Q for the Holidays

Voyager pushed quietly through a dark space toward a home that seemed forever allusive. It banked its way through a cluster of stars that reminded its captain of the night sky above earth. Captain Kathryn Janeway sat staring out at what lay before them thinking of the many light-years before they'd see their home again. She thought of her family and what this day would mean to them. Her mother and younger sister, Phoebe, would have put up a Christmas tree by now, would have taken an evening, with the fireplace lit, and trimmed it as they sipped from holiday mugs filled with mulled cider and laughed or cried of Christmas's now passed. She yawned as she sat comfortably in her musings.

"Are we keeping you up, Captain?" Her first officer, Chakotay asked hearing her yawn.

"I was thinking of home." She answered welcoming his question, "And perhaps I am a little tired."

"Maybe an early retirement from the bridge is in order? Perhaps start your vacation a little sooner?" He questioned in such a way as to not offend his commanding officer.

She looked at him with a slight smile as she quickly contemplated his offer. She was tired, it was Christmas Eve and she was looking forward to the week away from the bridge. "I believe I'll take you up on that." She answered both hands already pushing her out of the captain's chair.

"Well then, Merry Christmas, Captain." Chakotay spoke, his eyes showing the warmth he held for her.

"Merry Christmas to you, Chakotay." She replied placing her hand on his arm and a smile that showed the depth of her feelings for this friend.

She turned then and quietly departed her bridge. As she requested deck 3 her thoughts turned back to the last month and what it had taken to get her ship back in good working order. She and Seven had just departed the holodeck; which had beheld one of the most inspirational programs that Lt. Paris had come up with to-date. And Seven had found a way to utilize it to its fullest extent. She remembered the six-foot beauty stepping out onto the stage in 6-inch stiletto heels. The red alert klaxons still fresh in her mind sounding off as they had reached their quarters afterwards. Now here it was a month later and they had spent less than an hour together since then. Double duty or opposite duty shifts delayed the intimacy of their relationship just a little longer.

As she exited the turbo lift her thoughts shifted to the next week that she and Seven had planned to share. As well as a smile, this thought actually added a little bounce to her step as she envisioned what it beheld. The wait had added a dimension to her needs, to her wants. Her wants were now more a roiling passion that she could no longer hide from herself. Ohhh, seven days together. . .alone, she thought to herself.

"You know Kathy, if you'd have put more effort into getting this ship home perhaps you could have been there for the holidays."

He had come from nowhere as usual. Her smile turned into an immediate sneer.

"Q." She spoke, "What do you want?"

"I was in the area and sensed you were in need." He answered wryly as he leaned back against the corridor wall arms folded.

"I am not in want of anything and if I were you would not be the one to receive the call." She replied back acerbically.

"Oh Kathy, you wound me so!" He answered. "Here I am to help you home for the holidays and you treat me so."

"The only way you could help me is by getting off my ship."

"Kathy, Kathy, Kathy." He started, "You are so hard on yourself."

"Q." She warned.

"Okay, alright what ever you say, Kath." And with that he was gone as quickly as he'd come.

She continued down the corridor toward her quarters. The appearance of Q pushed all that she had pondered earlier aside. He always left her feeling so unsettled. As she stepped through the door of her quarters she found herself not. . .in. . .her. . .quarters, but knee deep in snow.

"Q!" She yelled as she hugged herself, "Q! I know you're here!"

Now as quickly as he disappeared he reappeared only this time wearing a Starfleet Captain's uniform. "Did I leave something out?" He asked puzzled then remembered, "Oh yes! I forgot your girlfriend didn't I?!" And with a snap of his fingers Seven appeared next to her captain. "I'd really get a tongue lashing if I messed up your, how did you put it? Ahh, seven days together."

"Put us back, Q" Janeway sneered at him from between her chattering teeth. The coldness of winter swept its way around them.

"I'll keep an eye on your ship while you're away, ma capitaine." He smiled, "I'll be back to pick you up in six days, Merry Christmas and peace on earth, ladies!"

The light from his abrupt departure flashed in front of them. The look of shock could be seen on both their faces in the fading light. "I don't believe this!" Janeway snarled, "All I wanted was a quiet few days off."

"It would appear it will be very quiet, Kathryn." Seven replied as she turned to look at the shivering woman beside her and at what surrounded them, "And quite cold as well."

"We're going to need to find shelter before we freeze to death."

"I am quite comfortable, however I do agree. We must get you to safety." Seven turned around looking behind them. "And I believe I have found what we are looking for."

With that the captain turned to look also. "My God" She gasped as she reached for Seven's hand, "It's my mother's house. . . ."


They trudged their way through the snow up onto the porch. As Kathryn stomped the snow from her boots the door of the house opened and she stood face to face with her younger sister, Phoebe. "Kathryn?" The young woman questioned puzzlement written across her face.

"Phoebe. . .it's. . .it's freezing cold out here." Kathryn answered back feeling the warmth from inside tease her freezing body.

"It's truly you?" The young woman stood in shock as she searched her sister's face through the screen door.

"Phoebe! Who is it, dear?" Came the question from inside the house. And as quickly as it was asked Gretchen Janeway walked up behind her youngest daughter. "Kathryn?" She questioned as she starred in total surprise.

Her teeth chattering loud enough for everyone to hear Kathryn Janeway assured. "Yes, mom it's me. Could we please. . .please come in?"

"Well, yes of course dear! Phoebe! Let your sister in!" Gretchen ordered. With the door open Kathryn rushed into the house pushing past her sister and into the welcoming warm arms of her mother. Years of emotions welling up within mother and daughter as they held each other tightly. Gretchen looked into her daughter's tearful eyes and spoke, "You are home"

And it took Kathryn a few minutes to connect to what her mother had just uttered, "Yes and no." She spoke softly not exactly knowing what she was to tell her family, "Yes and no. . ."

