Fun in the darkness

He was flying around, bored like always. Lately, there had been no life forms in the Delta quadrant that interested him enough or piqued his curiosity.

The Borg had a lot to do with his lack of interest. Their hive mind only have one goal, and that made them very boring and if not a little more than just annoying at times. You just couldn´t have any fun with them.

A silvery spoon shaped space ship crossed his flight path and he immediately followed it. He did not need to read the large letters that marked the ships designation to know what ship it was.

“USS VOYAGER NCC 74656 … Nah, the good old Voyager, why haven´t I thought of her before?” His eyes flashed in glee. An expression of a child finding a new toy to play with.

“Let´s have some fun with them.”

The Voyager flew silently through the empty space, she was continuously on her journey back home into the Alpha quadrant with 127 beings on board.

Q matched his speed with the elegant starship, thinking of a way to have fun with them.


The doors to the ready room swished open and Captain Janeway entered the bridge. Tuvok, Harry, Tom and Chakotay were seated at their stations. She reached her chair and let her gaze settled on Harry Kim, the operation officer.

“Report.” The Captain said as she took her seat.

Harry took a last glance at the readings on his station and answered.

“We detected a slight fluctuation in our front shields. It´s probably nothing but I wasn´t able to define the source of this fluctuation.”

“All right Harry. What´s your opinion, what could have caused the fluctuation?”

“My first thought was that a malfunction in one of the gel packs caused it, but as I checked this possibility and B´Elanna confirmed me that they were all alright, so I took another look and... The conclusion I can offer is, that something came through the shields.”

Janeway moved her gaze to her dark skinned security officer. “What do you think about this Tuvok?”

“It´s possible Captain. I checked the sensor logs and found some unknown energy signature that crossed our flight path. The energy signature changed its course and finally disappeared as it reached the front shields.”

“Why didn´t we get an alert?”

“I do not know, Captain. The sensors should have picked up this signature but they didn´t. Intriguing.” Tuvok raised his eyebrow in confusion.

“Alright. Yellow alert. We keep our eyes open till we know what it is that managed to get through our shields.” Janeway seemed to consider something for a few moments before she stood up.

“I´ll inform Seven. Maybe she can help us with this. Chakotay you have the bridge.”

Her first officer nodded and Janeway left the bridge.


“07:10 hours regeneration cycle incomplete.” The female voice of the computer stated flatly.

Seven opened her eyes. She was momentarily surprised as she looked around and couln´t find Kathryn. The Captain was the only one that had the habit of interrupting her regeneration period and Seven wondered what else could have waken her.

“Computer, why was my regeneration cycle cancelled?”


Seven stepped down to her console and looked at the security sensors that had overviewed her alcove during her regeneration period. Everything seemed normal enough. Her regeneration cycle has simply ended at 07:10.

The young woman breathed, feeling annoyed. She was about to enter her alcove again to continue her regeneration cycle as she heard something. Seven spun on her heels and examined her surrounding. No one was here but she had the feeling as if someone was watching her. She noted that her heartbeat had increased  by 12% and defined this as the human response to fear.

Even more annoyed about this phenomenon she stepped back to her console and scanned the room. The only person the computer found was her. She arched her eyebrow and took one last suspicious glance around Cargobay 2.

The doors swished open and Seven jumped. With wide eyes she looked at the visitor that entered her room.

Kathryn stopped dead in her tracks as she saw the look on Seven´s face. Fear was mirrored in her eyes before she seemed to realize who entered the Cargobay.

“Seven, what is it?” She went to her and saw the young woman relax.

Seven of Nine clasped her hands on her back and tilted her head slightly.

“Nothing. You startled me.”

Janeway looked at her intently and noted that her face was paler than usual.

“Are you sure?”

Seven was about to respond as Janeway waved off.

“Of course you are. You are Borg.”

Seven lifted her eyebrow.

“Never mind.” Kathryn walked a half around her and looked at the green illuminated Borg alcove.

She turned to her. “Aren´t you supposed to be regenerating?”

“I still am.”

Kathryn saw a look of annoyance cross her stern features.

“And why aren´t you regenerating, Seven?”

“At 07:10 hours my regeneration cycle was cancelled. I wasn´t able to find the cause yet.”

Kathryn looked thoughtful to Seven´s alcove.


Janeway walked a further half around her.

Seven´s gaze followed her.

“I came down to inform you of a fluctuation in our shields. “ She stopped in front of her and looked up to  her.

