Seven's Release

Chapter I

“Computer increase illumination by fifty percent.” Seven of Nine looked about the cargo bay as she stepped out of her alcove. It was nothing like the holographic quarters she had created for herself months before. She turned to look at the green lights pulsating through her regeneration unit. It had seemed like so long ago that she had desired to sleep in a real bed. “It is better this way,” she reminded herself as she made her way to the console. Her fingers ran adeptly over the keypads. “More precisely," she told herself, "than they ran over the piano keys.” The doctor had been teaching her to play, but she had found little time to study in recent times. She found the need for increased efficiency on Voyager to be limitless and had devoted all of her energy to seeing that things ran more smoothly. A light flickered on the console reminding her that her duty in Astrometrics was about to begin. She straightened the tight bun that held her luxurious blond hair and proceed into the corridor. As she entered Astrometrics, she found Icheb diligently working on a star chart. His back was turned to her, yet the instant her foot crossed the door, he acknowledged her presence.

“Hello Seven,” he remarked as his fingers flew over the console. Stars lay clustered on the view screen in front of him connected by dotted lines which showed their trajectory.

“I’m studying star charts for the Starfleet Academy exam,” he explained.

Seven of Nine joined him at the console and they dipped their heads in acknowledgment of one another. Seven felt comfortable with Icheb. There was no need for unnecessary rambling.

“I recognize this chart. It is found in the Alpha Quadrant.” Seven observed.

“Yes, I’m studying the star charts in sector one. My studies are coming along quite well I believe. There is a lot of information to disseminate though,” he admitted.

“I’m sure you are up to the task, Icheb.” She smiled a tight smile at him and he smiled in return. She knew he was eager to please her. It was much the same way she had been eager to please the Captain when she had first come aboard.

That seemed like so long ago. She had once been a part of the Borg collective, a drone without individuality and without emotion. It was a past she had long struggled to come to terms with and still carried with her to a varying extent. But, she had made a place for herself among the crew. Her relationship with the Doctor was rewarding along with the guarded friendships she held with some of the crew. Her relationship with the Captain was more complicated. She had yet to define it adequately. Any interest she might have had in Chakotay was deactivated along with that ill fated program. Not that she had any interest in having a relationship with the real Chakotay. He had merely seemed the logical and safe choice to explore her sexuality. It was an exploration she now regretted.

“Captain to Astrometrics.” The Captain gazed in front of her as she spoke into her com badge.

“Astrometrics here Captain,” came the reply.

Captain Kathryn Janeway sat in the command chair of the Starship Voyager, her small form casting an aura of command that was many times its actual size. Her fiery red hair fell loosely about her ears and her intense blue-green eyes were flickering across the bridge.

“We are nearing a Class-C nebula that you identified yesterday. Can you estimate how long it will take us to pass through it?” the Captain inquired.

“It will take us 1.275 days to reach the outer edge of the nebula,” Seven answered as she called up the stellar formation on her view screen. A swirl of orange and purple cloudlike formations appeared before her. It was an impressive display.

“Very well. Gather as much information as you can Seven. We are explorers after all.”

“Yes Captain,” Seven replied flatly.

“Janeway out.” Captain Janeway had never ceased to be amazed at the beauty that often comprised a nebula of this sort. She had seen many in her years as Starship Captain. The last seven years spent lost in the Delta Quadrant had presented its share of such phenomena. She had vowed that despite the pressing need to get home she would not ignore the possibilities and pleasures that such phenomena afforded her. As Voyager’s hull penetrated the nebula, flashing orange lights appeared out of the view screen. There were unusual eruptions of ghostlike apparitions that appeared in random sequence on all sides of Voyager. It was all somewhat dreamlike to Janeway as she stared in fascination.

“Now that’s pretty,” Lieutenant Tom Paris exclaimed as he put his hands behind his head and whistled. He could just see himself taking his wife, B’Elanna Torres, to lookout point on the holodeck in a Camero to view just such a sight.

It sure is, Tom,” Ensign Kim replied smiling out over the bridge at his good friend. “Everyone seems to be in a good mood today," Janeway thought to herself with a grin. Her grin faded into a small frown as her recent conversation replayed in her mind. “Everyone except Seven. Was that a little depression she had heard in her voice earlier?” It was hard to tell with Seven, but Janeway thought that she had seemed a little too intent on appearing controlled lately. She suspected it had something to do with those holoprograms she had been running awhile back, since the two coincided. Seven had assured her that she was forming a gravimetrical array, but had been reluctant to show it to the Captain. Janeway had a good idea that this reluctance was due to the fact that Seven was hiding something from her. Lord knows, Janeway knew that strange things could go on in those holodecks. But, she hadn’t wanted to press Seven about it just yet. Seven had seemed so defensive and self-protective that she had just let it go. She doubted the veracity of that decision right now.

“Neelix to Captain Janeway!” a hurried voice chirped over the com.

“Go ahead Neelix.”

“Have you seen the spectacular color show that has been going on outside Captain?” he asked somewhat ridiculously. “Well, I thought I’d have a nebula light show party tonight for the crew. It’s a miraculous view here in the mess hall. What do you think Captain?” he inquired.

“I think it is a great idea Neelix. Just what the crew needs.”

“Then you’ll be there Captain?”

“You sound so excited Neelix and I wouldn’t miss it for the world. What time?”

“1900 hours Captain.”

“Very well, inform the rest of the crew. Janeway out.” Captain Janeway was looking forward to this get together and she knew just the person she had to see.

Seven of Nine stood alone in Astrometrics downloading information from the sensors to the main computer. She could almost hear the metronome clicking beside her as she tried to concentrate on her task. It gave her a sense of purpose and order. And she clung to that desperately. As she glanced over the flickering lights of the control files, she noted a red warning light appear to its left. One of the circuits had been blown out. She would have to repair it. She bent over to reach the particular circuit that had blown out. She did so with ease and was busy fusing the circuit when Captain Janeway entered the lab. She did not stand up to address her, but rather, continued her work at the panel.

“Seven, I was hoping you might attend a little party that Neelix is giving tonight in the mess hall. It’s sure to afford a nice view of this nebula we are traveling through.” Janeway shifted her weight onto her left foot and straightened her uniform as Seven of Nine stood up.

“I’m sorry Captain but, I’m afraid I will be occupied tonight,” Seven said noncommittally.

“Are you spending more time on that gravimetrical array?” Janeway queried.

“No Captain, I found the attempt to design that particular array inefficient.” Seven of Nine looked past the Captain and stared at the nebula.

“Beautiful isn’t it? I think it would be of great value for you to come Seven. Why don’t you do it at least as a favor me?” Janeway offered and took a few steps toward Seven.

If that is your request Captain. I will attend,” Seven answered.

Janeway was disappointed by the flat tone with which this statement was delivered. “I’ll cheer Seven up tonight,” she promised herself. “Good. Then I’ll see you there,” she smiled and Seven nodded her head in acknowledgment.



Chapter II


Neelix had clearly outdone himself this time. The mess hall had been decorated with a series of streamers and balloons and flowers of all sorts. Guest had started to arrive and he was busy fussing and preening over each one. He was at his best at such events. Ever the chatterbox, he was the perfect morale officer. No one went neglected when Neelix was the host. Captain Janeway entered the mess hall around 1915 hours and noted that a large portion of her crew had already assembled. She scanned the room and found familiar faces. Ensign Kim sat with Tom Paris and Lieutenant Torres who was filling out her maternity uniform rather well these days. Chakotay stood looking out the view screen at the swirling orange and green clouds that encircled Voyager. However, nowhere did she see Seven of Nine. Disappointment, tempered her feelings of pleasure at the sight of so many enjoying themselves. It was unlike Seven to say she would do something and then not do it. She almost asked the computer where Seven was, but then thought better of it and headed over to say hello to Neelix.

