Green-Eyed Monster

It took Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres a long time to figure out what was going on. She wasn't one to poke her nose in other people's lives nor was she the most sensitive person when it came to the feelings of others. But one day she finally put one and Seven together and got the right answer.

The first half of the equation had been clear to B'Elanna for some time, Captain Kathryn Janeway was in love with Seven of Nine. That was obvious almost the moment the former Borg came on board Voyager. And for the completely blind or obtuse, there were enough incidents as time went on, like rescuing Seven from the Borg Queen, that revealed the Captain's feelings to anyone who cared to notice. Today the half-Klingon, half-Human engineer realized that Seven felt the same way about the Captain.

At first B'Elanna couldn't believe it. The cold, emotionless drone FELT something as human as love? Reflecting on the incident in Engineering B'Elanna knew she wasn't wrong...

The Captain came down to Engineering to talk to the Lieutenant about a problem they had been working on for weeks. They were standing together, their heads bent over the screen as they scanned the readout. After weeks of work the test results were finally coming back positive. Laughing triumphantly, Janeway put an around B'Elanna's shoulders to congratulate her on her hard work.

At that very moment, Seven strode through the door and saw them in their embrace. It was only sheer luck that B'Elanna was looking that way or she would have missed it completely. The look of anger and jealousy that crossed Seven's face was unmistakable. And a moment later....the calm, aloof look was back in place. Janeway missed it all.

"Hello, Seven," called the Captain.

She did not remove her arm from around B'Elanna. She went on.

"Good news. We finally worked out the answer to those warp core flucuations. Or I should say that B'Elanna here did."

She looked affectionately up at B'Elanna and gave her shoulder another squeeze before dropping her arm back down to her side. The two of them were still a hair's breadth from each other. A muscle twitched in Seven's temple.

"Lieutenant Torres. Congratulations," she conceded.

Curious to see if she could evoke that response again, B'Elanna smiled and said, "Thanks, Seven. But the Captain is being modest. I couldn't have done it without her help."

As she said this she reached out and grasped Janeway's bicep in a friendly manner. She watched Seven. Bingo. That muscle twitched again and anger crossed her fair features. Well, well, thought B'Elanna. She IS jealous.

Janeway missed the whole interplay again as she typed away at the station. Satisfied with what she saw she turned to B'Elanna.

"Looks good. Begin to implement the changes immediately, Lieutenant."

She smiled and turned to Seven.

"Seven? Did you want something?" enquired Janeway.

Hah, thought B'Elanna, you bet she does!

"No, Captain. Actually, yes. I wanted to leave this report with you. You indicated that you wanted it as soon as it was completed."

Without another word she thrust the padd in Janeway's hand and abruptly left. Startled, Janeway stood there, sensing something was wrong but not knowing what it was.

"What was that all about?"

Janeway was puzzled.

B'Elanna thought before she answered. She was never a big fan of Seven's but the Captain meant a lot to her. Janeway had put her faith in B'Elanna's abilities and made her Chief of Engineering. IF B'Elanna could do something for her she'd go a long ways to that end.

Speaking quietly, she answered. "I think she was upset."


Janeway turned towards the door that Seven had just exited.

"About what?"

"Honestly, Captain?"

B'Elanna gave Janeway a way out.

"Yes, of course."

Her full attention was on B'Elanna.

"I think she was jealous," was the unsteady reply.

"Jealous? Of what?"

Janeway was really confused.

"Of us. She saw us together and ..."

"That's ridiculous."

"I saw it, Captain. She loves you."

This was said softly.

"Out of the question. B'Elanna, you either imagined what you saw or there's another explanation. Seven does not love me."

"I don't have that much imagination. Give me another explanation, one that sounds reasonable."

B'Elanna challenged the Captain.

"All right. Seven is constantly struggling with her individuality and being alone. Every social or personal interaction is agony. She tries to hid it but I see it. When she entered the room she saw us together....comfortable....happy with each other. Not alone. That's what she's jealous of....because she wants that so badly herself."

"Ok, that IS a reasonable explanation," accepting the Captain's idea. "But why isn't mine just as reasonable? Why can't Seven be in love with you? You're in love with her."

B'Elanna blurted this last bit out unexpectedly. Damn, when was she going to learn to think before she spoke!

Janeway's normally warm, blue eyes became icy caves of blue. She pulled herself erect and spoke harshly.

"You are out of line, Lieutenant. I don't know what makes you think you can make comments like that but it is unacceptable. Not another word, understood?"

"C-captain, I just think."

