rated pg. 13 Disclaimer: Paramount in trouble over Dr. Laura film at 11:00. So I figure with that going on why mess with me right. If I am wrong well some characters belong to Paramount some to me. Please do not sue I do not have much. Absolutely have loved all the poetry and stories of late. Writing poetry has always been way beyond my ability but I love to read it.

Nik stared at Tas with disbelief listening with every fiber of her being; suddenly nothing else seemed to matter in the universe except for what Tas was saying. She was unsure what to say or do after Tas was finished. For the first time in her life the ability for logical thought had completely left her and all could do was just continue to stare hopelessly.  

Tas looked at her bond mate concern coloring her gaze, "Say something please?"

Nik said the only thing she could think to say, "I Love You" and slowly put her arms around this woman who was perfection gently pulling her close to her.

 "Captain Janeway, I am unsure as to what I can add to the discussion or even if my presence is prudent", Tri replied startled by the Captain request she remain.

 Kathryn herself was unsure of her motives; however, as a Captain she had learned to go with her intuition it had very rarely served her wrong. Although, a part of her questioned her motives there was something on a personal level about the Engineer that was appealing. That line of thought was interrupted by Chakotay�s entrance. After a brief discussion with her First Officer about the prudence of having Tri participate in the staff meeting, Kathryn motioned for Tri to be seated and waited for the rest of her officers to arrive.

 Nik realized she was unaware of the passage of time as she held Tas close. After a while she felt Tas lips against her neck her teeth gently nipping her chuckling lightly as her thumb brushed against the Captain insignia at her neck as she began to unbutton the top of Nik�s uniform jacket. A growl emanated from the back of Nik�s throat as she pulled Tas�s face in front of hers looking deeply in her eyes before leaning in for a passionate kiss.

 The Doctor was regaling Qel with another story of his medical exploits since he had been activated, obviously relishing the opportunity to speak directly with another doctor. It was all that Mor could do to keep from rolling her eyes as she listened to the two try to best each other with examples of their medical brilliance and dedication. For this reason she was surprised when the Doctor asked slightly humbly for Qel to download any information he had on former Borg for his perusal as a professional courtesy. Really, after listening to all his bravado Mor was quite surprised that this sentient hologram had any humility at all. Qel contacted his ship to begin downloading all relevant information into Voyager�s database after the Doctor had departed for an unexpected meeting with the Senior Staff and Lt. Tri.

 Tas pulled away just long enough to remove Nik�s uniform jacket and pull off her own before returning her lips to where they longed had to be for the past 6 weeks. Tas stood slowly reaching down to take Nik�s hand into her own before leading her into the other room. Nik suddenly stiffened as she felt Tas hands begin to unbutton her shirt. Tas looked up startled, "what is wrong, love." "Are you sure this is O.K.?". "Oh, this is more than O.K.; but, as much as I enjoyed it there can not be a repeat of the last time" Tas replied. Nik just blushed the charming shade of pink that caused her to melt.



Lt. Torres walked silently next to Tom on their way to the Conference Room having rebuffed any attempts by him at conversation. The key, the key, it was repeating in her head like a Klingon Chant. If only she could direct her thoughts elsewhere she was sure the solution would come to her; but, she could not let go of it enough to do so. The solution was on the edge of her consciousness and she knew it and it absolutely infuriated her.

Chakotay, looked nervously around at the assembled group unsure where to

even begin. It was only after Janeway cleared her throat to prompt him that he realized the only way to start was with Chief�s communique to him the day of the accident.



