Consequences Part II

Chapter 10

Seven stepped out of her alcove to find Voyager at red alert. She tapped her combadge. "Seven of Nine to the bridge."

"Seven, report to the bridge immediately." Commander Chakotay said.

"On my way." Seven hurried to the turbo lift.

"Bridge."  Seven said as she entered the turbo lift.   A red alert at this time was not wanted.  She needed to be in Unimatrix Zero not on Voyager assisting the crew as they battled another hostile alien race.  The turbo lift doors opened and Seven stepped onto the bridge.

"Commander what is our status ?"

"We've picked up 3 Borg cubes on long range sensors.  They're headed on an intercept course." Chakotay replied.

Seven frowned. This was an unexpected development.  "Time to intercept?"

"Approximately 4 hours. What is the status of the Kathryn B'Elanna and Tuvok?"

"The Captain has initiated the next phase of her plan. We are to maintain a sensor lock on the cube she is on. Once they gain control we are to rendezvous with them." Seven said relaying the Captain’s orders.

"How will we know if they gain control?" Ensign Kim asked.

"The Captain will initiate a subspace message."

"I hope they get control of their cube before our unwanted guests arrive." Tom Paris added. "I don't think the Borg are in a very good mood.  They are going to be nastier than usual."

"Commander, I believe there may be a way to give the Captain and us some additional time." Seven quickly said.

"How?" Chakotay asked.

"Reconfigure a shuttlecraft to emit Voyagers warp core signature. It will send out a false reading to the cubes."

"They will alter course and chase the shuttle instead of us." Harry added. "Then we can reconfigure our shields to mask our signature."

"Precisely. It will only be temporary but it may be sufficient."

"Start the modifications Harry, I want the shuttlecraft launched as soon as possible. Seven go back to Unimatrix Zero. Try and get a message to Kathryn. Tell her that Voyager has company on the way. Let her know what our plan is. We will have to leave the vicinity in a hurry."

"Yes Commander." Seven nodded then left the bridge.

As she entered the cargo bay she heard her name being whispered. Seven tensed when she recognized the voice. She had heard it in this manner before. The Queen was accessing her neural transceiver.

"What do you want?"

"I want you Seven of Nine.  Rejoin the Collective.  Comply or I will destroy Voyager and Janeway."

"You have attempted this form of coercion before and failed. You will fail again. I will not comply."

"Seven of Nine, I am aware of Janeway’s plan. I will defeat her and the drones from Unimatrix Zero."

"You underestimate Captain Janeway. She is efficient. She will succeed."

"Why do you not call her Kathryn? That is what you call her in Unimatrix Zero."

Seven froze. "How are you aware of this?"

"I know of your feelings, your love, for Janeway. You do not want any harm to come to her do you?"

"NO!" She said angrily. Seven closed her eyes, desperate to calm herself. She suddenly realized that losing emotional control was exactly what the Queen wanted. She slowly opened her eyes and calmly continued "Captain Janeway’s plan is sound. She is more formidable than you anticipated. That is why you are contacting me. Attempting to coerce me into rejoining the Collective. You are losing this battle."

"It is Janeway that has underestimated me. My forces are more than prepared to end her futile attempts at disrupting my control. Rejoin my Collective Seven of Nine. Come home and together we can end this."

"I will not comply. You voice betrays you. You are concerned, worried. Captain Janeway will prevail."

"You would choose Janeway over Borg perfection?"  The Queen asked.

Seven hesitated as she considered her words carefully.  "Captain Kathryn Janeway is perfection to me. You are irrelevant." She said believing her comment would anger the Queen.

"Your emotional attachment to Janeway will destroy you. I am Borg.  I will succeed. You will be mine and I will destroy Janeway."

Then silence.

Seven smiled slightly.  'Emotions are not irrelevant.'  She thought.   Her attempt at angering the Queen was successful.  Seven was aware that there are times when extreme emotional reactions, like anger, can cause individuals to make mistakes.   She hoped that this was one of those times.

"Seven of Nine to the bridge." Seven said as she slapped her combadge.

"Go ahead."

"Commander, the Queen has just contacted my through my neural transceiver. I believe she intends to capture Voyager and then use us as a way of discouraging Captain Janeway."

"Then the Captain’s plan must be working."

"It appears the Captain is somewhat successful. Commander I recommend that we leave this section of space as soon as possible."

"Harry has almost completed the modifications to the shuttle.  We will launch it and then leave.  Tell Kathryn we will try to stay within sensor ranger of her cube."

"Acknowledged. I will go to Unimatrix Zero and inform the Captain. Seven out."