Seven of Nine stood in the Cargo Bay debating on whether she should keep her promise to the Captain. Social occasions had become her nemesis and she toyed with the idea of finding some excuse not to attend. Still, the Captain had made a point of requesting her presence and she had indicated that she would go. Reluctantly, she ceased pacing and made her way to the mess hall. It was 1945 hours when she arrived at the mess hall and the party was in full swing. Music emanated from the ceilings and people danced on a makeshift dance floor. She noted the Captain talking to Commander Chakotay at the far side of the room. Their heads were bent close together as they strained to hear one another over the music. Seven entered the room and took up a position by the food bar. She did not feel comfortable at all as she eyed the various nutritional supplements that lined the table. She noted the closeness with which the Captain and Commander Chakotay stood, and they seemed to be enjoying something humorous. It was seemed so long ago that she had stood so close to the holographic Chakotay. She was glad she had not done so with the real one. He had nothing really to offer her. And she knew she had nothing to offer anyone else.

It was not so much that she saw her come in than that she felt her presence. Seven of Nine always projected a kind of serious fortitude which could permeate a room. Captain Kathryn Janeway gently shifted her position and looked past Chakotay searching the room. Her eyes fell on her five-foot nine inch blonde Astrometrics officer. She was standing by the food bar, arms crossed, clearly uncomfortable.

“Excuse me Chakotay,” Janeway said rather loudly. “There’s someone I’ve got to say hello to.” She made her way past her old friend and toward Seven.

Seven seemed unaware of her approach until she snapped her head toward Janeway’s direction and bid her hello. It was of the up most importance to Janeway to ease Seven’s discomfort. She cared about her a great deal and it hurt Janeway to see her unease in social situations. Janeway smiled at her and took her by the arm. “Good to see you Seven!” Janeway offered.

“The volume of music seems to be rather loud to afford normal conversation,” Seven obsevered. "What kind of music is this?”

“It’s an old earth form of music call disco,” Janeway explained. “It was popular briefly during the twentieth century.”

“I can see why its popularity was brief,” Seven replied sardonically.

“Yes, well I think it has a certain danceabiltiy to it,” Janeway stated.

“Have you been dancing Captain? Many of the crew members seem to be, with a good bit of abandon.”

“Well, I haven’t exactly let my hair down yet,” the Captain offered.

The pulsating beat of the music vibrated the carpet they were standing on and the swirling gaseous clouds presented a unique atmosphere. Suddenly, the music stopped and Neelix took center stage to give a toast to the crew and the beautiful piece of space they were in.

“And now for a more somber atmosphere I have let Mr. Paris program some quieter music to enjoy,” he announced beaming with pride at the success of his party thus far. People dispersed from the dance floor dripping with sweat and made their way to the various tables that were arranged about the room.

“Let’s sit down, Seven,” Janeway offered and led Seven to a table near the edge of the room that afforded a spectacular view of the space outside. She noted that Seven seemed stiff and morose and had a feeling that relaxing the former Borg was not going to be an easy task. “I thought for awhile that you were not going to show up,” Janeway said as she accepted a glass of synthehol wine from Neelix. She cupped the glass gingerly in her hands and sipped it ever so softly.

“I was unsure as to whether to come, Captain. I have a lot of work to do.” Seven hated lying to the Captain but, she couldn’t bear to reveal her private devastation to someone she so wanted to impress.

“You know Seven; to listen to you one would think that all you did was work. We haven’t even played our usual game of Velocity in some time now. Is something bothering you?”

“I assure you I am fine,” Seven answered flatly.

“Well . . . “

“Captain, Seven how are you?” Commander Chakotay swept up beside them and placed his hands on both of their shoulders. “How about a dance Kathryn?” he asked. Several crew members including Tom and B’Elanna had gathered about the dance floor.

“Sounds good. I’ll be right back, Seven,” she announced.

She and Chakotay made their way to the dance floor and began dancing across the floor. Seven sat in her chair noting the way they held each other and glided across the floor. The Captain’s small frame swayed to the music and they held each other and moved on the floor. Seven could not help watching her. She seemed so interested in Seven’s well being. Seven felt terrible for not being more forthcoming to her. But, how could she admit her imperfection to the Captain? How could she let any of her feelings out if she were to become vulnerable and erratic and shut down? Janeway could not help looking at Seven of Nine as she danced. She noted the way she sat stiffly in her chair. The closeness to Chakotay was offset by her distance from Seven. She peered over Chakotay’s shoulder and gazed at her crew member. Seven of Nine catching her eyes, returned her gaze. There was an acute sadness to it. Janeway smiled at her and she thought she saw Seven briefly smile in return. The dance soon ended and Janeway and Chakotay walked off the dance floor.

“Chakotay, give me some time alone with Seven, will you?” Janeway requested.

“Of course, Kathryn,” he answered and walked toward Ensign Harry Kim.

“I noticed you watching us dancing,” Janeway broached. “Would you care to dance Seven?”

“I believe Commander Chakotay is occupied at this time.” Seven replied.

“I mean with me,” Janeway explained. “Come on, it might just loosen you up.”

“Captain . . .”

“Oh, come on Seven!” Kathryn sighed and pulled her friend out of her chair toward the dance floor. It was less crowded than it had been a moment ago and Kathryn found them a private spot near the back

“Who will lead?" Seven inquired.

Janeway laughed and stated that she would. Seven had to bend slightly to accommodate the smaller woman, but found that they fit together rather easily. She smelled the Captain’s perfume and noted that she had never been that closed to Janeway.

“Now this isn’t so bad, is it?” Janeway inquired arching her brow upward.

“No Captain, I believe it is quite the opposite.” Seven was smiling now. Her body relaxed against the Captain’s. Quite unconsciously she placed her head on the Captain’s head and then abruptly drew it away. Janeway looked up at Seven into those steely blue eyes. She felt herself get lost for a few moments and almost gasped at herself in surprise. Too soon, or none to soon, she couldn’t figure out which the song ended and the two parted. Janeway thought that Seven appeared to wince slightly.

“Are you okay Seven?” Janeway worried.

“Just a headache Captain, I believe I should head back to my alcove now. Thank you for the dance.” With that she turned and abruptly hurried out of the mess hall. On the way down the corridor her head was spinning. She cursed herself for breaking her promise and letting herself get over emotional. Would she never learn?

Back in the mess hall Janeway sighed and furrowed her brow. She had succeeded in relaxing Seven, but to what end? Now Seven wasn’t the only one confused. She caught the eye of a quizzical Doctor and noted that he was walking her way.

“I see you’ve been enjoying yourself.”

“I’m afraid I made Seven over do it tonight,” she remarked.

“Oh, what do you mean?” He asked concernedly.

“She left with a headache rather abruptly. I hope she is all right,” Janeway explained.

“A headache. Really. Perhaps I should go see if she is all right. Goodnight Captain,” he turned from her and waved and departed through the mess hall doors. A definite air of concern now pervaded him. Was this really what he was thinking it was? “Computer, locate Seven of Nine,” he barked.

“Seven of Nine is in Cargo Bay 2,” the answer came. He picked up his pace and hurried to the former Borg’s home. He found her sitting on the base of her regenerating unit her head in her hands.

The doctor looked worried as he found Seven of Nine in Cargo Bay two. How he wanted to ease her pain. The same way that she had often made him feel. Except for when he had expressed his love for her and she had not responded. That had stung and he could not help feeling that his exposing himself like that had lowered him in her eyes. “Seven, are you all right?” He whisked a tricorder out of his pockets and scanned her. “You’ve had another attack haven’t you?” he stated.