Commander Chakotay,

By the time you receive this log I will be presumed dead in a shuttle accident if my plan is correct if I was incorrect than I will be dead either way I will not be returning to Voyager. It is with misgiving that I have decided to inform you of the situation I have found myself in. Recently, I began intercepting and replying messages for you from the Alpha Quadrant. I realize that this was a breach of protocol. However, it was the most prudent course of action. A group of Star Fleet officer�s calling them Section 31 has promised clemency for all Marquis crew members if I met an untimely demise with your help. It is my fear that they may try to retreat on this agreement. Do not allow them to do so. I am enclosing all communiques between us in the past. I also ask that you do not share this knowledge with anyone. Please, protect Naomi. Seven of Nine Tertiary Adjunct to Unimatrix One



Chakotay then proceeded to add what he had learned of the group since Chiefs departure. How, she had been right about an attempt to alter the original agreement after he had supposedly fulfilled his end of the bargain and more recent communication.

Lt. Tri listened to the unfolding story fascinated; even, though she had

heard most of the particulars before the emotions running through the assembled group added a resonance the reports and even Chief�s recounting lacked. The anger from Kathryn was almost palatable as Chakotay recounted how Section 31 had basically blackmailed Chief into leaving; however, it was all tinged by a sense of pride. Although, Tri did have to admit that actually having her suspicions about Chief place in the Borg hierarchy confirmed was a bit unnerving. To be that close to the queen involuntary she found herself shuddering at the thought. And what would her future with the Borg have been for Chief if Voyager had not broken her link to the hive mind it was a very disturbing line of thought. She made a mental note to once again relay the importance of not using Chief�s designation any longer. Although, no one would despise the Chief for who she was with the Borg it would make a few people very uncomfortable. This was due to the fact that the Borg Collective did not reach decisions in the way most assumed. It was the collective aspect of Borg functioning, she thought silently, it mislead people in their understanding of the power structure within the collective. A definite hierarchy was established within the collective and Chief had been at the top of that hierarchy. Chief�s position in the caste was obvious by the knowledge she retained; but, suspecting and knowing were to different things. Yes, a reminder was in order.



Captain Janeway listened to Chakotay�s report trying to decide if she should be furious with her First Officer for keeping the particulars from her; or, impressed by his loyalty to Seven, Chief she corrected herself. A loyalty which she had to admit surprised her given the rocky road those two had traveled. It must have been extremely difficult for him to keep this knowledge all to himself, Kathryn suddenly understood the look of guilt her first officer had displayed so often. She was also proud of Chief for once again putting the needs of her fellow crew mates before her own. This the most human tendency towards self sacrifice was something she had shown often. No, her anger was not directed at Chakotay but rather this shadow organization within her own beloved Star Fleet they had to stopped.



He finally ended with the brief note which released him from his obligation.




Commander Chakotay,

I believe I may have placed an unfair burden upon you by requesting your silence. I hereby release you from that request since it seems inevitable that the crew of Voyager will become aware of my continued existence with Naomi on board. Chief a.k.a. Seven



Kathryn thoughts were brought back into the present by the silence that filled the Conference Room.



That silence was quickly broken by a strange growl that none of the assembled group had ever heard from Voyager�s Chief Engineer.



"That is why she asked me what incarceration upon our return would do to me?"



"And what did you tell her B�Elanna", Harry asked quietly.



B�Elanna groaned again before answering, "I told her it would kill me and baited her into yet another fight".



A fight which had been particularly raucous B�Elanna remembered vividly. Usually whenever she had baited the young Borg she responded by just turning and walking away; but, this time Seven had escalated the fray by calling B'Elanna by her full given name. A name she had not realized anyone on board had known let alone their own Borg Queen. The fight had ended as abruptly as it had begun at that point with a knowing smirk upon Seven�s face. How that smirk had filled B'Elanna with anger bordering on rage. Anger which had quickly turned to regret with the accident and now with this new knowledge shame. It was at that moment it all fell into place. The decryption code, the key, this time she knew without a doubt what it was as she picked up the pad and holding it close so no one could see as she entered her full name.



"So she did not mean to take Naomi with her?", Tom asked after a moments silence.



Tri realized that she was the only one present who could answer that question. She prefaced her answer with another reminder of the importance of calling Seven, Chief or Captain. Then she began to tell all that she knew.



The assembled group with the exception of B'Elanna listened to Tri with rapt attention as she began her report where Chakotay�s left off.



