Seven tapped the console in Astrometrics. She was busy charting the next sector of the Delta Quadrant. Her fingers shook and she paused trying to still them. Despite her normal ability to focus, her mind stubbornly tried to return to the night before. It had been another social gathering that the captain insisted on periodically for ‘the crew’s morale’.  Seven detested the gatherings. After three years on Voyager, she still had trouble comprehending the more subtle nuances of social interaction. These large gatherings only served to unsettle her. She could hardly see how her presence benefited either her or any of the crew’s morale, but she did as the captain requested. The party had started like the numerous others Seven had attended.  

  Seven of Nine stepped into the mess hall. She winced slightly at the noise level assaulting her ears. She quickly adjusted her hearing to filter out a majority of the noise. Seven nodded in what she hoped was a friendly manner to Ensign Wildman. She was a little disappointed that Naomi Wildman was not in attendance. Naomi was one of the few members of Voyager that Seven felt at ease with. She often sequestered herself away with Naomi at these events. It looked, however, as though that would not be an option this evening.  She mentally shrugged and looked around to determine who else was present. Seven felt some relief when she saw the Doctor and made her way towards him, but just as she reached him, he whirled off to dance with one of the crewmembers. Seven stood for a moment unsure what she should do now. Exasperated, she decided she should follow the Doctor’s advice and mingle.   She slowly walked from group to group. She was always greeted and seemingly accepted, but still felt uneasy. Finally, she decided she had enough. It was too early to leave but she could at least get away from the bulk of the crowed she thought as she moved to a small alcove off the kitchen and stood observing the activity around her.  

The captain put her hand on Chakotay’s arm.

"Excuse me Commander, we’ll talk later."  

Chakotay looked up and followed the captain’s gaze to Seven standing alone in the alcove. He nodded, understanding the captain’s urge to help the younger woman fit in to the social setting.

"Good luck, Captain," he said.

Captain Janeway made her way across the floor stopping to talk briefly to various crewmembers. She was pleased to see they all seemed to be in good spirits. Well almost all of them, she amended, her eyes flitting to Seven who had stepped farther into the alcove.

Seven started when the captain appeared in front of her. She had thought she had gone unnoticed. Apparently, she was wrong. She saw the captain’s mouth moving but couldn’t hear her over the crowd and music. She shook her head and leaned closer, pointing to her ear.

Janeway realized that Seven was having trouble hearing her over the noise and leaned closer so she could yell in her ear. She did not know who was more surprised, herself or Seven. She wasn’t even sure why it happened. One moment she was leaning toward Seven to make a comment. She wasn’t even sure what she had been going to say. All thought left her mind except for one thing and the one thing on her mind was exactly what she did.

Halfway there she turned her head and met Seven’s lips with a kiss. Not a soft kiss. Not a tentative kiss. It was a full-blown passionate, make your knees buckle kind of kiss. Then it was over and she stepped back. Her eyes were wide and her heart was racing. From Seven’s breathing, it had affected her just as much. Then Janeway did the only thing she could do. She ran.

"Captain, are you alright?"

Janeway jumped at Chakotay’s question. She had been thinking about the night before she realized guiltily.

"Yes, just thinking Commander. Is there a problem," she asked?

Chakotay shook his head. "I was just dropping off the personnel reports. When you didn’t respond I got a little concerned," he said.

Janeway smiled what she hoped was a confidant smile. "Well, no problem Commander. Thank you," she said taking the PADD from him.

Chakotay peered at her closely for a minute. Apparently satisfied with what he saw, he nodded.

"Good day, Captain," he said and left the ready room.

Janeway let out a sigh of relief and collapsed back into her chair. Her thoughts returned to the night before. What had she been thinking? She felt a shiver run through her body as she replayed the night’s events.  

Seven shook herself and returned to the charts on the screen. The captain had simply had too much to drink she told herself. Never mind she had not tasted alcohol on the captain. Perhaps, Seven reasoned, she misinterpreted the kiss. Perhaps the captain had simply meant it to be reassuring. Seven replayed the kiss in her mind seeking possible interpretations. She quickly grabbed hold of the rail as her legs threatened to give way. No, she decided, there was no misinterpreting that kiss. Seven marveled at her body’s reaction to mere thoughts of the night before. It was confusing. Suddenly the Astrometrics lab seemed uncomfortably warm. Perhaps, she decided, she should regenerate. She shut down the console and headed to cargo bay two.  

Janeway pushed away from her desk. There was just no way she was going to get any work done today.

"Commander you have the bridge," she said as she stepped out of her ready room and walked to the turbo lift.

