had already known that she found Samantha attractive, and was 'okay' with that because they were friends, she'd done what came 'naturally' to her and studied that specific relationship, and was now pleased to report that not only did she and Sam share private details with each other on a regular basis and basically 'paled around,' she developed a certain amount of intimacy with the blonde that she'd never experienced in a non-sexual relationship, which allowed her to comfortably do such things as watch Samantha dress, or dress in front of her, assist her with making fashion selections that would 'highlight her attributes', and regenerate with her without feeling as though she was being 'unfaithful' and 'dishonorable.'

Seven had come to learn that she enjoyed Wildman's company a great deal and part of that was because she felt she understood her behavior, and part of that was because she found her visual appealing. Samantha didn't continually arouse sexual desire in the Borg—although there had been one evening in the holodeck where she'd come to the conclusion after observing Samantha play the piano while she practiced singing as Seven sat next to her on the bench, that if there was any other individual she could 'imagine' herself with other than Kathryn and Torres it was the xenobiologist—but Seven had come to understand that she appreciated her friend, and believed she was worthy of a remarkable mate because she was a remarkable individual who had the Borg's seal of approval, which wasn't easy to achieve…not in the least.

So, for the same reasons, Seven had never really considered Fowler in the same terms because she, up until just today, could never understand why Fowler did some of the things she did, and it was only, usually, until the Borg started to piece some of those things together about someone that she was able to allow her observations to consider physicality in a sexually desirable manner. The only exception with that had been with Kathryn Janeway. Seven had become aware of the compact captain's attractiveness long before she ever even partially understood her, but Janeway had always stirred great emotions in the Borg, and continually, even now, intrigued her like no other individual. She constantly proved Seven wrong as far as when the Borg felt she was certain about something and that it was set in stone, it was like Janeway could read her mind and would purposefully go out of her way to discover the exception. The ex-drone knew that was not possible, but it still seemed to occur nonetheless.

Thus after her conversation with Tuvok and her feelings of defensiveness, she'd forced herself to consider what was really bothering her, and although there were many things, most of them being around her fear of losing the B'Elanna Torres that she loved and depended on, one of the main issues was because she hadn't reached a point in her relationship with Fowler where she'd felt comfortable enough remarking on the woman's physical attractiveness…and after she realized that pitfall, she'd examined further and informed herself that she was attracted to Nicole enough that if Torres were in her body, she was concerned that would turn the tables and she'd find her even more appealing. However, after Samantha had told her it didn't bother her if Seven was 'sweet' with Torres, and B'Elanna had pretty much made it clear that she wasn't uncomfortable, and now the fact that Kathryn Janeway had surprised the 'hell' out of her by copulating with Fowler, when Seven had been certain Janeway wouldn't even consider it considering she knew Kathryn had strict rules on monogamy and found infidelity unacceptable—although, Seven wasn't offended in the least by this situation, just surprised, and as soon as she saw the evidence for herself, she was able to extrapolate Kathryn's exact motivations and reasoning without a problem, and was furthermore not upset that she hadn't foreseen the event because it was just another one of Kathryn's endless surprises—the Borg finally brushed off the last of her concerns and was able to see the brunette in front of her as only B'Elanna Torres…just taller, bigger, and a little more easy going.

After a few moments while they walked hand in hand back toward the trail, wanting to get plenty far enough away before they requested the exit so as to not disturb Kathryn and Nicole, Torres squeezed Seven's hand and said as they shuffled slowly, smiling over at her, "You know what, ace?"


"I don't care what anyone says about us," the chief smirked, "when it comes to trouble…there's no one who does it better," drawing her speech like Fowler on purpose, "ain't that right?"

Lifting her chin and walked proudly, Seven smirked back and said, purposefully monotone, "That is correct," and then began compiling a list of various ways she and her partner could get into 'trouble' for the remainder of this late evening.


"Tuvok to Janeway," came the swarthy Vulcan's fairly insistent voice over the internal communication's network of the ship in Holodeck One.

Looking up out of habit, Commander Fowler replied quickly, moving toward the stairs after getting to her feet from the floor where she'd been sitting for almost a half hour watching Kathryn Janeway sleep peacefully next to her, "Fowler here…please stand by, Commander." Climbing the stairs quickly, but silently, looking back over her shoulder to make certain the redhead hadn't stirred, Nicole, dressed only in her jeans, went into the master bedroom, pulled a picture off the wall and accessed the communications station. Next, she tapped into Sickbay's channel after locating the Vulcan, saying, "I've accessed the visual display, Sir…go ahead," unconcerned with her physical appearance considering she was speaking with the Doctor and the Vulcan, who both could care less…and really, at this point, so could she since she was pretty damn certain her life was officially over.