“I’m afraid so Doctor. I don’t know what happened. I was merely dancing with the Captain and then . . . and I have been so careful. I have not wanted to have any of those feelings.” Seven looked downward and grasped the edge of the console.

“I know what you mean Seven,” the doctor looked down at his tricorder and seemed to study the readings on it.

“You do not possess a cortical implant doctor. You do not know how I feel.” Seven protested.

“Seven, I do. Perhaps you don’t remember, but I once told someone about my feelings of love and it hurt very badly. . . Anyway, have you thought about my doing those surgeries for you any more?”

“Doctor, are you referring to your profession of love for me when you thought you were dying?” Seven winced as the doctor adjusted her implant above her right eye. "I had no idea I had hurt you. That was not my intention, Doctor.”

“I know Seven, but your silence spoke volumes.” The doctor placed his instrument down on his tray and looked sadly at Seven.

“Doctor, I was in an uncomfortable position with everyone watching us. I did not know what to say at the time. It was unfortunate. But I do not feel it is unfortunate that you love me. I think very highly of you.”

“Thank you Seven, but it wasn’t your admiration that I was hoping for.” The doctor placed his hand on Seven’s shoulder and sighed.

“I have hurt you again.” Seven replied. “I’m not adept at expressing my feelings.”

Although her feelings seemed to be leading her elsewhere she could not deny that the doctor possessed some very intriguing qualities. The Doctor squeezed Seven’s shoulder. She truly was a remarkable woman.

“I have never felt as cared for as you have cared for me. You have been my teacher, my friend and my confidant. Please do not think that I do not love you,” Seven confided.

“I know Seven. I only wish that you could feel for me the same way I feel for you. But, I know that is not possible and I wish you the best Seven. Have you thought about letting me perform those surgeries on you now so someone can experience that love with you?

“Like I stated before doctor, I do not desire to have any feelings of that kind,” Seven stated.

“We can’t always control how we feel Seven no matter how Borg we think we are,” the Doctor observed. “You can’t simply shut yourself off from everyone. Especially, the Captain.”

“I can’t afford not to, Doctor. My feelings are inappropriate and dangerous. Let me work this out my way.” She cast a look at him that made him retreat a few steps. There would be no arguing with her tonight. Still, he felt that even Seven of Nine could not keep the inevitable at bay forever.



Chapter III


"Personal log:

“It is hard keeping track of what time it is when you are a Starship Captain. Shifts rotate, personnel around the shifts change, but the responsibility of being Captain never rests. Shift reports have to be to be signed, nebulas have to be investigated and before you know it a day and night have passed and you haven’t slept. It seems like I haven’t slept for a long time. Not that I’m complaining because being a Starfleet Captain was all I ever wanted to be. Still, lost out her in the Delta Quadrant for so long wears on my resistance to fatigue. There is never any known port to dock in and take a little R&R. I find myself wondering if I’ll ever get to have the feeling of curling up in bed with someone. Just spending the day lying in each others arms. Doing nothing. After all, Starfleet Captain’s have needs to. And this one needs a little comfort.

The sound of the door to her ready room startled Captain Janeway and she hurriedly pressed the pad to close her log.

“Come in,” she said as she yawned and took a sip of her coffee.

“Captain, I have finished scanning this sector of space and thought you would like to review the result of my scan.” Seven of Nine stood in front of her in her usual guarded stance. Her hair was tied in a bun that set of her face in a severe light.

“Thank you Seven, Come, and sit down.” Captain Janeway motioned to the chair that sat in front of her desk. Seven inclined her head forward in acknowledgment and gracefully placed herself in the chair.

“How are you feeling?” Janeway asked.

“I am better. I have increased the maximum efficiency of the grid sensors in Astrometrics. I believe this will enable us to more effectively scan planetoids when we encounter them.” Seven stated. Captain Kathryn Janeway thought she seemed a lot like a student giving a report to her college class. So impersonal. So guarded. She had attempted for many years now to break down that stoic resistance to the personal. “Perhaps . . .” she thought “I have failed.”

“I was speaking in more personal terms Seven.” The Captain smiled and instinctively rubbed her chin. “I hope you still aren’t planning to work yourself to death,” she offered.

“Working myself to death would be inefficient, Captain,” Seven responded.

Personal Log:

“I just had another encounter with Seven of Nine. I hope I didn’t give myself away. I find her so beautiful and intriguing. She of course has no idea . . .”

A second beeping of the door brought her hand back to the pad and deleted the last entry.

“Come in,” Janeway sighed.

“Captain, B’Elanna said it could be a bumpy ride when we enter the far side of the nebula,” Commander Chakotay smiled at Janeway and crinkled the lines that formed the tribal tattoo on his forehead. “By the way, Kathryn you seemed to have a good time at Neelix’s party last night.”

“Wouldn’t have missed it for any ion storm,” she smiled and laughed. Chakotay couldn’t help noticing how seductive that laugh could be. If things were different, maybe he and the Captain could have had something. Anyway, they did have something. A remarkable friendship.

“Was that you and Seven I saw dancing?” he asked.

“Yes, I thought it might loosen her up some. I hope I didn’t create a lot of talk." She looked at her old friend who was looking quite like the cat that ate the mouse.

“Well you and Seven make quite a pair,” he teased.

Her shoulders tensed in reaction and the corners of her mouth turned downward. It was so damn frustrating to be the Captain sometimes. Everything you did was talked about. Your weren’t free to just be yourself. One innocent dance with Seven and now they were a pair. Oh my.

Just then the ship began to tremble and Janeway put her hand on her desk to steady herself. With a flick of the head she and Chakotay made their way to the bridge.

“Report!” She ordered as she took her seat in the command chair.

“Captain, we are experiencing turbulence from some rather intense ionic storms off our port bow. They appear to be building rapidly,” Lieutenant Tuvok reported.

“Power to the shields!” Janeway ordered as another round of shock waves hit Voyager. Streaks of light could now be seen on the view screen and Tuvok thought that now Neelix was truly getting his light show indeed. A massive bolt of light shot straight out of a cloud and impacted on the hull of the ship. Voyager careened right and dipped sharply.

“Shields are buckling. Down to 40 percent.” Tuvok reported without a hint of concern.

“Reroute all remaining power to the shields.

“Tom try and navigate us around those storm clouds. Increase to warp 7,” Janeway ordered.

“Yes Ma’am,” his fingers running diligently over the controls soon brought Voyager to the requested speed.

Then a storm cloud appeared of Voyagers port bow and it sent a massive energy strike that reached Voyager in a matter of seconds. The ship veered downward from the impact and soon came to a dead stop just outside the nebula.

“Report.” Captain Janeway ordered.

“We appear to have cleared the nebula, but the ship has taken on heavy damage. There are, however, no casualties,” Tuvok reported.

“Captain, all engines are off line,” came the frantic voice of Lieutenant Torres. “It will take me awhile to get them back on line.”

“How long?”

“About three hours for impulse. I don’t know how long for warp yet,” came the reply.

“Very well. Get on it B’Elanna.” Captain Janeway sighed and buried her frustration at yet another delay. Sometimes it seemed like they would never get home.

Personal Log:

“It seems Voyager has come to a dead stop. All personnel are affecting necessary repairs. Fortunately no crew members were injured during the storms. All that could be done was being done, so I have nothing to do but wait for incoming reports. Being dead in space is not a feeling I like. But, at least weapons are on line. I can’t help thinking back to last night's party. I wonder if I behaved appropriately. Asking a member of the crew to dance besides Chakotay is something I’ve never done. What possessed me to do it? But, it did feel right somehow. Dancing with Seven just felt right. What am I to do now?”

