The Captain's Surprise 

 "When did this happen?" Commander Chakotay asked after he picked his jaw off the deck.

Captain Janeway sat pinching the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger.

"I have absolutely no idea," she said with a hint of hysteria.

"Are you sure?" Chakotay asked grappling with the bombshell the captain had just unloaded on him.

Janeway slid a tricorder across her desk to him.

"See for yourself," she said.

Chakotay activated the tricorder and quickly scanned the captain. He read the results, twice. He sank slowly into a chair and ran his fingers through his hair.

"What are you going to do Kathryn?" he asked finally.

Janeway shook her head. "I don't know Chakotay. I just don't know."

Kathryn Janeway paced around her quarters restlessly. How could this have happened? When did this happen? She racked her mind for the answers, but she just didn't have any. Theoretically, this shouldn't be happening. It shouldn’t be possible. Chakotay's question was still ringing in her ears. What was she going to do? But she knew that was a moot point. There was no doubt what she would do. She just didn't want to think about it just yet. With a sigh she sat down at her console and began going through the ship's sensor logs. Maybe there was some bizarre spatial anomaly they had passed within the last two months that would explain. Maybe there was some kind of space-time shift occurrence. There had to be some explanation and she was determined to find it.

"How are you feeling this morning, Captain?" Chakotay asked.

Janeway looked up at her first officer standing in the door of her ready room. She waved him in.

"Tired," she said with a sigh.

Chakotay walked over to the replicator. "Isn't that normal?" he asked.

"Yes it is when I've only had two hours of sleep," Janeway replied not quite snapping.

Chakotay merely raised an eyebrow as he walked back to her desk and handed her a glass. Janeway peered at the dark, sweet-smelling liquid.

"What is this?" she asked suspiciously.

"That is a drink used by my people for generations," Chakotay told her with a serious expression. "It is said to bestow vitality and good health. Legend has it that anyone drinking a glass a day will live twice the normal lifespan."

Janeway's eyes widened. "Really! Do you drink a glass a day commander?" she asked.

Chakotay laughed. "No. Actually I discovered it by accident when I first arrived at the academy." He blushed slightly. "I hadn't quite learned how to use the replicator at the time," he said smiling.

Janeway laughed. "So you're giving it to me then Commander?"

"It is full of vitamins and it doesn't taste half bad," Chakotay countered.

Janeway set the glass to the side and reached for her coffee cup.

Chakotay raised an eyebrow.

Janeway rolled her eyes. "I'll try it later Chakotay," she promised.

Chakotay nodded. "Let me know if you want me to program it into your replicator," he said on his way out the door.

"I'll be sure and do that Commander," Janeway muttered at his retreating back.

"Enter," Janeway called looking up from her console.

Seven of Nine stepped into the ready room. "Here is the analysis you requested concerning the Astrometrics data of the last two months," she stated formally.

Janeway sat up straighter. "Did you find anything out of the ordinary?" she asked as she eyed the blonde hopefully.

Seven shook her head. "No Captain, I did not," she said.

Janeway slumped back into her chair.

"It would help Captain," Seven said, "if I knew what you were searching for."

Janeway shook her head. "If I knew I would tell you, Seven. The best I can say is something out of the ordinary. Something we would have missed the first time around."

Seven inclined her head. "I am sorry Captain. I was not able to find anything," Seven replied genuinely distressed that she had not been able to find what her captain wanted.

Janeway waved a hand. "That's all right Seven…" she broke off suddenly as a wave of nausea hit her.

Seven watched bemused as the captain abruptly leapt from her chair and dove for the washroom. She stood patiently with her hands folded behind her back. She glanced down at the table and noticed a tricorder lying by the console. Curious, Seven picked it up. Perhaps the captain had detected some anomalous readings and was searching for a cause. Looking at the data might help her in her search. Seven quickly scanned the last data input in the tricorder.

Janeway stepped steadily if somewhat paler from the washroom.

"If that is all Captain, Lt. Torres has requested my assistance in engineering," Seven stated.

Janeway looked sharply at Seven. The blonde's voice was more remote that usual.

She nodded. "Of course Seven, dismissed."

Janeway's eyebrows nearly shot off her forehead as Seven turned and practically stormed from the ready room, brushing past Chakotay on the way out.

Janeway turned to Chakotay as the door slid shut. "What was that about?" she asked bemused.

Chakotay picked up the activated tricorder and offered it to the captain.

"I would say she found out," he offered.

Janeway's expression changed to a frown as she considered his words.

"But what would that have to do with the way she took out of here?" she asked in a bewildered voice.

The look Chakotay shot her, made Janeway feel like a particularly dense child.

"Probably because she is in love with you Kathryn," Chakotay explained patiently.

"In love with me?" Janeway sat down abruptly with a stunned look on her face.

