Custodian Aranni looked close to exhaustion and her voice wavered slightly as she greeted the Captain. It had been eighteen hours since the attack and Janeway knew without question that Aranni had not allowed herself to stop working in all that time. The current slump of her shoulders spoke more clearly than words ever could and Janeway realised that the repairs must not be going well.

"Custodian, we are preparing to send another team of engineers to assist you," Janeway informed her. Beta team was due to return to Voyager within the hour and Lieutenant Torres had assured the Captain that she was ready to lead another team.

"I regret, Captain, that our repairs seem to be inadequate," Aranni sat a little straighter in her seat as she spoke, "We are unable to maintain temperature in our suspension pods. In the past three hours, five percent of our pods have failed completely and another twenty are dangerously close."

"Is there anything you need to facilitate repairs?" Janeway asked, determined not to give in. If it were her crew in danger she would do everything in her power to ensure their survival. She would not deny Aranni that same chance to protect her people.

"The station has been too badly damaged. There is to be a meeting shortly to determine a course of action. Until then, I can only thank you for all you have done for us."

"Are you not able to relocate your people to the planet below?" Janeway asked, hoping for answers.

"Not at this stage, but we will cover that option in our discussions." Aranni did not elaborate and the conversation faltered for a moment. Behind Aranni, Captain Janeway could see Merik enter the command room. He headed directly to the communications console and took a seat next to his fellow Custodian.

"Hello again, Janeway," he spoke pausing to add his greetings to Aranni. "I have been instructed to invite you to join us once again, if you were so inclined. The ruling council is required to evaluate our situation, and your input would be valued."

Aranni's expression visibly relaxed as she listened to Merik speak and Janeway had to admit, she herself would be glad to join the council, if only to find out what she exactly she had involved Voyager in this time.

Janeway materialized once again in the cargo bay on Valredo Station. Lieutenant Torres, the Doctor and Seven of Nine had each been invited to attend the meeting. The Jarkart had invited them by name, apparently according them equal rank. Janeway supposed it was because they had led the initial repair teams or possibly because each had appeared suitably commanding to the Jarkart personell. Either way, she was glad to have her department heads present. Merik had admitted that, of a council that had only a day ago boasted forty four heads, only thirty remained. The wealth of knowledge and skill they had possessed was sadly lost with them.

As the bay came into focus around her, Janeway was greeted by Merik and Aranni, both of whom the away team were somewhat familiar with, as well as two other middle aged men. All four stepped forward at the same instant and nodded to the party and Janeway recognised the ritual in the greeting. Obviously this was to be a more formal occasion, and the diplomat in her responded immediately.

The Captain took a step forward while her officers respectfully maintained their position. She nodded as they had done before her and the attention of each Custodian shifted from the party member opposite them and focused on the Starfleet Captain. Merik, who stood opposite her spoke first.

"Thank you, Janeway, for agreeing to join our council. You honour us with your knowledge." About to return the compliment, Janeway was interrupted before she had a chance to start, as Merik began the introductions.

"I would like to present to you, Custodian Evans, head physician," a tall, thin man with long black hair nodded to her and Janeway extended her hand to him in greeting. Hesitating only a moment, he mimicked her actions, and the two exchanged greetings.

"Custodian Aranni, whom you have met already, systems specialist." Making her way down the line of people, Janeway stood in front of the golden haired woman. Aranni smiled slightly and reached for Janeway's hand, shaking vigorously.

"And Custodian Jareel, chemical engineer." Familiar with the action, Jareel shook hands and nodded briefly for good measure.

"I have heard much of you and your people, Captain Janeway. I look forward to talking with you." Jareel spoke with a deep baritone that matched his stature. He stood at about six foot tall, a good foot above his companions and would have been twice as wide as Janeway was herself.

Throughout the introductions, each of their hosts maintained their stance perfectly. Their shoulders straight, heads held high, feet slightly spread, hands clasped at their belly. With the exception of Aranni's warm greeting, each movement they made had been precise in its execution. Although unable to see them, Janeway knew without looking, that her officers would each be standing at attention, respecting the formality of the occasion.

Janeway tended to find the initial diplomatic forays between different races a little tedious. She hoped that as their two peoples had already had the chance to work together, they would find themselves moving through these protocols more quickly. Despite the fact that a lot was revealed of a culture in their ritual greetings and their traditions, Janeway knew from experience that you didn't truly start to gain an understanding of each other until dispensing with ceremony.