“What am I to do now? I can not seem to stop thinking about the Captain,” Seven thought to herself as she repaired one the main injectors to the impulse engines. She had promised herself would not get attached to anyone, but it seemed she already had. How could she not have seen it? Was she now only attuned to such things? And once again it was affecting her work. It was the second time she had to realign that particular injector.



Chapter IV


It was a full three hours before repairs had been affected to the impulse engines. Warp was a full two days away from being realized. Still, they were on the move and it was a feeling Captain Janeway liked. The stars outside the ship no longer streaked by, since they were at impulse speed. They were much more tangible she thought. Janeway sat in the mess hall eating her dinner looking out at them. The potato soup that she was eating was warm and thick and made her think of long ago winters at her childhood home. Time spent layered in clothing walking through the fields to her home. As young girl she had often looked up at the stars and wished she were among them. And now she was and suddenly all she wanted was to be back in those fields. Wistfully, she sipped her soup and closed her eyes. Once again, she felt her enter the room, rather than saw it. The tiny hairs on her forearms noting a slight electricity in the air. She kept her eyes closed for a moment longer, then focused them on the young woman walking toward the counter. Seven bent her head slightly to the left upon seeing the Captain, an acknowledgement of her presence nothing more. Seven placed her hands on the counter and began speaking with Neelix. Janeway felt a lump in her throat and cleared it softly. However, at the sound Seven turned slightly and looked uncomfortably at the Captain. Neelix was rambling about some absurd thing that neither of them heard. Seven, herself, was uneasy and Neelix’s incessant chattering was making her more on edge.

“I require some nourishment,” she stated to Neelix, cutting him short and bringing his attention to the matter at hand.

“What would you like Seven? I have some great Laxian lamb,” he coaxed.

“I prefer something simpler. Perhaps a turkey sandwich would suffice.” Her voice clipped the words carefully.

“Very well, a turkey sandwich it is.” And he was off in a flourish. Seven knew she should return her attention to the Captain, but was loathed to do it. “How would she ever get though this mess?” She had made herself a promise and she would keep it. But, she could not afford to offend the Captain, and how she wanted to please her. She wanted to show her humanity to her and hide it all at the same time. Suddenly, her desire for nourishment failed her as Neelix brought out her sandwich.

“Come sit down Seven,” the Captain offered.

“Thank you Captain,” she answered. Both of them played with their food, the Captain swirling her spoon in the thick soup and Seven gently grasping at the edges of her bread. An awkward silence hung between them. And neither seemed inclined to break it. So there they sat for a few moments, each interminably caught up in each others presence. Janeway spoke first about what later she could not recall. She simply took in those blue eyes offset by the shiny silver implant that was positioned just above Seven’s right eye. Seven of Nine chose to concentrate on the Captain’s communicator. She noted the sleekness of its design and the utility of purpose. She took delicate bites out of her sandwich each time replacing it on the tray before her. How she wanted to take a good bite out of it and let the crumbs roll down her mouth. Yet, she demanded precision and control and not a crumb fell out of place. Seven talked of warp engines and plasma controls. The usual fare which she noted so often caused people to shift uncomfortably in their chairs. It was not her intention to do so, and it was in fact, often her way of communicating about things she felt comfortable with. But, this was usually lost in the translation. Seven shifted her gaze upon the Captain’s face for the first time. The Captain was smiling at her yet, it seemed to be a sad sort of smile. Perhaps, she had disappointed her yet once again and ceased talking. The remnants of her sandwich lay on her plate and she delicately folded her hands in her lap. The Captain’s interest in her was maternal she told herself and that was for the best. Her job was to be the most useful member of the crew. And she promised herself she would be. Janeway herself was not thinking of warp engines or plasma controls or com badges. Her thoughts lingered on the visage of a young woman so confined in her own view of perfection. More than ever she wanted to break through to Seven still, as Seven rose to leave, she found that she had once more squandered her opportunity to do so.

Seven had largely been successful in her attempts the past months in keeping her more intimate emotions at bay. The wall that she placed firmly between herself and others afforded her the luxury of distance from those troublesome feelings. Yet, it had not been as easy as she would have liked. It seemed that once she had opened that door to intimate feelings it was difficult to close it completely behind her.

“B’Elanna, how are repairs on those warp engines coming?” Janeway asked as she checked the monitors that were inlayed next to her command chair.

“Slowly Captain. I estimate twenty-four more hours before we have warp at all.” “B’Elanna wiped the sweat from her brow as she put her hand on the small of her back to relieve the pain. Being half Klingon afforded her a certain degree of strength and stamina, yet, being pregnant was not turning out to be an easy task.

Janeway sighed and returned her attention to her bridge crew. Lieutenant Paris was softly singing some song having to do with the “YMCA”. Janeway thought she remembered it from Neelix’s party. Ensign Kim was rolling his eyes at Tom and Tuvok stood impassively starring at Tom Paris. Chakotay was missing from the bridge as he was due to take over the shift in a short while. Janeway counted herself lucky to have such a fine crew. A crew that had come to be family. She would be pleased to welcome Tom and B’Elanna’s new baby to Voyager’s family. She wondered how much of Tom’s irascibility the baby would inherit as Chakotay entered the bridge. For a brief moment, she hesitated, not sure whether to head for her ready room or her quarters. Deciding on the later, she handed the bridge over to her senior officer and proceed to the torbolift. It was not long before she found herself inside her own quarters sitting quietly on her bed. Her red command uniform lay draped over a chair discarded in favor of a white pajama top. As she stretched her body out on the bed, she noted how very tired she was. And lonely. Almost as lonely as Seven of Nine she thought. Yet, she was sure in a different way. She cast her eyes on the ceiling which was smooth. The wane light from the computer generated illumination she had requested casting shadows on the walls. She thought of her crippled ship, the insignificance of Voyager in the vastness of space, and of the enigma, that was Seven of Nine.

“Captain, Janeway!” Kathryn shifted in her uneasy slumber and opened her eyes completely focused on the voice of her second in command. It was something one learned to do as a Captain of a Starship.

“Janeway, go ahead,” she answered quickly sitting up.

“Captain, we have detected a vessel on an intercept course. We haven’t been able to identify it yet. It will intercept in five minutes,” Chakotay reported.

“On my way,” Janeway responded, quickly grabbing her uniform from the chair. She appeared on the bridge moments later, her gaze focused on the large ship which was rapidly filling the view screen. “Hail them, Tuvok,” she ordered.

“They are answering our hail Captain,” Tuvok relayed.

“This is Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Starship Voyager,” she announced.

“I am leader Kraetec of the Northian home world, Captain Jan-e-way we must warn you to leave this sector of space immediately!” The voice was careful and slow spelling out each syllable as he spoke.

“We are on a peaceful mission. We simply want to travel through this space on our way home,” she explained. Her voice gave no hint of the tension she was feeling in her shoulders. A face now appeared on screen to match the voice. The face was triangular in shape and of a blue hue. The brows of the speaker were cut in straight lines and a small beard appeared at the base of his chin. Dark brown eyes peered worriedly and his jaw was clamped down tight giving him the air of extreme discontent.

“Nonetheless you must exit this space at once. It is not safe for a vessel to travel any further in Northian space. I’m afraid our system has been savagely attacked. Most of my people have been killed,” his face turned a deeper shade of blue and he raised a mottled hand in the air.

“I’m sorry about your people. Can we be of assistance?”

“No you must leave immediately,” Kraetec insisted.

"Who did this?” Janeway queried.

