"Philosophical Discussions"

© December 19, 1999


Kathryn Janeway smiled lazily as she struggled to stay asleep. She was having one of her favorite dreams, the one where she was playing velocity with Seven of Nine, but playing the phaser target game wasn’t the part of the dream that the captain enjoyed. It was what always happened after the game in this particular dream. Seven would congratulate the captain for a game well played and then shrug one shoulder and Kathryn would ask her if it was bothering her. The beautiful blonde Borg would grudgingly admit that she had pulled a muscle and then Janeway would convince her to join her in the holodeck’s hot tub. That was when the dream always got interesting.

Kathryn sighed and rolled over, while in the dream she was climbing into the tub with Seven. Of course in the dreamscape, the holodeck would malfunction, and would be unable to supply swimsuits, so the two women would make do without them.

Back in the waking world, a sound tugged at Kathryn’s consciousness, drawing her away from the swirling water and Seven’s captivating blue eyes. The distraction was beginning to irritate the Starfleet captain. In the dream, Seven was leaning back against the hot tub, her eyes closed, back arched, and the former Borg drone was about to let out a sensuous moan, except there was a sound intruding into the unfolding dreamscape.

Janeway blinked her eyes open and then realized that she had once again fallen asleep on her couch. She tried to figure out what had awakened her, then heard the distinctive chirping of her door chime. She glanced to the clock on her workstation and saw that it was almost 02:00 hours. Whoever it was had better have a very good reason for disturbing her favorite dream. She stood and grabbed her pants from the couch and struggled to pull them over her legs, then faced the door and ran her fingers through her hair and focused to look more awake than she felt.

"Come in." Kathryn cleared her throat, which was oddly dry, all the moisture in her body having been routed to a lower location of her anatomy by the dream she had been enjoying.

The door hissed open and Seven of Nine slowly entered. She wasn’t wearing her normal outfit, and what she was wearing was almost enough to convince Janeway that she was still dreaming.

"Captain." Seven reluctantly moved closer, her deep blue eyes somewhat downcast as she shifted uncomfortably. "I have awakened you. I apologize. I should return at a more appropriate hour." The tall blonde had her hands behind her back in her customary manner, but it looked oddly formal in the sleeveless, teal dress she was wearing. Her hair was down on her shoulders, and she looked flustered, not a normal state for the always in control former drone.

"Seven, what is it?" Kathryn asked, moving closer. She realized that her young protégé looked more than flustered, she looked…drunk.

"It is late. Now is not the time for a phyloshopip… philosophical… now is not the time for this discussion." Seven tried not to look at the captain. It was too distracting. Janeway was in her normal black uniform pants but instead of her tunic, she was only wearing a slate gray tank top. The former drone also noticed that the captain was not wearing a bra. Now was definitely not the time for this particular discussion.

"You’re right. It is late," Kathryn said. "But I’m up now, and I’ve told you in the past that you can always talk to me." Kathryn’s eyes were warm, comforting, and crinkling around the edges, the way they always did when she was concerned. "Why don’t you sit down and tell me what’s on your mind." The sleek, auburn-haired captain guided her taller companion to the couch and then went to the replicator. "Coffee, black."

Seven sat gingerly on the edge of the couch and looked around the room, desperately trying to find something to focus on other than the captain’s shapely behind.

Janeway sipped her coffee, then paused. "Would you like something?" She knew the Borg usually didn’t accept, stating that she was ‘not in need of liquid refreshment at this time,’ but the manners Gretchen Janeway had instilled years ago were still flowing just under the current of Kathryn’s psyche.

"I… I believe I would like… a coffee." Seven twisted her hands on her lap.

"Oh?" Kathryn asked, a smirk tugging at the edges of her full lips. "Have I finally convinced you to try my vice?"

Seven noticed the smirk and glanced down almost coyly. "I believe the caffeine you are so fond of would be helpful to…clear my mind."

"All right," Kathryn said. "How would you like it?"

