Symphony Twisted

Part 1

A buzzer sounded heralding the start of another working day. Blue-coated men and women rushed along the corridors en route to their offices. An elderly gentleman strode casually through the crowd, his grey and yellow coat marking him as different to the people around him. Not bothering to acknowledge the young woman who waited outside his office, he muttered a gruff 'good morning' to his desk clerk and disappeared behind his door.

Minutes passed and the noise in the large foyer lessened as the crowd slowly thinned. Occasionally the glass doors would slide open to admit a visitor or another grey and yellow official. Each one wore a distinctive badge, similar to the one attached to the blonde woman's shirt, identifying them to the security officers who patrolled the building.

It was some time before the young clerk indicated that Professor Petarn was available and ushered the waiting woman into his office. The room was almost empty, save for a cluttered desk and a single chair. A plaque hung on the wall behind his desk; a spiked cylinder draped in blue, professing his service to the Minister and the qualifications which granted him his position.

Leaning back in the cushioned seat, the professor watched as the woman entered, his eyes sharp despite the bored expression he affected. "The agency says you have experience with robotics," he stated as soon as the door was closed.

"That is correct, sir," the woman replied with a precise tone. Having nowhere to sit, she stood directly in front of his desk, her hands clasped behind her back.

He stared at her as if evaluating her appearance. She took the opportunity to covertly study the reports which lay scattered over his work space. Two job applications, a memo regarding intersection transience and a lunch menu were the sum total of his pending tray. Pages of scrawled, handwritten notes formed several piles, their contents indecipherable.

"Humpff," he grunted and lowered his gaze. "You have hazard clearance?" Flipping through the documentation that came with her application he searched for the answer to his own question.

"Level four," she informed him, knowing that was one level above what was required for the position.

"Near enough," he said after a minute, continuing to scan the papers.

Petarn sat, tapping his fingers on the surface of his desk, considering his options. There had been very few suitable applicants forwarded from the agency and, although she had little in the way of recent work history, her qualifications were impressive.

"What's your name?" he asked, deciding she was as good as any for the position.

"Anik, sir."

"Speak to my assistant, Anik, he will get you a uniform." Closing her application, he bounced the pages on the surface of his desk, straightening the edges. "Report to the security desk, you are to start immediately." He smiled unconvincingly before turning his attention to the piles of paper on his desk.

Recognising her dismissal, Anik took a final glance at his desk before retreating from the room. She had expected an opportunity to report her success before being required to start. The indoctrination, however, would likely reveal considerable information that could be quite valuable and the sooner they gained that knowledge, the better. Although, for her own reassurance, it would have been preferable to have been more familiar with the building's layout before placement.

The professor's assistant was waiting for her outside the office. Motioning for her to follow, he crossed the hall to his desk.

"Glad to be working with you, Technician Anik," the young man recited with little interest. He presented the newcomer with a pale blue coverall and a white carry-bag. "The facility will provide you with a single uniform and the necessary safety equipment, funds will be deducted from your first pay to cover their cost."

"Thank you," Anik replied, taking the bundle from him.

Glancing along the similarly-marked corridors that ran alongside the clerk's desk, she briefly considered searching the halls on the pretext of being unable to locate the security office. Deciding it was too great a risk after gaining entry into the facility, she turned back to the young man.

"I require directions to the security desk."

"Back where you came in, take the corridor to the right and up the first set of stairs." He pointed as he spoke, indicating the direction.

Thanking him for his assistance, Anik wandered towards the main entrance, taking time to study the few visitors gathered in the lounge. Their conversations were focused on the unexpected results of yesterday's regional Gonda match and the young woman quickly dismissed their discussions as being irrelevant and increased her pace.

Turning into the corridor as directed, she hesitated slightly as a single security guard marched towards her, his padded shoes silent on the tiled floor. He moved confidently with an even stride, his right hand held close to the stun-weapon he wore strapped to his leg. The scanner at his belt acknowledged her presence, automatically reading the information contained in her badge. Identifying her as Anik, third child of Dorlan, resident of the Kytora region, Level Three engineer's assistant, blonde hair, blue eyes, 1236 decrans tall. The device also recognised her limited security clearance, granting her access to the public thoroughfares only. The officer passed her by, a slight movement of his eyes the only evidence of his scrutiny.

