Part 1-5

I do not know why the nightmare has once again invaded my sleep, perhaps it
is because after 700 days we are finally close enough to begin scanning for
a debris field.  I know from past experience  that any chance of sleep is
gone and find myself restlessly wandering the ship as recriminations fill my
mind.  All the what if�s that plague me even now. As I sit here in the mess
hall my mind drifts back to when it all began. 

It all stated inanely enough at the weekly staff meeting, Seven, informed us
that  she had completed the upgrades and as soon as Star Fleet began
transmitting we were prepared to receive and once the frequency modulation
had been established we would then be able to send messages back and forth.
Seven expected a 3 hour transmission lag time. At that moment the time lag
seemed inconsequential that was the first of many misjudgements on my part.
The alpha shift was not even half over when Seven informed the bridge that
my presence was required in astrometrics. Captain contact with the
Federation has been established, she said without looking up from her
console. I felt so giddy at that moment; yet, I was puzzled why she had
decided to tell me privately such good news.  My euphoria quickly evaporated
as she explained her concerns about signal degradation and I had to agree
with her that  the crew would not react well if  another in a long string of
hopes were dashed.  After completing a transmission for Star Fleet I
pondered how important it was that contact was a success. Crew morale was at
an all time low. The deaths of 5 crewman in a shuttle accident still weighed
heavily on the crew. The fact that Ensign Wildman had been among the
casualties kept the grief close to the surface and although Naomi seemed to
slowly be dealing with her loss through the loving attention of Neelix and
Seven  she would never be the innocent child she was before.  Seven, how she
never ceased to amaze me and the love and care she showed for Naomi after
the accident had changed so many crew members opinion of her. Naomi refused
to return to her quarters moving in with Neelix immediately after the
accident; but, it was Seven with whom she spent all her free time with.For a
while it appeared Naomi would not go anywhere without her only retiring for
bed after Seven had tucked her in and promised to go immediately to her
alcove to regenerate. It was only after Seven came close to collapsing on
the bridge we all  became aware that she had set up a sub-routine so Neelix
could interrupt her regeneration cycle so they could both comfort Naomi
after her nightmares.  Since, Seven refused to disable the sub-routine and
in good conscience I could not force her to do so the Doctor set about
building a portable regeneration device.  I was brought out of my silent
musings by B�elanna�s cursing as she entered. She must have seen the sorrow
in my eyes as she approached the anger fading from her features turning into
shared misery. She set the pad on the table showing me the contents. I
immediately understood her frustration it was the specs for the shuttle
Hawking along with Star Fleets official findings.  What are you doing up at
this hour we each asked one another at the same time. I simply said
nightmare, she understood immediately during our tireless efforts to figure
out what had happened I had confided in her the details of my nightly
ordeal. I looked at her expectantly and in a bitter voice B'Elanna said she
woke up sure she came up with the algorithm necessary to decode Seven�s
logs; however, once again she had been incorrect.  Captain we are receiving
an automated distress call Harry�s voice intoned thru my comm badge. Both
B�Elanna and I hurried to the bridge perhaps this was the answer to my
nightly prayers.

Part 2
Well this will definitely be deemed as efficient by Voyagers crew if they
ever arrive here. To cease to function within  this torpedo casing thereby
providing my own coffin, she allowed the thought to trail off. I believe
this would be an example of gallows humor she noted wryly aloud. She had
noticed that as time passed she was conversing with her self verbally. She
wondered if it was a sign of mental instability or if it was a side effect
of not regenerating. The doctors portable regeneration unit had not worked
as expected in fact after a few moments it had not worked at all. Her
thoughts drifted to Naomi, at least I managed to transport her safely off
the shuttle. The contact with ship which seemed to materialize out of
nowhere had been brief; but, they seemed friendly at least I hope they were.
Once again the anger built up within her filling her with white heat.  It
was all Star Fleets fault. Well her analytical mind allowed not all of Star
Fleet just some shadowy group within the organization; however, a part of
her yearned to be in the collective and assist  in their assimilation. She
pushed these thoughts out of her mind as she remembered when it had all
started to go horribly wrong.

