Title: Survior Series prt 4
Author: Sunni Holliday
Paring: Janeway/Seven

Is it my turn to wish you where lying here. Is it my turn to fictionize my world. If I have to give away the feeling that I feel, If I have to sacrifice whatever then I will. Since I'd die without you. I aplogize  for all the things I've done.  I'd die withou you. Now I'm underwater and I'm drowning. So take every little piece of my heart take every little piece of my soul,Take every little piece of mind.

Pm Dawn

  The Doctor stood watching the two woman. He had wondered how long this had been going on. "So Captain you and Seven. I can honestly say I'm surprised." Janeway shot a level ten glare at the photonic being. The fact that the holgram now knew about her relationship didn't stop her from thinking about erasing his matrix again.

The Doctor was not even really a thought as Seven began to stir.   "Captain." "Sh- It's okay don't move." Janeway looked into her eyes her command mask slipped away as she wrapped her fingers around Seven'borg encased hand. Janeway noticed the Doctor had not departed looking up to him she let her command mask follow into place.   "Doctor I don't have to tell  you." "No Captain you don't. Youre' not the only one who cares for her."  Casting a sidelong glance at the young woman on the table. Unlike his predecessors he was not just light and electricty he was sentiend  a being able to be move freely and  experience all that their was in this life.  He was somewhat primarily skilled in matters of the heart but as he looked at the two women infront of him he knew that this was something he couldn't give to Seven.   "Captain it appears that Seven's new cordical node is resequencing it's self to gage Seven's emotions."    "What?" Janeway walked over to where the Doctor was scanning looking at the data she could see where the node was aquiring new nano probes in order to rebuild itself.   "That can't be possible." "Well Captain sometimes miracles happen." The Doctor replied smugly as he waltzed over to Seven to take a reading.   Seven lay on the bio-bed she could see the Doctor out of the corner of her eye Kathryn stood at the other side of the bed. She wanted to be lying next to her "cuddling". It was strange thought but it was what she had always wanted todo with Kathryn.    "Captain to the bridge." Sighing Janeway looked to the other two each one knowing that this was the part they all dreaded about being lost in another quadrant.    "I'm here go ahead Chakotay." The disdain that she generally felt for her first oficer was checked into place as The Captain took over.    "Captain we have recived a distress signal. I think.." "I'm on my way Janeway out."  Dropping her head. Janeway crossed the expanse to the bio-bed. Leaning down she pecked Seven on the forehead. She looked to the Doctor.  "She'll be fine. Just go take care of the ship."   Nodding Janeway slipped back into the Captain. Heading to the Turbo lift. Stepping inside the lift she barked "Bridge." The Computer began it's descent to the bridge. As the doors slidd open Janeway steadied herself. This was going to be one of those day's.    "Report." "Captain I have a vessel encased inside the Nebula it's radiating low emmsions of a tetrionic based gas. It apears sheilds are holding but they won't last long." Ensing Kim replied as he finnished looking over the data.    Moving towards the view screen. Janeway made a descision.  "Beam them aboard I want them in sickbay., Doctor." "Yes Captain your about to have company. I want them quarintened."    "Yes Captain."    "I think our new guest deserve a proper welcome would you like me to  head down to sick bay?" Chakotay asked he slowly began to rise from his chair.   "If I didn't know better I'd think you might be after Neelix's postion of ambassador." Janeway gave a small smile.    "Chakotay you have the bridge, Tuvok you're with me." Janeway locked eyes with her tactical officer. As they exited the bridge.  Two securtiy officers flanked them as they stepped out of the turbo lift walking down the corridor Janeway let her mind adjust to seeing Seven on the bio-bed.    As the doors parted  Janeway looked over to where Seven was. The bio-bed was empty maybe the Doctor sent her to regenrate.   "Report." Janeway snapped at the EMH. The Doctor never took it personally when the smaller woman commanded something. It was her nature.    "We have two patients which as you already know they have been subject to minor radiation. I've noticed that they seem to thrive on the emtions from the nebula so I have had the computer emit some of the gases into the force field. All in they should be find. There sedated now it you wish I can wake them. No that won't be nessary Doctor let them rest."

"Captain?" Tuvok asked. "I realize you have concerns so what do you say you post two security guards for good measure." Patting the Vulcan on the shoulder Janeway was about to exit sickbay.    "Captain a moment." The Doctor walked over to the older woman. "What is it?" Janeway asked a liitle testedly. "I just thought you'd like to know Seven is regenrating now. I would advise you two to take it slow her node seems to be adjusting." "Thank you Doctor, how long will she."    "Until the end of your duty shift. I thought you two might have something to talk about." Smiling he gave the Captain a knowing glance.   Glaring back at the holgram Janeway gave a half-smile and left the Doctor to his own devices. Heading towards the turbo-lift  she considered the idea of heading to the Cargo-bay. Seven was regenrating she could just take a peak. No she could wait until after her shift. Then she would have no where else to be.

"Captain on the bridge." "I'll be in my ready-room." As the doors slidd shut Kathryn began to relax. Walking over to the replicator   "Coffee Black." Taking the steaming mug she walked over to the couch and sat down. Looking at the passing stars she said a silent thank you to whatever entity that was giving her a second chance. TBC...................