Anik continued past several doorways towards the stairs. She took careful note of each passageway, committing the building's layout to memory. The wide staircase curved upwards, following an arc back towards the main entrance. The decor remained unchanged as Anik entered the second level of the large facility, the stairs continued to trace the curve of the foyer past the security centre, the discreet wall and floor markings indicating that the area beyond required a higher access level.

Two guards manned the security desk, a multitude of data conduits linking them directly to the console, allowing them to receive continuous updates from the thousands of concealed surveillance cameras and microphones that dotted the facility. The sensor and shielding technology used in and around the laboratories was at the forefront of the planet's defense technology.

"Technician Anik, welcome to the Daihatchi Research Facility. Please confirm your identity," one of the guards announced at her approach.

Anik positioned her right eye in front of the retinal scanner, counting the seconds it took for the computer to acknowledge her, waiting for the confirming blip before allowing her lungs to breathe. Sternly reminding herself that fear was irrelevant, she focused on her position, running over the details of her job and the responsibilities it entailed, to calm herself.

The experiments in micro-robotics and other new fields of research the Daihatchi laboratories were conducting were of great importance to the military consulate. Although she had been given a relatively low-level position, she was now among the elite of the Ketan workforce. As she waited for the guard to speak, Anik decided she would be glad when she was away from the administration section and in the more familiar environs of the laboratory.

"Your identity has been confirmed," the officer spoke sharply, sliding a large manuscript across the counter towards her. "Please familiarise yourself with our guidelines, any infraction is cause for dismissal. Any breach of security will be reported to the Consulate. Is this understood?"

"It is," Anik replied, taking the book from him.

"You have been allocated to section gamma-four. Professor Regarni has been told to expect you following your induction. You will report directly to the professor, you will remain within the designated areas. Is this understood?"

Anik found his attempt at authority lacking and forced herself to remember that this was not the time for arrogance or pride.

"It is," the young technician answered, deliberately softening her tone and lowering her gaze.

"You have been granted security clearance level three. Do not forget to log your arrival and departure at your section." As he spoke, he sent a signal to her ID badge, uploading the modifications to her records; binary code - easy to duplicate.

"Thank you, officer."

"Your induction is to begin immediately. Take a seat in the first cubicle, technician," he said, nodding towards the long row of personal access points that filled the rear wall of the office. Accessing the controls at his console, he prepared to initiate a direct neural link.

Anik moved to the station, lowering her tall frame into the narrow cubicle. Resting her head against the polymer frame, she waited nervously for the download to begin.

Part 2

The sun was beginning to set as the group of lab assistants from gamma-four logged themselves as inactive and strolled casually through the exit. Anik's step was slower than usual, the hours of intense examinations and inspections having taken their toll.

"Don't let it get you down, Anik. The first few days are always the worst," a cheerful voice spoke beside her.

"Technician Emery," she acknowledged, recognising the small woman. "Thank you for you concern. I am sure I will adapt."

"You'll do fine. You learn quickly. I heard they were going to start you in Circuitry," she revealed. "I was in that section not long ago. Regarni is fair, he'll do well by you."

"That is good to know," the young woman replied, appreciating the reassurance from her peer more than she expected.

The group gradually broke up as they neared the transport lines, the pale blue coveralls easily lost in the crowd. Anik skirted the commuter terminal, able to walk the short distance to her apartment. The larger stores and trading galleries that lined the street were already closed, their display windows obscured. Anik stopped at one of the side carts, purchasing a bottle of fresh water and two small sweet-cakes. If Eryn's day had gone well, she would likely have their evening meal prepared, but the cakes were sure to be appreciated afterwards.

Anik increased her pace as she thought of Eryn. As head of their small team, the older woman would be waiting for her report, likely worried that she had been gone all day. Although, knowing the capable woman as she did, Anik knew she would have considered the possibility of her having been required to begin immediately.

Turning off the drab grey and brown street, the blonde woman crossed the community park. She moved quickly over the soft grass, keeping her eyes low, careful to avoid looking directly at the gangs of youths gathering in the shadows. She had been instructed to refrain from involving herself in their activities and, although it was only her second night in Kytora city, Anik understood Eryn's insistence. A great many of the younger people resented the increasing control of the Consulate and some chose to express that dissatisfaction with random acts of violence rather than join with the freedom fighters as many others had chosen to do.

