Not title 02

When she woke up that morning she had a peculiar feeling, as if something unpleasant was going to happen today. She looked at the alarm clock that was standing beside her bed, and frowned when she saw she still had another hour sleep to go. If it wasn’t the alarm clock that had woken her, than what was it? She tried to remember what she had been dreaming about, but the only thing she could remember it had been very unpleasant and had given her the funny feeling she now experienced. She sat up straight, hung her legs over the side of her bed and yawned. She was still tired, but knew that she would not be able to sleep more. She left the bed, took a shower and fixed herself up. She looked into the mirror and saw how tired she still looked, lines marked her face as if she had just awoken. It would have to do for today.

When she entered the bridge, she was surprised to see the full staff at their work already. “Did I oversleep?” she asked.
“Not at all captain,” Chakotay answered, “All of the crew seems to have woken up early, and decided that they might as well start their duties!”
Janeway frowned and took her seat. “Guess I am not the only one in a funny mood, or so it seems,” she murmured more to herself than to anyone else.
“I guess not,” Chakotay replied, taking his seat next to her, “It’s strange, but I awoke with the feeling as if something not so nice would happen today!”
“Really?” she looked at him in surprise, “the same thing happened to me actually!”
“Perhaps it’s just a coincidence,” Chakotay said, “I asked lt. Tuvok about it, and he said he felt as always.”
The corner of her lips curled up, into a half-smile, and she whispered to him; “Well, it’s not as if he ever feels any different!”
“Captain!” Chakotay said, a little shock sounding through his voice, “it’s so unlike you to say such a thing!”
“So it is,” Janeway said, very surprised at herself, “I apologize Chakotay, I don’t know what came over me!”
“Never mind,” Chakotay said, and seemed to relax into his chair, “We all surprise ourselves at times!”

She walked towards the sickbay. All day long she had been feeling a bit funny, a little out of control, one might actually say. She was used to be in complete control of herself, always, and it worried her that now she actually had to think about controlling herself. Perhaps the doctor could give her something to relax, and with a good night sleep she might be over it.
She nearly bumped into Seven, when she entered the sickbay. “Captain,” the other said, “Is everything alright?”
“Oh yes, just a little…” Kathryn started to speak and than suddenly realized; “I have been meaning to speak to you all day long about something, Seven!”
“Really? Nothing too serious I hope?” Seven asked.
“Well, if you could meet me at my quarters in 10 minutes,” Kathryn said.
“Your quarters Captain?”
“Yes Seven, what I have to say, will require the more informal surroundings of my quarters!” Kathryn said, passed her and walked towards the doctor.

Only 5 minutes later she was back in her quarters and just about to take a pill the doctor had given her to relax, when she heard someone at the door. “Come in,” she said, and the door opened itself. There stood Seven, looking a little surprised at her. Well, she wasn’t a stranger to the Captain’s quarters of course, she had spent many hours with the Captain talking about their life’s, thoughts, fears and other experiences. But usually that was late at night, after her shift was open, and she wasn’t summoned by the Captain, merely asked.
“Please take a seat, Seven,” Kathryn said, “You might just want to sit down before I tell you what I have to say!”
“Of course Captain,” Seven responded, getting more curious now at what the Captain was about to tell her.
“Oh please, stop calling me Captain, just call me Kathryn,” the other said demandingly.
“Sure Cap, eh Kathryn.”
Seven took a seat and looked at Kathryn. “There is something I wish to tell you, Seven, and it is that I feel strongly attracted to you!”
“We are friends, Kathryn, friends are always at some level attracted to each other,” Seven replied, a little surprised at Janeway stating her feelings so matter-of-factly.
“It is more then that, Seven, what I feel for you is not just friendship. I feel sexually aroused when you’re around!”
Seven was dumb-struck by Kathryn’s forwardness, and seemed only to be able to look at her with her mouth wide open.
“I like you, Seven, I like sharing my feelings with you, laughing, crying, talking with you. Yet I have come to realize that I would like to touch you as well. See you naked. Make love to you,” Kathryn continued, completely unaware of the other going into a state of shock more and more.
“You mean, you’re in love with me?” Seven whispered. It wasn’t easy to shock her, but she was on the verge of a huge shock here.
“Yes, I think you could say that. I wish to make love with you, live with you, be your lover, your partner, whatever you want to call it!” Kathryn said.
Seven couldn’t help noticing that in all of a sudden her Captain had gone very white. Kathryn suddenly gasped for air, put her hand on her tummy and whispered; “God, what is happening to me?” The next moment, before Seven could blink her eyes, Kathryn had fainted.
Seven touched her com-badge: “Seven to sickbay.”
“Sickbay here,” the voice of the doctor replied.
“I will bring in the Captain soon, doctor. She has fainted!” Seven said.
She lifted the woman into her arms and carried her out of her quarters, to sickbay.

After she had told the doctor about Kathryn’s weird behavior (not going into details of course) about how she had acted completely not like herself, the doctor thoroughly examined Kathryn and than said; “It is the strangest thing!”
“What is?” Seven asked, concerned.
“She is suffering from a Peruvian flue,” the doctor said.
“So? Humans tend to get a flue once in a while,” Seven didn’t understand what he wanted to say.
“Yes, I know that,” the doctor said, “But not this flue. Humans are supposed to be immune for it!”
“Gosh, is it bad?”
“Not really. She will have to rest a while, I will give her some strong antibiotics so her body can start fighting against the flue,” the doctor stated, “there is not much you can still do here, Seven.”
She took the hint and left sickbay, so the doctor could completely focus on recovering his patient.