All or Nothing.

Aranni fought the blackness that surrounded her, fighting to return to consciousness. In the distance it seemed she could hear the alert siren, calling her to action. She reached out a hand as if to be pulled from the depths of sleep and touched the polymer sphere that surrounded her. That small pressure against the clear shell was enough to release the seal and the top retracted, allowing fresh air into the pod.

Taking a deep breath, the young scientist opened her eyes and forced her long unused muscles to help her into a sitting position. As she focused on the world around her, the trailing blue light that flashed around the wall caught her attention. Full Alert.

Forcing her body to move quickly, she reached for the personal medical kit located in each of the primary suspension pods. Her hands shook furiously as she prepared the stimulant for injection. It would be a full minute before she could stand and at least another before her legs would allow her to walk. Releasing the fluid into her vein, she waited.

Working out her muscles to speed the flow of the stimulant, Aranni pressed her feet to the floor, impatient to report to command. She looked along the bay at row after row of suspension pods, thousands of her people, sleeping soundly. Unaware of any danger and helpless without the protection of their Custodians. As the only ranking member in this section, Aranni was desperate to determine the reason for the Blue.

Deciding she could wait no longer, Aranni gently stood, easing her weight onto legs that seemed to have forgotten what standing was. It was only a few steps to the computer console where she could rest while she checked on their status. Pain shot through her legs and hips as she moved. Closing her eyes briefly against the pain, Aranni shuffled towards the console.

Sinking into the chair she accessed the main computer. Logging herself in as active, the received only the automated greeting. Eight other Custodians had logged on in the past 30 seconds, they too having been released from suspension with Aranni. Nine out of forty three wasn't a good sign. Still, Aranni reminded herself, it was early.

Calling up a status report, she looked quickly for a time index. The second phase of 3548 cycles, they were almost there! Her people had survived 42 cycles in cryogenic suspension. In another two, key personnel would have been woken to prepare their planet for re-colonization.

The computer informed Aranni of their situation as she felt the proof for herself. They were under attack!

The slender woman was knocked to the floor as a torpedo impacted. Recovering quickly, she finished the report. One quadrant of the station was all but destroyed and heavy casualties were suspected. No Custodians had reported in from those sections and they too were presumed lost.

Only the bare minimum of personnel remained active at any one stage during their 45 cycle suspension. Aranni knew that only a handful of people would have been in a position to defend the station against attackers.

She keyed in a command to release thirty of her guards from their drug induced sleep and recorded her intention to proceed to command. It would be another five minutes before she could expect the first of the guards to be alert enough to respond to the situation and she hoped against hope that it was not too late.

Moving as quickly as her body would allow, she exited the pod bay. This level and the two above it were currently undamaged. From there, she was unsure what she would encounter. Images of destruction assaulted her as she half ran along the thoroughfare. The shiny white floor and walls turned an ethereal silver-blue by the alert beacon.

She jumped onto the lift at the end of the corridor and released the clamp, sending it to the next level. The lift docked with a clunk and she stepped quickly across the hall to the next lift and repeated the process. The lifts on each of the next four levels were operational and Aranni hopped back and forth, working her way upwards.

She was only two levels from the command station when the station was hit again. The deck below her feet crumpled and she fell forward. Reaching blindly, her hand found the edge of a maintenance hatch and she latched on, pulling herself upright.

A siren echoed around her signalling a hull breach and Aranni surged forward, falling into the lift and hitting the release. It jolted under her feet before moving erratically upwards. Aranni turned around and looked at the twisted metal below her. Knowing in her heart that that blast would have hit so very close to her own section. With a silent tear, Aranni moved one level closer to her goal.

Finally reaching the upper level, she stepped into the passageway. Here, too, a siren echoed and Aranni feared that a breach would block her path. Despite slowly gaining strength and coordination, she struggled to maintain her balance as the station rocked under another barrage of torpedoes. The corridor was misted red from the bromine gas which was rapidly escaping from the conduits which lined this section of passageway. Aranni could just make out the blinking blue light in the room ahead and she stifled a small cry as her fears were realised.