"Commander," the Vulcan started as he stood in Sickbay with the Doctor at the main console, having told the hologram he would attempt to communicate with one of them via the ship's internal systems before he would allow the Doctor to compromise the captain's privacy, since after he discovered how long Janeway had been in there, he figured the captain had acted typically and taken matters into her own hands, thus he wasn't surprised in the least by Fowler's tussled appearance, or the fact that she appeared without attire, although he could only see her from her upper arms up, "I apologize for the intrusion, but it is imperative that you and Captain Janeway return to Sickbay soon so that we can begin the procedure."

"What procedure is that?" asked the unknowing second officer, however, she wasn't surprised she didn't know because she was awaken to one hell of a shock this early morning when the sound of the morning birds woke her and in the next instant she realized she was lying on the living room rug, with the blankets of her bed pulled snuggly over her, and her naked commanding officer's was the cause of the warmth she was wrapped around. It had taken Nicole nearly a minute after that to breath again, and almost five minutes after that to recall how they'd ended up like that, and still most of it was hazy, at best. And once she had remembered some mesmerizing images of the beautiful redhead placed in Fowler's favorite position, flushing, moving erotically, and crying out in her lethally sexy voice, it had taken Nicole another five minutes to talk herself out of grabbing her shotgun off the wall, turning off the safeties and killing herself before B'Elanna had to, but the only reason she hadn't done that was because she was in her best friend's body…so she was prepared to wait until they were switched and let the Klingon go on and slit her throat…or the Borg just break her neck first.

Raising his eyebrow in surprise, the Vulcan explained, "The mind meld I will perform on you and Lieutenant Torres to return you to your normal bodies." When Nicole didn't say anything back right away, he asked, "Have you decided against it?"

"No, no…right, the mind meld," Fowler did her best to think quickly and just go with it, wanting now more than ever to get the hell out of this body and back into her own before she did any more damage to so many lives…and then just get on with the killing. "No, it's still on…I'm sorry," she sighed rubbing her forehead with her free hand, "it's been a long night. Um," she asked tentatively, "the captain's sleeping…in the other room," she qualified, hoping that would help keep this from being the biggest story there had ever been aboard the starship, "right now. When did you need us to be there?"

"We must begin within two hours."

"Understood," Fowler nodded. "I'll make sure we're there on time. Fowler out."

Then before she let herself start to get upset or nervous about undergoing a mind meld since she'd never done so before, and not wanting to disrupt her rather nice calm and peaceful mood since she hadn't felt this clear headed in this body since she was transported into it—although, in truth, she still wasn't quite herself—Nicole walked out of her bedroom, into the bathroom and said, "Computer, locate Lieutenant Torres."

"Lieutenant Torres is in Command Fowler's quarters."

Sighing as she opened her closet that was off the bathroom, Fowler tried again, realizing that B'Elanna wasn't really in her quarters, but that her communicator was since the device was fungible and reported the correct lifesign information as to whom was currently or had last worn it, "Computer, locate Commander Fowler."

"Commander Fowler is the quarters of Seven of Nine and Lieutenant Torres."

After grabbing a clean flannel shirt from the rack, and pulling it on, Nick went back into the bedroom, activated the console for voice only and said afterward, "Fowler to Torres."

"Welcome back to the land of the living…what's up?" B'Elanna responded as she ate her breakfast that Seven of Nine had so graciously prepared for them considering the chief engineer had spent most of the night lavishing affection upon the tall, shapely blonde's body, and felt it was the very least she could do for such an 'remarkable' lover as she had in the brunette…in any body.

"Tuvok just hailed me," Fowler started, trying to sound easy and not as nervous as she was considering she'd had her best friend's lover "six ways from Sunday" last night, which she was recalling a little more and more about as each minute passed. "He said something about a mind meld in a few hours to put us back together right…you know about that?"

Smiling, figuring that meant Janeway had gone into the holodeck all along to offer herself to the half-Klingon, and figured that once she got the woman to copulate with her, Nicole would be willing and able to do the mind meld after such an event, Torres explained, remaining easy and familiar as Seven of Nine looked on and smirked, understanding the captain's 'game plan' as well, and finding it an impressive one, as usual, "Yea…he's been preparing all night. He's going to do something called a bridge, and help us cross over. It shouldn't be a problem as long as you're feeling up to it. How are you anyway?"