Seven took several deep calming breaths, stepped into her alcove and closed her eyes as the computer initiated her regeneration cycle.


Chapter 11

The Class 4 Tactical Vessel shook as several power relays exploded.

"That’s our cue, let’s move." Kathryn Janeway said to her team.

The group hurried down several corridors en-route to their target, the transwarp drive chamber. Tuvok and B’Elanna walked on either side of Kathryn, 4 drones walked in front and 4 behind. Rounding the last corner they encountered the first signs of resistance. Three drones turned and faced them, blocking their path. There was a brief confrontation but being outnumbered, the Queen’s drones were easily defeated and deactivated.

"Captain, it would appear that the Borg Queen is mounting her own resistance movement." Tuvok said

"It would seem so. We will just have to adapt accordingly." Kathryn replied as they reached the transwarp drive. "B’Elanna, disable it, then lock out the controls. I don’t want it back online until I say so."

"Yes Captain." B’Elanna said as she started to work.

One of the drones called out "Captain Janeway, we have company!"

Looking down the corridor Kathryn saw 6 drones advancing on their position. "Work fast Lieutenant." She said before turning and stepping out of the chamber to face the enemy drones.

The hand to hand combat lasted for several minutes before the 6 drones were defeated. This round had been costly for Kathryn as 3 members of her team were killed.

"Captain, transwarp is offline. I have installed several security codes and a few Maquis traps into the controls. Nobody will be able to access transwarp drive without your authorization."

"Well done B’Elanna." Kathryn said. "Just as an extra measure, you three will remain behind." She said as she pointed to three members of her team. "Make sure no drone goes in there without my approval. Try not to draw any unwanted attention to yourselves, understood."

The three nodded. One drone said with a wry grin, "We will just blend in with the other drones Captain. Nobody will be going in there."

Kathryn smiled briefly the turned her attention to the rest of her team, "Okay, lets find out how the other teams are doing."

As they walked another explosion rocked the cube.

"I guess that means that the secondary systems aren’t well guarded. That is the second explosion in the last 15 minutes." B’Elanna said as she picked herself up off the floor.

"That would be a logical assumption." Tuvok replied assisting B’Elanna.

"I don’t think that is a good thing." B’Elanna said as the team continued.

"I don’t think it is either Lieutenant." Kathryn said as she surveyed the corridor. "It means that the Queen is focusing her forces on the key systems and that means more resistance, slower going and unfortunately more casualties ."

As they continued they encountered several more of the Queen’s drones. Once again Kathryn’s team was able to win the confrontation.  The increase in the Queen’s forces was starting to concern Kathryn 'the Queen is too prepared' she thought. Up ahead she could hear the sounds of combat. Before she could react Kathryn found her team surrounded by enemy drones. They were trapped in the corridor, 5 drones in front of them and 3 behind. This time the fight was vicious. Two of Kathryn’s team fell immediately. She glanced to see Tuvok defeat 1 drone only to have to face another. B’Elanna was also able to defeat a drone but like Tuvok, had another to fight right away. Kathryn for her part wasn’t fairing as well. She found herself having to contend with 2 drones at once. Kathryn was knocked into the bulkhead then thrown across to the other side. Dazed she fell to the floor and could only look up helplessly at the advancing drones. Kathryn could see one raise his arm and she knew he was about to strike.  'I love you Annika' was the last thought she had before losing consciousness.


"Captain.  Captain can you hear me?"

Kathryn heard a voice in the distance calling to her.   The thick fog that was surrounding her gradually started to dissipate.  Slowly she opened her eyes as she regained consciousness.  'I am alive' she thought.


"Yes Captain.  How do you feel?"

"Like I have been bashing my head against a bulkhead."

"Not a bad description."  

"What happened?  I remember the drones advancing.   I thought I was dead."

"You were thrown into the bulkhead and knocked unconscious.  They were about to strike when reinforcements arrived."  B'Elanna said as she pointed to a small group of drones standing nearby.

"Altanor."  Kathryn said when she finally recognized one of the drones.

"Captain Janeway, are you okay?"  Altanor asked quietly.

"I've been better.  Thank you for arriving in time to help."

"You are more than welcome Captain.  I am glad I could help."

A very large drone stepped forward.  Kathryn tensed as he advanced towards her.

"Captain, this is Mandorlan.  He is on our side and is a medical drone.  He will check and repair any damage to your implants."   Altanor said quickly.

"That's a relief.  I don't think I would want to do battle with him even if I could."  Kathryn said smiling slightly.

Kathryn jumped as several electrical shocks raced through her system.  Her vision blurred and she had a galaxy class headache.  After several minutes the pain was gone and Mandorlan stepped back.