The rhythmic tapping of her shoes echoed along the quiet street as she crossed the laneway to their apartment. Light shone from two small windows on the third floor and she watched for movement inside before taking the stairs two at a time. Muted voices could be heard through the walls and the young technician made a mental note to speak to Eryn. It was important they not forget that there was more than the surveillance devices to guard against.

The door opened for her as she approached and a slightly older woman with shoulder length auburn hair stood framed in the doorway. Eryn smiled warmly in greeting, indicating with a single look that all was well.

"I apologise for being late, Eryn," she said as soon as the door was secured behind her, dropping her bag wearily to the floor.

"I take it everything went well?" the other woman asked, taking a seat on the mottled green lounge that dominated the living space of their tiny apartment.

"I was assigned a position in section gamma-four as a third level technician," Anik replied, joining her on the couch. "I completed the indoctrination this morning."

Eryn's face clouded slightly. Reaching to trail her fingers over Anik's forehead, she brushed a few errant strands of pale blonde hair away from her face.

"You're okay?" she asked, concerned.

"I will recover," Anik replied simply.

Dropping her hand to rest on Anik's, Eryn remained silent, allowing her eyes to say what she could not. They both knew what was required to gain placement at the facility and the fact that the examinations were now over was a relief, if nothing else.

"Come on, you must be hungry." Eryn stood and headed towards the small bench which served as their kitchen.

Anik propped her feet on the now empty cushion beside her, spreading her length along the couch and closing her eyes for a moment's rest, finding comfort in the slightly more familiar surroundings and in Eryn's company. The older woman's presence was reassuring and Anik was finally able to let her guard down, if only a little.

"I am hungry," she mumbled in reply.

"Anik, don't fall asleep," Eryn called. "You need to eat and we have to talk."

She lay there a moment longer, the crease on her forehead and the tension in her body proof that she was still awake. Despite her exhaustion, her mind was too alert to allow her to sleep just yet.


"I am awake," she grumbled, smiling as she heard the soft chuckles coming from the direction of her companion. "I bought us fresh water to have with dinner," she said, remembering the treat.

"Sounds good. Pour it for us while I finish up here."

Sitting upright once again, Anik rubbed her face with her hands. Heading towards the kitchen, she collected her new bag on her way past the door.

"I also bought some sweet-cakes." Locating the two bundles she placed them on the bench. "If I feel like sharing," she teased.

"If not, you can heat your own dinner," Eryn grumbled, the sparkle in her eyes belying the edge to her voice.

Clearing a space for them on the bench, Anik arranged their plates and mugs opposite each other. She watched with interest as Eryn spooned the contents of her cooking pot onto their plates.

"What are we eating?" she asked finally.

"Temhak Lo. It was all I could find that didn't have the roja in it that you don't like," Eryn replied, taking her seat. "Or something that looked less appealing," she added after moment, remembering the unusual orange slime that seemed to be a common addition to most meal-packs.

"We should find somewhere that sells food like we had back home," Anik commented as she took a bite of the unfamiliar meal.

Eryn glanced up at her, an odd expression on her face. The younger woman paused, thinking about her comment.

"Leave it," Eryn ordered when she saw Anik open her mouth to speak.

Both women fought against an increasingly familiar sense of disorientation that accompanied any thought of their past, it was as if they were somehow cut off from themselves. Their memories had been blocked, large parts of their lives temporarily erased; it was how their team worked, both knew and accepted that. As part of a larger organisation working to restore balance to their home, each had their own roles to play. The knowledge they needed to complete their task had either been provided to them or lay dormant in their subconscious minds. Eryn wondered if it made up for what had so obviously been taken away.

"Tell me how your day went," she asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence that was forming around them.

"Better than expected," Anik replied around her food. She took a moment to finish her mouthful before continuing. "I shall be working in the testing laboratory. I have found a task which I believe I am well suited to. I hope to have the opportunity to complete it tomorrow."

"Don't rush into it if you think it might be a little ambitious to begin with. It might be better to allow yourself more time to settle in first," she advised, plainly concerned about rushing too delicate a job.

"I do not believe I will gain anything by waiting. The task is well within my capabilities."

"Okay," Eryn nodded, granting her permission. "But if you have any doubts, I want you to hold off."