B'Elanna knew she was in deep but turning back wasn't in her nature.

"Understood, Lieutenant?"

Janeway was a force to be reckoned with, she would not be denied. B'Elanna conceded and nodded briefly.

"Yes, m'am. Understood."

At full attention she looked her Captain straight in the eye.

"Very well then. Return to your duties at once."

Janeway spun on her heel and strode out of Engineering, leaving a quaking Torres in her wake.

Good going, Torres. She thought to herself. You've probably pushed them even further apart with what you just did. Her elation from earlier was completely gone.


Janeway stepped out of Engineering, her bearing as rigid and straight as she could make it. The doors closed behind her and she looked up and down the hallway, and found she was alone. Releasing her breath in a long, slow whoosh, her shoulders slumped and she sagged weakly against the wall for support.

Dear gods in the heavens, were her feelings for the young woman that obvious? She tried to believe they were not but B'Elanna's comment blew that comforting thought far away. As for her comment about Seven's feelings, could they be true? She shook her head, it didn't matter if it was. Seven was too young and too new to her individuality to handle the repercussions of becoming involved with the Starfleet Captain of a ship lost out so far from home. As much as Kathryn wanted it, she knew she could not, for Seven's sake. Kathryn was lonely, very lonely, but she'd have to tough it out. No more slip ups.

She pushed off from the wall, squared her shoulders, pulled down her uniform jacket and headed for the bridge. Time to face some more reports.


Seven made her way back to Astrometrics, her thoughts racing madly. Lieutenant Torres and the Captain, that could not be. She tried to convince herself that it was just....just what? What did she know about variations in relationships. It was all so confusing.

She just knew she was tired, tired of being in pain and tired of hiding it. She had loved Kathryn almost from the moment she'd seen her. She didn't know it at the time because she didn't know what love was. She just knew that when Kathryn was near her she felt.....complete and when she wasn't......her loneliness expanded tenfold.

She tried to identify her feelings toward Lieutenant Torres. Was this feeling hatred? As much trouble as she'd had with the half Klingon woman she didn't deserve hatred. She decided to stop thinking about any of it. Emotions were hard, draining. Time to get back to her star maps....clear, logical and unconfusing.


As B'Elanna finished her work, her mind worked feverishly on how to remedy the mess she'd made of things. How could she draw the two of them together? If she could get just one of them to admit their feelings to the other she believed everything else would fall into place. Slowly an idea began to form....a dangerous one if it worked.....

"Lieutenant Torres to Captain Janeway."

B'Elanna hit her com badge decisively.

"Janeway here," her tones were still cool.

"Uh, Captain. My apologies for earlier today," she started soothingly.

"Apology accepted. Consider it forgotten. I have."

Her tone declared the subject closed.

"Great. I'd like to go back to our earlier celebratory mood. How 'bout you join me tonight at Sandrine's to finish that celebration?" she said invitingly.

"Well," Janeway was reluctant to agree.

She knew she'd enjoy herself but she hadn't fully recovered from the idea that B'Elanna had divined her greatest secret.

B'Elanna cajoled her, "come on, Captain. You know we deserve it. We busted our -."

"Fine, fine, B'Elanna..." Janeway was laughing. "You talked me into it."

"Good. 1900 hours then? And bring your cue stick. You'll need it. Torres out."

B'Elanna rubbed her hands together in anticipation. Seven always spent this particular evening at Sandrine's. It was part of her forced interaction schedule that she maintained. Let's just see what kind of reaction she could get from Seven tonight.


When Seven, wearing her plum colored biosuit, entered Sandrine's Torres and the Captain were already there. A number of heads, including theirs, turned to note her entrance into the bar, otherwise she would have turned back around and left. Forcing an even blanker look on her face, if that was possible, she made herself walk to the bar to order her usual drink.

She watched as the two heads, one redhead and the other brunette, as they came closer together trying to hear one another as they spoke in low tones at the small table for two. Seven's stomach tightened sickenly, her Borg-implanted hand clenched tightly against her thigh as she tried to control the rage within. She made herself turn away from them.

B'Elanna watched it all and knew it was working. If she could make Seven jealous enough to confront Janeway then she'd bow quietly out of the way. She saw as Seven's dispassionate face turned towards them once more as though she could not resist watching them, no matter how much it hurt.

B'Elanna deliberately lay her hand on the Captain's forearm and leaned into the woman before her.

"You bring that cue stick like I said?" she asked.

"Got it right here."

Kathryn pointed down at her feet.