“It seems that an unknown energy signature has entered through the front shields and disappeared afterwards. Maybe your cancelled regeneration cycle was caused by this mysterious signature.”

“I checked the security sensors which overviewed my regeneration period but there was no anomaly present.”

Seven turned to her station and skilled fingers accessed the sensor logs of her regeneration cycle.

Kathryn went close to her side and examined the shown data.


The young Borg watched her curious. She liked it when Kathryn was around her, especially when she stepped close.

Janeway looked up to her and they looked at each other.

Suddenly all lights went out.

“What the hell … computer, what happened?”


Kathryn rolled her eyes in the darkness. “That´s just typical, isn´t it.”

She narrowed her eyes and tried if she could see anything.

A tiny red spot at the opposite wall caught her attention. It seemed to be a  small laser beam and as she followed this beam to it´s source, the laser beam started to move and fell on her right shoulder.

That scared the hell out of her and the hairs on the back of her neck stood up involuntarily.

Then she became aware that the source of the laser beam had exact the same height as Seven´s ocular implant and she let out a breath of relief.

“Jesus Seven, you scared the hell out of me with your laser beam. Turn it off!”

“Sorry, Captain.”

*rustling of clothes*

“What are you doing, Seven?”

“I adjusted my implant for night view.”

Seconds passed.


“I can´t see nothing Captain.”

Kathryn rolled her eyes.


*more rustling and then a chirp*

“Janeway to Chakotay. Report. What happened?”

Her communicator chirped in response.

“I don´t know Captain. The lights went out suddenly. We lost the warp field and the impulse drive went offline. The Voyager is now floating.”

“Any clue what caused it?”

“No, Captain. And what seemed the weirdest thing, the computer has energy for the Live support system the turbolifts and the stations on the bridge but all the other technology on Voyager is not provided with energy.”

Kathryn thought a moment about this and let the new information sink in.

“Maybe this ominous energy signature has something to do with this. Chakotay, inform the security team about our situation and open a ship wide channel to inform the crew. I´ll meet you on the bridge with Seven. Janeway out.”

“Understood, Captain. Chakotay out.”

*a few steps*

“Seven, where do you keep the flashlights and the phasers?”

“Across the room. They are left beside the entrance hidden under a wall panel.”

“Let´s go over there.”

*more steps and a quiet thud followed by an*



“I bumped my shin on a storage container. Nothing to worry about, Seven.”

“Maybe it´s the best you let me lead, Captain. I´m more familiar with the surrounding.”

“Alright, Seven.”

The Borg passed her and started to walk to the door with the Captain in tow.

*a metallic noise*

Seven stopped and Janeway bumped into her.

Kathryn gasped in surprise. “Seven, why did you stop? We couldn´t have reached the door this fast.”

“Captain, haven´t you heard that noise?”

“No, what noise?”

*a metallic noise*

“That noise.”

“You mean, you didn´t make it?”

“No, Captain.”

“Where did this noise came from?”

“It came from behind us. That´s why I stopped.”


“I didn´t make it.”

“I know, Captain.”


“You mean there is someone else here with us in the room?”


Seconds passed.

“Ok, who´s there?” Kathryn turned and addressed the darkness. She kept her ears open for any noise or response.


They waited a few minutes and still nothing happened.

“Maybe it was just something that fell from a shelf.”

“Maybe ..” Seven didn´t sound convinced.

They continued with their walk to the door.

Seven reached the door and informed Kathryn. “Captain, we reached the door.”

*rustling and a creak*

“I have the phaser, but I can´t find the flashlight.”

“Great.” Kathryn muttered under her breath.

“The next source for flashlights is in the corridor outside the Cargobay.”

“Then let´s go outside, Seven. Open the door manually.”

*a squeak and a swish*

“It´s open, Captain.”

They went through the door.

“Left or right?”

“Right, Captain.”

“Seven, would you please not add ‘Captain’ after every sentence, will you?”

“As you wish, Cap … May I call you Kathryn instead?”

That surprised Janeway. She hadn´t assumed that Seven would ask that from her but she was happy she had done so.

“Yes, I would appreciate that very much.” The smile on her face was clearly audible.

Seconds passed.

“We better continue.”

“Yes, Kathryn.”

The name rolled fluidly off the Borg´s tongue as she tested the sound of it. Seven liked what she heard.

They turned right and continued to walk along the wall of the corridor.

Seven reached the flashlight storage and opened it.

“There are no flashlights in there, Kathryn.”