Naomi had required her assistance most of the night and she was sorely in
need of regeneration. Although she doubted the Doctor would be successful in
his attempt to build a portable regeneration device it would definitely be a
welcome relief from this constant inability to operate at peak efficiency.
Even in her present state she immediately recognized the incoming signal as
Star Fleet. She felt a quick flash of pride as she amplified the signal. Her
upgrade of the communication array had been successful. The captain would be
pleased; perhaps, she would even smile.  I wonder why I miss her smile so
much. She filed that thought away for later contemplation.  The time lag
might be problematic and I am concerned about signal degradation; but, I
have done everything I can for now time to contact the Captain.

The Captain had sent a brief reply to Star Fleet and then ordered her back
to Cargo Bay 2 to regenerate an answer was not expected for 6 hours and the
Captain said she would man the station in the meantime. She remembered the
flash of a smile she had seen on the Captains face and this one had even
reached her eyes before quickly fading. She would endeavor to due all she
could to make this communication system work; although, a part of her still
felt uneasy. Probably just a lingering after effect of the incident with the
Borg data modules disregarding the thought as an irrational fear. Looking
back she should have followed her instincts on this matter. Perhaps that is
what they mean by hindsight being 20/20. She always found old saying
incomprehensible having no factual basis in current times, even in her
angered state she was amused at least this was no longer a concern. Even
considering her current predicament  she was relieved she finally followed
her instincts. At first the communications for Star Fleet had been friendly
including messages from home as the crew members called them and engineering
upgrades; but, slowly the tenor of the communiques changed. The Captain
began receiving constant request for clarification of decisions, requests
for reports, new protocols, and directives; until, she was overwhelmed with
paperwork. Finally she and Naomi, as her bridge assistant, had offered to
sort the messages and prioritize them for her. A very fortuitous turn of
events as it turned out. Naomi�s fear for her was almost palatable as she
left for her fifth dangerous away mission in as many weeks. You have to tell
the Captain about this, Naomi pleaded, it is not fair they are trying to
hurt you. It was the first time either had mentioned the idea of they. She
had tried to allay the young child's fear at the same time her own grew.
After returning from the mission battered and bruised her nanoprobes working
to limit of there abilities to repair her body.  After assuring Naomi of her
continuing functioning and watching her drift off to sleep she returned to
the Cargo Bay only to find orders to report immediately to holodeck 2. She
knew by the looks of the crew as she made her way to the holodeck that her
appearance was not normal. She realized that she was walking with her
shoulders slumped and her head hanging slightly forward; it reminded her of
the posture she had seen Harry Kim display after being berated by the
Captain several days earlier. She entered the holodeck to find both the
Captain and Tom Paris. With an effort she had tried to resume her normal
posture glancing at the surroundings. Captain this appears to be a shuttle
simulation is their a problem you need my assistance on. The Captain
apologetically informed Seven that while she was away on the mission orders
had come through that she was to be class 1 shuttle pilot certified. Indeed
was her only response. Tom will be your instructor I do not expect you will
have any problems completing the training in 45 days allowed; but, it will
be difficult  since training usually takes a year the Captain said wryly.
Also here is a pad containing orders for your eyes only come to me if there
is anything you need, the Captain said as she left. The Captain had been
correct it had taken 44 days to complete her training.  As for the orders
she was to modify a shuttle craft following the specifications provided by
Star Fleet.  A shuttle she was than to test.