“They came in giant ships. Some claimed to mean us no harm but, the others said they wanted to assimilate us. They fought each other and the one who said they wanted to assimilate us attacked us as well.” A second Northian appeared on screen. It appeared to be a woman with similar features except, for long reddish hair. “Excuse me for a moment Captain Jan-e-way,” he said.

A chill ran down the back of Captain Janeway. “The Borg,” she said as much to herself as anyone else. She had remembered her encountered with the Borg when unimatrix zero had been discovered and a civil war had broken out among the Borg. It was not a reunion she desired.

“Tuvok, scan for transconduit activity,” she ordered as she waited for the Nothians to return.

“Captain, I am detecting several residual transconduit activity in this sector of space. The Borg have definitely been here recently,” he stated showing no hint of concern.

“Captain Jan-e-way” Kraetec clipped as he returned on the view screen. “We must return to what is left of our planet and rescue who we can. Do not tempt fate for you will surely lose,” he announced. His image faded from the view screen and the vessel streaked out of view.

“B’Elanna,” Janeway snapped.

“Yes Captain.”

“How are those warp engines coming?”

“We have been able to increase impulse engines, but warp is still a good twenty-four hours away.”

“We need those warp engines, B’Elanna, before we get unwanted company.”

“Understood Captain, I’ll get them back on line as soon as possible.”

“I know, B’Elanna.” The Captain breathed deeply and exhaled letting the breath slowly stream out between her lips.

“Mr. Paris, can you set a course that keeps us away from any residual transconduit activity?” Janeway questioned.

“Yes, Ma’am.” And his fingers flew over the controls.

“Seven, can you plot this sector of space and brief me on the particulars as soon as possible?” She asked taking a few steps toward the helm.

“Certainly Captain. You can meet me in Astrometrics and I will show you what I have found,” came Seven’s reply.

“Very well. Tuvok, keep a lookout for transconduit activity. Commander I’ll be in Astrometrics.” Janeway gave a look to her bridge crew intended to fortify their resolve and turned on her heels and headed for Astrometrics.



Chapter V


By the time she had made it there, Seven already had a chart of this sector of space on the view screen. Dotted along the sector were green points which indicated the appearance of transconduit activity within the past week.

“The Nothian’s planet appears to have been attacked by the Borg five days ago. Its ecosystem has been largely destroyed along with millions of Northians.” Seven did not like reporting such news. She suffered for each one of those killed and assimilated. They would be robbed of their humanity just as she had been.

“Are there any other planets in this sector?” Janeway asked.

There appear to be no more Class-M planets, Captain. The Northian’s planet appears to be unique.” Seven frowned as she knew how easily uniqueness could be wiped out. She herself had a hand in destroying civilizations and the thought of such made her uneasy.

“Are we going to help them, Captain?” Seven looked at Janeway her left eyebrow lifting to reveal the white of her eye.

“Right now we can’t help anybody. Without warp engines we would be sitting ducks for the Borg if they came back. But, as soon as we have warp engines we may see if we can be of assistance to the Nothians. Is there any sign of new Borg activity?” Janeway rested her hand on the console and thought about all of the people destroyed by the Borg.

“The last indication of Borg activity was twelve hours ago. There is a steam of debris surrounding the third moon of this system. Several other debris fields lay strewn in close proximity to the residual transconduit reading. They appear to be debris from Borg spheres and cubes. It looks as if the Borg and the rebel Borg have been using this space as a battlefield.” Seven of Nine gathered in her breath as she though of Axum somewhere far away fighting the Borg. She had not really gotten to know him in the waking world and feared that she would not have been able to relate to him as her real self. Still, she knew Annika had cared for him and she was concerned about his well being.

“The last thing we need is to be in the middle of a Borg battlefield without warp engines,” Janeway sighed. She ran her hand through her short hair and Seven noted the way it fell in strands about her forehead. Its fiery red color, giving hint to the fiery temper held beneath it that Seven had encountered more than once. Seven wanted to say something reassuring. Something to further set her apart from her Borg heritage.

“Captain, you always seem to get us through these situations,” she offered know it was an insufficient thing to say.

“Than you Seven,” Janeway said and placed her hand upon Seven’s shoulder. It lingered there and it reminded Seven of the dance they had shared a few nights before. She found herself relaxing and smiled at the Captain. They stood there for quite some time. Each caught up in the moment. Janeway had been surprised when Seven had not stiffened to her touch. Instead, she seemed to be responding to it. Perhaps, it was their proximity to the Borg that made her want to touch the Captain now, but Seven had been holding out for so long that she found a tear come to her eye. The Captain brushed it away with her fingers, a gesture that came naturally and easily. Seven found herself tempted to tell the Captain everything. Yet, she held back not sure of herself and not wanting to lower herself in the Captain’s eyes. Still, it was a moment that left an indelible impression on both of them. Although, she did not tell Janeway about her condition or her feelings, the look in her eyes conveyed a volume to the Captain. Janeway wasn’t sure exactly what it was Seven needed to tell her but, she knew that Seven was profoundly impacted by her presence. That she needed the Captain to understand her. And with someone as complex as Seven she knew it would take time. Janeway removed her hand from Seven’s shoulder and turned her gaze back to the star chart. She wondered what her life would have been like if she had never rescued Seven and grimaced at the thought.

Seven knew that her encounter with the Captain had brought her perilously close to breaking down and forging her promise to keep controlled. She knew her duty was to help protect Voyager from the Borg, not to further her intimacy with the Captain. Yet, this knowledge did not prevent her from wishing it were not so.

“Captain, I am picking up transconduit activity one thousand kilometers astern,” Seven reported.

Janeway now on the bridge snapped her head toward the view screen which was filling with light. Her jaw muscles stiffened and she felt a tingle at the base of her spine. Adrenaline pumped through her veins and she sat stiffly in her chair.”

“B’Elanna, shut down all engines. Bring us to a glide. We don’t want to attract their attention,” Janeway ordered. The ship slowed and coasted slowly through space as a Borg cube appeared out of the conduit.

“Captain, another conduit is opening to our port,” Seven reported.

A Borg sphere appeared out of it and the two ships turned toward each other. Each emitted a beam, which was absorbed by each others ships. Voyager drifted a few hundred kilometers in the distance seemingly dead and abandoned. Captain Janeway held her breath. She didn’t like hiding. She had never liked playing hide and seek as a child. Still, she knew that playing dead was at times an invaluable tactic. The two Borg ships came about and fired at each other once more. The smaller sphere eluded the blast and scored a hit on the larger Cube. Janeway was not sure whom to root for, as she did not know which the rebel ship was. Debris from the larger ship blasted through space as it was struck a second time. It altered its course and came perilously close to Voyager. It seemed to be taking cover behind her using her as a shield.”

“This is not good at all.” Janeway thought and traced her fingers on the armrest. The Borg sphere positioned itself in front of Voyager, hanging in space for what seemed like and eternity. Janeway knew she had to act quickly.

“Tom bring us to top impulse speed mark 02.145 at my command,” she ordered.

“Ready, Captain,” he answered.

“Now, Tom!

Voyager shot upwards with a start and the Borg cube that was behind her seemed caught by surprise as the smaller Borg sphere shot a devastating blow through its center.

“Keep shields at maximum," Janeway ordered as chunks of the now destroyed Borg cube came crashing about Voyager.

“Shields holding, Captain,” Tuvok reported. “We are being hailed, Captain.”

“On screen,” Janeway looked into the faces that appeared on the screen.

“We have destroyed the Borg collective ship. We mean you no harm.”

“Thank you. I am Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Starship Voyager,” Janeway introduced.