A battered form lay sprawled on the deck, a dark welt on his pale forehead. Another lay face down at the console. Rohan. The leader of her people. His features were unmarked and Aranni hoped that maybe his heart had ceased to beat from fright. That maybe after they were safe again, the medics may be able to revive him.

The fact that she was the first of the custodians to enter the room troubled her. At least a dozen were closer. Forcing that to the back of her mind, she gently lay Rohan back in his chair to access the main controls.

Bringing the main view screen on, she got her first look at their attackers. A sleek grey vessel swung around, armed once again and Aranni flinched as she saw another missile launched towards the station.

Shields were down to 40 percent in almost all areas. The shielding was lost completely in the upper forward quadrant. Less than 70 percent of the suspension pods remained active and Aranni baulked at the loss of life.

A yellow light caught her attention as it flashed once. A distress signal had been sent. Calling up the details, it seemed Rohan had sent a repeating distress message less than ten minutes ago. Glancing at the elderly man, perched motionless in the high backed chair, Aranni hoped someone had heard that message and his dreams of a better world for his people would not die with him.

"I'm picking up a distress signal, Captain!" Harry Kim spoke suddenly from his ops console.

Captain Kathryn Janeway stood and turned to face her officer.

"Let's hear it."

Harry adjusted the filters as a burst of static filled the room. Gradually it cleared to reveal a deep baritone.

"...Station Valredo requesting assistance from any aligned vessels. We are under attack by the Brennan. We have lost fire power and are defenceless. We have over twelve thousand aligned civilians on board. Please assist us!"

"How far away are they?" Janeway demanded.

"One point two light years," Ensign Tom Paris replied from the conn.

"Maximum warp, Mr Paris." Janeway turned and shared a glance with her first officer. Commander Chakotay sat upright in his chair. He nodded briefly to his Captain before accessing the small console next to his chair.

Checking the ships readiness, he ran a quick diagnostic on all main system while the Captain turned her attention to the main view screen.

"How long until we have visual contact?" She asked, anxious for more information.

"Seven minutes, Captain. The call came from the vicinity of a class M planet."

"I want whatever information you can gather on that planet, Mr Kim." The minutes crept by as Janeway alerted Engineering and readied the ship for a possible battle.

"Coming into visual range now, Captain," Ensign Kim spoke breaking the tense silence.

"On screen." Harry toggled the screen instantly, expecting the command.

A large orbital station filled the fore screen, it was almost a perfect sphere with the exception of a disk that circled the station along both axes. Far below, purple tinged clouds swirled around a blue-green orb. Three small dark fighters emerged from behind the station, joining into in an attack formation they swept around to launch another attack on the sphere. The station appeared to be severely damaged, yellow flashes erupted in one section as the lead fighter let loose a series of torpedoes.

"Yellow Alert!" The Captain called and the lighting in the bridge and throughout the ship dimmed as the signal lights flashed yellow. Crew members hurriedly returned to their stations or their quarters, each confidant in their duties and in their Captain after four years in the Delta quadrant.

"Analysis, Tuvok," the Captain turned, asking for a tactical analysis on the attacking vessels.

"The ship's shields and weaponry are no match for our own, Captain. Simple lazers and low-yield photon torpedoes only," he replied with a quirk of his brow.

"Crew compliment?" she asked turning her attention back to ops.

"There are four humanoids on board each ship. I am not familiar with their bio signatures, Captain."

"Are we within communications range?"

Janeway hoped to be able to communicate with the ship, not wanting to come running into an unfamiliar situation with their phasers firing.

"Aye, Captain."

"Open a channel to the attacking ship." Harry hurried to open the channel before one of the other fighters fired again. Janeway waited until Harry met her gaze, silently informing her that the channel was open.

