Fallen Heroes

The sickbay was black, except for one light at the desk. The Doctor sat at his desk, staring off into the distance.

The Doctor plucked the PADD off his desk and flipped it back and forth in his hands. He suddenly stopped, gazing blankly at the cold metal, and realized how much he envied the device. The PADD could be held, touched, felt. He would fade away at a few words. "Sure,"he thought, "Its molecules could be dispersed....but it will never disappear...."

"But NOT ME!!!"he said aloud. "Not me....."

He had submerged himself in thought while tucked away in sickbay, and it was starting to severely affect him. Seven had avoided sickbay for days and Captain Janeway had attempted (and failed) to lift his spirits. He felt himself to be pathetic, wallowing here in his darkness. "What else am I to do? Seven won't even come to sickbay...I might as well stay out of her way."

He threw the PADD down onto the desk and slouched further into his chair.

The familiar sound of the doors opening met his ears and her turned hopefully toward it. "Seven?" he said in his mind. "Oh..."he said, recognizing the person "It's you Harry...What do you want?" His words were as cold as the metal of the PADD, and Harry took notice.

"I know I'm not welcome Doctor ...." Harry waited for the doctor to indicate otherwise. The Doctor remained silent, so Harry continued. ".....but I need to find the physical for Ms. Naomi Wildmen. Sev...uh....the captain needs it." His fault had completely overridden his statement and the Doctor's face seemed to sink. "She won't even come herself...she hates me that much?" He could feel his heart twist in the pain he had become so accustomed to over his long period of self-induced isolation.

"Top drawer, the silver PADD" he said, watching Harry wince for the slip about Seven.

"Uh...Thanks Doc" Harry hurriedly grabbed the PADD from its drawer and rushed out the door. "Dammit" he said, cursing himself as soon as he got out of the room. "How could I slip like that? Seven is gonna kill me..." Harry buried his face in his hands as he walked steadily towards the turbolift.


The lift lurched and then began to move smoothly. "Astrometrics" the computer said, opening the doors. Harry strode out and turned left. Within moments, he had slipped into Astrometrics, gripping the PADD in one hand. Naomi Wildmen stood at the consol, her spritely manner and red hair a sharp contrast to the woman next to her: Seven of Nine. Seven's Blonde hair was wrapped in the usual tight bun, but fly-aways betrayed her sustained hours working, keeping busy ta avoid everything else in her life. Harry winked at Naomi and slowly stepped up next to Seven's left side.


Seven's cool manner was legendary, and this moment was no exception to this demeanor. Harry gulped down his fear and handed Seven the report. "Naomi's physical....." he sputtered.

"Thank you ensign" Seven took the PADD and returned to her work not once glancing at Harry.

"Okay..."he said, moving cautiously further and further away from the consol and its stoic controller. Naomi giggled as Harry tore out of the room.

A soon as he was gone, Naomi tapped Seven on the hip (which was the closest part Naomi could reach with her tiny fingers. "Yes Ms. Wildmen?" Seven smirked slightly, an enormous display of emotion on her part. Naomi, in her young curiosity, proposed her inquiry.

"Why is everyone staying away from Astrometrics today Annika? Is there are special meeting or something?" Her innocence tempered Seven, enough even to allow Naomi to address her by her given name. "No, Ms. Wildmen. There is no meeting....but your observation is accurate. But people are avoiding me, not Astrometrics." Naomi put her hand to her face in deep thought. "Why?"she asked. Seven stopped her work and looked at Naomi. Then, looking out in front of herself, she replied, "I don't know."

Naomi grasped Seven's hand and smiled. "Well, were here so....let's get to work!" Seven grinned, thanking Naomi secretly inside.


"Ensign, I want all three crates moved to cargo bay two. Have Crewmen Leick assist you."

"Yes Captain" Captain Kathryn Janeway strode down the eastern corridor of deck eight confidently and, more important, happily as well. She had gotten so much done that day, and crew morale seemed at an all-time high as of late. "Except for two certain people" she thought. "The Doctor....it must be so difficult for him...and Seven! How hard to suddenly have all this emotion to deal with..." Kathryn couldn't help but feel good, despite the Doctor and Seven. "Still....."she thought, relapsing in her ideas, "I should speak to the both of them....I need my Doctor back!"