"Uh, fine, fine," Nicole answered nervously, unable to help herself, "been better…been worse…I think," she added in her mind, "You know how it is. How 'bout you?"

"Fine and dandy, hot rod," Torres smiled over at Seven, and then winked. "Although, I'm ready to get my body back. No offense, Nick…but I'm tired of wiping your big butt."

"Real nice, Torres," Fowler sighed as she tied the shirt at her waist in frustration. "Is Seven with you?"

"Yep," B'Elanna said, then had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing out loud at Fowler's obvious nervousness. Then deviously, she asked, "Is Red with you?"

Clearing her throat and scratching the back of her neck, Fowler then wiped her nose as she sniffled and said, "Yea…yea, she's here…she's…um, well, she's sleepin' right now, T."

"Yea, she actually does that sometimes," B'Elanna came back, knowing she was being evil but not able to help herself. Then when Seven smirked at her then shook her head as she ate her cinnamon and brown sugared oatmeal, Torres said, "Well, Nick…it's been real, but I'm gonna eat my eggs while I can really enjoy them. Give Red a squeeze for me and I'll see you soon. Torres out."

"Fuck," Fowler allowed as she scratched her head again, then shook it, now feeling like she was the only one who didn't know what the hell was going on. Mumbling to herself as she started back for the stairs, Fowler whispered, "She's gotta know…she wouldn't say that if she didn't know…so why the hell doesn't she want me dead? What the shit is that about?"

Then stopping at the bottom of the stairs, Nicole looked over upon Janeway, who was mostly on her stomach with her face turned toward the still slowing burning fireplace, with half of her back exposed. After a few moments, Nick shook her head as the pieces started falling into place, and she realized that what B'Elanna meant by 'feeling up to it,' was that they couldn't have done the mind meld safely until Fowler stopped suffering from the effects of the pon farr, and she furthermore realized that that had been Kathryn's plan all along. At the time of Janeway's appearance, Nick had known the wily captain had had to have some kind of plan because she just didn't do anything without thinking it through "every which way but right," but she had never thought Janeway's plan would be to offer her body to her…even if it had only taken less than a half an hour before Fowler couldn't resist desiring that offering and started sliding down the slippery slope of the redhead's plan.

Sighing, Fowler looked around the room that held so many memories for her, then looked back to the redhead on the floor, next sank down onto the stairs so she could think deeply for a few minutes before she woke Janeway, realizing exactly why Torres wasn't upset. Kathryn had sacrificed herself in a way Nicole never would have thought possible considering the depths of her feelings for her mates, but then it only took a second to realize why she'd done so. She'd done so for them…and for herself…and for Nicole, and probably for the whole damn ship, if she knew Janeway like she thought she knew her. Furthermore, even though it had been Nicole she was with last night, it was Torres' body she had loved and let love her, and although Fowler now assumed Kathryn would have done the same for anyone that needed to mate to save their life, part of what had made the captain the correct choice was because it was B'Elanna's body, and she knew it well. Kathryn hadn't let up on her during the first tentative moments as their clothes started to come off until all Fowler could do was respond to how Janeway was touching her until she'd climaxed twice, rather quickly, and then was so wrapped up in the person that had made her feel that incredible, that she wanted to complete that feeling by delighting herself in her favorite thing about sex: making a woman feel that same way.

What was really getting to Fowler under all of that was how Kathryn had known she was the only choice, and furthermore, why that was true. Nicole knew why it was, but she didn't understand how Janeway could know why that was, and part of her highly doubted she'd ever get an answer to that, since she could see the redhead just smirk at her and say something like, "Lucky guess," or, "Captain's privilege," and then leave it at that.

The answer was as simple as it was confounded, but when it really came down to it, Nicole assumed it was three things: Janeway wasn't Samantha, thus she didn't worry or care for her quite the same; Janeway was captain, thus Fowler trusted, respected, and had absolute faith she could handle anything at the end of the day, even when she was protective of her because she also knew and respected the lady underneath, and finally, because Kathryn Janeway was often as elusive and complicated to Fowler as Francis Sheldon's ghost, even though she saw and interacted with her almost every day, thus she had a mysterious quality about her that the brunette wasn't sure she'd ever understand, not even after getting as close to her as she did last night. Previous to last night, Fowler had always believed that she could understand a woman so much more after making love to them, but that hadn't happened with Janeway. That had happened with Samantha, and it had been such a wonderful discovery, and ever since that first time with the blonde she'd felt a connection with her that she hadn't felt in ages, but Nicole didn't feel any closer to Janeway right now, and in fact she almost felt father away because Kathryn had shattered so much of what she thought was true about the redhead last night, and left her with more questions than answers, and certain she'd never quite get her. But, Kathryn was a captain…it was in her blood as well as in her soul, Fowler was certain now, and captain's, at least the rare great ones, were always the type that no one understood entirely, but would follow them anywhere…and that's just what Nicole had done last night. She'd followed Kathryn right into her arms…and not only could she now live, she suddenly felt she could see clearer than she'd seen in nearly fourteen years.

