In Paradisum

The fading light of the twin suns glinted on the purple water as Kathryn stood staring out over the vast expanse of tranquil ocean. She had been walking for hours but did not feel in the least fatigued, so invigorating was the air of this beautiful planet. They had come across it two weeks ago; an uninhabited, unspoilt M-class planet that, but for its colours, could have been mistaken for Earth. She had decided to order extended R&R for the entire crew; they certainly deserved it after spending a particularly difficult few months treversing a hostile region of space.

The planet was vast, and it had been possible for those that wished for solitude to isolate themselves completely from the rest of the crew. This was a blessed relief for those who had begun to feel a little claustrophobic on board; for Janeway, who had the luxury of private quarters but was never off duty, it had been more like a Godsend.

She had set up her camp on the beach and spent her days walking, exploring, catching up on reading or just sitting on the beach dreaming. At night she would fall asleep listening to the waves and the clicks and whistles of the various friendly creatures that shared this corner of Paradise with her.

The newlyweds, Seven and B'Elanna, had also opted for splendid isolation. They had not yet had time for a honeymoon and this was far better than they could ever have hoped for. When they were not making love, which was not very often, they spent their time planning their future together, telling eachother every detail of their lives and their hearts, and using the clear pool outside their camp for Seven's swimming lessons.

Theirs had been a whirlwind romance. Once they had realised that the antagonism between them was caused by repressed sexual tension, they had wasted no time in exploring their mutual attraction and their hearts and souls had bonded with their bodies. Their love had taken them both by surprise, not only with its intensity but with its depth, and they had seen no reason to delay their official joining. And so, barely a fortnight after the incredible realisation that they were in love, Kathryn had found herself standing on the holodeck in full dress uniform, joining together her two friends with a joy tinged with unexpected pain.

What was that pain? she wondered. 'Jealousy', her little voice relied, 'Envy'. Yes, certainly she was a little envious of the happiness and fulfillment they had found in eachother, but jealousy? Of course they were both very attractive women, and she had to admit that both of them had made frequent appearances in her fantasies, but they were so right together, an idiot could see that, why should she be jealous when there wasn't a chance in hell that either of them would want to be with her. She realised with profound regret that Seven and B'Elanna were the only people on board that she could imagine falling in love with, having a relationship with, and with their bonding she would be alone forever. But she couldn't regret it. Their being together was so clearly meant and they were both happier than she had ever seen them. It made her heart smile that she had been the one to bring them together.

* * * * * *

Her walk that day took her well inland. It was mid afternoon and she had gone too far to get back before dark, but if she had to spend one night under the stars, then so be it; somehow, in this place, she was less worried about creature comforts than was her custom. In fact the idea of sleeping on the soft springy turf of this earth suddenly appealed to her, and she started looking around for a suitable spot to make a camp and fuel for a fire. It was during this search that she heard the sound of human cries. Her instinct was that someone was in trouble and she made towards the sounds, but she soon realised that these were cries of ecstasy rather than distress, and she stopped, mesmerised by the sounds of utter joy, images of their cause flashing through her head.

"Ah...huh...Oh gods! Seven!"
"B'Elanna... B'Elannaaaaaaaa, yes... my love... aaahhh!"
For a moment Kathryn stood frozen to the spot, then she moved carefully towards the sound, as if drawn by a magnet, taking care not to make any sound that might disturb the lovers. She settled herself behind a convenient rock, hidden by the lush, somewhat tropical vegetation, and watched her two best friends drive each other mad with desire. She knew she should be ashamed of herself but, inexplicably, she wasn't. She had known all along that they were meant for each other, but she had never seen a couple that fitted together so perfectly. There was none of the clumsy bumping and grinding, the uncertainty that one might expect from a couple who had only been sleeping together for a few weeks. It was as if they had been together for years, so well did they know eachother's bodies and how to elicit the desired response from them. They moved together in perfect harmony, each making love to the other simultaneously rather than in turn.

Kathryn was lost in their passion. Her breath coming short and shudderingly, her sex aching with growing need as she drank in the beautiful sight of love. B'Elanna lay on top of the Borg lover, her lips pressed against the ivory skin of Seven's pulsing neck, her teeth leaving a trail of delicate marks which moved down and down. Seven's right hand grasped desperately at B'Elanna as back, her Borg-encased left hand gripping B'Elanna's butt as gently as it was able in the circumstances. B'Elanna's knee pushed deeply into Seven's steaming sex, rubbing rythmnically against the springy golden hairs and the treasure they protected.

"Oh, god! B'Elanna!" Seven cried, her fingers moving to plunge deeply into the Klingon's centre. B'Elanna gasped and her whole body shook.
"Seven...Seven.....Seven" she panted as the Borg hand pumped her almost senseless. Seven flipped her wife over, never removing her hand or stilling its action. Her loosened blond mane stroking B'Elanna's chest as the former Borg sucked mercilessly at the Klingon's stiff nipples. The mantra continued, slowly rising in its pitch "Seven...Seven.....Seven..."