"You suffered moderate damage to your cranial implant.   I have repaired the damage but you need to regenerate."

"Thank you."  Kathryn quietly said as she slowly got back on her feet.  Tentatively she took a couple steps.  A sudden wave of dizziness hit and she stumbled.  B'Elanna and Altanor quickly grabbed for her.

"Careful Captain, we don't want you to suffer anymore injuries."  Altanor said.

"I couldn't agree with you more Altanor."   Kathryn said trying to smile.  Feeling a little better she took a couple more steps.  Again she felt dizzy.  "Is there anything you can do for this dizziness Mandorlan?"

"No, it is due to the procedure I used to repair your implant.  It will cease once you regenerate."

"At the rate I am walking, getting to my alcove could take hours.  I think I would be better off just using any alcove I come across."  

"There are several alcoves around the corner Captain."  Tuvok said.  "We will stand guard and ensure that your cycle is not interrupted."

Kathryn nodded.  "Sounds good to me.   Altanor, do we know where we stand with the key systems?  How are the other teams making out?"  Kathryn asked as she slowly walked to the alcove.

"We have been unable to gain control of the entire cube but we do control sensors and transwarp drive.  Minor systems are easy to access.  If all goes well, in a couple of hours we may have weapons under our control.  All teams have encountered major resistance from the Queen's drones.   It is almost like she knew where we were going and what we were going to do."

"How could she have known, even we didn't know what your plan was?"  B'Elanna asked looking at Altanor.

"I don't know and I don't like it." Kathryn said.   "Altanor, get the word out to all the other teams.  Everyone is to use extreme caution.  If they find themselves outnumbered, they are to retreat and regroup."


Rounding the corner they found the alcoves and Kathryn hesitated in front of one.  "I hope whoever owns this alcove won't mind me borrowing it for awhile."

"It won't matter if they do" B'Elanna said "You need it and nobody is going to get past us.  Say hi to Sev...Annika for us."

Kathryn smiled then stepped onto the dais and closed her eyes as the alcove's electromagnetic field activated.


Chapter 12

The Queen stood staring at the view screen. Another cube fell to the resistance movement. In the last 4.25 hours 3 of her cubes were lost. She no longer had control of them or the drones. This resistance movement by a group of rogue drones from Unimatrix Zero was a threat to her Collective, her perfection. ‘I am Borg. I will adapt. Resistance is futile.’   The door to her chamber opened admitting a drone. The Queen slowly turned.

"Why is it that I have lost 3 cubes and thousands of my drones? You are not providing me with adequate information. You and I have an agreement. You assist me and I will give you absolute perfection." The Queen said staring at the cowering drone. "Perhaps I will terminate you and find another."

"No, please." The drone whimpered. "I have given you all the information I have."


"I am the only one who can help you. I will gain Janeway’s confidence. She will trust me and provide me with specific details."


"There is not enough time for you to find anyone else willing to help you."

The Queen stared at the drone, considering her options. "I will allow you one more attempt. Return to Unimatrix Zero. I want to know the minute Janeway is alone."

"That is not possible. Annika is always there with her."

"Then you will have to find a way to isolate Janeway."

"I thought you wanted me to gain Janeway’s confidence, gather information."

"This pathetic attempt at resistance is due to Janeway’s interference. She is their leader, organizes them. Eliminating her will weaken them. When they are weak and consumed by chaos they will no longer be a threat."

"What do you intend to do to Janeway?"

"That is of no importance to you.  You will do as instructed."

A quick nod was the only response the Queen received.

"Use that alcove." The Queen said pointing to the back of her chamber. "Be efficient."

The drone quickly settled into the alcove and began to regenerate.

The Queen turned back to the view screen.  She focused on the cube Janeway was on.  She watched as Janeway attempted to battle two of her drones.  Janeway was losing this fight.  One of the drone's was about to strike Janeway when the screen went blank.  "NO!"  she screamed out.  For the second time in 2 hours she was outraged.  The first time by Seven of Nine's comments, now this.  Janeway should be dead but the Queen knew she was not.  Something or rather someone had interfered and deactivated her drones, saving Janeway's life.  The door to her chamber again opened. 

"Axum, do you have the cure?"  She asked angrily.

Axum stood in front of the Queen.  Her expression terrified him.  Remembering his previous encounter with her he quickly replied.  "I have an anti-virus but it must be administered in Unimatrix Zero."

"Anti-virus.  Specifics?"  The Queen asked.

"When the regeneration cycle is complete the anti-virus will activate.  It will remove any knowledge of being an individual and it will counteract the mutation that allows them to enter Unimatrix Zero.  They will once again be a part of the hive mind and be completely under your control."

