Omega: Jaded V

Shocked and pleasantly surprised Seven pressed her lips together suddenly forgetting all speech abilities.  Finally, after the longest three seconds Seven spoke softly, 'Are you asking?'

Tannia stood and kneeled next to Seven and place her hand on her shoulder.  'Yes I am.  I was going to ask you earlier before you were called back to Voyager, but became otherwise engaged.'  She smiled. 

Seven had no idea what to say. 

'Voyager will leave soon and I can't bare the thought of being without you.  I would do or say anything to have you stay with me.  I need you to know how much you mean to me Seven.  I want to make you the happiest woman for the rest of our lives.'

Instead of experiencing joy, Seven felt disturbed about all that has transpired and what Tannia was asking of her.  How bittersweet to choose between a family she found in Voyager or the decision to follow her heart.  Even worse was the idea that this woman wants her, loves her and at what price?  Seven so desperately needed to know. 

'I believe you have me at a disadvantage, you have certainly surprised me.  I do not know what to say Tannia.  I know I love you.  This is something that I cannot with good conscious decide until I know where you?'  Seven promised the Captain she would not interfere, not confront Tannia about her innocence or guilt.  'I? I must go now!'  Seven held her hand to her mouth, stood and quickly exited the mess hall. 

Tannia stood there stunned by Seven's reaction to her words.   She thought to herself as she looked at the empty chair Seven sat in moments ago.  'What did I say, or do wrong to make her upset and leave?  She said she loves me but cannot accept my offer?until she knows where I what?  It does not make any sense.  I thought for sure she felt the same way I do.  I must go after her The Prime Minister we have to wait.' 

'Is there something the matter?  Seven left so suddenly.'  Neelix inquired, concern filled his face. 

'I am not sure, I hope not anything irreparable.  I love her Neelix and asked Seven to stay with me here when Voyager leaves.  Was I wrong to ask?'   Tannia looked at the compassion in his eyes. 

'Don't worry to much.  I am sure it isn't anything you said.  Seven is new to all this.  I would  give her some time to think it all over.'  The Talaxian said anxiously. 

Tannia smiled weakly, 'Thank you Neelix.  Perhaps you are correct, but I fear that she has a conflict and that I am the one responsible.  I must go to her now before I return to the surface.  '   

Tannia headed for cargo bay hoping that she will not regret her decision to find the underlying cause of Seven's dilemma. 

Seven's hands were clenched in a fist on her sides, which was all she could do to stop the tears threatening to break free from her eyes. 

'It's not fair!  Suddenly she was angry with Janeway for forbidden her to speak with Tannia.  How could Tannia trust her now after what she just did?  I have to be sure, I have to trust her.  Tannia makes her happy and yet I'm not allowed to be because of unfounded suspicions.  Unfair!' 

Seven squeezed the edge of the console twisting its shape with her Borg enhanced hand, her fury getting the best of her. 

Swissh ' The doors to cargo bay opened behind her. 

'Whoever it is go away now!'  Seven warned. 

'It is I Tannia.  Please do not push me away.  I want to be here for you Seven.' 

'Very well.  I have something very important? to ask you and I want the truth.'  Seven could not turn around.  Her emotions were overwhelming her and she found it difficult to concentrate, too breathe. 


Then Seven told her what Janeway suspected, omitting certain portions, only revealing the relevant points she needed Tannia to clarified just in case she was wrong about Tannia.   Seven felt torn by possibly endangering Voyager's safety, betraying the Captains wishes, but could no longer stand by without answers, without knowing the truth. 

As they spoke, each of them had drawn they own deduction and conclusions. 

Tannia now understood why Seven reacted to her question to stay with her.  The poor woman does not trust me completely and she questions my motives, heart and mind. 

Seven was not one hundred percent positive that Tannia was to be trusted, but something in her gut told her too.  That was unlike Seven's natural instinct, betraying her logical manner.  But, as Seven soon learned about the matters of love, love is completely illogical and like her Captain, she was going to following this so-called gut feeling.   With her mind made up, she proceeds to warily test Tannia.  Seven was taking a enormous chance that she was right and Janeway was wrong, but the problem was when is the captain wrong ' rarely.