Kathryn's hand moved rapidly between her legs, stroking and rubbing for all she was worth. She was so aroused she could hardly breathe and yet there was something stopping her from comming. She swallowed her cries; she was in hell, trying to urge herself towards release, unable to decide whether she would prefer to come, and end her anguish, or continue in this state of exquisite hyper-arousal. When seven and B'Elanna screemed with mutual orgasm it almost tipped her over the edge, but her frustration persisted as the surge subsided before it could spill over. The lovers collapsed into eachother's arms, silent now but for their heavy breathing that slowly calmed. They lay entwined, seemingly asleep, while Kathryn rubbed and rubbed at herself, but through her desperation she heard Seven murmur "I believe the captain needs our help,"
B'Elanna replying simply "Yes, my love, I believe you're right."

* * * * * * *

They came to her quickly, easily lifting her sweating, shuddering body and carrying her to their sheltered bower. She tried to speak, tried to explain, but her body was in such torment that all she could do was allow them to lay her gently on the grass and divest her of her remaining clothing. When she was naked, B'Elanna kissed her lips gently. "It's alright, Kathryn," she reassured, "we are your friends, we want to help you." With that the young Klingon kissed her again, more hungrily this time, and began to move down and down her burning body. Seven now took over kissing her lips.
"Captain," came the voice of the former drone, "Kathryn," she amended with a smile, "we are here for you as we have always been," and she bent to kiss and nibble at Kathryn's nipples, now so taught she thought they would burst at any minute.

Kathryn was paralysed with desire. She couldn't quite believe that this was really happening, perhaps it was all a dream after all, perhaps she was hallucinating again. But no, she could not truly believe that, and with that thought her brain shut down and her body took over. She let go all fear and apprehension and allowed herself to sink into the incredible sensations these two women were giving.

B'Elanna was sucking and biting at her clit, her strong fingers plunging into her, expertly massaging the G-spot that had so long been neglected. Seven sucked and nibbled, caressed and pinched at her nipples, moving her luscious mouth fluently between them and trailing kisses all over her chest and neck. They spoke to her too, reassuring her all the time. "It's alright, Kathryn," B'Elanna urged tenderly "let go, allow yourself the release you need. We are...."
" to please you," Seven continued, "We know you, we love you Kathryn; we've been waiting so long to help you feel this way."

Together they transported their captain to Heaven, and kept her there for what seemed like an eternity. When she eventually fell over the edge of the highest pinnacle, higher than she had ever been before, they caught her easily and brought her gently back down to the earth, kissing the tears that streamed down her face and soothing her with sweet words. When she was quiet they wiped those tears from her cheeks and stroked her hair and held her as she drifted off to sleep.

* * * * * * *

"Well," said B'Elanna, looking up from her PADD with a smile, "look who's awake." She stood and walked over to Kathryn, who was leaning against the bedroom doorpost, and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, which was gratefully returned.
"Good morning, Kathryn" came Seven's sedutive voice and B'Elanna took her hand and led her over to recieve her morning kiss from the young Borg.
Kathryn smiled and shook her head a little. She felt completely exposed and utterly happy. "What's going on?" she asked quietly.
B'Elanna smiled, "Whiy don't you sit down and have some coffee, and we'll talk?"

When they were all comfortable Seven began the revelations. "Kathryn," she said softly "B'Elanna and I have discussed you many times."
"Really, and what have you discussed?"
"Our feelings for you."
As Seven uttered these words, Kathryn's cup stopped midway to her lips and she replaced it on the table. "Feelings?" she asked tentatively.
B'Elanna reached out for Janeway's hand and explained "we both have deep feelings for you, we always have; feelings that have nothing whatever to do with our respect for you as our commanding officer. We could never tell you're the captain."
Seven took up the thread, "but when you came to us last night, so clearly in need of love..."
"We couldn't deny you that love any longer" B'Elanna finished.

Kathryn was stunned, "I....I don't know...what to say," she stammered as she looked alternately into their eyes. "But're so good together."
B'Elanna turned to look at her wife and reached out to touch her cheek,"yes we are" she agreed dreamily, as Seven nuzzled her hand. She turned her attention back to the captain and continued, "but that doesn't affect, nor is it affected by, the way we both feel about you."

Kathryn sat back with a sigh. "Well," she breathed "I can't deny I have always been very attracted to both of you. I was even.....a little jealous when you got married." She lowered her head, ashamed, but Seven reached out, hooked a finger under her chin and raised it gently.
"It's alright, Kathryn," she soothed, "no doubt you thought that by getting married we had excluded you from our lives.....but we haven't, not at all."
"No, we haven't," agreed B'Elanna, raising Kathryn's hand to her lips, "if you want us, we will always be here for you."
Kathryn let out a long breath and giggled, "If I want you!?" she gasped incredulously, "how could I not want you?" and kissed each of them thoroughly, pulling them both into her embrace. "But what are we talking about here?" she asked as she pulled gently away.
"Whatever you want" came the reply, in unison, bringing a smile to 3 pairs of lips.
"Whatever you're comfortable with" added B'Elanna
"Whatever you need" said Seven.

Kathryn closed her eyes and took in a long clensing breath, letting it out with a radiant smile. "Why don't we just see how it goes, Okay?" she suggested.
"Acceptable" came the stereo reply.

The End