"Efficient.  You will use it on Janeway.  I will send you back to Unimatrix Zero when she has been isolated."

"How will you isolate Captain Janeway?"

The Queen glared at Axum.  "She will be isolated.   Your only concern will be to infect Janeway with the anti-virus.  Do you understand?"  She asked as she moved closer to him. 

"Yes."  Axum weakly said then looked away, unable to look at the Queen.

The Queen grabbed Axum, drawing him closer.  "If you fail me, I will take your beloved Annika and I will tear her apart in front of your very eyes.  You will hear her cries of pain.  You will watch as I slowly drain the very life from her body."

"I will not fail."  Axum whispered.   "I will inject Janeway with the anti-virus when she has been isolated."

"Yes you will.  Stand there and do not speak again."  The Queen said pointing to the farthest wall in her chamber.  She watched as Axum quickly obeyed.  'Foolish individual.  You will never have Seven of Nine.  She was mine before and soon she will be mine again.'   She turned back to the view screen to focus on the battle for her Collective.


Chapter 13

Kathryn Janeway opened her eyes and heaved a sigh of relief. She was back in the sanctuary known as Unimatrix Zero. Looking around she spotted Annika talking to Laura and a group of drones. She walked slowly over to them, catching the last of their conversation.

"…so far we have managed to inflict little damage." Annika said disappointed.

Noticing Kathryn’s arrival behind Annika, Laura smiled "Hello Captain."

Annika spun around and was surprised to find herself looking at her Captain. A wide smile appeared as she spoke. "Kathryn, you are back. I did not expect you so soon." She walked the short distance to where Kathryn stood and quickly wrapped her arms around her. She felt Kathryn’s arms slip around her waist to return the embrace. ‘I will never tire of holding Kathryn in this manner’ she thought as a soothing warmth filled her.

"Um, well I wasn’t supposed to be here so soon but due to an unfortunate incident I had no choice." Kathryn said sheepishly.

"Unfortunate incident? Explain?" Annika asked concerned as she pulled back slightly to look at Kathryn.

"Just a little mishap. I hit my head during a confrontation with a couple of the Queen’s drones and my cranial implant suffered moderate damage."

Annika’s heart sank. The Queen’s threat echoed in her mind. Fear and pain filled her eyes. "Kathryn you suffered a serious injury. This is unacceptable." She began to tremble. "This fight is irrelevant. You are in too much danger."

Kathryn tightened the embrace, pulling Annika closer. "Easy Annika. My implant has been repaired and I’m fine." She whispered trying to calm Annika. "Everything will be alright."

"NO! No it won’t. You have been injured. You could have been killed. That is unacceptable! I want to protect you but I cannot. I cannot tolerate the thought of any harm coming to you. Your well being is important to me. You are vital to my existence." Annika’s voice cracked as emotions that were locked up for far too long started to break free. "Please end your involvement in this Kathryn. Please. I don’t want to loose you now that I have found you. I need you."

Kathryn Janeway looked into exquisite blue eyes and watched as they filled with unshed tears. She heard the anguish in Annika’s plea, saw the pain etched on her elegant features. Her heart broke and her resolve disappeared. The only thing that mattered at this moment was Annika. Gently she placed her hands on either side of Annika’s head and drew her closer. "Shh." She whispered as she placed feathery soft kisses on trembling lips. "I will Annika, I promise." She continued to place calming soft kisses on Annika’s lips. "You are vital to my existence too. I need you Annika, I have always needed you and I always will need you."

Looking up Kathryn watched as crystalline tears slowly slipped down Annika’s creamy-white cheeks. "Oh." She whimpered. "Don’t cry. Everything will be okay. It will only be a couple more hours. We just need to gain control of the vessel Tuvok, B’Elanna and I are on. Once that happens we will leave the battle to the drones and return to Voyager."

"We don’t have a couple of hours Kathryn. The Queen has dispatched 3 cubes and they are on an intercept course with Voyager. We have modified a shuttle to emit Voyager’s warp signature to give us more time but it may not be sufficient. We will have no choice but to leave the sector."

"So that’s her plan. Capture and assimilate Voyager." Kathryn said angrily. "Well it isn’t going to work." Kathryn’s mouth opened to continue but closed quickly when she noticed something in Annika’s expression. "What is it?" she asked gently.

Gently taking Kathryn’s hand, Annika walked away from the group of drones that had been standing nearby listening. "I was contacted by the Queen. She access my neural transceiver."

"Did she threaten you?" Kathryn asked concerned.

"She wants me to rejoin the collective. If I do not comply she will harm you." Annika quietly replied.