"Chakotay are you sure?" she asked in disbelief.

Chakotay nodded firmly.

Janeway reached for her coffee cup to hide the trembling in her hands. "When did this happen?" she asked hoping she sounded calm and took a sip. Too late she realized she had picked up Chakotay's special brew. She swallowed gamely and too her surprise realized that it didn't taste half-bad.

"I believe sometime ago, Captain. Though you would have to ask Seven for the exact date," Chakotay answered.

"What am I going to do Chakotay?" Janeway asked desperately.

Chakotay shook his head. "I don't know Kathryn. I just don't know."

B'Elanna Torres ducked as Seven yanked the panel off and flung it to the side.

"We're supposed to be making repairs, Seven," Torres snarled and dodged to the side of the Jefferies tube as a second panel followed.

"I am aware of that, Lt. Torres," Seven snapped.

B'Elanna's eyes widened at Seven's tone. She had never heard Seven sound so angry before. Her curiosity was piqued.

"Hey, what's bothering you?" she asked. She was fairly confident that she wasn't responsible for the borg's black mood.

Seven paused in her endeavors and proceeded to tell B'Elanna Torres exactly what she had discovered in the ready room earlier that morning.

B'Elanna closed her mouth with a snap when she realized she was gaping like a fish. Her mind worked furiously as she digested the information Seven had just given her. She stepped back suddenly and looked at the borg speculatively.

"You're in love with her," B'Elanna crowed.

"You are mistaken," Seven said coldly.

B'Elanna snorted, "Sure I am. You're just dismantling the ship and throwing it at me for no reason, right?"

Seven glared at B'Elanna then returned to the plasma conduit she was working on.

B'Elanna watched the angry blonde for a minute before joining her in making repairs. She kept close watch incase Seven decided to throw anymore ship parts in her direction.

Janeway moved restlessly around the ready room. Seven is in love with me. She ran her fingers through her hair as she tried to sort everything out in her head, but her emotions were in turmoil. Janeway sat down suddenly. Seven is in love with me. Slowly she began to smile. Maybe, she thought, the trip home won't be so lonely after all. She frowned as she remembered Seven's earlier reaction and sighed. Then again, it could be a long cold trip.

"You wished to see me Captain?" Lt. Tuvok asked.

Janeway motioned Tuvok into her quarters.

"Yes, I did Tuvok. I'm sorry to disturb you off duty, but I'm afraid that this is more of a personal matter," Janeway said apologetically.

Tuvok followed the captain to the sitting area. He settled resignedly into a chair across from the couch and waited for the captain to begin. He disliked 'personal matters' because in humans that generally meant emotional turmoil. Captain Janeway, however, was more that just his commanding officer, she was his friend and if he could assist her, then he was willing to tolerate emotional issues.

Janeway sat on the couch and wondered how to begin. She fidgeted a moment then jumped to her feet and began to pace.

"Commander Chakotay believes Seven of Nine is in love with me," she blurted out.

Tuvok raised an eyebrow.

"I believe his assessment is correct Captain," he said calmly.

Janeway wheeled around.

"Why is it everyone knew this except for me?" she snapped.

Tuvok remained silent choosing to interpret the captain's question as rhetorical.

"What am I going to do about it Tuvok?" she asked detesting the way her voice rose an octave on the question.

"You have one of two options Captain," Tuvok said evenly. "You can choose to pursue a relationship or choose not to pursue a relationship with Seven of Nine."

Janeway laughed humorlessly. "Its not whether or not I choose, Tuvok. Its whether or not Seven will have anything to do with me," she said.

Tuvok raised his eyebrows in a rare display of surprise.

Janeway couldn't look him in the eyes. "She is upset with me at the moment," she explained.

"Why is she upset with you Captain?" Tuvok asked sure that he did not want to be privy to this much information.

"She's upset because I'm…" Janeway clinched her jaw and dashed to the washroom.

Tuvok waited patiently and analyzed the information he had been given thus far. He nodded to himself when he came to a logical conclusion.

Janeway appeared in the doorway.

"I take it that is why she is upset with you?" he asked.

Janeway nodded. "What should I do Tuvok?" she asked.

"The only advice I can give you Captain is to talk to Seven," Tuvok said.

"Talk to Seven," Janeway nodded. "I'll just walk up to her and say, 'By the way Seven, I understand you're in love with me. Want to move into my quarters?' I'm not sure that will work, Tuvok," Janeway said sarcastically.

"None the less, Captain. That is the best advice I can give."

Janeway sighed. "I know. Thank you Tuvok."

Harry Kim, Tom Paris, and B'Elanna Torres were huddled around a table when the captain walked into the mess hall. Janeway shot them a funny look when they abruptly stopped talking. She glanced around then spotted Commander Chakotay seated across the room. She strode purposely to his table. Chakotay looked up sensing her approach.