"This is Captain Janeway of the USS Voyager, please break off your attack." Her tone was demanding. After a moments silence, Janeway turned back to Harry, "Are they receiving us?"

"Yes, Captain. The message has been received."

"Repeat the hail," she commanded before turning to Lt Commander Tuvok, "Can you target their weapon systems?"

Tuvok tapped briefly on his console before replying.

"We are within range. I have a phaser lock on their weapon systems, Captain."

Janeway held her hand up, a signal for him to hold until she gave the command to fire. "Any life signs on the station?"

"I am having difficulty getting a clear reading. Many of the signals are quite faint but I would estimate over eight thousand people are on board the station."

"How serious is the damage?" Small flashes of light continued to flicker across the station where the shields had been breached. The silvery matt surface scarred by lazers that wouldn't so much as scratch Voyager.

"They have taken considerable damage from the torpedoes. Much of the station has lost life support and power."

"Open another channel," the Captain waited an instant before continuing. "Brennan vessel, if you do not break off your attack, we will be forced to fire."

"Captain," Tuvok spoke from tactical, "They are coming about for another attack."

"Disable their weapons, Commander," the Captain gave the order to fire, unable to doubt the correctness of her actions when so many lives were at stake.

A single phaser beam sliced it's way across the smaller vessel.

"Direct hit. Torpedoes and lazers are off-line. The other ships are moving to attack," Tuvok informed his Captain.

Moving together towards their much larger foe, the fighters begun to fire at Voyager. The yellow lazers were absorbed by Voyager's shields, the impact completely buffered by her inertial dampeners.

"Captain?" Tuvok asked with that one word if he should continue to fire.

"Disable weapons, Commander."

Two brief bursts hit the Brennan ships. As they turned and maneuvered to join their comrade, the wing of one of the vessels exploded. Obviously losing helm control the vessel spun, almost colliding with the ship beside it.

"I am reading power fluctuations, Captain. I believe a core breach is imminent."

"Can you get a lock on the occupants?" Janeway asked as Ensign Kim fought his console to break through the interference.

Before he had a chance to answer, the vessel imploded, sending fragments of its hull spinning towards them. For a moment, everyone was motionless. Slowly, the two fighters on the viewscreen flew in an arc around the empty space that, seconds before, was one of their own.

Janeway studied the vessels, wondering at their motive for attacking the station. Regretting the loss of life on both sides. Their configuration was unfamiliar to her, as was the name Brennan. Hating for any first contact to be hostile in nature, she hoped again for a chance to speak to the ship's occupants. Almost before she finished the thought, the ships moved off in a streak of light.

"The remaining vessels have engaged warp engines," Tuvok announced unnecessarily.

"Let them go," Janeway replied, more concerned with the people on board the station. "What condition is the station in?" she asked, preparing to contact them.

"They are losing shields, their lazers are off-line, life support is compromised. I would estimate one third of the station has been destroyed," Ensign Kim replied, running a series of scans over the station.

"Do they have communications?"

"I am attempting to open a channel for you now, Captain."

The forward viewscreen flickered to be replaced by a fuzzy image of a petite young woman with orange-gold hair and an older man who sat stooped in his chair.

"I am Captain Kathryn Janeway of the starship Voyager. May we be of assistance?" as she spoke, Janeway moved a step closer to the viewscreen.

"You already have been, Captain," the young woman replied. Janeway realised suddenly that the gentleman seated beside her appeared to be dead. "I am Aligned Custodian Aranni of Jarkart." as she spoke, Aranni straightened to her full height and inclined her head in greeting.

"Do you have wounded who are in need of assistance" Janeway asked, maintaining eye contact. Custodian Aranni seemed understandably upset, despite her posture and tone.

"We do, however, I am afraid that our docking ring has been damaged. I will need time to arrange for..." Aranni broke off mid sentence and turned suddenly to look behind her. Just visible on the viewscreen Janeway could see a couple limping into the room. Both had their arms wrapped around each other for support as they stumbled towards Aranni.

