Another version of  „Post Endgame“ Part 2


Seven felt herself so save, so protected in Kathryns embrace. She could not remember to have the same feeling in Chakotays arms. It was amazing and than it was another one. Coming deep from the core of her, flowing through her body, to join her heart and her soul. It was unknown to her. But it makes her feel so good, so incredible good and mainly warm.


‘Could it be love?’ Seven asked herself. There was the heat of Kathryns body, which pressed softly to herself. Kathryns scent entered her nose. The pressure of Kathryns arms around her shoulder, her back. Everything very pleasing and Seven could not find a word for it. She only knew she desired, she wanted, she needed more. More of Kathryns scent, her body, her embrace, her heat, everything which was Kathryn.


“The coffee ist ready...” Gretchens voice broke up the mood. Took them back to the reality.


They held each others hand as they went downstairs. ‘Perhaps I should waited to call them. Give them some privacy.’ Gretchen thought regretfull. But she would make it up to Kathryn and Seven. She wispered something in Phoebes ear. Phoebe nodded in agreement. Soon after the coffee was served, Phoebe stood up and said: “Oh my god, I have completly forgottten my date. I am so sorry but I have to go. It is really important, it is about my next exhibition.” She huged Kathryn and Seven for a short Good bye.


“I have to go too. I must look after the dogs.” Gretchen excused and gave a hug and a kiss to  them too.


Gretchen and Phoebe left the house.


They were alone. Neither of them was able to speak. They looked only each other, still holding hands, so shy and at the same time full up with anticipation. What will come now? How will speak first and which words, phrases, sentence will be choose and spoken?


“I wanted to show you your room. Do you like to see it?”Kathryn broke the silence and stood up. Again they went downstairs. To Kathryns surprise the guestroom was filled with Phoebes paintings, sculptures and utensils.


“I am sorry, I didn’t know Phoebe used my house as a store for her art. You can use my bedroom. I’ll sleep in the livingroom until Phoebe...”


“No.” Seven said. “It is your house, it is your home, your bed. I will sleep in the livingroom.”


“Now it’s your home too.” Kathryn objected.

And than there was no turning back. No qualms, no doubts, nothing. Only Kathryn and Seven, Seven and Kathryn, two women deeply in love.


Searching lips, finding each other. Hands roamed over breasts, arms, hips touching bare skin, clothes tearing apart, enfolded limbs, bodies melding in each other, welcomimg each other.


“Take me. Make me yours. I want you, I need you so much.” Driven by pure instinct, only knowing they belonged to each other.


Their lovemaking was filled with passion, mutual desire and the need to be to each other as close as possible. It was not a little bit akward. It felt so right. Despite neither of them had ever made love to another woman. And for Seven it was the first time in her life she expressed herself so physical. All she could feel was Kathryn. Kathryn beneath her, on top of her, beside her, inside her.