"Oh Annika, no wonder you are so upset. She threatens to hurt me and I come here and tell you I have been injured. A devastating combination." Kathryn said finally understanding what was behind Annika’s desperate pleas. "That bitch knew exactly what to say to upset you."

"I garnered a small measure of revenge for her comment."

"You did? What did you say?" Kathryn asked intrigued.

"I told her that you are my perfection and she is irrelevant. My attempt was to anger her."

Kathryn stared at the stunning young woman before her. ‘And to think I had doubts about the depth of Annika’s feelings for me.’ "Oh Annika, that is the most incredible thing anyone has ever said. Thank you."

"It is how I feel Kathryn."

"I bet the Queen was more than a little angry."

"Indeed. I achieved my goal. Kathryn, the Queen is aware of my feelings for you."


"I am not certain. I suspect that she is being given information from here."

"A spy. Who? Axum?"

"He is the most likely to do this if we believe what Laura told us."

"Oh I believe her. It only confirms what I have suspected."


"It almost seemed like the Queen knew what the plan was, knew where to focus her forces. She always seemed to be one step ahead of us and now I know why."

"What will we do now?"

"I want you to go back to Voyager. Tell Chakotay to do whatever is necessary to ensure Voyager’s safety. Get the Doctor to prepare the airborne pathogen; the one we synthesized from the cube the children were on. It is to be used but only as a last resort. How many cubes are we in control of?"

"Last report indicated we had complete control of 3 and partial control of 23 more. Only 1 of our cubes is close enough to offer assistance to Voyager."

Kathryn smiled at Annika’s response. "Are you reading my mind?"

Annika blushed slightly. "No Kathryn. I just concluded, based on your question, that that is what you were about to ask."

"Well one is better than none. We’ll send it to help Voyager. So far we have been trying to disrupt the Queen’s control by taking a few cubes. It’s time to change strategy. As much as I don’t want to, we will now be targeting the central plexus and each vinculum." Kathryn held up her hand to stop Annika’s protest before it could be voiced. "I know what you’re thinking. This will cause absolute chaos and you’re right. It may not be a wise thing to do but from where I stand, our options are limited."

"You are correct. It will be chaotic." Annika replied considering the new plan. "However it may also work to our advantage. Once the central plexus and vinculums are destroyed every drone will be severed from the hive mind. Once they have adapted to this situation they could assist in the fight against the Queen."

"Exactly. Okay, time for you to go back to Voyager. Come back here as soon as possible and let me know Voyager’s status."

"I will wait until B’Elanna and Tuvok return. I will not leave you alone." Annika said firmly.

"I’ll be okay. The sooner you go the sooner you can be back. Besides, Laura is here." Kathryn said nodding her head in the direction of Laura and the drones.

"If Voyager has engaged the Borg, I may not return soon or at all."

"I know." Kathryn whispered.

"Please be careful my Kathryn."

"You too my Annika."

Kathryn watched as Annika disappeared and immediately felt uneasy. Turning around she discovered that she was alone. The group of drones had suddenly left and so had Laura. ‘Where did everybody go?’   "I don’t know, and I don’t like it." Kathryn whispered to herself.

Kathryn stood quietly for several minutes.  She started to walk up the path to the encampment when she heard someone behind her. 

"Hello Captain."

Kathryn tensed and slowly turned around.

"Axum." She whispered.


Chapter 14

Seven stepped out of her alcove and quickly exited the cargo bay.  

"Bridge" she said as she entered the turbolift.   Voyager was not at red alert.  This indicated that they had not yet engaged the Borg.  'Perhaps this is a good sign'.  She thought.

Suddenly Voyager lurched, throwing Seven against the turbolift wall.  Commander Chakotay's voice came through the comm system.   "Red alert. All hands to battle stations"

The doors opened and Seven went to her station.  On the viewscreen hovering ominously in front of Voyager were 3 Borg cubes.

"Evasive maneuvers Tom."

"Aye sir."  Under the proficient piloting skills of Lt. Paris, Voyager turned and dipped.  Dodged the Borg cubes left and right.  

"They are attempting to lock on to us with a tractor beam."  Harry Kim called out.

Seven's able fingers flew over the controls.  "I have reversed the polarity of our shields and I am modulating shield harmonics.  The tractor beam is being reflected."

Voyager violently shook as the Borg opened fire. 

"Shields are down to 74%.  Minor damage on decks 5, 7, 9 and 12."

"Return fire, give them everything we've got."

Phasers and photo torpedos were fired.  All hit their marks causing several explosions. 

"Only minor damage to the Borg cubes Commander."


"Commander, there is a gas nebula less than a 1000 kilometers starboard.  We can use it to protect ourselves."   Seven calmly said.