Seven raised one elegant eyebrow before hesitantly answering. "In… a cup?"

Kathryn laughed. The sound sent tingles down Seven’s spine. "What would you like ‘in’ the coffee? Cream? Sugar?"

"Oh." Seven blushed.

Kathryn was struck by how the slight coloring of her cheeks seem to add to Seven’s youthful appearance. "Have you ever had coffee before, Seven?"

"No, but now seems like a good time. Perhaps you could decide for me."

"I’d be happy to, but for the first cup, maybe we should try something a little mild." Kathryn turned to the replicator. "Mocha, half caff."

"That would be a refreshing change," Seven said as she rubbed her temple.

"Change from what?" Kathryn asked as she sat next to Seven and handed her the beverage.

"Something mild would be a refreshing change from the beverages I consumed earlier." Seven sipped the Mocha. "This is quite good."

"Glad you approve." Kathryn’s wry smile was hidden behind her own coffee cup. "Now, I know you didn’t come here to test out coffee for the first time. What’s on your mind?"

"This is very good. It makes my stomach feel warm." Seven’s eyes darted to Kathryn’s, looking her over suspiciously. "Is this beverage alcoholic?"

Kathryn paused with her cup halfway to her lips. "No. Why do you ask?"

"I experienced a pleasant tasting beverage this evening that also warmed my stomach. It was not exactly… mild."

"Oh?" Kathryn asked calmly, though inside she was feeling a definite bit of anxiety. She didn’t like the idea of Seven drinking alcohol. The one occasion when the exdrone had, a half glass of champagne had left her quite tipsy. "And what were you drinking?"

"A Risian Sunrise. It was quite interesting."

Kathryn had to bite her tongue to stop her reaction. Risian Sunrises were well known for tasting as mild as fruit punch, but were almost 180 proof. Janeway had experienced the beverage first hand as a young cadet. Two glasses had put her ‘under the table’ quite literally. The idea that someone in her crew would offer the notorious drink to Seven concerned her a great deal. Kathryn used all of her Starfleet training to force her voice to sound casual. "And who suggested that particular drink?" Kathryn asked as she sipped her coffee.

"My date." Seven glanced at the carpet, feeling her cheeks redden.

The composed Starfleet captain promptly spewed her coffee out of her nose and onto the table. She coughed and covered her mouth, wheezing to clear her lungs of the coffee they went down her windpipe.

"Captain? Are you all right?" Seven asked, leaning forward. She set her cup down and started to gently tap the captain’s back as she had seen Samantha Wildman do when Naomi had coughed in a similar manner.

Janeway nodded and stood, her eyes watering as she paced. "Your date?" Janeway wiped her mouth with a napkin from the counter. "I thought you decided that there weren’t any acceptable matches for you on Voyager."

Seven nodded. "I had, but I was not aware of all of the choices available when I made that statement."

Kathryn stopped and studied Seven. The captain was thoroughly confused. "What are you talking about?" Kathryn asked as she sat beside her.

Seven looked at Kathryn, pausing as if studying a super nova. "Captain, are you aware that it is acceptable to pursue a romantic relationship with a person of the same gender?"

"Of course it is, Seven," Janeway said, shocked that Seven hadn’t known that already. She inhaled deeply when she realized who had been Seven’s guide into the human dating world. "I take it the Doctor didn’t point this out to you?"

"No," Seven said sharply. "Out of the two hundred and twelve different humanoid dating rituals he showed me, all of them were mixed gender pairings. It had not occurred to me that there were any other possibilities."

Kathryn desperately needed to know who Seven had dated, who had given her the strong drink, but she was equally curious about the Borg Collective’s take on the situation. "Seven, didn’t your Borg memories contain same gender pairings?"

"Yes, many. But after viewing the Doctor’s dating materials, I assumed it was a social taboo, one that would further alienate me from Voyager’s crew." Seven stared at the floor, not wanting to meet Janeway’s eyes, afraid to find disappointment there.