Stepping to one side so she was again opposite Merik, she turned to introduce her officers to the Jarkart. She took in the sight of her officers with pride, reminded once again what a fine crew she had been blessed with. Seven of Nine stood, not with her usual arrogant stance, but with her hands by her sides in imitation of B'Elanna and the Doctor who both stood at full parade attention.

"Custodians, I am privileged to introduce my officers to you. Custodian Evans, I'd like you to meet my Chief Medical Officer, The Doctor," as Janeway spoke she wondered how the universal translator interpreted the Doctor's name and if he was likely to ever choose a more personal title for himself. The holographic doctor stepped forward to greet his counterpart and both men shook hands. The Doctor also nodded as he had seen the Jarkart do and Evans smiled quite charmingly at him in response.

"Seven of Nine, my Astrometrics department head," Janeway continued and was amazed at Seven's eloquence as she stepped forward and spoke to Aranni.

"Custodian Aranni, it is a pleasure to see you again. I am honoured to have been asked to participate in your council."

"Seven, thank you for coming. It is we who are honoured by your attendance," Aranni pumped Seven's hand as she had done Janeway's. The Captain smiled at the slightly puzzled expression on Seven's face.

"And Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres, my Chief Engineer." B'Elanna stepped neatly forward and made eye contact with the large scientist, repeating the formalities.

The station personell stood aligned, opposite herself and her team. Without a word the four bowed from the waist and she realised as she repeated the gesture that, in an amazing feat of coordination, her officers had all managed to bow simultaneously in response. Janeway idly wondered what the chances were of them ever managing such a thing again as the eight marched steadily out of the cargo bay.

They could hear the council meeting well before they entered the hall. Such a mix of voices all talking over or around one another that the universal translator did not even bother to make an attempt at translation. From the tone of the voices, Janeway decided the people were more excited than argumentative, despite the odd shout or two. The noise quieted as the Starfleet personell began to enter the room and each custodian stood in greeting.

After a brief nod and word of welcome, they resumed their seats and discussions, albeit a little more quietly. The seats to which they were shown were scattered over the large table, obviously the original seats of those members who had not survived the attack.

Janeway surveyed the assembled station occupants, they were each dressed in overalls of sorts with badges, which the Captain assumed identified their field of expertise, on their sleeves. There appeared to be a well balanced mix of both age and gender. At the head of the long table, a white cloth covered an empty chair, a reminder to all that their chosen leader was no longer there to guide them.

Conversations continued back and forth and it soon became obvious that there was order in what initially had seemed like chaos. Talk progressed in groups around the table, each covering a broad range of topics. Each group put forward their own proposals, raising more questions and generating ideas. This method obviously allowed a larger number of people to put forward their opinions before confronting the entire council to begin the decision making process. Focusing her attention on the nearest speaker, Janeway listened intently, as her group discussed the progress of the planet's rejuvenation cycle.

After two hours of debate, Janeway was anxious for a break. She had learnt a great deal of these people's situation and was keen to discuss it with her own crew. From the look on Seven's face and the regular glances the young woman kept throwing in her direction, Kathryn knew she had heard something of interest. As Janeway frequently heard the Doctor's voice floating over those around her, she decided he seemed to have integrated himself quite nicely into his group's discussion. B'Elanna seemed a little quiet, although, like the Captain, the Jarkart officials seemed genuinely interested in her opinion when she spoke.

A small chime rang above them and after a few whispered comments, the room became silent. Eyes moved about the room restlessly until finally Aranni spoke.

"Merik, perhaps in the final stage of our Transition, you could speak for us in Rohan's absence." The room remained silent as Merik leant forward in his chair to be seen by those further down the table.

"Unless there is another who would rather....." he trailed off as others waved or mumbled in his direction. General opinion was that he was as good as any or someone had to do it so it may as well be he.

Janeway thought if it had been her in Merik's position, she may have been a little disheartened by the lack of enthusiasm by her peers. Merik seemed unconcerned though, so perhaps it was simply their way.

"A short break. We'll hear from Talgin first when we come in. Remember, don't leave the council sector, if you need documents or such, I'll arrange a runner."

The noise started up again as people filed out of the room and Janeway moved to join her crew.

As the four starfleet officers briefed each other on what they had discussed, Kathryn was amazed at the amount of information Seven had been able to gather, even allowing for her Borg enhanced hearing and memory. Apparently throughout the entire round of discussions, Custodian Aranni had acted as commentator, explaining the background of each topic and reason for each comment or decision that another in her group made. Thus leaving Seven a walking encyclopedia of Jarkart scientific history.