"I will," Anik agreed, scraping around the edge of her plate to get the last of the Temhak. "How was your morning?"

"Quiet. The Minister's people seem very particular. It seems they always keep their offices tidy, there was little for me to do until the staff arrived," Eryn explained. "The other assistants say he has been very busy the last few days."

"It is logical that a man of his importance would have many meetings to attend. There must be a great deal for him to oversee," Anik replied, paying careful attention to the older woman's facial expressions.

"He spoke highly today of a food court just outside of town, the Lemyr. I may treat myself to lunch there one day."

"I agree. You should take the time to explore more of the region while you have the afternoons free."

"If the food is good, we should go there together one afternoon," Eryn added after a beat.

"If you think I should also attend, perhaps it would be best not to go alone," Anik stated, concerned that her friend was putting herself in danger.

Eryn smiled and shook her head. "No, I was just thinking it might be nice for us to go out one afternoon. Maybe on your next day of leave?"

Anik regarded her companion, considering the request. "I would enjoy that," she said with a small smile directed towards the table.

"Good. At least I know you like Temhak," Eryn quipped with a glance at her spotlessly clean plate.

"I was hungry," the young woman admitted, an almost sheepish grin on her face. "It was nice, thank you."

Placing her spoon on her empty plate, Eryn pushed them both across the bench. Anik followed the movement, finally directing a raised brow towards her auburn-haired companion.

"I take it you expect me to clean up?"

"I'm busy," Eryn stated, leaning back in her chair and stretching her feet out underneath the bench.

"Doing what?" the young blonde woman asked, more than a little skeptical.

"Watching you clean up," she replied seriously, folding her arms over her chest.

Anik tried to frown, an insistent smile ruining the imposing look she was hoping to maintain. Collecting both plates, she proceeded to clean the kitchenette, aware of a thoughtful gaze following her movements from across the counter. Deliberately avoiding eye contact, the young woman took her time, wiping and re-wiping the worn preparation surface.

Anik spared a moment to wish she could remember their background. It was obvious the pair had worked together for some time, at least it felt that way. From the start of their assignment there had seemed a connection, some intuitive sense of the other's thoughts and a mutual respect for their abilities and weaknesses. She wondered if perhaps there had once been more between them.

Looking over at her companion, her half-lidded gaze, red-gold hair framing her pale skin, she prayed that there had not. If she had ever kissed those lips, felt the softness of that body against her own, she could not imagine agreeing to trade those memories for anything.

"I think it's clean enough, Anik," Eryn spoke softly, interrupting the young woman's thoughts. "If you're not too tired, we could listen to some music while we eat those cakes of yours."

"I would enjoy that," she agreed, folding the cloth and placing it on a hook. "I want to use the jets first, my body aches."

"I'll set the bed up while you're gone. We can listen there just as well as anywhere else," Eryn suggested, clearly pleased by the nod she received in response.


Glad to be rid of the thick blue overalls, Anik undressed quickly, hanging her uniform on the clothes peg ready for tomorrow. Stepping in the rounded alcove, she hit the controls on the air jets. Breathing the fresh air in deeply and resting her hands flat against the wall, she pressed her back into the buffeting waves, moving side to side to allow the air pressure to massage her shoulders. She leaned against the wall for several minutes before releasing the cleansing agent, allowing the gas to neutralise any contaminants on her skin.

After several minutes, the soft hum of the jets was replaced by the more relaxing sound of music as the transmitter was activated in the other room. The soothing melody sooned being joined by a not quite as soothing accompaniment as Eryn recognised the tune and hummed along.

Feeling better, Anik shut of the jets. Collecting her pyjamas from the shelf in the bathroom, she watched herself in the small mirror as she dressed for bed. Despite the fact that the long blonde hair, light blue eyes and pale skin was most definitely her own, the reflection that looked back at her seemed somehow unfamiliar. Feeling a little unsettled, she averted her gaze and finished dressing, anxious to join her roommate.


Unfolding the lounge as she sang, Eryn arranged the pillows so they could sit upright and lean back against the rear of the lounge. It was still early, but Anik's day had been difficult and may well be just as difficult tomorrow; a full night's sleep would not hurt either of them. Changing into a deep green singlet and sleep-shorts, she climbed under the blanket. Moving around until she settled herself in the cushions and finally tugging the blanket up to settle over her chest.