Chakotay lifted an eyebrow in surprise but simply replied, "Aye Captain".

In her quarters, Janeway paced trying to make sense of her actions and desperately trying to decide what she should do about it. She could talk to Seven but she immediately discarded that idea. She couldn’t explain it to herself, how could she hope to explain it to Seven. She considered talking to Tuvok or Chakotay, but the idea of baring her soul that much to anyone was horrifying. Finally, she decided not to decide. She would simply ignore it. Maybe it wouldn’t come up again. With that settled she went to bed for a long restless night haunted by dreams of Seven.

"Regeneration cycle complete," the computer intoned.

Seven stepped out of her alcove. Her eyes clouded. Her regeneration cycle had been filled with dreams of Kathryn. She had found dreaming distasteful, however the Doctor had explained that it was a natural process. These dreams had not been distasteful, simply disturbing. Perhaps if she ignored the entire event these disturbing feelings would abate. With that decided she headed for Astrometrics.

Captain Janeway sat in the conference room feeling unaccountably nervous. It was time for the weekly staff meeting. She hadn’t seen or heard anything from Seven since the ‘incident’. She was looking forward to seeing her but she was also extraordinarily nervous. Her staff trickled in and Janeway took a deep, and she hoped unobtrusive, breath. Janeway had told herself she wouldn’t look at her. She had told herself she would not remember how it felt to kiss the blonde woman. She had told herself she would not think about it at all. All of her good intentions flew out the airlock when Seven walked into the room.  Janeway’s eyes immediately met Seven’s. Locked in an inescapable gaze, Janeway relived that brief moment over again and knew that Seven did the same. After what felt like an eternity Janeway dragged her eyes away from Seven. Only a few seconds must have passed as the rest of the command staff were still settling into their seats. Janeway forced her mind to focus on the PADDs in front of her as each of her staff reported.

Seven gave the Astrometrics report being careful not to look up from her PADD as she did so. She felt a sense of relief as she finished and Lt. Torres began the engineering report. She had read all the reports earlier and knew there was little she would be expected to contribute in the meeting. She allowed her mind to wander. She had planned to forget the whole thing but her resolutions lost strength when she walked into the room and saw the captain.

Janeway gave a sigh of relief as the meeting ended and her staff filed out. Except, she noted with alarm, Seven. This is it, she thought, Seven wants to talk about this. However, Janeway noted, the young woman seemed a million miles away.

"Seven? Did you want to see me about something?" Janeway felt unnaturally hesitant addressing the young ex-borg.

Seven’s head flew up. She looked around the room bewildered as she realized they were alone. "No. I am sorry Captain. I was distracted," Seven said standing to leave then her eyes met Janeway’s and both women froze.

It was a guess who moved first. One minute they were on opposite ends of the table then they were meeting halfway across the room. They stopped a hair’s breadth from one another. Janeway felt as if she had just run the hundred-yard dash. Seven’s breathing matched the captain’s.

Seven shuddered as Janeway’s hand slid up the back of her neck. Then she was pulling Seven to her, kissing her hungrily. Seven returned the kiss in kind. They parted as abruptly as they had come together. Janeway backed away slowly never taking her eyes away from Seven. Seven stood still for a moment, willing her body back under control. Finally, when she thought it was safe to move, she backed slowly to the door then turned and fled.

I never noticed , Janeway thought ruefully, how difficult it is to avoid someone on a small, enclosed ship. She took a deep breath and walked into Astrometrics. Disappointment and relief warred with one another when she saw Ensign Kim working with Seven. Silently, not trusting herself to speak, she handed the recently acquired star charts to Seven. Seven took them and nodded her thanks hoping Janeway did not notice how her hand shook. Janeway noticed. She drew in a deep breath and forced herself to leave. Harry Kim looked curiously at Seven after the captain left. He started to say something, but the look in Seven’s eyes as she watched the closing door stopped him.  

Seven looked at the PADD Commander Chakotay handed her in disbelief.

"Commander Chakotay. There has been a mistake," she said.

Chakotay raised an eyebrow. "What mistake, Seven?" he asked.

Seven indicated the PADD. "According to this I am assigned to the ‘entertainment’ committee," she stated.

Chakotay nodded, "There’s no mistake. The command staff takes turns serving on the committee. It’s your turn," he said.

"I am needed in Astrometrics," She replied firmly.

"The charts we got two months ago have us mapped for the next six months, Seven."

Seven frowned. "This ‘entertainment’ is irrelevant." She said more harshly than she intended.

Chakotay frowned. "You have your orders, Seven."