She stopped, spun to head the other way, and started off towards Astrometrics.


The doors opened to reveal a darkened lab, so very dark compared to any other time. "Seven?" Kathryn's voice emptied into the room and came back to her unanswered. "Seven?" she repeated "Are you here?" Slowly, out of the corner of the room, a form came. "Seven?" she asked the form. "Hello Captain" her voice was laced with the tears she was trying to hide. Kathryn recognized this and quickly asked her, "What's wrong?" Seven, in a vein attempt to fool her, brushed aside the remaining hidden emotion and lied. "I was meditating....you'll recall Tuvok has been working with me..."

Kathryn felt hurt. "How could she not trust me? Why would she not feel comfortable confiding in me?" "Seven I....I've...." she paused, unsure wether or not to pursue her previous endeavor. "I need to speak to you about the Doctor." Seven seemed hurt by the name, curling back into the darkness. "I...I....do not reciprocate the Doctor's feelings." Kathryn looked at her, a moment of silence passing over them. The captain broke the silence, but barely with a whisper.

"That's alright Seven. But you need to tell that to the Doctor." Seven pulled away from Janeway. "No...I can't...I" Kathryn tried to come closer, to comfort her, but Seven rejected her good intentions. "Go captain....my personal affairs are none of your business." Hurt by this, Kathryn spoke without thinking. "It is my business when it hurts someone I care for and my Doctor's performance!" Seven came out of the light and glared at Kathryn. "Good night captain." she said, her words harsh to Kathryn's ears.

Before she could object, Seven had stormed immediately out of the room. She dared not follow but, rather, slumped to the floor and hung her head alone.


"How dare she!" Seven yelled aloud when she reached the cargo bay. She was fuming and exhausted. She needed to regenerate, to be alone in the silence of her own thoughts. Her anger was near the boiling point as she burst through the doors and laid down against a wall. Just as she was about to explode, she burst into quiet tears. "How could she understand?" she agonized in her mind, "How could she know how hard this is?" Her thoughts were shortly interrupted by a crash in the far side of the room.

"Hello?" she called, "Who's there? Show yourself." "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" a small voice said. Naomi Wildmen peaked out from under the pile of fallen boxes. "I was waiting for you and I guess I fell asleep on those...." she pointed to the boxes and grimaced. "Sorry!" All at once, Seven's curled up at the ends and she began to laugh. "What's so funny?" Naomi demanded. But Seven just laughed until Naomi joined her. "Thank you Naomi..." "For what?" she asked. But Seven just sighed and ignored the question.


Kathryn had taken nearly a half-hour before feeling capable to seek out the Doctor. Her tears gone and a mild _expression on her face, the captain was half way to sickbay when her thoughts once again turned to Seven of Nine. "Why?" was all her mind could compute, "I just wanted to help her."

"Captain?" a gruff voice stopped her, two hands on her shoulder pulling her around. "Oh, Chakotay..." He seemed to either ignore or not notice the redness still in her face, because he made no mention of them. "It's the Doctor..."he said grimly. "He's...well...come on." He grabbed her arm and almost dragged her to sickbay. The doors parted and he thrust her into the room. "He's trying to erase himself." He allowed Kathryn to see for herself the scene: The Doctor feverishly tapping at consoles in a maddened manner, murmuring as he worked. "Over....soon...Seven...stop..."

The captain's eyes widened as she watched in horror and amazement. "Doctor, stop this!" She called out to him, but he ignored her and continued with his "work". Captain Janeway turned to Chakotay.

"Get Seven. Now." Chakotay nodded and left the room. "God help you Doctor" Kathryn said, still watching him in his insanity.


Chakotay nearly sprinted down the corridors to the turbolift, which seemed to go more slowly than usual. He nearly ran over several crew members in his hurry. "Chakotay to Seven" he said, tapping his communicator in desperation. "Seven here" the crystalline voice was music to his ears. "You're needed in sickbay immediately." Silence followed his statement as he continued to run toward the cargo bay. "I'm sure it is not vital I go."