"Are you comfortable?" Anik asked from behind her.

"Quite," the older woman replied with a grin. "Now pass me my cake and get into bed."

Collecting their dessert from the bench and dimming the lights, Anik made her way across the small room. Glancing briefly at her roommate, she hesitated as she neared the bed. While yesterday it had seemed unremarkable to share sleeping space with her partner, for some reason, right now, Anik felt extremely self-conscious.

She lowered herself onto the fold-out bed, careful to remain on her half of the mattress. Feeling a yawn threaten as she slid between the cool sheets, Anik realised she was too tired to stay awake for long. The music was gentle in the background, pipes and bells with an interwoven vocal harmony that would quickly lull her to sleep.

Anik was aware of Eryn's gaze as the older woman studied her, knowing that the shadow that marred the blue of her eyes would likely be evident, even in the low light. She worried briefly that her unease was obvious to the woman beside her as she watched a flurry of emotions pass over the smaller woman's features. Finally, Eryn shuffled closer.

"Do you intend to keep me waiting forever or do you just like torturing me?" she said with a mischievous smile, lightening the mood between them.

Anik's brow rose, a tiny smile gracing her features. "You would like your sweet-cake," she said, the statement almost a question.

"That too," Eryn quipped, taking one of the small bundles and returning to her side of the bed.

Unsure how to respond, Anik neatly opened her own packet, occasionally looking sideways at her companion. The distant look in her eyes began to fade, replaced by an expression of curiosity as a shy smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

Part 3

Eryn woke to semi-darkness, the small square of sky visible through their window still a pale shade of early-morning grey. Beside her, Anik still slept, her face framed by a mess of long blonde hair that had tangled during the night. Eryn rolled onto her back, resisting the urge to touch the silken strands.

She closed her eyes, enjoying the peacefulness of early morning and wishing she could lay in bed a little longer. Her sense of duty gradually reasserted itself and, rolling out of bed, she headed towards the bathroom.

A minute of cold, cleansing air was enough to clear the fog from her brain. Dressing quickly, she combed her hair, grabbed her jacket and padded silently across the bare floor.

"Hhmmmornin, Eryn," a sleepy voice mumbled.

Pausing at the door, Eryn turned to regard the sprawling form of her barely-conscious flatmate. "I'll see you tonight, Anik. Sleep well," she whispered. Silence was her only answer.

Slipping on her boots and wrapping her jacket over her shoulders, Eryn left the apartment, locking the door behind her and half-running down the stairs onto the street.

A few stars were still visible low on the horizon although the distant moon had long since disappeared. Her breath formed clouds as she jogged across the pedestrian bridge and made her way up the hill towards the Ministry. The streets were deserted, most of the city's inhabitants catching a few more hours of sleep before the working day began.

As she approached the security gate to the large ministerial complex, Eryn slowed to a walk. Reaching into the pocket of her jacket, she removed her identification badge, attaching it to her chest. The guard acknowledged her presence with quick smile and a mumbled greeting. Returning both, Eryn skirted around the front door, heading instead towards the workers entrance. Other staff members, like herself, filed through the door. Their jobs to either clean the offices or prepare meals for the hundred plus people who worked for the Minister, the leader of their people.

Eryn had been given a position two days before in the hope that she may be able to monitor the movements of the Minister or, at the very least, gain more details of the new technology the Consulate had somehow recently acquired.

Wheeling a trolley from the storeroom, Eryn headed towards her wing, trying to remember the location of each surveillance recorder she had already discovered and looking discreetly for the ones she knew remained hidden.

She moved through her chores quickly, anxious to finish her own section. Being only recently appointed, she had been allocated the rooms of the lower members; her goal was four floors above. Collecting the dirty plates and expensive metallic drinking cylinders which lay scattered over the meeting table, she polished its surface clean. Trained not to overlook any avenue of investigation, she pushed the odd food-stained scraps of paper she found to one side of her waste bin. When the room was spotless, she moved on.


Closing the last door in her wing behind her, Eryn headed directly to the service lift. There should still be time to survey the Minister's office if she moved quickly. They needed information on his movements and his plans and she was willing to take this small risk to see that they received that information.