"No Naomi was not meant to be aboard the flight. It was a difficult decision for Chief to leave everyone behind especially Naomi; yet, she saw no other alternative as Commander Chakotay pointed out. The shuttle she had modified was capable of breaking the threshold much as the Cohran you designed earlier was able to do perhaps without the evolutionary side-effects that occurred on that flight happening due to a new form of shielding. However, Chief was unsure the shielding would work even after she modified the warp engines to correct that flaw. She was sure however that her nanoprobes would protect her from such an occurrence. That just left the difficulty of staging the destruction of the shuttle its actual destruction being an accidental. Chief became aware of Naomi�s presence after passing the threshold and it was concern for her which caused her rather imprudent actions when the ships shields began to fail. Fearing that Naomi would be suffer much as Tom Paris did she abruptly dropped the shuttle back into real space causing massive system overloads. It was only good fortune that the shuttle appeared so closely to where we were running under cloak. The moment the distress call came we began to initiate emergency beam out but interference from the warp core made that all but impossible. Chief demanded that we beam Naomi out first since she had an escape pod available. It was only moments after beaming Naomi over the shuttle exploded trapping chief and her escape pod in a tear within space. It was sometime before we were able to beam Chief over and there were some unforeseen consequences; yet, finally the anomaly dissipated long enough for transport and begin their life with us."



"So, Tri are you aware of the changes Chief made to the shuttle plans?", Janeway asked curiously.



Tri answered a small smile appearing as she glanced over at B'Elanna,"Yes, although I believe you Chief of Engineering is also aware of the modifications. Congratulations at finally figuring out what the key was".



All eyes turned towards Torres who just nodded her head yes and returned her gaze once again to the pad adding distractedly she we provide a report on what she had learned as she finished reviewing the material.



"You mentioned unforeseen consequences anything I should be aware of as Chief Medical Officer. "



"Uhh.. it was necessary after the failure of Chief�s portable regeneration device to isolate Nanoprobes from Tas in order to keep chief from perishing due to lack of regeneration.", Tri said carefully.



"Ahh, and then how exactly did Sev I mean Chief�s Nanoprobes end up in Tas� system I do not believe Tas� explanation of how this came about?", the Doctor asked curiously. At that moment Tri vowed both Tas and Chief owed her big time for putting her in this situation before realizing that perhaps she could deflect this line of questioning for the time being, "Perhaps, Doctor, you should ask Qel; since, it seems to be a medical question?"



Captain Janeway looked at Tri surprised to see the lieutenant blushing taking refuge in a cup of coffee and decided to deflect the question by asking Chakotay how he received the pad from Chief. Chakotay quickly explained he had received it from Tuvok.



"Captain, the Chief gave me the pad after I discovered her and Tas in Cargo Bay 2", Tuvok replied.



Captain Janeway was incensed, "And why did you not bring her to meet with us?"



Tuvok as calm as ever in response to the Captain�s ire replied, "Captain Tas asked as a courtesy for Captain Chief to debrief her before meeting with us. It seemed a reasonable request."



Tri found herself choking on the drink of coffee she had just taken before Tuvok had begun to speak. Quickly Captain Janeway was on her feet rubbing her back in order to help her take a breath which was doing anything; but, calming her.



"Are you O.K. Lt. Tri"

"I am fine just not used to real coffee I guess" Tri said hoping her blush would be mistaken as a side effect of her choking. A debriefing her mind very aware of the double meaning embarrassingly evident at least to her.



"Well I know Neelix will be expecting us shortly in the mess hall for a celebration, Lt. Tri and I will contact the two Captain�s and meet you there, dismissed."



She awoke with the languid feeling that she enjoyed so much. Looking at the chronometer she realized she had only slept several minutes and wondered what had awakened her. Slowly, Nik became aware of the insistent beeping of her wrist communicator. Carefully reaching across Tas� sleeping form she picked it up and huskily responded to the hail.