And We�ve Never Even Kissed

By Coz ?

Tossing restlessly in her bed, Kathryn Janeway, Captain of the Starship Voyager, reflected on the events of the past few weeks.

Two weeks ago, Seven of Nine, former member of the Borg Collective, current Astrometrics Officer aboard Voyager, entered the Captain�s Ready Room and initiated a conversation the Kathryn had never expected to have.

* * * * *

"Captain, I require your assistance in a personal matter," the blonde woman stated quietly.

The Captain moved from behind her desk and walked up to one of the sofas in front of the large windows. She took a seat and gestured for Seven to do the same. "Yes, what can I help you with, Seven?"

Seven sat rigidly on the edge of the cushion and turned slightly to face the Captain. "Captain, I am experiencing many new, confusing emotions lately. I have researched the data banks and have come to the conclusion that the emotions I am experiencing mean that I am in love."

Kathryn stared blankly at the young woman, momentarily shocked. After regaining her composure, she inquired gently, "Tell me about these emotions, Seven. Perhaps I can help you sort them out."

"Very well, Captain." Seven began describing how she had been feeling of late, and Kathryn couldn�t help but notice the softness that overcame the ex-Borg�s features as she spoke. "I believe I have been experiencing anticipation, nervousness, joy, desire?"

Kathryn interrupted Seven�s rote list of emotions. "Seven, what I mean to say is, these emotions, do you experience them regularly regarding a specific person, or are they random?" Kathryn paused, a twinge of jealously creeping in when she thought about Seven feeling these emotions for another person. "If you experience these emotions regarding one specific person, then yes, Seven, it may very well be love."

Seven looked thoughtful for a moment, as if processing this new information. "Yes, Captain, I do feel these emotions when thinking about a specific person. These emotions are not present when I think of any other."

"Then tell me how you feel when you are with this person, Seven. How do you feel when you are not with them?" Kathryn took a deep breath, wondering how she had gotten into this conversation in the first place.

Seven looked a bit uncertain, but attempted to answer the Captain�s question. "I find that when I am in your presence, I function better, Captain. I feel?" she paused, searching for the right word. "? happy, elated. When I am not with you, I feel empty inside, as when I am in Cargo bay 2 regenerating. And the times that I complete regeneration to find you standing there, I am filled with a sense of elation, knowing you were there, watching over me." Seven looked expectantly at the Captain, waiting for a response.

Kathryn felt her stomach doing somersaults, her heart pounding rapidly in her chest. She simply stared at the young woman facing her, unable to formulate a response. �She loves me. I can�t believe that the woman I dream about just told me she loves me.�
Kathryn made an effort to calm herself and began speaking. "Seven?" The word came out in a strangled squeak. She cleared her throat and made an effort to speak again. "Seven, what, exactly, do you need assistance with?" She made an effort to sound reserved, although her heart was jumping for joy, trying to beat it�s way through her ribcage.

"I wish to explore these feelings with you, Captain." Seven looked at the Captain, and a slight frown crossed her features. "Unless, of course, that you do not feel the same way."

"Yes. Yes I do feel the same, Seven." Kathryn blurted out her thoughts before she could stop herself. Immediately, it seemed as if all the ragged edges of her life smoothed out, and she became whole again. She looked sincerely to the young woman sitting across from her. "I feel the same way, Seven, and I would like to help you explore these feelings. First, when we are alone, please, call me Kathryn."

A radiant smile lit the ex-Borg�s face. "Yes, Kathryn."

"Second, we really do need to take this very slowly, Seven. All these emotions are new to you, and things shouldn�t be rushed. Let�s take time to become accustomed to things first."

"Very well, Kathryn." Seven smiled sincerely. "Perhaps we could discuss these new emotions in the holodeck this evening?"

"Yes, that would be acceptable" Kathryn smiled back, gazing into the clear blue eyes.