“Captain Janeway we have heard about you. This, however, is not an opportune time to interact. The Collective will surely send out another ship to intercept us. We must retreat so that they won’t follow and find you here. Be well, Captain.”

“Good luck,” Captain Janeway said as the Borg sphere retreated into a transconduit opening.

“That was close Kathryn,” Chakotay said as she visibly relaxed her shoulders.

“Too close,” she replied. “B’Elanna we need those warp engines.”

“Captain, I believe I can give you Warp four in two minutes,” B’Elanna replied.

“Good work, B’Elanna.” With warp drive they would be in a much better position.

Yellow lights still flashed over the corridors of Voyager indicating a state of caution, but not alert. With warp drive now in service, Captain Janeway felt surer of her ship and its capabilities. She sat in her ready room weighing the matter of whether to render the Northian’s aid or avoid this sector of space. The Northians had not actually asked for her help, in fact, they had discouraged it. She felt that was due, however, to a selfless concern for their well-being as opposed to a rejection of Voyager and her crew. Janeway wasn’t sure what condition the Northian fleet was in, if there even was one. She rubbed her temples with her forefingers and took a sip of black coffee. She liked the way it cleared her head, even if it did put her on edge sometimes when she drank too much of it. She looked into the dark liquid as if attempting to read some sort of tealeaves. As if the coffee itself could give her some answer. She had attempted to send communications to the Northian world, but so far her attempts had gone unanswered. She knew she had braved the entire Borg Collective to save one person, Seven of Nine, yet Seven was known to her and treasured. She did not know the Northians. Or was it something more about Seven that had caused her to rush to save her without the careful deliberation she was now undergoing? The ship hadn’t seemed right without her and she had not been able to rest until Seven was safe back on Voyager. Just the same was she didn’t seem to be able to rest until she found out what was bothering Seven so much. She frowned as she drew her gaze away from the coffee, realizing that she was getting distracted from her objective. You couldn’t save everyone, but when able you had to try.

“Chakotay, meet me in my ready room, please,” she asked over her com badge.

“Yes, Captain,” Chakotay answered. A few moments later, he was standing in front of her. There was no trace of the smirk that had appeared on his face days earlier.

“I take it we are going to the Nothian home world,” he stated in such a matter of fact way that Janeway had the urge to strangle him. “Was she so easy to read,” she wondered?

“Yes we are. We’ll have to keep a constant lookout for Borg activity, but I think the least we can do is see if they need any help. What do you think?” She brought her hands together and looked at him intently.

“I agree Captain. Compassion is the better part of valor as they say.”

“Mr. Paris, set a course for the Nothian planet warp 7. Tuvok keep sending our previous communication to them and let me know if and as soon as they respond.” Fully in command, Captain Janeway steeled herself for their new mission.



Chapter VI


One day into their journey there had been no sign of the Borg and no word from the Northians. Captain Janeway sat in her quarters reading a novel that had been given to her by the Doctor. It was Madame Bovary and tended toward his dramatic tastes. She rubbed her eyes and put the pad down that contained the novel. Her quarters seemed so empty. Sure, it was filled with many things, but she was the only person that occupied its space. She sighed. She decided a tour of the ship was in order. As she made her way down into the corridor, she noted the yellow lights that were still blinking above her. The crew seemed oblivious to the lights constant presence and went on about their duties. It was after she had visited Sick Bay and interrupted the Doctor during one of his arias that she made her way to Cargo Bay 2. She found Seven downloading some information from the computer. She looked about the bay and noted that there were no real chairs to sit in and relax. She wondered whether Seven ever did sit here, since she also stood when she regenerated.

“Where do you sit, Seven?” she queried.

“Excuse me Captain?”

“I don’t see anywhere to take a load off.”

“A load off what?” Seven asked in confusion. With that Janeway laughed and leaned on the console.

“Furniture Seven,” Janeway explained.

“Furniture is irrelevant here,” Seven lied.

“Oh, I see,” Janeway laughed. Seven was beginning to tire of this dance they were doing. It seemed to her that the Captain knew exactly what it was she was hiding from her. Janeway looked up at Seven her laugh trailing off like a wine being savored. She thought that Seven was so easy to look at. She remembered the way that Seven had relaxed in her arms and briefly put her head on her own during Neelix’s party. She sighed without thinking.

“Is something wrong Captain?” Seven asked her silver implant above her eye rising upward in question and yes, there was a hint of concern there the Captain thought.

“I was just thinking about Neelix’s party, Seven. It was nice to relax for a little while. You’re quite a good dancer you know.” Janeway put her hands under her chin and looked playfully at Seven.

“I have practiced before. But, I must admit that it was quite different with you.” Seven looked down at the console in front of her and stared at the blue panel in front of her.

“Different how?” Janeway coaxed.

“I don’t know, for a moment I just felt at ease. Like I wasn’t apart from everything and everyone.” Seven wasn’t sure just how long to let his go on, but some part of her didn’t want it to end.

“Seven you are never alone when you're with me. Sometimes I feel like you’re a part of me. A very important part.” Janeway caught the corner of Seven’s exquisite blue eyes and willed them on her own. “Am I making you uncomfortable Seven?”

“It’s just that . . . well, there is something I’ve been keeping from you,” Seven began.

“What is it Seven?” Janeway asked.

“Remember the experiment I was running in the holodeck months ago. The gravimetrical array?”

“Yes, you said you found it inefficient.”

“I deceived you, Captain. I was never working on an array. I was running simulations in the area of intimacy and sexuality.” Seven paused not knowing how to continue. “I found that such feelings interfered with my work performance on Voyager. I also found out from the Doctor that if I experience intense intimate feelings my cortical node begins to shut down. That is why I left the party after dancing with you.” She drew her eyes away from the Captain’s not knowing where to let them land.

“Seven, I had a good idea you were not working on an array, but I had no idea what exactly you were doing. I’m distressed to hear that exploring your humanity in that way would result in such devastating consequences. But, to hear that such feelings arose when you were dancing with me pleases me despite myself. Isn’t there anything that can be done? Can’t the Doctor treat you?”

“The Doctor has informed me that there may be a way to reconfigure the electrical impulses sent through the node through several surgeries. He believes that it would be difficult but, that eventually he could succeed.” Seven returned her eyes to the Captain searching for some sort of clue as to how to proceed.

“Why haven’t you gone though with them Seven? If they can work? Isn’t it worth it?”

“After running my simulations I found that it was not. You yourself pointed out how I was neglecting my duties.”

“Is that what this is about? Pleasing me? Seven, I never would have presumed to deny you such feelings. On the contrary. Oh, Seven the very person who sought to bring you back your humanity would not keep you from the very heart of that humanity. Whoever you choose to be with, and however that plays out, should not be restricted by your sense of duty.”

“But, Captain, you deny yourself intimacy with a member of the crew because of duty. I don’t see the difference.”

Captain Janeway had to smile at that. It made such perfect sense. Why did she deny herself the very thing she wanted for Seven? She wanted to kiss Seven right then and there. However, the fear for Seven’s safety precluded her from doing so.

“You're right Seven. We both should not keep such a tight reign on our intimate feelings. Like the feelings I have for you right now, but can’t express because of your perturbable need to be perfect in my eyes. You see, you are always perfect in my eyes.” It was a hard thing for Seven to accept and yet, at the same time, it was the easiest.

“I don’t know what to do?” Seven’s furtive look begged for a solution.

“I think you have to make a decision Seven. Whether you want to be constrained behind what your Borg implants say you are or what you truly want to become. I can’t make that decision for you. But, I can tell you that I will be with you every step of the way, either way.”