Standing up again, recharged now that she knew she wasn't about to die and her life was ruined, and with a clear set of objectives that she planned to take care of right away, some of them she figured she should have done years ago, Fowler went off into the kitchen, certain Janeway would wake up fiercely hungry, considering the marathon sexual encounter she engaged in last night where they'd both practically collapsed and passed right out instead of calling it quits and turning in. So, while she turned on the radio which played all her favorite Country/Folk music continuously and sang along, she started the coffee, poured a glass of orange juice, and then started breakfast, always preferring to actually work through the actions of making breakfast on a stove while utilizing this program, since she'd practically built everything there was to see here.

Almost sixteen years ago she'd started with a plot of land and all the tools and materials at her disposal, and within one year of actual labor, she'd built, painted and decorated the house, landscaped the yard, and constructed the dock. During the months when Jess was away at summer camp during that year, she'd done everything in her power from performing musical shows to giving guitar lessons to get as much free time in any holodeck available to her so she could spend a few hours almost every day building her perfect spot, and what she couldn't manage to arrange, she paid for with her own credits at recreational holodecks that weren't at the Starfleet base she lived at, and each time she left, she saved the configuration, so the next time she ran the simulation, she could start right where she left off, and the day she'd finished and been able to sit on her porch and just relax had been a glorious day because everything around her was hers, just as she'd wanted it, and she had vowed to herself never to let anyone see it.

But that was a promise she hadn't kept to herself, but at the time when she let Francis in, completely willingly because she'd wanted to share everything with the woman for the rest of her days, it hadn't felt like her place was tainted, only better, but ever since Francis had gone, it had never been the same as it was before, and Nick had never bothered removing Francis' things from the program because she knew that the redhead would still haunt her place as long as Fowler kept coming back to it and to her memory.

While she poured her waffle mix into the iron and closed the lid as the bacon fried in the skillet on the stove, Fowler stopped singing as she noticed movement out of the corner of her eye. When she looked to the living room to see Janeway walking towards her, stunning in her simple, natural, disarrayed appearance, dressed only in the flannel shirt she'd shed last night that was only buttoned twice in the middle, rubbing her neck and yawing, Nicole grinned, then announced, "I'm sure you've heard this before, but that is one hell of a sexy voice you've got," as Kathryn looked up and said, her voice coarse due to lack of use, "Good morning."

Turning around and handing Janeway a coffee and a juice, Fowler said as she passed by her and started for the upstairs, "As you say…it suits you. Drink that juice and watch the bacon please and much obliged…I'll be back in a jiffy."

Coming back downstairs to find Kathryn guzzling the juice near the stove, although she'd hadn't touched the bacon and only moved the pan from the heat, Fowler asked as she stepped back into the kitchen and popped open the waffle iron in perfect time, "Hungry?"

"Very," Kathryn allowed as she set the glass down. "How long have you been awake?"

"Maybe an hour," Nicole said as she stepped over to Janeway and said, putting her hands on her shoulders and moving her kindly out of the way, "I just need to get past ya."

Grabbing her coffee and moving to the other side of the room, always having done more harm in the kitchen than good, Kathryn asked, uncertain as to how to broach this situation since she hadn't planned to fall asleep like she did and subsequently lose all track of time, not to mention her grasp on her plan, "How are you feeling?"

Nicole barked once in laughter as she opened the cabinet and pulled out a plate. "Kate, do you really want me to answer that?"

Smiling, Janeway said, "Yes…go ahead, you can say it," as she leaned her back against the counter and crossed her arms of her chest, holding the coffee close to her lips.

"Well, I feel kind of like I'm dreamin'," Fowler answered while she popped the waffles out of the iron and put them on the plate. "Sort of like a waking dream," glancing over at Kathryn, "a nice one, by the way." Then pulling out a knife, she started buttering the waffles liberally, and said more serious, "Tuvok called, so I'm up to speed on the mind meld…and," Nicole grinned, glancing over at Janeway again, then grabbing up the bacon, she finished as she patted it free of excess grease with a paper napkin, "if you don't mind, I'm just gonna go right on ahead and believe that last night was so nice for you that it just slipped your clever mind."