Rushing towards them, the small woman helped lower one of them to the floor, resting his back against the wall. Janeway could see that he had a terrible gash along the length of one leg and his arm appeared broken. The other continued to stand, his attention focused on his comrade as he spoke to Aranni. Blood flowed freely from a gash on his face and as he turned to face the viewscreen Janeway was shocked to see that one side of his face and chest was covered in severe burns.

Janeway turned to Chakotay and spoke quietly.

"Contact the Doctor and B'Elanna, I want medical and repair crews standing by to beam over."

Chakotay nodded and after a moment at his console he left the bridge to supervise the arrangements.

Janeway watched the newcomer walk awkwardly towards them on the screen. For a moment he hesitated as he noticed the old man still seated at the controls. A look of profound sadness marred his already damaged features and Janeway felt another pang of grief for these people.

"Captain Kathryn Janeway?" he waited for her to confirm her identity. "I am Aligned Custodian Merik, thank you for assisting my people," he spoke formally as he too inclined his head in greeting.

Aranni joined him then, placing her hand gently on his shoulder and Janeway knew, as Merik did, that his companion had not survived.

"Custodians, I have medical teams and engineering crews ready to assist you if you require help," she spoke gently, willing them to trust in her and her crew.

"We do Captain," Aranni spoke, a mask Janeway knew well replacing the sadness that enveloped her seconds before. "However, the majority of the station's occupants are in suspended animation. It will take time to assess the damage and arrange a transfer of your people."

"We have matter transfer technology which would allow us to beam directly from our ship to your station. If you let me know what you require, I can send over crew and equipment to assist with your repairs immediately."

"I can not express my appreciation, Captain. As you are no doubt already aware, we have extensive structural damage. According to the readings I have here, we have lost a significant percentage of the station completely and very few areas remain undamaged. Half of our suspension pods are showing erratic readings." Aranni looked up from the display board she was studying before continuing "We will gladly accept whatever help you can offer."

Janeway nodded and tapped her comm badge.

"Janeway to Commander Chakotay, are the away teams ready?"

"I have three medical teams ready to transport. Lt Torres has analysed the station's systems and is assembling equipment now."

"Acknowledged. Stand by for transport coordinates. Janeway out."

"Our secondary cargo hold appears undamaged," Merik spoke after a brief discussion between the two on the viewscreen. "I have its location for you now, Captain."

"I have medical teams ready for you now if someone could show them where they are most required."

"Aranni is attempting to contact Custodians in that area now," Merik answered as the younger woman spoke quietly at the console beside him. "We have lost power in many of the pod bays, I fear that if we are unable to restore power soon... "

"Understood, Custodian. My Chief Engineer had assessed your systems and is preparing to beam over now. "

"I have made contact with a team in that quadrant. I'll need time to make my way there, but I'll meet your engineers when they arrive," Aranni spoke, standing again and walking around the taller man beside her.

"I was hoping we would have an opportunity to talk. I'd like to know a little more about your people," Janeway replied, anxious to know both the reason behind the attack and why the station was filled with people in cryogenic suspension.

"Me as well, Captain., Aranni replied honestly, "But my primary duty is to the station, I must assist in its repairs." She held Janeway's gaze for an instant before turning to look at Merik.

"I will locate another Custodian to join with me at you convenience, Captain," Merik continued, then turned to speak to Aranni, "Has either Talban or Crista reported in?"

"Only Talban, he was active after being released from suspension as we were, nothing since. I will attempt to locate him." Aranni made a few enquiries at her console.

"I will need a little time, Captain. Would you care to join us here?"

"Certainly, Custodian Merik. I'll meet you both at the transport coordinates," Janeway answered and could practically feel the disapproving scowl from the direction of her security chief.