The voice seemed too human to really be Seven. "Yes, it is" he said. "Really?" Seven said, coming out through the doors and nearly running into Chakotay. "Come on, captain's orders." He glanced at her as they ran back towards sickbay, wondering what she was thinking. Despite Seven's feelings, she followed closely on Chakotay's heels.


"Good Lord."

Seven's eyes analyzed all they could take in. The Doctor was frantically bombarding a console, Kathryn Janeway pulling at his shoulder while tapping a few buttons herself. "Seven" she motioned for her to come near. "He's blocked us all out of his program! We can't turn him off!" Seven felt frozen, staring into a world away from her. AS if she were only watching this happen.

"Seven!" the captain shouted, but she did not respond. "SEVEN!" She shook her head and looked about as if she had just awaken from a dream. "Yes?" she asked, innocently. "Help Me!" Kathryn yelled. Listening to the irrefutable Borg call to act, Seven turned to the nearest consol and the Doctor's hands suddenly vanished! He dropped to the ground sputtering, "No...no..no.." "Leave" Seven said, coldly. "What?" Kathryn asked. "Leave...now" she repeated, adding "please" after seeing the captain's shocked face. Captain Janeway looked stunned, but turned and left. She glanced longingly at Seven and rushed out the door.

Seven squatted next to the Doctor and placed her hands on his shoulder. "It's just you and me now." He turned to her and pushed himself back. "Seven?" he questioned, barely recognizing her face. Seven nodded as tears welled in her eyes. She reached up and restored the Doctors hands. She grabbed him by the arms and refused to let go until he looked at her. She spoke smoothly, calmly, but firmly. "Doctor....you and I are friends...." But he merely starred, void of _expression or cognitive thought on her words. Seven breathed deeply and spoke ti the computer, believing she knew what to do.

"Computer.....access the following memory files for the EMH." A tear ran down her cheek as the computer confirmed the files she had typed in. "Delete these and any other mention of 'Seven of Nine' or 'Annika Hanson'" The computer buzzed softly and the Doctor shot off the floor. "Hello, I am the Doctor. How may I help you?" Seven stared into his eyes and shook her head. "I don't need...anything" She chocked back tears and ran from the room as quickly as she could.


Not knowing where to find solace, Seven had rushed past many doors and corridors. She had no direction, just a need to get as far away as possible. The halls seemed abandoned, she had seen only one other person by then. "All the better" she thought, "No one to see me like this" Finally, incapable of going any further, she crumpled on the floor, gasping for air. Tears stung her eyes and rolled down her face.

"It's better this way..." she reassured herself, trying to justify her actions. She coughed, nearly vomiting on the floor. "Are you alright?!?" Kathryn Janeway stood over her, her hand out-stretched. "Seven, what's wrong? What happened?" Seven stood up and tried to hide her obvious distress. "I was..I was just running and ran out of breath..." The captain didn't accept her fabrication. Throwing her hands to her hips she said, "I don't believe you." Seven was taken aback, but knew she was right in not trusting what she had said.

"Seven...Follow me to my quarters."


"And so, now, he forgets I even exist." Seven released these words at the end of her long explanation to Captain Janeway of all the events that had led up to that night. Kathryn simply inclined her head an listened, commenting sparingly, allowing Seven to vent. She struggled with the urge to reach out and hold Seven, the growing desire to comfort her. It hurt terribly to just watch. As it seemed, her story had ended and Kathryn spoke. "Seven..is there anything I can do? Would you like some time off?" Seven shook her head. "No captain" she breathed in and composed herself. "In time I will understand the Doctor's feelings...and my own."

Unable to sit there, Kathryn got up and knelt before Seven. "But, if there is, you'll tell me?" Seven nodded, and almost pulled away as Kathryn put her hand on her knee. Instead, she smiled uncomfortably. "I will...but now" she said, rising up from the chair, "I must go...I need to regenerate." Kathryn, unsure how to take this, gave Seven space to leave. Before stepping out the door, she spun back toward Kathryn. "Thank you....thanks... I will...." Kathryn smiled and watched her leave.