"Good evening Captain. It’s a little late to be hitting the mess hall isn't it?" he asked as he glanced at the chronometer.

"Yes, well…" Janeway fidgeted a moment. "Do you think you could make me that legendary drink again?" she asked blushing.

Chakotay's face split in a wide grin. "One legendary drink coming right up," he said walking to the replicator. He returned a few moments later and handed Janeway a large glass. Janeway took a large gulp and sighed.

"Would you like for me to stop by tomorrow and program it into your replicator?" Chakotay asked.

Janeway grinned. "I think you better Commander, unless you want me waking you at all hours of the night."

The three officers around the table watched closely as Janeway exited the mess hall. As soon as the door closed they huddled together and resumed their whispers.

Janeway glanced at the chronometer for the third time in as many minutes. She glanced around her quarters anxiously. She had arranged to meet Seven here after they were both off duty. She didn't know how she had made it through the day. She certainly didn't get any work done. She had spent most of her time locked in the ready room practicing her speech to Seven. Now that the time was nearly here she was ready to crawl out of her skin. She jumped as the door chime sounded.

"Enter," she called hoping Seven couldn't hear the shake in her voice.

The door opened to reveal the tall blonde.

"Come on in Seven," Janeway said as Seven continued to stand in the doorway. Seven let out a long slow breath then took a single step forward. The door slid shut behind her. Janeway walked to the replicator.

"Would you like something to drink?" she asked.

"No," Seven replied then added belatedly, "Thank you."

Janeway looked at Seven still standing just inside the door. Well, she thought, this is going really well.

"Come sit down, Seven. We need to talk," Janeway said motioning to the couch.

Seven sat on the edge of the couch and looked expectantly at the captain. Janeway sat in the chair opposite and tried to look relaxed. She took a drink of Chakotay's special blend and closed her eyes savoring the taste. She was beginning to think it was better than coffee. She opened her eyes again and took in the sight of the silent blonde woman sitting across from her.

"Seven," she began finally, "why were you so angry yesterday?" Janeway asked.

Seven thought for a moment. She did not know if the captain was referring to incident with Lt. Torres or the later incident with Ensign Kim when she had lost her temper with him over a mistake in Astrometrics.

"Clarify," she said finally.

"When you left the ready room yesterday, you were obviously upset. I know what upset you. I need to know why it upset you," Janeway explained.

Seven sat silently as she recalled the feelings she experienced when she read the data on the tricorder. She had been aware of her feelings for the captain for a long time, however, she did not feel she had enough experience in humanity to approach her. She had been working diligently in recovering her humanity and planning for the future. When she had read the data, her hopes had crashed around her. For a moment it had been difficult to breathe and her stomach had clinched uncomfortably. She loved Captain Janeway, but was too late.

Janeway watched nervously as Seven sat in silence not moving. What if Chakotay and Tuvok were wrong? What if Seven wasn't in love with her? She swallowed hard. She had kept her feelings hidden this long. If Seven didn't reciprocate then she would just keep them buried she decided firmly. She quickly wiped the nervousness off her face as Seven glanced up at her.

Seven shifted uncomfortably as she realized that Janeway was watching her and waiting for her reply

"I apologize Captain," Seven said stiffly. "It will not happen again."

Seven stood and turned for the door in an effort to leave before Janeway realized the truth. Janeway was momentarily frozen as she saw Seven get up to leave. Then she was on her feet and across the room.

"Seven, wait," she said grabbing Seven's arm.

Seven stopped at the touch of Janeway's hand.

"Seven," Janeway stopped.

She wasn't sure what she should say, but she knew she had to say something or Seven was going to walk out that door and out of her life.

"What you feel isn't wrong. I'm just trying to make sure I understand what it is you are feeling," Janeway said.

"My feelings are irrelevant," Seven stated and started to pull away.

"No," Janeway said, "they aren't irrelevant. Not to me. Seven I know why you were upset and I know what you are probably thinking, but I haven't…I didn't…" Janeway let go of Seven's arm and turned away running her hand through her hair.

"Seven, I don't know how it happened. Believe me, I was just as shocked as you were."

Seven turned and looked at Janeway in amazement.

"You do not know?" she asked in disbelief.

Janeway shook her head. "Not a clue. That's why I was asking you to analyze all of that data. I thought maybe there was some explanation."

"Then there isn't anyone else?" Seven asked not quite able to grasp what Janeway was telling her.

"No, there isn't anyone else," Janeway affirmed.

Seven almost smiled. "I did not think I understood humanity enough to tell you how I felt," she admitted. "Then when I found out I thought I was too late."

"Oh no Seven," Janeway said as she leaned up and kissed Seven softly on the lips, "you're just in time."