Harry looked at Seven in disbelief.  "We can't go in there.   We'll be destroyed."

"Not if we divert all power to the shields."

"Can the cubes go in the nebula?"  Chakotay asked.

"No.  There power distribution is configured in such a way that it is impossible to boost their shields enough to protect them from the nebula's gases.   Commander it is our only option until reinforcements arrive."


"The Captain has control of 3 cubes.  She is sending the nearest one to our position to assist us."

Chakotay hesitated then said "Tom plot a course to the nebula.  Harry shut down all non-essential systems and divert as much power as you can to the shields."

"Commander, long range sensors have picked up another cube."

"Lets hope it's the cavalry."  Tom said as he set a course for the nebula.  "Course laid in Commander."

"Warp 7 Tom."

"We will enter the nebula in 6.3 minutes.  Shield strength has increase 38.45%."  Seven said as she watched the readings on her console.

"Is that enough?"  Chakotay asked.

"We need approximately 11.55% more."

"Harry, anywhere else we can divert power from?"

Harry went over the readings on his monitor.  "We could divert power from sickbay."

"Chakotay to the Doctor."

"Go ahead Commander."

"What's your status?"

"I have a dozen injured crewmembers Commander but thankfully nothing too serious."

"We need to divert power from sickbay to the shields."

"Commander!  What about my patients?  I need sickbay."

"You won't if we get assimilated Doctor."

"I can set up makeshift sickbay in the mess hall.   I will need a few minutes to gather some equipment."

"Time until we reach the nebula."

"4.5 minutes."

"You have 2 minutes Doctor."


After what seemed like an eternity the Doctor finally contacted the bridge. "Sickbay is vacated."

"Harry, shut down all systems in sickbay."

"Yes sir."  Harry said as he punched several controls.  "That's all the power I can give you."


Seven checked her readings and was relieved to find that the shields were now at an acceptable level.  "The shield strength is now sufficient enough to protect Voyager from the nebula's gases." 

"Here we go."  Tom said quietly.

"All hands, brace for impact."

"Impact in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

For several minutes Voyager rocked and shook.  Several consoles sparked and crewmembers were tossed about.  The bridge went dark for several seconds before main power came back online.

"Status."  Commander Chakotay said as he climbed back into his chair.

Tom was the first to respond.  "We have come to a complete stop.  Warp drive is offline."

"There is a hull breech on deck 8 but containment fields are in place.  I don't believe it but we have suffered only minor damage Commander.  Repair crews are responding."  Harry added. "We have reports of casualties, mostly bumps and bruises, nothing serious."

"Shields are holding."  Seven said.   "The warp drive is offline because the nebula's gases are interfering with the engine's plasma flow."

"Did the cubes follow us in?"

"No Commander.  Sensors are sporadic but clearly indicate that the 3 cubes stopped and are waiting outside the nebula."

"How long can we remain in here?"   Harry asked Seven.

"I would not recommend remaining for longer than 5 hours.  After that time shields will fail and the gases will start to erode Voyager's hull."

"Well hopefully this extra time will be enough."   Chakotay quietly said.

Seven jumped when she heard a voice calling her name.   "ANNIKA!"  She recognized the voice immediately.   "Kathryn?"  Seven whispered as she shook her head and looked around.   Seven tensed when she realized that Kathryn was somehow contacting her.  She closed her eyes and concentrated on Kathryn's voice.  An image of Unimatrix Zero filled her mind.  Kathryn was there but she was not alone.  Seven concentrated on the other individual.  Slowly the image came into focus.  It was Axum and he was threatening Kathryn. 

"No."  Seven said as she raced to the turbolift ignoring the concerned stares and calls  from the bridge crew.


Seven ran through the corridors of Voyager faster than she had ever run before.  Crewmembers scattered when they saw her coming.  Knowing the cargo bay doors wouldn't open fast enough Seven called out to the computer.   "Computer, emergency override, open doors to cargo bay 2"  The doors of the cargo bay were opened when she finally arrived.

As she ran inside, Seven gave the computer another order.   "Computer seal doors to cargo bay 2 using Borg encryption code Seven Epsilon Beta Five." 

She jumped up onto the dais and stepped into her alcove.   Although she was not prone to praying she desperately hoped a Deity, any Deity, would hear her plea and grant her this one precious wish "Please don't let any harm come to Kathryn".


Chapter 15

"Axum, it’s good to see you again. We’ve been looking for you." Kathryn said, her voice steady.

"Have you really?"

Kathryn looked closely at Axum. In his left hand her carried a Bat’leth and in his right some kind of Borg device. Kathryn slipped her command mask in place. Years of experience had taught her that she should not let Axum see her fear.