"That’s understandable, but incorrect. The Doctor made an oversight, but that does not mean that same gender pairings are not just as acceptable as heterosexual pairings." Kathryn sounded calm, but inside she was thinking about the dozens of ways she could scramble the holoDoctor’s program…and which would be the most painful. It was obvious that the hologram had feelings for Seven, and his heavy handed stacking of the dating deck toward the heterosexual side was probably his way of reducing the competition.

"He does not usually make those kinds of oversights," Seven observed.

"No, he doesn’t," Janeway said bitterly, then nervously rubbed her jaw. "Seven, why don’t you tell me about your date?" Even as she asked, the captain wasn’t sure she wanted to hear the details. Her constant erotic dreams about her Astrometrics officer had made it very clear that she had her own conflict of interest where Seven was concerned. Still, she wouldn’t stand for anyone taking advantage of her.

"Megan Delaney approached me in the mess hall and asked me to join her for ‘dinner and a holovid,’" Seven began. "I asked the purpose of such an engagement and she said that she thought I ‘might be ready to try dating again.’ When I pointed out that she was not male, she laughed, then asked what difference that made. After a brief discussion, I realized that I did indeed find her more… desirable than I had any of the males on board Voyager. I find that odd because we do not have any hobbies or interests in common nor are we similar in our personalities, all of which the Doctor said were necessary for attraction to present itself."

"Seven," Janeway interrupted. "Slow down." Kathryn handed Seven her cooling mocha. "Take a drink and just relax. Of course those thing are helpful when building a relationship, but… um, they aren’t necessary for physical attraction. Megan Delaney is a beautiful woman. It’s perfectly normal for you to be attracted to her."

Janeway gently brushed Seven’s hair away from her eyes and tucked the blonde strands behind her ear. Janeway realized that she had the sudden urge to toss Megan Delaney out an airlock.

Seven finished her coffee and looked at Kathryn for a moment before she spoke. "Do you find Megan Delaney attractive?"

"Uh… well, she is attractive… but, well… she’s not really my type," Kathryn answered delicately, but inside, the captain decided it was a good thing Megan was a twin because when she was through with the ensign, having a spare Delaney could be necessary.

"What is your type? And How do you know which is your type?" Seven asked, suddenly focused on Kathryn’s eyes, pinning the captain in place.

"Umm, I… Seven," Kathryn stalled. "I thought you were going to tell me about your date?"

"Ah, yes." Seven’s attention was quickly shifted, aided by the lingering effects of the alcohol. "Megan suggested that we have dinner in her quarters."

"I’ll just bet she did," Kathryn said quietly. Inside she was torn between concern and jealousy, each emotion intense and growing.

Seven raised a curious eyebrow but continued. "She suggested we have the Risian Sunrises and then asked if we could do the holovid another time."

"She ended the date?" Kathryn asked a bit too happily.

"No. She merely suggested that we…stay in," Seven corrected.

"And?" Kathryn’s eyes narrowed as she considered which airlock to toss the ensign out of. She was wondering if she could quietly arrange for Megan to scrub every sanitation device on the entire ship.

"We had another Risian Sunrise. They are very good. Have you tried them?" Seven asked.

"Yes," Kathryn snapped. "What happened?"

"We moved to the couch, to ‘visit,’ and Megan leaned over and… I… she… we…" Seven paused. She noticed that she was sitting with the captain the same way she had been sitting with Megan, and that she was feeling a great deal more attraction to the captain than she had toward Megan. Then something that had never happened in her entire existence transpired; her Borg enhanced eidetic memory failed her. She completely forgot what she was saying. She felt her cheeks warm as she blushed furiously, and she quickly stood and walked to the wall and studied the replicator hoping to remember what she had been saying.

Kathryn felt her muscles tense, her jaw clenched painfully and she decided that she was going to personally throttle Megan Delaney. Obviously, Kathryn surmised, the ensign had taken liberties with Seven. There was no other explanation for the former drone’s sudden silence. Whatever happened, it had Seven completely unhinged, and Kathryn Janeway was shifting into ass kicking mode.