"Hey! Could I get a hug up in here?" Phoebe asked not wanting to take this particular moment away from her mother, but feeling left out.

Kathryn Janeway turned back to hug her sister with the same intensity that she had her mother. Then she heard Seven clear her throat.

"Oh. . . Mom, Phoebe I'd like to introduce you to Seven of Nine." Kathryn blushed ever so slightly as she spoke. "Seven is the head of Astrometrics on Voyager."

Seven stepped up to shake Gretchen's hand, but was pulled into a hug of her own.

"Any one who has been lost with my daughter deserves a hug!" Gretchen spoke as she released Seven.

"Any one who has been lost with my sister would probably need a drink right about now, I know I sure could." Phoebe chimed in as she too gave Seven a hug.

"I require no nutritional supplement at this time." Seven responded evenly.

"Nutritional supplement?" Phoebe questioned.

"She's not thirsty, Phoebe." Kathryn interrupted looking at Seven and wondering what the next week would bring between these three women that she loved so much.


After listening to a complete update on what had been missed over the last five years and eating one of her mom's most delicious home cooked meal, Kathryn pushed herself back from the table feeling quite sated. Clearing her throat she set about the arduous task of explaining to her family how they had come to be here on this snowy Christmas Eve. Barring any technical jargon she patiently condensed Q's actions on bringing them there and eventually sending them back.

"So what you're telling us is that you have to go back?" Her mother questioned with sadness and concern written on her face all at once.

"Mom, we can't stay. We aren't supposed to be here." Kathryn replied seeing the look of sadness in her mother's eyes. "I have a ship out there somewhere with a crew that doesn't even realize that I' m not aboard."

"Well, I suppose I should be thankful to this Q creature for what time he - she's given us." The older Janeway spoke as she stood from the table and began to clear away their dinner plates. "After all, I never thought I'd ever see you again."

"We will make it back, Mrs. Janeway, you will see the captain again." Seven spoke up as she collected several dishes and joined her.

"Thank you Seven and please just call me Gretchen."

In typical maternal fashion her mother seemed to bring the conversation back to a subject that Kathryn did not want to deal with. "Have you met anyone special, dear?"

"Mother." Phoebe baulked.

Damn you Q, Kathryn silently cursed before she answered her mother, "I've met many special people, mom." She casually stretched to retrieve the bottle of Zinfandel her sister had just poured from.

"Oh now, Kathryn, you know what I mean." Her mother knew the amount of dedication she held for her job and was only looking for her older daughter's happiness.

Seven had been watching intently all through dinner as her captain's face softened into a Kathryn she had not seen before and then harden immediately back to the captain at the mere mention of meeting someone special. She filed it away in her eidetic memory for a later discussion with Kathryn.

Kathryn swirled the wine around her glass noting the deep rich tannins of the plumy Zin and it's silky finish. "What year?" She asked looking at her sister while sipping the wine.

"2001, Silver Oak." Phoebe responded, "Great legs, no?"

"Oh she has great legs alright." Kathryn answered with a slight grin on her face as she looked at Seven through the wine's legs on the inside of her glass.

"I was talking about the wine, Kat." Phoebe chuckled noting the adoring look on her sister face as she gazed intently at the beautiful young woman sitting across from her.

Having cleared the table and realizing the conversation had turned from where she had tried to stir it Gretchen Janeway rejoined them. "You know Phoebe, I'm quite sure you've had enough to drink, are you spending the night, dear?" The older woman remarked noting the lateness of the hour and the three now empty wine bottles.

"I usually spend the night on Christmas Eve, mom. Why wouldn't I this year?" Phoebe responded with concern.

"I was just asking, Phoebe. I need to go make up the guest bedroom for Seven, otherwise I would have just put her in your room."

"You don't have to do that, mom. Seven can sleep with - sleep in my room." Kathryn spoke up her eyes having a quick glance at Seven.

"Oh no, Kathryn, I wouldn't hear of it. We have plenty of room and I'm sure Seven would appreciate some privacy, dear."

"Seven?" Kathryn asked looking at Seven for her thoughts.

"The guestroom will be adequate - Captain." Seven responded understanding the lack of understanding on the older Janeway's part. This too she filed away for a future discussion with Kathryn. "I am feeling a need to regenerate."

"Regenerate?" Phoebe inquired, "I'm guessing we're talking sleep?"

"You are correct." Seven replied granting the younger Janeway the slightest nod.

"Well come on then." Gretchen motioned for Seven to follow, "I'll get you settled in for the night." The tall blonde followed the older woman from the room leaving the younger sister smirking at the older.

"It's not funny, Phoebe." Kathryn snapped as she tried her best to recover from her current situation.

"Not what you had in mind, Kath?" Phoebe replied back still smiling.

"Oh, what do you know?"

"I believe I know a lot more than what you're telling mom from what I've seen here tonight."

"So what do you think you've seen?" Kathryn asked with contempt.

"I think what I heard a little while ago was that you rescued a damsel in distress." She stated from her interpretation of Seven's rescue, "How very regal of you, Kathryn. I had no idea you were such a romantic."

"No. That is not what I said, Phoebe and you know it."

"Oh for crying out loud, Kathryn! The two of you have exchanged glances all night! And yes, I'm sure that underneath that body suit she does have great looking legs."

"You think you're so god damned smart don't you?" Kathryn shot back.

"Smarter than you if you let her sleep by herself tonight." Phoebe responded, "There's one more bottle of wine do you want me to uncork it?"

Kathryn Janeway laughed at first to herself and then out loud as she shook her head in disbelief at her sister. "Where's the corkscrew? I'll do the honors."



To Q For The Holidays - Conclusion