Truthfully, Kathryn answered as Fowler came over to her with the plate of food, "It wouldn't be a lie, Nicole."

"Well, good," Fowler came back as she stopped in front of Janeway, setting the plate on the counter, "I'd hate to know that it wasn't as nice for you and it was for me. Although, unfortunately," Nicole continued, turning Janeway around gently and rubbing her neck for her since Kathryn had continued to show signs of it being in distress from the moment she awoke, "or maybe it's a blessing in disguise…I don't remember everything. And," she chuckled as the captain relaxed and let her tend to her sore neck without concern Fowler wasn't up on current events and didn't understand why Janeway had allowed that to happen, "it's also a good thing I'm in someone else's body, since I think if I had been in mine and woken up like that, I'd have got my gun and kissed my sweet ass goodbye before your girls did it for me."

When Janeway sighed at that and shook her head, Fowler said softer, "Although, I guess if I had been in my body, I'd have never had the honor to wake up with such a fine lady in my arms…and I want you to know," she leaned down and whispered, wrapping her arms around Kathryn sweetly, "that I will never forget what you did for me last night…nor will or could I ever forget how incredibly beautiful you are, Miss Kathryn Janeway. I'll take that knowing with me to my grave and never share it with another soul, because they don't deserve it…and I don't want to anyhow."

Then sighing as Janeway grew inhumanely still and silent as she bowed her head in modesty and humility, Fowler said after she kissed her cheek quickly, but soft, "Now, before I do something ridiculous like cry," she pulled out her arsenal of goofiness to offset her emotions while she stepped away from Janeway, "I want you to eat some of that food 'for you disappear into nuthin', then go upstairs and relax yourself in the big ole tub that's got your name written all over it. Just leave the food you don't want for me…I'll be back in a while…we've got about an hour to kill, so take your time."

Sniffling quickly, bringing her hand to her nose, Kathryn looked up and over to her as she asked, taking her palm away, "Where are you going?"

Fowler grabbed a spare cowboy hat, this one black, from the rack near the door and said, smiling and tipping it down before she went outside, "Frankly, Miss Scarlet…my last damn hurrah," speaking cryptically of the fact that she planned to delete this program as soon as she shut it down because she already had one too many redheaded ghosts in this house, and she didn't need any more. And then she planned to do everything in her power to make this last month up to Samantha, because that was one woman she understood enough about to know that she loved her.

Curious, Janeway went over to the window and watched as Fowler pulled the blanket that was still on her horse off, whistled her over to the side of the porch, then climbed the steps, went over to the side railing, climbed on top and then skillfully leap-frogged onto the horse's back, then smiled as Nick got situated, grabbed the reigns, pet her horse's neck a couple of times as she talked to her, then popped her hat down low on her head, reached back and smacked the horse's butt as she kicked it firmly. As Fowler and Jessie's Girl took off around the house and down the back trail at full speed, Nicole calling out a rattling, "Yeeeeehhaaawww!" Kathryn shook her head as she chuckled, thinking how enchantingly strange and unique Nicole really was, and how she used those qualities to seem like the most 'normal' person Janeway knew these days.

Then going back to the kitchen, she grabbed a napkin, folded one waffle in half after putting a piece of bacon in it, then snatched up her coffee and scurried upstairs for her own version of her last hurrah: a bubble bath treat for a job well done. And when she entered the bathroom and found the tub already full of steaming water and bubbles, the captain shook her head and said aloud, "Samantha, you were right…you really are a lucky woman," and she felt she could say that with certainty because right before Fowler, who had been incredible last night, had crashed and began snoring, Nicole had nuzzled her neck and murmured in her exhaustion while holding her strong, but tender, "Stay with me, Sam, and I won't ever letcha go." Considering Fowler hadn't confused her with another person the entire night, not even Francis as she had figured might occur, nor had Janeway, for that matter, even though Fowler was in her precious Lanna's body, she knew it was significant that she had called her Samantha as she fell into a peaceful sleep.

