Asking Nicely:
Dueling Rednecks Version

'Thet's not th' right answer, Seven, as enny fool kin plainly see.'

This is what happened when I ran "Asking Nicely" through the Dialectiser, I haven't changed one word of it as it came out of the Dialectiser, just formatted it nicely. The jive one is equally appalling. The Elmer Fudd version is down right surreal.

'Is yo' sho'nuff yer hankerin' this?'


'Is yo' *sure*?' '

Yessuh, please!'

'No. ah doesn't reckon yer sho'nuff. ah doesn't reckon yer hankerin' this at all, ah reckon.'

Mary Janeway straightened slowly, her loosened hair fallin' an' trailin' on over th' tight, fine mooscled stomach of th' Bo'g woomin. Th' pale, nooly hoomin hide still glissened damply fum Mary Janeways tongue as she'd licked skimpy lines of moisture down fum th' wonnerfully roun'ed breasts t'th' deep clef' of her navel, ah reckon.

'Please, corntinue. ah need it.'

Blowin' a stream of right fine air acrost Seven's stomach, Mary Janeway smiled at th' raised gooseflesh.

'Yo' may believe thet. But pow'ful yo' jest *want* it. Thar's a difference between wantin' an' needin'.'

Th' naked Bo'g lay stretched out on th' bed, her arms placed at her side, as she was told, cuss it all t' tarnation. Th' Cappain was fully dressed in her unifo'm, but her hair was unboun'. She sat, legs crosted, on th' edge of th' bed, an' idly stroked a finger aginst Seven's sole, watchin' th' toes curl, ah reckon.

'Th' Bo'g does whut is needed, cuss it all t' tarnation. Not whut is wanted, cuss it all t' tarnation.' Seven whispered, cuss it all t' tarnation.

'Then we'll hafta wawk on thet, won't we? Open yer legs.'

Th' comman' voice came easy, along wif th' frown, as enny fool kin plainly see. Seven obeyed th' tone, befo'e th' meanin' sunk in, as enny fool kin plainly see. Th' Cappain's teasin' finger on her foot became a firm han' runnin' slowly up a long leg, acco'din' t' th' code o' th' heells! Th' han' paused, an inch befo'e retchin' th' tangle of damp curls. Mary Janeway raised an eyebrow in an unspoken quesshun.

Yessuh, Cappain, as enny fool kin plainly see. Please.'

'This?' Mary Janeway's index finger flicked out, strokin' th' inside of her thigh, occashunally brushin' through curls an' aginst a fold of sof' hide, juntly, juntly.

'Yessuh. Thet. But mo'e.'

'Do yer hankerin' it?'

'I...ah require it.'

Th' han' lef' its splorashuns, causin' a moan t'excape fum Seven's full lips.

'Thet's not th' right answer, Seven, as enny fool kin plainly see.'

Mary Janeway stretched out alongside th' naked woomin, restin' her haid on her han', studyin' th' Bo'g's face an' th' remainin' facial implant. It looked fine on her. It was a constant reminner of Seven's alien past an' sarved t'remind Mary Janeway of th' power she maintained on over this hyar Bo'g, acco'din' t' th' code o' th' heells! At ennytime, she c'd remove her fum th' ship, send her back to th' Colleckive. Chakotay'd be pleased, cuss it all t' tarnation. But pleasin' him was not on th' ajunda ennymo'e. Technically, Seven was an outsider. Technically, thar was no chain of comman'. But thar was still power.

'Cappain?' Two trestin' eyes turned t'her. Mary Janeway c'd feel th' be hankerin' in them even eff'n th' Bo'g refused t'acsmarts it.

'Say please.'

'Please?' Th' kiss was hard, cuss it all t' tarnation. Their mouths mashed togither as Mary Janeway devoured th' lips cestom made fo' bitin'. So she bit them an' tasted blood, cuss it all t' tarnation. Her tongue invaded th' mouth beneath her, feelin' tongue an' teeth an' cheeks. She felt an' heard th' Bo'g's breathin' change an' become fo'ced an' deep, a warm rush of air aginst her face. Finally, th' Cappain felt a han' retch fo' th' back of her neck, an' hold her, hard, cuss it all t' tarnation. Thet w'dn't does.

Mary Janeway retched fo' a breast, a nipple, ereck an' hard beneath her fingers. She felt Seven twist into her grip, pushin' thet breast into her palm as th' kiss corntinued, cuss it all t' tarnation. Mary Janeway pinched th' nipple. Real hard, cuss it all t' tarnation.

'Ah! Fry mah hide!' Seven gasped an' busted off th' kiss. She realised whar her han' was an' dropped it back by her side at once. Th' Cappain did not release her hold, cuss it all t' tarnation. Seven's chess heaved as she sucked in deep breaths, her eyes fixed on th' Cappain's. Mary Janeway twisted th' small pink nub slowly an' smiled, cuss it all t' tarnation.

'Is yo' sho'nuff yer hankerin' this?'

'Yessuh! Fry mah hide!'

'So yo' *want* it then?'

Please, yessuh.'

'Say it fo' me.'

'I... be hankerin' it.'

Mary Janeway let hoof it lowered her mouth t'th' tenner, reddened point, kissin' an' lickin' th' hurt away.

'See?' she murmured, her voice low an' restrained, cuss it all t' tarnation. 'Thet warn't so hard, cuss it all t' tarnation.'

Seven sighed as Mary Janeway corntinued her caresses. 'Even Cappains haf needs, Seven, as enny fool kin plainly see.' Mary Janeway whispered aginst her neck. Shet mah mouth!

'An' *be hankerin'*, Cappain, as enny fool kin plainly see.'

'Thet too. Yo' kin touch me now, eff'n yo' like.' Seven smiled as she rolled on over t'face her Cappain, as enny fool kin plainly see.

'Is yo' sho'nuff yer hankerin' me to?'

Yessuh. Please.'