'So now that you know your government's motives are not pure, what will you do?  

'I have to go back to the surface and report to them.  I have no choice with that, but I do have an opportunity to help Voyager in anyway I can.  I need for you to believe that I knew nothing of this, but am willing to do what I can.'  Tannia said with conviction. 

Seven stared into the emerald eyes, searching her face for any hidden deceit and found nothing but soft kind features and a love in her teary eyes.  For an instant Seven felt guilt for ever doubting her.  She nodded.

Both women began to devise a plan that they hoped would work. 

The Captain's mind was reeling.  She was in her quarters, wondering why she was second-guessing her orders, her feelings.  She didn't like the idea that her emotions were a roller coaster train-ride on the verge of loosing control.  Her heart nearly exploded when she stood in front of the mess hall and saw Tannia kneeling at Seven side with her hand on her shoulder.  She wanted to march right up to Tannia and bash her head in, grab Seven away from there and take her in her arms and tell her how she felt about her.  She almost laughed at the absurdity of those thoughts.  How very uncaptain-like, how very good it felt to think of the initial reaction.  Her jealousy needs to be checked.  She had her chance and now it was gone.  She just froze at the door and back away, assaulted by what her eyes had witnessed.  Another woman took Seven's heart.  A woman who wants to give her the full and happy life, I can not.  Who are you fooling Janeway, you choose not too, because you were to afraid of your command, of your crew's reaction, your pretentious little honor in what being a Captain is about.  What an empty life that will be without Seven.  At the very least, I enjoyed her company, the moments shared in various activities was enough and now when Seven leaves Voyager, you will have nothing.  

After her period of self-recriminations, Janeway was concerned that Seven had not followed her orders, had possibly revealed what Voyager knew.  Janeway shook her head, thinking  out loud, 'No, No, Seven would not disobey a direct order.' 

'True there was a time when that's all Seven would do, but not recently, not now, when it was so important.  However, she did forbid her to see Tannia until further notice.  Was that for Voyager's sake or her own, and was that even fair to ask of Seven.  She refuses to think of it any longer.  But?' she thought to herself.

'Computer located Ambassador Tannia.'

'Ambassador Tannia is in Cargo bay II.' 

'Computer, locate Seven of Nine.'

'Seven of Nine is in Cargo Bay II.' 

The Captain growled 'Damn!'  Slamming her hand on the table, spilling her coffee.  

'I checked everything twice and I can't find anything compromising to our systems Lieutenant.' Ensign Kim said frustrated, and tried with foregoing sleep. 

Lt. B'Elanna Torres, head of Engineering signed, and walked over to Ensign Kim.  'That's because we are probably looking for the obvious.  Have we checked the systems integral to the Jetta project with Voyager and the Delta Flyer.'

'Yes, I ran a level six diagnostic a few hours ago, it should be ready by now.'  Ensign walked over to the consol and disengaged the spectral links added to enhance its readings.  'Ahh, B'Elanna you should take a look at this.'

B'Elanna practically ran to the console, unconsciously shoving the ensign aside.  'There is no evidence of tampering, but this loop here seems odd enough and might reveal something or it could just be part of the Jetta system itself.'  B'Elanna tapped her comm.-link, 'Seven of Nine, could you come to engineering, we need your assistance.'  After a long pause, ' Seven, you are needed in engineering, now.'

'Yes Lt.' Seven finally answered standing in front of the Lt.

'Seven, that's not funny!' B'Elanna looked at Seven with narrowed eyes.  

'I thought it was.' Seven smiled as she turned to see Tom return her smile.  'How can I assist?'

B'Elanna growled as she got back into work.

The glass windows in the round room was filled with a wet grey-dark blue color sky.  It was Tannia's favorite room of her living unit, most generous than most.  She was sitting at her work area, viewing the computer consol of personal messages and other work assignment logs.   Her mind reeled with what she felt she had to do and either way she looked at it she didn't like her options, but the wheels were already set in motion.  She could not be disloyal to what was most important to her.  Tannia recalled her conversation she had with Senator Elee.

'Senator, how good to see you again.  Thank you for your patience.'  Tannia spoke in her charming way. 