"Good. Let's play."

She stood up and pulled Kathryn up to her feet as well and directed them toward the table. B'Elanna watched Seven close her eyes as though she was in pain.

The players before them finished and the two women began their game. B'Elanna made sure she laughed, joked, and even teased the Captain. Anything to make her smile. If seeing the Captain happy felt good to B'Elanna, it had to be killing Seven. If the Captain wondered at all about B'Elanna's behavior she wrote it off as a combination of B'Elanna's wanting to get past today's earlier faux pas and the exuberance of completing their project.

She was enjoying B'Elanna's good humor, something she rarely saw from this woman, realizing that she herself had become much too dour of late. She felt herself relax and join in the good mood.

B'Elanna kept it up, watching as a number of crew members approached Seven, attempting to make conversation. Seven's usual abrupt style must be turned on high, if the stunned expressions on the rebuffed would-be conversationalist's faces were anything to judge by.

Janeway beat B'Elanna soundly twice in a row. B'Elanna decided to step up the action a bit. She asked the Captain to give her some pointers on playing. This necessitated a lot of body contact as Kathryn positioned B'Elanna's hands by reaching around her. At one point she placed her hands on B'Elanna's hips to correct her stance. Out of the corner of her eye B'Elanna watched as Seven actually rose up off her stool at this point.

B'Elanna was getting ready to end the evening by now. The plan was beginning to backfire somewhat. It had been a while since she had been with anyone herself and all this intimate contact was starting to get to her. More than it should, she reminded herself.

As she turned to thank Janeway for her lesson a loud altercation was heard at the bar. Both B'Elanna and Kathryn turned in time to see Seven rise off her seat and grab Tom Paris by the front of his uniform.

Her voice rang clearly through the bar.

"Lieutenant Paris. Is there some portion of my negative response that you cannot comprehend?"

Tom tried to wheedle his way out.

"Seven, Seven, of course I understood. I just thought that you and I..."

"Cease these thoughts at once and remove yourself from presence. Immediately."

She assisted him with her command by giving him a hard shove. Paris flew across the bar and landed in an ignominious heap on the floor.

"Right," he muttered as picked himself up off the floor and scuttled out the door.


Janeway's voice was sharp.


The cool mask was back in place. Seven forced herself to slow her breathing. She was anxious to leave.

"What just happened here?" Janeway demanded.

"I explained to Mr. Paris several times that his attentions were unwanted. He refused to heed my requests. Further action was necessary to make my point clear," she explained coolly.

"Seven, it is never acceptable to physically accost a fellow officer. Do you understand?"

Janeway tried to keep the anger out of her voice.


Seven thought about this and looked over at B'Elanna who was standing behind the Captain. Before she could stop herself she continued.

"Since you spent most of this evening 'physically accosting' Lieutenant Torres I must assume that I should heed your words and ignore your actions. Am I correct in this assumption?"

"What?" exclaimed the Captain.

Her face darkened.

"Seven, how touched B'Elanna tonight was completely different from what just happened between you and Mr. Paris."

"I am aware of this, Captain. My 'touch' was in anger whereas yours was in..."

Her voice broke. She blinked rapidly and turned her head away from Janeway for a moment. When she turned back her mask was once again in place except for the twitching muscle in her jaw that revealed how tightly her teeth were clenched.

"You are correct, Captain. The two incidents are irrelevant to one another. I will apologize to Lieutenant Paris in the morning. If you will excuse me?"

Without waiting for permission, she turned and left.

"What the hell was that all about?"

Janeway turned to B'Elanna in bewilderment waving her hands in the air.

Intending not to make the same mistake twice B'Elanna didn't give her the obvious answer.

"I don't know, Captain."

Janeway continued to stand there thinking about what just happened. She barely gave B'Elanna a nod as she excused herself, thanking the Captain for a fine evening.

The next few days B'Elanna kept up the pressure. She wasn't able to create another situation like dinner that night but she made sure lots of little things happened that kept Seven off balance.

She constantly excused herself to go and speak to the Captain on an 'important matter,' talked about Janeway endlessly, and any time the three of them were together B'Elanna made sure she was very friendly towards Janeway. B'Elanna could see the cracks starting to appear in Seven's perfect facade.

Some of them were more subtle than others and one in particular gave B'Elanna some new concerns, one she should have thought of earlier. It was the broken tool left at one of the stations that B'Elanna found one day after she and the Captain had talked in Engineering. Seven had been at that station assisting Ensign Vorik with a problem.

