Part VI

I stood guard at the Jefferies tube, my back to the wall. I had a greater appreciation for the strength of my security team after I'd held the rifle for twenty minutes. My arms were beginning to strain at the unfamiliar weight.

I heard B'Elanna let loose with a string of Klingon curses. Still keeping my eyes scanning the hallway, I moved closer to the tube.

"Talk to me, B'Elanna. What's wrong?"

"We have found one of the photonic charges," Seven said. "We must disarm it before we can continue."

"Can you do that, Seven?"

"I had extensive training at Starfleet when I was assigned to Weapons."

I heard muffled arguments, then suddenly B'Elanna was standing beside me.

"Why aren't you in there helping Seven?" I asked.

"Not enough room," she said, her voice short.

"Is there any way we can beam the charge off the ship?" I asked.

"Not without taking out the communications relays it's welded to."

"How's it going in there, Seven? Can we help you with anything?" I called over my shoulder.

"I am almost done."

"Bridge to Janeway."

"Go ahead, Tuvok."

"Seven's scan has located the photonic charges. They are all over the ship. We can't pinpoint the precise location, but one is near your vicinity."

"Very near, Tuvok," I said wryly. "It's in the Jefferies tube. Seven's disarming it now."

Seven climbed out of the Jefferies tube. "I have deactivated the charge. Captain, it had a timing device attached to it."

"What was it set for?"


"That doesn't give us much time."

I contacted Hurk, Jarvis and Ro, and had them meet up with us.

"Have any of you had demolitions training?" I asked.

"I had a year of Weapons and Demolitions aboard the Argos," Ensign Jarvis said.

"I have, Captain."

Somehow it didn't surprise me that Ro had training in Weapons and Demolitions.

"We've got three hours to disarm nineteen photonic charges. We'll divide up into teams of two, Jarvis and Hurk, Ro and Torres, Seven and I. I hate to do this to you, B'Elanna, but you're now a security guard."

"I'll be sure to add it to my resume', Captain," she said dryly, taking the rifle from Ro.

"Tuvok, can you send me a listing of where you've located the charges?"

"I will send it to the computer station located ten meters from your location, Captain. You will have to use tricorders to find their exact locations."

"Can you assemble more demolitions teams, Tuvok?"

"I can dispatch four teams. Their assignments will be sent with the other data."

I led my group to the computer station. We divided up sections of the ship. I didn't need to give them any further orders. They knew what needed to be done.

* * * * * * * * * *

Seven and I quickly moved through the ship, disarming one charge after another. We were on our last assigned photonic charge when my commbadge chirped.

"Captain, sensors are picking up a small group of soldiers on your deck, headed in your direction," Tuvok informed me.

"Acknowledged. Janeway out." I stuck my head up the Jefferies tube. "Seven, how's your progress?"

"I anticipate the disarming to be completed in four point five minutes."

"Seven, if you hear anything out here, don't stop until you've finished."


"That's an order, Seven."

I heard approaching footsteps and knelt down to steady my rifle. I barely had time to re-check the setting before I saw the green and black uniforms. I fired twice, striking both of the soldiers. Before I could aim again at the third soldier, I was suddenly slammed down the hall by a phaser blast. Luckily my vest had absorbed the hit. At first I was just startled, then angry that I'd been shot.

And then the pain came, waves of it, like every nerve was on fire. I wanted to scream, do something, anything to make it stop, but I couldn't.

Through my tears, I realized I could still hear and still see, but I couldn't move a muscle. I never felt so helpless, and so much pain, in my life. I struggled to stay focused, but I could feel myself drifting toward unconsciousness.

"Ah, Captain Janeway," said Commander Beragun, walking toward me, his rifle still aimed at me. "I see that you're wearing a PDV. No wonder you're still alive. You do know that they can only absorb one shot of a phaser set to 'kill'."

I swallowed hard. I watched him lift his rifle up and aim, then saw a long arm thrusting out of the Jefferies tube, a phaser pressed against his temple.

"Move, and I will terminate you," Seven said, her voice full of ice, and sounding so very Borg-like.

She's going to kill him, I thought, then I passed out. When I came to we were materializing in Sickbay. Seven picked me up in her strong arms and carried me across the room. My body hung limply from her arms.