In Seven's opinion, much of the information was irrelevant, a conclusion Janeway was determined to make for herself later, but for now, what details she did relate were quite enlightening.

Aranni had revealed that up until almost sixty years ago, her people had lived on the planet surface. As a somewhat technologically advanced society, they had developed virtually the entire planet. Where villages had started thousands of years ago, towns and cities grew until they had covered the entire surface of the planet's continents.

They developed vehicles propelled by carbon, experimented with building products, altered natural vegetation to suit their needs until eventually, they destroyed their world. Since the beginning of recorded history, scientists had ruled on Jarkart; the gathering of knowledge and the development of new technology the driving force of the people.

Almost two hundred years ago, they began to question their pursuit of knowledge at the expense of their planet. The natural ecosystems had been destroyed, the atmosphere was so polluted, it was unthinkable to go outside without protective suits. Domes were built to shield the people from the outside world as they continued to pump their waste into the upper atmosphere.

Eventually, common sense reasserted itself and the people attempted to undo the damage they had done for so many centuries. However, as factories closed and obscure avenues of research lost funding in order to finance their salvage operations, civil war broke out, eventually costing millions of lives.

Small groups of people resented the change, angered by what they perceived as an abandonment of their ideals, they fought to preserve their way of life. In time, the rebel groups formed under one woman, Brenna. Under her command, large scale assaults were launched against the purification facilities, destroying any hope they had of halting the planet's environmental collapse. The council reacted strongly to that attack and within two years every rebel leader was imprisoned. The best scientists were called forward to decide on the future of their planet and the station was what they came up with.

Sixty years ago they began building an orbital station. Its purpose, along with two other similar stations, was to house the entire population while the planet was re-seeded with new life. Unable to reach a balance or draw a line at what level of technology was acceptable and what constituted a threat to life, the government decided that it was to be all, or nothing. The people of Jarkart were to sacrifice their determined pursuit of science in order to restore themselves to a more fundamental way of life, or else leave.

While the Jarkart selected Custodians to oversee the Transition, a proposal was put to Brenna. Resources would be allocated to allow them to follow their own path. A small uninhabited planet was secured from the Aligned Planets in the region. Every citizen that was unable to put their heart into developing their new life was to be relocated. Two cargo vessels were built as construction continued on the stations. Eventually, the first transport built took a crew of eight hundred along with tonnes of equipment to begin settlement of their new home. It returned sixteen years later, ready for its final journey.

Brenna took an additional nine thousand people with her from a population of three million. Forbidden to have children during the Transition, the population although already drastically reduced from the war was still too great to be housed in only three stations. The Brennan refused to assist in the construction of a fourth and, in a final act of rebellion, they destroyed the orbital thrusters of the first station, already the resting place of twelve thousand individuals, as they left the system.

The huge station impacted in the planet's surface, with estimates of a million deaths. Two years later, the second station failed to maintain its orbit, whether by design or accident, and it too plummeted to the earth.

The hopes of the people lay solely in Valredo Station and, two years later, another twelve thousand people said goodnight to their friends and family as they entered their forty five year suspension, not knowing if they would ever wake.

Each of the Custodians felt an awesome responsibility in returning these people to their planet. The station had originally held the embryonic children of another eight thousand couples and of a number of animal species they would require in their new life. And as each hour past, the chance of the embryos developing to maturation decreased.

Readings were being taken of the planet. Ideally, they would have had another few years for the planet to complete its development. The biological weapon used to initiate the terraforming process could still have the potential to cause irreparable damage were they to colonize too soon. As things currently stood, there didn't appear to be too many options.

As Seven finished her narration her fellow officers stood in silence for a moment. To have only eight thousand people remain from what was once a population of millions!

"Seven, I'd like you to contact Voyager. I want updated scans of the planet. I want to know exactly what we're looking at here. Did anyone else get details of the weapon used to do this?"

A round of negatives answered the Captain. Seven had just enough time to speak with Ensign Kim as the room began to slowly fill once again and the bell chimed to indicate the continuation of the council's discussions.

After their short recess, The Jarkart council begun again in earnest. Only two options were seriously considered, either sacrifice the power expended in keeping the embryonic stasis chambers active and focus on repairing the damaged suspension pods or concentrate efforts on preparing the planet for immediate colonization. The later was finally agreed upon and Janeway and her team returned to Voyager.

Immediately upon returning, a meeting of the senior staff was called. The Jarkart needed their assistance and the Captain was determined to see these people settled.

"What do you have for me, Ensign?" Janeway asked directing her attention to Harry Kim as soon as everyone had taken their seats.