Disrobing quickly and sinking into the tub carefully since her hands were full, Kathryn laid back as she moaned in equal parts bliss for the tub and agony for her soreness, then took a sip of her coffee and said before she started in on her breakfast, thinking of her two strangely unique lovers fondly, smiling as she closed her eyes, "Although, I'm the luckiest woman you'll ever know, but I'm the captain, so sometimes I get special privileges for all my hard work…"


A little after 0800 hours, Captain Janeway and Seven of Nine stepped back into Sickbay's main room after having been asked to wait in the Doctor's office during the procedure so that there wouldn't be any distractions. When the Doctor immediately sedated B'Elanna Torres, or whoever was in her body, as the half-Klingon began to blink open her eyes, Janeway asked, crisply, as Seven went over to Torres' side as Fowler stood up, rolled her shoulders and nodded to the Borg, "Report."

"The bridge was successful," informed a subdued and clearly drained Tuvok as he started to stand from the chair that was placed between the two biobeds.

Glancing over to Torres, then to Fowler, then back to the Klingon, Kathryn asked as she stepped over to the bed next to Seven, but reminded herself not to show more concern than she would for any other crewmember, and just let Seven of Nine hover as a lover would, "Doctor…what's her status?"

"I've sedated her. I'm concerned she'll become violent by suddenly being thrown back into a body that's still not functioning normally," the hologram said as he activated the arch over the biobed. "I'll need to run some tests, but at this point, I don't see why she can't make a full recovery." As Fowler came over to Seven's side and put her hand on the Borg's shoulder in support, the Doctor went on, "I scanned…her…just before the procedure, and the damage to her neural pathways was still only minor. I don't expect there to be any problems. It'll be a few hours before you can speak with her, however."

Nodding at the Doctor, then turning to Tuvok, who was standing behind her, Janeway put her hand on his shoulder as she said, softly, "Thank you again, Commander…well done." When the Vulcan nodded once, Kathryn patted his arm, released him and said, "Take the rest of the day off…we'll talk later."

"Thank you, Captain," the Vulcan nodded, then turned to Fowler and nodded as well.

Leaving Seven's side quickly, Fowler said, extending her hand, "Thank you, Sir…I definitely owe you one."

Tuvok shook Fowler's hand, and said, "You're welcome, Commander…I am relieved it was a success, however," Tuvok added in compliment, "I could not have done it without your own talents and focus. Perhaps we could meet sometime…over dinner, of course," he added in his dry humor, which caused Kathryn and Fowler to chuckle, "and discuss your techniques. I am intrigued as to how you manage to achieve such clarity by swinging an ax several times in succession."

Wiping her nose and trying not to laugh out loud, Fowler nodded and said, "Sure, thank you, Commander…I'd like that…although," she smiled, "if you want to just try it for yourself, I plan on building a new house soon…and I could always," swatting his back soundly, "use a strong back."

Raising his eyebrow, the Vulcan said, "Fascinating…I'll you'll excuse me."

Snickering as the Vulcan left, Janeway shook her head and said, "Poor guy...he really needs to get away from all of us soon before he looses what little sense of humor he has." As Seven of Nine stood, informed the Doctor to hail her when Torres was lucid and then marched for the door, Kathryn glanced over to her, caught the Borg's quick wink at her, knowing she was headed off to Biometrics to continue the work on the transporter issue. Letting Seven go without saying anything since they'd already had a nice conversation about what had occurred in the Doctor's office while they waited—although, Seven and Torres planned to keep their 'visual' discovery aspect to their knowledge of what had occurred their 'little' secret and just told the captain they'd figured it out by scanning them—Janeway turned back to Fowler, who was watching the Doctor work and frowning while she did so, and said, as she patted her arm, "Come on. I'll walk you back to your quarters."

As they stepped out of the ship's infirmary and Nicole continued to remain quiet and pensive, Janeway looked up and over to her, then asked, "Feel good to be back?"

Sighing and shaking her head, Nick said, "I don't know…I know I should be grateful, but I feel pretty awful, truthfully. I mean," she gestured over her shoulder with her thumb, "Torres is in there with brain damage because of me…it just stinks…all of it." Then looking over at Janeway as they turned the corner and started for the turbolift, Fowler waited until a few officers had passed them and said, "I'm sorry if that sounds ungrateful…I don't mean it like that."

"I know what you mean," the captain came back softly, face forward while they walked at a steady pace, placing her arms behind her back, "and you don't owe me any apologies, but," she finally looked back to the incredibly tall female, "it's not your fault that Miss Torres isn't up for combat," she smirked lightly, "yet. Considering what you were going though, I'd say you saved her a lot of trouble by being as strong minded as you are…since," she added once they stepped in the turbolift and Fowler called out the deck, "the Doctor is certain that any human placed into her body would have suffered. We're simply not built the same, which is one reason why her mood can swing so quickly."