"Seven," Kathryn whispered as she moved slowly toward the skittish blonde. "Whatever happened, it wasn’t your fault." Kathryn gently wrapped her hands around Seven’s shoulders, cringing when the younger woman flinched. "Easy, I won’t hurt you. You’re safe."

Seven took a deep breath, fighting the growing lightheadedness the captain was inadvertently causing by her closeness. Then the captain’s words registered. "Captain, what do you mean…it wasn’t my fault?" Seven asked as she turned.

"Seven, why don’t you call me Kathryn, all right? We’re friends, and we’re off duty. I think it’s time we acknowledged that friendship." Kathryn’s face showed her deep concern.

"Kathryn… Megan did not force me to do anything."

"Oh." The image of Seven in a heated, consensual exchange with Megan Delaney suddenly filled Kathryn’s mind, and her eyes mirrored the pain in her heart. "I see," Kathryn said quietly. She felt her chest tighten and realized that she would have done anything to have been the one embracing Seven.

"We kissed briefly, and while it was… intriguing… it was…lacking," Seven stated in her typical bluntness. Kathryn suddenly felt the heat radiating off of Seven’s body and became acutely aware of the blonde’s firm gaze. "Well, maybe it was the alcohol," she suggested.

"Doubtful. Megan pointed out my lack of tolerance for alcohol and had the replicator produce a mild form of the beverage. After my first drink, she suggested that we have non-alcoholic versions of the drink. I do not think that was the problem." Seven linked her hands behind her back and straightened to her full height. She stared at Kathryn’s lips, the way they were parted slightly. She loved the way Kathryn’s tongue would dart out to moisten them. The action was unconscious, Seven knew, but it was the most erotic thing she had seen all night. She now realized what the problem with Megan had been.

"What do you think the problem was?" Kathryn asked, deciding that perhaps she would let Megan Delaney live.

"I do not have feelings for Megan," Seven pointed out.

"That can certainly make the difference," Kathryn admitted.

"Indeed. I suspected as much." Seven smiled. It was her smug, ‘I knew I was right all long’ smile.

Kathryn smirked and cleared her throat, glancing down at her own bare feet. She wondered how much shorter Seven would be with her heels off. That was probably not a wise line of thought given the topic of conversation. Seven getting ‘more comfortable’ was not a good idea at all. "Well, I’m glad I could help clear that up for you."

"Actually, Kathryn… you can be of further assistance in this matter," Seven said quietly.

"Oh?" Kathryn asked, both terrified and desperate to look up. "How can I do that?"

"By testing my hypothesis." Seven eased Kathryn’s chin up until their eyes locked.

"Seven…" Kathryn tried to swallow but her mouth had gone completely dry.

"Yes, Kathryn?" Seven whispered as she leaned down, her lips pausing so close to Kathryn’s that if either of them had been wearing a thin layer of lipstick they would have been touching.

"I shouldn’t… we…" Kathryn’s eyelids dropped and she licked her lips, her tongue flickering over Seven’s lips as well.

"Please," Seven whispered huskily. "Kathryn…"

They were sharing their breath, their eyes lidded, and locked, and then Kathryn sighed and leaned into Seven’s body. The heat of that contact caused both women to inhale sharply and moan together as their lips met. Kathryn knew that she shouldn’t be kissing a member of her crew, but at that moment, she couldn’t remember why. Seven’s arms gently cradled Kathryn and pulled her closer and the older woman couldn’t resist anymore than she could resist breathing.

Seven had seen the Omega molecule, but now she knew true perfection. The kisses intensified and each woman gave in to the passion they had been denying for too long. When their lips finally parted, it was only to take in frantic gasps of air.

"Oh, god," Kathryn said as she rested her forehead on Seven’s chest. She sucked in several ragged breaths and then moaned as she rubbed her cheek against Seven’s collarbone. "We can’t do this," Kathryn said, but her lips were already pressed against the tantalizing flesh. She kissed her way up to Seven’s throat and then back to her mouth.