Looking at the bent and misshappen object, B'Elanna swallowed hard. It was easy to forget that Seven was at least as strong as B'Elanna, perhaps even stronger. They'd never really compared abilities. B'Elanna realized what a dangerous game she was playing.

She didn't mind a few cuts and bruises. Hell, even broken bones would be a small price to pay if she could pull this off but she wasn't planning on sacrificing her life so they could live happily ever after.


The next big crack occurred in the morning senior officer's staff meeting. Since B'Elanna and Seven never saw eye to eye on much of anything it wasn't unusual for them to disagree on a procedure. Everything was stated calmly enough, with each presenting their idea of how to proceed with a new project.

When the Captain choose Lieutenant Torres' idea as the way to proceed the air seemed to chill as Seven drew herself erect in her chair and glared at B'Elanna and then at Janeway.

"This procedure is ill-advised," concluded Seven.

"I disagree, Seven. And since I'm the Captain," she smiled to lighten these words, "we're going to go ahead."

"It will fail. It is a waste of time," Seven said flatly.

"Seven," Janeway said warningly.

"I have other things to do. I will not work on this."

With this stunning statement, Seven rose from the table and proceeded to the door. Head high, shoulders back, she looked the picture of absolute control but Janeway could tell she was barely holding on.

"Seven," she called angrily.

Seven stopped but did not turn around. She turned her head slightly in the direction of Janeway to indicate she was listening.

Janeway continued, "You will work on this project. It is a top priority. And you will follow the instructions Lieutenant Torres has provided. Am I making myself clear?"

Her voice brooked no argument. She was concerned about why Seven was behavin this way but she could not allow this kind of insubordination to go unanswered.

"Yes, Captain."

A small voice came from Seven. She continued to stand there, frozen.

"Dismissed," Janeway said curtly.

Seven walked out without another word. The others all sat there in silence. Janeway stared hard at B'Elanna, deep in thought.

As Seven and B'Elanna worked on the project the next day the silence was thick and uncomfortable. Seven only spoke when necessary and B'Elanna quickly ran out of things to say as her companion responded in monosyllables. She only managed to bring up Janeway twice but each time she did, she noticed that Seven had to restart the calculation she was working on.

Both of them continued to work past their shift, refusing to stop before the other. B'Elanna's com badge suddenly chirped.

"Captain Janeway to Lieutenant Torres," it said.

"Torres here, Captain." B'Elanna replied.

"Are you and Seven still working?" she asked.

"Aye, Captain," she answered.

"Well it's time for you both to knock off for the night. I know I said it was a top priority but I didn't mean for you to complete it the first day," she ordered.

"Right, Captain. We'll shut down for the night."

Seven said nothing throughout the entire exchange. Janeway went on.

"And Lieutenant? When you're finished there would you report to my quarters? I have another idea I want to bounce off you. In exchange I'll make you dinner."

"It's a deal, Captain. I'll be there in about half an hour. I'd like to shower and change first."

"Good. I'll see you then. Janeway out."

Seven stopped what she was working on. She leaned forward, both hands splayed on the terminal before her, her head down. She seemed to be breathing deeply, trying to get control of herself.

"Seven?" B'Elanna asked tentatively.

She knew what was bothering the former drone but didn't think she should just ignore it.

Seven drew herself up to her full, very imposing height, and turned towards B'Elanna. Putting her hands behind her back, in her customary manner, she cocked her head towards B'Elanna and spoke in icy tones.

"Lieutenant Torres. I must ask you a question," she stated.

"Okay," B'Elanna said slowly.

"You and the Captain spend a great deal of time in one another's company. I have sensed a changed in your relationship with one another. The Captain's well being is.....important to me. I wish to know what your intentions are towards her.

"My intentions?"

B'Elanna was startled by this archaic phrasing.

"What are you, her mother?" she went on.

This brought a frown to Seven's face.

"Lieutenant Torres, surely you realize that it is biologically impossible for me to be the Captain's progenitor."

"Yes, yes. It's just a saying, Seven," she sighed and then continued. "What I mean is, why do you think I should tell you my intentions. What's it to you?"

"As I just stated, the Captain's happiness is significant to me as well as to the rest of the crew."

"So what, I should announce my intentions to the entire crew then?" she said provokingly.

"No. You are avoiding the question, Lieutenant, using semantics."

The taller woman took an intimidating step towards B'Elanna.

"Do you love Captain Janeway?"

B'Elanna's mind was racing at this point. What would be the best answer? She didn't want Seven to give up and just hand the Captain to her. Although, judging by her attitude right now, that was unlikely.