The corridor was vacant, the electronic lights flickering slightly. One could hear the engines if they were quiet, holding their breath. And someone was: a small form, silent and still, held itself within the jeffries tube. Its entire body quivered nervously in fear, as if it would be caught at any moment. Its minuscule heart beat feverishly in its chest as foot steps pounded the sound-absorbing carpet.

"Oh! Oh!"it whimpered, hopping back and forth, "Oh! Oh!" The foot steps grew closer and mingled with a male voice. "Oh I don't know Harry....why don't you give a try first?" Tom Paris taunted his walking companion, shoving a blue jelly-like substance towards him. "Come on Tom!" he protested, "I'm not tastin' your...your...experiment!!" "It's not an experiment! It's a twentieth century food! It's JELLO!" He pulled his jello away, looking hurt. Harry shook his head and laughed.

The hiding creature hopped up and down, to and fro, in its little hide away. Finally, jumping a bit to far, it burst forth out of the jeffries tube in front of Harry and Tom. "WHOA!" Harry said, backing away from it. Tom plucked it off the floor and smiled, putting down the JELLO. "Hey, that thing may bite!" Harry warned. "Nah," Tom laughed "It's harmless..." The creature's heart nearly leapt out of its body as it struggled to get free.

"It almost looks like a Tribble" Harry said "Except for the eyes..." Tom threw the furball to Harry, laughing when he squealed. "It must of come out of here..." Tom closed the jeffries tube and rubbed his neck. "But, how'd it get on the ship?" Tom thumbed his chin and said, "That's what I wanna know..." Harry had begun scratching the creature behind its rather large eyes and smiled as it began to make a happy gurgle. Tom watched him and said, "Well, someone's got a new lil' friend!" Harry scoffed and got up, disturbing his passenger. "Let's take it to Captain Janeway....she'll figure out something to do with you..."


"Uh..NO!!!" The phaser hit the ground and the target froze. Chakotay, narrowly missing a direct blow to the head, was sprawled on the ground. Kathryn towered over him, a broad grin sat smugly on her face. "Ha!" she said, triumphantly, "I win again!!!" Chakotay propped himself up on his arm and asked "One more round????" "Why?" Kathryn giggled "So I can beat you again?!?" Their banter was cut short by the entrance of three uninvited guests into the holodeck.

"Helloooo Captain!" Tom sang his entrance and produced the creature from his left hand. "I've brought you a new pet!" Kathryn's face softened as she dropped her phaser. "Awww...." she took it from Tom and cradled it in the crook of her arm. "What is he?" she asked. Tom scratched his head. "We don't even know how he got on board yet Captain." "I'll take him to Seven" Kathryn announced, removing herself by skipping out of the room.

Tom gawked as she left. "What's with her? She's so...so..." "Happy?" Chakotay interjected. "Yeah it's weird....a little too weird..."


"I do not have time for this!" Seven pushed numbers into the consol, whole heartedly ignoring the Captain. "Oh...just hold him! He's so cute!" Seven stopped dead and glared at Kathryn "Are you feeling alright? Maybe the Doctor should give a thorough examination..."

Kathryn simply evaded her question. "If you don't hold him, I'm gonna send you to the brig!"

Seven looked at Kathryn and gave in, tentatively embracing th foreign object. "What if it's dangerous?" Seven' inquiry was valid, so many troubles had befallen Voyager when her guard was down to not ask such a question. But all that did not seem to matter to Seven. She felt warmth coarse through her body and a haze dash the care from her mind. "But..he is cute..." she remarked. Janeway laughed "I knew you'd come around!"



"Captain, your behavior is..." Tuvok thought for a moment before uttering "disturbing" But Kathryn was not listening; she was to busy jumping around her ready room and laughing like an over-grown toddler. "Tuvok!"she giggled "Play with me!" Tuvok, certain Kathryn was under outside influence, took her by the arm "Let's see what the Doctor has to say about this."


"Well..." the Doctor began, "It seems her nervous system is being interrupted by some sort of chemical.." The Doctor had removed blood from a disgruntled Captain Janeway, who was then seated on a bio-bed ,whimpering.