"Of course. We were concerned about you."

"No you weren’t!"

"Axum, what’s wrong?" Kathryn asked as she quickly looked around.

"What’s wrong? You stand in front of me, knowing what you have done and you and ask me what’s wrong!" Axum said as he started to walk closer.

Kathryn slowly took a step back, trying to keep Axum at a safe distance.

"Axum, what have I done?"

"You took away the one thing that mattered to me!"

"I don’t understand Axum. What are you talking about?"

Axum swung the Bat’leth at Kathryn.

"You know exactly what I am talking about!"

Kathryn tried to jump out of the way but the Bat’leth caught her cleanly on the right shoulder leaving a deep gash. Kathryn stumbled and cried out in pain.

"Axum, I’m sorry. You have to understand that we never meant to hurt you. Annika isn’t the person you remember her to be. She doesn’t remember you or any of the feelings she might have had."

"That’s because you took her from me. You severed her from the Collective! But that will all change. I will have her back again. All I have to do is administer this anti-virus."  Axum said as he held up the Borg device.

Kathryn watched Axum and started to tremble.  Fear and pain begin to consume her. "Anti-virus? Axum what have you done?"

"The Queen promised to give Annika to me if I did two things for her. Create an anti-virus and kill you. I have created an anti-virus and now I will kill you."

"You believed the Queen? Axum the Queen wants Annika for herself. She is only using you."

"LIAR!" Axum screamed as he again swung the Bat’leth.

This time Kathryn was prepared and fell to he ground, rolling away from Axum. Quickly getting to her feet she ran down the path.

"Axum, listen to me. You don’t want to do this." She yelled as she looked back. Kathryn stopped when she realized Axum wasn’t following her. A deafening silence surrounded her as she looked around.

"Axum? Axum I want you to think about Annika. How do you think she’ll feel if you harm me? Do you really believe she’ll want to have anything to do with you after this?"

For several agonizing minutes Kathryn stood frantically looking around. ‘Damn it where are you.’ Kathryn tensed and started slowly walking down the path. She had only walked a few paces when Axum jumped out in front of her. Kathryn felt the Bat’leth slice into her leg. She fell helpless to the ground. ‘Annika! Help me!’

"I am sorry Captain but I have no choice. I must comply." Axum said as he swung the Bat’leth over his head.

Kathryn lay on the ground, waiting. Axum seemed to hesitate. Kathryn used this moment to strike back. With a speed that surprised both of them Kathryn managed to get into a crouch. She then sprang up and hit Axum with all her weight and strength in his midsection, knocking him down. They both lay on the ground winded and dazed. Kathryn recovered first and got back on her feet. Pain shot through her and she crumbled back down to the ground. Looking down she saw the severe cut on her leg that Axum had inflicted. Using all the strength she had left she struggled to her feet and started down the path. She stopped when she noticed the Bat’leth. ‘If you are going to kill me you are going to have to find another way.’ She thought as she bent down and picked it up. Kathryn turned and continued limping down the path.

Axum sat up and shook his head. He looked around and noticed a trail of blood. It headed up the path in the direction of the encampment. Janeway was getting away and he was running out of time. He had to complete his mission.  He searched around looking for the Bat'leth but only found the device.  Standing he picked it up and headed down the path after Janeway.

Kathryn limped down the path. Her leg and shoulder hurt and she was getting weaker. She stumbled and fell. She was in so much pain her mind could barely focus. She tried to stand but couldn’t. She had nothing left in her. Her strength was gone. Axum was coming to kill her and there wasn’t anything she could do to stop him. Bloodied and beaten, Kathryn crawled to a tree and sat against it. She closed her eyes as she tried to block out the pain.

"I’m sorry Captain Janeway." Axum said quietly as he looked at her.

Kathryn opened her eyes. "Spare me your pathetic attempt at an apology Axum." She hissed through clenched teeth.

"Despite what you may think, I do regret having to do this Captain Janeway."

"Go ahead and kill me. In the end you will find out that I was right. You have been used by the Queen and you will have done all of this for nothing."

Axum placed the Borg device against Kathryn’s neck. "I am truly sorry Captain."


Chapter 16


Axum and Kathryn both jumped and looked over at the figure running towards them.

"Annika!" Kathryn whispered.

Axum could only stare in disbelief.

Sensing Axum’s momentary distraction, Kathryn quickly reached up, ripping the device out of his hand.

Axum looked back. He grabbed for the device but Kathryn managed to toss it out of his reach. Axum stood and ran to retrieve it. Picking it up he turned around and took a step towards her. He looked up and froze. Annika was now standing between him and the Captain.