Seven nodded in defeat. "Very well, Commander."

As she reached the door Chakotay called out "And Seven," Seven stopped but did not turn.

"The crew’s morale is never irrelevant." Seven continued out the door.

B’Elanna Torres gave a cry as she stepped off the ladder missing the last step and twisting her ankle. Seven quickly moved to her side.

"Lt. Torres you are damaged," she said.

"Tell me something I don’t know," B’Elanna snarled.

Seven tapped her com-badge. "Seven to sickbay. Doctor, Lt. Torres has damaged her ankle."

"On my way," the Doctor’s voice said over the com.

B’Elanna’s badge chirped. "Captain Janeway to Lt. Torres".

"Go ahead, Captain". B’Elanna gritted between her teeth.

"The sonic shower in my quarters won’t shut off."

"On it, Captain." B’Elanna raised her eyebrows questioningly at Seven.

Seven recoiled. "I am needed here. I need to help..."she looked around desperately, spying Neelix. "Neelix complete the food preparations," she said.

"Oh, that’s ok Seven," Neelix said. "I have everything under control. Go help the captain."

Seven looked around rather wildly. "The tables are not yet decorated," she tried again.

Tom and Harry looked up. "We’ve got it Seven. You can go," Tom said.

Seven looked down at B’Elanna, "I should remain with you until the Doctor arrives."

"Where is the medical emergency," the doctor called as he entered the mess hall.

Seven sighed; there was no way out of it. She would have to go to the captain’s quarters.

On the way she wished hopefully for a red alert. Too soon she arrived, the red alert still absent. She took a deep breath and sounded the admittance chime. "Come," she heard through the door. Then she was inside.

"I don’t know what’s wrong with it but I can’t get it to shut off," Janeway called from the bedroom.

Seven said nothing, but moved to the ensuite where the sonic shower was peeling. She looked over it for a few minutes then pulled the panel off the wall and dove into the circuitry. Janeway walked into the ensuite and froze as she saw a too familiar form working on her shower. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She swallowed and tried again.

"Where’s B’Elanna?" she asked.

"She damaged her ankle," Seven said.

The shower shut off and Seven backed out of the panel. She turned and looked at Janeway.

"It is repaired," she said needlessly.

Janeway nodded. Seven stood uncertainly, watching Janeway. She knew what was coming. It happened every time they were alone together. Janeway approached her slowly. When they met, it seemed inevitable. It had reached the point that Seven could not imagine any other outcome. Eagerly she met Janeway’s kiss. Several minutes passed before they came up for air.

"We can’t keep doing this," Janeway said between breaths.

"I agree," Seven said bending to capture Janeway’s lips again.

"This is driving me crazy," Janeway said when Seven released her.

"I agree," Seven said shivering as Janeway ran her fingers up Seven’s spine.

"Perhaps we should stop," Janeway mumbled into Seven’s neck.

"Perhaps," Seven said tangling her hand in her Captain’s hair.


"Yes, Kathryn."

"If we don’t stop now, I’m not sure we ever will."

"I agree," Seven said tugging Kathryn’s shirt up.

Kathryn moaned as she felt Seven’s hands on her bare skin. She pulled back, grabbed Seven’s hand, and tugged her to the bedroom.

"I don’t know where she is," B’Elanna said to Chakotay. "Her shower was broken and I sent Seven to fix it but that was nearly two hours ago."

Chakotay tapped his com-badge. "Chakotay to the captain".

His com-badge gave a dull buzz for an answer. He frowned and stepped into the hall. He looked up and down. When he saw no one was nearby he queried the computer.

"Computer locate Captain Janeway," he said.

"The captain is in her quarters," the computer replied.

"What is the captain’s status?" he asked.

"The captain is unavailable," the computer replied.

Chakotay cocked his head to the side. "Computer locate Seven of Nine," Chakotay said with a burst of inspiration.

"Seven of Nine is in the captain’s quarters."

Chakotay smiled and rejoined the party.  

"I really should make an appearance at the party," Kathryn said unconvincingly.

"Why?" asked Seven.

"Well it is for morale. It is usually accepted that the captain will show up for these things," Kathryn said.

Seven turned, nibbling her way up Janeway’s back. "You are helping morale,” she said.

"How do you figure that," Janeway asked looking over her shoulder at Seven.

Seven paused her assent and raised an eyebrow. "I have heard that a happy captain makes a happy crew. Does this not make you happy?" she asked in a lazy drawl that no one on the ship would have recognized.

"Well since you put it that way..." Janeway growled. "Come here and make your captain happy."

