Diane Anderson, (second link) (both domains have expired)



A little post-Endgame repair project
Out of the Blue
01-03, 04  (incomplete)


Post Endgame  
With a Little Help


Plot point: This occurs after the Dark Frontier TV movie so it may be good to be familiar with it. If not, wing it, it's self explanatory.
Spurs and Shut Eye


This follows my past story With a Little Help.  You don't need to read it but just understand that there is a pre-existing relationship between the Captain and the Borg, so this isn't a first time story, just smutty plot weak sex! Woo-hoo!

Lay It Down


This is an experiment of sorts, I wanted to see if I could just make
something up in ten minutes, just use the raw ingredients of my brian and put then to good use. No rewrite. no prior story in my head just on the spot improv.

All I Can Taste
(01, 02, 03, 04, 05)


This is a little more serious than my past few stories and not related to them at all.  Starting from scratch you could say, just a story I thought of this morning.

Dreamscape NC-17
Reaching Out
(01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06) incomplete