"Can you reverse the effects?" The Doctor concentrated for second and nodded. "Yes, but I need to find the source so I can analyze some pure forms of the chemical" Tuvok's eyebrow rose as he spoke. "Yes...I believe I know just where to find this 'source'" The Doctor seemed to ignore him as he went to work. He scanned initial readings and called after Tuvok. "You may want to hurry...the chemical looks degenerative...we may not be able to reverse it after a period of time."

Tuvok digested this and moved more quickly to his destination. "Computer, give me a list of rooms Captain Kathryn Janeway has been in over the past three hours."


Seven was on the ground in astrometrics, laughing at Naomi Wildmen and the monkey in her hands. Tuvok eased into the room and addressed Naomi first. "Ms. Wildmen, Mr. Kim informs me that the creature is in here?" Naomi stood up and pointed to a corner of the room. "Oh yes, Boba is right there." Boba bounced and cried out "Boba! Boba!" Tuvok pulled the sleeve of his uniform up to cover his hand and picked up Boba. "Thank you Ms.Wildmen" Naomi smiled "You're welcome Tuvok. Would you like to play with Seven and I?" Tuvok watched Seven for a moment and declined Naomi's offer. "No thank you...perhaps some other time." Though disappointed, Naomi shrugged and sat back down.

Tuvok stared at the small creature in his hands and left astrometrics.


"This..." Tuvok said, dropping Boba on the bio bed, "Is Boba" He walked a good distance away from the creature before continuing. "He was on the ship this morning. Anyone who has had contact with it has ended up like...." He glanced to Kathryn and inclined his head "Like her"

The Doctor examined Boba, using his tricorder over and over again. Finally, he seemed satisfied with the readings. "Well, Bobo or whatever you called it, is the source...and I should have something prepared soon enough for the crew not to suffer any averse effects."

"CHAKOTAY TO ANYONE!!!" The voice yelled out of now where, startling Boba and setting Tuvok at alert. "Tuvok to Chakotay, what is the source of your dismay?" "My dismay?!?!" he repeated "My crew I going insane! And the.." "Commander?" Tuvok said. Tuvok tapped his communicator but was offered nothing but silence. Suddenly, the entire sickbay shook. Boba went flying off the bio bed into the Doctor's arms.

"Tuvok to bridge." But there was no response. "Doctor, keep me posted on your progress." With this, Tuvok ran out again.


Tuvok entered onto the bridge and nearly gasped. Four crewmen were on all fours, screaming like wild animals. Chakotay was standing next to the Captain's chair, frantically arguing with some one on the front screen as weapon's fire shook the ship.

"Sir, I'm sure you are mistaken!" Chakotay desperately spat words out at the form. The person on screen was a tall, fur covered male, and he was yelling angrily at Chakotay. "I await the return of my son commander! Where IS your captain?!?!" Thinking quickly, Tuvok spoke up. "I am right here." Chakotay spun to look at him and played along "Yes! My Captain Tuvok!" Tuvok stood in front of the view screen and addressed the man calmly. "Your son, captain...uh..."

"Drehlex. I am Captain Drehlex." "Yes" Tuvok said "Mr. Drehlex, I believe that we are in possession of your son. If you cease your attack, we will return your son as immediately as possible. Drehlex did not hesitate; the screen flickered and Drehlex rested his head on his folded hands. "I will NOT have my son ransomed to me...."

Tuvok shook his head "Of course not. In exchange for your friendly relations, we will arrange your son's transport form the ship." Drehlex nodded agreement and agreed. "Your assistance is appreciated Captain Tuvok. I apologize for the attack...this is not the first time my son has done this..." Tuvok tapped his communicator and summoned the Doctor. "Doctor, prepare our friend for transport." "But, my antidote! Oh..alright.."

Tuvok tuned back to the Captain. "One minor addition...our crew has been effected by your son..." "Yes" Drehlex said "I will be glad to send you an antidote as soon as I have my son."

A few minutes passed and the Doctor called to Tuvok. "Ready Tuvok" Drehlex looked sternly at Tuvok as he lowered his shields. A blue-ish glow appeared next to Drehlex and Boba materialized from it.