"The planet is still biologically unstable, but I think it would have been ready for colonization in a few years as the station scientists predicted. Since we begun continuous scans three hours ago, we've recorded several rapid changes in temperature and weather conditions. And a whole field of flowers just came into bloom about fifteen minutes ago." Harry reported with an enthusiastic smile.

"What effect would those fluctuations have on humanoid physiology?"

"I'm not sure. Possibly an increase in metabolic functions," he replied uncertainly.

"Doctor, I want you to go over Harry's findings. B'Elanna, Seven, I want you to continue working alongside the Doctor. As soon as you can, I need to know what we're dealing with here. Seven, keep in contact with Aranni, see if you can get details on the whatever they used to do this in the first place. If it's designed to follow a natural progression, can we speed that up without causing further damage? And do we even need to?"

"Understood," Seven replied, her fellow crew members echoing her agreement.

"Anything further?" Janeway asked, already preparing to stand. She waited a moment, finally looking towards her first officer to ensure he had nothing to add. "Dismissed."

Seven and B'Elanna were standing hunched over a computer terminal when the Captain joined them several hours later. They were progressing well having run twelve simulations and only had four differences of opinion.

Based on the information Aranni had supplied them with and Harry's regular updates they were coming close to finding a way to calm the planet without halting its evolution.

"Captain, thanks for coming down," Lieutenant Torres began as she called up a record of their work. "This is what we've come up with so far."

She allowed her Captain several minutes to scan through their data knowing from experience that the Captain understood every detail in their log and would more than likely have her own ideas to add to their research.

"This is good work. Well done, both of you. Have you shown the Doctor?"

"Not yet. We wanted to get your approval first," B'Elanna explained.

"What percentage of the oxygen from the lower atmosphere will be lost?" Janeway queried, concerned that the redox reaction her officers had devised would have a negative effect on the planet's breathable atmosphere.

"Our least favouable simulation recorded a loss of less than twenty three percent of the atmosphere's oxygen," Seven stated, "However, it is my belief that Voyager's bussard collectors could be modified to catch forty one percent of that oxygen, which we could then reintroduce into the environment."

"The Doctor seems to think that humanoids could survive on the planet as it is, however they would experience moderate physical discomfort as their body's natural rhythm tried to adapt to the planet's changing phases over the next several months. I think he'll find your proposal interesting."

"We have completed a full spectral analysis and do not expect any harmful compounds to form as a result," Seven added.

"I want the Doctor to make certain of that. We don't know in what way Jarkart anatomy differs from our own. Contact me when you have a conclusion."

"Yes, Captain," both Seven and B'Elanna responded. The Captain grinned, privately amused by the small battle for power between the two.

"Custodian Merik, I think we may have some good news for you," Janeway began as the comm channel opened to the station. She sat casually in her command chair, one leg crossed over the other, her hands resting along the armrests.

"Ah, Captain Janeway. I am relieved to hear from you so soon."

"We are transmitting our initial findings for your scientists to have a look at. Both myself and my officers are available if you have any questions."

"Thank you, Captain. I'll transfer your data immediately." Merik made a few entries on his console before returning his attention to his viewscreen. "Tell me, what were you able to come up with?"

"Simply put, we plan to initiate a redox reaction in your upper atmosphere. Our readings indicate that this would be sufficient to calm the worst of the fluctuations."

"I understand. Are you able to manufacture the required agents to initiate the reaction?" Merik questioned.

"That won't be a problem. If you are happy with our findings, we can be ready to begin in half and hour."

"I'll be in contact with you shortly then, Janeway. Ah, one moment," Merik turned in his seat and watched as Aranni and Jareel bustled into the room. Jareel waved a pile of notes seemingly at the Captain as he entered.

"I like how you people think. This is simple chemistry, the best answers are the simple ones," Jareel recited as he pushed his way into the chair beside Merik. Behind them, Aranni smiled at Jareel's enthusiasm as she leant against the wall, content to listen to this exchange.

Janeway smothered her own grin. She doubted either Seven, B'Elanna or the Doctor would be happy to hear the results of fours hours of careful calculations, experiments and thorough medical investigations being called 'simple chemistry'.

"You're happy to proceed, Custodian Jareel?"

"Certainly. We can modify our suspension pods to produce the required compounds, however, would it be presumptuous of me to assume you could possibly gather them more quickly?"

"We'll be ready within half an hour. I'll contact you again before we're ready to begin."

As the channel to the station was closed, Janeway contacted sickbay and informed her team that they were authorised to proceed.