
My quarter’s desk is my professional storage for everything, it’s completely covered. PADDs, coffee mugs, nick nack and so on.

„Come on, show up!“

I was running out of patience. Something enormous was brewing inside of me.

Close your eyes. Breath deeply.

I was sitting, looking at the desk that was bending under the weight of the burden of work and daily life. I was tracing after a little round item and couldn’t even find it here.

Blind wrath overwelmed me  from one second to the next.

Within the next moment I sweeped everything I could reach with one arm in a single move down from the desk, shouting out loudly  „Shit“   and then got annoyed that I hadn’t come up with anything better.

A major destruction alarm set off  and since some material had stayed on the desk I brushed it off again, with my whole body. I was practically lying on the desktop like a castaway on a raft.

Afterwards I stamped on the items spread all over the room but quickly realized that I wasn’t really focused on that task but already pondered upon where to step on and where I shouldn’t.  Suddenly I felt extremely childish.

„You’re a Starfleet Captain! Will you put yourself together!“

I paused for a moment and observed my work. It was good. I was pleased.



I lowered to the floor  and picked it up. So my exstatic loss of control had at least led to some result.

„And all of that because of you“

All that because of a ridiculous pip.

"What do you mean by ridiculous? It’s the most sacred thing you have at the moment!"

The pip that Seven of Nine was holding in her hand. That she had breathed on and had polished on the cloth over her breast and that she had fastened then to my gala uniform.

She had been standing so close, I had been looking at her and my eyes got stuck with these full lips. At that very moment my inner self had cried for these lips to be my territory. These lips and everything that belonged to them – everything, the entire woman.

At this point I had become aware of that my feelings had gained control over me. This woman was turning everything upside down in my life. She contradicted the captain in front of the crew, disobeyed orders and my well wrapped emotions were unleashed by a look on her lips.