"We cannot do anything else, Kathryn," Seven said as she welcomed Kathryn’s lips on her own. And it was true, they were helpless to resist, drawn together in the early morning hours to find something more rare than dilithium or even a working slipstream drive. They found each other, drifting in a sea of souls, both so very alone, both too strong and too proud to ask for guidance. They found each other and now letting go seemed more terrifying than anything they had ever faced together or alone.

Kathryn whimpered as she felt Seven lift her effortlessly and carry her toward the bedroom. She was lightheaded, and felt the room spin as Seven’s arms gently supported her.

"Kathryn, my Kathryn…" Seven’s kisses were light and fleeting as she made her way into the bedroom.

It took a moment for the captain to register where Seven was headed, then another for her to realize that her body would not put up any fight.

"Wait," Kathryn said as Seven lowered her to the bed.

"I cannot," Seven whispered as she lowered herself onto Kathryn and began kissing her again, tiny whimpers punctuating each touching of their lips.

Kathryn’s breathing was erratic as she fought to regain control of the situation. Her mind knew that they should slow down, but her body was lost in the surge of pent-up energy created by her self-imposed celibacy of five years. Her back arched as she felt Seven’s hand slip under her shirt and move over her breast.

"Oh, Seven," Kathryn whispered. "Please…"

"I am here," Seven answered as her hand explored the stiffening nipples beneath her fingertips.

"No. Wait," Kathryn said as she pushed Seven up and rolled away from the body she longed to lose herself in.

Seven waited, albeit impatiently. Her body trembled as she pushed down the urge to crawl back onto Kathryn. She leaned on her elbows and watched as Kathryn stood and paced the small room. Finally the petite captain stopped in front of the window and stared out at the passing stars. The exdrone watched as Kathryn’s breathing returned to normal and she ran her hands through her hair. Kathryn let out a long breath before turning to face the bed. She smiled and sat next to her blond companion.

"Seven, I think you should go back to your cargo bay and regenerate." Kathryn gently placed her hand over Seven’s.

The exdrone’s lower lip began trembling, but not with arousal. Her eyes shined and she lifted herself from the bed, her world crumbling. "I will comply."

"Seven, wait," Kathryn said as she watched Seven stand to her full height. The lanky blonde’s face lost all expression. She was once again Seven of Nine, tertiary adjunct to Unimatrix zero one.

"Please, Kathryn… Captain. I understand. I will not bother you with this matter again." She pivoted away and headed for the door with calculated, even steps.

"Seven, are you just going to run out of here with your tail between your legs?"

"What?" Seven asked as she spun.

"Do you give up that easily?" Kathryn had a half grin and her arms were folded across her chest, her eyes twinkled in the muted light.

"Do you wish to make love?" Seven’s confusion was evident. She looked back to the bed.

Kathryn cleared her throat and her smiled widened. "More than you know," she said wryly. "But that’s not going to happen…"

Confusion now warred with frustration on Seven’s face. "Why?" the question was plaintive, pleading for understanding.

"It’s not going to happen…tonight." Kathryn moved toward Seven and took both of her hands in her own. "You’ve been drinking, and I am… caught up in the moment. This can’t happen this way."

"But it can happen?" Seven tilted her head to get a better look into Kathryn’s slate blue eyes, needing to see sincerely in them, which she did.

"If you had asked me this morning… I would have said no," Kathryn said. "But… I can’t ignore my feelings for you anymore, Seven. It’s not good for me, it’s not good for you, and it’s not good for the ship." Kathryn lifted her young love’s hands and kissed her knuckles where the Borg mesh covered them.

The last thing the ex-Borg wanted to do was argue with Kathryn, but her curiosity and need to understand overwhelmed her. "How does our making love effect the well being of the ship?"