"Boba! Boba!" the creature squeaked. Drehlex grinned and grabbed his son. "Thank you Captain Tuvok...I will properly reprimand my son for the trouble he has caused you and your crew..." He then pressed a few buttons in front of him and a crate appeared out a green light on Voyager's bridge. "You have made a new friend in the Delta Quadrant." Tuvok merely inclined his head as the image disappeared. Chakotay grasped the crate and pulled it up to his chest. "Is there enough here for the entire crew?" Tuvok did not answered. He hit his communicator and spoke directly to the Doctor. "Doctor, I'm sending you the antidote. I want you to scan it an administer it to the crew. Myself and Chakotay will be there shortly."

"Hmm?? How?!?!" the Doctor fumed "Why don't I get told anything?!?!" Tuvok ignored him as well. He transported both himself, Chakotay, and the four scattered crewmen.


After three hours of chasing down the entire crew, one by one, the Doctor, Tuvok, and Chakotay, had administered the antidote to every person on board. Seven, who had been one of the first to be assisted, was going from person to person, checking each one with a medical tricorder.

"Everyone seems to be fine. There are no lingering side effects as of yet..." She stood up and gave her findings to Tuvok. He skimmed these and seemed satisfied. "Take these to the Doctor." She complied, taking three other tricorders down the corridor, hearing Tuvok in the background. "You three, get to the bridge. Delegate who can return to work...." His voice trailed off as she got further and further away.

Seven marched to sickbay, readings in hand. "Doctor, here's the data on the entire crew." But the Doctor was running around an occupied bio bed at the far side of the room. "Doctor?" Seven peered over his shoulder. What she saw struck her and she dropped the tricorders on the ground. Captain Janeway was lying on the bed, motionless. The Doctor seemed fearful, tapping buttons and administering medications to the incapacitated woman. The clatter of the dropped tricorders alerted the Doctor of Seven's presence. He called her over to him.

"Seven, thank goodness you're here." he tossed her a PADD. "Analyze this for me" Seven just stood there, nearly dropping the PADD. "Move!" the Doctor yelled at her. Only Borg need to comply made her obey him as she began to review the PADD. "My God..." she whispered "Her body is having an allergic reaction to the chemical....her entire nervous system is shutting down!" The Doctor hardly heard her, but nodded "I know that already! Look at the chemical! Ugh...I have to get in contact with that ship!" Seven anticipated this before him; she had already hit her comm badge. "Seven to bridge, we need to contact the Drehlex ship."

Tuvok, unaffected by the anxiety in her voice, asked "Why, Seven?" The Doctor, furious at the question, interrupted Seven's response. "Because you get them here or your captain is dead from an allergic reaction!"

There was only silence then until the far away sound of Tuvok's voice could be heard. "Get me the Drehlex ship immediately."


The Doctor had long since huddled away in one corner of the sickbay, analyzing and evaluating his information. Seven was doing all she could to maintain composure. She stood over her captain, the unfamiliar sting of tears piercing her eyes. "We will save you Captain...I promise..."

She called to the Doctor and backed away from the bio bed. "I'm going to the bridge Doctor" He grunted a response which Seven took as a goodbye.


Tuvok had sent out a message calling for anyone within the area who knew of the Drehlex ship. He did all this in vein. He had not yet located the only people who could save his captain. His fingers rapped pensively on the arms of the chair; a soft "pat-pat-pat" issued into the near-silent bridge. This quiet was permeated by Seven's entrance from the turbolift.

"Tuvok, have you found them, yet?"Tuvok did not turn to greet Seven. He just shook his head, taking her deep sigh as a good _expression of her disappointment. "Is there anything I can do to help you?" Tuvok shook his head again, "No." Seven trotted up next to him and pleaded with him. "Please, Tuvok...anything...I... can't stay in there watching her like that..."

Tuvok turned to her and saw tears in her eyes, threatening to fall. He looked at her with a puzzled look. "Your Captain has a good chance of survival" Seven bit her lip. "But...you know she's more than that to me." Tuvok looked at her and rose from the chair. "How much more?" He took her tearful silence as a clear answer. His thoughts became interrupted by an excited ensign.

"Sir! I've found them!"