 Part 3

Seven report to the conference room immediately Capt. Janeway�s voice came
across the intercom. Seven looked up from her work and quickly responded
Captain was I incorrect in assuming there was a senior staff meeting this
morning. The Captain sounded exasperated as she replied, yes Seven there is
a senior staff meeting and we are awaiting your arrival.  Captain, it is
apparent you have not completed reading Star Fleets latest communique, item
92 makes it clear that my presence at staff meetings is, Seven hesitated
looking for the right word, my presence is no longer welcome, Seven out.
Seven violently shook her head trying to clear it. Time no longer seemed to
be linear in her thoughts. She realized she was drifting in an out of
consciousness.  She smiled remembering how  the Captain had fought Star
Fleet over her exclusion from the meetings. Even Lt. Torres who was chafing
due to the orders requiring her to provide her with anything necessary for
her secret project had been incensed.  But, already 15 days into the project
Seven new something was a miss,  although on paper the shuttle modifications
appeared to be in order, she suspected a flaw, a fatal flaw.
She was not sure which it had been confirming the flaw, her being barred
from handling incoming Star Fleet messages, or the Captain�s forced
administrative leave that had led her to start secretly downloading and
accessing all communication. Perhaps she thought ruefully it was all three.
Abruptly she was brought out her reminiscing by a strange humming sound. It
was a transporter beam. She felt the pad land upon her midsection and
cautiously brought it up to her face.

Are you O.K. It is me Naomi, I am safe. They promised me they would not
leave till we can get you on board. The Captain wants to write you too, so
see you soon.

Seven, you are trapped in some sort of spatial anomaly that formed when  the
shuttle exploded. The anomaly has already dissipated enough that we are able
to transport small inanimate object such as the pad organic matter is still
impossible; also, communication is impossible. Is there anything you need?
If so just enter them into the pad we have kept a lock on it and will be
beaming it back in 10 minutes.
Captain Tas

Seven stared at the pad tears forming at corners of her eyes Naomi was truly
safe, and there was hope for her also. But, then her analytical mind kicked
in without regenerating she was down to a matter of hours before she would
cease to function. She quickly entered a return message.

Captain Tas,
Tell Naomi I am fine. However unless you have a Borg alcove or a fresh
supply of Nanoprobes I will cease functioning in 3.25 hours. Please take
care of Naomi if you are unable to retrieve me by that time.

Seven than placed the pad as far way from her as possible which was not far
given the close confines; and listened for the whine of transport.

Part 4
Captain we are receiving an automated distress call Harry�s voice intoned
through my comm badge. Both B�Elanna and I hurried to the bridge perhaps
this was the answer to my nightly prayers.  The moment the turbo lift doors
opened to the Bridge Janeway demanded a report. Harry Kim relinquished the
comm and said excitedly �Captain, we are picking up an automated distress
call asking for immediate assistance, We should be within  sensor scanning
range in 20 minutes.� Janeway fought against the rising tide of hope; but,
they were so close to Seven�s and Naomi�s last known coordinates. As much as
she struggled to stay in the present her mind once again returned to the day
before everything went horribly wrong.
Seven had come to see her, the Captain only had one more day of
administrative leave before she would return to active duty. Administrative
leave what a nice way of saying she was being punished due to her insistence
that Seven be allowed to attend Staff meetings. Star Fleet Commands attitude
toward her Astrometric�s officer had been anything but consistent she
thought ruefully.  She once again allowed herself to speculate on Seven�s
secret project down in Shuttle Bay 2; hopefully, once I retake command
tomorrow I will be privy to what she is working on so tirelessly down there.
Janeway, gave Seven an embarrassed smile realizing that Seven was standing
there staring intently as her thoughts wandered. Captain I wanted to thank
you for all the time you have spent with Naomi lately and for making her
your assistant with all the privileges of a bridge officer. The Captain had
enjoyed the time shared with Naomi even participating in her Flottter
Holoprogram with the young child who had been forced to grow up much to
quickly and if being a Captain�s assistant helped Naomi than it was the
least she could have done. The thoughts of Naomi brought her back into the
Long range scanners were picking up an object it appeared to be an escape
pod of some sort.  B�Elanna was quietly cursing trying to reroute every
spare bit of energy into the sensor array.  Janeway shook her head ruefully,
in the time Seven had been gone every improvement she had made had slowly
fell into disrepair.  There sensor range was well within Star Fleets
specifications; but, well below the maximum range Seven had managed to
achieve while running Astrometric�s.She personally had not even been to the
Astometric�s lab since that fateful day.  She just could not bring herself
to go there or Cargo Bay 2. 
Captain I am picking up faint life signs, Harry Kim said excitedly, we
should be within transporter range in 2 minutes; however, interference makes
it impossible to determine more than that. Captain Janeway immediately
relayed the life signs to the EMH,  informing him that a patient would be
transported in two minutes. Captain, Harry said breathlessly I am picking up
a slight Borg signature. Janeway felt her heart rise in her throat; but, her
first concern must always be for her ship. Tuvok assemble a security team
and report to sickbay immediately I will join you shortly, the Captain said
hoping her voice was not shaking to much. As the turbo lift headed to
sickbay it stopped to allow Commander Chakotay to enter. He looked at the
Captain and once again she thought she saw a shadow of guilt cross his
features. She had told him many times he was not responsible for what had
happened; yet, he still seemed weighed down by it.  Captain transport
complete was the only sound to break the silence within the Turbo lift. They
both practically ran to sickbay. As the doors slid open Janeway abruptly
stopped causing Chakotay to practically bowl her over.
What the hell, was all she could say as she saw the form laying on the