Kathryn laughed and pulled Seven closer. "That’s not exactly what I meant." She led the confused exdrone back into the living room. "I have denied myself, denied my humanity, since I stranded my crew here. I can’t do that anymore. It’s taking a toll on me, and that effects the ship. I realize that I never would have done the things I did with the crew of the Equinox if I had retained my humanity. I can’t deny that I have very human feelings, deny myself the things every human needs, without it taking a toll."

Seven pulled Kathryn to a stop. "You did not ‘strand’ your crew. You made the only choice you could have. The human choice. As for your actions with the Equinox… Ransom betrayed everything you hold dear. You acted…"

"No." Kathryn slowly shook her head. "My actions with the Equinox went over the line. When Ransom took you… I nearly went mad. The thought of that man… with you. I lost control. And I realize now, that the reason I did was because I’ve been denying my feelings far too long."

"Your feelings…for me?" Seven touched Kathryn’s cheek, turning the older woman’s focus back to her.

"Partly. Yes, I have feelings for you. Feelings I haven’t let myself have for a very long time." Kathryn sighed and looked away. "Hell, feelings I haven’t ever let myself have. Even with Mark and Justin… I never felt this much, this deep, this…lost."

Seven guided Kathryn’s gaze back to her. "I do not wish to make you feel lost, Kathryn. When I kissed you, I felt… I… I found myself. Do I make you feel lost?"

"No," Kathryn said firmly. "I was lost. I just didn’t know it. When I kissed you, I found myself, too. That’s why I know that I can’t deny this, deny us…anymore."

Seven sighed, her elegant eyebrow rising as confusion reclaimed her face. "Then why must I leave?"

Kathryn laughed, the rich, deep sound bringing a welcome outlet for the tension filling the small room. "Seven… I’m not going to just jump into bed with you, especially when you are drunk."

Seven crossed her arms over her chest and bit her lip. Kathryn swore she could see the wheels turning in the exdrone’s pretty head.

"I will go to sickbay and have the Doctor administer medication to counteract the alcohol’s lingering effects. Then I will return and we will make love," Seven decreed. She turned and headed purposefully toward the door.

"Seven, wait." Kathryn caught up with her eager companion and pulled her to a stop.

"Should I have the Doctor beam the medication here? It would expedite matters."

"No. You will not involve the Doctor," Kathryn said.

"Kathryn, I would be… discrete. I understand that we must handle ourselves in a professional manner."

"Yes, well…I’m glad that you understand discretion, but we are still not going to do anything tonight. Why don’t you go and regenerate and I’ll get some sleep. And… tomorrow night, after our shifts ends… if you’re free… we can meet for dinner," Kathryn added the last part with an almost shy dipping of her head. Seven found it most endearing.

"Acceptable…Although I do not believe that will help with my present level of frustration." She moved closer to Kathryn and stopped only when their bodies were pressed together. "Perhaps you could assist me with that…now?"

Kathryn’s body responded instantly, but it definitely did not help to alleviate her frustration. "One kiss," Kathryn said.

"Of course," Seven said as she tilted her head down to capture the shorter woman in a heated kiss. One kiss became two, and two, three. Twenty minutes later, they had fallen onto the couch and had progressed to heavy petting. Surprisingly, it was Seven who pulled away first. She held off the passionate captain and took deep, calming breaths.

"Kathryn, if you intend for me to leave here tonight…we must stop. I am… extremely frustrated and I believe if we continue… I…" Seven paused… her face flushed, obviously her train of thought had been derailed. "I do not know exactly what will happen if we continue this… but I do not believe it will result in my relief from this frustration."

Kathryn nodded as she pulled her shirt back down over her breasts and she fought to catch her breath. Somewhere between the door and the couch, her body had made a command decision to forget about going slow.

"Yes," Kathryn managed to croak out. "I think you should go… Now."

"I will see you tomorrow night?" Seven stood and straightened her dress, which had been pulled and yanked in more directions than any tailor had ever intended the garment to endure.

"Oh, yes," Kathryn said. "You will see me, all right."

