The Captain's Hands

Seven couldn't help but watch them as they danced before her eyes. They represented the captain perfectly; small but strong, sure and competent with every motion. She watched as they emphasized, accentuated and expanded the point she was trying to make to Seven. They wove through the air in an intricate dance that drew her in, hypnotizing her with their soft, sensuous moves. Her lips parted slightly as those hands became her whole world.

The Captain was a strong, powerful woman who would not take no for an answer and her hands reflected that. If Seven had any question that the Captain might be compelled to change her mind about the conversation they were having, her hands eliminated the notion completely. Yet those hands were so graceful that Seven could not take offense to the message they were sending. Seven would do it the Captain's way, they demanded it, she could not take her eyes off them. Resistance was futile, she must comply to her Captain's hands. She....

Seven realized she'd lost track of the conversation with Captain Janeway, at least the verbal part of it. At that same moment she noticed that the Captain had stopped talking and so had her hands. She looked up to see Janeway staring at her, puzzled, her brow raised in confusion.

Seven was dismayed to see Janeway notice her lack of attention. She colored slightly. The Captain seemed almost bemused at the idea that the former Borg could possibly be distracted for even a moment, her attention to detail was notorious.

"Seven?" Janeway questioned softly. "Is there something the matter?"

Seven colored even more.

"No, of course not. Please continue."

"Very well," the Captain said slowly in her deep voice.

She did, "but you didn't answer my question."

Seven raised a brow as it now occurred to her that she would have to admit the truth.

"I am sorry. Would you repeat the question? I did not...."

"Hear me?"

Janeway chided her, teasing her almost.

"I am sorry," Seven apologized stiffly.

Apologies never came easily to her and in this instance she was afraid that Janeway would demand an explanation for her lapse of focus. She did not think she could do so without a greal deal of awkwardness.

"No need to apologize, Seven."

Janeway waved a hand through the air. Seven watched it, mesmerized again.

Janeway followed the motion of Seven's eyes and found herself looking at her own hand. It froze in mid-air, Kathryn examined it for a moment, wondering if it was dirty or something. It looked perfectly normal to her but Seven was still staring at it. She abruptly pulled it down to her side. Seven quickly focused back on Janeway's face impassively, realizing she had been caught again.

Janeway smiled, still puzzled, but continued.

"Just nice to know that you become more human every day, Seven."

A look of what almost seemed to be disappointment crossed Seven's face as the Captain's hands lay still at her side, mute, as they finished their conversation. The Captain left first, leaving Seven alone in the Conference Room. She was due in Astrometrics in the next five minutes but continued to sit there for awhile, thinking about the conversation she had just engaged in with the Captain.

Once again the vision of those impelling hands rose in her mind. They began to dance before her, a private dance meant only for her. Every movement was graceful and delicate yet so firm.

Unbidden the thought arose in Seven's mind of those hands touching her. She imagined them caressing her face softly, deftly seeking out every curve and nuance. She imagined the warmth of those hands brushing softly down her cheek to her jawline, brushing her hair back behind her ears, caressing her forehead, her eyes, her nose and finally a strong bold thumb brushing her lips, pushing them apart and demanding entrance.

In that moment, she could almost feel the electric charge that she imagined Janeway's touch would bring. Abruptly she shook out of her daydream. These feelings were irrelevant, Janeway had no desire to touch her. She was sure of that. She made herself get up and headed for Astrometrics.

For the rest of that day and the subsequent days, Seven found herself haunted by the vision of the Captain's hands. Without warning they would appear in her mind; haunting her, beckoning her, and caressing her. They would not leave her alone, and with time, she did not want them to.


The next time the Captain and Seven met was under much more casual circumstances. They were in the Captain's quarters for one of their many late night conversations. Janeway sat on the couch, still dressed in her uniform of the day but it was completely unbuttoned and she sat with her shoes off and her feet tucked under her. The picture of complete relaxation, Kathryn sat there listening intently to Seven, her hair mussed from the numerous times she had run her hands through it as the conversation ebbed and flowed in its animation.

Seven had started off by sitting on the couch very stiffly along side the Captain. But as the evening progressed and she became more involved in the conversation they were having she found herself facing the Captain with one knee up on the couch far enough to pull her foot off the ground. Her right arm lay across the back of the couch and while she wasn't exactly slouching she looked far more relaxed than Kathryn could ever remember her being.

Suddenly Kathryn became very excited about the point she was trying to make. She leaned forward towards Seven, her gaze intense, that quirky smile on her lips, and grasped Seven's knee for just a moment. Seven looked down at the hand that touched her and was lost. The hand lifted away from her and moved back to its owner. Seven almost cried out at the loss of that touch and the heat it took away.

Her cry was cut off by her own abrupt need to watch that hand and its partner as it began a new dance for her. She could hear the sound of Kathryn's voice; its low, raspy tone brushing across her burning senses but she could not hear the words. The hands demanded her full attention and she relinquished it.

The hands curved within themselves as they waved before her enchanted stare, the fingers caressed one another with a soft, aching touch that made Seven hot with jealousy. For just a moment, one of the hands clenched into a fist causing Seven to tighten her abdomen muscles in response to the power of the suddenly revealed tendons. When the hand released again Seven let out a soft, shuddering breath. She accepted, without question, that she would follow those hands and their owner anywhere they demanded.

One of the hands, Kathryn's right, lightly cupped Seven's cheek without warning. At the intimate, warm touch of the woman she desired so much, Seven cried out with a soft whimper. Her lips parted and her eyes filled with tears as she made herself look into the face of the woman she loved.

The warm gravelly voice spoke, "Is this what you wanted, Seven?"

"Yes," she whispered.

She could not, and would not, deny her feelings any longer. The two women always demanded honesty of one another and she could not behave in any other manner with Kathryn.

Kathryn's left hand moved to Seven's face and cupped the other side. Seven moaned and her eyes closed but only for a moment. She could not stop watching the gray, stormy eyes that gleamed into hers. Her face, caught between the two gentle hands, was pulled inexorably closer to Kathryn's . The hands stopped the undeniable motion when their lips were but a breath apart.

"Me too," growled Kathryn in a voice tight with desire and their lips met.

Seven's lips parted without resistance when her Captain demanded it. The hands that held her face slid down her neck and onto her shoulders. She was pulled closer to Kathryn as their kiss deepened with passion. For the first time Seven reached out and touched Kathryn with a tentative motion. The soft purr that erupted from Kathryn's throat at the touch encouraged Seven and her hands began their own dance over the other woman's compact, soft body.

The quiet night was filled with the sound of the two women softly touching and exploring one another with their hands and mouths. The rustle of their gentle caresses grew louder as their passion rose in a hot flame that ran between them wherever they touched.

Seven was the first to break away, gasping with her head down. The Captain's hands did not let her go. One of them lifted her chin and the dark blue, desire-filled eyes of Seven's met the fierce, demanding gaze of Kathryn's. Kathryn rose from the couch, the one hand still on Seven's chin, and the other took Seven's cool, Borg-implanted hand and pulled her up towards Kathyrn.

Following her lead, Seven moved from the couch, never breaking eye contact, compelled to follow the bidding of the hands that led her to Kathryn's bed.