The lift opened onto a wide corridor, large clear panels along the ceiling giving the impression that the building opened onto the sky. An odd-shaped shadow on the floor marked the position of one of the attendants allocated to this section as they cleaned the huge windows. Keeping out of their line of sight, Eryn strode towards the end of the corridor. Muted humming noises from one of the rooms revealed the location of the other attendant as they sang their way through their chores. Still three doors from the first of the Minister's personal rooms, it would be a while before they were finished. More than enough time, if all went well.

Head held low, Eryn stepped into his office. Crossing the length of the polished floor, she moved to the window and, as she dusted the huge pane of glass, looked out over the city. From this height she could see well across the city bridge, but not quite far enough to bear witness to the battle being fought in the next district.

As expected, his desk was spotless. A selection of expensive writing tools lay in an open box in one corner. In the other, a small lamp shed its light on the Ministerial Badge of Appointment, a garish assembly of spiked metal and interlinked chains that gave no clue to its inspiration or importance.

Were the surveillance cameras to catch her intrusion, there would be no way for her to explain having opened his cabinets to clean inside, so instead, she limited herself to polishing the surface of the desk. Cleaning each leg, she ran the cloth down the timber supports to loosen any dust. Touching the hem of her jacket, Eryn released a tiny button, its weight unnoticeable in her hand. Trusting in herself enough to know that it was there, she pressed her palm to the top of one of the legs, hoping the device would wedge itself in the groove her fingers had found.

She would find out if she had been successful tomorrow. For now, all she could do was hope.


Like the rest of her team, Anik stood quietly at her station as Professor Regarni entered the room. Two junior research assistants followed in his wake, pushing a lab trolley between them. She felt her stomach lurch at the unmistakably familiar lines of the trolley's contents and she knew without question that this was what she had come for. The equipment had been damaged, no doubt from previous attempts to understand its function. The fact that it appeared as it did suggested that they had been unsuccessful.

The sound of the professor's voice bought her attention back to the room around her and Anik forced herself to concentrate on his words.

"The Automatic Construction Device was the greatest achievement of Professor Ingard's career," he announced, indicating the violated machinery that lay silent on the trolley. "We fear that it may have been damaged in the explosion that robbed the professor of his life. Its repair has been designated Priority One by the Minister himself," he paused for a moment, allowing his team to fully grasp the significance of his statement.

"Some of you have been shown recordings of this device in action, that is all the guidance the facility can offer. That, and the knowledge that this invention will turn the tide of the war in our favour." His gaze swept around the room, resting on each of the six team members.

"I will receive daily reports on your progress and conduct. I suggest you get to work," he finished. His assistants trailed behind him as he left the room. The click of the door locking in place the only sound as six silent technicians regarded their assignment.

Finally, Mared stepped forward, circling the device as he studied it from each angle. "I want everyone in full protection suits," he ordered, coming to a stop in front if his team to add ominously, "I've seen what this thing can do."


Anik held the image recorder over the trolley, capturing three-dimensional views of the device for further study. Her team members remained behind the protective barrier at the far end of the room, content to allow her to be the first to expose herself to the unknown dangers the invention offered.

With her back to the spectators, she leaned in closer to the machine, positioning the image recorder to shadow her actions from the security cameras. After a quick flick of her fingers, she captured a series of images. Each one showing a tiny gap at the top of a smooth cylinder, if anyone cared to look closely enough.

Increasing the pressure between the fingers of her left hand, the blonde technician rolled the digits together. Smiling behind her face mask, she brushed the tiny dust particles on leg of her suit. Having completed her task, she entered the decontamination alcove that separated her from her team and waited while the wonderfully efficient air cleansers destroyed the final remnants of the phase initiator.

Part 4

The stairwell echoed with a rhythmic beat, and Anik grimaced as she recognised its discordant accompaniment. Trudging up the final flight of stairs to her apartment, she unlocked the door, letting herself in.

Eryn sat on the lounge, her feet tucked under her bottom, flipping through the pages of a book as she sang.

"Have you ever been told what a beautiful singing voice you have?" Anik asked as she entered the room.

Looking up from her book, Eryn smiled. "No, actually I haven't."

"I am not surprised," the blonde woman remarked dryly, throwing her bag at her companion.

Eryn laughed loudly, winning a rare chuckle from her friend. "You seem in a good mood," she commented. "Work went well?"

The slight smile remained on the technician's face as she joined her companion on the worn couch. "Not so well. We spent the entire day working on a new assignment. The team had little success."