B'Elanna got an idea, one that brought a wicked smile to her face. Seven stared at her in fascination.

"Love? Who said anything about love? This about lust, honey."

B'Elanna smirked at Seven.

"I want her and I intend to get her. If you know what I mean?"

"You are not serious then?"

Seven was obviously stunned by this.

"You bet I'm serious, Seven. I'm a passionate woman and my Klingon side rules me most of the time. Something you've probably noticed. I've had my fair share of some incredibly powerful women and Captain Kathryn Janeway is about to top my list."

B'Elanna had to work hard not to laugh as she said all this. The urge was brought on partly by the words she was saying but mostly it was caused by the look of consternation on Seven's face. A look that was quickly changing to indignation on the behalf of her beloved, precious Captain.

"You are only interested in what is termed 'an affair.' Is that correct?"

Seven wanted to make sure she was clear on this, relationships and their terminology was still new to her.

"Of course, I'm not the settling down type. I mean, come on, the Captain is great and all but there are so many women out there. Why settle for just one?"

B'Elanna couldn't believe how this was all flowing so spontaneously, one of her ancestors must have been a Klingon opera performer. She'd never been so inspired before.

"What about the Captain and her feelings? What if an 'affair' is not what she has in mind? What if she loves you?"

While this idea was obviously anathema to Seven's way of thinking, the whole idea of her own Captain being jilted was even worse.

"Come on, Seven!" B'Elanna laughed. "The Captain's a big girl. She's gotta know that as a Starfleet Captain there are a lot of people who are going to want to score with her."

"Score with her?" queried Seven.

"It's slang for ah...."

For the first time B'Elanna was at a loss for words.

"To copulate," guessed Seven.

"Yeah, right."

The bluntness of that statement gave B'Elanna pause. Trust Seven to get to the heart of the matter.

"You get it, Seven. Don't tell me that you haven't....ah.....thought about it yourself."

B'Elanna decided to push it.

"I do not lust after the Captain," Seven replied stiffly, her eyes sliding away from B'Elanna's.

Waving a finger at her, B'Elanna teased.

"Liar, liar. I think you do."

"My feelings are of no concern to you."

Seven attempted to sever this line of conversation.

Pretending to be outraged, B'Elanna crossed her arms over chest and jerked her head up at Seven.

"Oh, but mine are to you? Is that it? You can ask me about MY intentions but the minute I throw it back at you, the discussion is over?"

The truthfulness of this statement unsettled Seven. She tried to defend herself by going on the offense.

"I do not wish to see the Captain emotionally damaged by you. Your cavalier attitude towards her affections and emotions are disturbing. Cease your actions at once."

"Excuse me?"

This was getting to be a lot of fun!

"Who the hell do you think you are to tell who I can.....can fuck?"

A little over the top she thought but what the hell.....

Seven was really looking agitated now, her blue biosuit rising and falling heavily with each breath. Her hands and jaws clenched in rhythm. Anger was written all over her face.

B'Elanna pretended to look surprised, like something had just occurred to her.

"Just a minute. I get it! YOU are in LOVE with Janeway, aren't you?" she accused.

Seven was speechless. She wasn't willing to admit it but she couldn't lie about it either. B'Elanna continued.

"That's it, isn't it."

She barked a derisive laugh.

"No wonder you don't want me to get into the Captain's pants. You're jealous!" she crowed.

"Must you continue to use such base language in reference to the Captain?" seethed Seven.

"What's the matter, Seven? Is it all to real for you, too gritty? Do you think that love is all about admiring some one from afar. Canonizing her for gods' sakes."

B'Elanna stepped into Seven, looking up into her face, her voice low and sexy.

"Don't you ever dream about Kathryn? Dream of grabbing her and kissing her till she begs for air. Do you ever think about the feel of her skin and how it would feel against your own? Kissing her....touching her....everywhere....hearing her call your name in that moment of release? Do you, Seven!?"

Seven stood there, mesmerized by B'Elanna's words. How could B'Elanna know all this, were Klingons mind readers? Seven's cheeks were flush with embarassment and something else. Images flashed through her mind, images she'd been thinking about for months. Her eyes widened in horror, she had to leave at once.

B'Elanna watched the play of emotions flicker across Seven's normally detached face. Got you, she thought.

She whispered fiercely.

"You do, don't you, Seven."

She pressed onward.

"You want her so bad you can't think about anything else. Can you?"


The truth was on Seven's face, she didn't have to say anything.