“I am suddenly so tired Captain but, I do not wish to return to my alcove. So much depends on what I decide. Perhaps, I should reflect on this and then make a definitive decision.” Seven rubbed her forehead with her Borg enhanced hand reminding herself of her Borg implants. “But you know Captain; I will never truly be completely human. I will always have these Borg implants.”
“Perhaps, but they are only implants Seven and only you define you,” Janeway gently placed her had on Seven’s shoulder.

“There is something I have always wanted to do,” Seven began.

“Yes, Seven.”

“If we could keep it platonic I would like to rest with you.”

“I think that would be possible, difficult but, possible,” Janeway laughed.

“Yes,” Seven laughed in unison.

“Let’s go to my quarters,” Janeway offered and the two departed Cargo Bay 2.

The Captain’s quarters were just as she had left them a few hours before, but now after her conversation with Seven everything seemed different to Janeway. As the door slid shut behind them, she noted how very tired Seven looked. Seven discretely looked about the room noting the Captain’s personal things. The fact that neither of them undressed or embraced as they eased onto the bed did not detract from the comfort that each felt in the other’s presence. Seven closed her eyes and remained quiet. Janeway lay there awhile wondering what lay ahead for Seven. What decision she would make and how she would resolve her own conflicting emotions about love and duty. Then, blissfully, she slept.

Kathryn felt her presence beside her and opened her eyes without fatigue for the first time in a long while. Seven of Nine lay beside her breathing in and out steadily and surely. The Captain did not want to get up, but she knew that duty called. They were still in Northian space and the Borg were still out there somewhere. She sighed as she gently pushed the covers off of her and quietly sat up. Seven stirred beside her and looked up, at first a bit fuzzily, but then smiled at the Captain. They both arose form the bed, Kathryn’s usually crisp uniform worse for the wear.

“How are you doing Seven?” Janeway asked.

“Quite well Captain. I do not feel as tired as I did last night. Thank you for allowing me to share your bed.” Seven took her time and took in the Captain’s visage.

“You’re quite welcome Seven. I hope your course of action is clearer to you. You know I want only what is best for you,” Kathryn offered.

“Yes Captain, I know,” Seven responded. “Your presence is required on the bridge as is mine in Astrometrics. Perhaps we can discuss the mater over dinner?”

“I’d like that.” Janeway watched as Seven turned and left her alone to her own devices.

Damn those Borg implants.” Janeway thought as she turned to replicate a fresh uniform.



Chapter VII


The bridge was just as she had left it. Chakotay was sitting in the command chair, which he immediately relinquished as Janeway entered the bridge. A few moments after she entered the bridge Lieutenant Tom Paris arrived to begin his duty as helmsman. The makeup of the crew changed over the course of the next few minutes each replacement crew member appeared with a crisp clean uniform.

“Report, Commander,” she said as she sat down.

“So far no sign of Borg activity. We are only a few hours away from the Northian home world. No response to our communications so far and we can’t seem to break though the interference that is surrounding the planet to get a fix on how many survivors they are on the planet.” Chakotay rubbed the bridge of his nose in response to the strain from constant alert.

“I’d say we’ve been very lucky so far. Let’s just hope that our good fortune continues. Get some rest Commander.” She laid her hand on his shoulder and they exchanged warm smiles. She thought herself lucky to be able to leave her command in such capable hands when she needed to. Commander Chakotay nodded his head in acknowledgement and exited the bridge. It was some time before Janeway realized that she had been staring out at the space in front of her while thinking about Seven of Nine. She chided herself and concentrated on the matters at hand. They were quickly approaching the Northian planet. She was not exactly sure what they would find there, but she knew from experience that it couldn’t be good. She had seen too many worlds trashed and destroyed by the Borg. They left an indelible impression on her and she frowned and ran her fingers through her hair. Anger stirred and left a flush on her face. She hoped Voyager could make some kind of difference to these beleaguered people.

Seven looked at the projections of the Northian planet and began analyzing the information that was beginning to stream from it. On the bridge Janeway was beginning to energize with the anticipation of finally getting a look at Kraetec’s planet. It was a look she would not soon forget when they approached orbit. There were massive craters on the planet where it looked like huge chunks of it had been gorged out. Janeway did not know how the planet had looked before, but now it looked ashen with jagged edges that jutted into space. She wondered how anyone could have survived there. Just as she was about to consult Tuvok on communications, he interrupted her with the news that the same Northian ship they had encountered before was on an intercept course.

“Hail them, Mr. Tuvok.” Soon the screen was filled with the waxen face of the female Janeway had seen beside Kraetec when they had first been encountered. Her face looked paler and her eyes gave out a look of complete devastation.

“This is Captain Janeway of the Starship Voyager. We are here to be of what help we can,” Janeway offered not knowing quite how to ease the burden her counterpart was obviously shouldering.

“Captain Jan-e-way, I am First Right Vortek of the Northian fleet. I’m afraid Kraetec is occupied on the planet at this time. You were warned not to come here. Why have you ignored our warnings?” Vortek looked squarely into the view screen.

“We have encountered the devastation that the Borg can bring before. We thought we might be of some aid to your people.” Janeway couldn’t help averting her eyes to the left just a little to lessen the tension.

“It is appreciated. But, I am afraid there is little to do. Most all of our people have been wiped out or taken by these Borg. Kraetec and the surviving medical staff are attending to those that remain. We can only hope to save what little is left.” Vortek’s eyes suddenly became rounder and gave out a helpless expression. “When these Borg first came we thought our defenses were adequate. Our conceit was soon vaporized by the vicious nature of these aliens. Do not let your own conceit destroy you. We do not know if they are coming back.”

Janeway mused that the Northians tended to end conversations with advice. She had little advice to give in return.

“We have medical supplies on board that might prove useful to you. Perhaps, you would care to visit our ship and we can help you the best that we can.” Janeway made a giving motion with her hands and Vortek folded her hands in the reverse gesture.

“That would be appreciated,” she said.

Three Nothians materialized on Voyager’s transporter pads. They were all roughly the same height. Two of them had short red hair while the third held the visage that Janeway had seen earlier.

“Welcome to Voyager,” Captain Janeway invited.

Along with the Captain, Tuvok and Seven of Nine stood in the transporter room with the Northians. There was a sharp contrast between the sharp and clean appearance of the Voyager crew and the matted haggard look of the Northians. Janeway could only imagine what they were going through. Seven stood back from Tuvok and the Captain. Her hands were behind her back and she bore an expression of concentration about her. Inside of her she felt deeply for these people. Their lives had been invariably altered by the Borg, their civilization taken from them. She noted her Borg enhanced hand and reflexively squeezed it with her human one. The power of her Borg implants leaving and indelible impression on her human soul. Yet, she knew from experience that she could not take away the pain of these people. To try to shoulder it alone was overwhelming and inappropriate. The Captain had reminded her of this many times.

It was some time later that the Captain Janeway appeared in Astrometrics to check on Seven.

“Have the Northians gotten all the needed supplies?” she asked the Captain.

“Yes, Seven. They have gone back to their ship to help their people out the best they can. I’m afraid we have done all that we can do here. We are heading out of Nothian space.”

Janeway watched Seven as she looked down at her Borg enhanced hand.

“Remember Seven that you are more than just the sum or your parts. You are who you make yourself.”

“Yes,” Seven replied.

The doctor was rearranging his medical inventory when Seven stepped into Sick Bay. He turned to her and smiled. “How can I help you Seven?”

“I have come to discuss the possibility of reconfiguring my cortical node to allow more emotion.” Seven shifted awkwardly on her feet.

“I see. Well, let me show you what I have developed.” He took up a pad and self- importantly looked at its contents.

