by Capt Starbuck
Spoilers: None

Rating: See each part for the rating

Summary: J/7 Challenge from the janeway_seven faction list

Disclaimers: Star Trek is owned and maintained by Paramount.  I won't make any profit from this story, so...

Thank You:  Once again, to my beta readers non-pareil, athos, rad, selena, clotho & virago. I don't know where I'd be without you (probably lost in my own Delta Quadrant)

Note:  This one's a little different from anything I've previously written.  You'll understand from the first sentence what I mean. *g*

Challenge must contain the following:

A) Coffee - or lack thereof
B) White Starfleet Dress Uniforms (those shown in the 'Insurrection' movie
C) Tropical fruitpunch
D) Big Ass phaser rifles
E) Some cool MacGyver invention
F) Janeway's 'Force Ten Glare'
G) Seven's version of a cool movie slogan ( Schwarzenegger's "I'll Be Back" or "Hastalavista, Baby"
H) Seven in one of those tight gray Starfleet t-shirts

Also, it must be a J/7 action romance