"So why don't you do something about it then? If you love her, tell her. Isn't that love worth some risk?" she asked urgently.

"I....I cannot," moaned Seven. "I am frightened. She is too important to me."

The smirk was back.

"And if you don't? You'll never have her. But I will."

Seven's head jerked up at that comment. She wheeled away and ran from the room. B'Elanna sighed, gods she hoped she was doing the right thing. If this didn't work she was being an absolute bitch and would have a hell of time looking herself in the mirror every morning on the long journey home.


B'Elanna met Janeway in her quarters, a good 15 minutes late. She apologized and they sat down to eat. Conversation moved from topic to topic; different projects, comments about the upcoming get-together at Sandrines for the senior staff and a little harmless gossip.

After dinner they settled on the couch and there was a pause, an awkward silence.

"So Captain, what did you want to talk to me about," B'Elanna opened the discussion first.

"It's actually something personal."

Janeway was acting uncomfortable.

"I'm not sure where to begin."

"Where ever you'd like. Take your time."

B'Elanna tried to put Janeway at ease.

"It's about Seven," stated Janeway.

Good, said B'Elanna mentally. Maybe I am making some progress. Cupid wasn't exactly the role B'Elanna envisioned for herself. Janeway continued.

"Seven seems to be getting even more tense. I'd say even erratic in her behavior. She's been late for shifts, argumentative with everyone, more than usual. Someone said she almost made Naomi Wildman cry the other day. That's not like her."

Kathryn was deeply concerned.

B'Elanna decided to take her life in her hands and be blunt. She wasn't clever enough to play games with someone as sharp as Janeway.

"I know you don't want to hear it, Captain, but if you're asking I'm going to tell you. Seven is in love with you."

Kathryn bowed her head at the words.

"And love her too."

There she'd said it again. She waited. Kathryn's head came up sharply, she had tears in her eyes.

"Alright, B'Elanna. I won't deny it this time," she whispered.

"Good. Then what's the problem here? Tell her you love her, Kathryn."

B'Elanna slipped into her first name without realizing it. Kathryn didn't either, she was in too much emotional turmoil.


Kathryn sat up and looked firmly at B'Elanna.

"I cannot and will not do that."

"Why in Sto'Vo'Kor not?" cried B'Elanna.

"It's too soon. She's too new to her individuality. Can't you see that, B'Elanna? I've been across the galaxy and back, Seven is young. She has so much to learn, to love. I'm the first person to ever get close to her. Her options have been too limited. I cannot make her mine, it would be taking advantage of her."

Kathryn said all this intently staring at B'Elanna, clutching her arm and squeezing tightly as she spoke.

"You're afraid she'll leave you some day," B'Elanna said flatly.

"No! Yes! B'Elanna, I love her with all my heart and soul. I have never met anyone like her. If I'm in this much agony now, what will become of me when she leaves me? And it will be when B'Elanna not if. She has the whole world before her. If I love her I can't hold her back from all that. She should have the right to do what she wants."

"She wants YOU, Kathryn," insisted B'Elanna. "She needs you terribly. You're tearing her up inside. The person she loves most in the world, more than life itself, is keeping her at arm's length. It's destroying her."

"It's for her own good," Kathryn said steadfastly.

"Her own good!?" expostulated B'Elanna. "You really don't get it, do you Kathryn? You talk about her fear of being alone and her struggle with being an individual but that's not all there is. On this ship there are dozens of different species yet Seven is an alien here. She is an outsider....strange, even suspect. She is on the outside, looking in at the rest of us, trying to find any opening she can."

"I do realize that, B'Elanna. I'm not insensitive to her problem," insisted Kathryn.

"You may realize it but you don't know. You can't feel how truly debilitating it is. Knowing that everyone is watching you, judging you, and in most cases, finding you wanting. Realizing that no matter what you do, how you do it, that your motives will be questioned, analyzed and that nobody is willing to trust you."

"I'm hearing the voice of experience here, aren't I B'Elanna?" Kathryn asked quietly.

"Yes. Half Klingon, half Human kids aren't real common. Most people didn't know how to deal with it," B'Elanna said calmly. "It took me years to build my self-esteem up to the point where I would trust my own instincts about who and what I was. And in all those years at least I was in an environment that was familiar. And I was child, the expectations weren't as big. I had a home, family, someone who loved me."

"You couldn't do it alone," Kathryn concluded.

"Exactly. But that's what you're expecting Seven to do. You're afraid to influence her feelings so you've stepped back, giving She doesn't need space, she needs you," B'Elanna said passionately.