'Yes, well what choice did I have?  You kept us waiting, it better have been good.  Did you get some answers?  Senator Elee said irritably. 

'Ahem,' clearing her throat she continued, 'I had wonderful dialog with Captain Janeway where she claimed it is standard procedure to recollect her crew and felt we have no need for alarm.  There was no offensive behavior by our people and that she has been pleased with our gracious hospitality and the success of the Jetta project.' 

The legislatures were satisfied and relieved, but what she found disturbing was when inquiry about her relationship with Seven and any altercation it may present to the their government with the technology sect began.  'You should have allowed a bonding with a V'ordackian from the technology sect.  They are more adapting to integrate with Seven the Borg.'  The Senator sounded disgusted.

'Well, I cannot control nature, let alone love or control someone else's feelings for that matter, and frankly I resent this line of questioning and my judgment.  These old ways of who belong where because of belief and interest will hurt us eventually and we need to be flexible and welcome change.  I'm afraid of what the future holds for V'ordackians if this obtuse thinking continues.' Tannia stated passionately, throwing caution to the wind.  'And, her name if Seven of Nine.'

'Yes, I see Ambassor Tannia.'  She just might prove to be useful in given us an edge with the Techs.  After all, your dabble in the sciences were a mixed blessing, allowed only because you had such a talent for it and well frankly, you're the only person who could effectively communicate with the technology sect without us being taken advantage of.'   Senator Elee said with a tight smile. 

Tannia was just furious with the Senator, but remained calm.  'Yes, I thought you would see it my way.

The Senator nodded smugly. 

Tannia chooses her words carefully.  She always suspected that the Senator was behind unexplained happenings.  'Senator Elee, the Jetta project will be tested with the Delta flyer and shortly thereafter, Voyager is expected to follow, if successful.    

'When is this occurring?

'The Captain is working out the details and should know exactly when sometime tomorrow.  How exciting.'  Tannia said enthusiastically. Then added, 'Somehow, I believe that it would be a loss for V'ordack if Voyager leaves, and I have a strong suspicion that Voyager isn't going anywhere.'

'I see.'  The Senator turned to face the many consol systems, his hand crossed at his chest.  'Why, what makes you think Voyager may not go anywhere, has the Captain or her crew decided to stay?'  The Senator said cautiously, not knowing how much he should reveal due to his uncertainty to what side the Ambassador's loyalties lied.

'Perhaps, that could very well happen considering that many of Voyager's crew has bonded and cannot function without a minimum compliment.'  However, if something happens during Jetta and effects Voyager's systems...'  Tannia snared her lure. 

'Oh?'  He turned to face Tannia his curiosity peaked.  Why would you think such a thing could occur?  What reason would you have for even conceiving such as plan Ambassador?  I thought you said the Jetta project was successful?  Your flight simulation in their holodeck had worked, is there something I should know?'  

'The Jetta simulations give every indication it will work.  I confess that I have selfish motives for wanting to keep Seven here.  I guess it is only wishful thinking on my part.  Please forgive a helpless fool in love Senator.'  Tannia played her last card.  'It's just, I would do anything to have her stay.'

'Then what I am about to tell you should make your deepest desires come true.  The Jetta project will be successful for the Delta flyer, however, as planned, when Voyager attempts the Jetta, the systems will be rendered hopeless.  It would take literally several months to repair, maybe more, and by that time, Voyager's crew will loose interest and be completely content on V'ordack.  It will become their home-away-from-home.' 

'But how?'  Tannia said in wonder and hope, her heart beating faster, her hearing in total astonishment.

'We secretly conspired with the Technology sect, who has an encrypted encode to their systems to do just that.  It has remained undetected so far, because there is no reason for them to suspect us.  That was why we were concerned when Voyager's crew was ordered back.  So you see, Voyager will remain and we have agreed to share the technological information with Tech sect.  It works out perfectly for all sides in the end, just as it always has.' 

Tannia was befuddled, but she knew there was no turning back.  'How uncanny.  All this time, I thought that each sect work in contention, when we in reality we had a reciprocal front after all.' 

