Kiss Me

"Kiss me."


"You heard me.  Kiss me."


Why not?"


"That's not an answer, it's avoision."

"'Avoision?!  What the hell is 'avoision'?"

"Y-you know, when you avoid something."

"Ahh.  That would be aversion, not avoision."

"Oh. ... Kiss me."

"I said no!"


"Don't beg."

"Pretty please?"

"I cannot."

"Well, why not?"


"I told you, that is not an answer and I won't take it as one no matter how many times you say it.  Now, kiss me dammit."


"This is not humorous."

"I know it isn't.  Leave me alone."

"Not until you kiss me."

"Why are you obsessed with me kissing you?"


"There is no point then?"

"Not really, no."

"Then why ask?"


"Don't try that with me."

"Then why won't you kiss me."

"Because I said no."

"You won't kiss me because you said no?  But, you said no after I asked, so how can that be the reason?"

"It just is.  Please leave."


"Because you are annoying me."


"Shut up."


"Dammit!  Shut the hell up!"


"If you don't shut up I swear I'll take you by your feet and hang you over a cat walk until you do."

"Oh.  Um, why?"


"Why?  Come on, tell me."




"Don't ignore me!"


"Pretty please?"


"Pretty please with sprinkles and whipped cream and a cherry on top?"

"That's an interesting picture.  You topped with whipped cream, sprinkles ... rainbow? ... and a cherry."


"I said interesting, not pleasing or desirable."


"Please leave."

"Kiss me first."


"How many times are we going to go through this?"

"Until you say yes."


"Kiss me."

"I've told you all ready, I can't."

"Tell me why not.  Maybe I'll leave you alone."


"It can't be that bad."

"It isn't."

"Then, why?"


"Because why?"

"You're intoxicated."



"No.  Kiss me."

"No!  Stop asking me"

"Am I tempting you?"


"Then I have to try harder.  Please, I want you to kiss me.  Please!"

"I said no.  Plain and simple."

"What can I do to convince you?"


"Not even this ..."

"Auhhhh, nooo.  Stop that."

"What about this?"

"Mmm, no.  I don't like that in the least."

"Ok, how about this little number?"

"Oooohhhwwwww!  That was certainly, um, interesting in a painful way."


"No more moves?"


"Damn.  Oops."

"Kiss me."

"Uh, no."

"This is ridiculous..."

"You're right."

"No, I mean, why do I keep asking you when I'm stronger than you are and can accomplish what I want by taking it?"

"Because you have morals and it would be wrong to kiss me without permission."

"What if you gave me permission at an earlier time and you forgot?"

"I never!"

"No, you didn't."

"Then why did you ask the question?"


"You're confusing me now."

"I don't mean to."

"Like I said, you're drunk."

"I am not."

"Yes, you are.  Now be quiet and rest."

"No, I want you to kiss me."

"Tell me why and maybe I will."


"I thought so.  Rest."



"Because I want you to kiss me."



"Good, we have an understanding now."

"No, we don't.  I still want you to kiss me."


"That was not a kiss and hardly where I wanted it."

"Doesn't matter.  I kissed you.  Now rest ."

"... ... ..."

"What are you looking at?"



"You're pretty."

"Oh, boy, here we go.  You need sleep."

"I don't sleep."

"Yes, you do.  And you need coffee."


"It is not 'ew'!"

"You always reek of it.  It's icky."


"Yes, icky.  Kiss me again."

"Thought I reeked of coffee?"

"If you kiss me enough, I'll reek, too, and I won't smell it as much.  So, kiss me."

"Nice logic ... even for a drunk."

"I am not, nor will I ever be, drunk."

"Then why did you come in here staggering around and *reeking* of liqueur?"

"I didn't stagger, I uneasily walked."

"And the stench?"


"Ohhhh, Tom.  Stand up."

"You mean I'm not?"

"Yes, you're drunk.  No, you're not standing."

"Where are we going?"

"To my bed."

"Oh.  ...  Are you going to kiss me there?"

"No.   You, missy, are going to bed."

"I don't want to go to bed."

"Very amusing.  Get off the deck."

"Not until you kiss me the way I want."

"Fine, I'll get you a blanket and a pillow and you can sleep on the hard, uncomfortable  deck."

"You don't play fair."

"This isn't a game.  You're, well, ill and you need sleep."

"I thought you said I was drunk?"

"Ill.  Drunk.  What's the difference?  Now, take my hand and stand up so I can help you to the bed."

"Will you sleep with me?"


"Why not?  It's your bed."

"Tonight, it's your bed.  The couch is mine."

"That's not fair either.  Take me back to the couch."


"Why not?"

"I'm not going through this again with you.  You - bed.   Me - couch.  Both - sleep."



"But I want you to."

"We don't always get what we want.  And, you're drunk so you're not thinking clearly."

"I am not drunk!"

"Ok, then you're in denial."

"No, *you* are in denial."


"Yes, you!  Oh... Your bed isn't as soft as I thought."

"Whatever.  And what exactly am I in denial about?"

"You want to kiss me and you want to sleep with me, but something or someone won't let you."



"Very funny.  Now, lay back under the covers and try to get some sleep.  If you need me I'll be on the couch."

"... You know, being drunk is like having a truth serum injected.  Maybe you should try it sometime."

"Thank you, but no."

"You're afraid of the truth?  Wow, I didn't think you were afraid of anything."

"... ... Everyone is afraid of something."

"I am not."

"Well, at least I got you to admit you're drunk."

"And I got you to admit you're afraid of something."

"Yes, but as I said everyone is afraid of something."

"You are afraid of what I make you feel."


"Why are you so afraid of that?  Am I that undesirable?"


"Then why?  What is it that makes you so uncomfortable?"

"Uncharted territory."

"The Delta Quadrant is uncharted territory and you haven't once balked."

"Alright, I give!  ...  What I feel - what you make me feel for you scares me."

"Why?  Ew."

"Excuse you, miss piggy."

"Thank you."

"You need to brush your teeth."



"I scare you?"

"Oh, that.  You don't scare me, what I feel for you scares me."


"Because.  And don't start that again"

"Don't *you* start that again.  I want to know."

"I - I've never felt the way I do for you toward anyone before."

"And that's scary?"

"Well, yes, it is.  It's more intense than anything I've felt for any one before."

"This is a bad thing?"

"For someone who doesn't want to feel it, yes."


"I'm sorry.  I knew I shouldn't have gotten into this with you.  I'll go."

"No!  ...  Don't go, please."

"I've said too much, and I hurt you.  I can't say anymore."

"You did not hurt me.  You hurt you.  ...  Why won't you allow yourself to show what you feel to me?  What's stopping you?"

"Everything and nothing."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I cannot allow myself to feel anything."

"Why though?  What harm would there be in it if you did?"


"You can tell me."

"No, you'll just leave me and it'll hurt again.  Just like the rest of them have."

"I could never intentionally hurt you."

"That's what they said - "

"I would never leave you.  Not for anything.   Even in death, I'll always be here with you."

"Oh, God - "

"I can't promise you that it will be easy, for either of us."

"I never thought I'd fall."

"Only to be caught by an angel.  ...  Will you kiss me now?"

"You better believe it - my angel."