"All of you?" Seven asked with an impish grin.

"Go regenerate, Seven. We’ll talk tomorrow."

"Very well. Goodnight, Kathryn."

"It’s been a very good night, Seven. Sleep well." Kathryn kept a discrete distance as she walked the tall blonde to the door.

Seven turned once she reached the exit, hesitating to activate the mechanism to open the door. "Kathryn… may I have a… goodnight kiss?"

"That’s how we got into trouble the last time." Kathryn’s eyes drifted back to the couch. The pillows were scattered across the floor, and one of the cushions had somehow ended up pulled loose and was resting against a nearby lamp.

Seven raised an eyebrow and moved closer to Kathryn. Her expression taking on a predatory quality that excited Kathryn more than she would have liked to admit.

"One kiss," Kathryn said as she leaned into Seven’s arms. The kiss continued for perhaps longer than a goodnight kiss should, but they were able to remain standing.

"Goodnight, Kathryn," Seven said as she eased away from her partner and opened the door.

"Until tomorrow night," Kathryn said as she watched Seven disappear down the corridor.

Seven said nothing more, but turned back when she reached the turbolift and gave Kathryn a wicked smile. Janeway hadn’t known the young exdrone even knew how to smile like that, but she thanked all the gods that the smile was directed toward her. With that, she closed the door to her quarters and headed to her ensuite to get ready for bed…alone.

"What was I thinking?" Kathryn asked herself as she climbed into a cold shower. "The woman of my dreams was in my bed, kissing the daylights out of me…and I sent her home. I really am out of practice." She finished the shower and crawled into bed. "Tomorrow," she thought with a smile. "Maybe I won’t be climbing into this bed alone."


 Back in the cargo bay, Seven changed into her plum colored jumpsuit before climbing onto the regeneration dais. She set the cycle for two extra hours, which presented no problems since she generally awoke four to five hours before her shift began. With any luck, she would not be having the opportunity to regenerate after her date with Kathryn. She would have to rely on sleep, and if she were very lucky, she wouldn’t be getting much sleep either.


  Megan Delaney rolled over and adjusted her pillow for the fifth time. Her sister Jennifer, who was trying to sleep across the room, sat up.

"Lights, one quarter," Jennifer said as she let out a frustrated growl.

"Jen," Megan whined as she covered her head. "I’m trying to sleep."

"Really? ‘Cause as much as you’re tossing and turning, I thought you were trying to drive me crazy." Jennifer got up and went to the replicator and ordered two hot herbal teas with extra honey. "Here," she said as she held one mug out to the pillow her sister was hiding under. Megan moved the pillow and took the beverage.

"Thanks." Megan sipped the tea, then took a long drink.

"So? What’s got you so riled up? Is it that Borg ice cube you had here tonight?" Jennifer asked as she sat on Megan’s bed. She tucked her foot under her leg and gave Megan her full attention.

"She’s not an ice cube…and she’s not a Borg anymore," Megan said quietly.

"So…what? You like her? I mean, she’s hot. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my own fantasies about her. Six feet of delicious curves, all that Borg…ingenuity… You’d be crazy not to think about her that way." Jennifer set her cup down and shifted her weight so that she could lean toward her sister. "So? Did you sleep with her?"

"No," Megan snapped. "I did not sleep with her. Jesus, Jennifer, she’s never been with anyone. You don’t just take advantage of someone like her."

"Well…maybe ‘you’ don’t… but I sure would. Train ‘em right I always say. She’s Borg… she’d adapt." Jennifer raised her eyebrows suggestively.

"She’s not Borg. She’s really kind of…sweet," Megan said.

"Oh, my god!" Jennifer stood and paced. After a moment she dove back onto her sister’s bed and flopped down next to her. "You like her! You like that…that…"

"Woman. She’s a woman. And she’s very nice. You just have to get past her insecurities," Megan explained.