'No we do not.  It is only a few who had the foresight to identify the value for the benefit of our own perseverance we must do what is necessary.  There is still distrust among the sects, but have the acuity of a universal goal.  It may seem unfair to conspire among unsuspecting and trusting souls, but we must survive.  It is the 'will' of the way.'  Senator Elee ended, pleased, all things considered, that the Ambassador was a convert to the cause, although naive in her ideology.  That will change in time.

'Yes, the will of the way.  I comprehend its importance.  So what can I do to ensure this 'will' becomes reality.'  Tannia offered.

'Leoius.  Show Tannia the way.'  A consult from the end of the room moved toward Tannia and quickly escorted her out.

Tannia bowed, smiling and followed the cloaked figure.  

'What if you are wrong about her Senator?'  Another consult adjacent to him asked. 

'Then we do what we must?Eliminate the threat of to our very existence, it will be our way.'  The Senator replied unemotional.

Her consol beeped, awakening Tannia from her thoughts, as transmission awaited her response.  'Open comm.'

A small-framed woman wearing black leather with silver scarf had dark long shiny hair and blue eyes that smiled life onto the screen.  'Well, I'm grateful to finally get in touch with you.  I have been trying to communicate with you for days, have you been busy?'

'Emilan, so lovely to hear from you as always.  I'm sorry I have been out of touch, but yes I have been extremely busy as you know.'  Tannia replied.

'Yes Voyager and that very special blonde you have spoken so dearly of.'  Emilan said with a knowing-sly smile. 

Her sister had fallen good for the blonde Borg.  At first she was concerned, but Tannia seemed more relaxed and happy ever since she met Seven.  She was worried that the Captain of that star-ship may have something to say about it, but her intelligence revealed that she was not the type to interfere, even if it was rumored that her feelings ran deeper than friendship.  In Emilan's world intelligence and technology was everything.  If only her worlds government knew it did not have to be that way.  She had tried to tell her sister more than once of her involvement with the resistance, but knew that she would only endanger her and encumber the mission. 

Tannia smiled broadly, 'You know me too well, sister.  I just arrived from headquarters, gave then my report and well?things don't seem to be going to well.  I think I might require your help, but I'll understand if you say know.'

Emilan was worried and her expression said she would do anything she asked.  'Whatever it is, just name it.  How is it that you look so sad suddenly?' 

As Tannia told her everything, she knew she must confide in her sister.  The Government went to far and it was a long time over due, if not for the survival of V'ordack, than for Voyager and its crew.

Seven was in the Astrometrics lab awaiting Tannia's communication via a subspace transmission to remain undetected by V'ordack and Voyager's possible monitors.  As agreed Seven was to rendezvous with her at 0930 hours at the specified location on the surface.  After a couple of minutes more she ended the transmission and punched in other commands in the comm unit.  Seven entered more data in the padd and turned to leave the Astrometrics lab.  Her mind calculating the plans developed several hours before and checked off what was needed to make it work.  So far she co-opted items from engineering, sickbay, security and Astrometrics.  Soon it will all be over, the countdown begins and in the end Voyager must prevail.  

In the catacomb of roads divided by grey-stone and marble buildings, Tech agents were scattered secretly throughout the many sectors.  A small gathering of boaters were setting their gear and making preparations for a quiet journey in the green-blue crystal Lalooga River.  It seemed like an ordinary morning, but there was nervous energy in the crisp cool air.   High above the sky loomed a gloomy forecast of a storm brewing.  The overcast darken the sky, giving the illusion it was much late in day.  A small establishment had a light shining within against the quiet, dim surroundings.  It was there that the resistance leaders convened before the next and hopefully last mission. The time had come and Voyager's presence had brought a long waited opportunity to make things right again. 

"It has been so very long.  We need to trust this Seven of Nine and this man who calls himself Tuvok."  Emilan said loudly to the small group who forgot how to trust long ago.  "I have a solid contact from the ruling sect who vouches for these two.  If we work with them and my person from the inside we have a real chance of making our objectives successful, and at the same time help Voyager against the government conspiracy."

"If your contact is so reliable, how come when my operative told Tuvok we had another Voyager agent he told him that it could not be correct, and that it was possible that this person could be from the opposing side attempting to penetrate the resistance?  Why should we believe you Emilan, when we have so much to lose?"  Kasshe challenged with his dark-lined chin up in defiance. 