Part 5

Seven than placed the pad as far way from her as possible which was not far
given the close confines; and listened for the whine of transport. In what
only seemed like moments the pad dematerialized with a whine leaving Seven
alone again with her thoughts.  She immediately regretted her message,
perhaps I should not have told them about being Borg she thought ruefully.
That had been what had gotten her into this mess anyway. Sometimes having
complete eidetic recall was a curse. Even now she could access the first
message to Commander Chakotay hinting at rewards if her untimely demise
could be arranged. It had taken her a full work shift to determine what to
do with this unwelcome; but, important knowledge. She had finally decided to
not forward the message to the Commander and answer for him. The next
message confirmed that the shuttle plans were flawed in a way that would
cause an almost immediate warp core breach while at the same time appearing
accidental. Seven had tried to get as much information from the senders
without tipping her hand. It had proved exceedingly difficult  because she
was not used to such deception another area of human growth she thought
bitterly. At least she had been able to secure pardon�s for all former
Marquis members, she had ask Lt. Torres what would happen to her if they
returned to the Alpha Quadrant and she was incarcerated. She had replied
that it would kill her and grown quite upset with Seven for even inferring
such a future. Seven just could not allow that to happen she had come to
consider Voyager home and its crew family. This shadowy group called Section
31 had guaranteed complete pardons and postings within Star Fleet for any
members who desired it.  She still regretted Captain forced administrative
leave after all it had been her own doing. She had mentioned in passing that
the Captain seemed overly interested in her project and they had quote
�arranged the disciplinary action�.  Although the action had proved the
groups power within Star Fleet  it did not help to decipher who these people
truly were. On top of that, she never could determine why she was considered
such a threat. She only knew that they perhaps had something to due with
Commander Data�s recent disappearance a and wondered if there fear of her
was somehow related to that incident   She wondered how the Captain was
coping with her apparent demise.  She had not expected her on the Bridge
during her last communique to Voyager and seeing her face had weakened her
resolve. She had looked almost physically ill Seven realized.  It had torn
her heart to shreds to do this to her; yet, what choice did she have. She
truly believed that the needs of the one or even two out weigh the many
especially her own needs. She had not planned on having Naomi with her on
this trip. Somehow the young girl had snuck aboard the shuttle and masked
her own life signs until it was to late. But, Naomi had been fine; but, what
if her admission about being Borg had changed all that.
Suddenly she heard the whine of the transporter again and this time felt two
objects land on her abdomen. She reached down carefully locating another pad
and what appeared to be a hypospray. She almost felt an almost hysterical
laughter bubble up within her  as she read the contents of the pad and
brought the hypospray slowly up to her neck. As she pressed the hypospray
against her neck and heard the soft hiss. She felt momentarily dizzy before
a sense of peace enveloped her.