"Captain," Aranni spoke again, a note of urgency in her voice, "Would it be possible for one of your medics to look at Rohan." She indicated the elderly gentleman balanced in his chair beside her.

"No, Aranni. Leave him," Merik spoke so softly Janeway barely heard him. He turned and placed a hand comfortingly on the smaller woman's shoulder.

"If it's his heart..." Aranni started.

"It's not his heart, Aranni," he continued gently, the grief obvious in his tone. He looked down at the man, encouraging Aranni to look also. Janeway was unable to see what they could, but she realised by the stiffening in the woman's posture that the cause of death was evident and she wondered who this man was that obviously meant a great deal to them both.

Clearing her voice, Aranni turned and addressed Voyager's Captain.

"I'll meet you shortly, Captain," she spoke firmly and turned to clasp Merik's shoulder before retreating from the room.

Aranni forced herself to look straight ahead as she left the command room. She didn't see the bodies of two of her people as she left, nor the team of guards killed in the corridor as they tried to make their way towards Rohan.

The air was thick with bromide gas, the fog burning her eyes and throat. Coughing convulsively she held her hand over her mouth, attempting to filter each breath. Blinking away the tears caused only partly by the gas, she released a maintenance hatch at the end of the corridor. The lifts on the three lower decks were damaged and she would have to find another route.

She crawled through the access tunnels towards the lower fore quadrant of the station to meet those that would protect her people where she herself had failed. How many of the lives that she had pledged to protect had already lost their fight?

Kicking out the hatch at the end of the tube, she crawled into the corridor one deck above the cargo hold. Here the damage was less apparent and she walked quickly to the lifts. Her feet slowed when she saw first boots and then a pair of green clad legs sprawled on the deck outside the lift. After only a moments hesitation, she jogged the remaining paces to the figure. Salai! Rohan's only daughter, a custodian in her own right.

Dropping to the floor beside her friend, Aranni ran her hands along her face and sides, attempting to either wake her or find whatever injury had caused her to collapse.

Aranni remembered the evening Salai had been given her title. The two had been working together for over a year, preparing both the station and the control facility on the planet for their long sleep. Aranni had headed the team, but Salai had been invaluable. She hadn't looked forward to working with the young girl initially. And that's how she'd thought of her, as a girl. Unqualified, inexperienced, given the position because of her father. She wasn't often wrong, but this time, she couldn't have been further off the mark.

Salai was a brilliant scientist and, like her father, she was a natural leader. The two had worked together amazingly well and it had been Aranni that had suggested to the ruling council that she be considered for a custodianship.

She proved herself during the negotiations with the Brennan and at 26 had become the second youngest person ever to be granted a position on Jarkart's ruling council. And here she lay, after what was only a month to Aranni, murdered by those she had fought to protect.

Aranni brushed the hair back from her face and leant down to kiss her forehead. She held her lips against her skin and whispered a silent goodbye. The pale skin was warm against her lips and Aranni sat back suddenly almost dropping the woman she held cradled in her arms.


"Salai! Can you hear me, Salai!" Laying her back on the deck, Aranni opened each of the yellow-green eyes and felt the base of her throat for a heart beat. A strong pulse thudded against her finger tips and Aranni gently shook her again, calling her name.

Aranni became worried when she failed to wake her. She could find no apparent injury, her pulse and breathing were both regular. Unwilling to leave her friend alone, Aranni slid her arms under the woman's shoulders and lifted her as gently as she could into a sitting position. Moving to her feet, she crouched beside her and draped one limp arm over her own shoulders. With one arm under her legs and another at her back, she lifted her.

Her fear had obviously leant her arms strength and Salai was suddenly a whole lot lighter than Aranni expected. The young scientist actually laughed out loud as she stumbled into the wall behind her from the excess effort in the movement.

"Okay, Salai, let's get you to the cargo hold. You're doing fine." Aranni manouvered them both into the lift and kicked the lever with her foot to release the mechanism.