* * * * *

Kathryn tossed back the sheet as she recalled that conversation that initiated a fragile relationship between the two women. She walked over to the replicator in her quarters and programmed her request. "Computer, herbal tea, hot." The tea materialized and Kathryn took hold of the cup and walked over to her sofa. She sat quietly, just holding the tea, as a single tear escaped and rolled down her cheek.

She thought about the young woman, so vibrant and full of light when they had that conversation. Seven wanted to jump into the relationship full-force, as she did with every new experience, but Kathryn held back. She wanted the relationship to blossom slowly. Now, that same young, lively woman lay in sick bay, clinging to life.

Kathryn allowed the tears to flow freely now as she thought of Seven. She realized now that she held back, wanted to go slowly, not for Seven�s benefit, but for her own. She was afraid. Afraid of being hurt. Afraid to live. So, she set the pace, and now, she night not get another chance to love and live. She cried silently as she thought about their relationship.

�And we�ve never even kissed.�

* * * * *

Kathryn walked into the holodeck, surprised to see a forest glade as the setting. A blanket was spread out before her, a picnic basket sitting in the center. She caught a movement out of the corner of her eye and turned her head to get a better view. Kathryn�s breath caught as she saw Seven walking out from behind a tree, wearing a simple, pale blue sundress.

Both women regarded each other for a moment, neither one speaking. Finally, Seven said softly, "I thought we could enjoy a picnic lunch together, Kathryn." She smiled shyly.

Kathryn felt herself being guided towards the blanket and pulled down gently to sit beside Seven. She finally found her voice for the first time since entering the holodeck. "It�s lovely, Seven." She turned her head to gaze into Seven�s eyes. "You are lovely. Thank you."

Seven wrapped Kathryn into her arms for a warm embrace, holding her gently. The two women sat that way as they ate lunch and spoke about the future and what it may hold. They sat that way until the computer voice chimed in. "Holodeck time will expire in 5 minutes."

Seven looked at Kathryn, a bit saddened that they had to go so soon. Kathryn reached up to soothe the soft frown from the young woman�s features. "Don�t worry, we will have plenty more times like these, Seven."

Seven smiled again. "Yes, we will, Kathryn, I promise." The two women rose from their seated position and walked towards the doors to the holodeck. "I�m glad we decided to go slow, Kathryn, but?" Seven paused as they reached the threshold of the doors and they opened.

Kathryn prodded her. "You were going to say, Seven?"

Seven looked uncertain, then continued her thought.

"But we�ve never even kissed."

* * * * *

Kathryn heard the chime to her door, and quickly wiped the tears from her eyes. "Come." The door to her quarters opened to reveal her First Officer, Commander Chakotay. She gestured for him to take a seat. "What can I do for you, Chakotay?"

Chakotay looked at the Captain�s haggard condition and sighed inwardly. "Captain, most of the repairs have been completed. We�re able to work on a single shift rotation again."

"Thank you, Commander. Is there anything else?" Kathryn indicated that she wasn�t in a mood for conversation at the moment.

Chakotay paused. "Permission to speak freely, Captain?" With the Captain�s nod of approval, he continued. "Many of us are aware of your growing relationship with Seven, Captain." Noticing the look of alarm on her face, he quickly continued. "We�re all very happy for the two of you, Captain. It�s not anything you need to hide from the crew. So, I know that this current situation is difficult for you."

Kathryn spoke, her voice just a whisper. "More difficult than you realize, Chakotay."

"She will be fine Captain. I�m sure she will." Chakotay kept the edge of sympathy from creeping into his voice.

Kathryn looked at him. "How can you be so sure. How can anyone be sure?"

"Have faith. That�s all you can do for now." Chakotay dared to get more personal. "How have things been going between you and Seven anyway, Kathryn?"

"I love her, Chakotay. I love her with all my being." Kathryn looked away for a moment. "Until now, I haven�t been able to give myself to her fully. It�s ironic, in a way."

Chakotay looked puzzled. "What�s ironic?"

Kathryn smiled sadly. "We�ve never even kissed."

* * * * *

A muffled explosion was heard on the bridge. The Captain sat up straight in her command chair and barked out orders. "Report!"