"Yea, I know, Captain," Fowler nodded, but not being rude, "but part of me thinks if I hadn't been so damned stubborn about the pon farr it wouldn't have been this bad…and, well," she looked over to Janeway, "you wouldn't have had to do that." Shaking her head, feeling terribly guilty now that she was in her own body and operating as she was used to, Nicole said as the lift stopped and the doors opened, "You just shouldn't have ever had to give that of yourself."

"Commander," Janeway said as she slowed their walk and spoke softly, but openly since no one was around, "I appreciate your protection, but you would have done the same if the shoe was on the other foot…I have no doubts in my mind. And," she held up her hand as they stopped at the corner, Fowler's quarters just a few paces down the hall, "I realize that to you, we're different…and that I'm somehow special, but to me, we're not. I'm not negating your beliefs…I respect them completely and understand them now more than I ever have, but," she quieted more as she took a step forward and clasped onto Fowler's arm, "you're my second officer…and a very close friend who I love dearly for everything that you are. You are a Starfleet officer who I hold in the highest regard and trust implicitly, and I had the opportunity to save your life. I didn't have to fight or hurt anyone…all I had to do was make love to a wonderful human being and let her do the same. Now," Janeway smiled warmly as she looked up to Fowler, "does that really sound like such great sacrifice?"

Shaking her head down at Janeway, Nicole said, smirking slightly, "Like I said, Captain…if you don't do it in this life, try law in your next." When Janeway chuckled and nodded her head, Fowler asked before Kathryn stepped away, "Permission to speak freely, Ma'am?"

Laughing in amusement, Kathryn said, "I thought that's what we were…mmmnt," but was cut off when Nicole reached down, cupped her face and kissed her tenderly and properly on the mouth for many seconds, Janeway never really responding completely, but not stopping or fighting her either, even when Fowler deepened it skillfully and kindly, never abrupt, just like she always was.Janeway merely let herself be kissed lovingly, and skillfully enough that her cheeks flushed mildly as it ended.

Softly Fowler pulled away, rubbing Janeway's pink cheek once before she dropped her hand and explained as she started to stand up straight while Janeway blinked her eyes opened, clearing her throat very softly, "My apologies for not requesting permission to kiss freely, but," she smiled softly at Kathryn, "I just wanted to do that ribht in my own body once. I hope that makes sense."

"It does…don't apologize," Kathryn said in return, speaking very quietly, looking down for a moment. Then chuckling, shaking her head and speaking truthfully, she informed, "I've been kissed for much stranger reasons, I'm afraid, and they weren't nearly as nice…thank you."

Nodding, Fowler looked around out of habit and need, then asked quietly as she leaned up against the wall and crossed her arms, smiling to herself for a moment as she looked down, glad she wasn't getting a handful of her best friend's bosom when she assumed her preferred position, "Just so I know…how classified is this?"

Understanding her concerns completely, especially regarding the Section 31 situation, Kathryn smirked at her and said, "My official log will state that I went to the holodeck, discussed the procedure with you and the requirements, then left you to your privacy, and when I returned to pick you up, you had done what was necessary to take care of yourself…and the rest," she smiled, "isn't of anyone else's damn business." After they both had a small chuckle and Fowler started to blush slightly, Janeway stepped up to her, patted her shoulder and said, "Of course, Seven and B'Elanna already know…as does Tuvok, but he could really care less about my sex-life so long as I'm happy," she smiled, shaking her head, "and although I think the Doctor suspects, he won't ask questions if he knows what's good for him." She finished quietly, "I would never ask you to keep that from Samantha, but I'll leave that in your capable hands."

Glancing down the hallway as Wildman came into view out of Fowler's quarters, noticed her and then started that way, not seeing Fowler because she was around the corner, Kathryn patted her arm once more as she said, "Speak of the devil…"

When Nicole raised her eyebrows, then poked her head around the corner, spotted Samantha, who stopped quickly, uncertain if she should continue forward and interrupt because she didn't know a thing about the procedure or anything else for that matter since Seven had merely hailed her and told her everything was fine and she would converse with her during their duty shift, Kathryn whispered to Nicole as the brunette hesitated to do anything but look over at her, "What are you waiting for…" But as Fowler nodded and then took a step for the blonde, Janeway said, "Oh, wait…one more thing."

Fowler turned around, and asked, "Yes, Captain?"

Pointing to her chest, Kathryn said, "I believe Miss Torres will want that back," speaking off the metal sash around her chest.