"The transmition is extremely damaged, but I am sure it will be visible." Tuvok waited patiently as the ensign finished. "Here" he said, pressing another button. The transmition, though garbled, was audible. Drehlex appeared, flashing in and out. "This...we...help, they are...can't fend off...any able vessel..." and it cut off. Tuvok frowned slightly. "So, where is the ship?" The ensign gripped his collar and pointed to a space on the grid. "They should be here...but I'm only finding debris..." Tuvok thought for a moment and gave orders. "Send out a signal to that area. Mr. Paris" he turned to the conn, "Set a course for that sector."


Harry Kim walked down a crowded corridor, the corridor outside sickbay. The crew was solemn; news of the Captain's condition had spread like wildfire. The crew moved slowly from shift to shift. Little dialogue filled the halls that was not centered on Kathryn. Crewmen had been going in and out of sickbay for the last few hours. It was a vigil-a quiet hope for their captain.

Harry pushed his way passed the group as he went in, nearly fainting when he saw her. "She looks dead already..." He looked all around the sickbay but did not see who he was looking for. He grabbed the nearest person and questioned her. "Where is Seven of Nine?" The girl pulled away "I don't know!" Harry let her go and a little voice popped up out of the crowd.

"I know!" Naomi Wildmen grabbed Harry's hand and directed him out of the room. "She's all alone in astrometrics!" Harry smiled and allowed Naomi to lead him.


"No!" Seven pounded the console "Dammit!" She had failed to align the last enzyme to stop the chemical's destruction. The molecule was up on the large data screen, mocking her. "Ugh..."she began again as Naomi and Harry entered. "What do you want?" she did not turn from her work; frustration filled her to the brim. "Annika, it's us! Harry and Naomi! We wanna help you..." Seven scoffed, "No. You'll will only get in the way." Not disheartened, Naomi took a small box and plopped it next to Seven. She stood on top of it and stared at Seven's work.

"Oh lookie Harry, she's got some molly-cu-ool here!" Harry cautiously stepped up and familiarized himself with the molecule. "Hmm...." he murmured. Naomi pointed at two parts of the molecule. "Hey, this looks like those water things Tuvok showed me" Seven's eyes grew very large. "You're right..in fact, there is a lot of hydrogen molecules in the chemical. That's very abnormal." Harry tapped the picture and the atoms rearranged. "Look, if we combine oxygen here and here" he pointed to two places. Seven grasped his idea quickly "And then it would convert into water... and these others atom would dissipate within it!"

Naomi smiled "Well, see? I am helpful!" Seven looked at the little child and back to Harry. Harry ruffled Naomi's hair and picked up a PADD up from another consol. HE handed it eagerly to Seven. "Down load it quick!" Seven rapidly placed the stats into PADD and raced out of the room. Naomi tried to follow, but Harry stopped her. "No Naomi. I've learned it's best just to let her work....."


Seven tore into the sickbay, which had been vacated by an angry Doctor. She didn't even speak to the Doctor, she just ran to the replicator and requested the appropriate oxygen injection. She was nearly to Kathryn's neck when the Doctor stopped her.

"Seven! What are you doing!" Unable to speak, she thrust the PADD into his hands. He poured over it "But, how do you know it will work?" Seven tried to push by him, but he would not let her pass. "Are you mad, woman? You can't be certain of this remedy yet!" Seven gritted her teeth. "I am capable enough to know that this will work." The Doctor laughed. "And how are you qualified?" Seven felt past events surface in her and she fought them down. "You don't even know me." The Doctor did not budge as she tried to get by again. "Exactly!"

Seven whispered softly as she stood firm. "But you used too..." She balled her hands into fists and called to the computer. "Computer, de-activate EMH." The Doctor vanished and Seven ran to Kathryn. She injected the serum, along with one the Doctor had been using to reverse the present damage. She waited patiently, Kathryn's pale face in her hands, still and quiet. Nothing happened and Seven began to worry. "Come on Captain...you have to make it" But Kathryn remained motionless. "Please.." Seven whimpered, the tears rolling freely down her face and falling from her chin.