"That's a shame." Eryn nodded seriously. "It must be disappointing for the team."

"It's a complex job, but they are hopeful. The doctor seems to be confidant in my abilities to carry out some of the more dangerous procedures alone."

Eryn's brow furrowed at the comment, evidently unsure of her meaning and concerned by the mention of danger. Seeing the worried look, Anik continued.

"As none of the technicians are familiar with the equipment, I believe I will have further opportunity to display my abilities. My hazard clearance makes me the ideal choice for investigative procedures on such an unknown device," Anik clarified, hoping she had not overstepped any boundaries in her explanation.

Knowing there was little they could say with any safety made it difficult to synchronise their efforts. It took a great deal of trust and faith in each other's abilities to carry out their end of the assignment alone.

"I'm glad you're fitting in well with your colleagues. I think maybe today I managed to alienate one or two of mine," Eryn admitted.

Anik watched her face and eyes carefully, following more than just her words. "Not a member of the Minister's staff?"

"No, the head attendants'. I finished my wing early and thought to help them by starting on theirs. The Minister's office is very nice, the view from the hill quite amazing."

"They did not appreciate your help?" the young woman asked.

"No, apparently not. Since I clearly work so much faster than the others, I have been given additional tasks. I start in the sanitation blocks tomorrow."

Anik couldn't help but smile.


Fresh from the jets and ready for bed, they ate their evening meal by the window. The orange slime had tasted better than it looked and the two women shared a bottle of water as they watched the city lights fade.

The night was beautiful, the season bringing their planet closer to their neighbours. Two points of light lit the sky, so close they seemed like street lamps. Their system was heavily populated with three of the ten orbiting bodies sustaining sentient life.

Since the first day they made contact, the residents of the three planets had never seen eye to eye. Friendly arguments began over who had the largest population, the most beautiful scenery, the brightest children. Over the centuries, the competition had grown serious; to be the first to leave their system, to build the biggest space ships, the most powerful weapons and ultimately, who deserved to rule their small part of the galaxy.

"It must have been amazing for our ancestors to look up at the night sky and only wonder what was out there," Anik said, breaking the comfortable silence between them.

"I think maybe we'd still be surprised to learn what existed beyond the range of our vision." Her voice was a whisper, as if she was unsure of the idea or maybe unsure of the wisdom of sharing it.

Some forgotten knowledge tugged at the back of Anik's mind, an uncertain sense of the possibilities that must exist in a universe as large as theirs. Tearing her gaze from the jewelled sky, she looked across at her companion, recognising that same knowledge in the green light of her eyes.

Eryn seemed to accept her scrutiny and Anik was surprised by the obvious longing in the other woman's expression. She wished desperately that she was able to find her own answers to the questions neither one of them could ask. Hearts beating double-time, they held each others gaze, a slow smile working its way across both their features. Finally Anik turned away, torn between embarrassment and pleasure.

"Don't look away, I was teasing," Eryn urged, reaching for her hand. "I'm sorry."

"You tease too much," the young woman replied, refusing to meet her gaze but accepting the fingers that wrapped around her own.

"I know. I don't mean to," she sighed, clearly wanting to say more.

They were silent for countless seconds before Eryn stood, tugging gently on her hand. "Come to bed?"

Meeting her eyes, Anik judged the sincerity of her request. Satisfied, she stood and allowed Eryn to lead her across the room.

Unfolding the couch, they settled themselves amongst the cushions. After arranging the blanket to cover them both, Eryn snuggled into the soft mattress beside her friend. She lay still, as if not wanting to disturb the reluctant truce.

"You know, sometimes, I do enjoy the teasing," a quiet voice admitted in the darkness.

Eryn smiled and propped herself up on her forearm so she could see Anik's face in the dim light.

"Roll over," she said, motioning for her to turn onto her side.

Anik did so, turning to face the door. Laying down behind her, Eryn fitted her form against the warmth of the taller woman's back. Snaking her arm over her hip and settling it across the softness of her belly, she tightened her hold. Anik placed a hand on her arm, accepting the contact, and leaned into the embrace.

"Good night, Eryn," she whispered.

A soft kiss tickled below her ear. "Good night, Anik."