It was two hours later when he finished briefing Seven on what her journey toward intimacy would entail. It was fraught with possible pitfalls and discomfort. Still, it promised so much. Seven thought about the Captain and how it would feel to let her emotions flow freely in her presence. It was a feeling she did not know if she would ever experience.



Chapter VIII


It was months later that Seven of Nine emerged from Cargo Bay 2 her feet moving with surety. She past several crew members and she nodded her head at them. The yellow warning lights that had flashed so diligently a few months ago had given way to the fluorescent illumination that now lighted Voyager’s corridors. She continued until she found herself at holodeck 2. The program was running and she entered with only a small hesitation. The room was dimly lit. It contained a piano and some tables, one of which the Captain occupied. She looked downward on her seated companion and pulled up a chair in which to sit next to her.

“I’m glad you could make it Seven.” Kathryn Janeway was running her finger around the lip of her glass that sat on the table. Her eyes relaxed and welcoming. She noted how Seven’s biosuit only showed a small fraction of her skin surface. It served to accentuate what one was missing. There was a program of music playing in the background and Seven thought she recognized it from the party so long ago.

“I believe as they say they are playing our song.” Seven extended her hand to Kathryn.

“I believe they are Seven,” Kathryn smiled.

The two rose and made their way to the dance floor. This time Seven let her head rest on her partner’s for more than a few moments. She noted the way they moved so easily across the dance floor and she felt giddy in her proximity to the Captain. For a moment, Kathryn was concerned that her own brain might shut down from the pure elation of being so close to Seven. Kathryn lifted her head and looked into Seven’s eyes. Seven dipped her head and caught Kathryn’s upper lip in her mouth. A slight gasp escaped from the Kathryn’s lips before the two merged in a kiss. Seven noted the softness of it. She had not kissed any women before. Now she was even more satisfied to experience it first with Kathryn. Their tongues intertwined and Seven’s hands grasped the back of Kathryn’s head. The two did not notice when their song ended and another one began. They were lost in each other and neither one of them wanted it to end. How Kathryn wanted to get that biosuit off of Seven. But, she had to let Seven lead. Go at her speed. Besides, she didn’t have a clue how to take the damn thing off. Her hands ran along the length of Seven’s sides and rested on her hips. Their kisses becoming more impassioned with every second’s passing. It was some time before they noted that the music had ended and they parted slightly to take each other in.

“There is something that I have wanted to do,” Seven stated.

“Yes Seven?” Janeway asked.

“If it were not strictly platonic I would like to share your bed.” She smiled at her reconstruction of the very words she had said a few months ago when they had innocently slept together.

“Yes, Seven, yes.” Janeway took her hand and led her down the long corridors to her quarters. They looked much the same to Seven as the last time she had seen them. However, this time she no longer felt constrained in her feelings about them. Seven sifted slightly as she dislodged herself from her shoes. It brought her height down some in relation to the Captain. Kathryn ran her fingers through Seven’s hair and undid the bun that held it in tight repose. Her blonde hair fell luxuriously around her shoulders. Seven adeptly unfastened the Captain’s uniform and breathed slow steady breaths as it fell downward and Kathryn was left dressed in a blue undershirt and bra and panties. With an effortless motion, Seven disengaged herself from her biosuit and stood nude in front of her lover. Seven raised the short blue undershirt over her Captain’s head, unfastened the bra, and let it fall downward. Kathryn brought Seven to her, their mouths covering each other’s expectantly. The sheer pleasure of their two bodies against each other causing them to moan in unison. The smooth cool metal implants that lay in various spots on Seven’s body gave Kathryn unusual feelings of pleasure. She touched Seven’s abdominal implant and traced its outline. Seven eased back slightly not sure of what the Captain’s reaction to her Borg implants would be.

“Although the Doctor has repaired my cortical node the best he can I’m afraid I’m stuck with these implants Captain.” A sad look came about her eyes and Kathryn kissed her on the forehead.

“You are perfect just the way you are Seven. And I’m not Captain to you right now.”

Kathryn gazed at Seven and noted how amazing she looked with her hair down. She ran her fingers through Seven’s hair and rested her hand below Seven’s chin. Kathryn eased Seven down onto the bed and lowered her body on top of her. She kissed Seven gently on the forehead and trailed her mouth down to Seven’s neck. Her hands exploring Seven’s body as she did so. She ran her lips around Seven’s left nipple and brought it to her mouth. Shudders of pleasure ran up Seven’s spine as she felt the moist wetness of Kathryn upon her own. Kathryn teased Seven’s nipples and Seven moaned in protest. She gathered Kathryn’s head in her hands and pressed it to her breast. Kathryn sucked her breast in and out and used her other hand to roll her fingers around Seven’s other breast.

“It feels so good Kathryn,” she whispered. Kathryn wanted to make her cry out in pleasure and she ran her tongue down below Seven’s abdominal implant. She let her fingers trail down to Seven’s wetness, parted her lips, and traced the outline of them with her finger. Seven shuddered in response. All of her inhibition, all of her need to be controlled was leaving her as this beautiful creature was touching her in ways she had only imagined. Kathryn took her finger and entered Seven. She could feel Seven contract against her finger and slipped another one in. Seven responded by rocking in rhythm with her thrusts. Giving herself over to Kathryn like she had never given herself over before. It scared her a little but that was soon replaced by the hunger for release. Release from the prison she had created for herself and the barrier she had always placed between herself and Kathryn. Kathryn had other ideas though and removed her fingers from Seven. Seven groaned in protest and Kathryn kissed her lips and gave her a wry smile. Kathryn lowered herself to Seven’s thighs and gently kissed them. She brought her mouth up and blew lightly on Seven’s clit. Seven cried out when she did so. Kathryn flicked it with her tongue and Seven cried out even louder. How she wanted to be released.

“Please, Kathryn, please,” she pleaded.

Kathryn began running her tongue against Seven’s clit and flicking it back and forth. Seven felt herself beginning to come. She ground her hips against Kathryn’s head and felt herself finally explode in an orgasm that released her from everything.

Kathryn brought herself upward and kissed Seven giving her a taste of her own juices.

Seven turned Kathryn over and intertwined her body with her lovers. She felt the wetness between Kathryn’s legs on her thigh. This was one time she was not going to disappoint Kathryn she promised herself. Seven ran her hands up and down Kathryn’s arms. Goose bumps met her touch. She rose up and positioned herself so that her wet center was on top of Kathryn’s. She looked down at her lover and smiled as she rubbed them together. Kathryn could not have imagined the pleasure of feeling Seven this way. It was beyond comprehension and she simply gave herself over to it. The fact that it was Seven, that she had finally reached her made her smile back at Seven.

Soon Seven was kissing her lips passionately taking possession of her lover. She trailed her fingers down to Kathryn’s breasts and cupped them in her palm. She took each nipple in her fingers one after the other. She lowered her head and gently kissed them and then kissed them harder. Kathryn moaned and Seven softly bit one of them. Kathryn raised her body in response. Seven caressed every inch of Kathryn’s body before stroking her clit. She felt the response to her touch and looked Kathryn deeply in the eye. She wanted Kathryn to watch her. Watch her please her. Seven entered Kathryn with her fingers and Kathryn thought she could have let Seven stay like that forever. Then she felt Seven’s tongue above the fingers sucking on her clit. Kathryn felt her need rise.

“Oh Seven, yes, please,” she rasped her body rising off the bed in response to Seven’s tongue and fingers. She grasped at the edges of the sheet with her hands and returned Seven’s intense eye contact. She felt herself go higher and higher until she reached climax and fell back to the bed trembling. The intensity of her feelings both physically and emotionally overwhelming her. As Seven’s lips met her own she savored the moment, a moment she hoped that was of many to come.


The End