She let Kathryn's head rest back on the bed and began to talk to her in a spattered mix of tears and speech. "I'll never get to tell you how much more you mean to me! How..how you've made life on Voyager so wonderful! How...how...how much I love you Kathryn Janeway."
Seven sank to on side of the bio bed and placed her one hand on Kathryn's cheek. "I'm sorry I never got to tell you..." She bent forward and softly kissed Kathryn's lips, her tears falling onto her Captain's face. She pulled away and brushed aside her tears. "Good bye Captain" She turned away and began to leave.

"But you just told me...."

"Kathryn?" Seven's weak voice cracked as she spun around to see Janeway sitting up on the biobed. "Oh, Captain..." She ran over to her and embraced her. "You're alright..." Embarrassed, she pulled back and stood straight. "I will inform the crew" Kathryn's _expression faded and she frowned. "I guess it was a dream...." Seven heard her and turned to her. "No..."she said "It wasn't" Kathryn smiled. "Seven..did you..I mean..did you mean all that you said?" Seven nodded, her cheeks bright red and flaring symbols of her thoughts.

"Seven...come here." She motioned for her to come closer. She grabbed her hands and embraced her tightly. She kissed her forehead and smiled. "Thank you for saving me..." Seven gushed. "Oh, no, I ..Naomi helped." Kathryn smiled and brought her close. "Seven?" she continued to blab on, afraid to stop talking. Kathryn, frustrated, grabbed her and brought their lips together with all the strength she had left.

Seven pulled away shaking; Kathryn was smiling profusely. "I love you too..." Seven smiled broadly. "CAPTAIN!" Harry burst into the sickbay and rushed over to her, followed by a gang of crew members. A mass of calls to the captain issued forth and Seven pulled away from her. She watched tearfully as Kathryn was drowned by the sea of people. Kathryn gazed at her as she turned and walked away. Naomi smiled at Kathryn and hugged her.

"Are you okay?" Kathryn nodded, still a little shaken. "There's no point in fussing over me...Seven saved me!" She stared longingly at the door. "I'm no hero" Naomi smiled and hopped into the Captain's lap. "Yes you are! You're just a fallen hero!" The room laughed, but Kathryn just watched the door. "I wish I could tell her that..."


Kathryn sat in her room: a good book sitting in front of her, a blanket wrapped about her, and a cup of coffee at the table next to her chair. But only one thing was missing. "Seven." It had been a few hours since she had been given a clean bill of health and allowed (despite the Doctor's protests) to return to her own quarters. She had sat alone, wondering if Seven would ever speak to her again.

"All those things she said in there...I may never get to hear her say she loves me again..."

She was surprised how easily she had accepted her own feelings of Seven. As she had sat there in the biobed, she had heard all that was said and done. Over that lonely time within her own mind, she had heard Seven come in and out of the sickbay. She had heard her silent words, meant for no one's ears. She had realized how far her own feelings had come since the first time she had seen Seven of Nine. She was amazed how much she cared for her and how much Seven cared for her in return. "But...What if Seven never let's herself?..."

A low beep told Kathryn there was someone at the door. "Come in" she said, curious as to who was coming to wish her well now. But, it was not just another crewmen. "Hello Captain." Seven stood before her, out of uniform. A soft, cris-crossed, red, short sleeve shirt flowed over her skin. A medium length black skirt accentuated her hips. Her feet stood in tiny, heeled, open-toe shoes. Kathryn nearly shot out of her chair. "Seven...I...uh..hello!" Seven smiled and grabbed Kathryn's one hand. "I have a holodeck program prepared...Chakotay helped me." she smiled "He thinks it would help you..." Kathryn looked at her, puzzled. "Chakotay? Oh..." she sounded disappointed. Seven squeezed her hand. "But it will just be you and me." She seemed to brighten at this. Seven stood up and asked, very formally, "I would like it very much if you would consider being my date to the...uh ...what was it? Oh yes, the prom." Kathryn stood up weakly and allowed Seven to hold her up.

"Okay Seven..."she smiled " It's a date"

Seven helped her limp towards the door and she stopped her for a second. "Oh, Naomi said something to me...about me...being fallen or something..." Seven smiled and thought of Naomi. "Remind me to thank her some time..." Kathryn looked at her and asked, "For what?" Seven grinned and helped Kathryn out the door. "For getting in your way?..." Kathryn asked. Seven shook her head. "No... for helping a fallen hero..."

The End