"Insecurities? This is Seven of Nine we’re talking about here… Miss Arrogance… Queen of the Condescending looks," Jennifer said. "So…what? Are you gonna’ start dating her? Am I gonna’ have a Borg sister-in-law?"

"No," Megan said quietly. "That’s not gonna’ happen." She set her cup aside and rubbed her temples. "She’s in love with someone else already."

"And she went on a date with you anyway? This is your ‘sweet’ Borg? Why is she dating you if she’s already in love?" Jennifer demanded.

Megan laughed, the irony not escaping her. "Because, until I told her, she didn’t have any idea she ‘was’ in love."

"Huh?" Jennifer asked, no other words coming to her.

"We had a really nice time. Talked about a lot of things, stellar cartography, biology, you know, things. And well… she is hot, so I…kissed her…"

"You kissed the Borg?" Jennifer yelled.

"Don’t call her that, and yes, I kissed her."

"So…was she…all… ya’ know, Mechanical? Emotionless?" Jennifer asked, the topic becoming more intriguing the more she pictured the stunning Borg in question.

"Hell no. She is no ice cube. Man… she about blew out my circuits. Must be all of those species the Borg assimilated… tons of mating knowledge," Megan said with a smile.

"Really?" Jennifer scooted closer. "So what happened then?"

Megan sighed. "She pulled away and looked at me. I swear to god… her eyes were… oh man… she… she looked at me like she was a lion and I was a lamb at the watering hole."

"A very willing lamb," Jennifer pointed out.

"Oh yeah," Megan agreed. "But then, she just got this sad expression and touched her lip and looked me right in the face with those baby blues of hers and said, ‘You do not love me. We are not ‘in love.’"

"No shit?" Jennifer asked.

"Yeah, and I swear, I thought she was gonna’ cry. Then she said, ‘We should not be engaged in this activity. It is…wrong.’" Megan growled and hit her pillow.

"Well, did you try to sweet talk her?"

"No," Megan said disgustedly. "I asked her… how she knew."

"And?" Jennifer demanded.

"And…she said that it wasn’t my face she saw when she closed her eyes to kiss me. Then she very politely told me that ‘although she found me exceedingly attractive she could not continue to date me.’"

Jennifer laughed, falling onto the pillow beside her sister. "The Borg dumped you?"

"Quit calling her that."

"Okay… so then what happened?" Jennifer asked as she sat back up.

"I told her to go talk to whoever she ‘did’ see when she closed her eyes to kiss me."

"Megan… you are my sister…and I love you dearly, but you are an idiot," Jennifer stated.

"She’s nice, Jen. I really like her. She deserves to be happy, and I don’t think it’s gonna’ be easy for her." Megan pushed her sister toward the edge of the bed. "Go back to your own bunk."

"Leave it to you to fall for an attached Borg…I mean… woman." Jennifer climbed into her own bed and pulled the blanket around her. "So…what do you mean, ‘you don’t think it’s gonna’ be easy for her?’"

Megan rolled over and pinned her sister with a glare that Janeway would have been proud of. "Don’t you dare breathe a word of this."

"Okay," Jennifer said sincerely.

"After she left, I waited about twenty minutes and then asked the computer where she was."

"And?" Jennifer asked softly.

"She was in the captain’s quarters." Megan sighed and let her head fall back onto her pillow.

"Oh, man. Megan, couldn't you find someone else to fall for. You do not want to compete with Janeway."

"There’s no competition, Jen. Haven’t you ever seen the way Janeway looks at her? How close she always stands to her? I just never realized Seven felt the same way," Megan said sadly.

"Yeah, well, Seven’s pretty good at hiding her feelings. That’s why we call her the ice cube." Jennifer shook her head looked over to her sister. "I’m sorry."

"Hey, maybe they can be happy together. They both deserve it," Megan said quietly.

"Lord knows Janeway needs to get laid," Jennifer said with a giggle.

"Goodnight, Jen," Megan said. "Lights out."

"Night, Meg," Jennifer said in the darkness.

The End