Ensign Kim scanned over the board display in front of his position. "Captain, sensors indicate an explosion of some sort in Astrometrics.

The Captain tapped her comm badge. "Bridge to Seven of Nine, report."

After a few seconds of silence, the Captain gripped the sides of her chair until her knuckles were white. "Seven, report!" She stated again, trying to keep the fear out of her voice. Again, silence. "Computer, locate Seven of Nine."

The computer responded in even tones. "Seven of Nine is in Astrometrics."

The Captain turned towards Ensign Kim. "Get a lock on her and beam her directly to sick bay." She tapped her comm badge again. "Doctor, there�s been an explosion. We�re beaming Seven directly to sick bay." She stood and headed towards the turbo-lift. "Commander, you have the bridge"

Kathryn leaned against the wall, fighting the tears that threatened to overwhelm her. She fought to regain her composure as the turbo lift doors opened and she hurried towards sick bay. As the doors to sick bay opened, Kathryn felt her strength ebb as she saw Seven lying on a bio-bed, the doctor working on her. Kathryn stepped back into the doctor�s office and collapsed into his chair, allowing the doctor to work.

After what seemed like an eternity, the doctor stepped away from the bio bed and turned towards the captain. The bleak look in his face said it all, but his words re-affirmed her fears. "Captain, I�m afraid that Seven�s condition is not good. She is in a coma, having suffered a severe concussion after being thrown against a bulkhead by the explosion." The doctor paused for a moment. "I�ve repaired her internal and external injuries, Captain, but there is little I can do for the coma she is in. We will just have to wait and see what happens."

* * * * *

Kathryn stared bleakly out the window of her quarters, watching the stars pass by. She didn�t even notice when Chakotay stood and silently exited her quarters, giving her the solitude she seemed to need.

Kathryn cried again. She felt angry, and also felt helpless. The woman she loved was in sickbay, and it was uncertain whether she would recover. The one person who brought true joy to her otherwise mediocre existence was in danger, and there was nothing she could do about it.

She was brought out of her reverie by a call over the comm system. "Doctor to the Captain."

Kathryn responded. "Yes, doctor. What is it?" Her heart thudded painfully, fearing the worst news.

"Good news, Captain. Seven has come out of her coma, with seemingly no ill effects. She�s been asking to speak with you."

Before the doctor could finish speaking, Kathryn had darted out the door to her quarters, not caring if anyone saw her, and began running through the hallways. Several crew members flattened themselves against the wall to make way for the Captain, sensing that it was a prudent course of action. As she reached the door to sickbay, Kathryn regained her composure before entering.

"Ah, there you are, Captain." The doctor led her over to where Seven lay on the biobed. "She needs rest, Captain, so you can only stay for a few minutes." The doctor then went into his office, leaving the two women a few moments alone.

Seven smiled weakly, then spoke, her voice a bit raspy. "Kathryn, I�m glad you are here."

Kathryn�s emotions came to full boil, as she sat down in a chair next to the biobed. She buried her face in Seven�s shoulder and sobbed uncontrollably. "Seven, I was so scared. I thought I lost you."

Seven ran her fingers gently through Kathryn�s hair. "Shhhh, it�s okay Kathryn. I am right here. I will never leave you." She continued speaking softly until Kathryn�s sobs eased.

Kathryn raised her head and gazed into Seven�s eyes. "I love you, Seven. You complete my existence."

Seven smiled again. "I love you too, Kathryn."

Kathryn stood up and leaned over Seven. She chuckled softly. Seeing the puzzled look in Seven�s eyes, she elaborated. "You know something?"

Seven, still puzzled, asked, "Do I know what?"

"We�ve never even kissed."

Kathryn then leaned closer and brushed her lips gently over Seven�s. As their lips met, both women knew a moment of perfection. Seven knew what it was to feel love in it�s truest form, and Kathryn knew true peace and happiness for the first time since Voyager was pulled into the Delta Quadrant.

The End