"But I've been her mentor, guided her. My feelings have moved beyond that now," argued Kathryn.

"And so have hers, Kathryn. She still has a lot to learn but she is not a child. She loves you, she needs you, and she most definitely wants you, in a physical sense."

"She thinks she does!"

Kathryn wasn't ready to give up.

"Stop it! You're not giving her enough credit. Seven is the most brutally honest person you or I have ever met. Do you think she hasn't turned that honesty inward and looked at herself and her feelings? She would not do any less because that is all she knows. She has analyzed and thought it through like she does any new idea. She loves you, Kathryn."

Kathryn nodded her head slowly, giving in to B'Elanna's arguments.


It was the early morning hours before B'Elanna finally left Kathryn's quarters. Both women were exhausted, emotionally wrung from the evening's talk. As the door opened for B'Elanna, Kathryn stopped her for a moment, touching her on her shoulder.

"B'Elanna," she said as B'Elanna turned back towards her. "Thank you. Thank you for tonight....for being here when I needed you."

"My pleasure, Kathryn. Any time."

The two women smiled at each other as B'Elanna stepped into the corridor.

What happened next was almost comical from Kathryn's point of view. One moment B'Elanna was standing there, framed in the doorway, and the next...she wasn't. A fast moving, blue blur was all Kathyrn saw to give her any indication of what just happened.

She ran out of her room and looked in the direction that the motion had gone. Horrified, she saw B'Elanna on the ground struggling with an enraged Seven who was on top of her.

Seven's superior size and the unexpectedness of the attack gave her the upper hand against B'Elanna. By the time B'Elanna realized what was going on she was fighting for her life, at a distinct disadvantage.

"I warned you to cease your actions," cried Seven. "I told you to stay away from her. But you have not. I will kill you."
Her actions matched her words as she fought to overwhelm her half Klingon opponent. All of B'Elanna's Klingon instincts came roaring to the forefront instantly. They were locked in a struggle to the death.

From her strategically superior position atop B'Elanna, Seven was able to free her left hand for a moment and she backhanded her as hard as she could. The sound of B'Elanna's head slamming against the floor was clearly audible and she grunted from the pain of the blow. For a moment, her grip on Seven weakened and in the blink of an eye, Seven wrapped her Borg-implanted hand around B'Elanna's throat.

B'Elanna froze, she knew Seven could crush her larynx and kill her instantly. All the fight went out of body and she lay there looking up into the tear-stained, angry face of Seven. She didn't say a word.

Kathryn ran up beside the two combatants and tried to pull Seven off of B'Elanna. Seven batted her away without a look. Kathryn slammed up against the corridor wall and fell to the floor. Not attempting to get up again, she crawled towards Seven in a nonthreatening manner.

Speaking in a low, soft growl she pleaded with her.

"Seven, please stop what you're doing."

"I will kill her!"

The cry sounded like a wounded animal caught in a trap.

"No, please don't. I know you're angry but you can't do this," she continued to beg Seven.

"She does not care for you! This is all a game to her. Scoring points."

Her hands tightened on B'Elanna's throat. B'Elanna grasped the choking hand and tried to pull it away. She was sure she was about to die now.


Kathryn tried to pull her attention to her and away from the now choking woman beneath her.

"Please, I'm asking you....I'm begging you. Don't kill her. For my sake, please."

This seemed to upset Seven even more. Wild-eyed she stared at Kathryn. In her blind anger she lifted B'Elanna's upper body off the floor using only her grip around the Klingon's throat.

"You beg for her life because you love her," Seven declared. "You love her, admit it," she screamed.

As Seven's voice got louder, Kathryn's got lower as though to calm a raging beast.

"No, Seven. I don't love her. Not like that."

She took a deep breath and went on.

"It's you I love, Seven."

B'Elanna felt the grip loosen infinitesimally. Seven's attention was fully on Kathryn now.

"You are lying. You would say anything to save her," she insisted.

"I have never lied to you, Seven. And I could not lie to you about something so important to me. I love you, Seven. I think I always have."

For the first time, B'Elanna began to believe she might live to see another day. The change in the grip around her neck was much easier now. She probably could have broken it but she did not try to.

Kathryn continued to talk softly to Seven, ignoring B'Elanna completely, her eyes tight on Seven.

"We have so much to talk about, Seven. I think I've made a mess of things and I want to fix it. Please, let B'Elanna go and come inside with me."

She waved towards her quarter's doors.

