4.) Courante, First Repetition

Annika was pleased with herself; standing outside of the conservatory, fully aware that Kathryn Janeway was inside waiting for her, only her, she smiled. The concertmistress was single-handedly the most aggravating and thrilling human being she had ever met, and Annika intended to fully aggravate her before the day was over. It was apparent that Janeway’s attention would not be hers unless she presented some kind of a problem, and that was exactly the kind of task Annika relished. Obeying authority had never been her strong suit, and right now she was glad of it. Kathryn Janeway was her goal, she could not stop thinking of the woman and had accepted her draw to her. However inefficient her actions seemed, in the long run Annika knew they were the soundest and quickest way into Kathryn’s consciousness; she wouldn’t stop until Kathryn could think of no other, Janeway would be cursed to endure the same fate as she did.

A full seven minutes and thirty-five seconds were counted down until Annika felt it time to confront her concertmistress head on. Janeway would be inside waiting, Annika sent up a prayer that her appearance stirred some kind of emotion in Kathryn. With a deep and composing breath Annika straightened herself into attack mode; she took a gulp of water from the fountain just outside the door, wiped her mouth of the remaining wetness, and shoved the door aside. As Annika walked through the door Janeway’s head snapped up from the music she was contemplating, a glare that could silence madmen in place, her eyes alight with passion.

“I see you’ve decided to grace me with your presence” Kathryn intoned, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

“I was deterred” Annika stated simply, Janeway would be annoyed with the lack of excuse.

“So said your note. What, pray tell, ‘deterred’ you?”

“It is of no consequence, the issue has been dealt with” Annika rejoined.

“And if it is of consequence to me?” Kathryn asked, moving from her seat in front of the music stand, drawing towards Annika as if a wolf bent for the kill.

“It is not” Annika replied, trying hard to stifle the gasp of air her lungs demanded.

A silence then fell between them, neither willing to let go of their respective positions, and yet neither having more to say on the subject. Annika was first to break the silence.

“What is it you desired me to play?”

“I took the time, in your absence, to peruse your music; quite an impressive selection” Kathryn said with a hint of a challenge to her voice, “I happened to notice a piece I had never heard of before, ‘Concerto Breve in C Minor.’”

Chin held high Annika replied, “That is because I wrote it”

“Then that is what I would like to hear.”

“It requires a violin” Annika said, issuing the challenge right back in Kathryn’s face, “I have no one who could play the piece, who knows it.”

“I will play” Kathryn retorted, nonplussed by the challenge.

“Excellent” Annika countered, “do you require a warm up period?”

“Not in the least, I only require my violin.”

“Then it is settled. You may stand to the left side of my chair and read off of my music stand, I do not have another copy of the Breve.”

“That will do just fine” Kathryn remarked, a slow and unseen smile growing on her lips. Duelling by music was Kathryn’s favourite type of confrontation.