“This get´s better and better. Ok, where´s the next place we could search?”

“In all the turbolift cabins are niches with flashlights for emergency situations. “

 “The next turbolift must be not far from here.”


They walked further through the corridor.

After several meters they had reached the turbolift.

“We are there.”

*a squeak and a swish*

Both stepped into the cabin.

“Computer, bridge.”

Seconds passed. The humming of the transport was audible as the cabin rushed towards the bridge. It was still dark around them.

Seconds passed.


“Yes, Seven?”

“Is this your hand?”

*a gasp*

“Of course not!” Janeway sounded shocked. Maybe a little too shocked, thought Seven.


“Then who´s hand is it then?” The young Borg didn´t sound like she believed Kathryn.”

“Seven, honestly. It is not my hand... “ She realized what she was saying.

“Wait a minute. What do you mean? If it´s not my hand .. ”


“Alright. Whoever is here with us. I don´t find this funny any longer. It´s better for you when you talk to us.”

Still no response.

“The hand is gone, Kathryn.”

“Good.” The relieve was evident in the Captain´s voice.

*a noise and then laughing*

Kathryn was sure she knew that laughing.

“Who´s there?” Her voice was firm and crisp.

“State your name. What is your intention?” Seven joined in.

*again laughing*

Finally realization sank in. “It seems that this being finds this very funny.” Kathryn almost growled.

“You know who it is, Kathryn?”

“Unfortunately, I do.”

Kathryn was sure, if the lights hadn´t been out, the young Borg would have lifted her eyebrow.

Captain, you are right. She lifted her eyebrow.

“Q.” Kathryn´s molars milled.

“O?” Seven asked, she was curious.

“Q.” Kathryn growled dangerous low.

“Who is this mysterious letter in the alphabet, Kathryn?”

“Very annoying, Seven.” She whispered to the darkness between her and the turbolift wall.

The lights went online, and there he stood .. in all his omnipotent human form.

Seven arched her eyebrow.

May I introduce myself?

He bowed gallantly and gave Seven his best charming smile.

I´m Q. I´m an omnipotent being with amazing skills for every situation in life.

He winked at Seven and let his eyes glide over her slim body in appreciation.

Kathryn didn´t believe it. Q was flirting with HER girl … have I just thought ‘my girl’?

She grinned and cleared her throat to get Q´s attention..

“Ok Q. What do you want from us?”

Don´t be jealous Captain. I want nothing. I already had my fun and will leave you now.

He turned to Seven.

And Seven .. are you sure that it was  my hand?

He waved to Kathryn and grinned.

Till the next time.

With that he disappeared.

Seven turned her head to Kathryn who blushed vehemently, despite the fact that it really hadn´t been her hand.

“Turbolift stop.” Was that a slight grin?

“Uh, Seven .. I .. “ Kathryn stammered.

“Don´t be alarmed.” Seven smiled.

Absolutely beautiful.. Kathryn found herself mesmerized by this smile.

“It was his hand .. but from your behaviour I think you have imagined touching me as well.

Caught in the act. Well Katie what are you doing now?

“Well, Seven .. I .. “ Her command mask was gone and Seven saw in the face of the woman behind. The woman she would give her life to for keeping her safe. The woman she was in love with.

Kathryn lowered her head.

“ .. yes. “ Barely a whisper but Seven´s enhanced hearing picked it up easily.

“You are in love with me.” The young Borg spoke softly.

Kathryn lifted her head and searched Seven´s blue eyes, which radiated always the calmness she needed.


Seven tilted her head.

“I´m glad you are .. because I experience the same feeling for you.”

Kathryn´s brain felt dizzy for a moment as she understood the meaning.

“You are?”


And they both smiled.

Kathryn wanted nothing more than to touch her right now, but she knew two possible out comes of this action:

First: If she did so, she wouln´t  be able to stop.

Second: They were supposed to go to the bridge and if they don´t, Chakotay would start to wonder where they are.

She let out a slow breath.

“I know Kathryn. We must continue to the bridge .. but after our shifts .. would you like to join me for dinner in the mess hall?”

The woman in front of her never ceases to amaze her. It was a miracle how Seven every time seems to know what she was thinking.

“I would love to, Seven.”

The young Borg regarded her with another beautiful smile and they looked at each other for long seconds, till Kathryn ordered the computer to continue to the bridge.

It was a start .. for both of them.


Q smiled satisfied with himself and flew away from the ship and the beings in it, which he had come to like.

END :)