Seven's shoulders slumped and she gently lowered B'Elanna back to the floor. Releasing her grip around B'Elanna's neck, she rolled off the downed woman and sat on the ground, looking down at no one.

B'Elanna took her first big breath in what seemed a very long time. Slowly she sat up.

"Are you alright, Lieutenant?" asked Kathryn with a worried look.

"Yes, Captain. Thank you."

"You should report to Sick Bay and have the Doctor look you over."

"That's not necessary, Captain. I'm just bruised and I'll be a little sore tomorrow."

"Still, I think..."

"Captain, I think it wil be better for all concerned if I didn't,"

B'Elanna looked significantly at Seven and then back at Kathryn.

"Yes, I see," Kathryn accepted her offer.

"Thank you, B'Elanna....for everything."

"Ahhhh, my pleasure???" B'Elanna smiled ruefully. "But not again any time soon, ok?"

"Understood. I'll see you in the morning then."

B'Elanna got up on her feet and looked down hesitantly at Seven who was still sitting and looking down. Lightly, she brushed her hand across the top of the blonde head turned away from her.

"Right then. Goodnight."

She left. The two women sat there in silence until Kathryn broke it.

"Seven," she said gently. "I'd like us to move into my quarters before someone comes along. Our presence on the floor would be ah, awkward to explain."

"Very well, Captain."

Seven rose from the floor, refusing to look at Kathryn. Still sitting there, and not actually needing any help, Kathryn asked Seven softly.

"Could you give me a hand up, please?"

Seven reached out a hand, pulling Kathryn up from the floor with ease. The shock of touching her brought a gasp from Seven's lips and she looked down into Kathryn's eyes.

"That's better. Thank you."

Kathryn reached up a hand and gently brushed Seven's cheek, wiping some of the remaining tears left there.

Holding onto the hand that helped her up, Kathryn led Seven into her room. With no resistance, Seven allowed Kathryn to move her into the room and on to the couch.

"I'll be right back," whispered Kathryn.

In a moment she returned with a warm, wet cloth. She sat down next to Seven and grasped her chin with a firm hand, turning Seven's face towards her and forcing her to look up. Gently she wiped Seven's face, cleaning the last tears away. Seven's eyes well up once more.

"Shhhhh, Seven. It's alright," Kathryn tried to reassure her.

"It is not. I almost killed B'Elanna. I do not deserve your kindness."

She tried to push Kathryn's hand away.

"But you didn't, Seven. Remember that. You've been under a tremendous strain. This is not your normal behavior. We both know that."

"My actions are inexcusable. You should call Security immediately. I- I am..."

Kathryn stopped her by placing her hand across the full lips that were trembling now.

"What you are, Seven of Nine, is the love of my life."

This stopped Seven for a moment and then she spoke in a tiny voice.

"How can you love me? I have caused you nothing but trouble. This evening is not the first time...." she argued.

"Nor will it be the last, if I know you Seven," Kathryn butted in. "At least I hope it isn't. It's one of your most endearing qualities and one of the things I love most about you."

"I do not understand. No one desires....difficulties," Seven said.

Kathryn laughed, "I suppose not. But the difficulties, as you call them, are what make you unique to me, and so dear. You're not afraid to stand up to me, to argue with me, to just flat out contradict me. You're maddening, exasperating and you constantly test me."

"And this is a good thing?" asked Seven.

"Yes it is. You make me feel alive, Seven. You push me to limits I would never have dared to explore on my own. You've made me change, learn and even adapt."

She said this last word wryly.

"Seven, you are a beautiful, young woman, there was no doubt about that from the very beginning. And I admit that I was attracted to your beauty but what made me fall in love with you, was you. Seven the individual. Your uniqueness adds to my life in countless ways."

Kathryn's smile was severely lopsided as she said this, her emotions laid bare to Seven's wondering gaze.

"I-I think I understand, Kathryn. It has taken me considerable time to understand what I feel for you is love. I just knew that I am more 'alive' when I am near you. I need you like I need my regeneration alcove or the air I breath. You are necessary to my happiness. Without you, I am... incomplete.... less than whole. Your uniqueness is everything to me."

Kathryn moved her face closer to Seven's. As their lips met for the first time, the tension left both their bodies. Voyager was deep in the Delta quadrant but for them, they had just come home. Kathryn realized that for her it would the journey with this complex, incredible woman that would make her life complete, not getting back to Earth. And for Seven, for the first time, she knew she would survive her individuality, even learn to love it as she did Kathryn.