"Oh, right," Nick said hurriedly as she took if off and handed it to Janeway, while Samantha said, tentative, "Nick?" When the captain smiled and winked at her, then shooed her away, Fowler turned around, smiled and started forward.

"Oh my god!" Samantha exasperated in shock, but smiling as she started forward again, then ran for two more steps until Fowler did so as well, but leaned down and scooped her up by her bottom. As Fowler hugged her tightly, Wildman wrapped her legs around her waist and her arms around her neck while she laughed and cried at the same time, "Oh my god, I can't believe it! I can't believe it's really you. Oh god, are you okay…I mean, are you really okay?"

"I'm so sorry, Sam…I'm so sorry for running away from you," Fowler said as she hugged her and held her up easily. "I'll never do that again…I'll never letcha go, if you'll have me back."

"Nick…don't be sorry, honey…it's okay…I understand," Samantha said quickly, shaking her head and pulling it back so she could see Nick's face. "It's okay…you didn't hurt me one bit…god," she said as she kissed her, then mumbled against her lips as Fowler started to set her down, "I was so worried about you…mmm…Nick…I'm so glad you're okay."

Grabbing Samantha's face, Fowler rattled before she kissed her passionately, "Christ almighty, lady…I love you."

Stunned, Wildman forced Fowler away, and said, blinking, needing to make sure before she either fainted from surprise and being emotionally overwrought or burst into song and danced around, "What did you say?"

Fowler swallowed, sighed as she placed her hands on Samantha's shoulder, "I…well…I said that…" then sighed irritated and finished a little harder than she would prefer, but she hadn't said those words to anyone in nearly fifteen years, "Oh hell…I love you, Samantha."

"You do?" Her surprise was evident, not because Fowler didn't act like she loved her, but just because Nicole could be pretty tight lipped sometimes.

Nodding, but looking down at her own feet now, the commander explained, "Yea…yea, that's right…I do." Shaking her head and looking back up to Wildman's sea-blue eyes, she said, "Listen, Sam…I know I've got a lot of explaining to do…and a hell of a lot of make up for before you can believe me…and I promise to answer all your questions and tell you everything…but I want you to know that I do, even if you can't." Since the first time Sam had said she loved Nicole she'd been whispering and the second she'd shouted it, but during both times Fowler was lost in her mind completely and never heard her, she didn't know if Wildman loved her and even wanted Fowler to love her, but it was important to the brunette to set the story straight now. "I know you weren't looking for this, and I understand. I promise...but I just want you to know that I do…and I won't push you or ask for anything more…you can…"

"Fowler," Wildman butt in softly, "will you hush your mouth already and let me talk for goodness sakes." When Fowler sighed, nodded and apologized, Samantha said, grabbing her tunic and pulling her close, shaking her, "Now you listen to me, Nick Fowler…you're just the sweetest thing and I'm tired of you apologizing all the damn time." When Fowler sighed and then nodded, almost saying she was sorry again, Samantha smiled up at her and said, "And thank you for saying that," laughing now, she finished, shaking her head, "I've been trying to figure out for weeks how to tell you that I'm in love with you…but I just could never figure it out until you were running out of the room like a lunatic with half your clothes off."

When Fowler took a deep breath, grabbed her forehead with one hand and then eased down to her knees, hanging her head, Samantha asked hurriedly, suddenly very concerned since Fowler just wasn't the fainting type as far as she'd been able to determine, "Nick…Nick, honey…what's wrong?"

Looking up quickly, grinning and grabbing Sam, urging her over her shoulder as she stood with ease, Fowler smiled and said as Wildman yelped, "Gotcha."

Samantha schooled playfully, "Ewww…I hate you sometimes," then swatted Nicole's backside twice as Fowler opened the door to her quarters, "Nick Fowler, you put me down this instant and kiss me! Where were you raised…in a barn? What's wrong with you?"

"Stop hollerin' and beatin' on me, woman…now, I've got to do this right, dammit," Nicole laughed and drawled joyfully as she and the blonde disappeared from sight into the cabin.

Pulling her head back from the corner where she'd stayed and spied the scene, typically not quite that nosey, but with those two she couldn't help herself, smiling brightly and chuckling, shaking her head, Kathryn Janeway turned and started back for the turbolift. Draping Torres' honored sash over her right shoulder and walking with definite bounce and pride to her step, Voyager's compact commander officer said to herself as she closed yet another chapter on one of her many adventures in the Delta Quadrant, not whispering however, "Not bad, Captain…I think there just might be hope for you yet..."