The room went silent, everyone aware that both leaders were always opposing the other in important matters.  The room was wood-paneled and smelled of honey, bittered green tea leaves were packed in boxes stacked away on the side of the far wall. Eyes watched the two stare-down each other, as Emilan finally released a sigh, as if she had decided what her next words will be were to be the deciding factor that would cease all other arguments and change the tide in to her fold.  It was dangerous indeed to reveal her source, but the resistance needed a unite force.  It wasn't any wonder they had not had inroads defeating their government into a confederacy.

"You must trust my source because she is my sister."  Careful not to reveal her identity unless absolutely necessary.  Emilan warned Tannia that agreeing to participate could cost her safety or something more dearly.  Tannia rose to the occasion and Emilan was never truly surprised she joined.  She was proud and relieved to finally tell her sister her of her convert activity that threaten their precarious relationship.  "I will not say anything more on the matter."  She stood up tall and determined, circled the table filled with an assortment of weaponry, gadgets, and clothing to begin issuing assignments and sharing the elaborate and dangerous operation.  Instantly, the small room became animated as each person took deliberate action of their roles in its intricate web-weaving events, soon unfold the multi layers and facets of events that will lead to one moment, one outcome ' victory or defeat. 

"What's up Doc?"  Lt. Tom Paris' hand slap the back of the Holographic Doctor as he walked into sickbay toward the enclosed lab room.  "I was familiarizing myself with the Jetta project flight patterns.  This is going to be exciting but rough, but nothing I can't handle." 

"Well, if you are finished with your self-indulgence, I am attempting to finish these analysis before the staff meeting.  If my calculations are correct, I'm on to interesting revelations about the V'ordackians, boy wonder."  The doctor said, quite proudly.  

"Oh!  I'm self-indulgent, pleeease. That was real smooth doc.  What you got?"  Paris toward the numerous padds and smirked.

"Here, see for yourself."  The Doctor hurried about. 

Paris was Voyager's pilot extraordinaire, and rightly so, since he had got the crew and star-ship out of more scraps and close-calls then even he cared to admit.  As Tom peruse the padd, his charming, boyish good looks twisted as awareness of the Doctor's findings surfaced.  "Hey!  Is this even possible, when we even did a cross-check on the Humanoid and V'ordackian physiology compatibility test, it was and it was negative." 

"I know."  The Doctor nodded with a serious face as he took the padd from Paris' hand. 

Captain Janeway was rubbing her temples with both hands, her elbows leading on the conference table, her head face down, eyes closed.  She had been studying a series of padds with V'ordackian culture, history, philosophy, anything she could get her hands on to learn what she could of her deceptive enemy.  Why?  She kept asking herself, can a species as endearing be as treacherous as Cardassains and Ruminands all rolled up into one.  What motivates anyone to such desperate acts, need, survival?  She has been in worse situations before, but well-thought out, executed, deliberate intentions can be the most dangerous.  She hope her alpha crew found out worthwhile information to battle and beat  the V'ordackians at their own game. 

Janeway was still concerned with the situation Seven was in, but hadn't the time to think much on it.  A part of her just didn't want to think any of it, especially, the possibility of Seven's roving loyalties. 


Janeway's head shot up to the door way.  "Chakotay"  She offered a small, tired smile.

"Captain, I did not know you were already here?"  He said with surprise. 

"I been hear for a feel an eternity, busy making trying to make sense of this situation.  I'm afraid I'm more confused than ever.  At that point, any news is good news, if we can use it to our advantage.  Heard anything?  I was so caught up in this"  Janeway waved her hand to the conference table.  I haven't the chance to check my comm-unit." 

"Well there have certainly been some eye-raising developments.  The crew should be here any minute."  He said hopefully, more for the Captain's sake, since she looked absolutely miserable.   

"I see, anything we can use?"  The Captain smiled warily. 

"It does shed some light on explaining some of the odd occurrences, and yes I think it could be advantageous."  He smiled sheepishly. 


"And so it begins!"  Captain Janeway announced as she prepared to meet her senior staff.