"What happened?" the Doctor asked as Seven set me on a bio-bed.

"She received a direct shot from a Compression Rifle. It was set to kill."

"Then how did she survive? What's this?" He began to cut away the vest.

"A PDV," Seven explained. "It absorbs the charges from the weapons."

"It's a good thing it did. I doubt the Captain wouldn't be alive without it."

I was dimly aware of the medical team hovering over me, calling out medical readings to one another as they cut my clothes away, draped my body with a sheet and continued their examination. I could feel everything they did, I just couldn't respond from my neck down.

Seven stood behind them, her gaze fixed on me.

"Seven?" I whispered.

Seven elbowed aside one of the medical technicians. "I am right here, Kathryn," she said, leaning over me. I felt her warm fingers close over my hand, but I was unable to reply in kind.

"It hurts, Seven," I whimpered, unable to fight the pain that coursed through my body.

"Doctor?" Seven glared at him.

"I'm preparing something for the pain right now."

"Don't sedate me, Doctor," I ordered.

"Captain, I won't be able to treat you."

"Get Chakotay down here," I said through clenched teeth.


"I gave you an order, Doctor."

"Commander Chakotay to Sickbay," the Doctor requested. "I have a medical emergency and your immediate presence is requested."

"On my way. Chakotay out."

The pain seemed to be intensifying. Seven moved to the head of the bed, her hand stroking my brow, trying to soothe me.

"Doctor?" I asked.

"You will survive, Captain, as long as I treat you within the next thirty minutes. All of your nerves from the neck down have received a photonic jolt. I will have to use a modified neural re-sequencer to 'flush the charge' from your neural pathways. If I don't, the pain will continue unabated and you will remain paralyzed from the neck down."

"Then what's stopping you?"

"I will have to sedate you, Captain. The pain from the cure, however temporary, will be considerably worse than what you are experiencing now."

Worse? How could anything be worse than what I was feeling. It was taking all of my willpower not to cry out. As it was, I couldn't control the tears that streamed down my face. And the look of worry on Seven's face and the tears in her eyes weren't helping.

"How long?" I asked, wincing from another wave of pain.

"You will be sedated for the next hour. I anticipate a full recovery in forty-eight hours."

"Make it less."

"Captain, I -"

"Doctor, I have a ship to command."

"And you are quite honestly the most stubborn patient I have ever treated."

I had no chance to reply as Chakotay rushed into the room.

"Kathryn! What happened?"

"She was shot by Commander Beragun," Seven answered for me.

Beragun, I thought. What did Seven do to him? And what about the photonic charges?

"Commander, the bombs?" I asked.

"All disarmed."

"Commander Beragun?"

"In the brig."

"Chakotay, you must get the rest of his men who were working with him. Have the Doctor and Lt. Darris examine them. And then set up a meeting with Lt. Commander Endicott and Lt. Commander Foley. I want them in the conference room at 1730 hours."

"Captain, I assure you that you'll be in no position to meet with anyone," the Doctor interjected.

"Do it. We don't have a lot of time."

"Yes, Captain."

I looked up at the Doctor. "Okay, Doctor, I'm all yours."

* * * * * * * * * *

I blinked several times, trying to reacquaint myself with my surroundings. I had a headache and I reflexively raised my hand to my temple. Then it dawned on me that I could move my arms again.

"Doctor?" I turned my head to the sound of the voice and saw Seven sitting beside me. She looked relieved to see me awake.

"Yes, Seven," he answered. "Oh, Captain, you're awake."

"How am I?"

"Fine. You'll be stiff and sore for a few days, but other than that, you'll be just fine."

"What time is it?" I asked Seven.

"1645," she answered with some hesitation.

"Get me a uniform," I ordered as I attempted to sit up, holding the gray sheet to my chest.


"Now, Lieutenant," I said, my voice sharp and probably a bit sterner than it needed to be.

I could sense the Doctor's impatience as he waited for Seven to leave my side.

"What is it, Doctor?" I asked when Seven was out of earshot, even with her Borg-enhanced hearing.

"You need to be resting, Captain."

"Am I in any danger?"

"Well, no.."

"Then we'll both be at the meeting."

"Yes, Captain."