"Annika, I…" Axum started to say but lost his voice when he saw the anger in Annika’s eyes.

Annika glared at Axum. She had never felt such uncontrollable rage before. She wanted to tear him apart with her bare hands. She wanted to destroy him for hurting Kathryn. Annika Hansen now understood what it meant to be blind with rage. She would show no mercy. She took a couple of steps but stopped when she heard Kathryn’s voice.

"Annika." Kathryn moaned

Annika turned and looked at Kathryn. Her rage momentarily subsided when she realized that Kathryn needed her now. She knelt down in front of her Captain, making sure to kept her body between Kathryn and Axum. Blood, sweat and dirt covered Kathryn’s body. Annika’s heart clenched when she saw the pain in Kathryn’s eyes. She reached up and carefully tried to wipe the dirt from Kathryn’s face.

"Annika" Kathryn whimpered as tears began to fall.

Annika tenderly stroked Kathryn’s cheek as her own eyes began brimming with tears. "I am here Kathryn. It will be alright." She said, her voice gentle and loving. "I won’t let him hurt you anymore."

Annika saw Axum move out of the corner of her eye. She dropped her hand from Kathryn’s cheek and whirled around to face him. Her rage had returned with a vengeance. Kathryn grabbed Annika’s arm preventing her from standing. Annika looked back and frowned. She wanted to destroy Axum and couldn’t understand why Kathryn would try to stop her.

"Kathryn?" She asked.

Kathryn didn’t say a word. She looked at Annika for several seconds then slowly lowered her eyes. Annika watched confused then realized that Kathryn was trying to show her something. Annika followed Kathryn’s gaze down and saw the Bat’leth lying on the ground. Annika understood. She moved her body slightly and placed her hand on it. Slowly she started to pick it up.

Kathryn raised her eyes and looked over Annika’s shoulder. "Annika!"

Annika growled, jumped up and swung the Bat’leth. The blade caught Axum, slicing into his chest. He stumbled and fell to the ground. Annika held the Bat’leth over her head, poised to strike and looked down.

"Annika, no!" Kathryn said.

Annika wavered. "But he hurt you Kathryn."

"Annika please, don’t."

Annika was out of control and she knew it. She closed her eyes trying to clamp down on her emotions. She desperately wanted to strike. Wanted to inflict pain on this pathetic individual. She wanted to but knew she could not. There would be no satisfaction in this course of action. He would not die. He would only end his regeneration cycle and return to the collective. The next time he regenerated he would once again return here. Opening her eyes she looked down and saw Axum staring up at her. She lowered the Bat’leth.

"Why? Why would you do this? Captain Janeway is trying to help you and this is how you show your gratitude."

"I did it because I love you." Axum said quietly. "I didn’t want to lose you."

"You did this because you love me? You do not even know what love is. You hurt Kathryn and as a result you have hurt me. You do not hurt the person you love."

"Axum was jealous Annika, and jealousy is a very dangerous thing. It can drive a person insane to the point where they would commit heinous crimes."

Several drones had appeared on the scene. Gasps of confusion and shock could be heard. Laura arrived and stepped towards Annika.

"Annika, what’s happening?" Laura asked looking at Axum. She saw the device lying on the ground and picked it up.

"Laura, be careful with that. It is some kind of anti-virus." Kathryn cautioned.

"Axum was attempting to use that device on Kathryn. He was hurting her." Annika said as she felt her rage building once again. "Axum has betrayed everyone here by providing the Queen with that anti-virus and with information about our plans."

"What are you talking about?" Axum moaned. "I never gave anyone any information. I wasn’t even aware of your plans."

Kathryn tried to get up put Laura put her hand on Kathryn’s shoulder stopping her.

"Axum did you ever see Annika and I together?" Kathryn asked.

"The Queen showed me images on a viewscreen of the two of you." He replied.

"You never saw us together with your own eyes? Kathryn, there is someone else who has also betrayed us." Annika said as she turned around.

What Annika saw next terrified her beyond words. Time seemed to move in slow motion. She watched helplessly as Laura placed the device against Kathryn’s neck and injected her with the anti-virus. Kathryn’s body convulsed several times then disappeared.

"No! No! NO!" Annika said as she ran towards Laura. She swung the Bat’leth with all her strength only to have it strike the tree Kathryn had been leaning against. Laura was gone.

Annika fell to her knees. She had lost Kathryn, failed her. Annika felt a dark loneliness surround her heart, a pain she knew she could never survive. "Oh Kathryn." She whispered as she leaned against the tree. Annika then did something she had never done since she was a child, she cried.