Eryn woke slowly to the new day, warm skin against her own making her reluctant to move. The gradual knowledge that it was Anik who was pressed against her caused her throat to tighten and her stomach to flutter. Inhaling deeply, she smiled and nuzzled closer to the form in her arms.

Ignoring the insistent voice inside her head that yelled for more, she settled with allowing herself to enjoy the closeness they shared. She closed her eyes, hoping to rest for a few moments more, her fingers tracing idle circles over the material that covered Anik's hip. Responding to the caress, the sleeping woman mumbling softly and rolled onto her back.

Eryn's fingers found naked skin where the soft material of Anik's shirt had lifted during the night. Her thumb moved with a mind of its own, seduced by the smoothness of her pale skin. Her body ached to press against the young woman beside her, to lose herself in a tangle of arms and legs.

Fighting for control, she slid her hand from under Anik's shirt and backed away. The increasing distance between them doing little to lessen her desire. Eryn kicked the blanket away and lay staring at the ceiling, the air uncomfortably cold against her too warm skin.

Closing her eyes, she released the breath she had been holding, ordering her muscles to relax and her heart to slow. Attempting to force the image of Anik from her mind; the way her face softened in sleep, the flutter of her eyelids as she dreamed, the pale cream of her skin, the golden strands that floated by her face, the slight rise and fall of her chest. Sighing, Eryn rubbed her face roughly with her hands.

The unexpected touch of a hand on her stomach made her jump, gentle fingers sliding over the flat of her belly, the incredibly soft touch sending shivers along her spine. The thin material of her shirt moved against sensitive skin, teasing her breasts with a promise of more.

Looking up, bright blue eyes and smiling red lips filled her view and she reached out to tangle her fingers in the blonde hair that tickled against her face.

"Why did you stop?" Anik asked, her voice low.

"I thought you were asleep." Circling her fingers around the back of her neck, Eryn gently urged her closer.

Anik lowered herself onto the smaller woman's chest, closing the distance between them. She paused as their breasts brushed against each other, the unfamiliar sensation causing her to shiver. It became increasingly difficult to breathe and Anik closed her eyes, bringing her forehead to rest against Eryn's.

Finding reassurance in the contact, she trailed the flat of her palm across the gently rounded stomach beneath her. Curving her fingers around the woman's small frame, she ran her fingertips along the smooth skin at her side, deliberately avoiding the impatient breast that arched towards her hand.

Eryn's breathing was laboured, her hands moving urgently over Anik's body, wanting to explore and claim every measure of skin as her own. Her soft moans encouraged Anik and the young woman finally lifted her head, her lips seeking confirmation of the emotions that threatened to overwhelm her.

She barely touched the soft lips at first, making Eryn lift herself off the mattress to earn each kiss, moving further and further away until the auburn-haired woman moaned in protest at the loss. Eryn's eyes pleaded with her and the young woman complied, slowly deepening the kiss. Her body jolted as their tongues touched and Anik pressed herself forward. Their tongues teasing and dancing against each other, teeth gently nipping at tender lips.

Knowing she was close to losing control, Anik gradually backed away, lessening each kiss and forcing her hands to stop in their explorations.

"You'll be late for work," she whispered, her voice rough.

"Don't," Eryn moaned, desperately tightening her hold.

Anik grinned at the undisguised longing in her voice and lifted herself up slightly. "I'll see you tonight," she said, releasing her grip and moving out of reach.

Eryn growled at her, something between a laugh and a groan, and looked at her out of the corner of her eye. "You have no idea what you do to me."

"Actually, I do," Anik answered.

"Okay," the older woman sighed. "You win." Accepting her defeat, she rolled towards the edge of the lounge.

"Eryn," Anik called, her hand reaching out to tangle in her shirt. Eryn stopped and turned to face her.

"It's not a game," the young woman whispered, her voice rough with emotion.

"I know." Eryn smiled and leaning forward, brushed her lips over the tiny lines beside Anik's left eye. "I know," she repeated. "Go back to sleep, it's still early."

Eryn waited while she straightened the blanket and cushions. "We have an appointment this afternoon, don't forget," she reminded her.

"I have not forgotten, I'll meet you straight after work. Now go, I can't sleep with you sitting there beside me," the younger woman joked, pretending to push her companion off the bed.

Eryn smiled as she crawled out of bed and padded across the cold floor towards the jets. The smile did not leave her face until she passed through the tall gates to the Ministry.
